HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-19, Page 5'0 • 1N. • Refit. lions of a Married Woman -arenot pleasant if AL. be delicate, or overworked. She feels rue Jnwn, played nut." Iler smile and her good spirits have taken flight. It worries her husband as well an herself. 'flits is the time to build up her strength and cure those weaknesses or ailments which are the cause of bit' tisnahle. 1)r. 1'ieree's Favorite I'rescripti regulates and promotes all the roper functions of womanhood, im- proves digestion, .enriches the LIooJ, dispels aches and pains, melancholy ,n' ncrvout'ness, hriugn refreshing ,In•l, and isotones health and stren,(t h. It's a safe remedial agent, a tonic and nt•n int( guaranteed to cure those ,li•..r.ier4 and derangements incident to a 'It1:1111100d, or lbs money ',aid for it is returned. It "ould not pay to aeIl a poor m.- hill on these terms. MaRels Catarrh Remedy cures+ l'starrl► in the {lead. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- APRIL 19 Pau"( Load Photos R. R. Salbws Loral tutoring F. J. I'ridham . . Lae urtatn. Jas. Kobtiso. srpet, 4.V A,'hesou A Son %slu&t,e Farm Land. for 'tale Edward Iaundy .. . ... . ••ren: 1 ipenisg kiddish' C'oancil R'sdl Paper -Freer & Porter . 'ersooai ('has. A Nairn . 'trek he Next Week Mclotoeh i Raper bends. Lowe - A Fear ... . . Hardware R. W. Mckenzie 5 5 8 d 5 5 5 e 5 4 L i.. I.I0TT la OAmbit. on the lath u't.. the site a Prank Elbert. of • dsu4hter. MARRIED. oil V. TKUTAMON-Oa the 4h inst„by tse Icor. Mark Turnbull. of t+t. (Iso,s.'s ekoreh. hear ".114.44, of Waaut ►ares, to Nellie \- , eldest dac•h'er of 1)r, W. Tradesoa. of Helleres Place, Dederick. MTV( IiAOS-I01'rut- to Ilnllett, at the rts.dese.ef John Maaaui . be.tb.,-in-law of tris n,ida as the evesiag of April Iiia. to the Bev, EL J. Pair. N'm. Mean.ars rat Colbo.s►, tee apes could. of Ooderte' tore -hie, THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Repofrtai VII Notebook ' 1f 4..''. ■ Stele In a' Ter 4b.... 1 rode lr teal N t • Cidel'5 Await Ts Takla' 0.455, an' faith bell Frost It--- Scr.m lases tamely italicise for ale at Fear's. If on haven't year dares suit or natty Prison A ban Isobary.. ser the mllltary ball leave your utter ac 1'ridtam's. If he can haloou out as ma sad If set fee this halt the raison, will do for some other hall. rises asps mend the test. SSes adv. page S. As architect reeeatly: .tared that his oi.taei always did W haw draw on Warr to k 1(. asthma aha ma be lep.ad(d oa every moil day le the year to • irs oto tae haw w,rk to W 41... lilies: smear In ba'eea ls alwar. a.la:■ -' hoe Fare bailer powtM r 5550. .IIA11g TO ORDER' -That• are IBMs p10 oh whew sedinary sees•.i.o wiU sat a(. It )ph are sae 5f tba.e. N wsl make a glow M suit sour special requb.ments, ion the same signaler will ask* a seat to ata hemp -Mat. rata W. T. Wait. el imen aad Jewels. dna' iters smokes of s girt ahordes*mi�K as Reiss. Try It Tilt MILITARY Bu.,. --I ;rest prlpsra- aon ire being made for the military ball Friday eynisg, sad it is understood that Hoa J. 4'. l'attenos has signified his inks - of being prsent. 15:.• r Ata &.. (M Friday Groeing last nom 41 o'clock ahs gra bell was rung. The boss cart was outfox very abort time, bot turned out to be ably • Misers es tl e a•et lot between Mr. Wilkinson's Led A. ',molt s R, enc roe Bendel.. -Our former towns. omit, R. W. MoKsazie who purchased the hardware stook of the lata C. Crabb a abort tram ago, has sow get everything in saleable isge�� •p. . . and with large ulditbos of ne ew is his line, makes bin bowto the pub be bthroagk our adv.rti.hg columna this week Flat. Tuesday bight about 11.30 • Sr. kr.ke oat in the hoose as Wolf. -.t. owned by NinAmes and occupied by 1). Femmes. TM banes ��d� • largo part of Lbs neatest■ were • ,a t�"rv.. There is sa immanence of house, bat we vev r.t to learn tb.t the monists were um immured aad Mr. Fervent will ho a heavy laser. t'1%4nuy Oan*R ov Fr mers'tt. -At the Inst "'".ting of (:sort Lodlertph. No. * C 0. F., tam toilewhg oaken were duly shoot ed James Tait., C. It. : Robert Pole* 1'. 1.. 1:. William Jebaa. sh(Sap.: WilW.a I... Trims : Themes lissyd, F. ilea.:sesttPm. math, R. Nem : Jobe A. Robmiss, P. W. Norm 1. (}erred. J. W.: Marv" Sen Eves, J. R t Dr. � a aye This Court is is . p, - es 451 Iditsog br thr.a .sdi&l y Antra Maxi DATIL-I,oekasw Reettael : Venni years ogle Dr. J. MoCe mmw Mao II ' rateable oerisa) work to • frinmi. The even W Mb( nes, 'fid Um dee. ' •'468011T. end M nob, IMAM M locale �`llosilw a Iso daps ago alt he re - ale. '-*».d r years t res ksid w tash hem weer 1. years The tieliems bee bens received .adiven • peel is the dee. toe's U Who is is OW has net be- wailed the loss of • tour% aims .1 el matt !1d H, n s. By ember ed the 'mayor the Sarnia pollee take the Pales of every, one sera on the nt,.see adt.r midnight •ed report 'bea• ,. fur entry in • register kept by the chief of polios Anytime deairts/ to know who the night hawks are as. do so by uo.sultiog the polies 10ga:er. \'I' rime -+T. M"(THouu•.I' Cat m• n. Large ousgregattons listened to the fe)aered .moon of Mrs. Mamie oa Jueday ,.ors. tog and to an edec•LMesl .weans is tbs evening by Re v. J. W. Holmes The giv- ing for edurattoo will mooed kat year's itev. M. McKay prorates* meat Sunday morning and the pastor an the evening. 11.47 a iuie Tutu. The .buddy goods peddler, who have been duitr up the atret- furdtts have gone Weet. The Herald says : "'They sold doth for two suits el cloths, eleven yards of cloth, • good need piece of sbirtinv, enough veracities to make two ('rice Alpert Gema and two rests, cloth for • Sprtog overcoat, • Moen tablecloth and • pair of lace curtains for $38. 1 h'!, T 4 .r n Cut.u, -Don't take cold whet cleaetnk the cellar this Speiser. (:et to work at it at ono., while it is warmer in the cellar than outdoors. If you out till the outside air is heated and you vet chil- led each time you go tato the cellar it is running a tisk which has resulted in pueu• infirm or worse ; besides, it takes longer to do the work, s 1t is acetosa impossible to stay in the cellar long ata time. t lean the cellar early while rt is cool weather and you still wear winter clothier. Weast. Hake FI.1'%Ilan A writer in one of the city dailies says " well bred persons do sot carry boodles or parcels on the street, except when it is absolutely necessary.- Tea's least where the wrttcr confounds well bred per.00s with snobs and flunkies. A well bred persol CAMPS a bundle when he hes one to carry aid when it i. uo0veuieot for hue to cury. A well bred man cao Irtng hi muff home on • wheelbarrow and hu breedlav d.ea not suffer a bit. No honest employment hurts any man's breed - lag. A 1\" ,i. 1e Pest I hle..e Inspector Hop. kirk of Stratford, was here on official duty this week. The object of his visit was to prefer • eh•rge against . young man of this vicinity of defrauding the Post Office De- part The young man, whose name we do not publish through respect, was totally ignorant of the law with respect to eeedieg eommui, catiow enclosed to papers, books, parcels, etc. Had he known the law, we know he would not hare infringed thereon. He was tined $10 sod costs. We publish this purely as • warning to like offendee,,aa many cases of this nature have come to light re ratty. Mr. Hopkirk inspects the snail matter on the trains, and says that between awe stations be found co less than sieves let - tees or communications enclose.( to books, p&pers,etc. He says that women are chiefly the offender, and that ort of the races let- ters, Eve were scent by ladies Ignorance of the law eieusrs no man, and the fine may be anywhere between e.10 and (450 for suck as olrena% A work to the wises sufficient. Blyth Standard. T•o•' M,l.un� 11 u.► el Rut. The Tor- onto (:lobe then alludes to • person well- known in esu rectum : A • •lobe represent- ative interviewed l'onductor Daniel Holmes of the h. T. Railway, • few das since, and his experience is re unique es to merit a brief reference He entered the service of the Northern Railway May Srd, 1854, and, therefore, on May 3rd, 1894, bo will bate completed forty years of unbroken service. After running oo the Northern two year, he raNr d the stapler of the Baralo, brant• fort and Lake Huron, where he remained seven years, gang thence tothet;reatWest- ern Railway. HIS present run ie from Sus- peosion llridge to London. At one period " Dan " ran twelve yeas without • lay off For 30 years the run averaged 1(3V miles every day io the week, and it is easy to compute that fully 2,000.000 miles have traversed during this work of mon than an average generation, and this equals journey - tog around the earth 30 time. . I never injured a parameter. ted never had bat ode accident, and that was doe t. • mistake of • telegraph operator," was Mr. Holmes concluding remark, and he went on in the discharge of his duty, with all the k.eeess d vinisa mid energy of earlier years. COMING AND GOING. G. sem Ursp•'r ' cited friends in Clinton kat week, Mis Blair spent several days in Bruseek last week. Mr. and sirs. .lams Mitchell were in Toronto this week. - Mies Maggie ltucbaese, of Auburn, wss in town last week. Harry, Edna, and Kdith Fright, of Sea - forth, are visiting in tows. Rev. K. Richardson, of Barbs, visited his sen, Dr. E Richardson, ibis week. Bert Howell. who has bora in Detroit for soar time past returned home last week. Wen Tory Bemis, of Auburn, sprat • few days in tows this weak, visit's" 4r!enda mad acquaintances. Mrs. Wilms. Keaysot, who has been vis- itiag her daughter u Toronto dnrisg 41.e Winter, returned home kat Monday. C. 1). Williams, draggi.t,who hu bora in Toronto for the pact two years is spendieg • few weeks under the parents! roof is town. Mrs. Ashley has refereed after h.r,og med. .quite • Jona visit to • number of relative readmit io the townships of Ops and Females. I). Hohaca, the veteran railway wade (tor, was in tows daring the week. He Ismail is active e.rvke, sad if spared ental May next will have boss forty years in railway ser- vice. LOCAL BRIEFS. Tbs regular meeting of the town comoil will M bald as Friday evening. "All is not gold that glitters". Deet be d&mired, but bis a "Whits" se "Now WR- liaw" Hewing buy of Geo. W. Them- sen A siebosrtptioa is es its roads towards airbag is gsttiag uniforms for abs town band. it is s proper abject, aad should M enbseribed to goaskerally. Itah ea Minna aad horses and all •aims% eased a 30 •sieeMs by W.olferd'. Hoots say Leaks. This saver hila Sold by Jas. Wilms sad aB30-ly The K. L of 4141.11r: .t N.rth-.t Mahe. dist able eh, wtf Mid s "Craaadre a" weal •t the reeldease of Oda Askew. en Msaiy vend/ Earl Admhstlsa, WWI is haws se brow p1Dt., Ise swam lowing was lost pet is e- Ootisrbsh hose Swser. Tho saw edibles M the (legs. ad P.Weft e_s.rd wish K. 1 ,. Meson wwrry bot Moir sated Mr. W smell 1'UR SIGNAL : GODRRIOIL ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1894. (o put the same kind of roofing us Ms storm u. Huulltoo el. Eseltsh Spark Liniment removes all bard soft or embussed Lumps and blemishes from homes, blood spavin, curbs, splints, risk( bone, sweeney, Kilts, sprains, sore 55d swollen throat, coughs, etc. (dove M50 by use of ose bottle. Warranted the mast wonderful blemish cure ere' keown. Sold by Jas. Wilson and all draggista 30 ly Klwamatam l arms to • Day. -Month Anhencao ttbeuaiatu Cure, tor lthssmeti... sod Neuralgia, radically cured in 1 to 3 d.,.. he action oo this system is remarkable end Imyeteriuus It removes at once the ranee and the disease Imntediatsly disappears The first dose greatly benefice. 75 rants Sold by J. Wilson sod all druggists. 30-ly Relief in Bis floats--Utatressiog ktd- soy and bladder diseases relieved is six hour, Ly the " Nett (sesta ti,4 Te Aitw• ..(s Kurtzig' ('rs:a" This Now remedy is• great seriatim and delight to physicians cm &count of Its exceeding promptness in IV - laves, pun to the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages io mak or female. It relicts retention of water and pain in passing it almost immedi- ately. If you want quick relief .ed cure this is your remedy. Sold by Jas Wikon. MARINE NOTES. __- Tor Seibold has bad • new smoke stack pot in. Tug Despatch went down the lake last week. schr. I *fiance left oo Wednesday for Mealord. The first sailing boat to tit out was the schr. Kolfage. Tug Purvis left last week for her statics at Burnt island. Tug Oot•rio is belov repainted and her machinery overhauled. E. It. Watson caught sateen large black Nue Monday afternoon Suckers and black bas were veru pleoti cul in the river this week. John I:uncimaa caught 19 tine hese while trolling to the river on Monday. Capt. Baxter has painted his row boats, and they present a very gay appearance. Tug Nim (:u11, leapt. II. McKay, left on Friday with tuning supplies tor the islands. Messrs. M&c('ormac, Shaiouo. 4'ampbell, and Wilktsksoo have put up their boat- houses on the river. While working on the cribs last Thursday Tom Hawkins bad the misfortune to take • dip in the cold water. steam barge Preston, of Toledo, arrived on Thursday mooingwith 600 tows of coal for Wm. Lee and 1'. ick:van, from Loraine, Ohio. Scor. Kolfasgge fitted out on Monday and left on T'ueedav for the North Shore of I leorgiao Ray. This is the first sailing boat to lave this *s•aoa. "tr..Jones left Sunday morniog fur Wier ton and other northern ports. -he hid a number of lumbermen and their effects on board besides fishing supplies, ('apt. Baxter has tiouhe I los Twat house oo the island in the barber. We uo- staid that steps rue to be erected from the end of 1t'elliugton-sat down to -the dock and a foo! bridge from the dock to the island. AUCTION SALES. el: parties getting their sale bills printed a this eatce wall Care a free crevice printed in this list up to the timers( sale. Ti,:•u(1, April 24th -.Chattel mortgage sale of tatlortng stock ad fittings et the store lately occupied by R. Mac('omae, Godertcb, at 2 o'clock ,• u, T. I;undry,auc- tioneer. CANADIAN CURRENCY. 11r. t:. fell, of Qu'Appe:le, has been are printed assistant surgeon of the Northwest mounted police Mrs Thomas sieson, one of the first in- habitants of Portage la prairie, died there recently, aced 90. The sylvan mail carrier has been employ- ed in that capacity for over 60 yam. Hu mane is Wm. ReadalL John Tucker, of Moo.omin, has been elected grand vaster of the 4)dd1e11ows of Henkel]. and the North-west. ()he hundred and forty six different pro- perties in Trenton are advertised fo- ole on account of unatages of tale& The biggest ditch in Western t Asada is that being dredged in Kent County for drainage purpose& It u about fifty fat wide and six to eight feet deep. 10 1893 the mileage of Canadian Pacific tskeraphs, Western Division, was increased by nearly two hundred aad seventy mils of poke, sed eight hundred mils of wire. seventy cars of hay hare been shipped from the locality .bout Mikerten, (ant., this winter to the British market, for which the farmers are received &boot $7,000. A number of prominent farmers in Itloom• field aad trickily are forming tkemeelves taloa joint stock company for the purpose of tarrying os the business of canning fruit • ei vegetables A well known young (4450 of Kingston tried to pas • hundred dollar 4'o.fedent. bill on Secretary Williasle of the 1" M.U. A. A laborer digging .t Winnipeg last mouth brought up from trader the snow a straw- berry vise several taches long covered with green Immo. Miss Ethel l :range, of Napaaee, age 17 whsle visiting to Newburg, saw • runaway, and became so excited that obi immediately expired from heart failure. Patrick Keleher, one of the pioneers of '27, the year is which the mist tree was cut on the site of the present city of I'nelpb, diad there r.cesktly. aged 96. Edward Bent. of Carleton Place, has in. vented • railway wrecking deg, by which n derailed car, or an entire Beale may be re- stored to the track is the space of nae ne two minutes. Mrs. Hugh ORM, who recently dead at (7ampbellford, pm $,000 Mwrr'ds the enti- ties' of • Presbyteries mamas, $700 towards • town clock to be paced at 8t A.drow's oh..b, and $500 to (artat ohar.k onmstery. Thi smarty of Wellogtat• Mas of io. d.eiry inn: year provided int en average of 67 iranote. at most of $1.95 par week, in ddisg all axPwaa le the Welland how of iedaslry, for as average of 40 lasates, it east $.27 per week. The will at Ali. Pixtq, the actress. me - Wes • beo.et of $6.000 be her meed, Edith Fraser, et Pert Rehabs/. Ost,.nd $6 for the etre et the grove of her bay, Tam Fulford, M busied .t Landes, Oat d the 18,000,000 sow ed Bead which the Casaba. Penni a Railway Company wee to VI hem the 0ev.rssrat is aid of aeuttr.e fine. 14,000,000 have hese edested and 4,- 000,000 ,-000,000 ese mem he he ibeen•. I The Mr011RMsa Ot msEsleti warts 4. r ldiipMag the ell-Ume herbs, detadte4 �rsrelebb sgdk sa te. , M 1be rear d lets w s the plemiat and liquid Syrup of Fig(& Te ipn the tree rend► mea that le Is ed die ei by the Calikersia `fig Os. eayr. Fee W ell R T. OF T. ANNUAL BANQUET. e144ilas the iIleAlleirs 1 414. �sety Geed The royal Templar. ui I;edsrich held User manual banquet In the Tsuperaeee Hall kat Thursday eveatag. The burs hal was teetlwlly decorated ler the ueuaaioo, the sod walk beteg festooned with Moral de e gos and parapherwli• emblematic of the R. T. of T. order. A basset was also stretched scream the west sod of the build tog be.rieg the motto. "find likes ou sailor. and Fisherman," the occasion beteg made • sort of "Farewell" to "(bur Brethren of the Water," • number of whoa, leave here for the summer eeaaoo. The aides and windows were lavishly drape 1 with beating sod other materiel, while flowers and shrubs were displayed on unl.lue brscketa improvised for the ou•:auun. There wee also a okay arranged display of oars and paddles, anchor., etc.. 5041 suspended from the ceArog sou a handsomely modelled canoe and trappings, all oomplete. A mam- moth Japanese pstasol, around which was hung • number of Chinese lanterns, was placed directly over the chairman's position end in the tour corners of the hall were placed ship lights, ethic.' blinked their oolored lights throughout the evening. As the members of the order, accompanied by their friends, assembled, they were escorted to the raised seats at either end of the hall, in the centre of which three long tables with • seating capacity for about two hundred people, were placed, and upon which was •rrasgo1 • repast of meats and delicacies that was calculated to tempt the appetite of a chronic dyspeptic, should such an one be present. About 8:30 the assembled guests were seated at the tables, the centre oar below presided over by chairman \\'. 1'. I,00de, who was supported on the right and left by councillor. Robert Thompson and Thomas Naito', respectively. At the op- posite ends of the tables were seated .1. E. Toni, I. 1'. g , Ret..las. A. Anderson, I:. A.. and Rev. J. E Rowell, 31..1. "i1e present at our table. Lord : Be here and everywhere adored : These creatures blear, and grant that we May feast la Paradise with Thee." was sung, all ruing to their feet. The young ledis and veatlemen of the council who had charge of the tables, then comm meoced serving the viands that had been 0 well prepared, and after ample Matto. had been done to that which satrafieth the inner tray, the following toast list end program was takes up by the reepective heads of the tables 1.1 • II 111:11A:\ d..1•k. " Our ,!ween and l'ountr) •"I:od Save the is'deen.-- rev. .1. E. Howell, 51 A. Jas. Mitchell. Sok, " l'anode to England," Miss Crabb. Solo, " Fele C•sada,' E. ('. Belcher. " The Ladies :" .1mo. W. Vanetter. JAo. Proudfolt. Duet by Muss Meanings and Recitatioe. Rosa Atkin. McKer.,ie. 1:1 t I• C ,1 (IP1f .''s 1'. '. \tT,.L. ", )air Society akd Sister Societies : -- J. F:. Toni, Rev. du. A. Anderson, 11..t., Lt.. Leech. '' lartette, " When the '-tormy \\'finis Do Blow, ' Mises Crabb. rose, NI, Kenzie 504 Rare.. "t lar Town aad Its interests, - Kober t nterest.,"Kobert Thompson, L. ('cuff. Recitation, Rosa .1tktn. I:5' ' I' L. 11 UGH.(♦ MOr►RT TIloNrv,'. "(ha Sailors and Fishermen:" Capt..l a.. I . reen, Rev. Jas A. Anderson, 11. A. Solo, " The Salamander," F:. t' Iklcher. ' " The Press," Ju. '.litcheli, Jno. W. Vanatter. Chairmen W. 4.'. l.o)ode concluded the evening's proceedin,•;s by a few well -put re- marks on the work of the Royal Templar. in I:oderieh and elsewhere, and expressed the hope that many more might be brought alder its paternal influence. The gathering was of • most harmonious nature, and, when opportunity afforded, social intercourse was the order. The committees on decora- tion, tables, ct'sine, Ac., deserve credit for the complete manner in which the arrange- ments were carried out. sew Iut'aPsam In this age of discovery there seem few avenue@ feat for the upirine genius, and yet the patent office is continually busy with its throngs of applicants Medical Science too, oradinuelly envolys new and valuable discoveries There has been no mon important ore during recent years than the 'erection of Eseljay s Liver Lassa. This discovery u of interest and 6t to nearly every person living. They are sold at 25 Dents a box or 5 boxes for • do!. hz. WEDDING BELLS. ALLAN-FIruY.-A very quiet, bet in- tersting, meet took plaee at Hawtborse Bank, the reiience of the bride's metber,on Wedseday, April 11th, in which Miss L 141. F,velyp Malay, 5th daughter of the late Thoma. Pinky, and A. R. Allen, of Blyth, were rotted in the holy bone's of matrimony by the Rev. J. Reeser, of Loeknow, who performed the ceremony in his usually happy style. The bride was eleg5atly attired in an ivory white brocade silk and won the coatosary veil &ad oreage Masons. She was assisted by betpister Yin Marjorie U who fres also attired in brocade silk, and looked ebarmisr. The groom was deemed in oo.veatiosal black, and ems supported by his brother, T I. Alts. of the Nile. After Loo ceremony as exeslleut rapper wee served, after wbioh, maid • shower of rioe, /bs happy ono* took their departan for their faun. home .t Blyth. %Vs mxtssd oar choicest oosgraiokttiens to the newly wedded per, trnegmgg that their journey down the stream of file may be bright ant pleasant. W1arh M etelo T Is is dsire.ble to take care of the health end de " reaaoeable amount of work. or to indulge in stimulants in order to accomplish MOM! To give pick aad purgatives tor elapgieh- aless of the liver is lake giving • weak man whiskey to keep him working. They excite 4115 digadive ermine to over work bat leave them weaker and les able to perform their haetiwaa 8.diay'• liver loraages asp s1 .etres he de its work and at this same time struagtbsa the d►ige.tivr systom Tboy aro 25 data a bot or 5 boxes for • dollar at. all drug storm Nods tar ass• 1 1'0IJ ARE WANTING A 0001) slide a rad. ..w w Orem RolThom Iia Reed Operas tfsa4, �_ • KNOWLEDGE Brings domf ort and imprevement .11 tends to peis•wal ei.e.)%ze. .t when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than ,.t hen and enjoy life more, with les expenditure. by more promptly adapting the world's boot products to the needs of physical bring, will attest the value to he:ulth of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the recti,dy, Syrup sit Figs. Its excellence is due to Its presenting in the t'•na m• sat acccpt.ili'e and pheas- ant to the tact e, the refreshing and truly ben.fiend pr'•i'rrties of • perfect. las- au c o ; effectually cleansing the tp'stem, .aiisldellil!g 5.':.1s, headaches and fevers and perulancnt:y cu'tlig constipation, It bas given eatiefect i. It to willife.s and met aids the al pr•o'al of the malecal profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without wcal- euiug them and it is perfectly tree from every objeetirmable.ub,ts4ce. Syrup et Fig; is for sale by all drag - gists is 15c. bottles. but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syiup Co. only, whose nan.•'e•is printed on every package, &I33 the name, Syrilp of Figs, and being well informed, y'.n will nut accept *HS ■uletitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Cederlr1 Frites. DOD$ JCH. titre 1... 1441. semi Wheat. standard 0 .v. Fall N'har 0 :,'i to to 0a (0 Flour. family n s0 to 0 d0 Shorts. 5 ton IL 00 tan 00 n, 5 ton. 0 00 (o 0 IID 'hinge ton.. pl 00 too 00 Chopped Feed Wheat 5 tom 00 0l cod! 00 Oats, new, a bush 0 32 to 0 :12 Pae, it bush.. .. 0 Sl to 0 )2 Rarity. two rowed. p bosh 0401o0 44 eerier. common .... 0 13 to 0 1e' Ilap ton s: %O to 700 Poty.atoes, til bush 0 :t; to 0 41 Rutter, c 18 to 0 20 Fares, fresh unpacked, it der.- - 0 OS to 0 05 Wool 00 _..._00 1: to 0 l3 \N'OG4 300 to t tr) )5 to 0 M Hides, 200to200 Shap Skin 0 :0 to 0 d0 Livo !lotto 1 OS to 1 .i0 Hrcasediiglte - S 07 to 3 Sa Pu411c Notloe. D1'Bi.I(' Nt frit'KIS HER :i:, OIVKN • that the Municipal('ouseil of the town ship of Asbftald intend to consider and pan • b) law to est abash and open llerbertet aad 4leuregor-act, an .1 --tined and Ltd out on parts of 1.4. 11 and 1.2 In the Eleventh • onceosion. Western Moncton of the sr id township of A.h(e:d, forming part of the vilhote of Annan upon ate registered plan (tithe said r;Rase. flied in the registry Onto far the 4'to,Iy of Huron, and that said bylaw w i l: he fl cally road and iiisrd ata meeting to be held at thecoun- cil cberat II o'clock In the forenoon of Ile Nth day of May. IF01. 41.1* WM.STOTHER9, Township Clerk. 'amps A LANTiC AND LAKE: SUPER - me Railway Company will apply to the Parliament of ('.nada at its next erasion for an act to onsflrm certain agreements lel ween It and the tame der Chale,,.. Urs! Eastern. Montreal and Store'. Ottawa Volley, aid On- tario Pacific Railway Companies, and with the Montreal Bridge Company. to authorize the Ione of debenture and preferential stock, to construct • branch from the main line of the Company's runway to such harbor ea !Aka Hann in the Coital u of Bru''e or Huron as may Ina found meat suitable -and to authorize the extension of its telegrephlc lines to the Is- land of Newfoundland and to Europe. J. R. TIMBAL' DBKAI Meetreal, 7A Feb.,11191. 50 -St President. NOTIer -ALL PERSONS FOUND buntlegtr roaring. complus.eg es y OohingOohing 01' other wise w111 be prosecuted according to law. Such lands are the (tart farm. In the township of Colborne. and 'be property known as the F'a;la Reserve, io the townships of Colborne and Goodrich. 5. I M('ION,\.ItAK''III.EIt, Solicitor. 7opeletor. Grazing 00GRAZERS *-ANTED:-TIM t N- dssaMeed _ ill tato a 700 cattle for / satire $w{ Ilia feta -the Fasb Reserve. Fot terms.see..eppty to X. BAEC'HI.EIt90 It ,-b Legal IIISNs- SALE OF VALI'ABLI' FARM LANIN. Thew will he seared for sale at Martha's hotel In the Taws of Ooderlch on Tuesday. the 1st day of Nifty, I A91, at It o'clock. noon. the (ollowise valuable property. namely The south hall of the north half of lot eleven In the sevestb conces- sion of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron otatning 'e acres of land. Upon this land there is 5 good baro 40140 with three good Nod sheds attached a lag ho...1Axt0. with kitchen attached. There le an orchard cossistlag of four scrota. The soil lsa needy loam and there are four acre, of hardwood. cedar and ash bash Then i. &los • never falling swum on the place. Tba above property is Ntsaed floe utiles from Blyth. 14 miles from Rruasels, aad It miles from Soshlne pot office. For terms and particulars apply to ED WARD LAUNDI, Administrator of Ups Estate et the late Henry LausdBlyth Poo Mae or to CAMERON. HOLTit HOI.MIs. Sollciters for Administrator. Dated 7th Aped, iia Wit Dode ieh, rr EST HURON LLCENAE DISTRi(T. Is ae-o loses with the provisions of the t.k nor Lbeeses Aet. public scare Is hereby tis that • morales of the Rood el Lines nmlseie.. a for the West RMI.( et Hero. win he held In the Ileum. la.psetoe's Otlleo. Mary Street, (Metes, se MONDAY, APRILthe. Mee at 4 M r. r..te eualder •ppt,tatloee for Ilas,e for the We of Ileum la the West R'dl.r of Haven, for Heves, year 1441 Rt. The Deane, of new applle•.ts for hove 11 seams are. Jake i)t a say� P1)b..lS Reese,W Ingham. Jobs • rrieessk�(; 54,.J Hetet ttiyagham Joh. Rsss.k5, H0,114. slob ss i14. t*.. It A. RssWst la ?omWy.l Meek. ADMybDpottage sealant the gra.tl awil elssI s.yy of tb RMNessMINI8 limed by dalraMe~tleh the sMr �tstem alfeltantys e1f�sassasewlDg. the west RM Is• m close. 1e 'cal emcee ; ter et shovel: ..s b rm wholesale Bedews fl haw a sThe sember .1 lf7 w4D1D••meter 1441-+, ls 14 44ar U. rTM. LADE (;'I'RTA INS. We are showing without any .-Nption the beet value in Lace t'urtairiw in (:odlerirh. We art thein 41, _5.•. per set', for Toped, .'j vols. t • enol :•1 ill. l, 0.1de. 3 yds 1oag, i11''IIes N I(1.', •'1.1t•. per - special low linea at ;`v. per reit, :I y('s long and j %heli•. The higher prices in tine go: Is run up G1 Qr, u, leer -eft. I►tir sto.•k of Late l'uttains is 'narked at lean 21,' lower than :toy other .torr in town, anti ate shall bee pleased to show theta. JAMES A. REID. Jordan's Meek. (Newish. April 11, I441, 21 1.1. FOR ,tiOF`:sltl'1(�'M H.1T THUR- 1 ougbbred Holston hull, " SIB 4.'. IL V. li. H,- of east clap milk and butler breeding. Terms, 111.'0). Fur service on IW 1.. It. Colborne township. JOHN 4..AWSCN, Dun- lap. ss It Auction Salts. AUCTION SALE ,)F TOWPitt ul'- 5RTT IN THE'FOWN OF OODKRII'H. (e Petunia,. April 1it h• them will he oar. -red by public sale at Martin's Hae! the toUow:,g valsahle town property, t ix.: Ibrt of let No, ltA`ou the Corner of East an.l 'Victoria s!.. oft which is erected a good frame dwelling house. •-ontalning 10 rooms, pantry. cellar. town hat- er. brick cistern *ad wood stied, Also tot ad joining, being 12 t 455 Get, Also Iota Nt'. ": an/ ?t, re. no t.f'. :elder and Chyle) .t., in St. Andrew's Ward. contain ins two fifths of An a. re of lard. On this is erected a small .Otte r, also a numt.4 01 choice fruit trees. Sale to lake place at It (clock noon. For 1urtb.•r particular* apply to R. ItAIK71.IFFE. Reel [(state sad Insnan,e Agent.Ooderi"h; JAMES ROBINSON, mer- chant. Oodrrict; 11. HOL3IF11, proprietor. London. Ont. JOHN KNOX. artctione'-r, Property ibr Nle or for Rent. IHAVE IOU RUIN 444111 e� CAURRTIA Tilt 4410411i Or TOILE r sok Pe Ct FF:AR'ti DR, 1. STORF Illem tee sesame test, - A eostoe r used ole of our lc. rakes .f Old Brow a Indoor Soap for Ors woke and one day, washing 4.iu,self three times • dry. \te have greater. bargains to offer you now than we disc before. Our Bouquet Soap, .t ,,f, each or d 1,w regular pried ler. each. is • \t OVlrine our Iilyerrise soap at le. arch. tee ear price Pc. Ales our G:ycer,oe Soap at f (or 3;.. reg• lar price 3r. each. 5,'e have. fu!!assortment of Tui'et -Qv-apse! .11 kind. Inclu'ting$Med,eere.! (saps, anti res- pectfully suI;ell your patrol, u e. Rawbsr FEAR'S I1t'11DOCK .1N1) 'ti.1N- 1►ItAKE BITTERS te a ane :opt ice Medicine. 1 package ,noses s you t and only costa you 24c. I'rrpared only at FEARS PHARMACY. 04'l,t.tul H. pin LAE or 1 EXCELSIOR BAKING ywi)EIt H4II'SE TO RENT lIN F:LLLIN ST - �FWS �gp Its or *bort tern. Apply to THOMAa1L1fi/Rl. twit ARM FOOR RENT. SAL? OENT. F That valuable farm known as lot 2I4, ion. :l Ooderich touoehip. will to sold on reason - ie terms or rented. it comprise. So scree le of which are in a state of cultivation an.l the rest in grass well fenced and with no buudings This is ode of the hest pasture farms in tabs senora. Far particulars.pply to J. C. MARTIN:elodMcb. Felt DRt)PYRTY FOR SALE IN .ALT - n. 80140, -Niue arrest of !and, overlooking the Village of Ashton". tonic acres of orchael - tree. ten years growth. all winter fr ,it. On tae 104 is a.•ottage 21130. tv 14 hack kitxbra 12,46• also • barn i,at'l. The property will be • sold se reaecnable tonne. For!'trtber particu- lar, smoky to JOHN D4:AN. Underlet: P.O. 31120 VALUABLH FARMS AND T.'WN PROPERTY 8OR SAS (1st Itk\T, I.ot 0 is the drat ooace.:o., crlch town- ship, county of Huron. (wile hon, Uo,terlch, consisting of 110 acres more or leas. Bern t01 ,:J, nearly new, good crehard of cl1oiee twit. well watered with spring creek, an excellent gra--ing faros, can lace bought on easy terms, Apply to JOIN KNI)x. Auctioneer. Lot 1 la the broken front, west of the Lake real in the Weetero dirisioa,'rownehip of Col hors,, county of Huron, 3 miles from tio.lerioh comprising 119 sores. Large back awn. goal frame house 11 *tory h'.gh• nearly new mod goo,l orchard of choice fruit, ran h- bofight on espy terms. Apply to JOHN KNON. Auction ecr. Mork A and 11. Lake range. in the township '•t Colborne, consisting of 218 acres more or ',tea. •There arc on the premises it frame house, frame tarn and goal stabling. About - acres youngotobard of choice fruit. About acres of boob, Tons farm ie considered a Orstrlass grazing farm. Tho farm can be divided to suit purchasers and boughNon easy terms ADply to JOHN KNOX. Hnasand lot a the town of Chutes, -1o( /1, 5Iary-.1., oppoaice the old woolen mill, com- prising frame house li story high, 9 rooms, stone foundation with aoo.i cellar, all in ,food state of repair. Apply to JOHN KNOX. 30-44. Auctioneer. L OR SALE. -N. 4 LOT SI, END UON- 1' oeslon, least Wawsneek. manna. This la a ant -class farm. Also town lot 470. Dome rich. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. OM, 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -THE old homestead of the late James Cassa- day. of the t.wnahlp of sat Wawano•b, be• isg last half of lot V, eooceeelom 1, ors the gravel road that leads from (JoderIch to Wing - haat. ingtham. 1t 1a aituat.4 about e0 rods from Aub urn, a tbrivieg vils with four churches and a school ager at bets& A comparatively new frame house with wren large rooms and cellar with other coeveilesces, and good bank baro and about 11)0 large bearing frust trey are on the remiss.a �At6boout 90 acres are cleared. The Dicta of -abAY Ashen' information Further . 4415 pOR-_ BALE AT Ar AIN. -THAT 1 eosasMfotte t on Klain get„ Erns- ft t coca se a palatAppl by Ionia is on sale. may. ApN(y to fel. SCOTT. Rresela P. 0. eat NORTHWEST LANDS FOR SALE. 5000ACRES OF \'ALI'AHLE Improved sad unimproved farm lands at distances varying from I to 1: mils from Qn'App.lte Stales, N, tt, T., for sale very cheap. No better loads for mixed tars, - tog are to be found la t'anada. For full part:eal•rsapply to A. D. DICKSON, 104 (1 Appele. LOW ono LIAINIMAK111. ((r IMAGER. CONVEYANCING AND Issareew sass' eppesitspleetheb Hetet Oedsrich. ONEY TO LEND 4)N MORTOAI;E 51.05at Si per odea saM Nd'.C. ewes* Mtrtia lletel, Rode tick MONI1:Y TO LOAN. - 425,000.00 Private Fends to lead at Si per rest- an asafy. LOFTUS R DANCEI'. Hortee s Week. sewn, Oslk.r.* u•tel, oodertek. 117 re F J. T. NA TILL, IRE, LITZ ANDw tt w OrO►-(ars74=84.64:dtf ss.4ea,�Ipea- 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO OLIEItO1i HOLT t 4101.1410. Odds risk, VN MtONONZY TO LIVD.-A LA EON M •wllwoe► ! tHOUb/0 P.ADCLiFFS, OI VIRAL iP. le Lead ea Mies, MrtbS lowed a n* eo7fwlsseeet 1� 1e `..'�0�.m., visel �rril, `'a in- \ 4tiTCi iuces5e hr. the'inn k- ine'of all 'linty of PM' TRY. PItF.PRED itY E. DAvi'4, \Jolieal Hall. • PHM. Irl„ I,41il►l.E AIk)CY Tt{, t :I) HOUSE - After cue oeremoty come to us. and we .41 fit you out for housekeeping ie a style yon never dreamed of for so little money. Slee our /llnoutat For kitchen -I set best kitchen chain, a large arm rocker, kitchen 'ame pastry board. wash stand. mirror, and he. to .wk eters and furniture : Dining Room 'apt ate Maims chain, large oak rocker. side board with mirror, extemebn table and IS yds, good carpet; Bedroom --Fine bedroom suit. bed spring and metras, ladies' rocker. fano table and IS yds. carpet ; Tutor 1 solid wal t ut parlor suit of. piece& 1 Bee mats table, l cornice poles. C window shads. aid IB yards goad( carpet, tapestry or wool ; 11411 1 hall Mit rack or mirror. hall chair. G yds. eprpet sad carpet sweeper. Many baseid over qsp for the same goods, our pries 45514*. tt e have other ontfl" as good , &Ire at $JOs. $225, MO and no. We also throw a arsdle in. for "The head that rooks tks cradle is His hand that rocks the world." New after Raster 4s your chaos. Color and ere us . It w111 be to year intent. SMITH'S FURS ITU RE 8 TORR. Special Notions. N Ew CHOPPING MILL. I am prepared to doer. kinds of Ors!'" -Imp- ;les on shortest notice. MIl1 le manly at all a00t•. 1 hate the latest and beet Improved machinery tar dispatch and estcle.c�, Prices e eesos5bs.. Ne delay In getting yours op home with yea. JOS. 5IDD, Lily 17 nritessaissa. !'t OD=RICH FOUNDRY A N D Vf MACHINE WORKS. Te the p.bsk • Buy Ruttcimen Noss and 4 plows. React WWI land rollers and root cutters. 'Watford Nos 0 amid 1 plows American mouldbearde Watford twin plea, 1t is the beet, Wa'ftwd ocutlien, the leaders. Watford hay rotes. Al ea ether Impleese545, lieu mints reduced la pate.. Iran meet kIbds ('astligo made to order. Cash for old metal. NFIy J.11. UUNCIMAN. The People's Column. KiDO'S PLANING MILL.- dA5R AND i1005 FACTORY.- t7N RAR O. T. RT. ITATiON.- xvietifttriswwx CEDAR RIVING LER. Earn, 7S. Cheers W.M. had ekes chasm Mr. Nitre No. I. 51.1N Clem cot. heavy ,blsgle. 81AORINO •1n S1D1N0. $l0•re ter M- DOORK RASH a r o RLl1I UN. «: osis ,saw. 11APLK-asn 055(•44 FI-OORiNO, bile dried. DRY HSMIAX K. ter WWI lea LATH Pi/'5- ETR 0ATrE�9., des, *0. MAIN TiLS, V1IUS.IUtAL wt, Jona Moe.