HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-26, Page 8THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL ?6. TN( CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE QTaasJ.Hco MMT. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. OSOPITAL0181110 OP) els Maalox SOEEAR$ • • S11.0Oo.000, QST B E WALKER, GENERAL Manama. 81,100,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING RUMNESS TRANSACTED. FARMERS' Norte Dlaco.mtto. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT Al, POINTS IN CANADA, ANO THE PRINCIPAL. CITIES IN Te$E UNITED STATES. GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA as SAVVY$ SANK DEPARTMENT. OEPOSIT8 Di SLOO ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATES OF INMOST ALL11nt1 INTSRSBT ADOSD TO TNS P.INOIPAL AT TNS ENO OP 1i/M .Its mutt IN [ADN resit. - . • .. •1 • •ws- Special Attewtlow gives N the OsNeetl•'• ^- wad Fainters' Sales Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. NI:fi;HBORHOOD NOTE& • From ourownCorrespondenta. Ther, Is Iar.rostlen Mere That *'asset lie Salted tin, where Else - ♦reset the 4 Nal, aplvlallr .rpsrled ler The CIksaL DUNLOP. 11•..n11 Ap:t123. ' lir. and Mrs. Allen Ka,e I:rucrtield • Ireame.t rout last week. lbs of the school blackboard* got • nee seat of black owlish Saturday of last week, wkich was ,try and ready for use Monday of this week. _ - Mrs. A. A. Williams and two childrren have returned front roasto her mother,Mra. Oise Spence in Iindcnch township, after • week's stay. [ferry who broke his a rm pre• lieu, to going these, is prdgtessing favor - Waiter Carpenter, of Du'olin, Oat., for- ener:y of the Coldwater township of Huron, wee up among old fistula herr last week ou • transient visit,.luokinj well and heart •. He a a still • sttosupporter of single besce,lstas. A cow belonging to 1: Rear e'er here L)r(-b to twin cslves which are prnKres- ::rg well. )t,,bert intends, we brheve,tte eater them as oandidatrs for the red ticket at tiro eomiag Northwestern Fair at I;ode. rich in September. GODERICH TOWNSHIP - LEES ••• • WLP.setion April 25.+ spe:is! services -sera held at Union Tct::..n, April 24. church Sunday last, when in the :doming ):her :'irrutl.eie, of t.oderich visited here the pulpit was acceptably occupied by iter. last week. II. Irvine, ot f;•xlench, and by Rev. Mr. A delegation coaaisting of Rev. Messrs. Stewart, of Clinton. in the -.evening. On Noting, l'.,ekburn and Kadel[tfe, on behalf Monday an eat. rtairntent was held In the of the home mission committee ot the fess- church and there was • large attendance byt-rt*n church of Canada, will confer soil • successful gathering financially. The with the congregation of thts church on object of the special services and entertain- naancial affair., and with a view of rear meet was to defray thet tpenees mcident to rauging the field. The meeting will be held the rec•eot tenoa•ating of the church, and it •t three r a. Tuesday of uest week. is satisfactory to learn that the desirable Cava. a Norio %%opiate t abson, the end has been acooenplished. The young well known lay preacher of Knox. ch..rcb, people of the church who had the carrying (:oderieh, conducted divine service here on out tit the Monday evening entertainment Sunday. is the •(ueree of Rev Mr. McKay. in hand deserve the thanks of the church The theme of his address was from Luke w auageu:ent for their 'fleets. (v., 16. During it he spoke of his first at- tempt to preach the Word on the deep BRUCEFIELD• water, of the ocean to hot shipmates, when Tt.►.-:. tt, April 21. ie the E. occupation of • ration. Now, Seediu¢ is new swirly demised arcuud in the ctr..:ug of his day., he seems hale herr. asd-41/naet9•,`110,1 we hope he may loon i.e \Ir. Stott is buddies a *torr room to his epateceia'Fm useful work for the welfare of Korn - his Mister'. ter vie.., Kev. llr. Koss, of Clinton, preached in A 'du. -Tie tree fei sea+ near the t union thunk last t abb.tb. tient((erance hall have three ruing middle .M age l bas helor,, gel and hearty with no le,. for a im ANIS. Koss returned biome from the yy Montreal convisit. thoughts of sue resider to the wiles of 1 arid. aloha E to studymedicine TAR.- wire and picket fences •sed wire no4be' . Pae begun Iitlle,.�atca strengthen the hope that thq h lfr. Armelritsg of this riling*. fair etx will make a nark on their I•(ewn. llkl:rogor, Murdock and ninon hearts. In the domestic duties one of themnneuronal from the "old Country" last week. can not l e Leat in the biking Zine. Al! It I). Dallas left for flritieh L ulumbia • few three have nuuierotu friends whose counseletdsys vie. We wish him every advantage c.et.'t pet -Amide them to ,enter the hots of i in his new clime. candidates for the matrimonial army. - b, wag of Oodeticb. We wish him safe home. 1 h1 taw( ('ncrr. -- Division court we. held herr on Saturday last, his honor .fudge Boyle presidia*. Then wee no legal busi- ness of any monieut to be transacted. light docket. The legal fraternity was represeut- ed by Iswyer Morrison, of Lu••koow. 1, lh•tittilos - Sissies. Stewart and Stothers, who have coostructa.g a new saw and shingle mill north of 1)uu sonon on the Lucknow road, have commenced sawing and iv a short time will be prepared to sup. ply customers u their line. They are gen ,demon of energy and deserve patronage. (aril.- Write. - It will be jdeasmg to the many friends of Mw s A. Bowers, 'rho some time ago fell and fractured • bale in her arm, to koow she is gradually getting beth r We are pleased to be able to state that ('hu. Barber, of this oil loge, and 1'. l'aklwell, of West 11'awedosh, both of whom have been very til, are grade. Ally getting better. M.tltat.a.1: KEu.' HA%tt BrE• Rtai:JKc,- Iouring Wt week R. Kirk and wife. who were in attendance at the nuptial ceremony of A relative in Mitchell, 1 n. Perth, return cd home. The contracting parties were lir. II S. Anderson, 1). D. S., of Toronto l'ni- teriity, located in Exeter and alien Manic EtIiottl ono of the tow. of Mitchell's most estimable and highly esteemed young ladies Mr. and airs. K. report haslet:, bad • very pleasant tithe •t the wedding wkich took place on 11'ednc•)Iday the 13th ofobpril. 1{'e wast, the doctor and his amiable partner a prosper sus and smooth journey over the sea of matr.n.ony. LANES. NILE TeLnl.Av, April 24. klo.nav, April 23. I News has been scarce and work plentiful A oun,!,er of the farmers have finished aroond here lately. see.eing. Wm. Moffat, of Teeswat.r vicinity, was Alpert Tittio preached to • large congre- down this way is Saturday. roma' Sunday evenmy' Mesh (.auley. of Iced Jacket, Mich , is lour coming cheese -maker has moved some visiting friends in thus Iosalhty. of Is. furniture to the cheese factory. Rad otitis and scarlet ina seem to be very h(tas He Hetherington has returned home beshiona,le up around here lately. front Auburn, where she ha. Leen teaming dressmaking Mrs. firtimmett, who h. toxo very low with diphthong, a, w, we are glad to hear, getting W.tter. We hear that Kesiamiu Dodd is going to start house keeping. ('ome. Ren, there's ✓ oom .sought in the cage for two. John Pentland has been very sick for souse time with liver complaint, and but d ight hopes are entertained for his re oovery. Junta. DUNGANNON. NylKTC. Th• local agency i■ Dungannon fee Tel P01/1a1. is at the oats of J. G. Ward. J,P., sonveysoer, aa. who will receive or- ders rders for subscription.. advertising sad job Werk. and le as.horized to give receipts for se.e.nts paid for the Bess. TTLsniv, April 23 Fns. i.1..u•TI. u. --Oe last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Baugh, of Auburn, •:change( pulpits with Rev. D Bogen, of l)unvannon circuit. Rsrrasau Howe. Mrs. T. Pentland and her daughter Mus Celia who have been visiting relatives at Rrues.ls during last week, Dams home on Monday eve•iny. - -Mrs. Brydge., of Itruasels, daughter of L. Pentland, is visiting her pe ent., and other rotative', fnesde and ac guawtaaces an this vinare and vicinity. Vu- rl9.• --Mr. Lowrie sad wife, of 11e1 more, is nettles Rev. 1) Rogers ase! wife. Mrs. Rogers is • daughter o Mr Lowrie. He is enjoying Mires 1 with hie visit. u all ea- visitors do. AV, 4% Albert ('Isnd.nning who has been on a visiting tour here and ht her point° among relatives, friends and •c.fuaintances, Id' hers os Mo.dey tot for Fargo, Dakota! HAYS YOU BOUGHT Harry IlLrrie, of Ripley, was around this way lest week buyto.t fat oattle and hogs. Some are thinking by this time that the Lanes u. rite u going to " forever hold his peace " Win. 11. Reid is preparing to erect • new barn and also to put. • stone stab& under his old baro. 1f the w pewiie u hale -Mak -1W week as it has is the pww" the bulk of Ile leading will he finished here. The matrimonial fewer which was so pmev- alent up north of ns this Spring u, we hear, going to strike (saes vicinity soon. Ales McLean, who meanly returned from the Northwest, has, we hear, secured • bla.h.mith shop above Amberley, where he intends starting up business. A few of the young people from here at- tended • party at Wm. McNay., 12th coo. one night last week on the **resins of Mies 1. and J. McNay having attained age of 'being their own boss", as the saying u A .umptuoss repast was partaken of and the night was joyfully spent in "trip ping the light fastaattc toe.' We were much pleased the other sight to have a hearty shake with our old an 1 much esteemed friend, A. .1. McKe.[ie, who for- merly taught school In this section, whom we mat at the party at Mr. MoNay's. Aka has Mem attending the Torment list verily, but is spindling a few weds 04 borne in Kisle.a Jest sow. By Iles way, although utiwately anluainted with AIR., yet we do sot knew what particular poke *ion he is fitting himself for. He 1. sot like some sadists who mount every stump end platform in the neighborhood sod pre Maim that they are a student of so and .rr allege and t.II tM why and the wheretnre sl their attending scab i but Abs is a hostler all the saki*. Tn[r 11'r.T AY Ralt.-0. Frdey as .1. • IOUR STRAW HAT YET? was taking two beasn to the *laughter house for the purpose of killing, they got away and lumped the fewer onto You'll find the newest. the railway and made in I.nderich direr ideas and much the best I sins. The aecti(rr, men se.ing m st thearted value at en the hand ear after them, tearing they Wight he ov.rtekee by the train, which was ...,rly due. The cattle had the .tart and kept it : nothing seemed to strip thews, ash. this Ian^e nor cattle guar i, they cane threigh Holmw.virle without stoppage lent n were headed off ad a anud hut I NUM wer., from their 1'... (histo. New R". OOMPL$TE O(111 rrEtts CI. sass CO.'Y az, *hewing • run twee et Les' Fnr Gapes 1 IN WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA- CHAN and 'POSSUM. C!TS' FORNISIIINGS. Fell Kaes i• a cry Deparlmee1. M CaU sad .zaatlas garde and prices. C. Rt SHAKE &001, )I. 1 sea'* Block. Cor. Ice uarr and Mesteea1•eL THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR BOOK STORE. D. B. CALBICK 1i - '.1l T 1 •1. 4I01.T WALL PAPERS I have jhst received • large •htpment ot specialties in AMIh:R1CAN WALL PAPERS. the product of Sixteen Factories. - Sly goods are all the West, and lis -rices are away down. reit: tell ert. D. B. CALBICK. 11 -est side Stuart. THE DEATH RECORD- SAVAI;E. -- Sarnia Observer • II to. Savage, widow of the late ('apt. J. %V. Savage, who perished with all his crew by the Woking of the steamer Asia in 1;eoreiaa Ray in 1932, died at her residence here on Mondayevening last after • lioring iU nese. tpe The deocasal was well known and highly respected and her many friends sill hear ot her death with sorrow. She leaves two children, Ida and Fwlward, to mourn her demise. The remains wete taken to t.oderioli on Tuesday for interment. The orphan children will have the sympathy of • large circle of friends in their sad bereave- ment. ...11.F ('has. Sage, • well known resi- dent of a% alton for the past 27 years, pass el over to the gnat majority on tl'ednes day morniae of last week, aged 69 year. The deceased was horn in England and w married to Miss Elisabeth Ash, his o, bereft partner, at Brant[ -rd in June, 1854 Their family consisted of one sou, t ;gorge who died it December, 1881, and fon danghten, all living. He had been • great mutterer for thq two years, and cw.og to the nature his disease was compelled to sit in hia chair day and night. During it all he displayed 1'hIistian fortitude. air sage wait a 000st.tet t member of the Epis- copalian church. The funeral took piece on Thursday afternoon, Rev. tl'. 1:. Reilly, of Brussels, conducting the service. There was a large aveuelaoce at the funeral eh, thereby showed their'sympatby with airs. Sage and family. 1'ANSTIoNF. - On Tuesday, April 10th, Joseph H. 1'aaatooe died at his residence in '\'Ingham, in the sixty-third year til his age. The remains were interred to that town on the following Thursday. Mr. Van - stone w•as uoe of the pioneers of Kiocat- dioe. las the early days he farmed for a time. and afterwards eugag.d in that marble and granite trade, tint u • Farther of Rot,t. Scott, and atter that gentleman* death be conl,�oued the business for a number of eters until hit health became so impaired that he wee po longer able to attend to the duties pertaining thereto. Deceased was a man of many good dualities. and at times he held many important positions of trust in the town of Kineardice, including that of reprements- tie( at the County Council Board, a town councillor, • member of the hoard of 1'.•J cation, and assessor of the town. In poli- tics he was • pr000unoed Liberal, sad at all times and uoder every circumstance had the moral courage to totelligentl\atld .trenuoualy advocate his conv[ctio.a ANNAN!). Another pioneer of Hunte county passed away on the 6th of April, at hie late residence, lot 8, esp. 9. Colborn., in the person of the Akaander Armand. Scene 62 years ago along with his two brothers, Adam and John, both in the summer of life, he came from tlaat.hire, Scotland, and took up laud in Colborn., then in the hart of the wilders.ss, to make • hoote for their parents. The father was the late (aptue John Armand, who was the tint to sleep the Ioag deep in what is now known as Maitland cemetery. In the troublous time time of '37 '38. deosased wait to the trent in the late Capt. Hyndman's company. He was • progressive farmer and was the first to introduce Durham stock into the town ship. 111 Iate years he had withdrawn from public slew and devoted himself to • quiet seclusion on the farm. tile. New Veers he had struggled against severs illness, bet finally sukccumbed th hu 84th year, and like the ripening grain he fell before the grim raper whose name is death. The funeral on Moossy oto. was largely attended. The pall hearerswere 1). looms, J. t) Stewart, .1. Buchanan, A. Young, set , John Mohr and 1'harles tile. in, sr. The two last nam. .d are among the few that ere left ot shoes who cut in their lot with this sectnn near 60 yeah ago Th. (opera, serving were conducted by Rev. R. Heederaoa., Auhurn. FAIR. -Thorn's Fair. for 'easy years postmaster of Clinton, died at hie residence at Lr r.Uide.ee in that town on Friday. April 13. His public position as postmaster for se many pan, had Nought him into castanet with the people to smek aa *[teat that he was knew. by everyone, and hie sterling ietegnty, °Might dispraitiosl, and cnnarts.tleas discharge of hu ofllctal duties had woe for him pubis ons id.w•. and esteem to the [.hest resemble *item He arse born at /)ream Nook, JslMrgh, Soot- lasd, ea the 20th M ,lane 1833, sad .ansa to Canada is May, 1841 H. settled t. Hamil• tee, and foaled employment in • dr s eesahliehnwt, where he resiahsud for Veer years. The family elms west i. Astgast. 1�6, awl seeded i. ellsa.a Hare be as W. ACHESON & SON. . >i Y r` { • Bargains in Wool and Tapestry Carpets We are clearing out this De- partment in our store entirely for extensions is our Dress Goods De- partment. .A110-zades of Cazret we will sell at Sale Prices. Immediate Inspection Invited 25 Pieces of New Batistes, Levantines, and Challies opened to -day. W. ACHESON Sc SON. NrHigb.el Pikes /or F. ..,..; n;I:ter. a 3 EYE OPZNERS 3 Sterling- Stm✓enlr Soon.s, $,1.2 ;, • Watch, Warranted 1 year, ,•,%1.5.c.), Alarm Clock, Warranted r ,' . ' ... Gree. and other things in unison in the JEWELLERY LINE. 0. A. HUMBER & SON. RFPdIRING ITP TO DTIC. entered mercantile life with his brother, James Fair. For 101,3 time he held the position of assistant -postmaster under the late \Ir. I:ordon, and upon hie death, in the year 18.6. received hu appointment u pmt.naster, and retained the ram; up to his ".oetb. He was far many years a member of Willis Presbyterian church, and at his death occupied one of its highest otli,es, that of elder. He was twice married, the brat wife being a daughter the late Joseph Whitehead, a son and daughter being the result of the onion. His *cooed wife eel one danuhtrr also sun i e hyo• l'n t.,.n 1. 1'. 0. 1'.I•i:. rot;-un•�.-The t;overmeet ham reached • decision in reeard to the proposed chaegas to the p wtoi is in .pectorships of Ontario. and Inc following may be regarded as the definite looatioo of the different colleen: Inspector Blither, of London, to locate at Toronto; lsep.cto; Spry of Ilarric, to go to London; Inspe..tor Joces, of Kingston, to go to Burrs: !nape: tor Hopktrk will remain at Stratf,r t and lospectnr Hawke* at Ottawa. The new man to be app,tnted wilt have charge of the Kingiten dIN'iatou. [.earn. Nlirrsit, --The deltiation who west to Ottawa to see ale a. getting • new post office built here, got 644 on s•turday, nodi reported %that the lloverlmeot will place Clinton on 'the lint of puiltc works, and nee their best endeavors to secure a grant for the erection of a building. The death of Mr. Fair causing • vacancy for the poetmamtership, there are said to he a num ber of aspirants far the posIti r. The names of a number of persons in town, and .1, several out of town, are mentioned. New Fn. The Kingston small tray is 'thready iadul,,• ins to his favorite pastime of swimming. 1 1 Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco is the Best Value. sc , In.. and aoc. Plugs BARC�A=NS IN LACE CURTAINS. I would request all those now contemplating the purchase of Lace Curtains to inspect our Stock. Take a look at our 22c. Curtains other stores trying to sell at25c. We are sellian , line at 35c.; the he same style Curtain is selling in town for 50c. Ree our 45c. line. See our 95c. Curtains. Our $1.50 line is equal with most of the $2.00 Cur- tains. Our better lines equally as cheap. We will not be undersold by any House in the Trade. Highest Price paid for Batter and Eggs. JAMES ROBINSON. Ori[ nnoaa, - JOiDAY's I1140=_ BANK OF MONTREAL. CA PITA L, $1 2,000,000. REST, 6,000,000, .4 Savixv Detarlmenr has &ex otexed ix cam, gectiox with this branch. laterest allowed al cs vrext rates. H. LOCK WOOD, MaxaQer Goderich Branch, aNSPRINQ SEASON �=LZ=NER'Y_ Our Miss DONAGH has returned from the Marketa with a Large Assortment of the Latest and Beat in Spring and Sommer Styles. Early Inspection Invited. MRS. R. B. SMITH f Glasgow F-iouae, SEASON 1894. Prosfteci FINE WEATHER and BRIGHT DAN'S. /4/ / f%le 1tEni,oriu,ii BRIGHT FLOWERS and FINE TRIMMINGS fur Fash- ionallll• Ht•aiIg,•ar, tti ,uit all tastes ani purses. BLISS H. M. PITCH E , MILLINERY EMPORIUM. lIoNext floor to Star OiSce. WRsT STEM T, CHANGE OF BASE. nIcINTOSH & HARPER, (Late SAU N D ERS & CO.) HAVE REMOVED TO McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK (LATE CRABB'S) ON THE SQUARE. s It x x SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING, AND SHEET METAL WORE. COOD WORK - - - LOW PRICES. House Furnishings, Stoves and Ranges. SYERYTHING NEW. MCINTOSH & HARPER. Give Us a Call. 'IT 18 OBI THING TO CRT Bargains ! AND ANOTHER THING TO GIVE THEN, People who hair priced our Goode et 7 that OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. The Stock is very Targe, and to more it out in a hurry we haat• int the Priors away down so low that THE PRICES DO THE SELLING ! We (veld not pay 100 vents on the $ and moll at, the prices we an' offering our stock at, but we bought the stork at • very low rate, and we are going to give our customers the advantage. Full lines of Ladies Fine Buttoned Hoot, ()zford*, Ten fllippera. kr. M ixaoa and Chiklrem's light and beery in • complete range of sizes ; ileo s and Hoy.' Fine and Heavy Boots. Rxtra "aloe. Hpaoial Attenitioa paid to Ordered Work. Repairing neatly done. H. B. POLLOC S Fowler'. Old Statoil, Qoderich.