HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-26, Page 7e
A Carpet
is something you don't buy every day
in the year and our advice to in-
tending purchasers is to
)aspect Fran Siock of Carpels 111 the Toll
and then buy where you can get the
best value for your money -that's our
style of doing business.
it Stock of CARPETS for this Svtw,on k exceptionally large an 1
til a-•urted. We have -
Stair Carpets, from 3 cts. a yard up.
Hemp Carpets from 12' etts. up.
l'nion Car�peti from 25 cts. up.
Tapestry Carp.tts froul 2.; ctrl. up.
The Largest Stock of new Carpets in the town.
No Trouble to Show our Goods.
Parasols am! Umbrellas, t the latest).
(.loves as usual up to the mark.
k. White, Create, Slate, Fa.%n and Tan Shadex in Silk
L:•1. Thread and Cashmere. t
A huge range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora
Ail wi.iths in Serpentine and Creme Military.
DRESS a0OD8 . . .
i'h luuerei, Henrietta.; and Whip Gad.. Cashmeres in White,
l'r tris , 4kve and ('ardiaal. Lt;a tine Shades in Nun's 1'eilings
1.. -i r:et", Buds, Spots and Strip,.s.
A `::L' :ins of Smallwares, inc:uding Pearl and Linen But-
tons, 2 and 4 boles.
Is •,••u"u aladl) wellrllyd. S err neat. •s.. -e... r.r (a.h,
De'sllar and Haberdasher.
Nei glesrapbv d1 the tale Joseph Whiner
ice late Joseph Whitehead in his y.ontb
esu tae Rat ora who fred • locomotive
roma. When e • verge Stephenson was per-
lectml ha rude locomotive engine, which
tie to the word the mnet potent force
'tat we now *nem for the development afar
times.. of comm.rce and ctvtli,at.on,
Jamb Whitt -heed. • bony of 10, was driver
void car on the tramway that ran
Meaty five miles from Darlington to Stock
'eros the northern borders of 1-ork.bire
1' wsoverthis line that Stepheosoa demon
atlttedtbeb.lity, of steam power u •
of locmnoti:a and transportation.
Wet trip was made Sept. 27, 1frL.S. The
mated eke en6,ine was "Locomotion" and
drafter was ,lames Stephenson, who wan
aa" tiot)ouog.loseph Whitehead. The
targe s( tele road, 4 ft. H in., has ever
aa°e r!aaimel the standard railroad gauge.
Mite s head no wind and an up -grade the
mead meow wealime. came to a Mead
r.1;, het it developed an average .peed o1
twelve mike per hour, of which the year-,
•rlv Review, anmoog other things need'.
`Twelve metes an hour ' Slight as well
!teat eseeself to he tired off on • Ctngeess
!:neem .1t this time Ya 11'hitebead
• mid neither read nor write, and it was
rale it the earnest solicitation of tors
`'Ipkesoo that he undertook to master the
cane R's. pace interested, however, M
Isaac a Haloes student, and by continued
&libation rose to the post of paymaster of
Ile rose after eerein, several years as
mese ash rfl4Ioeer oo the first English
*silage, Mr. Whitehead launched out as •
r atraeter and built • Liege t of tie
e eisdsaw Railroad on te treat wrest of
. •ubsettw.etly emigrating to Cam
eta• he ro.atrected the whole of the Buffalo
end e.odench Reed, tow • branch of the
earth! Treok While enraged n coa-
/tenasl pursuit. i. 1867 be was elected to
Ibr (sasdsn parliament as a liberal.
11h,t the Dominion t:orernmeot decided to
consort by railroad the eastern provision
with Columbia oN the Pacific toast
htlebesd was awarded a poser et for
omen:tie, a large part of the road. He
tot" the first enguie into Mawiteba in 1878
4t01 It by boat tram Fisher's Leading
'own the k. -,d River to Se Hesitates- "snot
're..Imph'tinn of the Canada's Pacific line
NI: Whitehead has lived at Clinton, Doe,
'a onotarative retirement_
A Roil le the Napless.
•lti t F. Hntley, of M•idatooe, Eng.,
`n*ohs M has hit upon the patens! remedy
thrilesstiess it is, in brief, to curl coder
11, clothes like a kitten, or put the head
seder the wine like a hes. He say. " This
samisee neems to be now • Deliver.•! sA1ie-
h`colWelire wrongly : tit up late mad
aft the brain, end they ro 10 bed is
hit sited coaditiw. No one seems te ha
apse the nal.nral remedy. I think 1
yisr. People tale chloral tad the like at
wPonl, and the fatal cossenuesoS Not
manes. It is all wrong, t.e you
astral the dose re. Nirad for ti'
rtsad�u Oesa- Rat try Pleasature'a pa
IbM, ins the i 1y of oxygen a the
I+ragtT N air ts asphyxia. limit the
iN °fet11S, eh. lase., .d the heart
Itiat, the twain
lMt ..eq fid PaeModw i for • ed dot*.
11.64 ow* yes, with the bed eletbss
r. W rebrestie ealy lbw ru.pird
sag SMT I'.dses the sUso.Whg
an1s� theMI"
Thee is se danger.
•writ8r yes are wee to dhasrb the
aasi>R w' Jet ea mush fresh air as i ws+Mssee hie beim
laM tlr.4 ~'^.el ~ i w
ti ' the Sal
kla �y Propos to filmp
They ton around, generaliy three times,
lead lastly bury their noses in some hollow
so their hair, and 'of!' they go. They are in
no danger, •,though it might look as it they
were from, the closeness with which they
embed (lair nose..
&amber flea seery.
'Int foliow,nv amusing story of how a big
dog championed the cause of • little one waa
told by %Va an. Frltegerald, of Boatoo, last
evening ',o era% years ago,'. he said, " 1
knew a farmer, who lived • few miles from
11 'too, who treed to come to Kasten erery
day to sell produce. This man had two
dogs, one • big, powerful mastiff, which
earl to guard the premise. while the termer
was away, and the other • bright little ter-
rier that always rode to market oil the seat
with his master. tin day when the farmer
•topped) at a how* on tee way to deliver
some vegetahlea, a Targe doe rushed out of
theard, siered the terrier by the sack and
would hare killed him but kr the timely in
terisr000e of his muter. The next day,
when a mile or so oar his way to market,the
mss discovered that the beg dug was follow
tog the wagon. He ordered him back, but
the doe would not obey ; he cut him
with his
whip,but still l the dog
:ed resoluta Finally the farmer gave it
j up and continued ea his way. When
they came to the aceoe of the conflict
of the previous day, the Baine large
dug dew out •gun to attack the little one.
%Vbere.pos the hig dog. who ha -I concealed
himself under the wagon to await develop
meats, tell upon thee..aiy with such fury
that it was with difficulty he could be re.
streamed from making an sod to hint alto
'tether. All this time the little terrier was
=adepos the rest almost barking his
mit for joy. After the clop were
smarted. the big one evidently reseeded
his mis.ion as fulfilled, as be at ooc-e trotted
home by himself."
Wars el Gasrag Mages.
It arouses me to see the variety of ways
in w hash people est oranges. One break -
feat at • big hotel will introduce you to
every phase of the orange eating isduatryr.
Sense moil their oranges by sprinkling pod
remised sugar on them and then scooping
the pulp with a spoon. Rome peel the
orange sad eat it shoe by slice out of the
hand noose cut 14 into aquas -es or eights
and @gnoere the juice out of the *detinet,
while others simply Hake • round opeoioe
Lod suck the jo'esi of the fruit. hleay
people refuse orange* In public because
they do Not know which is the proper way
to eat them, and there is notht.g time an
awkward person eon appear more ridien
lous at than in eating an orange.
it think tt is tate to follow the theory
that beehive/ but the k.ik should be ap-
plied to fruit. and that any way of eating it
gratefully freer the band is all right. Ger
mealy the spoon method is silly almost as
idiotic se atioki.g the fork through the
hand middle Aber and eating the joyous
.phewe away until nothia, i. lett but the
A ease at its neater. 1 imagine that
the people who take hold et *arson halve
it and here it again and flies swallow
•verytiiag except tbe swede and skin and
dost ears • darn whe's looking. wet most
es' ant of the (runt. - tit. Lis
Glebes' t.
Testis* (Its fife► -And sew, c►ildrws,
whew alepsagipassas wins they speak of
the 'limed OM lg.. r
Llai, Jeh.sy Va dswp-- Mrs Louie,
of Kassa, 1 gees&
Bad bleed eels... w, tiolobWM. �}�•�.
oboom a, Moors, occeetK see. Mli.ei[
hind ideas• cure had Maid is ray Ions
bees •
Ines sinpia* M Ike wash male -
is averted, or If too lata to
avert it It Is •ft.. nerd and
shwa r.Jiairtf by
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil.
Cures Coughs, Colds and
Weak Lungs. Physicians, the
world over, endorse It.
WM be Il h SulsI1trtlli i
awtt a rival,14.1o,,us l}Ri regatata, fir;. die.
•••••• r�
• well-ieres.ed Wows*
It ,s Dot ao hard to thele well as
ono. •t i think. The most important thin
to kern ; i toe drew tpprop:ately ; and wo-
le, n often appr�� ilbdressee! when they are
only do .sed inappr'fsa:'toly To follow tate
(ash.•-oe does net neee;saoll . mean the it t
Hoeg .• ts'tnetahlr, one mutt ha.: it. Ino:
simply that fashions :are to be unci as .
amide in shaping the clothes best ratted to
one'. ned,ls and one's circumstances in life.
The well die -mad woman is the woman who
buye the b. -$t material she can afford, anl
would rather have one good, servlcraWe
J;vss �11,4,41 tone '• ott••1ly " ones, however
pretty the latter m .y lea when first mule.
It she is a busy womso, she will not wear
the ler Leiswa which r. Titre constant atten-
tioa'to keep them in order, and are in any-
! h:ss tog good taste when not io vtder,
the te a somas of inease,ahe will mu. choose
Lbc frit earns which are intended only to
I c u; e.i >a carriage Rowes. There arc many
thing., pretty in themselves, which are in
the worst taste if. used in an inappropriate
way : and the; woman who is a ell dressed
never errs segardang this point in her. toi-
let. _
OM steree.
»Iirsly ire years •'cu • Loy vans born in
Mary lam], whose pareote gave him nothing
but • sound body, a shrewd 'Mud, and a
kind heart.
At eight yeas" of age be wasegdooe int the
wortelodigning • pitApyqr by selling peanuts.
At twelve he had aiidtle1 to keep himself
alive and to go to schued for tw•o tetma.
At thirteen he went hi Philadelphia, sod
es he walked the streets of the great city
had not a peony in the picket of has
leek jacket to I-uy bread%. Cut he had an
t, stout heelt under it.
He found a place as errand boy in a
bookstore, and rose before dawn every day
bat be could wash the pietnlent and kindle
he titre before any other store was open.
'My maim always war," he said, "d
our work now at ocean"
This buy worked ter years sixteen hours
day, with such sc.i ty foal that he saved
obey out of his Meagre wages of three
oilers a week. Ile hitt no espec:.1 tricot
r gat with which to gem succeea Vet or
an perhaps ever held the especial place
hich he made for himself among the Ain
nein people.
A few days ago. an old man. he was
ruck down while at nokmudcarried home
dee. 1)uriog the two weeks in which
e lay waiting for the coat thousands ofmes-
of vele! and affection carne from a1
oat every pert of the Coated states. and
any (rum foreign countries. They were
om every class and k:nd of man -great
hits and authors, whom he had once %id
orphans whom he was aupprorting
ince* and dukes who had shared his hoe-
telity : peeniler• widows : college boys to
born he bad opened a career ; to them all
had been kind, had given help when help
s needed
The great city in which he lived held its
reath while he lay dying. to .11 the
nectar., the asylums, the ho.pit.L, pray -
went up for him. Workingmen and
reeved street boys when they met in the
train eked " How i* hie"' .
ged when the
came said •• He is deed '" and gathered
ut hie house in silent crowd* with pile
cies. Theydid Not need w
name him.
here was no other m•o in the world to be-
ieo.l them as this man had done
• He never gave me a penny," said •
negro. " I didn't Deed dist. But when he
ke to mem de mobuin', sah, it kind o'
htaiog up de whole day foh me. h•h's
Neely so kind," with the tsars in his eyes.
Yhat was his secret ` With what key did
unlock the world
Irby Americana have made milord fo--
•ee as the l:mfr. W. Child*, by shrewd,
est business methods, and many lave
en 1.rgs sums away at their death. Mr.
Ids' principle in business war . ' Ie the
k before you at once :" and in life :
he the gond you can -now,'
• gave, it 1. sated, nearly the whole of
vast fortune away, while Irving, to meth
to churches, to teas of thousand* of
'et it was not his success, nor his wealth,
eves his gifts that brought a whole city
weep at his grave. He had faults, but he
a pitiful, kind heart.
He was to every man a friend.'
th's e'omp.nion.
• hi
• wine, Adams rand et ■1. Nether.
here are few eminent men who here not
said that their sucoem in life was largely
owls, to their mother's touchier. and, who
hare not been prated of the many illustra-
tions of this troth.
The mother of John Quincy Adams said
in • letter, written when he was twelve
years old .
"1 would rather see tow laid to • ,trove
than grow up • profane and modes, boy."
Not los, bw'fero the death of lir. Adam.,
• gsstiem•n said to him. '•1 have found
oat who made you."
"What do you moue asked Mr. Adam..
The gentleman replied, "I have bees
readies the pabliebed letters of your
"if," this gentleman relates, •'1 had
spokes that dear sane to some little bey
who bad bats for 'rocks away from his
mother, his eyes could not have Mashed
mere brightly them did the eyes of t11.t
ywssabla man wise. i NOININasoil the masse
cf his wether. He steed rip t. hs peculiar
manner said ..id : "Veit, ler ; all Mist le
pod in me I Ns *S Wig fi.tibM."
I oan Isialgy.welos llerdesk Rind Ritter,
bosses* it bsd • fair trial kw my ease will
we/wheal *sem My emotes.wens
dropsy, bel*b•are mod sisorlsonsa, sed .11
Moos itosiposted .h5' solsoitos booths of
laldask Raid Bassa 1 tamest pale w
Mary poem ass bleep.
Osowlna Hot.isr.
wee! mint, Saolivine, N. R.
use v ie. fellow led.sus Aelp-d 11 Io a
sad irlrk.
Patrick Hurley lives w a rut.% punkin el
the '1 weaty third %Verd. some dutaooe
from his home as • lents hero, where, be
sides horses sod cows he keeps.euite • 'men-
tor sit oho:kens. About 100 yards from the
hero • brook winds its way through •
rayme N aurally the presence of curt and
crus about the bare has drawn many rate.
They frequently come out in the hero yard
for food or to play. Among the rats the
Hurley, had observed use that was a rare
specimen of the tribe. Its coat was o' •
pane white. Strangely, too, the white rat,
whenever it appeared, hail • compauiuu that
waa apparently leadiag it. This peculiar-
ity cenaed the people to watch the rodenta.
They diswvered that the white rat always
held • straw in its mouth by which the
other rat led it. They c,.ncluded the rat
was blued. Sometimes whcu a particularly
good lot of corn was found, the white rat
scull drop his strew and pio.e.d to satisfy
his hunger. Itut by •n un}:at:cat move
mend he was alw•hs al.:: to bring to him
or. o! his kind (needs et, • e„uhl p':k up
the straw, gave it to biro skid lead the un
:crt.este back to ILc swat [tiller the be
1 toe of elle most reninrkable things is
was the fact that every day the Wield
was led out by another dense to the
to get • drtuk. This was not an oceasmm.w
but • regular porf,rce. .%flet the 11
annual hoof satisfied its thh►t the at
irould be put tato ate r . ; h by its t
Omen us attendaat
nt •-1 ledexr-fully book
hat one day *OHM Li:, 110 'Ae.e 110
sof %
with the Hero o:::ie blind :ire
rat, saw the two auin..is corning from the
•reek, and at once mule a charge upon
them. Th, leader of the blind rat en
de.tvore,l to hurry rip its , Large, but was
Orally fired 1,1 let pa of the -straw sod
scamp:, off to acre its own Lie; The whet
rat, left helpless, ran b:mdiy ar.-.;a4 uMd
the buys .aught sed ki!!od
who had lona; watched the daily exhibition
of the other rat te:dcrner" and devoti•ai
for their •igh,Uera compauinn, learned its
sad fate with regret._Plttaburg Uui'atch.
Tone kind* of lew
I have met sonic man nh.ae rel.giou tors
• mixture of vinegar and peps r; and others
wbote religion te.cmLled ec;ar and milk
the former are severe on th, fa •ills of other,
and indulgent to their torn: the latter re•
vogues. • the ,uues. tgeery : Which •cf
them make the beat ceilhbon, not to sae
WORK AND WAGES. tithes elle.m
as Is ( ailed lave.
A Persian cook coo earls $S.f • ,tea
A weaverw b
m Germany reeseiv0 to
day. hada native pointer in laa earns 40 cel
Farmlaborers is Belgeem-out!eivei 4t;
• day.
A mule driver in 3loruceo earns 10 e
A thrasher to Turkey can crenated
cents • day.wmicron .Uexto on earn Isom ,o .:ants to
el a day.
:A bon maaou m 4 'ey loo can earn $ 3 2t)
per week.
1'ultcemeu in .iesoay receive 4-.G1 •
as slimy..1 redre d .xwductor in Turkey gets
a mcath.
An engraver in I:io de Janeiro can make
nl2 per week.
1 blacksmith in Jerusalem can melte
1. V.! per week.
The Kinv of !Liver* Ire t e.lery of !l
413,000 a year. -
ten "I an areal 1 t►veld he awfully un
happy if 1 didn't rnarry ('earley
011 a "harry him, then...
"The. 1 lam1 should be a.ha/ fy. "
to •
w reef ..,Pent cast make from 41.25
r". i ,hy
o:1 -
the hest l hnsttans
1 have known men very courteous to one's
face, but atal•hiug his cliarecter when he
was gone. 11y father had • dog of th:.
stamp ; be was a cowardly cur that fled
at the approach of man, Lut bit !hoboes of
children. A powerful mast:fi paid Ida re
spec;• to his throat cue day with great -car
dialjiy, and nobody wept ever the Leta. of
the brute.
Moral : Gackbi:ersare gladly forvottoo.
Noble minds shun the serpeut'a trail He
who would live in the memory of the good
mast be virtuous- This 's the policy of in-
suraner for a boats et death, and righteous
survivors never fail to pay it.
Tease riff Far !.roe.
1 to Thursday last %\'m. }fill, assistant
superintendent, of tie Sandwich Fish
Hatchery, catnk'up to Sarnia iu the stern,
yacht Rauger, with a consignment of young
whitefish for lake Herm). The Beaver the
same evening ran up 1hrcu,t5, elk rapids
into the lake, and along the Canadian shore
to a point about opposite Weeebeach, where
the consignment, which compriacd about
two millions ot lively and vigorous young
rich. were carefully transferred from, the
hatchery cans to the water, of lake Hurts,
thereafter to take oars of themselves. The
Hanger, a fast and handsome little steam
yacht, commanded by Capt. \(cloche, an
old-time Detroit river fisherman, has been
chartered by the Ilomiuion government for
the use of the Sandwich Fish Hatchery, in
its work of restocking the lake., it having
been found that in .hipping the cans coo-
trining the young fish by the ordinary
channels of trade, delays wire occasioned
and mischances o.cu� wbicl: often result-
ed in damage to the oonsignmenta, and
sometimes in serious Ion.. Of the value ot
the work of the fah hatcheries to the fish-
eries of the lakes: Mr. Hill and Capt.
Meloche both s leak in very coofi lent term..
There will be, this season, over fifty mil-
lions of younv fah set free in Lakes Huron
end Erie,
sad even allowing for every pos-
sible margin of leas, eoouvh will be left to
grow to maturity to very considerably in-
Use fish population pop won of the lakes. It
a noticed also in the Detroit river, that
while there is an increase in the rupply of
those lsh trhich the fish hatcher' cultivate,
there u • coast -ant end steady falling off in
the take of herring' end other fish whi:h
the hatcheries do sot wasps to supply.
"Harshly is terribly afraid of fire. 11.s
he ever had any thrilling experience '"
"Well, 1 should say so. He had to at-
tend to the furnace in his wife's boarding
Assists Mal are.
The old method of m.diesl treatment
singed to excite the organs coo which the
medicine acted to oonditio, which mutt
aeueseartly be followed by reaction. The
method of maiming nature u the one fol-
lower] in the new medicine E,elj•y's Liver
inoeages, and there is oo rea.tioo or bad
effects from their use. They can be bought
at all drug stores at as cent* • box or 5
boxes for • dollar.
W, ache* : The anniversary meetings
of the Salvation Army. on '`uoday and
Monday flat, were very sacee.aful. good
crowds attended .11 the services, and con
@adorable interest waa manifested The
Monday ceasing meeting was addrossed by
F:osien and Mrs. Frazer, Rev. Wm. GI-ibbl.
and others. Proceed, of why sight ser-
vice anouuted to $17
Brumeh : W. A. Edgar. of ibe.wsh. at-
tended the tenet ssmins of the limes school
is connoetias with the Delano Agricnitur.tl
Collage. 33 oat of 103 students &handing
took the full course mod passed their final
examinations. Mr. kdgar, in addition to
passing in .11 subject" and taking good
harks, edoured hamar. is Prwctieal (Neese
Making, Practical Rutter Making, Milk
Testing lewd Separates., and a sow better
qualified to fill the position of cheese maker.
Rroweds A correspondent a the Mtd-
('oa•.ieeat., published at St. Louis sad
Kamm. (Sty, speaks of • former well lumen
Itenseelite se fellow. A. • result . • few
weeks nesting• at 4 ammo, twenty ,area
perinea were onoverted, twelve of whom
united with the Presbyterian, and about an
equal number with the Methodist ohareh.
Rev. George McKay is in coarse .ad altos
..w wish tats place sad Ihs. Mgtes. The
.h.rei ie sow is • mach more prosperous
ewditio.. Rea.istgtaa i. the Reset end of
Row. Mr. McKay'• ducal Geld. (teed work
i. Woo dose. sad tie bees et promise is
won le 1i. herisat. Usk. wa rhes were
tssssely held with MANI ,Dd Mina Oar
so* ever here tenth else. WIN a
p4teetw• ane. iTc has a f -!e y peep a.
a warm heart f.se ell.
lsl.tedaarlag las 5.ls*,
"Here is the loveliest house coat that 1
bough: for tom, sad he d isn't stem to
care for 1t the least bit."
"I eau tell you how to make hint value it
•hos• eseryythiov."
"t th, how
"Tell him that voule game it sway to
some poor moat at the doer."
1 T -.rest Lurk.
"1'm glad Tompkins has struck • streak
of luck at last."
eolith So am 1. %Alar au'
' "I don't know lust what. I ooly know
that he talked to me for twenty minute.
wit asking to burrow ii,''ss directly diseases are more or leas oc•
mooned by ball blood. h. B. B. erre. the
following akin diseases : Shingles, etyy-
sip.la.. itching rashes, salt rheum, anal•&
heaeruptions, pimples and Llote%
removing all impurities from %% .•
• eowmon pimple to it,'.e blood from
sure. now terofileos
'311opgirlsinFraactrealiseanavtraliebf DOES YOUR
•'100 • Year.
Iu Mexicseamstressesera pod 27 tents.
a day : weavers, 50 cert.,
Rpir�frt.-6: VV FE
i40t) okito tseepe800•a`j•eatanr, I:en.iany receive
Tea:hen in Hambui. ,cowrie trv.ur 4?•11 tJ ilk
21 per month.
Fly puckers in Ave Minor, if skillful, can
snake 20 .ants • day.
A camel owner and his beast in 1'altet.ge
arc -worth sl a day.
Railroad clerks in Germany are paid
at•trave of 62 crate a del•.
Hnnsci for working people is t:ermae
rent fur to 3.•t5 a year. - -St. Louie l:lobe
1)o tgocrst.
1M not neglect toughs, colds, asthma,
awl broaehitis, but cure there by using Dr
Wood's Norway Pine S rup.
. The King el I'ortu��ggls�l is saidrectnt:y to
have applies:fet,,1i'(100,003 Rfe ipsu,anve,
Adm Ncgri,the cert- S•,:iaiiat pot: (..f Italy,
is a r.eatant girl, mid is only 2.; years of
Cleveland intends to try some
tic trout waters ot Maine this Spring or
Mrs. Putter 1•almtr is now personally
managing the Palmer House. in Chicago,
owing sit the illness of her husband.
llulyai4 Kipling seeds all his etor:es t
au ageet In L swoon, who ayndicatta them o
has them published in book form.
John Chamberlain says that Chester A
Arthur was the greeteet gunrn;et digs t'
and ftucoe limiting came next.
It is understood that John Wefemaker
the most heavily insured man in the States
The amount he carries is stated et $1,700,
�. ,
Carlyle was centrnt with calling lie' a
blackguard : Mr. Ru.kiu went ono leen* iy
likening him to a 1),ad Sea ape, whatever
that may near. - Pall Mall(:aiette.
Shakespeare wan the noiusal product of the
E1:, shethan age,which had accuston.ed Eng-
lishmen to great men and great deeds, east
had tilled them with great anticipation&--
Profelsaor Seeley.
t:ALlmo would here ambled $ cruel epi
vram if Le had been expected to thrust
Latter -Day Pamphlet or the social .i.testiori
into one et hie chapter* on the Fall of Rome.
Fre leriek. Harrison.
1p.vid Christie Murray,the Eogbshnovel-
ist, wl:ose wife a suing for • divorce, teti-
tied in • London court some days ago brat,
whereas lits income from, his writings used
to amount to $22.000 a year, it had latterly
delinel et! until he hud to apply tor pecuni-
ary •ssistsnoe from friend..
Kossuth's practical ability was not t.tual
to his eloeuence and his energy. He was
one of the meas of ideas they were commoner
forty years ago than they are now on the
Continent of Europe', •rd the ideas ran
away with him and, since be hard the "mar
oetic" quality developed to the highest
i itch, they were very apt to run away with
others u well.
The inexhaustible imagination which fur-
aiahed out tt's -.mem' and romantics was
not the me accident of a gifted nature or
• fortunate time; it weft • kind of personal
inheritance. lar the bruin of the Borderer
the wild life ot his u.cestors survived as
.t perennial spring of ballad, poetry and
romance. That brain was like • haunted
house upon which the strange deeds of a
past generation have left their mark. Pro-
fessor "eeley.
Te Talk T. IlesSes.
speaking of the wonderful development
of long distance telephony, an exchange
says that it is now within the nage of im-
mediate possibilities that New York may
talk direct to i.00doo. Fleotrital experts
are Riving mach attention to ocean tele-
phony although the business' has not yet got
beyond the sphere of d,senssioo. The only
thing wanting to its realiiatiot, however, i.
• suitable ca, an.l to find what is oetes-
wiry in this direction numerous experiments
and investigations are io prngresa. The
longest international telephone now in exis-
tence ie that between Landon and Pari..
The total longth i. 311 miles, of which
about twenty -fix miles are in • submarine
cable under the Eagli.h channel. The talk-
ing is good, and the line has bees so nuc
eerie], both ecieotifcally and financially,
that it is proierted to build similar lines
from London to Rrmsoels and from Lopdos
to Berlin. It in lie America, however, that
long distance telephoning has made the
greatest progress, lath se regards the enor-
mous **tient of the system, which puts
about 150,000 telspbone subecrihers in more
than twenty dilbralt states in communica-
tion with each t11Msr, and as regards the use
male */ it by the public.
use+! tO�Cllic:r _:see it.+ietaarriti
she does, see that
the wash is made Easy acd
Clean lis vetting, her
S ('. \ I. I G II'A' S0:11'; 't
h h:. h doe& t%..;y with tho
ttrrtt;e of c,a:h ny -
Experion.-e, will ca:n ir. -e h, r that
it PAYS 'to' tis:: t'.:., _ _ :p•
Don t purchase the followin; (:,.. -;; own:. cont Li, •
Lawn Mower's (ten inch drive wheel),Spade.,shoveis, Hoes,
Rakes, Poultry Netting 24, 30, 36 and 48 incites, Plan.--- ._._
Barb, Galvanized, Oiled and Annealed Fence W
•rd • .full inti,. sit
GENE/ 44I. II. -1 !t'D lhi41 RE,
t„ Suit the 'f
4.VISON & CO.,
I 1.461111816 Tel a. 1'. Nutri\•et\.
%et a Seroala.
"Have you -met that elderly girl that
Smith has married ' He says she ie
sample of Virginia beauty,"
"A sample ' 1 should cell her a rem-
nant. ' _
.• teeter Lada.
.4 lady opened Mrs T. C. 11. Humphries,
livtug ill Keene, tent, who used only two
bottles of Mcunlr;y's Kidr.ey' and Liver
l'ure, has tnrwarded m statement to the
effect that it completely' tiered her ',of in-
tlammatory rheumatism, kidney end liver
troullea. such a complication a diseases,
yielding w rosickly tot
this remedy should
enconral.e stater sufferers to vire It an
honest trial.
ch,nan & Son,
ea1erarTC it)7.a
Dealers 1n all kinds ot
Aad builder's• material of every description
School Furniture a Specialty.
r OpSgi"p ° T11JJ
oo voscwTs, ewe.
rice y`br �! O. �...s Rabebak she to
Mex. l' fro.tnway. Naw oaa-
p tar ssewri ere es to ,tin 4 ,.
the L oma is y ons . 1 c ons IIn tee
a7 • maks is,. trss of caws,' ear the
cientifjc American
Lents* Omelet win of es s.venslOr mos ,n the
"4114.Id u•rn.pol. 1h fin InI I5 1
Haan Own leo sithoot n. sealI
r; t1. -1'l six m.wn•e. AMrew )SUN�f £ r •
ar.t.nawr.trl •
emadwar. N.w fort
T.. Caesarean PActrto $*ILW.iT (n.11
ars has bass ..abtla►ed te give the
• 4-taa* asrvios with fair and pus
esmpetlt ion.
,fig peg iessewed .a aeries prlsetplaa and is
h =see, ha petpraerata
hi ares i• eompetltsu M. « ~K/ parwo• wba
g.,er M'SMSA masa talo .•
noes. S
nnoeseesssetIng wish all here t.d
brwat�i use sate... saws . w
tblwaiA wYou r J
a. ;WAN telt
Lead Il.visMt
"Rya thorough knowle-lge of the natural
:Yews which arov.•nu the ops-mt+cea 01 duration
and nuttitiuu„ami by a turrful epid:cat.on of
the tine Nroper:ier of w.•II"a.•Ie.-1.2 ('occas, Lir.
EpJs ha. "rearmed fur our I.rekl(ast and sup-
per a i t,. &!el}j 54 *,.n,n d Is•..•: s;v wh,ch may
!aro u• man) heavy dueeorw'b : I.i. U is by the
ifeollrione ,:-.! of ouch article• of diet that a cua-
t;tut nut tar) 1»• greeds ty heat up until strong
ryya ifh to reeiet et err tt ndeoc) to diseatte.
Ilundreds of subtle eun:a•liee aro floating
around us rea.f) to attack wherever there ie a
weak iudriwt, )tae ma) rotates many • f*!al
shaft by keeping o,erwl%to well furt.t'ed with
pore tdoo.f wad a properly nourtatied trante.'-
(Yrit SrrNtr nnsNtr,
!lade simply with b•iiling water or milk.
Su1.1 only in tts,ket.,by Drovers, :.belled thus:
JA1IE* Errs t e. lid.. Noartrrwp.rrte
1'bem4(a, Leaden, tagla.d.
TIS. qw
Steam Boile'i• Works.
Sowers/me to (Armada! a. llMck,j
, Uwnufacturers of all kinds of Station-
ary Marino, Upright Jr Tubular
3=1011.4= RS,
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron
Works, rte., etc.
Also dealers in 1'prfartt and 4torisontal 81'
Vanes Engun,•er, Automatic fait Off F:ntrin p,
pecialty. All meas et b, e and yips-gtrewet -� •
tto1Man t
1 00 Mud. Yaeivales furnished o.
snort melte, It. -pairing promptly attended ten, '
23L: ly 1'. O. eros 37, Uoderich.Ott, '
Werke -Opposite O. T. 11. 8tatfon. nedetiee.' r ji
has just returned from the cities where he
has been selecting
He has now on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and is prepared to
turn out work in the Best
Style possible, and Ikt Prices to
suit the times.
11. DUNI.(IP.
"Darker h e the ecaurngrra
means the kid- of the system.
neva are in "Delay Is
trouble. Dodd. dangeroes. N
Kidney Pilo rue /feted kidney
prompt relief " troubles 'neva
" 75 per oast. in gad iloe(
of diataaa is Dyspepsia. Lives
rot caused by Complaint, and
disorddred Aid- t ke most dam
nays.yeroua of all,
iiyht as well !rights Disease.
try to k.i. a Denbet.a and
healthy eIty Dropsy.'
without nearer- ' T A e awe/ e
age, as good .ee.ee essmot
ha.1h when the ..fat eskers
kidneys are Dedd'a Kidney
alar* Mop are Pins meet nail
Mehl by an dsaraor awe
e hp mass ssl
iIt it'Vfl.bn .' 'nese,: s tress C