The Signal, 1894-4-19, Page 6a TIIE SIGNAL: GODERICN, ()NT , THURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1894. N\VI)LJM)LkNIi CRlG3 1 he ten utbly Meet, 1 mho f the New Admiudah'atiou, +DHIDGE S PART -1 DEf EA1 The tglialtsowayttes Muir a Karl of ( =11•lerre Notion The 1 .I.r• us Ihw Mac bred ttefu.rd .1d..'t tare. 11 hJe 1hr 1. e. 1•...x. e4 ‘S.s.2)).4 talt•s _eji,)-?wisko014 • FORMATION OF LAWNS. EO $redlog aMrlaa ort Gra !'lana I.. - Nulled M.JJIra. s1 Til.• gospel of the perfect l•,wu includes leap soil ( he melee greases and fire Item t molt t Iu magi a lawn too little unpnrtatce is (anally placed fen flier roggh 1 r.•neleug ..r tee's riling end enrich ing the land. The surface eliould (o• h.rtow•.-t cud hand raked until it is in thr finest c"rulitlou As to thechoteeutf awed title tuypt vary,..mewhat with to eality and special c•unJih•.m. t:very meelewau has his Hark Vella/ !Mature. • i.r Joao., Nei , April it- *turdsy'e ppll laanieu$ar) pro we lterk*were nitrates.dented rot 40 4 shine( was sworn in rat IL, tun •,lu,t 'The ('aleitiet strived the tl..i -r*.to pr..ruyne in the afiejeu uu al. lthe 5.reel-. agreed to prclanuutr) y.rorrt;at.tire to euetulue until all the 'T Mo. w•I \l IIileway members are unmated, .•r .til the exytry of the rerrune 14111 ren - 'tier* necessary capitu:ation ..( 11 hitev(ay's dehiattd tot dissolutions. laayably met at n..e:1 oath* ee.Aosseee trent bring made of the formation of • new ministry Ex Premier Whiteway snored) • vote of want rat euufidence in the tie w `Ministry. and toady a lengthy • epee -file arta wanwppoNed by Mr. Herne a wolf/ague: The debate was not c.mciuded e'en the usher eppearwd t.. _amu►uoo the members 41 the AmembIy to attend the 1 pfwr II..tst•• where the (i,Nentor'e ('oninhe siorier. Hue Edward .es. president ui the cauuci!, presentee wh-1liuuom t.• 11,rm all 'storage* the Legislature. The 1: r,a••wayire, thea adopted a re*oluttou ret .s.ng•a.lmittence to the -usher until the Awangely hal • oncluded its deliberation. 1 h- d.•oc. rear ..::.tel and the Speaker. eel 1•• 1 the d.wrkt•tl!ters to refute the 111!. r a!mittencr. 'fl,. debate t.0 the 1 ratt , ueuu n then ron n I td tie m of want of clnhlttci teo ar 1 aa*a•1 i n•• N Liteiay.tea then aec:dtdl t.• prawn( -th.••r decision to the tion rn.fr tmtuwdute h. their aim' Leiter t.• delay prurvijati.)u. The I le ed:oleo party. 1.. •wever. Im.awjed t,, the council, where itrorogtii.n was flna'.y arcomphsit..l The Wleitewayues refr1Inel from visiting the governor. mud tont a copy. of the tote Ire the l Ives. The t: -,o •'rnur oat Unbar' am at the affront pct ul•.n h•u'. *riot returned no .wave. The Itpeektr titer' visited the (.;rinser, who espros., t ..:in elf iu 1' .I4g tetra. u the.r we: :'•a - • Tile new .lepermeotei,()tiic**, assented t' 4" dune. t;. day. - CANADIAN CATTLE IN ENGLAND.' rromeete for the tapeedy Bemuse' of ••••-• •. the ter -Walsh embargo, • ' ii}tottoet tepid 16.-t*tioT the ijetwte 1:, the Movie of 'teatimes on the subject o: *grloaltilut del.resal.0 'in F:ngland, tilt 11 alias \ ernon Harcourt, Government leader, *aid he was now prepared t.. favor the admission of ('•nadiari cattle which.** a matter of jre•awtiun, hal hitherto been re• 1••ug orpoatih Mr. Cmplin said the Hecse woui.l probably like to' be informed *s to al. Lu- 1ei.1ions of the p}resident of Off. Roar I. of Aerinettwe 11*. Gardiner i s reply said he nod already arranged to answer that q'teocua fully treat week. Mr ('haplin said it was believed that if ' the resttictioos now placed up..rt the int l.ort*tu.0 (.f ('anedian cattle were removed • it would meats a hen tolls* firming p'opu• lateen of (.rcpt Btitain of at lout twenty, flee Pyr crest. 04 the value of their hero Nock. A *H.rekNper Charged *Nh Yr*ud. M„writl:yl., Vile.. April 16. -Hirzel )it veru.an...t'Webbwotd, tint., k merchant .o41 genera; storekeeper. re now an ii'mate of the Montreal jail with one (-barge of theft against him. besides two capias' '- Silverman warn arrests:.! in Stdbury ou ' Thnrality Net oy a warrant charging hien • mill. defrauding I1r. Edward Ross ont of lielo worth of good.. But it is claime.l that the tut•1 *meant of franc' wili eruoan' to between Ij;,too and ✓i:•,U00. When he mere to Mout real to boy goods he . !aimed Chet he had l.•11 of 1.r•perty. and goods wore .tent on When the time came fur payoueut tbete waft 11.• {money, and on 111- vest.gati.•9 it was found that his property pias iu tilt wife s came and that he ha.l given a chattel mortgage to his brother for all the at•.ck is the *tore. The first was sato fairly easy as 'Ilvenaau ave caught br eorpriss awl he wall at once brought before* tttajtetrats iu artier to be tram ported back to Montreal, but did not aro rive here t,1 time as the Canadian Pacita' trail was fifteen hours late. Silverman will be brought before Judge Dugan 4o 'morrow to stand his trial ora the above *herr.' Farmer "wweealed by (ta.. l • .:.r, April in -William . leer, a farmer from the vicinity of tel 1'Morrie, cause toy(wu on Saturday night and pet .up at tie Market hotel. bring rondo-41- e. on lgat -t•, a room on the third Bat, 1'e.t.nla, isMniag w Jif:' smell of wen wet hotik•e on dug tial wtMtt „ eon investigation. DrJtad tit coma from the room occupied away Taylor. He :road not be armee' and the door was buret open, and Tarter waft (mud dead. laying acres, the bed. Th. ga. jet was turned almost fully on and the ✓ oom was filled with gee Mr Thompeon, the pfope(Nor. showed him to bed the algid before and esteemed the working of the gee. vire la Ad.barwiass. A.ar. adu►r, (Mt , April 18 -Inst night fire broke out in • storehouse ad ht.. ing the large Roar mill owo0l by ': ,e flick son Company been. Tb. name. spread rapidly Three O:unit Trunk rare which were ou the .tdtag, which had Met been ttnlo;,ieli of their content., were burned to adzes. The firemen were promptly o0 the scene, bat owing to. Aahburnl:am not bianteet any water works considerable tune was lout In getting water. Ceaeta.le Jams. *iw..art Dead. ')rrAW A, April 11. -('towable! James Stewart. one of the most popular of the Dominion police force is dead Mr Stewart personally attended Sir John Maedonrid wring the last filmes of that distinguished statesman. deceased had !Ibeen a life guardsman and *erred with Uiatinrlios is Egret. He died from pneumonia He Naves • wife but no children. A •wsday M .4w,t /rarer Let. April 18. -Wm. Smily and ahem bombarded the honer, of tNrl.ael !Krohn, vwsterlay Mn En.iiug vim shot end ttangereesly wourobrl 1(er eon Melted defen.e.l his m.Aher and alma and tatedy woot•dod Smiley. Emeltg, ir. 1• Lew in jet I. ua0Ntwa telasettset}Ma rant,. If tru.tw'w. April $ -(b... Lnndr,.l ssno employed M J. it.P• a •'a n.•1 . t.4 maa*Ma.•e.•r AA co. �aMttens a • • •• ,I„ ,,f HE KNEW HIS BUSINESS. a amore Ml aNwalleow M Una as (Lease sad Mahe a masa. The writer peed • vent to the Mechaame tate is Ramos sad steed for a aaos0nt sear as a alae to the Ifaeemeak The segues; u charge possessed • bright little eon whom he had taught the method of stopping sed elartiog the wachtae. The little buy. whet did set appear to be over w a t 10 rears of se, s.p.lara ir.atmeri .f 1•lar6. New sad when N Nater * 5.0*.. etre to it that all plants that stake utas came np to kite sail seed • was standing by the eaglet 1 ou seem to M •patty small hos to eau (hoar .rnwt4' . mount. ail•• `ebkhneevl such • beg engtoe. rrp..ttiu1ygg aro attended t.. iu ties Jin.e I suppose/ I sat pretty .s ell, replied theti.en (lean put* and por!ret dnlnagt in p•ttini are very net -weary. Look out for worms and remove them from the old hills of earth a* well as frosts the new soil. Pot firmly nn•1 .et' that the earth to well pecked J.,wu btety;aro ill.• root, and the sicl.•s of the luta ' Water uewly potted Plante from a w..ter;wt are rather thin au .yen slosh Now that the plants are begin - lung to grow the woi..turc should bre ts- ereaad a little. The sun will increase the warmth in the day time. lee vers tilatiutt opru ibe washes according to the weather have full retitlla.tiou at noon. , hut up a little at a tittle alta chore early se as to include a gou.l Jeal of snu heat. Keep tue syr iuge et work among hams. drat:omi s and meet other t.• 'Lir plants that are in active growth, but not in hLouu Litt don t hover ..r syringe plants that are in full flower 1And in the cars of ciuerarias, azaleas, y,•etluetaeo hyacinths and other weft wooded 'shuttle in (Lower, dent -y'riugge thew oserhead. Dunt syringe catct'olarias. gloxinias or .how {.elargunintus (generally called Lady V1 ashinzton geraniums, overhead. They theft like it much. say-. (iardrniug. an tltority for the foregoing While noses. carnations and some other cowl house plants like the full anushiue. tress palet.. begonias and other c.,lun l leaved hdal:t* Ilk; the shade. au.l the green• house . ae shuull be ...haled fez thew. Sow seems of begonias. gloxinias. nylnphi:(•as anttother grtenhonee plant•. and put in enttitgs of all soft wooded. perennial Jtle±. . lis_ , -•---- - IN THE GREENHOUSE boy, but 1 coon do it all right. l our think you understand tour ;motorail, ! Aoutlawed the visitor. lee air, 1do. Cam you .tart the costae 1 usu. Leta see you start it. 3401* a very general owl (-masts in rest I Tho boy opened the••lmlve awl toe lit lop awl Kentucky blue grass. in equal wheel sleety startai to revolve. ' probations. with four or (lye rounds el You molly can do it, mat you said the who- (-hoof t, the bushel The real i• , visitor. sewn brt*.I.'ast wheu there is u.• v.ind j 1 an )Ott rake It go backward eked the and lightly r.•ll.•.1 in. 'flee au 1111.'1 1• the usual plan. A tueth,al described at the nuptial ere won •i the New Jere.y state 11••ru.ul a-' ,s; y�ar, .. r, • 1V1‘11. y l •••1•1•1••• turd -'.. i.•ty is a* follows Prepare the soil the name ar ..r!feeding-down flur r a aelet t -.l eel .lf a Jibe variety of Rhode I•14tid hent grate.: 1. taker and divided tut.. single plant• ..f one or two spear., and these are :vet in now.' nine inche. apart and elm) blue inch. -s between the row+, tints ret niriug sixteen plants to the 1 gnare yart Them plants are press wl firmly into the evil and afterward the whole surface rolled with a hard roller The after care c..n.let. in keeping out every weed. In three to four ;menthe, It is ehsitnad, the grr.nn.l will be entirely Queerest with-tshort, thick mat of gray( Ilh:ring the summer make two er three application* of= Ititrato of m.1* at the rite of Inn /rounds per at re. cast ...wing. It mit%t fro explained that Rhode•. Island bent lyra':4 as nsttally -seen wee long run. nem with the planta tar apart. some - i what like the strawberry rnnuera. while • is the pecnlier variety in question the 'stint:• cover the entire rnnnep. and %how no nake.1 stem. The season for plant lug by this inethe 1 may be either from September to November er front the last - of March to the first of Jun.. T.. obtain suficfi•ut sed -of snitabl tonality ter revering terrace 141•1w3 small Weeks. IhaLfor *144:00.4444 well I* +veiled: is often a aitflcnit tuft or. In the accompanying illu.trati.,a rem Aur rteate 4 iarh•niug. is shown ow s sats:el. of fuel May he user' to sp. ' ad vacate get oder a Iglfger arra thaw is real measurement represent. Th' la dont- by laying the aide. mit in %tn fto:nets to ten inches wide, in lines nil ("rite. lit..., and after filling the apace. with gousl moil sowing throw aper with gross seed. Should tisc catch to meed for any reay.0 ire ye.ur the .,41 of he strips will feud to spread over the paces 1*tween there. and failult'tuoh sin a good sward within a reest•nable ti a is almost out of the question. t the other hand. if one beetle toed and s iso tame from which to (qt it ecc Dr the lawn le' tak ing up ..h1.1-ks of I. Meting 414-11 . and craw stripe and t e(ttiiim the airfare as des•ribeil above the bare place- left are sown e..rere.l ith greet). a eonl se to tho anthority Incited ` Ilea . Manage 0 re1Ma.• The al'1 11.41 111 4.4Iehsi*, i., a winter cobalt bat their proper maltage n ient is' the gr.•atest im otrtsut•e The chidt•est rsrirtiee will bring nothing but (limp influent if not well eared for. if the ars lute which they are to be plats arc sol new they rhonI, be well • wa I. not only fur cleanlin(..e. but in o er to make thew porous. Inputting (Windom the first thing t.. be consdere t t' ba perfect drainage They -rainier. a pgroat deal of water in stltttmer brit if the jar's are not well drained the moil is liable" to bet•ome htour, which means d.• htrnction to the plants. Ent -harts nem! larger pot. than newt plants of the mama size. and they .humid alwaye le rei.dt..l before titer; is any danger ••f bwo•onting r"•t Isurnd. The hest •lirt for them is leaf lnuuld ur sods. If this cannot be ubtaineri C. �•, .1 substitute if finely pulverized garden soil After the plants begin bh,tdnine water urcask,nally with weak ibtnid manure Thin may be given more fre fluently as they attain size, ani) hlaom ;;; ;seater nrofusion, even Its often as mire a week'. (tire fuchaas a moist, cool *twe phew, in .ntunn-r an eastern ealr'sut^ but only the venire( fl0rnlhg Rlit. and put than where strong winds will not reach them They- nett light, hi". very little sun even to the winter. 1 like to get the Toting Plant* ars( have then; started as a*'n *0 p ..able that they tut 1w• in ei.1 ".owing ctm'lttion and ireely to .,roni early in the epriug At ttiia era son they need but little water, but as warm weather apt r.at•hes the soil should be kept damp and the leaves sprayed every day. To nu class ogtanot even patinaor ferns. is this daily showering of the foliage m..rr acceptable thea to forluise _- Wham a. ap.fv. Spray all fruit trees and plants before they blossom, never when in blouson. Then spray after the filaments fall every two or three weeks 1'w pans green when leaf eating inee.•ts appear Sperry with bona -co water for lite on lark or leaf spray for rot. scab. rust, blight end other diseases caused 1.)) fungi 'T Wriest': mixture u (anally emflbcient for most species of fungi Hen. is a for mule for bort) .aux mixture th*t is r'• eorrt'end(d by excellent authorities as effective and safe l'nt 20 gallons of water in a reran Put 4 p lin.I-. of sulphate of rapper in a none. Reck and suspend it rat the water jn.t a little below the surface In about 19 honnne the mark will be empty When Il p'.. ,.!. of lune is thorortrtgghfy slacked nnn••r water et ir wall anti after partially a•ttle.l pone off the milk ofbine and add • t.. the . oplrer 'mint tori, 'draining it oough't orae begging After the lime *tett* nridml, the barrel te filled with leas water to the *n aosa.t of 41 or }(s diems, end the mixture le ready fm - ate. Fair 1t well before filling( tie. man. Ilackwatd er forward, it deem t make any diierrwoe to me. replied the young en gioeer. lAt Air ere you too 11 *.ekwerJ. Tee boy strapped the segue and •,ui..kly retersed it, so 1t ran m au oppcaite direc- ro.. • 11x11 t declare, my boy, you seem to un- eretaaf your busibes. perfectly. Tbe bey said nothing for a moment, but pod she stranger saepicicusly leu Mealy» 0 idea arpead to strike Lan, and Ile s.iJ . - May I ask what yet: Lwin. -.,is Why certainly . 1 em a minister of the' "00 . WW1, do you reside Oh, right acrues the river here, in ('am• bridge. Ib you understand your hilliness r urine further bar •Iuestien.d the )ouogster ..r. •,• 1 believe 1 de, replied the mtnuter, good aturedly. can you tepeat the last's Prayer' Why. certainly. say it for me, rcyuest.d the boy. repo clervyeruidid so. A .p* Pendulous Tree, 1 ou really do knew- how, deo t you' in the cut is own tine Of the moat laugh's:1y raid the little eog.neer. p••pnler and eflec .re of thego'•lehenn Why. of count I do :