HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-3, Page 23
"When I was a Boy,
Writes 1'••-twest' r .1. 1 . 11 ex,letoY.
Forest 111:1, W. VA., •' 1 hod a brow
chial trouble (af touch a persistent
and stubborn charieeter, that the
dax•tor pronounced it incurable with
Ordinary medicines, and oily oven
rue to try Ayer's Cherry Peetur 1.
1 did so, and one bottle cared use,
For the last fifteen pore 1 hale
used this preparation with gued
elfeet whenever I take
ABad 001d,
and I know of numbers of People
who keep it in the house all the t tine.
not coneidt ring ft ...if. to be to ith-
"Ii hare heeu tele: Ayer'a Cherry -
Pectoral Ip my fatr(ily tor :»pears. werh
the most estis!aet.rry results, amt cola
cheerfully r.. utemcn.l h as l..•iug •tape"
ciatly adapted to .oil pulmonary Com-
plaints. 1 have. f.•r many pole, made
p,llulunery nod orh.•r na..lt. Mooniest:fat
etude, end 1 here. tom to the n.nelnsi„n
that Ayers Cherry P. ,oral rtccnpies a
p,nsith,n prs.rn,in. ret eel. other mcdi-
cines ut the tl:t "-d'lide Dirt import.
Ayer's Cherrf Pectoral
Prepared ey Dr..f. d '..t ver k roe Loma, sass.
Prompt to act, surntecure
. Cr.Lorgnp RlirIEw" nr ('t-aI;. Y lfl •
TORT. --- We are in re;eip' of the I'. 1 ped>
Review of Current History fer t'i het
quarter of 1894. This puLlie,•i•.n s
heady conepet tiinrn of current library, am;
1e just the thing for busy men who (1c i.
to know how the world wage, without 1' •
laborious r.search necasear::y trio :eyed ie
heating the matters np ind:vi.hlnllt'. Tb.
Cyclopedic Review is full ant cempre;ueneia e,
and toe man or woman who subscribes for 4
and ,tndo,a it will never leek ideas. el 5 .
per annum : single cores 40c f:errets ■
Cox & Co , Buffalo; N I1' , pnhl•ehers
Htaee:k', llaasztvt: fur %lay ie strong in
fiction. Besides the fifth instalment of Mr
Du Maurier'e novel, "Trilby." wink gees.
more delightful at each ate', there arr tee
first chapters of a charming i oro -port tale
Kentucky lire before the sar, by lane -
Lane Allen, end six sh.,rt 'settee. Th •t•
are "The Miracle of Tishi H .fn ir tea" toe
11. 1'. V. %fryers; "At Oilmen l-.erniuiser,
by .race King : •'.t Neoe of a Phtlol c•.
nut," by Marion Wilcox : "The Voile..
Richard Harding Davis; ".t Kianttt,s, eat
Rs 1 Cloud," by (liar Witter ;_fed "Th.
F:nd of au Amintsity,•' by L. Clarkson.
S••tna za , f r May Rives g wide range o:
reeding, the chief papres beim/: " S•.no
t:pewees of Mountaieeerirlg, ' ay a casual
amateur : "John March. So it honer," "The
Provincials. " A Pound of Cute,'. " A
Corner in a Market," " The America. Cor,
go,'• re VVomanhmeas as • Profession.' T -1
New Poorest of Franklin," " W-orkiny
Girl's 1 'tubs." " That Greed May Come,"
"Climbing for White (:eat.," •• Tuft K&hiea
of Drap,eney " and " The I'u`nt of
'The continued stories entente their in
tend, wool the illustri.t ora are fell and
anp u,triate. Cherie, Ccriboers Sons, New
Tar l -I.n t trot' for .lane is called the
"Summer Number." and is a super* issee
in every respect, the amouut of pr•ctseal
and interesting reading metier beueg 1 ripely
wereaaed. The article in the ('o11eee s,•, e.
describes a Girl's Life and work at Mouth,
and is written by a recent and hrdl,aut
graduate. Ther- is also a very sug teat re
and entertaining paper nn A f:ranunnr-
S,hool Commencement. Nursing as an em
ploymeot for women is ably treated by
Louise I)arche, superintendent of the New
York City Training School for nurses. An
appropriate "pattern" article, in addition
to the regular monthly issue, non Drees for
Summer Sports ; and another, equally suit-
oble to the time, gives mformstion on
Trunks and Trunk Packing. The opening
chapter' on Vocal Culture, by the author
of Dela•rte Physical culture, bevies in this
number, and should prove as beatfkial as
the series just closed. The papers on
HygQeeo,c Living are o,ntinuee ; and the
oee6deoce th tt should exist between 'Mother
and lhught r is the theme of the article
bearin, that tette. A Kneepad Party Ie de-
scribed, and other contrilwrince. are : How
to Serve small F: nit•, I'ai.lissn in the
Ho.ne, the everpopular Tea- fable Ueeap,
and Amongthe N. west Rooks. The
articles on nitting, T.ttmg, Netting and
('rochetine show gamy or-gi.al wed attrac-
tive designs. 'I'be sutscripti-,n mete of The
Ualaaeat..r is $1 • year. Single ,ropees, 15
seat.. AdMeese order. in The Delineator
Pablishtne Co. a I,td I, 33 R14 10 , . Street
West. Toronto, fiat.
Tier CAN 411A l'a6.ayTaatAN. -A carefully
enadmoted religious paper is • necessity in
every well reguls raj home iie silent in
Awe f•.r gond is incalculable ; and the
it i
t of such a paper shour,l Bever prevent
being made a welcome visitor. For the
by tortes family circle no p•riodicel cin
e the sem of The Canaria Presbyterian.
aa, eeeaeets sod editorial n.anagement
s a model journal. Tor weekly hill el
presented .s the several eeparusesse is
ly and attractive. Let us mention •
of the leadieg features of this valuate*
eaten". Tim wise and linty "Knox
an" writes for every mine; the "Mis-
sionary World" gives the reader an idea
how the barriers of heathendom are Ming
assailed by the 4oldien of the Croat :
articles en in•pertent subjects le "tsar ('or. -
tors," who are small the most
ghtftl venters in the Church, form a
w ire,* feature; is "Pastor sort People,"
'1'Ge Family Cm:the" and "Our 'tong
Folks," the varied taste, and interests
heed is a Christian home are oocealted,
aad a large £•.nest of entertaining and
=I tea taagg en prded : the Christian
Veer oelessmr,re
and thpeea!tabbath :School
=i a "WlsmAalw awl Cheraw wt illbe
ewe reesive t
feta%. hem wei& to week, the beery of
aliaMerW ami sengregatlea•1 activity.
W. cordially tames end the paper to our
Presbyterian readers. It is auw theist at
he sue•tel rate of e1 tor the r.a,asneer ul
tee year. Address, 1 etude I'resbyt.rtaa,
5 .1 or lea Street, Tese.to, for free sample
1,1. lleruonisr Ht..I/I , ' 1ha.
The Brucke on Bible bade ss current nam
ben of The l!ethoJistt Maganue sill be of
special io-erest to every titbit reader. The
.• .piously taastrate i article in the 11sy
member describes the tour over the historic
plain of I oIraeloa. " 1'11, ►► lyase 1 Ay
Through • ('amen," is c,•..uuu* 1, tulle il-
'leerwtsJ with fine photogravures by W. If
Nasser. An article which will lee read
w•tta great neterest s a "t'hareicter Sketch
o! liter Henry ...,aersr t,• ane of the
a Meet wenien of moolern times, by N'. 11.
'toad, I:.titor of The Review of Itease..
%le. • very pra,tl'al taper oe, '•,►-hat is :1
to be A Christian . by Lady Henry Seiner -
soh Stn. H. L Platt, Jescribee in • brie,
paps, the heroic life east labors of "I hived
..r.merd. the Apostle to the North Amen
an le (fans. ' An "In Memoriam sketch of
:mu: del, puke of A:lawny," by Fiederte
'I. Myers, will ret ive many an luarerie and
i•.ths•in same •esec:atel with our tel • el
',lee •n. "The Flowery l'cea•.ber," a study
of i'uritan Ile, in native dialect, ey Fran'ie
11. fade: wool, 1.1 It , will be imterestih;
to allay. The stories of a "Singer from
t'„• `ea," gieing glimpses of Cattiest) Seethe
1 Lk, art"The Dragon and tl.e Tee.
kettle," oa Temperanee, are cute aid.
Siert elutes are : "Hew to Prt.yide Week
•r rho t'acmpl-y'td," by lice. Dr. (:al
Meath : "l'be Tyrrell eoploratiou of th••
i'. rr.:iii )• ►Vest of 11wis•rn'e Bey,- with
map; gives thrilli g adventures au.l art
• .,'nes of that uakaowb region of n.uch in
,crest to our ewe people: "A Hlt:htan.1
ti,n:mamid,n," with cu• : ••l-tuis Kossuth,
"Th•• 1lwiae of telethieliem," etc., etc
Pi cc "3 • veer : tel for set mouths ; :0
.eau net number. Turonto : Without.
Tor, floosies; '• u.a,: ''.sorer: A copy
t thee delighted story reaches our ethic
,s, the Metl:o-list Beek and l'ubl:s',ior
I •red, Toronse, who hays just issued a
1 •' d Cote:Oise editnm. The handtum.
tidies and the homeroom illustrations rf
.: book tet Dote commend it to the eye, bis
g.eet elierm lie* in its mingling i r
n nem r aad t•akte, the piano :rete -r, ,h•
:.liiaae. chesa.ter sketches, the t acit:teen.
'•'•• nominee slab whkb' Mr. 1.6;gla,on ha
,w•c- lel. the sieryof Ralph flert•ook's a.f
east uremia teach.ng "tee young eloa :i •^
to thrv.)" in "Flu trick Jeestrict" of th-
lto.srer State, w:ne forty yean age. pae.
hsps tie greatest strength of the story lien
•1 iia •Laracter sketches. 'D'A Jack
Mesas,' the sch all trustee, rreeting the
young teacher with the comforting aorto
ince : "Ef yr.0 thiol you can trait yew
hide in Etat ('rick echo it -home. he'n's g.,.
no 'ejection. Rut of yoq git licks 1, don
toms on tie. Flat ( rick don't pay no nsur
aflose von bet." Mr. Means' young hope-
fuls, Rud, 11111 aad Minudy, are drol
-harecter. Otte Jones, the .xponeet of
the art of educstioo by the rod--"L&y it o:.
.rood to what I says to the master, lay it et:.
rood. I.:ckio' and honed roue togeth.•r
No liekin', no trend', say, I.' Poor litter
"'fishy,- whose picture brightens th.
trout c -.ver of the.btok, is one et the sweet
et of ceildren iu all literature. Ile
sketchee ales of et* ". allege Squire" an
the "Hard Shill Pres 'her," are exce'oJst,g:y
nett. (lee of , he finest pieces of narrate --
pees we have ever reed is the chapter de.
•crihing the "Melling 1{se." I:ut spate
will not permit, teat ora ,oust /limply ask
ur rem len te get the bmdk for themselw. s
Noel if they have not read it tit will bear •
a orad reading,, we promise them a treat
sib as they have rarely enjoyed. The
b wok may he had in paper or cloth ereera of
the local book salter. The ('•nadien pub
lisheta have la -d the peones under tit -wee
tet• prey:ding re cheap and attractive in
edition of this famous story.
fee rrl.ser'.JKear L'neettl.w's ,:.pe
A good story of t'.e poet L tngfelloo to
:•.1d by the l:uh Me ' Independent.'
fheod..r.• " McLennan was foreman of the
print .ng establishment ,.fJosephl;ttbit when
Longfellow, then living in the Newtown
house, issued his tint vo:ume of poems, and
worked on the hook. Longfellow was very
painstaking with his manuacripesndelegye
used to rend in the copy for each form nice-
ly stitched together. To distribute it
among the compositors it had to be cat
apart. l'his annoyed the poet greatly, and
he protested earnestly against the mutila-
tion. Three different proof sheet. were
not him, it tieing understood that of the
last proof was not returned to the odioe in
half an hour, the form could be struck off.
On one occasion, Longfellow wrote oo the
back of the first revise :
11r t:ritfin, Mr. Griffin'
ii you let that 'devil' Timed, re,
Cut my copy any more,
1'11 destroy him in a jiftin.
The limes were set up and printed in the
time revise, which was sent to the post, and
Dies taken out. The boy had hardly reach-
ed the office when Longfellow rushed in,
white with etcitemeet and fear, lest the
term had been run off. His relief oa die -
covering that he was the victim et a prac-
tical joke may be imagined better than des-
cribed. -
aellee'e eltatiser.
Mn. 7. Hawkins, 1'hattanooge, Tenn.,
says " "Shiloh'. Vitaliser ' saved my life.'
i consider it the best remedy for a debilitated
syrtem I ever need." For dyspepsia, liver
or kidney trouble it siesta. Tries 75 cents.
Moll by all druggists e w
There to elev.
Is anybody waffler on you, madam "
tn.lu,red the filer walker.
" Yes, sire' retorted the middle aged
matron, fiercely. " 1 reckon they're wait
In' to see if 1 won't go away without styin'
fur the 17 cent in change that's • smite'
A lad
• Reese Lady.
y named Mn T. ('. M. Humehries,
hong is Keene, Ont., who need only two
hones of Memlrrsy's Kidney and Liver
Cure, has torw•rded • statement to the
effect that it completely cured her of in•
ti intimater). rheumatism, kidney and liver Mhe
TISK N14.%
1 1 i 11. tINT., 1 i11 R$DAYe MAY 3, I804.
"What'. this dull tows teeta?
Rube:.. ,.est oris.,;
4A1,., w.*'1 1 . ashen In are/
What w t.tte.1 to boat •"
`tang tbigail Howe, as .he at.rwl by a
fraarrtnt blooming nee Muth one bright
June morning.
•ei.0al morning, .tblgc.- sail a plea
sant veto., and tL.• .I«,•tr•uiug 1.1u:lh Olt
her fare as she tune 1 to answer. raaenr
yJ th.• w.'I, •tis,. ,.1 Harlan Write, who
was couitue up thes.th
"Su the 'town N bull i1 it' Contests
now, 'twat Ian you wished to two. -- Ail
he .tub yes erns armed heir waist, and
saltine' heroism' tile: for thsweyorntg
folk. hal been ,swe, tb•'ana sunt. t'artr
e.ulc teens. And hod wow only rawrbasl
th • •:,gees of elgbte,!u rid twenty-three,
resl.ecti a ely.
' 1 ala, going away. -tubi..,•' he said
after* brief a hat. ' 7..,u,;( to start in
bosinea in Bark Bao whon.00ale and
retail hone. at 1 'hical;o Fattier has .e
enrol me the law, and its a splendid
t'haice. It will be quito a lu:t,y time be
fore I can claim you, dear. Mut we are
but!, young and mast wait
Abt►ie'a blear ey.s r., filled wit% tears
at the thought, of parting. that the earl
wart figure of the eoring titan before her
with bis da -k, curly hair awl btuiiii
s.vts. grew dun and tivally+li,stgpla•ansi
altogether. ole the taste 0uiiuu.•.1 and
splashes' down nista the niers she
lis !d in her quivering fingers. t►;:ilt!
Of course she w.•;:'..1 nn.l City wonlil'
•ash It for a home. Om' *part and
titers. win, time, they would both be set
" • Harlan Waite went away,
many fend words and cortege* a
parting and .lbigail did the house
and sang and tirrani, I a,t;tt• 1110
And the little fuel ! •ase, wit
weatherbeitten board.. 4 met, 1
{its n.mns, its front yard with gi
apple trent and ,dot faehiout.l (I.
bets, tis• busy father and the
ua, :leer, was r pleasant al,laing
itel a 1, Abigail, canoe Abl.ie for
was mune.' after a witch luvr•l all
ye "lien time. and 'the Ilene. see
quaintly suitable. With her long b
hair, with its glint .1 gold, b
back frim a high, full fore
tliunghtful blue eyes, slender g
f..rmu full, alitrsit childish lips
showed a par, refined appreciative
ta'rawent of one shielded by loving
ruts. ;
The months canie and went, and
gall was developing int.) a noble w
host. With healthy intellectual t
for her lined had not been loam
with trashy literature, elle saw (
handiwork in all nature, and read
pleasure and appreciation the thon
of enl•ured auttore and philuiop
fu* she hal had the careful gulden
a thoughtful mother at the 'right t
in earlier days: when the love
romance, admiration and frivolity
first springing into life, when
ronrteons ratan is a probable hero.
tool forth front the pages of wave tea
novel; etuttggled away. When d
girl so much need a mother's care k
ata 'h a time, to lovingly guide her
healthier toned reading, tau•hing lis
be a fleetest, pnre girl, and dentate
t%at her aseo dates shell be the ma
Frequent lettere carne frutq Hair
praising his situation, telling of the
city life into which he enterer with
and of the t iadntsts of his senior part
a wealthy old gentleman. who for
memories of Lang Syne was dirp,fe,
treat at an eviue' the eon of his old t
friend. Abbie taught school and tar
away many pretty and useful thing
the old cherry bureau that stood irqe
room at twine. in keeping for herb
that was to be. Amongst her young
aociates there wan no one so dear to
as her cousin Lawrence: a tall, stn
voting than ten times her senior, wit
face betokened honesty awl filel
Sh.. `Fal nnroneclow. heat deep in
heart there was a feeling warmer t
consinly regard for her.
Walkinghome with her one sash
from his ather s where she had s'
the afternoon, he inquired about H
lien. "1 have not heard from teen
often lately," she had said.
"How long has he been guns!" sok
• Three years, and has visitedone th
times. but it seems res, tearer, though
course he cannot be spared oftener...
"Tell tete. little coz. do von weary
wanner- he asked.
"Oh no lint 1 wish we might m
oftener. Harlan wishes to get a co
Portable home before we are mares
and 1 agree with him, she replied.
til time spell, many of her yonthfnl
friends were gone from th,'ir homes, t„
other fields, or homes of their own. vet
for her, life was hull of sweet premier.
and she was content. Four years, fire
roars elapsed and Ilartan'e letters
had became lees frequent. his
visits fewer, her 'wart was true
L!•.1, but rhe would not speak of
it to any, for she would say nanght to
bring bathe upon him, so unwilling are
We women to have a dear one blamed.
t hoe day father hmnght a letter saying
Harlan was coming for a visit Abbie
was overjnyel, the little:norther was tide
lighted to see how b*ppy she was
• Mother dear," and she gave her a fend
kiss, "he has been away five sears with
only occasional visite, ran yon wonder I
am Klatt for such news!'
He range, a handsome citified man,
and if there was a trifle .,f constraint in
his manner as lie greeted her. he did not
heel it bot admired his town hrircl w-ays:
and heavy mn.tarhe. teller:; him with a
laugh flat he hail • nfirely not
grown her, a pow little ronntry
girl. anti if, womanlike. she hot ,•t
pear.' him to take her in hip arms And
1011 her that she was just as he loved to
here her a purenoble little woman, h*
dido d
Ida mix so,
with ,itY maid. the wor1,i,1."n
dear.' my
t the
plac t•,
nt of.
tem •
cc of
every -
oes a
. at
r to
1 to
01 -
troubles. such a complication of diseases kept
did not tell him that .Int). had
yielding w quickly to this remedy shooed earned
er at home, that whet she had
encourage ester sufferers to sieve it an home
honest trial. that a
est teased, 1 alt*. h
nfo the depths of the earth. and
hast either been
,r nwri in pnre'haeing o1 der tori.
ba might keep his equal i ell•etn
y way of which she hod not only
l with the world, lint had leen
11.es elechigan Asenhew When m•m•••er .lawn i
aad 1 were In 1 irnp, oh, the subtlesti had is
thing happened ' There was • Ruaiian I Eternal
prince mod • ;•reiseeount sad they fought
• duel •hntu peardliay me wish putot ono so,
, t
lrohi. Gotham -Ale ! Wore they instal
Min Michigan Aesake.r \o, indeed,
they weren't ; they wile jam as sober u
could i..
Mk in atomism are wore or len directly ne
mangled by had blood. B 1t B cares the
•ipelas. itehiag ra•Isa., salt rheum,
following skin diseases Shingles. ee•
head, e'nptsea., pimples end Motels*, by I
removing all empunt,ee from tie itlead from
sonemason pimple to th• wont acrofalons
mire) to the very gate, of the
l'ity Ah. nn' rhe was a woman.
t: a confewion, even to her he
, w.,nlel have been treacherous to
the innate instincts of a trite woman's
wul to conessi inch feelings
Site reproached hd'rnelf for being over
sensitive, mid when he came ter his
final visit beton returning. ,hal ha.1
firmly resolved to let no hard feelings
creep into her heart against him Ffe
seemed i11 at 'amend finally sitting down
beside her. and taking her hand in hies
he and he wished to mak her advice
abont a business matter H.oid, we..
while slipping heck and forth on her t
slender Aagef, the engagement ring elm t
hat woru s, long. that lux partner. Mr
Bark. hal taken a great fattcy to klub.
had helped hint in many ways, that Ap'peahnU to the
being at his hoame very frnluentlJ. be )
L.,' Inr•otue ou intimate terns* with the (ii t cal
fautily. and Mr 'lurk'. daughter, Lily. t
ivaf taken egoist fancy to kint this with Castes
a smile. and the old gentleman hat1 1
prq■wed that be i ul,l thi and from
the" MA3TIff
old ,teed thatr, mai meter d ho the I
li u.iuess, biasing liana manager. Meanie/
Other allasion•- t0 a flu,. Net tlament
sot ('cures, ,tsar, ' he t•, n511.11.d, 1 care
so thing fur the girl, she is trill enuagb.
but use Inc style, but it would be a
gra-,tt lumsiar•rrl a•lvsntage and, for -that
reuses I loudly kn..w what to du,'• and
he leamrl bash in the chair with pre
tended tank terenee. and asked her ad-
vice anon, the isnatures,"5 platter. A
great weeklies.' had ...:ue seer .tbigait
tris:u •b.Jltwt: an.l Dene it was res-thungh
;err heart heat tenet to stupe. Be-
numbed with the import (skins word*,
sb ' could use move. . hs euua great
thougiit !turned in her brain -"lee wishes
to be free."
All this in an instant and then with
r'al:uuths barn from the deptbs of her
despair, she replied quells'. "'There is
'btu nate thing to lis .luta ; marry Mian
1',ss but 1 hate to leave yon," the
, raven ...twee! end. "It it were, slot for
:he money-, '
"Leevitig ane Is hot of email 'inlets,
tote's c\etparest testi' vdnr tiugncial in-
t •irate, sbu:mower:•tl, and quietly re.
Iwn•init het hetlineie l ring bill it on the
to',l. et his sale
"1rtr-aro still war:u frit„•!s, are we
tort. .11::.ite:" 1,.• a lied w:stch,ug her
r n riousl s•, .
l n.l•inht,.ily iwe' she said, although
her fate was vale al:: drawn .••1 h. Ito
.,•n may timer at 'talo'y life, Harlau
Waite:* *health'. rising-
"Y..n will ',rive toe a farewell kiss,
trill yon not. tsar L :tg Syne"' he said,
40.1 rietag awl Lt'tnling his beau to
ward.+ u• r.
Draw-iug hack and s'tp;sorting herself
with her stand rep di :•a chair b:v•k she
tv'aiat:ere'd "go' nod motioned faun
•t e ate. and the wr.•t• lie 1 nen walled
torsi from lite -room. leaving behind him
o:. -• .•f the ua..t Itnr•i••t11 think) a man cart
I•ts es., a pure unmet: shtart: end went
i•trth t.. seems) Jialu:non- for watch its'
h:al matte the sacrifice. 1'roue on the
(Ivor with tearless eves and sobbing
bt,•atli, her mother (unnd Feer. and whet:
a how weeks lsm.•r Abe come forth
from heir .iii -k - r•a:cu, she was a
;title, silent girl trying to take up the
daily ruatine of he. What frienais and
nee:bin,ra said it matters not. - Het lona
intuit. was avoided by Ler parents, who
were most kind, heel .lid everything to
c,:awr her. tree My one eh.. removed
Itien duties but her future looked dark,
ter she had always pl:utne,l it identical
with his. and she could not at. once sen
it utherwiee.
Lawreeee wait an unfailing friend,
aul tnoatlts later. when he uotsi her his
-leve, never referring to Harlates treach-
ery, though he must have known it, he
said, "Abide. 1 :is'ngltt never to have
mentioned this to pin. tint if I could
make your dear heart laapt.y. and yonr
pale face bright and siniling again. (io.1
:snows how gladly I wool.' do it' - and
the tears ran down the poor fellow•,
Abigail war ep1v touched, and lac
itis; iter hand' np.,n iii. arena Abe said,
'•1)11 Lawrence' I never dr'antd.this
Bret my heart is rick and weary, 1 ran -
nut lore you iu that way : but your et•In
patthy for tic iA very sweet, dear.cousin,
awl I thank von for it."
The days sped by: news of Harlan',
marriage had been receivers: Abbie had
'finished her summer school and was at
home, b,L.ily assisting her •ther with
the hotulehold rates: but her mother was
quick to note the pale face. auk' fatigue
that so easily carne over her, and many
awwbnrethetotell)- ve the ani i
father, t•,,, would bring. her a bunch of
wild melee, dewyawl sweet, froth someshady nook in the p:astnr.• when he n,
turned from his woruttig s walk. and
would girt the:u to his • girlie" with a
loving 'rtffiio. ural feeling a pang of re
grot as he playfully to1.1 her 'the r•wif•,
were *11 iu her hands, and not in her
cheeks '
lint the day rams when AMA'', was
very sick. A long. tedious fever had
seized her and found the delicate coli
stitution su rale virtiw Long. -dark
days of snffering foll•rwesl, when father's,
and mother A hearts were t.,ro with
anguish as they anzinnely asked the
pbysicinn what the r',cnit would be,
and then dreaded bis answer days
when Lawrence walked the floor of his
room and graved (iod rot to take her
from his life. days when friends softly
aeliarttithe threshold with est hearts
honesg sthetoaq=tous n the
Weak we.rris that we are to so strive
against the will of the Almighty! He
hast seen fit to take her home, and very
gently the pitying physician broke the
news to thew• who love -,I her. Wasted
and worn, weak as a babe she lay upin
her dying conch, yet not alarmed to
know that her weary feet were nearing
Death's river and its .•billing rnrrent.
'• Mother, she whispered faintly, as
another laid her face beside here on the
pillow. " I cannot forget Harlan I
rare been praying for him all day long.
lie did not mews to make me setter so.
Forgive him, please Lawrence cattle
in. trill to smile as hie eves met hers,
failed fo do an. and sank upon bis knees
at the bedside, burying bis face in the
tint in .the little kitchen rat the
father with bowel head. •Y)k, tilde
my little ewe Iamb.: he groaned, -How
can it be"'• ra
m°,'A Truly Wondorful
Statement !
has become
the standard
tobacco. even
in competition
with lobi
of recoq-
nired mer -it.
Investigate it, by Writing to the Mayor,
Postmaster, any Minister or Citizen of
Hartford City, Indiana.
•0.105r r .-.
J. 11. PA -E Tebatee Co.. Iticbmu w .
met Mauna:, can.
" Y
The S',t•ritf all the outfit of a *teaseled
ovens company :a K:n,.".w and reale-'1
A Newmarket yoenz ltd.) Marne 1 one
b -r eyes while carelessly us:o, the curling
The moot agreeable, res•.•n•too tonic ur,
mild stineutant is 31tiLurn's Beef trots and
Wine. in,
.l. 1'. \lc('.wy, who le ratites ar'und
the wort l for a eager of '6,000 Is • !lupe,
touuty nen.
.1 black base which tipped the beam at
4i ponds, is this year'', record for ,1.1.
burnham fisheraicn. •
John Harris, • crippled tramp, is being
sh piled from one inter,.•r •oau to ►uuther.
N, oat. want. ham.
An 112.1ian who has been doping along
the p•,lern .1%.-r ante .;ria,' eleees to ha.r
,aught 1,000 muskrats. .
Ib not aegleet cou;L,, outdo, astl mer,
end bronchitIA, hut sun• else by using Ile
Wt tole Norway 'tine Syrup.
A Waterloo woman 'went to church mei
enjoyed the s,rs'ioc until she found a '•rt -
'time•1 tnlltd le;;cod on her hat.
1'aierhtiv prntp:e., blotches, tan, ■red rel
itching l tn•o,a of the skin are removed Ly
aisles Ur. Low's sulphur soap. Iet
Two I'cf•rhoru' fishermen walked tl.ree
miles to a lonely stream end tl:eo found they
had forgotten their fishing Inc,.
i)r. Lee 's %Voce Syrup has removed tape
worus trout 15 to 30 feet long. It also de
strays all other kinds of worms lm
A beef rio; has Kea funnel among the
(.ricers around 1.'kt•.rl's Corner. 1 tae of
: heir number wilt act as butcher.
A Walkerton miller began to sell tea and
the local groom olyectel. The mllkr re-
torted by asking them to step setting dour
('Oestipati.w claims many victims Ward
off that dread dire '11f the we of Meal)
Super Coated ietrdocl 1'i1ls wheu need-
ed. Irn.
i:ie0$ton pelioe are n.akiog an effort to
break up street corner leafing Some pools
were arrested and the effect has been most
beme ical.
1 hypnotist in i..dt recently put • Wood
stock young man under mesmeric power by
Islephou. The event ..ecurred alter epee
selling hours.
1!uloh's I'ure is sold on a Guarantee. It
este, tactyyent suwpttoa u the tees,
r.sog core, Holy one cent a dItose ; 25 eta,
50 cta, and 01.00 per bottle. Sold by all
drargiarr. e w
The 8 year oldson of Joseph I)rrrki,
i:.rltn, put his hand on a clopping block
and told hs b. year-old sister to cut two 05
his fingers ief. whir+ she did. He mantel
to see what his hand would loot Lke.
Captain Sweeney, I'. S. A., San Diego.
Cal., says : " Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy s
the first medicine 1 have ever found that
would do me any good." price 50 cents.
Sold by all drn, qts.,, e w
There are some fanners in 1.11ioe ■m.'
Downie townships who base three crops of
grain store,, away ir, their barna •eaittnq
batter prices. They lire on the rearm• e
trona the rink supplied to cheese factories.
Two years site 1 had • bad attack of
btlimtsnese •c.l took one bottle of P.ursdosk
Blood Hitters and cau truely recnmmeod it
to anyone euffenng from this complaint.
Mrs. f It As. Ila..w s, Toronto.
Eva, the thirteen -year old daughter of
Mn, le W. i'nwford ,Londeo, fell into a
cistern with ten feet of water oo Saturday,
and was with, difficulty rescued. :he is
still suffering from revere nervous ptoetra-
Irad blond causes blotches, boils, pimple,,
abscesses. ulcers, aerofnla, etc. Burdock
B1 oi Bitten cure het blood in any form
from a common pimple to the wont ecrofu-
los / wee.
Those people who hal limey belittle the
push and boom of %Voodstock's inhabitants,
listen to this At 5 r. w. a new aiming woe
in course of erection at • Ilundn st. ,tore :
at 6.39 it w•u finished At a 30 is tl e
morning when the awning was lowered, it
was foetid that a nest bad been built and an
epi laid since last nicht, in the fold, of the
R'hen fever" and other epidemin are
around, safety lies in fortifying the system
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 person ha.in,q
Min and impure blood, is is the melt favor
able erudition to " catch " whatever disease
be floating is the air. Be wise in
aneemente have been completed be
repre.rotative of the I trangeville and
gni walking clubs whereby a compete
ill tak• place at an early date. t *entt,.
tint of • champion whooan jog •long
e tate of sis miles per hour, and the
• •
Kate sank to rest like a weary child.
and as 1 crossed her gnfet hanrla
ver Fer
her innocent uisiden a breast, through tion w
the fast f Il'
a Ili
teen.. nil thonghte went vine
thought e'en then that the brightness of other
the heavenly city, and the sweet semina most
of "W elrnne Home were dawning on to 3
her soul
They buries her. and the 1. 1 n
ttmm leaven are notating ri`ht breed b .an
g wftl do
out to
1 T •r th
' great un mown, ' an.
members of the organirataon are sl
as.penly .et present the odd. ars
on (lrangeyilk.
n highly praise Burdock Blood Ritter
se It had a fair trial im my case with
defied •nceees My symptom, were
, bar•kas:he and sleeplresses,, sod ail
disappeared after snag two bottles of
k Mood Bitten I ammo( pram he
rtev ere too highly.
(;z..w:nt Hon wcs.
Wood Point, Seekville. N. R.
(I>1l aea A rung lad armed Will
whe was
alr uggfam is Marais. Renton
t hand taken n f . k thumb of
by a saw at which
lea morad =` . ea Monday foreseen bat.
will be Mae time before etkerwise y be will be
work agara,
upon her new mala inn we o
Hinton% hate in the air, grave
Reeds teadropsy
with their gray rigxag fences where the Panne
hoist ivy 'Maga its blood red signals to I eel ng
the breeze. the farewell melodies of tie -
parting uneaten' all mum to speak of i
labor ended. of a life work eieseekieede
and 1 breaths forth a hope of a_a11
at•ringtime I McLos
And what of Harlan? Oh he will A Fears
be prosper,ma and portly . will be hs VI
termed • •n•'eesnfnl man of to talo Jun he we.
as many inch a man has been before Hie
bread It
But in a quiet Wisconsin renetwry able so
here meta beneath a whim headstones
le ashes of his secettlee. I T
111 rs: roan Ceti. Blackford County';
Indiana, June Soh, 18118.
.' .ufh Amurirgn .tletii.•in. Co.
Gentlemen : 'I reeeivcd a letter
from yon May 37th, stating that you
had heard of my wonderful recov-
ery from a spell of sickness of ail
yearn duration, through the use df
SorT): AMERICAN \eavtse, and asking
for my teatimo teal. i was near
thirty•tive years old when I took
down with nervous prostration. Our
ily physician treated me, but with
oat bcenetitting me in the least. My
nervous system seemed to be entirely
shattered, and I constantly had very
severe shaking spells. In addition
to this I would have vomiting spells.
During the years I lay sick, my folks
Lad sa maims& physician (spat Day -
Ohio, and W from Colambns,
Ohio, to come and examine me.
They all said I could not live. I
got to having spells like spasms, and
would lie cold and stiff for a time
after each. At last 1 lost the use of
my body - could not rise from my bed
lett walk a step, and Ltd to be lifted
like a child. Part of the tithe I
could rem a little. and one day saw
:an adver .:lament of your medicine
' and coucluded to try one bottle. By
i the time I had taken one and one•
1 half bottles I conitt rise up and take
a step or two by being helped, red
I! after I had taken ive bottles in all 1
felt real well. The shaking wcot
;away gradually, and I could eat and
sleep good, and- my friends can:3
' scarcely believe it was I. I ata sure
this medicine is the beat in the world.
I belive it saved my life. I give may
i name and address, so that if anyone
doubts my statement they can write
me. or our postmaster qr any citizen.
as all are acquainted with my :ase.
I sal now forty -(n years of age,
and expect to lire as long as the
Lorre has use for use and do all ti,e
good 1 can in helping the sufferinv.
Miss ELLEN Stott:.
Will a remedy which can offset
such a marvellous cure as the abuts,
cure you
Wholesale and Retail Agent fer
Goderich and vicinity
Pure Quills
Make a better filling for Corsets
than any other known material.
"Featherbone" Corsets are tough-
-PO and more elastic than any
other make, as they are entirely
filled with quills ,Featherbone).
To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores.
1gfuAr's Uv[R LOWICES. 2S ectiTS A SOX.
They do net na„sate or rack ar . weaken the e
tits pith and other tosermi„,, wt the Tpe.n
liner ..,1 anvach, and ``:re t he,s,.. n tone up ter
vitt.. 01.4 .. ee naturally and wet Mu* Coo,
rrrein.riupt-tiSpist ,t,l,. 1•.4e,..d,od ..kr i
Gwuin, p1,1.•.1, .11.. ti
Ask leer isumagen Stet1Memar.
41 R
Speeial attention given to
Headquarters Inc all Endes of
(teal weighed ea either market se my flnaka,
0e V Prieee Were game etseerbera
TMMMeee Ueeeeeneek.
JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop.
Obtained. and all busies= In the U. A Pato
One. attended to at 11Of)11[R/ TIC PW.
Onr since la opposite the U. R. Patent 01
Gott, and of see obtain Patents 1■ tees tune
ken those -emote from WAdUIJNUTVIC
Send YOLgI, UR DR/ WiNO. Ws •A
vise es tpnteotabllit fres of ad
we make vo CH/ NOR (JNL/r911 R'IOd-
We refer here, to the W p
tee Re -
M Mone ots
rder Div.. sad U of ,is
U. Ft, Petent °Mee. For lar advise
Mrs. aad esterases to sol se. In roar
ewe neat or County write
V • aai111,4
9ppost1et'te thew
Doris GEO. BARRY, the
Goderich furniture dealer and
undertaker, keep the best stock
of furniture and undertakers
supplies t And bow is H
that he an sell so cheap 1
Ile Anda that it pays in time
bug run. His motto is :
' &wall Proltr aad Quick lis
terns." Hs elm makes •
specialty se *tare framing
Give his a call baleen perobin
ins elaserharie.
Fluid a.s es hand 2311j