HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-10, Page 1The seat ID the Ckssp>.at • aa• • "THE SIGNAL" IR THIS 11113111T. Oita DOLLARa Yu. tit AD.AIIes. vOI,. XLTL. 2464 ionat TH�3 LDI.DINc3' NEWSPJl R OP 1iI U ON COUNTY_ 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1894. i LOOK ♦T THY DATE -o,-- Y OUR LABEL 'r is V7710121121C_ SFU T11 tT YOUR NAMY. 18 YARKRD CP IN ADVANCE. 1). MO:ILLIC01)DY, PROP% SE PITH OF THE NEWS. the Items IMS Mae• Lova anent OA Ube Mansel the W«1 taryfeny ,,..awed - Oriel fees' u.■ .r Maas Masser* of Greet ImPortasre. &octant gas Mer was destroyer] toy er,..n 1'hneeday. A .l.rp •hock of earthquake case felt w WO.",a Tiured.y. Ck.,.:ra h.. reappeared on the frontier Roman Pr.lauJ. lm Ivey jeweller dropped dead le pe:roer na Friday muotning. To is W. Goodwillie Box Company, of l t.no,. has wtgnrd 411sa.• •,• Tattle itipievcoliail. of Missosrt. );A, l.,.l e( the delvattoo Army. • gees, and part of Etaglaud had $ g,,•o• z w wort iutenee cold on Friday. S c .: 'amine threaten, l'hirago, and ea• ice:- has gone up 81 and 81.23 ler ton Or Js:, .n Patient:4e and Secretary Car • lea tele roinpletea the Brining sea rrgn bee: 4. Tee growth .4 wheat to Manitoba ls tOkt tat tea days ahead of Met )ear at Nu Tao Moller. bleep open the safe of Jame* A Red at Perth on Fri:l.ty morning. but wool rely- 81. The French Government fee gaeu .i,4p0O . Moe t, r the settee of sufferer.% from the een:•It,... in (heave T..• l .t• Mos Allan of Salem. eater of Ili A'S .t3lan, at. P P , was buried as the • Con oinetery oto Thursday. ',Mare' Jene l aloes hoe been committed 1 r trial at Rt '1 h• •ma• for bigamy moth helm is were In court Tor New Ynais*ui still men oft strike tare ¢ewdel too return to work at their o.l wigs 11 :'i per day. Nr. -AI-x. 1l ren, head of the iron teary tiara • 4f Wren & 4 'a.. of Forest, tht. d1.AI In London on Friday, raged e). Academia, of miners and mins owners r..: it held at Cleveland on May 15, and s^ ,n este, r Made to rattle the great aria u,..:Am 1JeNevan, • yoang fanner, lie- n; neat K• . r,e. had hie leg bail y f rac- t:eel m s runaway accident on Thnrsdsy sit .4 eer:ous ,**mage has been calmed by foots *t the llugnet limber yards, near Mott l4auy mUties feet of luutber bare bees kat lav- Ringeton drudgids were lined seal mi rete for f selltag liquor d sou prohib- ited hears *Moot detnaadtag • doctor a eetl8cate. R 1i Dunn & (o. report AS business blares ua 4'ana.la the pull week, as c4m- 4pred w:•u 2: to the e..rrespondtnu week S par too. Us tt,wan Catholic bishop. of Canada Mob cant t•. tie Governor-General in coni - a sfarmer }etiuou nu the North west Yx4 fixes in•, Its e;e:•trie light service en the streets Cr Sopt. i. as beau stopped owitlg to the temerity of rosl occauioue,l by the miners' like se the Suter. :kr John T&uipon trail introduce a 1,1111 to 1411 l'ualmoos estabti*Llug the first Hos- lay re Septemter as Labor Day, to be a N 0 40ry boti,lay. . keream and Putti, the Italian Anarch- ies ermine) in Condon, were..-nteuced t. twe:.t sod 7 tau yearn imtuiwument re tlent:veiv •m Fridsy. Loi White, ,,utas about four sibs figs. Perth. was thrown from a wagon Tooley and received injuries from Cid to died na Wednesday. t nay }'mbi:r S hmil w111 Op erected in • ( �''':won.1. This will make the fifth' W oe. oo the town. not lacludiag private to' '.• 1'ul1e0041 institute. aperoe :Rhone* are docking to Van covet. it . in such numbethis the t r. d'P1......n.u1 has decided to advise his G»rt^ment to restrict emigration. The controlling interest In The Chicago bur i ie•an wa..old on Thursday by H. Kel.l.aat to Wm. Penn Nixon, for the pat • 4141e.1) years editor of lb. paper. Oivices (rote all parts of Washington m l cher 1 stat. that • heavy 1roet pie *ilei Wednesday night and that great dmace ha. been done to the fruit crop. At 4•sy':c'a ,n N-edtesslay (Carlen ,)old tooth aharnardoboy, who pleaded guilt to attempted moiler and ertmitlal t eam eentsuced to 28 years in the posttest - tool Ilia Florence Carlyle of Woodstock hes WO riverbed the Parte Sales. Thb Zinn( tw" portraits are bosored with marten, both taking rank is the bettor Ito h is annnuneeid that the Right Hon. Arthur t%ellealey Peel, Speaker of the brnla +►eels. Hath, of London. Eng., who b mak •tour of lbs world, In an 004.0vor to Nelly ml 'a record, passed through "▪ 'WW1 o n friday night, one day ahead ,use of Commons, is to r.drs and peerage with the title of Tleeount irberinkd time. dV�ia dr winsa land roller on Friday mem Drivel Armstrong, aged IS, son m Alleatrotig, North reetbop•. was thrown off and Instantly) killed, b1. w*k b ^t broken by the fall, s aerials of the. () y ✓ ay T1. dts' tin exemptible let 04 s'et( kava decided Itegslset the um of P* goer as fond fur fie troops • id lt et Y bons foot. i(.l a Brows, y,y 70 and worth D(s.e' was In ea Wednesday at ole, to Lee diary Louise Mat- a mime' leash.,. aged tilt The neat reused •'metalo4 Wes Jobb Mas.. sued *11soh 1.. Henry to!Caw, °It ter as from their lobster pets ie 8, their boat �pnst Ck+ to hold to j�h„eot te and theshoesshoe's, bet tb semi was etegok Leedom T ws el My Wawa, BvIdlesep ,p Owletod oy time wires stun 0r woof. eel eni.ulea, 11. was seateuad to two .ad • hell years la p.nleutiarv. Uncal Mester llauls.y ottbsTelegraph- era Brotherhood, et trial for tampering with the wires of the Ceder Rapids, Bur - lissom and Northern railway during the mesa strike un that road. was acquitted by the jury on Tbareday at Cedar ltsptda A number of r:oe have occurred in the dietrfota of the United tetates when the great miners' strike is in progress At Ssuttdale, Pa, several strikers and nue woman were shot by deputies, but moue were rustily injured. Lotus* bare appeared by the thousand In the Cham lain Valley and Northern New York. They emerge from Lulea vary• lug from woe to three feet deep at auto rise and return at sunset. This district ha beau covered .Its these insects every seveuteeutb year sone. NOV N"IlGaw 4rurJou, acunvict from Quincy, eomualtted suicide at the Juliet, I1)., pool eoutiary on Friday by p:uuging from the gallery Mound the top tier of the cells to the fls;lgiug forty feet teluw. ( stdwn ar- rived at the prison tiisee tuunths ago on an etghtevn moutba' .ent.uc.. He telt his dismra•e keenly, and not being is rubum$ health was notable to do much work. T RAGLOY 17* iNGERSOLL Inquest 11014 es tae heats of Weems leuxttn,li. Maty 7. --(la S4tur4ay even ing en fugues. wee held oto the death of the yuuu` mato Hcl)'rmntt, killed on Fri- day uiglat, as it is suppe..ed, by Harry Ald$ood. The cirrumstan ea of the sturdy, as brought out nt the evidence. $r« th .t • uuulb.•r of young men of this place, who are to the habit of tuduly;iug to what they cuuatder .arm* oraclioal fun, arrange:0 gather togetLer III a body at Hight aria pelt pe.estrinl.e with atones, J.:.t for the duh "of seeing them rust." On thus ('0100*. to ,emelt .♦ldw...l, who had been escorting a yr.nnl lady hope. was the tirtim of their pr*:tks i(riug the met r% by w huu► Or from when. It has out been developed, 11cDer mutt. w bu was one of the *tor u: ung party, wa* *truck on tLe head, s::sta.ul:,g ln;nr ire from whleh 1,e afters -aids died. .fid wool case arrested, to the elrcam.:ater* O 4.8.11 to )4.11I1 1., huhu •+ the pi rause of Mc l otrm„tt'a ,kat i Feet the o aleace .0 lar .•l}cue.l, 51 can- not he ae•ert•iwl jug moon a1at austoe the blow was received: 11,e inquest has been adjuururd till tum'•rr.,w evening. • ativolag 11... Mont ....l. Ma.. aa*t, play :. -Mr. 111,. McKay. of her Majesty a 4-'na'..i,., tate member pndasdocal staff ..1 Romau Cathple6 school" byre. Las been tr.iretug (luta bM home, 'No. 7t' Forte r street, nits the 0t -1priL The ..Hair is a complete mystery d{ w. t.s and 114.1 ane 1 a er lots et Leen J y I. covered. He se :re) ears of age, but looks younger. height, .) fret :i inches: walks straight anti erect . e) s blue, features re- golar, full beard ,,ud mon,tacheet brown tab hue, alightly stleakel With gr* . lu formatives should be sent to John Mackay. No. 7.' Fortier street, *entreat OVER THE HURON TRACT.'eregaties b.. •marded se in'it•tion to th/ M ECH &'N ICS' INSTITUTE lieu. Mr. Harigas, of l'heltenhani, lo b.- ooms their peter, sad the reverend rattle - saw has acceded to their request and will The arlst trots the Local M111. arrive awl assume the duties of pastor of A Good Showing for the Year. the church in • few days. Hohneevslle J. R. Holme returoei a Wirral, biers/ of ,'sols %ewe Servet (rum the west Saturday tight. H. says if • M"Ltaetor, vl■a■relwleme■/-a rum you want to are bard times go to Naaitoba ■o t. avis &very t►.4y -fella u/ A number who were able have wow for a Larger Wewan...We Tar a1• rola" *110004 sod f■adleatsed back to l)stario again. Amon. • portion of (.Mare Largely l■rrea.rd Frees &very aeetior. those that remain very little crop will b. &IeHN. of /Mrs... put in, ae what is so seance and mosey there u noon lisfrya : A serious aceldeot happened Willie, yonogst sob of Wm Miller, on tt'edu.day, the llth. t1'hile leading • hone to water it kicked hum ou the fore - heed, completely (nocturne the skull. A 1)r. was called and succeeded 1n reumving 15 aeon of 1 one aid be a do.ug as well as meeting. ooul,l b. expecte.+. Illustrate : Jones Tommie" std (amity hare removed to Toronto. Horns 1►. Kelly put In 113 acres of "prrD( wheat end tiotebed up to April. 1Yiagham . Geo. Roe has given his brown t:alfield filly the pretty name of Zelda. Waltham : Jas. Da.tbeLI reports a catch 4.1 sereaty five tine speckled trout, tri Tues- day last. (*hotoe John Henoch, ie.. has gone to Pane, where he Ica secure,* • situation to • new spear Ain. S,*forth : Robert %Pilsen baseold a very handsome dnvrn. booms to Ale:ander BroaJfo4t, for $150. Ethel . Reeve Miles is away to Muskoka. He has a sew mail at Powsesn a1 ethic!' he has a big cut of logs to run. Kipper Robert Blair left on Thursday for Algoma, with the intetuoo if taking up land if he hodsanysuitable. l.rey . ALrmm Cook has completed the prcbase to the farm of which Le LILA been the tenant Iur several yenta. Seafort h . 10. .1 eht.atou, duviuity wtudeut of Kw,x cuilege, has gone to Maysville to preach dunng the summer mouths. t.udench Tp . .1. ho look, of the 9'II onto 4444on. left last week too take a Summer ses.to0 at the'foresto Medical ('•rllegis. (Tipton Jams Strep has told his first creamery Lever at 24c. wholesale, which he consoler" en except tone Ily good figure. Morrs : Neat week Hlsatard Wright, wt.. wad hie farm on the 4th line to Sherrie lira , intends remuliog to Michigan with his family. Clinton The good Temp lari district meeting wall le held in (',tutu, this month, old also ti.e Itol:tdut distract mreung for tlodrrich d:Atrrt. I;ray .1nO ons McDonald has leased his farrn, lot 13, eon. 3, to Jones •Jackie° for a term of rex )ears. It was a butte lot up to • few tears ago. Hesoail: John Scott was married ran Meaday at the First Presbyterian manse, 'Leedom, by Rev. W..1. Clark, to lfargaret ' llsompeoe, of NanriItos. Exeter : Reeve Pawdee, purchases the 8lty-acre farm from Mn Herr, SamweIl, is t'r village o. Thar.dav last. He is having it surveyed into park lots. Clinton : 1►r. pleero ha+ decided ma leav- ing West 'uppeerior for sore point 10 Xehra.ka, arid 51n. Reeve and pan .t the family an at present an Toronto. Niegbam : The liaise commimsiooars for this Mina/ have refused to grant a license to the Park House, and %Viogham will bene only rive hotels this year. Kipped : ,William Blair, while cutting wood for Ilugh 51..4:rego.r, made a mis stroke with the:axe. giving his foot • had cut lle is now nun•nc a very sore foot- Tuckersmith Sir. ('harks Mason, of the Slit) lead, raised • large bank barn last week. 11th supposed that nearly 200 men were present, to assist it raising this barn. Clinton : Three small Lova from town were rutlty of breaking into a achcol house in Mullett a few days since sad stole a foot hall ; it was recovered by 1',aoatab:it Whet. ley. Seaforal 1' T Kellam, of this town, who is • student at Toronto Med-cal Schcol has, we are glad to learn, cased his third %tar examination. taking first class honors in all but two suljecte. Itrnw'seh Mr. Blake. ot near London, was in town last week lookioa up the Mash bility ot operating • brick and tile yard in vicinity 01 Brussels. He took samples of the clay home with him. Tuckenmith rrn Tuesday. May 1, H. MMee:owlet was helping at • barn raising at C. Mason's, Tuckenumitho when a wooden Fon was driven into the bell of his hand, making • painful wound. Nutlet' : R. A. Nestles, who has been .topping with ohm. Stevens, of the base line, lett Monday for Likings, Mas., where he intends to reside in future. Ile says he always travels by the C. P. R. Henson : Daniel Belt, emceed son of Jas Bell, of the censer farm, London Road, near lite village, messily posed • very eon tes fel examination at the Detroit Medical (bf• lege anti is sow a full fledred M. D. Morris : Thos. Whits, who home for the peat eight years has bees in California was viaitiee at Wm. and Robt. Shedd's'. while en route to the Old ('o.ntry to see hie mother. He will probably mania la Soot Ito ltd. Rtyfiel.I O. Thursday, April 19tb,tbe death eoo.rred of Thos. Parker, an old and h ighly .steamed resident of Rayfield. Mr. Parker was bore i• England is 1819, sad was • resident of ;Manley and Raylldd fax 17 year. antes Ilea Teinli.kees passed through an important *Tent on Wednesday, when M was married to Mims Whitens, ea estim- able young lady of town : they will tom MOM bossekeeptoe in the plsoe lately am - espied by Jobe Harland. Aremdold : The oasgn pities of (-asem eh.reb neve estesded an ■aasiwtt.s call to Rey. Mr. Stewart, of Chaos, to he their pastor, oisrisg him a free mew and 81,000 • year. It is Mr. Stewart will att- empt it, •M►esgb N hr* reentries $1,200 • year •t lllnlmb- blorrb : W.daesday el kat week Mary, retie* ref the late Rutherford Smith, paid N•tere'e debt lam was '78 years of y For set oral years her health was peer. The *seal teak plea es Friday. Rey. S. Amide, .f Brumels. reedeMies the service. New &Bares survive her. Weasels : Joke Soli has 4iepewd d his residenes e• ()rt.enea. to Mrs. J A. (heigh- ts• ter the cam of 8600- his . very ees- e.si.stll situated r"r'17. Mr. sled Mrs. Soli will, probebly e.Nlser is ..espy the hoses meld east Tell wine ate, bah ei re. eelo W IM i" .tram : Tisa Wiegleet ig11M sew faeatroyed by lights'sg. Nu0T.R,&T, 1 614., ,ley : -During the heavy thunderstorm which prevailed here our Saturday evening the dining hall owned Ly J. t'. Y. Cornwall was struck by light- n ing aril burned to the ground, together with the contents, which included tun,i tun of every description, besides atonal other things of mncli vela Mr t'ornwall is at preesnt is Chicago and tut.nded COW - log home in a spurt time to open op toe park for summer bnsines. I)a.tar4ty Werk of Flo/bogs. Hewit.rtot, Hay 5 -Yesterday the barn and contents on the farm of Solomon rlage, •bunt three mils east of the city. were totally deNtroyed by Gln Five horses, agricultural implements, grain, hay and fowl were destroyed The los will exeeed.$2,30 , and there is no issue wee. Thirties was undoubtedly the work of firebugs. and the rig wbien they dmv• was traced to the city limits where the eine was hat. ltlol*ng From Le.4es. Losuoox, ()Rt.. Hay b. --Joseph Mold. brother to ex AId. John Boyd, left hie home hen on Weibursday afternoon ata, hos not beet. s•eu •tuts. The police were notified. but as yet have found no trace of tb• missing man. When 'seventeen yeah old he received a serioo• injury on the bead, and while be completely recov- ered physically. he bse boon of weak 'mind ever duce. - - - - - - - =et■rwiag to Cassia. Hoxrnae . May 5.-Tbe number et families registered in the different sateen office* of db Provisos+ as retanilsg tier the United Stats to Canada during the pat year figure up a grand total of 8,400 and plaitingthe average number of per MOM In eacfamily at Bre, it shows • grand total of Ada people wbo bar• re• tutted to (Maeda flea the States. - -- 0- - t4lU.i la teas Mersa. Ova", Out, Ray 7• -Wm Taylor, • yarn assn who pumped the organ M eche Norfolk Street Methodist Ckmnh, whet in amending the rhumb Modem' j • tumbled and fell over the raitIng to the door below, a distanee of ten feet, did on fiatnrday. To Marry UIUUea.. Psovtnsxo . IL. May 7. -The an noaawmank .t the wgegemeat of Hops Goddard, the Wren to the fodderd mil ,loin, .sad C. O. I .11*,, the New York mil Bonaire and well knows y.ahting man, was made on 9atmrdiy. Th. Oleweeetev My.-R:..tles. 9r. Joao, N. B,. May 7. -The • ration In t llnneesl.r eosaly ler the Hoses of Commons took plate on Saturda) lht a- ehtard (Cor) dolmas! Dame fled-) by • vets of 1,714 to 1,448 weal's Aslsteleas �pselM•s- Will Ie of velem to the world by ill..lrstia1 th, iu preammests i• the mm.uM.hel arts aced emi..st phymldsss will tell Lyes that the pregressi. smelled aRwtr. W Mee a1 equal et iwia lvs *bat My:•pdFly is fer a blvease The statutory meeting of the Slav:haut.•.' lasutute wee held It the reacting room on Monday eyeaiog. The attendance of mem bars being as usual, rather dim. 1.) motion H 1. Strang was appointed ,•hanman of the The secretary reported 1e,2 members on WIngham The Council of Canadian the roll, an increase over that of last year Order of Chosen Friends eetabluhed in of 14. *Vingham, lest week, is Tusking rapid pro- The Jlrectots next was then presented gres•. On Moudsy evening last, the s.o,nd by the treasurer, 1. H. t'olburue, which meeting was held, when rex tees menden was as follows - .ere added to the unrmbenh,p roll, The 4.,..,,,;i u, May 7th, lb'!tl. courted will be known a 11'isgham Council, Tu the members of the tiofericb Mecbnlei No. 2'2, and will hold its meeting, in the lasuome. Forester's Hall. I.1111a• AND 1111.sT1.KN1\, 7'be board are *gnu before you with their annual report and are pleased to inform )oto that the 1r* stout. is in gond coidluoo num.:tally. It requires great can to make ends meet,owing to • scant revenue and a stnall membership. The mernbcrshlp,however,thu year has been quite as good as most former years 11,2. Wheel we %empire our menthe -temp with that of tome other institutes of (be county ,r. toad it small, memo we we the largest town iu the county. We hope the vood *opts of the onto wilt give the matter their careful attend, n during the comiue yeas, and help to make the membership at least double what it is for the year now closing. The fee is len than two ante a mono. week fur the advantages afforded by the use ot a free reading room furnished with a lite 1, ,I the beat 'cele t lite tune large *orris of to n of the day and • large library of well *elect .J books by the heat and latest authors. We are sorry more of our cittrero do not take an interest in the institute as they ouust know that • reading room and library like the ones here are among the best edit - color', particularly for the young, that our ,vuotry offers. There nacre a book-keeping, writing and an arithmetic claw this year of (6 puptle, taught in the rooms by Geo. Sheppard, shitch did goal work and were cooductedun• tor departmental regulations. The report owe a revenue fr. m class to be 832. with xpendtture of 848, but we got a grant the Government for classes of 83 for each pupil. •During the year we erect to the eepense of a new catalogue for the coo- venteece ot members, which coat 855, and each member can have a copy for the ask - tug. 1Ve ve to thank thecountycouncil for i he grant 115, toward institute aid and our town coo 'I for their liberal annual grant o Government saw 8t this year •( 100. a S Y to reduce the usual grants to institutes by 1a, t'"erhich aced our revenue from that sours tj2'3 60, filch we hope they will not il*ta .9'he n of books issued from ti►e library is quite satisfactory se the iibraians report show -s and the average e1 toodance at the rooms was better than for former years. -'s. The following are the treasurer's and 1,brariao•s reports. Treasurer's statement fer year ending 30th April 18'(4. ado 1mr" ['valance forst rd 1st May, 1891 $ 9.88 4iovernm•nt I;rant ... 245.50 Town (;rant 100 00 County Grant . . • . . . . . . . 15 00 Me nbere' Tickets 157.50 Class ipupils iso) 4200 Sole of Slagazines 28.40 l.eadbury : The many friends el Mr. and 11re. P. alcEeeu, of !Litigate, North I►aknta, formerly of Leathury. will regret to learu of the .Igth of their daughter, Minnie, which occurred in that place on April -13th. The diseased 'mire lady con- treaad a cold which settled on her 1uugo awl caused her early dei th. She was nine - tern twos of axe. ealurtit : Mean. Iltoadfoot A: Box shipped to Montreal this eek the hand- some and valuable set of di ing room fun,, tura on ei','4Itinn in their a ow room Len for several days,. ane the hide aril of which cost 860). It was e►ewal y over one thousand people while on eclat item hero The full set was sold fur a privy in Montreal. It is a credit tot A M.,. factory: ( `intoes : ltobe. ('cater, Stapleton, Lut who has Leen em the car shops at Cleveland, cane tut week with the holy of his wit had die,' in coutinement to that _ito was the youngest daughter of ''eouehdeer. 0l the 12th con , t;n tornahiy, and leaves two small chill Mr. Carter. .!though doiug wall over they says he will come back to Stapletou to reside. It. 1Vawaoosh : What might hay, been a very serious a.eident happened a weak ago last Sabbath. Mr. Harrison was drive ins through his gate with a loaded demo- crat, when the king -bolt broke, allowing the front wheels to shp out from under the bre, throwing the occupants rut and very seserely injunug Mn. Harrison about the bead soil shoulders. The rest escaped nn - hart beyond a good shaking up mind scare set getting almost covered with mud. n iegtiam : The brick veneered resides.* of Richard Green was badly burned, almost destroyed, last week. How it started u not known, but the names had made mach headway before beteg diecuveolee family wire unaware of their danger until they heard the belt ring. A portion of the household effects was saved. The distance was too great for the waterworks to be of mach use, yet the tiro was eventually sub - dud. Insured tor 4700 in the Stere►ctile. itrussele : Adam +0. Cormack, who cams hone last July from Colorado, sick with c as0n•ption, died on the 1st of May. ,When be came home no one expected him to Mast • month, not even the doctors. Hu tenacity of life was the wonder of all, but he had not the constitution, and the vital apart weut out. Ile mark the youngest son of the late John Cormack, and was a printer by trade. having learned on the Poet, and was for • long tune or the Manitoba Free ,'ruse Clinton : tin Tuesday morning, while Stewart Plummer eras engager'. in prim lug • tree, he missed 64. footing and fell to the ground, a distance of ten or twelve feet He struck on the small of his back, and sof fere.) • vent deal of pain. A doctor was called to who found that no bows were broken, and &domed rest and quite. Mr. Plummer still suffers considerable pein,but his many friends are in hopes that nothing more than* few days confinement to bis ✓ oom will be the result. Grey : Last Saturday as Ths..1ohnstoo, 18th can., was driving toward home the bolt in the dnabletree came out and let the wbitHetres on to the heels of the horses. The tongue came out of the neckyok• and in the mad jumps of the colts Mr. Johnston WW1 jerked nut of the wagon In • burry. He was dragged some distance before ha let go of the lines. the right shoulder was des located asd it took two physicians to get it back to its Oboe. Mr. Johnston was for taoate in soaping as well as he did, al- though he will to son for some time over ter •ocideet. Clinton : The other day, while in King cardiac', G. F. Emerson got a pretty bed tsmUb from bis bicycle, ilea it is • warier be did .et break his neck. With • couple of others he was r.di.g rapidly along one of the streets, when a pug dog ran directly in frost of bis wheel. Then w no poesibil sty ol avoiding it, and he 'frock the dog broadside, swinging the wheel around a■d throwing him o� He fell on his bead and ,healdsn sed was tendered uacasecintu. They carried him into a drag store and dressed his wounds, which turned oat to be cot s+ serines, sltho.gb his face a pretty leidly warred cad his limes pretty 'ore. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Haarri's Wrnca.r.-Whim you wish to know in • peered way what bappeeed, you read the novae" (sr evening] .0wepp•r. Whoa von west to kaew hew it looked you buy Hatrp•r's Week' . If ASTIR's Streit No matter what other magentas and papers the Amortws woman buys, .he wbcrihas to Harper's Maar for the klermaties it rootage' •test fables& it is ear guide mot eery in these smatters which have given her the reptatia of be few the beet-drssad womt.. 1a the world, but in thew ether gelatines of mode whish are set las important the teolmeeabls ia• serration in dieser girls., is reodeimm in furniture asd dererwtien, .sad is the titese- e sd sad owe thap whisk dbtav itsb the seltiested Americas bossaheld is e s Mbar paper le this Mid. The Barr W se rival d M Me see 01 a M11Mp•INLr. 1608.28 Kt rzeoteve0. Rooks for Library 4116.73 Magazines tor Readout Rem . 82 78 New Catalogue.. 56.00 Rent, Light and Heating ..... 87 60 ;salaries 170.00 ('lasses. 48.00 a1iscellaneou, Expenses .. .. 30.00 $590.08 Balance forward to 1894-5 . 18.20 !0608 2F1 (.1RRAR1t"'+ 011.100. Vac in Library -Biography, 253 ; fin- nan, 786: history, 307: miaoell•neoas, 440: ge•er�� literature, 73 ; poetry and the drama, 108: religious, 166 ; scteoc* and art, 398; voyageeabd travels, 325; works ofrefcr• ono*, 76. Total 2431. Circulation - Kiognpby. 59 : fiction, 3,862 ; history, 364 ; miscellaaeons, 266 ; gamma literature, 41 : poetry and the drama, 54 ; ' 0004111, 60 ; seiesoe and .rt, 73 ; voygs and travels, 454 ; weeks of ref - creace, 36. Total sumber of visite by genu 16,619. ladies 5,670. Total 22,289. Auger aumb•r of visits per day, 73190/30.3. Number of eewap•psrs, td•ily) 3. (weekly) 10. " mass rises, 11. • psrtodia.lg, 10. All thaw report+ were adopted and elec- ties of spoors then took pl*oa with the following remelt Trashiest, Robert Park ; 1st vies president, Wm. loss: 2sd vice president, P. Ford ; secretary, lien. Stine': tre•aarer, J. H. Colborne directors, H Smith, W. H. Mersey. Rd. Shames, 1). J. Natal, W. T. Welsh .editors, R. Y Williams and H. W. Ball. After • vote of tb•sks Le tb directors for their s.oesnfsl management of the at- tain of the Ig.Mqu and • reply by the re- tiring presidia. lb• t► the• sad monied_ Norton. 'he Meal ageism, 1Rs auereaass tar Tam Las o. le at the albeit of U. O. Wad, J.P.. seayereeeer, Z6. wee will resolve se tan fer setnmrpat•mo, sdvsntdeg and JN moat and M enamored to (tee ',instill' for s waste /std M tb mama. Tt.tnar May. Prr aatist> --David Mesa has rss.stly, by memo of per.he.i•g Wmmm village Iota on $methanpl's-et from the oydesale, been enbrgies his tee slow. Sammie P.onamen flu. --J. (lay mud It Plegleyoefill leek sled, um busily mews* Ile eenstruotnnu tier buildings to the till tea. Mita, when tiaisbed, will said gte,•' f,) le the appearance of the oleos. L,. I.a.LAIITI. are.-tluartsrly omelette •or• vices were held in the Iletbo.ltet ell,'- 45.•• at 'lunge/moo and ('r.we of last Sabottb. The pastor, Key. D. Roger., officiated. Rev. K Fierbslru pr.. bad • sermon at mimetic esn'1 m ,o the Msthodiet church bre. CIA.I.L 01 TISK 1.411 D..1,1 SENA I. A Divine servlee will nominee.-• toe the Presby • tenon church hero on next Sabbath an.I continue until turther notice to 10 1.5 t o , instead of half past ten o'clock as hitherto All ooacerned will govern themselves air cordingly. i;teic,a. AN. .1. -Henry Echlin and wife of Toronto city, who love been on an ex• tested visit to relatives to Dungannon and Ashtiel3 township lett fu: hoose. 11r. Edo; n was loud in hie praises of our neat thriving village, and expressed himself more surprised when he visited here, than wb.t he beard ot it. l;uep SALK. - It pays to keep good stock. Wm. Cameros, of West Waw•nsh, pear St. Helene, reoently sold to 11 -Mt. McLean, tit 4: cleren, arc head of apleudrd looking )-hung ca:tlr, fur the handsome sum of 8400 W. 4' d.-tn: vet great credit. Ile is rapidly c ,mutt to the front in tl e list of shrewd and proo..aetve tamers. lion en :ars to him. 1 1.111 Nr, -Miss Row, of Kingston, lint ,' • -d Mrs. 'Colin Pentland ,,,ee .lndereonl, of i Joliette, ('hica.o•• are vi.it•ng r.•'attves and f .end. 'n the. neighborhood.. Master 1 F:'wio Pentland. who has beau in it position for some time pest is Kincardine, es vieitieg 1 relatives here. He, b+ting scored a post - ti -.n in 1)runi4o, ltitemisto leave libretti' for the' pla-:e. 1'..%\rn u•.tTED 111..41N E... --The business of • ur suave and genial produce dealer, 11'. SE rrow, is more end mora tucr•ssrug. For instance ou last Thprs lay he I)a0gbt e,tga to t e abient of ooerly 10.40 d. ten, and Jur Mg the week , of course not including Sob. bath i Ile bought 3,400 docen, cud upwards of 1,0001b.. of batter We presume. tak Mg tato coo.ideraraln teat we have no railway escalope, wbith we ought to has•,, there ie no village in 4 tntari., that ..n Leo 1 tuogannon for am mut of boo:uwt in merman'. point of view, an 1 were too favored with railway accommodatie n, Dun cannon would take the 1e.) of mon pre- tentious places. 1;R.sNI, F:Nrr.I4TAI.,.!...r AND Cove' RT On the eveeiov of the :Nth Slay, a gree., concert, under the auspices of the brethren of 1'. 11. F , will he held in the -lgrlcul: ural hall. The etrvioaa of the renowned Sim Fax, Toronto, have been promise", besides the beat of Lxal taleot for the newton. A good time Is anNc.p*te.1, weather permit- iug. Owing to the celebration pf the Queen's birthday to be held at l.,tcknow this year, the games, etc., which hal been are reeved to be held at Dungannon have beed roPPed. Ntow •erat large attendance is expected at the concert, the program for which is said to auras* any previous con cert held here. AeotAL Mrxrts... The annual meeting of Dungannon Hechanita' Itat.tute was held :n the reading room on Monday eveoiug,the 7th inst. Secretary's and treasurer's re- ports were real and unanimously passed. P. ('lendenntag was re elected president. K d: t:vawford rue prstde01, AUDI Metier.. A. K. McKoy and ,i. t. ,Yard were re-elected secy. and treas. respectively. Drs. McKay and ('ase and Messrs. .fyho Mowers, Jobs Whitley, R. Jardi.e and Jas. Davidson were appointed directors for the text term. The institute, which has only been iu epee-- ati•m for abut two months, is progressing beyond anticipation, there being 105 mem- bon. The treasurer's report showed • cash balance of thirty. five dollars and tterty•on• cents up to date. HIGH COURT OF JUST ICE. tae Itprlrtt M1u.P'71e raw. Thal fame error" the Court. The bellowing are the cases that came on for trial lettere Hon. Mr. Jnstice Street this week Charlesworth, et a1 v. Brown This was an action brought to recover the price of goods sold to deft. Brown, and guaranteed by deft. Lynch Judgment was given for plff. The defendant has sins been arrest - a' on • charge of perjury in conn•. tion with his evidence given in the above case. liays for p16.; 1'r asoir & Smith for deft. inmbertus y. Dalton An action for tree rue to plaintiff's load and counter -claim be ef•srlaut for trespass to his land. The pommy of land in dispute is • strip of Mod about three feet weds. Judgment for Off tor $10 and full costa Cameros, Holt R Holmes for plff : Comptes t Johoetoo for def t. Wood v. Pframmer-An action to deur mine the ownership of aortal' moneys whish had bees paid Into court. Jadgmunt for plff. for $315 and interest and met of wit. Hent & Thompsoe for pit ; Manning Scott & I*wrrace for deft. Walsh r. Smith Actioa on betidinagg cos tract. Referred to blasts at God•rrch. Vastest" for pit(: Maneit.g A Soott for deft (meads v. laundy Action easiest deft. as administrator of Henry Laa sely for board sad maiatematoe of dammed. Jud mast for pl.tnt4A for 8800. (;antero., ilot t Holme for plff ; tarrow 4 1'roudf•ot dor deft. Stewart s. Mcl sa--Aetioa for oostribe- tie.s by oo. -cabanas. Settled by both par. thee. Cameros, Holt ! Holmes for plff ; Campeau R Johnston for deft Baird v. Thompson Action no aort.ag•. Pnstpnael until the Fall 541181ss. Dewey for plff : ('urwran, Holt A Hama for deft. 4 A• v (Me--Anactin for con•tructioe of will said ad.tiai•tration of probate. Re- ferred to the blaster at Godancd Collier for elf . Diatom foe deft. 4;rifTith • Dawes. Actin for payme.t of batons• of psrohem mean of land. holm - meet for plff. Garrott L Pro.dfoot for pail ; Creamer b Smith for daft wup(rma : Weed WIN rsMlirsd 1111 Mon day, of the Math, w $mnday, 1. (tea Vega•. New Mellow, of Js. Kerr, brother of Maws. Wm. cud Job Kerr, of this town. M r Kerr west West several years azo. oto •eeo's1 of hie health, beteg trebled with hem dine... A show was with Aim at the our el bb Math, and will arrive this week with the remake for hs*ertsent se the Wh.g- bm •wmm11ry, Tb diwwd was a stash time, sad WW1 well kerws nod bigb 1 itZose td r Seine THEY WILL BUY A CLACK I . r iRaau lar Town Oounoll Meeting Tae 80e01110s that fame 1 0 for bt.e■.ale■ --a algal•walebmaa'• ,'lock ru M • b..g0l-rhe Masser tolerate descent Llghlleg. The regular meeting ot the torn roused was held on Friday evening, May O. Pre.- , eat The mayor in the char, reeve Proud• foot, deputy reeve Holt, councillors Nairn, , Nurncy, Strachan, Tbtmgeou, Naito!, reminder to Smith, S•llows. 1 wee, ,Nilson, • Dunlop end Raid. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved. 11ae••1tl,. The Treasurer's report showed • faience to hand offal 3J,aed was referred t., :insect Oowt:rll tree. The engineer'. report was referred to the water and light committee. 11'54111 .I, 414,', From, 11 ret. Itabh, sakisg her illc privilege of budding en addition to the bath house. Referred to public works cuminutrr. From the secretary of the t:.C.0 1'. asking the council to have the atones, tin and other oboe setts remove., fr an the Square. File.,. Freon A. Nicholson, asking that a out of c.w.table's clothe, be turn:sh.•,1 by the council.. Granted, the cost not to e t coed 825. , From J. Shannon and others. aekmg for use ot town hall on the evening of clay 17, for the purpose of holding a hop. 4:ranted. .1 number of accounts were presented and referred to the 6oatce committee. FnAR1•11 .'PNI,ITTK.. aerol:r. 1nor oommittee have examine.( the fol lowing amounts and rmosnmen, their pay- ment : Joseph Kidd, 44).10: 'Ioha,l»hnetoo, 53 : The Notianel Carbon C,.,$47 54): 1.'. A. F)umher k son. 12 25: Sturdy Roo. Ad 25; S10 oil Bro.., $1b 80 ; Hamittoo ,:lass 4'c.. $6. Pun.(r Hnl.r, chairman I:eport adopted. 1.t1.•.,wtt Irr)tf. itfeotT. Your committee maker the 145100i•g rcer,mmeodations: I That the conned purchase an echo magneto nightwatchm%n's clock, at • prob. able cruet of $100, 4':'!udta4 installation. 2 That the salary of Mr. Reid lee In: nae• e 1 "Ott per year. Tito,. C. Nia471.l., ('ban man. Report adopted. 11' imp .1 nkh- • I,N 54rrrrl. + R/.rlgtr 1 our committee beg to report that they advertise•! for Lauder4 for the irslti.:o of caretaker of the Square, and that the tender of Wm. Mid'reath, at 459, was accepted, Your committee have made their annual tour of the town and recommend 'uprose menta to the amount of ;600 ta be expended as the clerk will read to you. -- t1'e re,:nmmend the p.yn•rut oft acommt to Alan MMci1.uvall of the e11n1 of $50. • - .1. N. Swiri, Chairman. The report was adopted. R1410.1 111 11 Al:e *T • ••N STY'', R. four committee beg to recommend that traders be asked for the ration of market clerk. 1t K SAI.IA.n., chairman. On motion ot 1 aces and Strachan, the re- port was adopted 0Y►pkt tot 11.17111 AND 1.11•11T ,'OS WITTKg. Your committee have considered the ape plicatirns of John S. Platt and the Wing. ham Electric leeht Co., in reference to put. ting in as incandescent electric Tight plant, but at present are not in • psitlnn to re• comm«nil anything definite We submit herewith • communication from the Wing ham Co. The second offer contained in 1t appears to your committee to to the one most imitable to the town and would re quoit the council to meld*r same. A11 of which is respectfully submitted. 1Y. Poor priors, chairman. ',loved by Mr. Yates, secood,'1 by Mr. `allows, tbat the report of the eater anJ light committee be referred hack to the committee for further consideration and to report to the council. Carried. )loved by 1'roudfoot and Nairn, that the Mayor be requested to apply to the,iovern meat to have the passage around the Leland in the harbor dredged out so as to permit teasels to approach the docks. ('ouncil then adjourned. it 1.. Marren or Bra,Nlow. -The wise merchant inserts his advertisement in the newspaper for the mime rearm es prompts him to pay a high rental fur ea attraetIve aeon on • leading street that he .nay 1 a seen of mea who buy goals. 4)1 course he did not need to advertise : and he might hors ranted • cheap store an et ale way in the outskirts. H. knew better than to fol- low enoh ea areas anew Tons ('As I)are%I os Hlw-Itruesels Poet : Last Saturday the Militia 1;•seal .t Ottawa i•.s.d *. order making George Frederick Riau, 2.4 Liminess' of No. 5 C. , Hruseele, in oonneotios with the 33rd Battalion The Captain, Lawyer R 8. H.yc, resides is Seaforth mid tin 1st Lieu - team, Dr :thew, practices the healing art in Chen*. en that 1s ease of a saddea or .&expected attack we would have beau to hal shape osisss some of the " old bays W Ro 61ick oe 1V. N. Slnotur -oonl 1 hats lead the brave No. 5. We'll rest tate one, however, mace Lieut. Blairs .ppoiotttteot. 4T471111'4' a1_ -The following i■t.restirtg partiral•rs for line township. 1804, are taken front Amar K.ymean t yell . Ne. of ebiMree between 5 and 16 yeses, 916: No of ohildren between 7 and 13 yea 5 496: No er children hawses 15 sed 31 years, 37f ; No of mels between 21 sad 60 '•care, 791: total potation's, 3,92,3: No. of ca tie, 7.200: No. of sheep, 4 380 ; No. of be." 2.0220: No of herds. 2,173 ; No. nI do;.. 377: No of bitches, 13 ; No of b rib. 62: No of Maths, 21 : total No. of acres. 64,t171 ; total No of sores clear, 41,467 ; tet., No •f aures, 6,601; toad No ot.aors, swamp tied wadbls.d, 16,673; total No ol n►ehard, (73) ; total amnion et acres Fall wheat, 2,769 ; No el steams bailee., 'J' : se- wed sada* ad real roam, 91,601.500 ; m- eowed vale. el peroneal property. 81,800 total videos( real sod pervosal property, $1,699,000.