HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-12, Page 6THF SIGNAL : GODIRRIOH, ONT•. THURSDAY, APRIL i2, 1894.
Frightful Result of &u Etploslun in a
Fireworks Factory.
Pile* Others w.r. .t
t)♦ trntaier of Idris aa.plo,r.l it. the
rectory Nat. •1.-
rwpe-_ ►.+r/. ase.'
at eamikeres.
Pargttaala.., Ya. April 9. - Ou :*tor
day aa alarm orate.. am turned m w3 was
mem fon-feral by a load eatilesio , Elf
se •n wittute. later there eps a second ea•
t[oluv,u Tialleeaploatous 'erre distinctly
art�.I fer6ver a mile an 1 were caused by
8r, brsakisg oat it, the tirett..rk. (artery
of 1' N. Humalue h Pro*. in loot lferd.
1 he are originated iu the building where
p1ter .•ler for wbietle Lombe was in*de The
*mos spread ver) rapidly mad were quids•
ly e.i•mttnleated to the other building
..t for the matyafecture of firework..
'Viers were three e:plu•iune. The Ana
w•e a small affair. As coon as it occurred
liners Romaine. Bland and Toal rushed
lute ate drying room awl there the aetond
and fetal variant* occurrt•J and they were
A timelier of gir:s employed in lie tire
weir factory teau.p.d jos, before the
•.e.n.d esploss"n. The killed are ('hu
N nonsaiac, ('apt. James T. 'forth, John
it. Bleed, Janes EnerLad, 'Cohort Row
-Jana. W. Traylor. Edward Traylor. Jas.
Bryant. guinea i.iveirj, Joann. W. Per.
kin,, and Tho&. Wucdfulk leulorml.. Nine
no were DaJlt wounded.
lei the eppaseite aide of the street from
tits hrewosbuildings..
rill of which are
brick structures, was the trunk fact ry of
Meio.r.. Romaine Bro.t. l ('lose. Ly elfish
.t. 1 'th• lama brick tabe.-co factory of
Bl.ud Eros..( Wriitbt and the old whiskey
illey Aow,tanueed _111 of.thea. LnAd
lug. with stock were burned to 161.grouud,
as ea, also a large.ttuntity .d lumber
IL is estivaaed t6warpe,tl.e lose csahot be leo
than a etal0 ur $101! Ulla
The Slayer has called fora publi, : ueet•
lite to take soden on the sad affair.
lehts I. Harris, anutber airlifts of the
exploaivu, Jteel teeterJay. another dead
body hew been tempi near the miter Lank,
but it could n .t h.. identified. l:ngiuese
Facet'. condition is critical.
At p-mua'r muertiug yesterday after:ieoi
s1.:919 was raised as a relief fund
lita..t<HI.IM .rr./gWM Ale wt. Juba'•. k.N.
Come 10 as AAMurt tea,
tie Joao., N.B. April 9. -Rel' Religious
circles were thrown into quite an estate
,pent late last eight when it breast. knottn
that a mart aha had been conducting
eraneeh+tie service* here nutter the nan.e
sof tlnrrrauu hail sudde:,ly skipped out.
l�ar,ng his suppose.! wife behind. _ The
woman was semn by the atrrea e.ud.ut past
nigh', sod .1.1.d that the marl's right name
was 11461. that !a. was formerly a Metho
dist milliliter, and that her name was lin
Foist, that .h. cleared .let from lireeps
petit, N. V. a year age, witis Gabble the
latter leaving his *ifs behind hint They
word to Ili lifas and carried on evangelistic
cervi.., there •mtil May They arrived
here 111 !eptawber„ where they have since
lived as marc and wife. The woman.
wa,Jeu naive was 1.arra,tn at.,l .h. Was
dirorrotl from Fran. she has a s,.n hole
raged and a dan.hter aged 10 rears
Their eyahge6atic services here b.eu a•
traeruig large crow&,. Gibbs dleappreer
, *nee is due to the fart that Lia wife :. un
his flack, although ant yet in 111e cit}.
T. ?dewlossMlaa.l Crt•r..
St -ions, NdJ ..April R- It is reported
that the Gusarrwr has said that he will re•
fuse et aceept the rsagnatio n of any mete
her accused of , orrupt paitioes. but he
Ilaa lade no declarMien of L. intentions
r.gardiug dis..olntion" yet. tiovenameul
members all draw sessional nay, w that in
the event of their being unseated they
will reit no risk of having it refused at
sane time. None of the employes of any
ui the pubiir departments have been paid
. shows due at the end er Mach The
exrn.e inv.n it that u.. money is ayaiiabl.•
to pay theta nntil the supply bill is pawed
They did ho: make a quorum, however. to
pus aurr beta l.m:iuual telegraphic tar
reep,nelence is going au between the
Oov rnor and 1l.e lintel nil ('•timet. op
partitionist.. fear his delay to deciding iu
diodes that he mean, to ruusent to die
solution. It i. raid that the Governor
✓ equested li«odridge, the leader ._.lf the
Opposition. 10 eutlratur td. form a Ministry.
Ooo.Irl.ge (ler I.tau any information, The
election trials will be resumed.
woa.•w lull rater Cb11Ar.w Rwrwed.
llranrrra, ..ret April !i -The frame
detainer of Motors* O'Neill, with ail its
contents., was o..troyed by fire on Satur
der Mra. tr'N.111 and as children wad
dl•.QihR in the house and did not awaken
until it was almost too late O. escape
Who., they were rescued the mother and
four ebi!dren weet so badly' hurter: as to
make ut necessary to geoid theta to the hoe
pita! A 13 -yea aid girl's Mind's are so
..ri.•is that it is feared she will die. 1'be
lire was discovered t,en late to reader the
Are Jwieartment's DeTTIres avaliabl..
Nay aerated to Death.
i;Trierrante Ont April 9 -The children
of Mrs Newcombe while glaring h, tip
bars on Saturday set are to the building
and before assistance could be rendered
• bey of about i years of age was burned
to death The mother, hearing the screams
of the children made desperate efforts 15.
reach the &.v. but was unable to do moot
and WWI badly burned about Ow face and
ams and had to be removed to the hoe
petal in consequence A horse and cove
which occupied the building. were also
banned.- - -
911I1 &tribe O.er.
HaIRL On. April A. -Several s,nferencee
were held es Saturday Met stein the on
tano mill stinkers and the officials of the
company aad as a result t6• men return to
work to day. President IlootittiO 1111141 the
spike wee practically 'wolf:, and although
be refused to divulge the result of the con
fi•n..c.a. he Stated the. a compromise had
been offered by attach a slight increase of
mane of the lines on the new scale of wages
was granted.
)•dry fatonally Got. Fourteen year..
HuSvwx. N.S, April 9 Just,cs
We.tbnbe delivered sentence In the for
„f Mary ('onnnliy. found guilty of siesiting
Weimer with admit to commit mnrser
.tottering our to fourteen years ,n the
penitentiary The OM 4101 eapresets I aur
row for what ale. hsd dun.. she will he
taboo Stet to IMrrhester and snbs►gneuily
i s•co,l is tb. female department et tn.
„mom psnttentrary.
T1. the ‘.114••111. the farrier.
I hear lino e'weplrin .
"That sloe haw,••awe`„a1,
I mr. si awl it wall.
•'t...herwIke Lire.
.rton' tots.. west
TI.e.. I.......lt,a•.
r.. • 4.,.. ole 41,1
s r -
A i.EA L'-1• E1 R STORY.
Wel Ion Park Elute,-' Gild Mr.
I.ntirell as the carriage 1n whi h Le
and hi, daughter diad been driven trout
Fatten. y cetera! • lrwpl r►r.uue ietel
lig to a stately Mauston Elurse looked
with lai.gni•1 interest at the house, the
stoat Sweep of Ltw•n the grand trees.
repreeewtiug the estate of Frank Wel
''Yeea papa she said quietly. • 1 re•
member the pia, a quite 'well. altioingh
I was only about twelve years old when
we were here las: 1 snpp erse the Lula or,
the perch it Mrs. Weldon
'.Vero -- yea -is l Frank is Wray tow
Dear cue Eloise 1 wish run would 'hut
kook as If you were Leif asleep " •
'flus almr•Ii„h•,l . Eloise sat nacre
erect. and put pulite ailnt.t1tl1 Into her
ggrtr•.e tau; as the ferriage stopped at the
foot .f the flight of brad slope leading
too the ls'reli. 'attar* arta Weldon end
her wen waited to welcome their guest.
It hal kwon nieleretaal in the tallith...
of Weldon and Luttrell/1w years Hirst
Frank lad Eloise would our .lay unite
the fortune. an,l ...dates' by a marriage
The yunl:g Lt,.ple did net oderider dame
sed'r$ to be formally betrotherl. Lint
when old 11r. Weldeu .ltarl and left hie
chum and life Jting friend lir-IMttreell
as one of the trustees for the property
hid son would inherit when he came of
age. he certainly expecte,' El..I.ae• wonhl
reign at 4We•id.n Park when Mrs We!
don, Frank'', metier died and when
Sire. Luttrell diel in Pa14{, she , urged
her husband's retinal w A-meraet .with
the.'nyirtum that it .would be better
now for El. dee toularr Frank. sincesd►e
blid devott-,t much of her info to ber
mother's state of ivaalidisni.
It was eight cert:.' since the 1.nttrells
heel left Atherton to travel for the hent
fit ..f Mrs Lnttrell'a health. when she
die.'. In that ante Eloise had !eon net
,ter the care of a l.t rular warmed/1 iN
I lona/inv. a Frei. h get roma* iu Paris
and an 1<:ngli,h gore:ewes iu London
and ru Italt. She h'►d studied music
tinder the Best masters. haul .labt lel in
art. had gone Int.. rte irty at tiftewu ter
"keep pada cempaur _ when her mother
was ill. arty devef.p.d she had imever
et hal any love affair. axil when Frank
• Weldon was rent abroad to finita his
eancataeta and 'joined the t.nttr Ile. •
halals• gave pat a toed but friendly re
ception, finite prepared to mare 1
the foreign platform to "pleas' papa
They were together in )many foreign
ettie••e, lint their love making was of the
most ktnguid .i.i-ription. ear!. giving
for •t♦rr cordial likutg awl thinking ar
dent feeling quite sup•rtluuus tinder the
eirettaretanoe.. They parted un }'aria.
and Frank had been at home nearly two
yearn when lie wee. anal the Luttrell+
to America and to Weldon Park
'Yon nutst make use long visit before
yen ge. home.- tins. \Wcld?a had written
t., Elmet ••it u w. long -ince your keit..
was Opel.ol that it will hot be haieitable
f..r month'yand yon will lie .wo near that
tuts ran etaily lila rintend all the clean
Mg ..r re !uroi•htx¢
:;o. after a few .1ay. •rent in New
York the Luttrell,. t.'I.•grap.h.•.l t•• Wel
'!on Park and were suet at the station
by the carriage
11 nrnst I...confessel that lila q ekle.n
was nutlea aantl% itnnr meed by the
entire rtx'Inew..f her .laughter in Law.
elect She was a warm hearted impel
piece little wtdnan. who idtrlized her.emll.,
non, and she made little allowance for
the 'arty .maturity int.. which Elui•e
ltal loon furred. It ehillel her to pooh.
how /.situ aril ar!( p.,:weet•el this girl o!
twenty was and even the statnwqne
character of her superb beauty .rather
appalled her She gave Ftauk it half
frightened kook its tlu• gnests swept npthe
staff rase t•' the r. s •nt% prrpxarxd f• •r them.
and Frank. as .ton as they were out '.f
hearing. bink'. into a bovi.h laughter.
Nenrly tive years elder than Eloise he
kakel vonnger beingbl.tade and leivieh.
while else was brunette and statelj- i
thunk in her Iteart of heeartn Eloise rata.
•r despised his merry. light hearted tra-
tur.' bet she• never repressed any ism•h
R'h,n 1110 gne•sto Juim•.1 heather and
seen in the drawing mom lwfore dinner
they were lad,' •nrprised to/m rel a gen
Gelman who wap, iutrldnceil lea• Sir..
Weldon. a. • tug brother, Doctor tier
rich. and to find this member of the
family a . ripple and iuvali.l. He was a
tall. slight built titan of thirty seven er
eight. with a delicate, refined fate, and
with one ehttihler deformed while there
was a decided halt in hie gait Shrink.
Mg evide•nt1y fr..ne notice. lie yet 1111a414.
an effort to aid in entertaining his lit
ter a guest.., and .unversed in a low
sweet vide.•, minima womanly in its
It was not until the next da, that
Frank.n•untering through the garden
with Eloise 'peke of his nn1•le•
"No. he said in answer to her titre.
boa. `he .lid not lite herr before you
went abruel. lie was praetiring Medi
eine then in I*. Attie, but lie war int lir•r! by
a fall, and he t...it his property in wimp nn
fortunate inve.tmerta so mother in
Misled up.n hie fuming here. to take
care of her why • 1 was in Europe Sitter.
then. it has Leen easy to per.mete him
to stay ile enjoy. the s•eelnaion, and
he i. • Slow student. contributing large
ly to mnlieal literature though he has
ceased to practk•e He cannot tenet hie
nerves since his accident, and a d.s't'•r
dere not he nervone
iters be erefer much
•' Net pbvrdcally, but 1 think he does
mentally. He was ambitious and as,
enthusiast in his profession It was
hart to he cut short in what promised
to be an nnnsnally anee.a.fnl career
• Were hard,. said 13..ia.• with a great.
sigh It ie as bail as (wing a winos!'
with no pest object to live for
Frank looked Alightly tewildervl, leis
made no reply Elia.. hal never roll
Reed to hint the longings of her heart to
be a great ,milt er a great singe: nor
the weary dimpi.t to her that it war t•e
know sir want be .eel, • fashionable
young lady, with plenty of money of
her own and • teatime of her father a in
1 canma even be i.a.ly IR,nnt.ful
thought phim diw.cnate.l ronng lad% for
there are no very poet permit, about
here that ! knew ..f. and papa would
not let me gt. newt I Ip•o, if there were
lint Fronk s ret, ,.nut ..f bus uncle
formal her interest ;end she longed to
let hit know how keenly aIle metope
tbuz..l with hini
It was not easy to break thruttah his
reserve, tint certainly ou miter uppor
tuntttw could (r fou*d than tb.se
afforded by & summer sojourn to the
same ....untie home and ntann•ely kuuw
leg how the intimacy n,sumeutwd.
Ductor t iernah and 111,*. a became
Maim wunld have indigusntly denied
bre jeasibillty of her dnttrnng any one,
and yet there was the must i Urate dat
.tate in her respectful ,teference to
Melee Gerrard' s o'pittiour her habit of
turning to Lim for sympathy in her
dni•ena her rodent plraaure in bis so
,c.ety, She semi' hie fae.Kltto suer and
.etre his factreic colors and when he
wont.' talk to her of his pursuits,
book in portraits, stir felt a strange aetue
of elation at being thought worthy ,•f
Ltt rvhfidrnce
Alteration. Were being tirade at Lnt
troll Phk , , where lir. Luttrell talked of
eittabli,hut,; himself for the tntulr; but
th.v at,•r•• i..•' ❑reed forward very rapid
It The netts.- and grounds beh.pged 1.)
Ll„i,c'. bol11g a portion 04 her uiuthe is
(Irupetty Isean.+.ttbrd to her and Mr.
l.:tttrell often spoke of going abroad
:t4aiu. as it the settling Jon n at Lut
troll Moe w,ts net rage ly decided
' It i• ss w, -Ii t.. 11:ere the plw'e in or
der he tuld Eto .e • Yon and Frank
mut ol,jr t to living here. run know.
though Mrs. Weldon would be a model
wether in law.
And El.u,..• La.! agswere.t only by a
b'trnit4 Wu: h and dr...ming ilia.
Moor. titan *Iter law Witt mrt aby'refer-
enc,• t . that tacit eugagruleut iu the
mune way lett lir. Luttrell t1•41 asked
no grrhuns.
Cie fall they went to their own
honor, and Freak lar•an.e a daily
visitor; white there was seldom a
week paa.arl when l:lu:ar di.' not
drive over in Ler pmy-rarriag• to call
ail Mir: Wellen m :.lu• n•aa nnlike.the
value selfossessted woman who
'rid rctrrued trout Europe, in tbuse
o1.' .. ehr w.ts restless. and pre ucenp-
ed.-*trjl.•<•ting her natal puntutts, and
often •hutt.ug herself up in her -r000m
for 4oure tesgtether. coming up:1b red
eyry and pale cheeks. but never t'p oak•
lief of hitless or sorrow.
t'hristm to edam,•. anti there was a ball
at Weldon Park which would U• fol
I•.wt•d it w•a. umdent,.•.1, i,y a simile
ei e
at rtain•.p•ttt at l.nttewll Itiace..p New
Year's Eve. It was betatron thole twu
festivities that lir. Weldon came, ope
day, to visit 1:64..'
1Ibe 1.•ar little woman was terribly
tso:tided and took her grief 10 headgear -
ter• (,Hite by *'t•1lent, she had .11s-
'c..ver..•a that her crippled brother had
given l,i• heart t.. the beautiful girl who
and ,, gently won his cuntiaruc:•. and
the hopelessness of his attachment was
appalling to his warm hearted ender. It
was the atrang&'e.t thing to ask. bur itha
did ark Eloise to .tae away front Wel-
don 1':ark until after her marriage.
" 1'ben ort brother and I will guabroad
snail hu is himself aifaiti. ': she said. 'and
1 know you will keep lois neuret. Yon.
14- him know • 1 betrayed kis
confidence. 1:101.4` ' she pleaded
"1 will uever.let him know.
"He feels the L:s.: wf his poverty and
hi. deformitykee rely./1,.ti. that he would never dream of
-peaking .4 his liar . but h•• ha, a true,
nobly 1:. :art. and it will toot be resew for
Mut t•. ctngner the paasei..n h.. feels
Poor 1trphen' He has bail a hand life.'
-oho e.1 the sigh. but made no
comm. 1.t. and Mrs. Welilou d4 rte.',
only half estate...1 with Lwow! f. til
uaiglat hate been less sol had she bean
a quentiott Eloise. risked Frank ■ fe
Inoue later. They were discussing t
ball in pr'.sl.et. when Eloise wail
"Frank, don't von think this fares
OM; elu agement had Letter end', 11
will never carr half as lunch for int
you de for that pretty Mny Hilton.
Anti Frank binehingly mewnted.
.The night of the ball waist cies
brillta►tt tie ,'ulight. and lka'tor tie
rill. who Lindon* 16.ft home, astonish
her ri.trrby al.p.rarrng in full dre,. jou
Ireton. the carriage started
• 1 ant g..ing rnitlI yon be said. but
dill not explain that there had reached
him a little not front Eloise .
.•• 1 h•t,.• a `n•w 4,eir•...ift for „w, and lug
•.11 wit:.r.:4r ow 11 •:n Wr,tne.day ete•inle
inisuonTNr; iuisu.
Ike Governor of Sew found !stall
l:rn►alus Doggedly Inexorable.
The Nrwber. of She wbltrway Iu..•'a-
w.-ut 4/ill Ite.taa if vb. bete'Lot
Iterates 1/i..olwuIoa l►ppu.l
Nee trail Ti) to luaus
a 1/mutton,
fNk Jones. NW.. April 7.- The (toe-
.nc ,'tela made no devotion ye: of Itis to
tcnn..n re.arsI:ug the diasoluti..n. He ilia
na.s., 'uneyur tlenet•1 1W,.••is of tee
erecietv.• council del .nim. 1,,41 ,.tfice on
Wolthealay. This eanse•d .trainrd rela-
t:o•,• t. east bstwec:: 11.0 Governor and
the Cabinet. An utewt.' Was wade t„
trate • riot I1 B.euu,nn•nt lark. The
polite dispersed the marl an•t &rioted the
rint&1,•etJer. Tk.liovernur has telettrap6eel
1" tn,• admiralty reyae.uu¢ that • warship
b • set.* here i*a1•diately ,u as to• be avail-
able in rear of emergency. He Mei mut
sleeker I:merant. notihcatuiu that Wood..
a,d ll....re were onseete.L ti„versrrtenF
member* hate remained away flatly Nue*
41151 no quo rani eau (re funu.,i It id iur
p',rlble to tiike let!. •u. .tt .1 ,•aueur of the
tiever11nteitt on '1 eurelay tight every
meatier of the party .pie lee! bimetal to
resign if the eiorerner refuses d:awdnrion.
It is belie%ed this mid compel Lint to die
solve as the opposition as utaab:e to meso
a quuntni. The Governor dee* not mutt
to ceareen1 t. dis.i luthua' If he pnsibiy out
avoid it. Some negotiation it iu pmrpr.••e
with the opposition, day tryin,; to induce
seine e'
uu,acc.ige .
J . a•rra
to •u: lotto iter. to
juin tarn.: If they sue•t..el they win be
•tile to carry on a-th,verunt
Un. Mau Lowe Nli-(""aaere,.Auuther
Serl.wa1) A'J8Ye•d.
Id u,s,
April Z. misplaced switch
on the 1. T. It neer Waterloo street, re-
sulted iu a collision betweee • pilot atsd a
freight train, and the ,l, uh o(' nue mats
and the probable (ail injury ,•f ane her.
.4 hence after 0 o'clock butt night, 1: fro
Ingrain• employed ru tne.ilurlie Hanle re
t_'umpeuy factslry. and . another
teamed Fernier, employed iu Pleven, -
l:srua (ouudr;•„ jusemel 0n to the ten ler.
of All eastlouud freigt:t-train for the pus
pew of getting • "hie home. When the
coilial,u oc•currel the mif..rtau•to men
erre relight irbtween the tender and •
male car, Ingrain being instantly ktllad
and Fortner injured seve ly.
- reale la • era.
ono. A rip 7. - Yestet i., the
wife of William Nich••1., •t.rekeeter, urn
tat:u street,cowmitied suicide ba• Jrownipg
herself .i, a et -tern at her residence. She
hal evelemtly deliber,,tely planned it, an a"
Lag eantteautng etw:w was found tied-
ruu::d her u.ck anti she had anemia:1y
sent her youngest rieeld to school with a
aiste'r to he oat of the way. fin the return
.( tie.. chil:orau they :uund the homes
'waft!, and soon after eii.,cuvered the_bady
of their m,•tLer w the i•iwtene. Th. -de•
rear.,( has been under medical treatment
for some tone, a.:.1 the amppo..Itlua is that
the dee.' w;u..:1uttuitted during tempclruv
mental .6-rani/tomcat
S. 1'. tarn, of Towarxla, Pa.,
whose constitution was eompletely
broken down, is cored Ly flyer's
bars q. trilt:L 11. writ •.:
„ For richt yearn, i wu. WV.: 1155
tine. a great ...ir..'.•t Iron (*matims-
tIoa, kidst.sy trowbb, and Indiges-
tion, loll that 111)' , nn.tihuiot .n•, to..1
to 1.. completely hrok.•n .1.... f was
induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and
took nearly *' ,•n bottles, with such
excellent results that my stomach,
how,•Is, and kidneys are in perfect cos.
di:ion, and, in all 16•'41 ftn,ctiuua, as
regular as elock.aeorkt. At the time
I began taking A) er's Sarsaparilla, my
weight was eats 1..1 r'un.l.:; 1 sow ran
brag of 130 pouud., :end was never in so
good health. If you s'at! i sec me la_
fore and after vain.;, a „❑ would want
me for a traveling adtertiseasrat.
I believe this preparut.on of atr.aleuille
to b- the best in the _.a$• t
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J e'..1) er a Lu.,.. , 1r •s..
Cures others,will cure you
Venal el. •hl Solt Moo.
Tatar. -. Slt son writes welt but wants
&°large field 44 .t would ou recommend."
Edator.--'•Mule -ea „.,rt
a6Al.b's %baurer. `
Stn. 1. Hawkins, t ha,teco,a;a, Trta.,,
says •' Shiloh '& %'halter '.aced me 1 (e,'
1 coast. '.'rat the bcs, remedy for a d.b.htaid
system 1 ever ...tea ref dyspepsia, low
er kidney trouhk it ev:e1a. I'nte scents.
Soli by all dru,.uts c w
■e M waled a R salaeler.
" Mary,' salol Sir. Henpeck; " why do
you moist ors seethe•: the pater, to )our
aust'e .bole you are at the .bate ` 1)0 you
want me to die et loreliet•e, "
As baldness makes nue h...k prematurely
.11, an a full h .d of batt rove to toasture
foe the appear.tce of ,ouch 1'o sa:ure
tkisand pre.,n' the formaer. Ayet'. Hair
..or is cocain -arty r'.,s, ..es dell, 15,et1,
tte.od. R red /ruin Nerrglars. Imiie• a J urt.tka.tu pretirit Err arty eller
e Nl.w Yuba .April ;r -Peace O'Mara :a dressing.
1 Campbell, of kineoklyn, amntuuced last
w .veusng that Le had recoveleJ the $70,000
he . worth of bonds and .eenritier that were
stolen on, lsea.mtar 1, ib9Gf from the sati-
of S. O Burnett, hardware dealer, 30:
at Fulton street, Brooklyn, lir. Burnett had
as to pay a large emu for the decma.ents,
whtrlt were out ueegotiabl.. They, were
reuverell su I'hilaselpbia from a lawyer
r. ob., ac:e.l for 16. burglars
r - - • --
tsh.a l
she Ira.' net er seemed to him a., wins
ing an un that. evening when. in one of
Iter exquisite Parisian toilets; she "re.
. riv.vt her friends. Stately as ever.
there wae yet a .w,lt light in her eyes he
lied never lawn th. ^ !.•!tar. and her
yoi,r was low and musical *a she gate
111 111 cordial greeting
.in.t before midnight she took his arm
and led I:im to the ronservatory 1.. ask
111, upiui•.n on mane new arrangement
there. They were standing finite alone
amoeba the dowers when the church
cluck %truck 111. Silently they counted
the •tn.kee. amt as the last nue died
away, lir. 11017i/di hark 1:loise".6 hand in
hitt ow,*. saying, in a low, tender tune:
' •May 1 wish gun • happy New
she was very pale a. else I•po'k•d int.,
hie face and answered
• You alone can snake it no This is
the first hem •4 1S9': -leap year -.and
1 1 -yon ought to knew. stupid •'
Nolately elle.. was very nimbi anion
bated. pelt Mr Luttrell went •hr.•ul
when I)o.tor • id Mrs tierriah took up
their anode at Luttrell Place just one
Week after Frank Weldon Isrolt'Fht
pretty May Weldon, nee Hilton, to R el
don Park
"Ile merger would have asked mw
papa noise said when else confessed
the truth .d her prnpse.al to iter father.
..and yet he hired nae ' Was 1 very
dreadful- indiscreet or unmaidenh-
do yon think. papa'.
And Mr i.ettrell, !elegising heartily.
only said
1'en ' nut if hr is pleased 1 .1.. not
arae• why aa, one Slat ehnnl.l object
And there wan ne doubt that Ih„•trrr
lierri•h w•s re than pleased with h1a
lately *equine! treasure
Nan' Readies...
- --
Moll) 1 mead ,t chapter in the Mibi.
this morning papa
Mr surplice ,mneh pleased Del
ton till. 'leer That's nice What wan
It all &bunt/
Noll, •.1.wly Well, it was 'meth
all tweets Judge
sower* rlsltery.
1 'Ion t know why my watch will trot
go. aid Mr. Staylong, offering a o overt
Scat Orr
" I'erhaae it is beau.., the precedent
has hee•n r.lablinh..l, snggest.d
wearily Trasth
A need ream.
tag Penelope - ileel't you lee the advaa
NirhI.. -\n I'ln Dot
hrnel.'i' 4\ hr, you know how to
make motley epi 1 know how to spend
it. M hat a teem we'd make'
Tea Merehaat Valle la Lesdp,
Losec.,. tad, Ai.ril 0. -Samuel Fuge,
tea merchant, has failed. A Toronto firm
issued a writ against the dealer fur a cos,
enterable claire, and the aamilnwutt vies
decile t npeen in order to protect all the
creditors. The calve of the,fatlnre is said
to be the result of an evercr eding of the
trade iu the city:
Aa 111.1 Mrakeeassia 51111.,1,
Muatarit, Ap::! 9.--t. Clement. en
old brand Trunk man. was killed err
Saturday evening by falling off the Iran
at tote %t. Nut, the can passing over him.
Deceased Wm employed ae brakeernan stet
eras highly respected be all who'knew hnm
lfie reuta:tts were brought Lack to ilea
Nestler tin/orated by tiu..,ke.
ll"asi..i at.. April 9. -In a fire iu the
Wind,ur hotel, I.usk street, the hustler.
known wily by the haute of •' °ll Jue,"
was stiff•. ate' by smoke• ale is summed
to have .tatted its. Bre by saturating a
mattress w.th coal oil. lie masa hard
K&tle.l II bsae l'ewplltet Care,
,'tier., April 7. -c. t totean, a brakes-
mau on the 1'suede .Atlantic railway, wit dlo
coupling can at its.rbrook was fatally
crwhei, and died of his injuries un reach
Ing the city. The remains were taken to
his hon, at Arebvi11e.
Cat 1. Fleet. by a TML..
Dr. ,Fowler's
J:xtr.it of Wild Strawberry in. a reliable
remedy that 0511 always be At -vended
tomtit.. cinder.,, (-Nacre i,sfautam, nrjic, e
cramp.. dt,rrh•.a, dysentery. and all
tometresa of the towels. It to • pure
r.xrtainiug all the s irttlea 01 Wad straw.
berry, rine of th.• a,tfeat and mire'' cor,.t
fur all summer owei.lalnt••, combined
with other Irtr:ule•.s %t( prongd rnrstiae
ageiitu, well kuowu too u.e Gcsl seiruce
The leered,
of Wild
Strawberry erre known by the Italians
to he an excellent remedy f w diarrhea.
dy,eestery and Itow•nr.s of the bowels;
but isteliesl warns hue pieced before
i-tiie public in lir Fu,d, r',, l:st. of wild
a complete and effectual cum for all
those dietre:mi 5g a,,d often deng.loas
complaints so cunr.non in this change-
able climate.
It has stop., the tett. tee 411 years, anti
hundreds a here hive leen laved by its
prompt msec No other remedy always
summer ownplaiiits en promptly. quiets
the pain PO effectually and allays irrita-
tion No sew•ee...fulit as this nnriyalled
prescription of lir. Fowler. It qua are
going to travel Ulu
1,11.., April :.--d. Bruassean, ' he "nee wd ilk(' a tittle with y'>n. it
• of the emle
one I Iw
yrs of the St, Benoit overcomes safely end quickly the die-
a.vlum, while driving rep Park avenue last teeming summer complaint so often
night collided with an electric ear and was ranee.' by change 8r.114 and water, and
col to piece.. Nle rig was .....u.._. to ie alae a ■pedis• agaivat eta aickn•.r,
Monte and th
e horse was killed outright and all bowel
Killed b) • Trolley.
MolTasit. I,ne, April ,.-- 4 fatal
accident occurred here last evening by Prier B.Sr. hewers. r.f imitations and
which the :1 year old son .f %V1111.m ,'has suhrtitutes sold by unw rielmi.na dealers
ten het his life No blame la attars l for the ..ko of greater ktrr9ls,
to the motorman.
1 Complaints.
Died In Nee 011e•l..w
BRn.nr, 11wt . April 7.. -Mee Peter W.
Bristow woo rosin.' .lead in her kitchen (� u 1 ,
lastn.111umanilla. vet had .re was
fallen �`�Flll
against the dove, v there wa. ,.mall I -\J �I Irl (II O�
wound .m hoe forehead
Dr. _really. Cas..
Todutvn,, Anr11 1 The syr!ge brought
against Ik. S. 1. Mol •oily gra war
garrt \t Mlilong was iax.utigat Witte t6..
police mag'atrat. y'.trrday The
was r..fu.!'tol ter trial, bail being .. or
eetrail for $10,(100.r.
sl.esa Use twee.
6etr.L,tt. April 4 -By the caving in of
on. "4 the abatis of the K•.ehl,n thine,
near :hos city, rost.rday, eleven sten were
killed and a large number Injured.
A.pbrrI,4.d by toms
Reurtnewa, Md April 9
•` n neper' Tr$Ttn aawanl...
8pecifit, and Antidote for
lmpsre, weak and impoverished blood, dye
ppssppmsla� •Ieeokr.oe.., pslpitatew of tM
h••rt,liver coin ret, newralgie,lo.. of
m•maory, hrnachitu, o..owa.ptioa, gall
stases, jaundice, kidney and unwary
diseases, St. Vitus' dace, genuale irreg.
alma s.s 11041 remora' debility.
J. M. Mci,ROU,
Proprietor add Maaaf•Mtnur.
Mc i sou. evwra■ R*.nvareu eau he W
Ra)Iter, a printer, wasasphyxiatedy ran yea rMlye le4selaM is woo$ M ep i�"isard lad
tetchy morning. Ile was native of l 'e t 1i, k iamals t sesrdw sad T.reet&
Otellme sad was 17 Teen .1d. IIIIt 1e.
Just to start the sale we open
sure to make you purchase :
Canadian Wall Papers
Canadian Wall Papers
Canadian Wall Papers
at prices that are
at 5c. a roll.
at 7c. It
at 121c, "
Only the very choicest Designs and Qualities,
Designs, Qualities and Prices up to date.
We make it only a pleasuee to show them.
Remember, the prices sell them.
Local left Tete,M.r res
Booksellers and Stationt•rs,
CLI3LAa B tiT> zx Poz:ss
makes dA furniture Zook new. 4 esu can ap
t:y it yourself, It caaaot td Surae. --ed.
l:ae the pipes a tort tetcre putt•st away,
lad prctent rust.
Iia packa4e, ,
Rotel our „ Meuse l'Ir. nis : !leo
anti kelp.
For Dunes and ('attic.
Fur .11 e'ut, and Sure..
:t book eters' home should }" ,:,•
C. , CIOOPE, Chemist.
Hoeing L•tteh returned from a trip to the leading Alillineryarkets,
t--))laero. I hnue. heel1 purchasing a ,tock (uf all that ie new anti artistie_in the
Millinery^ Lint for this tra.'ot . Tulle, I ant now ',repaired 1 '*tow- you t! •-
Latest Styles In Shapes and Trimmings,
A ('ALL ki KE-Pia?F1'LLY 801.1' 111 1)
Seasonable Goods
Best Brands of Canned Salmon, Mackerel, Lob
sters, Sardines, Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring,
Herring in Tomato Sauce.
Finnan _ -
addle, Codfish, Pickled Salt Water Salmon and
a' Clam Bouilon " Burnhams.
CHs. A.. NA IRN.
Can Tey 6e Had?
A Tub without Seam or Joint?
A Pail without any Hoops?
You Can
get them
all by
A Milk Pan imparting no taste'
or smell?
A Batter Firkin that s light InduratedIndurated
tight and neat
J. 3314.01"1-13Ellr at SON
Have added to their present business one of B. J. Nash's Latest Style
of Olty Hearses, also *he finest line of funeral furnishings in the county,
and are now prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable
This department will be strictly attended to by hie eon William, Whq titling
in the employ of the late D. (lorrion for the post ten yearn, baa a thorough
knowird eeof the business., and by prompt attention hopes to share part of tl.a
public patronage. Remember the place--_ West -.t-, on your way to the pert
oily.. (Hve us a call