HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-10, Page 42 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1864. flu $ignal, linalentat EVERY THURSDAY HORNING • T D. Iass.wea'NT. fee of Publisatta•--$ ant M North street, Roderick, Outman Tams of Satterrripil.o t me ,south, is Misses .... $ u three sseeitb. - W die '• .... .......... .. SA One res,, " 100 If *credit le eased. Ibe prim per rear will be .. ..ISO Leek at Tear mart. Tour label is a'tand!ori receipt of the date to wLich you arc paid up. Sae that 1t is not allowed to fail into mese, When • charm of addrw 1s desired. both the old and the new address .Los:J be ti, re. Aderri Laing eases Legal and cher baser advete lasmrnes. leo. per Igoe for firs) insenlo•, and 3 retie per Ileo for each sutsetuewt Inarrttoe. Measured by • nonpareil scale. Htaalaw cards et six liars and under,:is per year. Adrertlsrmente of Lost. Found, Strayed, eltsatlooa Vacant. Situates. Waisted oa.l Business chance, Wanted. mot exceeding e linea nonpareil. 11 per mouth. Hooses on !fair and Farms on floe. not to exceed $ knee. 1111 for Pro month. Wc. per sub- os:0ent month. Larger .dots. I. proportion ADy special notice. the oh•.•. r of wt,ten is to pe mime the pecuniary tenet.' of any 'oda vt loaf or commonly. to Le considered an ad vertts.•ntaut and earned ancordinel). Local not ;cos in nonpareil type one cent per word. no notices leas than 25c. Local notices in ordinary reading type two cense per word. No notice for leas than Arc Notices for churches and other rolisiuui and beat-video t ism' itutions half rate. t'em,merrlaf Courses Aeterll.eneeet.. A limited number of displayed advertise Crone. welt ).e Inserted at the 'follow ire rats : Per huh. one o.s.•reton Pi 10 four insertions. 1 pl three months 2 (m les menthe „.. r (0 •• one year.. S on No adrenlrl.eat less t'ima two laches in length will be calculated on above Luse. S per rent. diaeount allowed for cath pa) n.rnta on three onth.i nooirat; 10 per cont. on six months*. and 1., per cert. on a vase. These cu,.ditions will be.:rt.-tly enforced. Amos term .lanai" •etlye. r. 4nlw•nbrr who fell to receive Ti,. Stora, reeulmrly, either by canner or by mail. wul confer a favor by sort outing us of the feet st as early a date as pu.eltde. f:ejecto.t manuscripts cannot he returned. 1 orreuposdenue must tic written on uue side of paper only. P ublisher's settee, J. C. Le Toasml, of (loderich, has been ■p pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town- ships of (iodrrich, Colborne. Ashfield and W.. wanoah. Local postinariters over the district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tete Sit, A L All communications must he addressed to 1). MctiILLICUDDY. Tim 8mm•y Telephone Cella. Roderick.�t. RODSR10M. TUQlalAT. SAY 1rg I. . SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS. It is gratifying to know that a larger number of subscribers than ever beton in he history of THE SI, .vat. have paid in ad - versos and all much will accept our best. thanks for the prompt renewal of their sub- scriptions. A considerable number how ever, .re still in sneer. Accounts are being cent out to all subscribers in armee and we trust that these accounts will re• eeive prompt •ttentiou. Remit by Poet 1 i9ica, \lon.y t ►,der, F:z- ass Order or pr by Registered Letter, ad. dreamed to 11. Mil:ot.w. ebur', Tide Sweet., (;odrich THE Toronto Empire is about to in sueur•te • post card oorre.poadeoo de- part -meat -that, ie, that no correspondence will be inserted that cannot be written upon • poet -cord. 1f many of its lobor.d editorial articles wire boiled down after • similar fashion great satisfaction would be the por tion of • large number of its reader. \‘- HO O was it 'that loaded up the 1►p position in the Legislature with the idea that Mr. Gat N 10 would make • valuable witness for them before the Public A000usta Committee` It may be that the matter was looked upon as good party tactics by some outsider, and i• that light the deputy - registrar was not such a tool as 1,e looked whoa before the committee, although he certainly put hie tot in the firs afterwards, when he began coquetting with the oorres• poedence columns of Th, Empire. THEY have a gang of toughs in Ingersoll who have been maims • practice of assaulting pedestrians in oat of-the.way place.. A young nom named Airman) was returning homeward the other miming after esoorting • young lady to her home when he was set upon by • number of these hood- lums, who, it is stated. showered Mose. .p• on him. He responded in kind, and with suoh effect that Doe of his •aasileet., termed 11.-i>.airrrr, was struck with a stnm throws by AI.nwoon. and died shortly st• towards fres the effect of the would in- flicted. At the dW.soe it looks as if, s.twttbeta.ding the (mend in M.1►DR. under'• tamely, the coroner's jury would be instilled is retuning the old Welsh verdict, "Marred Him Rirht." (i i.Ai)f$TON E'S retirement from active leadership is petition some to hove pined for him the goodwill of erstwhile op pi*ent•, •sd To. 1:. W. SMAr.LIT, rho Loa. dos oensspoodeat a The New York Tri. Mae. sow gives wards of praise to the Grand Old Man. Sp.akieg et the great cheege is public opinion r sgardisg I a.11. - 'To. a The Landes Daily Now. says " 1■ • few short weeks be has outlived hatred. washes usd all .oeharitabbsem. His fame glands as high today as if it had been periled by hal( • oent.ry is the Math M. resat men been to wait ler ..oh • viadieation of the paining away .l an mare g.seretias. ris to posterity. in Mr. Gladsteme's me the male have t•Ilm teem tie eyes .t his M.smnts idiom at the ver? moment of wdtkdeswal from the padMjsm whim ssde him the inset woman ling figure in the vete M. ' T.d.y is the thirty-sixth u ixth ense, eery a the eatheiak a t� fails Mut.y, .rd .g,uarensee, it V ..U..as wast ripe Ste an el r mash wnsMw.! SHOULD THE COLLEGE FARM BE MADE TO PAY ? )t'R1N0 the recent erasion of the ares ef the oritioiva• against the h.p•rtaest of Agriculture was that the II meter had hoes uwble to show that the college ferns had bees so eo.dactd se to af- ford • profit is Its tranesetions. Te this claimers Mr. Dryden earthed is ouestame as follows . His brat mower was that, leader exisY.g cireomsta.eee in this country it is dati nit to make may farm pay m7 cos- siderahlo peo6t. Seoo.d, thet so fang as the farm proper u ou.Aucted in mammies with the ,rollers as • part of an educational institutio, it would be utterly impoesibie to make it pay in dollars mad osate. The Insututwn wee sot orga•wd for that purpose. Mr. Dryden truly stated that if he desired a result only to dollars nod Deals, he would not employ • farm superintendent 01 • boot of 11,200 per an- num with .uflk•iea exportation nod edoa•- uooal ability to give iostrsetioo to the students , anther would he euiploy •n en• ginner, part of whose duty is also to give iasrructrou ID the management of • farm eagle*, at say 1600. nor would it 1ma noose sue to employ an expert herdsman at • similar sum : our would be spend from throe to hve hundred dollars •naually in advertising, etc . to coonection with the sale of surplus stock, which might be des tbs is so shows how much can be done posed of to better advantage in the ordinary towards* the advancement of • great in• way : nor would be keep 01 considerable dustry by means of intelligent I:overamsst expense 23 may animals re reesotisg 2.3 direction." Merest breeds of cattle, sheep *rad swine, Mr. 1)ut bas has the astuteness madmen, when ono, two or three, as the case ought the needs of the tamers •t this mutters, tied the success that meets all his efforts in the best proof of the practumb►dity ef bis ides. 1f the Minister hal accomplished nothing more than the improv-emest refer- red to, he would have earned the eatery the Province pays him mashy time over. SNAP SHOTS. MONEYINTHE FARMERS' POCKITSI DOMINION PARLIAMENT 1lN his twoinativa speech at Whitby, Ontario's Milslss.r ef AgrfsslMn, the Hes. -_ Jean Menem, referred to the good work Oe*wa, May 1. -Hos. Mr. Hegp*, in dere by the Travelling Dairy.Hi potatdstreply to • questt is said tete Govern- Govern- oatthat while, according 10 Torm.te ar- Lent had .otl0.d Charted i . Hickey. het poses, ermraser7 bolter rwaisd us supert1 mem other of the melte his canal. that be mea other rm elle his pu.i"on or elbeged from 1892 to 1893, the pries of give gip his ptufessbu sa a duct°, of dairy batter demand o so average a set uiu1 clue. sad • holt • pasted M r. 1)sv un. oossidme Col. Denison esoved That whereas the thus doe te the improved Witt' Mer ,ousel uuw in entree of comitruetto* by the butter modnss, Guae •resale that! he slwhtee overut of the Ibwuuoo at Sault cite. od of the Travel I Marie is to have • depth of 20 feet, which to the le Treadling Davy. Is the depth of navigable water from Port According to Dominion omens returns, Arthur to Port Colborne. It u In the about 50,000,000 pomade of dairy butter are (*pluton of this House expedient that the produced ainasUy ID the I'roviees. An ia- w•e pulley shuuhl h. adopted as regw'ds 14e Sl. Lawrence and Soul•uges caught. crease is value of •nest sod •kelt ie that now twtug constructed, together with the uuterrain*"is ty terrain*" oo m • pis 1Y•.11750,' other St Lawrence canals. mid the chau 000 to the fanners. Mr. D*yt.c, has e11 ting to the ricer, where necessary. should along been keeely alive to the desirability of he Je.ttrued to • uniform depth of 2V eemeri.for oar butter as .nviab:e • repute. feet g floe as ('oo•drsa chess, bas web 1, fonyto Mr. 1 oatawotth moved the reerdutiou: markets. If thus improvement ooannues, That n s expedteeit to ,,dote the general rate of postage on letters from thong to two along with • better systems of packing and rent.." He thought that the change made transportation, It will not be long before a year or r. ago. chargiug two relit. for his hopes are realized and • profitable trade cite letters and three cents for all others, of unknown paesibihuaopened up for term- had taut resulted in benefit, either to the en and there wive,. tiorernmeut or the people He thought it l'cmloonuag upon Mr Ihydos's nate class legislation to low newspapers ct be mailed tree. moat, the Toronto Evening News i lade Sit Adolphe Carus said 11 would beim pendant Coweervanrei ears " The claim parable for him to discuss the salary of does not lack justificwuoe, and the tact that postmen under I)ti. reeolutiou. Ile was out re musible for the policy of free postage on newspapers, but he for one would not like to reverse that policy. H. would like to see the rates of postage re dacmJ, but Canada was a young country and she was under heary.xpeus in build• tug up goat national works. The proposi- tion of bit. Cuat.worth would represent a item of $tlu0.00u per annum. No ehauge in regutrattun charges could be made at present OTTAWA. Nay 2. -Replying to Dr. Landerkiu to the Hone yesterday as to whether the Government had taken ane action in regard to promoting the intonate of the cattle shippers trim the port of Muutreal, Sir Ribbon Tupper said the gentlemen interested lit the cattle trade, representing the sbippere, hal waited upon him sod had made certain statements ash* the charges by ship owners in Montreal and Boston, and they had promised to sup ply him with the eras t rutin that hal been charged, bat he had heard notbiug further from them. Hon. Mr. Foster proposed to iocrew the duty from li cents per pound on tomatoes and other vegetables, tucluding corn mud baked beams In dna and other packages not elsewhere specified, as at tint proposed, to l j mute pet poem!. The item passed. lion. air. Furter moved that traits is fully tested on the occasion. air -tight caw or other packages should be taxed at 2 cents per }sound. Mr. Chart - ton and Dr. Sproule adru-ated increased }trutecttou on thew article. The item passed. Tuty was raised from 2 cents to 3 emits ou demijohn,. jogs, Thorns or crocks upon each gall** of holding capacity. Hon. Mr. Foster proposed that the duty ou col and kerosene oils, distilled, pnri- fie' and refined. naphtha and petroleum, shonld be 7 1 5 taut. Mr. Davies said that tbu gave • primer 1.,. of 200 per cent. to the Canadian mauufaetnrer. H. said that the Canadian oil selling At 15 cents per gallon was one 1..., end that the only Canadian oil 6: for use was "water white." This oil sold for only one cent lest that the American oil, which paid • 900 per cent. ilnty before it eould get to the eonatmer. Mr. Foster concluded by asking the chairman to allow him to change the duty from 7 1.3 to six cents per gallon. The Finance Minister:aov.d that the duty on crede petrolegm, feel and gas nil, when need by meoufmturers, other than refiners of oil, be throe cents per gallon, thus knocking t S another three eighths of of a emit. Ort.w*, May 3. -Hon. Mr. Daly Las introduced a bill in the Commons to repeal the Hume•tead Exemption Act in the territories. Ths object of it is to leave the whole matter of homestead exemptions in the hands of the Territorial-teoembly. The bill was nest • first time. Mr. Charlton moved the second reading of his bill, entitled, '• An Act to secure the better observance of the Lord's Day." The bill was read a second time. Mr. Weldon moved ticm second reeding of his bill to disfranchise electors who are found to ban taken bribes The object of the bill was not to punish anyone, but he waited the House to say that the man who took • bribe nomad have uo coutrol- ling power Io the state. The bail was lead a second time and re fared to a select committee Mr. Martin movel the •ecood reeding of his Ley to extend the ballot to the Nortl. west Territories. Mr. Marlin said hes object was to place the Territories in the one position u the -- - rest of Caa•da. RIDGEWAY. The bill was read a second lime. Mr. Edgar's bill to reduce from 12 to 7 [ter 011 ono 0*' THIRD 1 the number of grand jurors necessary to tied a true bill in the province of Ontario, was read a second time. Orrawe, May S -The Hones was 'gala In Committee of Ways and Means on the tariff yesterday. Hon. Mr. Foster motel the adoption of the following resolution. ".Wrought scrap iron and scrap •feel, being waste or refuse wrought iron or steel, St only to be temanufaettrd, the same having been in actual see, not to include setting* or clippinge which can be used as iron rK steel without minima rotate. and steel bloom ends and crops, ends of steel rails, 31 per ton, and on and after the first day of January, PRI, $0r ton. " 1'e. :on." Mr. pp•.se.sne�d Hou. Foater asked that the duty o0 Ferro manganese should be changed from 9 per cent al valorem to i per cent ' The (tent nee* as amended. The tariff ,tem of bar iron under four inches, rod late not thinner than 17 Mutts, 110 per ton. was changed to read "I4 gauge. The gauge of steel was changed In the same way An amend trent added to Swedish rolled Iron oda nailer half Inch diameter and not ices than. I rent per pound vain., the word, -and undish rolled hon nail rods lees than • half hneh in diameter, for the manufa•tmre of horseshoe nails" Doty, 15 per cent The iota of motet sad sorest fittings went through unchanged. The lead duty went through at 60 per cent (Ienetators, dynast...0d sockets were added to the Item of telephone andina innate, etc . dttlabl. u 15per ssimamt Cat( ens ween rrdsemd from 15 per .,et 1e 116 pay mete* Mr Mc Mulles warted to know whether the d.pertment shagged emeses em seam oaeupled by mimeo seailg hem the United abides Hen. Mr. Wallace replied that M till tent. It hed only hese trial ergs sad Ali taol week be, would answer the purposes of the ordinary fanner ; nor would he est apart forty or fifty ,Seres purely for experimental purposes, bringing no profit whatever but e.taihne a considerable am,uot of labor in addition to what would otherwise be et prided on the same uca. If the question be asked, why then are the things dooe to cuooectioo with the 1'ollege farm' The answer is that already stated that 11 is conducted for educational purposes alone. and so long as it is the cane just so long will it be importable to stow satisfactory results to dollars and cents. No doubt if the items mentioned were taken out and charged as they have been on some occasions to edu^_atiom, the farni se at pre@ out conducted would show • baLoce co the right side. No person offering criticism has yet ventured to say that any ialnidual or particular expense should be dispesesd with Mr. Dryden's first aim, as he noted to the House, is educational efficiency. That eflicieucy, as he asserts, should be secured at as low a oo.t as possible, and he further state. without (ssr of contradiction that the wages given are as low as the e.r- .vice@ required can be obtained for. POWERS OF THE MAYOR. RECENTLY, ern an• informed. Mayor Rrrt.►a, wheu questioned ea to his iaattentioo to the duties of hu ofliee during the praaeot year, has pet torth the plea that his power have been curtailed by the council and he is on that acreint unable to carry out the requirements of the office. 11 Mayor I:. rt to ever made such • statement when asked to eterciae his power* is cogs palling the observance ot the term bylaws he told • deliberate untruth. No curtaling of his statutory power hes takes plane, and tint is the only power he ever should have been allowed to hold. True, he was deprived of the privilege of purchasing the coil for the pumping house, and the buying of water mains, pippag and the electric 'Milt carbons, globes and other appliance. ; he was taken oft the chaihnan. ship of the relief committee where he hal enecoosed himself for the purpose of stra.gtieniag his vote at election time, and he hod been ejected from the chairmanship of the court of revision, which ha had un Lawfully seed opo. --that is correct. But these offices of honor or emolument, as the rams may be, are not included In the stat- utory fuuctio., of the Mayor. and the lop - pia( of them off by the council, although the promo might involve lose of prestige to the ambitious Mayor, was sot by any means •w abrogation of his statutory rights. The following are the powers of the may- or, as est forth in the Consolidated Mantci pal Act, sod all the special pleading of the mayor cannot relieve him of the responsi- bility attached : The heed ot the mewed shall he chief executive officer of the corporation ; sad it .h.11 he kis ditty to he mordant sad active AT ALL TIMER iN CAUSINI: TISK LAK FOR THE G(ri'KRNMKN r OF THK MUNICIPALITY TO BK 1►d.'L\ E\ l-CUTKD ANI) PUT iN roltCK; to in- spect the °midget of all gabardines* offieers in tbegover.inat thereof, and, as far se may be in his power. to cause all sm.lig.ece, cars 1.....se sad positive violation of duty, to be duly prosecuted mad. punished, and to communicate from time to time to the council all each tntormatioa, and recnm. rend such ntsmm.res within the powers of the ceased me may tend to the improve- ment of the 6em.osa, health, usourity, clam - hem, comfort said ornmenent of the mu.teei- p•lIty. R. 8. O C. 184, A. 244 Laid tee orgmai, ation D* a brad of polies, every mayor or police magistrate may. within his jeri.dietioe, suspm ed from °Nioe, for say period in his discretion, Abe chief ee.alable, or say oon.table of the town or city, 0.d ay, it he chooses, ap- point some other parson to the office d.risg math period ; and is aro he considers the suep..dsd cf8esr deserving of dismissal, he aha 1, immediately after ausp..dieg him, report the aro to the ooa.eil, and the commit may dismim such °Boer, or may direct him is be mewed to his (Alice after the parried a his k.spegstpn has Gamma : a.d the city causal shall have the like /aware se te the high halt, of the city. R. SO. a. 181, a4,fip There is mono in the foregoing sections to give any mayor, he.s.tl7 tae•I,med, full scope for his beet power, rind the fast that Mayer Bertha is .ow putties forth .,eases foe net d&Mg hie duty is us isdieation that he is enfit for the position to which he has he.. Meed. Once before, when be wee thwarted at the eeuweil heard, he rwwgneel his podtise in • sulkily 64 . it w.M be Imam 1r hint new to i.dde is the vireos a resignation am te he eesti.g 1ep bibs semlatlisme wtes..mbed to d. W Amy. .A fti idgeport, Conn . despatch ears that the dtffereoces between the execotore sod heirs of the estate of the late 1'. T. RAa't'w have been amicably settled out of court. 1►ead or alive, it Seems that BAR - NUM., name is bound to be kept before tie public. indications point to a big time in t:oderich during the first week in Jam, when the Guelph Conference and Huron County 1'o1Hncil will both be in nasioo• The hotel accommodation of the town will be Toronto appears to 1e working up a record for dirty court business almost bead - kirk with cities of similar population serums the lion. Tb. eon e( Marron v. Youmans' and the Shame case are cases to point. Nos that the Ontario Lngialature has been prorogued, let us have • short, sharp and decisive election campairn. Any. thtmg will 1e better than to remain on the touter hooka ot expectancy. .Axtts 'l I N.. is betting plug fiats on Patron candidate ('o N , ul.t. v 'e. election, so 11 is said. A s r.n might be further ahead if he confines his waren 'o ,craw hats of tin dollar • dozen variety. The billetting committee are on their rounds making arrangemesta far the housing of the strummers within our gats storing the holding of the I:uelph conference a few weeks Immo. The return to Canada. of Gotuvt IN Smolt will be hailed with pleas- ure by his countless friends oe Chu side of the Atlantic, but what will .1. 4'A.Tm1.1.- Ilnril74e4 say • Covgv:. attack on the Capital waa't • car •uw.taooe when compared with the attack of the Capitol policemen upon 1'n\ LS. tut t it A "clerical error to retain F'rrrriet as Minister ef ?lasso., and ies't the contisuoace of the preset Federal Ministry in power something worse. That ,tory our friends the Patrons circulate, that they saws 170,000 in their organization seems i�lesy. • lot of wool on it. Wi ter diiln t linger 111 th.' lap of Dasytkiaisair at any agAlk At Ridgeway, when the sun was high, The Frahm hoot we first did eppr• And load we vowed we'd do or do. And send them bolting rapidly. But Ridgeway saw another tight Whoa mos our fes came on to fight, And made us dodge in mortal fright Rebind the taws and scenery. Alone the teams, .ore afraid, We quiver's( warriors crouched and pr.y.d. As.1 longed that we might retrograde From this tsferssl revelry. Then shook our knees with terror rives Then rooked we nff by Fenian. driven ' oh ' what would we rant then have (leen To have been moa.td cavalry. Our fastest pace we tried to go, Although it sorely made tt. blow : The way we lagged it meet slow, For we were frightened terribly. The rinsing .luick.me on ji,to brave, Who rush fromo.0 the �� grave 1..t every Sero stereo Weave Hu boon and be chivalry. before we omen to rue, Fell twisty mutt we've swiftly mew, And though our heals ars whims seine We've elms outrun the enemy. The Fein.r are not like to meet Again, • loo like es ea fleet, Who'd rather live with Miaowed feet Theta 611 • soldier's sepulchre. Termite, Jams 1866. 1. M.'D. Vomit, " great value to the .eYu..r. Try N. late. At Kingman Jabs lawi., • Sr ladies, p.pelerly tames .s "Mg Jetta" wee *t,smiaed a Mw day age ria his .ppli• mbe ef the lee es dews themien ros. pi4. lo`' m"` ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Tosco o, May L -la the Leghdoture yesterday the Ywaielps l Amonameet AM was mored beak api. Into l'ummittee tet the Whole, and au ameudiansit by Mr. Clarke (Toronto) to Mrtke sat the •ddttios made to the clause fur the payload ahletm.u. owlet whteh the among of the pwyle roust W first obtained, was agreed W awl the bite reported lhs the motion fur cusicurreuo la the vote for the Departaeo, of Agrlosltui . Idr. Mooch moved to strike on BJ.000 salary rod diob urssut ui. of (.'ark at Foresty. lite motion was lot es the same division. A motion by Mr McCleary. cottdemna- tory '.1 the iwpectiou of ,registry oiler* must the system under which rrgutrars ris Math' rsmuuerauuu, was oleo defeated. Toao'Tu, May It -A motiou by tion. Mr. Harcourt Iu tic Monet yesterday. that the full s.aional 'idemuity be paid to i. Hua Mr. FramerMessrs.te Messrs. Guthrie, l 8.Smith and It.yaiJ., who were abeeut • poruuu of the eesaiva through illness, was concurred in. The House then went into committee of supply tea the wpplewentaiy animates The items ot 111,000 for expeaimental work relating to fruit gruwiag, and 1150 additioual grout to the Sheep Breeder.' .ia.octattou, brought forth sums der ctwiou. e)b the item ot $3.500 belauee of a. counts due for World'. Fair expenses. t r. Mer.d(th asked for ►nforutation rope, tic. amus.. thus the vote of $7,500 for the Weetent Dairy School, Hot. Mr. Dryden announce that it was tuutewpiated to establish a school at Stratbroy, The item mated. Tomato, May 3. -Hon. Mr. Ilarvu rI's bill, shorteniug the period betwe.0 ouml nations ap.l e!ecttoua ip the district of Al VEDA, east and west, Muskoka, Nipiesiug and Parry Sound, was read a second time in the Huse. yestenly. Hon. Mr. Hardy's bill relating to mines and mining was referred back to Commit- tee of the Whole Clone to oweud. Mr. Hardy moved that the first and second clans's, abolishing royalties fora period of rive years, be atr_ck out, and a clause sub .bested in plane of these prucidiug that or which aro wow 'table to • royalty of three per ceut, should be subject to a cbarba of two tor rout. when taken from lauds w:d betweeu gat May, 1891, and let Jaunary, 1900. The MAAS again went into committee on the bill for the registration of manhood suffrage vowle Hos. lir. Rep explained the nature ot further amendtaente that wem coulees. plated. Ons provided that to cities where the Registration Word consisted of Inure than three members .y should nuwmnste three members to co tittle a court of appeal, and w hers the was • board of pule three members, rh whole board sho0id form such a court. $vtdence on au appeal against refusal W register was to be taken iu oath. Other amendments covered the cam of absentees through ill ness, and proeidel for the regiatrotioo, to their absence, of lumbermen, fl.herumon. commercial travelers and railway mita. i0001(T) \lay 4. - Previous to the l-egislature ruing yesterday morning at tl unlock, after paring the whole night ilk coua:Jaratiuu of the registration bill, Mr Meredith moved several amendments to He bill, whish were left for the rounders - non of the government dnring the time hecnpieJ by recess. Th. House went again auto committee on the rgistration bill Hun. Mr. Hardy explained the nature of the anisudmente the government were prepared to stake. • Hon, Ile Rum moved to act as rob section 2 of anima 11, that no registrar _or registrar's .clerk-appoott.d nosier the bill ahoald be eligible for election to the 1 'golstice Assembly, when he had been engaged w the preparatiuu of the huts for such election. lion. Mt. Rom accepted the suggestion, and tits Motion an amended passed. Clause seventeen was amended by providing that the ex officio trars shall be assigned to the dlffer�eat districts by the board of regatta won iust ad of by the (level -meet, thus accepting the amendment which,. bad been stoutly contended for by Mr. Mere- dith. The clause providing that applicants for regestratiou might be photographed by or at the request of au agent was struck out. The bill as atneuded was then reported Towsro, May 1 -Hoo. Yr. Han wart's bill re.p.cting elections in otter districts received its third reading in the I.dgfela tore yesterday. The redistribution bill was aas:u take. a1 On the third reading being moved, Mr. Monk moved that the bill be referred back in onl.r to m..ke provision fur thediyision of the city of Ottawa into two electoral districts, and striking out that portion of the hilt taking a portion of the towssbip of Nieman from the county of 'Carleton and adding it to the thy of Ottawa. The ameadm.nt was lost on a division of 66 to 12. The third reecho( then carried Th. House went into committee on the registration bill, which was reported. Os motion for the third needling, Mr Meredith moved an amendummt to the bit Mr. Wood (Brant) moved in amendmest to the amendment that the bill provided better sf.gnarde and more eompl.e fasit- ties for obtaining pure voters' lists Mae prevailed ander the old system. After some discy.ou Mr. Weoj.' amendment was withdrawn, anal Mr M.rwileh's amendment was defeated by 211 lo 13 Aa amendment by Mr. Clarke (Toronto) was lost on the risme divieios, and the bill was read • third rim. Toaortn. May 7. -At the prorogation of the Legislator* on yttttrdsy the pro ewdings won attended by none of the oriel pomp and display. Trio attendaot* was large and although many ladies or espied seats en the fie.or of the Homes. It amid not be considered s fashionable gathering, IJe0tebant-(iovernor KItkpatrick who appeared in hie official uniform. thougu not e.eortd by • company of infantry, as is mealy the cage, arrived promptly at three o'eloek and delivered the speech from the throne. lite bilk of the swIos, 106 1n a11, re. coved the aoso.t of the Lieetenust-Oover- sor. with the axeeptiosi of the Act to anima the Street Railway Act, with re - spat a which It was enneune.d His Hot.or the Ifemtenant Governor dols withhold her Majesty's mod to this bill en odvlee of kis 'assail, it bang wader. Mood that the Lo(Wsgti Assembly .1se desires such withholding of .m..t therm, by mama et the hal heeling been me.er- blea, slum the peeyag Ihr..lt. eMTN'. by it terse., same mot embalmed en the poising of the kin The eseaiea wide\ sssd,d,d wee the beth and hall odeast el the M.m.st, sed wa the Isnyi.~ 11 r 1M& nit)` .. _ _ rx -..im WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS SAY. Aygate T1s .0YTir bemuse. Teresa Telegram : This ones rommd het patty amp espieM the .ahsted MUM in • Mel eery aawerth7 et serious consider - mins. Talk against the provost plus as • system that allows • ltov.rtemat to ted hew every row vete. is ridiculous Is view el the feet that not three per mat of the *looters este the toe. of • Dopper *1 the whole world know* hew they vet. O.terle s free, sod the secrecy of thy allot is sufficiently promoted ender • system that at the mum tiro sahgnsrds the hossaty of so election by providing teat the raw who has WAD deprived of kis seat by illegal votes oast t.pi. his rights by the sheet process of Denise eery bad vote, and hall•( it d.dooted from kis opptmest'. Guarding the right to vote is secret is )m• portant, Net it N su11 nom important to ►•v* • system that if it creat keep buges votes out of the ballot box cam take them out alter they ars i., and thus nullify the work of fraud. dm/'MMASIN,: Amb Yt'LT11•LTi�t.:, Crista. New Farr : A osrtain clergyman, se. °known to l'linta•taas, is nicotine' little jokes from his freed' over a few slight orecideue.s which oocured is ors meshes. with his well °Deducted domestic circle. His wife tormented him with • daughter, and the some seeming his driving mare bad • foal, his bow had • tall, usJ his cat bail fie* kittens. l amnia Presbyterian : The more the MocWherreli oast is examined the more us• satisfactory the verdict appears. if Mac t\ henell was rutlty, as charged by the Crow., the man so die duck wash hem was ty et lathy as •...eery alter the islet The jury Med eels prisms malty Ste ober meanest, tbee etrew `� they theamives did aro mewl thetel el Crows intoyed te the murder. Th. ('r Ihte ewteaied there were ewe mea at ths kilYlg. two ie the ostler • short distows frees gi. murdered mai homes, aid two is the cuter when at embed Tomato ter wigs. evening. The Jere by their yerdr.l My there we. os., thea leucite( els bottom clean oat of the theory el the Crows, bot at the mm. Ua essaying me of the /riawere w tM gallows. Tb. allele aro r. �bal.. with 000tredtutissa end imprubaptls. ties, if mot Impomibthees that the t.rdict amid be est aside at naws sed farther is 'fairy mad. ►lacWb.rrefl may be a ter yawn, mss, het it will aver do to hang every noes of his stoop eserely tomato", that the detectives did their work cleverly. Their btria.es &peed* eon getting wive• Lions, sad ef oosome they wish to aosvict . weeny pale as possible. It te sot tory Nag alae' the same d.to.tive put • rest set able Luso en trial for the meed., of his oleo daughter. 1t a asedleis to say the m., was nutmeat. Mow te Gee • "emanate - rart.re. Fend 76 " Sualirht " Soap wrapper, Marius the words (" Why Hoes • Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Mus ") to twat Bron.. Ltd., 43 Soott-st. Toeona, sod you will receive by past a pretty picture, free from advertising, •al wolf worth fr0miar. This is an easy way to decorate your burr. The soap is the best in the market awl it will o.ly cent le. seet•ge to send to the wrappers, if you leave the ea & .,pen Write your name earefa4y. ' ly New itrunswick cadge Wigle. at K 1 ., $1.80 so. You Can't Go Wrong in buying from us, because we've ONL Y ONE W4 Y of doing -business r• and that is to give a DOLLAR in good ( )uality and Ouailtlty for 'a Dollar of anybody's money. Our Store is brim lull of Bargains. This it <k we show sj►ecial T'alue in all lines of Dry Goods, Furnishings, Clothing, Boots rill,! Shoes. Men's Straw Hats, 3c. Mote's flannelette Shirrs, tic. Men's All -Wool Pants, well Made and Trimmed, $1.35. pare this line with what other stores ask Ser for. ► Men's Cotton Sox, gobrl weight, 4 pairs for 25c. M:'n's Solid Kip Lace Boots, (shoe -store price SI.50) 51.29. No other Store in the County can supto, _row- needs lcwitlt the same advantage to your purse Qt we can. Good r Oilcloth, I yard wide, 25c. Lacs Cur 'ns, Taped all aronud, 2 yards long, 23c Fast Color -wide l;ingbanls, 9c. We don' ang out a few lines for less than Cost with the idea of making it u/ on something :else.' 11 the way through our Prices are equally at Live If you pair ready money we o�er you all advantages of Cash Buying and Cash Selling,. Butter and Eggs take or Cask.' 14'.,tip AL �S'CCO�NGastiAwil'iu 7.:1 (COMPLETE OUTFITTERS. AMKI? 5 Ccnr Ca4,. COSTS TMC {ZCTAIl2R 4 CUM CJkat