HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-19, Page 3'Massillon °ulna 0R1•111) TRUNK RsILINLY. M. severe sad desert Oad_tsh ea tel- ler,: el- Mr,` aviasve. I. 16 ak 'fan •sdinset • •••--• s ..........•i. pat. ,ps1 tusd Causes • a-altT. kdr pa, stall ......... ••••.. sdm. ow tares= • .....•............e - •••w me. sir iw001A0E `weed L-DvI T AL OiWeise.. a on C palaisM eaUaa- Wad dreel\• ee'ld R. s. RIOMARDSON, L. D. 8., ionizmeasson ter W Or wad vlisns air aa0sestfy of bur O a ► Up the peeahoUp wu% on. aakraas ea Wee. RN -►r rtia.111811$1.11 DK. HI NTX_E. " H ,r wtree a es�ft$s k. Moat as N ote. 1 r DDm* SHANNON A SHANNON, persieisaa, �q}pas. •A..saskers. tc. ▪ t oar. J. sit•Its- YSuattwNOX�a-tfeaMaeawr cruet. epp. Model *kook A 1AMPION s JOHNSTON, BARRiS- t.es, ndialens.Nstarries, 4.... naiadsb. Mikes Over 0.�tP Dr t Store. i. CAIt- clil7 y. t'., M. loan. (IFTI'13 L DANCIILY, B t1tKleTBR, II solicitor. Csnvop.aree. to.. sec. Meet -mese at lowest raw. Ilwtea'e Meek. tap• iu•t'r t'ulborso Hotel. Oedettsk. Oat. 111x1 -U • N. LEWIS, BARRiNTIR, PROW - Ea. for u Maritime Courts of nutans Mae. south Colbert', Lora. 1813 C. HAYS,SOLICITOR, rte. R. °Moe, censer of name sad West stress. Uoterlchs over tetegtspk saes, l'rl- nueYung'to trod at lowest rate, of Inter- ne. T fit► II t ARItIIW A PROUDFOOT, BAR - U' rutrn, Attvraem 8.ldters, flee.. Gods ice. J. T. (farrow. Q.C.. W. Pr'suditec. CAMERJN, HOLT HOLblICS, Osr-utero, Solicitors la Chummy. Re. W4ertcb. M. C, Cameros. Q.C. ; P. Holt ; gaYu Holmes. J O. WARD, CONVILYANUEK, , to.. and commlenisaer for ellearg and re. tarring rrra.niaa•o.m of bail, &4ai It* ea sarmaoons, depealtieee or solemn declare. Maui or tortoarninfr any action. mutt or pro- eadaig :e lee High Court of Justice. tb. Ormn! Appeal for Or nano, or la say t:ortoty er Division Court. All tr%ooaotleas a an4 promptly executed. Rasldenos we'd P. adder- DDungeosoa Ont USS-tt MMSf♦Ilaae taeiltatr•. (1ODSKICH KIKIIIANIOW IN$T1- Vf TUTS L.ulllta1RT AND IL 1'iu- 10 pe , ocr. of tine street sad Square p Op.e tr.m t to 6 r.m,. mad friss J to 10 r.n. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Levee] /,oily, Wieldy end Rltetrated Amos , Jlaa.siam etc , on Pile. ME DERE TICCIT. ONLYtas. saunas troy use ol Latour, and �txe e DeemAR:io•tloao Our remberselp received kg Liera as.. taros's. 11 'MITit. 010. 8TiVEN, President. tloarwary. Oedema March Isth Ipb, Knitting 11'a*OUIrY- Ew KNITTING FACTORY. TII underWyeed bras M to the pub lir that he lies OS pro w"Itis deem aid most Improved knit maebinory Muth will be run by • homes:lily experienced syrrsler. and 1s prepared to do the beat quail Iq of lndtier at very reasonable pure, remora and others brining in their own lsrw to be kelt i.to.toekiatte•.ocks, etc.. will fie hermit, and promptly dealt with. Orderr, left at my *lore. Pr. Victoria and lku..-se . e ta leeelr0 preempt atlaat.01, U. I. ttratenAN. THOMAS IJUNDRY, ACitO1SRER and ivoura•os Agent. Godertch, oat. tem London std Lancashire Eire lac Co., sed Ours District Muted Ise Ow gates at - waded so is any part of the toasty. 1417 JOHN KNOX, 0LNLRAL ALIO- Mower add Lead Valuer. O.derkk, Os Havingle rl .4 esarderes a o! trade. M aa to tb•k&ree with iant'lt�a sem wierona setreaea ea M e. at Martin's Hotel. or east M man ttoe .e...� 3sdsricb P.O.. carota1y attended to. JO L'IOX CmarAaNleeeer, Ment CIA ORDBROF HOME turd Monday of sere` seer las 1lrg At. 0S i usr•noe a&d sick .., RWH A R N ACH nemt rvv. Min Dental AOsoitas.mNL TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ETIIE�-CBCORIU9 DR, E. RIQHARDSON'S K1r?1L PAaLOa*. IPtU MUSK RAS 111m-fTItET oonamst, oorr. I wenn maliened h Ise alied astlsetlea. atter • I 7,11.8ttlessoolaa w 1r. the al eatimo..• sad anee wroteto mk s& I bays the nag •fid "ehtte pi to ase Oedeetok• t1• latest et derevery which le warrantee worm eew the psis anise tie stumps of alae, .I"17 ewe. wed veer pus is the watt masa %eeth 111THMI=,-01R.L03ELZDIC let an ie e &won •m•asl0.1le taar newer •wets the theNesr d t. V Isersal.wa*er. eM to bel m knows ea earth turnouts, ea testa It slsesw Ware ine..tive se pals. p\tln .40 Pedal vet/ line ase.. Ir N.1S1fIMs. ^psevtMs et the ettirini etwe4 �da -,Ol�awaar „ DR. R1ta 1AROS01. Tb. R.esk1. JIM.** he yes WMwed my advise. v 4 ra. tried the geld eYw d ten hf v.�r Very. Ityesseat •11 ey weary 111141 Ne enema* to get tai OIL we--atc - - rr J`dr' bet it retina usasa to nirlitpsal lar • tetat lap,apllod "'drnf Fsr pd. leasewith a at... a t" goat a ria! se Irve syinssbepiat that THE SIGNAL GODERICH. ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 19. 1894. THE LEAF CRUMPLES. A 1.1111e Timely Carr N11 1 tau.m Eater- atsae. 'rhea. ggs The apple leaf cruwpler - the rascal leaf cruwpler of ,settle anthers- -t* btu frtulluou an insect in er.Itards. Yet its darer r " u Lion ' 1s rowparaUvrly an easy clatter as will miser frau* the follow ing ac•cuunt of Its trauefornution and habits. fu the iwrtist stage the in.tvt 14 a gr.iy moth, with darker markt:4p. on th.• for.• wings as ahow'u in the enlarged figure nevem panyimg id.. the menial mze busing tudt- Arrt t.E.r .ltryrtJ?s:. eaten by the ernes lines below. This troth appeare in the latter tart of inns and later and dN{IU*itA eggs ripen the )eaves of the apple. thorn. quince and ether apple like fruits. The larva. are - - n harvb'd and toxin work Noll the leaves, pro Reeling themselves meanwhile frond obese vat Din 1111.1 drat ruttiou i.y making a email. l,).rkish cane eat in whi.•h they are mostly co11cealeel. When feasting awl Hewing abut. the head and fere part of the body ire thrust ant .1 this .saw, which yet remains the retreat Nf the insert 1114441 full t*;rowp The 1Arr* are nearly half grown 1s•A,re win t.r checks their work, and by this tune the rase it enlarge] sufficiently to term r.etauy winter gtart.•rs. It is then always securely tautened to the twig or branch by a silken land. and concealed loos' or hem perfectly uy drive " leaves drawn arettnd it ass in 1.. In spring the arra again begin. feeding. carrying ite case about with at se neeesaary, and if the leaves are net yet out. attacking the swelling bwle or the tender bark. The hill lar val size is soon attained. and before the trnnefnrmation into the inactive pupa the worm again fa.etens its case to the twig or beat and r•tuaiva therein 'until appearing as a meth. Such. then. is the outline of its life history. The o*ig a+tioua as. to check- ing its .re.grees are two. In n small orchard and with young trees the withering by hand of the cases as they hang merriest to view is an easy task. and if well dune will go far 4. exterminate the lniwt-t. Where this is impracticable. er where the orchard is under treatment in spring 1ty spray. ing far other apple pests. this Oradea may Ina• practically exterminated by the use of pari* green in spray with water If farluers will use the poison named in the plgaortion of one 01114(1 to fifteen or tweuty gallons of water. the former pro portion best Iia an orchard not hitherto under treatment. we are confident that he will no le,ou-er complain of this pest. Where this .,pray is tired to protect the apples from theyoung apple WOrrll. the leaf arnfupler is lulled by the sane• ap plication. ['pen nom -bearing trees it will be .ttRicient t.. spray them twee thoroughly es scan as the leaves are ex lauded. taking car' net t.. defer the ap l,licatie,n nntit the larva has withdrawn Into its can fur transformation, which usually it does in the latter part of May. -Kansas Farmer. - Farts rsgut.. Many trees are injnree by ipjudicions pruning To graft or bud, Duly yonng. vigorous stocks *hould be used. 1f a sheep is kept dry it will stand cold mach better than heat Feeding and watering regularly is essential to the well bring of the fowls. Feeding jnet enough t.y keep alive affords no material fur eggs or growth. Be sure to keep fr binders hens that lay right through the moulting period. Pear trews most have annual pruning. it is a better practice than thinning the fruit. rut off decayed and disesese.1 branches and rub off superfluous bods when tory appear Th. ' a and oils of foal are absorbed and Savor the product. be it eggs• seat or Lotter. (iaxl wool and profitable wool cannot readily be grown on anything but a healthy fleck of sheep Spring iambi% and mutton sheep will make sheep breeding a permanent in dnatry in this mnntrV. Whoa farmers learn to fill legislative and other pn.iIions their abilities will be r.cognlzr'I Sheep are rateable in that they will feet on ranges that cattle cannot live upon. rid onriflhe IMnhry. More fowls are killed by Hee than by all the diseases (hat •Alert poultry. They do not work in winter but that is the beet time to begin on them. Pour eel -mese over the perches a few tiniest during the winter ming it pretty ?eek about the supports and along the cracks and in the spring they will fail to ap pear. wevl.. Ab.st seems% s were. The late Hiram ankh was once asked to state the first step to he taken ta starting a dairy, and hie prompt blower was Bay a boll. •' TM. ball is always the moat important half of the herd, and the. more inferior the cows the more important it is that the ball should be of atgar-.amiisst Emily merit. When ltasm le iii seed. Pali it TSlsstlr `r traits and sandy and t' pi always need it ebl _Is contain safe cleat *�li 61A*s May 4. not. Tete earreses hens. The damp lathe sell) (!armor's friend became with them ow can oomvert into a good prodaet mei iliM wesM other- wise go to weeks. PLANTING POTATOES. Prepatlaa toe elrw.ad, Tease et rtaismau sad telzlratlea, 1401ect a piers of grotuwl the desired sire. If it is not well drained provision for carrying off surplus water moat be 11.n.rided, if treat results are expected Fertilize heavily with barnyard manure or that frusta n comport heap. Pat on 'Artily. alt potatoes require a rich soil and there is very little design of ap- ell) Dig 1st, much. 1t the land had pre. riuusl_y been fall plowed, which is a g.rd tuethoil. aeain tarn it over to the depth .4 eight or ten inches unites the soil 14 it la.•avy clay, or very sandy when that depth us not necessary. Du chic as awn as the trout is out el the ground and it is dry eurugta to work well Then 1 pulvtriie thoroughly with a barrow, gt'tflg over the field nntll the mod bed is in the taut poosilee rendition. l.ay oft straight rows, 2. 2i or Yi fret apart. In these -rows den. the fixed which hen been prerl.'uely prepared, l , or 1►t inches apart C'over'w•ith a bur t h raw t'r four inch•, deep.. Select from the varieties to btu ealene+nl the meat uniform and hent "meatus -le din carding the smaller ours and puroibly the lamest It Ilan been peeves' in many Moine-en that bleat nettle' hay.• leen oh tainted by using go.,.t sated -potatoes of nosh.... site. free from disease ur de fertility. The practice of saving the sniallest for planting is not a.lrlrable. for while g.eol yields may ts•castoually 1.1• produce/1 the variety will •'run tint" after a little• time. -In cutting discard the elide which bare a large number of eyes ar these produce weak hpiu.11ing plants. Cut eo ar to leave about two eyes en each piece. For early potatoes peeper*• the ground and plant as early' as It Is in ge.4i erudition and there is no danger from cold w.ather A alight freezing of the onrface soil will do eo 'term. however The enittv*tt .n will deieend somrwbut -tip el the kind of soil. In ;(enerat. har row with n slant to oth•A harrow. mite at least before the plants appear. and .•rt -r the "Tenni two or three tine- i, otter. beneficial. 1..•t the Best harrowing be done jest before the io.eta to, Funic rap Theu use a double shovel one•hur,.e cultivator or. even au er,huury two -horse cultivator oMr, it egeek during the grow-img wan0n. Be careful not to plow tor* deeply er run very chute to the. rows after the plants at lain considerable size ami e•.pert ally when the tubers begin to set. The object ie t.. keep down weeds and to render the surface soil mellow. It is usually necessary to go over the field with a hoe once or twice and also to pull ort by hand any weeds which appear in the hill*. Planting in news loth ways. er checking. is practic- ed be stun, in which case the hills may lie 21. :101 or :P' inches apart in the row. Thera are a number of machines on the market for planting instead of drupping by hand. lint even if they were compo•!. !)- sucrtweft:I it would not lay the 4Tliu ary- farmer to buy one. The same is true et special machines for covering, cultivating. etc. --Orange Jndd Farmer. To Iee.tr.y ltgrlrrel.. The following receipt for the deeatrue tion of gophers and s.1n11144 hitt beelr highly recommended Take a five t* *)Ion can, put a stick of phosphorus with a little cold water in the b..tton of 11. Poor to hot -not boiling water. jest hot enengh to dwelt the phoephll rens grulnally. Add two pounds of -war and stir Then acid Born ileal and tient in renin quantities to make a thick Latter. Then stir els whole wheat until the batter is quite stiff. Pour in at the tune time fifteen or twenty droi.. of rh.slintn. The wheat will absorb all the water and the mase will become hard. For Ilse ehip off small piece,' to the Aire ef a hickory ant and palace it in the rune. Mirror and Fanner ( ..rap for w Nreedy Hen. A nsefnl ccwtris'am a for removing the notion of hatching from a hitting hen is -how-n In the engraving from a sketch in the American Agriculturist. The top an.l l ottotn of this.• hoz are boards two feet long ani one feat wide. A booed door, one fuel square, is fastened AN .INT? K*011111Nu ttie'r. by hinge, at one end. The sides of the .soup are oilseed for ventilation- The broody ben is placed in the coop, the door is fastened and the box is tipped up 'with blocks on one ride be that the hem has to stand rap and cannot *it down comfortably. Under these conditions the batching fever soon leaves the thoroughly diecoerageed hen, and she is tape laying again. tlatry Naos. The /stints used in scoring halter are Flavor. 45. grain, 25; color, 15. salting. 10; packing. :•. 1f hi classcsemrry butter is ealkd g11t-e4ga rd" hntte'r, why should not oleomargarine be calle.1 "guilt -edged" butter' Make the quality all right and the market will romp to you There never has been enough gilt -edge butter on the market to supply the demand. Whether one has common stock. grades or Imre bred stock. the only way to have a good herd of dairy cows is to me, them flood feed, good care and gentle handling are essential in produc- ing good tows. • A One rteasMa_e. 'off sad Wo put eighty saw doe from as incubator loft, a last rahswl wventy Ave of tmtn. t w had given them to hone to raise we should have done well if half of them had escaped to live to maturity. The in- cubator ls stood 1Haw but the brooder better Itkkllrrxl in ten fail with a good not one la s hundred with a 1111.stlsr. .'Leer er awoke. Nothing will spoil Ms flavor of batter quicker than nenddy stalks et hay. If yon have any mush on band feed them to any outer stock than the mach cow.. The teres Assam. fin a large part of our farms the stardom is sot what it ought to be.. Minae stables ought to be grown tit snare iwzmrh. may appear os lbs t* - o,. table. SAYINGS FOA THE SEXES. Shen ooarteblps *stake leen eisari.c Many ponds thank they seed empathy. whew all they want Is flattery. Re who w without memo* deserves ao iriesde wad rarely hoe soy l'eatury Laughter reveals masa tree nature ; it sx- premise the unset. Shrewd muds seldom l..Fowtu.e ie foeticide. She provides luxuries for those who ere dying of dye pepsu. A perfect woman may le adorable ; a woman w ho u perfect would be beveled so dur*D0. Feder the shadow of gratitude lurks ro- oinlulent the react meut of incurring 013 bgouon undischarged. When the heart is breaking from as old love there is apt to be a crevice through which a new attachment cuters and wholly heals the fracture. Love at sight is trot colloids., ed nearly eo goal • security in the matntnuolal market as love twelve mouths aft*', dere. Some marriages 'teem t.' be in the main, only &o alliance between a men and a women for offensive purposes tow,.rd one another, and for defensive purposes against the out side world. Seder ■es,.rleaalas. Nrealre - That u, 1f you are a housewife, wife and mother • To hates wt 11 digested, Lot ehistic, plan of operatitiit,k To not only do the work snore thoroughly than vier before, Luo to do it with less hast* and more system .oJ or.!. r. Not todecor• the windows 'kith such s profuse's of (In p (In/penes that suvshioe, the gr.&'est ell beautifiers. unuot had .n. . rause. Not to canmer.ee, , *cert around the mtge.. until the wltter is mild enough not to endanger the health of yourself or of your family To neglect nothing pertaining to the sa • teary oovdaion of either the ho me or premi- er:. and especially if the cellar, kftcbev, -ink and all drainage. Nut • o commit the sea less. perhaps slaw MI, ext. &v*gauoe of duan,{ heavy, hard work that you tau 4:te ..then to do equally as well and then flatter youraclf that it is wise eco0nr0)•. ;Not to stint yourself, saying "1 will finish this work by such • date.'" If you d, you will either ovcrwt.rk to eccompluh it, or t* will be a thorn in !Lc flesh, goading you to the finish. That absolutely perfect housekeeping is not essential to the most beautiful bout*. makingindeed is ellen fatal to it --wink a little judicious shirkine and charming du - orderless u the highest wisdom. Not to relay • carpet until it hos been thoroughly cleaned and repaired, and not then without placing carpet papers or two Dyed of newspaper underneath. Liy mat 0414' or linoleum in the eerie way. To stain cr paint an outride border around the floors of all sleeping and living apart- ments, and not allow • carpet ti reach with- in eight inches -of the base beard. Fire min- utes' daily use of • sweeper in such a room will effectually *event au unhealthy scrum ulatiov of di et. Not to ezpevd a dollar in the parlor or other "full dress' rooves. It those in duly use by the faintly are not an perfect •auita-y condition sod well art•,ptied with comforts.. In other words, do not sacrifice he0lhful nese, con%emend and comfort to r&oity or the cowardly fear of Mrs. Grundy's cen- sure. To re -paper the walls of living and sleep log rooms, if the old decorations have been on lung enough to have absorbed tmpnriu.a, even though they may not show *oil badly Beautiful wall paper, in soft lours and srt• ietic design*, can lee purchased for fifteen ee•te • roll, and the hsvgeng is no harder or more difficult than many &nether task that you do not hesitate to undertake. 1_ See �reekearidge'. Order. Col. Breckenridge has • family of grown- up children, three girls and two Leyte one • lawyer,udiog in the defence of het father. The other, named for his grandfather. Reb art .1. Rreckcaridge, is of • wild disposi- tion, .lust before the breaking out of the Breckenridge Pollard scandal Bob got on • spree and had 1 fights. Col. ltrctk enridge telegraphed from Washington to pntifin. in jail and keep him there until he retarned, which Instructions were followed. It was decided to send Bob on • tea voyage, and just as he w•a loading a reercI he read an &coronet of his father's doings with Miss Pollard, &vd wired his brother : ., 1'ul the old man in jail and keep him until I re- turn, three years hence."--AUaata Coseti- tallou. Tawas weary or,Caaetderal i.e. iia Mrehau's Monthly it is advised not to cit an usage ..range hedge until three years after it is planted. Scientific experiments made by the New Jersey station emphasise the im p ortance of muriate of potash kir peach trees. Those who have tried it sty that L,v.tt"s blackberry is an excellent all round berry, being haply, early-, prolific and of good quality. The tnonthly roses belong for the most part to that class known as tea roses, and their free flowering qualities make them the most popular of all roses. Do not plant flower needs when the gronnd is wet Make the snrface as fine and smooth as possible. cover each kind of seed to a depth proportionate to its size. but never swore than three or four times the diameter of the eeett Press the soil Emily over the sued. a.0Ntl.tee r., (floes 1■ Oreeah.see*. With other investigations ieported 011 by Professor Hailey of file Cornell ex p.rimp11t station is one relating to cloth sad paper as renting for the greenhouse His externem* with both, for a winder roof. has been entirely unsatisfactory. For summer or lategiving nee oiled media has proved satisfactory. Plants which require a heavy shade in simmer can be grown to advantage ander such a roof. The cost. however, of • few an anal roots of the character will pay for a glass roof . heave the inference is. as a sloth roof with onliteary oil treatment taste hardly one year. that the glass roof is in the end the cheaper of the two. in addition to the savingof mnch labor and vexation of spirit. Hard? I1MeeWs Bay a few hardy perennials. shrubs or bulbs earb spews. They will be growing better wad better each year, sieeentinae you will be growing older, and the time will comae when it will be each a satisfaction to know there u• plants in yonr gardss that will ike sore b Moose at thetime even if youeasnaot dig *lir. transplant avid prune its you saes Tau Sr*At. is tlilg «a par is a reees LOST 840,000 AT BUNCO POKER se atewtr Cal Together She rarity e/ wherprr. woe .&lsaed Ohm. now the Deaver Itepebl,aa. During the prat work • gentleman fro California has beau ato, 'uv at the Wow Palace Hetet. Last night he left for tb Fest. besides ps.sew/Og the JNlrabl qy &IIIc atloe of being immensely wealthy Des eeotleineu u ales the hero ut • regular hair raising bunco poker game. He los 140,000 terra table between 3 o'clock one Saturday afternoua and 9 o'clock ebe next morning, but telegrams sent out to the e •user • banks oa Monday maoageJ to stop paylueat w. &boot nue hell LM checks that he tltti g•,sen out during the rune The fuu0IMt part of the whole *tory to that with three meu working him, the rtcum himself propoe.J the game aaJ introduced the three steered to each other, all of which wan part of the play The genre nen was stopping at a little seaside resort eighteeu miles out trona 1.ro Augeles, and while then met • men repro seating himself as an odiciel od the ('amebas Pacific Railroad Ir.a.l on his way to Sea Ermined on lousiness. For two days the pair chummed together. Auuther guest errn•ed from Chi .-*go, who also made koown the tags that he was deo toed to Sen Frwos,eex,. It is super theme to relate that the strangers were at lability itself. Anxious to make things pleasant for his friends, the old gentleman introduced 01. stranger to the other, Seeing that they loth Intended remaining ou the hetet toter Sunday incl then gulag un to San Fransiscn, The newcomer was m the beet avd dice line. Soon then ran another *reit*!, and bo proved • high r• Iter He was • sto•k:nen ret uroing toIns reach from mai kat, and hefted a rola o: I s is as b gas his head. Ile order ed evert thing and paid in big Lills. There teemed to Ler othiug less tban • t in the whole lot It did not take lint lung'to get ac•l.utoted with the old gentleman. lie got acquainted with every soul about the pled btf•ire he ho 1 been -there a night ill but the ('aaadi•n Pacific man end the boot and shoe m.:r. When he dui meet those tro worthies, it win tlrungh the medium of tkc venial oil gentleman \Cilli such good fellows around him a poker game was the outy result, and 'mon it was going. The reillosd stagnate did not know Much •lw.ut 1Le Paine, the hoot and shoe man ht ped it would be a small limit, and the 01ockm.n ow. not care how loth it went- -the higher the itett.r h.r Lim, he mid. 8l tits game 0; erred. It opened at 3 u'c:nck then Ss:tatday after,.son, and was •till cuing *1 9 the net: day-. Thin It end- ed The told gentleman was out $7t)0 in cash and ?40,000 in checks. The stockman had not a dollar in hu Log roll left, which was easily $10.000, and he, too, had given checks for 112•.5 000 he game had simply been • rip snorter, and everything went. It was the stockman who threw up his hand. He said he could Dot stand tit spy longer. The three agreed to give him * ria venge came after dinner, rad as the *tatter rested tor a tone. *Vhen dinner ended • nate was handed to the old gentleman sign - el by the railroad magmas, expressing re- gret that • telegram had been received necessitating his Romig to San I-r•disco without delay. and the boot Mod aline maw hail decided to actomtaay him With the wings . t • bird the old man new to the apartments of his fellow ,offerer, the stock- man, and recited the facts within his know. ledge " Hennes," said the stockman- and thereupon • plan was made to head oil the pair. Telegrams were sent out to *11 tl e country bu.ks on which the checks had been given, they being scattered to places eh. r • the player. had deposits. These the old gentleman himself filed at the telegraph office, while the stock grower hastened to the police headquarters to inroks aid from that snorer. Now let us wait till to -morrow," know ingly *aid the stockman, "and will save all that money and most likely beg our game '• Monday v orning then was another a r prise for the now thoroughly surprised old gentleman --the stockman was missing He had been in the dal bigger than any of the trio. His roll had been good only tor&hun- .dred or w, the balance being counterfeit, and he had remained behind to keep the old gentleman off the trail while his pals cleared out. WAYS TO COMMIT SUICIDE. ('.atriviag to keep is s ooeu.u•l worry aboai ssaesthiag or dating. I;Meg way to lila of eager. m \ egleetia&gg to t.k• proper dreg/ *endive's a and nut applyiog early fur medaasl dviee •' when advice first appears. • 1[lowing the lo.e of vain to absorb vier • minds as *1 10 leave no time to attend to our health. F'ollowiov au unhealthy occur'. A FEW THINGS TO AVOID. Never fail to keep an appointment. Never delay in answering letters or re- turning books. Never tell long stories of which you your- self are the hero. Never inmsorenience people by cOming in late to church, theatre, lecture or concert. Never stop people who are hurrying along the street sod detain them for tee or tweedy minutes. Never, when you see two people engaged in earnest talk, step in mid enter upon • miscellaneous conversation. Never speak disrespectfully of your par• seta Dor of your sisters. People may laugh at your tui', bit they will despise you for it. Never begin to talk about ' this, that and everything' to one who is trying to read the morning p.pe-, es • busk or anything else. Never talk when others are *inciter or do- lor anything else for your amusement, and sever, the inertia they have finished, battle to talk upon • diarist topic. - - GODERICH - - SEED EiPORIUM! A I.ARON CONSIGNMENT OP ENSILAGE CORN to head No. 1 inepectioe. Aid every variety of FIELD AND GARDEN SEED. Our Turnip and Mangold Seed are of the very best quality Our Stock of 'Geed Grain has leen cart 1.11y **Meted annum leading %arietiea. OATS - - PEASE - GOLDEN 1.1 NT RANNFR TARTAR PRIZE: f'L('sTCR LINCOLN. Pt ►TTF.R l;ULISSN % MIJMMY PRUSSIAN RLI -F EARLY POTATOES FRIEMAN RURPRR'S KARL% KARL SUNR1MF_ Priors the lowest in the Trade. W. BURROWS, The Hamih.a St. F'losr, Teed A S ollese . Don an be made by it Wearies, thin shoes and cotton stockier on damp nights and in cold rainy weather. Wearing swuficient clothing, and especial ly upou the limbs and extrenivies Sleeping on feather beds ea erten by tune bed rooms, without ventilation at the top of the windows, and especially with :wo oi more pers.1s in the saute small din caul *ted bedroom. living irregular m all our habits of rating and sleeping, going to bed at m:Jmght and getting up at soon. Esti1g luo much, tuo many kinds of food and that which Is coo highly seasoned. Tempting 11.e appetite) with bitten and niceties, whet, the %tomltoh says ' X .,' and by forcing food when nature does not de nand, mud et en rejects it. gormandiser bete -ern meals. Beginning in childhood on tea •n 1 coffee and going Pruni one step t • another, thr ugh 3 (obewiag and sasekiat tob•oeo, wad drink- lag IalozicaYag tt7.on, mel piques! sod Metal 'souse every descriptio*. Marryiag in haat*, and getting an un e agaaiel .wmp'•aiu0, wad living the or. ass,oder of life in 'newel due*tttthwtioa. (:dtir•t!o )salou.w and domestic Roils. and being •Iw•y. to • mental lee- red t. Surfeiting on hot aril very stimulating dimmers. Eataug io • hurry, without half aastic•ting your food, and satin/ heartily before gulag to bed every night, wham the mud and body are dilemted by the toile of eke day and excitement of the evening. !Auditor • life of enfeebling stupid tato nose, and keeping the mind In as unnatural state of excitement by reading tr•sht uov els instead ..f good books. eoing to theatres revues awl balls in any sot of weather, an the thinnest possible dress. Dancing till in a complete perspiration, and then going home without over garments through the cool damp air. bet Nile W. She I don't belie.. you ever fell m lute. He Probably not : bat I've tripped on it several times W'asd . N..r wsy Pine Syrup cures coughs. %Vols 's Norway Pune Syrup cures colds.. W'ood's \orway fine syrup heal. the lungs. SUNLIGHT SOAP Iias prove by its enormous sale that it Is The best value for the Consumer of any w4p in the markt Millions of w)nmcn throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they WIOl have proved its value. It brins them less labor, greater comfort. BUILDERS' HARDWARE! Our Stock i- now couel,letc iia all bran.i., eels i particularly so in BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINT & OILS. If you contemplate building or repairing it will pay you to inspect our Goods and Prices. . - - DAVISON & CO., st CIL 1:044we• TO O. r. w1Lo141110\. Choice Family Groceries The Rest tat --the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RU1WIM.&1 'S, ter. Neuters. Street and .•yawn. HOUSE-CL-EANING TIME I. a goal time to get a Furnace put in your holm- and the Iloeard is the bast cosi most w'onomicnl Furna r to pnt in bre• cause it is all ('ant Iron feel will bust longer ; and owing to the long smoke travel Cr, ft.) will radiate _':I per oeut. more healthy wane air (not burnt air) from the sante amount of coal than sheet steel or sheet iron. - Franklin (4cwntitic Intel turf.. Iron Hey ices, and Heating Engineer. Pump sinks, Iea.I pipe, white -wash Lrumhe•s, shoe and stove brushes, carpet tacks, Wei cage,:, stoves and tinware, cheap at WUltSE':Li. k (`1) ., the l'rit-tical Stove, Tin, and Furnace Men. THE NEW TINSHOPi HAMILTON -.r, ABOUT BOOTS ASD SHOES The reason why neary everyone buys their Shoes at DOWN INC'S is because, being a thoroughly practical Shoemaker, he knows a Shoe when he sees it, and is not dependent on the manufacturer or jobber fo" pointers, which very often point in the wrong direction for the consumer's benefit. Nearly all my Goods are made expressly to my or- der, and not bought throughobbers or middle men, therefore, I can Sell goods at about the price others Pay who buy through jobbers. As usual a large stock of the Newest and Best (foods made in Canada, at prices that will defy the keenest com- petition. om-petition. E. DOWNINQ-, WHOLESALE��EIAII [.'Repairing promptly and well ,Ione.