HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-26, Page 1The Best Ia the Cboapii st • Aso • "THE SIGNAL" IS TH$ BEST. • ( ►e■ DOLLS' • YI AS I)1 AL/VATIC& ( VOL. XLV1. 2462 7.1-1 1 I.3:3A1)ING F 1•713WBPAPZR OP HZT1P1ON OOUNTY_ TRE PITH OF THE NEWS. Live It rail from Evorywhiera tar laud arrerd eglbe Molsaas oldie Wrek tar/toms rrreess.d Meter Nen. ries e1 Maas Illation W Cress Inspertanee. C ollingtruod Costed has adopted the rerf.w 1 ell. Sit ti,,,n-and pilgrims' embarked at Her, e.lone'In.•,day evening fur Rome. seithen, Ka,see and the Cherokee Strip ware visits! by a damaging hailstorm uu Tonle). nlgbt. Tee won 1n enaction with ten alae• air reilwsi between (Galt lad Premiss has Men c omtuenced. Rot tiro I'urkie, • retired ('ongrega. t,mn. minister, died at llowmanville ou Thursday, aged int. The new.St. James Church, Morriabnrg, wee c wa crated oa Thsradey by the Ascb bxat.•p • (i hltario. %Vm hr.mi.er of Adelaide street, Lou w killed inx dcu. Ile k 1 N a runaway accident in salt , .tv .,M Wedneelay. Doc Bishop and Frank IAtlum were Irnri:^I by settler* living near Watonga, ti 1 , ler horse .teahug At F:.mira. N. Y., on Wednesday, Joseph baboon of biceough• after a con naming attack of ten day.. The b.oi.r publishing clam -of Webster A Cn . New York, in which ]lark Twain is spanner. waived ou \Veduexlay. TM Seott act will be re enacted to Charlottetown, P.):I. A msjority of 22 been declared for the wea.ure. street's report. 31 bueinees failures Nit w k agatua 3.4 last week. and 31 io tke n•rrelye.rmdl»,t week tart year. The terra, wheel will be removed from hook. and be re ereete.l at the corner of tlnoadfoy and *th street. New York Abe. It: Ripley, who was elected Reeve of Th"roll of the P. 1'. A. ticket in Jan .err, was killed by lightning ou Friday. William Hutchinson, an old resident of Artsmes:a Township, dropped dead of keen disease in Dundalk ou- Wednesday. At Iblford Thursday night Mrs. !lar gsrrl t•'d;te, aged 74, • highly teepee ruirm. died suddenly in au apoislectri, fit • the British Commons. by a vote of to if 1. has repealed the It tab coercion amt paired at the butane. of Mr. Balfour it. In a r.:,way wreck near Vassar, Mich., men nand Brown and Delabo were killed, ail one Cook of Detroit fatally it. tamed. U•o flimsies J. Jarvis of Raleigh, N. Au -accepted the United Steam Sen s.orsbsp, to succeed the late Senior yaws.. AI iler:,D Arise•, on Wednesday, the neuro air.hain. convicted of assaulting a ireyear .(4 girl, was .ectental to peui *Mary for life. The new Government of Newfoundland Ms moistest the Hntisb Government to .led a acral eummimluu to Investigate the ssiony's affairs„ The tablet to the memory of Jenny Lind was narriled in Westminster Abbey on Friday by Princess Christian, third daughter of the Queen. At the ono/emit: of Fin Chief. in Boa bran )1ma. on Thor4ay, it was decided to bold the nest convention in Montreal on theeecond Tneday in August. Thain. Dow, formerly Manager of the Western Llan► at Whitby, died at the midsnca of his eon in law, Rev, Mr Mc- Gillivray. o-GiAnray. Kingston, on Thursday At l;uealo on Thunder, William Kirby vacant to the peniteatfary for 00 dais for peeling the pockets of If. A. Wade of Bradford, (int., in a )lain mtrsetsaloon. Tb•• betrothal of the Grand Duke Nieb• ells, Crarewitch of RUSSIA, to the Princess Aiit of Hies., youngest sister of Omand Oaks Erna Louis of Heirs, i. anuoaneed. Un. Nancy (lardlner, %0 years of age. • Mime, committed suicide a Buffalo os Thnrefay. She left • note to her servant Grind she was no longer Any res on earth. .h.hn Paisley bas been appointed cue - :yew officer os:yewoQJcer at the Canadian end of the suspension bridge, to enamelJohn e(:orogen, who retired • few weeks A ening Englishman �named Fred. Ang- ina. •tnploy�mdb[ ian.s lmadbal, tars• , er' n. dost. hs. •dlMpeoared. He •as last •esu atasading on a wharf M Ni Mitre - The "te'tien. in Portugal for members of the Cortes have resulted In lb. return of 10S supporters of the Government, 411 Pro- pos, 11 Independents, and 2 repair h• aux An ettenmye Ars oe.nrred in Yokohama Aprf12. Two United States marines old four Japanese wosen were burned to death. All the Thrum. were under tbe ln• bane* of opium While telepbrtu.linemen were repairing a wire at Philadelphia on Friday it bemuse "Mangled with a live *kettle wire. Two of tb• workmen were killed and two others s•nom.ly in ja Jame. Parka, farmer and trader, of Ty., ti ii,sga' ham been abed on complaint d htsI1deor Johnston Iib 70 for heaving h D"aNalloq illegal welching machiosa and an Illeymd measure. Mmith, • lawyer, had his left arm r ry a Iht in the machineHope's mill '• alt ns no Tiasiday ted the Ears wee takes eburr the elbow. Dr. Harrison is at- tending the Injured mm. Pena B Wake, who attacked and Fels hid )lies Gerard 1e Windsor, ions em - Use.' 1' Windsor on Wednesday to Els aerobe in the Central Prison. Wake's fetter Is an English bernw.t At keI(.,Ule Jams.. Blair of Hsst ig- d"m 'n. Riven three tsw.tbe is the Coot •' I his wife as. year 1e paslusUmry I" Arman,• beano.two iitd. the *mate s enlld • femme husked, at HgnLville es W Are die - '►Mod moa 416.1.eV* Mme.. • ,e r.pnaco(vta enures, the telt, gra:•h au I teleplwhe offices, the Inntoffiee, end the steamer Excelsior. The lune a *boat 1120.00. Burglar* made au entrance 1141 the ticket office of the Grand Truuk Railway at Galt Tuesday night awl stole W, among which was some marked moury, whish, tt Is thou4ht, will lead to tke cap tura of the perpetrator*. At the marriage of Mies Elizabeth Mete &inulug to Clayton F. McMichael at SL Jameskpisoupalehtucb, Philadelphia, the bride fainted and fell Into the arms of the bri.Iugtwul immediately after seytng The registration of Chinese in San Yran• ciao ander the Geary Act has ulei been all retie. a. was expected at the same sat u. iaeseg.. ural it is estimated tem four to .eveu thousand have as yet filed no apple. ration to register. Ilepreeentattve Voorhees of 1►hto her in tr. dosed Ili the Unit..l States House a fell for the energy "t a ship camel rookie comeeting Lake Erie at! the Obio raver t.► way of the tlbtu Canal and Musklu;put3 River. It is t0 hare' anf,etent ,depth te t�K rt the laves* boats of the great • Itartbanahes In arose Areas*, April -3d. - Five shucks of earthquake were felt bele, but they were very ltgbt In comparison to those experi- enced on Friday. The village of Neepitle, on the 1 inlf of Atalanta, was deatruyed by the shocks. I►wpatchee rece:ye.l last •vri1lug stat., that many villages 14, the provinces of lemmas and Pboeie were de- stroyed. Five persons are known to hare beret kilied at esteems It is feared that large death lista will be reported iroow many pieces. Fifty mon buildings sat the Be. collapsed. The walla of the Royal Palace in Athena are much cracked. Ad non's Gap., neer the Acropolis, is eau damaged. A warship hes started for the dt.trea.ed districts with enq;mtie, en- gineer". :NMI tents and a supply of purl - Mons. ur -cions. Hundreds of people are campIDg 10 the fehls. Autotimer Peephole for Mrs. ■ay Orlrk. L .enov, April 'J,--tnother attempt has been made to obtain the release of Mee. Maybrick, who is tn:dergo.ingg a lite term iu .Woking prison for the murder of her Ila. - baud: -A petlttuu bas been presented to Mr. Asquith. Home Secretary, praying fur her discharge from petrel, and a number of affideeits are ale„ submitted. These rl6b grits are to the off.. t that for many years Mr. Mayurick eras$ comb -vied opium eater and was also addicted to tit. use of artenk. A Women Qaobee Merger. (et [ewe April 20. -The yuurig esu. Bis.oll. who forged and duc.unted • check for $6:J at la Bengue du Penple three day*. ago, and thou rain away, has beet& arrests at Pointe aux 1 rerublee. Bedard, hie accomplice, was arrested on the trniu at ('h plain. About Moan was found en him. A leather then 1.s'alout 1121.0 morning lidding! and Barron appeared Letore Judge`Cluittreau and were taken to j iii pending the enquiry. Colossus and 111s Wire t 111.1. SAN Finsesi o, April 22. -It u reported here that a'e'conciliation has been effected between Priueees Colima* and her huebaud and that the Princess will shortly sail,for Europe to rejoin the Prince. It is under- stood nderstood the contemplated divorce suit wi;1 wives be Med in crnrt, that arrangements have already been made for the departure of the Princess and chlldrrlt tor New York aid they will sail on the first steamer for Europe. Dose's M.11et-Prost ,'oat, Ba.t.is, April 23 -The Kannbeim tailor, Done. gave an exhibition 1,1 his ballet proof coat before the surgeons' con- gress now in *melon here. The ballets fired ata twenty fire foot tangs failed to penetrate the coat or even startle Dowe, who wee inside st. When the test was over Duwe was applauded heartily, and several members of the congress spoke Dattenogly of ha nit. erten. optician t• Teat Dwt.t.ott, Tex.. April 2:. - A small cyclone passed over the eastern portion of the ('hoetaw nation Over • dozen small boners, barns and outhouses were lowered to the ground. No nom of life is reported, but • number of persons were seriously injured. In some cases a large number of horses and cattle were killed by falling timbers and trees Girl ILIt1N 1. a Coltl.le■. WitumniPont. April 28 -A rear end collision occurred ou tae Williamsport et North Branch railroad neer Nondairy As engine following a height tofu crashed Into the caboose of the freight train, split- ting the salmon opse and killing • girl who was r$dieg in Ir. Three Negroes I.yweh.d. Bi*vo,rn.At. Ala, April 23. -Three negroas, Toot Black, Johnson \Villiamsand Tony Johnston, were lynched at Tue- cambia. Ala. The negro... a mouth ago bnned the barn of Claude King. After being placed in jail they confessed. . tmorgesey son " asedeeed- Dveus. April 2J. -An emergency mai named Donovan. employed se • caretek.r of aIle of the farms of the Karl of Cork and Calm at libentar•, from which the tenant tial been evicted, wee mnrdered on Friday OW Then is no elm to the murderers. Ditsappointued JAwmrniww, April 2* -James Newbnlsa, oboes 11:1= s1 shod himself twice k the He will di.. Skappetimlarb boo wee the slaw tmkomMr. alleyraed- lttt>a44111111Niettit de Panes 4 TB.pi. has bell Mak arrested Oh re films of .mbsmiu ire Ihrellndlen Of mediabmf wale ie Mleaeolly rssiagaa Jug 1..'d tem. bib. drsegbte wed vegetable • creel. M tie rear moi briegtsv into Ls tend ass the plemgm a ani .I.etlee liquid matt• e, Rimy of Fye To get the tree remedy w It is ns.msfaet rwl M the OsMirsia Hg emep 0.. mly. Tor ami. by .11 litho, draggl ta GODLRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, APRII. 26, 1894. •(F:\. HERBERT'S REPORT. afad for t.. rr.it►na'ion of the nom -(GRAND MILITARY BALL sanding Whom.' Of the Seventy •ixtb bartahoa, Si. Mar. A Farcical Militia Service. IarensNtesl waters end fertttrlenl Cerpm ere teenaged w llbeat {:leve. me Prrraneet P..rre Is else laarplr Crlllrlsed, t oyrawA, April 19. 1'be much talked of etlatial report of the minister of militia is at Ise( print..nl, an 1 was distributed thio eren- •5( 1.. the preen by the courtesy of !fun. J. C. i'•ttersoe. Major -timers' Herbert', re- psrt is iaterwNing and important, but it has 'velem is beau short' of its °wet emotional features before it was indorsed by thornier. tor. He states serious detects exist in the establishments, especially in the infantry. Ile points but that provision is made for 28- 710 i :faatry, but only 69 out of every 100 .re privates carrysog reflex " In other womb, the number of officers, non comwis .tolled officers and non combo ems absorb an rseewtve proportion of the total furoe.' 11.ene g eral i,r«needs to show that whsle 10 Englehd the tuamlrrr of uflicere to privates is 1 to 32, in Canada It a as 1 to 8 He goes on to say :• The returns •Il show that a deduction of 25 per cent. can be made from • he nu,, Iwrs authorized for rural battalions of n Oita, and that chi* deficit exiat.ent,re to it. tl:e rank of private.,sioce cimmandior officers always permit the nos menoreuaonea rauke to he tilled up, regardless of cotsi,len tioue es to tures{ or qualification. A fur cher reduction of 25 per cent. can be made ter n.en withdrawn item the rack. for var mous reaaoos, sod who, while they draw pay do rot undergo any ttaiulne as totem ry sol - .11. r-. Teem, in city battalions, include h.0.lsmrn, Lugar. and noon-commiamio ned (th., ri above the number allowed by the es faiths iment, b•a'dra signallers and ambit leotee,a ::de in runt battalivas the rank. are •iepleted to furoiah takers' sereauts,groonia, mese waiters, cooks, and others, who not only perform no drill, Fut are treeue.tly phy.u•ally unfit for service. Thus the pos- sible 19.1356 privates allowed by the estate IuBn eras t. quick:y reduced below 10.000, which reprf.mu the msx'mum totalstrengtb of infantry (bat would receive elementary instruction in drill, If the whole force were called out." This cneluding statement ,means that whole Canada is hemline of 20, 0)0 foot soldiers available, the general cola nu.ud nc states that net one•half of this burn- t er are available. " Yoder the most favor- able circumetam•ee,' the I:anenl goes on to say ; •' this condition can only be remedied • 1 by a firm refusal to authorize the forma- , eo0 of new unite; .2. by raising the estab• lahment .1 existing ethcient units to a strength consistent with winery require- ment :',3 by the disbanding of inefficient units By these meat.{ o consolidation of the force will be ,fleeted. There will lie fewer perm's. occupying Commissioned and non cemmirsioned appe,intmtnt., but there will he • larger defensive torce, and as there will he a greater Dumber of men in the ranks; there will be • more extensive field for the reaction et suitable and qualified sen for the superior grades. It will, mon- over, enable • check to be put upon the is, nue of these allowsoc.o, for which at pre. seat the country receives no real value. With a view to reduce the number of dis- mounted, and, ennequently, untraiced men to the cavalry, 424 horses have been added ro chi. arm. ., In spite of reiterated in. eiroclioos many inspections are conducted in • very perfunctory manner. The city militia cannot be said to recbive an efficient military training. They arquire • certain ,knowledge of 'drill,' but they are unac- quainted with the application. .01-4:11 rame•tsv. Major -(:,neral Herbert's criticisms on the individual corps of the militia are condensed into brief but simplest endereer.eru on the reports of the variousdepoty-adjutant.-gen• oral, and they are not always compliment • ary t0 either the judgment of the O. A.G. or the efficiency of the 'erne. The reports 03 Col. (Otter on the Queen's (Iwo, Tenth Royals, 'Thirteenth lad Forty eighth High- landers are allowed to pees without coal. meet. which may be taken as high praise from the general, judging from the follow- ing specimens of hu Scions style On the Second Dragoons, Se ('atheriaes. commanded by Lime -Cob (.rerrory, the D. A 1;. reported that the offers and men were very much "out of band," and the major general adds, " the {:promotes 'out of hand' is unnecessarily vague. The men - mending officer does net know hos duty and there is general di.orgssieetiee." Of the Thirty fourth battalio., Whitby, Lieut -fol. Dosovaa, oominutding, the D A. 1.., report. • " A great desire ea the part of the officer" to de their duty. bet badly directed." And the .salor-general adds "The commanding officer quite iaermpet- est.'• Seventh battalion, Losdee--" it is a gweition whether this battalion is worth re raising. As a military orga•In'aou it is of so valet.- Of al•tt.•'(N the Griversor-O. oral's Foot -Guards, of Ottawa, Major lieseral Herber. writes This cannot be salted • military organise Lice., since there are practically he privates in the reeks. It will be aeeeneary to alter the mlabliehneat." Of the Primes at Wales' regiment, Meat - real, Lieut. (a. T. 1'. Meir eommradies .aka. he cantos : " This Irtulioe appears sallae to reorga■iee itself. i. ite present eesditien it 1. twines it has had excep- tieeml advantages." (M the Fitty.ighth battalion, }t••ry, IAM• bee, Liemt. -C.1. Macaulay osmsa.diag the major -general writes : ' With every head venters of wet weather, wretched clothing aad wretched arms, this b.ttelinn Mewed a geed pint ad worked hard, all ranks de - log their brae The physique ie geed. I could met wish M better sen t• the real, but there sire me im.lruetees. A large m- bar of the mem are Higblanden, mp.akfsg n.ly the Ce eli.," Hie esmemet apes the shah regiment, Duke of t,omsmg♦bt's O..dia. Amiens, ei Masttsml. Lima•Cd Rare, eesmmasding, y m blame : 'Thin misses' rheat se is - - 7en nut poen. The weather be. bed mg their esailasa bad. it wee mi M Mao seta I tilt sham helm tine, Lieut. -Col. Be•udrrau commanding_ 1 lhe says : "Two men sent home as u,.fit for The Soolal Ewalt 01 the IllISson service. A large number sat men children in the ranks " Thew inspection report. of corps cover is all seventy pages of the blue book. TI s e: tracts given here indicate the general character .:t the mmurgeoeral'. oomments. A couple more may be noticed. Of the Eighth Prinotis Loses regiment of cavalry Itotbeaay, N H ,. he writes : "lo recug• Ritmo of the superior standard of origami- anon attained. I bate given • silver' trumpet to this regiment. This ie likewise to mark • deficiency whioh required amend merit, mutely, then te not en efficient trumpeter In the regimen:." (The tater is coriaidered the crack militia cavalry regiment of ( 'ania) The report of the 11. A. (:. epos the thirteenth battalion, Hamet..n, chime thio: "This corps is to excellent ander, and under Lieut. Col. Gibson has been improving yearly in every particular 'The report upon the Tior•y eighth bat• lal!ien. I:rantford, Lieu: -Col. ,Jooea com- m+wdhng, cl.rrs as tollows : "The lac tallion hie been laboring for two years pun under the greet di.alvautage of wretched accommodation in the way of • drill shed, whi.:h will accoea in a groat degree ter it. poor 'howiog at inapectien. ' The mels general Raves thew two re- ports elan without comment of his own. The 'Thirty-fifth battalion. Berne, coo mended by Limit. .Col. O'Briea, M. 1' Thirty sixth. L•ramppton, Limit -('ol. Tyr - whin, a1. I' : and Thirty.reveatb, H•Idi• mend, Lerut. Col. Dams, are all highly com pltmented by the maj.w-geomr•l. Tor latter is principally componed of Indlaua on tee (:nod River reserve. THE TOWN COUNCIL Wks, wa. Mane ■I lbs Last Regular Wert - Ing of the Board. The resuiar meeting of the town council mu held in the council chamber Friday evening. April 20th, 1894. Present -The mayor, reeve. deputy reeve, and councillors Murney, Str.cban, Thompson, Naftel, Saunders, Sillows, Yates, Wilson, Dunlop and Reid. A communication was reel from Silver- thorue 4 liras, asking what the license would be for a merry•gu round. Moved by b'roudfout and Strachau, that the communication of Ssherthorae A Grace be tile.!, and that the parties to notified that we decliue to 000eent to • merry go - round being put up.' Carried. Communications were real from .1. 5 Platt and the W Ingham Electric Light t'o., asking for the franchise of the town tor the purpose of putting In au incandescent light system. Moved by l'ruudfoot and Thompson. that the communications of John 5. Platt and the lVinghani Electric Light Co. be ref.rr ed to the water and Tight committee to con eider the same in all their hearsay., and re port at next meeting of this council. 1'ar• ried. \lover! h.• Sanndere and l'r,udtoot, that Meseta. 1:teen ani Plat tsr heard regarding their schemes for lighting the town. Car- rier[. Meese. Green and Platt thee Lritdy ad• dressed the couocil An application was received from Mrs. McLeod for assistance in keeping her mother in law. A number of accounts were read and re- ferred to the finance coalmine. n. .Tea A' ti 1.L. IIT .omorre t'. Itt:roer. Your committee beg leave to report that they have, in reapnose to r he application of W. J. R. Holmes for the use of • number 0' electric lights on the occasion of the 'Dili tary ball to be held in the agricultural hal this evening, granted his request on the 000dition that the town receive the sum of 510 for such service. Alm that we have ordered 1,600 feet . 1 2 look l ipe from the Drummond, Mc(:eil Pipe Fouudry Co. We have decided to grant the petition of M. McDonald and others for water service. We recommend the council to grant this committee power to sake arrangements for the purchase of coal. '.3.. recommend that the fountains be partially filled with beach 1. W. 1'aorpn,nr, chairman. Report adopted. *i'bClAt rollrrTna'r .[►ORT. Your oommitts, luting considered the application of the Circular City Bend, for • grant of mono) reoommend that the bead he,r+e td $100, payable quarterly, n. 11.. .ad•reta.ding and oo.dition that the bead play once a week on the Square during the menthe of May, June. July, August, and 9tiptesbew. Tun.. 12. N A ran., *hairlines. Report adopted. nseece roNYl1Tmm's nuletT. Your eoansittee, having e:amieed the following a0000nu, reeossme.d their pay • meet : R. W. Runtimes, $11 ; .1. Roes & See, $61.79; i). Me(illieuddy, $7.20; The Star. 515.60; T. W. Nese 4 Co., 1.520: Jas. Thoma., 17.60; 1). K. Strachan. 142 - TS. We have •tainis•d the treasurer'. Matemeat for Marob, JarsA. Rein, CIrinsas pre test. Report adopted. rc.Wc wrings (O1/wfTrS{ m R.PO*T. Your committee beg to report that they have in.trweted the chairman of this nom-„ milts. to purchase what sheds trees are re 7 mired for planting and replacing. We recommend that tbe town sew do 1110 work of the oaretakislg of the %gears this year. W. H. MtrssttT,.h•irmas pro tem. Moved by Yates ad Mersey, that the of the pebble weeks eommirem be tm MDeed i. •essednie s by Freudfoot and Wil.,.. that the pebble works committee a.k for Mader' for caretaking of the Square, with power te at case rake arra gems.0 fes the present year. There voted yea-- Needier*, Rtr•eban, Thempse., f(ausdees, Mallows, Wilma •.d ihiel.p--7. Nay -Mersey Naftali, Yates ..d Raid -4. The •sw.dmest was desisted tarried. Moved by Preudbwt cod Wilson, that 111. r.,sr% et the rabbi works eessit se es ed ha simplea. Carried. The amo.11 toes adjourned Alit : Illi. Pier .1 bellakk, Is violas, bar breast. Iltwlrhr Oar ef /him tows. • mems• •Iteadaaseatalt7 allot Ilikasaar nal Catherien-Thelaifter el UM Was Ilea air 111111•i -tile women and Weave Wee. The grandest meal event of the season sees off oa Friday evening last in the Ifs- tioullur•l pavillon. -1 be ooXaseo was the holding of the third annual Military hall, under the auspices of tb. 33rd battalion. 1'he tint two balls were held in Seatot! and Clinton, and it fell to the lot of toe 1 ;,.death twatiogent to do the honor. fur 1894. The result was the must brtlhaut •flair ever held in this town. It is the opinion of many that the ball of 1394 eclipsed both toe Seatorth and Clinton eveota, and we do not doubt it, for the elegance and perfect arrangement of the ef• fair showed that n', trouble had been spared to make it the grand event which it was. The great suoccr 111 the hall was due to the onerous aid given bythe citl,eos of God.. 6 ✓ ich, who seemed determined to do and did do eserything in their power to further the ✓ acemes u( the affair. The ground floor of the pavilion was used for dancing. The decorations would catch any eye, w well were they arranged by the dcrgner,C. R Shane, to whom, we believe. 4elo.ge the credit fur the leautitul adorn• next ,.f the buildio¢. _Above the entrance door were large flags at full spread, while hanging from the ceiling and walls were numerous other Nags u( every deacrip• (jou. At either end of the building were several stacks of arms artistically "piled' around a stand ornamented with helmet, and other mtlitsry accoutrements. to the centro of the hall was a magnificent floral display, while from the surrounding pillars bung pretty festooning and drapery, Within the circle of pillars and at the west- ern elite of the building, were arranged sofas and recliniog chairs : and beneath a test at the greeters side were the euchre tables which were brought into use fre- quently. The upstairs was divided into several ap- partmeovi. .!round the centre were the table. loaded with tempting delioacie... To the left of the east stairs was the geutle- men's dressing room, and to the right the ladies'. The music as furnished by the London Opera House orchestra was tiret-clae, aodwas a source of delight to a11. This or• ehstra has the reputation of being one of the finest writ of Toronto and well merits the distinction. Most of the guests from outside points came by the 7.30 p.m. train. The gusts arriving about ''4 o'clock-, the dancing oom- ,nence,l shortly alter, and the votaries of i'erpeich.re plied " the light tantastit toe till the small hou's of the morning. The military force, though not numerous, was represented in the persons of Lieut, -(cot. Wilson, Seafcrth : Majr. Hannavao, .Ionian and Varooe ; burgeon Holmes, Art.-Surgeoo Shannon : ('apse. Holmes, Hayes, Fiance, Williams, Young and Reck : Lieut.. Chisholm, Goldthorpe, Malcomson, and Hawgarty of the 28th, Sea forth. A PORTION OE THE L.t DIE" 1.1,T Mrs. 1). Helmer, white silk and bcluet of roses, Mrs. F..1. T. Naftel, cream satin, *.lies Lawrence, pale blue silk, Mise law. ream, pale blue milk, Mus Nairn, white crepon aid lace, Mus Parson., white silk and red roses, Miss Rotmn, pale blue suit polkadot overdress, Ella Dickson, white Napoli with white silk trimmings, Miss Mc Laren, Nile green, Jamie Shannon, white silk and pink renes, Miss A. Doyle, butter cup silk with black lace trimmings and yellow roses, Mise S. Martin, black vel- vet and red roses, Mise G. Martin, white erepoo and baguet of red renes, Miss lbonagh, pink satin, Miss 1 Rollie. white silk and buttercup bodice. Mn. Holt. white silk and yellow roma, Miss Gram Caseroo, pale pink and light blue trim s►n[a, Mas Hutchison, cream silk, Mise Doyle, pink silk and white flowers, Mir Charles, cream and lace trimmings, Mw Chilton, yellow Patin with black velvet trimming., Mir Maude Martin, cream silk and red roses, Mise N. Strachan, yellow crepon and white mess, Mir Steck, white silk and yellow trimmings, Mise K. Hall, yellow ct+poe with white lace and yellow roses, Mir R. Johnson*, white ,repos, Mrs. J. it. Shannon, white silk, Mrs. R. Reyselds, black silk and white roses, Miss Wynn, pals bine silk, Mn Stark, Nile green, Mus Mattel pink silk, Pearl Winn, pink silk, (:race Polley, Nile green -and black trimmings. Helm. Polley, palm blue, Moss Naftel, black velvet, Miss Cacti., Mee silk and lam trimmings, Mrs R. Hayes. pale him silk and cram rases, Mrs R. 8. Hays, white silk and tw roses, Miss A. Fisher. white silk and w-imminp, Miss Ausebrouke, blue alk andellow roam, Miss Holmes, black alk, Mabel Cameros, pink and blue alk, Miss Nielsolsoo, figured silk and rad ehiffon, Mrs. MSCorwtaek, white silk, May Malcom see, pale line silk and bleak trimmingjs, Myr Sheppard pale Alta silk and white lees, Mies loges, heliotrope, Mine R. Donagh, Note green silk and rn.es..Jams» Ferguson, Meek alk and roar, Mir Moltoagali, pink erepon and bleak velvet, Mrs. Kidd, blue silk and Mack bee trimmings. CompplIimentary ticket. had bees tont to the fel own( Hoe J. C. Patterson, Mrs. Patterson. and Misses Pattersss. Lk Col. Aylmer, of (►tla. we. sod to I.t,-0.1. Stith and wife and the Mdse Smith, Major Vidal, Dr. and Mn. Haeaysa, (7ept. sad Mn. Deniaes,l apt.ssd Mrs. Cartwright, and Mr. Carpenter, of Le dee. The following ie • partial list diatom who attended (;onmaa.•. Stripes and Melt Hobbes, Pay • Mader and Mr..lordan, Qssrler- Mee. tersod Mrs. Heck, Capt. and lira D. Helsess, Asst. Jinrgeri and Mrs. J. R. 911mme., Lieut. Chisholm Mr. sad Mn. Rereads, Misers. Kral,Iladd, lane, Mel asset., Dr. Taylor. Judge Doris Mr. and Mrs. Molt,Mr. and Mrs Hswbisas, Mr. and Mrs R. N. Lewis, Mr. ad Mra J, T. !Sahara'. Mr. sod Mrs. F. Naha, Mr. and Mrs. R C. Heys, Mr. sad Mrs D. McCer- eilslt, Mr. ad Ms J. 1L Shepherd. Mr. r dor LOOK AT THE DATE • YOUR LABEL TEEIll3 WICIE _ SKK THAT YOUR NAME Is MARKED UP IN ADVANCE. J • T s D. McGILLICUDDY, PROPR and Mre. Nodal, Mr. W Mat Aessureeke, Mesdames Monies Horses, A. M. Ross, Reynolds, W. T. Hays, R. IL. South, Lawn ranee, W D. Shannon, Miller, I:arrow, Stark, Crawford, Slack, apese. Uutcht- eon, M. Cameron, G. Cameron, May Iloyle, I,awreace, F. Rutsu., M. itut• son, Slack, H Smith, Shannon, G. Menlo, OYER THE HURON TRACT. The Grist from tato Lha! NUL Nairn, Tilt, Shepherd, K. FLIT, F. E. Ball, 1 • weakly my., d s'e■•a) ,,,•w. Nicholson, Auserook, A. Doyle, Strachan, r aeau Everybody auk end N.Strachan, Malcomeso, A Chilton, notch er, A. Fletcher, Charles, Dart., Parsons, r.l■t Clipped and it •■laic: -d loh.atuo, I)sekwri, Mc!)owlpll, llolmea, Wrenn herr IMeite., Donagh, H 1)unagh, A. \t'yno, F. Wyno, R. Natal, V. Martel, Ferguson. F: Cattle G. 1 olley, H. I ,alley, C. Dirk, Drs. Nichol .on lad Hunter, Meese J. E. Dann,Shane, Cameron, F. Lawrence, lr , Macdermett, Logan, H. W. Hal. it , H. Rutsrw, ('. :arrow. N Pones. H. Holmes, F. Holm.", A. Naftel, Jas Robinson, Sheriff, Slaw, Jas Mitchell, l'. Gen, Locke, Duthie, 1). C. Strachan, W. I. Horton, (:. Price, A 1►. Mclean, O. Whitely, F. Humhrr, Hart. Gundry, Hard, McDougall, 1.. Nairn, 1' Nairn, C'lucaa, Herh. Robert.00, H. Heys, F. J. I'ridham, and (:. Henderson. CUneroe -Captain Combat **pain Rance. Lieut. Shaer, Lieut. McTaggart. Muses Ranee, Read, Mct$ardy, I,-.; nn and Messrs N. hair, W. 1'. Saald:u;, T Jackson and L KKsanedy. Seim owrii--Colon, 1 Wilde" Captain and 3 - IHsye, 31, and Mrs. 1•'. T. Coleman, M:v Platte.„ Me•eis. 1. t' Jackson and I:e Mr. and Airs. K. McLenn•a, Menem Stephen., \ .Acorn• RrorJfoot and Jeffery. Salttord cot. an,' Mrs. ):.1lthorpe, lIia•s alar•u., . Martin, and M•:Jaren, Woodstock - Bailey. lity'tb`-Misses t` is and ih •.w. Porter's hill- -Mr. ct.)ooaLl. Mitchell -N10 Anti.. Stratf.wd-Lien•. .1:1� Hagi:ty, A. l ,ran sud ('. T. tVe'.h. ltivuute-(Sp.ain end 31 Williams, Mr. sod Mrs Hattsow. Mrs. Sena .,i Mimes Roe, Patterson, Duffield, and 1:. t utIield, 1r. MoISonpl.l and .1. 1•.glir. L...\ON.- -Mem-. P. alaltsrn.,u, Joo. McGarry, 1). N. L.u,en%e tnd Rrown- Meagre. R. A. Kaylsy and F'er- r0000. Totcusni.- Me..rs. 3obeak, Rogers and Tinning. l'..Iti.oy. -- M.jor and Mn Varcoe, l'ep- tain said Mrs. Young. Mo.T1u sic -F. P. Benjamin, .0TP.: The attendance ranged between 300 and 350. Financially and socially the ball was an un.lualitied rune's. The pavilion, both upstairs and down stain, was lighted by electricity, by per- mission of the town ouuned. and the illum ination throughout was thoroughly .atiefac- tory The tables were waited on by a number of uniformed welters, under control of Mr. and Mrs. 1ie11, and were .cry well looked after. The tables were also n.cely decors*. ed with flowers. The gentlemen's .Esping rout was in charge of Sergt. Me -Muth. who carried.gn3 the arrancements for ticketing the clothing in • perfect moaner, so mnch.sa, th!#r a number of congratulatory remarks were, pasted by thole present. - The committee dolor to express their thanks to the mcrchente and other residents of the town who krnJly asi.tesl in making the ball the success it undoubtedly was,. by lending aid to the shape of bunting sud other decorations, &c. A feature of the decoration was the mag- nificent floral display inside the rotunda and around the fountains, which eras pro- vided for the siccaeion without charge by E. Rioglam, the florist, to wbum the beat thank. of the committee are extended. THE ROYAL WEDDING. Marriage rat (:rand Duke Ernest Lamle to Doke Alfred's Daughter. 1', Joutto, April 20. -.tit Murano' throng of visitors and members of the imperial rand royal fnwilies assembled hen to at- tend the marriage ceremony of Grand Dnk. Ernest Lntia, of Blease, to his comb, the Princes. Victoria Melia, of Sa:eCo- bnrq. The ceremony took place in the palace chapel, and began with the wedding procession, in which Emperor William of Germany escorted the Duchess of Sate. Goner'. mother of the bride. Ez-Rmpr.es Frederick walked alone, and side by aide walked the Prince of Wales and the Czar witch of Russia. Queen Victoria was escorted by he► .on, the Duke of Saxe. ('-fiery (Edinburgh(, father of the bride. In gorgeous apparel and magnificent jewels it was en incomparable gathering. Queen Victoria wore • crown of diamonds end remained seated throughout the ceremony. Rev. Dr. Mueller addressed the bridal maple and read the res neat He was assisted by the court chaplain. After the benediction the bride and bridegroom turned to the Queen and kissed her affectionately. BRAZIL IS PEACEFUL d ('hotel : There are now over 400 Iocaa- des.eut electric, lights in nee is town. Morris : It is estimate.! that $28,000 will be •.pesded a budding in Morrualone this year. Wingbam : Mt.. Erlich (:ray, who has hem confined to the house for 0uny months by .. u tow Iseo•gam Hol1110*mesvdlo ; Eable litht0 lassabie,ut youores . t daughter of Ed. i.wu, accidentally broke her arm while plat lug on Tuesday. Blyth : T. Mcllottald, proprietor, has vacated the Marron House, his time hav- tug expired. 'J!ohn Bennett moved into it o0 Monday. l'ulborue: •las. Tebbe, of Colborne, de. livered • bull here on Saturday. for Mr. Smith that weighed heel 21 r0 lb. after travel. ling twvleo miles. Seafurth . James Love and family moved on •\\'edmesday to Markham, where Mr. Love has secured a g..od situation to • large carriage and waggon factory. 1rue.sle . Miss Lucretia ()liver, of 11: -us eel., arrived at Portage 1a Prairie last week from the East, aod•sevisiting her eater. 31i a. 1'. D. McKinnon, Elgiu avenue, there. Morro Thurat.y afternouu of last week the bank bars on what a known as the Robt. Burns farm, 2', mile. south of l:russels, was completely destroyed by fire. Raytield : On Wednesday evening Thur. Cameron's little boy, Dan, ha! • narrow es cape from drowaini; in their well, but was rescued before serious cunsc1uences result- ed Molesworth : Sam Sangster and wife, who have spent the last three years in Nee• paws, Mme Manitoba, returned hobat week. Mr. Saug•ter will take cheroot his father's Farm here. Seaforth Messrs. Rroadfoo't, Rot & Co. have in their warer000ms, in thia town, • heairtiful six hundred dollar sideboard. It is well worth seeing. It has been sold to a Montreal titvi. Brussels: Fred. Downing left town for Ilulfalo 00 Tuesday to join hie hoar, the " Empire State," running !between Buffalo and Duluth. Ilia brother Wm. has • posi- tion on the mule steamer. Brussels : W. R. I )ickeon, wife and (•mil) formerly of Brussel., have removed from 1►eover, Colorado; to Langdon. Dakota. air. Dickson intends practising law in kis new hoart' .„Jgp und. Robs. 'erstanF d. o l'h■ 1� x, odauthtr of Mee 'T ,A(.towno, whose husband re- cently ie.Seib* Ks. is now visiting friends at Morden, Man. ; she will take up - her residence in Winnipeg. - laake : Samuel Mcltrede, has purchase•! from Thomas Shan tit, the 101) acre farm et. . the Goshen line, which abuts on ha own homestead. It is • good term and • good bargain at the puce, 5.',a). Clinton : E. Downs, late of Miunedosa, Men., and his brother Albert towns, of town, hay* bought out the merchant tailor- ing business of Mr. Hones, Mitchell, and are now in charge of the name. Brussels .lames ()liver has diepo.d of hie house and lot on Flora street, Brussels. to William Martin, implement agent in this town for 4.100. Mr. and 3Ira. Oliver will °enti00s to reside here for the Summer. Clinton- The late Mn. Glazier, of town, who was spoken of last week se having an insurance of 51000 on her bre, had, unfor tuaately allowed the policy to lapse, al- though it had only been in existence • short ttm.. .itanley : Frank Scott, e h0 has been in Toronto daring the past few month. attend- ieg Trinity medical college. left last week for Alexander, Manitoba, where he has been offered • school to teach for the summer mouths. Brussels H. 1.. Jackson has a beentifal flowering plant in the window of his jewel!. ery More milled Azalea. There are • large number of richly tinted flowers which re- main in bloom for about b weeks every Spring. It's • beauty. Wingham . Peter Rijnhart, a mie.inoary to 1lnibet, who spent a short time in Wing - ham (ferias the past winter, left for that far tiff osantry last week, accnmpanled by several others who intend to devote their lives to mammary work. Grey - What might have resulted so • very serious accident took place at the rest deuce of John McTaggart last Sunday. The family were preparing for church when their horses, • .paw of colts, ran away. The result was • brok(to boggy Harlock : G. A Newton, for many year. Mather of the school at Hemlock, in the tow.sbip of Hallett, has pod his final *:- amination in desti.try, winning first ekes hosiers. Mr Newton has located in Luck see and will practice his profesion then. Clinton Chs. Whitehead, of Brandon. Mea, wise has been here since the death of hie father, left for home on Monday. David Roes, of Whitemouth, Man , (son in 1.w of the lata Jos Whitehead. who has i also boem hate for some time, Telt tor home Mo.day morning. 1 Grey : iast Tuesday ,las. McKay, lot 30, win. 17. had • barn raising. The build ing r 50.60 feet with roomy stem stabling nndq'wth. A young man named Mo- 1►esald, of ('raebronk, was injured by belay struck, as.oidentally, in the face with • pike pole. Sides were not chasm at the redeem but .on.. lively work wee &nee aeverthel.es. IMnga.ano : Thursdayof last week Ja Mallowg6h, hotel keeper s Item was charged ' with mllieg liquor durimg prohibited hours, thereby Molars. the liquor license law, and was maesd to appear !afore 1. (: Ward and J. M Wallet , 3.1'.'a Several wit nooses. young sten frees l.sokoow, testified on oath that n. i.tn,ieating Iigaere were .old to them or drank by than on R.n.fry, the tlth day of April, sod as chars wee se evldewee to prove that mat an infr.doe of the brae law was mod. Mere wee iso envie- this The twee pas dimsl..d. There WOO (a lone swelter u the sours Tbm lsssrgwete tefsse P.IsN. s Offer of Am■«ty. Naw Yon[, Apnt 23. -The Herald's Rio Janeiro cable mys The government has notified the diplonatio corps that the republio is at pea-,. The action of ('on pees on the question of the state of siege is awaited with anxiety. A seizure of the per.nnal effects of Ad• miral da'lama wee made recently by the government police. Among the papers found were docnmsnta which the loyal papers print, showing complicity of the British and I'ortngneee officials with The Gems to restore the monarchy and ex preening full sympatby with the rebel cause. T'.. government organ, ()'Tfempo, openly inheres Great Britain and Portugal with aiding the revolt. Moirisvrngn. April 113. -The Rresiliaa inwrgenta, who entrrnrlored to the ('ro goaran authorities, have completed their penod of quarantine and hen bonded here. All are in a pitiable condition. They blase ()en. Salgado for the failure of the insurrection. All say they will decline President Petition's o(er of amnesty. Elmer: Miss RIO, daughter of 3. Pt.allawwt.h., while wan►nag i. the garden es Moudev last aectdeetall stopped as tirepseT of a gardes rah*. bath pr.etratiag Mr .s lad Wet ban Nsr host at cam* wkDoubtless sae will met Irv* the her tees far sem. time.