HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-19, Page 4THIS SIGN .: OODRRICH. ONT.. THURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1$34. The Signal, IS VII: MAIM LIA EVBBI' •1'11U1tf4UAY NIORNINO nit 110114Westenni. mos of Pule:cation -J sod 10. Nora►Street, Yederteh. Onterto. --- Teems of 0uIKrsp*I.. 1 M twat!,, In advance .$ 11 hrtw m.•.ri hs, .. ..... b aii (1f. is tarot, the 1 w new. w J'w hese as rear Label. Your label is • stendiaw receipt sf the date to wloch leu ere plot up. tiere that it is not allowed to felt i,.to t, rear. When a chain•' .f 'Aden's is desired. both the old and the new address shoold be given. A4,eree.ln. was.. Level and other casual advertisements. lea per I,Oe for first insertion. and 3 crus per Ilse for each.nbee•tnent imwrtio0. !Immured by • . scale Bi B sees cords of six Mies and tinier. u per rias. Advert 0t of i taus &rayed lee0x s ,ossa. d. � sit urrioos Vacant. Situations Wowed sad Business *'hanees Wented, sot exceed1g pais w•peretl. 11 oer mouth. Illemies on sale and harms on tele. sot to emceed 11 lin.!.. $* for era* month. S(s.•..••- nab eseue01 imam larger solos. w prop.to too Any /pecdal not!. c. tiro (Meet of e o ick 14 to preenete the mousier, teemed of say iadi- sl toil or eem0*sy. to he . residues' an ad reotso ant sod cbarve,l e:corbnel)• hem! aotloesIo'wavered type ons sea* per wnr., n., n Lai �e, tee. •'inn •!.ti. Lanai wn'ter• 1n ordinary roadieg ';Ix twe- 00t.te pr, ,.Lard. \u ted:..' for Moe !tan See XOti^r. fe- • i.•,^ hr. eel of 11..e religious and benevolent is.l,runon• half rate. r.asmeerlal tan/ears Adres'these,et.. A limited number of dWlerr4 •Avert(.• Wets will 1.e inset lett nes thebrullowing rtore: Per inch, one Insertion 1,1111 " four insertions .. 111 " there ai•ostha. 110 " sic months.11 one pear _ ; t v No aisert,aee t less thea two i,• i • • in 'north 1(16 tot .•a elated en above h.. -, 5 per •eat.disronat allowed for ellen ped, o eta 0o three u.00ths'coutasct: I* pow met. n• sit moot he. .9415per oset. on • pot's. Teem tendinous will be "Wilt le r afar ed. AMw1 '•T1s alRa.le Wiese' $. SgMer,her, who f*11 to everive Tue +'•.cat. t ee: 1 tri). either hit caer;.•r or lir meat. wilt poster • :et ur 0; adt.r.1lI.t u.A prof the feat it as early • d :teas pro si M, . Et; ...•,Im••tttir^:p's•.nous&'•,• .s...:-1 1 ." e•14.seteax moi•, use written . . rhe Publisher's eat ire, J. C. 1.e Tuvel. oT Goden.l,, has been op pointed Leal Trikl oiling Agrul for the tow,. ships ofGodericb,Colbcr•e, Ashneldand Wa. wanash. 1.o•al pe *amasses over the district are taro empowered to receive sntscriptions te Tic 8no!r At. AP-communlca:Was must be addressed to D. Moo(11LWC('DIIY, To. Moen., .'elephant, Cali M. leaderich. (let. OODE' iCH, THISR *DAT. APRIL IP lUt ()NE afternoon daring this week aha . were seven " "Onetime" on 1 -he '.lucre in favor of the perpetuation of the present system of brothels in I:odertch and opposed to the appointment of • police magisttue. They ranged all the way from "Aust Die, ' of Brita0oi• Root, to ate newly arrived " Fleur de -lis' of the Sou•h E'td. That police magistrate cannot be ap poiatel any too soon ACCORD! NG U. the come of ethi•. the some rorden* of (:oder,ch hold it 1* p_rfccUy right to permit all kinds of an morality and rascality to exist in this town, but it is decidedly wrnog to es) that it ex- ile, as by iso doing one is liable to " run down the town.' In like unmoor, it would be right for burglars to rob one of the banks la Goderich, but it would be wrong to p ib- Irs► that the *robbery had take. place for fear the credit of the Muth would be in - j need. Ton,o/ (Tinton, makes vacant • lucrative HE (loath of the late postmaster peetwo0 in that tows, and .s • result there are several aspirants for the appointment Amongst the names mentiooed are A. M. Tont, of tie News -Record, W r. .111'asuN, J. Dounatn, l'A!ITOL,.. the "Apple Kmg" and others. The scramble for the poeuos is entirely with the Tories, and our hope is that the most deserving mac will win. 1f he dose, then TEM SIu1:u. will have the (lours of 000grstsl•ting Brother Ton. o. remising the appointment. If party fealty be • criterion A. M. Tonus should get the pie. THE WORM HAS TURNED. THE salt niers of CanniIn have, as a bees amongst the most docile followers euf, fare protective Government which has - Uwe at the head of affairs for the past fif- teen years. Some of the member of the Malt Association wore formerly i.iberals. but in 1878 they were seized of • greed fur gain, •std went Over to the enemy's camp in the hope that the N. 1'. would bring them the wealth that they longed for. Daring the past fifteen years their hope e 4 in by Government aid h•* proved il- lusive, and the recent Outages is the tariff have pressed their noses harder against the grindstone than ever before, when com- pared with the change. made in comes; tion with steer indostries Patience on the pram et the salt taw has ceased to he • vis. tee, tad the worm has turned. Their nes caao•ot be better placed than by preee.tiag to our readers a letter from ea. of the hest - posted .alt men in Canada whish recently appeared in The Mail. It is as follow. Ste, 1 deers to eall public attention to the meaner in which the Goverement has treated the salt i.d.stry et thus ooumtry. They have planed salt on the Ito list tad left bituminous oral at h0 mute par tee. Iron and *eons, ewe.. wh*oh alert aur bats the mar.ufact.re of salt, are likewise heavily datable.I� And yet the government has the effron- teryto pose as • protector of midwinter ' Ths (iover.mest has the nshluehi.g itis• retains* to peiat to the Arg of the 54.tteeal 1'eliey nailed to their political nni.ta, sad soy. "Sy that we Mead or tau '" Ore of their Cabinet Ministers eaa ssas4 up in the Hesse sad set forth se the policy e( the Oeveini.e.t thea led..trie. meet .•Pet fir the welfare of tate os.otry, tad hie parte aee heeled to protect them ' Two -third, of the salt used i. ('e.a& semr frees foresee **..*ries, sad wider ik• def tariff .. already admitted five W. salt maker .m left ems third of the whale ! her thee ere hey. hoes wMieeie.ly cheek• f.4. Now that sae third is taken sway. But leaving uNwmbees seal at 66 seats per tis mesas • W the salt -makers lave tory • bah is *0rtously •stiw'ad at from three to six cones us eatery barrel we predates Wby has thus bees dose' It is simply • sop rhrowu to the fannies community is o rder that the Hoo. lir. Foster et al., waw they stump the country before the seat ule:1ios, esu exclaim to a oouatry sedeaos It's gave you this, and that, and we gave you free salt," followed by cheers omen Ow teased faithful. 1 desk, however, Mr. Foster has overreached himself, t0. the Patrons of ladustry ha.e signed • coo. tract for three years •t toe.% a horrid, tied as then could now purchase salt at 504,, lspit do not 0u Micoii•t of their cootr•ct, anything &toe to further velure the salt business might be compared, without any redectio. jive. To incorp•,rsts the Port lock and on the personnel of the Batmen of Industry. Desert lake Minim; and Railway Company to casting pearls before swine. -Mr. 1(.lioar. It has come tothu, no this (un tam ('.uada llt fait m..yed the second reading 0( of ours, that • political party isia literally despoil another ruse of his goods to purchase with the moored' • little political lite. Will Mr. Foster, or stay assn m the House, stand up and say It is fur or honest to tax every, hiag • Lasa uses to pro - duos something, and thio Ica*• that some- thing naked and open to the attacks of free trade Vet this they have done. 4)f course, the comparatively small amount, about five hundred thous•ud dollars or more, invested is salt, that is not remitted valueless by this psterwl, protecting I •overnment, is not of much lntpnwt o. e. Ilut twat Is not ail. It would be wise for every mshuf.c turer to pause and cousi,er, and make the salt man's .:au.. he concern : for how loop may it be before Mr. Foster may tied :: es sento11 to lima party's lite to lune. the v..Pus of i•.meba,dy else'o property by that l.esuti- hit ingenious method known to these d.ys as tariff readlustmeut 1 Wink, etc .IOIIN ICA\rl.,i'Io I 'bouton, .1pral h. ONTARIO LEO15LATURE Toao•ro, April lo. -la the. L.gi•W�fA ysetetday thews bilis resvivel Mud reed- ing+ To euable the ieorpontiuu of the %dl.y;e of Loudon Welk( 10 !esus d.bsutarw u. aw.4,41de40 lite debt thereof -lir. Foley. T. ester lash a provincial park at Rosd.au-Mr. Hasily. Respecting the ilanihmhu and North Shore Hallway Com twiny --lir. ('unwrr. To enable the executor* of the late John Smith to accost **4,;0,rrtaiu lands to the city ut Tenets --- 1r. *'lark.'. To consolidate the debt of lite town of Sank its Marie -Mr. Cori THE LOCAL ELECTION. THE Signal Pent in the secrets of toe Ontario (:nwetwmsnt, het it would int be surprised it • short, sharp, hot and hust- ling election campaign was looming up is the immediate future. 1:.•rryth,og points that way,a. d o hat t hedissolut i.00f, hello..*, which will take place nett week, wily 6r followed by an i.unedrato call to arms by all politics) parties. 1'p to the, time of writing, the adjourned S conventioof the Lib..Cuns., has not been called together, and it is doubtful it it will be called, as l'atroa Cos 'utu y avers that he is in the field to stay, and such action o0 h!s part will cause our Tory friends to think twice ere they aunt • three -cornered fight in the constituency with two of its caudidatea tearing the heart out of the Tory phalanx. It way be railing to our Tory friends to be forced to take up I'atroa Coo 'coot . as their can•Ldate as he is in no way accept. able to the "elk stocking." of the party but if that gay and Native agriculturist continues to hold down the Patron immune. time with the vim, good nature rod pertin- acity that has characterized him up to date, a straight candidate would cut • mighty small figure to the seat pnhticalcontest BEAUTIES OF THE NtW TARIFF. IT iv rLiiwrrl by ;conte of our *Lie (;onservau.e coitemporanes that the ro- omed tar.A is essentially a farmer's tariff, and it is pointed out that great cooceesioes have been made in it to the agricultural in- terest* ot this country. Of course the can, tent on is • case of Ir ,udnknt pretence on the part of those who make it, but were it true, even then what would it prove It would prove that for fifteen long years the farmers of this country bad got the bark of the hand from the paternal govern• meat which had fostered, and pampered and papfed the manufacturing classes, and that now,_t!_M-mtpwrceful *)Id ('hiefti.n having pried *fey, an attempt is being made by the incapable. who aro trying to fill his place, to make their peace with the agriculturists as • dernier resort It is quite true that diamonds are kept on the free list, sad the farmer can get io his diamonds tree, but his wearing apparel is still taxed op to the hilt : it is also true that he out now import catgut, (moils, cleaned sausage pings, crude q.mm chicks, uoground chlorate of potash and sawdust from specified woods, bat on every article for use to the oo.struetion of the house in which he lives sad upon every re- quieite, from the cradle in which he is rocked at birth to the tombstone which will mark his taut resting place, the heavy hand of the customs other oostines to make its prince felt The so called " farmers' tariff " win Wet bear investigation and the number of "cler- ical errors" which are daily taming ap, and the number of protases which see being pre. rented to the Fiwm Miouter by deputa- tions from all grads and -editions of men, go far to prove that'.0 far as the condition of the people has been affected by the re *15100 of the tariff, their last state is worse that their first. SNAP SHOTS. 1)r. ManiAGI'6, M. P., who forget! (Queen S'I.T°RIA'• naso 10 • bogus address to the Indiana of H*Idima.d, is the chief parliamentary backer *4151.014*.'. (.o,,,,.. 00.1, Their case is low, indeed, when the prelou" doctor has been called in. it i,. pretty nearly time the lunul,er woe lifted Nem the alleged fountains oe the Sines They wield look more sightly if the wooden ove.reeete and the undershirts of pea -straw were removed. AP chairman of the Itolr,l of Health. hie worship should take stops to seism ep the tows materially sad smelly, Hail, gentle Spring And no more heil for the remainder of the •sap•. if you plisses Mow S. iM s ".-_light •s.Mt.ee. Deed 26 " M.sli.bt " Snap wrapp.,. beterieg the words 5" Why ileo." • WomanLeek OW Semler Thep • Mm "1 to Inver dee... Ltd., 43 Yo.tast Toronto, and y.. will receive by pest • pretty picture, free frees and This r easy way to deoseate y r key . The snap b tai. hews is the sorbet sad H will wily Ored. 1s. pccyAe te send is the maniere, if ren teas. the sells cpm Write veer nem, a ref.py, ly Tale Sweat, is •wly $i a yew la ahewee% DOMINION PARLIAMEN OITA*A, April la -The debate at the Wet is especial to clues to morrow. 11.'u. lir. Laurier asked Is it the in cesium of the Uuverumsnt to ask Parlia- ment for • subsidy of t100,000 for the porpoise of establishing a lite of seaman to run berwe ,, • l'atudian port on U0• aid* and a French terminal port uo the tither sir John Tbumvsun replied that it ti not the iutenttou of the Government to ask for a subsidy of CI00,000 for a line between Cued,' and Frame. Mr. *'baultou asked How =auy •ens of laud lis Manitoba and the Canadian Northwest bass been pledged to railway curpor•tiue under the provisions of gen- eral laws or tiuvernmeut regulations, and his kit: to Penult muaicipslids 'tai change ba,. not yet been earned, in con.ryueue. tbe ptvsent method ut as.es.meot fir tdta- of railway lines to which such grants have 000. been j.1.dyed 011 couurucuua, 10 ..utios• Hon. Ile Hardy hoped the bill would le air vnur(!y, ail the caw may be. cot basing withdrawn, but it was pat to the Howe as yet been proceeded with or completed 1 lied declared het on dirisGro. Hou. Mr. Ialy-44.242,219 acres have Mr Tait mored the second reading of be.0 :,uthuris.d by Parliament sus be the bill providing that atetlooary eighteens granted in subs/dim to railway companies, met pees enwraminatMb,regtsterand take I of wh;ch 16,; 4n,at4 *ores hose out woo out rdwticates of proficieucr. given .•w:ug to the railways not having Uu a division the ' motion for second cern' e,•wsr, mere . reading was lost by 24 to ,!. I .1 deputation of labor repre*euutrvet Totto]To, April I1. -floe. Mr I:fhsua i w.oited oa the Government yesterday to brought in Rte redistribution bin in the i 1 n..ge iarurable eonsideratwu of if,. poli r • l.egul..turr yeeterdr*• . 21 was tnttud used tt••us sent to ! arhano•ut, asktn�p[[ that labor Pay be made a statutory holiday . that a plebiscite Lau imperial Federation, iude- prudence and aette3MMw be taken. that boards of arbittat:ou to appointed fur the settlement ail' labor deputes, that with- drawal from Uovemuseut Savings Rank be allowed without notice. and that railway tares be reduced to two cent* per mile. thTAw•A, April 11. -In the Hoses ail Commons Yesterday these bills wen read • first time ;treat the city, and the .city is to De dt Mr ,*dams -Tu it*corpwrate the Loa,. *:did into four collo' reticles. Megantic Itai1way Co. It is proposed that there shall be two air. I:ergtru0-ltespettutg.the Moftlaal niauber. for :he rite of Hamilton, and la1ami 14.51 R.Uway Co. Mr. Mara -To incorikerate the Crribx Solway Cu. 'Mr. 'Taylor -Respecting the Richelieu & Outsrio N*Y51 .tkw Co. Ur, Maclean (East' Vork, iutrodnced hi bill to amend the Railway Act. providing that on and after January 1, !+V5, no rats of fan for way paseengtre greater than twc coup a mile *bell be charged or taken over the track of any railway company cart of a mendiau hue drawn through Port Arthur in the province of Ontario. 1'he bill was road a first time. Hon. Mr. C.stigau, replying to Mr. l lrarltun, said that the total expense un curred by the Government In connection .with the reviehm of the voters' li-ts it lil'46, DOI; and 1++01 wast )04010,433. Th* pr g of the here :n 1'046 cwt 1,,414,0KN,. 1'he printing in the two subsequent years averaged 04,000 a y.nr, Gr0Aw.. April l_ -lu the Donee of Commons yesterday Ur. (ante, mucic•. that the bill inouri.'raung the Boynto:. Electric Railway Company should be re (erred back to the t owiattte• Lau Stanch% Orders was carried. Mr Mclennan moved the Ant resdini of hes bill compelling railway companu. to moue return second does ti.•kets it a. station• where they i,a.ne return first clam tickets. The cumtsne,• refusal 1., issue second clam return tickets was an injustice to the farmer a,d :.boring man. The bill passed its tint re-tdiug. Air Juhu Thomason a:d, iu answer to Mr. McNeill, the t:u0ernment w..,Jd shortly bring down return, showiug the creed or church of esti person a:up.loyed ,n the civil sentry of Canada. A deputation trout the Dominion l:ive Stock Association waited on Sir Hibbert Tupper yesterday and urged their yews upuu hu. In support of Mr. Muluck'• biil to regulate "cent freight rates on rattle. Urr.swA, April 13. -Hun Mr. I.wrier resented the debate on the budget to the Commons yesterday. At the comme.ce went he took 0c -coition to giro Mr Mc- Carthy a little bit of flattery with regard to his speech agaiust the tioreriiment, which no .doubt pleased that gentlemen and did no great harm. .Dr. Montagne followed Mr. !Antler, and woe still speaking when the speaker sett the chair at 6 o'clock. After omen lir. Montague continued his aap[ai,eeeeb, and was followed by Messrs. Fraser (1:0yboro'). Kenny ,Halifax:, and Prior i British Columbia). Hou. Mr. Foster at 1.10 x m. rose and laid on the table some ndditioual tariff resolutions, which had heretofore beau orders to council. which the Government proposed to tint in enactment on the ire* list. Another was an amended package clause and • reeolutioh relating to malt and vine- gar. There were also the following ad ditional amendments: MMeta, not elsewhere specified, 2 cents per pound. Lire hops, 1 a cis'* per pound. Lard compounded and cctk.lene, '! cults per pound. Condensed milk, 3 cents per pound. Rice, cleaned, 11 cents per pound, 4'hdeory, 4 cents. Cocoa pasta and chocolate and °that preparations of cocoa, 25 per cent Cocoanut, desiccated, sweetened or not. rout* per pouted -- At 1.15 a. no a din felon was taken and the Cartwright amendment was lost by a Users.tttmnt majority of 54. this *bows an increase of 12 in the -Government majority since the bndgel division in the Hones last tear. Messrs. Me('arthy and O'Brien did not vote. OT?Awa. April 14. ---in the Common .resterd.y the hoose went into Committee of Ways and Means. Seet:on 2 of the resolutions re-enacted he pros pion giving power to the Governor General in council to transfer dutiable goods to the list of goods which may be imported fns, of duty. Mr. Charlton mored to amendment to the clause "That the following words be added to the dans ' Provided, however, that all orders in tonocal relating to any matter in connection with the enemas, whereby any ruling or d•cisieoa le made on • remission of .duty or rebate dealt with, or any order runsor•ted with the Customs Department acted upon, shall he pnhl4eh- e•d in the Cenobite (ileaette la the week ld• lowing the passage of any such order ' " This, this m0,er said, would make the Clovernment slow Id hand. The ameudmeat was lost and the cleans was adopted tither eia.e were e.rrled A moduli.* h•vtng been e•rviel bring lag the new tariff auto operation from Marek 17, the menninse reported progress sad the Hewes roes t 1-.p_lw Aymara wp".ed, Mruwaa►nIJ*, April 11 -Tho Heel a.. gement srmoxy hes been seriously deo- aged by Are. Visitorsls rifles stud goo - pony rooms were destroyed with mrseh as a bill reepectiug the roprs.tunutlun of :states codes in the legislative Assembly. r, mowing the first rending 40,m Mr. .ttbaaui bed the change proposed in this b l: w ail be coolie! to three cities of the pr.v;nee. namely, Toruuto. Hamilton and •haws, 1 her were all pestered to see an a,!,httoual representative given to the city Toronto after the pr•tuae made last year by the tiuv.r,mneut, accordingly an additional member is nue proposed to be that the city shall be mn•tdr.t into electoral divisions to 51, known as East and West Hamilton, and that the dirielou shale he ou a straight tine running through the centre of Hewson street, contained to the southern limmits of the city. The only tither change proposed to be :,,ads 111 the preMat teptreentatiutl ie in to the city of ()tease. ind :t is pro - by the present kiil that Ottawa shall be represented by two inwuben, Tomommet°, April 1'!. -tai 11u Legislature yesterday Mr. hark Introduced a bill t•' amend the Muuicipai Act and Sir Oliver 11,e at introduced • bill to facilitate the local administration of justice. Mr. Meredith moved the following re- solution " That in the opinion ot this Hour the election of Public and Separate School trusters is cities, loans and incor pointed vtllai4es, and 110 townships in which tow.oLii, b. anis are established, should be by ballot , and that it be referred to a committee cuusieting of 10 prepare and reports° the How, with ■11 conveiaent speed., • brill to amend the Public and Separate School Act its as 1.• prom ie that in eitir., towns and incoe- ix.rateel villages, and in townships in which township boards are established, the eke tante ot,Public and Separate School tms- tees shall be by ballot.' After events the nit -tubers of the Hones were called Ili and the House divided on Mr. Meredith's moton3 The divtwoo resulted *n peas 311 and nays 51. defe..ting the motI ti by In. The division accounted for x44 member* Lai a total of Yl. The atveu absentees con misted of four Mmiaterialist's, Megane Guth- rie, (;arrow. Biggar and Ilaysidr, one Con •ervat;ve, Mr- E. F. Clarke, of Toronto, and air. McNaughton, the Patron of !minis- try. "no only transfer of allegiance was to the case of Mr. back, who voted with the 1,ppo•ition. Tbe Equal Rights re; re - tentative and the P. 1'. A. representative also supported 151.1 1pposition. 'Cite result of tie dtvtaou was rreeived with applause on the I:overnmen si.le of the House. 'I,*ivmro, April 13. -In the Legislate** yesterday. Sir ()liver Mowat'* hill re.p.ot• ing Councils of Conciliation fid Arbitra- tion was reed athirst time. The House went into committee os tin bill to erect Nipiesing iu'o • proriaielsel judicial district - .after some discission Mr. Memo lith mored to hare the rection covering this =sour removed and an •me0d=est substituted uroviding that 011less the county town was selected by the lieu- tenant -governor before .lune 1. the opiniou of the electors should be obtained. The Hose divide!, end the amendment was reje•ete.l by 39 votes t.. 21. The bill was reported with amend moots. Sir Oliver Mowat moved Cue secdnd reading of the bill respecting (Rosen Vic- toria Niagara Falls park. •1'51e bill pro- posed to allow the park cowmimiunen to imp" =75.000 worth of debentures for necessary park improvements and the pur chase of land. Sir Oliver Mowat mored the second reading of the bill enabling boards of trades to appoint geuerai arbitrators for centum purposes. It was provided that the board should select • eertain number of arbitrators, from amongst whom general arbitrators should be appointed. It was evident that by this eonrss fair, impartial and reliable arbitrators would be •ppwnrt. .d fhe bill «mild be perfectly voluntary in its character. sir Oliver %towel's loll respecting t call of *unction to the bar pawed a see° reading after • protest from Mr. Meredith that the provisions of the menre tete ua)j*at To•o*im, April 14. In aha Legislature yrtetday the bills were iutr,,dmee.l and read • Int timer Ur. Gilmour - -To amend the Municipal Act Mr. t'onmes-To amend the Juin' Stock Company's letters Patent Act Mr. knew - To amend the Agric.lturs2 and Arta A.•t. Dr. McKay 14)aford)-Respreting the assignments of hook debts. The following bills were reed • third time Respecting mortgagee and melee of personal properly -Mr (libelee iliaedlWnp. To eonedidate tie debt of the tui{ of Wharton -11r O't:on,ax. Relating to Algonenin park and toe township of Cam aobo, :herein -M, Reich. Mr. Wood (Hastiag.i moved for • return showing the persona employed in each re - duration division for the lest there yeses, giving nen.. and dates of engagement, length of tame employed, ehar.et'r of say oto, and the amount paid to melt person so employed Mr Meredith asked that the motion he mails of *44.r seeps •ud it was allowed to stead Hoe. Mr. Gibson's bill to •mead the Registry Ael, mus provision of whine r requires the rsgietr•tion of wakes of salsa, was reed • leered time. The Attexney (leneea1•s bill en.bliag boards of trade to appoint psteeal srbstrw- tors foe eertaia purposes was sesddered le aosaes4ttes wad r.esfiad The hill napujng the tall of solicitouss s property will spend be the __ eseeidw.d is I Tor'• t. • mod THE 6OZEMAN AFFIDAVIT. taesmetive *.seer 5►eelane Cho Allowed V..et.selwa 1w be a Yaks. Tommie°, April 16.--1'roviueial Det,c *iv. tiros has returned from leuaetsan, Mott. la the abrupt parlauce of a police officer, Mr Aron pronounces the conies - ekes of llutteni to the murder for which Mac Wherrell *tends cuu*icted as "a great big fake.' Stevenson still maintains that it l pnsw Ins. 11e rem.rk.d that the moat.' of but ton had laid him open t., much thawed, and he had been s., worried about it that he welted he never had anything to do with it. Greer will report to the Atturue) Gene- ral that Steveowon'r story is not believed in the Moutaua town where be iseides, that Ice found papers in Steretw>u's room cuute1niit4 a.•cu_ outs of the trial girl sea terse* of Mact1 Mrrell . the statement of the police marshal of the town that if each a watt as Dutton misted he would certaludy know of it; also other sheerest tote gathered duriui; the detective's star to the plana Bozeman is a county vest to the State With a population of about 2.200 [mop's. leputy Attune) ((steal 1'artwritgght lair the depertment is thoroughly eatiaAed that throe is uutklug in the Dutton story. The aftidarit made by W. J. St.veo*uu to in the heads of Mr. t(ubtuette, who re• hived it from Yintaua on Saturday. It bears strong evidence of not bring genuine, is typewritten, and attached to it aro the signal tires • W. J. Stevenson" and " Hubert Dutton." The characters of 11e two names aro'emaritably similar. While iu Bozeman Greer asked Stevenson to show hies the affidavit, but the latter said he had forwarded it to Mr. itobinati on March :11, the day after it was sworn to. This was untrue, for he had it to his pus session all the tints I:reet was there, and forwarded it on the *wine trust that Greer left by. Enoltsed with til) affidavit was a letter date April 11 to this 'Sect. " Why did "teyen*uu nut show I:reer the arida Tit ` Toe reaauu ie obvious. He kuew that the officer would recognize at once that the signatures were made by one nuts and was afraid the .lrt:ctit'e might wake it uccowtortnble fur law T1e welsh of Cruelty:- ''How ruelty:"Now did it happen that Riggs was arrest ed by an agent for the B.P.12l'.1" "He was caught in the art of abusing his baby." "What was jle doing '. "Seagiag it to sleep. ♦ 1.Metlate Fee Pine. Nlany persona ea00ot swallow pills, and will hale with pleasure the new and valuable substitute, Esel4ap'. I.iver I,nzenges. They do not purge or griFe like pills but simply .seat nature to perform the natural func- tions. They aro "old at 21 cents • box or :" boxes for a duller. west Vistas ■la4r4. " `. our coat se inside out, remarked the Absolute Id,ot. " Thank you," rejoined the Towering I:ening, as he headily rectified the error. " don't speak of ir," said tbc, " 1 am trembled with absence of mild myself." A Irsaieed Testawe. There is no more certain sign of • bnl our 0eaditaon than a ooate.l tongue, and there s so more certain cure for it than Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. They aro a specific re- medy for billionaires", sick headache, in- digestion, dyeyersia, and all kindred ,roubles. They are sold at 25 caste a box or 5 boxes for • dollar. Renovation and RE -DECORATION is the order of the day ; ----it's house-cleaning time. Among other things your stock of Lace Curtains may need replenishing ; the old one's may be riven a less prominent position and something brio/t1, fresh and new put in their place. It seems somewhat ridic-ulous to talk (11)0111 Lace Curtains at 25 as. a pair, but that, what usi ve got them down to. They're not very wide, but they're 2 1-2 yards long and a ood as other stores ask 35 cls. dor. (Upwards from this prl't e we .show an almost endless s 7.arieh' at /i,-ures equally interesting to -1'011r purse. Some :'tori' pr('tty Patterns in Art A111. ; , s are sho zt 'n this Season- --- .-1 rt Silk Design and equally its fret!), but much less ea: cls si;'1', p Pricer range.ro sal 5 as. upwards.. In Carpets, Table Covers, Table I_inc'u c, Table Napkins, and general Hoist' furnl.,'hlll;r Requisites you'll find we've mostly got ;chat you want, and alit'ays at prices which leave 1'Ou mo/'"v In. Everything to Wear : --Shoes to I fat' wsrcoust LaiVsrowttefteU COMPLETE OUTFITTERS. R. W. McKENZIF1 BACK TO THE...OLD TOWN AND THE OLD SUS ESS. I have purchased the Hardware Stock of the late C. Crabb, Esq , at 50 cents on the dollar, and have added unto it a full line of SHELF AND Heavy Hardware Paints, OIIs, Glass, &c., a at Reduced Prices, caused by the lowering of the Tariff. So that now I am prepared to give my Customers better value than can possibly be secured elsewhere. The purchasing public know me well, and from the large patronage given me while I was here, I should say you knew me favorably. I ask a renewal of your patronage, and intend to please you better than ever. miaow OLD STAND, AODIRIOH. R. W. McKENZIE,