The Signal, 1894-4-26, Page 6R. W.
Bratsk, Canadian and .1nicrieau Ne-
preseatalh-ee Hold a ( uafereure.
I have purchased the Hardware Stock of
the late C. Crabb, Esq , at 50 cents on the
dollar, and have added unto it a full line of'
Reavy Hardware
at Reduced Prices, caused by the lowering
of the Tariff. So that now I am prepared
to give my Customers better value than
can possibly be secured elsewhere. The
purchasing public know me well, and from
the large patronage given me while I was
here, I should say you knew me favorably.
I ask a renewal of your patro age, and,
intend to please you better tit evgr.
A .wy`TAST »I rraaga Ixtet t.ltg TNA.
11%1 rgARR-Nita, mtoni HAD Tt'AMM
T.o a AYga-rHtt•N1AAs NW/. OCT.._
110e1 of 11111 agiv/vgur ROW t
I.II'1 ►:I ---A w'osomie'L
From The St. Thomas Journal /'
"Tlie Angel of the encampeth
✓ ound about them that fear Him, sad de -
Brent:. them." Such tt • verse of holy
writ made familiar to very many resident•
of Ss. Thomas by the well-known evaagel-
int, Rev. .1. E. Hueter. In letters of gold
on the stained glue fanlight over the door
of his residence, No. 113, Wellington street.
is the text " Psalm airier, 7." Though we
live in an age noted for its enervetic, ctrl
ons Christian endeavor, this idea of Mr.
Hunter's to impress the truths of the scrip-
tures upon those who read though they
rue, u altogether so original and so novel
that it •t once excites the curiosity. Those
not familiar with the text make • mental
note of it, and at the first opportunity look
it up. This is just was done by • re
preoeo'sties of The Journal, who had occx-
0100 10 visit Mr. Hunter's residence tt e
other day. But with the object of his visit
and the iafoematioo obtained the reader
will be more cone.roed. The reporter was
assigned to investigate • marvellous cars
said to have been effected in the ease of a
young lady employed in Mr. Hunter's fain
it by that well known sod popular rem-
edy, lit. Williams' I'ink Pill. And it was
• wonderful story that the young lady had
to tell, and is undoubtedly 1. true as it is
wonderful. Last June the same reporter
i.tervfewed bits. .John lope. wife of the
toHtater-k r on the London •od Port
Stanley road, who had been cured by )'ink
MIs of rimming ulcers on the limbs atter
years of suffering, and after hewing been
given up by • number of physusues. The
old lady had entirely recovered, and °mild
not say ton much in prise of 11r. Williams'
Plink Pale, which had given her • new low
of life. As it was with Mrs. Cope, so was
it with Miss Kona Harris, the younglady
in the employ of Mr. Hunter's famiy who
has been restored to health and etreagth by
Pink fills. Mir Harris has lust passed
her twentieth year, and is a daughter of
George Hama, who lives at Yarmouth
Height*, and is employed by leo. Boucher,
floret and plants/nem
' i believe Dr Williams' Pink P.iksa..d
my life. and i am quite willing that every
ome should know it," was the reply of Miss
Harris whoa asked if ane had been leesfit
tel by Pink Pills, and if so would she make
p.Iblic bet story. ('oetieniag, she said.
Whim 1 was twelve oe thirteens years of
sg.1 was first takes sick. The doetore
mid my bleed had all turned to water Roe
ire yea.. 1 ssli rwl terribly, and was se
weak that i eonld barely keens alive. it
wee only my grit ..d strong will, the doc-
tors mid. that kept in. alive at all i1 1
triad to Mead few • short tier., or if I sot
the Isom hit warm 1 would 1a11 over e a
Wet. M eyes were white and glassy, awl
Oita w. ae thin and pallid that tee -errata' be
11,,mad 1 was doone mf rnweueeption. lbr
dreg Ib. Gee years i was i11, 1 was attends/
by five physicians in SLThomas, two in ice-' THE HYGENE OF DANCING.
twit, one in 1.'ndoo sad ono in Aylmer,aod
none of nen could do anything for me. 1 Seek .f r oalsaoa•sease 1" the M.dtrfl Hall
wawa* far gone that they had no hopes of Roam.
my recovery. Towards the last my feet and } rom the earliest time some form of danc-
Iambs swe!lel so they had to be bandaged
to keep them from bunting. They were
bandaged for three month., and my whole
body was swollen and bloated, and the doc-
tors said there was not a pint of blood in my
body, and they held out no home whatever.
Two years ago I saw in the .lournal about a
n in Hamilton being cured by talon
Pick )ills. I thought if cher could cure
him they would bele me, and I decided to
try them. Before I had finished three
boxes i felt relieved : the swelling went
down and the bandages were removed. I
continued taking Pink Pills until 1 hal
taken seven boxes, then irregularly I tool
three more. one of which Mr. Hunter
brought back from Brockville. i am per-
erfectly cured. I have not been i11 a mottle
day since 1 finished the seventh box of pills.
i ante to Mn Hunter's a year ago, and she
will tell you i hare never been all • day
since coming here, and 1 always fool strong
and able to do the work. I can and do
*treacly recommend IR. %Vilh•ms' Pink
Pills," said Miss Harris, in conclusion. Her
appearance as certainly that of • atrct.g,
healthyouog woman.
Mrs. J. E. Hunter. wife of the evangelist,
told the reporter that Miss Harris was a
good, reliabl and truthful girl, and that
perfect reliance could be placed in her state
meats "She looks lake • different girl
from what she was when she came here a
year ago." said Mr. Hunter.
The facts above related are important to
paurents, as there are many young girls just
budding into womanhood whose condition
is, to say the least, more critical than their
peremte'iagimm. Their complexion is pal.
and waxy in appearance, trembled with
heart palpitation, headaches, shortness of
breath as the slighte.t emercis., faintness
and other distressing symptoms which in-
yararibly lead to a premature grave unless
prompt step are taken to bring about a
natural condition of health. In this einer-
vency no remedy yet discovered one supply
the piece of lir. Williams' Pink Pills, which
build anew the blood, seroa,them the entrees
and restore the glow of health to pale and
sallow cheeks They are certain cure f.r all
tr ,ubles peculiar to the female mysi.m,youse
or old. Pink Pills also cure such
diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial
paralysis, lecomoter ataxia, St Vit,.
dance, a.rvous headache, e.rvous pro.tra.
tiem,the after effects of a grippe, end severe
colds, diseases dep.ndiag en humors ie the
blood, such as scvofnla, dentate .rynp.l..,
etc. 1a the oars of mien they effect a rode•
pal care ie all cams arising from mental
worry, overwork or excesses
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only
in boxes hearted the Arm's trade mark.
They are shyer sold in bulk, ud any deals
who offers substitutes in this form is tryiyj
to defraud you se/ 'Armlet be •rergep
The public are ca■tiemewl venire other M
Balled bhKn1 headers pad eons made', pet
ep is similar form intended to denote A.k
yyooesr dealer for Dr WIlisms' )'ask Palle fee
al. People arts refuse all imitations s.d
substitutes. Can be hal from all dellen
or by mail from the Ir. Williams' Medieval
('ompany,Renck vtlle, not., or .Mohenectady.
Y 1et .50 cents a hehonet, or easy •
for $2. 50.
Norway fine Syrup is the &eel and tat
can for eo.ghe, melds asthma, heneebuu,
esu throat, .M all threat awl 1■ag
troubles. Price 25c sad 50c
dog. more or less graceful, has entered large.
ly into social life. And • study of the
dancing customs of the ancients, as corn
Mired with those of modern days, says
1 on it's t'omi aoaoa, is ort only interestinv
but instructive, since it enables us to under
stand what was the superiority of the
oriental dance over the modern, and to de.
termioe as nearly as possible what advan
tiro ought to ac:rue from the practce of
the art.
In the tint place, it will be remembered
that the costume worn by the ancient
dancer, in common with the rest of the
populace, was peculiarly successful in pro
viding ler the perfect freedom of every
movement of the body. This, together with
the fact that the festivals were usually held
in the open air, is sutficieet ground tor .x
tnllmg tho old time dancers at the expert*.
of those of more modern date.
It is safe to rya that were it not for the
accompaniments of the modern dance, the
same benefits might be autieipated which it
is rea.00•ble to suppose came to the par
taken in the old it•mmao and 1.recian (eche.
For it is certain that a course of io•truc
Gm in dancing, taken as would be a course
,f Swedish gymnastics or oeleetheoics, with
• specially prepared costume and in •
properly lighted and ventilated apartment.
ia not only capable of lendis% grace and
elasticity to the movements of the body,
but is certainly of positive benefit is chang•
iag the circulation of the blood fto'n slug-
gishness to activity. The mild excitation
Tato which the mind enters, as the measures
of the dance are fitted to the strains of the
music, is of undoubted value as • kind of
That the modern dance shonld be opea to
the censure not only of moralists but of
hygienists can be plainly understood when
we remember the unfavorable conditions
under which it usually takes place. Tb,
costumes are unsuitable in that they retais
the body at every pognt, the hour generally
choose is eine which ends the majority of
persons fatigued with • day's worry, and
the crowded balk offer no opportunities for
proper veetilatioe.
The d ,,y whirl, which wool.' seem to be
the form of dancing meet often chosen at
the present day, surd into which the tired
body pad brain are thrown under such un-
favorable conditions, is responsible for not a
few broken ooastitution@ and much inspired
A part, of young moo were telling what
they would do were they shipwrecked far
oat apoa the sea, and left Milltitlg with the
waves without • plank to asst them.
F:ach owe gave his opinion exempt Paddy
Murphy, who, after bring ask.d for his re
plied " Bsd ma, to you for a eow•rdly mt
of spslpieos, rel all be after saving Tour -
en' ant tryinto save mother. Why,
it's faddy Murphy that would swim to
shore an save himself, an' than swim back
en thry to save •nether "
Spring is full et terrors to .11 whom new
sedation ill net able to resist the s■ddae
Amigos of temperature •ed ether itwlsbri-
tis of the .easeis. To pot the system is
es■ditiee te or.reatwm theme mile, nsMms
is sun eg etive ss Ayer's Sarsaparilla Take
it sow.
Am .\viva►le Cadoestaading nelweeo the
1%Ir.looiets in so the situation end
the 1'.54111..• ,.t the .\want
Arrived At the ♦lei�-
lino hews.
11'ANoIx,.roi April 21 -Sir Jaliaa
Peuuvetnte.tti. British Muu.ter,tir George
Itaden. Powell, rereseutlug the t'analtau
government, and 11' Edward tivaohen,
brat secretary of the fattish }:subsea• ac-
cumpauied by Mr. t.rea!taul, Secretary of
State, calla! at the Treasury Department
by appututtneut with Secretary Partial.',
fur the purpose of diecussin4 rales and re-
gulations to carry out the findings of the
Paris tribunal affecting lk•briug Sea in-
5ecret.,ry ('aglet« received the party in
his private room of the 'Treasury building.
Behind closed doors the conference was
rondneted for two hours, during whisk
tune Pommander Y.veus. of the nary, whet
WWI its cutumand of the Cuitt'd `
to lIehriug Sea in DO , was called into
the conference and -participated its it.
At the conclusion of the eunferente
S.cretary Carlisle stated that a general in-
terc!tatige of opinion as t , tite a. pe of the
i iastructionsto be given the Coated states
agent un the Beal islaitde and 1., tete naval
offices au the Behring sea chart took plass
and a better understanding of the situation
and conditions was trochee!. The limit of
catches allowed the North .American Com
menial ('om patsy- bae not yet \teen deed by
the United States. It is understood that
they will be within the next few days. It
is uudsr.tuod \bat another question de
ensued was lltum what pint in the
)'rib toff isisul. tits sixty -utile rune
established by the Paris tribnnal, should
be measured, as the blatels are a number
of *ilea apart and oblong in shape, rang
keg in length from 10 to 20 miles
The Goreraor \'Mer Ir portal Iastr■rtlw
Fortner Prorogues the Uouse,
Sr. Josx'n, N&L, April 28. -Governor
O'Brien has farther prur...ined the Legis-
lature to May 23, acting under instructions
from the ltritish Cabinet advising him to
be guided by his ministers, pranisiug to
prosect pito its the matter of revenue and
urging trim to force trials to an issue. The
1'rhiteeree fes wets-mwrtbiy disappointed.
They counted nit dieseluti'un. it II certain
now there is no prospect but to face their
7t.atreal Tea Mea Pensees\.
DloaralaL, April 23.-A meeting of
' about 20 o1 the leading tea sud cuffee tier
ebeets of Mon:'reatwas held in the Board
of Trade to (haematite amended, tea duties
as brongbt down in the Tease of
l uum.nti. The -ge:ten i coticrnane of
opinion was that the &iters as explained
by Mr. Foster on the 6:u natant were eu-
tirelyJ satisfactory, and "a motion of Mr.
1C. !t. Strofid, of 1C D. Stroud & Po.,
seconded by W. 'Kesi(pey, of Keat ney
Bros., it wee res.:rent 'that the wholesale
tea ituporters and xhulrrale bruc.r.
Loewe' of the city '1 M, i treat that the
amendments to the tariff as reported by
the newapa en do not meet with
their approval. but decide to voice their
warm approval of the tariff as expressed
by the Finance Minister in Parliament on
the 5th inst, and that all teas and coffee*
not Buttoned direct (tunas the country of
growth on a thorough bill of
be subject to 10 per cent. duty, thereby act•
creasing direct importenuia from the
country of growth and production.
Termite area Slays a /farrow aLrape.
Be creno, April 23. --George B. Boyd
and A. Wilkie, of Toronto, Out, had a
narrow escape from death here on Satur-
day evening. They came its on the even
ing train and took a t}rriage at the depot
for the Iroquois Lister The ng bad just
turned to start when it was run (oto by a
trolley car and both gentlemen were
thrown out, but luckily escaped serious
injury. They arrivel at the hotel some
what bruised and ahntten, lent later in tno
night were not feeling much the worse
for what might Lave been a very serious'
Attempt to Mara Niagara teller Meek.
NIA/UARA !''AI.t.'t (Mt., April 20. -
Another dastardly attempt wee made to
barn Buckley'. roller rink on )'ark street
The building is • large frame structure
and occupied try M. Lt. Buckley & Co. as
furniture wareroottur The blue wee
noticed by Night Clerk el Neil of the G.
T. R. refreshment rano while on his way
bom., who pre the starlet. The to was
started in the ba'emeur, and was extin-
gn al ed before any damage .was done to
the building or contents. Thl• is the third
tone this building has had the torch ap•
o�ie.! to it daring the last three years.
A Meter's narrow tsrape.
Indere, (Mt, April 21.-A railway
entering accident with a remarkable termi•
nation uceerred at the asylum crossing of
the Grand Trunk at Pottersbnrg, John
Robinson, a painter in the employ of It
Lewis & ('o., was mining to work and had
to come over tote crossing en bb way. He
le very deaf, ani Net as he stepped on the
track he was strnek by a freight train and
carrael about a quarter of a mile before
the train could stop it the down grade
jest wet of the city Inuits, Strange to
say the man essaped shit t.enthel.•.
A5•ther rooked foam., Captured.
IN air 1'oI.M,nxx, April 23. -The (k,ven
mem fishery inspector's tug ih.lpbin,('apt.
Peterson, male another raid on the Buffalo
firms' fiaberm.a operating in Canadian
watery off this port, end captured the
Dunkirk ter; firer., ('apt Helweg, bring.
ing her Inb, this port together with her
seta and r,ab (mind In theta Tile tug
Gram has been tied ep here by the fishery
Inspector, Mr. Kerr, of Hamilton. and put
her In charge of the cmtome offiedala
('epi' Helweg says he wee not swan that
be was In Canadian water
A aweple/.sa Death la Mo.temst.
yrs mutat. April 25--(,'ornner McMahon•
of this elty, has Ordered as Investigation
hoe the death of Mra ('lift, who died
under what is regarded as mysterious civ
cem.tances. Mrs a' ift had been ailing
for a long thee. Mut the doctors refined to
give • rortlaeMs of death.
Ono elmorlaS Ill• wire.
RRAxrpAst April 21. -At the
Rr.nt .pp�e11� >tirmer (eoby.d)
was rhw� ►k wdt., 'i'h.
"Only the Scars
Says HLKAY IlrDsox, of the Jas
Slit Itll Woolen
Machinery Co.,
alto certi-
fies n, follows:
" Among the
many testi sen".
ads wht,•h 1 uv
I11 re,;nnt tome.
t a i u ui.rlielnee
cut. b el••a log
the blond, etc.,
non • Iinprose me
inaro ti .t my
ORD ease.
Twenty y.•ar4
ago, at the age
ofterrain. [hod
swellings ensue
ou toy legs,
w lade 1 broke and
became rusts
liar lamhly phy.
a:. could de
MO no goo.!, and it was (cared that the
bones would bo at!,.terl. At last, my
good old
Mother Urged Me
to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles, the sores b••a1, .1, and 1 have not
been troubled amen. Only the seats
remain, and the memory of the
past, to reeled me of the good
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Isar done re.
I now weigh two hundred and twenty
pounds, and am its the best of health.
I have been on the road for the past
twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar-
saparilla advertised in all parts of the
t oited States, and always take pleas.
are le telling what goud it did for mo'•
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A j e r a Co., LowellifbINA
Cures others, wi l l cu re yois
• College GIH WY* (-oald take Mead.
" Bread, ' exclaimed a 1'asaar (College
girl. " Bread ' Well, I should say I could
bake bread. 11'e studied that in our tiro
year. You see the yeast f,rmebts and the
kat t1r a formed permeates everywhere, and
transforms the pi•stic material ante a clear•
ly obvious autunuc structure, and then
" But what is the plastic metered you 'peek
of'" "11h ' that is commonly called the
sponge." " But how do you make this
sponge " Why, you don't make it ; the
cook attends to that. Then we teat the
sponge with the thermometer and hydro
meter and • lot of other instruments, the
names of which I don't remember, and thee
hand it back to the cook, ao•l I obin t know
what she does with it then, Ind• where it
comes on the table it jun •p:endu•1 "
"Halt • span el angry steel" will produce
nn mare r multi than a ee.lecte 1 .•old or
cough. For all throat and Nov timeess,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best remedy.
It is inva'u.' 1. a ave of neut., whooping
couch, prom flies, end la Cripps,
Dr. Fowler's
Extract of 1Cil.1 Strawberry is a reliit.le
remedy that can always he depended on
to cure chided, choler. infantum. (011C,
cramp*, diarrhoea, dy,e'utery, anal all
k.umtue,ls of the bows:a It is a pure
Ext ract
containing all the virtues of Wild Straw.
berry, one of the safest awl surest cures
far all simmer complaints, combined
with other harmless yet prornpt curative
agents, well known to nodical science.
The leaves'
of Wild
Strawberry were known by the Indians
to be an excellent remedy for diarrhots,
elyeentery an.1 hemline of the bowels;
but medical a deuce has placed before
the public in Dr Fowler's Ext. of Wild
• complete and effectual euro for all
those elitrenaiug and often dangerous
complaints no common in this change.
able climate.
It hes stool the teed fur 40 years, and
hundreds of liven have been saved by its
prompt use. N9 other remedy always
summer eompplwuils an promptly, (pieta
the pain ax, effectually and allays irrfts.
lion so sun-eat/ally as this unrivalled
prescription of 11r. Fowler. If y'oe are
going to travel this
be anre and tales • kettle with yttt. It
overcomes safely and quickly the dis-
tressing summer complaint so often
ceased by change of air and water. and
in also • specific ageinN seasickness,
and all bowel
Price *5.,,. Beware of imitations and
sob.titutee soul by oerrnonlots dedere
for the sake of greater pryIt,
Y�1fV Ut.M11'ATUR
•`1• •.r r1 , ,•.7,I• Kt w ems.
S/» Hp( and Anpdote for
Impure• and impoverished blond, aye
mina, •lo.ylotaaiss, palpitating% of the
hear, h.rr .r'w,ppl1a�int, acerwlgia, I.s
Inestory, t•rrrliite, enmsen%p(ina, gall
stories, jaundoe, kidney wail urinary
themes*, St Vilna' dames, female irreg.
■laritsee aOa ,••neral 40MTlty.
J M Nc I. K 0 D.
1'Taer.e... sad MY■fa.turee.
hamE.H.. averse' 6taevArou sag as
YM i
dl theINT Iv.
•r, ass. au marinas is Iowa.b.twesa
sae/ T
3Do You =ec.0,s�
1re ay'
1 All left over is st a PRICE that will BELL them,
20c. and 25c. Papers for 12c.
15a. and 18c. Papers for 10c.
Elegant New Papers, 5c., 7c , v.nd
17 12 1-2 cts.
Special Line at 10c.
Better Papers at 15c., 20c. and 25c.
e- -
to Match Our Own Papers.
Metropolitan Fashion Sheets free to Customers.
ham' managers tell reiepbear f..
Booksellers and Stationers.
makes o1.1 furniture look new. You ono ap
sly 0 yc utecif. It r1100141 to •orease.d.
Give the pipes ■ .oat telrre putting away.
owl prevent rust.
P7.0171112 A rn OAADZN SIEDS
tin packages.,
I(••aoi our '•11„uset'lrctijo'
.. i l.•• 1,.
For Horses and (-at .r,
For all ('..t, and SorsaSorsa
it- . Look em .ry honor .hou!,l -teat.•
W. C. GOOSE. Chemist.
Having lately returned from a trip to the leading Millinery Market.,
where 1 hate been purchasing a stock of all 'that is new sod artistic in the
:Millinery Line for this $'e Trwle, 1 am now prepared to show you tit-
Latest Styles in Shapes and Trimmings,
A ('ALL IS K}:3P}:l'TFt f.l.\ M, libO.
Personal i
Sprjr�i- at hand, and after ll.,useeleanins ret wild want ft
K'.• Iiate• the i.Ar'e.t and C'Iuap'q Aa.urtntent in Town.
Before buying call and get priest.
50 - TOILET SETS - 50
die•'.V/ fleitgng to select from. intpe•3ion invited,
011A.S. Am NA.rr
IR. •
The Fact
tett -EDDY'S Indurat-
ed Fibreware Tubs and
Pails are being sold so
they are rapidly sup-
planting the old-fashion-
ed Iron -hooked, swell-
ing and shrinking wood-
en Pails and Tubs.
J- 212:t'OpH Er - tit BON
Name tided to their present lruNail'sinem one of B. J. Nail's Latest Style
Hearses, Of OIty Hees, also • 11e finest line of funeral furaiehiage in tits county,
and are now prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable
This department will be strictly attended to by hie gen Williams, whs. being
in the employ of the lab D. °onion for the past tet years, has • b Aatherwairbre knowledge of the btainem, and by prompt attention hopes are pert of Hsi
sol.w patronage.
. Remember the place-Weelt+>t, en year way to the pet
nares ssi W I lL A cell
b nae swath Is a411121
prisoner wee �t I oma/seas 1.... sig 1►.rh.. J. BROPHF.IY & SON.