HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-3, Page 8THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT , THURSDAY, M A li 8, 1894. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE LITA.LMr/leo ,.S1. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. taL 06111111 OP) NI MIUJON DO4.LAR$ -NUT ▪ 811.000.000. $1, IOO,oco. B. E. WALKER, Gesetta. Mamea R. GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL guiruuNO Buena. s TRANSACTED. FARMERS* NOTES D18f)OUNTLO. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALS POINTS IN CANADA, AND TME PRINCIPAL CITIES IN Mg UNITED STATES. GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA, Au •AVIN•a BANK DEPARTMENT. OEPoeIrs of .1.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATER OF INTEREST ALLOWED. INTsa*sT ADOSO TO The MUNICIPAL AT Th[ ENO Or MItY ANO IN, ta(R IN NACU vest*. SpecialAttention given to His . -• and Farmers' Sales Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. 'F:D%OF THE DISTRi"T. Frain our ownCorrfllspondent$1. There I. greenmail** Were Thal 4aasrl Eruws tw) where I.I.r Iirw..t the t .ugly .penally tep•rled 1.r The *Meal. COLBORNE. !quoit,. April 27. I! tboroughbrel Holstein Friesian cow , the Ridgewood Perk farm teeentty droppe • calf weighme 10i lbs. at birth. On t same place • saw lately dropped a:t:ec p.m, touter a of which are dotrg well, BENMILLER. Mo.u.y, April all. lir Ar,aw.-- Messraltumbald and Mo rhe,( have leased from \ It. eller th privilege of fishing for su_l eu at the Fal Reserve.. tear tables l are been abundant: supplied with that delicious fish, and a herr that the lessers have made jure harvest even at the low price of 50 cents per heady ei. Foto tit iN..rf. 1)u'oAR. -We hem th Valentine Fisher has sold hie farm to h et llbor b, W. horu st, and (Ding to rein ave this wort The many fc:cods of W. A. Hio,kett plcasei to sea h m home oe a vera, aft having tinishe1 his conr.e in medicine Toronto t'niversity. lie was sus-essful ohtainiug the degree of M. !(_ DUNLOP.. a.sssat ied ea ligePatron candidate to r• pnseat us in the Local House and that he uses so !wipe a Tory but the so of fanner, bean of a farmer, was a framer now and alwaysm would be a fernier Oi course, We all believed him fur wk know him wenand be was too near home to tell us anything else. We also know that he could not be a ke supporter of the \1el.dith goveromeot. fur even Tory candidates are out "suppose.) 'to have airy politic.. when they i.iu the Patrons. The fact ti, we fellows are Just tired of everythinr just now, and we ituo't went soy niers d. ,'orem , lawyers, erchant.a barbers, tailor., tinkers or any of them other chaps in Parliament roe more. It'.a (saner we wan: and a good luukiog farmer 'n at that, and'itt oar .lit war have jan the t ogle man, hooray ' ' ' We are Leap, to he sen.) none but farniet s to the lig Torontou Ileumto n.ake our laws. Why ' if we ' farmers had only known our strength, old Mowat and the whole box and dice of chem fellows would have bcen snuffed out long ago and we would now have a regular uptt, h date, tin deslecle lot of farmers to dcur •' business township council fashion, and le everything would be just level. Ilnorry Y • The ballots will tell the tale, and if our Jim e don't g there. well, he cab d, the other • , thing play at home. ASHFIELD. Tr [ May ▪ Most of the farmers willtiar.h .eedbatt are er in In tat awn The two farms are side by node an elms worked by the new owner with the help cat, his growing sons will mike a not Mppeer�ty which wiil be hard to beat on the tlan: coacossion, where they are situ Ated. Sntrwgvr'or Wool . Jew Gledhill of the woolen mills shipped nine tuns two car esdi -of surpfth wool to • first in Hamilton last .eek We did not hear what was the haw* realized, bu' the proprietor reporto that the wool market is very low, owing, to the large otuntity of foreign wool comuog iato the country, and the outlook for the new crop does nut look very bright. I: toot Si. tore - -Seeding is now well over sad the fine rain of lest week has made things look Lovely out here. Fall wheat sever looked better and ill almost a foot high. •Tae early sowed neap, of which there is • large area planted, are up and appear well in the drille. Such an early. season was never knowu before, and even the reveries( oldest inhab.tant is at a logs to rake up his memory to find est when nil seeding operations were over • before that first day is Slay. Bee ott t.gtt \: a a:.i. The put week bat been a very busy one over there and John Stewart and his large staff <d men have had their bands full packing and ship- ping trees. As Pod after load left the ill. Lige, the wonder was where are they all go- ing to, fur it looks ae if the shoe esustry was being plante.l out. Well-filled wagon loads ret evergreens hire passed, going moo direction, and many farmers in them ries came to select their trees in pers•.,u. We hear that the stock. ready for this seavess planting, is a:l wild out, and naturally the question Arian, " How IS it that that man tmteran could hate been able to lust • few years to wo:L up a trade of such immense prop.utioss Why, we remember when he started, an•t it locks only alwat a dozen yeah er ao that all the stock he had to sell, could have been put to • couple of wagons at meet, but now see the change. The our eery looks like a fair during delivery tine, and as year succeeds veer the business as moues larger proportions. Evidently the p'anters nave faith in the man and in home- grown etock,or else they are tired of buying frau' irresponsible jobbers who have flooded th, country with any and everything, tied a,w that the orchards are beerier have Proved to be worthless ear itis, different to what they ordered. l'hat state of things has left the planters no recourse but by the usual style of top graltiog which is at beet •tpeusree and involves a lona of time before the tree will bear again. The proprietor reports that never before has there been so many people come from a distance for trees and he had in one instance to refute an order for 1000 apple trees from • syndicstc of fanners living is a neighbortnrtownehip, simply b.cigse he did not have the stock they re•luired. Dow's AMOY.. Tits i'aTa.1,, , e.' we fellows are is the swim and hare establish- ed an orraairation Ithaca things ain't called lodges) a our town. This organization is known by the very pretty name of " F-oun• tam taValley" branch and the meetings are held in the Forester's rooms on Frost st. Alreedv there are 19 paid up members, sod •t the newt meeting scores upon scores of other fellows ars cowing to join as. Every- man willing, aye, anxious, to pm else lat- est fed of the dao. Tom Gledhill is head posher. Jease is head lrwurer,eome other fellow to head secretary, and all of us are head oron.slsiag in the .00d cause Of course this is not • political effete, at all That idea is simply out of the uuestios. It's Patrons of industry we are, pore and earnest : we are farmers to the backbone and going to work for t Ate interests of farmers Down with combines ' cheap binder twine, etc., etc.. that's our platform and we will fight for all we are worth to accomplish our object. (ler friend 3im from Iiodertch Township gave a pretty speech at the Hill the ether day and told us, or at any rate we °sane to find not that he had bees HIVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR STRAW HAT YET? You'll find the newest ideas and much the beat value at OOYPLiCTE 0177 FiTTER,S f rgap'.�\'r Maysl. ' \lassie and t:race Allen" weir. to Bruce - field Friday of last'weeek to see • large rail• ing of a barn at Charles Mason's, and to as• it, ilia Mame in entertaining over a hun dyed men wh•, were to take pats in rasing the building. . AHI:1t En sere.. -Many here will be glad tole•rn that 1 Jdemeorho recently left herr led a gent passage across the oesn, and reaehei London on the 29th of %larch. TIIt; So.u. of the 21st of that month, poete.l f•m the 23n1, reached him on the third of.tpril • in London. Rath west quickly. LEEBUNN. •Tereus •, May 1. . M-. and Mrs. Wm. Fotheringtoa, from near Rrucefield, were tire guests of their dauiliter, 31re.Alert. ('iutton, at Sunnyside, fee several Jays this week. null.. a \urs -.--Mr. Reid, of Terooto, web is in his third term as student in Km ooilegr, preached here on Sunday laat. Rearranttug the field as a mission is to be discussed here oo Tuesday of this week, where • delegation mentioned in last week's J1,;Sat., will be pr...,nt to-adobese the gregatioa at 3 r. N. We expect, as we pre Mee for pres., a gond tur.out, PORT ALBERT. Moo, tie, April 16th. Mary Hayden, of i.oderich, sends)al here. There sere two h•thor eogioter. in the villege lest week. Henry E. (foray and R..1. H. Itehroge pant %Top ham a visit on Wednesday of last week. The former says they had a glorious time. \\ I:ecr•e l elh,.i, ,John llawkins, Joseph McMullen and Douglas McKenzie left here last week to learn the nautial art on board the '• 1.erman The smiling c Hmtinance of George F.. i alleghan, the popular butcher, has agave apreired its ,our midst. The smile. the owner and the meat arc all very welcome. The remains of George (:altmas who died on Thursday last after • short illness, were Iotcrred in Port Albert cemetery on latur day last. 1teceased was in hu eighty fourth year and had lived for the past forty years nn • farm near Kingsbridge. The funeral was very largely attended. BAYFIELD. Want t.,at, April 2.. Rev. Mr. Newton preached in Trinity church on Sunday morning last. He and Kerrin are holding mission ser •ices at Marna. On Thursday, April 13, occurred the death of Thomas Parker, an old and highly esteemed resident of Itayfield. Mr. Parker was born in England in 1111" was a resident of Stanley and Rayfield for 17 years. on Tuesdaynight Ransom Fields and Mrs. Henry Howard, of the Skiable lien, were Joined in the holy bonds of matrimony at the residence of Robert Johnston by Rev. E. (ilivant. There were about one hundred u ninvited guests who made • great uproar which was heard for mil.u. E. S -warts, of the River Hotel, has put in • fine new bar and refrirerator, and is mak ing extensive improvswlents to this popular house in anticipation of • large attes„ soca of Summer gusts. No doubt this house win be crowded, as under Mr. Swarts' efficient management the beet of satisfaction will be given. H. F. Edwards is now showing &splendid assortment of plain and fancy straw hats for boys, girl., muse.,, women and men. Prices are surprisingly Mir As naval the sto-k of new prints is being much admired sad the choicest patterns are being ,thickly sold Special values in art meths and curtain nett. Jame, Pollock recently purchased Iron th. elecurnry of the Conner estate. that large frame building long known as the Vne.n'. Hotel, and already has a rang of men at week making estinsrre operations and amper.aments, When completed thee w.il he ih• most complete and movement summer hotel sus bees yet bad tofu May Miss Wilma n s rerev.ag sslowly from her recent alumna Mr Leitch, our new chimes maker, has moved to the easts factory and will stwrt C. R. SHANECO.'Y & are showing • full range of Lthez'FnrCapes! WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA- CHAN and 'POSSUM. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Fall fl Faoe• to every Department. arm; sad estimate goods and pricer. O.1. SHANE £ CO si MrIselin Meek. Cm. .honour rad Montreal-M. T7-I4NKS for the liberal partisanpartisansZfeaded to and in my business. 1 hare some GREAT BARGAINS this week in WILL PAPERS - - WINDOW SHADES. COME AND SBE. My Shades, tor 35 cte., complete on roller, and placed on your window, razz, is • marvel to every one. 1 here everything in the line of Wall Papers. Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Sporting Goods, • Books and Stationery. bu No Old Stock, s eteryttind all new up to date. aged eery tksap D. B CALBICK,eek The ..pular S- fere. atedersrb. making cheese on the 701 Inst. tlusrtNJy services wiff be held the cun hag sabbath at 10 30 a. m. Mra. Grummett, who has Leen r11 with diphtheria is able to be around again. Rev. Mr. Parson, of Itrantforl, addres e,l the sabbath school for • short time last Sabbath. ' Captain Kaiue and 11_v i'. Keine, of (:orrie, were attending the funeral of Jelin Pentland last Monday. item kis.- It Is with feelings of the deepest regret that we halt to chronicle the death of John Pentland, who dud at his residence early Saturday niorning last at the ripe a_e of 72 years. Deceased was born io irelae 1. Ile,wtth his parents, imi- gratel to Canada when bit a lad and net- tled near Kingston. Whcu grown to man - h eel he removed trcm thence to tt'awa• nosh aril settled ou the farm on which he diel,wLen it was all a bush. In politics he was it ('onser. ttIse, In religion • \lethodi.t. He'wu a steward it: the church and also starts) the tint Sunday school in this plate, he being the eldest teacher in the -school, which he attended till about a mouth before he died. He was • charter member of the I_ u. L 11,62 He was buried by the , rrangemen, there being brethren from Auburn, Clinton, Wlfest, F.onisktitwn, t.e.lerich, Imrig.nuon and oth- er places. He wet beloved a.il respected by all who knew him, which was shown by the large cumber which attended his funer- al in Monday afternoon, there being over one hundred and fifty rigs is the prooe.s*ori. !Its pall-bnrer. were 1'. I:Irvin, sr., .1. ('antelon, 11. Kerr, 11. Moreland, T. And- erson and D. Jl, lllwaio. ile lanes a fain iiy of tire sons and one daughter Robert and Agnes and J. If, of Wawanoeh ; Sam- uel, of Aehtirld : Tholoae, of Manitoba, and William, who is in California. Hi. wife has been dead tor some year,. DUNGANNON. Sora e. Tbe local agency in nungennem tor'riic aruiat is et the Melee of J. U. Ward, J.P.. ienreyasorr, kr., who wilt receive or- ders for subscriptions. advertising and lob work- and N authorised to glee receipts for amounts paid for the sato. Mo.I,.v, May 1. Foto 1. Pam., -\Ira Met ahs, relict of the late .lames Mcl'aig has agoosa which presented her with a very large egg, it being of the unusual siwe of 10, Inches by 81 inches Be, Rr.tStee.--our proluee dealer, Wm \lorrow, 1. doing a rushing business. He took in recently 735 dozen of eggs in one ,'p , and has been doing • large busters spa Spring set in. Wl.& FIN. r.+ Fency wire fences are beckoning all the fashion in our Tillage, in loose.tueoce of which the once -favourite board fences are becoming unfashionable and obsolete. Such is the march of pro- gram. Seep.. ('act. -Spring seeding, in cone. dTimms of the excellent weather and con- ition of the sail for seeding, is in poem! finished in this vicinity and preparing for root crops will be the next in order to Wee up the attention of the (ermine community. t\'tuni,t, Hn.t.. STtt.l RIY,.IY.:, flame Rumour puts it that one of the lair sex of the township of Ashfield u about to be for will prohahty b. .re our nest) united in the bonds of matrimouy to a young ge.tlemaa in the vicinity of the "epoy town, North of here. More anon. IttrIt..t gwtSTl. Our genial baker is keeping pace with the many improvements that aro being made to all directions in our village, as he has recently been renovating and enlarging his baking establishment and outbuildiegs and also improving his front ranee, which adds greatly te the appearapn of hos eetabltshment and its enrrnwndinp. At iTine 841a. The este of Implements household fumitnre, .trek, etc , eta, will be held on farm lot N. { 16, eon. 3, West t%4eaash on Tee.rla,, the 8th day of Slay, as Om proprietor W. 1'. t:rierae., has sold M. farm tot and therefore intends mraawhile to retire from fartnieg. Every Stag will be pot up for sak o. the •bnv, date. ler t ;A«o< Mei ,t•et..' lie rrrcrt. -The annual mooting of the teem 'hors of Dungan - nes Msoh.aeo Institute will be held is the reading room es Monday eves... the 7th int„ to oromm.nes at about 7 30 F. U. As important business, seek as eectio• of ofli neve for the ensuing year,saseetareg aad treasurer'. reports, .1e., is to hetra e,ct,d, all the msmhen who eta esseexiestly at- tend ar• reepee.fully rege..ted to ds esu Remain Aon (*.nutty n-1/rf1 of 1109*, the grunts part .f whish wee hear - NOVELTIES SUN SIIADES-STYLISH PARASOLS X We show this week a very fine lot of the Latest Styles in Parasols, New Insertion, Trimmed, Plain Moires, and Frilled, Light and Duk Colors ; Large choice of Plain Blacks with Stylish Handles at Low Prices. SCOTCH GINGHAMSI HMS. FRENCH CAMBRICS AND CHILLIES. Our selection and choice is immense and all Patterns confined to ourselves here. Wove Dress Goods, Dress TrimmilMoire Silks, and New Dress Buttons. Latest Noveltie J`. it opened. Remember our Clearing Sale in C. rpets. All Grades of Wool and Union Carpets Selling off at 2 i to 26 per cent. reductions. W. ACHESON & SON. s=' Highest Prises for Egg. and HittWrolia 3 EYE OPENERS 3 Sterling Souvcuir SPOORS, I.2 5, I Vatch, Warranted r near, $1.50, A /arm Clock, Warranted t year, 98C. and other thing in uni,un in the JEWELLERY LINE. C. A. IIUMBER & SON. BB:PAInima IIP able and delightful Spring weather inch as has nut leen expel-mooedbythe oldest set• 1 tiers for years past, has gracefully retired 1 mid guru say to its wcceseor - cbeeritlg 1 \lay which was ushered in with delight ' ful weather for growth of the vegetable king dom,which meanwtilc is beautifultobehold, 1 and in coosefuence of whtco Mother E.rth ' in ,among herself with the verdure of� gprWf• Aswrilt[ PIo'EKR l lirARTeli rHia Llit. i --OntSaturday mornicg of kat week John Peat sod, of West Wawanueh, and in the aciauy of the Nile village, who had for some time beep suterior from liver and kidney troubles, departed this lite. ilio re- : mains were interred in Iyungannoe a-metery j on Monday, April 30, being sect rted thinly! front his late residence by one of the largest j tf not the largest. cone, orae of sot rowing relatives, friends and citieens of t:ie sur ronndtng neiuhhorh,.,.d, a. also n ;merous I relatives from I:orrie and other points Age, 72 years. Obsequies were conducted ` by Rev. W. H. Mose of Nile circuit. As the deemed was a vela -able and mach esteem - ad member of the Orange order he was corn mated to has tut rrettai; place by the n'emn rites of the order, a large repre- sentation cf the brethren from the various lodges being present. The weather was on that day unexceptionally fine and in coo- erywence of which a very large gathering of poop:* was in attendance. The pall bearers ware a noticeable feature. vlr 1 hoe. Gavin, sr.. 'thee. Anderson, John l'anteloo Da. iil \Icl:wain, Henry Kerr, Hugh More- land, all of whim are ad..oced to ycarsa.d look quite venerable. W.r:d'. t.l■uses.■ Lupo.stles- t\'i:l be of value to the world by illustrating the improvements in the mechanical arts and eminent phyatcians will tell you that the prtgreriin medical ajents has been of renal importance, and as a .trengtheniog laxative that Syrup*( Figs is far In advance of ell °theme Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco is the Best Value. se', Ioc• sad set. Plugs S1iI2OAINE LACE CIIRTAINS. I would request all those now contemplating the purchase of Lace Curtains to inspect our Stock. Take a look at our 22o. Curtains other stores are trying to sell at25c. We are selling a line at 35c.; the same style Curtain is selling in town for 50c. See our 45c. line. See our 95c. Curtains. Our $1.50 line is equal with most of the $2.00 Cur- tains. Our better lines equally as cheap. We will not be undersold by any House in the Trade. Highest Price paid for Butter and Egg,. JAMES ROBINSON. CAM ST01/1, - .TO2AAX'i =NZ. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - $12,0o0,0 REST, - _'°w.' ,...• e.^ - 6,000,000. A Saving Detartmexr has bee:, opened in con. vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. II. L OCKWOOD, Mana4tlfr Gadsrich Bagel& Testirrir- serials for Terne Plate Roofing pat on by J. H. WORSELL: The Terse Nate Roo( which you placed oa Osatoa,k y widen!!! tow to put it o. to the now oddities to our factory while with makes arm classIL t ri 8awaden t (b., appears to be otstlyd sats ,LAND Be., clean* fainters, and, 1 think. will prove • durable root eomeing. al.s, a tdicai,tiu., Manager. The Terse Plata Roof ;Gaped m, our bank - tytellMe 1• lie: to replace gravel has 'tree perfect satishwoo•. You made • treeless Job. J. P. TunArc, t Masa. 1 cab cheerfully recommend ibis Teres Plate Hoof you put on my block o( 4 doss during ts.t It has mous ibis best of sattdaeteet Jaeutw WuiT,:clean, fleeter. The lent. Plate hoof you put onthe Couloir, In INN to replace gravel bee gimes good sati.tact.iou, and, is my upintua, to the best on the market. J. B. Bt g, iri*x, Sedel , The roof you put ea my stake is lull has Need weft and u quite satlafactersawaA,. N'. w. ►, Clinton. The Terse Plate scoot ow my , ebt,,T..,tue7 attfadtIos asd if We are tberonrrhly satisfied that Terne Plate could ssaln. 1 would wet hire say otaer :f 1 n the best net rooiing for oar climate, and you get it pWs. l uur[n togs N I1dsr, lY/atoa if you want a goof Roof get Wtilt.'1E1.L, The Practical Tinawitt to put it oil. A word to the wi.,• iY sutticiest, SPRING SEASON M==-'Zf2N'ERY_ Our Miss DONAGH has returned from the Markets with a Large Assortment of the Latest and Best in Spring and Summer Styles. Early Inspection Invited. MRS. Ra B. SMITH, G'lasgow House. CHANGE OF k4S8 McINTOSH & HARPER, (Late SAUNDERS & CO.,) HAVE REMOVED TO McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK (LATE CRABB'S) ON THE SQUARE. * x"• sal % et r. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING, AND SHEET METAL WORK. GOOD WORK - - - LOW PRICES. House Furnishings, Stoves and Ranges. EVERYTHING NEW. MINTOSlI & HARPER. Give Us a Ca11. Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices. DO YOU KNOW how POLLOCK gives such Low Prices on Boots and Shoes ? BECA USE he has bought the Steck of T. Fowler k Co. at a bargain, and is giving the People the advantage of the clone bargain, and he is Sells.g all for Cash (positively no credit), sad Was too, enables him to sell much cheaper. "Zola. Cari azr r` B.A..,fleet. in • demes different styles at 50 eta es 6 per pair, regular pri6Abte. (:iris' School Beene, BO ods., refiner prise $1. Wooea's Heavy Roots at 750., regular prim 90e. Mimes' Indies' Ties for 600., reviler pries 75e. 76e. , Ladies' " .. 90n 7�. 90e. .. " Weenies itesgola Kid with toe tip) for $1, mess pries $1.i& Pr...tla Goitres 50c., ropier price 66o. " Pia. � Calf Rut/ Root. $1 21 melee prim $1.5 Pia* Redd M.n's l The., e., menhirprise 96c. [►W Goiters $1.60, 116 $ 0O .ad all ot'w Hes .gsalj bus. Every line In Vie bona. reduces in price from 16 to 46 per eget. Repairing neatly dews. H. B. POLLOCK Pewter's Old 111004 ambrk'lb •