HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-3, Page 3THE RIGNAL (:O111.3tI('II f INT., TIII11csI)AY, MAY • Traeallhie Gable. YSAIOD ?SUSIL SA><L A� •a b1 rpm arrive sad depart Mas. aWvs• MMaan fns 1.M p.m. ......... ........ . by ••d Ss/r s • ......... • .. ,, 1.$ p. m gal .. .. note p.m. � sad L°f)s'ota �aaR too a._ gilsettl sad fix men . 1.16 Pa. sae) ifN.tICHOLSON, D. IL -DMAi •11�4 wad epnroredhnvlMmi'tSott m tata�hi`!M •.�psiUlte astray. th 1104f t11R OM Moa slialtpad s.r tenth. pmskevet lura Up stairs, 1_______ on N'ag- ent-le t- 1104 4r IJ enema• ofi0,emend he let a;tesllee epi J iopera House e.. nodose. - ap:•tIQaM OOILHINTER. PILY,ICIAN, $C:It IL Ire. tattoo '-ilcI.. s Stock. Moat 0. Sight salts, from Beulah Slasgs *00411. __ -_ y y NPNON * SUAItDiON, 1)�' surgeons, Acooeeben. Lo. V,_itesidoww. Napier et sear. �at,1, y.als1." . Itee/less North ft. "-Medd bei.ol. LieRa1•- MS - CA em, o iN & JOHNSTON, rWll tars. Notaries. Ace.. u nea..(eh• OW -re ti.•r Jordan's Drug Wore- IL CAM rt.,N. V. C.• It. u. JUH STON. a toe �y -F'f1 SE. DANCEY, H1ItKIn'rKK Itn A `gal. ,i to, l'tote7.oecr. Re.. cin. Money 1, Oval .' lore.! rata. Horton's Misch, 1 tp p,.,. t ...hewer flutt:. Uuderleh. ort. tltall-i1 S. LEWIS. BARRISTER, 14(040. U. tut in %t.enttms courts of Oratorio Omar w.uth Colborne Loin. EU TUBERCULOSIS. A Germ Inseam N kirk the 0110. akesta Preece. People rens. 's • It s n,.w well ret.:l'Ushed that tubrrea• Inns le a germ doom*, )u Urn terFse. no sembliur stuillpus, yellow fewer and urine 0th.r t.rlwd•en. Tuts germ lives iu peat numbers in at nue' 1.«lire and is prevalent in • greater windier of uuuuls than any otter; dm...ie. tattle sr« .. weteliy sus - needles, but ti uty doolinstoi and other wn.uaals an enbl•.•t to It and mop lis the mews of (olive).tl,p it 1.. the Litman sub jell. Koen res, and noes Mitre tni,er•n 1•ri,. This germ nitnir„.ts 1,1(4 0.108' ail C. HAYS, SOLICIT()Rsiksh once, comae et Squat* Walt av�t. tlod.rseh. over sslearrspb erns. Pei - nor Yowls to trod at lowest rats et UAW- ilAKROW R PROE'DTOUT, BAR. kir r:sorts, Attattaela. Sollceurs, se.Gods , Oar tett. J. Ttew. M.C.. W. promtteei. --IIOL .$ Ek tMEKJSl HOLT C il• Oolleitun in retstere vulontairy Ilion, 6t.J wooled llrtefur. lee «carol as vegetable rather that animal. Its .ltalily Is obs act 41a strung c?,ureeteris lice, 1,u.1 11111111611/410 titres er.•u rafter the substu,oe 181 which it has growl. has been dried toduet. Freezing cold dies not kill it and tt requires a temperature of about 15ti to destroy it. The fact that it U liable to occur is every day Nisi products. as meat mud milk. yet is eo minute se to 'seats onttn•ty Serail, of detection. account! in larite measure for the wide Jtstributiuu io the hu nem family. tint to tlern science has fnniiehed oke menu ,•f detecting the.presenen of these pries of cuusunrptem *1114 each certainty ' that it now becomes the duty of else State t.. p•rdect people against the liability is purchase and use the products -of at,tmals .Rret,,,1 with tits disease, aryl us.•.:r. 10 take a shelter course w that 1,110,0e;1 111 the recruit 'twinning oat of the drea,l cattle Plague awl aid tb• country of .1l tubercu• leer weu,ale. - - - - - - .A Greet n1i..rt (lora. aChetaMMr. Ire, 11.E C. t)♦m.roo. tial:. ; P. Ilolt ; Outlet 11.4 nes. O. WARD, et►NVIsl ANClilt, y e; „and n.n.mleetoner for akin* end re. ta�t.na te.v,*uc: ` rof or ..,ls a declare.s�aafildari.• se Ogee. dee...M sees le gear. •eon:rnastp any action. •Juice••, flee Court ero- ndue is the Dish entire of term tar ()atone. or is any Comity er :t icon Coen. All wwr4tleas careful:, fue ppttCsisesstad. Residence sad -tf P.O. mddn.► s Mm does Oct M.(chantlwle Instl$Uith. lOLH.IIII H MECHANICS' TWIT!. 0 tl'rE LIBRARY .1NI) RLADINIW a•10M, coy. of NAM stmt and newt Imp techs. wee mein 1 to 6 /.11,. sod from 7 to 10 roe. LBI)1•T 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Lr.ol.no Body, Wse*Jy alta Illustrated Topers, Alagazsars, etc., os. Fats. itXMBKRalf1P TICKET. u 4L.Y •1.e•, ,genii tree w olff 11warlbrarr mod t..dlmw- ApplleatIo•s tar meenbswbip received by Libra:no. Is room 11.-NITH. 0R0. *T1Vg.:, P0eeklest. Secretary. 418,4.,X, wren 14th tilt. ARM HORSE A WO N. Se ab.atl be ur.de.Hy tioe.gba *gala tale Work le 11,810/. lfter a ae,utm of comparative rest and Wieser.* dura..; the wintsr. the farm horse sh..nl.l be bwight gradually into full wort w Hi. eerie/. 1ro not put the horses at *herd day'r ,Lowing at first. bot rather let them do lighter work for the first few dies. Their *bookies will need watch. las,-6'r ere diet the coition fit well, that they do not gall. Loose collars sr* the Muni frequent ranee of sirs d.onldere. Splutib'e the whonlders night and nerrniug with a s:7`11.4 qervetion of white oak bark until they pt L ;ntvt:td. Many farmer* tbiuk.3t t...., meth iron: !e to reneivesehe •••.il.re at rout. but 1 think It would weU. repel the tronl.lo iu erltie•l clnnlort to the horse. h 1• ;,¢e taking oft iuut !tat when y .0 e. 1 to at noun, Bred ant heated by your work, kemuviug the collars at 0000 while the hones are .atlug gives the sauuid•ns • ehaoce to become cool. Whet: • gall dues genie. bathe It at haat *Lie« !hues a day wait cold water. if ps•ible. let the ant - met until the plate is tooled, but by all u:eaoe try to arrange by whiling cloth around the collar to relieve the ereesute noon that spot. Ile• not turfy the te•tn tow much, but let ft take its own natural pane rind it will not used to reit so uftem. and will leave the fold fresherthau if hero tied Won.: with • whip. lit marking est grimed for ecru or puta- toret, if one burn! is imed it it tett so easy Ito dire In a stniugbt hoe as wheal two buries sere used. • If a iitneeh.rse mused it w ill go'straighter sad beater it allowed to go rlowly. A buret) duet le jerked .nil yel.rd at becomes het v. u.. and doer wit knew what it is about, and out Dot d„ he;f io well as stern he ur niirxcit•J. bice a braes a'lobes retie( wflrit Le is at work. He eannut me lite full otreptttt it. his bead le drawn sepowit a • tight el eek rein. P..r- hop:e it" is len beet ter call Linde ut work t0at there be no check ,twin at all, tee a h„f a wi whits lynll TI.. grout SLort Hurn hull Caron laven- ler 1118321. w1,,.. portrait appears here• with, sr, torr. by Writ. I101,1ae l'ullyui*, AI,erdeet" bIr,•, 1ic.,ll.nd, inneirted by loh* Hiller it S.11. Kruugbati. Ont., and .••1 i lir them to his present winery; l ie.1ugg Stock -Faro[ Cu., t'Iar*lou; • s. AuOUontesruur. Tgq,01..• t;INUILY• At•cTIUNEEK I' sc4 11,s1re 0e Agent. tlwtertrh. (tat. �atot London sad Iaac•ehtre flee las Co.. 104UoreDistrict Mutual las. Co. elates •t 1Nded to in say part of the court,. r0 lr TORII KNOX, GENERAL ACC- usurer sad Land Valuator. O•'lltrieh. On. Racing had eonsllerable ezpericoee to ohs 8o• yosi.01 tgtraie. he is in • position to Iarterae with th.ruuth wtiefactlon all cow tatn•nns natrested 10 Klin. Order left at (Wein s Hein, or snit iry mail to hoe address and, -h R O., snrratlr attended a. .10111,1 EN.,x locate Auctioneer. 1811711 ii ootsua s. CAM&DIAN ORDER OF HONE (•Ircltie.--aseerlch circle. No Iib IM•M third Moeda; of each month In the ball over Tee +taro, ties: Special i.deoer Ice lssersnee sad tisk bandits. it. CW�1l� Lader; R. J. AC . TrsawlmeiEkHAROMOlisorstare. r Denial Anl141411111ssmetkt. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ETIIEL-CliLORIbB aT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S m.R•L rantatta• O ORA NOUSE ILOC& 11111T-STIEET •ODIMLICS, OSP. ._tr *0884:4 LAV aa px,t ha spar try. baring been girt by dee (51/21110 out of !Amender {'Of b by by Mane i 4::1M ir. n•le of the Isles .::'tn:Io and when its grand confurSeatioa,and a;cellettt quality ere considered. It will be tarn that 1111111 a !edited acquisition to the ShupeHurn steel of the Cutter! States. Ile i. a toun',p'iter'7et, havin,l lout paused hie third birthday. and will dembtlees a ender good serene for year* to some. -Country s rent - lemma.; A RUSTIC GATE. (l.. teay.aleel .ad very elesple s.1 t•eselvertiers. Many of the wort frequently used farm pathways lead through fields * places dtitaut from the wagon Kate. Alt unlivary email gate on sncli a teeth is very apt to be left open. permitting the *look 1u trampere tut growing crimp A stile over the •etwe is generally uus4tht ly. anti eltu►b►ng the *t.•pe is rally Ness tuteniveisient than climbing the fence. • .1 euital•l•• Kate for emit it ``.atitsay ie shown in thr illustr•tt.,n 'rhi• get.. is always open for twoplr. lint when • four -footed annual attempts to pass. the 1„teswitJ' erspitat an totter pot of the rwaching down to the ground ailing .Nil, but it should certain the home to get his Lead down to • IW et with the mot of hi*, b. dy. noose Luiees uatnraslly :carry their heeds high, `,fkeu whoa at work, bot *oust ut them do out need to get their head* down to throw slo their weight into the •collar to •mune a beery had. 104. SOME RE LIOIOU$ RLVIVAUS TS. MtA+l.g Sl.ibed..1 Meedr, Sl11N. ment- ees. earl sem -home. The travelling rerlv.luta eu.piuya tricks as we!1 ea the snare w •rhfly traeleaman. To be s•teces.ful he must know bow to convert the ueoet people tui be briefest time ; that te, to brim( the taunt' ode to the repentant nu - tar's seat and to keep then! there. Tinenuc• yeas is to part due to the irersuaatve powe: e e of the orator, but it 11 •1.1. titre that many of the meat ruc.e.slul e.vr igeluta are not orators. They reach flu p olds in dttfarent w•)a. Sam Jose. brings out audteaoes be risme they flied: to herr yureut, ori,tttal, and funny ea) %nit, They go to hear 'Chime. Ilsrtiwn, the hey e.sa,gel.st, because they took for the 1tr...reed eit at hi. meet,n•tt. A ptumiueet lin...0oe piea.•Mr to:J a ion re peer the other day tit it Harris n u ready 10 du anything, even to lumping over the eine awl dro4rgll sinew • furwerd by their .,air. Jour* sod Darns. n retch a class of people lbet ate r.•id and Ind:if••rcnt to aa:h revivalists n. hetet': 1. Moody, B. Foy Mills, J. Wilber 4'lappneo. ('herks H: Yat• moo, Orates C N.eda.m, Motor !Whittle a.1 others. Ths nletb• le of these moa are rho gaits difftwest. NU Moody still ranks lar Owed rat the situs, aaMd at iba age of 57 years he is as attire aid bratty as w len he n,a ie his first •u.•cessful tour through the cuuertry with. Ire 1. S.nkey. It ie raid that he has Zees 'culture lieu the other retro:sl1 s. .Ho u got a great preacher, •ed people w lin hear Mm for the tint tune sire euro to I,r ,h.ap pointed. He leeks the orale .rd arts of rhe orator, •od vocabulary is confined to narrow funds. 'rhe were, of hie sac ora is his personal magnetism, which sissy. sol• roles. . i e in th inquiry peers to lint ►i antetp There he conies nab p(.e�t sial coulact with his hemmers. He ,hakes their hands, talks to them with a sense 01 0o:6i:w n t oho ie. •m•et elTootive, and shone • personal interest that never falls to produce greet results. Rat this is not all. 'Mr !Leidy is lofted w oh sound practical souse Peri slows a et stersbtp ..t details that wou!,l Lars made • f,.rtune for bite in the baptises world. He IA the friend of the btllle..r•i map and the newspaper puhhsbcr. The craning • f "Dwight 1.. Moody, the Greatest of All Frarlt:rlista,- i• aereuneed in big letter . n three -sheet hills days 'eke* he arnves. I•eon hi. arrival Mr. \1o•.ly ora.•tr •►taut the town prects•.iy as a tlwntrie.al moment Plight to stir that the attraction baa been properly hill.,). \1r. Moody ..1... give. a s pennnel etteution to such drools as the seating of the eimeregwi t•u, Ike venuhauea of the room, the collo•_toa. ofd others. 1Gs greatest aa.:stance conies front the choir. whish is idea:yeatade as ;ante as pus• -tela- He does not care so much for the singing as for the personal !assistance of the fingers in the :ulutry ruoni e'er ifat •e,snn he will have nobody but professed Christians in the choir. In the l.quiry roam they are set to work in systemtze4 order They plead with week stutters under Mr. Moody*. instru40ots. In the re- cent great revival at Wash.ngton.there were over 1,400 people to Mr. Mocdy', choir, and there was never a meeting at which lees then 1,Ctkl of the choir were pre- sent More than forty churches were re• presented of all denominations iu toe city. The Nev. h Fay Mills, who will preach in the Brooklyn Tabernacle during the • ason:e of 11r. Talmage, is 80 evangelist of &wither class. lie talks cold logia to hie hearers. He seeks to convert them by the cold, businesslike argument that they can enter into a life of everlasting happiness by bumming Christians or go to hell by con tinning on their way. Ile is • muted) re.w.oer : he convinces hie audience by as eetnhting only facts, deductions. and con closions for their study. He never seeks to tura sinners by arousing their emotions, and it is doubtful tf he would succeed in that way if he tried. He is remarkably suctees- ful in his own line of working mud his ser vices are in great demand. --1►r. J. ltiiltwr Chapman, Deet to Moody, is probably the most successful of the re- vivalists who work through the emotions Cbmrks H. l •tman is diose to him, and others, like 'Monte C. Needham, Major Whittle, sod A C Dixon, have made great record'. Needham. too, has hu own methods. He converts people by Bible readings, from which he draws every day lessons of practical life. Ile is an Irishman and attracts and entertains aud:euees by his keen and quaint wit. Evangelists are Dever hired for stipulated AIMS. They are paid by collections. lien like Moly. Mils, and Chapman receive from 12G0 to $500 • week ; the others re. Mee from 150 to $100. Moody hu made a fortune but has spent it te founding four tine schools for girls. Major Whittle has a fo torte, and the others are popularly sup- ported to be well to do. Few have open dates for • year ahead. Not long alto the Evangelical Alliance of Brooklyn wanted to nonage Ih•. Chapman for a aerie* of meet- ings next winter. He wrote that his en- gagements would keep him busy until 1894. A child was cored of croup by • dose or two of Ayer's ('berry Pectoral. A neighbor'swits child died of the rime dread disease, the father was getting ready to call the doc- tor. This shows the nese ity 1.t having Ayer'* Cherry Pectoral always at hood. The best r the thriven and Twe Senn al. ie he b writs sow.Owe olsar ayear tsosi niffres.. advance.. Sole (.1C1'E 11:NT-P.AR' 11%Tit- triangle and clones the wap. ' A mann etancliug in the angle rat* easily awing the "tote's;, as Co make a wide 1 way. The bulges should be strung. and the wit* so heavy that the wind cannot move it 4lulckly Weeds os. Ike Payee.. It is eninfnl to are that the weed crop has bec..nw a general nuc. Few farms ar.• free from the pest. And yl•t they 1.111 L•.• exterminated 1, proper action at th prof«'r time. 1 •WinAgiVe my expert enc.• 1111.1 observlltien the •;eat snmmPr. \1•h• st ltnb11bI0 fi.•`. t.+. do • July an•1 .In>;1t:•t. Mind 11n0n'sWll tin1 ler.»n raswe' 1. Ab ula An,ftist ), when this weed .vos in full bloom. cards beginning to shape, 1 took the en•.wee mug rut a !rug.. portion of a 141 inrsterst the house. so that I could carefully note the reanit. I mired the cotter 1ar high en a• to'rnt tie little of tine yonn_ clover as possible. lntt stool 1 the wheat stnl.hle and the weeds alontt four or tiTP inches' from the Tit. i.ealt im sutit4fartorv. There. is ,rarest• a weed on the portion iN. treat (•(1. while the tiarue.wn part IW,tfray with the ao.•h•*.s else Mowntg destroys the ar1•.l for a fntnte rroi, th. short pieces of she r tgbhle Blip{ltd •sfi act as a- mulch to the yontlg clover. hol•ling muictnre during the hot utn'it1' awl protecting thea node during th•• winter. and it ha't- 'Lack t,. ferrrn of tihrer twrorth ktul.The clo v. r 1s lnue-it fitter • on the 11,0411 part (*titling the w. •-'1, relieved the soil of the draft necessary 1,. mature the plants and *01.11. an.1 thereby pr onn.ting the growth of the drover. If the ,:.need ie verb- dry raise the cutter tier higher and ent the meow,: time, if weals none 00 again. This is a pra.•t Owl meth...! , .1 getting rid of then. anions! WAS timidly and rapidly. Try it. l* 0:t will he else.'.] with the result. (l:e roast n why horses gall their. shoul- ders *bile at work' i« the neglect of the at- tendant 11i keel.Mg the portion of the col- lar the* prose •a rgai:ut the akin free fn;tn the dirt. or dandruff, which is eonetataly gatli. riult upon the leather. This is rolled into lumps by the friction •uf the collar agoitid the shoulder to walking. At the Inginnm;g of the wenn.' work the shout-„ tier is. tender.. the hair lung and full of doodad!, and when the work is heavy the e.4)ar eltunSd book -tined every morning and norm, before commencing work. For the forst few days one or tau cletedi gs during the halt day will prevent galling. This esti be done by rubbing the hand briskly trammel times over the snt.:uce. It takes bat a moment and cru he done while the teats 1• resting. The sbontders should alert be s waled in worm water at 0)481?. robbed dry, and if then washed in water in which write eek hark Las been boiled for fifteen min0un the .kin to toughened and the gall - bug prevented. Colts, particularly, should bats their collars well fitted. -Americas Agrienitun•t. Troia ('elle le Walk. Siauy colts are now isaruullt to work-. The rate cf travel required of them is km peortatit t'uufiuing the trace! to ataly to a wok to Dot ti.e tole with all drivers. As soon sr the young aiimal c•eaees to rear and plunge in the hams -sr. it is often con- sidered "broken ' and i+ allowed, to take aur Krit p. c9t'r'.r'tie 'Ttte.tlltl whue'` Ss allowed to advance by lyuui+ikpid strides, thus (eyeing the cult 'tilt Of * *1)8 from the *tart. The older auitnal needs to be held back and furred to walk at a rate which the learner eau equal. ttradaally increase the rate, but ouiy in keepit.g with the ab,lity of the colt to walk. A cult chat proves naturally slow at the walk must be given short tries of not more than firs miles, and be steadily • urged to a faster gait. It is work ti, drive • •'green- colt properly. The man who taches the reins at such times for pleasure, is out of place. The early habits cf the coif will ding to it. For this reason it should ire learned to travel at • brisk walk during the firm three month' it s worked. Tb. well trained horse finds it • relief from the walk-, of course, to he given • bris`it trot during the last one-third or one-fourth of the jour itey. -Orange Judd Farmer. [iMrsea are betimes. The greet superiority- of the Norse to all other dumb animate, according to kir. H. .' Serails. is the fierurm of Lie nervous system Almost alt the fastest h..rwt'ays tic!, same writer, have hero reuark..ble for their harrows "high strung constitutions'. tkhers have had as go•.! Ira' and as good lungs but have Weikel the Deceiwry euar+gs sod determination, the "dour die - :spirit; which makes a horse keep on after he is tired. But this very nervousness renders the horse the most irritable of creatures, the mos: ready worried and die- t :esrol 4'14•81 4111 point \1r. Nrrwia makes some ,draervations that are worth reading by all oho have or expect to boos hr n.• •,1 their 4011 Hu*1, treatment, though it stop short of iofiuunpp physical pain, keeps a nerrot4 horse in a .tem 01 misery. On the other toted. it i. perfectly true. as a besotted but intelligent .tabs keeper once observed to me: "A'kiud word to a hoes is as good *onset tittle as • feed of pate. - In dealing with •borne. more than with must .ornate, one ought to etercise pa- tience, care. and, above all. the power of sympathy, so as to know if eoedible the reel motive of his doing or refusing to do this or that. T. acquire such knowledate • and to act upon it when acquired s • large part of the ethics of hone keeping. • Tb. Perfect tar.. Horse. It albedo me lune:died a*tld•ctIoa. afar • thorough ten, res*tt*88 la On mast eatsesser ole •pprsotsti.a of delightful mei ergo. sbcd 'sinew to subsists tb.t 1 bays the only and szeisi.e right ut me 1.Oodsrtot t►O hates smiler discovery whish s werrsated serer se creme the festa 88.ie limiest the manicures of teeth or nesse of say Mad. 1. .early pier, sue, and very little pails In the mow et, mew coos.. 3r i mI.-csr.CiRIDH1 ls • toast .o.00tb•tto twit troves abets the Nowt la the enetbrast. Is Inmates& ars warm. sae o resider t18, eto tooth best istrod tsew.ltive te pals. earth Patine.te assure we 1t 1e Pesativms Iriarvehres Im H.ltrreet1. i'reseryatlas of tits sanest teeth • special., Mo psoleosideows well avid ar • t111s & ItlretRy data. stns wDR R RUORAIWDION. New Slabber Open le. Robby was very youthful, yet to appear - saes sseu.d to be mew • couple of years younger than he really was. He wee is fact seedy eight and the price oobel•r of hu elms at it sol, bat he looked about six sears of age. cine day Robby wised • small ftrioa& and reamed to disbar. Whoa demon was rued. Robby received a pamrow pion of 7'.. and gaiotily dhpses' of iL The father of his voiles friend Ieeked at the lady of the hens. soda toss of the words le order to disgusts bi. mw.tag. oohed. "1'e• R e b b y have rm-o-r-e p to Na." re•,wded thw bootees, snooks* sweetly. Robby looked .p ire at oats •sot tubo at th• Mth6r with • assist ordeal .wile apes his vset►f.l esemtesesee. Ru.t s," spelled he, is Meow of atter alts*, sad .mid the oesftari.s of the feet ►wt get hie pia Yerw•y Pure $yrae ie tits ;doll sod Most r torr eesgbtb, gmlim, •mMkmoa. brosmftiMi.. The perfect fans bore has net been de- veloped yet, and it s probable that there may not be entire concurrence in the ideal draws This summary of its aeeonaplish• 'nerds, however, is not b. yorl attainment it must liars the size and 'knavish to draw a plow with ease; the style and action Necessity to make a trip to market an.1 bark is the letrlt pitiable floe; of • docile disposition, bnt not to the detraction of nerve. a most necessary yaui1cation of a good farm horse. and, lastly. it must be such • horse as ran successfully meet oompstitioa la the sale ring. -N. Y. 11'orhl _ _ Th. r.Mbert.a of Conklin. t):e of the wulences of purity in the Cochin fowl s that the shanks are beavlly feathered on the outside down to the end anyone. Few, hoverer, take the pans to of the toe*. and the middle toes should be get the bast when such Wins inour extra well fe.ib.rel. 11 hon gown/ !ling are la' expense or care. Just now farmers must Moat naked for awhile, as they feather decide upon stardom' maul within • few slowly. but when tally matured they are weeks the .0001tea uf. ball .111 be in de. heavily feathered, which *sables them to mend Became poor horn are bad prop stand the cold well. They mit ezcellent orgy, many will not try to raise colts next layers if not made too fat, and they .bould year. 11 Drily poor! 0 the be e room choice therefore be fed with judgment. As sit• poltey is wise 1 ten attd mothers. the hews rank higher stallions ars beyond the means of the aver Mao *bonsai aity-ofiIIR htoai age farmer, and s• five years must elapse before the produce will be ready for mar New Usti Aetre0 thee' keit it serine reasonable that thorn who 1100 it 1s said that the sight of the bees ht brae} their best mares in the beat possible affected by both a dazzling and • dim way will 1't in line for fair profit* In the light. A raring ligbt (01 the *row .11x°16. future. The service fee skonld not stand them. whi it is stated that if they are in the way, if the breeder would be me thrown 1 • ort distance from their hires ce•sfnl. Ten dollen invested may morn in 11.e dusk, d i° Whet 1. nearly the same, a $130 borne. and half of $10 would prub 1 They will chile about and fall without lie• ably rade,. a $.50 horse with the bane dors threst,•d an llama •ad less weskits chess rood nil Orlsk rer Peeltry. The device shown the ch herewith. American ' Agricnitnrfet, widen able • poultry keeper M wears cleanliness in the food and drink he snppltw his fowls. i Illi The slatted arrange ment 1s placed upon one side of the fowl =' house, a portion of trRut nal rem rnrt.ra0tbe front being hing- ed, to permit fool and drink to be placed close behind the elate, long troughs being used for the fowl. to permit ell the fowls to eat at once. The enclosed span can be made long enough to provide sreommoda- tiotts for all the fowls which are kept un the place. A 010e Cent 1MaekeMu.e. This will hold four hams and • flitch „'i•1e) id l.aeoti It is tua.1.• as follow Tale a dry gaols 1..x which cell be 3 S Frain 10ccu�s CB $1.30. THE LARCEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY. 400 -SETS -400 Al AND N911'E LACE CURTAINS l>ir. -?--'rTFri e'i." t`- •tIP iarni "ax • nought for }fifty tents. turn upside do'wi and bore six 1111[•1 of h0le,4 in the bot tom. Then day' nn ltd 01.1*'. tie each hate securely by ineertiug the cord through elms pairs of holes satin drawing the ham cline up to the box tlettoa4. Rhea this is done place the box bottom n`(, whi"h will leave the meat suspended from the top Now .lig a trench from rand. r the box to a fire pit 'ix feet die tart, one boot deep and the same width 1►ver this trench plates sheet iron and cover with earth . also earth up around the bottom of the box to keep in the sfnoko In the fin' pit put hickory chips. set on fire and ...e'er with another piece of sheet iron. _ _ - Hotel Items. 11• Sweep . tine barn floor often. Thrifty. vigorous hens should 1.• the mien selected for early mothers. Look out for rennin on all kinds of stock Before they get too thick Early maturity is just as Tamable to growing colts as in grossing steers Curry coa►le distress many hors's greatly. A stiff brn'.b should be nab atitateoi. I)tl not go into turkey raising unless there is plenty of pa'tnrage. Teasing horses Tender then vicious. do not ertnit it. ('hil.lrrn will take much more inter est in the orchard or garden work if made partners in the work and profit. In all feeding it is 4, be remembered that eca;<'el any two animals will he found exactly alike in appetite or thrift Potatoes and onions are crops which on the average will yield good returns, if properly -planted, cultivated and mer1eted._ Cb..e4.g Breeding etre*. In breeding the bast is none too good for t fros► the lfdiw*r4 in Scotian/It and tit Prices to) suit everybody. 0 CURTA1NS! CH1NELL CHEAPER THAN EVER is �D PRIME QUALITY. Mats and Rugs in gi eat vac ?ety. Art Musins from 5 cents up. A complete stock cf House Furnishings of all kinds. OUR CARPET lSf tai "i( MACHINE rig ebb fig lits their homes. amcaat d feed sod ears is either smog else Meese seam st it. I flwa.� reLa6,M es Yeas. - The of the horse ' The iey of sweet pokatess Eska an he- ars power and loose y retest f.ed fur stock and ssp•cially few fee iu exact rails resolves the Intslligwnt .an std ,lai cattle, says Bulletin Ho. t8 of the fled st c itato can draw 4. .1 Teras station. Since they grow In bunches *say stack n[ vitality to apply the loft,*- and stand up well they can be cat with • shoe of fund or to do overwork. but, !t mowing machine and t op like regular _ __ _ radii Thirtyone varieties of T. Cote eked CNK. sweet potatoes were tried and reported on 1°left•ost foe embed adder Take • eap The bulletin eaatkin• growers flat the stir In sal rsorthern 1.10. bolo* a.. dif 1af to of spirits and thoroughly y spirits d .anther I. •weot potetose shipped to the p of epiriM ui nemesia* and ealha termer market should b• dry mad final) sia =to beat ala e ental _ - jbOf4,64 rot► es In order to ea1wsd ready mire std the alder, est iserf �wale kyet pe's'o. el oh life sod etdoe.' his volae.- i forage trope They also make • salad of 10 1 World- very fair quality Iv a great 'U(•(•1:•:. We Call tnak.' a .30 or 4d yard Carpet in two hunts. ALL (►RUI:Ks ,1'RI)11PTLv_;EXECi'TEI). The Iotelllgeat Ire, Err. it ia true that the great majority of farmers err in the direction of not giv ing enough rich food Bnt there are tnany, to *ll. especially among dairymen and prodnrers of beef mrd tglnfton, who are inclined to feed a smaller proportion of et. roughage ' than their animals real ly need. There are. also, many young farmers. who are intelligent and ener geticexile mem whit o ore 1a181 re zeal than to make the experience, came mistake. COLBORNE BROS e,, GODERICH. T/u Great Carpet find !,rife Curtain I t � f ri h ani se of the County. about ChoIoe Family Gro�erL.s The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RUNCIMAN'S, GODEPICH S88D EMPOftI�M! *5..'1 Forget Tear Wire. When ordering your genlen Peeols be n1re and not forget to let the wife and children order is few flower geode. Evert if tt is harp time; we cannot afford to let all Monty depart front 001 home.. me tt�sll Feentev•e Treebfe•a. Mother -Honors! How did you tear your clothes so' Small Boy-Tryln' to got over a bar- bel wire fence without Pewits' 'stn Thr. Mew Tram. A good plow teams • groat .id toward producing crops cheaply If von hare not such an one it would be well to look about How ted sonare it et osee. A Sew ram Fee Osiers. It has been suggested that if • few pieces of onions. or the skins of onions. ere pieced in the eats et the befit„ the Hoe will depart A LABOR ('ONIIONMZNT Or ENSILAGE CORN tree. 1e1Sl6sts1 1605.1 sad sewerr. SEASON 1894. aatestiltt+or Prospect .- FINE WEATHER and Iowan- 1):11"s. to hand Nr. I inspection. Also every variety of FIELD AND GARDEN SEED. Our Tommie and Mangold seed are of the very best quality Our Stook of tined (:rata has been care- fully selected •m.Ogat Medias varieties. OATS - - PEASE - 1;01.1►EN t.IANT BANNER TARTAR PRIZE t'I.1'Nfl'14 LINCOLN. 1n►TTI(R toll -HEN VINE MUMMY MY PHU:4 IAN BLUE. EARLY POTATOES FREEMAN Rt'RP :E'S KARLI KARL1 SUNRISE. Prins the [Await in the Trade. W. BURROWS r At the l tEzzr ftorium " .' BRIGHT FLOWERS atlel FINE TRI 311MINGS f.,r Fa'.h- ionable Headgear, to snit all taste* an'I purses. ]KISS H. X. PITCHER, MJLLI'•-ERN' EN! Pt) RIUNI, L' Nexti door to Star Otlice. . Wan hurt' .112301:7T BOOTS be SHOES The HeadDeeSI. neer, Teed ! Ei dense• The reason why neary everyone bays their Shoes at DOWNINC'S is because, being a thoroughly practical Shoemaker, he knows a Shoe when he sees it, and is not dependent on point in the !wrong di direction fobliker fo r the consumer's benwhich efioten. Nearly all my Goods are made expressly to my or- der, and not bought throughobbers or middle men, therefore, I can Sell goods at about the price others Pay who buy through jobbers. As usual s large stock of the Newest and Best Goods made in Canada, at prices that will defy the keenest com- petition. E. DOWNING, WHOLESALE AID RETAILI �•It.p.iaing promptly and well done.