HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-3, Page 5TUE SIGNAL : GODERIOH. ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 3. 18$. A LQRO TRAIN --of (Ilinaaua follows bad blood and inao• tit, liver. Every oils knows when bis blood is impure and liver sluggish ; pim- ples and Moils appear, or he feels Browny, weak, tired and thick- headed. We want to trach you how to tight it. hegin in time. Plenty ..f fresh sir, exercise, and Doctor I'ieree's t:olden Medical I)is- vinery, will briug you out of danger. the reason y " Discovery " enriches and purities the blood and renders the liver active. As the gennr of disease enter the circulatory lyetenl through the liver, they can be re- ei+tail there and in the blood. In those scrof- uloue rouditions of the blood which invite catarrh, bronchitis, and rod in Coiisutup- tion, you have the tpaaus id* prevention and cure. Von ran nave yourself from Grip, Malaria, or Fever by putting all the functions of the body in 8 healthy slate, he'sides lelilding up hedlfhy ,flee%, ,joy taking the " (ovum . Not the furl of Cosi liver oil, tut ichuleeonle fkwh. G. M. D. -.tnteed to benefit or cure all Bice disorders, or money reftlndt I. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS APRIL 23 1'ai, s arts --Colborne Bros .,,.. 3 We Hate Them Freer & Porter .. Shen lou strike -Eddy's Matches . . 6 Nit `hale, W..'ch.ses A Son ., tet our 11o;to 11. H. Pollock - ... .. 'w9 T.tlmu3 sal. .1. H. Worrell . • 8 Say Thanks 1). 11. Ceilbick . . .. .. 8 A Turning • ryer - Smith's Furniture store 5 Notice to 1't'etpssssrs - Helen F. At tn1 . 5 Iam! --Noakes A. gingham .. 5 teen 1'641o/tog B. Mac( 'mesa ... 5 Loy! I'Dotos R H Salaams. . 6 ;erne! Window Shade. -Smiths Futi 5 lies: I ►.!.,rine F. J. l'ridbam .. 5 BORN. a Ai I.WIN .1: the Method+et parw-+age. St ..ford. oa the 16th ult. the wt'e of Kev. 1 B. Waliwla Ii, A.. of • son. • DIED. HEALY.-fn Galer4.cb. on Wednesday. April .OI. Edward Reale. son of Janes Haws, seed .'0 years u:.d 4 menthe. THE TALK . THF; TOWN. From the Ropdrflr$ MOIMoo11.. ' It 1.• .r • Weir 1■ aTer asaa. 1 rear 1. tea' it : • s-biel's Among Te Taal •' %.Ie.. u' balsa Neill rrr.l 14." .are.. PuNes. to obtain bnae maul:a. should b• pleated now. Fix &easy Want at A. DINO- etre !'alar Grove Gre.ol,ues. 43 It 'Slott scat to get abs 1 item and se ret he her 1 obeteurkpky t if yam do don't fall tonal at S. K. Yslhowe' madao. Wir them you millet the latest sad t6o beat. Caney's army 4ide t Ret their mat eras built a f. J. Pro tenets mach as the mould hke to Mrs then made there. F. J P. caters for the Om customers lm town. sad Elves everyme ml0•rtise. . "MADE TO Ottuc K --These aro .aa pea e'.e a Mum ordinary sp.d.oles wW sot It. 17 fen we cue of thew. we will make a glass to salt lair apedal requirement.. Poe the came era tutor will make a coo w dt . hump back et erten. W. 1. Welk *MMus •.1Jewel%or. FINK TAILJ)RiNI.-CMIes oprlmg and es..er saltine. overcoming*. block wed Llue Lase, wonted cestiega. ere. Mosey badly seeded.. ouseasstlr Mg bananas la ordered eleelce.: (:all and sen the geode sad adk Mket.r. s alou will surely buy. M./Corm.e A. Amerwan window shades, with sprt.[ r.11 ler. from. and rkgs.t el.e.ratloa•, oa17 M taus it r. mite a runtime there. they are but othssesa.ass Stomata for them. weber.. er r. the largest and lanai Meek of widow Mede. and trimmlm . lm tbo „pasty. Any tin eaedr to order. 11' .RTL.Lr Mims.. Star WES. -- (1O•r- terly meeting services will be held i. North street Methodist ebarah text Seadey. The bre feast w.11 cemmseo. at 9.45 a ... Plsacb,ig service at 11:00, followed by the mrameot of the lard's supper. T„ Ts. LeDlre W. amderst red thin dam 6 creel! is openisg out a dress sad made nuking business on Hamilton st., in the store formerly oenpied by M. (1. Jobs W oe as a law office. A. she a thoroughly etaeprtent in that line we wimp bar every soccer. THr I6.N I.Aws. Leal ffahertken are 'WV mock peeled owing M roost amps a the does Moses. PIektmal (Deet►. foam April 15 to May 15: m eklnmase, he. April IS t May 15 : bass, Instill Ma 10 te lege 10. both days emissive kd er brae trout, from Sept, 15 esti! ay 1. 110 HANK•' I*nurser. -The amen a estai of the Godwin\ Me.basies' Is.ti- tat will be held in the radiate room ea the ^sauag of th.7ah of May, sect, eoat.sel lel • t R o'clock. for the pagan d bearlsg tbe eased report of the dire0Iore, MMus of esteem 10segk1 beforreiyother thee meets beim* Mat may 1» TRS{ Pun Roort'a. -TM .rem 1407 mad fessdry weer. severed with .tee plate mane by J. H. W.se.f1. When he was est el the leen of Semdmm & Oa He tree the lett to brag It b. Oedmsiesk mad 1i . Me sal, t ammali is 1 iedmgsh .hat ham Nahid y .INr1.mm with Nat kind of red- . Nee Mei.. ial, is Warta et C.e,'s 1 A Seams, -i/ is • ah... 1M war Iia hay, Hrlag Awns ger the baba w sl- immed 1e deame wgsrte. Armr ether Melo they linwmAube Ile psi wok shgeed • small sell -beat .t the bath at N. 161ktag heirs, •ad it my not be rec.vered. If the imam or owners did right they would have tee bays prosecuted, se • twang to other like offend.,, RCtNtN Tu RotaL Tsrn.A*+. -Rey. H. :revise will preach the annual wpm to the Royal Templar* of l:ederioe and vicinity la 1'wtor1* et. Method,t church m smoky, May 13th. et 11 u'eleck A.11. The members o1 Eureka ("oinked and vi.itoes will meet at the Tsmpsrasoe ).all at 10.15 o'clock, nod parade to t e church at 10:45 o. .'1611 Royal Tempers are requested to be present. Nan liars. Bruu'aw, We uder.tand !kat Chas. D. Williams, am of oar towns- man, J. H. Willi•sa, and who was for • number of years with the late 1:ea. Khyoas, and latterly is cue of the leading houses is Toronto, u about to open up • drug teem - sass in 6:oderich, and leaves this week for the purpose of purchasing stock, etc. He expecte to be ready for business about the 20th inst. it W',. , I ..e. An alloyed fortune- teller having stated .t Klacardiue that she could locate the body of the young man Matheson, of K.pley, who has been naming suave November last, his brothers came to 1. dericil Sunday last to re.:ure the services of • diver. Mr. Gilbertson, the diver, ie omit avid by ('apt Rabb and his sin Tom, starlet for Kincardine the mime aftenlooh, arriving in hincardtue about 9' o'clock. Next day Gilbertson began divans and con- tained It during the forenoon sod afternoon, but without results. The prevailing a.'eats that the woman is • fakir. sod the (: Bench party returned home on Tuesday. Mr. 0) Tux Mutr.a.TJ This is the title of • very handsome work issued by The Templar. of Hampton, 11nt., contalaing thirty ria{uaSo.nt photogravures of network prohibition leaden, a..companied by fax simile •utorraplu and biographical) sketches. 'fhesub6ect were selected Ly an election :n which twelve thousand vote, were cast. The book will be highly pri,e.l be temperance workees and coniutands t I e adour•trm of every lover of art. Twenty-' fire cents .t to W. \\'. Buchanan, tel i a Hamilton, will bring anyone • ropy free by mail, or bee copies for . dolor. lat•n 11irim,l+N. -A copy of the lklfset Chasten Advocate to hand gives a lengthy amount of • miesioaery meeting ie Armagh Abbey street church, wh.ch was ddrewed by Itrv. l:e•rten H. Young. " mis*mer to -the Rod Indians," as the Advocate put it. A feature of the lecture was that the chair waeor:opted by surges Major Lynn, 11.1 i., who although so the 8811* year of he age. performed the function with credit to him- self and satisfaction to hu large audience. Dr. l.ynn is uncle of Mrs. 64o. Acheson of th s town, and is referred to by The Ch-uttan Advocate as " opo venerable and much -loved friend" Tot l'tsrtr* .n l;,.i-D..;.R We an leretand arrange neat. are beteg made to halve the cantata of "Ii.Wuizer' presented at the I:rand Opera House early in July The cantata, by 1:atterfield, with libretto by Blacken, is ackaowkdged to be • master- piece in its line, and i. 16 tire acts with a Ane run of chorus, solo and orchestra num- bers. Manager Hart ei envious to make the cantata a inchess locally, and to that end solicit the suppers of the le•diug sinters of the town so that the best possible warn imam of the piece may be Trade. So far be has received • ready response from some of the finest singing talent in 1:odench and n etghborbood, and will be pleaded to hear from all others who feel inclined to swat in 1161 andertakiog. COIJ.b•1 %Te. I.•TIT. Tt. I.ITel:ela Si. !MTV. -_bi$loisty met to tb. Assembly Hall of the lsetit.1 Friday evening last, when the t allowing program wan rendered : Chorus, (:lee 6 reading, Mus Farrow ; solo, Mr. Thompson : recitation, Mr. Hallie : question drawer, Mr. Strang ; male cher• res, Members : impromptu speeches. Messrs Hicks, fellers, N.fte1, and Miss Le Towel : inetrnmental duet, Mrs. Ligan and Miss Campaign ; intermission ; chorus, (.iib ; airily, Mr. Paler ; reading, L. W .I;iaas : solo, Miss Rob.rteos ; re: iia• tans. Mr. 1JcBurney ; selections, Mw B.►;l : chorus, Glee ('cub : God Save the Qoee0. There was • Lair uteud.nce of members tad others present. We understand the Society purposes holding last one more entertain- ment this term, which will be held a Fri• day, May 11th. A good program has already been arranged for the occasion. I*nnret.i',wv' A4NI'IR•mmy. -The OJd fellows of l:oderich and visiting brethren celebrated the anniversary of the order by atta.duog divine rave. in St George's church oa Sunday .1tatooers. There was • very large attendance the line when march- ing extending from the lodge entrance to Temperenoe hall As of yore, Clinton seat • goodly number le pill with (.odericb Inn the celebration, and helped make • most notable parade. Tee mercies was an excel lent one. the sermon heist appropriate, sad the choir under the leadership of Mr. 0,,e. ding gave • choice programme. Oa the re- turn to the lodge Bro. W. II. Murrey mov- ed, seconded by Bro. J. F. Tom, that the thanks of the lodge be tendered the rector of St. Georg s for hie admirable society mermen, tbe choir for the musical pro- gramme presented, and the charchwerdess for tbe as of the church, sad that a com- mittee he appointed to give effect to the re- solution. The motioe having been an- •simoCsly carried the committee was duly appointed. Thanks having been voted to the ('lintel brethren for their kindly at- tends we. the proceedings termiosted. Pave). STAncros.- -The fnllowieg par - Oceans relating to the banner. of some of the postoniees in Huron, are taken from *be Postmaster- vestal's report for the year 1893, .at issued. Thema are known as '• sa ooe.Uag tuna," tad ether poet offices in Rums, in •dailies to this list are omitted for tbe masa that no retnrn is girth ( 1 their Molise. Atewoet Amorist se sse•.y or mosey Orals seders orders Mee revenue 1m.sd paid Albers . , . , 022 67 912078 94 111543 04 Ayleld , . , . 633 86 10698 94 9007 63 Bltasv.M.... 316 18 2193 47 1666 16 M11h.. .. .1448 66 7777 58 3640 79 Bettor ....2391 71 19446 10 7540 20 Maw 4962 nal 14349 39 17966 58 (`,,eiM1706 42 5501 48 1819 06 Deseseass. 466 87 11961 23 2373 MI 1z0er 9118 66 15170 79 8989 34 F.etderba6110 19 7736 44 1362 56 Gawk -.5619 ,6619 56 99991 36 6920 66 Gerrie 917 49 8060 51 9691 08 gammon lag 50 2302 29 Kipp.. 9i 10166 9018 13 506 36 B.ai.rtb &106 18 23498 63 186e0 79 Vete. 380 9R 9081 68 811 f 4 Washes' .4337 06 17910 01 17193 68 W wester 1066 58 7915 64 6897 11 reers.uMau. -A gat.. 1 tis glad es flNmday lass is Me AtQMd- tlpl semi billets heM.M and MA, rah. Tb. game estamtsoed st 3 30 r. N , sad, the weather Meg Yee, there was • lenge amusement of ladies amid Wan. The match threngbeet was • very .1111.4 sad kensly-eoateseed sae. and at ustim there were *ane ti.s ellUbltiame of a thorough k.owldge of the pate a both sada 11s score was 141010(11) two, l;odench on., but ors g0.1 was disputed by Gadsrich, sad the t.panton of tbir majority of the onlookers was that oo goal b d ham sands. Calder - tag that mot of the Seaton h !sun were old players, whate spat of the (luelench bays were young hada et the game and had sot had the practice which their compeutoes had,the home team did well. The players on both lades were • Sealort16- -H. ('amp - bell, 1'. (Pashtos, J. JAcksa, T. Winos, .l. T. Stephens, .1. irvingste.. H. Creasman, H. Jackson, J. Ourithim, A. Mclean, I1 Morriss.: 1:odetiah -C. Shines, T. Burke, W. Sharkey, K, Colwell, \V. Stoddart, T. Howells t:, 1'rssemen, 1:, 1)urnis, W'. Elliott, J. S. Wren, It. E. Hooper. The referee was H. 1'hesswttgbt, of S.•forth, and the umpire. Harry Hart and Alex. Ienemy, of 1:ode/rich. Tut. C C C.e'. u. Teri•. .1 pa:altar feast was on for trial at the Division Court Wednesday morning last, when 11 6a John stop, brought action against \ ice -President .Joseph Kidd, of the t' t',1'.t.., for the amount of 819.36, being an alleged belittle of en account said to be due for expenses tad disbursement in dtertiaiag the bicycle tournament last August When the cede came on for trial the plaintiff • lawyer, Mr. DAncey, asl+d to &- permitted to have the matter withdrawn, .• it had been discovered tbat,the C. l'. I 1'„ not being an incorporated association, noth- ing could be recovered armlet it, according to a ruling given by bas Honor in the Home Knowledge case. Mr. 1'roedfoot, for the* . ('.C.C., said that the clef/iodinate were not parting to the withdrawal of the !-ase uo the grounds set forth by the plaintiff. lir. Piney nitrated has desire to withdraw the case on the grounds stated, and his Honor smilingly axttuea..ed, saying to pl1'-'- tifl slawytr,"1 ou n.e.1 not spologtLefor 146.16 drawing the ease, as ! am perfectly satin tied that it should be dismissed." The case wwbrougbtwacloseby 11r. Proudfout, for defendant, az.in remarking. "1 am in• stvctei, your Hmor, te state that it is di,„ t inctly,undentod that the defendants are in no way responsible for thesetioptaken in the tip hJnwel of the suit, but are prepared to have atroastotrial " COMING AND GOiNG Hilton Holmes had returned to Montreal. Mn. A. M. Hoes returned to Toronto on Saturday, Post Mu. I.illy \-snstone is visiting at t :odencb. Miss Belle Wilson spent Sunday at home ie Auburn. Mrs. 1)r. . .l. It. •Lannon is visttiog in t to Queen City. 1:. F. Blair, barrister, of Brussels, spent Botchy in Town. Harry l:othwelllaad family will shortly move to Toro. ' ' • Thos. "oeyd Itt* bees seriously indisposed the past few weak G. N. Navin was visiting relatives i0 1 .coo but Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner were in town for a few days the pati week. County commissioner Ansley, 06 Wing ham, was in town last week. Kincardine Reporter • Mrs. ienieb, of t:oderloh, wok Tisanes her mother Mrs..lo*,n !drew.. 1:. h. Whitely kit for New York city last Friday. We wish halt. sue-cees in the City of l:othatn. Mr. Mcleod, • ma0 from I.ecknow, 6.d 6ia leg badly broken and smashed while loadtog timber at the *tattoo but Saturday. Crus. Heel*, of New York, was called home Friday last to sttead the funeral of his brother, Edward. He intends going to Gotham this week. Charles Graham, a county ward, aged 93, died last Monday at the house of Archie Cousins, Huron road. Th. immediate cause of death wM catarrh of the .:omach. ha. Will I;reeen, of North Dakotah, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Bedford, light - h .nae st. She was called hone on a000uet of the i11oess of her cuter. Mies l.•,,ie Bed- ford. Expositor Mrs. Oliver, mother of Mrs. Wm. Robb, and Mm. I'liver, who have been reedier to town for some years, removed to t:oderich this week, where fey will re- side hereafter. LOCAL BREVITIES. Regular meetin,t of the public schoel tweed next Monday. "A11 is slot gold that `litter.". don't be deceived, bat bay • "White" or "New Wil- liams- Sewing Machine of Geo. 11'. Thom• MM. All the members of Eureka ('wtocd No. 103, K T. of T., aro requested to attend the regular mwt.isg in the Temperance Hall n ext Monday sveoine, May 7th. Last ?je1urday's I:azett anno0soes among other changes in the militia, the following 33rd Huron Battalion. No. 5 Company, Ilrsssb.--To be 2d lieutseant, provisional ly, 1:serge Frederick glair. Rev. Sm. Jones says that the moot beau- tiful sight in the world is to see • family gathered around • hearthstone with ths head of the how.sbold reading bis local paper paid for in advance. Heart 1)1....s Relieved in 30 Minute& All case of organic or .ymp•Netic heart disease relieved is 30 minutes sad quickly eared, by Dr. Agsew'e Cure for Me Heart. Oa. doss ooevincee !told by .Jami Wilson. tsenthe t -Pies. Philip Holt; Bios.-pia W. D. Tye ; seta Dr. Hasten ; treas. E. R Icer. Bird ; ems. W. C. good. and W. W. M. 1' (.'!into. News Itemised : Jambes Miller of the Albion, Galeria, was in town last Mesdsy. When amnestied as to the peeM�le cavae ul his .0.110. be replied that hie beans expired a that date. Renewed and new homes weir issued y-..tsr.tsy. Rheumatism l area in • Ilay--tlesth Amer►wo Kbeumatte Cure, 10e Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radially cured in 1 to 3 days. ate action op the system is remarkable and' myt.rtoue. It rumor« at once the Mune and the dream immediately disappears The Scat does meetly benefit. 75 yenta Sold by J. Wiliam and .II druggist. 30-ly Quarterly meeting cervi,.s will be held In \'iotori..-at. Methodist church on Suaday. The love feast begins at 1.) A u , and there is • rocepttm serviu at 12.50 r u., and *be s•arunent will be administered at 7 r. v. The quarterly board meet .' 7.30 Mon- day evening. A Boon to Horsemen * ire bottle of English Spavie (4 •0t completely 1110 moved a curb from my horse. l take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it • to with mysterious promptness in the re- moval from horns of hard, soft or callouwd lump., blood spavin, splints, curbs, swe'eny, stifles and sprains. I:L..k• . !tour, Farmer, Sold by .las. Wilson. Markham. 61st. It has always been • difficulty with tto. e men to get a cook stove that would do equally good work with either wood or Pal. Toe "llhlord I:raduate- made by the (aur ney Foundly Co., Toronto, and for sale by McIntosh h Harper, soltes the problem, and can be changed in a few naaute■ fur either kind of fuel. The him is showing anoeelti in • teal oil gas stove whish get• rad ad the smoke and smell of the old fash;osed coal oil stove and is absolutely safe. Call as.l see samples at their *tote in the Crabb block. Relief i * Six !louts. --llutresing kid- ney and bladder d..e•xes relieved an six houre by the " Nen I:ar.er .'ol-nl AMetti• CAN KIDNEY Cr,ia." 'I his New remedy cis great surprise and delight to physicians is s aocouat elite exceeding promptness in re- lievng pairs in the bidder, kidneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages in niale or female. It relieves retention of water and pais in parsing italnion immedi- ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold be Jet 16Vilwa. THE GUELPH CONFERENCE. It 110111 Wert In t:edeetrb.e Irlda7, June. 1. Ires1 The rrearass. The eleventh annual session of the *.uelph 'oeference will be herd to \ ortb•st. church, Goder,ch,'Friday, .lune 1, The st•tioniog etymrn:ttee will meet inV1c wry -at. church, Monday, \lay 28, at 2 1%0. The •tatuucal comr,11(ee will sleet in North -se church ou Wednesday, May 30, at 9 A. 4. The financial secretaries will meet tress• urea of the I'oonexional 1 undsWednesda?, May 30, at 2 r. u. .The minister:al eessio0 will begin Thais day, May 31, .t 9 a. u. sr.1At .1k, I. t.. North at. church --9 A. v., coeference lore - feast, led by Rey. George Richardson : 11 .t. N., ordination •ermoo, by Rev. A. Carman, 1►. D , general superintendent, followed by ordination .ervice : 3 i. u. , Sunday -school addresses by Rev. Thos. W Ccmene, Isaac Mord, Ery , and Rev. C. E. Stafford ; 7 1-. n., Kev..1 t1.Szotc, followed by sacrament of Lord's Supper, conducted by Rev. 1.. H. Cornish, 11. la. Victoria -et. church -11 A ,i ,11': H. Hiscks, LLB. ; 3 r. w. , Sunday "school addresses by Rev. A..1. Irwin, K A., W'. II. Kerr, F:.1. , and Rev. George F. Kelton, Ph. 1). 7 e. N , Rev. ,lames Livieg.ton. Knox church 11 A. u , Rev. It. Hall : 7 r. v , Iter. James Charlton Salntion Army -11t., Rev. Thomas ,1. Sabina ; 3. T. II.,. Jam.. Harris : 8 r u , Rev. Walter Ayres. Temperance Hall 4:15 0.16 , a vospel tem• peranoe meeting. Addresses by Revs. \1 ilham Baugh and H. n. Moyer. ONl'1K&N. r. A\ Nit tioiAltl LS. To be held in North .t. *'March. Temperance-W'edneedav,M•y 30, .t R e w. Addre..e. by Rio. Jane. McLachlin, 1.A , Mayor R. Holmes, Rev. I). A. Moir, S. T. L Educational -Thursday, hey 31, 8 r. N. Addresses by Key. S. Mellery, 8.11., E. P. Clement, Esq., and Rev. .1. C. Ant - 1 ).1). Reception -Friday, June 1, 8 r. u. Ad- dresses by Revs. W. F. Campbell, Ph. D., F. E. Nugent and the president. Theological l !tion--Naturday, June 2, a1 3 r. bb ,in Victoria street church. l.ec One by Rev. J. C. Pomeroy, B A. Consecration Service -Saturday, June 2, 7.30 r w., lad by Rey. R. Davey. Supersnauatioo - Moeda'', June 4, at 8 r.ie Addresses by Rev. Robert \Volker, J. Mills, 1,1.. D. and Dr. Griffin. Missionary Tuesday, .tune 5, at 8 r . Addressee by Rev. F. A. C1weidy, M. A , H. L Rice, E., , and Rev. C. S Eby, I).1). Sunday School and Epworth i eagle Wed. y, .lase 6, 8 1•. N. Addresses by v. W. H. Harvey, B. A., Thos. eery, M. PP., ani Rev. W. ('. rdersoi, 1). 1). A. ('cssleOIUs. president. J. F Howell, M. A., chairman. HENRY bonne The billeting committee, eetpoeed of members of 'Victoria -et and Xorth•ct Meth- odist churches, will call upon our citizens during tbe next few days, and trust our townspeople will pace as much..000mmnda- tiue as possible at the disposal of the billet Me committee during the time conference will meet. Wiarham Times : Revival services have bees held every night thin week is the Mlibelist Church. 'like eseeungs are well attended, and will be oontm.d all next seek. Rev. Mr. irvin. of Getd.rich, a as- . iau.g th, pastor. R. C. Jennings, manager sof the Rank of Commerce, Toronto .Junctionwas yester day 'warded 81,600 damages for Iajsties re- coiled by his daughter. Radar May, i. MM. Stdisaster. Mr.. Jennings • a nater of Mrs Mel). Allen. Chita New Kra : C. M. Job 01on, late of the Le of Jo►a.tom Bros, Feder, bin l.it lows with his family for * loderieb, when he will reeds. Mr. dolm1e. was • tsember of the /twee Public School Bard, which po•ities he has resigned. As "At Home" is aid of the "King'. Dsaghter•" will be held at the rs.idae..1 Mrs. ( Ani sten, a Friday .was the 4th d May. A good Una a esp.eL Retreats • iu will b. served. AU are ton daily Welted. Admeses 10 oats. Rt Matthew'. Tesperumee Seamy intoned Middling an st«+.isntent is the WI ea T.siay, May 8, wash wllfo.siI .f em.p, recitation.. disl.ga.. .d vocal and imstrer.stal mance. Ommeeslehedesies 10 .tea Ds.s epos M 7.A ; ire wtaiam..t wi11 bagel .t 8 e.M.k. At the mil -•••••1 r1ilei ed "The Ol.h " 16.kl is ask nem h MoL s.Se kiosk s Me.,t.y. April nth. the 1.1.wi.g .m.... war* .M.eod fur the ..mi.g Hz MARINE NOTES. Mr. Wiggle's pleasure beet is biting re- paired. Yacht Norm was not for • trial trip M Monday. The sonws belonging to dredge A are pearly ready to Much. The work to be dose es the new piers is Me harbor is nearly finished. Dredge Arsoldt was launched oo Maday, tad a ready t commence work. Tog Dolpki.• of Toronto, nn 1n bore a Saida* ea her way to (imorgian Rey. The new tag n msarly ready t lau.elt. She a being milked nae gelated this week S1ltr. Telma., ('apt. Lames, is loading balk molt .t the Rig Mill Salt F:leek for W 1arten. Tag Dispatch left this weak for op Ike . ►ora to gather lop that, broke away from • raft Ism! aea.0s. Mayoral mama aro eep*ieyee u ;hastily . ease far the sew peers from the ever soar Melia.'. grove. '• '� 1 'moi - � ? KNOWLEDGE Brings corn?, rt and imprnvrrment ant tends to pea s;,cal eujoym(1.1 when I rightly used. The many, who live bet- tor than •.thers arid enjoy life mot e, with loss a1leu•iltut., by pn.ra pr•mptly adapting the world's bast products to the needs of phy ai.:.l being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid L sauce priucy.les embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is doe to its presenting' J in the Iona ni et accel•taJ'e nod pleas. ant to the tate, the rtfrmhiltg and truly beneficial pr.Terties of a perfect {se - alt 0 ; effect wally cleansing t1.0 system, ' di -Telling c..:vs, ha:ui.whes and fevon 1 and Isinianentiy cnriig cnnstigat.ou. IS It has siren satisfaction to ni illness a11tI • met with Ole apprwid of the'etetlical profession, because it acts on the Kid- I 'bey*, Liver and Bowels witln,t:t weak- ening them and It is perfectly fres front every objeetnambito eubatauce. f Syrup of Figs is for sole by all dreg- t gists in 7:10 bottles, but it u manu- factured by the California Fig- Syrt.p Cu. only, whose name is printe,l on every i package, also the name, b*rispll,f Fitts, and being well infonilee, you will nut I accent any substitute if offered. • , - I IIAv, where she will load cedar poets fur Detroit.. S'r.Yonarch is expected into -day , ihur, 1 day. i 'There is a lar .e quantity of freight, t telt, baled hay, fisting supplies, etc , await- e in. her arrival, t e The work oa the second store scow it I Ie ting shine rapidly, and as the piers are ' nearly finale!, it will not be long Le ore they hate It done. Tau Peeler, . f flay city, was in here tut nee le 1 oking after logs. She 'eft on Sun- f lay for uo the shore, taking with her the logs,th at were to this harbor. !'apt. Batter hde hal hu boats ps)utcd tad they present a very gay and attractive i ippesrmsee. He intends w charge the same i 'lite. ('apt. Babb did last year. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. , 4tiMeverh refers. / 9onpucu. \lay Vii. 1201. t tering Wheat standard 0 :., t0 0 • Yell Wheat .. 0 1: to 0 (0 I Flour. family 000 to 0 00 Short. w too 00 00 t000 00 Kean. 01 ton ..... p; 00 tall 00 Screenings }ton 110 W tub, 00 J !'bopped Feed Wheat i ton,. 00 Ota 1.40 00 i, [lats. new, 1 bush 0 3! to 0 31 1 Peas. V bush.. ... ............,0 51 w 0 52 Barley. two rowed. V- busk 0 80 to 0 le Harley. common 0 Vi toe 10 Illy.aton u;.toto:00 t Potatoes, a bush 0 3i to 0 I'. i )cutter, v 1* to 0 :0 Rat•, fresh unpacked. i dos,0 (34 to 0 e . Cheese _._ 0 12 to 0 IS Word 3001o400 Wool 0 is to 020 Hides. (1 to .' txl +tmep Skies 0 • 1 w 0 00 Live Hoes 4 00 w 1 .0 premed Hens 5 63 to 5 .4 Publico Notion. OTICE. -016VINI: TO THE DAN NW Mese by visitors t the park sad Mature ttou.d. at lthlgewood !'ark. from a•4 alter tot due noose well be allowed use de the property without permission being first obta.ne3. An parties found impassion upon the eroded. wit be prosecuted. LELF:N F. ATTIIILI. @lt ()Annum k l'ROUDfOOT. God.elch, 3Jte April Solicitors 1)1'RLIC NOTICE I3 HER ERN' a:IYICN L that the Municipal Council of the town .hip of Ashfield intend to consider and pass a bylaw to establish and open Herbert -et and lMctiregor-et, es defined and laid out on parts of lots 11 and 12 in the K eveotb concision, Western 11i01110n of the rid township of Ashfield, forming part of the vii:age of Annan upon the registered plan of the mid tillage. flied in the registry office for the Prouty of Huron. and that said bylaw will be finally read meetinz to be held s' the town , and passed at a tat chamber et 11 o'clock in the forenoon of 1 he 20th day of May. 1091. Sl -It WM. 8rOTHKRd. 'Township Clerk. 61111E &TLAXTI(' AND LAKE SI'i'ER- 1 for Railway Company will apply to the Parliament of Canada at Its next seWoa for i an act to confirm certain agreements Amerces t and *be Bale des ('6eleura, Oeeat Fasts, Montreal and Sorel, Ottawa Valley, and Ga- leria l'sc10c hallway Computes. and with the Montreal Hrldge Compan. to authorize the Moue of debenture and preferential stock. t construct a branch from the main linear the Comp/Lily's railway to ouch harbor on lake Huron in the t'o4a)Jre of Wore or Huron as may be toned marl suitable and a authorize the ezteaalon of 11s telegraphic lines to the le - tad of Newfoundlud and to Europa J. R. TIHIBACDB[AI', Mentreal, 2a Fah., MI. The Pre.ld.st. NOTICE. AL1, PERSONS FOUND trespe5.1C5 my ands by shooting. a hooting. engine. ramping. Getting or other who will be prosecuted according w law. Such lands ars the Hart faro*. In the township of Colborne. and the property knows es the rode Keserve, in the townships of tolborae and 0ederleh. R. CAMI'IGN. 4.' \. BBAK( 111.E1L 40 -Cm Boli.lter. Proprietor. lSERVICE..iI•THAT BULLIller Fox TR bts d BslMsi■ bulk " 514 CI N R. et dist 0400 milk avid batter tttedlm. J,., 11.ss 11001,010. a lot 7, Ins K. W. • 1wnahip, JO1L\ L.&N80N. 13 Inn Dosses. Bipeds for Suhler. -- - A YOTif AND ALL KINDS 1)F 164 1 BOOM .11 g .an late Ttftlif i w Alu en Own. west Uses, p:adp s� klaif. ad Yafiea BOtldf et ev.ry +eafdlNps. yr sops LTIT Stitt EI'PHEMIA A. M LF:NNAN'Y LtN1M ENT F. mamma' .M may, le • p.olIive core ter dionsimlatl•mater7 ittom• $1* dimwits Hip atl.m. Wow Reek, 1 rph.5a Sere Threat. Week inn Lame. R•ptare sod all kIn and died 8isaa..r. It hats bees kraal s sore for direst snook ,re is boroso. P,11.� 74 'a Nome ds, without bar- s omd wrtpl•re1114� ium *Me?fao4 Wa�fe��lliw iLomm. .111.16 eswee ��01io.� 1 reasonmeal s rM . saes Street. 0.aerteb. ON- The week of repairing the ear. May R (lord.. as Ib blond a mostly Inishod end wo *tweet ship will to kte.Thed tekts west. The . that was Mswohod Met week bas boa. e.rabsed 1M Malla5s, s.l VW OM tem a Wee both W Rea Two *Am. Kakgs. (Ips. McU...M, .clad te bare as bee way feem.t less es O..gi.. LACE CURTAINS. 11'e are showing without any exception the bot value in Lace ('origins in /:alrrich. We .tart thea! at 21k. per Kett, for Taped, _l yds. long and :10 inches side. .:t yds. long, 'aped, 49 nicker. w Isle', 3Se', pail M'tt, also lla'eIAl low lints at 7* t. and .1 per sett, :1 nils. long and a:l inches w i.le•. The higher prit'ys in lime go 1+ rtes up to pri.UV per nett. Ottr'eto.'k cf Lam Curtain* is toadied At leant .'O lower !lien any other store in t.,Wp, and we a�Isll la plen5eel to show them. JAMES A. REID. re's Block, Oodertcb. April 11. 'r ,. Want sd. Lal AN1 Ell Al' ONCE. 1TE.hb1, R8 11 'able married man to reel ho•'' on m n. Idcht work ler pan of the Summer o, An?Iy to AI IV( lThIlt, Tea'ahrar st pu'tey for Main or for Moat. I OUSE Tu RENT ON . EU:IN ST -- W111 1 b...i or els sheet term. Apply ?NOVAS OC2U elft u111)PIRTV FOR HALE IN SALT - 1 MItf.-Nin.' ares of land, overlooking he village of Sanford. three .••res of orcha-d (twee tet leers groan,. ell winter fret. Un M• Int i+•cottage 21s3Q wt.'. Mirk ►:t hes :116, also a barn 16621. The property eta be eId oo ieaeonatl:r terms. For hanker permit - cars apply to JOHN 1)Ii*N, Goderkh. P.G. at ton VALUAHLE FAR%1s AND T4)WN PKOPKKTY FOR SAL.li tilt IIKNT,- nt 9 lu the nest oese•eeeioe. (:uderich town - kip, county of Herts, lspik. front (Coded! h. onaieling of * 10 ecru more nr Ines. Barn 10x 3, nearly new. good orchard of choice fruit, cell watered with spring creek, an exrcllent •ruzlee (arm, can toe' tough? on nary terms, �pply to JOHN KNOX. Auctiutieer, Lot 1 in the broken front• west of. the take rand in the Western .1 iti.ion, Township of t.'et Norne,douuty of linnet. 3 miles from liulerich competsiag 110 aorta. !arae Lack barn, 6,041 ^mime house li story high, near:y new and [coal orchard of choice fruit can b e bought on r.ey terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Atetion ver. 1, Block A and It. fake re is the township of Colborne. consisting of 290 acre, mare or ane. There ere on the )premiere • Inoue .Duet. frame barn and good .tabhag. About acres young cu chard of choice fruit. Ahem *. acne, of bush. Tht, farm is eonade•rrd a firat-clam glazing farm. Thu farm ran be divided to suit purchasers and bought•., easy erns. Apply to JOHN KNOX. House and lot in the town of ('!iota, -tat I, 3lsry-.L, opposite tne old woolen mill, cum• rising frame house 11 story high. 9 romus, tone toundatioi with goal cellar, all in good tate of repair. Apply to JOHI•l KNOX. ti►tr. A uctiaseet. �OR SALE. -N. f LOT 31, SNDCON- �' oe•sio0, Lee Wawanoah, * 0sere& Tb*. a Brutclassfarm. Ales tows lot ♦7-f, Oede- ich_ Apply to PHILIP HOLT. OLI1, 1 lO A('IRE FARM FOR SALE. -TRE l old homestead of the late James (yesa lay, of the team/hip of Kam Wowa•esk, be- teg last half of lot l•, concession 1, on. the Revel road that leads from liolerich 10 Witte- n!. 11 ie.ituated about e4 rode from AuM urn, • thriving village with (our churches and a school sear at hand. .1 eompsral*.ly new I homer with seven large rooms and cellar w ilh 01uer conveniences, and good tank baro and about 88) large heanng fruit trees .re on the premises. About 00 acro are clearest. The eeppi! 1st of the beet Further info:m Ilion from ]tIt8. CA88ADi1' Aubun P O. 11-40 FOR BALs AT A BARGAIN. -THAT L 05.1alioue building/on kigr-et.. Ferm- aatt present occupied es a pa*otsbopp by . elti11 t m sale. Terme easy. AQsI) Vie- . B. SCOTT, Braman P. 0. 6041 NORTH- WV5 LANDS FOR SALE; 5000ACRES OF V.ALI ABLE Improved and unimproved farm lands at distances varying from I to IP miles from Ou'Abpelle Station, N, W. T., for sale very cheap. No better lands for mixed farm• leg are to be found la Canada The (.1611)tut elretRlrr.m Mre els awwt.e.e e. I1:84.:e.- James Wiese. 0. A. rear. W. . For full particulars apply to J. 1). DICKSON, , Barrister, 401-tf Q.'Appelk. BpH111 Notsm N" CHOPPING MILL. I am prepared to tin all k- inds of grain oboe- NekE a shortest notice. Mill t running .1 all herrn 1 have the latest .rd best Improved ,enohinery for dispatch and efficiency.Prices re..onable. No dela)' in petting 7emecphome with yea. JOB. RIDD, ilIy 17 Britannia et. ODERICH FOUNDRY AND \_x MACHINE WORKS. To 116 publk Huy Ru.el..66 Nos. 9 and 1 plods. Mune* nen sad rollers and root cullers, Watford Nis. 7 osd 1 plows. American mouldboards Watford twin plow. It is m hest, Watford toulllers, the leaden. Watford bay rakes. Al se other implement. !'low touts reduced In Prat.. nave mesa kinds. ('eating made to order. Coati for old metal. 41)-17 J. B. RLNCIMAN, The People's Colman. K 1D08 PLANING MILL - SASH AND 110011 FACTORY,-- ly KA It 0.7. KY. STATION,- NRW BRUNSWICK ('*DAR SHiNOI.[4. Zara, 92.20 Cheats, 92.00. fad dam Aware. Mc. Run Na 1. $l O• ('leas eat, heavy Waldo. ✓ 1.00RiNO &Ni. 811)140, 915.M per M, D OORS, BAB*I atop 161.1111711. equally le.. MAPLK agn 8611* H Y1.00R1NO. kiln dried. Mt 1' HIMLOCK. for blandest*, LATH PI('[ K714, G ATMA, Ne.. etc. DRAIN 711.E, 101RR;HRICK. 110-19 JUMPB LIDO. ALL TRE LEADING AND POPULAI: Bpn.s Modicum on had. A mew Stock test received. HAVE YOU MIR 5 winteaesom ''A: crIiTL'ITH[OTURMOYTO1LL'1'ttOAl'B c1t� 1 AT ' EARSI-)RI'1 OTGRF: Here is • 4s0elas !SOC - A customer used oast of ow la cakes of tel:4)4 rown Nrodevr : op for Yee we.ke sad one day. weaning himself three titan a day. 1\'e hate greater bargaine to offer ycu new than we did !before. 1.*r bouquet Soap. at " each nr 6 6x nese'.. prions We. each. Wu4DKR. our I:lycer:no Soap t ar. each.' regular Mr. ('16. Al.' our Glycerine Snap a• 1 for .. erg der price . each. . We hare a full asaort mens of Toilets epee( all kinds includeogl Media seal HospM. and. rt. - pest fully molten your patrOus.(e. P •member FEAR'S DC I:Dt►('K ANL/ MAN- DRAKE Iil'ITEI(S is • gee striae MIedieior. 1 package mattal a ,!tart and only teem 701 :.'c. I s. Al Only at FEARS 1)IIAIIIIACY. onum6.1('8. rhos t -ss OF EXC'Ei.SIOR BAICINU pow DI: R in- - ' ,urc'l St1c(+s4 i n the lex-ak. ing of all ' of 1':1eCR1. _ PR EP .% - IlY at. r . p.\t .'4, 1'1131. B. Ned teal 11a1I. PRESCRIPTION DRC(I STORE. Ma'vse Qum for Tea sad Irrssklsa. ilrs Bell• Ifo read tweak ✓ alk Arrear 010, tad Mk lis 011 • J. WILSON. t TURNING OYER .t Has 1 cum E0:og on in our upholstered stock. There is nothing in it but the lete.t and best man11.otured. Yet we fees that we lave too mnch of this one line and now you beet tt.e benefit, liow0lre prices farther than eter be- fore, and farther than they'll ever go atmn, What a chance you have toireish Inswing ►.Om*a or Parlors with cities' upbvl••ter. d Eads a1 prime which cannot he repeated. Fnrnitwre covering -A large line in ata k. All new l'attrras. SMITHS FI'RNITI'KF: STORE. &.Mi/ lead 111111OUPOSele. I t SEAOER, CONVEYANCiNG AND V.).erkh. Inur•neso ca oppositealsetY.'sHotel ()al `4 oNEf TO LEND ON MORTtilfls A u l per cent. Neto din ounted. C. y13.6001t, omce oppe1d1S Martin's Hetet. (lode - rich. UOIZT TO LOAN. - 825,000.00 ferlymplrualsestes4 at M per cwt, as s LORt70 R. DAItCSY. Meme'e Met. Wham game Osilleeteb. MFtf F J. T. NAPTIL, PIRA LIRE AND • hawsers mom' at rates, . N,wtk.•t. and elonars,MY- erick. 1i- VI..00 000 TO WAN. APPLY TO a A MOLL R.1H0i.M14. hear - rich. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R U E ter Is vommest *lowest ream e. 84t et AahFends MeMertgm••• A• POI 15 OARROW & PROUpromT RRADOFVEGENERAL, ENERAL iN- ..n...e.,LiReal Notate earl Mosey Loral. apeat. 0017 fleetelmseemmielee reprew.sed. Money t lard es strong\ Masa at the lowest rate of ,ot.rs5 /elt:g. (. aar wy 10 raft tai. norrow.r. (Jets- Nec- e1sA4{ dew !rem More. Wait "Meet tedelatk - el RAZING THF'- .81�'eNCRIBER-WII.I. It take attic ae4 bomb es int Meadow ter pm.laa parpm.m for the mes o. of 11194. !910 terse apply t. R. YO(MO. Gederkh P. Met 200ORAZKR.S WANTED THE 1 N GIN a.atlped .11* tape 1. am mita =lea_ he tars she Ulna Rememi. iAa tea..egis to X. RA Malt »a P.G.