HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-19, Page 7ef THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, A PHIL 19. 1891. y A Carpet is something you don't buy every day in the year and our advice to in- tending purchasers is to 1llg oct Dory Stock of Carpets in tie Town 18 and then buy where you can get the best value for your money -that's our style of doing business. our Stock of CARPETS for this Season is exceptionally large anti wc11 assorted- We have - Stair Carpets, from 3 cts. a yard up. Hemp Carpets from 1! cte. up. t'nion Carpets from 33 eta. up. 'raliestry Carpets from t;i eta up. The Largest Stock of new Carpets in the town. No Trouble to Show our Goods. JOHN T. ACHESON THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. SPRING ECHOES. NOW IN STOCK 1'u ra,ol s and Umbrellas. i the latest). (Moves es usual up t•) the mark. HOSIERY . 1:,,,k, White, Cream. Slate, Fawn and Tan Shale. in Silk 1.1-1e Thread and Cashmere. SPECIAL VALUE . . - A Targe range of Trimming Braids, in Siik. Mohair and Angora All widths in Serpentine and Creme Military. DRESS GOODS t'adimeres, Henrietta& and Whip Cords. Cashmeres in White, ulster e, Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shales in Nun's Veiling. DELAINETTEB in ''prays, 11u411, '1.4- and -;trip.'-. A full line of Smallwares. inc:uding Pearl and Linen But - tone, 2 and 4 boles. t..►••u"a histo MIM/led.pp �Per (ee. ar. DI..al roe (aska. Xis. a+INTIZCD, het DraDSP clad Baberdaahar. 4.1 SERPENT KILLED. A Pretty Good Snake Story. r.t.r eaa•ew. attired caller. hew lar. ate 1@ tar are nerves. la Two. s.d Tba1 Baia Ca.d• saes awe., lhe Alleged ,.els la rise it sae. lee n,u -h discuss.' mottoo as to •nether the pea serpent is a reality err sot J as n,uch of • problem today u it seer est I in the other hand every sow end 'neo personsct more or Ives credibility re - shotgun, cartridge belt, and hatchet. 1 plunged into the ties aad swam for the raft, about twenty yards astern, ceiling to my dog to follow me. L'ut 1 had miscalculated tee speed of the great snake. for while yet several yards from the raft I heard a hewl of agony from ray brave Carl. %Vbtle I had been swimming fifteen yards the snake had glided more than half • mile and pounced upon Carl. The dog weighed between esresty-firs and eighty poeada, and his gree. -eyed captor was boldine him to hie Mouth twenty feet in the air. 1 do mot know how I reached the rah, bat in lase time than it takes to record it 1 had tserzed the gun and sent a heavy charge of buckshot tato the creatures belly about where it ensorved tremrthe water A vwbk trete passed through his body, bas head fell, and bringing Carl down with frightful port pereonel sight ot such creatarese•ad in velocity'.the Poor dog was hat lad agYMt the side of the best with • forme that killed tis earn their descriptions agree. him inrteatly. The make released his hold The rummer is in receipt of the latest re as.l t'art's bode mob out of sight. part ot this kind from. • Norwegian boatnac 1' now wowed d that tn. *hot bad not w Nei. Sound, who eons not ably to only wounded the reptile, but it had anger - Save seen but to have fought with and moet him to rsUaor • dangerous and • ng r tally wounded • sea serpent is the wales of degree Instantly its Lead was again on high, deafenleg kbrng tease fr,lm he, test estuary. Peter Hume, the man who throat, and the velem tor a huwlred feet makes this claim, is • retired sarkr, who seaward we -e ojweMj into foam by the kgs visited nearly every import tele e horrid writhiat of lalt . A.1* .the ,Sob✓. aad "w' tiring of the b" taken spJ fun and isc Larged the other barrel. up' homestead claim sear \ ashen bleed, Happily the t hick masa of ked went where in tee upper Paget emend. Although only a retool sailor, he is well rowed in moat of the natural sewers, each as geography and tetany. He es a fair Latin sebel•r, havis taken up that breech of study without a 'eacher, pokily for tie purpose of being batter able to sadeestred the tse•aieg of i bad aimed, into the creature's swaying bead, and I think it partially, if not wholly, bliaded the beset, for when the smoke had cleared away, onto( hie eyes was protruding iron the socket and the other appeared to be entirely closed. If my first shot angered him my second shot stoked bin into a freely that knew no eciealnce technical Lerma. He has a well brands. Hu biasiap were sowaocompaaied 'elected library of classical, soieatitde and by an ear -piercing strident roar that so tr.thematical works, while nae room in his baguets car dssortbe. His neck, molt I abs s graced with • cabinet of geological should judge was tem inches thick in its epecinieos which would do boson to any ool- slenderest part, swelled into great knotsz lige is o,er ladas . emote of .luiverfmg muscle, which *senl.Q Mesa facts ootnoecaag Mr. Hamm are to chasers its hoe with every movement, omehieb for by a teatimes by the name of Thrown's back his great hooded head is t.. aemu,roaasetedwith they mhos college, erne ssrpmtiae aty1e. he began to strike al '.'0•rtrrooster, Wash. the boat. At one time, faatenrag his laws yes else starboard gunwale, he wrenched e( a piece of solid timber five fest lose and two ieebse thick as easily, apparently, as a san would bite into the this etre of a chine's. Thrown', his h.' ly into • series of g reat rettieal coils eight teat ie diameter, • sae apktsly encircled to boat, and, with one cometrictioa, crashed it into a shapeless masa. An tide/nate idea of the strength of the rimester may be jaded from the fact that my boat had formerly bees the manacle of • lave. ship. built of oak, with each plank lag, aad .atunl crook trees timer the thwarts. After crashing the boat, the ser- pent did sot immediately uncoil himself, hat tay coos animates with the freemeeta .bill is kis embrace, while kis over restless tail whipped the surface of the cel t'erioesly in one of int gyratieas the sad of the tail hill epee ray raft, test, with what most Mee bees i mpiresmss agility, 1 as4 sd my broadaxe aad with nee bow cut off Ave hot of the wriggling end. i was estasmiag this a nowt valuable prise, Mt before I mel secure it the slimy sasss wriggled int. the water sad was Is. Preen tide time the pest reptile evidently beiges to weaken from the lam of bleed, which wee peering is streams froom bin bead aad the wend glean him by the broadaxe. Slowly reaMidew b mewed position ds the "Ater Lbs aesiuro withdrew toward Lbs apes tea sed was see oat of esti, When i int N W miorsaloa agwdy abreast of me i roots judge dot frees the .M..s d lased M ware the nes was lashed by the awl .f lib tall the distamw was 150 lest. While ewimmisa newasd my best the reptile serried hie MO higI..poo Lh• umr- foes d the water, wieslstl► ea the alert the pray. sod slowly serape' Lha -►reset tart lila Me body hem don to hew atter the -aim err .t a --smmes Witte maks. The papa Veartermaeter, Wash, liar. 5 -On the .:4th day of Vebrwy, 11104 I was ht her Mat towing • .mm* raft of .odea km beat Itto opposite above to my rani. 71ie ka y. re rather strait, h *beet three mile wide Iwo. and I was withie half • mile of the wast shore upon whisk steeds my cakis. The raft 1 had is tow owteimel sir slewty rill hg al'pe. the middle of ibs raA small platform of seder shakes, ad on thia platform were my 10015, • 'imtdohitted cheppisag ave, a broad -are, end a Markel double-barreled 'MMus. My Xrwft,undtaed deg was with me is the boat, "vul'ng high up is the bow burkh,g at lb* 'ores and gulls I woe lei.aredy maim' leaisst a *IA s•sthosst wird, thoaph the 'lO1es'eg tide war in my favor, heal 0 light er. tM ewftw a was evem.ioally breaking Vail had jest deiehed • prolonMed et of larking at the daces whim he esddwly faded tech es mensal growl of seem tial I looted armed to see what the weaker esM M. The sight that otmy IMM paralysed lee, amt the ears dropped frim w► heeds. os my met gstavter, .haft dine fnorthe et • mile disbars,. thin Isosad Ms nowise bear) asst reek .t .user assurer mhh, asything I bled ever sees or dra mud ne all 7 Ida, sad I bus. bean a seeeei iw Pert ih . tarty d yam • whited miry viemige glebe. Rim first seer Ube emote,. tsY ask ImOthsewith ben bead basp istsMsumenus. bowleg 4 44.1 bawd .o ''u wed r ariOe,be 41101494 tome s no Itt herbal ',today. die mighty m�ed bodily imltabbef • semi e�rt d► obeli emeed ` M j tee solhsg of • ids >rJ tete ke meek my Lreety Mothers suffering with Weaknebs and emaciation, who give little nourishment to babies,ahould take Scott's Emulsion. the Cream of Cod-Ilver CHI and hypophosphites. It will give them strength and make their babies fat. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Daft be IiahN by Sal:tihlul bostt A evwsv, INW. itis. Alt Drvosteta. sea ILL fattened Mid was heeded like that of an kcse lathe colza, and from the up of to nose to the insertion of the neck would have measured perhaps three test. The head was fully two feet and • half wide, but appeared to be deficient in vertical depth. The eyes were set juat forward of the hoodal appen- dage and were as large as the es ea of an ox. There were no'edioaeroas of • dorsal tin or rudimeutal Leet, as have been attributed by some former observers to the so 4:ailed ass serpent. %ehrle the goalie was coiled art.und my boat 1 had • pretty good opportunity to study the great sire of its body. The loop, or. as seamlo would say, the bight, of the coils was uppermost, while the crossings were far below the surface of the water. That portion of his body forminv the middle coil there were three of them ,,though much Battened from the strain imposed upoe 11, was .onsiderably larger than the trunk of a stoutly built trap. The back, from head to end of tail, was ot • dark brown coior,close ly approschimg black, while the belly was • yellow drab The skin was without scales and smooth like that of an eel. l ragmeots of the wrecked boat have conte ashore near my cacao, mud I have secured several pieces of the gunwale *bowing plainly the imprint of the creature's teeth. The least is certainly mortally wounded, and the caress • will teal! probability be coat roma the beach. This event I shell await with all possible vigilante. \V.eks may elapse and decomposition tit the skin and dash take place, but the skeleton alooe wt veld be • valuable a. yuisition to *creme*. t)ne fact prone. that the reptile was not venomous. After being in the water only a tew hour' the body of Carl drifted ashore and 1 took pain* to examine his wounds. He bad teen bitted quite through the body• just back of the shoulder. tam ntakiog an incision I found .bat the flesh was not in the least discolored. The heart was in a normal condition, a thing which oiled not have existed had the sn*ke's fangs sleeted a commensurable amount of pinion into clic body of the doe. 1 also Battered portions of t'art's tiesh along the teach, which the reveas and one gotta eagerly devoured. Now. it is well Iowan that such birth will eat tainted teeth, white they iwtinctively shun any food that has been artfully poi- soned. If the carcass of the journal is stranded upon the Leach the skeleton will he shipped to the .Academy of Sciences, Sas Francisco. Tbig event ie daily eapeet.l,since fragments of the mottled skin have already twee wash- ed upon the shore. l'eter Hansen. .an Francisco I.:mA nister. GYMNASTICS FOR WOMEN. e r. Aad.r.s. s Leet.re Defers a Large •.dieser. Prom the New York World. There is one subject which transcends even woolen's rights in the interest it pse- setaes tor the feminine mind, end that is physical culture- The Biu of the andie :s which gathered yesterday evening at the V. W. C. A. hall W hear Dr. Anderson lecture on "Gymnastics for Women" showed that D otting is quite so attracting to women ae psting tatsso awn, so restr,at- ed were their by the uutrsgs.ss aryle of their gsewtessa F:veu more orcibk hest convincing than thew outline views of natural and unnatural figures were the &ketones of the tatertor argosies' before and alto using the comet. No wogs.0 who looked epee thew could re, from from uttering • mental vow to stye up stays forever, or at lomat to lissom their slnwvs. And elms Dr. Aodersoo stated that the pressure exerted by the average comet was thirty-five pomade and that for Isis part he would welcome the day when they should be mo more, the meatus % broke into hearty applause. The stereoptio0s news were particularly tuleresttug and instructive. The vywuasta of many imetttutions were revealed to the eyes of tee audiemur, and the yuuog women had a chance to compare the gymttwttc se- u•smmodatrons at Cornell with those of Columbia and Vale. The stews of the Vele gymnasium were especially tutor est and revealed earn the details of that building with fidelity. The beautiful exterior, the impueing entrance, the trophy•room where the hard-won palms of victory are stores, tho marble corridors and the swimming pool, all passed in review before the inter eted v0,e of the young %omen of N w Vork. 'Chen then were pictures of men and women "before and after taking" gymnastic exercises, as well ea ores taken during the coulee, and these were the strongest possible argumeutu in favor of physical culture. To see the bent shoulders striivhtening, the hollow cheats tilling out, the slender artrs becoming muscular and round, the ueeves shr.,lJrrs even these were enough to vans -eft the most uu:ithev- iog. How thoroughly lir. Andersen Mat. - wed to cunvince his bearers of the value of such training may he guessed from the fact that they applauded the statement that (Merge Washington had been ao athlete and a cbampioo running high jumper with more vigur titan they would base exhibited in •pplaodiuv h:.. trutietellinv dispositi.m. Mat's s.rap•ao.L. Fur • long time 11a1' a mother saved all the pretty pictures that came in her way, and put them in a Lig box all by them- seles. They were fancy chroutee. adeer- ti.ine cards and such magazines es. were not preserved to he l..uod. At least there rot to be s large collection, and May got old enough to take an intelligent interest in the arrangement of the pictures, and to help a paatinc them into the book. in the long summer days she and her mother devoted themselves, when at leisure to selecting and classifying the pictures and pasting them into • scrap Lick, which tau large enough for the largest picture in the box. The scrap book was divided into de- partments. There was the story depart meat, and into titin weir all the pictures with stories in them. There pages devoted to demotic anima!,, to birds, to will animals, and to insects autl fishes. le the . entre ot one page. for e a t pie, was i n ocean scene, and around this were placed various fishes. Another had in the middle a petty woodleud view, and birds in various attitudes were pasted aerated this. There was • dining room department and the ad - reenters of @Iver and teem and chive weri large contributors Also a bitch( n depart• meat, containing things useful in that do- main. The nursery arotxioed quantities of baby faces and cribs and baby catriages. Slay learned to mak her own paste, with' dour and water and • little sugar, all mixed smoothly together. and toiling water added till it. was just thick enough. She had • little paste brush, and learned to cut the pictures out nicely and paste thein in with out soiling the apace around them. When the book was door, there was some material left user to begin another book with. Not only May enioyed looking over her acr•ap book. but it was a great pleasure to her grown friends as well, and a great many resembling it were made by Tittle girl fne.d., with the help of their mothers or elder sisters. The Klass Mer.e.. methods for attsiniag health, gra,* and beauty. Every seat in the big assembly - roans was taken. The gallery was tall of youngwho shared the space gladly with atereopticoo apparatus and the worker of the views. And a whole hoe of seekers after physical development leaned against the doors aad walls in variooa at- titudes not approved by phyuiol eultoriste, •ed eagerly drank in Dr. Anderson's re- marks. All acme sad all oonditaons were there. those to whom • comfortable chair in the chimney -corner seemed more fitting than clots and horizontal hue, as well se active young persons who doubtless needed the teepees as an outlet for rupertlnov. marry. I)r. Anderson began by wsr•i.g the woad -be gymwt avainet the mistake of thanking health aad strength synonymous terms, and implied that the devekiprrtent of IAscle was net so much an o jsot for women to strive for u control of the muscular forgive. 1. support of his views regarding Me dissimilarity between health end great strength, he cited •onerous rad made of young men to whom lifting • few hundred pomade was a mere bagatelle, but who all succumbed with painful rapidity to disease. The development of ordinary strseeth was, however, he claimed, • worthy object, sad the gym.asium was the piece in which to develop it. f :ymaastac amortise were estimable chiefly for wanes, Dr. Anderson mid., in giving them costes! over their m.seles. Whet this lases of n o'oabr control is le•rsed, sot ealy In • woman gr+od.1, easy sed self- , bet she is goo .ot so likely to R DO TOO DEODORIZE I? ? 'Deur is the heel of the �RANBY RUBBER Look for tbu• patters on the heel whets you buy a Rubber or Overshoe. 1t guar- antees 0 perfect article. VIMI W1'd8 LIS1 Ask your dealer for them. CRISP AND CASUAL. The t'bioese have an academy ..f meaner* that prescribe% t u'luctte for the slue.: em- pire. The stoat agreeable, restorati'e tonic and mild stimulant u Mtlhurn's Reef Doer and \fine. 1 ni The total coat ut the deportation of Chin- ese laborer, under the 4;tory act is estimat- ed at $7,3ti0.lY0. l'u.ch u the Ilindoo word fur tive, be cause nye in,redient• arrack, sugar, tea, lemow and eater -eater into its eompooi• thus. Milliners first plied their trade at Milan, and to be a Mulatser was equivalent to being able to prepare an elegant head-dress. Unsiithtly pimples, blotches, tan, and al itching humors of the akin are removed by using Dr. Low'. Sulphur soap. lin Tabby, the name of • peculiarly tnarLed cat, wits su called because its markings re warbled those of a waisted silk made at A tahi. An advertaenient in a Forcat City, Pe., paper, reads ea follows : " Everyone wlfr cannot get trusted anywhere else do to Blare k'r. " Ilr. 1.ow's Worm 'yrup has removed tape worms from 15 to 30 feet lung. It also de- stroys all other kinds of worms. lni track was ucce the bench which money c6sngersset out in the msikiL paces of Venice, on which to display their piles of change. Michael Angelos " Last .fudgnwot," ex- ecuted in the Sistine chapel in 1541, pro. dueled a hos' of imitatione, most of which were stere caricatures. t'oostippsaton claims many victims. Ward uhf this dread disease by the use of Small Sugar t-'oated Cur•tock i'.its when need- - I m. It is stated that a pail of water 0ontain- rag a handful of hay, if placed Io • room where there has Igen smoking, will absorb all the odor of the tobacco. A Siberian crab tree st Carterville, Mo., is now producing its p._'ood crop of fruit, wbils1111. iia broaches arefilledwith blossoms for t third time Ibis season. Shiloh's Cute u sold on a guarantee. I t cures iso ,tient consumption. It is the beet cough cure. c )nly one cent • dose ; 25 cm., 50 eta., and ii1.00 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. e w Nixon girls 1,Obc) ears ago always wore a gold crown during the marriage ceremony, tbu article being kept in the church, and a fee paid the priest for its use by the bridev of the parish. A good story is told of a purse -proud old noblesmw who was trevollisg through the rand districts of Sweden. In that country the people do not have quite u much rev - poet for the titled aristocracy as in some other localities oo the continent. Use day the nobleman came rutting yp to • country tavern, and as he stepped ha carriage he called nut in an imp.riomh toot "Horses, landlord - bon'. at once '" "'1 am very .nuch pained to inform You thatyou will hare to wait over an hour be fore resh home can be bronght up" re. plied the landlord, calmly. How :" violeetly exclaimed the noble. mac. "Thu to the ' My man, ye demand horses immediately *" Thee observing the fresh, sleek looking ones which were being led up to another carriage, he continued "For whom are those horses'" "They were ordered for this gentleman." replied the landlord, pointing to a tall, slim individual, • few paces distant. "1 say, my man called out the nobleman, 'will you let me have those bones if I pay you • beral bonus' ' ' No," answered the slim man, "I intend to use them myself." Perhaps you are sat aware who i sire," round the now thoroughly agitated and ir- ritated sobtsman. "1 sm, sir, Field Mar thrall Baron George Sparta, the last and only one of my nes 1 am very glad to boar that," said the slim man, stepping into his carnage "It would be • terrible thing to think that their might he more of you ening. I am inclin- ed to think that your race will be a font rad." The slim man was the King of ewe len London World. I bave been greatly troubled with head• •die and bad blood for tee or twelve years. I started to take Burdock Blood I1.ittc re a July, lMSt2, sad now �.lanuaty, 18431, I am per Betty card. Ht. „ Dues , sorwold,Oat. y Lar oesorioma igen em0- tinme are .x by m.arelar contrwe uono sad ospssoises, to person who has gained oontrel of hie or ler monde* has gained the amiable power of "keeping his or her hsllap be himself." The more mom mos sheet* of rywir•edo gwisi.g in the line of er.oefel fares easy walk and rho like were also touched nom. 11r. Aesthetes. illustrated his talk with •este ted charts, is whish the hams term dodos mei sometimes enehvbs wmeleetribed .pia • bleak lackgt!uOd wide which all ha gnome or •11 its id.e n tise were elearly brought met. Of teems there wee that dear friend of dram reformers, Vwtn Of Milo. leskisg p•rtimiarly healthy sad graceful beside as atnwlions fashion plate with weep waist shad .Moly large hip• There was obs • Meters of • variety .bats laworfts M servo as • fearful weren't sgdsct the easM*, while • el.mle nymph disported herself 10.04. the Ammer sad Mewed what p•.s they nigh hops to at Min who .Yost sops. The semi of thane parol Lasts tori etro.f0bu4 by the . Aadlemse seem saes br�Mated myiMR Wet Mae hale r coreri, sett.lest M ask sediemse be Captain Sweeney, 1'. S. A., Res Uiego, Cal., says : "Shtloh'e Catarrh Remedy b the first medicine 1 have ever found that would do me any good." Prig 50 cents. Sold by all drurgiata. e w In 186b an experimental cruise of all the ironclad* in the Itritish navy, 30 in number, was made during very rough weather, to as• certain how they would behave during •' storm ; result deemed aueceeefnl. If the money spent every year in this country on drink were given to a person in gS gold pieces, he m.ght walk round the earth at b>e equator end drop tbreeot every step, and then only just exhaust the eup- PIy A marriage ceremony was performed in a Brooklyn police court on Tuesday, in which the bride was • deal mute and the groom a Russian who could only talk in his Dative language. The ceremony was conducted in the sign language. No small objection which youag folk had to the old-time spring -medicines was their n atseoneseus. In our day, this objection is removed and Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the meat powerful and popular of blondparifien,isea pleasant to the palate es • cordial. Curved stereotype plate* were invented in 1815, but were little used for half • cen- tury after that date. Sine* 1865 they have come into general employmsat in every n ewspaper oftioe in the oosetry whose .di - tion is printed on a fast steam press. Frogs are mainly juice. 1f they try to nuke more titan a *bort journey away from moisture, in • drought, they will perish for want of water, and then their bodies will dry away. The frog's bases are *o soft that they scarcely leave asy oiekton. Dyspepsia cause* i isrinees, Headache, Cenrttip•tion, Variable Appetite, Rang and Soaring of Food, Palpitettcri of the Heart, I)iatremes after Eating. Burdock Blood Bitten are guaranteed to euro i)yspepsia, if faithfully used according to direction*. Henry Ward Beecher oore informed a man who cane to him complaining of gloomy sod despnedeet feelings, that what 1. meet needed was a good c•th•rtie, meas lag, of coarse, such • medics&& as Ayer's ()atbartic Pills, every dose bung efectiva. 1. as out of the way nook in the British museum the sight -seer is cosi routed by a dasa.-ooeu ed obiect, which at first sirht would be taken for • gigantic milletnea But it is slot. it ie one of the most sacred oriental relies is existence the tomb of Alezaader to great. In ladle cerise' regiments Witt 5,510 men were plated Bader ob.srvtsns. They were divided into free drinker., moderate drisk- ere sad ah.taisers. It was fond that the deaths of the former ware 44 per 1,000, of the moderato driskere 23 per 1,000 and of the and.berc'sly 11 per 1,000. A J sestina le • 'oast mime •f kir. The p.bib de sat eol1 ant their bads, but mite their gooses, together with the .wet they are wining le poi, os • dao r paper, and pet it in a bete. These w ask d Messiah earl the althea awarded to she poem wig. has mels to Mnset offer. The at .0p V bear pissed ea the Ale irk rOakel perk, New Verb. It le heak et tis. arra{ with gold. set estaeb.haet THIS SPACE BELONGS TO McINTOSH & HARPER, SUCCESSORS To SAUNDERS & CO. + + + • + + + + LOOK OUT FOR ADVER- TISEMENT NEXT W1 K. half way down the pynmidion. The cap was reirotnmended by Prof. A. A. Julius, rI 4'olumbis college, in his lecture before the l:cegraphical society last month. lentil recently all marriages in Engleed weret celeiwate.l before Boon, the reseen for whish law was that the paries might be sutler. It used to Le the custom to .line at IMOD, and, ad it was the proper thine to drink the health of the brute and groum,fre- .iuentle all parties would appear at timelier latex ivated.----- --- New Brunswick cedar altinolcs at Kidd's, 41.00 so: PLANING NULL ESTABLISHED '1115l. Buchanan & Son, • NI tr,s.Tt caries SASH, DOOR and BLIND (neaten In all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And bandet's, material of every descriptio; School Furniture a Specialty. DL'NIV'S BAKING POWDE THFCOOK'S BEST f RIEHD LANGEST SAL[ Ira CANADA. >dgNallie Asearleas AgesoY hr PATENTS wAtf'AT NT a.bs. A rt°�iot' hr,. piton's to its NOONtem a m Aortas. ma ss t. tWOSaM meows a by • witsm glee. tree M aures to tae feinting Anitricau Laws. pn.riattnm et soy ',lentlt a paper In tae tlrM. tTrnA41 11�traiM. Nn IM t rya eanwlA M a th..et it. *041'f1�fi a 1rr, Lt.10 rix 5101100. A Mt1A iI 'Vg1 dinar.. lir Irresdwss. INw ruga. Patronise True GRATEFUL -COMFORTING• EPPS'S COCOA • BREAKFAST --SUPPER "Ay a thorough knowledge of tt. ,,u: not laws whish rtotrrn the oprret,o:.a of d.uce.•tior and nut tot inn, end by a -arefnl ap,.l:eat;oo of the tine urop'r•ties of wellselected cocoa, Mr. F,ppe has provided for our breakfast ane .up per s delicately %routed beverage w ti:. a :Lay e•re ns many heaiy derusr,: mita, It 's by the judicious use of such articles of dtet it:at •.•os stI t ut:em may be grad oaluy built up •inti 1 stems enough to meat every teodescy to drama.. Il indrede of subtle maladies are Rooting around os ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. NM may escape many a fatal adult by keeping ourselves dves well fortified what push blood and a properly nourished frame.-- ('irtl !ierrire Gazette. Made 'imply with Mains water orlmRk. Sold only in packets, by Uracer..'stir:lad thus: JANES PTO • e' isa., Measwopallise O Cionsike.. laiien. s/rland. • er eL1S10w OODERJCH Stea,n, Boiler ly'ur1: s. issTABLIl t1k'i)'1S'a.I A. S. C H RY STA Lt, S,etessrto Chrystal et SIucki Manufncttir'srs-of all kinds of Station. ary \(•rine', Upright Jr Tul,ula: 130oi I.J=eae_f'a 7 Salt Pane, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Irop Work., etc., etc. Also dealers in Upright andelHori:ontal Slide T•]ve taistac.,%utomatic t tit UR kairines a perialty, All 'sines of pi a and tips-Mt:se co.staotly oo hand. Fwtirnalee fnrrisMd oe .•ort malice. Repairing promptly atteeded to. 2702-1y 1'. O. Hoz 37. 0oderirh. (Int. Competition. Works -Opposite O. T. R. y'atlon. Ooderiee. HUGH DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, bee just returned from the cities where he has been selecting NEW SPRING HODS. Ile has now on hand a large Lino of the Choioettt Goods in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Prices to sort the titres. it. I)l'NLI)P. HAVE YOU BACK-ACH E DODDS KIDNEY PILL WILL CURE YOU TOI Cavantat i'M-Who ItAltwar t'o.• Tsai tma•►m has bse$ rolMMtsd to give the pistils • Om ekests eibw esessast rvs with fair awl lir_roses es b.i.es Prim: la and to OW lasit les pogrom. immovesW support se ovary Pumas ohs 540 flasetcomeoeswlas &owl nos tide Vew.sw,1 ilium atl.g wnh all limas wed ..b4.. s• WanedShreds alai n4set tj wwaJwa s�^li�an Neasa=I0.0 15W04 -t. "faeba0h• swans tiro kid- neys her• I. treble. Dedd's Kidney Pil.iv prompt relief "16 per .alit. • di is ret awned by disordered bid - "light es wolf ter to ret. m bvdltkd cfty *11howI *ewer - e e• t4. IkwRlt/M fogey. ere • fR tbsf aro Um seat owes of the system. "Delay I• ofe kidney dangerous. heytroubles result in Ind flood, Dyspepsia, three Compkiat, and the most dan- gers,* • elf &rights Dia fro tAir led Droppsyyf.. "The.b•v• *soma MNMt •rI•t wirer* Dedd's Kid**, PlIl• are real she &OM ae..et M anlrelwn gaaai 4 rem AL iW* G «e.m Mata. fey