HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-10, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODKRICIi, ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 10, MK
AS1...3MALL OF BARGAINS_ Louiof Flesh
> oQppg Twaa»a £xD 1101110116.
50 draws of 0 yards mob, all double fold arta Hack Worsted made to Tromorderinge &t6. 7 c.
pad ohsinfests, a 1. s sey. 90 demo wool east• Tweeds, 2fial 3b... 40o., 6A:.,
o eti wank drwb& All -
tie full w1 width, Tweed end 76o•
. of bt Ow each,
ego, at $1 for the dress h pones of black YaX S A*a JOTS' I TS.
Monet!• Is Jet sad !floe tacks, initial to Boge' Flanaeletto >thdrte. 30u. each.
7x good• you over saw ; war pSO
cioe. e- Yoe slae
etl• Skittle, e..sole.
• 1 •rd. MDT a 110013.
LOOS' 101111101 COATS 10 doe. Men's lack Cashmere Socki,
is Fatro. \nary c
and Bleak =has $4, beautiful goods, cheap at 40e. we are
pots aid $7.5O ('.ab. Year twits loxrav
gin opine at 2Sc. & pair. Full age of futons
Socks from 10c. up
OWNS AXD 000r0iT• Kira ITITDZ1<RZo3
A pils
ars of Indies' Ta& Women Black See oar 50c. Suits d I'aderwesr. full z.,
sod colo" tido pain of • ►tee of reirdar Shirt' .ad Pasts, only bOc. for the Salt.
��,..ls we are Hearing cab we 100. • razT LaT5.
X17 desire ladies' (.:.Iain. Hos, oma ! Fur the Rant of ronin win ars going out of
uteed last BlackTo double on Heck+, doubts401 this line sod will clear the balance of our
�o:e..iw1 double Toss. worth 35c. rind 4pc. stack of $1, *2 and $3 hate at 50c each.
a pair; oar yt ice is 25c ,s Tied.
S140L11fd-I 25 do/ Ms's Ti.., , four io-hand . fancy
Seise Cheeks •t oc. a raid. Satin Checks knots : your choice of any Tie to the store
at -le. sod 9o., re4alar lOc. and 12.. good• i for 25c.
gLA,NNELITTES.- We have just placed in Stock a
case of Flannelettes, 25 pieces, shipped to us direct from
the mill, all good Pat:erna in Stripe.; and Checks. We
have marked them 7c. a yard.
1':inl.ols and Umbrellas, (the latest).
Gloves as usual up to the mark.
Will: White, Cream, Slate, F4'.sn and Tan Shanley in Silk
l.: -le Thread anti Cashmere.
A l:ir'e range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora
111 widths in Serpentine and Creme Military.
* a..hmerew, Henrietta.'+ and Whip Corals. Cashmeres in White,
'rr'i.•,, Skye
d Cardinal. ansrdinal. Leading Shales in Nun's Fellings
I Sprats, Buds, Spots and Stripes.
'one of Smallwares, inc udiog Pearl and Linen But-
tons, 2 and 4 boles.
ina•run■ a1,Jtl •.IIr II,d. : ver fees. 11.e.uNa for rasa.
r' -t
olfii_ v 7 .NTRo,
Draper and Haberdasher.
•1.11.111,\ \ IN BATT! Ft l slipping caught and snapped the bridle.
e' 'f he chestnut went to hie ku/es, but re-
covered and plunged forward as his assail-
ant bat at hien again, this time sei/.og him
by the thank. Ramapo is a lighter hr me
than (i -tug, and sane' heavily to the
ground last as his rider leaped off. Relieved
or. this handicap the che.tout got to hie feet
and started tack ever the track. He was
o't 1„okinv fa- fight. But Tsetse was wild
with fighting fury. No sooner did Ramapo
start toward the inland, with an last net,
perhaps, that- -wail find protection
there, than hie t was after him.
Before ten had been coverea they
were together angors. The smaller hoes/,
acting upon the defensive, half turned to
meet the attack, lest se the pneeuer reared
upon gym. With crushing force the bay
brought hie Ectal shod hoofs down upon
Ramapo's flank, bringing him heavily to the
treated. Kr great was the impetus of the
cI%srre that Cactus went rolling over the
other. landing oe his back to the roadway.
Twisting around he snapped savagely at
the chestnut, but tho latter was now alive
to the necessity of active defence, aud twat
ug ha teeth in Cactus's bridle, he tors it
oft. A terrific dsel of teeth and hoofe fol-
lowed. both horses sprswliog in the duet.
The limed of the beating bents as they land-
ed repeatedly with crushing impact could
be heard plahtly by the men at the stand,
one hundred yards away. it seemed impne-
eilde to them that either horse should
ever get to his feet again.
Both exercise boys had Plod from the track
in i arm at the beginning. Reed had made
a grasp at Reo apo's bridle. but it was in
pleas', and it. came o0 in his grasp. The
boys were now watching from the enclosure
within the track. With amazement they
saw Ramapo get on hie feet and go down
the track, closely pursued by the otherstal-
lion. Cactus was gaining rapidly. when
Ramapo tweed upon him. With a shock
they (same together again. There was •
moaeat of fierce figbtioe, then the chestnut
dropped. as if he were a prize fights trying
to avoid puniokmomt, and again the bay
went over him in a complete pwiersanit.
How he escaped breaking his peek the s
*tore menet wider/Mad. It was any for •
mooed that they were down this tree.
Coles was op first. He leaped at the
oheteut, who wag on big bauechs and
,fond the most bravely The attacking
horse drew hack for a mornest. and Colors
he could aurora orals Ramapo was ep sed
speeding dews the track.
The porait lasted but • atomeet iteretd
to turn again, the fugitive reared. and atter,
was another terribc collision, both horses
going bows. This new (ictus lay quiet
for • moment.
"He's done for himself at last." cried
Daly to the trainer. "No ;he's op wain."
1•,videet.ly the viootu Mast had hese
et snood mouteetanly: het only rnere.tarily.
He was up again awl after Ramapo, who
had improved this opp.taeity by covering
half of tba reetainin didaace to the stand
The Scene a Training Track.
sorts thee t barge Wade by cartes es
Lama*,. wish lit Metaled Peeve
tawhrp., Resold a. Haws and
facies Roil ever 1111r.
New York Sun.
.l Li, le was fought on Sunday at Holm-
del Farm, N. J., between two blooded atal-
Iiema be:on,teg to the stables of t •Ideon &
Italy. It Coit place on the treioiog course.
with lir. (Odeon, J..1. Hyland, the trainer
Jacob I'incua, and • crowd of stable boys as
testators, and Mr. t.ideon, who has seen
very kind of fight ksowa in sporting
wicks, says that be oever in all his riper -
:ace, naw abythirg to compare in fury and
peer with .the menet between the two
"Whin they finally separated." said he
&Sall e/ the fight, 'and I saw that
tie, etre b oh %hie to stand up and walk,
I meld hoilly believe my eyn. 1 wouldn't
hate g"en /30 when the fight was oa fee
We chances of either ot thein ever racing
Fee tirhten wave itamapo and Conte,,
totb well known to the turf, particularly
Ike loonier, who roe in hoe form last memos.
Prate are for -year olds. Ramapo is a
chestnut and t',ctus a bey. Traitor
Hyland had ordered them out, together
snot a number of other horse., foe • tura
armed the traaieg track, and they bad
Net hashed the circuit of the track which
n sewn' eighths of a mile, whoa the trouble
mowed. Rcnapo, who was ridden by
°owt'gs Rees!. as stomas boy, was • few
yards thenal of Cactus at the finish.
.lokry Thompson, the exerciser who wee
a t ictus, had been urging him all the war
anmad which perhaps roused the hors..
maw • hale, for he is sot only lacy, but
at tonus 11 tempered as well. kforeovor,
the mutant erring of the ho. -.e hail tired
sit tM boy, who had bean attire with chills
o d laver, and when he re•abod the finish
he was thoroughly exhausted.
1'rtim the judges' cleat, •boat 100 yard.
any, !have (:Meets sad Pines. were wateh-
.ag the runners, sed Treiber Hyland stood
so the track below thews. As the horses
"what the finishing post Hyland said to
Peelle .
" What did you make the time •"
"1 dida't time them," retained Mecum.
' I didn't think they were running for
Thee he looked dews the track aid
'71.1! " Why, the boy is off Caetua Ile.
Falcon and Hyland saw it at the sats.
meeleat. They know that a loose bidh-
t"od %tallies wes • to be d
Ines beyond the j ea' .teed the other
I'M bad vase the aaaiteet. tee, aced, accord-
cco d -
we tr ►s unveryia rola, whe. • harm. gels
100,, had backed then meant' Is a line sr
•ttissst the fesee, so that whoa the kW
BMs clone Mere he eoeld soli get la
loll.d them. Then all tarsad their eyeswin th
the t aetes to edema. the two mows ) siert to env Spa had risen as e
. sot was already es, for Canes mine time. and the deet beeane a rsesie`
els r Thcad alines% on the ia.t•st of ig1L The hews were sear the stead
fe himself free he lead mimeo spots sew. Roth were severed With team and
tk..xereispr of Qotae weak TWIN heavy bremb(eg could be 1 frees than in the sagas me.ean that the
ins life Moen and tired set lie ride beard sad tM guises oaa�iw� el their A1weissa Beauty or the le Frame res
bea'ht. xh•M whad WIus .t abase' Mpih se they W. at ani Minn ■r. RAM frees Me Wale gremead pink
( Rs Oodles Wart Miens had deet sheet gime iv bwh owl- Hem* by tM roadside Lb
www lee named t. Reed , " Leek male foe - . tAM Remora hiwte pwy be r • ye.dtnl se seleetalo
{. ems \•tea thea hoe etlYen
Mw • Char ee sed ▪ stet came am
dews lis IrMi.
WIN lawago Iwt�Mgild �� Ye ii
is one of the Arlt signs of
poor health. Coughs, Colds,
Weak Lungs, Diseased Blood
the Cream of Cod-liver OU,
cures all of these weakness-
es. Tako it in time to Lvert
illness if you can. Physicians,
the world over, endor'sa it.
Dca't 1i baited by Sdstnntisl
(kms: h t t►,eew
betas 144. All ile.agula ale. b e&
cited to take • delperwto chance and try
to get them apart He started toward the
horses on a run, and lir. t:id.o' mentally
added a good trainer to his list of looms
Before Hyland had reached Lite fighters
Cactus had once more reached the chsuiut
and, seinng bun by the shoulder, had pulled
hint down, vomit w er him in soother semen
S ault. Thus opened the etath, the hardest.
and, as it proved, the last round of the
battle. Rolling over again. the baylanded
his fore hoofs oo ltatnaoo's shoulder, and
had • piece taken out of his owu shoulder
. 1 ; tl.., latter's teeth. Then followed a
I amus wtcrchange of blows lauding mostly
OU (he ribs. Both rose on their haunches,
and their head, came together. I:amapo
was fighting better than be had bcen,and
the lay went down this time. Instantly l e
wane half up again. and then both sprawled
down together. For a few taecoods there
was • confused turmoil of beating hoots and
snapping jaws. Suddenly the bay spun
around, hall lying •s be wee, and struck
,Dot with his hied feet. . woe of them lauded
due:tly on Ran►ap.i. jaw. It war a fearful
blow. From where ladeoo stood it unaided
hollow and reverberant, like the blow ot a
heavy club no a hogshead.
"My Lord." groaned the horses' owner
"that finishes bin sure. No animal could
atantt that. •
But it didn't. Ramapo got to kis foci
ono, more. So did l'actus ; but before they
could come together again there war • third
patty to the tight The trainer had sei/.ed
thin opportunity to come in between the
stallions. Mr. Hyland is a thickset man
rather aSort, agile and powerful, and with
plenty of coolness and courage. All this •
man nett:, who goes betwcs's two fighting
stallion., and if he coma out whole he may
add to his other attributes that of being
born lucky. Hyland threw his arms about
Rat apo'. neck and war promptly jerked
from his feet. He hung on, and when lie
touched ground again the bay's teeth were
at hiwihoulder, and the bay's eyes, blood-
shot and strained with fury, were glaring
into his. .luat what happened Mr. Hyland
can't tell clearly. He thinks that he made
a peas at the stallion, and then drew Rim
apo to one side. He appears to have arra.-
rri.-ed at the right moment, for schen he drew
the chestnut away the other horse dropped
his bead and made oo attempt to follow.
Alt the fight had suddenly gone cwt of him.
The horses were taken to the atebls, where
they were carefully examined. Ramapo
seemed the uorse off. Hu body was cover-
ed with bruises and teeth marks. and his
jaw war bad:y .wools, but to Mr. I:idren's
great relief it was (olid that no bons were
broken. The bay, while not w much
gawked, was really in worse oosditioo at
the bomb. Hia teralic falls had racked
hem badly and all that day he was in had
shape. later be seemed to recover con-
aideralely. 1 estenlay /nth horses seemed
in fairly good eoodition and were eatinr
heartily. Neither of them have been tried
on the track yet, but Mr. t,ideon feels tar-
tans that Ramapo win be as good as new to
• fortnight, and the other horse shows no
sign of .erio a injury, although some Lean
are entertained that be may be injured in-
ternally. Mr. (:id.on hasn't got over being
surprised yet that both are alive. Ile
amnion it to the fact that they were in para
fent training act bard as iron all over.
Both he and the the trainer lay all the
blame for the fight -es Cactus. Ramapo is
• gentlemanly horse, they say. and did his
best to avoid • fight. Cactus u . r star, but
it is the opiaio" of his aoriu sietances that he
got enough tight on Sunday to last him for
several seasons.
Ramapo is down* Goodwin s Turf Guide
as a chstout Dolt by Ruanymde or Pontiac,
dam Annie F. Loa year as • three-year•
old, he ran is the America Derby at Chi-
cago, which was woo by Boundless, in the
L.,11 and Stakes at Monmouth, where he
was second to Sir Walter. He won the
Williamabridge Handicap at the Morris
Park Fall meninx std the Pelham Ray
Handicap .t the masse, basting Sir Walt.,
Prince 1:eorgs, (lleaweyes and Comments
At the ilrooklya Fan tasting les ran ,e000d
to Sir Walter.
Cactus is • sprinter. He u described as a
boy salt by imp. bfac.ocs, dam Thistle
As • three ysr•otd hat year he ran is the
heavy handicap .t Moaeseath Park,woa the
Flying Stakes over the Futuritycoarse .t
Coney Island, and beat a num of good
horses is other short dines,. noes. Rome-
p�'oo, will prosy go to the post at the Brook
Spring .u* s y.sa Oast ae may al-
so be entered.
The !esNepearst Mao Therw(h1ed the
Work of Mae.
The Humanitarian says : In so f. as •
armoire endowed with life twuld owe it.
salaam -0 to human hands, the race horve
may be said to be manmade. Hones were
an important factor is early domestic life
'tad were cherished by their owners, and
the process of civilisation, so far from
breaking this bond has apparently strength-
e ned it. The animal is sot now se essential
before the bay caulk up to Min. Agin to booms welfare and convenience ; senesce
the smaller bores dropped, after the first Me furnished other mesas of trweapertation
attack, and maim the saeallent whirled over and is in • fair way to take all the heavy
him. it scented impassible that any hens loads front his back : hest, in the degree
meld Nand these terrific .omewsnite.Mt that he amen to be • mer. best of burden,
the bay seemed rade of robber. On rrug Ise is transformed into • source of entertain•
he 1N.atly termed epos the ether, driving wait sad pleases*. From • rough and
h e teeth into bis bot Ramapo was gars bardy estate's, subsisting os shah rwtioos
sow, sad bit wed kicked ferlossly. tin as Amos sad oenveelehes might preside
and safferiwg the hardship • hazards of
til s ad • Iveetars, he has vinosity ovale
sal twee • on.hiaatios of serves, intelligence
sad trained woes& that has but • family
�•S.•e What had happened wee this ' Is1►er, is Awl red smoke oosl he rye. likewise In Ms ssrty Profligate"' is differ
velepassnts, and they hove et.dled etre sad
data add the paw of each uatU taw
mold ewe is the qualities of the
Aad, ttavieg mound • hew
that hes within Lir the possibilities of oat.
bar asosstocs, they treat hie as •
bslo.giy, as, indeed. be a A
ewes u always m scta.dases, Ise s Mesh-
ed and combed send bus coot ie like Mtn ;
he is fed sed homed sad exercised with se
much oars for kis ooefurt as for a child's
royalty itself sa nut looked after with
more solicitude. The alanuon that an -
der, Greeks used to gtv w their own
bodily training u given by modern mea to
the rice horse, sad, as • rsult, he is a
marvel of pbyvical perfection. And after
all this' Vhy, when he has been tested
rod hu paces tried he u put upou the nos
troth. whose his beauty and 'wattles@
please the sight and thrall for pulses of the
watching thousands as no other spectacle
devised for public pleasure can ever do.
Ne,a.d. el Ame.lsg moon.
1Yhcu my six months' old girl begin. to
ret, end 1 has* no time to stop my work
and take her up, I roll her cab up to tie
table, take the bird cs3e front its hogk, and
set it upon the table before the tittle mw.
This sleeve proves a pleasure to bird and
baby and gives me uttao en hour or mote to
work or rest, t1'heu it.. begins to tare of
birdie's ooinpsny, I set the clock (mine se •
small ung!, upuu the table beside the bird,
and by the time baby has worn off the
novelty ids this, I am rowdy to take her up.
N hen my two year old b.,v begins to
hang on my dross, and want something, tie
hardly knows what, 1 soy, •• Let us play
school or soldiers." So 1 gut the clothes-
pins they are the old fashioned wooden
uses and a basket or box. opt' as we get
fruit in at the grooeas. One of the clothes-
pins hoe • cap on. made from a piece of red
calico tied around the neck with • white
ate : this one is the aptaiu, or teacher, and
ui'on rare oto.aioas it is the macaws. The
o:i,er pits are the pupils or mune - "littlt
buys dud dirls.' He wil! stt.k t pits
along the side t f the Laaket or box; and
buds much p'enure in arrangement or
remanent to suit his chauriug fancy.
'% hew this get. a little old, 1 take a lane
basket from the mantel, and as 1 place it
upon a chair yon eau see that it is (Pled
with pieces of plats colored cal ca t f every
oolor I could had, cna into squares, oblongs
and angles of Ell degrees. '!'hese he will
lay or .pread upon the floor. and has .1
ready learned the colurs at sight, and noted
the difference in e(tape.
In papa's shop there is an ofd cracker box
and in it papa is putting all bats of perfect
Gluons, cubes and angor, anythu g which
tittle hands can pile up into a tiny twlldiag;
pieces of moulding are •iso put into this
boa. Ity and by the piecesrn!I be painted
all colon except poisonous green. which 1
meter allow chi:dren to handle, and upon
some happy day, wheo baby can sit upon
the carpet, two little ones sill be made
glad by an. Cher prevent.
I may be lair near upon the kinder
garten system, but if so tfeee ideas are my
own : and all au w e that they are inetrur
wive as sell as amusing. The little ones
are taught to put the risings away when
tired of them, and thus habits of order • e
teamed as wclL -_
Ea11Ned al the age ./ sesesay.
In the battle before lluebe., which termi-
nated in the taking of the town, when the
c..mmend et the army had, by the death of
Generwl Wolfe, devolved on t:.neral Town, -
head, the last named observed a Highland
.r in front of the army laying about w.th
the most surprtaiug strength and agility,
bearing down all oppneioo, till almost spent
with fatigue he retired behind a breastwork
of deed bodies. After resting • abort tiuse,
he stripped off his cwt, which encumbered
hem. anQ,aiain returned to the charge with
new gigot. The general, full of adnuratioo
at his intrepid b.havio:, ordered him to be
p engagement tprouvnt before him atter the Lg g
and, having praised him tor his bravery,
asked him !pow he rould leave his native
country and follow the fortune of war at
such an advanced age ' He replied that his
Mitred to the French had made him leave
Ina family at seventy years of age, es • vol
unteer, in order to be revenged on them be-
fore his death, and he hoped on that day he
had not disgraced himself, his king, or bus
country. general Towuahend was so couch
pleased that he brourbt him with him and
presented him to Mr. Pitt, by whom he was
introduced to His Majesty. who immediately
Rave bim a lieutenant's commission,- wit li
the liberty of earring in any corps he might
choose, or to retire to his family and
friends, with full pay during his lits The
wave of this Highlander was Malcolm lac
Munson, of !'hone, in Redeooch, Inverness
shire. Itis broadsword descended from
father to son toe upwards of three hundred
I Neer News sd We OM flegrsse.
The Paris Cantors relates the following
carious story "A few weeks ago an old
moms came (rum Bridgetown, on the
island ot Itarbsdos. to • missionary. and
asked him to read three mares for Victor
lingo. The missionary was astonished,
and at first believed that he had maunder
stood the visitor. tint the aegrse replied
to his .1uestion@ that years ago the had
given aid to the daughter of the tutor . f
the 'Orientates,' who bad married an Frog
Batt officer against the will of her father.
and bad fled with him to Barbadoes. The
oltlosr deserted his wit., who eminently be -
.sine almost insane and was cared for in
toss c'ntditioo by the regress. The regress
wrote to the poet of the rad ooaditioe of
his child. Hare sent her two thousand
francs and bad her go to t'aris with the
daughter. After remaining for a time in
the home of the author, the negrese decided
to return to Rarb doea. (hie *aeon far
this war the fact that the poor daughter
had become incurably insane and had been
caselgaed to an asylum. The poet, who
respected the nagrees because of the love
she had borne be daughter, said to her be
fore her departure from Paris, "Whoa you
hear of my death in your native country
have three ms e a reed for me."
The old woman, who tint heard of the
death of Victor Hew/ • few mcatle ago,
has now tntfitIsd Me *lobes of the poet"
Y .a use era e..
A11 rebs hall wry
West of et. Lost Teed Fp.
Per Pat L, April 2$. ---Precisely at noon
the Orem Northern stoke went into effect
at tit. Pant acid Moistest".lis sod at all
points us We Lam from this city to the
coast. rhe Konen, Illuusiula is also in-
volved. 'Robin ere utiautes atter the
otenmittee bad arrived at the decision to
call all the mea out the order had been
• unt by t•reeideut Ibbs and the fight
is flow on in the dead earnest. The coin
parry claims that it has sufficient wen two/
to to instal who will remain at work
while the Awericau Railway Union asserts
jugs the contrary.
" The committee takes Um ground." said
Mr. Deb* in au tutervirw, " that Ionia.;
appealed agaiuta a wrung that was ludo -tied
upou thous the wen should out be asked to
arbitrate. A positive and deauite injus
tie has been duos them and they ask to
hare this rectiiacl It doer out •twit of
SA. Pott, Minn., April 30.-Iles�}patches
to the Great Nurthens gourral offices say
that the engineers and firemen at 11'ilmar,
5t. ('loud and Barnesville have reported t„
their superinteudenta It was learned
also that ell brakeemeu oar the three
blanches centering et Cruuketoa have
amnuuuceJ tai.:u w;Lingoes, to 6u to work
to day.
The stri►ery at St. C'..:aid are indignant
at the a,tiou of the Brotherhood ad En
glovers, woo ,krida'.t to go to oork'*1 the
old wt.. Jule of wages. Thi+ ani14 follnefeol
by the l;m- tbrrhuod of Firemen reaching
the sante cuaqusiom.
Another Paris Anarchist to ray lb
resell, of HV !'Arne.
Yattu• April :I•). -The telal of the auar-
chist. Etnile tt.+:tr�•, wan conclude.! on
tiatnrdav The rentict was that the
prisoner was guilty on all e. nuts. Henry,
who ha.l been ; lid front the court ruout,
was brought back. ills wat.ncr was tau
constrained, ar:d he stud he fuer' the
court officer..
In reaputue to the eetiuu whether he
al suvthiug to he remarked non
" 1 a9eept tie verdict, ala'
it may „N The judges, who had
ut, coprulted but a few inmates be
turelug to pronouuce aetitence.
ring the limn -tins judge declare
tut gaffer the death penalty
ed trove the deck without
of nervousness. and walked
step from the room
Atter u
that he
Ho y tur
ing •
win. it spright
A a/M
'• Nothing," says 1 woman whose haute -
wifely skill and exTlersence are coupled
with an authoritative knowledge of senate
tied, " makes a betic r di�hc!oth than no
cloth at all, but whisk brorigt. The pre
time of using ary old rag, an` old stocking
cut open, wh.c, is a'traditio al country
cloth, or any other sirisilar thing sinks u
well known to los foolish. His ear on
and become added clogs to the drain 'pea.
1f cloths meet be had those of coarse eel,
loosely knitted from a tightly woven a d,
are the boat of the kind. A broom, hu
ever, is very much better. Select a short,
stubby one and • trial will show its gaper.
unity. To scrape the bottoms of sauce tans
and pots there is nothing so good. The
e . loth a not so cleanly : bets of foo.!
will get into its interstices and will not ewe
ily get fair, but ooth:ng clings lung to •
whisk- Hold it under the faucet for • oto
rent after using and it is, quickly and
thoroughly cleansed. Hanging over the
sink in my kitchen are always. two of these
broom : one kept for plates and pottery
.!babes, the other for metal ware Sityer
and glass are hot washed there to twin
with, and i1 any washing need no disth-
And while nn the subject, c!heesect,th
makes the most satisfactory of Riese towed
nig. I let the coarse sort that costs only five
and .ix cents a yard. cut it in yard length.
hem all round, and, once tried. they will
never he mimed from your pastry outn'.
New York Tunes.
Thr L.selleeaa of Old lite.
People in active life do not raft a the
tomatoes' of those persons who have out -
'wed their generation. We used to %powder
how the grandmother eujoyed the long talks
with an old aunt who occasionally carte to
visit us. ''It is so much to we hat ing Aunt
Elvirs come here, ' she told us, "because
we esu talk oyer old times together. You
young (silts are just as kind and good as
you can be, but you don't know anything
about the people who were young when we
were, at.I the good times se used to have
together. They are nearly all gone now to
the better country, and when we old folks
:haute to men with some friend of the past
it is like living over the young days again."
So, grown up girls and boys. if there is a
dear mother or old father left to you, re
member the looelines of their advanced
wild age, and be very kind and thoughtful of
their wishes. Pet the dear old mother who
u left to finish the journey without the
companion of her youth. She mimes the
sympathy and toys he gave her for so nanny
years, and his attentions, so tenderly given
in times of illness and sorrow, are grapy
mused. Ib not forget. in the multiplicity
f the cargo and
es of nclildle
ogive k dlyy attention tito the dear old ltpeople.
This elappeavo I. Nea%so.
"When Lot's wife looked back.' gaol the
Sunday school teacher, "what happened to
"She was transmuted into chloride of
sodium," answered the ease, with one
t. Masa.
.lobnnis-Ilawnn•, Roston r one half as
big es New York is it '
Maesmu-I ha's quasiity, but ,tuality,
my son. that makes a city great.
Insist open having sirs Varsity cigar,ther
ars wg.ailei. 1.tw
Reciprocate the Eat '(blew with the milk
et hawses theism
" Varsity " N the finest five own cigar
eve •offered the public- 1etw
The Reek of Ceemwe es, Whacker, has •
$90 1111 cased. from the quarters d four W0
Mlle that bre bees .fe.esly •pits sad gaar-
tared, ere quarter being sod is the waw
Nit, thus Nokiag $100 cwt el PK
M1.nl.tt'a ('err ' Ms't en • eneyeefr, It
csr.r ineip,.r' en..enwnplNW. it te the best
At WMk amass' Mi. W lewd, mesa* it.s hit* p•oeller h 1d, that eleslsmetn *.sib mire. !any me cost. a.m. t 25 eta •
end tis es tip I!q ala. sad .1.00 per hatch. field by all
Nat so limb.. at Iso, were When. de- speed.
drwrghda e w
leek the hews were to rets, aMwt.g c1�t
hare w.stci IMsaa�
About two months ago 1 was nearly wild
wit it heedache. 1 started taking Blood Bit•
tem, took two bottles and my headaches
have now altogether disappeared. I think
it is • grand medicine.
Fos First, Massey Station, Oat,
1 .•
OeOt •d(`'0.
ni fWT t ., L -aa t -.T awes
Were ot'mst a...
Timm. stooges, W fiend
*alhne _ For Coaews/oiM 1110
- ���n� .�gira��nwts
'$ aBLLA Pt.MtU &.
5 wee .1.�--.aternwitP.
V -- t - 6Ii:ftEDY.
t1. aro yes•'at =-
Go BY WirilouT (/$/NO
YOU will find
that it will do
what no other
:;oap can do, and
will please you every
It is Easy, Clean,
Economical to wash with
this soap.
Testimc z's.ials
for Terne Plate Roofing put on by J. H. WORSELL :
The Terre Plate Roof wk;ch you place.t on thorosahty understand how to pot it on to
the new a.•ditioa to sour fae'ory while with inakea Ono elsa.ruof.
Saunders & Co.. appears to be cuiirelyy utas- t' lfstu *'eta hisos, (".mica.
factory. and. 1 chink. will pros yp adorable root
covering. Alt, h. L+At NOM,. Manager.
T1e Tyree Plate Roof yes pal en our bet
lug office In Inp= to reputes ararel has 'men
perfect eatidectiun. You toads • tire' oboe
ppb. J. P. 7 riAr-t. t'hatuu.
['run cher. ally reeomme,ul the Tern, Piste
Reetyou put on my block tf t .fore/ dnrate
_. It has giveo the beet „( sat isdte';on.
Jsseii'H Winn KNEAD. ('limon.
The Terne Plate Inset ycu' put on 'the
foundry in Ibi3 to replace ararel Tins given
good est hirelings. aid. to m, erosion, .• the
h, et on the market.
J. It. lit St tets.tiottricli.
The roof jos pnl on my arable 11.1'91 has
stood well and II quite san•re'-.ury.
W. t1'. Faunas.
The Terne !''ate !tout on any Mort, has
given every nal afar: tui and :( 1 were luring to
build again. l would eel have any other 111
t We are thoroughly relished that Terne Plate could get It pint on for nothing.
is oke beet flat rooting for our climate, and you , w'.' •t'ut•re:H 51 Id.',, t linins.
If you „'ant agood Roof g't sIR$EI.L, The Pre ti::cl iin•I,.it1, •n
put it oil. A wont to the is 1 .' i+ ,wtfic i•'nt.
Don purchase the following Goode argil you hate .awn ours.
Lawn Mowet•s (ten inch drive wheel),Spades,Shovels,Hoes,
Rakes, Poultry Netting 24, 30, 36 and 48 inches, Plain,
Barb, Galvanized, Oiled and Annealed Fence Wire,
au.l n G::1 1 i t
GENERAL. /IARDI1 ilia/:,
at Prices to Suit the Time
I, lag t'e.waw TO ■. r.
11'saghaiw A little daughter of alar
.I:,iUaro, one day last Werk, by some means
got its hand in the cogs of an ice cream
freezer and hats one of its fingers taken a f1.
"liy a tborois h knowledge of the natural
lows which gotkrn the operations of d:gnetion
and nutrition, b a carettd appli.at:on of.
the fine properties well selected ('oaos, Mr.
Repo has provided our breakfast a0A sup
per s deliestely Mvoi I hevera,te which nutty
sate us lawny heavy d tors' Lilts. it is by the
iudicioua use of such set • otdoet that aeon
stltutton may ora greenish built up untiletrong
enough to re,ist rt er, t deny to disease -
Hundreds of suhtld rc are fleet NM
around us readyto attack whe ver there ie a
weak point. *5'e may escape' +nue • fatal
shaft by keeping norselves well'(orelfind with
pore blood and a properly nourished (rame.'-
('irrf Seerwr (7ase0(e.
!!lade simply with tootling water\nr mak.
self only in o.ckets.by Oracers. labelled thus:
J1111Es Carrs 4 Co., Lad., Nonereoltlbie
e, I..no
tiresomea. tagosd. .
TI:t', :ems
LARGjaLE try
has just returned from the cities who re he
has been selecting
He has now;on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest O•Nxl, in the
Market and is prepared to
turn out work in the Beet
Style possible, and at Prices to
suit the times. II .'9 • :•
Buchanan & Son,
alA�t'/1l'il hRhe
Dealers In all Linda of
Aad builder's.% uatcrial of ^s erp 't. irtian
School Fu nitUro a Scecialty.
Steam, Boiler Works.
thIdTA!BARB El1'Veal
Tag Caxanrarr YacOfa JLaiLwav (lo.'.
Tasstpene•p�svtr bra bees a taldiehM to give thu
peWo a ores else s.rrles with fair cud pe
ttssaest oemspaa(ttfon.
It M managed we baleen prlsrlptes sad b
the tolerant et los escrows.
1t dews« tlhee of every verse. wk,
Its e�
`'"....k dean w Oe. f+..n.
. weasetiag with M1 les neo
se Wafted ewe%, Wade and 4
0 •eat. .0 ••wrwi. 1e
\erthwew.nritlett (el bis and Pees llr ('e
Odle... -.teeth Ptd. Wsi.l
N.rNAt>t'i IMI.
Lentil Newsom. Orsierlel
rot Aeysfnl.1- 1:Ioek,7
Manufnetnrrrs of all kin.ls of SL i.cll-
ary Mario.', Upright .t Tubular
Salt !':tits, Smoke Sta.•ks, SLei t lien
W'orke, rt.., etc.
Also (111111111. Upright and •htorirnt.tai'•1'.d.
Valve good . Automatic Cut ruc.aee o
penalty, A. sizes of pi a and yspe auhew
ctrtatamtly on hand. Kat,ma'ce fundebad os
.bort net tee. Repairing promptly attended te.
'.,}Clift P. 0, Rol :t7, (loder.eh.Ott.
Worke'Oppa.ite Ir- T. R. Station. Godorirb.
Scientific Astsriale
Agency fir
TnA01 MA
Tor lwrarsnteoo end fres. Han'wm.r wine to
MLNN A 0) sl'1 Rauaowar. New roan.
Mind rn
p' Ioannina Fax ownwtn. patent. In A merlon.
tp "putdte by a ea i teeDriven h.k or aR.b'talti
cfccientific American
7: 'telt rlrcnta•,en of any Mant11M pope
M!n tae
w.eM. Hy1el4ly niarwtM. No IntNtyaw
sans .Mmwl.l to club al It, Weekly. VA's •
)Leat : flA0 mss esR.tw. Address mixt./ 5 co.,
rl•utureus.lp ltra,•war. Slew Yat
Iltr...,• the kW-
wsye ars 1.
trouble. Dodd'.
kidney Pin.iue
prepf relief."
"76 per cent.
of di 1s
ret mused by
disordered Mid -
• a
"Nicht as well
try to have g
Asa/tky city
without geru.r
. yet ae good
health when the
A/dse s wire
.Algpl�Hwy .r1
the ecave'n9M0
of the RottNP.
"Delay le
dangerous. Neg-
lected kidney
trouble. result
/n Bad Blood,
Oplpepsic, liter
Complaint, and
the most date`
gyeroes of alt,
etiy1t1 Disease.
D,e*!.tee .ad
drso.naft mane(
asset whore
Dedd'e kidney
Pflh are watt
ge A'li.5't "w . •• 611
beak WM May Tea.