HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-10, Page 8THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT , THURSDAY. MAY 10. 1881. Tl� CANADIAN BANK:OF COMMERCE oT..ttlgl4.S /SS?. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO UMW, era r,LLRs. su as 1116.000.00o► MAT. •• $1.100,000. B. E. WALKER, GtNCRAL MANAosit- OODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING Busman TRANSACTED. FASMEat' NOTES DISMUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED PATASLE AT ALS POINTS IN (r11NAoA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATE& GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE, BERMUDA, asst BAMS* SAAR StPARTNEMT. DEPOSITS OF $1,() ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. IMTERUT ADOSO TO THIS P11/NOIPAL AT T141 END OF MAY AND 15111 IN 1A014 YEAR. Special Atteaties given1 ts fN Oosaoolfor, sad Fernier*' Sales Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. NEWS OF THE DISTRI`'T. From our own Correspondents. Ther. le Iafaraaall.a Erre That (aaa.t he round anywhere F.1.. •ew'.f Ike II *wale apeelan, Reverted for The atasat. 7 AUBURN. Mo.ott, May i. Mrs B:chards, of Brallele, visited friends Rare fast wank. Miss N. :•-talker, of I:.yth, sundayed with friends here. Mir lirwmmo.d u the guest of Mr. Symington this week. Mus Day is, at the time of writteg, suffer ing severely with quinsy, Mn. ('wyler, late missionary to Believe. Bells, will give a lecture in the Methodist church cm Thursday. evening. All are cordially invited. t; uarterly meeting was held Inst .uod•y morning 10 th. Madrigalist church Rev. Mr Conine,. of Walton, otcoliil the pulpit both morning mid evening. The quarterly board met the following Monday at 2 30 1- i. Atter-the. business was transacted, It was moyjyt.Jly Bro. Slur dock, se coded by Bro..Hoare, that an in- vitation be given to Bro. Baugh to remain as pastor another year. end in making this ' mot ion, they wished to convey to tl a pastor Moat they as. board aid circuit apprecate 1 his services. w week for Fad Axe, Mich. aAYFIELD. WEnst.iAr May 2 ,A ay •• proprietors of the hand bordering ou the lower end of the strewn, fur • small consul enthral, allow all visitors to fish, and mine host of the hotel will look alter your horse and rig. Several parties from Seaforth asd Clinton have been hero and Re pouted our veteran angler and true dimple of old baseWalton. M. C. Cameros, ):«1 , with his 14 foot baa,boo on his shoulder and cigar in mouth wending his way to his preserves o0 the upper end of the *(ream. Conte along ' Help guild up • big lien story to tell your friends when you get home,about e dui cis of 12 in. trout you caught that would not kits fresh, so you had them cooked at the be and tl, went Oozy en f thek h from crest tot e frying -pan and were washed down with an C. R. SIIIE& COS'!'NOVELTJES mrenihewlea • full road* *1 Fazooab1e 8a(s Ix STRAWS and FELTS GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Fun lines a. every Uepartmeat, **Cal l and r,amiae goods sod perces Cr R. S E & CO., Lnk Mcas's Block. Cor. Square aad Mest Ba itiA11''Y THAAWS ter the liberal patronage extended to me in my business. 1 hare genie (:BEAT I:Ai:(;AL\s this week in WALL PIPERS ulliui ted ,tuaatity of \ \ \ ]rN , Aw1.t1b\ WS,.. Air Yankee Doodle COME AND 811. Trust not your tram:lose to the Tories, - WINDOW HIDES. Thee are an artful crew : M t shades, tor 35 cis., Complete on roller, They'll stuff you up with their fine stories, and placed on your window, razz, is a And don't mean what they do. marvel to every Duet ('ho. 1 have everything in the line of It's 011 a hoax, this Patron fad, Wall Papers. They've other ends in view : Curtain Poles, To pull the wool over ay eyes 1s what they want to do. rt' • te This thing won't work, we know o weft The pr,: a they want to win They wish to boom their candidate, good looking Farmer Jam. No Tory born can get a show (rt. chance to our seetion. Our man's affright, for :,e we know le sure of re election, ('ua BRUCEFIELD. Mrs. R�b1 Rosati was at l.em;,ea the T, r t i JI 8. week. James f:roadfoot, of the mill road,left batt Mrs. J. C. McIntyre, of Strathroy, i1 vis Mr Scott is buildinga brick store room itiag Mn. H. F. Edwards. in connection with his tore. Herbert C'olladay, acrompatioI by two (:odericb ladies, was here last .uoday after Slar Jane I:use, sister of the late Rev.Juh Window Shades, Sporting Goods, Books and Stationery. No Old `t1ocL. hu• evil thing all new. up to date. sad very cheap D. B CALBIOK, Tree repealer Sew& stare. C.derlrh. the standing' of the pupils in S. S. No. 1, (:aderich, for the memo of April. Names are in order of merit. Senior fourth class Minnie 1 urwco and Norman ('hurch, even, ClarenceJohnston, ids tarsen : junior fourth- George Salkeld : senior third- Bella B. Wtllamson and Carman Church, even, . —1h _ SUN SHADES-STYLI$H MASA We show this week s very fine lot of the 'Latest Styles in Parasols, New Insertion, Trimmed, Plain Moires, and Frilled, Light and Dark Colors ; Large choice of Plain Blacks with Stylish Handles at Low Prices. SCOTCH GEMS, ZEPHYRS, FRENCH CAYBRICS AND CHILLIES. Oar selection and choice is immense and all Patterns confined to ourselves here. Wove Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Moire Silks, and New Dress Buttons. Latest Novelties List opened. Remember our Clearing Sale in Carpets. All Grades of Wool and Union Carpets Selling off at _J to 25 per cent, reductlons. W. IeO11EBON St BON. Of Highest I'rices for Eggs and Butter. _•a out trout fishiest lately. We will haat some flab stories shortly. 1:116 Harry, who has the contract of building \1'm. Smith's new houee,is pushing Tog the work on as feat as possible in ordrr to let Mr. Smith move in as soon as post. aible. SEAFORTH- Tt'L+n.ty, May 8. A RI.: Da% :-Seaforth u rogue to hems a bit day on the Queen's Birthday. A Iiia procession, a cbampioarby. football match In the Western Associatiou Cup series, an afternoon of bicycle and races and athletic sport. on by far the hest track t0 the West, under sanction of the C. W. A. and • wind- up with a grand amateur minstrel perform • since will be the features. It will he • great day's nutter for everybody, lots of amuse - 1 meat and nothing harmful. There will be a special train for the West, which will 'leave after the miustrel performance. One of the tunny features of the &Rternoce will be a great dograce, to harness sed cart. All kinds will is it, trotters, pacers and gallopers. The bicycle races will be very hotly contested, as many of the riders are old rivals and the prizes are a Leaman' 1o•. which must be seen to be appreciated. In the minstrel performance there will be thirty participants andit win turfy bristle with fun, as well as contain some eery beautiful music. Everyone should come to !forth on the 24th and bare • good time. albsrt ('nurch . junior third, )les. Porter and Alice .1. Johnston, even, Willie Drys, dale, Myrtle 11. Trudgeon : senior second, Maly I.. Porter and Linda Sturdy, even, ,'ora M. Church, Elmer Bell :Junior second, John Porter, AustiofC'hisbolm, Lizzie John - aeon. I n wee. of this village, la rutting at herr aloe : part two, Hatt 11 Mamma, Helen labs E. Swart., t:eoroe Shaw and 11', sucarm law's. Drysdale : part one, Rnby (.ibso0, fester *hi" E. a inabam were a uses len, ofGoderich, who have Church,Francis Chisholm. week. road, retuned home this week. 3 town last I The a AI' C 1 been visiting ar Mr. Mason., of the .10 Jonx Hu i.., teacher. Misses Mary Whaddon and Mary Parker BLUEVALE have rearmed their dressmaking establish- GODEftICH TOWNSHIP. 1 wheat in'tBir rooms met to ;Cook's photo Tt r.nAy, May tisllery. . Mia Almy Card, who has bean v,siti•e hero for about. a month, returned to bere at (.odetich.oe Saturday much to t sorrow of some of our boys. 1.1. Swarts, of the Ryer Ho'el, is b ily engaged preparing for a boat of Yum gcests. This house is so beautifully situs e f on the river bask, and commands in an e..ellent view of -he river and lak that it is no wonder sr. many choose slt ake 1t their home donee the Somme months. 31r. Swart• *111 do his utmost t satisfy *11 who choose tb patronize hi Timothy Higgire has been engraved • hostler as he performs his part to the awls faction of all The barns and stables at kept le:uarkably clean and the travel:Tag) public will find that their horses are care fully attended to. 1. The Patrons of Industry �receivedythhetr er neat consagon:ent of rain last Friday eve.- he ing' It Is needless to say it was of first- class •1uality. w- We understand that Harry Brown has ,Mr exchanged liis property on ttie Huron Road, with a 31r. Marshall, of London, for a h i livery stable in that city. White we regret e to lose Mr. B:own and his estimable family • t from our midst, we also wish hon success in ri his new enterprise. o! The following timed ed upon regular m.; attendance and general proficiency, shows, el . e; BENMILLER. MuNUtr, May 7. A F,., !ears-.t,.rr.T A staff of car pesters and matrons has been engaged re t•sodeli.g and otherwise improving the barn buildings on the farm owned by the heirs of the faro W. McCabe 'tear the river in (:ode - rich township, The buildings as they now appear have an imposing appearance and rre!ent • b . front on the roadside leading t., ths..riyer. Csai.v Ht.0e, on• The fruit prospecs, u far as the bloom u concerned, looks well, 1 and we never terueu•ber eeeiog it out eo early in the season. The cherry trees were is fall bloom os the last days of April, and we k. Sucht to sea tho early wa ap rh• out this piweek. precocity war perhaps never knows before, and on the 28th day of Apn1 we saw some full fledged trey birds, all of which goes to show theitli 'i}ressent season ft the earliest on record.A Itt+Arn,t'ra) ('wwp,-The atteod- aece for membership to the Newlz organisedbranch of the Fountain \'alley PatronsIsdtutry did not crus up to expectations last Wedeeedav evening in our village. We fully expected to ese • large number jo.b, but only one solitary mane war record•ed by the secretary in attendance. It wes perfectly discouraging after all the trouble the organizers bad had. to sea such an iasig-; sificaet attendance, and verily after that It u hard, to trust anybody. As the thinghad been well advertised and our farmers •re Bow we11 through seeding, it was in order to see the whole oomeeseioe lined with tatesd,mf candidates sad trooping to like a sewed (oxey army to register their names : but its of no nee, you eaneot trust anybody now, and we feel like berating out and sing- In4 the T,to••r Sea •a ai. Basch a+. -The close senses for trout fishing being over oe the 1M day of May, our local anglers mad many genie • diodes.• availed theneelvee of the ttlurt is er:ler tamed sharp'. creek. The WAT fi Hitr. -A porno fakir is said to be plying his trade in the •urrouodteg country :wt now. His method of procedure te to offer a piano on amazingly liberal terms. .1 IMr. and Mrs.Mrs.John Patterson, jr., Uvula. .piano le placed in the house on trial, and tine John !lesser left here for Listowel on Fri. tesnraDe f policy est the instrument, but factory this seasonI note for a large amount. Mir Jones, of Walkerton, returoed home last week. Deccan King, we are sorry to ay, is not improving any. He ie in • very critics' coeditiou. Mrs. James Hogg, one of Turnberry • Eng friends in this vicinity at pressor. victim induced to sign what he believes is an day, 4th, where he work. in the chess. witch afterwards pro est *0 be a promsory (Eti-s:er OPINION. — An experienced fruit grower nays that the fruit growers have reason to be thankful for the cold map of the past few weeks. 1f the warm weather NO lasted it would lure brought el: 110 fruit trees into bud, to the ruin of the whose early 'tattlers u tory all at present and but year '• crop with the lint frost. Th. cola little hopes are entertained of her recovery. weather checked this tendency : and it 1s 1 e- (;uite a mumber of oer local spirts were Bored that fruit prospects are all right. x Here's a Pointer When you ask for a 5 cent plug Io cent plug zocent plug OF 1771 POPULAR DERBY PLUG Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order that he may make a larger profit. YotrRE 1N Ll 1 Ladies, tt )ou haven't yet made all your purchase• of MillinerArartrosg• secured last week about 2Untrimmed Hats, which will hoe saki .t than cos half millinery prices : ales a big s•sortwteet of Trimmed Hate, trimmed by sommpsteet city mtlhoers, at • similar miing to year pocket. '1hsy sell •..-i1hing to wear Shoes to ,-at at prix . which learm you msoney An Is a Little Thing, But it is the biggest little thing we know of. THE PURITAN PINS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Every Paper of PURITAN PINS contains 360 Pins, and we sell them at 10 cts. a Paper. TO INTRODUCE PURITAN PINS - - We will Present to every Customer making a Purchase in our Store, including a Paper of PURITAN PINS, a Beautiful Silver -Plated Pin Tray, worth as much as we charge for the Pina, Ask to see the COMFORT SAFETY PIN. THE PIN POINT IS THOROUGHLY GUARDED. We have just opened up another lot of Lace Curtains from 18c. up to $4.- 50. In $1.50 Curtains We LEAD THE LEADERS.; Compare Pr'iceo_ V1 a will not be umlire(dd by any Stir, in the Trade Highest Pricy P*iti for Butter and hgg,t. (X)MPLSTR OUTFiTTERS JAMES ROBINSON. OA" I- maws:11,x, -18ANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - r L. 2,000,t7O0, REST, 6,000,000. A Sav igg Defiartmeiu has been t/eiged ix coir. whom with this broxch. Interest allowed at cw•rext rates. H. LOCK WOOD, Mara,'er Goderick Broach, 3 EYE OPENERS3 Sterling Souvenir Spoons, 051.2 5, Watch, Warranted 1 year, k$1.50, Alarm Clock, Warranted 1 year, 98e. and other things in unison in the JEWELLERY LINE. C. A.. HUMBER & 801?. REP .1 RI WO. IIP TO DATA. mg SPRING SEASON �22Z•Z—+2NERY_ Our Miss DONAGH has returned from the Markets with a Large Assortment of the Latest and Be3t in Spring and Summer Styles. Early Inspection Invited. MRS. R. B. SMITE Glasgow House. CHANGE OF BASE. McINTOSH & HARPER, (Late SAUNDERS & 00.,) HAVE REMOVED TO McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK (LATE CRABB'S) ON THE SQUARE. It • Xs --,w R It ft SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING, AND SHEET IETAL WORE COOD WORK - - - LOW PRICES. House Furnishings, Stoves and Ranges. ZYBYTHINGI NEW. a,o. Us a MCINTOSH &HOPEI. Call Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices. DO YOU KNOW how POLLOCK gives such Low Prices on Boots and Shoes? BECA USE he hoe bought the Steck off T. Fow.er & Co. at a bargain, and i+ Rif ing the People the advantage ni the close bargain, and he ie Selling all for Cash (positively no credit), sod tibia, too, enables him to sell much cheaper. • oar Cass 33u. r table: Beets is a Awes dif erect styles at 60 eba per pair, regular pries 66 eta I;iris' Sohool Bests, 60 els., minder pose 51. - Women's Heavy Rows at 76a, regnLr pries 90o. ('hildras's Oxford T -w for 60o., regular pries 76e. Mies$' " " 766 " 905 Indies' `w " 75a, " 90i •• Menefee Nevis Bid with tee r• AEshr Deis 664 W) roe il, t�sga'er prko f1.gf. TFl•e �k ow entt"" e'1. � o P110- ". a t' >R► bee's Plough Heels 760., " Fine ter@ $1.60, replier prise aml *11 other Seas .pens law - Every line in t! e I Ouse reduced itt prloe from 15 to 23 per mat Repair'sR neatly ae... $. B. POLLOCK. JWitVe OB amn1, O$idal