HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-26, Page 44
,s l•eltYwtm
N M. U 4RI rUt.
Men of PcWlesriss-a eget K Neeth+ernr.
U•.l-xtelt. shoe ,,k
Torso.. of Nherrg 10 r
t .....
iso roosts P. in airames- •. • .
Raw aloisrhq - ,
Is ae eA, the •. re t e r
' •.. .1, at T.cr tabrl.
Tear : t:v14 • audit er •• •-••tt • of t4:c date
;ea • :•,Id nn. e... that tl is act
•.: • • h' arm.. r.
L: • rho. ..- .•f rot, -w4 e'ieiFd. !tuth
tete eta aro t t.: n. w ..40,...hot id be Kiva..
adierilla. seer.
1..0111 11114 .Meer uonus ..here oorneutw tee.
per Luc her lint iI ',rtwu. • • 4 1 11, (. r 1.1•
mer e• h ..doe. ,neat inw.el ion, Mea,oved br
a asap•nll smaloa
Re nee. cards ot dr lines and nadir. $3 per
Advenlacmelets of Leo 1•ele.% ''rays.:,
Aftn*chaos V.Mart, •a'IaMteos Weeted end
tu,samn•.a . teener* •i_.ate4. not evele.A;ag
(ice•, t....11 .11e f p•,
t lo:era , n Nnl •enol 4'.'e . ••n "•'e, 0.1 to
.v•e•4 r l.reit, tilt ler eras mouth. Mr. per •'a'.-
aouurat month. 1.•rrer ado•.. In eerie Mien
grit"•pe. •.! i •''. ••, t•• .• . • • cb 4 to
meruole it•••• tre,•siary benefit Or our sad,
tl.•sl or •out tt :o t. .,t.stdered u
von is. •n. -' see r1a_•.v' te.c. •a' -••i.
lo•Owl nm ietel i1 woo. owe1 ! w. tone • ..nt per
Seed. Ma e,k Wee h>a smear �4•
Loma •otter. 4., 0111, 111f r 1s t
rept• p o -r ice• Vn 1k... f -e • •. )Y'••
WOO 4100 /.,r moor -n.•• r..4 Allier ..1•.••.,.se aim!
hare% ..but ,aetu'anileer h.•1. r.it%
•in.u•r.•tst rs•bwvt tahrrtiw1.es•.
• It
1 U)
r 1 :)
A 11..ilr.: nct.ber of oo:: •t' :,:rtrin,e
Ott .'e
•.-!fl l.e 'nvole.• at •1.e rot...). 1r r t.. :
mer L, n. eerie. -rate•. toot 40
1,41( ;ns ,t.•.ee ...... .......... 1 10
•t r n'' ..... 3 : m
e -•n v R• . .5.0
t.o. ase itrl•s. Ie. ,.e l..., l .isms• cru 1•.".'O 41
k: •:h . :: L.• a.. r.•:,.1 er •lw.:e wr,a s
44.r n r'..1 -..i.. .. '.,. beer 8t . pa. moa •
ar •t•...• r_ .. .: ,.c toq... to ,,..r e -wt. - i etc
wrath c' ,,,a n• nr•cn-••• we • .oars. There
01.1.,x•16u... a... t.t'..ra :. essimaui..
110C11 *'The et�urt" .►Mtr•e r.
Rnhccr'twr when.: •., r • f.I. .1•••,.1,
rt•Srlerly. cotter •,• ..:.1 , r a, . mid
rain►.r • fnrdr he ••4.:'4 niacin( as of 1 W Iatm i t
0. early tidiness ,o9...ul0. .
Releetel :nennsr•-1•e•..•,�wrr i.. rot stood,
1'anwelamdenee toilet o-1 le runes V,a U. side
of patter out).
P ublisher's Weelee,
J. C. Le Touzel, of God. rkcb, Las two r p
pointed 1oo•.1'rraveiling Agent fur the tow .
shipe of (loder.ch, Colborne. Ashfield and R'.
Lo••al pommaeten over ehe district aro alto
empowered to receive .ubecriptloos to Teti
Blow Al.
All communications must be addressed to
D. McU1LLIl'(J)DY,
Tun emtesl.
Telephone Collie. Ooderiek. Oat.
O11DU1CR. T911 AT. APRIL 34. NIL
IiY the :action .,f young Ti rrF:tt in
the matter of takior parliamentary e. t
dose@ under oath, that interesting scion of
codfish aristocracy would be clubbed by tl e
fie -Mac Indians in the N,rimaehi darn. t
by the euphonious appellation of " \ oucg-
Man -Afraid -of • I n vestigat.ion. "
‘1 -01 -LU it not he well for the whole.
(.o00ervative Government to send in their
resignation•, and slow that talented patriot
for revenue ouly, 1\'et.t.Ltse F,.t.ev MIA. -
LLAJr, to run this country at his own awes'
will W. F. is the apostle of protoetioo,and
so loop as he can make 130 or 150 Der cent
out of it, through the medium ot his boiler
plate factory in Toronto, he will be loyal to
it ; but if any Siva of the system tumbling
down appears the able young journalistic
serobst will get from ander just as soon a•
any of :hem.
FROM the Ottawa tin rlinnientary
reports we are almost inclined to the belief
that the government has appointed the
Hoa. Cellist' WAJJ.Awt professional boun-
cer tor the party. At the present tome he u
fall of bounce and bluster, and Seems to
seek every opportunity of making himself
as objectionable as possible to the OppoSi-
tioo members. Monday last he wee "called
down " by Dr. I.A • intik t N, and had to take
refuge behind • ruling of the Speaker.
WALLA. x is a big pumpkin at Woodbridge,
Lut he is • small potato at (kt$ &
UP to the time of ming to press we
have not been favored with a oory of the
platform upon which that ambitious pro-
vincial Statesman, WIIJJAw RALr. Maar-
ntrrt, sill aro before the electors in 1894.
We know all shoot the "Fact. for the Irish
Electors" io 1883, and the change of trent in
1886, and the appeals ag•inet those whom he
he wee blessed to term the 'common
enemy," in 1890: bot he has acted es 'cute
aS • pet fox so tar as giving indienuoos of
his attitmdo In the presses year of grace,
Comm, Mtsapmt, let have it. Is it the
MONTAcn=or the I'Art-urs this tiwle.
Til F. ailment+ of the War Lord from
tl military ball Friday evening Met was
beyond question • hitter disappointment to
many who attended from &diets:wo ad who
ware desirous of twine the Hoa. Jrutre
4' rasa in his fell rornmentals. Tbe light
hu,rar drew jacket, with the steak s
gold braid over the manly bosom of the head
and front of Canada's able defenders• would
be . sight to beholden, whilst the military
nemeses, with the stripes down the sides,
would make the yes of all beholden to
bang oat larger than mooera It 4. really
too bed the Hon. .1. C. P didn't coons this
(T would be interesting to know who
undertook to take the prtre.tatios of the
police magistrate case cot of the hands of
the local representative and placed It in the
hands of Mr. W;erre ns. The gasman -Is ie
of purely local importance, ad the endeavor
to give It • provincial aspect doee not speak
well for the j.dgment of the clique at this
sad that has bees endeavoring to work
the ease ,stir • poHkia•1 moos bio meek
time, energy tied mosey would net be used
by the gine i. 8gkti g toe &evolutionist es
less the, was e.nseiome that they wo.ld
sustain • leas, peenniar1y or otherwise whew
ahaagipssemee1 M u,4.. W►o, pin the
" auks of " slew •
THE patitlos against the amooirnt
meet of • pales m emeerota j• C iederteA, t
'Wr was forwarded te Mr. tisane* re,
lownew wise te the Oeversms.t, was dell the
pleased a the haaJa et 4'ruvtaciel tieurotary
(ii,atoi on April 13, by the unsmber for
West Hama, and the !enemas ackwwl
edge/meat received from the aasulaat pro
r wotal secretary
'I'uaosro, April AOtb, Iti14.
toe, 1 have the hoax t . acknowledge
the receipt et year letter el the 1.\th ineteut
Oeierint trananll=4on Of a petrtle+ •maast
the appoint meat of a Police llegetrate for
the Town of (:ed•rich, c..aeruiog which
you amt iu • resolution front the 'rosin
Council locally, and to inform you that
the prayer of the petit ion wt!f native due
1 b.ve the honor to be, './r,
four obodieot servant,
1'. 4.. l., 14,i.t.,
Aesr.1.nt :secretary.
I..1.. arrow Esq , lot'., M 1'1' ,
Hoare of Aesrml.ly.
VIE >uluutary of the report of
sial HtretEOT, which appoint on the
page of thous twee, will open the ey-
sone: 11h,, have hitherto favored the pe
nation of miluariaot in 4'ana,la. Tu
v it. hu hese opposed. always to the e
save folly of attempting W Imp up •
tory estahlehloeut in this British et
and ono anal again has put itself air
iso re•:or•l against the preens' ettemp
he put of certain would-be t'•n
ingot., to give a miliary Giant 1., the
attest.; of the rising ge.er ti,u ot thus
es til
t S1..-
Ie on
by •
earl -
a Int
Is a
ngr t
O .0
Early lest year Tier. tit. ".it drew a
ti0u to the absurdity of ecpectiup ben.
n.u'ta brow the system of military "es
that were booked to Ir held at vs
points, and showed the folly of wa n%
be money on such flamboyant nonfood
For this THE .1t•:NAI. was attacked
warrior who signs hieneelt "Stet," in
colmnos of The Empire, a'd who w
and wcakll ht that journal trims to
into !oration the fading fortunes of Ca
au nohtariam.
A esarl,ke contribu'or oh the
PJess o:f London -probably a rear rank
In the Jecey-al 7 to Batt. also talked
of hifalutin.' noneenee through the cols
of that sheet on the occasion but we a
teat the esteemed contributor has no:
ed himself an rowed against General 1
ie malting reference to the gal
Seventh up to date. Foye the,;eneral
Seventh battalion, 1 don: "It
.iuestion whether this batta a worth
tanning. As • military organ: Hon at i
no value."
What will the Free Press or its jingo
trthutor say to that endorsstiou of
Tett Sine 41. meted last year` \\'e p
fora reply-.
As late as Nov. 20, 1893, Tito Si.;
published .n article on Curdles imago
by the volunteer system, and aero
other strictures the followeeg appeared
• ll is a matter for congratulation that
effort• thus tar to perpetuate the pans
of militarism io Camels have proved
avaihwr. Evicept an ooe or two cities
idea of young men wasting their time
ploying at soldiering is frowned down,
in the smaller towns and rural dutr
volunteer battalions cannot be held
gether because the hard (minnow *eine
the people le cpp�ed to the waste of ti
and money iov.,lved in keeping up the m
bemire Institution.
Canada at the penmen time u throwing
away a lot of reel money uselessly no the
effort to keep up the rhosrly appearance
of militarism so bleb at present ',reveals. in
case . t war the forte it now wastes ate
money upon would be useless for defence,
and to time of peace It is not required. It
is neither ornamental nor usetul and should
be abolished.
The whole system u a humbug from start
to finish, and is only seconded to give fat
offices to a number of meu who, if they
were not alleged officers of the " Canadian
army," would have no viable mens of sup-
port. Let the hollow mockery cease.
la the light of the retort of the mom -
mender -in -chief of Canada it seems that the
opinion of Tits 4i.. s*, with reference to the
naMessa. of endeavnnnv to establish a
coma endow) in the 1)ootinioo has been
stroaply endorsed. The military idea is
wag; the cost of keeping it up is a rot.
bsry ; the entire system 4.a humbug.
ON Wednead•y of last week Mr.
4.504400, in the Lerielestre withdrew his
bill to amend the Ontario Flection Aet, by
allowing residents d Canada who. owine
to the ahem law of the United Stats, have
beets compelled to beoom. American citl-
rens, hot who still reside) to Casads and ful-
fil all the Mhos' of Casedka eitiassebip, to
have the privilege of the fraschis. The
bill wee witbdrow. owing W the desire of
the (Sovernm.st to aloes .p all bashes= be-
fore the Img4laturo and prorogue the House
daring the present week.
Mr. (:ARnow's bill aims to deal with a
grievance that exists in every border aid
Iakeport town in ('wade. Owing to the
Americas Alice Act, ('.medians who seek
employment acro. the lie are liable t. kw
deported unity they comol7 with the re-
elatremteats, which provide that the most
prompt steps be taken toward. American
This provision of the Americas A hen Art
hes compelled • number of milers. engtn•een,
fireman and others who live in ('.nada
sad whole families live in the Dominion, to
take out American naturoliratton papers, no
that darter the Summer mamthe they may
be enabled to ears their living. There is
no abaedenment of l'aseAa orinnertad with
the matter m their mind, and the fact that
they prefer 10 lire as thte side of the bee
mei •veil themselves of ell the prtvilegee of
!Maa•dian editorship, when not employed
u their vocation, is prose posture that al-
though they have been forced to take out
Americas papers, they have sever ie Mud%
reaemsesd t aeadias cit.etehip
Thee w =any of this clan. in Gedwioh
tsid ether lake porta, who support Waobble,
N7 taxes, keep up wheedle and fulfil evafp�
ether foactios of .iti,enehip, who bare
beet (weed by the evtetanes of their mil-
ling to take eat Amorists ..s.r.vetime
Masten. at empte .re made to pall then
votes, sad If the eer.trsseoe are roma seamy
votes of this clam are ekes Polled, contrary
to the enemas law.
The pnsutpls of Mr. GAaauw', hill is
right, sad world throw down barriers whish
at present abut out from the poll an who
are at heart as good 4'asadyne assay whole
names are on the list without chalkier)
We bops so ole at is the sear future ern
bodied in I.giSlatimm.
‘' E111' little, if any, . hauge for the
better ties been made in the law of
label by the Legielature lust closing. Dar-
ing the di.cuasise were of the lawyers in
the Hoare have gime out of their way to
cast reflectione upon the press, and right
here we might state u whore the logal nom
in .tuestou exposed their hand.
We have :)sets informed that at the pree-
eat time to certain parts of 4'amide,
there are low-down members of the
legal protesnion, drs!atute of practice end
devoid of principle .ent•bleehysten who
fin want of • regular means of support, run
legal "joints" w the eateries of bl&ekuai:-
ere, who hope that, by bringing actions f. r
libel against newspapers node! the casting
law, the publishers of the Journals cremes
whict, the write have been issued Mar be
forced into piny Ing 425 or 050 blond uwuey
to have the action withdraws,. of course
there are so such disreputable lawyers In
Huron County, but we are 'Wormed that
they are numerous elsewhere.
If the Dress of this cuuntry were true
to itself a proper libel 4w could he place.}
upon the statute book, but so long u the
Canadian frees As.ocistio., .filly -dally with
the nutter, just so long will proper legtek.
Lit:on he deferred.
When General .Hteheitt wit; riving
his opinion about in.e=pstent mint. ot-
ticent It u a pity he oeidn't place on record
his honest opinion as to the military capacity
of the Hon. I. t'. PArtemonoe, %listeter of
Militia, or has predecessor, the unepeak:b:e
Sir Atootot1L
ll-anlen JI''uL, of ileo l.l•ntrnl
1'rieos, Toronto, 11 a big mac physically,
but of late hu head has swelled out of all
proportion to the remainder of his Moly.
His anouth, however, has widened as h:s
bead swelled • aid tt was never a ro,ebo•',
A gentleman naulel Tttonr,lclui.1:,
Ina been •in,etly but firmly explaining the
beauties ot Mie tariff to the remideets of
Windsor and vicinity. The "Hos." JOHN
Trow nttn.oy: hails from Toronto, and is do.
iog special customs ae:eares in the Itchy
Patron ran•ii•Latr,cousol.1.1, we an
informed, has renounced Tory political
world, flesh and devil, it �e turned his
back resolutely uoou the Crensei" tire idols
01 every description. ilei al . t good
enough to be • Grit, now.
The Union .lack, mast high on th
tall pole of the Bank of Commerce buillin
sod the rod, red rose on the coat lapel o
manager R. S. WILt.asti ,4tuu,fay last,wers.
conclusive proofs sheat Sr. I George's t).y had
again come round.
rhos legal sharp; over the country
who act ea agents for blackmailers of wire -
papers between Miefa, oro still in a
position to ply their nefarious calling. The
inigoitoue libel bill practically remalna un-
4'n,•le "Utak T•e.Lg1, the veteran
representative of Fast Middlesex, will this
year bid adieu to his place in Ontario.
Legislative hall, and the sham that knew
him shell kuow him eo more.
Somebody has been loading up M.
Worrier, M.i'P., to "run down the town
of (:oderich,' bygiviortheanti policemspu
trate petition a status on the door of the Pro-
vincial parliament.
General H►eters rather alappel
with the flat of his .wont that fiery warrior
Col. I)akt;os, of European fame, when he
Imitated the cavalry movement oat on the
Hamilton road.
The town of Goilerich Ines not I'een
anything out of pocket by denuding Mayor
Borten of the civic ehsirmasehips--not
even on the Small item of electric light
The uml,rell• business i'. being Me-
tered by the present Government s, that
the members caw have soma shelter whoa
the political rain storm breaks over thee&
The candidature in die Conserva-
tive interest for the city of Leedom k, from
the party Staadpni•t, a 6t a.d proper peat.
lion o. he held by a " capable outsider."
Now that the French treaty Iota to
h. ratified, •what about that treaty with
Spain that Sir t'H,RI.r-• has been wreetliao
with for le. th... many Tears'
Ti.. Patrons of West Iluron w ill
meet to convention shortly to hung oat •
es•dedite against the Hon. .1. C. pant
we, so it u said.
The gran.} militart Lsll turne.1 out
to be • very coal Iatartaumt.et, .ad gave
great setiM•et.oe to the participant&
This amok many an able bodied leg-
islative m•ts.m•e will nod farewell -&keg
to all hs greateaus.
is strange what a liking `lir (std.
tea �. Ism throabi� kis egposent. in Me
y► 41gt1gk d Jas.
TtfAmttmidk : Mrs
of our onteam.d Mead, tar I..i,
papers, .ed it at for that rhes is Perusals, Teekewemmith, left on Tuesday het f.,
chat Mr G 41R..w'. e.tss,lmeat Le the Mee AhI.o., K.aaes, ea • .Si to het tMellbtw.
lea law roes 44...,..,4 They are of all l� h harm* her eightieth year
is velitica, nisi tier ranee w w took t pc.._, without M.
Miehad Wig/Masa lesohta4ls• of fear V bevelled
M totes' lists At every the tread es messed former .ars on
OTTAWA, April 17.- -Mr. Devi'', to the
Comm..'s& has iutrudncei • bill to further
amend the Act reapectiug the Northwest
T emturiea
Mr. Milk (Bothwell, m0,ed • resolution
providing that eh" .rale ,r timber from
ludtau marvels *bald he trade .only by
•UCtluu. lie said that Moe was the peso -
doe in thit•rio. where proem were, better
than were moneyed fur j)„wiaiou lauds.
Sir John Thompson said that the ubjt+
tion to auction Was t,.•t the pulcheesre
might combine at auction sale to keep
duwu the pries. He moved an aimeudn,sut
reserving to tie liovernaeut the nest to
sell by mita., or auction.
After rot,.. Sir Richard Cartwright dr
Demoted a vote ou the .laretiuu as to
whether or not the t:overuw.'ut should be
allowed w nee their discretion to the mat-
ter of disposing of Indian rodent timber
berths. A vote was taken, resulting w the
adoption of Sir Job,, 'flium}+.u.r amend
meat by a majority of 23.
11,TAWA, April 18 --flee House of ('um
to.a,r went into committee of ways nod
weans to euusider the uav: tariff.
Schedule "A," dealing w,th ale.. beers,
wines and hquora, wan ti,et taken up.
I In the It.ur " Urs ,tic►, t I per cent.
ad valorem,"
Mutt. lir Foster moral au aweudtueut
(bat the tartf be 11 c• nes per }•• nod alto
that weals be classed s ft/110•1..-..11111114,
rte.., cents per pound; meat". fresh,
o.e.s., 3 mute per pound, canoed meaty'
ltry anal
ame, 23
.4d alotrem. •a'11*. brought purer nudes -
the '• meats, ince., 2 co•t.41 per pionnd"
Mr. F'uerer'r ameunweu: carried.
Hai. lir. Foster w•':n1 that Cuuden.ed
milk be 3 ream p.er pound. This was w
prevent mudrnsol w,ik of low quality be -
.'Ing brought in from tits united Staten
This Item Was rarr.rj.
The nett :aro const :reed was barley, os,
which the liurerument proposed to leave
the old duly of la cen:s a bushel,
Hon A. F. Barns, the newly appointed
:Senator, was introduce.} into t•s Raabe
yesterday by Hon. Messrs. Howell cud
Anger* and took his tent.
OTTAWA, April 11'.--ln the Comatose
Mr. Rider introduced his bill 10 taetlitate
the voting by employes .t elections fur
members of the House of Cumwuns by.
poor idumg that every employs shad have
two bouts •t noun for the purpose of ca.:
tug • his vote. ' h.• bill was reed s first
lir. McDougall, of tape Hretuu, soved
for copse. o1 all correspondence between
the lkominion Government and her
Majnoty's Government on the sobjeet of
the mount by the Rnesisu cringer Zabiaka
of the C'aradien schooner Harry McGowan
on the North Pacific •.cern an Jnue, 19192.
The motion .`erned.
Ur. McGregor mor.•,} for copies of al
urder•iu council and departmental order*
now tea force in -the province of Ontario
concerning fisheries (41erei0, and of all
petitions rec iced by the department with
regard to the same.
After recess the f•.:lowing private bels
were read a second time:
Kir James Gran:- To iueurpwrate the
(Rtes.• Electric ('ump*ov,
Sir .lame. Grant-Ilspe,•ting the Chea•
.Hero Electric Light and Power Company
Cluuiledi, and to change the name thereof
to the 1 fttaws Electric Company.
OTTAWA. April 20.-Ou the adoption of
the first and se•.•ond reports of the Pu'll4
Accurate Committee yesterday. Mr. Mul.ok
oral to ameudweut that in acconjan
wi the resuiution unanimously adult
by th ours l0 1991.2, it ,s desirable th
any wit appearing before the i'ubl
Accounts ' mwlttee shall be etemin
uudsr o•tt 1 atlirmatiou tonchiug
matters comic before that com:uittre
Torsion%, April 17. -Ir the legbalrtwre
yeelerdsy, Sir Oliver Mowat's L114 to ea.
atue Boards of Trade: iu cities to app.
gel / nrbitrstors for certain purpt
was raa ; a third time.
lir hart'e ball to regulate the mil.
goods eutru.tavl to agents was diecuaae!
c.unrtt:ttee. The object of the bill u
lega:,ce the Lartertug of goods where t
a sercentee agent is in p.waeriou of gum
w,th the consent of the owner. lis t
Legal C'onitutptttee, however, ou ameudme
was added aklpdillattng that the Ageut
.0 1, caa.'ruuet Ile provided with the mer
ten auhuntj of the mauul,cturer.
The committee role au 1 mooned pr
gross, the order was J111Chargr•.t sol t
bill was sent W the Legal l'..aumit:et%
Mr ( uarltuu'a Lill prortdiug for t
maintenance by lowurbllr of bridgee b.
detlug township boundary Mum reosiral
second reading.
Hou lir. (Almon moved aha Hon
again into committee un the 41111 for t
punishment ot personation at election
Hou. lir. (itbson said he wished to slat
amendment to the bill, waking its pn
1101,1 apply to ell cities, town mud Magee
where tho re was a to ice nowise -rat
'1'olwosni. April 141 -Mr. Clancy aural
brought up his motion in the Leguletu
yesterday that the 44141110 accounts for t
year I '9:1 Ce inferred to the Public A
counts Committee, with Instructions
call and elsutiue witnesses In relatwn
all Mutters affecting or relating to the e
peutlifures' twutiseti w with the resist
of kgs iu the provluce,
Sir Wirer Mowat raid, in reply, that
l,overnment 41x4 nu desire to shelter a
official in wrongdoing. He ..:owed to
went, therefore, that the committee ha
power to call and exau:me 11111111,1111••
any subject of tu,portaure affecting t
revenue end 5:pendetury fur the pruv:e
for rise said year; and, It being alle4
that a return wade for the inforinatio n
the 11ou•.e by the registrar of Fits
Northumberlend s to the ex: tomes of h
.4.,. was mat. dally too ornrt, the C.
"lattice was authorised as a rootlet refs
runes le this beualf t • ,v..4ntre ors ho 14
accuracy of the •, .4 re, irtr.,r's
mens* and expwnwe•. and t.• call and e
amine auto.l•* Ut reference thereto. '
Mr. A F' 1\'o.od 4Hastuig.4 blamed t41
tiooennneut tor cuueavoriug toiler
pl•u0Ible pretext to burk the eugntry. H
moved In aweudtneut to the a:i:endn►en
.hat the committee be autisorieel to es
amine witnesses as to the inspection of a
:egirtry offices for which the wary of in
specu.i ..1 registry olbces is paid.
The 411"ose.ltvidel and the madmen
to the alioudwent was lost by t0 to ,4h
pion .stir. Gibson '• bail nepe•cting wort
ga;,•.s ail sales of pwrse•n*l property w
read a third time.
1 TuW oro, April 19. -Dr. Ilea:, a.:
moved in the Ley;ialstare yesterday tot
taunt showing what arneent u1 the pa411i
.46•.01 grant -not inc:uding the pno,
.c!,00pr rant -was app ortlot:ed to cities
towns nisi thole incorpor•te1 villages iron
tanning high sebo.ds and cullegiste 'Heti
tants fur tike years 1841.1 and 111442 re
spectively, and Ole amount to the remain
tog mnhlclposiltrs .4 41.11•roviuce.
The House thou went into Committee e
Supply and after p aesiog a &umber .,
Arius for the motnte-uwte of public Mai
tution•, reported progress
Hon. lir. Ilebeoes tae loan:traced a bill
respectin;; benefit ax•ietie., --which was
given • first reading.
cn Toauyro, .tp.ril 20. -The following bills
r1 received their tuird readtnge In the Legis -
111Wlature yht•rley. 1
a. •
wkwnuatlo., of inarrage.-Thi Attorney-
/ G.uaral. To couw.lhl•te the debenture
Ur. Mukak tonic 1 i ground that all wi
ueaas before the I' lie Account. Co
mitten onghe,to , • pine under the sari
tity ui au u.•t41.
ilr l'bnrlea Hilbert iTu r mot
til au.endismnt that the tumid
should rte ailowe•1 authority to a in
under meth when it appeared n
1 he au,endmeiii was carried ou a div
shun of 110 to 64.
Mr. (inset asked if it was the intention
of the Government to advise that cum•
muutcatem be wade to the Lieutenant-
iusernor of Manitoba and to hots responsi-
ble ad steer., urgently requesting that th
complaints set forth by the !toenail t.'.th
lies of that province Lahore the i ominb
Government in their petition sines 1491
be carefully enquired into, and that th
whole subject be renewed by the Govern
meet and the Legi.lative Assembly of t41a
province, in unto, that redress be given by
such laws or unendmente as may be found
necessary to meet the just grievances and
complaiuts of the said Roman t,atbolics.
Sir John 'Thompson said in reply that ,t
was the intention of the Government to
communicate with the Liont.ua.1-(iov.rsur
of Manitoba with reference to some of the
petitions which had been presented su,ce
()WAWA, April 21. -The Hoene wan.'
into Committee of Ways and Means on the
t.rtf rssardsr
(1n t4e item ..f oatmeal. which appeared
iu the tariff resolutions .t 50 con's per
barrel, Hon. Mr Foster moved in einem!.
scot that the duty M 20 per cent. *4
valorem. He explained that at preload
rotations this would be a duty rah about W "cots a barrel.
( ►n fbe item of rice Hon Mr. Foster
moved that the new tariff be changed from
5 lel to 3.10 cont per p.nnnd on aucle.oed,
nn41nllel or `paddy" ries rod to have the'
old ditty of l j cents pet pound an Climatal
nee. Thio wes Jones he acid, in order to
erseerv' the rico milling industry. The
rice hal to Is cleaned somewhere, and it
might jest s well be cleaned in Canada,
where labor nuld int employed.
Roth 'feta pawl.
After rerese these Ltll•wee* read a third
time: Mr Raker. revesting Atlantic and
Northwest Railway e'en Mr, N'hite (Cald-
wellt, respecting Ik11 Telephone Co. Mr.
M iron to incorporate the Duluth, Nep4
goon and James play Railway ('o,
The enamors mining to tea and poem
coffee were struck not a1d the following
new item ante..lncwl:
Mr. Fasted said he 1.b•d to odd the
following M the fro list
"Tea and gram coffee imported direct
from the country of growth and pmdne. .
nom, free. This item shall Include tea '
and eofee p•trhasel In bond In an
a.nntry when tea sod cele* are *abject •
to eastontt duties, and providing that
there u satisfactory proof t,st the tea or
(-Able se pamham.l in bond is such s
might be entered for home ctnenmptinn in a
the country where th...me 4. parrha•ol.
The Item wee ordered to be printed
Mr roster moved an amendment to the
non item, as foliose:
Nob. Atoned, a... a, 3 renis
almond, waoo* Sneed Luta. fees. lb..
stashed nes, a • a, f mast. per Ib , sad
note of all kinds woe otherwise provided
for, lends per Ile T le k . eawMdes•bpe
tedastiee in the deity beefed
Aims/'twathasss w suck r 1�s Soon
shot of the town of 1'or,uto.Inntnon, awl
1- for other purpuse•-Dr, (iilmour. To
1° consolidate the debt of the town of. Pun
c Ho ad for other ear ss -Mr. Camp-
, i't's
e,, bel (Uurhuu.. " Respecting the law of
s , libel -Hon. Mr. Harcourt.
Hoa. Mr. Hardy tined the House into
e - committee on the bill regarding mines and
mining land.. He moved to amend the
bill by providing that lands Oereafter sold
leased shall hereafter be exempt from
toy ties .p (0Jan. 1, 19'10, '..mea I of for
fvey nunly.-
lir. 1': mea 'moved an amendment to
abuli,h toy ties on all lads heretofore
• I sold or leased. 11e would lite, he salt!.
a1 to ale ale •boliI of royalties altogether.
1 The amendment agreed to .and the
bill reported.
' f Ur. I:,llmour moped th reeling
- ! of a bill providing that uhtcipalities
might return to ratepayers mon voted to
railways, where the fraiehiss ,r had
been cancelL•I.
Hon. Mr. titbeos moved the Houle it
I committee on the bill to amend the I►t-
vision (butts Act.
� •Mr. White mored to add a, am.n4mtnt
Iproviding for the payment of wanes fes
to defendants who were called to testify in
their own cause.
The motto' was deferred.
i Tollovro, .April 21 ---The hill respecting
1 Upper Canada College was referred hack
to Committee of the Whole yesterday and
a number of anandments were made The
a bill was then reported and the third read
Mg fixed for Monday.
1 (►n the motion for the thin! reading of
Sir Oliver Mowat's bill to erect Nipiesing
into • provinceal judicial ;district, Mr.
Meredith moved in amendment that the
bill be referred back to Committee of the
Whole with instructions to amend it by
ppnn,riding that nnlese the Lieutenant
Uovernor by the 1st of Junedesiguaes by
pnelamation the plan which u to be the
district town, then • rote of the people of
the district shall he taken.
The Hone* divided, and the emendm.nt
was rejectsI by 444 to 29. The bill woos
then real • third time.
tin the motion for the appointment of
dmoved toollee refer 114. bill bark to the earn
r. ltb
mitts, of the whole', for the purpose of
adding an ametidm.nt preventing the
deputy maglstr.te from obtaining for his
own nee while he 1. eating for the pollee
magistrate the fees attached to the otYle•
but providing that they shall go to the
menIeijpahty. Th. Hones went. Into .us
mimes om the bill. The ,tinendment was
agreed to, and the bill oras reported and
giten • third reeding.
Sir Oliver Mowat moved the hones into
rommlttee an lit* bill to provide for local
'sings slim High Coma •t i.00don .ad
Mr. Meredith moved an ane.dment,
which was lost I /the, clauses were pared
oil the bill wee reported.
C In the motion to go ludo committee s
apply. .ousM,r.bl. A4ecueetnn was
rested over a motion of Mr. Misssespbell,
enntiersning the (toveru'm.ut 4. sesseedioa
+tb thert.. s•n•gement s the (`rwwa (tag.
n'PLe.1 Tait and Wkp. (Mems) she
spoke, sad the Hewr divided epee 1,.
4irweaph.U's resolution whM44 was tN
by hot to IN Mr Me(>.Ilam was
1` Ylwlsad rMelliegli~ meg obi
Heromuum---At uses& - At Kakis*
i'reohy series deteh, as Weineeday W -1----y0101.
.tin, April 11. itev. W. A. Hester, die pas
tor, cited iso Wt,a H. H.tahin-
via, builder, end Miss
.laughter of Juhs Lies Aleseader, both o1
Torosa The oereiaoay, which was wit-
u..aed by a large number 0f the ladies of
the ooagrogatoow, took place at b o'clock.
The br.ddeema►de were Mi. L,vinretore, of
I.atowel, who were dreamed is pearl gray
3res-gr•ia and p•s•sesterte, sad Ma.
1't ice, of Torwto, whose gown wee of whets
caseate and u,oire .1441. The best mem
ware E Carlyle tial 4'. C. Sherif. The
bride looked charming is • Itch rows of
Duchess But, with bonitos loos end by.
oaths. After the ceremony a weddug sup.
per was partaken of at the residence of the
bride's father, and the happy Couple Ie(t on
their houeyw<am.
rail tree reedeer,
row the Na .Alton Tines.
There is much hollowoew tn the pmtw-
wous of the Metamere Oppeiilion on the queues
tuna of paying udicta4 es th as registrars,
e her,tie, we., lay fu.. A. F' Wo td Is one
.f the Iuudeet 04 the shouters, yet the Tory
4 PP. u a -fat fee feeder." As • " vela-
ator" for the l)omisiw, Government he 44.s
received the following fete in the hat tote
In 11180, for 244 days 03,896 08
In 1891, foe 18a. days 3,236 59
1. 1898. for 7.n2 days 4,274 51
1. 1893, for 161 d,y. 2,545 81
Toal f. r 8,.6 day's 413,962 00
Yet this giabter has the had taste to talk
. bout seg:.tiara' and sheriff.' lees le rub -
WiryIL F. «e. (etre��
member, is ems .t these whir •eeaft Oka r
system. While be was • tnnsher el
Logidat•re he worked of this bill of "tow
ea the I/mutants tloveratnsat
Sonless 68 days at $10 par day.. g app() 00
Living allowable -70 days at 04
K•r•iK day
•- • 346 pp
PiiUttalla/ 169 3r
Cake r 4111161.lb 4u
Total SI.:13 7f77
The Aeons-Beelleal meta A of
hula bill, hat it flINaiaod big atteah to
prove tbs hypooraey el Mr. Clarkes attack.
The people ea ease up semi name by Oleo
raw J.
Mew Is Het • •ystaldgee lions.,,'.
Read 2S " M..11y t " Soap wrapper,
beanog the' words (" Why inose • Wouuu
Look Old Strawy Than • Man ") to l.eres
Boos_ Ltd., 43 Scott -et. Toronto, mod tare
erW receive by post • pretty pieties& fret
from •dverttsu.g, and well worth frwmlug.
The is an may way to deoorate your home.
The soap is tate brat in the market and ire
will only cost !c. uo.t.gpe to send m 'toes
wrappers, if 0014 leave tke ends op •u.
Wnle your name .stefsll . ly
Hal : shoe day lest week, Wm. O'Iktca• t
the 3.d ouoosestoe, met with • very p i•:ui
accident, which will lay bins up for iso..
Naos. He ea looking for eggs, sed tot .•
to a acid/old in the baro. Thu stafiold w..
covered with Inose beside and • quantity s..1
sew. Mr tl'lig ion stepped into • h..i.
and fell through to th• flour, fracturing i...
collar -bone Considering the way the
codecs occurred it is a wonder be w., , .
+ + + + + + +
White Under-
Knit Underwear,
Blouse Waists,
Dress Goods,
Lace Curtains,
Art Muslins,
Oil -cloths,
Men's and Boys'
Straw and Fent
Shirts, .r .
Boots and Shoes.
In dealing at
this Store the
Cash Customer
his not -taxed to
help pay for the
Credit Customer
or the one who
never pays. Here
all are on one
levet all are
Cash Customers.
A Mian Ctass 5 C