HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-12, Page 3?rkt>rweS Mudd.. .RAND ?RU1ng RA11.AaY. rel. Mare ere •ad MINA Ndorlm M Mt res •.sive. tread Itsmein PAL • as LW pow msi sad Kamm" Yea sed Lam, ............•• Ina asdpt1�Wt=1. NICHOLSON, I.. D.S.-DENTAL M • tesew eggite to Poet colas. IN..' s . All ealaaanl sued •pan •ed Iowa s Reties es rad tan palitam satrec- of hell ty r K g;, 11ZCH A RUKON, Is D. S., ourveo• Hewitt. ( and vitalised air , de,:ngrend ter p•lul.m a:treaties of teeth. nseu.l attention given to rile prM•rvatlos lt. mound teeth. lud►- oUp emir,.ofasel Upon Mous. inset. mimeos lea West - 10 -1, est- !'. tiodrri.:k. Medloal. tilt Ht \''Bit. I II¥:IC1AN, lit•1 Aron, k... tM1 )1 011eMBIN , e .. Me Leslie Mace. Moat ,, eat. Night walls from British r,i nese Hotel. _ , . _ -- D[t9. SHAy NNON A SHANNON, ,i ,•• 1 Nepleret seer, awl. J. Ilk Mlairmui. nfirenntimoe Northern. we yodel Schaal tA\iI'lu1 & JOHXf3TON, BARRIS- t ter. ,rJordan'saN�WNh_i� IL CetAM tl S. Q. ( .. wM rb,N, c.. >tl. O. JUN N. sissy ..12"I'i E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, renew, Coovea0woee, aµ'.. etc. Nouml le tear 0• home swan. Ileresa u !leek. Up- ,,.a.e Colborne Hutchdodeeiafa OM._„-- 1111141 L' N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- ot` $ou p grime lbototer si rota rio C. II AY?", SOLICITOR. nae. R. /Mice. as nor of Solaro and West .nit, tiodrrich. over teems/b once. Prl• are rurde to :end at lowest rates ef iaWr- AKRoW & P1tOUDFOOT, .BAR - U meters, Attorneys. K, 1'es. ate.. God*tr•, J. T. chorea. (2. CAlM1sKJt, HOLT i1OL I $, Barlett's, Rotteitor '. Chm.eerl !o. 'lls/erh! . M. C. Cameron. Q.C. ; '' P. Hent ; Dwlky themes., j_ O. WARD. 03NVEYANC ER, rJ . kc.. tad e-s141enrr for tak:na and re - toting reestrobillers.of bail. aaldavit* p sitk.s,wne, dlelte or soleoas deelmr•• Yaffe or equeeeredig nay action. Mutt er paw ostia a ata 11 Court of Jnmka. the 01010 1' .typal for tour:o. or in any (L'en.ty w Division Court. Ail tr..eacesemr oaref.lty sal prempay executed. Reeideaee sad P.U. Meow Dungannon Ont. 11116-tt Michantog' JnROiaW. 'tODrKICH MECHANiCS. INSTI- TUTE LIBRARY AND RYeDINY- WOy4, nor. el YAW street and deeare tee man. washes: ! to r.v„ and ham 7 to If P.N. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Litotes) tinny, Week.'y and iUsstr.ied Paper', itsfaz•n-s, etc., os Pole. laMBERti i1I P TICKET. ONLY SLIM miscue free use of Library sad }teadiaet- Room. •selfeatloas tot membership received tip Weems. :c room. *1.'MI rid. (YO. tfTIVY.'r, Presideet. Secretary, tt'edercb flush Ilth 1�. Knitting Ya*tory• \Eat kNITTINt: FAUTt4it\. -THE u.ders;Lrted bees to sow mos to the pub - Ix the be hae fitted up peen's. with the latuwe•d .iet improved knitting machinery *tact will be run 1,7 a thornuyhl ese.rleaced °Pester. and Is prepared to do the hest qual- ify it ►n.tp.a at ter; reaaoa•ble pawn Funned and others brining in their own ;ars to be knit into s!oekin e. tacks. etc.. w111 or..9eraa:y mad promptly dealt with. Orders Leh at ter .ore. mor. i" -.end Rnuos•its.. seta nnyye;ie prompt JWsssi. D,• K. MULCH AN. AYOtaloasSIlnllr. THOMAS GIN DRY, AUCTIONEER sed Issursace Agent. Uederich, Oat. Mani load** asd laacaahire tr'Ire las. Co.. sad more District Kotnal las. Co. Melee 01 11M.d .o .n any part of 'be county. 11611 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL ACC - thane and Land Valuator. Aodesieh• Qt. Hastag had considerable otpsrteso. La assotioneertsgundo. h. is 1. • /.niton v t karee with Yst.wg\ tmtfe6ett0a all cos •tm.ons entrusted to hits. Order. len .t Kohn t ilotel, er est by at.41 le his 84•tmwt P.O., earelouy etteaded te. JO flux lwoa.fnArtleaoer. fit 16003.111111. I itSACIAN OiiDIR OF HOME " electsa. Allederieb Mete. No tK meet, mud tg•n•1ay as1� melt iwsrth 1a the hall ever Ina femme, tteese lssehal Isdsssssrg t. RniyA'q Ill sOR EITRACTED PEN ETIIELCIILORIDE 0? DE. B. RICHARDSON'S 0 *T•L PARLORS. PM NOSH SLOB ■EST -STREET SODEEZOI, OxT. 'k` 1sPonls ne tmllmlt d Msuefaattea. after • tteeeedb r.Multt.s la the ser entausmr •pensler{e. of ddlSafWad .ad smo.Wsd Mares is e.be.lt t►.0 1 lade the cell and stelmlre eight ml htt to use is 6.dsrle►, the Ist. mole the Herat rye which is minuted sale Sudan the ast5aoue el testa er etempe ul my idem. Is nenril " rteats. aid very little pals V tts erriella ties moo Mae.. IrTH1doL-021.1..ORIDin ...sthetle teat avow .Os.11e the mil fttkailll the r telt. le heroines. se water. mil he kh.ews ea esti to reader Dare no It 0gwye•rtlea t►ve he auto. P.l. Past lvell Marvelous in Is d►ees. All A't••rvtalee• se the teeth • wombat/ y►Mllestetena1edee�irawel and a oda& utr.Ry e... till tr DLL 1. R1(311.41AOso . Played set !hew. • Noe " said the h ...k .r after 1'• had shows the guiI rjjrs the ie •+ods Meknes" of the braes wish, .ad had watched no naive weeder at the mysteries et nae mechanism, " 1 will let von have owe d chess for two reeks . th.m you van b. t e'^ sh 0,. whole tribe... Tie may* g.stlesean awned. trthst " 1 • s•eerd.heed war -els ter • bushel him I was at the ~' ler w ,,,g,4 be, • aced not see '.mer, theft rata lee over a week.'. THE SIGNAL toODgRIGH. ONT., THURSDAY, APRiL 1?. 1314. 1 FARMER'S SON TORTURED CONFINED TO THE HOUSE FOK MONTHS AND UNABLE To WALK. • 11•01AtlUllal.TOai" 4a0M 7111 7tI..11eta- MOetitoiems% 1110 TOIL FA Tatk TWa $UW Nil NON 01rT*I%ata WA -Last. -*NAT A r.U01.g.r T0110IT0 1/1•1;l."1.T Frau 1bo Termite News. Four mils from the viUsp el ('ooksvillc. which as 1S miles west ot Tomato uo than croon, valley dlvuseo of the 1'. 1'. It., tae what is known ea the " 4'ewtre Road " the farm of Thomas 4O'Neal. In the collage and tar nmles mound he u known u a wall aIwaye ready to do a klmhteas to anyone who studs to need of it. Because of this trait an his character, whatever effect. loam-' self or ht* heusebuld u • matter of concern' to the .sight or, gettenlly. `lo at happened that when hu eldest son, William U Ked, was stricken down tut .!palsy, sad for months dad not go nit of the door, those living to the vacuity were all aware of the fact mud frequent enquiries were made n gardiug the young man. Wbcnattersuf er- is "merely for sante mouths, e three mths, yuuog O'Neal'Nmeal reappeared sound and well hie cess war the talk of the township Nur was it ounfiuel to the immediate vicinity of 4 oohs vale, as an outer ripple of the tale reached the News, but au such •n loth -boa a slap' tateo at was thought alviaah e 11 send • re - pater to get the particulars of the ere. which proved to he well worth publishing an the public interest On reaching ('ooks- vills the reporter found no ditb_oily is locating tit. 1 r\eil [ars, esd after a drive of four or love mils the place was teach- el. Mr. O'Neil was found at the baro at %eediag to ha tattle, mal on bone made aware of the reporter's mtrlun told the story in astraightforward manner Ile said, "\'s It is true my hey has had • remark- able elper.eaee. t was afraid he wasn't goalie to get lox lar at d1, for the doctor d..1 him no g.�ed. At the tto.e he was taken 111 he was wor.ing for a fernier a couple of male. from here, awl for • tante last "pat 1, he dad lot of work oft the rya& as d while he was working at that there was a +pall ul a.I.1 wet weather, when it raised fo nearly a week. ile kept working rieht thiougtt the wet and he came home with his inouldets and wrists so sore that he .uuld• h t work. }Ie got gra.ivally worse, the pains spreading • from his shoulders and wrists to his Funds an 1 tient to hu legs, finally s.ttlzog in his km es and ankles and feet, so that he couldn't stir at all some 'lays. 1 sent for a doctor area 4treeifaville. He raid the trouble was an attack of rbeu- .0.1.1m, tad although he kept t annex Inin every tee days ask giving medicine, it del net seem to do stay geld. The pains dad not quit sod the Loy was suffering dread- fully. Why, when Ise wo.hl wak, in the motaa•g he r,uldn t star a lamb, but gradu• ally duraog the day he would get • little seiner 50 that he could sit up for hwhile. Hu feet were swollen so meets that Le could not get on either boots car stockings After he had been doctoring for nearly taro months without gettaog a Mt better, 1 con• eluded to try something else. s-. the next time 1 went to Toronto i got three loxes of Dr. Walla/em,. Pink Pills at Hugh 31.11er'e drug store. We followed Ike direction with the I'mk Palls, 'but the first box did o ri seem to do him any good, but he had scarcely begun the seemed bat when he began to ampro:c greatly. and by the time the th•r•l box was gone he wee as well and ✓ ued as ever, and has not hal a pain *Mee. Ifs is now working re • farm *bout six sale. from I'oohtille, and u se sound and hearty r my young man can be. - On his retort* to Toronto. the reporter oiled at the store of Bonus. Hugh Miller k ('o , 1,7 King street east, to hear what that veteran druggist ha 1 to my about Dr. %VII- llama Pink fills He remembered Mr. O Neil getting the Ptak bale, and on a see - nod visit Kr. O'Neil had Mid binthst Pink fells hid cared lis sea ide Miller, in mower to a .itHetb.a as to hew this 1 repay stIoa Bold, said that of all rh, at mites known as proprietary me:beisis Ptak Pills was the most popular. He said he sold more of these than he did of any other rem e.ly he ever handle.(. This is valuable tes- timony, coming from • man !Ike Hugh !.biller, who is prohably the oldest and moat widely known domino in Toronto. The Ik. Williams' Medicate ('o. are to be con gralulstel on having produced • remedy which will give such moults, and which can b. vouched fur by the best dealer, in the province. Ar. Williams' Pink Pills are • perfect Mood builder tad nerve reetorer, marmot such diseases as rheumatism, .mrtJ 1 paralysis, leoewetor ataxia, R ino' dames, minor headache, nervous Foam - time and the tied teeing t4orettwm, the after effects of la grippe, diseases depeadisg os humors in the blood, anoh as weifala, direst@ erysipelas. etc. I'a.k Pile give • Molder glow a pals sad .allow cemp"iion meed are a .p.oefi* ler the W.skiss p..dier to the female sy+tem, and in all song «4*. ing from mental worry, overwork. comes of any nature. (tear in mind lir. Williams' Pink Pills are mover ertldas balk, er by the dales er has - drive maid my dealer who offers substitutes in this fors n trying to defraud you and should be avoided. Ask year dealer Milk. Williams' Pisk Pills for Pale People and re- fit" all imitations and substitute*. 1)r. Williams' fink fills may be had of all drawees, Of direct by mail frees the lir. Williams' Medicine Company. ifrook- ville, Oat , er Mcben.ct*Ay, N. Y., at 50 omits a box, or six boxes for 12.50. The price at which these pills are said make • coarse et tre0e.nst oomparatirely isaxpea- sive as compared with other remedies or medical umlaute IN A MINUTE. "('alas is, Will, sad get ready fermassi. IC. warty time for the last bell, sad melons you owes yoickly you wall be tardy. " " l ea, sir, In a minute.- When inute.-When Will was called by his father he was tttakerua • sled, but tts needs were be• yoad ass present capabilities, and his work would need fertilise by • better acecbasic, e0 that it amounted to nothing, and brides being disobedeset to • direct cwnnl•od be was wasting tare In toneless dnverseon. Hu father maw tate situation and dot not call agate, made ling that his boy's fault of dileturinees lu may thanes must be melded d powble. Will did not m,reod to disobey, wither did he intend to be Itt erally true to his promise. He had an !dee of obeying, but taut in • m mute, sod that iib would get to school an time, but the fulfilment of this so the cIreumstances was es reesoaable as to guppies Met the sun 'outd stand stilt fur has •awnudetwn. He should have started promptly with- out presuming 00 the leeway of even as - other Oneida. tertatuly t\ alt duos not camprebeud the Importance of a minute. (luring this tame that ray of scrag euti*hme now ehtulog In his face 1 as travelled eleven million two hundred and eighty thou.•ud toilet that at might reach him, and the earth has carried Wm eleven hundred mile in his loureey mound the sue. IN lien Will was finally ready hu father called ham an to the library sad informed him that he was writing en excuse, as at s.ul,' be necessary for ham to ha.e one and asked what reason would be gawp Will dropped his heal and Jimmie mu reply. "Come, 1 aim waiting and foray 10101110 u mit urta,t 1 he boy began t , realize at uuw, and also 4.4101 It was neeeaaary to ;give dtip.e reason for his tardiness. 'Inc lather, with • hoarser heart than ere throbbing in the Lr.a•t of hu boy before ham, wrote tins : r Stoto M,-- My son is late this morning on a'•uuuut of disobedience to has father. I commit hent to .the iegulatious of your school. With this Signed, of paper in ba* hand, a tear in his eye, tad ea unhappy heart within his breast,' the boy Millie ,a,ock steps t.. echuol, tut had tame to read uvea the paper semeral times. There was but one thing to do and that was give at to lass teachers He would now g.ve anything he loosend if he could be set hack t10 flou- nce.. The teacher read the slip. The explant- tion was decidedly unique and eceniinvly as frank. She saw the tears In the eyes of herpupll, comiltehcnded the situation, and concluded he had received eunugh punish- ment for this transgression. The :teams had the deemed effect. a her MOO et T1e+0 M.'ta. 1)o not say ' he speaks bad 'rammer.' but ' he uta peva K•glieh.' Not '1 am real ill,' bat 'I am really i11.' Ib sot bails ail remarks with an exciam- rains 'soh ea Well ' Say ' Oh Not a ' free pass,' bot • 'pass'; net ' new b.gien.ra,' bat ' begisw.rs': not ' elevated up,' hot 'elevated.' Not '1 am through dinner.' hut ' 1 have finished .dinner.' Not 'it is too salty,' bet 'it is too salt.' Not 'it is tasty,' bat 'it is temetel.' Not 'light eompieot.d,' but • light nem plexiesed.' Not ' h. deet Mane to ams me,' bet ' he dosew't cone to nee eta.' NM • who are you Coin. with bat ' wheal are yin pate with'' Bares* Bled Bitters care Drier& Nerdnk Mud Boners cure Ceeetlsali.U. handsel Mad Rinses mut Rali.esaces, Weds k IIsd Ritz.,. ears Readnuba blank lid Rattan eon* all the e1e�� aw.IMs• .f the Mods, them ear - tee Mimbosfkw and eiserar e.egl•tnea Ton Rsuw•L r only til s year is dvaea HOW HE CHOSE A CLERK. Tents Asi et lbws si�7 -m 11saM.a _ aaen Maga• .A lawyer advertised for a dark. Tb* -next morning tie office was receded with applicants all bright and n any suitable. Ile bade them wait until ell should arrive, and then arranged them all in • row, and said he would tell them • .tory, note thew comment.. and judge fron. that wlro n he would choose. " A certain farmer," began the lawyer, " was troubled with • red squirrel that got in through a hole w his barn and stole his seed corn. Ile resolved to kill the squirrel at the first opportunity. Seeing ham go In at the hole one noon, he took has shotgun and tired away. The lint shot set the barn on tire. .. Dad the barn burn ' ' said one of the boys. The lawyer, without answer, Contiu- tied - And seeing the barn on hre, the farm. er ee'.•ed a pail of water sod n. •t0 put at out.' " Ihd he put tt out said another. ., As he passed Inside, the doer shut to, and the l.trn was soon in flames When the hired girl rushed out with more water 1►ad they a:1 biro :ip said another boy. The lewyer west on w,thout answer : " Theo the old lady came out, and all was wise and confwtoo, and everybody was trying so put out the fire." " Did anyone burn up said another. The Lawyer said " There that will d.. ; you have all shown great Interest to *h. story." But obeerviog one lit le b. a,tht-eted fel- low in deep alone r, he said • •' Now, my tittle man, what have you to my " The little fellow blushed, crew' u0ea.y, and stammered out : "I want to know what became of that squirrel ; that's what 1 want to know." " \'oa'll do," said the lawyer ; "you are my man : you have not been ■witched off by a cenfuseoo and barn burning, and the hired girls and water pads. \ oil have kept your eve on the squirrel." [Tact in *cm rt. M.Y Oepe.d ea ase "merry 1.^ HOMAN LIFE. be Hos the bird. which In fra:1 brat., he. bat - ...Aml alt. and +Ira.: U. f,. 1. 110. It I -ells M., bail Le +114r. tau-Ia►sR tirwwies that he bar a ny Victor tw ft ng... I ran -Ii ikon. TUE SIIEI'IIEI{I►'S LOVE. The shepht'r.l loved the princess --that was the beginning of the trouble, fur. of cuurile, it WAS very wrung and impute* bur and altogether unsuitable for the shepherd to du Ile w•aot a very gosel shepherd, and. until 1►e saw the• print -rim. he looked after hie .her , on the green, sunny hills all day and brought thew house .Wyly every uigbt mot If he ever dreamed dreatos as 6r Liy ..0 the shun thymey turf and Look up to the dump blue sky, he certainly never told thecal to antose. so nobody was the wore tar the wiser But there tame a clay --a May day - when tb.• primates went out at sunrir to gather dew for a charm to keep her al way, beantifnl the had Koos' reason to wish 10 be always as she was. the shepherd thought, for : he was more beentilul than Ally uian'.dearest dream. She had Ionic yellow hair, lade like ripe torn : her aveis were iv' blue as coma flowers, her lila just the shale for speak ing kindly. her hands were like little white tints to held, anti when she SOPS t-1 111e May tn•e opened all lei buds to look at her The shepherd, lying behind a [tote bush. naw her kneel down and tar her white hands un the green gram together the chill. sweat dew, smelling t the morning and the wild tlay:ue•. :She rub IS.i the dew• on her foie.% which grew radiant with a new beauty. The step herd arose and came 4'wit toward her. she did pot see b ' till he teas (mite el..se to her su.l a fold of her long r..y sleeves blew semen his am as he held oat his land to her. . •'Will you merry me' be said . [ shall leve you always.;' She turned her eves on iiam and the love in hes fat rase light in her cheeks Who are van' she askeol in A Mw• yon'.• aril if be had been able to say - that he wits x franc's, 44511' .hews nut knew what her answer would have been But he only said I an the Ring'.' sheplierl. " And I .lit• cried. -- am the King's •der* hter' An'i then et:e la•gau to laugh and ran .411 the way home. and in a day end a night she hied forgotten all about hltu. But he thought always of her. so that when. one market day. the heralds went through the town proclaiming that u tournament was to be hell in leMor of the Princess. an'I tint the btayeaf kniltht might hope to wan her. tie reline,wt•nring ii nutty snit i.f armor he had borrowed from u friend and riding an old horse that his uncle, th:' iukeeper !rut to line. to try_ his fortune • with many °then•. • ti'1 he heated so haul -'.me and SO reliant that no one even it'•tic.sl the old hone- end the shabby armor. Anil every girl in the aust'ulblerl crow' wished. in her heart that he might winthepriness. Nor .lid any one know him to to the shepherd. But the prineees knew. Theta, out• by nue. all the knights who h wl come• to the tournament ware cover - thrown by tip- .heplli'rd. for love male him brave and ar..ng Iwt..►id the wont of wall. But when he rode beneath the gallery where the princess eat, she turned her eye. away as she gave hitn her hand to -fries, an') the'wrrgth. the prize of the jtmt aitT, _. -He is only your shepherd, she said to her father, and the king was very notch annoyer!. ln.lr..l it became so tiresome to have a handle ane shoitherd, and a shepherd in love. aS%gVo bout the palace, that the pnnc, ser tutor:_,. .'Flow can I get I of thi.v_o ng tarn withonl tuning his feeling i.'r "Tell ham you have nude a TOR never t., marry any wan whine rye" err' mot green.' sngge•.te.t the tutor.' • " \Vhet a capital idea!' cried the prin oeft.. clapping leer hands. "He can't 1'e hurt at that. can leer' Thr tntur'e eyes were gr.r'n but 'lee prin.ews had never noticed that, localise she never looked at him. 14, neat day She sent for the shepherd He envie gl.Aly. for, whatever she had to any. he would, at least. hear her voice and l.sek into her eyes. The princess was sitting in her gar den, w lneh ha. A high wall around it, and trees and flowers, and in the middle a marble basin where the goddfisheslivr The prince•im and her maidens were feeding the goldfishes when the stephenl ram.' in. "flow do yon du'' said the princess. turning red and speaking very fast. 'Do you know I'm year sorry, and I hope yon won't nand very lunch 1 really can't marry sale omitulstls they have green Pyla.' R'hat color are mine?" asked the shepherd. "1 have never notice.! '-bat his iteari ache.!, for he knew well enongb that they were not green. ••They are blue,'. said the princess. jumping up and looking at them. "They are blue, like mine." She looked at theta a long time without speaking. Then she said . 'They are blue -a very nice blur. you know She put her Mantle ou his shoulders and looked again -a longer hack still. "No- - they're not green, - She nand, and she sighed. "(heel bye 1 hope we Mall alway-s he friends i shall al ways feel to you like a easter. lime! bye" -and she went on feeling the gold Ashes "lioroil bye,' said the shepherd. "will yon give me nothing before I go'` She held out her hand, and he kneed it. "That is the second time," he said, "the third time my eyes will be green'" The princess looked after him till he had peewit out of the garden Then . 11e looked at the hand he had kismet. Then the sighed sg .in. and when the tutor .-stns te ask !ler to read classic poetry with him she said she had a bea.larhe. Atter that she need to spend moat of her time an th. garden,- and when her father prewsl her to chorine a hnsband from among het masV .nHor% she an e werel that .he thought that marriage was a rather serious thing anti, perhaps, it would be better for flew to May at hone, and feel the goldfishes a little kxtger. The nest morning she said care lowly to her msldena, as thee combed ont her golden hair "1 suppose nothing more has been heard of that poor shepherd, - "No, your Royal Highness Nuthiag at all" Anil the next day she mid mrmingly as the gallasu mewl) went through kir hair '1 wonder what has become of dist shepherd?" "l woozier indeed. lunatic That an old sermon may often be rel to advantage Ia shown by the following inci- dent A Presbyterian clergyman took from his " barrel " a discourse which he had preached many times It was bawd upon the text " Re sure your can will find you out " T"e day atter her had preached it ose of the most respectable busines men con- nected with his church called on him sed mid, in en embarrassed way : " Doctor, it was too had of you to preach that memos last Sunday. Yoe looked at me, roar ser- mon was aimed at man, and it had speriel reference to my particular domestic trouble of three months age." The minister smiled, look the man to his study, and showed his the Amaral ..emoo complained of, narked as hating been prepared and preached i. 1887. A sermon which has been carefully prepared may often prove to be of good S. viea. We have ells heard of emisest mite niters who hays preached the mom sermon over and over again. Bet thispr.t'tio a one that ym.ger ministers epeeist y.410.41 per- sue with emotion. it may Mdse. habits of iedoleeos, and thereby become hurtful to their usaf•I.wn ed intellectwal groitrth. We remember the sad isataooe of n cbrgylmms who in hie early ministry was • mu mess than meal promise as a preacher. Ret he grew s.gleotful of study and became a slam to the " barrel." His masse is the mimicry was ex's marked by • dsslisa Front the Ismer .ed seroeger cherubim of his deoem- amities he denoeeded to these of • lower graile mei the lase we know .f him he was neater' is a mere hamlet mad Mall falling back apes his "b.rrel"-Ilia-(:eatiswt. own sh.wae newer M nem " e m- " Thea yes this& i eaa sever tsar to dims. 1 deal see why*** Prefeser My dear yeas( Iffy, yew mere remember that yes wesli have to keep year swath shot. 1 eahisd kr • beg that with essetips. Sim sad trill nway I.did.w without we ata. 1 tlf.. trfie4 Bards* aged Maim sed wiry dies lad grass lief. se 1 ens signed IM .as ed sawn asightely esvd. Joserw T'.ruaos, Qtslme, Vow your Royal Hlgbuae, sold the ma1e- .ns The thin' morning. as they braided her treeers she Neck. .t am `I eupxa tw that slrpllrnl has taut rouse b:m•k. 'No, they wad. "h. has not come hack ' The princess sighr l nod wee silent. hist she pat the war question the neat I.nrrnnug, and there was net CI' any other an -Wer But the shepherd fared forth into the world sonnets here. Ile knew must be that which would turn blue et es into green lir Iake.1 evesonus he met . neat lau;test at hips for a uurdi.:en and threw who lrratosI and wei,• s..rry for luau could tact help Iritu Aad eau lie tftre.l on for the belt of a year. and his .,yes 4.r.•w bluer them ever With to a died 'rare Ile hail left far behind the tai outlets' eoupltr% where his )lriuct'.r dwelt, and had come to a lutd of elute and meadows. gree -u Lwe•s, daaa wesslr, sad III 1101 wtins( flay ttees. Waluiug through this hued "ie gulden May morn ing, ju.t a year after his lintt sight of 11;.: princ+•ns, he gritted into a wood where everything was alive with epnhg s f:rr.•rlewt green. The nem was green muter food • the chestnilt.. the oaks arid hazels were i:rten iiverhe:el AU through hie long. wei.ry quest of the churns that should will 1 - his pan eras hie faith itl his finding of it had never fatten.' 11e loved her s.• i' •h. and love. hr kue'w•. works miracles Now. 1.aokltigo,n tin' green leaves and the green int OS, he sail i)h, w0011' Hat.' you no color to spare for me' .lust a ray -enough to color a lover. eye%' ' And. as he sp.ok.•, hp was aware of a White 1n•ly, who lay on the muss un- der the shade of n hawthorn*. hash Hr pawed to ask his eternal que+tiop. "t'an von tel' Ane how to Leake blue e:e.t grnr'u!'• iit.,est there ready to got on when lie hail heard alae' scetlatowed N.. ' bit, in%trryd, Ilse White Lady t„se•a'1.1cwRic tow'ar.dhi►u.1 ing "'."'' As she name near him, ile saw thee. ler hair was nod. like the gold of sunset Her arras were f.nig and white. 1[e had Leer seen any mouth like hers she w:..eowuwl in white ai{int her was a girdle of May blossoms. she wore A wreAth of May bloaw,n.e oa Ilrr hair, ;ii,% li•'r evto were green es the Mea is ur.t•n.-1.s4 they slu'u.'• liar young lime 1 :r:e: whet. the yon kisses thew after eau help 'loll:" she said. •'And wail y,ie* ' -Yee, bot the price is a heavy one. '• "I will and." answered the shepherd, "shrink from any- prier how heavy so ever it may be. t "Von wunld nut.' cried the shepherd in sudden fear. ' you wealld not -you will not kill love istilly bean, •1'.414 leave 1'n•*. in yonr heart..' "Yunnill flet n1Akr toy' t'riuepiu turn from cue when 1 stn come to her again. ' Your Princess shall not tnrn from von eertp thce lads to In r sultan.' 'Thwhen,n " von cried 'h••ph.•rd, '1 wall 11.iy alt• lerac*..' = l he \S hair Lady t.> k bins by the hands and drew hint niftier the green hawthorn boughs. 1►e wondering. yet glad at heart be•aws• he should now, at last, wain his princess. "Yon do not repent`" '141,•'. .. "Think yet again. It is are vet tot. late. • "I have only nue 'bonito -quick' say the spell'" She laid her white arm rand his tuck as lir street under the May tr.s- "Already," am saut,,s "F ay ryes grew gran' •r - She kiseed hint thrice -upon the brow, and upon the eyes and spot* th' lilts. "Now go' she sail, "to yonr prin 'res -who lover yon.'. He threw np Ili. hand% and fell at her feet "But I do not wantthe prince's% any more'" Ile cried. "Thereto. e no princres, there de only you. Kim me again' Rio. nap *Rain The White Lady leaned against the tree told larythal. e a e And far away in her ;.ala'e the prin creat wee saying. for the hnndrol and eighty third t' '. an the golden comb went through her heir 1 suppose the shepherd has not ron'e beck'" And for the hundred and thirty third tints her maidens answered "No. and we do not think, your royal highneoa. that he will ever came lack any more "-Argonaut HAIR DYEING AN ANCIENT ART. Frees fllewp.r.s New. Weasels tate ne- ssevvd 1e1►e a..gere.s rosette,. The as of dyeing the him a at leant as old as the time 01 t %I ant , It was by resort mg to such aids to beauty that 1'leopatra Pled to capture ('. care All through his- tory ladle. of fashion have toed to improve upon nature by •rtiticially coloring that which tit. Paul tells us is their glory. lu the heyday of Venice, tate facile beau- ties of the city of the lagoons dyed their bear • red to which Tatwu was not ashamed to affix his name. The belle of belles an that day haul red hair, net brieht red. but a dull red, with glints of crtn.r,0. Mune recently, almost to omr own lime, • rage arose for 'bright blonde Weir, as to which there was a tradition that u hxi been popular with the (:reek helairae. Bioptic heads blocked the thurou_Lfaree, • and young hulas of goo'1 rrpute did let du. d.iu to employ the dyer until lo- senora were utuntpuhied by another class. Ina tau; , day, the µ.ptlecolor u a hru'bt aloe!. of auburr the blonde cendre of the bottle%&rd. sad silly girls .20 through martyrdom to • impart that tint to boar locks. For the, popularity of bluwle hair the aeronaut nods this e.Cuse, that it is rarer than bla;k tar brown hair, and liner. F,1erebody know* t hat t he leased of the golden deem was beg gated by the o edea with which Jason mal other (•reek coanws m,• pursued the blonde haired a.•Id.ns 01 (%okh s. Aln.uetall hair dies consist of sulphur and acetate of lead, both of which are lojurtoas to so delicate • plant as human Wilt. A steady course of either will mopu the vital My of the hair papula std may destroy the medulla altogether. W'oetei who bleach their hoar use peroxide of hydrogen, which, after a tante, imparts s5* uouatunl and wig flits {osier to tt.e hear. A more dangerous dye cull bas for ow hut. nitrate of silver. When Ihrs is u.e.l the hair is tint washed w:th sulph.tr.t of potaseiurn : the nitrate is applied while tt u still wet Ina all thaw cases the drug is adulterate! wilt • pig- ment of the desired color awl the effect for the tint. Is to subetitut. Chet color for the natural setae of the °Policia substance or hair bark. It tablet hardly bar said thai the etteet of a con::nue.i use of such medicament.1. to enfeeble and ultimately to rot the root sheaths. 1'4ld:eas then ensues, and for Oat: sconce has discovered no re nedy. The latest remits ot pharmaceutical 511(.010 and the Inst modern appliances tae availed of iu comp'emdiseg .\yet'* Sentare. ills. lienee, though hat: -s cautery la ea• utence as a me•lioio., at is fully aLreast of the age of all that 114411totttakeit theist oaf• aril bloekl-purtier. D0N'r L ET jNOT/IER WASH -DA l' Go BY WITIIOUT (/sic VQ1', wild find that it will do watt no other ' soap can do, .zn.l will please you every way. It is Easy, Clean. and Econ',mit al • to wash wtth this; soap. ' BUILDERS' HARDWARE! Our Stock i:' nolo e.bill pieta in ail brads. and particularly •o in BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINT & OILS. It you contehuplatc 1,uilding or repairing it' will:ptfv y,,,. to inspect our Goods and Prices. A Hewn Pla.er. Vivien, a famous player on the French born, hal each a strong physical wen' bnnce to Napoleon III_ that he could personate hint en as to deceive those best aegnainteol with the Emperor Soule. timen whenh oat to ;rent a private andient'e, the Emperor would ask Vivi'r to personate him, and th.'u withdraw behind a curtain to enjoy the scene that followed. Vizier had a tnn.iral ear of singular accuracy and ssuaitiventrs. and played with such .loll on the French horn am t, make the instrument produce ferveral .►mnitaneon%, hennonaotu sound. The secret of thin extraordinary 'Reset he re- fused to impart. profe'ing that he could not explain it hinsarlf. He wart also a ventriloquist, and could reproduce voices, accents, dialer tan. the cries oaf beasts and hinds, the notes of mnsical in.trnments. and even the met *Hie tone and rapid execution or a can Meal motiT hoe The author of " iioamlpof the Century Celle an anituinsr story of a droll trick played by Viviet on his landlord. The musician lived in a flat, several etoriew from the street At interval& for several weeks, the occupants of the other flats heard the lowing of a cow, coming fres V!rier a flat At last, being con vinced that he kept one in his rooms, they ,'.ntnr'l to mak hint if that Were so. His anewer wee that he had carried it np when • small calf. and it had grown no large'. that he dad not now know- how to get it down. The landlord was informed he went up t.. Vivier s rouen and demanded et mission The mn'ician refnaed. alleg Mg that he was dressing When asked as to het keeping a cow on the premiere. he fenced eu cleverly with the landlord. that the man went down thoroughly perplexed. and sought the aid of • poi iceman, with whom he returned. Vtviter. with a'emend • %mile. invited 1x,th gentlemen to enter Throwing open cupboards, drawers and closets. he assured the landlord that. resportang his or the tether Oneida. prrjnd►cea, hr had determined todo without free* milk, and womb' keep no cow 4m the leremt.es in henry Tho policeman departed. Weindaing whether Vivler or the Indbui was • DAVISON & CO., .1 tt l:.nQM• 10 It P. 01161\%aa. Choloe Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RUNCIXILTI, tar. Montreal Street sad tyware. HOUSE-CLEANING TIME 1s a gond time to get x Furnace pui'in your hoose and the llowarl is the beat nil I most economical Furnace to put in hie cause it i., all fast Iron and will last longer : and owing to the long '.moke travel (25 ft.) will radiate 2:1 per cent. snore healthy warns air (not %stent air) front the %.pe amount of coal than sheet steel or sheet iron Franklin Scientific- insti tut,. Iron Review. told Heating !Engineer. Pump sinks, lewd pipe, white -wash brushes, .hoe and stove brushes, carpet tacks, Lied cages, stores and tinware, cheap at . wOltHEL1. iS LYI. a, the Practical l3tove, Tin, and Furnace Nan. THE NEW TIN SHOP, 1I A M ILTON -wr. ABOUT BOUTS AND SHOES The reasjn why neary everyone buys their Shoes at DOWNINC'S is bbcause, being a thoroughly practical Shoemaker, he knows a Shoe when he sees it, and is not dependent on the manufacturer or jobber for pointers, which very often point in the wrong direction for the conlsumer's benefit. Nearly all my Goods are made expressly to my or- der, and not bought throughobbsrs or middle men, therefore, I can Sell goods at about the price others Pay who buy through jobbers. Ls usual a large stock of the Newest and Best Goods made in Canada, at prices that will defy the keenest com petition. E. DOWNING, WWOLESILE 1110 RETAIL 7'Rep.iring promptly an.I well (14'l ,