The Signal, 1894-4-12, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODER1C1~I, (INT . THURSDAY, .11'1t11. 12. 1894.
A Carpet
is something you don't buy every day
in the year and our advice to in-
tending purchasers is to
InspBct Fran Stock of Carpals ill the Toli
and then buy where you can get the
best value for your money -that's our
style of doing business.
t fur Snick of CAP'E'S for this Season ie exceptionally large and
%% ll assort•:•I. We have -
Stair Carpets, front 5 eta. a yard up.
Hemp Carpets from 1!' eta. up.
Psion Carpets from 25 eta. up.
Tapestry Carpets from 2.; et.. up.
The Largest Stock of new Carpets in the town.
No Trouble to Show our Goods.
l'mbrella'i, I the latest►.
Cloves as usual up to tht! mark.
Block, White, Crt'alln, Slats•. E ,ui _araC. Tslnshales, in Silk
1..:•• Threat' anal ('a'+Innere.
'Arg.' range of Triinming
anRrai.h, in Silk, Mohair anal angora
\ a•i•Itits in Serpentine and Creme Military.
• DRESS 000DS . .
La•hlaere:., Henriettlx anal Whip Cor.It Cashmere* in Write,
Creme, Skye anti ('aminal.- Letting Shales in Nuu.s �;eililtgx
I:o,l-, `4pot- ate' Stripes.
A `,:11 line of Snlallware3, including Pearl and Linen But.
tons, 2 and 4 holes.
Is.w.o ..• bled', solicited. t err teal. Di-. olio* t.r fart.
si sem. aiH!sr mss/ NRo
Draper and Haberdasher.
The Grist trout tie Local M LL
- t Weide Meese W rase/ flews sewvN
ee se diem Eve'y(i.d, - nib aaod
Peal flipped and trodeneed
rosin ivory seethes.
1 tear '1i. and Mrs. .1. W. e'rocke
left for tlshaw• oro Nit -today. \larch 255th
wire they will reside for some tune per
:imps pernuocotly
Eisler 1 he Stephen and t-eborne .\g
rwltor%l •.Kiety has decided to bold
:.s fall show ti,:. year on the first Moa
dsv and fonder after the Western Fair.
Morris Wm. %clue has a Rock of 15
hdtdieg ewes which preee.ted him with 31
tar+ba th:s "pring, 29 of which are being
sal doing well. This is certainly a good
I:elgrave Mr. Timmins vacates his
state sad pet nolo. on April 1st, and will
dolly after move to Toronto. )sir. and
No T. intend taking • trip across the eon-
tuaen: timing the Simmer.
aldmid Mrs.Betsy t afternoon
kett both of
this toweeh,p, were united in marriage by
i'ee It Pew, of Brussels, at the residence
f the obviating clerg►mao.
Regrets Jo not ►oaks redress.
The bag talker is a little doer.
The fast liver is generally • slow payer.
fhe loud talker is seldom a strong think•
A stingy soul is :o be pitied for its little
A heart full of lore well make a life full
of toy.
Bettor to lead time than to be driven
by it.
r .1 happy fireside is letter than • big bank
ito oust.
He who sever drives his work is always
driven by it.
Stinginess and economy are not akin to
each other.
'.What • miserable aim has he who firs
for himself alone.
11e who u big in his own eyes is amaIl in
other people's
opportunities are bald behind. Won must
oatch them by tit* forelock
Directness of aim in of more importance
than loudoas of report..
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs.
Wool's Norway Pias Syrup cures colds
Wood's Norway Pineflyrup heals the dints
Plant • crop to rood books in your home
as revularly at you do seed in your soil, and
whys yea mat old you will not regret It.
Farm, Field and Fireside.
Norway Pine Syrup cured ooa•hs, colds,
asthma, b - -. lis, hoarseness,, Ni,Othroat,
• dummies* du.el the threat and kap. Prim
25 and 50c.
The I inches. of Fife, it is satd.hs • limey
for teeing about incognito.
Lord Boeebery has a cAlection of thirty
' wore -ore for each day of the month. He
shaves himself.
111re Amelia I:sr, the novelist,sye death
is not worth dying, "usual life's lessons
are all finished end a grsye u well
Dr. Benet, the .\rchhishop of a enter -
bury, hes bean engaged for the pest thirty
years in the preparation of a book which he
Fel not yet fioembed.
Zola, in order to redact! hie weight, ab-
stained from driaking.5 his meals for two
mcsths : sed during that time be [tot rid of
thirty two pounds of superfinous adipose.
M. Carnot will oomplete his teras me Pres-
ident of the French Republic on i)ecember
3rd nest. His salary for the teat eaves
years has bees $25'),000 a year, besides al -
" Andrew Carsegie has reamed his less
of B.ckboret, the femme Seems, England,
estate," says the New Work `en. ' Beek
huret wee eros the favorite heeling ground
of Henry VIII."
Mis Kid H. Pier, .f Mifwe.hen, hes
bees admitted to practios before the 8s•
prenty court of the l`sited Settee. l'elessi
C. K. Pier, her father, ..d her two sitters,
w ales smewsey..
Peder'eweki will hereafter devot. himself
M.soiest eesteeitioas,. At preset he is
s work epos su opera, i. whish he h.e in-
troduced some bright rypey melodies, with
Arrow of Polish peasants
The.s.Esprs Kasper frvgeentay tree
the diawoud pee with erhich oke Treaty of
Paris wee domed. This pee was sed by
the fourteen plenipstestieris who
the fameu,.]este..,- it wee.quill
ed fres • elides .elite, red r rtehly .sent -
.4 is Aieaesds and veld.
Hay A very happy scent occurred at
,ht residence of D. Bell, Esq., os Wisdom --
4v treeing, March 3/3, e
h.0 h daughter, Mies I''.Iien, 50 marriage
McAllister, of this township.
Flay The many friends of the late Jio.
Heffernan, who was ate of the early cioreir
tanners of his section- will regret toIwo
of his death, which occurred at his rest
'lace on Woodsy, Starch 26.
I'fsMpaa ,suss i)iuines, Hoed.obe,
eastipat ion, Variable Appetite, Risinaaad
"•uneg of Fond, Palpitation of the F wart,
I'stn•aa after Estee'. Burdock Blood
etters are guaranteed to Dore Dyspepsia, if
bfully need according to directions-
Hirsh: On MAterday, March 24, Mar
, of oe•r Zenith, broagbt u •
lord of Michigan Amber wheat which tet
ed •
•" Mends to the bushel and for which
were,,..] from Menses. ('ook brothers six-
ty per bushel. it pays to roes the
' "dere, h Township 'toe day last week
Mow* George look •ad Wm. Johnston, of
tM l:tyfiehee, cut two cords of wood in
weary misuts. This hi very goal work
• tads who pretend they know nothing
rwtar. Professionals may think it
mere trifle. Art we wont the record
• rel• tin Wednesday eventen at 7
II; ntaa�be comfoocomprtable and .add-
ein 'o 'mom e. P5 of Thehitfield, 12th ose..
d t ,. 'naTuaw of Mies Martha, .se
Joke Potence,
se:este. slauehta , of the hist, to
4t co • well -to -de Venn'd•r1Nr
N, East of Ethelels the of athome of Cliridepher e
'bass happy events of se nisch imppaerr
twee to the ietereat•d parties es Walesa
'fay erasing of this week, when his s.csed
r le u.•Hee ey L Any. wee suited in w-
ps ; ., y� well -hums we •ud
eerie ':eo !thdten, of Morris, sen. 7,
^"sly i11, He woe strHken with
re's LMa
ilia tite left side el hisM's-
41hat sheet 1 se',iss! aril i• • very
Nadiowing i• tie lase
Ilse bees sairee Mai Mart
Wiwi y yUse se yeses, and ng ib
^°^my is doubtful.
r Mal a re o et Thews.
Rho -171 sewer s.wrp a rtes whom tar-
tans i en% M least he siphon in 5,. Ile
1•2612121117).- Oh, darling, mimes all
Who aro thin, hollow -cheat..
ed, or growing too fast, are
made Strong, Robust and
Healthy by
Sco 's
the Cream of Cod-liver p11.
It to.,ntains material for Mak -
log healthy Flcsl, and Brines.
(:ores Coughs, Colds and
W('ak Lungs. PIysiei;tns,,thq
world over, endurso it.
Du't w dashed by sebstlhbsl
g)ctniti. ....B.Wnae ....b..y...',.tic.Alp.
A Ilh los theme -nine Plena,
t\ M. i, . n f.t.'ry. st rani arrar.d hint
..\on he ti• taken ad uteri the !oils swill-.
Aad f 1., ow not when ).ei I.a..• ! him.
f.40rd Ite'I.'aves sash trembled mfr,.
A. the dark.«-. tw.•,.t It.
ire. et earn, }.kr whin! in besot r •hoot,.
tui with. Israel• the dew. hail dr...r,l it .
Theo. it felt sorsa,..] 61 It, fretful tle.ueht
Alnlain io 16.• du -1 *..old hide it.
1..r the milli, of seeping hal jewel. i,r'.ugut.
Mh.,-t, the wit te..f the day denied 0.
"The most I•:('tnre'.' •
ever en in n•• • osis 1 h
Keen ave
• A N • arc, " rid Nell Tpwers.
see afore blame. all bv.rr•,wa
With wo,nllaue that has tainted (Timm*
with the tiro[ atitmnu feta,. and stand
hie all al' :c in the ,.:try wilderness.
And a Ie:urtffsl woman. drerswl in
white, 4.ith the fate. .f m y..nag girl and
the silver hfjr of •n eked renis, sitting
Ma the step with her lap fel! of fermi
and iu..r«�es Arid autumn leave.. And 1
think. Rueert. wits *oust be crazy. fur
ehe looked at use in the (Adele, way,
Without answering. when 1 !peke to
1 dare s•y, my dear. ire Some old
enana nutflisg." said 3Ir. Towers,
v' tele .ef the great erintw(m
einelmilistaChne ken -., able anthat pile! i ay ag aha
lonelier 1.1 cream.
"i shall go. then, anditket.'h the place
to-tw.rruw, if 1 have time." said Mrs.
Teener. enthusiastically. "1 never re
greri.'•tauvihiug sot tench in my life as
that 1 hadn't my portfolio with •e.. this
The lsndlorl who had just hr. anght in
a bye leg • f upas fringes' wood for the
shwa fire et the landlady, who
trite brushing crumbs[ off the lavender -
wonted table cloth The landlady look-
ed hark at her 1nlrleutd.
"Its tiarteira, said he.
I ,f nuts.. its I1 irh:.r;s, nodded she.
".tn,1 who. may 1 venture to ask. is
Barbara' qu•wtiomed Mr. Tower, ' Mn
'writ pooches the. my dear..'
' R ell. sir. everybody hereasw.nte
knows Barbara,- anewerd mine host.
She. been '-ritzy this ten years
I thOneht 1.1 said Mrs. Towers.
1'..,r thin;' .And Why, do tea- I.•t her
wander ah out at large!
, .t'h. ma'am. she wouldn't hams a tot
interl.+w.l Me., Wwdderbnni "and she
can't breathe tree inside of four w•111.1.
can't Barbara. They did put her into
the aeylnm once. but elle pine'1 herrelf
to death there She wonldu t 11a lived
six months. the doctor said. if they
hadn't took her int again.
• Then she Inas not always been in-
• •1 ►h, blow your heart. in am. no
Ten year,' ago she was the brightest,
pottiest girl in all the country she
noes! to rum.' here annuuetn. when the
honae was full .'f toarhpra, and help
around. Every one liked Barbara
"But what Wee it that destroyed the
{parr things mental enhance ' urged
Airs Tower
The landlady drew her choir up to the
i 11 snake 'ild to sit down. ma'am.
and tell yon all about it.' said she. 'It
made a Knoll deal of talk hereabouts at
the tone, and it alwaya will An long am
Barbara wanders around the old powd-
erruagazine in that queer drove, with the
flowers and antnnin leaves and wild
terries in her hair "
"It inn Isnwder magazine, then`"
"Oh. yes. ma'am. There wan a great
manufacturing company here once. hut
it was shied in the panic of [ter and
there's not been an ounce or powder in
the place for fifty years. len • pietnr-
en. de old ruin, as yon yoarrelf of tert-est
and artiste like to sketch it. There
used to be picnic parties there. ma'am,
before- Mut 1 declare. I'm getting ahead
of my story.
And, leaning her pinmp, a.omf.rtable
elbows lit the table, MM. W edderburn
went on
"Ten yearn age. we had the most true
reeaful emnmer season that ever we
knew. up in the 1'atskills the h.tniw
were crowded and some of the young
gentlemen tonriate actually ramped out
in the tarn 0' nights And i erbera
was here helping tate-the hose of ('atm -
hills, .me of my young gentletnen
guests called her. and somehow it grew
into a by -word. And. if coaxing and
flattering could tnrn a girl'. head. Bar's wax in a fair way to be turned.
Not that i ascii.. her ppf flirting or
carrying on - that wasn't Raritan'e way
ahe ;net went qnietly about her Mired•
nesse and never Haid nothing to nobody.
But 1 rush.] see that she liked Mr War
den . and Mr Warden was just the owe
of the whole tribe and generation of 'ern
that s cool.' wish she hadn't liked Yon
see, ma'am, tbere'e a difference in pro
tie and for ail lie made each a foam over
r, I rnald tete he wi. •a cold sea stone
and se hard as adamant
"Things went *king smoothly ht.w
ever. until Mia• A writ ram. n`.
(rain New York-ll(ta•Ar Wright with
her trailing alk dreams and diamond
rinse and hair built up in rata and
puffs and feistiest Sonne folks like that
style 1 don't But Mina Arkwright
was very rich and very faehiowahle, and
the minnte 1 maw lett anti Mr Warden
tat Cher. 1 knew that poor Rn
raise won over
The Idea of making each a cnmmo
tion over a mere aewvant!' nays Mies
Arkwright To be sus s!e'• pretty,
hid estoaAlm s•Hr
'1 tltg ywir_ pd'gen, Kim A>rlrwt isitf
thea 1. 'lint DDeeerlaMrna M nota (iprra_ n(
ernes a nesi(ahM • daughter. • says I. 'and
ere kindly destitute to favor to help nee
a little at Mgr floes, been' I've no
daughter of tsy own.'
And Miss Arkwright huts tip her
Kula eee.gions and stars.e at ear as if I
Was au escaped wild minuet
''Really' Gays she. 'flew very grati-
f. ingtl to know!'
"Atul elf she saunters, with bcr heal
atiu•k up in the air like • ,In.wn
-The very next Wee ell' saki•.] Ik►r
to Su up to the s nee tower with
iter Barbara didn't want to g•., but
Miss Ariwrigrt boil *doutillsettulc w.t:
with hero and the girl , ou1 1 hardly re
1 i.. '
Theresa piens gibing tau there to
morrow,' pays flarbartt.
"'1 know it. pays Miss .\rkwright,
'Int I don't mint to se.• the p1n.'.' in r
rifest. Anti you've retinue.; else 5o do,
lhlr)ant Iktle.t
.., linrb•ra went, :,1l in u new white
'Ines with blue ribbons, for 1 think elf•'
half t., sew, air. Warden up titer•.
being ,.e he spent a deal o1 Bunt• .kelcia
Ing around the stain. tower. Ile was. au
artist by piofee.ion, win, Mr. Warden.
"tint he wasn't tber., on this partici
ler afternoon Anti once Miss Ark
.fright g..t Barletta up there like' •
u,tur• in trap. ib.•t.omturn.v'dher arias
ed taunts. telling her hew unusaideniv
rl.e was. how hold it was to accept kir,
Warden's cornplinleute. how little he
infant by 'e:u, mud all that '4,41 of tlting,
nutilthe. poor girl wan fairly stung to
the gni.•k.
:•4t- was sitting on the d. orst' . tf
the tower. R.arberl was. and Miss Ark
wl ght was. inside Ironing against the
nal row casement. Na, tiw sial ahouldu't
touch her roseleaf complexion, when
Ilarbalrs+ atartea up
. How dart von talk Po to use" rays
ehe IN hat right have yon to in'ttlt
me: \then yon know 1'erer Warden
Leyte me"
do Liven tire" said MimArkwright. a aldol r...w .1 Ira 1c*yrSo,nt,tt
8!::::...,s{{ then, •�•.w-u 1L,' gra-. t,•l.,w
'Ansi 1 Boren. Barbara Ihtlw-)ie ret?[ttls
1A New York to night to ar=k uw ..ate
fumy hand in marriage. Anal i alone
of all hie friends' ate main* tt the train
to see him oft New, Barbara, yon kuuw
all= -I have neither pity neer a mlpai.ion
for yl te_ .j opr own boldness and folly
hay« lerotfgttt tb a-ui..,ti ys,u, and you dr
nerve to suffer!'
'You are going to the train to ret
hien K.alspee.s'sv.i. Barbara, .lowly.
•No. Mi...1rkwright. hops are not. The
hast face Percy Warden shall sew in the
I'ittskilis shall be that of the girl he him
trine.] with mel del riy..l.'
\nd Barhara Hove/ t1,.• lei;;.• oak'
door and Phot the onteide bolt Scrim its-
rnsted'festeuings with a strength that
was alnj'.. t superhuman.
" filth 'hriek,.l the helmets. loan'
•lam 3, -tom Nerve ole ent•h it trick as thio-':
'pen the door at once '
"'Not until I have bidden t'er-u' War
,len edit u, said Barbara. _with a mock •
too lough .1nd awn,• she sped down
theheight,, }f'edl.•a.of Miss Arkwright's
••riow and entreaties.
Maly.'.o r, twain, how 1
know all this. Barbara herself 5..1.1 nee
-- tolol lite after the ousts deeded her
-•'r bruin forever- -and .he told it in
,nosh a way that t asoma fairly hear and
Sore everything for niyself.
' But both girls had lingered longer
np on the,nnnntaiu aide dealt they had
any idea of. l}efort' Barbara tesla reach
the little .],last --the care were a new
tiling then in our pert of the country -
the trails was tut wing 10f. and Percy
N'ardeu s far at one of the windows
was all .he eonid we.. In her blind
haste. Barbara's font caught in the steel
rail. the iron row catcher flung her non
•one.1de and she fell with her forhead
against the edge of the freight platten.
.Cil the depot lathe suPpose.1 she was
killed. but she wasn't.
They carried her hack to the hotel -
carriwl her insensible and bleeding front
the temples. Aid that night one of
thou- tempests of rain and storm set in
that we sometimes have in Mul Animist
--a tenspest'that la.t..l three days. No
our could stir ono, and all that time Bar
harp lay at d.•ath`e door. nuconsciona
mud silent.
Pint in the thunder and lightning
and drifting rain of the third night seise
mutt reaeon cense back t.. pax Barbera,
and he started up among her pillows.
•• • Where is Mies Arkwrightl said
she's net at the hotel. dear,' says is
soothingly. 'And \Ved.lerbnrm thinks
.he must have made up her mind at the
last minute to go dow5i to New York
with Mr Warden.'
' 'i know where she is.' said Barbara,
with a shudder. 'She is spat the Pow •
der House.'
• 'We ttnght she was dreaming, until
Ale told ns a11.
" Three .iays' and three nights " she
wailed out. ' ( ell go Rome one. and ter
after her
And in all the aterm my husband
and two men climbed the steep moan
tain side's with lantern and approached
the Powder House And of all eerie
places. wy husband says the Powder
Homo. in a thunderstorm at midnight.
is the eeriest !
• Well. ma'am. they opened the door,
and there lav Mists .5rkwright on the
fl.s.r, dead. her teeth nearly meeting in
her own arm and her face distorted by
some horrible spasm. Whether she
died in a convulai"n or starved to death
no one knew and no one ever will
' And all the time my hmabwn.l and
the mem were gone Battier,' were telling
me the story.
'Was 1 very wrong Mtn Wedder
born,' rays she. 'I only meant to keep
her there until i onnld see and speak to
Percy. And, oh, if yon could Met haw
she taunted one"
mese (kir' Mt own - i Mips
when ail
other* fa1 seCseo. •O s
salr 1,
• • will CCM TO1eS
•!sus • gen.
This is the heel of the
look for that pattern on the howl
you buy a }tubber or Overshoe. It
asters s perfect article.
Ort.rarliir 11.U>r3E11.3
Ask your dealer tor them.
w hen
' ' I.11• slut. luy .tear. w�- I is,
and ".00 5 talk, or'srn U bring oil the
fever again.'
' brut just then there wae a n.•uw• and
'meth. nt the dcs,r, ural. worse intik; it
wa-, wide Open. fhariora start..] rip.
and tthc lantern Light .hone fnll on Mise
Arkw: t:ht s'dead face tut they t•arri.'<f
bur by.
Acd from that invented to this Har
born Dab. hies leen iti-sof, 1u l atm Site
m mol,:. route' :u►.l round title ,1'ow.ter
Ilopee, looking f'ereolue one, fuel l
s eh. r
fur ileo \\'ar•ten, I Itaye uevtir .toss him
• and 1 tree: want to. Ate] tiew
slit'*•, "',k tit" n:'w,u's Itigheunngh
ria tris, 5 .. - A 91'4.
tr y .'f the littlf
f r cnu ter q.'t a g
iter tint .' raiag 74'
Ati.) Mrs Wlaltl.r",..,n deu'•tie.) out.
with a .u'pieiu;::- mei.itnr• ! her ey.'s.
A Red 1lablt.
It was about t hre.' o'ci,ck in the after
-teem ..f New V.wr's Play. when the
wanderer kw.•kt• l at the kiteht'n ds.,r,
and tiff c,.ok tpen..l it. . •
I get r.n,tcthing to eat' - he said
t ►f s'.' yon can." reel:[ i lied the
•.k in great ;pad hpinor. "('tine in:
w•,''r' keeping open Ileums to tiny, snit
you can g' -t a' feted tit. for, at kinyf, awl'
wine to wash it down with."
lie raise•} his handl+ (1oi,r!catiuglj•.
"Thank co:t." he said. int I'll !Weber
the old layout of seeon.i•hau,t victuals
I'nl ,iced to. 1 emu live on:that. and if
Lacgiiire the'rhauipaire,• and pie habit
in tiny present cit.-utnstan.•e.: I'll be et.
started Lean before the year.. tad[," and
the wondering; .',sok humored his whits.
short on Meta.
Totem). 1 who always -*ants, to
know' - -• Mite, anutie, what's the law
of enpply an.l demand ine'nn
Auntie to xj»,uste: , - Now goto'4 .' .,
Tommy. What on earth' tints aitch
thing's into your heap} •-'
Tommy-' Well. i heard papa tell \tr.
Iiay that yon were a victim of the law
of supply and der.ianil. and .Mr. e.ay
raid he gue.w.l yen must have been .•n
to 'sbe.rt side. What .1.•s that mean.
emit ie ' -
A thlra;n free«teat.
"\drat makes you think she will
inarry von
" SID., has married the. tither awn."
rhe C. t'. K'■ New Lana'
Mos rne.l.. \Ian•h 26,-A railroad
scheme with which the 5'anadw11'w:i8^ ie
very elteeiy connected, which has been
hurled for many years. has been revived
by the rr.'eet decision of the t'nited States'
Mnpreme I'onrt in the -angle ease. 1t in
vier.. a new line iii I'assactian l'a:ifie con.
ueetion which will be an important factor
is the western situation of the road, if the
reports are true an.l the pr•,je.1 is brongh't
to a head snccesslul:y. New York and
Washington capitalists, with the snpionrt,
it is said. of tits Canadian l'acifie together
with William 1. t'hadney, whose father
grog pns.esmion of the old \lis ensin t'.n-
tral in 1864 under foreclosure proceeding*,
bore pat new lite into the old Superior
Air Line scbetne. The original articles
were filed in ISM, and it is claimed that
the angle decision puts beyond disputa the
question that the Wisconsin State Leine*
tare had no right to abrogate the contract
between the original eompaey and the
State far cot:strm:tion of the road. The
people intertete d assert that the ars pre
pared to show. that the act of *brogse
els obtained by bribery. The capital
stock of the company will be ¢I,000,0N1
and the principle office will be in Chicago.
Tw W.M*,.s tela Oblier ed.
From the washings. Times,
The following story is goinj the rounds
about Fenster sloe Blackburn, originally
toll by Vice President 'tevenson .5 a
In • Kentucky town where .toe was goner
to speak there was s hangingset for the
esti• afternoon. .toe's arrivawas herald
sad abroad, end a large crowd was no hand
to hear the words of wisdom and eloquence
which always flow from • Kentuckian's hp..
Finally the speaker arrived. The hanging
was • sideshow, sed for the moment was
fergottrs in the anxiety to hear the famous
orator. Hut it els not forgotten long.
Th. temeed ran suddenly interpose(
"Mr. Hangman," he raid, "If 1 reeniem
her right 1 was oest(oced to be hung, not
to hear .lee Ill•ekbern speak. i request
that you go on with the hanging."
now le m.M.r Tow t(beserv.
- Starve it ; Wee it nothing to teed cn.
When something tempts you to grow angry
de not yield to the temptation. 1t may for
a mi.-,te or two b.! to o..trol ynnr-
belf, hot try it.' Fero. yourself to do 'loth.
tent, to say nothing. and the rising temper
will he ol.lira dem to go debecame it hes
nothing to old it op. :what is pined by
rieldier to tamper • For a srenwlost therein!
a feeling of rebid, bet anon ennuis a souse of
-mesa and •hien•, with • wmh that the
tamper had been emtlrnllsol. Friends are
separate I by a hod temper, males is cano-
ed by it, and pais. oven to ethers well
M to elf. The pain nitre lasts bit dare,
even year sews.sisii for lila As set
horst of temper is like the hurting of a
steam boils ; it he impoudble M Wl beMr.
Md went will he the rem&L The teal Mee
may newer be remedied. Starve year tens
i► r eft wrath ig)spi.g aka fat K
iel'sited Presbyterian.
people would not make a very iarge crc'wd,
but if all came at once it would ..lake us
hustle to serve them.
We intend removing to the
Crabb Block in April; and for the
month of March will give
4 IF
Scrap Iron,
and Brass,
Come and examine our Prices.
(Ile:[ Reductions on r-- '
..i,un sold this month -tor
Cash. .
p'BTILL,'AT THE OLD STA ..D ' w'EST -4T11•:E'r.
Tei• ./ a Lind.
" 1t is as easy to wore shnrthaa.l," Foygyg
stye, " as to run into del t. le tither ASse
it 1. the totes that bother a fellow. .
'4 •wlleatpt er Cori.
From the Atlanta Closet i'ution,
Le11155 whisper tog Here tomes 'hat
feller what stole the':og au voted alto you
last electron.
Justice Voted Agin' Inc. .lid he
l ailitf--Right erlong •
.Lienee t:nod' Ten doi!ars for
•t..a $15 for Contempt o' court
"Ity• thon,,¢h knowt.dgaet •h. t,ata/al
Time which got ern the operations el t!irestteaule,
and nut ri•:nn..o'd by a .affil appticat.oa er
the rnr properties of well selec'ed Coma.. Mr.
Hops hes provided for o..r !u'rakfeet seal• sap•
pkr a deli.'alelqq !l -urn �+1 hev.•'wge which mei
nave ue many hedevy i:•e'(or. hills, 'It the
Judi, inns .i+.' of such nevus el east -that aces•
hO� wnughn nisi' 'ri'ad,yt::r'e haat
wed to disease.
Ifau. reds cA s.hi .. ,$us;s, n ere Reath g
around ue ready to nttark wherever there ie .
• weak porn'. t`'e may escape many .a fatal
[PLANING MIL ,lair l kaand . outxAw well fortified with
pure hleawi sed a properly pour:rhea trsc.e.'-
Buchanan & Son,
rt•NUIr• •TI tress
Dealers In all kinds of
tri re.,
Made simply with hri:ing wa!,r nr
Meld coolly in e•.•keta,by (,rosere. abet::cd !hes
JAiLJ* Errol to as.. Ltd.. Uednwepat$le
a' London, 6alattd.
TLtt :)w
Steam, Boiler Works.
1RST.[NAMED 'Lehi;.r
And builder's' material of ei err duet it; ion . Suer. owe to t'Ar;.atwl d! 6Ictk l
\tanufactur.'rs of a:1 k'T TT of Station -
School Furniture a Specialty.
Ary !ttarine, tpright .k Tubsar
Se:t Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Work., etc., etc. •
Also dealers in I'pright end9for;ron'a:Voile
Valve Rogiatr. Antoinette Cut orf SatiaM •
pectalty, A!I sizes of pi • oaf p;pr!Wow
t•oastantl on hand. leetimatee furnished os
short notice. Repairing promptly attended to.
Tae? ly 1'. O. Rot 37. Ooderct., Oat.
R works Opposite 1:. T. B, titstioa. Goterfea.
>pOfaetiSO Asarier
AVM ter
�t y�aCOPYNIGH'rts, et..
rIMy1�' M ('n an nwn.tnwR ,y. sew TORN.
'Meet Mrear for ,sennas petards In A'n..4e&
.asrC . pstsnl taken not by an le h'n. bt Mfg,,
1tdllee by a .settee Oren free of rt'arre ,a the
$'rienti is ntericau
a , 11. 111'N I.' ►i',
T arrow! elrewl•t.,m of err re. Nm1,IM paper In tan
ar,,rl.l, rpp11,.,,tial) , 1 15...l H•, In1Ni t
wen eDsewM M ,aims, n ti'•doi 1*t J. .ego• - year tel..• r,■ ,,.fora.. AAdm.. att''V a Cpm
rent maw. DV hrwdws•. tiro 5 .or.
;out returned from [tie ..,es where he
has been selc.';ng.
Ile has now on It1111.1 a Lar,,e Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Nlarkstt anti i' prepared to
turn out work in the Best
Style lw,r.ible, am! at Prices to'
'uit the tint.".
TINE Caxao,Al, Paetr,o RAtLWAT !COM
Titanaarn hs Mss overturned to give the
kMs •
e.mArapellelastios. .srvtee w!th fair sad pep '
t Y ny�d es beldame prlaele!ee a.d d
the Were* of las purse.
It Shearvm the wrrert et .vary perces ahe
believes Is asmptlttes
rat Mdosipalleb owe thl. rose•■�.
llnas, eseseuMs sg wit► all Ile • d rabI..
Le it
"Backache the eta,ergre
wrong) the kid- .J tht syat.rn,
ores art in "Delay ug)
trouble. Dodd'. dangerous. Meg -
Kidney Pin. sit Iecfed hidnty
pro.npt relief tremble* result
"7 per runt. i n end 110.4
of disease /s Dy.pepnl. Lite
first cawed by Complaint, and
d'eordered kid- t k• west don -
"PVC y.mug)
' Night as well eriglf. Doses.,
try to kat•[ a Diabetes and
ktalthy city Dropsy.'
without! *elver- -the shout
:Luse gee/ diseases rennet
when Ha telae )1'h•,•
kid. tyt art fetters tidati
- l they ere PM* are east