The Signal, 1894-5-17, Page 1The Beet Is tike CheapMt •aD - "THE SIGNAL" 18 TNR BIGOT. IM. I)ou.A A Y[AR ix Al,y.t\rl:. VOL. XLVI. 24G5 THE -PITH OF THE NEWS. Little Itisb idle. 9111/8'MDM'e. be THE L111/`n=NCil• IiV'tON 001:72 Z. IIIc Clime to hing zeta. Et.sih in the week bei:ittbit:4 Jui;a 23. ---- - 1 hoin as ).or, •e, a Cd eyed trail, of Euuiw mre, o•nt.. w..• run over by als engine in Ile, 1'.-I,lreI s ar.le nt Picea, N •'t'„ ou WItIbeM�eA Ft'Ofn tbe(}alleiry. Wtdurr.lay• and hu right leg was a. badly 1t�y1 etuebed that amputation was tiecerarv. l'eluuo.obaw et Robert/on. Moutreol, laird arr..d of ter .Marr. of Ib. Week mauIif•.•turerw 01 u.ou'du,gr, hay, novas 1 aro folly resseated oriel Wen ed. The ..alludes amount W tl; lJ1K1 and Iles at waif Ziailers er the priticit•..1 creditors ore l,.e Ontario Im vs•sve Bank, VIALS, and Motion* Bonk w 23 I. ea/ M t. GODERIOH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY. MAY 17. X814. ,DOMINION PAkIJIA?H>EN . �i „, �ta;k'°a '►""IIS 11'001 11.tRRET IN Net .# the e:t b�e�shh°»J:t':'ut are now as low, it not lower. thou ada, but, notwithstosdu:g the., 1 *n. .., there will ne wine epa'ula6..0 11, raise the price of our domestic wo . . ,yield their precept values, relying els the expectation that when the precept duties are taken nil in the United Su.'.. tee prarc i will rise. The Aoen.as are not chaut; ug their tarot on *1,0!s to give lite Canadian wool greeters mor money ter their clip, but (simply to give maawfaeturers of the 1'uaed Sate free wool at tha lows.• p senile a I.ix)K AT THE DATE or r -- YOUR LABEL TkILES -Jr,EMIL . PE:: 'i l! 1 r V(It ‘lie. IS .lARKKI) CI' IN .''.1 1\CF. .-ry sp td oto 1'. !,1.I('l)'UDY, I'"»'k eidt"Oei f,.m l'eleuttw say thele la no pas,rl t.'• fear • net v uprwug. Itu'4. Columbia safu.on ca.nsrt} haw n.alb.n.d to Inuit the output and ruutr..' Act.: J. K. Emmett it being sped for as ab.. lni • divan-.- by his wife, limey q'sy F:u.asett. Near Dayton. (tido, dnrin;t Thursday .itn.t.•t -int, Roy ()boleti was .truck by anal killed. A m:•urr:ueut to the mother of George q'ecatiguei was .dedicated at Fredericka. pier:• 1 s . ••u Tbnredy. .T!,- •t. osier spree, which arrival at Nor 1 from Europe on Thursday. ono. ::IMO() 1,,'uid. • K, . I at r in:nw r Jatrict!a exjenene- ing :, o1 ii, (aeon. ' Miniug men are hr►: : ",err by hundreds. tt•„ranal lluuse of Magnates Iola Iryo e i Vie civil marriage bill. 1t is re- mote -I ' l:e mta.et re will r..tgn. 1e, • ewe w. re killed rend t5treapp bw7[ty erie'r•-•1 ;o • railway collision- suer Eau lAye. 111., aa'ThuraJay uigbt. r comae lois,'aged ML,..une of Esme. +Jett reeient. 414•.1 et Witnds•.r rut: a. .f era lowering Moira*, A Q--o-t .,tole at Rocklin. Cal. on Friday. .omnmen.lr: of the indae:Nod arwj'.:,.tn little, east true, Sacramento. . 1. - 'eon .1 Jenner of teas Y-.uptuving wet. held ..0 ►r.dsy H.:•-.' :.1 t' a Otero a Hotel. formate. :rte i...toy 4'. lttrer. wife of the th.0 ri- ra sr . • •lots Friday in New fork. Mrs. e ' e tic s,,1b. r of Afteen children. ! . urn u Spring/WI. N,14., biro • . . .•u str,:e, visioning that the •.-Ave sot kept their spouse" t. A. . Spellman. a wail's- .try • 1 '.atq of New York. eummitted : iinrodly night 1.y gas iutuliatsuw. r of St. Pet.rsl,ora have recent it Ciw:v tst.ol..aeds ca:.tures of. '.nota:ea, 26.1 ,a'ttrtu iisitem i en.artete4 in ,sue tai •t. a lir .l.'Inith, Ilritt.h Home Secretary, i., nu(ri..-i t 1 L ndon on Tbirsilay (o SW Mot : a Tennant. Theo/10k w .b,M- _ hast.. _ . -- _ 1t 1 eielimeb.rg un H'eJ'ute.day two once• plea s.:. married %boos nutted ages were e?M::eyy ears.( a tette pant erupt' about Mot Tu Por: rt.u.ie comic i0 l oadon an n n .pare that a bscteriol••Yica1 examination - th .t the epidemic prevallug at lots- , e Lukes the shore end of the Com- o., ,.d4 tbmpwinyta new cabs was suit: • t' end completed at Came, \.5.. 07.11• •.alar. - Fir- 1 xn1 of tr.d4 listens .!tow that la. , r , from linter, to ('ands de- r' t :r••u Oki; in April, lfil►9. to 3,521 as AI• 1`•114 11. u.. ' u:b Chamber a 1.441 bas pass. ed :', •r"•rel rvadin,t providing that the Ke :: • n . f cribjua;a .h .11 l.-reafter be erica •• A a«,.t containing 7S commonwealen eeleaol in Yak' River near Ellensburg. 1ta.: on Friday, and four were B k;ie mooring n boat at Wee River. P. F. 1. on Thursday eight. Samuel lar roar.g.4 fifteen, toll tato the water slid wa dr •wne,l. 1(511,e lfan,bww, aged 30, • fano hand, e helot ill Etgtt. ing Towrabip, a few mile. Irons 4;-oeg-tow.. banged himself un Thunder. I- its rseeiv.ad at the Unite.' Sates llatsrtuoent of Agriculture ema cate that e remite of etatton this year will be 1.9 per t tett' low thee last y• ar q'. -int hoe been received that on April Si ti.e Velexuelan_ lilies of E4ido and 7lifeetAMI •es, J.ein.yed by an eartbyttke, with heavy looe of lite. A Je.I.ateb from Yakima. Wash. says art a battle metered nn Thursday night, blares,. the .deputies and cataraonwea ors, •in which two deputies were shoot, one fa• hliy. The motorbus Ie. Henry C. F. Meyer. .tffere I le court .t New York on Thursday to {':wast emote to to manslaughter, bat the rirtiiec,utlei, refused to sosept much a ver- 1 er1 he .:,.t11,0.11, wpmetoo brings word that it :. r.ot.o.lered atm est certain that Swath A,o,trxlia will end • representative !'• a a•i.dlan conference t.. be held in Jane A 11,e (real deepsteh says N is probable that tn• local stsem•hlp iln.n may be cempellsd to meet the cot in ps senger rates now made d0 New York end Liver- pool The oaken( IM coal miners is having gorrydfdiametral,* the Philnbf�iwhih 01,. ^'4 shipments form a most Important tient, Yr. Lary F. Lease, the Pop0H1t leader, •'langrrnosly 111 at Kamm city, Mo. She e.•rr:ed over the threaten that th►eat bei (ram. '.rank., and believes site will yet bs mea.,inaled. a!•i4e playing near a s pile of burning °tush at R,410 lay, N. S., • Av.ear-old 414.1 named Pine went too hoar the blase and received injuries wbkb from it died ten Loan later. The (mend of the lata badge l.laarw, •bo diel .uddeely an SNardy took Moo at strutted on Wednaaday I). ei...,ep was (peony- Judge frees INN to 110/1. when h. retired TM h.rime trial 'Wore Om Presbyterian eysad of Olttaws and Montreal was rim• ded"d on Fridley evening, the melt Wog Ra NI p^snudMp sgalnet reef. Jolla �pb•l wow d Major General lieria•rt i. wsrmiy def.•ttd- ed by the Freuct, press tit M.•ntrtal ega*WM the setae►• mole upon lent tor ealugiaing the !'ep.l Zotioree and !whiin; them ao ns gtw,d rxawulvs;' for flee 9Jtu IilattuIh,,t, At St. Lock on N'a.lutwlsy, while Fred• ely.all.ike, at i 10, wee playing with' • *Mail wire ataa•L.d 1.. a .toM.I, the wife Was thrown over a Ituih-y etre. sue, twist ing ar. and Burke s :,r k, shocked him to By the fall of a:ehimne. ill' the rear of toe t'. Y. It T.Iwgr.1 h company's offM.. at \1 iht.lprrr on 11 . bite,.dey. Ho:.ard smith. check eirrk, was a;s hotly 4.i14.4, • ud•.tobrel 'Pennant, ute,..e::y.-r buy. fa tujered. t NEWFOUNDLAND AFFAIRS - arts towhee Ili, ultra l 1. m, the 1.1 .nd • 1'.u. I,•: air. \ In Neil. $r J,nx a, :�t! l Ater IL -F. ' , a, di int r..'. er el d Va.•t.herw4 i(iov. r ,,snit, w 1 11'.. I, ,tr'.i ltntrhtn.pslWhitewarites, were h -.10111M, 1 at Weestern Bay. ,The f..rn.rr tw,. heid their Ituastuction fees in e ohl oral the lC6ttessityitea in batik roto., 1'he (uru.er I.dgel • protest with tee re- torniug officer wooin.t the WhttewaviI.. orrthe gn,und tl.et notes Were 0.a Soot :taaJer. The 11'ettewat-itas at St. J•.ltn'. diol 1.d diso--..rr t. 1 F'ri lay that their 0110 deletes' uo mir.el:•,n' 1. es wore got to gold r anf then d . a•,• 1 'i e .lea h. n (coat. the K weaker tit the Assembly, by special train with *efecient gu:d. ) taerton d..t but arrive in time dui the t'...rrjtitneui lawyer t6fails lisle trey h. mteieahtr u. void t!ee election i( the 1\'hit. spite. win. •The Ixdminatir.n stns not aceompudetl wi,ehuut ante 'elictarbauaw. Atte'ml.ts were, made to p -'.sent the (ioyernment epeslere fn.m alure.aaig tu. meeting. . but moot of the people ineietrd oft t.earau,( ell the speaker•. Liter in the night, tibio• ever, while the lnrvernment party were journeying tosnr:i. leiati,l Cove, they were attacked neer .:alt Island. Atton.ey-_ t'etieral Mere:W,, ('%email" . Sie.ret•ry Morena an.l Gee-bu.l were +.idly (eaten Thoelr ,njurfr. ar. not reat M.1 newt got tl,nmgh wifely and held a *nee:irso at legend Cuv., Sir Wm. W6itewa., Hon. Robert Bond and Hon. Atrgtuons Ilarvey t�illtItarT chi 1 llctTwee to -.lay. 1 ih.4•44 ras+edieled. wisp merdeeed Ce,r�bt,* : ago A rmmo W I" - "Olin T' liferV SIM lien - THE VIENNA STRIKERS. d arty-thrre Perrone Weer Hit by the rlriam of Tweely-1►Ne Mod.. Cua,s. Slay 12. -Toe bo-dio•s of the atriken who were shot by the troops at (Nitrite ou Wednesday were tarried t.. the cemetery by soldiers. the civilten* haring uuawtu.•ualy refuseel to have anything to do with their burial. The authorities were obliged for the same reason to ,itg the grave* of their vic:lm%. .l curres pnldent says that a;thottgh only twenty- three shots were fire.+ by the troops ..n the occasi.tn of lite killing tit the men buried this morning. Forty-three lierw,ns were hit. Thie u me:.tt.rued to illustrate the .badly effect ,f tee Manuiicher ref-, li.uulh It is not .urp.r;s.ug that the bullet* should hare pooled through the blies of ter teen in front and woatnded thot•s be - hint them, ss the tlrieg was all done at extremely short ganger. . The I tetrau strike is still spreading. The miners in the Rtttherhilde and Count 1. ri.ct.'s pit. went mit to -day, an,l it is rape• tel that the men in other mines will soloist to -morrow. All of the mines are guarded by troops who are being strongly M is(oree.I. Throughout the district all pwbii•• boners have beet. ordered close,+ at •auset, and the .ale .1 iutoxicatits after that hour t:as been prohibited. BOY BURNED TO DEATH. Me Nan,ed lit. Grandmother. et Par (Langer trot 1.051 N1a Ow. Lab. :run ens Fa..t.a, f /at.. flay 14. -The dwelling horse and eters of Mn Peter Mnldooti on Buten avenue at Seepeti.ion Bridge, N. Y. , was burns' to the ground at an early hour Saturday morning Mn Mmldottm and her eye -year old grandson tieing the duly ..ec0panu io the house at the time. itis little fellow was awakened no doubt by the flames, and rwsbing to hie grandmother's room where she *Os fast asleep, awoke and then emu back into ono of the rear omens. The woman barely e,eaped with 64 life and throerib • win• dew. The little felh,w no doubt was aided by the smoke and perished In the flames, after saving the life of his grand, mother. The woman was crazed with grief and It took three men to hold her from rnnning back into the burning building to rescue the child After the cremes hall pot omt the are the remains of the braes little fellow was found horned b a crisp. Ito are a supposed tr be the work of an Incendiary ONE WIFE TOO MANY. e imam 4Mdl.1.. Cbawm.d WItb ottaniy at Oka Ago .f 75. Nrw Yowa. May 14 -William Middle to., sped 70 and a grandfather, in charged with bigamy by Mre Sarah Middletoe, whom be married in December, 189'1 She ls 77 years of age and a great-grandmother. She mays .he rweeatly d1eoverd that her heebanl's meomed wife was still alive. nay have smith herrn married teres times MMdlettn► wes arraigned in the Gates area.* pollee coon atnrdey afternoon and wee seat to jail in default of hall. Hfl said hie emend wife died several years ago Mra Middleton .mid that her hos- bead's amsotd wife eels* to her r.oently mad overdosed her marriage eertila.m. Middleton and Me third wife keep a eon- f.eW.nary shop at Rt Mark'. and Rock away Avelino., { 5154 to Resins Mae Within the Malt. .f PaiIM.w..s The clerkly Nsltet hem the taNlal eee.$I.s of r.blte Issp••N nee. Ileraw.t May 9 --.ir JAI' Thompson intr. duce,! Me bill yesterday providing that tide titirt Monday in September of each tear Neill be designated Labor Day, and jw- eiteurved in • statutory I.oliday. '16. Lel war. noel a Nrs1,, time. 'Jr. Mar*in mase:. for an Order of the ll,:e.•, a:,owing the number ot settlers brought into the Yorktuti - Nod Sslicuuts district from Dakota, Lind tutor the Cal- gary dL.tnet from l'nicago, and showing rn each cam the naliuual&ty of snob .st• Coot. the cost of ohatniuK them, sod the cumber that still remain and the -occup& Ohm th•,... reru•iitit:u are etii;•ge'i ill. Mr. Mere caked that the return should al... 1.e made t.. include • statement in- cluding the State, of K-n.hiatKun, Idaho IOW 1►r.•goo. H. bat spoken I. many net- t:err fn,u1 those d:istrict., n.4. nil has told him that tj.y hal dune rp!l Mr. Martin said thet he, had m e objection to the *44.14„11. and it tale he w..• to his feet he would say that he oat free to pd. run Wit fid: settlers .L.o had taken up laud in theLl'ali;'.rr di*trict tial dune well. 'flee lr' tI .II pas oeol. Br. Feet moved. That it Isexp!ethert that menet-20y as ptwih;e th.. P•rlameme should .•It,,ot a law td. I.rotiiut the imt.ur- t.tiooi.. u.utnf.:eture and rode ot iutoxicat• trig liquors to Cauala except for mrdkcival. .atoutactnring npej awe• mental purle-sao.' Atter recess, Mr. lirowh.e, in .cuutheg -•illi wut:ou. soul the titre had curie whelk the 1.vverriment should take the wetter of resent.- intro consideration, so that should the Noor;, d- ride that the prohibitory puwaF ills with the Iktminiuu I,orernn..nt they woo;,i be r.a.ty to pot the kw, Itsrvip-a, Msy Y. -lion. Mr Daly i►.s- terinv moved the H,meeint.. cone, tee o0 late bill to a te,d the Northwest '1'erritor its Act alto'nog the election law. The hill pr•vides that the elections .half not take !dace unit' three weeks atter the n0luina tion. L.t-auee .d the lack tit r•llitay, Mr. Martin thorn. sed the hiatuses g( the The eaa in.utee reports 1 progress. 16e Hou«, w -et into committee to cow - e ider *Le jorovtatous of the new tariff. Hoon 11r. Foster announced the follow- ing changer,' which were weed to l'oeideat ati iron or steel -bona' mete,1 . trip.. ur steel .40,1,, tit whatever shape, andon all Iron or st-el bare tit irregular t hsp.. Or section, cold ro!lett, cold t.am- merrdL or j..label ill any way, in addition II, the ordinary pr•:.ebe of hot rolhnd or ha:oc•:nng. Orate shall be pad 1 0 of a rent per pound in add1tiun to the fates nate oil the said m..tena10 " Axles, 'proems, and parts thereof, axles, bairn mid axle, balks of eon or steel, 11.0.s.. were placed at 1 scut per mind and 20 per cent. '1'1.e duty ou wire naile was put bask to 1 .cryo pound; shoe tacks is oz, to 4 oz a, 1 cent per 1,0011. and l4.0wuts per pound. Tacks and brads, not ext•.eding 16 oz. to the I.UuO, 11 cents a 1,0.10, over 16 or.. 14 colts per twmud. Braes and c• Aper weppt bark to the old ditty et 461 per tont- . 'RAW May IU. -lir. 1leldo,'s bill to disfrancttirr raters taking denies was die- crosel ir. the House fn committee yestee. day, t.ktng up the greater 1'''n of the .lttiug Mr. Jeannette, in Freneh. opposed the bill lye said it was not pr.s.iIcsI, and i0 the event of anyone being trier and proven inDucrtlt, it would entail on an innocent man an expense hardly justifiable. Dr. ti ironic opposed the LFI. 1 epi'' Mr. Jeauuutte .ruind an amrudmsnt to the second seethe, providing that in all cases particulars should be given. The amendment wee lost. Mr. Holley proposed an amendment giv ing power to judges to examine the petitioners. This was lost. Mr. Aymnt proposed an awendmeut, d ei:;g the wools " provided that the court be satisfied by the affidavits produced that such extensive bribery baa been practised." Tide ant.ntlment carried. An Ant respecting the Iinelph Junction. railway, providing for the extension of the tune for commencing the work for three yeses and the comp etlun for rave years, bee been rep.rrted in 16e Railwty Oom- mlttoe. (heews, M• 11. -In the Hous. yes- terday lion. Nr. Onimet, to reply to Mr. Oib•.on, said the j,''li at Dakeitle was re- constructed in Oetober, 11187. at. cost of $14.21((► The Government was swan that the outer .nd of t6e tier had settled, but as the lighthouse had bees mord lick then was no danger of it being washed sway, The Ilovernment was now considering • petition from the mantel pality of Oakville asking that the outer end of the pier be rebuilt. The rest of the sitting was taken .p b0 the dieeneslon of tariff items Mr. ('oaawnrth, speaking of the item of cotton velvet, stated that he had been asked by the Toronto Hoard of Trade to rvgn..t that velveteens should be classed among dram goods with • dnty of SRS per rapt After considerable distension It was &lidded to slam velvet*, velveteens ..d plash fabric* under one head, with a nal - form dnty of :t11 per retic ad eolonts. Webbing, elastic and non-tlastie, was male 90 per este. Cotton sewing thread. i0 hanks, wasmewed to 194 per ..nt. Cotten thread and 'tenches (.040,n on spools for tub.s wee left at 1di per seat Sir Richard Cartwright obp•etal le the duty of 114 per e-nt. duty ms o•otto15 In basks The item passed °ord•gs doe, wbk,h appeared In the new tariff •e 110 per cent,. were rwleeded to 27 per east. Ur. Foster elated that it the How desired It he wo kI pet this duty ea seed - age et the old Agan le she aid cantly, we 1! swats per Ib, and 1D par set& .d Norma. This wet caroti to The lura. at , Moder tl r's% MN* f rtatl s 1r hate �IpMM�i Jima pmltlaa� iA 1tr D *8lspk1off i. i1 lam week. sial. levels elk =dm .Maws, May 12. -lit the House yse- telday Sir John Tbuuipuul said there hal been a desire eviuceil ou the part tit the House to hare the paper. wet 1, reference to the bard pen come. There. was • mm titan ou tee paper wktctt wn,lld cover the ca►.•. 11e was sorry Mr. Fraser was not prr.ent, but ill his torso. e, with the per - Hoodoos of the, lluu.e, ha would move for all the reports, papers and orders relating' to the bard pan came, and *leo • the bud imps of the judge of the Exchequer Posit re.tectiug these •claims. Ike mottos Paseo!. 31r. Casey ...ked that iron and seNj/nrd in the ivanutactare of agriculturist lent.l.- mr..t, ,hoold be placed up.ou the 'ins: dist. Itte item was pass. d. areal oil wee placed un Flax war also ou the free Mr. {Mensa asked if iron and Nes& WOOS. sheets, plebe. angles aa1 Straw were a tree for w't f v 4 .hl pr s. pr troll we for iron, steel u1 C. mpositr .hips. Ilett. Mr. Fortes.uid that the Govern - meet was cutoeidtriug that point, bat had out arriisd at a c.tutlugt,n as t eJ. The i:eW of sugar not abase number Id Dutch standar,' we, ria.•w-ed to stated over ter f•;rtt.tr c..neideratiusi. MURDER W A ORISON. • A fri.user Iw a /Lear of t ..rree•line 5.,- derval by a Mantas. ('nit a..e., Stay 12.,l.uh.•e M.i o,r, who was eeyt to the iioo* of t'ortrrtWu' ou p x i tine for beiue di.urdi rly uu the Whit side fiat 1': cilt.ralay. was murdered in a sleeking manner in his coil, which a1.'. trantainenl the, murderer. 'ie'nrg�e IMulay. a w•;.t.eey puidw,ner troika F:raastoo, who 5rc•w.a an 1.1etily iulylne. from the effects '•f h.. rxa••seo. The two primatess were o,uti,•r,l in the sante ce:1,. liminess of the ✓ woe.+ cot. • o: _ n. , Ii.t . of the r Brit w 11. de Maher r lie's! was beat•u to • eltapelees num with a bucket. .Sohn Feeley, a walcf,msti, was felled hr toe'.Iwi*itac, and w..ukI here bee:, killed tied lou: two guards arrived:' N.& Apply ter ltaresetl'• it.prteve. Temomo, May 11. --Mr. .1 C. Ilohin alta uuends to apply to t6r lrep..rttne*N of tushes for the reprieve of Roland G, I. 1'aniett. win, figured ao teemninently tm 1'entral L-.tik stf,iir.. tits J.unoary °J9. ISSO. 4e was srut.uoesi to''setae year. 10 petnieutl„ry for irate,. forgery nod other cruise. Barnett u gdetiug mom • pint - fool deems sod desires hie liberty at vary' ire w:niters .rued hie term on December 16: he beim, eutitl.d to 13 months' remis- sion ter good conduct, 1 OIrl Drowned ai t3w.IN. Gest.Sit; at'ay14.--(iii Satntaay evening w hale (leery !loom, s eau of lir. Howitt, and Mess Ri6..l* I'arkiug, s dotae.tio In Ili. Cowan's huueeho:d, were canoeing on tee- river. tin it boat npset and Miss Perkin* was drowned. Young Hewitt tried hard to save het but was nearly drowned ill the effort. Ile was exhausted when he reached the (store and had to be narrated ottt of the water. The body was recovered about an boar afterward* Dwarllleg Nnr.ed la rami.... gielcor, 'Onto Nay I1.--Yeetmr.lar fire broke out in the residence ..t Mr. John t'runk's of this tew•n Tlw bnildeu,;, veined at $901.1was completely destroyed. insured for SS[MI. Fire was caused toy' defective chimney. A VALUABLE 13r9OK- '`TOe Mier) el ■e.b.40m," .y nes. A. O. Ny de, e, 1, Y. Rev. 11'. 11 Meredith, to Zion's Herat.', Boston, writes: "II avow just hail oo.-ast},u to,$e*,nlreter to 'The Story of 3lrtholisn.,' by Roe. A. K Hyde, 1t D --a hook which i keep neer at hand for ready refereoce,•od ',Won reach nt m •cit n who here aro •t orated to it by the picture. if ,o -item., around which pile ores they tan quo k y lead Sind un'onscinusly absorb much Methodist hietot v, thereby becoming more closely at- tached to their ('hurch be.au•e informed -of her wooderfnl career -it ocean to me though unasked, tocominesd it though 1 an not an agent for ot or •nythin4 else: this ons thin` I do,' and thiok every other pas- tor should be • min of one work, but in thet one work he can do gond by recon mending good book. to the people A picture of a ship in full mil, hangin on the wall of • 'Vermont farnt-house is se t to have made sailors of one after another of the boys, who had newer seen an actual ship. ()oon this book of 900 pages almost an} - *15*'. and you end pictures of historic Methodist chanet.rsor places. its full in deem enable one Ib turn in a moment t whatever he waste from the hook. The type is not the •igbr.kilbnv stuff that one fe.n by day and dreads at sight, int large and clear for day or evening use. Be- fore seeing t6b h•nd.nmte 'plume we hal our own idea of • history of Methodism which would attract, interest and profit the peopk, especally the young people, of uni- versal 3lethod em ; this book crones nearer that idea thea asy other we know. Stevens', of course. is the standard, but it n eeds rewriting and illustrating : erre then it would be too bosky for the .versa reader Smith's Raglieh work is very valu- able. ale.ble. Daniel's, well dlestrated, was in the right direction, Int le .oiled by .nae *armies "The Story of Methodusn,," by Hyde, though perhaps too pictorial. a jest seek • honk as; if lying ow the sittingeeoole table, would he taken op again .ad again by the boys and girls, by the tired father • far hoe day • toil, and by the buoy house- wife who hes only • bei orients@ to .pare. its clear and restful page., .n easy to read beans, written en $herinsely end wished its, nicely, lead no, re anA nn until a rood knowledge of the pe'•wo.t-noel ries sad equally prnvidwtIeJ properra of nor great (hteni thrc.g6.t the w • 'd heeownee m familiar to ea as the wow, --.fey rise and pea grew of e., satins. with .h•eh it h.• keg se 45508 (o de Kp+rile h Ie•Rwes wold de gel en town sod iw'l ..ol.e Ort It 11.:Okla • .t.de.t 1. ..rsirg Slanw.y far en eea l0tke s• ht' eanvarsg for It. ehonld rani (5111 es Tem restive, admit him, leer hoe, patronise hiss, and ycg will he the gainer ('40,154- d of she geed they *web. do, 1 have iwgbs its espies seil penned them in hd`MIks.Be..ane .t they �eery l ..• - e s y lml,ti Great Caution will be Needed Learing Daml./w. Weyer. t.l.e woo ed Ad. t lee a■ the retcha•e al ibis Sear'', I Ilp -tie tale 54111 be 1 w,rrl lid Nish a Aweward leadru, From l.o,sjO Hisao 'e.11ame:Geecircular.. - ! p4'oo* m tvrn,peiruon with Faghsl, aua 7'he past twelve months will long be re- toreicu wool markets. and of the driblets end manufsctutera through the country can duty membered by those in the wool trade u a'rwivr This feet, the clip ut�Jfill-a►ll�hc period of de/nation and dl.appointment. b ought at fully 10 to IS per coot. lee t hen The do-n.suc clip of 1893 was bought up ill 1393. and is leriely laid by conniry buyers and 1 heaMdoss t of tM clip of 18J3 a still io the• dealers, anticipating the removal of duty oa of deakrs ani uns..ld. 1luring th tut twelve nun". n lar .aut.ties of wool wool entering the 1-olted States. load sheepskins, the product tit the United The lyilean Iti11, now before the U. S. !States, have fovod ti,uir way tutu t'\nate Smelt, may or may tea become law ie the lot prices mn.•le herr than our demesne (text few mouths. If it dors ft ceuuot help wool. and shrepsan. awLl Le 0.41 for Mie. I would advise caution m buying the the WOO the et to t anatfop4to any great ea • l'•aadiva M no m•tney hr!Ilw•en toad - font, as wools grown in the I easel States out of l'eaaduu soul Ira three .or four aro now being imported taro Cupola tgoou• yeas toots - seterahle qu.anteties, and are taking the 1 . The treat of the tr.wle gra r'iu show that place of t'made ticthine and down wooly :1;h ,among tLtY.hv,11 Kb b'tu,;ht with more which today arc unsaleable at the price paid ! cart•. Iso season. N seise II..t ! wools- • n:•thisp 4I V,, iu- Ift r estimate:I then •re 1,000.000' owe t eluding h•ictvter, 1'otswo(,l, ty.fnrd down million men id the 1' S in eufoticrel idleness t end all letter -haired hryth'. Ort...:., lis: to Ito: will'.- at least 42V) 000, twin huodrei and !pure Sn.ihdo*44, free loon las;, ..nd chef, fifty thousand more are eug•Rul in strikes , 13e to 20. 146ttepahire of g•. .1 mound The pure:overg power of the. large nem !staler, 130 ; fine clothiue wool, 1i10 ; r. - Fer of ware earn-rr is almost nit, end Ude j j.'et r s*, including b!ac!t, chef: end totted 'medium) must seriously affect all other im- - wtwd., 11e to 12..' luaries- 1'ulewanshaol F'leerer 11'.n.1 l.c:crat••r, The strike' in the Colt: memos, if Rot ! yud 'Mill ivlut wn.1., ,,'• itf► 4Ir ; rents) in • few days, will roue • cul 1 Kkrop.lier,, go•..l wind .tool; 10.• to I lc limine sod usaemarily close a great many n c suuthdnwn, 11.• to 1.o. 'anrortea now running, and so i acrense the • ;teat army of unemployed. CANADIAN CURRENCY. Awtnits, Argentina and the 1'nii.'I 3 ales aro. clic tail sst wool pr.s!uae. s. There is a potato (amine ill Welkin Goa. When resiewiog the affairs of thou ,•ural!- i --Brampton heti luwcral cit.: selerv/ by rtes, and noting the tinaeei•Idepr.ir.on sold p425 the greet slinukage of valuer, it is a matter The .+wren is vtoJ..tail ars fed at a of pleasure --oneresv say, Burton*. --to know hat(',made h•a been to little affected. Her Cott of •''.c . day. Marcia! institution% bate proved to be the The Plum civil 11 is a very de:irate cot:• dost, radai0{ and •t h•'to coke care of clic dition at present. '.rains* of the cnaniry. 3louev is plentiful Guelph poli.-etnew oocaseowslly improves.• end easy to obtain by those worthy of a hand cert m nen of a patrol wagon. Credo. I oder s moderate tar,tl her tee- The l'uoncil meeting, ;'klooday night was tones for some years have hoer lion,.. -13 tole the 4,43th semi of liar%in cit}( fathers. not producing millionaire., she has been 1 /:uelph man bought thirty heal- od furniehmg tonployn.etit and happy homes to ester, to or -ors Hay, Manitoulin Islands, last themeande of wage eer,tt•ra That this state week. of affairs could continue, while the wholewThe Sattgeen river at present contains of trade was eompkiue C p (Nikkei."' and loot I more -saw logs than at any time during the of trade co the pot year r the,' . I'll 'lighter" years. Within the part year th- 'Emilio in t;nt•. elwmeut helmet eeekieg information haring, The directors of the Northern ExhiMtwa in view • reduction of duties where it Leauld I will ufG•r a pros to the couple that "marmite he doer without destroying exauog indu.. 11..o'be married on th._gro*: l.. inti it being geuerally understood that .Sohn Lockhart,of Iliverdale, has purchas• the finance minister would propose • great 101 1.100 acres of timber land au the f'eplo- msny changes when the House, now twsole, and will build • mol on it this Fall. a s l *ti. ro.t. Merchants and nnportrrs, I (.'.Liens of the towns in the vicinity oI O 01 knnwiov to what extent the contrm- Guelph refuse to eh.. hills to he fretted plated changes would affect their ) u.ioese, an0ounctug the Guelph sports o„ the 24th. .topped haying, or rather refuted to place New..J•utes ('nrrier,ot urangcrale, sal ordere with our mills. I W. Shing sr have completed fah potpie on S.,me of the lasts, through fear of lark t tee "hinglercreek and pla':.xl in them 90,000 of employment ur jealousy ,f their .nim t yturo fish. pteu:on, tried to (erose the sale .,1 their pro As enthuatlan,: Gshermes was fined 95 duct., and in order to induee buyers to and costs •t I.uel h on Friday cur leas operate, .tooted prices down •4notohly a sink on the preserves of the 4114 Log Bridgeo found., blankets end some Tines of under p uhiog l'1u6 at F:deo ktfla. wart below the cost of production, and to Area bicycle to from Sarnia to Mon - known. day there articles are the cheapest ever p known. So d the farmer hto adept • (real willtake place on toucan • Birthday low noire for his wool, the purchasing The route runs t6rongh Acton It will he power, per pound of wool, of the necemittss a cycling event of great iutares'. of life is an great as at any time in the The town conned of Peterhorough has history of the trade. From Fayland we decided to exempt fro.n touch.. the .n• - have the report vouched for by several chinery of aM menufectnrn.g establish - banking hooses, that the quantity of goods meets employing not less than 2) hands. of all kinds being financed by them in the on Slav 29th the corner stone of the nsw Yorkshire district it large beyond precedent chapel to he erected in connection with the which goods have b.em accumulating for Hotel' Dieu, Kmgetrn, will be laid by many, many month., waiting the rattle• Archbishop Cleary, assisted by the clergy meat of theUnit l i ed States T.nfl. rot the diocese. The fact that these goals, as well at large The people of North O:w tlhmbury are quantities of wool, •re held rawly for the petitioning the C4tma.tcr (:eoeral to rvp.eted chan, aesn, hen och.oge the name o'he'r '„ tit pose-ilin nn the markgeet, av furth.eer dw.prrointhrnwn of in K.'.w.ck, and alwtit lt,o chi1ps the presenpt values Kmwic& otlios to Medina. Now Gus United States, with their armies Guelph and I'nshoch electors have asked of tramps and unemployed, their unsettled the Government to provide such safeguard' tariff and financial pnhcy, being the only ea will prevent those engaged in the cattle oat."' buyer of our combine 5.404, end industry tram hereafter Owing at the ,mercy they under existing circumstances sol beige able to take at present or m the near f of Oka txean steamship awnp•mes. even a small per cent. M the clip of 1893,a TL s curlew now rill"'it the f/abwtng which is still rim the market, the question Innes•, vii.: l'ollingwo.I, R.rne, ;elf, arises. " What is safe to pay fir the clip of ''lanae, Parkhill, Paisley, K,neanline, 1894. ' Leamington. %Marton, Mitchell, Wallaos- With these facto before us, and the pro. hurg, Sault Ste. Marie and 81. Thrones. pecta of the future anything but flattering At a bailiffs sale in Orangeville, a mare we would advise great ea0tiom and would with • tosl, • peer old cult, • mach flow and may that wool. should be bought at 1 to 2 dents per Ib. lees than lest year, and he sold whenever there is • profit No doubt some buyers will speculate on the prospects of free wool and pay more than the article le worth, as they did for the clip of 11193 ; hat u the wool trade pro deem each year • number of thus otass, we will be agreeably surprised if they are not snore numerous this seasow than in the oast From Circular of John nations. Toronto. With reference to the prospects of the coming clip of wool asd the pini to be realised, there a nothing do finitely knows. The delay at Ottawa 1. settling the tariff oe wants goods bas crib • ted an industrial ueesrt.fnty sod a want of ooefidenee is the future of tie trate. The proposed change in the tariff from onenpound to purely .d valorem dwtfea will seriously emharrIUMI the tweed, banks and yarn man Moonrise. They will not be able to enc oemfuily tempo.* with the shoddy Ronde of H.ddsrsIkld *sd Dewsbury seder the pro p.s.4 ri•ag.nukes the (;overnme0t take the duty off ectal, mlaebiswy ase other articles sow axed and used es now ma tarsal. This is having a very depressing of feet o5 the pries of our domestic wools tied ne the wend trade in g.ser•1. Home nompetittien hes red.sed the price of ('.m dials tweed., blankets and yarns to the low est pntieihle paint, and if the Caned.** mills are nhjeets.l to the Irma nno,petttine of thea pads ender as .et valorem duty with R.glti.d, Frowns and (Itrma.y, where ma shimmy and all rale material are free of duty, it simply insane .hetti.g up Irmo. of Ow 8.111/ is this errantry Is my nein dee, 1Me cin.gs in the tariff will only hestent the importing mid reedy made .4.h' .g saw 7 !s rnsitRg wt /b. wild. Ii .i" 11 s two yea► -old heifer were knocked' down at 958.50. The property was taken from an Adiaa farmer under a chattel mortgage. .•1t the meeting of the !Mhonl Manage• 1 meet e'ommittee of Ksnpton et wee decided to r..ommend the School Board to grant! 915 to the M e,llan.i Central Fair Ammea- tine, to be divided into prism for specim.ss et drawing and writing. An old lady who mistook the inteotioa of the curfew hell, went to one of the (;alt ! councillors this week and declared her ap proval of the Idea. " Any man who has mot decency °sough to go home to his wife at 9 o'clock ought to 6e sat home," she said. (esi of the biggest scheme" ever lan.clted at Niagara Falls is new undergoing the ' hatching proems. 1t is no lees than the proposal to cosstr,ct as aerial railway aerobe the gorge, by which a car capable al tarrying IS tis can ernes su,p.oJed parallel cables. RECORD BREAKERS. Peas& Wows says .e44'. kI4.rr Pelle glen concert IIsMM.e4/w -The Season m They eleven All to Caro. seal.ra.a, May 14 Freak Brows. the well known drergtst hem, says • "1a the pmt eighteen months, I have sold 114 done. of Dodd a Kidney Pills Cfl.nraring tato quantity 1 have mid, 1 bare hail an iopSt- twity of s.owamiy whether the pills glen satisfaction or sot. i can my, that during my Alum year. emporiums in the dreg h.en.m, I never .old • oedema that gives 18. universal mtisfeeties that Itold 'e id- .ey rills dei I sm satisfied any penes suffering with hides" trouble sully roosters to give Iodd'. Kid..y (till. • air trial. sad he will be ce.vinowtl .t their woad.rfs' .5*..it. pimp.rtina OVEI: ;!IE IIFRON TR CT The :a:lot from the L,cal Mill, Weelil r. . r IC 1 o t 1 wile \e..• ♦r r..J we 1a sell ever,M,dy 1.111. e,,d Petal 4 tipped( and 4 waaes•.•4 t rota t.. cry Sr. -theta. I.: tete:- E:seter and ssmforth cricket club. will play • mat. a .0 Exeter ill .14.Suaforth IL 1; F:leall, .4.asforth, has • seven month' old et. Iteruar.i pup which weigh. (t.. Ola. Wroxeter : 31 -are. H amara. rico Sand- erson shipped . ear los ie of esptrt cattle but week and one . sr of hogs.. Morris : Ther (treaded pest cornmouly known as tlia born Ili' liar already made its •ppsarac;e o* the cat (:e in this sefgbbor- Taut,•. - A .octad-.y,!..re struck the town nn Sunddy e.-nfi !. 0th, hat diol no damage beyond Ltesking a .'ouple of win i dow.. - 11'ingham : Stu Lick 1tn.th, a well• kno5rn,re.ident ,f Oita town, nis joined f..r• - tune. with Walter Curly, of 311ncespoles, Minntsob. I:r.'v : J. Mitchell and wife, M LoAdon, twee 6.. rtaidents ,f clod township, mos ing to the farm they pure hated lint } ".r, .o.. 12. h..forlh . 1 It D %Poore,. i, now feeaiaie a Gil.. n Illuotha .•Id .leer It luc6 10100 .7.05.0 tile .carte at 1,'2 yl lr.nn.tr. It is -of les own r'isiug, . Clinton 1.1i.a ;y had the misty', tam in ,lose her pocket Look on F'r.day ei smug, .- intaiuta4 WO, and hoed it reit. red V her intact hy the lied*,, 118arke Tayfor. -W1n..ham • 7'he contract for the foot Amides cross the fiver at the Salt Ill, ck has been tet- to John Pater, of toren. 'The bridge a to be completed by tide 1" of July Wingliam Oleo. Extreme. esecond',ear hold n eda:fet staideM of the (bngrrgatiol.al tlontreel, will tii;ydy th").sips .t the %Alegi:am rowgreg\ri.inal church for • %holt time. Seeforth .' Rev. Mr. Wy;lir, I•tely of Ness 1 ork but now of I'bdadrlphta, peath- • I in the I'resbt tertian ohur.-h last 166ba1h 51urnln44. Mr. 11'y the is • 4'an•dta.t and is i a credit to his country.' Clinton . A posing man front dna neigh- brh..ud, w h.' has been in Manitoba 12 years. writes home that 0 he cotta only get enough motley tom.rve lack to tlnfari,,, Iia would very eladly indeed d.. re,. Egano oivillr : ?Master %keine 11.7. is nursing • .sty .nre lea 1644 week. tint res.lt of he log iteen run over by a land roller out at his uncle's. ile beers it hnrely, anti we hove wi:1 .Dorm be a!1 right again. Wingli•m A meeting of the Huron Dis- trict council of the Royal 1'empla's of Tem- prran.* will be held in Winghan, tl:• lore Port 0f June The local Cannel of shat Order is making preparations fax the meet- iIg, Seaforth Frank P*Irrdge, oleo was a nunlberof years ago a prominent res:deutof Se•lorth, but of recent years a resident of lave Angeles, 1'ahfornia,is very ill, being a suferer from ctwsumplion,with no !topes of recovery. - Morria Kobe. Stair captured • young fox • short tune ago. Mrs. Kayvwrd sod her two children were out for as conttitu tional wh, n 11r 11 met them with the•boye mentioned result. 'Tile other members of the party mule their escape Wroxeter .)n t. Barnard aid- Robert Kt*ck have petrchs.e.l the oatmeal mill in this .111.44. from .(antes lesterid awl will take pnrawin et once. Th- price paid is said to be 94,500. Mr. Ire;aritt has been in pwsrasion for the pest ten year,. McKillop : Thomas McKlnr ha%ur- chased the farm of John L. Brown, OH Ithe 9th couc.mion, west from Winthrop. The farm contains S0 screw, and was (sought for $2,200. It adjoins 11r. McElroy's errant farm and gives hint a sic. 100 sere farm. Clinton On 1Ce.lnead•y T. Levan not with a bad aocideot while at work in the foundry. Ile wee holding a hard up to the buzz saw when it caught, and his hand slgrweel over, striking the saw, w4:-11 cut three fingers so lr.dly that the ,1,, for .1.e.l- ing the injury hal to remove the fingers en• tirely. ('liutnn Mn. Kadnur, of town, left on Monday, on • visit to • sister she has living in Montreal. A wonder feature of this ie that neither hey* overseen the other, Mrs ila,lo ur hominy left her home in France is her early years, before •he hrirth of her sister, and recognition of each other is to be by pre -arranged signal. McKilbp John Noma has purchased Thomas Gilhgan'e farm, south half of lot 14 coneesano 14, for p3.60) It contains 81 acres Tromso Hack well has purchased Wm. 1's.neron's farm, ooat•i0lsg 75 .:res and having fine buildings. it is the north half ot lot 10, on the 14th conceeeio.n, and the price paid was $4,500. ('liwtoo It is Do email honor for • 1'lin Ionian to hold second place among the shirt hand writers ot the I'o.ted Mate,, and this is the di.ti.etion won hy I. 'Gott, soo of'' A. Hartt, of towno who is privet secretary to the General Manager of the Wh•ah Medway, St Louis, and admitted to be the second fastest short handler in Amari *. yO'ingham (1. Wednesday hist, 'he spirit of Catherine, wile of dohs Murray, of town. penned oesr to t6e area• beyond. Mr. Mur:•y has the sympathy of the t own. - people rrnst.11y to his ore bereavement She leaves four children, the eldest about eight years and the youngest only • few daye old The remains were t*keu to Ilea mll for interment, on Thnreila, McKiUep la the 7th tort the wife of Taw. I:iv.ling,who resides near Beechwood, met with • father pistol aosioleat. it wetted that .he ar.ntally got • large sew ing needle rite into the palm n( one of kyr hands and broke therein 11.e husband drove her oat to town ..d awe of the ear genas fro.. the pert with either spray and Oat dew. epos it and wsth ensioderahle dif Aswlfy est.r.eted it H• road that it had gene down straight among the Mees .ed regained great faroe to poll it est. l be grommet was then de.msd foretll, sad at last soonest@ .m Animg well.