HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-12, Page 44 THIS SIGNAL: OODUIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 11. lam. alit �ignxi, Ie K10.Wt.b IILVI RY TIEUBSDAY MORNING a1 al, imelLY/Tnm1. See of radicalise' -1 and K Non►awe•!. Oedertoh. tMtarhr. Tera es S.0seseptten i on pith, in advent. 1 u tWes risetha - . .. r tett �' •••. •••.••••• • 01 Ons year, 11Qosedlt Is anted, the pries per tear will he... Ise Lee.. Y roar MIN. Toot ice Irl Is • Mending receipt of the date 10 which you are paid up. Sao that 1t 1e mot allowed to fall into &mar. When • chases of address is Amend. both the old and the sew addrees *hosed threes. Ad.erI ewx.Yes Legal and other massat aJvertls.•meat• leo. per line for arse Iltio i0.. sad 3 ornts per has Ibr esrh .ohnoluent Insertion. Measured by • Nethere 1 Gone.. M•t..u-•a....I t of eft lines and under. 113 per Feer. Adver:to.,oeats of Lal. Fouad. Strayed, 41,'l. \ower. Sit.attsms Wanted ani nesinera Champs Wanted. not ozeee:hog 3 Ilan. soap ere:l. gl per mouth. U %•t.. s r. 6.le sad Farms e0 We. net to esr.-wi.ettu... tt r.r gra mnoth. M. per soh two •-•.1 moods, larger ted. 1s. in ltrvlurtiuo A..; .portal notice, the object of ntnch , t .0 peewee" the mo-uoi.ry hensill of any lade widaut or menthe,. to t.0 ww.darwl an ad- ven...nen, and eharw.d 's000r.li..trly. Lo w! r.-,•t..'o w eoat.& nil t3Is one cant torr wad, ora . i... Ice* than Ala laesl newer In (ordinary reading type two 00111.cr'4.11.1. N.1 bor.... for Ian toes Co: KN'cr. f.,r • h.I- t . s ilii ..thee relish -nu and bete.eleat laced otiose halt rate. Cssismrteftrl Centime( 3 eavereesionewee. A 1'Mtt.•L.n nn'.'r of dieplere4 ••t recto.. .tears will be inserted 01 the MUbowia. mum.; Per + ch, nns lovril •n - V1 10 frit invent wd 1'V ' • 1111.1 Jtut111.a• Y Js " e'v0* •Mb. ...... 3on " mow .mute .....5 1C.1 aiirrits:m.ur Mas* tt.en two ItKI.oe .0 kw.. w:'1 be . al: uteri en &hese Asst.. % pr.' -.1.410' -int dineved for mash pymn", on tune nm.ri t b' contract : 14 put n4.41440....., mart..-'•.n.ttterr ear.t. en a reto, eee seadltlt.a will be strictly enforced. tai.. ••The steaat'• wrllve*e. IlliNsc-!ber who fell to ee, etre Tor fro •• • • third logy. tether by carrier or by rode. en the -.r a l'atoe a.f1J.Iat.1y(W o: L.o .+.t al ew r . • ly • de' a Ss po'-dnle. 1 M 11. .-1,.oreoefie,.ewer be -••t,-',• C. • eo+eisisale ins,. ilia *dans •se v of 1. -.,ter u..:• rdb.saber. i.uee. J. C. Le Tourel. of Oderfh, has been •p pointed Loral Travailing Aleut for the sown- 1 ships 1Oodench. Colborne. Asbgeld and Wa- wan00A. Local poetmastere over the district are also o empowered to receive subscription. to THIS tliu x A i_ c AU COM m•Ia'cations must be addressed to D. McOILLiCUDDY. Tr. Mesar, Telephone fall MI, Oodorich, (lot, 1`Pate n•,. t+brio• ea• w cw�lidtu, M the Wipe that • dlingrastied Hdorster weed re- isiee the s•00rs•tios. A gestleatsa named (fat/Delia, of Tory leant.00. was Rawls the Patrons obelus, aid then the •4.rtm of the wire pullers of the Tory part* were awl, sed used ..o ,'.es/ally, to pull him off the tures for fear that W Iawu ..t.', amasses would to Injured will two Tortes t• the field In Etat Hurd E. I. Di. ►i..u.. • well. known lawyer, was chums. as the ('aseerv- tire c••di.iate, and 7'n0111a. Elise', We veteran Reform member ler overly • parr ter 1 • uMtury, was again made the stat deed bearer of his party A•ii again the Tory wire -13041n tot in their work, and they did it to this way too 11 tr. on of the strongest Tones ou earth, and who has on mon thee eine uces111un bees the party ceodilate for the Legislature new claims W be a Patron, and he gave the oonveotion at Hrurels to tvliev. that Ha ('atrou candiJate were selected, Ito kI..00N would be taken off the track by the regular Tory uoireattos, se *list the tirbt would be between t:te.... and the Patron candidate, On this undentandmg )ave Mii.ss, who was not a Patron, was selected and accept- ed the no0ttnatwi, bat now it throe out that Tor Het+ as unable or unwilling. to have the roma/ Tory medullae taken off the track. on with two Reformers in the field 1h. Litt.ue'.. clamor for election are fair. la West Huron the patrons and others of our farmiot friosdv know bow th. cat Jumped. J. T. !:arrow. M.PP , was the unanimous choice of his party at the meet - tag held last Fall in 1'lfstea. Liter en the Tory convention was called to select a can dilate, and adjourned without making a nomination. The I'atron candidate u ltruce, M.NAr,.uro., had swept both parue, aside and been elected, and it was thought wise to wait until the Patrons selected • candidate io West 11uron and then be goveroed by the coaditios& Amongst those present at the Tory coo. vaotioa we., we arc informed, JAw1.- ('o.. .oi t.., sod shortly after that he joined the Patrons Immediately a ('u.xo:.i % Loom took place and when the Patrons snot in convention •t 1►uogaonon he attended the c invention with • .troor delegation from .oderich township. After • course of Wal oting he succeeded in capturing • majority f the 35 ballot. that were cast, and, presto, hang., the erstwhile thoroochp•cd Lode rich township Tory had doffed the chrysalis of ultra -Toryism and donned the brand new principles of the meet •dvauoed order o l'.troos. The conversion was almost as in stantanenus as that of 'low H els in Fiat Huron. But the Patron nominefio0 didn't snit the "silk stockings of theTory party in this riling and c .s.nr.1.1'. candidature at first received a bleckeye from the wire•pullers. 1•:fforta were made to get hint to veep aside so that .1 t+. li IUlr, of sc.. Helens, • Patron of 1:rit leanings, could be put up, and thus clear the course for • st»fight-oat Tory can- didate, but l'00%ot.t t nolds the pesitlo0 • nddecided to stay on the platform as loog as the orchestra played. This -bas settled the matter, and the Tory party has decided to accept c""."neat se the straight Tory candidate. Already the pipes are being laid and the wins pulled to rive him the full "Lippert of the party. The heart 01 reconciliation has been tuned toward him and the fraternal handrreep of even the Tory editors has been also .21 Od- d, as they .iaietly but fervently wish him sitcoms in his undertaking. The following from our esteemed contemporary. Tito Clio ton News -Record, u • guide -pert for Rrothr C'oNNoIJv on bin path of glory There sues • public meeting of the Patrons 1 Inds.try in the tows hall Monday eves• ing Mr. L&wreao. presided, Mr. Alex- ander, the 1'•troa 000itses for North Middlesex and Mr Co.aolly, the Patron madders for West Huron, delivered ed- dresw.. Mr. Connolly made • very favor- able impression. '1'. O. Carrie, vino -penal• dent of the ,:rand A.eoci.tio., opened is Realtor .tyle Gad pound hot shot at the Ilstario t:,versmost with marked •ccer.cy. OODSRICH. THURSDAY. APRIL /3. Ire. T the ro.wnt convention of the Patrons of South Huron Ri i1 wroo re - c ivied the u0ammous n,mn•tion to oppose Ike present member for the constituency, JOON \I. Htt.t.t., one of the most repreeeat •five farmers in recede. S -hely the 1'at- roos were not instituted to oppose the elec- tion of eeouioe farmers' IT i,nu t ea..y to recon,-ile the opinion% on the tariff winch are expressed by our esteemed Tory oo0temporaries. In nos breath they claim that the N 1'. still pre- vails and is intact . and in the next breath they sympathise with the Gia because " Foster has stoke their policy, and Left them no platform to stand on." The two contention. are diametrically opposed, and we are anxious to ase some big -brained Tory e fitor uiderteke to reenact!. them. THE Eceuiutz Reformer.- of Cali, is latest acidities to the daily journalism of Ontario, and is beyo.d all question a highly creditable addition, too. Mr. Laura- • I. tw h.• one or two hobbles and one of Ilam is that he will always have the beet possible or not have it at a1i, and whether it Is io having an eventing newspaper up to date or a tilt against the broad universe and part of the 1'nitod States at • dog show be usually " pits thar. " Success to The I venlig Ice. former, say we, and more power to the editor's elbow. -- 13Y a rnrious convenience the .ante week was selected by the South Boundary wiled doves to come to t:odericb for their 000000 that was chosen by Mayor lir 71.10 to pot his solicitors on the road to obtain signatuise to a petition that then was no necessity for • police magistrate i0 Lode - rich. It is deo • singular fact that they didn't leave Ledenob at the clew of the Sommer season last year, but stayed on e0 - til the municipal electfos demonstrated that RcTLtk could not control the council seated voti.g for • police magistrate. is Mayor RITI.aR altogether disistrested his efforts to help to nullify the adios of the town coumcil In the matter of haying • police magistrate appointed' %V. C. VANHti11NE, the C. P 11. magnate, Ins been prophseyiog, and Um re snit of hie prophet/in. hes been published Is the colonies of • Toronto society news- paper. To 'nabs • long story *bort, Vex - Hoes I claim* that there is to he so upward tendency pree(ntly to the price of wheat, and that it well -keep movie, upward until, within the sett eighteen months, two dol- lar. • bodied will be reached. The big rail- way nsgnategi vee • statist coal eompilat iota fa favor of hie statement which ne the face of it looks leanb1, Let whether the ma*tw,om prim* vetoed by him will be resehed may well bo portioned. The farmers will be pleased to learn that Tett 'Linea thin," as he does, sad will 'weevily pray for the L'iitice of hie9eepleey. THE "PATRON" CANDIDATES. A Pk(;Iti.1AR1TY of the Patron iwovenwnt m Heron is the feet test every effort M berg sande ny the Tory wire -pal lore io pits. N io the position et • dsekey seems to the Ontario Opp -matins It needs ezly • eases et the w.rkieg et the scheme to peeve the above staleness& I. Eesti Hares • regular Tory eandi data, Wtwrtu.im, has base in the Sed fr ttop• blethered • Reform ...didate wee defy eheesa in tae parse. of M Y. McLeee, the olds ower 1 The ft••Iorth Kipe.ilr. Thea the ?orlon tbesght they soed work the ABOUT PERSONATION. 'J' H E law bwforetlteOntarioLegisr ature with regard to the erred of pereon•torn .t the instance of deputy-returnine ofbc.ta,u• step in the right direction. This law should be trade to apply to all electoral dig trice. as well as to cities, for the personator u wedded to no particular clamping ground. 1luring the last Federal election is West Huron the constituency absolutely swarmed with personator*, who plied their nefarious work no .octesstnlly thee they succeeded in electing the present member. A law to his der • repetition of the rascality would be • boon to the district. At bye -elections such • law is as impera- tivo.ese.seity ie every eleetor•1 district, as ender the revised system of c•rryieg eke - Linos. whleh Ro.sxr R I t w 1.... A Y has re. dseed to • thence, the persee•tore alight oat • c•eetiteeney like • peaces of rest hoppers, and g•oerally eapt.» everything to sight. By all mesas let us have • •*ri.g rt law against p•r.ea•tio0 and let it sewer the whole ground. THE FEDERAL FRANCHISE ACT. picRHAPS one of the greatest frau,l, is connection with Canadian Federal poli ties at the pressed time . the Iloml.io. Franchise Aa, which was originally designed to give the (iovernmegit • pall •t electios. as &tei..t their oppe.enta. 1t was also intended to furnish "fat" for Niew•papr supporter% of the I.overwmeat, is the paWkrhisg of the lou at each re vi•io., bat enplerirece proved limit this man ter of printing the Bata was unseiteble, and at the inetanes 1 Rea. J. A. 1 'tuI ILA. • pristine bereft Ton areabb.Aed at 1 ett•w.. Rot • ..Rr that it was toned that the tem system the toe cwmhaveran. •.d erpen.lve •f fee an annual motions to he isduIpd in, pe sad d leu mars that phew of the work has ern ed bore enforced. As early ee 1801 it was W toned to he decidedly ebj teties•bie etad ex peonies to tetk Grit sand T ae ad • vote ie House. t~fie• • • 10Nod by Y t'. l'emsnow, the thee onmbsp for Welt Herne, sena within fifths them of wipes tb is1,slty eR The ..L4.. mill be- fore the ossuary, sed the felMwlsg frets • oortespeed "I 1 The Toronto New., ea in dap cleat eveetag erwsp•per. deals fairly. squarely sed he.sstly with the matter as 1t at present stets The Federal Act en both cumbersome said eipe.•i re, wide it serves es peel parpose, eve ai s se easoyug t. C...srvYve ..serb.n as the t)ppesitios. Supporters 1 the • Gov- ersstest ars fully aware 1 the fact %bat if Limey are sot oeati.sa37 on the alert. is that every member 1 tbdr party is upon the lot, their opposed. are -het to severean advantage over em whichth would carry the sitcoms. Aside tbourb from this oo.sideratiew the main objection to the act lien is the espouse, •a well tee the unjust didre.ehisemewt 1 WWI numbers of the ewtitled to the suffrage, Gad who are omitted from the lista through the espeose involved in a thorough eremite°, which outset be ohermctsrtzed other than an outrage upon the electorate \e an IUustraues of the cost of • revision permit me to quote the following taken from • return placed before the House for the tint reviews. Amount a printing.. $174.340 08 Revising officers' salaries. 93,767 94 Paid to clerks and Oaibffs . 79,491 93 ( ether emperor 67,31121 (,Lime t 1t..s4tled i 5,204. 40 Total 4420,186.25 "Apia on closer nnspectiot of the returns 1 tied that we here paid up to February, 1889, the following suis Type sad 'notarial 1163,849 80 Composition and presswork . 18,511 04 Paper • .. 292 11 Rest and station power 1,413 00 Proofreading 666 00 Ick 97 50 886 50 829 Revising OOpy St$tlosry Erection .fl Omit Total. ..... 486,313 04 1'o the. yabove -.umber 'oust be added a 4 rote of 2110,000 to defray the expenses of the Fraaebw Act .preuunably for the sec and revision.. Therefore, so fax as 1 have the retina., the second revision has cost over '036,000. If this sum be added to the Rost of the ongusel reviews it will be found to slightly sloped $800,000 for both. Is it any wonder that 13et:oernment is opposed to revising the tut at regular period.' The above shows plainlyhow eapes.ive • ppro- .vedmg it would . Would it not he a goof sugre.tioo, Mr. Editor, to write dia- .-mutton through your columns upon the subject • " _ MITCHELL'S MENDACITY. ( )1' II hopelessly errati.-am: unreliable r,ntempor•ry, ThieStar, last week west in- to hysteria • column long over the polios m&rietn1 .1o10tion, and Incidentally wader - took to put its knife into Till Si..+AI. be- low the fifth rib. It first published • state meat fres a Tsealibo .ewsp•per, and then falsely attributed the seeding of the alleged telegram to the editor of Tett Sou. tl_ Af- ter that it undertook to demolish the lobo hood that it had created. ---"1 -- The editor of Tor Si, -sit. neither wrote tor publication in a Toronto newspaper to sent by telegram, nor authorized anyone to write or send by telegram any communica- tion to • Toronto newspaper last week, nor at any other rim. daring the present year. And the pious fraud whn . responsible for the editorial swsah that filters through The Star knew it, and knew that his statement was a falsehood, when it was published. !Wealthily, the editor of Ties tooto troubles himself very little .bout what is printed about him in The Stet, as that journal has been adjudged in the courts a criminal libeller, ani the editor of the sheet has been branded as a convicted liar by • Superior 1'ourt judge and twelve good men and true, and has also testified to his own degradation by • publubed confession. Still, there are some who !miter. some Wisp that even a professional liar will state, and the above straight out denial is intended for that clam. Resides, as is well known, the eccentric but irresponsible i.• dividual who is the nominal editor of The Star Is • loud religious professor, and over loses an opportunity of spreading a broad phylactery to the gaze of ('hriottan people. Some of these might be deceived ware the falsehoods of this calumniator to be allowed to aro unchallenged. The meanest man on earth is a hypocrite - tae who tries to hide his mental irrespoo sibility and moral obliquity behind the cloak of religion. To this clam helmgs JAYS. MIT. int, I • creature of cent and a victim of his own efforts to be deceitful to others. He record is before the residents 1 this town, and a known to all. The (all from the position of • So.tay school super- 1ntendent and • loud professor of rel1• woo to that of • self contester' and jury coov,cted criminal libeller, and an aswalate of a confessed perjurer, was a sad one in deed ; bat even that could be overlooked if the miserable disciple of emit end hypeensy wood only act as hoswtly on JI nt. did. .lianas threw off the religions robe and bought • rope, but Mrrrna.l. still clings bypocritieally to the religious cloak. Not very long since, he was asked to address a public .sssti0g, .ed being short of original matter drew an inspiration from STEAD', Toronto dincearee, " R. a ( liI i r." He en jo,od open his halern the necessity incusi best upoe all who profaned religion to en- deavor to " Re • 1 'inter," and Lte.ers who did sot know the fellow would actnally believe that he meant what he said. What has bass the result' Has he tried to " lie • ('trey.*'" Int kis action. answer. Steadily he has allowed the defence of brothels .ed brothel frequenter. a filter here through the colonise of the .ewsp&psr for bees which he a editorially reep.r.ible. Attacks .he 1"t sentreet as he ease well beadle, with.rtn etvtag after tier uwW tt• nai• • hypenll- litoei ami vale effort to " Be • CIta1.T." THE "SCIENTIFIC" TARIFF. I )1t. setariNt.tr,, M. P., for East area, reusellmY Ily paid bis eoopewtee She tang 1 '•sclastltlo protroea ti," ss Ni, ouuo Fua.0 De* IN calls it, lied he also referred to the bold musketeer,who temporarily nuerepreeoote Warm Hares mi by attending/ banquets whew he ought to be fighting for Calmesmeetingshe uuthe at the Calmest meetings wheree tariff was fired. `ay The (:lobe surprise he ts The doctor expressed thea t lleverulst had seal. .o reduuWoo u the defy ea seal oil, which amounted to about 100 per Deaf. As a result of this •xoessive duty the ('anada& ooe.umers last year paid 4986,791, of which 4430,`•71x, went tato the public treasury as deny collected apse American oil, while `1566,230 west into the pocket. of the 000edlan refiners and middle- men. 11r. Msedoeald then directed the at- tention of the House to the manor in which n atler natural industry trod bees treated. Balt had been plaoed oo the free list, with the result that the salt well owners of county usty hod to compete with the Michigan ante Syracuse salt producer.. n They wepa/decay relate to compete with the Americans, provided they were placed ou• footing of af.ality with the Amore. omen. N Nile melt was put on the free list, the bitumiousooal which was used to the ie. dustry bad • duty of 60 cents • too imposed os op= to The Syracuse produoers had free opal sod the Michigan wells used mill refute for fuel. (liven free coal, the Burma salt men would tied no fault with (recede Dr. Mscdooeld remarked the absence of Hoo. 31r. I'atterwo from the House, and maid that he would have to explain to the people of Huron why he hadneglected their in - tercets While he had stood by the in- terests of lambton he had forgotten those 1 the people whom he repr...nte•1in Perlis. meet, to the end that they were obliged to appleto the representative .f another oo altueocy to bring the matter to the atten- tion of the Howie The doctor read & letter frost the Secretary of the e'anada Salt Co., dated March 28, who pronounced this feature of the tariff to be "the most dams • able robbery ever performedpolitically," and who concluded with this statement :- "( ave us free coal and we will compete with the .\mericana. SNAP SHOTS. The Advocate, the otof the itceoed rs gl victualeoat. over the fact that Sir Jon TNuurw, gore an unequivocal "No" to the delegation from 15e temperwaited bodies that waitupon him to the inhered of prohibition. And ir'lhtots "No" iu big black type, too. The Secretoryof ii..• 1':otlarla Salt Company, • straight out, .lucre -toed Tory, refers to the tariff, so .ofax as the salt Inter- est is co•roed, as " the most damnable robbery ever per,4j-mad politbally." What has the Hon. J. C. i'trrrlc.... to say to the indict 'nest The lion. t1,' Canadian War Lunt has • few more old cannons to rive away, but it u a question It he will seed any mote 1 them an to Huron county. The municipal- ities don't wt to pay freight on deed weigh!. 1' There is le%ery .N-... t0 lm•Ileve that, in accordance with the memorial 'f impetrate the tows waited, the police will be duly wetted next week. \Ve rejOiee to ;earn that lip. to .late the Esrl of Ai iu.itas too • ht gotff salmon fishing, as did his illustrious pude• ns ceor. The t•tri8 delete has closed. and Row the ('Amo• charnel and the ('urra° bridge rasc•lities ought to be sifted from end to end. The salt *110. of ('toad*, aril espe- cially ot Huron, hare been "salted" by the revisedrevistariff instead of being " Festered.' .11ayor Ilt•efeit ht taken his -Oil .hors"off the road,and the '(oath Boundary madam has put hers on. The .tans of ti.e tittle.. portendan early IbOunionelection.- -_- CANNON NOTES. Wingham Times en : The cannon has Le placed to front of the town hall, and it is pointed directly at the residence of It Will- son, manager of the Hark of Ifamtlta-o. Does thus m mean that our Mayor has designs on Mr. %%'illes, r is it •n io ti.nahoo that he will brook .o refusal of foods for the municipality .mll Hatoo limes Hon. Mr. Patterson, Minister of Mahone, presented the town of Wingham with one of the otheses the Quebec citadel, sed We ooeapUl/fs were angry became they had to pay 4334 freight charge.. They looked that gift cannon in the mouth Mr. Vittorio(' should boy,seat his owner scrap iron to some owr of • rol- ling mal.ha Wingm Advance • And so after all the trouble over the big gen sent Are by the War Inrd, as the (:oderich Stg.eI is pleased to call Hoe. •I. C. Patisserie, it will now he placed in front of the town hall, in- stead of on the °art. As 11r. Tamlya re marked when asking this wieder', perhaps them soother run may ma along some da and it can be placed in front 1 the hall, too. Wiogham Tittles The oo.ncil, to the reedier nn Mosduy might, rescioded the rnPound • immune pout the special esune last - lire hay. accepted the cannon sent Hhpluerm .1. 1' Patterson. 1').. gun has in one of the plots in front a town hall, bat has sot hears mounted The council has asked for • rebate ea freight charges from the C. P Pc, sad ev • tohate their mosso onmplied with. yth 'standard The \Viegham Times we're greets with envy &t Waal/hem». y iro that old " scrap n " frees e lame 1, nver.ment, Wro.Igb the idled /ft d r War InPatterson. 1N .o, dear wen Wakes Wakes a tar yea. if s have hems made wa.te.aly open private in the divide. whose sole oaeno• w.. that they poet wuull not how to to dietatee of • man who RI ruled the will municipally and politically NW* of the person who in public en ant weedy, ttmivi epeaty and apparently earnestly desired to of ou " lee • 1 N&IST •• hey. Aad now this leiserable Ailment. •t pts by false3oed be ten hie target ea no !Ousel.: bet this )oar sal doilies the Watered .srvi.s, twee from • creators who th his MW desires te "Ilea .P• Riff • we.d olives epos 31ITr.et.l. not to be .mhitinne, awl met to "trees after se high position as that el • *saviour if he 11 sadert&ke to " Ice a Man " an M right, heath, honorable man Re•ethe.r o Mm rw, will have, we believe, on Woe • worthy r.pr rotatnv. can omens .143* g more the. • tow or se of oldsoosud-hatai metal, we my wper•asea4 him give him ll met th'V elegbase people 434 freight That's • handsome pe10suR Mal it' ass she Poem ban 11N Puerta De Oath " 1 pate yen, old mnigherp{ :1 law. Mime Porky's lanigher •f., but she's worth 4900,000 " De 34.144.544 Throbs, deer hay. Yea w right it the TA• judgeship old relic from Veebep we. Wer agars that ora al.d DOMINION PARLIAMENT ( AFTER TYPNOIO PEVER• MUNICIPAL COUNCILS lht.w. Ap,Y 1 -l. w Uus Dammer. y Mr. Brodeur asked it wee the lute. .1 . of tie (iever.itaewt submit for lb. derision of the J.dbial Committee of the Peary Commit 111 load the question •!ready submitted W Supreme Court ,n relation W the sub et the Manitoba school& Sir John Thom sea replied that the question involved further qusetime as to what parties had bad sot the right to sloped , also t who might or might not desire to appeal. As to thew points, the G useat O 05 poesrm .ed of full informattu. Sir Adolphe ('•rw, replv4tg 1 thieve, said that it wee net the intent of the theirernment to reduce letter pee from 3 toll mute, Dor was it the latent W redeem the fee fur registration, nor LL the iotehtlon to guarantee the sale livery of all mothered letters and th content.. Hun. Mr. Faster, replying to • quest said that it was not the wteutiun of tlovernutent to pr.t'tt 4e sblpmeuu a coming dirndl, from tco0ctry growdlhe th from tranabiument to shut °eatery. He gave the same answer in gard to coffee. Mr. Dano thou cpntieued the debate the budget. Urn*wt, 1pril l .-Mr Fairbairn in House of ('umi7iess yesterday said would like to bear what the tlovernme had to say in regard to the outbreak drease among some cattle in the cu0uty •.rsy. Hun. Mr I'wter, answering, said t wing num ago, Dr. Sproule, member t Fast (tray. sent in a report with adage.' of the syl•Fxumn of tho dimwits amo cattle I0 that count,, undoubtedly t mete as t.ferred to by ler (.taderkt The letter was imuletbately referred adding that thee. was no cause for ala and that he would make further inveetIg tion and report. He reed • telegram fru Prof. Smith to this effect sent to tete Miu ter of .tgnrultnrr. n-►?T.IWA, April 3. --It u Row general considered that the budget debate iu th Dominion House win .-..ntioue well in next week. .% number of tnembers hay yet to '.peak on it list the interest to subsided sine. the principal members Hohn. have had their say. Hou Mr Faster, yesterday, in reply Sir Reliant ('artwnght, said that th Finance Department was preparing • to be present to the Department of Jasu for an opinion as to whether proceedings ...mid he taken to recover the sum lost the failure of the F.ecbw[s It ink (nem th party who guaranteed the original deposit.. Sir Richard Cartwright asked whether in view of the (act that the Mintier u Finance had declared that he had expected a deficit in the res rinse for the current an saece.ding fiscal year. the 1 ioverulelt 1 tended t.1 ask Parliament during th session for • vet. of 0:::0,091.1 for a f00 Atlantic service. Hon Mr Foster w1 that if Sir Rick understn,ai that he had stated that be ex petted a deficit as between the revere and expenditure fur the Racal year M (Si Richter. wasmiaaken. eft wasthe iu tenhou u( the 1 tovenimest U. sek leg. •letiun in refer.uco t., the fast Arlan service. Ilrrawo, %pnl 6r -Ir. the House of ('om mos yesterday. Hu.. 11r. Paterson reply mg to Mr. llnlock, said that Lieut. ('u Lazier had neither been •' retired, su pleaded or temp -wanly displaced" from the command of the Fifteenth Battalion_ Th• colonel had been granted leave u absence on Mar,'h :,1, as be had desired t go to the 1'uited Stites on privts business The commanu a the battalion wee to th hands of the senior officer during th colonel's temporary absence. Hon. Mr. Daly, in response to • gin by Mr. ( barium, said that 44,242,219 acres of land haat been granted to railway curpo rations in Manitoba and the Northwest territories ni. la..lansary 1 1494 Hon. Mr Foster, in reply to Mr. Elgar. said that ander the tariff tea and coffee might be imported in bond throul;h Lon don, but there Direst D. through bills of Iwding Through bills of lading were re- paired to all caret O1TAw•A, Atri1 6. -In the Senate Mr. Houlton, In moving fur • return of the rates eharged by the 1' P. R , condemned the alleged dt.o-nneinatnry rates which the company ,ren charging. He said the issnance of preferred .tock lest year placed upo n the company the necessity of raising adotitlunal revenue to mast the dividend. wbich would be neeersarily payable on this stock To raise the additional reve- eus they itrip.re•l additional freight rates upon those sections of the road where :hen wail no cum, etitinn, hence greater burdens fell on the farmers of the North west Hon. Ur Nowell said the isfortnatlon aske,l for wonhl lie brought down owlets April --in the Hens' of Commons sestrtiay the (ollcwing bills were read a first tone Sir Charles Ilibbert Tupper --To *mead the Harbor Masters Act Mr. McKay --To lneurpnrotethe W.l- Isnd recent sad "apply t'anel ('ompany, !moited- Hon Mr f\tely-T.. rti 4gp*1U pro- bers mew of the militia force in active service is the Northwest. Nr. Dickey moved the first reading el his bill to amend the F.lertoral Fra.ls*lee Aet. The bill, which provides for female suffers to a limited extent, was read • fires time. Mr. Mclfnllen asked the number of bush- els of cora Imported and ironed into human fond on whin► • rebate of duty was made during the pressor rear, 1`492 :1. Hon. Yr. Wallace--g;g, ;fit bombe's. ler. Sproule, on • question of privilege read an extract from a speech of Mr cbsrltes to show tb.t lid (Mr. Charlton) wee s commercial unionist Mr. ('Wanton asked several questions re- garding certain crown customs mi:area made in the year 1892 3, and 110e. Yr. Wellston replied. Sir Charles Hibbert Topper, in reply to Mr. l.tmer, said in relation to the Glom seamen. in Ontario. from 1887 to l•twt, the close 0seson for whits filth was from the 1N of November down to the :10th of November in each year, for piekerel, from the 15tb of kpril to the 15th of May, lir bedt from the 15th of April to the 13th of May. 1. 1894 the only eh•.ge was made in cassation with the close emote Inv lana, .a10ely, from the 10th of May to the 40th of Jae. There ie se ..lose south for pike, herring or etnotmen. The mesh of seines for catehtrig wbtleMb le (nor imehe., •ttemsion nose», the mesh et 1hlt•a.h gill sate from fear to dm* i.ebre, hoop eats two ace • sof leeches. No trap ade are allowed foresees for pallid set &Wag will be granted es waned in lakes Hero*, St ('lair sad Reiss, for hasp .et wiy i. Lakes Hems sad b4.. ('Wl; fes gill test Sabin le Ickes Hares amid Id. o setae fi1bbag win b. alinwed 1. isle Ruses. the river 81. (.'lair, Loh* Pt, CUM or the Iestndt river. �mewas,'4 $old .MMen ime etas-- • tIlliereart ides! of ' ruts Sewared fairs se pMMM a..as.. u PWT tkiLlttaps. I 9 - 1. Marge, to 1843, Harvey H. Nd s1 this place W • Mad slush 1 typhoid New. good .easing ger land rtedsoal •tismids.os brought him wooed at. hal the attach left him • viclt 1 kdaay Biasses. This the doctors filed te erre, lfot bell Dodd'. Kdoy Pelle. the uiLl1ble re- te ! t Nedy, did the soap goad work in his esu ea is all others teed Mr. Neff is well to -day. bury Udd's was the first kid.• remedy fe pill form ever offend the i•.b&. Its weeder Irl sycoses ie caring all forts 1 kidney die - w ee has led to the introduotiue 1 nusrterew cheap •sd worthless initial toes. Pur- chasers, for their owe safety, ehoud inert ea getting 1►udd's Kidney Pill& sold in large boxes : price, fifty cents or sin Oozes for fort 50. To be had 1 all dealer.. ase Mr. LOA WIN CAC was de our ton, t o tea of her ✓ e- 00 the he ota of hat Is h▪ e n. to nu o. m s ly • to • Y ot a case • bco7 d n i• Richard se sic 1. n . • gladioli DUNLOP. Moxooy, Apnl 9 Fanning appraises. ia piowbeg opened h ere oe the 4th 01 April, Ws.. T.W. tars - ug over the ant sod for 1894. Y. t►'Me•le, of liodorich town•bip, sendayed hen. SterISO (:tion Kra Nr. and Mn. ('has. Hewktes, with their ch,ldreo, tow temov• tog from Sbppardtoa to Windsor, were ie our mid.( this week h•ddmq Nn. Hawkes' parents and other Iri•.ds hen farewell. Prior to leaving Sheppardtoa, when for tnaay years they had a gese»1 store and poet office, they were presented with an • and two esey chairs by thea folbw- W soderstand lir. Hawkins open out • store at Wiad•or shortly. the address residents. w 111 council rot4I05�otJttly. twtrMwt4.nt.t,Ss3* nlrA. pel al pr1d q sae% Jon. Johnston. Meager of Is▪ 88 tYWi., eoo'J bby - ,�j ,d law. Ihr.. sad Ie1U craw tread �e A (' n' Ni dei by .1... C....7 esc'd kf ed to do bre Notiite labs, w aide awl oe peMte hr. (ars, tarried, Moved by. Sturdy, ...Y by J... Cera 11y that 13. fol lowing tt•t'onate be paid : !k. Whitely Ice N mammas(Joh.ew and Chao. Graham Ice eo.aty words and two visite to Win. Dean 415 Pipettes for township, GO..: 13*- '1 u71, ba11, tet4&.oe to Mr.. (warle� 43; MR McI'rv,t. tedt'gwt, 415: legai.d,,,, antro work oo/isvtisq. 46; O.P0f'a 41►6: Arab. C4uaise, for iedy.etp 4;S�5q Adjonr.od to meet ea Orsi Y..dy i. May t tui 1Ffctlwr, (7/N. • neater. View. 1 fns of the moot wted pk�tMmn..4.,ed. .ro 141010 1.71 -' • 5YMa tel. tom r 10r charpwl with bale and tit. hver ,lade e powerful stimulus to emote it to duty, tiles It is that we use power -lid cathartic. to o►. 1a►s the aeoe...ry Nell, dime att"ade.f. however, with prostrates' effects," •.d he (night &1.o add, •, otter o&..iy by their re whom worm oos.tip•tos sad biliousness (Nan before." Now thi. is not the pipe with F:wljy'e Liver I.y.msgen. They ds wt pro.tr•14 or re Got They wit pinta, yet powerfully. Tho.. troehled wok chrsoir emotive/Me or • WENN habit that ho. Ise ed for years must canes s their use fur sone time : but they will `their work &nd I,r mannerly cure these lieu afflicted. Renovation and RL-DECORA TION is that ord.,. of the day ; ----it's house-cleaning time. Amon.; other things your stock el Lace Curtains may need replenishing ; the ohl ones may he given a less prorninenl pavillon and something brry' f;-c•..h and new put in their ',Ice. I/ .reeals somewhat ridiculous to talk about' Lace Curtains at 25 cis. a parr, bur that's what we've got hews down to. They're not very wide, but thtliti 2 1-2 yards long and as , good as other stores ask 35 cts. kr. Upwards from this price we chow an almost endless variety al inures equally inlet',.'./ing /0 i'our parse. Some :'tri' pert/y Patterns ill <<,i rt Al uslr/, s are shoa'u this Season ----..111 Silo(• Dcsign and eyualh as prc'ral. hilt much 1's., expensi. Prices- range f one 5 cis. ,i,, zt'ards... In Carpets, Table Covers, Table Linen,, Table Napkins, and general House furnishilc;- Requisites you'll find we've mostly got ;t'hri/ irou want, and always at prices which will leave you mow), in. Everything to Wear :7 -Shoes to Ilat it ts\NoroheNrU,e COMPLETE OUTFITTERS. Fac Simile Label of the famous Mungo Cigar.