HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-19, Page 8e 8 TIME THE SIGNAL: COD1e:RICH, ONT, THURSDAY, APRIL 19. 1894. endemwommonewellite CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE ICSTILISLIIIMNSIO HOT- HEAD OFF/OE, TORONTO. •PITY. PAID UP) s1111c MILLION DOLLARS - 111111.000.006. SUL, B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. S1,100,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A CQENERAt BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMER' NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISEUEJ PAYABLE AT ALS POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE PR:NC/PAL CITIES IN rt4E UNITED STATE& GREAT BRITAN., FRANCE. BERMUDA, as S AVIN0$ BANK OCPARTNIENT. DEPOSITS OF $1.00 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. INTS*EST ADOSD TO TM( P*INCIPAL AT TME END OF NAY ANO le, IDCN IN (ACM Vann. Special Atts*$NN givers is tMo OoI11c1 and Farmers' Sales Motes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. SPRING SEASON�� Our Miss DONAGH has ret,urned from the Markets with a Large Assortment of the Latest and Best in Spring and Summer Styles. Early Inspection Invited. MRS. R. B. SMITH, 31asgow House. NEIGH It+►RHOOD NOTES. From our ownCorrespondents. Thfrr t.InTerssaIlea Mere That (angel tee trued le) where Eire %ew.af the I mat, Mpectally aep*rled for The Mime(. ASHFIELD. tieve%4, Aped loth The 1a11 wheat looks bleached after the set ere frosts and dry weather. Fanners are busy at ploughing and accl- aim The ground is getting in good order. Mr. Brown's mill, 12th con , is turning out both Iur.:ber and eiliagler at the sante time "i he new enuine .utmrthtng tioe. PCN%T ALBERT. Tr, miner, April lith. M.S. fares;; returued to (:ateric!s last week. Mtn May 1A ('haoce has returned from Chicago.. The listurste. show a grant of $10.000 for Port Albert harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mel:ride, (•t Ishpem- bag, are visiting relatives here. The. following shows the nacho* of lbs ewe- easful pupils of S. S No. 1, A.hfeld at tl ,. recent prom. sum.: --From neo it- 3rd to 4th-- Etta Pe11ow, Er t• Har Bennett, N. Monntoey, K. McVitie•, Horace Cunningham. Eva I* innti, Laura Thurlow, Maud Stevenson. From tad to iunior 3rd --lobo Nellie. Lottie [kronen, Li. no t lauley, E lith hollow, Hat id Mo ateuesyy. Addle Willis, Reubce Richardson, Eddie O:iver.(.co Richardson. Peter Greene, Jessie Wilson, Ethel 1* L tag. Albert Stet•enfiou. DUNGANNON. Nei'. F. The local sge vey is 1►eng•nnon for s. STUN M. is at the rake of J. U. Wart. J.I'. conveyancer. Ar., who will reoeive or• der* for snbecripiions, advertent and .cob work. and M •lithorted to give receipt• fur amcuate pa.1 ter the same. nty, April 11- 1►n ,.i..). l'.wtaT -Division court will be hell herc oa Friday, the 20th. All concern ed will Korera themaclves accordingly. W. F. M -A meeting of the Erskine church auxiliary W. F. M. was held at the rest Note of Mn. R. Davidson, on Thursday last. V,at Br.v. --Owing to the weather being quite different from that of last week and in excellent state tor Spring work the farming Csmmusity is very buoy, gardemicg, etc. AJ.ro,T ('owat.tw•Esr. - -We were pleas- ed to ses lies. H. Duff. who has been very ill for some time. She a improving in health and was able to attend divine service ou tut .abblth. We hope she may con- tinue to improve. E• . Lt•l tyre •al. On Sabbath, the 22nd last , Rev. Mr. Baugh, of Auburn, will, O. V , occupy the Rev. U. ltoger's pulpit. He will preach • sermon in the forea000 at the usual hour especially for the Sabbath school children and in the et ening general service will 4e held. Telly i), -,torn, -Notwithstanding that some remora were ascot that there would be n o public celebration of the queen's natal dy held here. the committee and others in- tereeted have fully decided to eater tato it, as was stated is our contribution of last week to TEs SU;' AT.. The is to correct say mistaken ideas to the loetrary. A Peedyti C'it.t-. - As the Misses Stirling, of Colborne, were at Thursday last paving through our village on • visiting tour to relalires in the vicinity of Paisley (limos meaty) and other points. they gays your bumble berth. • passing call. We were plaited to etoe the young ladies looking so well, and hope they will have • pleasant trip wed safe retort. 1'nrtr,-., Oa Saturday last R t •Iendee- aimg and son Albert left Isere on • vanities tour to nlativee and former acquaint/ moss at Goderich. lir. C , sr., looked quite chirpy ad yetatb el ....Owing to • tele- gram statist oat Reheat Wilson. of Disko WE SELL HOE cheaper that exclusive shoe stoves bermes 4)ar °per$1104 expenses an lass. We have so Credit System lease We are contest with a Smaller Profit. %%e have all Grades and Varieties The very latest styles in ladies lap shoes • 1'14.1a. Too Rlcoher, Chicago Ties, White (arras an 1 Russet Oxfnrds, V.• gearastee our Shoes to be as repre- sented, and will make good any .esi.as de 1 bet in artery w Ilea, eon of Mrs. Wilson, and brother of our slamism teacher, Miss Maggie %%clan, was Very ill and at the point of thigh. '%'bei- left here on Thursday last to... him When Tichbourne, of I:oderich, commenced ion Monday to till Miss Wilson's place as as. :Meant teaeller during Ler shoelace in Rik - iota. l BLUEVALE 1 T.r.i.iy, Apt il17. 4.co. lL Donald, Molesworth, anodayed here. Kam Scott, Auburn. paid our burg a %isit this week. J1: ars Iden S►nits and .1. 1 . Johnstoc, c -f lo.lerich, spent Sunday here. ' Rev. A. Y. Hartley and Rev. .1. W. lila, exchanged pulpits last Sunday. Rev. A. 1 . Hartky is attending the %'res by tertian assembly at Hamilton this week. 4 Ise Monday last Mrs. Thee. Stuart pre- , seutrd her husband wit► • young daughter. • CARLOW. Wspxtnnar, April Id. Porto-. NI eery... An open meeting of the Patrons of Industry was held in the township hall on Tuesday evening. The chair was occupied by ,Ins. 1::11, president, and an interntiue address was given by James Connolly, the Patron candidate for West Huren. Short speeches were also male by Major 1 arcos and Thos I.kdbill, the latter being president of the Itcnntiher lodg•, which we:e also appreciated. The addresses were interspersed with vocal and ias'rumeotel selectioua and a very enjoy aWe tip • Vat spent. Aaotber mtaaing will 1 e held in .bout a rsouth, which will be ad- dressed by President Stratford, of the Pat• run Rieder Twise Co. LEEBUHN. Tri.i..tr, April 17. Miss Sara Foley has returned from the Forest City. Mrs. John Stewart was the guest of Mrs. Patton, of Gen -braid, for several days last week. The tat; laird is now on the etc cf pur• chasing s windmill to Le erected an hs barnyard for pumping water and chopping grain for hisstock. A!ready quite • nun.. her of local agents are outer% ter lug him to make a sale. Itesidents from here attended divine ser• rice in Victoria st. Methodist church. I -.de- rich, Sunday mnrniug to hear the funeral sermon of the late Mrs. John McLean, formerly Mara glue:., whioh wee preached by Ker. Mr. Irvine. IT Ihrccx'T (►►T►. H it IDs... -- Two pcclb.rs -ore for dry goods and the other for scree e - polish -visited a number of the farmer's houses in then locality during the past week. If money was not tote got for their warts they took eggs at 9a. per dozen, which was one cent more than the market oto. The custon.ers of the pedlers are terribly afraid that the 'redline loaf money. DUNLOP. TrEsnat, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. B. Allow and daughter, of l;oderich,spent Sunday hers Ot a 4 treks Hot +t. -The upper story of of our smithy has been made tato a public hall for meetings and dancing parties. Mime boot of the Exchange head it for his ball, which was held one night last week, and at which fifty five couples occupied the floor until the small hours of the morning. Re•HAL Sca.:ttRy. Not the knife but the saw was used to r•lesas a veetnresom• yearling steer. which gat .it• horn" caught fast is the lower rung" of • small stationary I..IJer on • hay rack on • warren. (treat skill was shown by nae of our young pee, who sawed about an inch and • hell oR ons of the Borns before the animal could he got fres. A trio of maidens, last week, with as es cart, •pent ease tame laipectisg • hare. yard and yawing some Jersey rattle. The rising up of one of the attk, sen .what, soddenly, st.saed rather to cause • patatu fright to oe" of the maidens, who was from the circular town. These fears were ems appeased by her companions •a.1 the coun- sels of the escort that there was se danger to be feared from the Jersey bori's. Rrrratc)h-"ndrew I:reen we of our most popular young men, who bat 1wn at Sudbury, is Algona for sane time, return ed during left weak is geed health and is now relating many st.imng event. of his so- journ up there. Ifs found Ti.s Steer. a weekly comforter and almost se isterestit>t as • family letter, barring some letters which were written by the fair sex, who sow seem in h•ppin... it seems • general favorite among them on.. *gain Op)tPT.BIA Ot'IFiTTERS. met U.adorn... There are may persons, women especial y, who ars subject to Wok headaches, and the (majority of eases nothing Iib. • sstm rented is procured. Three however, ho have tried E elj.y'e liver Lown*.• n port the ,nest valuable fuslt., aid may p.rsnaa .l this vlc..ity have Man perman- ently erred by this ress.dy. Ask year .Ies gi.t tor them 25 emit.. bet se S bras for • dollar. C. R. SIIAJE & CO.'Y are shawt.g • full ramp of Les' F Gapes! IN W. ACHESON_& SON. Bargains in Wool and Tapestry Carpets Wools, SEAL, GREENLAND We are clearing out this De- -_-TannonavEruffsna= partment in our store entirely for oHAN and 'POSSUM. extensions in our Dress Goods De- artment. All C-xades of Carpet we will sell at Sale Prices. Immediate Inspection Invited. GENTS' FIJRNISHINGSI Full lines in e ery Department. er:'afl and examine goods sod pricer. C. IL SHINE & CO., MoLNa'. Block. Cor. e.luare and MeetrealeL THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR BOOK STORE. D. B. CALBICK 11'. . .1:1 •, T., - 11:111T WALL PAPERS 1 Lave just received a large shipment of .pecalties In AMERICAN WALL 1•-\I'F:11.. the product of Sixteen Tectoria. My goals are all the Ltte:It, and the prices are away down. CONE .EMI arr.. D. B. CALBICK. West side Sltare. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. t..I.nORN r. (*at.Ott , April 7th, 11394. Colborne council met in the township hall. Members aft present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The fol- lowing accounts were ordered to be paid, Samuel %'utter, repairing culvert, $7 ,lames Ilowett, buakitog cedar culvert and gravelling, $20, repairing Mcl'hee'a brides on boundary; $1.75 ; Aligns McXAmen, wood tor Mrs. iturton, $3: Joseph Haley, repairing culvert, *3 ; Thomas Sallow', re- pairing culvert, $2: Wm. l'unoingham, damage to buggy, IW -20 : Thomas Dialler, lumber,. $3.40: Joseph Kidd, shingles for Tp. hall, $26.40 ; t:eo. Been, drawing shingles, *2.50 ; Wm. Million. care of John Itava 13 weeks, $13; Wm. Moore, care of Emma ('ruse 3 months, $14. .1. A. Young moved, seconded by Nathan ,John., that James Tabb be allowed km statute labor this year on the South end of lot 15 and side rood. t arned. Adjourned to meet ssturday the 26th day of May, et 10 o'clock t. tt. ai a court of remota m. F. W. M. Ih+xa..u, Tp. clerk. i.Ui 111.14. The above council met on Saturday the 31st of March. Minutes of pratrjet proved. The all present. eS & end ap ne -e� J, were asnevi.; .,Jobav rich. Irlwash- out at brtdre S R., 3 and 4, R. D.', $13, also repotting two culverts, S. R 6 and 7, and three on ea. 7, 1115 ; Use. Carrell, le. pairing culvert. 1.. RAS; John Hutchlaon for'plank, 19 33 ; Jas. Little, repairing cul- vert •. K. 3 and 4, con. 10, 113: Jas. Irvin, repairing culvert and for spike:, 1.4 ; Pat Wallace, wood to Mrs. Griffin, $2 ; •I(.e Drennan. wood to Mrs t:ritbu, 92 50 ; James (tell, covering two culverts con. 7, lot 2, E. It., 63 60 : Isaac Hawkins, repair - Inc culsert, S P. 3 sod 4, W. D , 43 : Mr. Milligan, for grave:, 9290:John Rlack, repairing road, con. 2. 11 . Jacob Comities, burying a lamb, $1 : J•a. McKnight, cul- vert on S. 8, 9.1 : Mr. Buechler, for lumber $12 15 : A. Hart, bolts and work at Harris's bridge, $i::25: James 4:in-in, repairing col vert on t. B., 11 ; Thee. Sather", repairing toad at G1eon'e Hill, 1.15: Wm. i)reouan, repairing culvert, con. 10, M. K 6 and 7, f ; Duncan McKay, repairing culvert con. 10, lot 5, $1 ; John Shields, repairing cnI- rert, con, 2, $1 : A. Taylor, repairing wash- out S. R., 3 and 4, $6 ; Wm. McWhinney, repairing bridge, S. R., 9 and 10. con. 2, $2 ; Than Richardson, for plank, $7.41 : Chas. Hawkins, goods to the Curti* family, $33.67 ; Pat McGlynn, work oe Riohard- son's hill, $6 : Jobe .Johnston, cedar culvert coo. 12, west of 1. R, $10: Bras. Bucking- ham, repairing two culverts, con. 12, e4; ('has. ll'C'oaner, repairing under drain, Port Albert, $2 ; Mrs McGinty, county ward, 'Ka 50 ; Robt. Hamilton, belts for bridge, L R. 15 .lid 16, 118 ; R. A. Carrick, colleetor, $80 ; Thos. Culbert, jr., charity. 1116.72 ; Mrs. McLean, comity ward, $25 Conseil adjour.ed to meet on the 26th day of May, Court of Revisals to commence at 2 o'clock I•. w. Wu. Sams... Warr NAPA AY(taa Conseil met at Saturday, April7th. Mem- bers •11 presset_ Minutes of former meet- ing were read and peened. The treasurer's repot for Feb and March, showing • bal- ance on hand of $216 66 was read and Bled. The clerk was instruetaA to notify the aunty clerk of the death of Jas. Barton, • shanty ward. No action was takes ea the petition of A. H. Combs and others asking for the formations of • sew whorl section, the other municipalities interested having decided tat appoint arhitrators. The tress srer's bond was examined mod asceptod. 0n motion Messrs. Gibson mad Medd, sots 17, 18, 19, and telt. 20, ons. 1, were trona. fetrrsd from subdivision Nn 1 to Nn 2, and let 22. eon. 4 and 5 changed from No. 2 to No. I. Moved by Mr. Ihtrmin, see by Mr Medd, that the clerk ask tor tenders for the 4.5444ag of • shed on Ow township hall g=a, and that the neve, clerk. and retro. Tedd and !turnip he • commit«, to epee the tender and award the cestrees. Parried. A grant of $20 was mad. to (hes gamma Mutbasie.' Instttete. The folows.% won appointed phthalate's : D Mcllwai.. K Kirk, D. Mel'bo, W. De,k4.n., J Willard, J. Hamill, Jas. Haste, Jas. Bailie, W. Plwabt L W. H Wilms, A. Md Cato, JdnaRs, J. Ftsker, .ler Feapaa, T. Niehnlne,, W. MoMatb, J. McLw, W. Yeast. R Boll, T Bagley, Jas. Smith, A. N is►, A. Pollard, T jklleKensie, J Boyle, 5 M.dd, W t'emattis.. T. Rad•bila, T. UJres, A. P•stland, W. OanspbelL N. %w,R, J, (.Lek, J. Tbenum s. W. M•A1- - lett,, *eust hems. i.'ut. - 25 Pieces of New Batistes, Levantines, and Challies opened to -day. W. BCHESON & SON. Mr&igbo.t Prices for Eggs and Butter.: A BARREL OF MONEY T1.II/; IS .110.\EY." (titc�.=..ic°iRM CLOCKS • BY THE BAt1REL OR OTHERWISE A FIRiST.CLASS ARTICLE 1% AKit ANTED. 98 CENTS, Also Watcher. .lewellery, etc.. at the .Jewellery Emporium. Wart IC 0. Ae HUMBER & SO WA.AtRANTRD_ 1'R r•'S('Iztirt'tiN 111 t"(i . RE. [curl House Square GODERICH. Diamond and Turkish Dye.. AU the New Moeda South American Melilla Wilson Iron Pella. A mdse. did Blood Rudder shdawing Medic lie. TdfgbwelL lister, .1, Mc('abe. IL Beipby, F. McGuire, P. ()Caner. uoner, J. Cray, T. Woods. 10. Alton, E. Fitzpatrick, W. Camerae, J. Rad - ciao, W. Kitten's, , Beadle, W. Arm- strong, S. Thompsoe, 4;. White, H. Ruther- ford, t;. limey, E Rogers, .1. Derain, E. I Mein, K. Wood., .1. Rar age, W. Wood., 4'. Smith, P. Cummins, E. Haines, 1. Bowles, J. Smith. P. Campbell, 1V. Miller, .1. l;ordon, .1. Miller, 1. Campbell, J. Mc }themes, W. Uoonolly, l' 'Taylor. J. Ludt law, .1. -Martie, 4.. Greer, 1'. Webster, W. I. MoMillas, A. Aadereon• J. K. Caater.,tt. It. Archer, .1. Thorn, 1V. Webb, .1. Foster, ,1os. Laidlaw, R. Thompson, H. Rintool, W. S. Livioratoae, J. Noble, .1. taunt, .1, , Whyard, T. l'entl.iod. The pound keepers 1 and fence viewers of lett year were re- appointed. The fo;lowtur checks were is- sued .lames Daroii, 15 yds gravel. S1 50 R. K. Miller, 5 memo. books. SO : Andrew Stewart, 50 yds. gravel, $3.50 ; I4ung•a- • non Mechanics' Itetitute grant, $20. Council adjourned to west as a court of revision and for general business on r aturdav, May 26th, at 10 o'clock. R. K. MU -Lill, Clerk. • Subscribe for Tas Se.N il_ BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL, - - $1 2,000,o30, 6,000,000, A Saving Department has been closed in cos, vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. H. LOCK WOOD, Manager Gaderich Branch, REST, SEASON 1894. Prospect FINE WEATHER and BRIGHT DAYS. At the "Eiig5orluin BIRIUHT FLOWERS and FINE TRIMMINGS ionable Headgear, to suit all tastes and purses. for Fes?, MISS H. M. PITCHER, Mtl.LINl'R1- E111'(1KII'M, EirXext door to Star (!dice. Wait STltr, 1 IDRESS GOODS AT COST & UNDER COST. NOTE THE FOLLOWIHH REDUCTIONS 50 Cent. for 30 28 Ca* tett 18 50 " 25 25. e" 18 43 " :30 23 -13 40 ill 29 20 \ " .. 15 33 20 15 " 9 30 at 23 121 " 8 10 " 7!. The above are all goal sound Goals and (road Colors, ani 1 what are above 9 cents are all wool. These Goals Must be clearest out and tht•v are decided Bargain& RUBEIt DRESsEs. $11.00 Dress for 8500 6.50 :1:10 6.00 :l IN► 5.75 " 2'1I) NEW SPRING GOODS NO IG STOCI In Prints, Challies, Delaines, Delainettes and Dress Goods. A splendid assortment of Irish Guipure Laces in Cream, Two Tone and Beige for dress trimming, all new and at astonishingly Low Prices. Best Corticell e Silk Spools in Black and Colors, 6 cents each. Kerr's best 6 cord Srool;, B!a;k and Cobra, 4 for 10 cents or 3 cents each. Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco is the Best Value. 5c., toe. and 20c. Plugs IN LACE CURTAINS. I would request all those now contemplating the purchase of Lace Curtains to inspect .our Stock. Take a look at our 22o. Curtains other stores are trying to sell at25c. We are selling a line at 35c.; the same style Curtain is sellingin town for . See our 45c line. See our 95c. Curtains. Our $1 50 line is equal with most of the $2.00 Cur- tains Our better lines equally as cheap. We will not be undersold by any Hoose in the Trade. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs. JAMES ROBINSON. Clan 'TOM, - JOiRLN'>e SLOG. .e-• .'•-.. ,• M. LOOK into our Carpet Room will con- vince anyone that at our Store- is t:,t• gest place to buy Carpets. Fire Carpet* usually mean fancy prices. With u. it is different. W r have The Best Goods 401/ .{ l Astonishingly Low Prices. We have .just purchased a new Corp. t Sewing Machine which will new n Carp.t better than it can be sewed by hand and more than ten times as fast. We can take your order for a carpet of 23 to 40 yard.'nnd have it sewed and reedy to lay on your d..cr in about TWO hours. it ail! 1.e to your advantage to give us your Carpet oaten. Prices right, sad an immense Stock to select from. 3 per rent. of all ategwllsr Priem of Ory Coeds Fneet•.s... COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. IT 18 ONE THING TO CRY Bargains ! AND ANOTHER THING TO (SIVE THEM. People alto have prire.1 our Goods say that OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. The Stock is very large, and to move it out in a hurry we have cut the Prices away clown so low that THE PRICES DO THE SELLING ! We could not pay 100 settti on the $ and sell at the prigs we are offering tear stook at, but we bought the stork at a very low nit* and we are going to give our customers the advantage. Full lines of i4eliea' Fine Butto led Room, Oxfor,.' Toe Slippers, 34 . %limes and Children's light and heavy in a complete range of trees: Ment and Boys' Fier and Heavy Roots. Extra Yaw. I(peeial Attention paid to Ordered Work. Repairing neatly dose. E. B. POLLOC K, Peri''e 01d tMils!, a(d.rit -