HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-12, Page 2s THE SIGNAL• GODERICH, ()NT., THITRRDAY. APRIL 12. 1891. )[re..T. II. itottavvnE.lt, 1:rs1'1tc16o Ave.. Santa Cruse, ('sols writes: " When s girl at it. hoed, in 1:c•a.lIng, Ohio, I had a severe ■tone k of brain (ever. An my recorrry, I found myself perfectly bald, en.l, fur s lung time, 1 feared 1 sbonld he permanently w. Frien.M urged u,o to use Ayer's !lair Vigor, cud, via doing so, my pais Began to GLOW, and I now here es fine a bead of hair as one (01114 wish for. 1. ing ehanrt'•d, hums evtr, from blonde to dark brown." "After a fir ofeiekn, -.,my hair cams out iu comhfnlls. 1 u,. 4 two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair le over a yard long and vert• full and heavy. I have recut'. tn. tided Ihi,t' preparation to otla•rs with like gond elf.•ct."-Mrs. Sob. y Carr,' 1404 Regina ,.t., Ilarrd•1girg, l'a. 'I hate nee.' lyier's Weir Vigor for several years an always obtained .atis• factory moults. I, know it is the hest prepaarath,a for the heir tbat i, made." -C. T. Arnett, illammoth Spring. Alk.1 A er's Hair Vigory remind by Lr. J.C. Ayer it CooLowell, Mem ''INT ERN1IEN'r. e'oael.tMA :rein roue 1. " It is said the machinery of the law has Freon Impno ed, but ,•w) era' e•-• u e .a large •t.v.r. Now let ea i. ',i fit name of the reasons fere this tnc•t, •e : r• aroers w!acli lime been ,**Allo so ►h.. w.:!, eiif.pre•erw•J with a view to stab Of "too in 11271 there was no pru fara.he ria,u,rto of crown witnesses iu erilbISt, ls.: ,• If farore were erg it,/ int • ut 't I:e ' eou,In..s,uu ..f any mince they WI -7f. h41,:t• t..:,e .ubp.,•taaed by the trewn, tied %hew -s o m2j.raaed they Moet atter,: ,.• • It•e eaeixe._. r mummy at their oafs et• sen•.. 1e tory fo;r.1 tone:sud they were tetde to ..r tmprlsouc.d at the diacretiuu '.t e::r' p,rrs,du•g judve. This **stein creet..d u2 aunt.. es.ws g rem. harvlahi, a .ad failure ,It t; . j.n:eshmeut et crone, be- cause in w.:r.e..t.n:+.1. e: s ripe Witt. were Absolutely wt.': :e •o ic.,•2, the place of trial and the pr..,r. a t",n 2.11,:.1 through lack of evidence. i , • n r .:air. w itutsst•a e*oee to the trial ole :. • pert hl 114.: cruWu and- were otd,ged I. ' .p charity or lie deprived of the bare , wiles of life. Th«se wit • tteseee were tug tired is moderate at. import- ant 'Proms 19 the S.4tq and it was only hon est that til.. State %tune i pity therm. After \1r. \lux•..•anr: int•. "tii,•r hr reet.gn red this doctrine stnd tabooed that they should be prod. Threw:ee.'en;s I .r a large portion of tb.lasNsae which a., thorungely etagere'• ' •moo of thefureniv,t e 'tier. 1t Canada," wn't-wbjeb--he esti w'•.., sway so tranaty by • liege "It, is said the machinery of the uw tuts Immo "oncloveJ, hut' lawyers' bills are se large as r. tr " - 1n every comity is Osten', there sits four times each year a cnu,in.1 t'..rd of audit. committee of the ceauty (wort judge and two persons apt...tuted.by the twenty coon• :u1. This board of audtt which, as may be seen from the nal toe of irs appointment, is 11.1 110 way oilier is to the ()uterio Gov- ernment, es mons, and bares all the ac- counts fur (2,e a•tinioutran.•u of justice is each comity, sad on the certificate of this board of audit only ,s any charge paid under this heal_ The (:.ccrionent is then obliged by statute to re,mburee, the county for • certain portion 0' the criminal justice et" peodit ere. 1', to-, namely there wises much terror suns peel i , 18)2 then there was ,n 1671, and til«' foo: •b sae wan. much larger euro paid in 1893 by the l:.oernment seder the head then is 1871 The jay of the Jurors attendee" our enurt• in 1893 was larger than n 1871. Formerly the re- muaeraUon of th • Jurors was barely eut- ticient to pay :hoe espenes■ ■1 the county tow's. These m to the performance of their duties, were discharging the highest funotiome of citiz•eship and were sooiled t.o more remunera•p.n Their pay was in - crewed to the rzwnt nI 50 cent■ • day, if i rightly roomed. These explanations ac- etone fully for se.rly all the increased ex. itmro which •o alarmed "one of the writers ,u Canada," but which, when explain. el, i. shown 1.. he so to the p*aMir inter. t t eeauae, 'f the Go.trament ia•1 paid le r the '4mo-cat••r agof jostles in 1693, bnrdes throw. on the county Node would have bees greater, and the in- di,idual rwlepsye r • would have been obliged to tweet this to h Khcr dirt et taxes. 1 do not wish t, transgrew unreasonably its your forbearance, but if i o net to note s st.es form dable chore. in the seine con sectios your contributor may accuse me of willful .voidance of the issue. teal. . ca or rr.i i, IonTITTTIoe� `Ciao of the foremost writers is ('*sada" mays • ''The cost of maintaisip asylums and ether public institutions W cuss frees $171,000 to no lea than 11611,000 par aswa. The ('eatrel Prisms •ftor trying ether i•du.trtes with only middling seeress, has taken to m•ewfmc'unng bi.d.r twit.. So has the Dominic,. Pemitemtisry at Kloc- ates." oc•sten" la 1171 the *noel Prison was sot in A11 terms@ sesteaeed to Ins. taw years imprise.wteet were oea6aed is the several coot lede of the provisos, tori were there m eintained is unease, eat ell the sesame feeds raised by direct eas Mien. ,tow, .11 of 'hese prisoners, exempt web se an 001165..1 ler ,eery chert t apse taken to the (: -etre! ''rims and scads Co ween se • pu •ishwont for their easiea Ahem. 400 of aim • .r. co...featly treated ha Nps way. it is m -weary to have guards to wawa s•iew Mrd .nak• there perfeeni their tillers. Thes.tj.ons etteeplaiscd that the ,__k.M })rima '.her abeeld see 0 mpet. • 1 h theirs, at,d r9aw.wtrated bs$41.1141)410101 exposed to 'nob ..nupv(IIIou. There lted been a monopoly in binder tater for years, and atia.re t..say nose was nmenetsetured In ties Pro, ie... ..r Oliver Mowst caused the nisaul.ctu,e of louder tuts* to he com- menced last rummer Is to C..tr.2 Prises, sad by a atn,•ular owu,_ideeee the prove dropp J, 1 our ooutitbut.0 duce Lot wast the Mowat I.,,v*rnnteot to pet say eight for this Iron' the tarns/Is, sad says that the I)um:mua Government hu done the same at the pe•'teotiaty, wisluug to get scow41 creJlt for ha Tory friends for this ad vantage to Canada. 'Ilse fact is that the ltomelios Govergn:ent Geyer manufactured a potted a bottler twine for Malo Inst ye,.u, and never pr.., oar to manufacture binder twine until *Ler the ttalatw 1,overtlgmut. and the they dart"! with the ,,neatwu to etch • way as to lead most people to believe .tat it was omly blur: n; the Ontario tine. orneriest, and en•Iray.r,ug to d.0.'ourege it from carrying on '.hr work. %'hover supp.•std that t;:: ('corral Troon was to become a source of prtti• 1.. the Pros Moe • 1' has punished otf.•nde!, against the law and has mimeo' the coon Oat each year t large e.p.nditure. Tun has *Iso worse, the I'ruvince*r expend' ture. 1n 1871 there was tery inedeluete prey:con for the blind, d,•.t and dumb, anti the tummy.. Many of the latter were neves •..2jy ,,entinea in the county tall, for the Ir:k of better ac.,'mnto.Luo*, mad w, sea x great burden on the.,bre.t taxstion of the people, .pd did not to -vice that trait ton wh c, the leterestI of humanity and !Ines. tuni,y den a ,dee.!. Now it is the jute' . boast cf the people t( tlstario that the, have more mapie and suitable ace ,mmnd. tion for ti.e.r uufurtunates tbau any ooho else r, on the hoe of the globe. (dor eavlum se •ontmalatioa hs• been more then ri did mil our jails are empty of luuatic, No matter how pour any of tires./ may le they have the 1 e,t of food a•d trestmea sod suitable clothes, acd not 1 met of the expcmd,ture c,mes from the direct taxatm. e f the pe -,p!, The cost per 1 is • d p•. p►ticat in' our asylums in 1871 .at 4134 pro am u n and to 1893 we• $135 per rwo:u this may Seem large, but it must 12e ren,t,. !,enol that tl a to fiie r of atttndanta it these instituthn, is ne.esa.rily very larg. 1'ha average cost por patient in 78 uy^m• in the United ltnto* was s''27 per ase ', is England the average cost per pal;, e a'4152 per noeum. .1 hese Ileums rete suppoesed by 'one of the L,remost writer. u Canada." tau Any other reason be as •irned fpr their suppression than to. desire .n his pinto mtshad the :ar,n.,a of ('*co de to'o the deletion that the Jlowat /:.,t eri:n,cet WAS nut friendly to them and am cerely devotee -of prom eine their welfare'. cront "11ne of the foremost writere araainmda' to no hind dues net speak the truth can dully, dispassson.utely and a rly, and 1 aro wrlliug lo meet him on these chargee a. sateen as he rises to the surface. ?u :h ase tideeted be hat writ,en are suitable for for Empire, and in my opinion his etpenene. es a writer has been gained'in some such tield of literature. .te Patrons ami fanner.. we need the trees fairly told %V.' do not wish our friends to be mous ly blamed, be cause se need all ,the assistance we can fairly get to battle with our real entente,, Who are the . o obit ors and t.r.tf noon potato etCaa..le. Adalnst them we would scorn to resort to any misrepresentation or .uppm°ion of felts, bur we do not propose to let them hare• false scent mei thereby ea• cape our lust lnd,gnatton. In the •pint and fr,r this purpose 1 have, troubled ) o r rt such length._ LIZARDS NOT CHAMELEONS. each. Abseil • rad 11kat 1. Esrimenatss rest ny to eslsaats. lu the show windows of many of the gentlemen's furnishing goods stn res of this city may be seen displayed a variety of small board.. The :rape creatures are ad• ► erased upon showy t:ardbo•rda as Ilea/Mao chameleons, They are not chameleons, nor do they come from Ilra,,l. The gulf states of this country teem with thus four -footed reptile, and they may be seen in all sizes and all colors in all the cemetene, in Ilse •outhermo.t proton. of Tex.., Louuianm, allseiaaippi, -\labana, Georgia and Flat ids. The species exhibited here in the show win- dows attacbed to little gold chat= fastened to it pin and offered for sale as • novelty in in scarfpins are natives of Florida, and wet• bought orivioally from there by • shrewd New Eogland jeweller. The chameleon is said to live on air and it is supposed that the live lizard pins will last during the natural lifetime of rte little creature without ever feeding it. This is all buncombe. The chameleon lives os the kind of food which nature has intended for bpm, earl which he finds in his native woods. It is • species of lizard, and has a tin -like ridge along the back and down to the tip cod of the tail. Asy encyclopedia will fully describe this species it studio in different oolore according to its move meet and •coordiog to how the light strikes its minute smiles. The .carfpin lizard is entirely another thipg, bet like the chameleon, it has to hate food to live. IN course it can go • long time without riiible food. living of ti e motes Heating in the atmropb.r., but it grows thin and finally starves to death ea that kind of diet. It its wild .tate it lives off .mall goat., plant lice, Mies anti tender plants. When well fad they glisten like different shades of gold. In • foul atoms phare full of floating germs and Irving ani• malculae the Ivsrds and ehamele„rs may exist • long time, but out as soon as they are brought into • pare •trro.ph.rs they starve and die, and starvation and the blight of the chilly air is the death doom of every one of the lizards now ou sale for °o•rfpina. They cannot stand the frory air of the North. 11'hoo these hope insects were first put upon the market else pace asked for them was el each ; now they are effrreo at 48 cents apiece, and beh.rs long they will he sold .t a euarter. After that they will haws to be thrown away They are perfectly harmless, and in the cemeteries of the marten* South children catch them and play with them. much as the children of the North chase and catch butterflies in Sommer. 1t id dowarig1t croaky to keep 1 he little things chained up as they ere In the show window., heesuse they love to ran and gambol about. the of those lotted*, if free could run across • show wield... in • sseeaoljemd�� They sometimes fly across a smooth enrlmca lilt* a streak of lightaiy, and they oars jump like • frog. 1 tee will e°met'MOW 'amp • yark and grab • fly on the wing. ow York Herald. • berme 20y. A lady seted Mn T. ('. M Homohries, living in Kon., t h,t„ who used °sly two betties of Me.lrwy'. Kidney and Liver Care, hes forwarded • statement to the t east that it onpletsly eared her of in- n. t .n.tery rheumatism, kMfsd liver /laden. mi trembles leach • enn,plicauee of dimness h yielding se gei,kly to thee remedy should bas deter enterers to give it as p •MORALS AND THE MODEL Tess et Ilse mewling ut the way• The u,a„Ie„ pe ..r. a 19.s.b.l to he,. *etch r rad would lead Must tot lel) ebrouvb the wuu.. A straight sad 11.12.05 pataw.) led Nowt') to her goal : Mo•r Ir, ,,,a for lair porta and hat v e.4 5 r.rn,e fp her .ale. A broader read Ia.) deviously. Kul.uu.4hly tIdthorsand Aral why -u 1.. take tb1. to, wets fair Ilad found es.w.11ne b.nl. At 14.1 •: r •lawns. wills • fired IM•..ewtobrsL,.RA re . '1!1I tale the . n.'k. 1 wad," .b, said. \ud1eil'lel/ son •h, "14. nor Ilk, to .irutgle .211la Tt.,' underhru•1. wn,.b Inco.+: Nr.LM• tow ui W, 1- b, far Tufo t.l . no .1.•r t.. o ham,* " TILE LO('l•ST TREE. When Ilenvennto Malatrwta opened hie eyes for the tint time hie mother saw r Beets -a in their depths, the foliage of the l,•,•n.t twee This Wito the great to •n.t tree. from which the court took its n*we, in the grimy settlement back of the P1ve Points. As Benveauto grew nplhis people permittc.l him to grow up. although he was a iss.r little cripple and old (irand mother Nine udvieed them to smother the misshapen child between two pil lows,, he gradually came to look noon the locust tree as part of his tinnily. His lint lasting memory of the tree was connected With rare branches, which seemed to -shiver in raw winds. Then came a fall of snow. and Henvrn uto felt glad When he naw how snug) the white snowflakes wrapped up the naked bough's and eht•It,err.1 tbenl, By and by the weather grew warmer. and Benveau.� s fattier loft off welling amend ch•'etuuts anti' went one with hnl barrelorgan.alphos Bjeenvennto begged to go too -he trottld holed,: al' .ug satiate well with his crotches. Bat the ','lack bn,we.l babbo was inex„Iable Soul of a she prig'" he exclaimed "what could Ido in the streets with a little lame babys" `Elco ,t you chained kiln qp and male believe hr ovao a monkey.- said teraudmuthti' Nin,. gnwly. She had never forgiven them for not smothering the child. When his hobbit wetft out langhin.t, Beenvennto erupt into the window cornt•r.to mph out his w.rrowe to the locust tree. But he quite forget ail trouble when he beheld the won Brous change which had conte over his time. All along the brawn braneheen were tiny tuft,. of greeu, like the spout on his mothers fe.to kerehief. Benyeunto',l breast memory Could supply hint with DO mfurinati, n regarding the phenomenon. he was lust in amazement. He wee afraid to gnention 4th igra1ntotber-- His !mailr wag down in the ohm )ping with Nicole. Te.orie,,'s wife. Pio &e7a� his supper silently and .rawed to bed full of eupprrave4 excitement. Next day be did net 'ink his babho to take Kim nut. It woe, far more inter- esting to stair at house and ave the mystery of the 1.e'na tree. His nu,tber *alta Tnacso rind rornan tic. and he madly permuted her t•, tell him all *boot leave. and springtime over her wash tub. She sang t him int., the bargain, a quaint song iu the Etrnrian patois. beginning '•i.r.v2, leu„+ uro.,nd 1 he 'lentil.. .2114 gad *ower% henrath it." Benvennto hall by this time learned the natar*.pf leaves, but •'flowers' were beyond kion.- rob hi. mother had to de scribe the nu* idea: and Uramfmother 'Nitta chided both of thein foe heisting the wewhing with such trifle*. Benvten- inn went bark to the . window full of learning, and sang softly to the budding tree. •sieren leaves am,u,d the (wnigi, And gut law,. ,.enrwlb ir.'• The locant eeeulel 1(1 wldenrtand per [telly. for it waved it branches in time with the measure, and all these spots of green twinkled like merry little ryes. It was shortly after this experience with the tree that itenvennto came near dying of pneumonia: recovering without doctor's aid. to the loudly expressed die gust of (.randmother Nina. When he went to the window again and cleared away the dust and..Atwell. which had gathered during hill iIInp,ts the lomat tree was in all the bntvery- of summer foliage. Benvenntohardlyrec•ngnized his friend. luokiug no grand and gorgeous But when the tree saw Ilenvennto it rnetled its Imes with pleasure. and seemed to any. "Hullo, little 'unto' (:lad I am t.. see you well again, and how do yon like my. ' y 1Ge f,hagr. Tie, tree and Benvennto exchanged ronfidenoee until Mother Masbate packed her crippled eon off t.. bed. After that the boy hail plenty of talk with his trey. and even comporsed'neer little songs to it, after the fashion of his mother's "lire.n leaves around the hough Awl gat Mowers temretn it." One evening there was spaghetti for supper, with a wicker bottle of Chianti to wash it dowu , for 'tablet Mahatmas had enjoyed • good day with ids organ Suddenly the festivities were rudely in tcrrnpted by a nnwber of men who rause jostling each other into the room Renveont„ counted big Bice* and Lor ensu, and Sir.do Tesoriere. and Carlo, ' who worked on the railroad, ' besides °therm unknown to him. Big Rice skid for the aps,keatuan. Friend Malatteta," he said, uldrwaiag the babbo with much excitemtrot,' there is to be a great wrong done in our court I to Krtuw that the black hearted city ty rant. are about to do' They have de 1 ,e curd that the great '°rust tree. whu'h I of shades us in animater. must be cut down with as ax. 1st' '.yonl of a dozen she -pig*' ' cried Bab b, Malateeta, rising from his their. `('an such a cnme he eonimittedt • -qp I0 s,, answered big three • •They de fie rlara that the tree Oaten onr rennet_ I n that it is not healthy To -morrow they fn will be here to cat it down ' many maim over alto We tree. flet about the thresteaedexecution he Nie out • word Like the little noblsea. he was, he avoided this topic. fearing to site the doomed tree unnecessary parol it wtkl know sown ruuugh, my lovely " ho said, sadly. to himself. Ab..ut neon, when the wen had come home to dinner. the elecallonere laar°L• ed into the court Beta -mute sew that three of thaw t•arrie.i axes and rope. Th•' third wee a tall personage. meg- nitir,ntly drees,•d it seemed to `poor Bent emit... and adorust itith a long Ialu,t.. he ''rue to hie promise. Carlo, - who worked of the railroad. ' tante upstairs Ger the little cripple and fetthe.l !tint dowu into tie* court. N.•w. for the first time. Beuveuuto could really see what a splendid tree hu loclut was. It tuwercd above the house toms, almost touchitg the clouds watts its leafy sprays! He tried to conut its branch.xe, Lut fatten -there were too many of them. ! Meanobile the ess.•utionerrhad takeu oft their torte, and one of thein was t eharj..•aing 111a air n;ecl a grinoLtoue. llenveanto'a heart bled at every turn of 1 the stone. Carlo had set I11u1 down up on the pavement and was addressing with frautic gesture, a crowd of hearers, I The rutirb'cuurt population hal assem- bl..) in noisy groap►s to watch the fall of ' their loen..t. Wild denur.iatious of the , tvrant Board of ('uruuur.wurrs rent the air. .Amid the the babel of sound no boby paid any atteutt„a to Beelvenuto. Nobody but the tree. Even when confronted by death, Lis giant friend did i not forget the little tri,.ph' \!-hole Ben y ' venuto peered upwards. shading his ryes with his little thin hand. there ant I tiered to hist very f'wt a hau.ls.tne leaf - not green like the other leaves, but of it delicate, golden brown. Hruvenuto picked it up ai►d pti'e.,•d it to 111 lips. Slowly. s► very slowly hr dragge,l : himself through the crowd, until he stc.,.l be•.ide the tell gentleman. who wan ' directiteg the work of the three Pset•u 81' ,nota. 1 Then he !.awned. attract .0 carry out what had, at Bret, been his intention. But *tidier glen. • at the,gave hint �ourage Plucking the tailgentletuun by the r.atTrott,, he knelt down on his crippled knees and faltered ant to the Tnrvau patois ',Laxton to me. 1 implore you. great signor. (Int not with the creel fix *lila beatttifnl tree. It is-t'iy friend. my only friend, awl 1 love it more dearly than life. It rimy tree...sibnor. end my fa- ther"s and mother's. the tree .•f my bro. theta and sisters: the tree of big Meer, and of ('airo 'who works of .the rail road': this tree' of all the people who dwell within'tle court. ((rest signor. 1 implore von toap are .this tree,- Here Benyentite. paused to take breath. The tires .d his poet ,o.ul were shining in hi* eyes. The eloquence 4 old Rome '-wupott hie tongue. An ke a tall gentleman -tared at him in "nut ouishn,ent, while the Itnhane crowded a?Zane!, tt .),landin¢. He coal etIstel-eir-tirmndilit ar--Sina c•iappint ber withered hand- anal, ter 4y telling the. neighbors; that tale was her eon's 1. ,u. Thew. things' lent - him t, *rt. and he began once more: -I treat signor. let me dor in place Of the tree I aur but a cripple -nut At to he a Monkey to b eirho'n organ, This trete be 'mot glori.ns and a mighty blessing to the court Let the beau- tiful tree live and take my life in- stead... Hie appeal ended. Benvenato trade iia way toward.. the now motionless grind stone. and pnoieel his thin lips neon the gleaming ase -blade. The tall gentleman looked upon the crowd in a bewildered utanner. "What on meth i* the kid talking al.2utr he asked: ;'l'en't some of you fellows in - thio Tanganelli stepped forward t':'with a smirk He was assistant depnty wart interpreter. and spoke English finite fluently Word for wurd.he traw- latet Benvennto'a appeal. while the crippled child, crouching on the ground, anxiously watched the face of the tall gentleman, and made ready his little hero snnl for the death he fancied near at hand. Th, tall gentleman looked !serious. moiled, and then looked serious again. as. Hemvenntn's Mowery phrases were made plain to him. " Is that truer ' he asked at length. " It in true. " robbed 'Tunic Tanga nelli, who prided hlmrlf upon hie stock of English idioms. •• Look herr. Joe,'. said he to the old- est of the_ exoe. utionere, did y' ever hear such a funny business? Let s be esti i ain't goin' to cut down no trete in this here court." There was a hurried consultation be twcen the tall gentleman and the execu- tioners. Then the latter resumed their r•rat& while the former announced to the Italians, that he had decided to post• lane cutting down their tree, until he could lay the lava' before the Brand of Commissioners "As for the kid.- he said. " he's a regular Jim dandy. o •olne here Johnny. and shake ponds. Betlyennto. who had nut understood any of the remark*. CAM 1 forward with leaden feet. but undaunted mien, now fully tonviult.d that he was to nacnfice his life for that of the tree. He was making up his mind to ask the tall gentleman for one re night ..n earth, when that worthy slipped s great round silver dollar into his hand and made int nude ratand the tree was spared The pople°, St Locust (.".ort. held 1 by Carlo wh., worked of the rail aft *nrn,nn,el Benvennto with shouts laughter. and bore him back up -stain e hie window There was plenty of spaghetti for Benvennto that evening Even Ursnd r 'Nina did not 'cold him, and xt dsv hie bablo took him for a tat mphal jaunt on the rowan As for the locust tree, it was so grant 1 that its leaves turned red, yellow d all sort* of colors in lobar of lien ulo. Cradle. 5. teleteme. - When it hi remembered that the chief rot of • Zulu woman in f4,tlth rice' w tilling the ground to grow valise for food and tobacco. and that ring this occupation the baby is ever resent. it will he readily nn,ler.tood t the cradle is an important item. a )natter of fart these wo,n do aninoms work with a heavy, grow child nlnng semen the hark With poorer cps of women the cradle is •white amp of some soft akin, ich it passed arwund the waist in Ala manner as to leave • kind of het behind. and in this the child will efully slumber. anmindfnl of the -widen and movements net•sasi emhz, willwohy�" $ tris mer. h y' atair. hut '� r7 w okild i. some teethe& The amts of a c kill --wailing bitterly I ean rn br.eke in upon the hearse talk of the men It was that of little Benveuuto • My trier' he cried. "my beantifal, tall green tray' They must 'not slay my ' eon beautiful tree,." Carlo. who worked of the I Af took the ad ipm roughly boy in hi* arms id � du 'Nolo,. he himsaid ' Sever mind, 1 will carry you down the into the r•unrt to morrow and von can As implore the wretches to spent the trees ' tills This more Aenvenntn hope He lay awake all night. planning what to tug to the exe ntdnnern on the °w the `bmetimt itT tit night het heard Grand "in' either '\inarge•ry�ra,�nhe, ' Why don't t! se aka nnr nsele.ia cripples and leave no see he tree"" pee tree - net anppliwd him with an idea per N��st{IMp.& t'. the tyrants rowan tad early next morin`` dhow ro a ►V at kis post by the window borate kltst there, and talked the -Well SICK N ADACHE! The Bane Of Millions Of Lives "° There iii always a Leat', even LITS among a score of good things,.,) x11(1 every leil>` smoker Who 1111:3 tries! t 110 ` 11'3stiff h! -a tl a .ieknowh.'tlt,►rs ' it __to,: •LIT the sweetest, .coolest smoking to. hat't'o made. It docs not, hitt the -longue; 412.1 Ido p*lattivi•ly 1'• ,1 from any, tttreiglt mixture. J. D. PAC�TIskeMiC` RtobassN. 'raw CRISP AND CASUAL. A great scheme to bribe the ll(:k,we jury bet been ecnleased. Cardinal J weph Itenedict Dusmet, Arck• - bishop of ('steals, Italy. is deed, The Cunard t',rmpauy .have declared • d.yWend for iPo3 of two per cent. Chicago has now a so.fiety 1.,r the pec• erotica of criute, on )'srkbur.t hoes. ev/y; f 121 t' A mouu,nent u 1o' he erect::) to Res. • I,, r " / • \ - I. ��)' killed to the Troy, N.V., election riot. !` !- - Seven cases •tt cht•lern and Ave deaths' ' 01,'' \ 1 r _yam / -`,fy were reporte1 at Constantinople yesterday. " '�Tr "Ss:' -� �t • 4 k.,,!,.......,‘ V, ' ...... - ...---.400, - , 4.,:11;j1)‘ CAUSE ! 11f Tb. mostree b se a tr r e stontiyo mate ad mild stimulant is M Ibu u'' lies( Irma and I '... Wine. There lieu been a political ImoJsiid Rhode 1.11.8, the l,epublicans nuking 1 Keine. ('nsirhtly ponples, blotches, tan, an Aching humors of the skin are remove. using Vv. Low's Sulphur soar. 1 Nicaragua will not accept the n+ virendisucgested by the British and 1.• consuls. 1/r. Low's Welnt up has removed worms from 15 to 30 feet long. It .Iv strays all other kinds of worms, 1-. A suit brought by the brother of founder of the Magazin du Louvre, in Pe shows that the business is value.' at 500,000. ('onatipation claims many yictlou. t\ off this 4rea,' disease by the Lee of lnpar 4'oated Burdock I'.!). when ed. 1 e in 'Sick Head* -lie is a malady whirl. tone to tLo whole body, and ther,ly aro 1 by in' women. The attack often begins Ilcadache to withstand future ettac:a m in the 'morning, upon awakening, It gives relief in one day and "d"' 'after a night -of re,t!essneeserheavy 'speedily effects a permanent sews rlcep ; though it i:+ especially wont Mrs. Isabella S. Graham, c f '}I„' to occur in connection with emotional `Friendswootl, Indiana, writes: " 1or disttttbance:6 such . as excitement, a number of years I hare snf►tred th,. 1 fright or mental strain. The pain is , intensely with Nervous and Sick 77. r". ' usually localized, being in one or headache ; had hot flashes, Its! lila .. more frequently the left sleepless and became de:inondent. "aid- s ' e: _het ,head. it is generally Dr. Faris, of Bloomington, dud..: a, "eaeriu a.1ccwpsnied by great disturbance of spoke so highly of South Atner:ctn ut m. • (• the stomach. when fight pa:us the : Nervine that 1 was induced to buy eyes ; noises otherwise unnoticed bottle. That purchase led to a few, inflict pnnishment ; odors excite others, and nue: I sleep soundly, kel nausea. Iron) the faet that people buoyant, strong and vigorotu. 1 with strong nerves are never troubled would not be bac:: in the condition I with Sick ,Headache, it is generally was in when I began taking thio conceded by the moat entment phy- I medicine for any sum you eci:U sicians that it is dependent upon name." weak nerves or nervous debility! and. Mrs. i. It. Prouty, of La (.range, can only he permanently cured by Indiana, writes: "Your South Atter- strengthening the nervous system. icon Nervine worked a marvelloc. The Great South American Ner. ! euro with me 'MIA 'car. I Segan _Cite Tonic is the only remedy mann- ; taking it last April about the 2129, facttured which is prepared especially j The first week 1 made a gain of Is and Expressly for the nerves. It lbs. and from that time on I made a acts directly on the nerve centres at steady gain until I reached n,y makes its appearance most frequently enabling a system aa:,;ect to ' r:cli Shiloh's-('urs is sold on • guarantee. It fes Incipient consumption. It is the beet cough curs (hely one cent • don : 25 eta, SO oto., and X1.00 per bottle. Sold by ala druvgute, _ e w For the first time in the Ir�ery of the agli•h unlveralty boat races • married- , Sir Choles Poem, rowed in nae of the a this year. ile was married two years ago Captain Sweeney, 1'. S. A.. San 1►ietb, ('al., says : " Shiloh'. Catarrh Remedy is the first Ineetlicine 1 have ever (mind that would do ins any good." ''rice 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. e w The hard times bare been severely felt in religions circles in' f:oriand. 'the •d• ditinnal 1 urates Society, which furnished funds to provide curates fur poor parishes whore adequate eternal •022257(. are not available, has had mostly to eurtat2 its grants, withdrawing 170 greats in • total of l,lti2. his will deprivsasnowy curet of • large part, if not the thole of their i crepe. 'I he society hopes for better t this year. es the base of the brain, correcting any' normal weight, making in all a tees! c. isairgement thele reef . be. greatly gain of 80 lbs. After taking it three late' ! 1_____smg the supply of ner7O0J or mon I f the I found myself a Gilbert describes his method of collet-isscion with Sullivan. He meets the en poser and proposes • subject, which they discuss freely and fully. After the plot is sett'el (4 lbert writes a fairly long scene, and that is and altered severs) *unto. Anything that. Sullivan thinks untie for musical treatn,ent u strfokeu out. 1w Gilbert a number tf oratereGilbert be - alas In earnest, and sends his libretto to Sullivan, always keeping an act ahead. 1 They arc All lime...,, "1)3 you think t oilirer ale(ioob i.,"uaie "Surely he must be ; he u never rout when wanted." � - energy or nerve force, giving great well woman." m - d To he %ores wild .N to bear, Mrs. Brown "there's kora Moatmor esti over there I wonder how she ,an en I joy the opera. Why, she's as dee as • post." Mrs. Gr.y • But nee how elegantly she's desired." Tl. Acme al anemias. "',%arm," said Mrs. Figg, " you really ought to break yourself of that habit of bud eneesiar. A young lady's nose a should he subdued in tone: is fact, you ought to sneers like like well, like an undertaker would. " • h,r,seeel ArtRY- . Playwright - is her acting natural Man- ager (enthusiastically; NaturalWhy, wheel the appeared as the dying mother.laat night, • life Io.orames 'gent who has her ineur'ed for (20,000, and who was in the anthem*, set oallyfainted. els N Owe and salt • Bears of 1M NO,r. Collector -Mr. Hardnp in . Mrs. Hardtop No, he's out collecting ('. That's what you told me the hast time was hen Mrs. H. --- l u. C. (sarcastically. He don't seem to hare ask swam Mrs. Hdoor in ter she slams the do1n iia (arc, !teems to have as much sneers"as you have. M Ina/Ars UWILSIMMES. 25 eelITE A BON TIsydor.. n.uee-,ee.r r:ek IV weaken the trwe.n Sirs plil. and aha pare, ri,e•t *u, they tai,., up til. Ism :Jul u-ow12 sed pre the n, .afhie01 .,r,ngrh, . .to *Mir .•.h n.e°r. ly asi well. They ret, (.,, i wile,,,.,,, 1ryyep,..', heligreion, Heeded.. 5:154..,. I iw., Pimples, SO'' ,w fie_ .r.2 ell lip ,.«2» .. 14.1. or fl 6 KJisdiem.,,Nt.a . Ask Meer tarwais.4 rev Twee. sgs_ W 1]LSON, Wholesale and Retail Agent for Goderich and vicinity Modern ! Featherbone Corsets must not be confounded with those which were made five or six years ago. The Featherbone Corset of to -day is os far removed from the old style, as black is from white. BUY A PAIR ANO YOU WILL BE PLEASED. THEY ARE • PLEASANT TO TAKE YET POWERFUL TO CURE .rt... nes own tree, T..,C7ZTYe- A°old farms .ho his as t whos were I COAL ANOfaking•few day.' od his w f,odea, ere W000 nd who IoM sever been heyead their own til. lege before, were etand,sg in the bustle sod h.��yry� na o. of the wain a horosghfana sea • olio, benelesely, how to get to the ether this, when • policewan..eet t heir d�r� 1,dly took tne nld lady the srwn °M led her safely to the ether Special attrition given to ifet knm ,•, the ways e[ the Mstrep lis SAWiICD AND SPLIT WOOD. the old mem Stood prime after slam, and I H.adgnarters for all grades of erela.m.d as .+..v. aid as how ee.ryhed, 1oo51 • MAKO, SOFT i BLACKSMITH COAL. was,' to her. bet 1 sever saw snob • cheek tart, .d aware my S0* eyes, ten "' 1 Coal weighed en either -.51st or my .taes l, Oat my Prime helms aslsg 2sl.rwhsre, t hays bees grwayy teewbld with head. bed bleed fee tea .r twelve years I started to take Barden* Rhea fitters in July, 18821 asd sow6lsmisee, 1811131. 1 as, priestly eared. Bra. Manns. Seaweed, flet. PATENTS ! CAIEAT$. Taatg MANI Ag1 DIPTmlINTS Obtain -d, sae .11 hentsew t• the U. a Pan Moe a, tended to et MODLRATR FRITS. Oar ofr a 1e opposite the U. P. Patrol Or Gee. sad w t sae obtain Patents Is loll ttr has those •slants horn WARRINGTON. Send RODSL OR DRAWING. W ef' else as to p.tost b()ft free of sea we make NO CHART VNLd: 1Ti 02- TAIN PATIN! (1. R. _ piesad s posumsw,taste t o vice Mesas and emeI so.. to .anal Misses is row awe mate or (loeaty, writate r • emeera cis.. ApOseliareas Oaeswsebt.as... D. (% Teat WHY Doer ORO. BARRY, the ()odtericll furniture dieser and undertaker, keep the beat stork of furnitere and undertakers supplier 1 And how is is that he can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE He Arai. Utat it pays in 112' long run. His motto is : •• Small Proata sad Qeieka. Tena f Aa . farm* Het alas mak= a T'eMsk.rw M•e,ewo.. JOHN 8. PLATT,Prop. Miteil + sail= LAT 4• llttili lltlwbrs a.1fRi1L 1S67J .i