HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-3, Page 7THE SIGNAL: (ODKRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 3. 1894.
A Carpet
is something you don't buy every day
inthe year and our advice to in-
tending purchasers is to
IOSpBCI Eei'y Stoc of Carpets 111 IVB To*ll
and then buy where you can get the
best value for your money --that's our
style of doing business.
t )sir Stock of. c,ARl'E 1:5 for this Season i; exceptionally large and
well a1•'urted. We have -
Stair Carpets, from 3 ct.. a yard up
Hemp Carpets from 121 ctl. up.
1'nion Carpets from 25 eta. up.
Tapestry Carpets from 25 ct.. up.
The Largest Stock ot new Carpets in the town.
No Trouble to Show our Goods.
Parasols atrl l; mbrellata, b the late.t
' (:loves a, usual ftp torthe stark.
HOSIERY . . . '
White, Cream. Siete, F4'an and Tau .Sh.les in, Silk
Lib's Thread and Cashmere.
A large range of Trimming 'Braids, 'in Silk, Mohair andAii gory
All widths in Serpentine and Creme, Militery.
Cashmeres, Henriettstt and Whip Curtis. Cashmeres in White,
Crani', Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shades in Nude Vei1ingtl
In sprays, Ru.i-, and Stripes.
A iu11 ling of Smallwr inc:udirg Pearl and Linen But-
tons, 2 and 4 boles.
la•errlI.0 hater) 8.n. aid. : rer I ran. DI..•.ust fir Saab.
aE4re- Z 277.2• RO,
34164 Drawer and Haberdasher.
1 11111,N•S s HEIRi\(r\. Pills for Pale People and refuse all mita.
pone ac! substitutes.
1►r. W illrams' leek fills may be had of all
druggists sir direct by mail from IIr. Wii
Ili lit 1 II 1.I►IMAND t' it'NT 1 I.AIt1 berm Medicine Company, 1$rock%iIIe 41,1.,
or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for 112 50.
-n1 -t FLOAD Lat•ar(Ytl1$r: •f at v, rune
fete a -iter kora woven.. w ate tof •
Eo TD tea .:a6T.. MP:- SLUES w .t.+ 06-
- tat'Ee •ena wait kC$thL[a Sart•
Tran, ti er eel k it it Item.
There have been bunion of late in Selkirk
what was termed a miraculous care from
- • long Meer of • lady living in tl•inham
lien•h.p, a few miles from town. So much
talk oft the case give rise to that The Item
dateru fined to tavatigats the matter, wi.h
- . &view o! pahh.biag the facts.
nes. .lac.b Fry is the wde of • well
. known farms: and it war she who was said
tfahave teens.• wonderfully helped. When
•- • -the reporter ealkd upon her, Mrs. Fry cos
- sated to rive the facts of the case and ••id
-" 1 was ill for early • year and for four
____ cou:d not move my limb because of
gelatin, Ind war compelled to use crutches
to get •round. My limb would swell uo
eat 1 suCered excruciating puns which
would i•,n dosu from the hip to the knee.
I Guthrie so much that my health was
federally bad. 1 tried doctors •ud patent
t.elicutee, but got no help until 1 began the
air of IIr. \1'illiants' fink fills. Almest
from the outset these helped me and i used
tux loxes in all, and stoat that time have
heels • well .oma°. having boon entirely
free loan pain, and having no further ore
kr medicine. I am prepmnd to tall asy-
kody std everybody what this wonder's'
saed•.me has dose for me, for 1 foal very
g'a•'•ful Ser the great good the ('ink fills
wrought in my case."
The reporter called upon • number of
Mrs try's neighbors, w ho corroborated what
the rand u to her painful and helpless mo-
4ttino before .he be, the use of Dr. Wil-
i151.•s Tisk fills.
11 1. Derby, chemist, of the firm of
Ikrby R Derby, Selkirk, was also seem.
Mr. Derby said he knew of the caw of Un.
hn, std that what she said regarding it
war worthy of every credence. .he had
h'oslf told him of the "rest besetit she had
dst,ved from the use of Pink Pitts. He
farther rid that they had sold Pink Pills
for • number of years ..d found the sale
*a-sts•tly increasing. which was dos be
y ad • doubt to the great satisfaction the
pada gave thus tarot them.
An analysis of their properties .how that
fbe,e} pilhi are an unfailing specific for 1 11
'roup es snoring from an impairment of cls
servo t system or impoveri•led Wood, so •n
r loss of appetite, depression of spirits,
ss.. ' la, chkroeis or green sickness. sweral
Imp tiler weakness, dizziness, los of
miff rhiumauem,St.
IllIIls' dries. the
after .ffetets of la grippe. scrofula, shrank
errs•pela., etc. They are alas . yowl& for
Oft troubles welter to the fens& systole
owrrvcting tnavutanties, so •md
s'1 forms of female wewksar, so=
eke hind aid restoring the stew .1 health
to MIs owl sallow shacks ii the ease of
teen t hey yaws a radical ern in all diemses
ari•rsg from mental worry, ovetwnrk or se -
asses .f any natrn. Them pill are sot t
El 'mem mortician They agitate ale
aWlee isle, properties tied lint hist( that eould
liars th. moil delicate syittsl
Ik Reluants pink Pi1L am aid only it
Loum hearing the Arm's trade mirk .ad
1"*0'ha Dr. rimRea ed is rod i.k. Reda sided
11H.ms' t'hk rm. are avec odd
f�1 • say. ether style of and sey
ashler wire ellen assos terms no
T� 7I . Ask !Int De. WIMr1M' Pick
Sew Liabl I brew a .. SI. Life al M Selena
lit a French Seyall.t• Leifer.
An old family letter fust unearthed by the
Fig•ro,and wntten by the Marlpisde Mott -
chew', t'•.mmissioner of the I.: ing of France,
to his intonate friend M. de Dineur, Knight
of Si. Louie and postmaster of Angoulesre,
throw. some new and interesting light upon
Napoleon's mode of hie an exile on St. 11e1
ena. The following passages are well worth
1 will now speak to you of our great man,
his position, and his flu•rd. The garrison of
St. Helena consists of 2,500 men. Numer
ors pieces of artillery and about twenty
mortars defend the coast- Ituon•parte oc
copies the house of the Liwtenant-Drovers
or, situated in the toe and onlyvalley in
the island, and known under te mane of
Longwood. Title plain is surrounded by
precipices, and it cast be reached by nee
read only. Amuod the house the Fifty-third
regiment is encamped, and a tittle further
oto stands a park of artillery, while the cot
floes of the valley •re guarded by poets of
He has fifty men in his sweeter, and is per
milted to go out alone -1 mean without be
ire aocompanied by his verde But, if he
wants to leave the valley, Buonaparte must
be followed by an ottixr in uniform, who
sever leaves him, and who mut note and
report everything that he does during the
day. The persona tbat compose the suite of
the emperor aro guarded by officers, and the
veleta are watched by non commissioned of-
At every hour of the lay or ni,ht the (.or-
ernor or his lieutenant is informed of all that
g oes on in the id.ad : and if anything ser
boys should happen, the garrilos woad
promptly be put under arms.
Such are the precautions takes es Aiwa
in regard to I/monaparte. As to the pre
cautions takes on the water, they are much
more rigorous. Two frigates are stationed
• t Kocher. sad two brigs cruise incessantly
armed the island from 6 o'olock in the even-
ing onto! 6 in the morning, while sloops of
war patrol the rn.st.
Ira the emote all boats belonging to
privates p•rtis and to the war resale are
obliged to Dome into port, 'meanie there is
es order to Aro epee any boat that appears
owtside after 9 o'clock. Moreover, it is im-
possible to navigate the waters of St. Helena
without having the password. The boat
that shnnld attempt it would be Imre to be
fired upon. No foreign eerel is allowed to
approach. A piastre is awarded immediate
ly to the man who first reports' the presence
.1. reseal outside. Thee she s warned off
by ttignah. Add to these preeaotio.s taw
very asegemos cosditioe of the cut. The
breaking sro so terrible that the marlin
guards are oitem obliged to rosette for
several days in their vessel ,e amount of
the difficulty of leading. Therefore, you
can easily inderssand, m dear. that sasaps
l impeseible. Eves admitting Ih.1 th.
Governor should fiver the rename Roma•
parte. it mold sot Iro aooeaspli.b.d mikes
Um Admiral was in esoiysee with him.
And r1, b.traytsg the o.sIdwo..1 the
. wpsrtor authority. the Admiral gh.sld
allow no .enm kvor+We sight two or three
slaps to approach with the. latesti.m of
rWiv.r4 mer pe wheat world Is the
kW of tom. rlmmp s'il.y seek' hove 1.
stood mem • mese kgmidebla Art, sad
their 1fttM lsdiaa plwty wand be gsi.kly
arreetd, banns* We tit are .11 strimgly
the ether bier r. is man • remenele-
should be rich to
health. Poor blood
Anaemia; diseased
means Scrofula.
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
enr:rhes the blood; cures
A naernia, Scrofula, Coughs,
Colds, Weak LI'ngs, and
Wasting Diseases. PIs, .r,a►s,
the world over, end.tr;3 !t.
ON't N Nulled by Selstit'1teil
ti...1 Soy g.aerf .. Aa On. g.1.. 5. S.:.
Slott Sikh the (:over, it seemed to me
that nue p•,iot of the crest was not sufficient
11 def.nd.d, notwith,tauapt` its twenty set
pieces of artillery : because Sae of (fie flask•
Mg batter-cs au on too k4g't rrounsl. I
et WWI at. adv lining spot where t te ostein•
ed ruck pern.r.t.•1 11.., rash stebli.h•oent ..
a l.rttery of four pieces on • level with the
atter. They are working at that at the
phut t outmost.
1 tell ycu this to let you know that
• 'theme goal ill bete without my knowledge.
Cigars! our g...d .1eireum'uaita; and you
yourself. div'• e.i.!ly and calmly, for you
will tee hitt' no mute, at least as keg as 1
r +yin bete.
le the erening Buonaparte and his pee-
s mist
er•smist insist return to the homier chit is
Levee titer to them, and remain indoors
11.0,1 the following morning. This Inuit is
.unonndoil by ienttuele who have orders to
'Fee upon arty pre ■ppreachiug, and the
Fmneror knit his nine have a'rrynirod the
:•nviareen that this ertler!nitl always Le
obeyed, for It ha. been already.
I h we, nt vertheler, that 1 will tot die in
this •sisn-l. unless husker rr ennui get the
baser of my health. le that rare .very
m.ti'h passel h,rr will certainly iso• placed
te my easnupt •s worth several yeers in
purgeteel•. t' 'earl ler, my greet felted, the
weans of .aiv,tl1n whirl, you have neglect.
e 1 liy not fallowing are '
Ido arriving at St Ifc:ena llucwaperte
wee placed iu the Itnuse of. residers. nsmedd
ItalcomLe, one of abase .daughters, a girl of
few -tee. answers to the name of Betsy'
Now, telt little rift, who ia very pretty mei
charming iv Ler cheerfulness and the
yit•e'ety nLher character, was admired by
the I'm,.eter to such ia decree !hat he ap-
pe.re.l to I,. in love with her.
Yesterday •milk talking to her. 1 said
hole Betsy, 1 am no loeger astonished to
h-ar Ynu speak such good Freed'. for I
Lore jest leen . iuh>.emtsd that you have
shown Raouaparte fee your triode,.
Ah. surely nut," said she. " He is *ho-
gs: her to, rude for that." • '
-" list 1 am fold that you have hero able
is tame 4.d -train hitt, and that -he is in dove
'•Ith, you don't know Lim at a11. Heise t
one bit reliant."
.11.► a' this point Retsy's eater Came in
• Id toll me that one day, finding her alone,
Rnpaaparte tock her by the ear and pulled
it 1 err I • "touch to hurt her.
"And what did you do then I asked.
"I gave him a rood slap in the face, and
ha pat so angry that, he seueezed the end of
my nose wit'. such violecce that it remained
red the whole day."
" For rev part. 1 would have kirse 1 you."
stet I gallantly : and 1 kwsed the Tittle
hand that slapped the face delis great
Except these little incidents, my dear
friend. there is nothing interesting in this
island. Buooaparte is always in had humor.
He arnoys al those who surround him. and
cmtinuts to make himself he treated 1 ke
an Emperor. Moreneer he still overawes alt
his attendants.
• Seeserkable %Mersa Srld&e,
From the Xelren IS. ('.t Tribune.
On tt:e west side of the lower Arrow
Like, on the ('olnmhie River, West Koot-
o'isv, about twenty miles north of P.obson,
passeneers on the steamboats observe a
dark pateh on the rocks some 1.500 fret from
•he shore it looks like the entrance to a
rove, and such it has heen'relieved to he
But it was recently rioted by .lames Hays,
• much respected miner and prospector.
who nubile his way aerie, the teu.h•covered
space, and famed that the little dark patch
grew mnisouely in sin and at last resolved
itself into au arch of perfect (ot'm and extra-
ordinary dimeasioss.
Mr. Hays produced • tape line and pro -
oersted to measure the dimensions of this
■ .tend structure and consider its relations to
its eurr.'ndiogs. It is composed of gray
granite, allied to anoint : it rises abruptly
from level :round, though the mountains .t
the back •re of the same formatioa.and thus
testa its whole height above the level of the
adjsc.nt ground. The piers on each sidearm
2) feet high, *hes the arch begias to spring
and rises in the centre to a height of 40 feet
abets the around. The,distancefrom liar
to pier i. 264 feet, and this enormous span
N covered by a roof of emits 30 feet wide
and varying is thickness from 10 feet at 111e
sides to 12 feet in the centro. The form of
the arch is that of a rwinhow,the under side
being.mooth,hat not water-wors,aud with
out angles or hawse. it is cracked in radi
atog liner, which divide the maw into self-
supporting keyetones, but the points are
qs te close. without fissure batwings them.
The sides of the pint are as smooth as the
arch. and great firs and cedars grow beneath
the arch. Dirt brinks on each side of the
-.rive piers form easy grades to the top of
the arch, whit h is cle•n,solid rock, and it is
preside to drive • team under It ur over
This remarkable monolith does not appear
to 1... keen eacaed hy the wearing away
of the rocks around it, new by having fallen
from a higher lsyel,hut seems to have sither
besac ea mases or left standing we
the et the earrounding land.
Neat September User. will be held at
hapiM a ctlemletry and p►annecy ori guts,
composed of two secltoss, aeua4He sad pro-
fessional or trade.
In a memoir reoeutly read by Mr. Lent,
at A westing of the Society of I:ernsan Eo
rioters, it u shown that the total number of
lown cows in service throughout the
world is 109,000. divided as foUewe : -63,
OW in Europe, 40,000 iu Ameries, 3,500'
Awe, .',° pt Aust.r.L ., .„' ter In Alti a. 1
TM number iu Ubu t'aited Stats 13 3.5,•
The siik iaJuairy in Italy and the Italian
',reelect, of Austria will be beuetitaf by a
discovery to which tie Freuch consul at
Trieste reo.ntly called attention in his ulb
cial report.. He aaeouucw the existence
of a new silkworm, ai„ch w,;uld give • co -
awn larger than that gi,co by the ordinary
insect. The silk would be finer alta, and
wow -whits.
A siguitic•bt incideut in regard to the re-
lations between employers and employes
haa)u•t occurred in the northeastern part
of France. 'There sea • strike in the glass-
works of ('rosnsare. The proprietor, Mn,..
Italy, put thea factory at auction, and it sou
lout'ht for 116.000 frau.e lay the suskmeu,
who raised a total Intel of 300,000 francs,
considered necessary for the purchase meteor
ted the first expenses to he incurred „to the
t.egiuuu.,t of th" work. hear lune!ral .!tares
were su"w-ritrd in tui, art k's time, and, of
course, the strike was at an end.
While • tsle•rtad hostesses and dub
Lnrhelots are eelle.tiol; 41.41 tryiug cash
o.hers• recaps for the 1,411. y of the oyster
c,ckt•il that lllr. Ner1.,... tel:iclrs brought
to this city from San l'raacisco, a titre in
this city is operaticg am oyster .,detail
f. 'tory t.i keep the b r rooms supplied with
the novelty. The three or fo. r .wyll
ry.!cr., the pepper 11.11.w, the red pepp.u,
and the other i,. reduute are put u,, in
licca fat boxes to be retailed at 15 eretta,
or two for •. quarter. 1e the both* of
each bottle you see the edges of the oysters
mostly 1.1,1,110! in a mix* of tomato catsup
that would make • genuine oyster coda
veru tired. -New Yo:k Sun:
A considerable amnust of dissatisfaction
has been experiec:cid by some- of. tbe' cen-
tre tvrs Ix tau mew British tnrl.cdo•boat
deet oyers, because. t► • aanrralty have con
eluded not to eontieu .icin,l thein a free
heard in the •leai:,roiag .•t their machinery,
but insist on :•e r:aiu definite prbportioms 1•,•
tanto en.ene. mud L i:ere le..eg oMcrved.
For instance, the Admiralty demands Iarver
boilers uham•the contractors deem ne.'csaery
bet:ause i' .nests an inttesso in weight amt
• dtmiuution in speed : end, couse.tucmtly,
a decrease in the poastLle earnings cf pre-
miums. In other wor.ls, the Adnuralty de-
omand. totters for more efficient service,
whether the contractors earn premiums cr
not. -=New York Tribune.
Sabers es They APP.
The craft of a baby is. at least • on • per
utth it. cruelty. -five way never w little
to a young hopeful io long clothes, and fur
every ince given it will exact au ell. Walk
*limit with one for tan n•inntes in the
middle of the tnghr, "j..st'to .iu.et the -poor
little thing,' and in a week you will be in
good training to balk it thousand hours.
Trot one twtcs or thrice on your knee, and
the simulatioe pony will thereafter le in re.
guest during tie day, until at last. between
the equestrian exercise hy daylight and the
Pedestrian feats bqr gaslight, you will be tit
for the position el high private in a march-
ing regiment, either infantry or dragoons.
C.i• ■ o,, as malicious as cunni•ra, there is
toothier so gratifying to your baby as tri
travel at other people's expense, and no full
grown Jeremy D:ddler ever practiced the
art mote si:rwfuly. There is but one
way of escaping the iutlictien and that way
ie never to heg:u. It were easier to shake
al ten 01.1 liken of the Sew awn one i
that hu ac./uired a taste for midnight ex-
cursions and diurnal trots. Babies are the
moot persistent young jockeys that ever
rode • free horse to death.
beep Sp Sear Snails: sad Coen Mag1ak
e ,1: '' Nes.
Th. awl caw of Dr. Stebbins, of the Hes-
ton I'1ty Hospital, who dial re.•eutly from
diphtheria, eootracted shit* pureeing hie
prufssioial duties as admitting physician
to the hoopoe', may have brought to the
m,Aas el many the often repeated inyutry
as to the moaner in which mimosity from
wutagion is secured by do.tors, nurses as:::
others, unties business bruits them to
often iii direct c.nta.t with infectious die•
The anasair must be somewhat gcueut, re
well as a repetition of what has many ones
been given, but It is not the lees is or. h
!l, uhnv ea that a: ount
'I'hc two greatest safeguard% agaicst ter
fecttom are • stroag vitality and carefully
sedectcd hygiene.' sunnund.ngs. 11. Per-
fected human organism, constantly and pro-
perly moutons -et, and with plenty of fresh
sir, is almtat invincible against the invasion
of disease. It i1 simply a petition ct 11
survival of the superior. I►ueaae, whwb u
the weaker, is put to rout lay voo41 health:
j.1.t as darknes. %Antolini at the approach .1
The etrt meth of •lis Lase hes in taking its
violins o:1 his guard, In fact, its attacks
rtwawmaly i.i.l5 is asbu.ls, «a it were, in-
sidiously dad against the weakest spot intim
armor of it. ve.um
Let ,a ,ptrsor, in no matter Slow goal
health, connect • sIIglu cold or wet over-
fatigitiid, and ' lie.ety his veer.trenith
Leconte' • wntec of w-.aknees. Tee amar-
a: and more virulent typos of dtaa;e find •
ventreirouud, and a light begins witv,h
!arts tie luugth,,and is the harder, ss the
ripe .ung faa.•es 1E1 lie mon tyusi17-11336443-
.d in strength.
It is easy
t even • physivias,
anal sulfe`is1 wane.
what from a ceatiotgn.'nt neg:est of hygiesio
leers, may finally .uccutub to the d.ssasc
u nit which he lingers. -Youth's t'ontpac
*. Ls*rli•. M.Nosasler.
The salary of tha'Secretary to the fust
0:ticc remained, as it w•av fixed in 1Tt'3, at
t:200 a year, and wltatevir Todd received
.,ver and above this amouet he rviceietel
without authority. Let us sec w Est his act-
ual rot tipta sera. 1. ad'lition to his proper
salary of 0200, he had what is called.a Lye
salary of 175. Bye at one tin.e n.rarit out
of mitres sir claudeatiur, and ilia meaning,
would, perhaps, ler not inappropriate here.
lie had fur auaul. hire Al)) a Year. lie
haul .weber 1100 a year front lhyt''s toffee
He had from fees and depn.atiuns S:154 a
year. Ile had chary year twenty claliros
of coal and twelve dot'2u of wax sod sixty•
four duz• n of tallow caudle., valued by him-
seUat t103. He had an nufnrnisn(l tea:-
den.e with stades in the Post 0th.:e Build.
ing, end he received annually from the
East ludic t,mnpt.ny eight pounds of tea and
two deet, of /wrack. But this was by no
means ell. .1s fernier c!.rk i.• the foreigu
branch, en 1.ppoiutruent wnfih he still re-
tained, he had a salary; of ::50 and an al-
lowance of el 00 n leer for so-called du-
bursements which he never nude.
Hv had, .Lir.. in his capacity of clerk, :15
a leu fur coach hire, and ten cl:aldren of
coal auk thirty-two the/ a}o1a:.adles,.slued
at .:10. i eetles all this, he 1sd ads nom
ei,sion of 'L per cent. upon the entire
packet expendititre of the country, from
which source he derived in 170,2 notes. than
*.2,136. ,Altogether, Todd's, modest salary
of 1.200 a year had, by his own tut:tided
exertions, been converted iuto au annual is
come of more than t3,000. -Tire History of
the 1',31 l)diet Herbert Joyce.
kI.s/sg Ike 548)e.
From the New York Ann.
The Code of t'trtl Procedure in this Stele,
preecribiog the manner of administering
an oath in judicial pro.ccdinge, begins by
declaring that the usual mode now prat•
Una by the person who swears laying I i -
hand u .On the 1;o0p.ls, moat be observed
except in certain specially designated cases.
A bill has just leen introduced into the
Assembly to amend this portion of the
statute by adding these words: " The kiss-
ing of the (loopr's is dispeo.ed with. -
We can readily understand the reasons
for such an amendment if the law u it
stands compe's a witness to kw the Bible.
.apparently, however, there is no such ,.ren,
pulsioo, for section nsle of the same code
provides, in its present form, as follows :
•' The oath must be adanir.ieted in the
following form to a person who so desires.
the laying of the land upon and lofting the
1:o8p•.Is being omitted : 1 ou do swear in
the presence of the ever lining 1 •etd.' White
so swearing he may or may not held up his
hand, at his option.
Under the existing law, therefore, it
would seem t hat anyone who prefers to avoid
kissing the book in taking a judicial oath
may readily do so: and there seems to be no
occaaion for the enactment of the proposed
amendment, except to add one more need-
less statute to the, fat volumes d our see•
aims laws. '
strrwly Sstrke4. -- -
Tire clergymen totally different in char-
acter were yet firm 1nend. tine was prim
and precise, especially .careful of his linen,
quiet in speech and tnanner : the other carte
less as to drew., and • regular John hull in
ways and words. The latter hal formed
the habit of takings snuff,much to the dullest
of his frieed,who abhorred all such practices.
tine day at a mietsters' meeting, Mt. Blank
polled out his snuff-box, tapped it in the
orthodox fashion. end took • hearty pinch.
Mr. Arnold, thinking to rebuke him, said,
.n his mildest tones
Mr. Blank," how much do you think it
costs you a year for.nuff'
" !Nro't keno," was the reply: "perhaps
abort as much as it dos you for starch."
•e rlM esi MRSbt/ Tears.
A wonderful anniv.Ra.t, the 100th, of
the marriage of Mr. mot Mrs. Jests Srath
teary is reported from Hungary. Tibia ap-
pears to he • citromnrtande which is satire-
Iy imputable. Rut the marriage of this
pair is daily sad officially recorded es haring
taboo plass se May, 1703, at which ume
seeerding to the record. they wore .1 Umar
✓ iagaable sea. A. ie Hesgary .t that thea
a hridsgreem must have reached the ago of
twenty sad a bride that of fifteen. the pair
must seer he at least 120 and 11b years ad -
The 100ab anniversary mss ealakreed at the
toss .1 7wmhs0, ie the Dermot. whish has
far • long rima abseiled tb• vwr.raM. tete•,.
• prp•M,e la recognition of their great ago
sod 14.14; to weh other.
1. lure tidal IIIc.
Very few women who have attained years
of discretion are free from corns and kip -
dyed ills. These .re iuyariat4y the result
of badly fitting shoes. ettner too large or
too small. To cure them one of the first
steps is to remedy the cause of the trouble.
Shoes should be parchased which bind the
feet in no place and which are as soft as is
coo.iatent with ow. They may look shale
leis beautiful than the narrow, pointed
binding affairs which stem the acute of
loveliness to the badly trained eye, but the
apparent lose ihi more than compensated for
by the improvement in the appearitce ot the
foot itself. Along with the change in the
style of shoe, the corns, ingrowingnails and
the like should be treated. ft corns
should be wrapped every nicht and morning
in a piece of linen wet with turpentine.
This will soon ranee them to disappear.
For more serious pedal ills • chiropodist
should be consulted.
es often as possible, it is • good thing to
go barefooted. In one's own room some
tomes one may for an hour or as treat the
feet to the luxury of an air bath, and, next
to the water bath, nothing i. more satisfy-
ing to tired, hot feet. The foot bark in
water should be a daily rite. Not only the
feet but all taw body is rested and refreshed
by it. • After exposure to cosi] or dampoeea
the feet should be rubbed with alcohol, and,
indeed, the alcohol bath once • weak or err
is an excellent thing, even for feet that
have not been exposed.
• ('81511 s:treery Firm.
Itur Chinese fellow citrress havediscover-
eda new field for their restless enterprise.
Their success in the laundry business hu
encouraged them to enter upon fresh Does,
and t ho result n that the great Ann of
t;uonr Hing A l'o., grocers, has been foem
el. In order to meet the opposition which
the advent of such a formidable competitor
mieht bs expected to arouse in the ranks of
the established trade large capital war re.
.mired, therefore it breams necessary to
form a partnership. Thie has been done,
and the new firm is composed of Saag Kee,
Siting Wah, Wong Sing, I.ee Sing, thin
Wall, Fong Haag, thin Let, Wong lion
(thin Man, Woag Sus, %Yong Hogg, t him
Tait For, Wong Genn, thin Hier, (Sri.
Wong. A fall is the priee of groosries is
expected to oompeu•to the rise in laundry
rates : so that seassaries will be cheapened
•t the etyma* ot one of the luxuries of 1de.
-Star. Materal.
Irug •sae.( curds.
From ane 1 .lobe Democrat : - " 1 votatiM-
ea an i.otdeat Mast bear,' wail Oswald t.raf
i too, " that showed that there is • stro•g
feeling of pity auoog birds, and that sou,e-
timmes they are as charitable as nun. A
1. pair of robins had their nest in the Senat
near by the house, while a parr .1 catlurde
bad built theirs iia • Ln.1t clow by, The
two pairs hatched out Gnu ,I.1 I4 a`. abuu!
the ante time, and fur Is short :here event •
went aluug smoothly. Then the tub-
ins dieapp.•argi eu' irely ..uJ 1 coadu lea
1 they had been killed- The yawig raster,
she had depended on their pereats fur Inod,
appears l to he alert lag t\'ben the cs' lams
awn with • worm or Lit of food fur their
you.( the r, uug rolnus would thrust up
their heals and make a great now. 1'.e.
eptly at was nottot,l that the catbird* were
Seeding the hungry orphans. lit-ery n.t;ht,
LOO , while use of the catb•rat; covered is
own young its mute pert •rt .e.l the .ams ser-
:_t,ot the tu.,n; miens. 111 to s nay 1.4h
broils erste refire.l 'he nd.ine ki••wing up
a, slung 4.:1 !-rely it, ter, agL tit,y l.s.l
Lein :red for 1) the r o,cu pw,rnt.. '
t..1. t 1,3r:ham. th.•`tollo.r lug "lien's until you
Lawn Mower's (ten inch drive wheel),Spades,Shove!:,Hoes,
Rakes, Poultry Netting 24, 30, 36 and 48 inches, Plain,
Barb, Galvanized, Oiled and Annealed Fence Wire,
aa (4411' tine of f
• 1'ri:.•, t,i Snit Ow
moi to 11. M. XIIIki1.0Y,
• An 1:rsueerina Trl.ms8. -40
4 trianiph in oareineerng is reported
from the mounters' of Peru, where a twin
screw at. aunt of 5:1 Sou, 170 feet lour cod
30 feet wide, has Leen sucxxwduily launched
n Isle 'lltacscs, the highest naviu'ml.le
wetcrs in the work!, more *Lai. 13,C''0 feet
ab,.v. the ie eel of the sea. The steamer,
soh c 1 bclones to the 1'.rnvian yoveruntent,
and is used for freight sad passenger
was built to the Clyde..then takes spirit
in more than • thousand pati)" and shipped
to Mollen.lo by ace. I t was . armed to Pont.
by railway add trainpoeted ovc,• the moun-
tains oar the backs of ltantas and mules 3041
put together by J..hu Wilson. a S.eotcb
engieser, with great skill and enr,ase. -
1'hicago Record.
EST1*40511C 1855.
Buchanan & Son,
Neer I: r4CT1; t.aiu
I• MM.
" Rees vaccinated yet'"
" Ne," mid the athletic rirl. '• I've not.
i east quite make up my mind whether to
give np my Indian clubs or my bicycle foe a
Wife - epi, t sass 010 tai. mors-
▪ enbeed - New seethe e. h deer. i
want ten Ihrusar.•1, an.' if 1 dna t got ,' 1
nom, three going to he u assignment
(teed mersiar, my dear.
=e. aha. 8., gSere
haunter. lers=aptisa ti es no MY*
bas area ovineade.s.Vm. morel cons TOO r
41.*Twit onmeow
. a.......�,
E V!•r.i�aa ! t .. i.
1.1r1 y i u,...•.•[.1 14r 110:y mamma_
WOO 23 !CV I'M.I?la_, soma. 1.:400
Wafers is all kinds of
And bu,Ide: s' material of every description
School Furniture a Specialty.
11i � AMrki.i
Pony tar
lawst l
CIOPIIRIC04111. etc.
Fir Ief w matlom and Ilanebwk wree to
NI MN !rn. sl rw,A ower r, Naw Tows.
morns berms fpr ..griper Wont. In An/Tine
Itvery t.as, out by a. Is brought before
ills is by a natl.-4. give. h.' . of rharre'c the
scientific Americo
i r.ry-rat Mro.1.lrnw of •n .40.14 . paper In tbt
tirl. i'y omni)) .nst�ral•d. No 1 1 ent
Paan t4n.td 1.r morel...
m, Wtestaf� •4. a
)rer: 51.1116 eye• ad Ad row Yfr!t, • .4.,
- 1''t'e• trwxa.. .Sal Rro•dwar. Now York-
"liy a ciao', ., , t oe:se •dee of the natural
laws wh4.11 govt•rn the op. ret:on. of div, efts
and nutrition. amt Ir a .awful application et
1h., Cor urnptrtiee o%adlielte tid t'urna, Mr.
hl.p• t.1t prodded for our Mfeskhu seal sup-
p•r a drh:.telpf l*s.onn:rl bettrage w1,:.h may
rave as 111511y Lea. y d4.•1ur-i L7!,, 1r i, • ; .he
judleioue use of such tat id... of dict that aeon-
sttlutr m may be gear. wily built up until strait
enough 20 rrei+t erery t.•ndenry to dirc.se,
Wiedreda 'of sablle ,salad:.s may Iloaeia*
bround us read toattack•wt.ererrr Hetet in a
week point. .%•e tray cseape Iranp a fetal
than try t. <•piult ourselves welt fortified with
Vire W,tpd "i.l • properly nourished frame."-
2.irtl1lettrrirr Orr r.
Made simply with trebles orates or mill.
:old only in thsekets,by Oros, rer, 1at.•11ea1 :bibs :
Jilin. BPM s•. Ltd.. Menserpasboe
s7bers14U. Ilaadea. fathers..
Steam 116i ler Works.
tk� 11111.14t Eti'Iir..'.r
Sru•,•raler lo Phi yslal d` LH,ckJ
alanufacturers of till kiu.Li of Station-
ery \Dari:tr, 1pright S Tuhul:.r
3ZIOxz =s,
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also dealers in 1'pright and lHorieontal Mlide
Valve Kai imi. .1u'onutic Cut .(HT Ire :;iner a
pe•i:dty, All ..Wil of pi e mid ripe Surma
coaManlly on hand. Emi..tatee turnis.,.d on
leen notice. Itepa'rink promptly attrm+.,d ts..
13G? ly I'. d. Dos .r,, Oodeeeh, u•t.
Works -aper to O. T. 1i. Matta. Ooderton.
has just returned from the cities where lie
las been selecting
He lta.•i now• on haurl a Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and i•1 preparid to
turn otit work in the Bn'.t
Style possible, and at Prices to
Mutt the times.
I1 1)UNI.4IP.
Tea estimator Paetna Ranwav Co.'.
Ttn,naare has been established to give the
public a first ekes setts with fair wad per
..acct aornpetlllen.
It is sanaesd os brain.s pri.rlple§ and la
the linens of lar patres's.
it dosarvs the wppp0nnr ot every person *be
believes in eesrpoltasa.
Per qs5 doseaseb res (81. fess�pimsa�rr.
I1eesss.Meetenee.atss wiu acts Imam pad e••lIes
raarade Ned
M`wq. NI II Oe W lM teal
ot11c. Sou, t....le t'•'t.• .•.
a.:S • N'Li ell
Lead Yaeger. Oederleb
means the kid-
neys are in
trouble, Dbbddl.
Kidney Pilleriva
prompt rrlief"
•' 16 per cent
of di is
ret caused by
disordered kid-
"Night as wail
try to lista a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as good
14111(h when tk•
hfdn.ys aro
rho scavengers
of the system.
"Delay is
dangerous, Nog-
/ ec ted
e¢lected kidney
(roubles result
in and Blood,
Dyspepsia, bumCompl int, and
t he most dan-
gerous of all,
Bright. 0:.sasd.
Diabetes and
Drop114. about
diseases atone
•riot abase•
Dodd's Kidney
Pills tare seat
ball gashess erred y =elfsm� dee
or is
L. A Sea&
C+c wM.. Di it
kgeb .sae Kiik y Tae...