HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-26, Page 2Attention In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Liver. or Dowels may prevent sariotu consequences. Indigestion. costiveness. headache, nau- sea, bilious- ness. and ver- tigo indicate certain func- tional unstiunal derange• meats. the lima remedy for whkh is Ayer's Pills. Purely vegs. table, sugar -waled, easy to take and quick to asslmllate, this Is the ideal family medicine -the must popular, safe, and useful aperient in phar- macy. Mrs. M. A. BE(KEwzLL. ll:trris, Tenn., says: •.tier's Cathartk Pills cured nee of sick headache and my husband of neuralgia. We (look there is No Better Medicine, and hare indwell many to welt. 'Thirty -eve years ago this Spring, I was son by hard work and a succession of eo which made ase so feeble that it was an effort fur toe to walk. 1 Consulted the doctor. but kept inking lower untU f lad seen up al pope of ever being tetter. /Iapprr1ng to be In a store, one day, where medicines there sold, the proprietor noticed eiy weak and sickly apfeaeaaee, and, atter a Ira questlaps as to my bealtb, reeom- mendrrl me to try Ayer's I iIIa. I had Utile frith In these as any other medicti e, but concluded. at last, to take his advice and try a hoz. Before I had used tbem all, 1 was weri much better, and two boles cured me. I am stow ee years 014; but I believe that If it had not been for Ayer's P111 , I should have been in my grave long aria 1 buy e teese every year, which make 210 boxes up to this time, and I would no more be with- out them than without brad." -H. $ Ingraham. Kock land, Ile. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer • Coo to I1. Bata Every Dose Effec Ivo POET"S CO;11,N4� Wisbt 1 c• tr. l c, beck A tittle waido 'u 1.e s buy •gait". A•jerlin; ••' th, mieners with a Iiadecrook al t 'N her the fr.K, grant in. •a I tet a m o . -the j:erp, 'N Iesslivered wuseer'e they was,wLenthey hit the water pump. Wdsht f e•/u1/1 go Gifu' ern -t th. mc•Sdet emotive sweet, 'N Leel the sassy dasies a•ticklin' o' my l•et. All the while a noddle' 'n asmiling up at tab -. Whist I could b_ek 'n he :ik.- 1 utter be. Wilda I c .ul.: y,o 1. Romer 'n find 'eta ail tb. sante As they was the day I lc f' t' make a bigger Raine : ''N see deer o:4 mother always skerry - at the rata, Like she ist,r wait far nee w 10 never i was late. • WI Mt 1 cowt,i' molt 1, there to -day, 'N Mt a tender, made .' went am • s I feel Jl :e a 'ad bel; me ion - What 1 cou!J go back a boy again. heaven '„ .e, her love. Tike whist 7 t. battle !ere with little while 's ben FARM AND GARDEN HINTS. The dna boy noels more patience end en courageme;.t on your part than dost the smart nus. "Meant to Jo it" never accomplish• d toy thing, bur ties tamed much needless work expense and worry. The three-year-old colt, if Targe and strong, may he worked iu o xeeiet.ally sa a third ttorrr, but never more then • few hours or half • day at a time, Plan for a good grass pasture for the liege during the summer. Cia.p,r and Netter pork can he made in such • pasture than, where tt • hogs are pea fed all the time. (.0 slow in 'outwit the horses in the spring'. work. Tile work is rushing, but if the horses are rush...) lobe*, they become hardened and seen/1000d to it they will soon ro "off fol'. ' Pop torn can be raiaedd ss desk as field corn and -brine's nearly three tires se much Some of the nowrr varieties grow five or six feet tall and yie:d abundantly. White rice however, is the standard tarrety. It is bettor to be behind yo .r neighbnt. In teenier your stock to pasture in the Spring if you would be ahead of them to having abundant pasturage to August when it will b.r most Deeded. Give the grass a good start, for the cattle will catch up with it. If you have a good garden, seed down the tittle corder which has been used for the last quarter of • century and plaut your seed in rows in the field where you can cul tivte with • hero Plant twice as much vegetables as yon think yon will need, then double that amount and you may have eounrt-• Tht. ntnatk holds repec, y tour of winter vegetables take celery, squashes, parsnips, salsify and beets. alttl.a'a Tlsdt.►r. Mrs. 1. S. Hawkins, t'h•ttseoogaTenn., says : " Shiloh's Vitaliser . eav.aI my hie.' 1 oonsider it timbal remedy for • debilitated system i ever mead." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trmakes it excels. roe. 7.S neut. Sell by •11 d! eeksts. • w e.1, • (Mess of Time. Friend --8e yen Wok E,,,I sh will he oo0.m the a.ivemel Moro Phi tlao tiooab!y There are already id it 250,000 words. meetly from *titer languages, owl it won't take long to add the root, A Msm1e nemeay. Many people de sot like to take medicine; end who e•a blame than lobo have had to undergo the saa.wane trastemat et Litter esrgpat'ivyw amid tentm. The new method .1 trussing Mick Headache. R•Iionseesa, iris, pedes, ate , by sang Reeljay'. Liver ins maps r se simple that se ON wrwly eon ablest M It. Thea. Lse.agea arm .olid at alt =seam at file swats • hes or S berm 1, r a BILLS Rill. and Mile far •..: tile, amid /1,u • kw lSl:b Iu lrulalatun• , .:d WNts la .uu.rn••as, '[L,•1 • !SIM 'am, no. 'yak owe 'eni. sad all the r.•uatn shrills, Bat t., for .u•tvthiag ssiW, like the duller LiU.: Atlanta t'.•.:,Ut'ulea. TIIE SANT.% MARIA. "This it a queer turn of affairs, sure ' 1'o have been walking lirnn !way only a ,veek 060, wearing j iyihs•d elutba, ctrl now- to he herein this sandy little town culled Cactus (ity, or; C., very eels. of Arizona. dressed like • cowboy' '1 While he Made this little speech to himself. Hen Trumbull was gazing Into the sut•I1 and me:ertaiu wlrr..r in his room in the (-loll' Nugget Hotel in ('at• lost'ity, trying to admire by sections hie betas souabrerti hat. his tart tisane! shirt, and the pair of new revolvers in the belt ort his waist Incidentally, he *leo saw reflected is the glass a hpndsome lsiyish face. a pair f Kray ryes that had looked o111 upon tl-e wurL1 for eighteen years •.r there al,onts, and wary cheetnot hair that eeititei1' refusal to be brueht••1 into .ur,thnetue fait the costume is not the queerest Cart of it.- he went on. "To think that - ich a youngster as 1 should have been .,•!,e-sd kr such an important and ;iirnit jot, .1ud to 1l.• actually in the vim.• of tine -. "Well, in my first ,•ut:•-fonr lemrs here I've male one ;,• sl move in getting argnaintts: with 1Mrt•iwiut' Horton. l feet half sorry hien, too, though i suppsl, if I un-. trth the gang he'll have to go with the, r• : t fent h,• talks so pouch Afloat bis f..lks p iu Nebraska• and thinks so utnc h ut them, there tnnet be sonde go,)tt in him: It's about time he was herr, t•,o." The wools were hardly out of his month before there came a heavy rap At they drn.r, and whru it was opened " Deadsbot "" Horten walked to. He was e iruidrru!el�� older than lieu Trumbull. probably ten years older. and lunch beevier. "id 'was tituee•nlmr. But not- withstanding his cowboy areas and the very large ttv..kt'rs in his bAt oats the tor.: tip:its r,tt his boots he looked like a man to be trusted. •" If pin eau sooty these nuggets for Rte, Mr. Trumbull.' were the first words, after they had shtkeb hands. '• you'll be iuiug 'neon big favor -the "biggest kind ••' a favor. An.l I don't doubt you e'en d • it. since you say you eau -only you --ton such a young chap to be tquel to that kind of work." "There'4 nothing dificetlt about that,' .1i laughingly replied. • even for a rung slap. Yon know I am froth out h•• Scheel of Mutes in New York. as I t Lyon: and if I couldn't away a bit of et er 1'l' have a poor chance of mak- ing a nue down here in Arizona. - Ilan • ad brought with hint from the mist au : saying oattit and in a short time was 0 le to anuonnce that the nag - )4,14 contai td nearly ;.i per cent. of pare silver. Horton let imself drop back into his chair. sntl Bei saw that his eyes were - m:oist. Fur so tuowenta he conld not -alt's tot for mt 1f I care oro much, Ur Trumbull," he aid at length iu a husky voice. It's 1ch grand news for Th.' folks at hours fit mother and my little sisters. And It'- good news for you, tun. Mr. Trntuball: or. as 1 said. 1 wart have a partner. lad. " Well. if ion put it t way," Iien ausweret, "you must tell In something suint it. 1 don't ask you. f course, where your claim ir.' It M this way, lad,' Norton id, his voice still a little nnst-ady. •• k on lee I'm working here for the Santa aria silver 1lfihing Company, and the in es are just two ln1le s ernes the border ' Mexico, -that makes them eight toil from ()eine City. Thr Sante Maria is one of the 01.1 time Mexican mines, gone into new hands. My business is to guard the silver ingots that they cast at the aline and send over here to Cactus City every day in a mnle wagon, locked up in a big cheat. Tb. silver guest into the Cactus (tity bank. and 1 get my receipt for it. Next day it is sent to Pairb•uk, the neatest reflood station, and so on east. Every evening 1 guard that chest oI ingots till it is locket up in the bank. ' 'Empty e " Ben asked. No, not empty," Horton replied; " filled with cheinii•ala, quicksilver. all sorts of min. supplies. Well, in going over that eight miles twice every day. I have time to look 'round a bit , and one day while the mules were resting I male my find. That WAS nearly two months ago but I've not been sure till this day that 1'd struck the real stuff• for 1'iii not an educated man like your- self. Mr Trumbull, and I was afraid to have my metal swayed here in Cactus City. Anyhow. 1 bought the land for a song -it's jest over the border in Mexico -arid i can hardly "believe even now that's it's all true." " Every day yon brine in the cheat of ingots from the Manta Naris, do yen • " Ben asked. " Every blessed day. air," Horton re plied. " Mondays and holidays in chided." " They must be making !s� money," Iden o go out with you smite day nand hakve to iuok at the mine." " I'ni.rsure 1 d like to have yon go. sir,.' Horton answered, " but it's hot possible They don't allow any visitors to go into the mine, nor to come about the place at all " it was late that night before Horton left ken's rano. and w•hcu he did go Nen was in Ion of all the information about the Manta Merin mine that his companion conld give Win. • Somehow Ben .renes t, take more interest in the Manta Maria mine than in Hurton's great find 6 en I see 011e. e. Be mid aI known t..lfhonest f beforehewent to bed. '- and if it's possible 111 ray, flat mins but I'll make sure of his ianoeenee first." For the rrelt two weeks Ben and his new friend were together nearly every night, for Horton slept in ('arena City; but every day Ben was out atteuding to hominess. looking for snub chance fn the mining way," as he said. meanwhile keeping an eye on the Cactus City tank and the people who visited it, an mak ing many a r•gtlaintancvem-- inibiltsg lot formation abt.il then all. withont gfv: ing much about himself 'Several timer he fonnd it nereenerr to ride over to Fierdank. where the 'who ;were shi ped by rail. and at oho the disappeared en- tm•ly for thew days. nn room i want yon to come up to J before you afore is the ing, • lee said to his f' tii•iLAW o �wiek seder my.ton 'WHlws u Kin'd's, to mil els hot h Morton THE SIGNAL.: GODERICH. ()NT., THURSDAY. APRIL 26, IS94. daylight the nest morning he was in flu's ruoo where Boo was still lying la bet • l'm •ming to ask you to do a very snrpristng thing for ate, old fellow. Ben said, sitting up in bed. " There's pencil and paper un the table. I want you to scud • note to the Cactus City bank people. sayiug that you mount able to gu out to the mauve tit day, avid that .iteyintuit stud su:urbutly else in your iave..' "Not pHs to go to the mines toh exclaimed. • Why, 1 know---" Yes, I know,' Ittn iuterrnp 1 want you W 411 it es a purlieu to me. • 1 must have d long talk to day. You cavi tiled tile, c I'm Marr I fall. bel, bat--- " Il.,ld on. then," Ben interrupted infant " 1 11 put it another way. Ion thluk a gnat deal of your mother and sisters. 1 know. For their sake, wt down and arite the rote. lruu.lerily ly Horton obeyed, and in a few minutes the note was written and scut. But with all his iineationiug he he could get no ezplauatwu from lien before breakfast. After the early meal. when they had returno l to the room. Begg carefully closed the door and un- folded his important bnsines. I am going to give rule a plan, Hor- ton - he said. "that will lout gooney into both our pockets. 1 suppose you know that, altleingh the present value of silver is eery low, still a silver dollar le worth •a bmotred yenta 11 you sell the silver from your projected tiigne by weight you will get say rixty cents an "twee fur it. 1f you coin it into dollar yourself you get a dollar an ounce. " •'But that would be--- Ilurtou in- terrupted. "Hold on' 11lear mr ant,. Ben con- tinued. d. "That would be conntertoiting. ae } on were 'dont to sae, even though we made the dodiars of pure surer. It would be in this cougtry. where there is a special law against it. But emir silver lies just ;.crook the border is Mexico, where :twerican dollar could la, made with • omparatiye safety. We 'coins ;make them nt the mine, and then every day you could bring over a chest of your own silver dollars iu•tead of a chest Just thdik how wwwe 's silver h tsuheap upthe Rainey' Think of it, elan'" -ite•adshot" • 'Horton sat with his head in hie hands anti made no reply, , 'Think otit'" Btu repeated, -•Mil- Ruta' Milhous .}'or more than a minute Horton did not answer. then be retard ilia head and • •Yori know it is not repllel : thatal nut to make moum sy. You leor myself.lad. cw who it is for. And how could 1 take money to guy another and my sister that 1'4 make by counterfeiting" No, my ad, I conida't do it, and what's' more, con mustn't do it, You're a smarter loan than 1 aum my boy, and You've a gnat deal more edueatiuu, but i•ve been iu the world lunger elan yon have and Eve had more experience : and take any word fur it, urouev made that war is not worth having. No; Mr. Trumbull, I couldn't It, it: and you wnstu t either." -t pity it is that there was no one in the 1, slut to take a snap shot at lien as sharks ng forward au.l seized H. rton's "Horton, old fellow," he exclaimed, 'on're as ge.trl as gold. I we.; saly of it before, but Mice I've tried von I am doubly sun. I knewon wouldii t do such p h a [hint( no more than 1 would, not for all the millions there might be In it. But I want to utak yon aquertioncrtwo. I►hd yon ever notice tint when von took the cheat back to the mines ha the morn- ing it was always as heavy as when you brought it back Ilene full of silver!" "I've 11. g oael sometimes.' Horton re- plied, "that it seethed pretty heavy. lint theres ynio ksiher iu it, that's heavy. yon know." lien went to the window and looked out '.Now, 1 don't have to be tux -atm -tom v longer:" he said 'look at the crowd e street. They are following the ('ac City hank people, who fare just been -recd All the people on this the bo •r who have anything todowith the San Maria Paine are wearing hand cuffs • a t yottreelf. I was sure von were innts•Rnt, even before I tried to tempt yon a uoment ago, and that was why 1 wanted sun here with me today. If von heel edge to your work yon would have been wearing handcuffs too. Bnt 1 conidn't let yon go out and be arrested. Horton, old fellow." "Arrested"' Horton exclainle4. ' •le it for emnlcgliig" The stuff has all corse over the borderthout paying duty. I suppose , but t�t i, not my fault." "Stich worse than that," Hen replied. "It's for eonnterfeiting. There is no Minta Maria mine, Horton. Yonr en- tire company is nothing but a gang of counterfeiters. I may as well tell yon at ones that 1 am a secret service of neer.'. "Yon lad'" Horton exclaimed ''Such a boy as you a detective!" "Yes," Ben laughed, 'inch a boy as 1. Thr government often selects young fel• lows to do 'inch work in cases where old detec•tiyes would be easily recognized. I was satisfied when I firet got here that you had nothing to do with it. and that von were working honestly for the con Hat the hs youel,gu7 IS nothing but a gang of ronnterfeitera The old mine was exhausted centuries ago, and all they mine there now is rock just fur ap peens/ices. 1 onght to know, for I hays worked in the mine three days this week And the Cactus ('ity bunk is only a blind. All its officer! are mein berm of thegantl_.1 have thorough ell dente of it. it hat yon jdst now iuli g fantly refnsed to do with yonr eyes t nns, yon have been doing blindly fur thee It year. These fellows got no ail ter trout their mine, but they have been g ham carried irie d a chest full f American ilver in this yail ii ver to these ever) morning They have road, this into silver dollars teal silver dollars, and you have brought It hack at night- The batik people were n11(1)064 *rates It was one of thegreatest counter- feitinggangs ever organized. A party of 1'niterl States officers Tuve been in the neighborhood for a week, waiting for he to give them the atonal. and 1 gar* it last nighs Thuao f f0A1, EI1F1LS' STRIKK 1'resideut McBride slues Not rear fasiadiai Competition Is Coal. COALPRODUCTIQN SUSPENDED 1" Hor '- - rad, yuu la Pittsburg Dletriet Alone Nearly MON t oat Miners Are wartime idle - ted, ' but The strike Already toter. As. tar favor imamate* or tieing * with yon samees. an't you l " in are over the border will comegang that later, but all who aro au this country are in culiteldy '.And you have saved me from prison'" Horton elclafineJ, seizing both of lien's hands. -No , only @seed you from moms' groan.• Hen aiswer.rl 1'oer imam co 'should hate been proved in time, to come, it 1s was for us W To morrow i am off for the motto ratee capital to open up "Deadgfsiot„ oTton's land tad) silver Laine, and maks salami. basest moss, y for IN/ ceu B naw di sono after hie disappearance. " thin t f I icor' It's vary important for H promised, alas akeew Atte[ CoLvitats, (►Aims Apra 21. -.•The great strike atu..ug the coal netters went tato effect to day at noun, according to the •lett*s kilted rdceutly by the United Niue Workers. President UeBride of the ('sited Niue Workers gores the following stat.nteut of the number of miners that are out sad their distribution among the stater. Penury! rauk, 30,($JU Ohio, 28,000, lobi :,IMO. West Virginia, 6,000: Tee- nts-ee and Kentucky, 5.000; Mir•unri 3,000; Al stony tl,000 Colorado, 4.000; Indian Territory, 22,OW, The total is 1:1'_,000. (Ottumwa O.. April :J.-Pr..ident Ne• Bride, of the National Miners' Ar,ioe,atism, baa received wavy requests fur lnturtaa, tiou from local amembhea, *skim: hit* it tl.e local operators .10..ie to (ho term of the striker. what they ebali do. In au• awer McBride says. •' flee tight for liviiog wag-. lira getter J tight and uu final settle. meets will be eutlorized or resiguuted. Uuttd a general settlement hue been de- e:and lbs fullowiug rule tenet be obeyed by all miner in all lecelltirs: • As ordered by the uatiunal convention. cue! most not be loaded at any price or for any purpose, but where c•,mp.•mtes want engin., run, water bawled, timber -or any other kind of repair work done it will be 'tenanted pro- vided wages are '.n account the soak d. - ora. del' by the c..ayeut:o:t.' " Th, se questions tome!' the [point in this strike upon which the lead- er base glair hoe a ..f .0 rear that Is the working of the whole as a unit h, former strik,.s they have focus that per f{rittit g toe mines of nue district to resume operalutr• M e1011 as ti..' :.cal operaton agree'. to pay the scale !:ripe.' to eapply the coal demand and injured the e'oeuc.s of their brother miners in other districts to win their tight The result ,.f this strike probably depends upon tue managers of it to enforce this order and prevent the - nutters going to work where there le dis- pute as tct.wageu, Lr. Leknde gave uwt the following telegram from the president of the American Federation ut Labor; New York, April 21. Executive Council, American Federation of labor in scattiest. .awls fraternal greetings and express sin- cere sympathy with the tuuveweut to kt- sari Lair cuuditiuts and some degree of jnsa.e fur miners. If in any way we can e -operate to ,take the effort eneeeseful wr are at your service, tSigued) Sa*t•gt PLR- l'reaiteut 3Ic1ride nail', be did not think there was any coon*tderable coal rained toned compared with the amount of 0 1- •umntion, and .topping the mines would result very quickly ut • fuel atriugeucy thin would force a rets:event of the quer ttuu at issue. Ile sa d he did not fear that coal from Canada would come iu to take the place of A.nerican twl during the s:nee. lodes 1 he laughed at the mimes - non. " To give yo.t au idea ..f the small figure the noel talked of Nov. Scotia tutees cat in the, market" said he, •• let rue 1011 you that there are five counties, in • nhiu any nue u( which prudoces more ';al yearly than aU the Nova Scotia mum* oombiieb f...- headquarters of t1,. United Nine workers are closed to -day. ' President Mc- Bride said he had received no significant 4101/glebes eiuee but would have intereat- aieg raper . t•.day. He report* eke sinks as angor Idled sncceea I'irr.k.t a•.. _4 !int :.•3-I.twees 17,000 and lir, Wu ruiners in the Pittsburg district are idle and the prodnttioa of coal pram• tically impended. 11rsriseroa, Va, April 23 -All the mmets in the Huntin too and Bread Top regiorns are u work except these un 'he shoals' Run branch who stepped work on Saturday. These miners fwd those .n the six mile run and Sandy Nun branches, which sneludes all the operatives imuber tug 500 in the Huntington and Broad Top regions, have signified their intention to work as naual Despatches from Cumber - laud say that tbs miners there were work iug and will continue till Tharr•lay mon when a mass meeting will be held to de termini. whether they will enter upon a general strike, The (treat Northern ./Nha, NII xrArot.Is, April :A. -A sensational feature of Provident Delis address to the ren, an 1 uion railway union meeting on, Saturday night was his attack upoa Judge Jenkins, iu which be said. "Jen- 1les u tis. uro.t corrupt seonn.rel that w v .Tor cathode of _pr.a„u walls. He is • u whose who!. life, both public and meant, is rotten to the very core, and 1 stand prepared to prove it too. Jenkins is :t dtapwte to the beech upon which Ise sits and media people who elevated him to the position:" Destotehr. from Oueneusv,lle, Wenner. tit. ('loud and Crookston show that Ho attempt was made by the striker to impede traIi n Tra .c, yla fat se Winne - sots is c,.ncerrsidwas remained to day. /Seeker.. Aer .o She arrant Trim& I.'s' Agree, N.H., pril 2a -A serious steel. tit oceurredt'as the tiraud Trunk railway Saturday ,nigh when a freight train ran into a washed oat brides over Nnlhagam river. urn N'enld0k station, fire notes above North Stratford. 1't,. englr.aer was killed and the fireman badly injured, while the engine was wrecked and .e,er.1 . an demolished. Rain has fallen doting the peat two days, which with the eltiug snow has mads the water mvery high In the ect:rut awl smaller river, and large washouts ars reported on the Maine lien• 1r•1 railroad near Weal atewart*tun and ..n the (;rand Trcuk between North Strut furl and Beattie. Redyar4 Klplisg es Asaeeaons., Inaa.v. April 2li--The ML Jamie (keen punts a• interview with {tad and Ai pling• nom In London, In whish no 1. reverted s having said "There is a dys- +r 1'sia epidemic in America. They doe•t understand comfort ?v.rythireg Is tee temporary for that They are in • railway - station waiting room stage of elvlllzation, and it is hardly worth will* yet for any solus to settle down anti be solidi y abl. America feeds like .ate v ori p.. ''tineas Arae i. iplela.t, Loanov. April 10 -Primrose day, the anniversary of the death of pard lisemas- field, wee sears generally yester- day Ikea at has is f pima The - . _ - - - mrd regatimaa weft paced• 1l. The reputation or the maker ought to go far to recommend a trial of a new article. Our thirty years of., rilblic record ds 1 Of lea(j:n brands of tobacco3: u cf fered a. ---..a -rya .on) tor your t .,,tin glue, CUT F: J. B. PACK T.tfaoou Co.. hithmund, vas and Noatreal. Cao. CRISP AND CASUAL. The most agreeable, restohative tonic and mild stimulant is Slilt.u:n1 Kee( Iran and t1'trla. im la an old Indaa burying ground in St Simon, I,a., the remittals of a warrior over etatht feet long *ere excavated r.eeutly. There ase cevc:.l factories in India and one, at least, iu Europe. that at Jlannbe;m, t:erammy, where butter is made from cos•. s• 1 uta. Bolide, a yew discovery in the forests of Surinam, is a ►ubatitute for the rapid- ly disappearing iodu rnbSet. acid gutta- s ercha. I l rlvktly pimples, bl.•tchea, tan, and AI itching humors of the skin are removed by rasing lir. 1 ow'. Sulphur soap. lm The lion !larch, of faro, has tee 'argot kitchen in the world. There are fifty try -- tug pans, sac;, large enough to hold 300 cut - !eta at • time. Two huudred ucw batteries of artillery are shortly to be added to the I:uwian army, which soil increase the number of field Neon by 1,•,l.(). Soap is tint mentioned in the ninth cen- tury. It was allu ted to as in tree in eitr- many for ckamn.• c!• thing, tad as an et- celkat medieiae. lir. law's MYarm $yrop has removed tope worms from 15 to 30 feet long. It also de- stroys all other kinds of worries. lm A domesticated sea gull, owned by Mr. Frank Russel, of t'ueboygau, Wise, runs armed the farm with a batch of ekiekeos- which it hatched. The t'hen - Stint a -'re , Indians is yes. tan have Dever been couyuereJ. No,trbils man hu ever seeu their city, which he de- fended by a •wan f, Property left in Loudon cabs and restored to the owners durum the last five yeeirs amounting to $,00,000 proves t hat spate of the cabmen, at kast, are honest. Shiloh's Cure is sold on • guarantee. It curer iocipledt consumption. It is the heat cough cure. 1 )nly one neat • dose : 25 cu., 50 cu., and '1.00 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. e w When • Japanese audience wishes to et. press disapproval of • play, they silently tura round and sit with their badge to the stags. 11 this is done by a considerable number the curtain promptly descends. constipation claims many victims. Ward •-*1 this dread cheese. by the use of Small Sugar Coated Burdock 1'dls when oeed- .4. I m. There is • village in Austria called Ston beep, in which all the inhabit -tuts are chess players. The game is regularly taught to the schools, and etery year then is • pub- lic examinat ion, chess boards beteg awarded as prises. The ladybird is • meet valuable insect destroyer. h Is the special enemy of the I:tt a green aphis that dmtrot■ the tender plants, and is always seen upon the rose blushes in Summer time, because the aphis especially attacks the oose. Captain Sweeney, 1'. S. A., San Diego, Oat, says : " Shiloh • ('aterrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever (mind that would do me any good." Voce 50 cents. Sold by all dra.giste, e w As showing how easily London show-. keepers are taken 10, Mtn IlallIday, • young lady of 25, of to occupstion,and with no visible means of subsistence, has just passed her examination is bankruptcy with 610,000 liabilities, and " so mama." AN ESSEX FAR, a Total watch lotali aia..y DIssaae-111 the besNe.as er ttrigbs'a Nsear Cres- well - w.dd's alda,y rills wake nine rertoesty well Aosta. Lti Nisi: -re. April 2S. Sherman Buch- man, • fartrer living near here, recently passed through a terrible ordeal. 11. was attacked by kidney disease, which mad* him a perfect wreck. He suffered agoniliag pains and his digestive organs were seriously impaired. All the symptoms of Bright's disease wererecent. After tt severaldelttors had treated him ineffectually, Mr. Buchan- an used several b-zoe of >odd's Kidney i'ins and they cured him. i odd's was the heat kidney remedy in pill form ever offered the public Its wonderful success in curing all forms of kidney disease, has led to the introllnctiem of numerous cheap and worth • less anitatione Purchasers, for their owe safety, should insist on getting l)odd's Kid- ney Pills. Mold in large boxes ; fifty omits, or six boles for 22.50. To be had of all dealers. tasaewall Jaekees's ogb/e. Stonewall Jackson's family bible has just been retoreed by (lay Whiteley, of lodiac apolis, to the widow of eke great geeerwl. Whitey was the corporal in charge of the se w seh t -aa detailed in June, 1864, to b Ira the residence of Jacksoa,at Lesi*Rima, \'a. He went to the honee,6ndlag the V- ily at breakfast, and sonnrdiag to his orders gave them em hoar to get out of the hems. After the bedding wee fired it occurred to Whiteley that it would be • have • nib of the event, and 1*. shier M le the libraryrushed is- le and melted rip . Sassily ly b bib!. whir► had beta presented to Jackson by his Neter. This Whim kept .vow sines. NM Iage emeoaessl'i 6sai �d to restore it to the aod twa�athe oddness( N. widow, M nests ea/rift to sand the bible. Mrs. Jackson w agree,- gawy- fa1 larder expressing gnat mately Se have Nle, ad K W ben 1 nesedad M her. - TMlankier istoretIo see 1. a in at promo& Oa *Ski f l.lssshia ams day hon moth se leer them gigue w .w� milli y el • 07t1 se mesewer. sa a wish o het tenorsts were AN EMINENT MINISTER REV. W. S. BARKER OF PETERBORO. llfr, W. S. Barker is a young minister of Peterboro who has by his great earnestness and able exposition of the dootrines of the Bible earned for himself a place amongst the foremost ministers of Canada. Ile, with his most estimable wife, believe in looking after the, temporal as well as the spiritual welfare of mankind, hence the foUowiug statement for publication : '• I have much pleasure in re- r"mmending the Great South Ameri- a.sn Nervine Tonic to all who are .glided as I have been with nervous _prostration and indigestion. I found eery great re'ief trots the very first bottle, which was etrongly mom - mended mended to in. by my druggist. I also induced my wife to nae it. who, I most say, was completely run down and was suffering very much from general debility. She found great relief from South American Nervine and also cheerfully recommends it to her fellow•eufferers, • l:hv, W. S. Denim" It is now a scientific fact that cer- tain nerve centres located near the, base of the brain flay, entire control c over the stomach, liver, heart, lungs and indeed all internal organs ; that n is, they furnish these organs with the neoesaary nerve force to enable ; them to perform their respective 1 work. When the nerve centres ars w weakened or deranged lbs nerveir force is diminished, and as a result the stomach will not digest the fund, 41 the liver becomes torpid, the kidneys will not act properly, the heart and lungs suffer, and in fact the who:a � system becomes weakened and Bloke Ion accouut of the lack of nerve force. South American Nervine is based • on the foregoing scientific discovery and is so prepared that it acts i directly on the nerve centres. It immediately increases tl:e n:rvcus j energy of the whole system, thereby !enabling the different organs of the body to pe -form their work perfectly, when diseato a' once disappears. It greatly benefits in one day. Mr. Solomon Bond, a member of the Society of Friends, of Darlington, Ind., writes: '•1 Lave used six bottles of South American Nervine and I consider that every bottle did for :no one hundred dollars worth of good, because I have not had • good nigbt's sleep for twenty years on account of irritation, pain, horrible dreams, and general nervous pros- tration, which has been caused by chronic indigestion and dyspepsia of the stomach, and by a broken down ondition of my nervous system. But now 1 can lie down and sleep all igbt as sweetly as a baby, and I I eel like • sound mast,,-/ do not think there has ever been a medicine ntrodnced into this country, which ill at all compare with this se • ars for the storuat;h and name." sAsloW ILsoN- Wholesale and Retail int for Goderich and vicinity PEATHE RBO NB Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THEM. E1EIiArg Me LAZE They are not a curt rlt, but are the hay lenowu for Ritioame.ti H. 4ar1. C. oolpati.a, f t.pati lr$ige.'ioa, l'iaplati S.11oeneee end ail aa'e. risk fr. • • •I i.b liver. 25 CENTS ABOX Ask tow laewintaos gene Whim- ire I` - 7Z T Y - COAL ANO WOOD Y1l�iL. 4psoial attention gives to BAWZD AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of NANO, SSO*�FT i OUCNSIITN COAL. •a Minor ~km .r m y %aka Get my Prime lectern ti.i g .Imwamo. 1111161. CAal•. be•sae Masgs.a. JOHN 8. PLATT. Prop. 0.1 1 IPATENTS CAVEATS, Titan SAMS Ago cOPTI HITS Obtalaet, and all busiest le the U. 8, Plates Oteee attended to •t MOPRRA rH PRICE Our mace t. Its the l',18. Potosi Of floe, and wi saa sbyfn palest. Iso lam uM has Masts •eeaots from WASHINGTON Bead MODEL OR 1)14 WINO, We ad- vies'as ts_psta•tabtnt tree .f Merge ass we make RTO CHANE [UNLESS WE oH- rAIN Pw RNT. W resat hare, to the Pommesstar s eel`t. sf M Order Div,. amiPommes._ to .alabit• of do U. 8. Attest Ogee. roe Wreaker. eihke terms and references to reteel enemas la tome sirs Mate et Oenaty write to C A 11,4111141111:0m OPNdti'W Oso W•,4ngess. D. 0 141 WHY Does OBO. BARRY, the Ooderich furniture dealer sad undertaker, keep the bast stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies! And beer i• N that he can will so cheap 1 BECAUSE Re gado that it pays a the bog ata. HL .etse Is : " Swell Prolate sad Quick B► tuns* He •iso tweiea * 1 *Mom framisg. h kit■ • eon Ware iswkesa Vivid always ea Wet 111117 1