The Signal, 1894-5-3, Page 1e 1.' The OWN le U'. Cls.sPe/t • asp - "THE SIGNAL" Osie Is THE BEST. 1►u1.LAe • Ya•a 111 Aulfeece. TIE LEADING NirWSPAPF.R OF HURON OOt TY_ Y L. XI.V I. 2463 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1894. ,. e LOOK Ar THS DATE -or- YOUR LABEL TSTA W$IJDlC- SEE THAT YOUR NAME IS MARKSD UP IN ADVANCE. w e-etee D. McGILLI(:UDDY, I'AC lis THE PITH OF THE NEN' . Live Items tram Everywh.PS. ysest Reeved N Ise tltWap .f Ib. went t artfully 'rese.sed Segel !en .f Waley Ratters .1 {.real /espertanee. it m l..rreas flct'ullagh, the well known author. s e w la,uuon. Bradstre•tbp aepurts 30 business failures u Canada the pot week. e er- eXtei under war to build • ship canal to nmuect ehrfheld, Eug., with Lb. . 6 •ir•.'t .I ('.., bonne wreckers of Chicago, Mise b neer t!.. World's Fair buildings frau the south Park Commissioners fur p3;.:sA► The "diamond anniversary of Maryland tiddevliowship was celebrated in Baltimore ea Thur.txt. U.niri alrreley. a farmer near \fest• Fort was killed by a kick font a hone ua ilierwiny. A:,L T. :kbit Bubertsou, tine of therm oaten of the SL Jane N B.. (globe, died ori tt'edtewlay. Aha. Morrie, the temperance parts's can- als to East llamlito n. has decided not to toter the cotton. (leer. c'r•in, a fisherman from Coding, roe!. miss' drowned by the creaming 0t a bust sear *tit Si.. Marne. The Nattenal t'.,uneil ot Wetnen is at pleseut tis ssil.ject of a lively routrurersy pi therrrneh t'.t ad tan pre..' Twe!ce Kingston merchants have been Med.fgt„agjliog liquor in leas quantities' the& %brie half pinta fiver-t(o,i*l Newfoundlanders are wakteg (minis.s with a view of senile* in thet'auadtan Northwest. cam mune col with thehSt it&Iion fur InUuy years A Kang .{ tramps capturee a (night train on the Concord and Muutreal nilruad, at I -.neon]. N. 11., use eunclay and rude over the lithe. A few of them were put off the trait' bit they mustered str.ugth enough u. retnru acrd rule as far as they platted. No arrests were made. The court wartial trial of ten alien -team accused of eulipikity with Pallas in the at- tempt to kill lien. de 4'comma has begun. The prosecutor in opening rip the caw .std he would demand that ('..line, ('serrziele, Seems Bernet, Mir and Vlllarobie be sem fenced to death Miss Catherine Richardson, awed aeveae• teen. w St. Jellies, Ngd , while g•.lug to a -Jwuee In rongrny with her brother, .r.,1 d.nly fell to the pavrmeut and expired. leaf►believe.' to ave been e result of bear, hthe, .*h.tu.ttua end ovriewrought feelings. Roy. James Cannicbael, L.A., died at the Preabtterian utauv, Norwdo,I. 1'u -a - day night. leeeaae.' had tor the past eleven and • bait years brew pastor of the Nor*uod Presbyterian church, and for twelve years prevent* to that was pastor ant St Andrew's Prrsbytenaa church. Markham. Severs! aner•-h.•ts were arrested in Ber- lin cerlin for uistribnting seditious leaflet•. Ikea ;opera were destrs y.d tieore-r ,'rain, a Coliingwwol fl.b.r,nan, aai,lr.,srued by the impairing of iiia boat is •,r..•c.t bey, that., on Wedne.lay. 6s:}wr .r William is credited -with saying that •.e. oasis's iuterest in Samoa will not be •ta..1 red ander sly circumstance. M:NJ.sei R..i.'re, the London roan who tad► a ;loot of ammonia with atuctdal in het un lti.otdar night, dial ou noun" lay. Fifty vowel* are tied up at Rnffele ..w W lark .•f veal, though only • few dans bier t:a;owl entre the miners' strike Co 1140 Tice eeetelt local guvertonent bill was in tredseed iu the British Commons on rt(•ias evening and was adojhed by • vote cif eel to 307. Thele ate pow 2.4410.0•') bushela of wheat is Fort \W:ll,.m and Putt Arthur elevator. At 1S:* flrur last year then were over it flyti.901 _Lushela. A bi.i pr,.rtd,ag for au eight-hour work- ing nay i ,r misers passed Its second read - 11 :''I to 194 in the $ri:ish Home of l'osm•otu, on Wedaattday 11 If, S. Pheasant lett 1'aneouver on Tigatslav to warn the Canadian deet of Galen. to erase killing seals on Aeiril ;11. Tier, are 31 schooners in the fleet. By the .burning of Philia Sehneiders time; at ''erant•.n. la. on Thnrs,lay, it hi. chill -en, who were in an upper Moto, were harried to deaths. Campbell. a tailor. 'was found deal of Thunglsy morning in that, where he hail Wen looking for work. Two land - &nom teetiea were found near the body. At Washington yesterday :Senator Brice e( • rh: o avid the Democrats' had agreed awn • tariff bill, for which the solid vote of the party would be test. .1 1 ,.rneli stodrit named Root wen the• ten under a beech teem at timers. N 1 ineselay night. Seth legs were cut off. and !bodied nest morning. l4i Ion drspetah says Adolph and M neap.- lernhard were arrested in Fins Wet Lr .leteetivan. They am said to be seem' ro the United Station to answer charges et larceny and embezzlement. Fley.l 'Mahout, • fanner. 21 Veen of am. :11.n1 neer Big Syringe. llhio. hang - el h:s two hole children and himself en Friday :sot use of family troeble. The -Lief medical director of the Span- iel' t:nrernm.nt declares that the "ehol mime at Liston is in reality Asiatic chol- era :some 223 fresh eaves were reported Welneedsy. Cees from St John-. *bows that the number of seals ea*ght by thirteen New- toen,lian,l steamers total led 101, 657. Eight st..c.ers ret to return ars reported with small cetehe.e. ('ornmanderH.yermann and Lieut. 1.v leen will low their rank and par, on sua- sion ler one year, for the loss of the 'n:r-,l elates frigate Kear.•rse on Roo red Reef. At b ennebank , Me., nn N'ednwday lease K'.b•.1 interfere' when late sister's bus hand. A L Barnham, threatened to shoot bar A penal* en•sed, and Burnham was doled to death. An.lnw %Month, at one time valet to the king nf Sweeter' has been arrested, rbarg..l by Ranker Benedict of New York with steeling $5,000 worth of silverware. Z1loth has confessed. Word comes from Hayti that President Ryippolyte bag forgiven his old •nest Gegteme, and has invited hits to mann io the npnhiie. It is akld Letitia will se nada President in 1800. The Loudest Time* eorrespol.dent de- 'vihss the seem of tie auetbquakes In losers m meet appeals. While village. Isy bate wiped eat of ezistsessa Forty three l. worshippers were killed in one retoo Mir Penile* Johnson, the (edeas poetess and reader, wee te.derell ai■ Brantf.�rd on Thursday might ones he eve of Sea !aperture for thn uld country. A purse Glee with Fnglmb wrenigrs was Pre' sotto' to the gifted young hide The death eeturred at Halifax es Uri- nal evening, attar an inseam ettendlrrg over t ST 4 _week of Rev. 1)r. Meknlgbt, ms'.P� Presbyteries T1eolsgtsal s. R* wen 8 years of w and ear Ike ■,stere ed tlahetesas. mases, April t7.- . Thomas Stevens. the American. who pale round the world on a bike. and on hone through Rus ■ia, is enou expected hogs w India. In • private letter to a friend.' London he nays he has been investigating be 'oy'ster- lee of the Maliauua., sod that ' the aid of his camera and his ingenuity h has di. - covered the secrets yd thous mtrae of the Fakirs welch have puzzled the wort ever &tots Marco Polo told of tits wont things does by the magicians of K Kahan. According to tradition and the j..ated Wes of travelers the Togi air Fakt of Delta lose..rcrei kuuwkdge of certain forces of nature by which they eau pro- duce phenomena as inexplicable to western 'sciences ae the intrados of the Bible. Mr. Stevens has put these oriental modern miracles to a practical test and claims to have seenre.d smile remarkable results. He hopes to rotate to America during the en- suing automat. Gobi itettaketeday Meer Valley. \\'A+ativrt(a' . C.. April SO. -Coiled States ('onwlar Agent Wiley at Port Arthur. (hit., reports great excitement in the Lake Sul••ri. y regtcros over the Rainy Wirer gold diecoverir.. Fire thousand people ars waiting for the ,. a 10 break up in order to go i,'. Nearly :k.l the new claims taken up on the Aneneau aide are conte.ted. Y'oor.quently the greatest part of the mining work end attention of capit*I1•ts will be tftrseted to the ('ana- d:au eels of Reiny Inke'and up tee Sees lever. when gnertz veins carrying free gold have been located. Sam (inmate. a am el the (,overoor of llietiesota, has said • half iltereek in a Canadian claim, for. 31,100 cash. Capitalists from New York. Idaho. C..I:turnis and other State. are here. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. 'a•` those °•"'" were not nnallt.d to E I4T HCRON INSTIT[ "f E' ' op.oea' eL b ustock. Joie Kaiss Ieirdlia. (OVER THE HURON T1►:1('l'. Bat Inau Before the NORM. What noir •Ne Legislator. .f Ilse resets• flat rartiener., are Deisg 1. Ilse I.. errr.1..4 their r..alnuesi. aerrary .t the Veer*. Two selslleestiet Three Tears. IIAurmt. N.SI,. April 27. -Judge John- son sentenced Maaigsw and Mille, two soldiers, who pleaded redly to a charge of breaking ;lam and stsaliug jewelry. His Honor said las would display *one leni- ency tothe then owing to their pleading with..nt trial. He regretted to see Her Majesty's sohl..r., wh•, ought to be up- holders of public peace. committing such an act. He se,.te.red them each to three jean in the Maritime penitentiary, Dor- chester. oor c hes: er_ _ resat Amide.,* N * Neemer, 1..i% En N. S.. April 2. -A sad ac- cident liappew„ 1 at Port Moo.ton on board of women' Aid, ('aldain Brooke, by the preenatnse discharge of dynamite. Tim driver, Edward Gabriel, was Instantly killed and Captain ltr...ks, ism., seriously injured. N-ddie Gabriel was • promi.tng young man au.I a general favorite. His sadden death has cast a gloom over the town. Captain Brooks was engaged in taking off the schooner Irene which was drireu ashore hen the last gale. ------------ no lots -Imperial C.elereueo, CaralroW*. Apr!! V. - The Hoa 7 (iordon•Spi4gg. treaaar.r of the gnvers- m,nt of Cspe Colony. speaking at a bait - gout of the Asweiated Chamhere of Com inerts, referred to the rowing inter, foe period conference at Ottawa. Canada. The Cape government, he said. concurred is the objects of the conference. but Its par- toipatics in the eonferenes depended .Ilei (giber upon the .haracter of the reply ser - indeed trees Ottawa in answer to a retest communication e.n the enbjset, target. for veal's& verba. Touuos, Ohio, April W. -Eight Cana dian reese'.sare being loaded ben with corn for direst shipment b Europe. The fl..t will return for another cargo im malial.tr, and to all about 3,(600,000 boobies of corn will be slipped abroad this way during the spring. in the early summer it is expected that .but 5,000.000 bushels of wheat will be taken to Fnrope in the same way. Wady et g► IN.wned I.dba. roned. ('asrasl.r.n,nn. Oat, April 110. -The body of Alen ('omego, the Alnwirk Indian who was drowned ben five week• ago under susteei.ns eireamedaieea. was found ow Saturdee by J. Fraser while moving logs in thertv.r above this town. Dr. Marano, coroner for this diurict, has the ease in hand. ToruocT ,, Aped 21. -Sir Oliver Mowst intieduceJ s bel m the 1 euialeturs yaw. d,v.t4 make tnether prow.ioue reverting mortgagee in real estate. Huts..Mr. Hardy retr.du. iel a bill to anhnd' thi Art pro- krtaug public interests in ricers, stream's and eureka. . Teem elite were rend a (bird time:. To c,.na•.lidate eertaiu debts of the town of Itarrie-Mr. Pram. Respecting the tuwn ant 1'eterb,ru-Mr. Strstt.•n. Ti. amend 1.•o general Bond Ceniputy Act -Mr. '.1'.,.d rl:tantt To extend the operatlut. •.1 the 1W uodwan', Lieu fur Wages Act - ):r. Sharpe To incorporate 11.e Hamil- ton !tweet Electric Railway Company - Mr. Awrry. Mr. C•,nrues moved the second reading of a hill to amend the Siptrate School Act by providing fur the uptioual use ant the buil..t at Separate School trustee olect.ona. T.•o ..r•...\uril25.-1'be morning Mttu.g otttlie Lezipatum oosluen -.d at 11 u'cluci when the Huo. Mr. Fraser ruse to resume the debate en Mr. ('onmee'a bill, making tee eettot iu setwrate wheal elections up butt,.' The House divided and the motion for the os-ond read1ne of the bill one carried I.r :;2 to 8th. lir. MtNaughwu voted for the Liil After recess Mr. McCallum moved the sec••ne reading of his bill to make the ballot in Public and Separate sehovl elec hone e..mpnhury. -He supported it. with *ttnet speech. e Hutto, divided au.l the motion for a s nJ readiug was rejected by :s3 rotes to S". Mr. White vote.( a4:dust the bill. T. mono, April 26. -rhe Att.•rne - 1) lienor l lames to I Wilber live Mr (,'1'A1, Killed by a R.Nway. Intra aur, (het., April 30 -While Thos. Rowan, • farmer, was hitching op hie tram it ran away, Ihe.wisg Mat and kitt- ies he eight-year eel OR .w MMe *Meanie Irsae.r.- Seed IB "Ilssliebt Seep wrappers bearing the words (" Why toes • STouns Lash OM Remiss Than s Man ") W Iwo Suss.. Ltd. 43 Sosat at Teteets% sad yes will rsssivs►'� peat a pretty picture fret from advwliiig. •.d well worth fra,eisg. This is an may way to deewat. your M1tse. The mapY the beat is teat. mod is as sad It sea Ila asslilgs ;girshe It Ms team the sob spew os, moo easdu0.• ly as inttodnnrl • bol in the Lege. beyond doubt the right of nobler* sitting is the Hone.'. or', bill, to remove doubts as to the aveseeantnt of gas piles and the wires of companies upuu the public etrests, was considered in cirtumittee.' Mr. Meredith moved that the committee now rise, Sir (hirer Mowat sealed wail the feeler of the (apposition and supported bis motion. The rote was taken and resulted in the defeat of the motion. Mr. Meredith moved the rig month: host. which was defeated upon • division of 46 to 3d Hon. Mr. Oilmen moved the How into committee on a bill to annelid the Ontario game Protection Act. The third section permittfug the exportation of two deer from the province was striick out. The loll was reported with amendment& After recess, on motion to go into Com. mitres of Supple, Mr. 11 bite tEesez) move.'t:.e following amen,leueut: " That. it is essential t.. a non partizan manwgemeni of the educational affairs of the po tMee that the department should snot be 011 ter the control of a political head, and that the office of Minister of Filneeti,•n al.orld be ab Iisi,ed.-- The Hone divided, and the motion was rejected by 16 to 27. Mr. Mcl'.11om voted with the I !pp.sition anal Mr. McNaughton supported toe Government. l'oneero, April 27. -Mr. Tait's bill re- garding the Toronto Street Railway t',.m• pray was rent hack to Committee of the Whole Hems to enable further amend- ments to be made to it. Hon Mr. Minion move) the third read- ier( of the bill to penis* persons guilty of personation at elections. Mr. M.reiith moved in amendment that the bill be not now read a third time, but that it he referred beck to Committee of Ike Whole to strike out Cue provision in section 10 and 11 for the payment of $4.Ja-aounty Crown Attorneys for .unplyi.4 startitug officers with forma The Hoare 4I'i lTiad the motion was defeated by 48 votes le 28. Mr. McNangh- tarn voted with the Government. Tim hill was read • third time. on the motion for the third reading of . Hon. Mr. Oibsou's bill to amend the Di- vision Courts Act, Mr. White (E...z) moved an amendment to lbs effect that a Division Court judge sbon:d not exercise any greater powers of imprisonment than was e1ercied is similar cases to the higher tweets in regard to debtors► The amendment wee declared, lost oft dlviabu, and the bill was recd • third time. These bills were thea read • third time : Respecting writs of eseentson-Mr. (Jar- row. ar row. In respect to the (Queen 'Victoria Niagara Fall. Pok. --The Attorney tim- ers!. To amend the Street Railway Aol-- Mr. Balfour. Respecting wituess fees -- Mr Whitney To amend the (lass. Pro taction Art, 1893 -Mr. Gibson (Hamilton(. To amend the Agricultural and Art. Act - Mr. Awrry. Sir Oliver Mowat's bill to amend the Division Courts AA was read a third time. Towner.", April ire -Mr Joseph Tail moved the Houma into committee yesterday on tire bill respecting the Toronto Street Railw. Company with regard to the run- ning of Sundayars. Hou. Mr. (in favored the adoptio. of Mr. Meredith's suggestion to make the lists as cornet as pt'. ible and moved an amendment providing that then might be a new regbtrstlon of manhood franchise vote prier to the taking of the vote. the •:penes to be borne by the parties ew- esrned. The amsndme°t was agreed be and the bill was reported Hon Mr. Roes moved the Hones In sone mines on the bill to provide for the nits - trance of a•nho.we franchise voters The buil created * good deal of 44....- sion lasting through the afternoon and until the Moses &diosr.ed. Mr. Meredith moved sm ame.disest to the hill. the .feet of wheels wan to maks the present Ile/ whleb bas hoes prospered sail trained 1a the presses of both parsies, prima hate.11doene et the right of the ester M Ise rmglslmed. It 1t trammed/id vete. t4 names might he strokes' uR r t- ' ed the subleer, ••luu4ioatton sod its Ikar .111e anudw.ut was lint Ly :1! to 20. ___ log oo School %York. ' He showed .!early Mr. Meredith moved. as an amendment I I how the hntagination of the pupils could he • to the Ent cls=use of the bill, that when it Telaohers Meet In ConventlOrh r developed in the study of literature. The Griot was showu to the satisfaction of the reg is physiasl geography and ooaposaiou, argil tear that a proem claiming tube registered how at would be of assistance in helping the under the ptuviduua of the Act was pre- pupils to understand these sub'ecte. 'the A Weekly Mgr di d roust) tete.. sem/ voted by iliseaa, absence from tbri city, or other snfltcient cause from apposing in person to be registered. his personal at tendauce might be divpet.sed with. and on proof of the ether necessary qualifications entitling bim to be rsgis er.vl,he should he registered. Tee chsinwu of the eummittee, Mr. Straiten', ruled the amendment out of Mier. 'the Speaker ruled otien-wise, and the eulendmeut was pot, being defeatdvl by 41 to Jct Tho committee reported progress acd .4r.:louse adjourned saute Meshy rafter - Men. Way Duww*ed at Sarre. Mastic, Ont., April 80. -Russel N. mar, nine years old, son of Wee Nogwr ant Monet Jewett, Pa, was drowned here oar Saturday. lie was playing with •sones other children un the krplauade, when Le tell roto the lake. FROM THE EAST. I.tereatlm Letter Fres. Italy t• a Resident • .f tte.eMes, The (:oidia party from (:alt, wbieh hes been absent io Europe and the F. .at for some mouths pas;, has gea.:heel Rome, and the following portion of a letter from Mts. Goldie to tier relative, Mr.. Morton, of chis town, will prove of interest to any trum this section who e.ay desire to cross the ocean and tee some of the ( lid World .luring the corrin; Summer "1 suppn.e you know tee round we have tekea .n ce r journey:nos. 1W'e went from New York to A exandria, aeon in_ half a day at Algiers (which is beaut:fully setuseed w the seat, sod coos day at Naple.. 1W• went . a shore at both places, and at Naples dr..ve to ale the emus of Pompeii, which ere quite in.eresti0r. From A'exandria we went to Cairo, sad thence up the Nde as tar as the first cataract, %coppice at various places, and rid ng on donkeys to see the ancreut temples and tombs, n'any of which are in an excellrt.t state of preservatem, Leoueb five or six thousand years have piss- ed over them at leuf:eere were told thee, although it docs nee tally with our i teas ecac' y. "We went from Cairo to Pent Said by trate, where we took • boat to Jonie. and tb,i.ee to Jerusalem by train. We lode to .tench. and back on horses, and also to the Dead Sea and the Jordan nem Jericho. Th.n, se went lack to .Copp• and took boat for Beirut in Syria. From there we crossed the mountains of Lebanon. to Baalbeck atm' 1)*maacns in carriages', and bask to Poiret. Next we took a Remises heat to Atheos, when we stayed two days. When at Atheca, which 1 Irked very much, we visited the Acropolis, and stood on the spit when 1'sul as .ulp set to have stood when he spoke to the Athenians, (►n our way to Athens we stopped fur • day at Smyrna, but could not go to Ephesus, as the tram did not suit oar time From Athena we took boat for Naples, stopping on our way two days et Palermo. " Our may at Nudes lasted five days an I then we curve on hers by train, and hero we are in the l-'ernal City. We have beau !ere nearly tive days and they have Leen very busy ones. We have seen St. 1'e:er's church twice. It is very grand, with ced- ed ref, walls and columns. Me marbles an varied, b• aatiful and costly. A great many of them were taken from the moment temples. and no such marble is to be found oow. Then, there are fine statues in vreat numbers, and very large and beautiful bIt reliefs where many figura are carved to the marble. It is • marvel to me how the work was done, and each figure 0 perfect and Let sr. small. There are also many large and beautiful pict ures in mosaics, with beautifully tioted colon, and you could not imagine such co!ou cnlerge you saw Kerne of them. Then are, too, many fine frescoes and alto- gether the view presented is very grand. We went to the top of the dome, 380 feet high, and looked down on the inside to the floor beneath ; the people walking below looked very small. ' Then there is St. peel's church, which 1 think nicer than tit. Peter's. It is sot so large, nor so high, but it is exquisitely fit- ted with marble walls and fine mosaic,. Then are the portraits of over two hutedred popes is mosaic, and thew are all in • row os the walls. pretty high up. The colored glees windows of this church were blown out by an explosion two years age. .ad are not yet replaced, out we weld see by the re- mains of them that they had hem very fine. There are 360 churches in Rome- -we have seen • nsmher of them, but will not at- tempt to view them *11. There are also ..sesames and paten galleries, with much beautiful statuary, • good deal of it aaoieat and partialy defaced. We have aloe seen the C,elliwam. the old Ramus Forme, and the homes of the Cream Them are as the Pa'atiae Hill. Then are stns pierce o1 ruins *tootling hesod there through the city, slewine what its monist glory was whin the Empire was in the smith of its power. , We leave hers on Thursday morning going to Flor.aos. Theme we travel to Venice. Milss and lecorne, tad then to Paris sod 1.1.40.. 1 .metiss.. vet we.ri.d sideer.d it the duty of every Asesoctauon to trom the Local Mtt!. I.lere.Urg Report .f she rrerrrdl.w. .1 Ilse Rr.asels leellsg The Slew Relaters &teemed •tut leNt.e will be al filmes. An institute meeting of the Fast Huron Teachers' Association was held in the Pub- lic school, Itrumele, un Thursday and Fru day, the 2toth and Ci th Costa The weather being hoe and the roads good, the attend- asee was larger than at the last meetine. About eighty teachers were present. The forenoon eeselnn on Thursday opened at 10 o'clock t. u., with the I'reatdeut, W. R. Lough, in the chair. After 11e regular opening exercises the following committees were appointed vii . Itepurtiov, •1. T. Isodda and A. Scott, Secretary ; (:ental Reelects. Messrs. 1►oie, Plummer and Moore ; Resolutions, Messrs. Musgrove, Lough and Robb. The Library committee appointed at tee laat meeting now gave their report, .tatnng that a 'lumber of the books belonging to the library had been sent to 1Winghaen, sad • number to le -us ails; the remainder was left in Clinton. shoos left in ('Imtoo could Le•ec.:mot-eel fur, they would be reliairea to write an account of the war. Mr. Musgrave also asked a number of general gueetems i° cennectinn w ith this lesson. and *Wei ctd a number of ready and intelligent. answers. I,:scuestun G•Iluw..l by Messrs. Horton, Scott. Pren• dergaat, IS..rtou and ('amerou, after which 11e ineet:og adjourned. In the afternoon WW' 141er introduced his subject, " lethcultieseinet by feathers, and bow to deal with thenf.". lu order to pre- vent destruction of school property, the teacher should be at 'oboe! at 3 o'clock, as emits are not to Gable to get into mischief "'hen they know the teacher ie present. The teacher should loin in the games of pu- pate so as to prevent the uae u: vulgar lan- guage. 'rho Leacher should uever lode con - trot of hie or her temper. Young teachers make a mistake in giving wt' long leeeoue, as pnpals are not able to get theni up. .en- * w.rine is rnucert is a mistake, as some of the pupils may not have the idea and so not answer. The beet way to testis by ant:rn examinatiosa Ile alae mentioned many other difficultie to considerable too, Houetoo, paper was further dtscusetd y Meese.. Ho, too, llnews%e and lough. The fol• lowing otluv-rs sere then elected : Presi- dent, A. H llusgrate ; tint vice-president, l'hutnas Shearer ; second vice- presider. t, Miss O'Neil : secretary•trewurer, A. Scutt executive committee, Mears. liarroch, Iawcry, Bartau, and Mears. Taylor anti liuncan, provincial delegate, Mr. Bieck 1W' l'rendergast, R. A., of Sea(orth, be ing called upon, showed a number of short methods of multiplioatio° and daemon. Walton hotel licensee.harebeengrant- •Slthough in some cases these met hoots could rd to our two hutch in \Tutus for another not be applied adval>t•geoualy, he cr.neider- near• ed the proofs of these methods a good outel Ilruie tield : .Rohn Foote has begun to lectual training. He also solved some prol study mediciuc,with lor. .1ru,.trong, of this linos in arithmetic to show how these rules village. could be need. The subject was further Hru.efiel.l alcasrs M.i:eegor, Murdock ducitmed by Messrs. Horten, Biker and and Mason returue l (rows ike old ctwotry Lough. last week. Mr Mui, rave next twutht history to a lt(usela. A car of Manitulr flour, 410 claw, taking as his Season 1'4. War of . was received by Menne liaeker h Amt clean Ineeprndenoe." This h•sson was vaastuue. ta:.yht in the form of a folk, the teacher Iltuseels last Satunla• Wm, Ainley making use of the map ami the blackboard. had his right hand tenoualy 'lured at The various canoes which Ica to the war lmest's factory where he is forcnoru. were written on the board. these were fol- lowed by a nulnber of o,-cutrruces in con- Wroxeter: Howard Snell Irl( on Thain nation with the war, and, tinily, how Ike day last on • trip to California Roti other war tau brought to w clow. These points western States, expecting to he gnus some time. Scafor•th . A rturrr:l hunt was indulged in ore monism last week in the eat end. The little animal gut down a chimney and effected Its setups. WW'iovLam 11•se Lena Hill, eldest daughter of elr. Cobs. I'll, •ccdeutly fell on the street, on Sunday afternmu, and du- loc►ted her left arm. (.uderich Tp. John McLennan, of GA - inch Township, the noted piper, died the other day, aged. He was a member of the T..wwship Council for several year& grey : The Listowel Febingt'lubexpect the arrival of 10,000 speckled trout fry i0 a few days. the font in.talmeut of fish fortwn strews in Iliey which they are stocking. Brussels : We understated that Robert Watt, of this place, has been appointed deputy game warden for this district and will see that the game law is complied with. Sealorth .lames Weir, the owner of the ItcysI Hotel io this town. and who has been living pritately for four or lice years, intends taking possession if the Royal on the first of May. Brussels . The Itruserle cheese factor•(• n being thoroughly overhauled by the new p.roprieton, Nieves. Harris A Mclanchlin. u d they export to °ommnence operations on Mo.day. May 7th. Seaforth : F'iehmtl was better in the river than now. Richard llrwitt caught eleven and a half pound. weight in eight hours. In the lot were two. n.u.lrt Iron the lake, caught between Eyntowivlle and Br.,►dfoot's bridge. Ihwoa6el4: C. E Mason, of Rrueelteld, was ie town Monday, he having returned t-�Iri�til county on Saturday- Ile - says the horse market there, as well Lettere, i, very dull. Mr. !loam bas crossed the Atlantic 40 time.. Seeforth : The msuy hones ce John Daly, sr , rah. had h.■ leg broken some months age, will regret o. kern that he re net improving very rapidly, as the fracture is not uniting. He u an old man, and the confine•tont is hard ou him. Exeter Three of the village dudes meet • plc -want afternoon, Sunday. angling in 1 he S*uble. They report a small catch, which, no doubt, was owing to their violet - tog not only • divine law, but a -taw ant the lad The police has his eye on them. Exeter : Two small , hike, n of Vey. Mattel and R. Mnir, unveil sway from home on Monday and were found in the Souther.. part nf the iodate in the after. Poon. The parents were greatly excited, fearing that they had fallen into the river. Morns We regret to hear of the illness of our old and highly esteemed trirod,Adam Scott, who has resided in Morro for ever 26 years. The old gentleman has bees for the past week. He is about 78 years of ass. K'e hope he will soon be ell nght again. McKllop : Archie I:orrett, of London, England, is at present the most of Mn. R. Thompeo, of McKillop. He intends locat- ing in Algoma shortly. He spent • year in Ontario before and liked the country so well that he decided to locate here perman- ently. W osgham On Friday evening last, the Fin Brigade were tooting the Pew hydrant on Patrick street. A branch of hese was TIME (jwpltANAN CASE. taken to the public school building and water was minty thrown to the highest part of the building- Everything was found in perfeet working order. ''.borne : The many foredo of William CHATHAM, April 30 The story of fiber• Kydd, ex Depoty-Reeve of ('.bene, will man Buchanan, hying near Leamington, as ferret to learn that he is in very poor worthy o1 notice. He says he was almost health. He bat a very seven attack of la helpless, bloated, and a wreck with kidney grippe sod the disease has settled in his disease. His digesters means were power- bead. He istee•Ie going to Torooto short) leand he was rapidly becoming s hordes to anderro an operation, which rt is hoped, to himself and his (needs. Naturally be will result in his complete restoration to lost all hopes of reoeverKv but • happy health. tht usn d .etd isodd'. nls.y PJls, and {gingham The remains et the late thoughesecrhim i odd's was the int Joseph H. Kerr arrived from New Mexico kidney remedy in pill form ever offered the on Friday last, and weer interred i■ Wing - public Its wooderfnl success in curing all hate cemetery on maturd•y afternoon, the forms of kidney dieser has 1.4 to the ire- Innen' baking plan) from the residaea o1 tis sluct.on of ,urnem.s cheap and worthlees John Kerr, I'merles street. A goodly num- imitations Purchaser.. for their own bee of our townspeople were is attendance, safety, should insist et' getting ltorld's testifies, to the high esteem in which the Kida.y Pills. mold .n tare" hexes ; uric+, deceased was held. fifty tests or az hear for $2.50. To be McKillop A charge was preferred Sean against • 11eKillop farmer on Monday 01 last week by pout *few in.pe•lor llopkirk. for defrandi.R the mails The ear wss heard by two of Dublin's .I 1"s. and Ming cloudy proven • tine of $10 and eats was imposed We publish this purely ea a eternise to like offenders. se many oases of the kind hare come to light recently Tackersmith John ..ihsns, of Stanle.y, has sold his farm on the 3rd cos uses°, north of the Mill herd School house. le - looming to the mute of ambito Mr. Mortes. for the sem o1 111,000. The farm Retains iso hundred aerie, is well situated soul is ea .,..pleat plat., the buildings. however, •re only fur. Theame Ione, who hae had tie tarn leased for a .emb.r *4 years, ie the p.rehaser. .p se esti *seryb.dr rue na• reel t'Itpped mei t .ea Vireos livery /Seethe., lirucefield: 11. itallas lett for British l'olumt fa • few days age. Brussels : Beattie Boit .re having their trotting mare, Want's, trafnot at Wmdsur were reviewed with the claw, alter which but those *cut to Brussels eat WW ugham hal been so neglected that no trace of thein could be found. These facts considered, the Committee deemed it. wise not to pureha/e any mon books in the meantime. .lamas eloore next discussed the abject "nations.- He proved the import os of fractions by showing that they dwul be need in the solution ant the majority of Mum, and in each ease would make thew tion pouch simpler and shorter. He a stated that he would teach trattoria befur teaching reductioo. Thu last remark led to considerable discussion by Messrs. Doig, l'an,eron and Lough. The i'resideut now called upon .4. Scott, secretary, ler his report of the promethium us of the Provincial Association, winch met on Toronto on March lith, 213th and 291h, 1894. 11. Scott gave • synopsis of the var- ious papers read at that meeting, and dis- cussed at soma length • number of resolu- tions that were passed and which were of deep interest to the teacher' of this Inspec- torate. These were then further ducuesed by Messrs. Lough,Moore,Camerou,Plummer and Doig. The meeting then adjourned. The afternoon session opened at 1:30 a w. The first subject on the programme was "composition," with a class, by .1. H. Cam- eron, priecipal of the Brussels public school. Ile took as his subject " • picnic," and by a number et questions succeeded in getting the class to divide the subject into Lt, •r- rangementa for peek ; 2od, gathering to- gether or preparation for going ; 3rd, riding ont to picnic ground : 4th, •movements while there : 5th, pr,crsmme ; 6th, tea : 7th, home trip. 'These heals were written upon the blackboard, aqd were then sube divided by the pupils. Mr. Cameron would then require the pupils to write the cum. position. His method of correcting come positions with large claws is as follows : Have three or four of the compositions written upon the boards and have the class detect the errors if possible and• also make the corrections. pin considers it mention Bary to examine e11 the compose ions. Mr. Cameron's method ail teaching compsitaol gave general satisfaction, but. his method of correcting led to some discussion by Messrs. If°neo, Mout roes, Lough, I.owery and 1..1 mmlr. "• How to acquire accuracy in numbers," by R..1. Barton, of Lower Wiogham, was the next paper. He approves of a thorough dell in addition and an multiplication, and would advise the teaching of the multtplics• tion table as f. r as twenty toms 20 at least. He alio showed • number of qua tions which would be good practice for the pupils and of which the teacher could easily find the result. This would save time in examining and correcting answer., In •d ditioo to this considerable attention should be giver. to mental arithmetic. Mr. Raton in connection with this nubj.ct, exhibited an invention of his own, called the " teacher's relief.' By this a teacher may at soy time have • number of problems ready for his clam. These problems are always rawly and may be reproduced at any Lime Messrs. Mosarove and Lough further discussed this Pa 1:. McDonald, of Molesworth, nett diseased " oon.bfnatioes in addition." He would commence with coeio.nations making ten ; he would drill tboroaghly on thew he would then introduce other combinations, Immo careful aot to introduce too many at ones. Require pupils to do problems con- taining thew oowibin•tiosa only, and Dever put down queatioss in addition al random for junior pupils. W. A. Iveagh, president, took as his topic, "how to make our meeting. more in- teresting " The followiev sngeeetions were male : All teacher' should be enmlled as members of the Association : That the subjects discussed should be practical, and that the teachers should, when possible, teach with • class ; Time o1 meeting should be extended to three days : That young teachers would become mon interest- ed i1 they took • more active part in the proceedings. H. •1m stated that he coon met by teachers which led dtsrussien by Messrs. Rar- e and Robb. Short add were then given by Messrs. RWr and Kar, of Brussels. .m treating the teach:niece long ago with that in vogue at the present t Friday afternoe n exercises was introduced by kir. Lowery, of eummerhtll. He con- siders than importaut as a means of varying the monotony of the regular school work. These exercises ehould be simple. an liana'. The following are meltable exetcm.ts : Spell- ing matches, words to be wniten---he did not approve .d oral spelbng mualehes ; gws• graphy matches ; arithmetic t. at`�l,es : lit- erary and musical proeramrnes : t ks nn its cliental sur jec1.: claw singing : question drawer ; debates in Wilma ; reettetIon of poetry. Inspector Robb then took un his subject of " penmanship." He s atrungly to favor of the vert.cel writing, and thinks that it should be the second Isatin the pupil should receive no first coming to school. 11e re commends that the writing at that should iw done on • single line, and that as the pupils required to write without Imi.g their slates. He believe, that the scribbling book is ruining our unclog, as the work in book• is generally dune In • very careless manner. Too much care cannot be taken by the teacher in watching and pointing cut the mistake in the writing of their pupils. Ile thinks that the teacher should never ac- tvwrithog from the pupil wug which he knows can be duan better, but that the pupal should be required to re -write it. On resommendatioo of the Resole tion l'immiLtee the following resolutions were then adopted t 1 i That • vote of thank. be tendered to the Brussels Public School Board for the use of the school ; i2 1 -That the reporters be peed 32.50 each for report- ing the proceedings of the meeting : 13 ) That Canadian History be the limit for a - trance examination : p4 1 -That the Provin- i.cial Association be purely representative ; 05) That the Easter holsdays in rural du- tncts should be of the same length as in yd. !ages and town. The association then *43001ned, to meet is Clutoa et the call of the executive coat mics of tient" abest as4'lag to M b°1".bew, hat assist the Minister of &location to reduce still we an all •joying t very math. and i the aamtsr of eahjects ere th. Public, "II" tpigbt, /or it Is • =Ova." to so echp curriculum British n • su History • b- ees dl these plat assn leers something jet whish See cuasrden net necessary about thews " in oar schools Further dieesseto. follow• THE DEATH RECORD- ed by Maser* (taker, Musgrove and Scott. Rev. Messrs Kerr and Cohbledick, being CARTER. -The dssti of Mn. Thrones Carter eoearred mi the 20th ism , at her reide.oe os the 13th ami. INoeseed wee • n ative o1 WW arwickehiro, E.R. , and esti- with her hashesd to this ar.ntey is 1876, remaisi.g in (;od.rich until Ove tears ago, when they moved to Hallett. weer, she lived until the time of her departure She Seas been tri 'Jed with asthma and heart tremble for several years, bet at last she bad to sw.elmh, •t the age of fifty fear year. She hod bon • oerdetent i eenhr of the Rsgtisk (h.rek Naos early girlhood. She leaves a haulmsd, three daughters, .ed see w, to moon the len of a faithful wile sad a loving eseehmr. ligan M e asewrseesta. ales at N.IpW. trews R54..y Whense - • warden is ■Isa- .rtf sad his Frteed. *ostia. *$d..y nth t sed hies. of ail dealers Dr. Montage wee ears a sad pprrrs,ea.ssss, wear called spun, and each gave a I • Hapttit premier. Now hs 4.s They •.d highly oomplimentary and inter.ating ml- a salaried clatlipion o1 the velem esti am dress. Ij moral duet nee el tariff protee111R. 14 r. Mr. Musgrave, prise -Wel of Wingh•m Fuson was ono. • prohibitionist by weeps. Pantie *heel, gaits • report e1 the work tion. Now he bob's a portfolio in•cabinet deed at the prnvheial Association in 4893 onetrolled by a whiskey rine, and has jest 1s this rewire he di.rewee the various given evide.eal of his subserviency to his repass o1 immerse taken up, and also statad masters by reducing the merles duty epee that he eoiseahred it to the advantage of ' malt, anti thea patting thousands of dollars every teaches to snood these Asarr,iatinea 1 into the poek.ta of • few hewers Sir The Finset•) Statement for 1893 was roue .lobs Tltempa°s wee not Wag ago • Mahe, bythe esorrearv. and eh"wed • Irises. es I diet claim leader. New be penes ae • pillar heed ei $10,(,63. On gamine .f Mr Nes- o/ the ttitholie ahureh. And t►ie trio 01 grave, s.onad«, by Mr. Bleck. the rennet I hypocrites prettied that- it is a airline for • was attopeed. The meat ag than adjnleelan an to Asians hie opinion, wtlh respect In s.d On the ssmday. Friday, the sating public measena - Ottawa Free Press