HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-3, Page 61
I have purchased the Hardware Stock of
the ate C Crabb, Esq , at 50 cents on the
dollar, and have added unto it a fu line of
> ardw�
at Reduced Prices. caused by the lowering
of the Tariff So that now I am prepared
to give my Customers better value than
can possibly be secured elsewhere. The
purchasing public know me well, and from
the large patronage given me while I was
here, I should say you knew me favorably.
I ask a renewa of your patronage, and
inte41 to pease you better than ever.
-1 TA l.E: OF 40 IEARS AGO:l
Charge 01 The LIHAt -1111Pla ,de
• IM Irt ix•UneisrTcII. • orapkle •Ivry
N. (be ••ttehle nit Usadree weds
to Deal\srad Slelirr ' uk,the
WItalyllargeTlivx Slade.
A telegram from New lurk on April 13,
says lo a dangy room on the top door of
a tenement betiding in Sixth avenue, lust
below Thirty-first greet, • hero lies dying.
ilia praises have bee., sung by Tennysor,
whom Enola•d made its laureate poet, and
.11 • he v orld has recognie•d his brewery.
H. .s t\ ilham 1 :b1 eft. one of the three
survivors of the noble six hundred who rode
over Lb* Russian cannon a! Ralaklava. To-
day closed his 65th year, and • few hours
more will .lo•e hie life. In the tenement
where he is now dying H,bbert has for
y.a-s been known sin ply as the old stock.
tog weever. He never chose to tell thou
wit whom he came in contact the story of
the medal which he prizes more than life
and which, though concealed under the rag
gel coat, tells that its owner is one of the
seventy-four who came " back from the
moot of hell," nut of that awful charge of
the glorious Light Ikiged'.
\1 ilh never • boast the quiet old map
wee.: on with hu knitting in Parker's shop
on a floor below his home, and on Saturday
evecinf carried his earnings up to his frugal
wife A few days ago he coniractel poen
Mood' and hie recovery le impossible. 1 et
stroog of will to the lest. the hero lies prop
ped up in bed and pointing to the simple
pints that adorn the walla of her room -all
illustrating the famous charge goes over
and over agent the story of that one great
day of his manatees.
, There, ye see • There's where we was
gain' in. That's Nolan Captain Nolan.
him as bmught the message the• they heat
all the row abort. History never found oat
who sent the message for us to charge them
guns. bat Raglan never sent it. Everybody
always thought Raritan sent it to Cardigan,
a that was hto brother -in low.
"(b," and old Hibbert smiled and shook
him head, " It was • pity, ,,sinful, terrible
%thing. 1 ase rwm.mber. it ie as plain as
if 1 sow it now. As Nolan role up and gave
the order (antigen turned nw him and
erred • 'Nolan, who sent that order No
•sewer. Then he asked again , 'Who sent
that order Rut there was no answer.
Third time he asked him, and all the
• aswer Nolan made was he pnantia.' to
the breastworks "There'. the enemy, ro,'.
Then he dashed on
"Cardigan just threw beck hos heal and
mud, 'Well, here s the last.' For an Baur
and a half after that nobody k•ew what
was happening, esoept that we was retrain'
-tght Tote bell, thew miles away. It look •
•d like • lifetime joern.y, and the men be-
gan to 1.11 away as the shells yelled se'
tern ameasg um. Every nee that toppled ell
his hawse arousal me. ( tMmvht I was Stele'
N at. The men who expected to come nut '
eff Llai weal., have berm er,rr. The four
Mita meet me, in front, behiisd and on hot&;
aides, were WSW, and as 1rw
eke. •e. 1 ase • *hell enmiwg _tm;glittoward
sae, ettlaitibt, straight '1fiLbrrt, ye're
gses,'saga. net 1 pre toot one fah e'
the spar into that mare, and she leaped like in socia an c.o:a•. • al position at the present
• shot. She swerved, 1 should think, a' moment, is a barrister by profession, soda
doe n feet, and the shell took her r.it;h hunt Devonshire map by birth. 1n 1077 he re -
leg. I went tumbling. When I picked presented Newfoundland on the Inter-
•ty.s1t ey there was • hors. ankh eanational t any ationalCommissionheries Commission at Heli(ix,
rider. I got into the saddle. Surd went on being at that time Attorney-t.eocrai of the
with the rush. It was terrible." colony. (Inc. then he has been Premier
As the old Trait went on with his story ; except during a short interval, Rod it will
his pale face took on color, acid his wife,, be remembered that he took a prominent
we tears in her eyes, tame over and said : part in the neyotixtions with France, a few
" Please dont talk so much." fears a,.o, with regard to the Newfound.
" Ile yuiet," said the veteran. '• 1•11.be French shore question.
through an aminate." - Mr. Mlorine, the 1'elonial Secretary is the
" Well, when we got up to about tutee Dewlpp•formed Newfoundland 1:over•rneat,
hundred verde of the works they oldn't i. a Capitalise. He entered the Newfound.
train the guns 00 us, and we just (ought land Hotter soon after his arrival in the a o4
the I:uasions back tit' cut em down an i ony sod in ibe face of the charge levelled
spoked the guns. That was what we went, against him that hs was • protege of Sir
for, ye see. We all had little aptkan' mil. I Charles Tupper sent over to the colony to
gruel and as he sthis the old fellow • conspire to bring about union with the Ito-
han.l instinctively sought has belt, bot there mtntnn while be occupied a seat to tit.
was no mallet there, nothing save the thtak . (*colonial Legislature he came of er to ('anode
plaid shawl which was pinned tight about' anal ran in • Nova Scrota constituency fur
him the Dominion I'arliameut. In that contest
There." he ,aid after enugbina (eel. >, be was defeated. file returned to Xewfound-
"there's the picture of the comic' back. laud test veer anal is now in the 1.ot-ern
1 e con see it was awful ; only sereoty four neat. Mr. Murine is • very clever speaker
came out. An' Nolan was the first that had and • credit to his native land.
been killed. i saw his body. The ball had
cut straight through his chest. That's •
good picture of hint up here. a dashin• devil
of a chap an' the wildest Irishman •n' the
lent soldier that ever lived. An' that other
picture, that's 1'ardigan."
The old moo's eyes filled with teara and
his voice failed him. For • moment he ps•n Brat on the IM
lived over again the glory of the return. thoseears
than thnof Samuegby l records few )
Close beside the bed lay the old soldier's
waistcoat. He reached out and drew it to son appear. It re believed, though there is
him, then tenderly anfaatened from the 00 positive evidesce,that Samuel and Moses
breast of it the heavy ailrer trophy which were the sow of dolor. Samuel was the
told the story of the share he had borwe in grandfather of the investor. He,hke many
the stA,ggte of fkitis& troops in the horrors a other Nota Sootiaoa, was attra.•ted he the
of the Crimea, Sebastopol, Inkerman, Aline, ;fertile lands of Upper Canada, and moved
and Ralaklay. The lettering and the char. , there about 1811. Hil' sen, Samuel it ,
is had worn away with the years that the I went to Ohio, and there the inventor was
old man had worn the queen's emblem nettbtorn
to his heart. Rut engraved around the edge' Father "ober, the newly dated Sa•
of the medallion were those words • I parlor (;eneral of the 1 )Mata, has come from
" William Hilbert. Fourth R 1. llragoons."I Paris to visit the stations of the order
\% hen he went back to England Hibbert , throughout Caneole Then are various coo -
left the army and settled -loon to his old irrigations of Oblate, but that to which
stocking trade. Then he came to America, Esther Soulier belongs is known as the
and for fifteen gas ars he has worked a�
I ((s of Mary Immuclete: the lettere O.
but is greatly respected by those who hovel belongs M this order. It was in 1415 that
known him, He has lived u a man thoule' the It. W. 1 was estahlished, th44 place of
live who rode behind wild Nolan and bore1 foundation being Marseilles. R•hen the
way front the bloody ramparts of Bela. 1 Jesuits left Canada the Oblate took their
klava the brief boon of life and a fame that' lis and spread, commencing in 1801, all
will outlast war it ie the glory of that day cher Quebec, ani fluidly into the North •
that sustain@ him now that death it near t was'• The North wart missionaries, bish-
op as well as clergy, are Oblate, reopen
PERSONS OF NOTE sable in soma measure to the chid of the or
• - n
der an Frame. Father Soulier, as Geeral,
One of the French t anadian pater. .las to hold • gratin teathering of the Wasters
entwine Mr. Lahriar's oratorical Style, s1 amtosaries at 1'aleary or thereabouts dun
tributes the rather pretty impediment to d.c the snmmrr I
the honourable gentleman i pronunciation
in the e.ream.tance that he Wow/Arno.UN
blame! with ear Wow/Arno. tary %'•gee.
in teeth. Inc English language i. the only tongue
Father I.ammh., the missionary to tire' la wh•ch it a proper to declare that noe u
Ruck feet, who htndled 1 rowfoot so well. cnlnymg very poor health.
darnel; the rebellion of 1883, is ,aaiti•g
Eastern 1'anadic The ss.
father is • large merely a Sue
powerful, and, indeed, belly cru, of ruddy Tl..peemelul girl - Hoppa read "Ships
Astiepktinn and determined features. That Pass in the Night'
Ili.hop t.r•8eehe says fir Van Horn. psi.( a • The auburn -haired rid No What
haalantne tribute to Father Lacombe in a hind are they ossrtekips'
new interview, whereupon the bishop re.w
pli.d that the work of the miesiory's wee fr*Wm Test.
heist undone by the enemies of Christianity 1 Reeasw'fe T haw the pis of yos
Wandering with.. I can't rmlwtate the
The pedigree of Thomas A. Fdtaou, the
electrician, u purely t lnadian. \mong the
New York loyalists who settled in and near
Ineby, Nova o otia,at the closeof the Rev.
olatiosary war were several of Dutch and
woe of German extraction. Among these
loyalists was .f uhn Edison. His name ap-
Parker'• shop. • hmade few intrude, M. I. after • priest's name iadiaate that he
who were depri„ng the ('herch of her ' e. °a•
schools I saw tM pie d caned
Stir. William Whdeway. the ex foamier prop'ntann, mum Ry d. time 1'd dat pile
a awed,m
de pi• would he ouldy.
.1 dle
Newfeaad whose Admiautrattne i
?!OCSHt1TI4 OI'1i U)
The Building N here ,I'R. Dalin and
Ilia .t•staclatee Met Laid in Melfie. f!
CNE ti•CT'M T, r'E D'64,TER
J..1.11 Miry. a wast►n, l dill. It ruin the
l ourlk Moro, to the 1'asenwe.l
wralt. %Relit.. Mau'• 1,.11r-
t..l Jump Tater Hotel
Euipro)e• i11s.tut.
Nrw %decrees, Apra -o The impose
ink front of the t3t. (limit* hotel. with its
* mono*. porticos surmounted by • door ,
of ms•estic dimensions at:d classic, arel+i•
teeters in the rents* al the block, is all
that is loft startdiug of the most Isamu.
hostelry to the Vatted States. within
whose walla Jefferson Davis, Judah P.
livujamin and the other leading figures of
1t» Confederacy (*mired Dm first Llane cur
the estabtabm.nt of a new republic be
fore they started for Richmond; where no
less tLua six congressional committee,
bate sat tryaa(' t:` e.jrs what became
►r, cru as the L. ui.:,, ytlesrion atter ti.,
war, an 1 where Presi.irnts, Kings Stud
u tabilities from every nation on the face
of tit• globe wbo hare ri•lted New Orleans
fent. been sheltered.
The tire, which raged within Its walls
*11 $•tturuay n:gl.l, started is the kitcheu.
The >! ones ate their way along the wood-
work with ema:inc rap;•lily, ant!, owing
to the ;risibility of the ttnrueu to get at
thorn. it exon became mantles% that their
efforts wontd prove futile The hundred
or more guests had about all retired, and
thoaek mealy hal bee::awakened the atgltt
clerk seta taess.•uy-ors to et try room oc
related, anal thus the r.' was no potaibility
of any of them heti:.g been eat oft from
escape, as the flames did not refer the
team portion of the .tractnre for fully
ha,t an hour after the fire was discoveref.
Panic sexed them, however, and they
ymhcd about fts.nt,.!ty, bust of them in
thetr night clothes, at.1 although there
war ample opptetnnity tofget down the
broad aisirway it took the efforts of the
cooler Arab to ptereut the more itupetn ung
leant throning tamest Ives from the sir, ad,
third ,cod' fourth .toiey windows. 1'h•
oily man who did jump from • window
urea au u:tkuowu nom, who dropped from
a t'tird•st:•rey window toe shed, but was
u.t injnnd. as ire got tip and wo.kedof.
Joon Riley, a backer. o-cnpied s room
on the f. urth stony of the rrar portion of
the buil-liui;. A *viral stairway led from
fart of the bntidiug to the court'Aw-
1 nr Rile}- gained the stairway after roams -
leo tIr.ng the fla,:tcs trLtca swept past
Lie floor. bet trout. •.1 and tell. He
e.itglit boil of some Aro; en b•nnieten a:
tier i card eta. r.•y after lie had rolled partly
.$ the .tairw«y. He attempted to pull.
Saute -<l.' up,but was nn'bli•to do so, and
0 .r1, s crash triton the deme paretnenta
• 7.••.i:h. 11e lived scarcely • natant,.
rho* ei,.ploh`es of the hotel are m;aiug.
Tito hotel register was saved and all the
gu-.i• are aceountel for.
'rite tom! hes on the tire will resell half
a nnllion loaar, wd- taay go over that
S. 1'. SMITE!, 01 TOW:ma tt, Pa.,
Whose Constitntiolt was completely
broken down, Is rowed by Ayer's
Fareaparilla, He writes;
" Fur eight ;tome.. i t .i-, moat of the
thee, a great sufferer from cowslips.
flew. kidney trouble, and Indigo,.
tbw. so that my constitution teemed
to Ir completely broken down. I was
induce.' to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and
took nearly aet-en bottles, with sock
excellent results that my stomach.
bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con-
dition, and, in all their functions, as
regular as clock -work. At the time
I began takine Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my
weight was only 1 4. pouuds; I now can
brag of 1511 poneda, awl was never la out
good health. If you c: old see Ino be-
fore and after using, you would want
me for • traveling advertlsemewt,
I believe this (.reparation of Sar•.iarilla
to b. the best In the -`a: k. t %tale- ."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepaw4 by Dr. J. C. Acer S C.,., Lowes man.
Cures Others,wili cure you
in N\. 1s Ys iselesr?
A few years ago a vessel tree wrecked cti
the not the at crest .of Indeed. Ctowls
gathered on he :.rwth to wittca, the rase,
A fee brave trace came forward at.l pat • ut
`t0 the k.nk.ng veas.Is. Atter a
{they came hack tht'ougb the scarf a
watciten cried, '•Ila.e tnu got thein
'they all weal :" They an,werc,l,
ta!l but or • ; .f we :tad staged f:r him,
Wield hate been 1 tit " 'patently .♦ ar
'art fellow steppe.) ou'. teem the crowd at.
I ea1'ed for so:wr.'ara W ge for %bat' .n e
Blot the young niso'e mother clef •g to Min
,tad told ham hew It.. f ►t i er ba ►1 sen lett at
and how his bre'in•y 11 tllia a had sad-
; away and nicer luta • heard of mos ;
I" Aad now, • ate! aided, "t1 ton go, my all
amount. Iw 11 be lo.t.' Rut•he irr.k+way from h. r
- Iquietly enol he lied hu brave companir.as
pa, out to the srahipg ship. As they pulled
hack toward the .hare the eruwd'bowed,
f1 .Haw you got the .man •' " 1'.e,' carne
b ck the rho( answer "mrd tett nether it is
Brother 11'1I Saar."
,% New \ ork Delegation 4.... t. washlrg-
ter 1st C.wertk.r With Thi. Sehenee.
Witt neorp v. April 80.-A delegation
of Nrw To:k••rs -carte at the Capital on
Saturday hoping to be aroonl.,l a bearittg
by tit* House eoutrneree committee in imp -
port of the Luckw,xri hill to construct a
bridge ...ter the Niagara raver at i.rau 1
lalau•.i to Fort F:ri., t hit. - They were in
Iri loret1 to the Memtu;taet. by Represents
tive4 ,%etch... f--ltrdytdtr curt a brief la:
'formal tdk followed for • few minntos,
1'h. committee Maud not hear than, how
fter, owio,: t•• previous enbaoements, and 1
omit Friday has bleat ., t mode as the day
'upon *barb they shott:d come before the
committee and be heard at length.
A DNtale Worms rates Her Lite In dike
'Apserieaw JIa Aida.
• Nia.:Alta Fails, that.. April 2e. -Uri.
Ilary Fanuigau. of Buffalo, y► year* of
me. committed suicide here by -jumping'
into the American rapid. from Willow
island aboat.a'mtle from the felly. 'Her
body was carrel down to • point near the
('atartct M•aise, when, by a peculiar turn.
11'1u -ring into an- eddy and a portant of
her dre*s'taught firmly ou honour. bolts
Gott prujeeted"ftom a sabmeroed cr1bbittg
shunt twenty fir. feet frum the .bore.
Jack Uel':or, - the gat.le, made a mart
daring journey with a rope around bis
waai-t and reriebed , the woman, but she
was dead.
%pringatll Cool Strike Ow,.
lisurax. April g0, -The S nghill
strike i• over. A committee from rte
Ilii:.•re' A•..etattow and the managers
met in conference on Saturday. The men
suttuttted their grievances mid after hill
ducun;ou a mo.tne vivendi was arrived at
and work was returned at all shops this
mon.irg. The men are largely gainers by
the strike ad must o1 their demands were
cuneeded in part or in whole.
Iweeadlarlam sa kat Portage.
Rtr 1'btrreor, April de. --Lumber lying
to the yard of the Western lumber mill,
belonging to the t Iutario & Wt-a'ern Lum-
ber Company, caught fire on Saturday and
yon* of the lumber can be saved- The
yard contained ten million feet of lumber
and this a!1 went np in smoke. The dant
NM amounts to 3200.00O. The fin is be.
yond doubt the work of an incendiary.
The lumber is well insured The stir
rounding buildings were d
(Strike la at. J.hw, N. H.
ST. Jowt, N. 1t , April 3O. -There aro
forty eight meat int no culls in Milier &
Dr. Fowler's
I.:xtrac•t of Wali Strawberry is a re3isble
eimuoly that can always be depended on
to cure cholera, 'Modena Unfamiliar, colic,
cramps, .litrrlo•..t, ilv.eutery, and all
luuxueei of the bowel*. It is a pare
eoniainittg pll the virtues of Wild Straw.
Terry, one of 'the salmi and surest cares
for all summer complaints, combined
with other harmless yet prompt curative
agent*, well known to medical science.
The k••vee
of Wild
Strawberry were known by the Indians
to 1,. an excellent remedy Icor diarrhoea,
•ltwntery and' looseness of 11.0 bowels;
but medial arience hu placed before
the public in Dr Fowler's ESL of Wild
• aumplete and effectual care for all
those dietremong and often dangerous
complaints so common in this cheep.
able climate.
It has stored the teat for 40 years, anal
hundreds of lives hate been saved by its
prompt use. No other remedy always
summer complaints so promptly, quiets
the pain an effectually and allays irrita-
tion so one eisfully as this unrivalled
prescription of Dr. Fowler, if you are
going to travel this
be son and take a bottle with you. 11
overcomes safely awl quickly the dis-
tressing summer n•ntpleint so often
caused by change of air and water, anal
is also • specific against sea-sicknsw,
and all bowel
Price 3.ic. iteware of imitations and
substitute* so1.1 by unecrnpulosk dodoes
for the sake of greater 1
Woodman's shingle mill, for an teems's• _.-_
from f11.:4 to apt p.r day Bondman ears
that owing ti, the state of the market in Mo LE 4 Dog
the Umbel Steno be cannot give an in
crease and wail keep the mill closed.
klau iter Parks posted • notice In the
( oartney liay cotton mills to the eff.•'t t 1,J/iii RENOVATOR
that the mill will he ready to start on Val
: 1f lbs employee are willing to resume
work u rederal rate..
Niue Tomtit.. ales In Jail as Bwwal...
Borrow, N. V April 30. -It Sloes
Dltg,mmn. allot " INnk,' of Toronto, mid
Mght others are ander arrest dowsedw•th
bars Lary and larceny The gang male a
famines* of breaking into tanner! cars oft
the Lake Shore, Erie, and Western New
York and Pennsylvania mod ether roads
Red reaped a plemita! harvest for a tits,
(Mignon) con awed.
MNeh.11 Inas 1lN/Md 1w D..b rho
nemeses. N.Y.. April Mk -William
e, of Mitchell, unto f.11 from the
roof of the ¥ronks,
e bar.. works
yesterday and was instantly Med
450 Millen TOITtn a.triM.a.
Specific and Anridole for
jrpopia, palpi/•ttn• of ;lied).*
e rt, fiver oompaaist, aesralgia, loss of
memory, bronchitis, o.w.umption, gall
.tame., jasttdios, highboy sad ariaary
diseases, AL Vitus' dance, feawale irreg-
ularities and r.nersl debility.
Proprietor ase Ma,faetaeev.
Mctaes. emus aRYov ayes ten IN had he era r bilretemais.l teal \a(tr
The very choicest Designs and
Colors at the above Prices, with
Borders to match.
The very choicest and best
qua lit of 121-2 c. and 15c. Papers
with Borders, Friezes and
to match,
Ask to see our 25c., 35c., and
50c. Artistic Wall Papers ; only a
pleasure to sho* them.
Loral • s well relephrwe s..
Booksellers and Stationers:
CId3[� X Fran:1?VSE POLISH
makes old furniture look new. Now eau rip
ply it 1.ursttf, It cannot be sureaseed.
Give the pipes a coat tcltrr putting away,
and prevent mist.
lf'LOW=n Alda 0,A3DX147 SEEDS
tin pectases.,
and keep.,
Sbr alt (hut, and sore....
our „ llon.e-Clesuitg Hint. a hook clear home .hou'si hoe
W. C. GOODE, Chemist.
Haying lately returned front a trip to the leading Millinery Market;
who 1 have hire purchasing a stook of all that is new anal artistic in the
Min ry Line fur this Stetson', Trade, 1 am now prepared to show you tke
test Styles in Shapes and Trimmings,
Spring' i., at haul, anal after II.'tr e. leaning ''ou
will watt a
We hat the Largest anti Cheapest Assortment in Town.
Ikfore Moving call anti get 1 r., a
50 - TOILET SETS - 50
New detignt to select from. In.l..ction int it',
C$A.s. A.• NrAIRN.
a match and it doesn't light----an-
other,-with the same result, and so
on, you waste both time and money.
Yon don't have to
matom.minEnr dao SON
Have added to their preannt business (nos al B, J. Noah's Latest Style
of City Hennes, also she finest line of funeral furnishings in the coss(1'
and are now prepared to conduct funerals at piioN resaonabli
This department will be strictly attended to by his son Willies, whs. Wei
in the employ of the late D. Gordon for the past tan yeses, W • theft
knowledge et the Inkier, and by prompt attention hopes to share part
public, patronage. Remember the piaci-Westar, oa your way to the /P'
Aim ahs us a call
v• Jaaj ..., .tai ,.NW per •- s
�. ';