The Signal, 1894-5-3, Page 4TBE SIGNAL • GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 3. 1834.
Sht fir �uuxl,
N PVYmaan
ST M. roalLakITMT.
see of Publiwtbs Al sad u► N.etloitleit.
Ooderieh, Uaterlo.
Terms of NMerlp/len s
ss month, to advance i
tN y m
a lb
Ono rear.
1f ,credit le award. the Woe per
w:Il w...... ......
year t SO
Leak as leer label.
Tear label le • standing renew of the data
kf,•'h You are p.ld up. see net It is cot
wud to fait into •treat.
hen a change cf address is dedred. both
etc old and. the new addries ahot'id hes»,'4.
At vestals x pates
le•gsl and other casual sdvertl•eii., nes. I.
per lie for Aro ina•nton, and t cents p. , I11444
for Osell subsequent lesertto.. Measured by
• • teppsarreeil mole.
lewdness cards of six lines and under, Vs per
Adrenlee.nests of Loat. Round, 8trsyed.
Rltos,tone Voiotia% tif:u.tiouu Wasted sod
Bananas ('h..•ee tVent.d, not exceeding S
Imes nonpareil. TI per month.
ilott!a'v on tat! ,cud Farm,' 01 As'n not to
ease. d loos, t1 (..r Ant month. .9 . per sub-
emtetajah. Larger "date. ;u pr'port.on
An) epee iew r..•i ice. the oft`.. -, Lf t' n is to
frv.•..•.e the pec•uutary bonen of soy t0dl-
Hind or reniceer, to be considered au ad
Tart lament sod el•arg. d srrordintrsy.
Loral atones in oonpsreill type'oue cent pet
word. no
tesiing type two
ffouts per nerd. :co remise for Inas then rhe
beeiserfar'hurdle.. a o) other religious and
hetetalcnt ikon:in-1u 4,4:1 tate.
. •'easwserelat EYetrart ldveelfaemesla.
A limited nna:her of it:splayed adrertlre
taelt3• waft, he inserted at the (following rhes :
Per jnelt. ear (neer tom: *l 141
f;,ur Werth:ha.
" ?tow' ars-:the. ... .•
...' � OD
•• sty menthe.., •- See
No a l: ccrtt.seni-i- •.t tele than t a u • t. ' .'l hi
len:the-ill be ealratated os shove hes:.. s
per rent. direount an awed for atih plym.'n:.
oat three- osnnIL.'con•ta.-:: 10 p •r a-nt. on gill
wont h,. and ll ter net 4,e • yasrr, These
eon•iit'.or.will b. et:jet ;y ee:ne• rJ.
Aimee **The *final" pelt neer.
P I" i.ib.•r who .'.,l1 to Treater Tea Pmt tt.
rei•ulr.rty, rather t.1 te-rier or by matt, will
reefer a fator by •elusu.ria,f as of the fact at
as early a dates wts:a•e.
lilJectr.t tnsnuscript• cannot he recanted.
',terminologies,* meg pro written on one side
of inner Dolt.
Publisher's !tones,
J. (. Le Tomei. of Coderich, hs. been ■p
peeled Local Travelling Asei t for the town•
amps • f'Jodrnrh, CoMwnu'. A.bdeld and Wa-
Lo...: t•oatmartrn over the district are also
em:owr-e,t to receive subscriptions to Tin
Alt communications mist be addressed to
THU 1,•leplio..Can>� Ooderles Qat.
black-ank tin young man, who
grinds out the "I'pe and Downs items for
The Toronto Telegram i. is a state of mind
on the question of •nsex•tion. Some pro
phew cannot see any further than their nose
and the black-and-tan young man of The
Telegram is one of them. He frets of graver,
tombstones and epitaphs, and te in heathen
darkness on tbeftesestion of resurrection.
111 F: nomination of 1 tr. 11 % Rout.,\ in
Fort Toronto, where the Tory candidate is
supposed to have • walk over, and the talk
of putting up M to contest a doubtful
constituency, is an u0doubt.d approval
of gall before gumptioo. MARTCM as
beyond question one of the ablest sup-
porters of Mar&herrn, and Itvraor, eyed'
his beat frieods will admit, has moo -
thing to recommend him save the
nerve which he acquired when touring the
country in his profs eioo•I cao•city, and con-
trary to the code.
iIAT harm he,; the ••censure• of
Parliament" dose to the Ottawa Free Press,
we would like to know ! The Free Press
called PsTmR WHITS, Speaker of the House,
• partisan. and said he was willing to give
the back of the hand to the (Opposition
every opportunity that offered. The Free
Pro was richt, and all the 'censures"
that the Tory p•rtis.ns in the House Ain
pet passed against the Free Pre.. from now
until Doomsday, won't alter the care.
PETER t1'u1Ta, M.P., i• a partisan .ad he
would not be Speaker in the present House
of Commons if he did sot rank high as one.
(►ATR, fN MAI.I.OR1 is nf opinion that
sheriff* and registrars should be elected by
the people. ifow would It do for the 170..
000 alleged patroos to hallos for the Fraud
president instead of having him appointed
by • haft* junta .t the annual menhir ! No
sheriff or registrar can act as arbitrarily
with the people as can the grad president
of the patron order, when he undertakes to
tell them bow they should vote, sad sus.
pends organiratIO.l that will not obey his
/reheat, and yet he does sot obtata his
positios and power front the rank sad file
•l }1ii alARBON \'g„rANn slander sate,
which was tried at Toronto daring last
week, has been an eye-opener to som• for-
mer sympathisers with the I'. P.A. in this
motion. The triad exposed • stab of moral
rottenness amouret some of the termite lead
era of the movement which is not calculated
to adv.sce the interests of the eases, and
the admiwsions made by Mrs. Semersoo
ought to maim that person hide her dimi.-
uhed Yard instead of flaunt wg tram newest]
of the onuses is the other as a Defender of
the Faith.
(,•t►ltM1 RLYtIttiToriea pot a lot of
stress spas Mrs flarst•v'- gossip, bet jest
sow they are pinning their faith epos Mr.
tilgf. Dire ma•aitiens. The only difference
we have bio able to see in the two mob d
Tares is that whilst Mn. I:stent was
never •frail of what would follow the
naki.g public of her gossip, poor mid Mr.
Gat' VDT ie moored almost oat of him sots feet
the "geWiss will get him, .1 he don't watch
oat." The sel.rtasate own has now rush -
e4 into print to help himself oat of the bole
is whip\ he put hIoreslf, and h. sight as
well Moo grahhod his ampmsdets sad tried
to lift hies ell eat is :kat way.
Rooth Onearis to eimeast hie eld tidies Oe
feew prowls= enessisele les earned the
Wised flag to victory m that essat►tseaoy
aid there r •u resew to believe that
w111 sot be alually suoceseful in the owes
contest. 'true, he oral not ire able to do -
vote the note to bee own rid:og that
formerly was able to do, as he, el rabies
MIsi.ter, will be in detuau'f is other
emanates, but he will be soled at home
• greater etteat than ever by hie tries
who will have a great backing to Mr. D
oat'- admirable administrative record
Lb, Agrio.kursl .etnn.ti.
, of the ('rias.*•. 'Mustier battalions. d
ha cauuot be that the Hes. J. l' I'. s appetite
sag has Inst rte ousstog.
Is' The Queen City politicians who he-
t g.. to mug, "Not for Joe," whoa North
co.. ; Toronto was dinar -toed, are now satisfied
lo that they counted without their owe Mr.
dr, Tor. Hts cake u not dough by • large
I..rerytbin* points to an luuleriiate
rompatgn is 00.nectios with local politics,
and our friends the Lib. -Goa. ere sot sure
Isotonic wisdom of r•tdyisg petro. caudt-
al I date (exsuil.t or selecting • straight party
of I 1t is quite C° -i"1e that n "capable
wo insider" may be found Is Losdw to wipe
oe the political arena of that town with -he re-
s - mains of s "o•pable outsider" yclept 11'0
de. I. i. v 41 %I PSI M.eta.iTH
au I'hr freshnes.•c of l'ola%, reincarnate.
to is •.oly exceeded by the verdancy of Tar.
awl roe, the younger, unregenerate They are
rabidboth In their rabid days.
I i are in receipt of the third res.
copy py of Mr. l: !Mono bill respect:
write of execution, the intention of which
t r abolt.b r'
sheriff's and other epneeeary
richt! has upon executions. Formerly t
e1r.•utione, raoition4 mutual renewal, we
necessary to enforce • ju.smest .Ratner
debtor an order to reach good. and fat
tht the face of it this looked h:e a WW1
eapruse sad 0o one 0401d easily vee why
•.mcutl,,n to cors goods and lands. anal
remain Is force until y.istied. should n
Met. %110,0. - bill, as tint ed,wa
Intended to make this idea law, but he w
oppose) a h:s effort by most of the laws
0 m both sides of the House. and finally ha
to cut down one !calumet the hal -the re
newal to a period of three stars. This
ho'TFcr. I. In Iowa( a credo gumet lt et-
ecuttons are setutibl or famiJ to be useless
anode of that time.
lint anther feature of the bill -chs
embouome0t is one et•.nnuon of both goods
and I m 11 :e the M1111cn' This wsil a -
costa' a great eavmg over the whole Pror-
osee, and will, it is esti, make an aoaual
difference of two thoufaaJ dollars in thl re
cetpre of the sheriff's''ohm in Toronto, as
well as being the cause ci • great saving
solicitors' coats, s.1 ech e1ecat.o
•iJ each renewal hit hero: ,fore oloci
fse of f�1 to fi to the solicitor, as well as
fees to the clerk sed sheriff
Another feature of ode b.11 is that it ahol
tithes the old stupidity and expellee aims*
!erring a Metal in Cron pigment igment to th
comity Court before you could get at' Oa
I'•btcr's :ands. This caused as centime of
about Sib), which a saved by Mr. I,Aaaou'•
:,ill, inasmuch as it provides that the 110.
tsio0 Court clerk can ilium an 'execution
direct to the sheriff.
The bill u • highly important one, and al
though, of course, no: liked by the ottioisis
and solicitors generally, mhonl4 commend
itself to the farmers and others who have to
do the paying, as • practical effort to reduce
hitherto ohtoxiou• fees to a minimum and
to simplify what heretofore proved to
be a much mired and llCps.sive legal
question. \}
as The retirement of E.F.Ct.ti,ti from
Toronto in the slough. neck deep.
\Wat.-h t:,r 150 old parties firm*
themselves sad thump the heart out of al
the..w•fangled poltuoalfad&
e•rovincial politica puts the Tories of South
Sir Iltltlik:KT TU'PPE:K is rather :t
fresh young fish to hail frost • salt water
district. ,
This is evidently a poor year for
geutleseao who work `tea i.' fluffs.",
The t oj.'e .'f the politician will be
s heard to thei•ni mighty soca
a T:.e 1:nee. ..f the slay ►lads good
time on Tuesday.
-That Lib. -Con. ratification 'netting
is about doe.
e _ -
AT thi' st•uson of tits year it it not
out of place to draw the •ovation
of the town council . to thefiet
that • very small outlay would make the
harbor park a mon attractive spot • little
later in the sean.
During the summer months • large num•
her df excursionists Dome to Goderich and
ne.arl y .vet y one of them finds hu or her
way to the Harbor I'erk. Such being the
omee, it N the bounden duty of the town
camel to do some:hong towards improving
the premise...
As it is at present, the harbor park is
little, if •.y better than au ordinary, every•
day oow-pasture, but with very little ef•
feat sad expense it could be mull into •
wary pleasant and agreeable picnic ground.
The cite is • remarkably good one, and •
better location for • pork could not well be
selected, hut the desolate appearance of the
place gives evidence that it has been un -
cared for to • considerable erteduring
past years.
At the last meeting of the council the
spacial committee reported that the cor-
poration laborers would be able to give all
aeceseary attention towards taking care of
the Courthoues park during the nosing
Shimmer months. If there be anything is
the recommendation of the special com-
mittee it would not be a tad idea to test it
mammaryin co0oectio0 with the work mammary on
Vie harbor park. let the town employees
be instructed to lick it into shape at theirn
earliest conyectoce.
By all means let the harbor park be
straightened up for the Summer season
What did \layor I3t.'TLgk do with
the $25 of • deposit which he lifted for
billiard marker Satctoo • Seotnt swore in
court that he never received it, and yet t
Rrrl.aK took the money out of the Town f
pork's hands ostenstbiy for Seaton. Was
it a skin game'
• ••
Tb.' Toronto police authontimi ap t
pear to 1r. having • more difiealt Uma in h
aodeaveriag to weed out pool -rooms in that
city. than Tea had in closing up •
Mayer lb n.el a billiard parlor in (.odench, a
but they will get there )net the same.
Mw tie TI p Mese M the Pests', 1s.
Nasty. •
The chief of police has 00
received • .1•
'nowt:soon from James Davis, chief con-
stable at Blythe, Huron I ,., asking him to
be on the lookout tor • man named J. J
B gar, who is wanted there on • charge of
selling goods under false pretences. .It
appears, from • circular which •ccompasied
the letter,that Bear represented himself as
agent for • firm named $bep.rd, Howard &
Co., of Eogland,wbich had branch offices at
Toronto awl Winnipeg. This firm is sup
posed to manufacture w-oolan goofs and sellns
direct to consumers at less than half the
cost which retailers. .barge. He also car-
ried for Lana samples of teas, sugars, boota
and shoes, etc., for which he took orders,
and to every customer represented that
their orders could at any time be duplicatedon
at the se rata. When the goods turned
they were invariably cheap shoddy art i•
cies that would be dear at any price, and
the purchdeera found they had no one to
whom they could appeal, for whit the cir-
culars gate the .tyle of the firm they did
'lot nate clearly where the firm was located.
Rear was acting 10 conjunction with
• resident of Stratford and the two
s000eeded in victimising • large num•
her of resident. of Huron county, after
which they both vanished. The matter
was reForted to the police, with the result
that an order was issued for the arrest of
Bear. Farmers and others have bean re
postedly warned through the prem to give
such characters • cool reception, lout in
spite of all the warnings they e.rntinue to
purchase from pedlars who grow rich on
the spoils of their victims Farmers will
find it to their interest to patronize city
merchants who have their reputations to
uphold and who may be depended upon to
give value to their
Abase el writ
To the Editor of Too 81omm..
It is extraordinary how esetia p.ople
abase any privileges extended to them.
For some time past the people of I:oderich
have bees allowed by the Atrial family to
enjoy the beauties of the grouods on the
Point across the neer. By way of dowing
their appreciation of the permu loo to ss.•
joy the pleasures of their neighbor's pro
party lust year, an the heat of the Summer,
some picnickers carelessly set fire to eommof
the parched grain and the result was • dir
e strous fire which did • great deal of dam
age and after devastating one held sad cies-
troyme some valuable timber, was only
checked from spreading over the greater
port of the property by heroic exertions 10
tighune the flames.
Again, on Sunday last some thoughtless
Young men, in sttaotptuig to smoke •
squirrel out of • hollow tree Gear the (hood
hag house set fire to the trunk and deowyd
wood et the toot of the tree and, as • remelt,
the tree was totally destroyed and constant
watching through the night was necessary
o prevent the spre•dine of the fire and
urther damages.
W. learn, too, that railings have been
broken down and bark torn from the rustic
ummer houses by those who bare visited
hem and in other .liner ways visitors
have expressed their appreciation e•ch,.(t.r
se own fashion.
The public is an irresponsible body and as
uc h throws away all restraint and consider
tion, sad isdirid.ale who ander cover of •
sof would sot think of taking :inch liber•
if to the open sinus part of the public, ins -
pear to lose their identity and their moa -
den at the same time
ft ie scarcely to be wondered at that
bio atteetinn• should be unwelcome to
he owner of the property and the notice
the ra&eserssult. appear's s this mese should
1 ped for the
good 'report of the t:oderich people that
he blame may be placed where It belongs
and the pubic would be pleased to me
he ereaseree•or, brought to .11'STl('F,.
Kino.rd u* Review The teas of goal
W i.gham who refused to .hell out the
o to discharge the debt for freight charges
' the cannon • tient them by the Minister e(
They say that that well-known non
partisan, Asn% hot'%,., 18 playing Say. se
"'Ascii() to patron e&odid•ta tlt.inos.1,e's t
Doe 9411071 donne these balmy days 1
which primed* the rifting of the old time f"
political parties. be
1)r. R snails received the omni
ti_R Mseinatien of the Com .reativs mos
._1j for Toronto. Th. East Toron
to Tipp 'talon on evidently Kies tarn ret
Meath the preferenoe in that easetituency •t
to hies of Resin. tm
f Canalia and tile rented States
tiisderieli harbor, which at present •
drawback h. tite tows, would be • arrestor
source of wealth to tha inhabitants thon •
cid isms.
The waterlog cart has not bees
doing very mind werweee Aim year thus far,
and the tows merchants
Militia will lyre shot eta ot pahlir remoras hy the
iota of an **raged poripta, it woehrierire
them right if the Ng inns world last
mosat their wheels awl en od &horst her.
The Saturday 'elite is of The Empire I a.
of lets hem makiiag great arid... Ea. It
week, is additime to the regular sews of the
day, Wonsan's Page, Military Department,
. Domestic. isto, it has a somber of
spacial mildew by briniest writ•
Ois Saturday. ldth, it gave • splendid
bisiseisai ribeeeb by eel of the Hite rem.
• wiey *mak Row Blowers Wes ihe
/It beim s story of lake manes is the
Ism), and ether equally tatormehig
attiring. 'teary week enesethiag geed ap-
iii it
begieniag to sm.
rakes Insider mmie, more et is, the. a,
Of lats. we haven't heard of the
her. the War Lord Wag bisque/Hod by say pears
Lord Runcbery'• Polley Said to Be
Different Front Mr. liladyluue's.
tael.h ' 11e t•re-
•bt,.u• Herbert til owe'• Very
K.,lar.l Prepseal The rati-
tes atar•reut 1.
L sero e, April :pl, - -Lor) llosebery's
gxohcy is finally assumius the amblauce of
eeetitte shave. The Premiere epeecb at
the meeting of the city Liberal Club fore-
warns his party cud the country that the
hew counts of the Ilottnuient will be
vastly d.ffrrent t4,u \Ir. Ii!adstc.ue's.
I oat makes of perfectly :.stent that the
liovenotnent has decided upon a new de-
parture w far as the Irish ,tnesttuu I• roe
rented at least, and thaw vlrn is prior..11r
accepted in spite of the efforts of the
1iiaJskt:4iau journals to'attain t -s he effect
of the Premiers trtuark. 1n r,•gard to the
Welsh dueslabiieligient boll it might be
u:J that Om hill as it stands pleases the
W,:an fait:y trell, though more advsuce.f
Welsh tceinonts !rain Ad/11101121:11W improve!
Silents :o .meat tot woiclm will doubt•
r he .a rrp:e.l mr rastau ahlr. Nu oplo-
s11100 ii..:d.• the rook. of the majority line
Lasts di.cosrrr•d, and it u certain that the
L:11 wt.* Lassa se vud reading by at least
tile bornuai streuglh of that majority.
}l-rbeit tiladstone1i proposal to remora
• r•ortiuu of the grating in fro.,t of the
ladies gallery in the iiouse of t'umtuuns
has created es great a di.turbanee *twine;
not members are SII,West all to unseat the
(peon (nits the thrum.. No l-glrlauye
body in the world, not even the Hoare of
L.•rdr, is such • slave to !•reeed.It as the
British Humes of'11minors in ell tn•tteri
affecting its private affairs. Lord Han
dulub Churchill is Ion hot in protest, but
w much uppusitioh o.. drys:oprd privately
that the proposed ch.t:,, ,- hos been shah -
doped. awl the fiction trial coutiuue to el•
iso for the prevent that ho wOW*2l can
enter the Jimmie of t'ommous.
The invites muveueut iu lil••guw,
which started a few %reeks ago with the
refu-al to allow u public exhibition u( cer-
tain pictureo, has hero in n.. Wsy checked
by the storm Of •ridicule with which it was
first reeeiseJ. It is now being urged that
a goat mans' improper lass are perforated
at the local theatres to the nestle of every
year, and the titue.has arrived to estalthsb
runte'kiud of a These r'apre-
•seromions having tort With little maniasfavor, the purlieus have tpede lit attack
on the running of street cars on Sundays.
The city council was cail''e.i upon to pun a
stop to this deseeraditio of the Sabbath
List it declu:ed to interfere, and public in
dign&uon intetiugs are now being held.
t•re.ident .Welt /.te Estimates rem: Ogee
IS:,Ohn Mesa Ire Nam Out.
t'.n.I-rrt i, U:tio. April 2S. -The fi
ing estimate t,f the number of 1011110-1 now
oat on the strike given ant _y l're.iJult
McBride yesterday, shows that the miners
are gaining .n.!,'4* - Matson; s:itj,
Teuuewte ,wd Fhr,.tnck} • 1.1.1001. Polish,
;,1►Ul) , •Hiiu, 26,000 : West Virginia,
1, 410 ; •IlIinni,ti 28,000 . Iowa, 1.8111.
Inthen Territory. 2,UtJO; Missouri, 4,500;
1'eunsylr'auia, 6.5.000-; If'uloradu, 1.100•
aiehtgan, 300. Total, 152,0.O1 , i
In this estimate McBride dues not in -
clods the ace...atone in the Indian Block
field and in Illinois, The principal addl.
tion is iambi in 1'. un.rflvapia: w!•er• he
e.timates G•1,000 mets are now iJr...
I'uu_at,aiswa. Alun -:i4, -At- the -tenet -mf
the first week of the great coal miners'
strike but one trope is to opertuion is the
distn.t east 0t the Alleghenies. That
mine, which is in the Pb:llipsbnre region,a
near I/swots. •inploya 'but i00 men.
Torrats are made tort if they do tut quit
they will le visited by defog, cions from
the other hints and compelled to do so.
The supply of coop is feat becoming .i-
bansted The *044.1' c1a1:0 that the strike
car Iust,Ld't a t. -w dose 1- ns,r, but the
operators In the leech t'reek.11dl'la rfirld
district say that they will make no attempt
to start their Writes alders work rot resumed
in other region., or until it is leartmil'that
urchin are besot taken and filled in the
Ger districts
oinntgrolsoorp, 1.11obs Shot to Death try an
Irishmen Haag.
hr Preto:, ;oil 3:1 -Ilinitgousery
• lawyer of h:s city. and et one time
editor of the E ntily Ropublie, wart shut
end killed ott Pe ware arenas Saturday
evening by an oak irn man.
-Montgotuery tiahha was seen by s friend
"vralking Woof% about a vile month of w here
he waa shut. It em evidynt that h• had
110 warning and. the .shotit. wen hred at
clow nineteen! hohilicral tree. one but
let passed through his are). the other en-
tered los brain and the powder titlarks left
on his temple. He had no knows enemy.
Two boys who were tralkitig spills avenue
half • block away heard the first shot and
ttlet11111 111 lane to sew the dash of a second
Otte, then • third shot furnished halo in
which flier clwna to have seen two men
pimp from behind a tree and dimmest.
int-. a yard-•atol this le all t be polies have
jet learced tending to throw light on this
myet•rioue murder.
Tonotrro. Aprll Vt. -For over a month
°Oilers have leen setarehing for the girl
Nellie La Fontaine, who is an impertant
witness -1u the Andrews trial, which has
been set for the (timing./ Assizes next
Thursday Tbs girl lase disappeared and
as her evidence will be the chief feature of
the ease, it Is likely the trial will be post-
poned until shit can be procured.
Reweave fa rielterteg.
-e eatvii, April 31 --The employes of
the spink w011s wore surprised yesterday
morning to find that burglars had foreal
an entrance into their office and had blown
open the safe The papers were strewn
around the _floor. The postage drawers
w•re broken open, and • few ebppers
taken from there wag the booty the
miriade» got for their trouble.
here. sad ceases's. aurae&
Foust Ont . April */ -The barns.
'tables and sheds with all their contonts,
on A foolgeon'e farm. Lak• Road. nom
quinet. harm Iteett destroyed by fire. lose.
$1,200. insentient. $600 Tho Aro sap
paid to hews been started by ehildres
Noternaoh. April SO -A yens, 'Prone\ •
Canadian lad massed Rift... kowd by
an ideetrie ear on Misery street. TIM ems
adds another to the Ione Ike of fataillnesto
thOr eity during the year.
OrrAva .4. April 24. -Hr. Mslook has In-
troduced iu Ore Commons • bill to provide
tor the ezatotaatton of witnesses oat oath
by commutes, of the Setiateas1 the House
of Cadmium& The bill was read • tint
Mr. McMullen moved tor copies of all
letters, demist:hes ourrespoudence be-
t went the government and the High Com
Oeltailler of Cauedaregardiug the removal
cf the embargo ou Canadian cattle sitter
mkt ono hughah porta.,
Mr. Featherstone saggeMed that dead
west shipsueina from Canala would pay
better thou shipping on Oa hoot. People
its Englaud would pay more for dead 111141
than moat &ill*, 411pAelally if the demi mesa
ass iihniped by cold storage. If the tioir•
sreuieut would encourage the dinel meat
trade it would he in the lutenist* of all
the t•rtoers Camila.
in an A, April 25. -Dr. Sproul* lutro
dmed las hill in the Commons respect:nit
tisteetiv• corporations and weicantflo
lion Mr. Forger moved the Home into
Sir Richard Cartwright. iu inuendiuesit.
moved the followity " That whenever
any uosiuber of the Committee on Publi•
said committee thot lie has examined the
Niters aud vouchers subinitool in respect
of apy item referred ta the sod cotntulttoe.
elthl that he is convinced that it as oeuvre -
omega 'be era:mood in reference to the
said item. should be examined ou .iath, it
shall b• •u iiiistructiiel to the...said eons-
Mittee.lo cause such wituesais to be so
Str John Thompoti said Ito was willing
thee -witnesses ellxtild la examined under
oath to holividual none, but hit ubjeet d
to waking it a general rule to adwinister
the oath. lie said the difficulty which he
had Knout Wag that What tita. getitleineu
opposite contended fur woe not exactly
1.0iied. lie subtuttted that. as this was
after all • mere matter of holdover, cap-
able of lousiness atjtuittnent, that they
onglo to agree not to treat it as • matter
of politics, but that they rhould agree to
paint an Act rentoviiig title sUbjetlt from the
OTTAWA,' April 26.-SaJolis Thompson.
betting the orders ul the, day were called.
staked attentfon to • metier &tinning the
privileges of the House: He referred to
an article iu the Ottawa Free Piles, re-
ffecting on the Speaker's monis fur a
recent ruling. He then morn', seconds!!
by Sir Adolphe Canon, the fulioaring:
" That the article publialied in the news.
paper called the hums Free Pres& dated
24th April, mid read by the clerk .of
the 11011110 At the tab:e is a seandslous.
false and malicious libel upon the honor,
character and integroy of toe Speaker of
thus Howie, and a contempt of tini prin•
lege* and of the conatittotonal authority
of the House."
Hon. lir. Laurier was disposed ter. agree
with the Premier.
The e,arried.
Sir Choi Hilibert Tupper moored that
Jwiepti Pope and certain oilier witnesses
should Ise exotained under oath before
tiot Public Account* Committee respecting
-ftie mutton pawed after considerable
Davin in the Commons Hon. Mr. Italy
id it is not proposed to establish a but•
bierediug rawas at Eon Smith. oh
rest Vear river, or Fort Verinillion. die
*ace river, but a bill which Is to be IS.
reduced in the Sabato 'contains provisions
or the pruteetiou of the buffalo and tither
r -bearing animals those portions of
he Narthwest territories of Canada, which
4111kalcAir. Shilltrhatiotari. a%ked if it was the.
• lenge ..t cattle slaughtered
the port of debarkation in limit
Bain, the Preaident of the Board of
Cie Imperial House of Coutruons that
reinoval of the embergo on Canadian
tle will &spend ori the result of the ex•
inotiono ouch cattle, to be made der;
trig the neat her days.
Hon Mr. Foster said that Ur. William
Hooting, /Olt.c.V.S., had been appointed
to refitment Canada In any examinalsm
loose that might take place .
lu answer to Sir Riehard Cart wrist' t and
Mr. McMulleu Hon. Mr. Foster said that
the examinations wonld no elonbt coni.
Merle!! with the first shipment and proceed
until the Britigh minister of agriculture
should be convinced that the cattle were
free from diem,. •
Mr. McMullen sucested that the tiov-
erninent shonlil buy Iota in different dis-
tricts and make an immediate shipment.
It wee highlv tlio.rable that the market
should be opened as rapidly as poarible.
Hon. Mr. Foster said the shipment of
specimen lots woulit hardly meet th•
necessities of tloi case. The shipuseute
most he in the orpnery course of traoe.
Orrawii, April Pi. -In Committee of
Way. and Mese+ yesterday, in discussing
the tea duties, Hon. Mr Foster explained
that it was poopused to period tea and
green toffee, when imported direct from I
the country of iiroductiou to come In free. I
1114I hien aleo ineinded all tea and green
eoffe• purchase.' in bond to any eountry
where tea and roes, were *object to cus- I
toms duties, providiug satisfactory proof
hea been even that each green coffee and
tea Is entered for Koine oonsumption in
dist eoentry. The object of this was to
keep out eolfee whieh was prohibited from
entering Great Britain ea being unfit for
In diecoasing the item of putty Col.
Denison said hit thought that putty should
b• adtnittal fres when need for polishiag
glair ea troll es for potable' marble as
under the old tanff.
lion. Mr. Foster said that when the free
list cruse np for consideration it "mold be
seen that the government bad provided
for free duty for polishing porpmes.
Hoe. Mr. Foster, in reply to Mr Ihnoel,
said the duty on amnion window glass
wee for revenue purposes °sly. The item
tli,nq this duty at so per emit aid valorem
was peeee4.
terhe and eye gismos ought to be fres in
wood of • duty of au per cent ad valorem
Thee. &Melia oeght to be made as cheap
ae possible
Hon. Mr Foster expleined that the of.
joet of the 30 per emit duly Wall tei emelt
the teeny rime and sot the ileum
Mr Maloek &eked that the duty es rish•
ber brats and shoes be further redeem;
The dsty had seder the fiew tart* beets
redwood from to ID per emit ad velerese,
bat *Ma redluetles, be askew& was ma
eseedost. The item, ho
aim or Larenees inesimes am ever tae
tor liquor horses, is Huron Comity .
aid Graham, Wroclaw ; McDosald, Blew
Fisher. Waite, ; Joss*, Leadbury ; Craw
brook ; Querns, Ethel . McEwea, lassoes
town ; James, Kosig, O'Leary and /ALAI,
Krussels, snaking 22 liceases granted us all.
Mchwan a homes is for wine sod beer. The
Coessinamoners declined to great homes to
Mrs Stews, Fordwich. as petition was in
suthinently sigma', and to Win. newness.
Molmworth License will be emoted to
his houae if ouitable taglitat is procured.
Board will meet •t the teatral Ilutol,
Hrussels, oil May Sth, to sign new licenses
and traasect other Deadness coming before
oireu snows.
Junes Wier, Thee Stephens h Son, H.
ti. lidaall..lamee Mai, Wm. Flannigan, !-
L. Helper. Shop E. Ihswecin.
sale 11. Jackson k Son. Tucker:mitts J.
lity--liecorge Each, W. Cook. Henry Haler.
W. R. lied um. Jas. Ceiworth. Chartes
tired. H. Num, Wm. Nic.holson.
Stephen -H. Witten. .lomplt Breenser.
James Robert McFall's, Win. Holt
Patnck Hall, Walter Clark, A. Hill, Win.
Moffet, Mrs. Hodgins. Vases* A.
%halters, .1, Stephens. Exeter --Sarah A.
JAn lamtherin Shop Farmer t'
The Limos, Cononiestestere tor %%we
Hares "net at the inspector's Whom, I low,.
grained Weems to all lb. old applicoose.
Clinton, which was hold over wain the e.„
easesiag of the troineaustemes, owing
the &limes of the prompt Imensee.
hoses*, but another apphoattou from W lag
ham was refused. 11r. Black, of Dunes.
which had hitherto enjoyed a license •
ler &boat six itioaths, when the landlord tod
loft it. Ot ODUrtie no hoWlabli Wee granted
the two hotel' butsol in Chinos, laii-oo
there oris ao premises tor • Itemise.
The Montreal Star potato out that tin
umbrella duty, 36 per *oat, Iwo year, toot
$ out of the coosumere ot the
I *minion to "rive employment- to jum
pumas all told. It acids thot "the °poetry
could afford' to pension them thirty.ese
umbrella and parnool makers off at 41.000 •
year Melt, sod then saves over 270,000 a
the bargain.
lianoltos Tones • The mums demoted
has Mr. Mociesn's tairifi "linch os re
hibition. It paid 211.75 duty es IN rook
of stereotype plates the oth o day. While
the specific duty aindoluting to 130 per tem
stimulates Mr. Maeleene loyalty • to In*
party, It mikes it a little laird kir thew
journal' which use plat& and odd& hook ler
quality and ninety with While lert‘
their resders.
Knit Underwear,
Blouse Waiets,
Dress Goods,
Lace Curtains,
Art Muslins,
Men's and BOYS'
Straw and Felt CAi:sh Customers
Boots and Shoes.
Inn OnS
In dealing at
this Store the
Cash Customer
is not taxed to
help pay for the'
Credit Customer
or the one who
never pays. Here
all are -on one
level all are
Atilon Cuss 5 CENT CIGAkt