HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-12, Page 1e Ts. Not I. as Cl sp..t • ASO e "THE SIGNAL" 18 THE BZST. 1 Use I)ot.6Ak A YU*ft l• Air%Arich. tea ionat. THE Li3ADINC3 1q W8pApER OF xcURON OOti . VOL. XLVIL 246o GODRRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APRIL 12\1881. LOOK A1"THE DATE_ -Or YOUR A. E3 T73ia wE B1K:- SKI! THAT TOUR NAME: IS MARKED UP IN A'N'A\('F. D. McGILLICUDDY, PROPR THE PITH OF THE NEWS. tdve lumdr (Prom Ev.rywhere. Ise latest •.erg It a .ewes teethe Week ta,rre117 toe .r re east 4- Wier tees. Many Masters of ores"' Impeetasee. . i bo/ata. city muesli !us rlupted • sone, boa by-law. 1;,f, ColgnhoDII will nut be • ewdidate I:. Hamilton for the IwgialatVra. - five death. from choler* were reported is • ono wtirople on Wednesday. Font deaths trim yellow fever ata board ..used at iolttnium oceurra.l an Wedges - c ou.t.tory for, tlw purpose of creating L... Carlisle!, will be held at Rotor uu 1.;ae I. Twenty six,hurtea were burned to death t: a Lvery stable tin at troy, N. V . 00 l:isre ay. ibe.'exited States 'footle of Reptessnt• :w paredt4r:jenses s I.ebring Sea bill on lanrr.iay. ' lee ann•led fneetin,; of the Dominion Kite t.l..lotion was held .p (Ktmw• a' einepilO Ity the eatifl • in ul s mine near Breslau. sec Thursday. eleven 10011 were killed •sal me.? :n;nred. lin sea. n/.•,n ..f Prendergast, tot mor .laws c( t'Arter Perri -en, has been farther Staved until July V Bestir named 11.•afor,dge, at 11.11 Prairie 11 1' • he. 1..7165o: end m• rtafv .um.led Ly'bireiare. het (nitnlrel pitta of pike net were cad st inaliogtoo 'teach by Inspector kart,m 'Aclotwday. Rete member* of Parliament will r[ 1.4. 4 4 fnair. , miler to that winch will bsZranted :u e,,,tlan.l. `tSr+di•u. ata+ c.•mmenced ill the Moen Chi.. duo -el. bat will not be geueral in Lomit..ta for iso weeks vet. A *estrays f. r the prevention of crime has Pose argpan wed In ('hicagu similar to the Tarthemt suety in New Voll,. It Gree ."born , t la . a unto who as- !sai sd a white woman Thursday right o r le'0ebod nn Friday morning. Thr Nen., ••t:e Steel l'ompa•it. of New Atilt. Pa Is said to hese found a gocwl wwb.t fer steel billets in Canada.. Atl'uwbc .' B., yn Friday morning a sloes not:.c.1 • •evrxe Anders .n deliberately ti:eit hi. r ..,...u( with a *hotgult. la the brc.rh of promise snit of Steele w tempbell at 1'orow.11 defeudatd settled by paying Mies Steele 50 and chit•. X.ar 4heh.kes, Mime.. bre. Wm. Rey 'Sited awl Iver three children were dr..,iid w ith rr.w,m I:uttabachie River.' Th Fraser, for the last t^n years Tnneere,.`.IvreM nand Pub& Schools, -died uu Indio alter a tong illness. 1e[ dktu.-Ls!ue, of Hall, ljau . father .f. pt#n rehi,droot, wa ren over and fatally ts atiel at . rnprn.r on Wednesday. Psrmerr cf Ijltre Wallington arse forte. Int a eyndi.•ate to ship their own cattle, as -team :a :.. dentaud fort hem aMruasi* Rest.,R 1 t 1 died sudden7 ! of heart dlseace a' 1'anlpbeilf.41d on Thursday m41.' 11 • S. stet a w idow and fuer (-bib Aire A scar !.a, broken tint in the Cheyenne ani .tragal:. a country. ludiau Tetrit..y, ti '?o4 irento have been omit from F1 Rent. Oklahoma. "lie. death. were dosed by the trolley 'Vs et Toronto on T4ursd*y. n boy named Hsth.n sad a man named ktnghorn being Ow rleuoa F ase 11111. were drowned in the Chat* tonere River opp.ei'. 1'0lnmbus, Ga, 00 Ttarday, while fishing, by the capsixitig of t6. Hugh *lc affery was killed near Port lakbtnn •.0 Wdneday in • r,dlislon be trey the seua.u•r Theo Voir* and the gnarlier Ur«tic Mr I arnmhtga, • wail -known citiaso of :. lintMite a $10,000 m0.ic atsll le the town, the .reser sto.:e of wash arae laid en Thursday t two year old child of Aaron Herd, l'v .sting accidentally fell into • pail of kr eater and received injuries from which toothed the following day. The dwell ng homes of John Newman, arae lhreola. Pa, was burned nn Thurs- day and Mrs Newman's mother, Wil yeah "( e{a, was hotelier, to death. ('ondab:et:com a Pendleton of the North- west Mounted folies. who formerly lived oast ror.wto, was crushed to death near Iter Saskatchewan the other day. Mho Hannah Nes wetheriek, aged 10, whs. l.tal with Rey. Mart,n Lowry in London, attempted to kill herself by cutting bier throat with a num SM will serovar The Eterutive Committees of the Sheep tied +wine Breeders' A,wociatinne bald a 1^101 nanittitg in Entwine. Tuesday, and (!••tartri runsldiable bdfeee of is }ethane. The will Of the late lira Cornelia ('es. r•r of New York directs that her entire fortes. of 41,000,000 be deTMd to build - 114 s ma0•nleem 1n VW'oorlgre.n Tense .err The patrons of Hemlock ('Icy Assnciatl.m have enndemn.l the resolution passed by Ike toren,' A•snei*tlon regarding the stem t" hs taken by Patrons In the coining election* Ti.• Advisor/ Board of the Manitoba Ds- tarttsent of Lineation hes appntnted ■ ounaittee to consider the gree(bn of In "'wilting the teaching of asrieslt*re In pMbi,e sehneda N ; w^ 701.1 aid little devastator of Wm. weagat Red Bank, b•tly bared whileNtreyw sig to wet Iti*T doll, white In eonae way had engl t on bre. t' Troll(tsger, a Itedimg .itis of `Nslsyville. Tema, shot sed killed Ids e r. law, Will Poem Poesy had de- eirtedI.iddes hintsled rolling*, bail fee Masa 1r shinthe » B ie& &Met le T.rk 'wW 4 New Tot_ A Those* )ip esomoi d eedgeeYeti.tlt.. Oeo, . Orlfiths is raw on a globatru► • ties tour. and imposts to reach Winnipeg 00 May S, en route to Loading from Yuko ham& He expects to lower Nellie Bly's i record, and make the trip au 66 days. A bright unmet wee dt•oov.d by Mr' Gate, of Sydu.v, N.S. N' , n the n•gbt of April 2. The discovery position of the ob jowl wee right aawweion. ! 14 . M•1 in., 48 ase. ; declination south, 5.1 deg. 36 nun. The k',aecutive (committee up•e.. •4 the repeal of the salary reduction by law on Friday The bad. of departments will he asked to report oat the question of re adjusting the salaries of tient eubonliu.te officers. The number of students to atteodanee duriug the past eeseou at the dairy .cl.,e.l ill connection with the thaarlu Agrieul tura! ('ullegs was 163. (f these, 241 re- mained the full term and passed the dual examivaltuua This Demarate on Rhode (.laud have riven alinuat wiped out Ill the late election.. (APO ±nor Boma 14... been re elected, but only three reprrse.uati.ea and thro•..n, ah•r, bare b..-1, !eternal, whereas ata the lab' etectioue the !•).Tsui raI. secured 41 refresentatlree and 14i monis.. WHEAT WILL GO UP. Presideet yaw 11.►ro resettle as early Klee In this reeds.., Tor.•.%T0., .lurtl9--l'res.deut Van Horne in Ale iuterriew glees it as hie belief that th.. price of wheat will continue to tree tot the next ton 'gismos, 111.1141 that within eIgtteeu months the uric* will le 91 a Iniehel In t(ia nemeetion Mr. Van Monte v*.' " Last tell abs tabors of wheat at best receive i little batter .Lan the cost of piu- .lnruig. while in many itie1aoces their r.• tern per bushel was suotiler than their ee- 1+mintier. This can hare only nue effort, the diw'odrmg•ment of the wheat pr.*1ncer an" coo«•Ilneut dors*.. of the aereaue. :r•.w. If there is a dm -Tease of 10 p,er cent UN the • production of wheat this year. owing to the low prices "f last year, there will be a ehestag, of tie., howler.' rod seventy million buebe:a aid ten per cent. Ma decrease .. well wrthiu the mark. As far as I can remember teen -hie setts[• been • .n Int of a hundred cad fifty mU• lion bushels. "This year the surplus has been ani alp by feeding it to stock. and we will peen ably start in site as nosey a deem sheet sever before. Now. if then is a shortage of only a Landrum( mud nfy uelhuu L Lehr's, this will not be discovered until is us too late to w.w mora wheat, and wheel will go op with a jump.... ' LIQUOR MEN FEEL SORE. Toronto's Mason, Weida hot welcome Theme Fast Aelswtie Wermer., 1 (TTAW A, Aird 0. -The Ottawa delegates to the cohre*tion of h„teltuen in Toronto have retnnled to the city ilo•y speak with mach wari,fh of the action ot Mayer Kennedy. of Toronto. in refusing to give the d.legatiou an soldiers ext welcome, as is customary whets auy large representative burly visits the city. 41111! 01 the delegate. says that the ci-.itau; delegab•s did 11(1 - 444104 it au very much, but. the Toronto hotelmen feel pretty ...IN, over it. and they are d.termiuect to bit Mqur Keuuedy uu the neck for it yet. ()Trews.r April 9 -in an interview with Mr. Fusser the New Brunswick hum sweetie* members of t'arit.meat replay sewed that there was nothing 1•, be gained by establishing a fast tamale line at such enc.rnrotto .'oat, because if it • as a real line it could not .carry heavy fr.:Kht, and if it did not carer general lreigl:t it could not be a fast line They pa,iute 1 ont that a fait hoe was out needed *uyway. unless to land pa,art:gere in Chicago or other .lmeri• can cats a few hones earlier, and this would do Canada uo good, They urged instead a .ub.i.ly of halt *i Melosut should be rout for • lane of fiestrelem freight vessels to run between St. John and England. NO STRIKE WAS NECESSARY. Montreal fmrpestere Meee eta( la Theta Agitall.. for %karts Mows. MosTax u.. April 9...-h.lrertresl ear neuters have been victorious ht their asbta- ttun for the nine hours a day. .seedy all the employer, have signified their will inq nem to &cued to the requests of tae union, 110 cents an hone and nine boon to constitute a day's work. There hare been 110 demands or threats to strike, but the men have met their employers fairly and squarely. and the gnston bee been die - cussed solely on its nitwit& All the Berge shops are in favor of the mew system. It was reported at • resent meeting that oat c1f 101 'bops 70 were willing to edge the seale trona the 1.t of May next Thirty two are rot 00deeidd, hat M b almost certain that they too will fall is line with the majority It is 11.• Meanly and open meaner In which the carpemten' anion has conducted the agitation they are now e ngaged in that has won fur them t14e . ynapsthy of Mt classes The ninon has a membership of 1,500 in Montreal and is daily increasing. A TUNNEL ACCIDENT. Red, of • .app...ed O•rllteo lean Drawl .4 1►wr.M, Tnono,.a. lint., April 9. -The body of a man support to be that of Timothy t trivia, of Hamilton. wae found inithe tun- nel of the G. T. R hen yoet.rd•34 It Ie w ident fleet be was ki l.I by • passing train His skull, breast and one arm were broken. The remains .rte thew of a man abont :. feet 10 inches tell, fnll face with sandy moustache and side whlakers, and probably •boat *0 years of age. The chief of pollee is trying to ascertain whether be has any relative* living he Hanalltoa i. fore barging the remains. The nesewess O ..diei.al agents ie gradually relegatlss the .M-tina• herbs, dr.nNte end vegetable emotes te the rear and letingiesi-isle general use the please.$ and elfireeiee 11q.id laxative, Ryrep .1 Piga T. get the true remedy are that it re tmeeelast.red by the O llferwie Fig eivenp Os. stay. it side by all heading dregjethe llmlbw$be lee T1m fere.. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE.tent li1andennI0g $kIig lobe .11.. .4 to look at the doe anima The letter was sent to the reporter, who noon retained it in his pocket for BUidlln.. Before the HOMO& some dais, wbeu be had it placed o. Mr. Glendenniugli desk, enclosed Is • letter, and marked, -, returned with thanks " Mr G1•1deUuiog said Le remembered the eireumsl•nces an deo relied by Mr. Harcourt, but said there were other papers, includuig a letter marked .:Irate, which were taken and not returned. Mr. Waters stoved the second reading of Mr. O'Connor'li bill to •wend the Ayres Thr„nr, April tl--iltsplyisj 10 kir. meet Act by exempting the plot and ap phasic,* of gas and deelric comp/tries and Rorke in the Leg,a:ature yeetenday, Hou. providing net • telephoto company, air heyd.0 said be hal reeeive4 wont til whose head office is not within the pro• an outi.reak wnluug cattle ill Grey reality. •ince of Ontario. should be as•..red upon Cpwu recipient:( the Informative the d. the net profits earued iu such wonle(pality, part moot had communicated with Lt sealable towards dividends for share Andrew Smith, one of the 1)oetiuion in boklen Dr. Ullmuur's bill to amend the Act iui- Whet lar Able I.atslaser..0 lar tree.•. era tarltsawest are ..log la the le- tereat. se their ('..edits./s boaouses of the Mork, aprcto1e for ce.e..;(wue di.eaew. Crider plte• aug a tax on dogs, and for the prntec his authority the district had hese visited tion of sheep, was read • second time. and the affected .111male e1amiued; the Sir Oliver 1Jo.at'a hill to provide t• r ennelustou .•slue to being that the disease the ■ppointu.eut of deputy pollee magas was not contagious. but arise. (rune local trate* ttl .lore was reed a second 11010. 040015• and Das mainly due to Ili* special Hou. Mr. Ross biLl to provide for the cl:aroeter .-f the f..,.l. which was Baud to tonal sett! tent of the common echos: contain more or leas fajta. Dr. Smith fund was ..slid • woad time. 'lad (sported that as 0.014 as tins food t-Mee..t Vjtlenteese mien Appeal. was cpanged the animals would speedily cresmae, April 9. -Mr Fitzpatrick, uu recover. behalf 4.f Vlscuupt 1). Villenleure, will Mr Field moved toe se:end 106411111 01 appeal im:uedia:.ly from the 4.eisioe reit- hie bill re.pscuug the regstratiuu of dere." by Mr Justice ('haul...au in tee ex births, deaths mud manages, which pro- tradition cane, .cal willapply to a judge of wt.iz* for the keeping of duplicate returns the Court of 1ppr.l iii Chambers for the teeniest of it wrirv( habeas corpns on the ground slim We demand for extradition was not tile.( w brl.tet the time fixed by law after the arrest of the VisN,nut. The pro sedition will, it is plated. resist the anpdi- cat'on, (oaten:ling thee. the delay in tiling such artnand was due entirely to a catty over which they bad no control, namely, the nun -arrival of the ocean steamship tehichh carried the ueee1euy do nment., Armored the tJerayww -Magi ;1. April 9.-4 'bris Nerdy. eontnimily iallnl " Brass }land. Moody," who c.ndn.•ts a jewels stone on York street. Iia( au altercation with the Rem, E. M. Island, rector of Christ church :rathe- deal, on Saturday' n rsferenee to a lawsuit 1s which the latter gars .Thiene. against Moody. )foody gut ver hot and went atter the rector with his tint•. The rev. geutktuai sports a b.g 111n.p over t11e lett eye and a cot on the 1.1t cheek, which prevented him from tooling part in tbe church services y:.terday. Moody will answer to • charge of .ewuit in the police Court tu•day. The Serbia le the Cote Regie... Cosysu:e.vtt.u, Ps., April --1,-1 he feeling ext geuerel satisfaction produced by the be -let that the strike hes been given its quietus has given plate to anxious fore lwilinge prieiticed by the news that the s.,atldak ,vuyu,tion has dec.d.el t.. oun- 41111u the struggle. Th. law-abiding Citi lens are thoroughly tired of the tnrbillent scene t of the laid week and will brook no further viofocy. The spirit cif the people is shown by the movement inaugurated hero last night for the .•rgmnirafion of an •tndep.ndent' -military club for the pro teetiun ext the !own. of *gist rat Time ee,vxol reading was earrtd on di- vision. Mr. Waters mored the second reeding of a bill lex amend the Municipal Act. The bill was reed • seemid time. Mr. Muuk's bill, 10 amend the Assets meta Act, seeking to 0Ori14iue the office of county ' .tle•ctor and treuarer and to em- power th.• taking of rasraetueut• later 1u the )err theta at present, was read a fecund '1'rwo%Tp, April 4.- In the .irp:s yester.L•v Mr. Giendeaning, 1ter rig 4. o ytte*Sxnof l-rislteq,'e, said that during his absence from the House the l..•k of his desk hal been broken and papers tied been ..skean tent. :los.-•elf-thele had been lid - deemed hack to hi 0 agate, but a.t,.ers had .sorely dtatippearxd. Although Le lock had been since filed, there ei u" gnrr•utee that it soul( not happen again. Sir Oliver Mowat moved thi HJUas into committee ten the ML to make farther pro- vis.on for the solemnisation of warnales. It pent -ides that persons not being widows or widowers shall not ntury under the age of 11 years without the written consent of parents or guardian, and ,no loco.* *hail mute to a person uuder the age of 16 years w,thuot tae production of such writer.: moment. 'ran 'meth-. under the aye of 14 no likeu.e shall issue at all, Mr. Meredith suggested that the limit of .*, , for o:Nrniag a ,kens, to marry should be fixed at LS instead of 16. The House theu went i•,to l'wnmittee of Supply cud narked several ileitis of expen- diture on minim work,. On the Item of 9940,000 fur Pwbl., and Separate schools, lion. Mr. Rose spoke to *orae length, showing the work scum piuhed by the k..loeetsoaal Departmeut. *Ir. Strwtt.,n introduce.'- a Lill In the holes y esteraay to amend the M.01019al Act. ' Sn :.nuter eminates to the amount of 9'�ue, were 'out before the Ilene. 1'ottuwm, April 5. - In the Legislature yesterday the following bills were red a third time.-- Respecting the unto of the uew legislative and Impart mental build i0gs- Mr. Firer Respecting lit. (}earg.'s church. Kingston -Mr. Harty. To enable ,lama. Henry Carpenter to precuse dens tri -ter. Carpenter. To enable the trus- eee•, .xoratnn and executrix under the will of Richard Stubbs to Irate '►fain lulls --lir Tait, Ts •.norm an *gets.• merit between the Loddon Street Railway Company and the %dlege of London West -Mr 'rool•y, Respecting allowable.), to the Supreme Court judge. -The Attorney (:e00ral. Pr. Itilmuur moved the serind nsding of ha bill to abolish the persou•t covenant in Inort'•eges lion. Mr. Hardy asked the morsels eon - 4,11: huusel( with baring the b111 die cn•se.l, awl not to press it further. Dr. (:apnoea declined to withdraw the bill, and it was declared lost on division Mr Mcl'oll's bill to raise the amount of personal earnings exempted from taxation from 97(4) to 91,000 received • second reap in Mr. (;larki s (Lanark) bill dealing with excmptious from local (.xenon of farm lands in town* and cities was given s second reading. Tousto. April 6. -In the L.g,slatere yesterday, on motion of Sir Oliver Molest, the Hones went Into eummitte• oe the hill resp.ctilgg Council* of Conciliation and Arbftrstlon for settling industrial disputes. Sir Oliver Mowat proposed to 61 the fes of arbitrators at :H for the brat sitting, and an allowance et( 96 ■ day and 11 for half a day. The clause pasted and the bill was re- ported with amendments The bill introduced by How. O. W. *ea yesterday, entitled, ' The City M..beed Suffrage Act of 1894," le to apply nay to the cities o4 Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa and London. Its operation is to he ex- tended to Toronto immediately, and to the nther cities named after the next ge.ersl election. The bill abolishes the system MOIST which the sesereore plates nienteied framehiee votes 00 1110 lie. Tae qua( fies- ton remains the erne se at present, bot in addition to the rater having related fee twelve months in the prowlers and having been for three ..lender recent* • resident avid been domiciled in the atty, be mast have been foe thirty days prior to reg(stra- lton re well se the Mr -tine, s resident of the electoral division on the hat of et 141.14 is to be entered Terenwlo. April 7. --On the ceders of the day beteg called in the Legislature yester- day, Hoa Mr Hareoert roes to rake a etausyeel with ropest to the alleged tam paring with desks. He said ihM R .4 peered that dun e.ss the ~OUR debate ns the outbreak .f te bele et Uri Guelph tem, Mr. Ol.tde..ies and Mbar m.mb..e m�ruossesdd hem • leiterte • ter writes by Professor 11hhw1wo� A rewseter of 'tae !mere 1►rowned,11•10le *hooting gild Geese. MOnLTOx, N.B., April 9. -The news of a hunting fatality comes from 1'ucaifft ie on Northumberland Straus. near here.. Fin startle Herbert left hie !come on Saturday i0 a 1..•at to shoot wild geese at Cueatgue bar, about three wiles from shore. He was alone. and whilst shooting s.1 geese he stood ap in the boat and fired.'The re ooil of toe gun knocked him overboard and he was drowned. ile leaves a wife and family in straightened cirenmstanee. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Trim ('11sAI.l11.i 51.0.a,1s0.- -The April number of the Canadian Magazin) is excel- lent, both in the variety and quality of the co0tents, and In typographical appearance. Readers of tits meet creditable per.odi.al will be plead to find the first iameln eel of • seal notary* of travel in the far nue th, by William Ogilvie. F. R.0. S. 'rile story, which is that of an ezpbrotory surrey on the Athabasca, Peace, and Laird risen, is emitted " In North -Wester, Wilde," aed is well illustrated, and fell of i.terestreg facts sed incidents. " io the Lumber Woods," smother innervated article, 1 yr F, C. Grant and Allem Sullivan, graphioafy portrays the lombsr ..'s pilo ie the cheesy and on the river. Limit.-Ooversor Saltlike, of Mani tole, oosteibutao • very t kiniatll�otg oleo tasted article os. " 4 Forgotten Northers Fortran," telling tie history of the huge •.d still well Iswa.rved Frig Prance of Wales, which looks out with ite rubbish covered manor out the chill Malmo el Hed- mees Bay. '.o A Plea for Ireland," by E. Deweley, ran illustrated deseriptioa ow emery around Killarney. i. Peek 1 sigh's articleea Sir Oliver Molest appear several portraits of the Ontario. Frostier, at differ est ages, from 24 upwards. H. Spencer Howell, in " Knahkms and t1 sir 810016- cs00111," Makes a strias nese ie favor of • simple coat of area for the (aaed.an flag. Hem David Milk a "The Bvdtron of Self O w.e..nen% in the Coimbra," omt.sds that r ample stops within tie British Ko.• pita for the great ookaiee te expand their pslitioal pewee. and metrial gro ms's, sad be advocates the eoleries sadert hisg • greater share in imperial responsibilities and exp.diteres Tho artiste le • remark- able sae. Amongst other reatelbatie0s are "(Meets sed Thine," by Ldw•rd Worth - Lantern : " A (:last• •i i a.ipoa•," by Arthur J. Stri.Re.: " Red Aleck." • ear - retire of Primes Edward lobed life of leag ago ; " I.. armee Moodie," by Rey. S. Lyle. T and " e Mier', ..f Norte 1411th,'" by Fidel. H. Helloed. The ((medias Maeazise 1e ppoailiebed 1•r 12 50 per sewn ley the Ontario Pe.di.Mtg CO., Ltd , ('a..d• life Reillings, Tnp.uto. .mer se tin • •'••mllloat- story... ,lord 25 " Sennett " Snap wrappers bearing the ousel. ("' Whp Doss • Weems Leek Old Roemer Them • Mae ") M Lever Ores.. Led., 43 Soot at Telenet., mai two will remits. My pet • pretty Meer, fret hem edvatdml.g, aid well worth framing. This is r easy way to demists year hemm. The sup is the lost ie the market amid H only enet la are qiI .o seed he Ib wrappers, if wen is.. the ends mesa. writ veer UMW 010.e1.417. l7 fthe e.otaer of four %Mees, and i,, hewid., e grand Mother. Seetorth - Aktaader Rees, brother of Mrs. Or. Elder, u at preNst here boat I,tvi$gato0e, Montana. Mr. Icor u $ mates of Manley, near Broomfield. He has been In the mutes about 14 years, and in hlootaoa 7 years. He is • contractor and budder, and, like must other llurouites who go abreast. he has prospered. He will re- mota in ('•nada yiattisg friends for about a mouth. Clinton N', notice in the report of the examination at )loyal College of lieatal Surgeon, (hat G. A. Newton', of town, has been successful in obtaining lite degree, 1. D. S. kir. \ewtee aft. wrote 1,r the hmerary title 1►. 11. S.. Wolof. of ',bitted Surgery) at Toronto I-aiversityr, the report of which has net yet appeared Mr. New- ton mors to Luckoow, where he purposes hanging out his shingle. Ilruss.lb 1M February :i:ah John 1lolmes, second son of Mre. Robert Holmes, Alexander street, }brussels, fell a prey to dropsy and heart failure, aged S3 seam. He tient to l'altforma about fourteen peers agetand has resided there almost cootiuu• weedy, excepting one year he spent an Maui - tele and Ontario. The deceased had not been in goad health for several years previous to his de.•tasr- Mr* Aubsry, his sister, formerly of the 4th line, Morris, was with him when he diel. Her home is to Delano. .*forth: A young lady attending the Collegiate Institute here. recently received a letter, asktug tor • donation 0t ten cents on the snowball or Endives Chem system. She thought she would tigure a little to see how the scheme would come out. Thcchain was to consist of 200 links, or series of letters, but by the tame she hal figured up to ten the enm had reached such .oble pro• portions that she dreaded to bleak the chant theta stud then, conctudiot• that such whetnee were an imposition on the public. l: hal 1in'Tuesday night, April3rd, the store of If. 1'. Honsberger m this village was broken into and gonds to the %alio: of 940 or 450 uole0. Tools were taken from ,John Tuber's shop to force open the store door and til Am.mz the stolen articles were • new silver w•teli, lire seta of under wear, tib in rolh and sundry other articles. Constable Lang has the ease in heal and It is to be hoped the bold Intruder,. will be captured and trade to suffer for tl efr cur-' duct. several wap tions characters wets seen around Ethel before the rubbery. • OVER THE H ('RON TRACT., 1 The Orlet troth the Loom MW.I • Weekly 01 r0 e1 t1 0Ip *ewe alerted ■p 1e sell everybody rub used seta, Clipped sad (estdraeed Frena Berry arrttea, Morris One day last week Ilea. Hewitt was throws treat a road cart and tee serious- ly meowed. Wuaghern • John K Swazte, has entered his pacer in the 2 SO claw at the Brussels races os -lute 2nd. 11'relster : Rev. Mr. Daridaoo has withdrawn his resignation as pastor of the Presbyterian church. c lintoa Albert kloo.r, sou of Mre. Mourc, of was, hes been engaged for a school Dear Kincardine. (:ray Ales, McLaughlin, who has been in Manitoba tor the past two yeah. is home end will eukage in !arming with hu fatter. Mans . Charles Howlett recently dis- posed of lout bend of prime butchers cattle. The price we believe was t4,0.00 p r head. (lumen : Mr. %V. 1ta11, who studied with 1►r. I:Isckall lit year. has °penal au office 10E1541 practice of a Veterinary at it alton. Brunets . M`as Rena Bawwtioheimcr has ref rued Prot 'Maxinew whuhen she went new de. eased • ►t.•r, M n. a Walt on Parker. %V iukhant : 11o.kwtlh, foru.erlrr ul this town, has pttiptased the bake,y Lmi- lieu of .1. Young is (lino/a, and has takes poawslus. Grey William Eckmire has purchased the Ranks farm, 14th coo. He takes posses Mon immediately. The price paid we be- lieve was 93,100. Morris : R. Sbddap and family are borne from C'aldoris where they spent severd years and will arum in working the home- stead on the 4111 line. 5,0forth : .Joseph Atkinson, had the misfortune to get his hand caught in • tur- nip cutter the other day, and WW1 relieved of a part of ore of his thumb. scetorth : George A. Dewar, of this town, hu succeeded in passim, his final ex- amination at the 'forosto College ut i.en- rrstry, taklog first-class honors. Sodom A Royal Templar of Temper ance lodge was Instituted at SOdono on Wednesday evening, 2.1th, with • member- ship of over 30 charter members. Ilrnssels Councillor Mc('recken a into the early gardening already. alae. is deur muted that Ids record at the Fall shows will not suffer through his neglect. Kippen - Messrs. George and Creon Mare have takes MO acres of land In Al- goma w.thi, two melee of Nllltsm McKay's place, and are busy clearing the land. McKillop Michael Holland, of McKil• lop, near iteechwod, another of Huron's pioneers, has passed from this lite. He died on Monday-, and was about 78 years. Exeter Miss Schede, from whom Dr Ronnie ranovd • troublesome tumor about ten days •go, is doing well and leaves for her home lake shore, Hay township this week. . Clinton The present Lieut. -1:overarm of \ew Brunswick, end C. A. Herat of town, were fellow -student' in the same law office, and the former is married to • cousin of the latter. 1Viogham - On Friday last, while work• log In Messrs. %Vett t Son's planing mill, Master Percy Coed had several fingers taken off bat left hand by • saw at which he was working. W isgham : A. M. Robinson has dispos- ed of the *telex ham Foundry to 11..1. Black• well, of Brantford, • Eentleman of large ex- perience in the foundry business, and he has taken possession. Clinton - Henry Stevens has completed his work of assessing, thong ho has not yet get all the tables totalled. He reports a gratifying increase of about fifty in the population of the town. Godench township : On t.00d Friday alter000n the Sunday School Mass taught by Mks Regia& 1 eo, of 1 .la's appointment, met at her residence cad presented her with • beautiful lemonade set. Exeter on Monday 11 -est. Snell pur- chimed the Down property at Devon, eon - sating of 100 acres, paying therefor 13,700. He afterwards remold it to his brother Wil- liam at an deuced figure. Stephen ,lames Sanders of the 3rd too. of Stephen fell off • lead of tenure ea l+aterday, 31st, the hind wheel of the mega* rosaisg over bis head ujnring it severely. Under medical trestmest he is doing nice- ly. 'Clinton (10 Friday 'venial/ while Foster Wilsey, mooed sin of S. Wires, use play- ing around the house, M dro.•sted his arm at the elbow putting two to bosses out of joist. It required considerable *fiat to Ret lien back again. Hayfield : Miss Aldworth was married es Wednesday to James Hodes, of the 7t► em. of Gderieh township. Rev. Mr. (ILL vast tied the .atris.owial lout. The best wishes of the bride's maty friends ben be with her to her now home. ,tressels R. 1:. Vienna. has 4o01. to Harristoa, where be bee takes a position in thong's foundry. He will net remove his family from Rrossels. Mr. V. is sot (rely of • mechanical tern of mindset has also a well developed loveably* " bump." WHEAT PRODUCT OF THE WORLD. Meese V(Rere• e1 Masser to ,lee Farrier. el eh/erie, The statement of 11r. Van Horse, ('resi- dent of thee'. 1'. 11 , that within the .text eighteen months wheat Is likely to reach two dollars a bushel it attracuug much •t - motion. Mr. Van Horne voucheefed 1hi.I information to the editor of Toronto Sister day Night, and prefaced his opinion by the rennet " You fellows write very sagely on the puce 01 wheat, and yet I never met one of you who knows enough .bout it to really make yourupinon worth much." Haring thus established the ignoraew of Canadian journalists regarduug the subject, the railway magnate proceeded to my : •'1 c( course it u dlficult to get any accurate stetrtt.xl, but so far as 1 hive been able to find out after • careful scrutiny el everything that is provided in a statistical way, the world's product orirbeat to be- tween twenty-three end twenty - hundred million bushels per annum. • 1 Now, if the editors n of 1 mann • re o the w ignorant of alio question t • heat supply as Mr. Van Horne chsrges,'it is rather strange. The prem of the l'roviacit, together with the lumen, has been kept thoroughly posted upon this very point by the Ontario Bureau of Industries, which is in connection with the I►eJartment presided over by ilon. .John I►rydee, Minister of Agriculture. 'rhe statistics for 1893 have sot yet been completed but nearly • year ago the agriculturists of this ('review, and all the newspapers, were presented with the following estimate of the yield of the various wheat growing countries of the world for 1892, as well as • compartsoo ot the yield for each .1( the two jeers im- mdiately precedior Merril The funeral of the late Thne.se Clerk, which tank plies es Saturday due tens. Marek A1ot, ef last week use largely attesdd. Deemed have' bees a member of the ( ►rss4e Order for the greater part of his life that body was well represented is the funeral procandco. H•rperb.y F: Comber, of Harparbey, was &1, )IM by paralyer as Sunday, and did oe Wdeesdy. He wee nee et the eldest reehtents of this part, and althease ..ver worldly wise h. was • good !ivies ams sari a worthy claire. Hs had 'sashed the rood age of 11D years. Reaforth - A thaesghhriel .row he= bee to Rsberrt (Herter*, st theMW Regi T.cker.nith, • few days apse preened hint with • fine pair ed mals salves. Those salves are frena I). D. Wtlsm's iuysrted WI. The wow is raw her yams aid sad is [I R..1/.. 1'1-1110,x, �'.... Russia ''led. ... c..,._,- . I:u•hela. 300,060,000 247,000. r1 -•� . 112,000, s1o►Is, - . i (5,00),(xx) Hoeguy, ..... ... 136,500,000 Austria, 51,650,000 i:eretanrr ...�,. 102,000.090 l'aited Ki 'skidoo,. ' 65,000,000 Teskey-in- Romps, 39,720,000 Roumania, .... .. 64,400.000 Bulgaria,.. 51,000,000 Itelgirm,. i 22,700,000 Portugal, 6,100,000 I f olland , 5,600,000 I:reece, 3,970.000 1)..m*rk, 3,400,000 11,360,000 Sweden A Norway, 3.976000 Swat remand, 8,500,000 111 Sere is., Total, 1,293,860,000 11\1[01. 11. railed Ststee Canada. .. Bushels 516,000,000 . 65,000,000 571,000,000 070114 1 sit ,Telt, Indo A tgeria Egypt tralasia Chili, Arg. Rep, 11N Asia Muer Persia osis. Bushel. 236,000,000 19.000.000 9,000'.000 34,000,000 53,000,000 33.000,000 21,000,000 12,000.090 4,000,000 349.000,000 COST OF GOVERNMENT. A One -Sided Critic Expotaed. • Well-knowa "'afros f rltlelot. • Mould - be .'►Ill. Mw •' erose of Ibe t.re state Writer. la anppre,.e. rartt. -K. 0, 0.erl.olt, Stelkirl. in tie t'aaa 14 Faris ere' 'un I have real the articles in The stun on "The ( eat of liovetainea.," and uccataly hod • right to expect a lair and impartial treatment of the subject, but 10 theta ,1 feel that l have b.,en disappointed. Faits therein arc stated, while joist and fair •t pl.nations are .uppreised, in such • way se to mislead the public. It is the object of the framers of Canada, or at les.: should be, :o get at the real facts with their sur- rounding circunotanaes, and then to o.•me to a proper conclusion. A uIisrep omenta- twa by euppre•slao Is as reprebeos.ble and uupwrdoaahle as • willful fabricati..n 1 have neither tune nor space to call er• eviction to all the oblecuounble instancy this th character which appear Ill OWN/ • eclair, but with your prermtuIon 1 propose to crit - Icier •onit of them. 111E '`t+114.14 til o\1r.Aeri., In your isnot of heti. 20 tut are these words " 1s it absolutely aeodasry that there should be 'seven pail Ministers in llwt- ano . - Mr. Saad6tld Macdonald got adore w1111 four colleagues Now any person casually reading the above ought suppose that tilts involvei grow rstra.•gance. Sumo might even suppose that formerly there were only four ('cabinet !bloaters and now there ale seven alt pat.1. •pb.• words as .looted c re mischievous, misleading ar.d desututc til proper raplaoauon, sod are on my opinion deliberately designed to de wive )our readers. In the Ss afield Mac- donald ardonald 4:nreromCOt their were hie SI 11118 • tent with portfolios and drawing salary. itasi.ies at that time the lat. Dr. Ryerson was Chief superintendent of Education and drew a salary of S4.00) per annum, and Mr. Roes, as blisoter ot F.ducatiuu, per- forms the same duties as Dr. Ifyersou did and for the same salary. Ur. I:ye we. should bete been treated in the same light se Minister of Ednc•tio0 Ross. The Sub- stitution u( one for the other loam made nu addition to the number ot whoa -holders or to the public expenditure. Why did not " one of the foremost venters in Canada • make this e\planatien11'e have thus �Lr weed of one of the additional \Iiolaters. The only real addition that has Leen made to the number of paid ll:nrler. . Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture The leaden of the Pa, roue have pronounced themselves emphatically in favor of his ap- peinttuMnt. He is a very suecesdul, pre - tical farmer and is engage.( solely in pro ranting the Interests of the agriculturists of f Munn. The •-.0eral opminn of the farm- ers, se well se the Patrons, is shat he has done his work faithfully Abd ably. Do the Patrons wish his °thee to be discontinued! That would he the nweseary infennace of your.•ontributor, because if he is retained in office and If his retention I. luMNhable, and exception is made of him, there is jest the same number 01W id Ministers at the present ti se theta was in the time of 4I.ndfielcit d, d we' classify Ile. ftyereoo ale. again. 1 ask why was not this e1plauatipn (011e and frankly given ` The reasonable ia(otcow is .bat .it sees deemed by your c'ateibulor necessary to suppress the troth in order to make a point &gaunt the Mowed Government. 1.1O*T u1 LI/1. ATION 1`r 1871 ten 1892. Again to your issue of Feb. . lex' " one of the foremost writers in ( auala sage " Remembering that mince 1671 the Iafrea*e Is the population of ('Otero., has been 30 per cont„ one is struck by the vastly greater increase in the coat of the outside w et -vices. In 1871 education cost 9.151,000 and in 189'2 $653,C00, an increase of SO per coot." The inference which your contribu- tor wishes to draw s that this increase. ex - eept to the extent of 30 per cent., is doe wholly to the extravagance of the Mowat I:owersnaent. He cas0't semen any pallia- tion fur this geese extravagance. Now het us ex•rni00 a few of the facts w hich are so artfully 'Oppressed. Prior i. 1871 the system of Inspection of .hnole was • faros, but in that year the `LndtieId Madoaald 1:overnmeot brought ,n the bill .sd pasted it, iosuguratu a the present systea of inspecting public ecbnnls and eoutnbutiag largely to the payment of salaries of inspectors out of the public funds of the Province. This wee done previously, and no charge for this ev penditure appears is 1871, for the law did not take effect until 1872. This, tberetnre, is ate canoe of the increase and was the effect of the legislation of theSaed4l.1 Mac- doeald Government. la 1871 i1 any of our farmers' sue or daughters webiel to be come teachers it was necessary for then(. If they required any preliwimary training` in their professions, to attend the Seemed School at Toronto. Now then arts model schools is every o nenty, to which the Prov- inc. eontrihutes for the training of young teachers. There is Motes additional normal school wholly supported by the Province .f i)ntario at Ostews. This was not in .x istmee in 1871. do coe.e.luence of the op reit that wse tad in regard to the I..sii.g of K.glieh in the !reach sect ins of title i rovi.,e it beoam. necessary MOOD 1871 to establish and malatam a training eebenl fes Fr.neh tesohere. K,nderyprtse sehonla, night .shook, and poor rebook have also hero twtehli.hr.l and anted Largely Mees 1871. 1 might .len oeom*tate many other legitimate and aeoseeerrr reasons foe the increase, but I do net wish to soh vols to give me sn much space ea would he beeee&ary to go ,neo eweplete de tele. (Nara total • 2.263,860,000 So far as accuracy of &utilities are con ..raid it will es seen that tbo eget,' sap• plied by the O.tasi° (le,errae.t to its farmers are •ppr..Tinately clews to atom beaseded by Mr Vas Hews*. We admit that the predicties resardi•g wheat recast - keg to two dollar a beetle% .e owigiml with the big railway mus. But he is • bola prophet whn proclaims an Mermen of my )0 pee amt. is the value of wheat "tithe • year mid •half. Toa tnet'htV*ATtu5 e1T .r•TI' totals, " wee of the foremost writers in 4',toad•- say• •'f• 1871 the alm,sistestios of tootles oast $1(1.1,000: i. 1899, 9.169,000, as merinos of over 100 pot east " The o.nty ..plumose veer oe.trib.tnr glees is alis lvesgaMied sn reset.