HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-10, Page 5THIN SIGNAL: OODRRIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 10. 1991. A WOMAN'S J!K4fl Xi level and her judgment good wben w puts brr faith in Dr. fierce. Favorite; Prescription. Ther is no beauty without good A.algA. No - b,,,11• expects to become really beau- tifu( from the use of complexion beautifiers. Bright eyes, clear .kiu sod nifty cheeks, follow moderate exorcise, fresh air, good food, enti- tle judicious use of the " Pre- scription." All airmen require a tonic and Devine at some period of their lives. Whether suffering from nervousness, ,liizine n, faintness, displacement, catarrhal inflammation of the lining membranes, bearing-dow n sensations, general debility, the "Prescrip- tion" ri ,hes the origin of the trouble and corrects it.. (i u(rrg7t- t(rl to benefit, or the money is rrtunlr•ol. litIf you're suffering from Catarrh, the proprietors of Darter Rage's Catarrh Remedy ask you to in their atedioiae. Then, if you esel_hie cured. they'll pay yeti PM in cash. 1 ▪ ACYERTISEMENTS MAY 10. Peen teal 1'iwtes- R. IL Sallow" . 5 toS o Tailoring -F. J. Pndb•m. -5 gK Wanted P. O. Box 196. 5 Stitt Full of flarphs-J. T. Acheson • tarts for sale --D. MCKU.Ie. S Oohed Wasted THS Sta.%Al. 5 Van ..f Revi.iw-Cblhrbe Tows.kip5 rwitan hoe Jae. Retiree 8 "se Can t I N Wrung -C. U. Armg.resg 5 leere in Lick --C. 0. Armsuoeg. 3 ono More New Well Paper- -Freest k I',.rter 6 1:.a1 l pev oast. Off -Smith'" Farai- ture "-tore 5 ',oat 11,o Wasted --F. L Sta►lekr Traders Wanted -Wm. Mitchell.... . 5 Aran 11 anted -Wm. Brigg" .. . 5 Ra0ns'and Farm lmpletsesta-- Jobs Kern, Robs Thompson and Win. titnordinary Bamako Jas. A. Stead Il,cycle f„r sale At 1). t:alhick'e.... . 5 5 5 MARRIED. oea+TAIL AX st,- et the rwa4Aeaos otthe Mede% tathse. ea May Zed. by Rev. misers. R reseed Webster to lSim Mary. tree i f Thos. Aaserwa, W of Ash. to DIED r1.N?PONE: 1. Colbwse. es Friday. May 1 let Deere. A. K. Topmast ma .4 IM late 'Panel Vasstems. Geed 11 years sad 0 taselb. BEDFORD 1. usenet, ea Tnesdar Ii p 0. ISN. Liu a meows daaebier et the tat* Jen Redford, aged M years. 6 weenthe • d 11 d•). The funeral will take pleas hem the real user 01 her mgbee. LMMheM street. on raise May 11th, at 5ogegles , le al. f►t•ada ase e•tesig•aces .111 *Masa IMMO Skis - TEE TALK OF THE TOWN, Feet the Reportea+o Itiot book • 11 tse•,e a Uses 1m 1' Tee Oslo. t vM • lb tent N t • Aura Ammo To Tata.• mere, ser tale x5'11 repel ft.-- ineirm r • "sot. off all see Meg Car lease Benthea fluster, Stets. To a• e post carpets use our Milt node anal Inn hies'. Tbe beet ami. 8arirres Yer- atsn kora. p11•PsaVrdka. to *toN o hem resales. s1y.be M&I'8 Cedar Gsok rove ur...h .... tansy Oasts t A. ba O- '• 6i • t * seism is is settly t se that 1 tatobaaa. teal 11. It Sallow.' mew tens eat say W e d Mates r.pbio wart t imt may sem* •Meg- lh yes west ime biag Bobby in tl 's Suits t If N, m if pEIDlt•M'!, UA Dk TU ORDIR,-_Tyw See ossa Per 11"1". o airs gaetaeles w11 Not 111c If te.an sae of tams w war sm • gime to "a leer Medal ta rim mamae same les Wier .ill Make• nest te 1. bmmp-heck. el tit. W. T. Weft► sedates sad Iswetaer, nag TelLOB IN a.- Chokes swim sad same Sulu.'.. evereoatlye, task sad Mee Wass. teemed matate. Meter tall •so6sd, emery meetly efg b.tasir 4 Met (.II sad see abo ...alt and •A n,e. You wiu sone/ boy. B Ma*ORtns4 Rot Rs' t. Xormtt ---Herb. Rehrtee. was tass'sa.l y sleeted threat' of the 0.d. nett ••• sS'all club at their m.Mig, hell ast of hearken ant There will be a rattling Th..d.y .ftase. from4 to ketwees the teen she .ed • posted Iei'tom the Collegiate Imagist* o a'a.►t, WITu reluelle. --lobe Lynch, Ise .d the litipa4 is Moe High (batt of .ISKiee. the week was ehsreed Won nyw Rutter wel tied. whit beets* mew - anted torture ib giving his .vel .a The Vasey an sappers et the 15Mwe. seg slid the *ea. war 1'. Ret her defeedeat : R 8 Haps • ' Le' RP..a r.. Jabs M.Lssa. r' eft. .1 X talo s, jun meth of IwttrSr, V ht ►rakes .t the knee end his hip sM ank out es imtsrdey, May °Oth, 10111.10111.l 011 omen t1.b.s .a the ears .t (leie "mugr mal, 1 McQee«ta ig, r raw ts WO 4 . wrests wane •.d it wit .sine ties before he Is removed to his tem. is Massa Tor Resort Tom Kerma. The Be- Fshar O• Nn.day the Harm Fe ilea up to Owilseink, Oil math el Nies mum le s d leg gel adi.m e'otl l.moh*twrloa The tam sell effsb- V bed "Vages lirp .tier Me bey reached the early tows they lamed that the rimed Ship lid to pity ea .as Ism Nae the regdalimmlees* •ed wee e s resell that 411kN od w the pmmbd was almost Of caws.. wQtos •-ed o/1 i5 k the hems Iwro W hie .dva.tage, and as they bid • wall baleao•d asd hard playlets eleven, Mage looked • little Wee foe the Harms at lIret, (bderiub scoring the Bret goal. How• ever, the I:igrNiw mads the best e( • bad jet. and asst tie sphere whirling throtgh the Uoderich atregbold three times. One ef these goals wee dia•Ilowed, leaving the eone two to me atm aloe wee called. It was *either • brills at ser • (est game, but it was • mobil o.*, .n4 the Hurons will how get doves to work. The boys are hoping that the t:odericb players will a000pt •o t.vitatios to our tows, whoa they will give theta • chance to play on the Igen football resod u I;asala,a soot time ad • royal bating. Tu A* mu Br -t. I. K s vr. Then ars ". large member ot tine plum .ad cherry trees g rowing is the town and their owners try awl keep them free from black knot, but there are others who make no effort in this nee at a11. end as the insect which causes the knot floats on the air, it is very little um for one nor to go to the trouble to prune it out of all his trees when hie neigh lair's trees are full of it. When it as cut out it is vary important that it should be burst is order to destroy the insect. Aoy• one neglecting to keep hu trees clean .n (able to • fine of 420. Sr. 11tTralxtt', F.%TLKrti\Ya. NT. Leet To.sdsy even i •g there was • fair •lteedeace • the rstertai•wa,t given by St. Matthew's Terminals,. society. Rev. Father West t Sok 1) a chair TF.e following is the pro- eramme: Instrumental, "Rustic lame," Mies Troscb ; dialogue. "Stratus and lrr, Iteilow," Andrew Lynn ud Will I ltisholm; solo, "An Irishman-. Tout," T. (:rale ; r.cttaMM., "TM Battle of rammer," Mies T. Chisholm ; violin solo, "Irish \ eriety," Mr. Kiev ; duet, "*hit io the stew, - M T. Mclat ab and C. Sb•tsoa ; road- isr apoleos's Return," Mies Dora ( his bo m' "A handful of F:artb," Wm. gp tom; Iastrumeotai, "Tru. Lova 4.,J. r Mjj .. Cam Soo : nictitation. "Death of K is( Comer McNees.. P. Nevin, sr.; sob ' Tere.es'. Farewell to Kathie's," Thos Griffin : recitation, "Mon's Waters," Mies Curry ; sole, "The Socg That Reached fly Heart, ' Moa Trooch : readier of "Ab- stainer, ' ,selected John I'ampioo ; chorus, • I.o.eI by, Mavournes.," members of Glee flub. The program was one ot the best yet presented Fy the son.ty, and every .comber 'was patttculariy well executed. if the society will .adertake to preen* pro- grams.sythiog like oxtail to that of Tues- day evening at future entertainments. they can feel assured of always having • bumper house. PrtreyyIaY;o/ H, true. The presbytery. held its regular meeting at 1'1iotoo on Tues- day, the 8th met., with the moderator,Rey. J. A Hamrltoe, M A., is the chair. iter. W. 11. Martin, R. I/ , was reappointed as canve.r of the i'resbytery's Home Mission committee for the ensuing year. A nom. mauve consating of Ttese.Fletehr. Stewart, Musgrove, Martin and Mcleod' was ap- pointed to ecamute Mr. Guthrie the ' talent now assisting Dr. Macdonald, with • view to licensure at so early date .1t the afternoon session this oometittee re ed, highly commending ler. Guthrie. Rey. Peter Musgrove. cooreoer of the finance o0lomittee submitted s tabulated statement of the financial returns from the congress- boos ongress.boos with n the bounds, when it was agreed to hare the .tatemeat pnnt.d and dstribut eel among the families in each congregation o' the Presbytery. Rey. J A. Anderaoa, It A , was appointed se • member of the aasemWye committee on bills td overtures. Rec. Alex. Stewart, N. A , appeared before the Presbytery in the very trying and pccn- liar polities of presentiav a call from the ooagrgtioa of t'aioo church, Rruoeield, is favor of himself, he being at the time moder.tor ot that .eestoa. The call was signed by 1.41 members and 66 adherents, and the promise of an auntie! stipend of !<1,• 000, •4th a mases and four week'' holidays. A Dumber of remits sent down by the I:en- oral Assembly were considered by the Prm- hplery. The coon .greed to bold •c ad- isaro.d tnsetiov at l Baton o. the 22nd Met , when the esti frons Bruoef.ld to Mr. Stewart will be tanned, Mr. Guthrie licensed • m.l any other matters timing before the Presbytery dealt with. The nett reenter enestiag will be held et Rrueedeld on Jut), 1055, at 10.30 t. a LOCAL BRiEFS. Peter Deems, d Wiavham. pard • visit to 5,. 4.sgitter, Him Ella Deans, Saturday If you epee tried a Varsity, you will sever make say other brand of five cert cigars let.. Atdrew Waddell lett for the Sault by the E mpire, Wedeeedy, on a presorting tear •Gamest the iron miss His many !needs is ft 'wish him sumer. "All is Got gold that glitters". Deal be deceived, bet b• • "White" or "New Wil. lams" Sowing Machine of Geo. W. Thom - e *. A Farrow, collector of customs at this part, suss is Kiao•rdise during the past we rk ea Weiner, esmeeuhd with kis officio duties &meek thieves are abroad ie tcwr. F. 1.. Rtablekr reports the bin of se overcoat Coos his horse daring the pest few weeks, and other, have atm suffered. Mr. •d Hsu. S. Mega, left for Verson, R C., Mee Tbarsdey, to vial their sen Wil lies, or br bomb seriously ill. .We hops sores to bear .f 5i reet.rseieb to health. Mn. F R. Moore, da.Rhtr amid two }secstasy& eons, et CAimtpo, •rrIv.d M Iowa Tbur.d•y last :.rd peeper .ponding the Selmer Wee for the reed' of their health. Heart Disease Relieved is 33 Minutes All asses mf organic or sysepatbetie heart dries' relieved is 30 minutes sad w'e Con Or Heart. o ared, by )Spa• (1.e does oosviseas Sold by Jas Wirer. lthssra $ tarred se • Day. -South Swub Americas Kliem easie (fere, far Rhwmalhm . rd Neuralgia, nasally surd is 1 to 3 days its arils ea eM systole' is remarkable mrd mysterier.. It tmmsves at eros eke sere and eke drew i.sedi•tsly disappears The get deme greatly 5erefits 75 rots Bold be J. Wilms .d all draggi to 30 l y A Nem to Haresonso. se bottle of Nasi ago* Lmim..t («mpletely r.• llllrwrd a Mb, from my hems. i take Mange 5. n.i__ 4iwdi.g the remedy. as it aleprompts' h the re- mttial bee Gomm of hard,d, soft''r eaWMed Iscagek spur, spirts, sorbs, ewer,. * Nor .rd wars. Osman Rosa, Ferssr. Sold by Jen Wilma, Mark bun, Ort. Nerd le a1. Herta--DleLr.... kid- n ey •d Madder dimmer retired his bears by the " New Chour !Poeta Assaf - SAN Knew Cama' This Now rows* e it re- arm" pan elldes=erlig."711= boa, Mae eml every pert a re orrery prime le male r I..t•ia It relieves rotor/ea of water and pain is preies it alarm brmedl- •Wy. If yes wast quick rebel sad oars this is your remedy. 81515 N Jas. Willem MARINE NOTES. Tug Seibold has mooned* fifth coat of put. Tb. Arooldil two mows wen l.u.cbed es Masdny. Ycbr. Mary S. (lordea is reoeivteg • fresh coat of paiat. The baberwtee are well pleased with their catch so far this maws, The pleasure boat Speedy Mewoger s being repaired sail fined out. Dredge Arsoldi onmwnced work for the own tractors et the erne peen this week. Itobt. ('nigh, watchman on tug Evelyn, took an uopremedttatrlpluogeoff the tug on Monday. No work has been dune towards repair• lar the damaged portion of the breakwater on the river. Tug Meiuto.h left here last week for De trout. where she wall carry fish and supplies during the •euoa. There is a large quantity sol peas timber arnvng, per the 1.. T. R. We underst i,d it is for repunng the dock. There te getting to be a very large pile of atones .t the dock. Some of the old pier may auk before the new Goes. Scbr. Todine°, Capt. Lawson, finished Bt ting eat last weak, and took ea a cargo of bulk salt for Wiartoa. She left on Thur. - day. 11. Marwick is moving his nth shanty from the beach to the island in the harbor. He has .lm put up a number of reels for his nets. Mr. I:minim, of Kina►pdiee, has purchu- ed the achy. Mary S. 1.orduo from NI. Mc- lionald. We understand the price be paid was 4500. Tugs Evelyn sod Yea Kier .me being piloted and will look very gay when finish- ed. The Ev.lyo is befog punted by two profemioo*L. Ste. M. Magnus called in here on her way up the lake and took oo • large num- ber of kegs trade by M. Carl tar pxking fish, and salt Tee yacht Norma left of Thurs.sy sat for the Sault, where one of her owners lives. She rill run from there to varloaa ports dunce this awasoo. Thera are now three togs and two fishing boats fishing oft here The tugs are : Sea Ktng,Capt. Inkster : Netbold, ('apt. Wylie : Evelyn, !'apt. I'rugre. As N. 1►y,nent has been shipping large quantities of lumber acid has not as yet re- ceived may that season the yards are begin- ning to look pretty bare. Tug Dispatch returned from up the shore Saturday. She took oo fish supplies and 1.1t o0 vl ednesday for l'urt Huron, where she will remain this swoon. It would be • good idea if ell the boat- men would turn out on the 24:h, and haves grand parade oo the lake. As there is Dotty. leg epeeist up town this would afford some sport. Str. Monarch, of the Beatty Line, trade tier first trip to here,os Fnd•y. she took on one carload of salt and nee of baled hay, six 4 odcnch t trees' and fishing supplies for up the lake. Str..\calla, of the Merch.ats' Line, r rived oo Sunday from Port Arthur with 19,500 bus. of wheat for the Rig Milt. She left on Tuesday for t'hiccaaggo, we understand, to lead grain for Mootreal. St,. Cambria called in here on her filet down trip on Tuesday. She took on dour, whiskey barrels and passengers. ilio brourht down four cows and their calves, some crockery and iron ware. Kiocardise Reporter : The tug Dispatch, of (;odench, s helping the tug George H. Parker, of Detroit, to gather the boom low which were put OP the shore last Fall. The booms will be rakes to Saginaw City, Str. Petted Empire, of the Beatty Liao, made her first trip up Violists" thuw.o this week She called to ere os Wed.es• day, taking on 10 carload' of lit, and 1 of baled hay, end other freight for Northern porta. ;apt. 1 •ilbert•oo had on his diving suit nue day last week, etplrisv the bottom of the harbor. He discovered • number of tool.--asst-books, axes, etc. -- which had been dropped by the men while at work on rhe new piers. The tug which was built during the Win• ter sad serial, by Wm. Marlton for,b. Purvis up in Genrgiao Bay wms.00ce sfuliy launch- ed on Thursday evening. There was • large crowd of people div* to see her launched She is hating her meshisery put is tkis week. • Besselem •r Roe. To the Eater et Tutt esin•L, It is grimed ties the !litre.' number .ver 170,000. New, we pay a :erten/in el 10e. or 40. • year rob, ,5415 weer main tae smug east et W,000 per annum. The usual report ably e000sats for slime 416,000, ..d some of us fellows .5. are paying the few wield like to know whit Ise Gran of the remainder. Agin, Grand Provident !!alloy gets a meg salary eat of this bus/sees, and, se shown above, there is • tare• sum not ao- oou.ted for, • id yet i1 we ask nee of the "frog guns" to visit us we have to pay all ax- Tiltis &daisies to make ake asselement due w • member of thittgo of this toad that 1 world like to see lasered out, and 1 hops that our can.lidate or some other omon- ber better pored than 1 un will strvigbtem them out, for some of us are twitted about our Iocuwtstebcy r Pot symdieg to our platform in the re5m(Mion of our owe ender I •odertch, May 7th. A 1't rent.. • Prsa..# em Votress. To the K4itor of Tun Sionai . 51r. Mallory, the grand president of the Patrons of Industry, who was examined by the fee commission recently, gave u his opinion sod presumably speaking for the Patrons, that he was in favor of the election of all county (eeictal, by the people, and that the tenure of office on being elected should be for life as at present. lo • speech delivered at a meeting of the patrons held last week in the county of Oxford he said the only difference the Patrons had with the Mowat government was on this question of the elecuoa of county officials. Assuming this pnuciple, for which the Patrons are fighting the Mowat government, became law. Where would the nest benefit come is, or what likelihood is then that any better :nen would 611 the positions than under the appointment system. la that county the officiate to be elected would be County treasurer, °polity clerk, registrar, 'Menti, crown attorney am/ clerk of the piece, county court clerk, master in chancery and dtyisioo court clerks. The tint two are now appointed by the county council, the rest by the t.oyer.ment. !'.der the system of appointment the 611 ing of them °thcw does cot or need not neces- sarily cost the oo0oty one cent. What would be the result under the Patr..o plat- form ' Much the same machinery to elect an official would be required as at now takes to elect a member of parlwnent to any single constituency. An executive head would have to he appointed to receive nomlatigos for the office end see the elective was properly and legal- ly carried on. receive the election returns, appoint meq to take the vote, etc.. etc. It costs from five to six hundred dollen and over eo elect one tmertiber of parliament which the province pays for, and in order to elect an official for the whole county it would coat the county at • low estimate 51,200 every time a vc*acy oc- curred. leo the Patrons of that county de. sire the tax payer* to be saddled with the oo•ta of these elections for the men matte faction of electing so official by popular vote, when equally as good an appointment u possible under the preseot system and costs .othag. And yet for the sake of this principle, which is both expensive and cumbersome, KNOWLEDGE LEDGE Bring* eo&. rt and imprnvemeat au•1 tends to personal mujo.ym(Idt *lien rightly need. The many, who live bet- ter than ..t hen slid enjoy life more, with less exjendtture, by sun promptly adapting ab. world's best products to the uceeds of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure lion.,1 laxative principles embraced in the re:uedy, Syrup of Fig6, Its excellence is duo to its presenting in the form nos* acceptab:e and pleas- ant to the tante, the refreehing and truly beneficial properties of a Irc'rhet lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling adds, beu.l,kLea and fevers and permanently curing constipation. h bas given satiated ion to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver sold Bowels without weak- ening them and it is Iwrfectly free trim every object 'nimble substance. Syrup of Fees is for solo by all drug- gists in Vic. bottles, but it is seanu- fsetund by the Celifoniie Fig Syrup Co. Duly, whose moue is printed on every paekege, also the name, Syrt;p of Fitts, and being well informed, you will not sooetrt •qy substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET -REPORT. E\TR.tORDINARY 1n,110:.11NS. Nu hour as the Wade can compete with our primes. Lace Cttl5sire from 18 per MU up to 44.54). it tows strange that we are selling Ince curtains at lower prices than other 'tons mu buy them, yet such u a fact One store ae town bought Lace curtains from us during the past week at the saa►e prices we sell to our caress's. Prune, 28 Inches wide, fast colon, S. per yard : also Flannelettes, :'; te. wide, Sc. per yard, regular price, 10c. ; • special lee of all wool Whip curd Drees Goode, double width, i0.•. per yard, worth 40c. ; good Wool Tweeds burn 2e. per yard, rep ; heavy yard wide Grey rot too, Sc. per yard : • very tine i ottoo, t. per yard is 30 yard ends, worth 8c. ire matcher, we aro selling .0 spools coltoo Thread fur 10c. : Piss, 2c. per paper : best corticvUi Silk, 5o. per spool. Other good. e.ivally se cheep. J.%NES A. REID. Jordan% Bleck. Oodsrich, May k 1151. Prop.re lr her RW. Or 1br ' tt>Iblt DW)PRRTY' FOR BALE 1N SALT - A. Scree of land. overlooking the 171111see of Saltford. tnree acres of orchard -Wale ten jean,growt b. all winter Ir ret, Om the Let is • cottage 24.30. with hack leu .he. Ilxl6,arialire lox:s, The 'property w Il be sold ell Teelterms. For Atrtbrr 1 parucu San rely to JOHN OK•N, Uoderich. P.O. VALUABLE FARMS AND T*IWN PROPICI{TY VOR SAI.IC Olt ItKNT, Lot 9 in the dm concession. Ooderlch town- ship. county of Huron. Y mile* from Uoderlch, consisting of 110 acreo more or len. Barn les 63, nearly esw, good or..hard of choice fruit. well watered with spriat creek, en excellent gra/Ansi farm, can be bought on easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNON, Auctioneer, Lot 1 la the broken front, west of the lake road is the Wooten' division, Township of Col borne, county of 'fluor'. 3 miles from l;oderich -caa5in,r 116 I ►ge bank barn, god fampre ho.i.e ly 510.7 acres. high, neariy new and good orchard of choice fruit, can be bought on mer etu. y terms. Apply to JOHN K\O\, Auction Block A and R. Lake range to the township of Colborne. consisting of AO ams more or lees. There arc on the premises a frame house, frame barn and good stabling. About : acres young o,chard of choice fruit. About Ile, acres of bush, This farm is onaidert,l a trot -class grazing farm. The farm can be divided to suit pureba.ere and bnught'on easy terms• Apply to J011X KNOX. Ileum and lot in the town of (Tinton, -Lot I1, Ilary.st,, opposite Inc old woolen mill, cam prising frame house 15 story high, 9 roma atone foundation with mood cellar, all in good state of repair. Apply to JOHN KNOX. So tf. A enamor. 6iederleb Prises. Gonsa:cu. M. 10, 1064. PprIng Wheat standard 0 S. to 0 KU1 Wheat .... 0 V. to 0 CO non r. family. .. 050 too 111 Shorts, a ton 00 410 tone (4 wan.. fou 0. 00 IoW 00 Pcreenl • tom.. Ce 00 talc 00 ('hopped Pool Wheat P tem, 00 0, to00 00 thee. Dew. •tele to032 Peas, b bush. 51 to 0 52 H arley. two rowed. P bulb M to 0 is Ranee. ror.mms Ill M e 40 PPotetooe 1) boob, b o 0 40 Putter, 1: to 0 19 t art+•fresh u..paetetl, • des.... 5P to 0))g ('here 111 to 0 IS Woad 00 to 400 Wool 1P 10 0 ! (tides l0 1 M Sheep Sloes SO - S wlreLice floes dken. as a Situations aetltat. i)t+ WA\TEU.-TO LEARN THE I Dry. Goods bedew Apple lir. spell mot's Mad writing to BCX In, Ooderich, 1'. sod out of which no particularly good prim- O. o11t fiscal results would follow, but more likely \> TANTED---YO(•NG MAN TO LEARN the very reverse, and which is openly 1F Organ Tuning In ite various brioches. •e5oowiedged by the creed president of the e Mfr rreneo.r ery yualifieatiess. Asiatic)`F. L ST•HILLKMt. Oodenet Orme Is, 6f-1 order to be the only grievance against the Mowat 4;oserument, the I'at rons are nominating candidates and pledging them- 130d.1`dtng. helves to rote against the regular nominees of this 1 •overnment which has done as much if not more than any other 1 •overnmeat to promote the beet interests of the femme community, se far as in its power to do. If the Patrons wish to be 000sisteot, why not adopt the American plan of election, polus bolus, mad tip end tear things generally ; then there would be some sane in their e:eotios platform. 'tut why quarrel with the Monet Government over a men bags - tootle of • -tomatoo, and needlessly jeopardize by the sphtting up of votes as mood, stable and basest • Government as ever existed The Patron element was brought into existence to reform the abeam of the pro- tective policy. This is the real and only imus and on this question depends the future welfare of the farmer. It is a .lues- tios of Dominion politics altogether. The Patron of Industry will find it will take all his time and undivided anergies to bring sheet tariff reform without wasting his strength on the picayune question of the election of county officials, and doing his hast to emberraes a Goveroment he hes no perticuler fault to find with. Yours, POr /01011/010111410.1 May 7th, 1894. Oessarsa. tar, May & Miss Sara Mackay. et Goderich, is visit- ure here. Miss Dalton, from near Kieg•bndge, is vititieg here. Mr. "ad Mrs. W. Silib, of Sheppardton, visited here this week. Arbor day was duly observed here by the teacher and ecbolan of a S. No. 9, Col- borne. A'c0rliIR T.n F. -Our plaid friend, John Knox, of Goderich, loam added mother line W his general business ry undertaking an agency for the enterprising firm of Noxon Bros , of leiterxeol1, for the Me of their farming impate to the yeomanry of Huron. Already John is es the more for order., and, particularly with the binder, is bound to have 15. largest sales of any local agents for this ,mon. April of 1894 can be looked back *eon as one of the beet periods of many yours for petting in the crop by our f•restag moo .esity. The weather km keen so fine, with es heat or wind to retard the speed of the heress r driver is plowing, driUieg ter karrewYrg, grite a quantity of gala 5.. been mom and each fanner has Itis ares hooked and measured, so they weal grow larger. The grails re grow. but the serge maata't get los Prospects are Food with Fall wheat, bet gram seed had to be r.-.ows so come of the f.rme. LEEBURN. TresoAv, May 8. PA.•sn AwAt. Mrs. BRrindley, The has been • resident of Ow Oros fee many Mara, lied Moed•y of Met week well up in years Bim was • rood old ser[ Gad had limey friend, and es Tuesday • fair tarso•t lel. loved her naris is Pineview Cemetery, Colborne, where tb.y wen eebeigi si to n ut. The Rev. Mr. Moss, of the Nile., one - dried the h.Nal services. To Tea F.ox0. -Risen their ernes war h building separatists are rag par- ed slew" by our fanners hers John Chisholm removed bis are to • sew site, raring seder H a stone I.rd•Ysr and wiU veld r addition le its framework. John Stewart dsim the nrwe week and (lea Morrie the wme work .r to sleben- Mee Gibed the irasr will pressed M Jacob Mesier's eri pM lip . thrift, hew beim int John Horton. le sir lewsM far sew •rg:.g kis lire labia he wig pt a none MrdaWb seder le Hie weer term 1)0ARD WANTED FOR LAD1',XI'RSF: • vend two children h a per .ce ramify is the west end et tow.. Agply at 61-00 Tint 84osat swede Air Sale._ I11C1CLK FOR SALE - No. 2 WHIT. .11 .P WORTH Light Roadster. Dunlop Tyree, In Ors -.close modifies sad equal to sew, Prior. Petrel. with Whitworth outfit. Can be seta at U. l'•LBiCK'S Bookstore. 61-1 Animal 55,. Sale. (TOWS FOR SALE. -TWO 00011 MILK VV cows for sols, Aka OSawwofpssturine for test, .bout three mils fess Goferich. A1557*0 D. i(IfINNON. 55 !t. S.lttora. Seed. 1lar sal.. jAMMOTII AND ALL KINDS OF lltansel Seeds of superior quality, Swots m and Late Taps of all kled.. F Cr..eDarden ('ora, Sorest Corn. Gerdes Pease of all kind", and garde& Seeds of every disr.ptlos. Gireme•cal( 8. SLOANF.. 5011 DO YOU WANT FTBBT CLA88 BURIN imp !kRIIHI IIPLBMIBATB? 1f 'o, can upos JOHN KNOX sod ROBERT THO111'sOff. 0edelieh. or W. H. VARI'OR They show first-elass top btraies. open beg gees, "ketole read carts and varices other *tykes All work w•rr•ated •ad of aretclau ankh. mete by The Mc L•UGHLIN CO.. 0,SHAW•. Noxon Farm Machinery. Ti' enAus mind are Mao "goats tor Netom Rrotken' eetebrated Seed Ilene. Binders •sd Mowers, Sones Tenth Cultivators. Horse Rakes to,, ke...5woo as for the Cockshutt Plow. saamefadnred ley the P.eksbatt Plow Co . of Brantford. Oat. W. are perp• ed to tuna* the reale with eser7 style or settle". and the very beat make er.grirultarat Implements at tae lowest pas. vibes cost emereaseerate wlt3 fist dam workmanship. Yea dent have to welt • eseeth or two after Mavis your order, 5.t we are prepared to sic Oatawdate you nett on to epee. If you west bargain le the above awned law be sure she nave your seder with w ad- dress any aha of the aNssritsed. JOHN KNOX, (iederich, ROBT. THOMP.9ON, (Iodlerieb, Ws. VAR(Y)fi, Dungannon. 01* Court of Revulsion. VofR(WO145 ..-Notthesle vr s wNPt LOP. . ,our .T..eof !f d II al the . ogle% inn erring • urelVidt litssr., to herr Ree mm/ arm at the AE mew burley "'elt.msmM rim esw rugwlreIl . attired N •m4 hapyy// at (tmrte e,reds ft► •of W.P. i .5)0lt &g y, mot .f Gale mod mod t w ra11mtd Poet N mid a 1111 -ft DULL FUR SERVICE_ -THAT THOR- tissd Monist. buil, " 541 C. M. IT, H. 14," et Met elves milk rad hatter sssedl s( reran, 41.10. Yee service . lot 2 L, 1t. W.. . Colborne township. JOHN L•WBON, 0-1. Dunlop, Tenders Wanted _ KI ait d. TENDERS WILL RE RECEIVF,1) KV 1 the smdoro'geed op 4 Wedswday' My 16th for the position of Market (,'lark, •poli oasts 4 star what they aro wellies le pay for the mirliegte of conelrina the market .cabs' feta WM MiTi'HSU. Tows Clerk. Oederici. May lith. 1651. 61 It. Public, Node,. N 0T1CF.. - OWING vo TUX DAM tete deme by vIRlere to 1M pork Gad pleasure gre•.ds at Medgewood Park. from sad after tale date art ems w111 he 11110.14 UP- oath, Doathe lrcVSrty without permission balms first obtalsed. •II ponies feted trespassing upon the Maids w111 Mprosecuted. HELEN f. ATTRILl. 0 f U•RROW k PROUDPOOT Admnea, filth April, SNleit.r. [)UBLiC NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN Nat the M0slelp•I Cowmen et the tow. Ale of Asblleld tweed to consider Gad peas Uto e.tsbl1b and epee Herbert- sad 10o[iro er et. se defined awl laid net es parte .1114.11 Gad 12 In the tlevewtb ceeeeoshw winters Inv**. *1 the rid towtabtp of Aeledeld. famine port of the slllaim of Mona, upsrSte registersd pima of the mrd outage, tun I• the roasts y oalos ter the Cou,ty of Her... sad Mat aid bylaw will be Really read mid sassed at • moot lesgg to be held at theorem oil camber at 11 e'ebck Is the forefoot's of the 1115 day et May, Ilei. 61 41 WM. STOTHIRS. Tewttealp Clerk. %MIR ATI-ANI C A11iL LAKE SUPER ter Railway CimmOts r will apply to the Parliament of 1 ammo le 4 eext ossa. for an act to rearm oweala agrseniet& bet wee. R *ad the We dor r'rdesr.. Gnat Rast.t.. Mentreal tied 8ae). Ot4w. coney, she Om - 4r a Partite Italiwy Cempm.S. sod with tie 4satnm) Bridge Compea to authorize the tees" of debenture axed pre%wwHal geek. to oesstrrst • Wench trees the m•h Ilio et the canoe r'' railway r ..eh ether en Lake Horse be 110. Cemat k s et erase r Herm es may be rimed asest5 . ale to .ether!.. the 5.4 est xewtemmrl.Awit row.M tbm o J. R T*I*•CDEtA('. MintnN, fa moon OM President. DOR BALE. -N. f LOT 31, IND OON- 11 cession. Item Wawanoab, toe acres. This Ina tns rot clam tum. Also town lot *78, Dede- rick*. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. Mitt, 1 00 A('Itli FARM FOR BALE. -THE 1 old bomeetead of the late James Came daylalof t lm last half oftownship lot21 concertos of Kast Ws 1. oo the Morel road that lead* from Uoderich to Windt tam. It issitoated about 60 rods from Aub- urn. uburn. • thriving village with tour churches and • school near at hand. A comparatively new frame house with eleven large rooms and cellar with other coavenleacea, and good bank tarn Glad about 500 large bearing fruit trees aro on the premises. About 10 acres are cleared. The soil is of the best. Further information from VIt11 CASl4Ai►AY Auburn P U. *1450 FORBALE ATA BARGAIN, -THAT 1 eemmattow building oa Kiorr •t., Rrw. es Ne.pied as a mist atop by F.SWa. ILt larOaM. P.O. Terme.Gats. ARP/ 10 meeeN OLS[ NORTLi-WEfiT LANDS POR BALK. 5000 ACRES OF VALIABLE Improved and unimproved farm lands at distances varying from 1 to 12 miles from Qu'Appelle Stanton. \, N', T., tor sale very cheap. Y'o better lands for mixed ram- ie( are to be found is Canada. For full psrt►culaleapply to A. D. DICKSON, Ilarrister, 404-11 Qs'A Loans anM sea ulaaN. HAE YOU MIN CA1'OHTINT11Ea11.1RMOFTIMMY IPA I'1. • AT FEA F(S /RUli STORE? Here u • genuine test, - A customer aped as. et ear le. (*km of 0I4R rowo 55 indoor Hoop for five weeks snit one day. washing himself three times • day. • 11'e have greeter bargains to offer you now than we dt.1 before. . Our Bouquet rioap, at sic. nice or 6 fur regular .rate lee. each. is WUNI,5R. Our tilycerise Soap at 4 etch, n.cl•r price 101. Also our Glycerine Soap at 2 for -d., reg Aar price . each. We have • full assortment of To let soaps of •11 kind. ancludinp$Nedu•ated Mets, and res- pectfully solicit yo•r retroactive. ,trmenitrr Itl'Itl►l)CK A 111.X 111; -%KE IlrrrEK) i•• Ilse Sprig Medicine. 1 packaje maces a ,inert and only cogs you tae. Prepared only at EAR S PHARMACY, 000KR1t'H. THE U.*O. Ee x i LSIOR• BAKING 11'.1)ER in- 'iure4 •!lucesss ii the tnt►k- ing of a11, • kinds • of ir-1sTRY. PILEPAItE:U I:1' .1. l.. Lt' 1 1111. 1t. 1l.'•lirtl H:t;l. A T1 1:NIN.. I C1 Bh.AOER, CONVEY ANCINO AND Oderieb.boa s..s.Nss. eaprltslM•eth.1M61d MONEY TO LEND ON NIORTGA011 at Hrms. Notes diecouated. C. IMAGER. .Oe. omen* Martb'a Illetel.O.de- MONEY TO LOAN. - $25,000.00 .S Privet. Penis to land at hi per cent. an amity. LOrru *. DANCXY.aom'..Meek. remelts Cabers* Ikea 0o4alsh. ew-H F• J. T. NAFTRL, FIRS, LIFE AND •mriOat 1.mmrbbmm ttgtst at lowest rates. Mee-Oer. Hmftk est. and Square. God .Aei- 71- r0 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO M*RON HOLT' t HOLMITS, Gade- riga. 5750 MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R O I mow of PrlvMe roads for Ineeetmwt eit [Mq ies es ,.4ol..• Mesepegee, Apply t. 1 I0W t PROUDYOOT RRADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN- 1 gorga•pr2. 0$1y iM e+les eeo s teO 119x. MO. Mosey to Lead ea omelet le•m at the lowest rate of Istereat going. to on nells el doer thew heeamtlit oc *w Owe,-eue. tau spNlgkl Notifier. N EW CHOPPING WLL. Ian presser Is Assn Slade of stain rhop- i=s Mermen mare.. MUI Is resoles at all I heve Wesand t aWM improved M•01110017 1st and •sd eMlmme . Prier o usese•tde. Re le p111m f year shop home with meo. JOS. 14IDD, airy tt keitemin•.t. tIODR1HCB FOUNDRY' AtiD INE WORKS. To the pubRk Roy n Nes. 0 and 4 plows. Roan N ess roller. root rotten, %Watford /dm. 7 W 4 plrowil Americas looted Welfare twin pow. it is the busk, Wb .r.Slars, the Madera Watford ay ekes. Al se ether implements, Plow notate reduced b testes. Ilam MIMI kl.d. I4.s/sgs made to order. O.sh for old metal. Moly J. 0. RUXCiMAN. Euratom A. MCI Li II UNT JENNAN'N Fier extersel me enlr. I. a tire sure fr Spnm•1 dYA...Hlp Itemst. Ith siism fume Sod'. Lembeem ere Thre•r. W slid !urs Lefts. Roptw and all Ma 1t W Surra fore • sere h. Mesa he NOIseICL-ALLatP*Rffl/NM Ne 701NDPriem 7 ha Gener.ise wrltteett 5*, trimpasebs ~mar .•r 11 .11.. to w~teak es .t r.i•tMsiyw. Me- IS A. llow t%:is R0osrre. is the teweehles of twosome .wld not. mst 050.44 0 .. R1 75. illsp rsla045.s . •a the MLlwlmobt M (:•1 .Wil' X. RAIN • IZsr. J•sse• amen. O. . r. WISA. R llse M:en going on In our upholstered crock. There 1e nothing in it but 150 1.1er and beet manufactured. Yet we feel that we 1 .,r too much of this one line and sow yr) got t'.e benefit. (town go ►.rice' farther than e. er be• tore, and farther than they'll ever go.pa.n. What a chance you have ro furnish !Hawing rooms or Parlors with elegant upbo'- .r.•d Roils at prices which cannot be repented. Furniture coverings A large line to eta. k. AU new Pottage. SMITH'S FURNITURE STORE. The Proplelr Column. g16DD'8 PLANING KILL, - i1AN AND DOOR TUMOR Y.- IJIU to R 0. T. RT. STATION. - NKW BitusswleK C'KDAR 4NINI:hK9. Extra, 55.25. t'be•n, MAO. Ind elms ,hears. tOn. gyre No. 1, 5110 ('le•s cm, heavy 'Marto. FLOORING avn SIDING, 1116.00 per M. WIMP. SAM •nn DI.I)4Dt(, trivially low. MAPLE ass 001400('14 FLOORING. kiln dr.ed. DRY HE141.0('K. lac bedtimes, LATH 1'11'E- ET8, GATt8, etc.. etc. DRAIN T11.11t. ►1Rl RRl1'K. M ly JuaErM E1DD. • AL1. THE LEADINGAND POPULAR Spring Medicines est bead. A sew Wet k last received. I'RES4'RiPTION ►RI"i: STURE. Mal ,,.$ ( ream few Tan and + reekleti Frestar a ranee sand. 15415 rector/ 2'e, sad We, per en. t J. W11.8074, Oi'szIo! RAZING F: THS1'R11CR181fR WILL G take omens so. r1e4 tio... '.er as 14.00. . 7 ..:pr~ ter -`01rttra*adradt.5 1►.