HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-5, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODF.RICH, ONT, THURSDAY, APItII. 1894. WET WEATHER GOODS We have just placed in Stock our Spring Importation of Ladies' Rubber Circulars, Men's Tweed Rubber Coats. Extra Value. Compare Our prices with what you see in other places. JOHN T. ACHESON, THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE SPRING ECHOES. NOW IN STOCK I ntI re•Ilas, th•;. latest). Gloves as u -nal iv to the mark. HOSIERY . !t!a.•k, White, Cream, Slate, FAA!' and Tan Shades in Silk 1. -!,• Tiirt•a.l and Cashmere. SPECIAL VALUE . A large range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora All wi,ltli. in Serpentine and Creche Military. DRESS GOODS . t'a�Lw r. Hcnriettas and Whip Cords. Cashmeres in 'White, Creme, Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shade.; in Ntiri'i 1-eilings. DELAINETTES . I n �I're s, I-, Spots said iSIttipe . full line of Smallwarea, including Psorl,q d Lids net - t0118, 2 and 4 bolela. _ • tealidal•s 161 1140 solleIlyd. 3 . seAs.. Int V i o,s Draper aid Haberdasher. OVER THE 111-1t0N TRACT. 7'MB Orlin Iran AM L.'eai Mill. 1 wrr►y p=rd of s'eueey bwe served as 1. awe everybody - ralb said Piled flipped raid sesidess.ed ensue /.very Skittles. 11y• .. 1 11. '(ferny hat pat chatted the varies.• of 'he late ('•trick Kitty for the tams! t rXl, tliaton 11. haler, of the beaver Mills stew, Lae been compelled to use a cane, ov- al/ to • w arely apraieed ankle. lyisgbsao : Taree. Woodcock btu leased eo,Fretwell's faro, in (.ower Wienh•m, std will mon to it is the course of • week ,o n. Monty silos.l-,hnotnn, of the list can., sorted on Monday for Iloissev& ,, Mani 'Ike, where he perpowes staying tor the, `Elmer. Waltham Mestere I:elchrist, • . sen It 'o. tau weak put in their factor a number` of eon snotti.ung chemicals and water, to bt esti in ease of fire. Monis \V. It 1'. alkiuson niet with ante • loan last week by the death of ons of ttspre bred Shorthorn nowt, which 11. re 'e Uy p•irclased from Mr. Russell, of flee- ter. _ srey •La. Ferguson has • youog room , that a making a reword far hostel( is the age of bag evg 1•yiug Ose, promoted to n• I',.', measured ,.111.2 loch rat and weigh- ed i 2 !mulct.. Blyth 1 to Woduesdey, the 141)1 inst., t lewd wedding took place at the residence ''f 10115 L••II, when his eldest daughter, 111°y, was %sited in marriage to John Fel los, of .Auburn. *Aileen t'apt. T Barker, of the Silva - '5011 Army, who has worked very faithfully here for the past two months, gees to I.o.- les this week, and 1 opLI:oilier, of i.ondon, takes charge of the eery@ her.. H.Usit : An old lady on the 13th of Hallett, has completed • dns-geed,, 1e� -aka. •wilt containing 7,556 *no's. `fie mads it is her spar* meeswts. This will near new guilt for the Fall show. ' Intro Th. electric lights lave bees Ostia is the town hall,and are found to be mach s'rwrior to the ordinary lamps : 'ley were thoroughly tested before the committee on Th.,.day evening. Hone Peter, amend son of Jae Hall, who hug been i. Manitoba fora somber of ye.n,met with a painful •oeident try gettiaj► hie arm Badly lacerated in • grain ar.eher, sit h he was operating on hit fans thew. Iruas,ls I.ut Tuesday while (:es. 1 r'"'k. was adios rise of it. beatbardale's haws the animal stepped int* . hole and "'""bled, !aniline the rider oe tam nolo His face try Arnaud sad his head h.dly le• lend, itnsNls The fine weather of Wt week t'd"'e'j Ilssl•etin Frslick, who 1. border- '� "@ In years of ave, to some doves on the ▪ 4°4 '• t. The els geetleima. is Mill heart, though seed.( dell in hear • •I1 Hr an for my years division east FK ''er John Mea all.,, of Kleiner \mak. received per pest this week frees Ins met lea 1- Ft , a bur oesesi.ieg :412_1157. nese?. Florida,,bosoms, Japanese phone, hss.y i' •^t •:I on the branches, also a. ms• jos•"^h •'neetnte.a of reset and ether s, t . Jr gonia. libraries el the B de" Jet a of then �e it a►Iomw 22 1 emu end hots% pot ilk 111 jeep r Of similar at rc tn. before comiag to tows, has the honor of being in the hbrsrian's harness for N years. Wiegb•m . .lames dlct'rei ht, Mn. Me t'reight and daughter sada I -ft lett week for I t.'.n, h•nog *old out the dyeing beeriness to Eris Hart. Mr. McCieight Inas been • resident of Wini;ham nearly all his lifetime, and co,oer•,uently has many rood (nods here. Mot r.s: elneday last week l'ha..,son of .lams Davis, who was recently moved to the 4th line from uear Lindsay, had the misfortune to have the thumb of his right hand badly injured by being caught io • machine they were pitting together. It will lay btm up for mate time. sraforth : John 1t'arwick suite -le -A a severe wound in one foot on Tuesday. w hale splitting wood at his residence on West street. The axe struck under the great toe and cut the foot back for about two in- ches. The wound is an exceeding Iy patnfnl one, and wall lay him up for some time. \1" Ingham Rey. R. Met fish, tonnerly of the town, has been nominated to fill the rectorship of ('hnst's church. 4badmen, in ouccaeeioe to the late Arohdeaeoo !Mudge. Mr. Min 'ash leas filled the position of curate tor the past two years, doing the active duties of rector, and was unanimously encore. Ethel \I S. R. Magian afid family left f r their new home near Toronto this week. Mr. M. and family hare taken an active part in the Temperance Division here, sad will be greatly messed. V.. wish them prosperity. Mr. Magian carne to this local- ity i6 years ago and now gone back to hie former hems in Scarboro' township. Seafurth : While bottling at his pop works on Monday, Meech 19th, John Dodds *set with rather • bad accident. A bottle burst and the force of the pressors from the nacbioe drove a piece et glee with consid- erable force into his right wrist. The wound was dressed by • physician, and al- though he is unable at present to use his band he will probably be all right again as a short time. .. Clinton On Saturday last l:ev. L A. Riehl reosived • telegram from Duluth, Mnohig•m, stating that hi. brother, "I/corps Uishl was mimiur, and it was thought he was drowned.' This week he received word from his brother's wife, stating that George had mot been well of late, suffering from over taxation of work and great re. sponsihility, as foreseen in the Millwright department in the Imperial Flour Mill, in Duluth. His body, of drowned, has not yet beam found. An •stats/ LW. It is strange how reluctant young men are to toospt. as the most vital truth in life that the most absolute honesty is the only bled of bounty that sueoped• in benisons. 1t isn't •'insane of religious or of religion. beliefs. Honesty does not demi! upon •.y religions belief or dorms that't►as eyes oestsfeed. It is a guiles of • young m•a's own conscience. Re knows what In right and what is wrong. And yet rine* as the .atter is, it in •stonahing how dif- doolt it is of u.d.eetanding. A. hawse* enures in Masinsss seems ton slow to the . vsvag. t•onsg mat. '•1 ear t afford to plat! shrug. 1 goat strike, and strike qquick y." ls Cho twtinseet. '•Ah% yes, my faded, but n et dishonestly. No yeu.g man eve afford to even think n( dishonesty. M.eose ee honorable lin* may sometimes sow slower M *Mug. but whet it des. mow it out. Heals In p..s.wey all the se-e•tl.d see- eeesee gained by h.r .t*Nlds. To leek at the method. of *here In saway. • non - take. The esseaeess of to -day are set �t.e. to time igoIMter, bee no the erigls•ee e b .vasa se dfflwe.ee hew edger goon may .es.sd fuer turns, b *she and not ySla . Yes eesatl prinks 01 III. Ivey Babies . ought to be fat. Give the Thin Babies a chance_ Givs thele Scott's Emu cion the Cream or Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphitet, and watch them grow Fat, Chub- by, Healthy, Bright. Physi- cians, the world over, endorse it. In't Is lecabed 1y SisNMa! &<vn a a,.►w bd4r,t.. A. [hva.... Nle l SI. wan is • law unto himself,. The newt ab• suluc integrity is the one and the only euro leuntain of moons. Such a success is lasting. other kinds of mkt.'s may seem so, but it is all in the seeming Clod not in Nle reality. Let • young titan swerve from the path of he/testy, and it will s uprise him hew quickly every avenue of • lasting saccesa is closed sg•inst lam. Vakinv money dishonestly is the most ditt, -lilt thing to accomplish in tbo world, just as lying is the practice most wearing to the Mud. It is the young wan of unquestion- ed integrity who is selected tor the impor- tant mportant position. No business mw ever places his business in the hands of • young men whom he feels ht cannot absolutely trust. Aud to. be trusted means to be honest Honesty, and that alone, commends ma- ndato,. An honest life, well directed, is the only bfe for • young man to lead. It is the one life that 1. compatible with the Iwrgeet nod surest button's success. F:Jsaard W. Rot. ■w cert Was rrae. .Ito was a Tong, lank, mountaineer hen tuition who owned • creek farm fairly well stocked, and he was not • bad catch, as those things go In the moue:sins, but he bad no Wife. How is it, .lira, 1 raid tc him one day, that you don t marry ` He gunned' uilese• ly. Well. I'sone!, he said slowly, you know Jlwdy'ensue, don't you' 1'... Welt I eked her three Inonths ago an' .he wouldn't Lave me. Why didn't you try somebody else I std, Colonel. A tine gat down the crick. 1 sot rivht up to her, like a suck kitten to • hot brick, for a whole we..k, when lone day long carne Mandy and 1 axed her agin. Whet did she say She wouldn't have me• Try another, 1 said encouragingly. I did, Colonel. '\other tine gal serosa the mountain. 1 sot up to her three weeks hen' rennin'. an' one night, when I was 'most ready to pop, I seen IItaudy at 'petite' 'eked an i aced her a„in. What (1sd she say that time Flirty much the same thing. Why didn't you let her atone, then, and devote yourself to nee you could get : 1 asked half provoked at his persistence. You bet I did, e•oloceL 1 went right after old man Hankies gal, Mary : ►o' Mary maned ntarht y w i;leo' an' oblgiu' till one morntn' I seen Mandy corrin' down the road &n• 1 of am' aced her agin. tl hat did abo say ` 1 asked. 1Cculdn't have me 00 moren bother times, and his face fell. As 1 said before, Jam, I veryempbaaica:ly remarked, why in thunder don't you try auother girl' That's what I'm Join' now. Colonel. he re•pooied, with more saint thou be had previously shown. For a month ad up- wards, I've put Maudy clean osteo my mind en I'm shinin' up to Hester Jones seven nights • week, an there ain't no use talkie', t'oloncl, Hester likes it. That's right, old fellow' I exclaimed, slapping him on the shoulder : keep at it and you'll get her sure. Who, Colonel l he •eked, with a hopeful little smile, Mandy'' After that I gays hint '1U'. up u beyoo'' r.-e!ain•t loo. A 414.7 Miele. The director o! ens of our Large cotpor &floe• was in the habit o+ °cowling around the office. One morning he hspp*Ied to come across the diner -pail of the office boy. His cariosity led him to take off the cover. A shoe of home made bread, two dough. outs and • piece of apple pie tempted the milliosairs. appetite. He beams • bey again, and the dinner pail seemed to be one he carried sixty years ago. .lust then the office boy came in and sur- prised the old limn eating the pie he had finished the breed and the doughnuts "That's my dinner you're eating "' said the boy. "Fa, sonny, 1 suspect it may be : but it • • first rate one for al that. l re not eaten so good a ose for sixty years." There," he added, se he finished the pie, "take that and go out and buy yourselt s dinner ; bat you won't get so good • one," and ha handed the boy • fire dollar bill. For days atter, the old man kept refer- ring to the first-cla.s dinner he had sten from the boy's p•iL hepatal w labor. Here is the way a prominent American puts it. '• Herein • heroes shop. One man in the shop is shays busy through the day always industrious In the evening he's courting seine .ice girl. There are fire other man in the shop that don't do this this thing. They Tend half of their work- ing evenings i0 dintpatioe. The first yoga, man by and by one nut these others, sal gets a harness store of his owa. 1.11.0 he marries the girl. Soon he is able to take his wife nut riding of an evening. The fits Laborers his former companions who see him indulging in the lotury, retire to dm neighboring salons sod paine renoten.en that there Y an eternal struggle beavers o.pitel .ed )akar." A FEW CAKES. Vessels flake. Three eggs, whiles bastes separately ; two cops of powders imam. or ens Yd tenotionds cups •-' ` Iated, ons -half cup of butte- .roe -half cul of street milk, t►ra. ►'-1 s of sifted dour, to which have 4e17- added tier,* teaspoons of baki•ji Tr eider, two square* of ehucoiate. ''re•-., butter, sugar and yolks thoroughly, :heli add milk, thea whites of eggs beaten slit', then dour, stir lard, 11ten.Ur in cboco- � late .:itsolved in • little hot water. (tate the in a loaf, or in layers. icing Too ' e'tueres grated chocolate, fire tablespoons of powdered auger, three tablespoons of boil tug water, stir over • moderate tire 1111 it is smooth and glossy. Walnut take. one and uneyuarter cups ul granulated sugar, three eggs, one hall cup of butter, oee•hell cup of sweet milk, two cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder. Cream butter and sugar thorough- ly : Leat yolk* to •.irii froth and stir in : thea add milk, then beaten sbites. thea flour : stir hard and flavor. Itske in two ',Imre layer pans : ice brevity oith nun - mel icing. end wrraage o Iiiut kernels in regular order on top. Nut Cake. One cup of sugar, onehalt cup of butter, cup of sweet milk, two eggs, two cups of dour, two teaspoons of baking powder, one cup of out mats chopped and thea rprinkled with flour. Cream butter. sugar ao l yolks : add the milk, then the dour, in 'thick the baking powder has been sifted ; then the nut meats. ss I lastly, the well whipped whites Bake in layers, add put tovether with care mel icings, and chopped nut meats. Carainel Icings. 'rwo thirds cup of milk, butter the sloe of • walnut, two cups of sug- ar : boil till thick,_which will take •brut tifts•s minutes Flavor, syr till it thickens sufficiently to spread on sake. Anvel take. 1Vbites of nine large, fresh eggs, one and one quarter cups of granulat ed sugar, one cup ot silted flour, one-half teaspoon cream tarter, • piuch tit salt add- ed to egg* before beating. Atter sifting dour four or five times, meaauie and set 'ethic one cur. 'then sift and measure one and one''u•rter cups a granulated sugar beat shires of eggs till staff .a wire whip- ping spoon irbest' : add cram of tartar. and beat all very stiff : stir in sugar well, then flour very lightly, and darer. Hake in an ungreased tin for about •I minutca is a moderate oven. 11'laen thoroughly cold, ct:t the cake out of the pan. FASHION NOTES. brown rasa, first among the colors of this coming Spring. The favorite shades are two bright golden browns and two tobacco and cigar shades. There arc like- wise lighter golden brown tints, a rich shade of reddish brown, sus the ever favor- ite beige that menus to he a combination of brown, trey and tan. ''fleet comes next is prominens. The shades vary from those lit • greyish or rued• cast to emerald, Russian and other deep tints. grays and purples are the other dark or medium shades, and in light e,ilors, en cottons, and in millinery, are shades of pink, ivory, blue, etc. 1 or elaborate. •'rest dreams, arooth cloths an black, blue. silver gray, beige and pale bran are fancied. Lovely tweeds shoe rich heather mist ins in blue, browu and white . olive, brown sod navy : brown and white, and black and white. Other auitinps in large lied small cheeks have knotted ykro etfects, others are changeable or iri leseeot.bringing out hrowo, cream, beige and green prominently. A gown in preparation for Latin Sunday is • tiny green and white check. The skirt is the shape recently worn, without over.kirt, and et trimmed let the foot with three frills ot two-inch wide green velvet nbboa put o0 in waves. The round bodice has an added ciraaiar beeves and is worn with a crinkled belt ot vreen velvet. The sleeves areleg•of mutton .hape,and the collar is of velvet. A oape to wear with this dress is tit the cloth, made short and full and booed throughout with greet ratio, wd the bonnet of white straw has • wrath of apple blossoms en- circling it, and ties of green velvet ribbon. 'noses of white undressed kid. A lovely }'..vier toilet costume is of fawn crepon, a material that remains in vogue, marked with white lines. 'rhe gored skirt is overhung with a drapery, which is smooth and pointed in front and falls in two fell points at the back. The roans slightly full bodice is lengthened by • double added batyue, and a double ripple collar a• arrang- ed at the neck below the atau.liug collar. Uroopiog sleeve -putt rea:h to the *:bows, below v -hick the sleeve is chew fitting. An- other costume for the .etre occasion is o1 old -blue camel's hair combined with black moire mid trim -,ed with block and -silver. braid. The single skirt m tri.etned at the foot with three rows of the braid put on in an arabesque design. The bas'lue is tight fitting ; an front w plastron is „ensiled between m pointed Ira of oire that lie est, het wee. bntelles wheels 1111 like cape over the sleeves. ..'7" nl•stron is trimmed to match the skirt. the atee..-, are large puffs to the elbows : below this they are of the noire lid close fitting. The added banjos skiffs Aare at the front and back, and -joining them to the bodice as covered with braid put on in scroll design. The hat is of black straw trimmed with black moire ribbon and bluets ; the `byes are black. When double -width dress gonads are used the method of cutting the newest style rif over -skirt a. simple Two breadths are taken, each three•cornes.d, a bias point serving for the middle in front and back, the sides sloped into shape in the joining weama. Where an over sktrt an used, the lower skirt 1. usually d "void of trimmer. A black satin soder-skirt 1. fntjoently seen with gowns of Marti wool. then the trimming of the over -skirt consists of hands of black satin ribbon placed at wide dutanoes apart. Sleeves are most often is leg of mutton shape. `bort added bemuses obi new waists are sometimes cut is font sharp points !stocks are retained, and high plus collar lends that buttes on the left tilde. A Stene emir. A Lady named Mrs T. C. M. FHuss7hri.., M� ��stgg 1. Keet., who used Maly two besides s., (liri! M.mbeay's Kilwsy end Liver Core, has terworde.d • seams* to the easel *at U oneipMtsly eared her of is Ms enotery el eurlrtiwb. hide* and lbws trembles. N.eh • onenplieatine el Ames. yteldh g no q Wkly to this rsgo.dy eb.uM •s4e Notrei omits tltia01 to dr. it •t Tun Sses*Lisstab'1111•pew isseesaw CURTHAE T L; OUCH SHILOHS • CURE sinal Borne Coen Obeli C*�'tas Nil e)e.gf areitheimo.4 , a'dwcm* t oKC.Mtstisa(tl.e om.thlty Qpmtet morale- R1ssea or i 11111IDONMA MAST LOWS TIARR DO Tim 1 T bCOGNIZB IT ? SONE HUNDRED This is the heel of the IIRANBY RUBBER Look 1.y this pattern nn the heel when you buy a Knitter or OveriLue. It guar- entee a perfset ■rticle. ORAVET E VIIZERd WEAR LINE 'DON. risk your dealer !,.r them. GEMS OF THOUGHT. The secret of success it - coastaucy to _pts' • Palletise is the hope of •dvan.mment in all lines of life. ' An obstinate man does not held vet:one, but they hold him. 1'ultivete u,,t only the cornfields of yetis lives, but the lower centime also. Kerrgy traces seamen. bat there's no- thing like success to bring abont energy. buy a meu's goal will and you will find each time you nave o.•euiva to ask it that the price has guuc up. The race of mankind would perish did tbeicease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual help. A cheerful spirit is a great blessing : it mikes the yoke of our employnaeuta easy, lid the burdens of our t'Haut ions light. Nothing raises the price of a blessing like its removal : whereas it was its c'uuntcnance wheel, should have tt, '•t w its vale. lir. Low's tVorm Syrup has removed 'apt worms from l;i to 30 feet long. It ago de- stroys all other kinds of worms. , lm Constant application to 'demure takes away from the enjoyment, or rather :urns it tato the nature ot a very burdensome and laborious business. 1 tray as each man or woman performs his or her persons! Jury len any department of life can that delarsrnent be lifted to a higher plane. A erre 1'c is like a great fi•:h oo dry 140.1: It may fret sad dine, and make • frightful bother, brut you have only .to keep still and le will die of itself. .` ' 'omit lint eon chime many victims. Ward oil this dread disease by the use of Small Suver l.steJ Ituriock Lids when need- ed. i m. 'rhe imaginative understanding of tt.e nature of others and the power of putting ourselves an their plw.=cs, it the faculty in which the virtue of sympathy depends. It isostooes:iing how won the wlwle non science begins to unravel 1 • single 'stitch drops : one little sin indulged nates • hole you could pat youc head through. Whom neglects • thing whiny he suspects he ought to do became it,seemsso small • thing is deceiving himself : it Is not too little, but too -great for him. that he doeth et not. Shiloh's t is sold on a guarantee. IT cures incipient consumption. It is the best sedgy cute. t icily one cent a done ;2S cts., 50 eta., and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by •11 druggists. e w 1 ry to be happy in tate present moment and put not off being so to a tine to come as though that time should be of another make from thish which has already come sass ours. Captain Sweeney, 1', S. -1., San Diego, Cal., says : " Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy as the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. So.. by all druegiste. s w A loving heart carries with it, under very parallel of altitude, the warmth sod light of the tropics. It playhts its Edea ia the wildernsgo and solitary place, and sows with @owerts the grey destolatios of rock .OJ admits. it tray save you time ams n:onay to 1e informed that, when you need • blood puri - tier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the kind most in favor with t1.e medical prolusion. it is the standard and, te such, the only blood minder admitted at the Chicago t\'orld'r people would not make a very large crowd, but if all came at once it would make us hustle to serve them. We intend removing to the Crabb Block in April, and for the month of Mulch will give BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. WE WANT ONE -HUNDRED - TONS 1 - Scrap iron, Lead, Copper, and Brass, FOR WHICH WE WILL EXCHANGE NEW GODS. Come and examine our Prices. Great Reductions on Goods sold this month for Cash. rir STILI.. T 'I'IIE OLI) STA N1) t)N \VEST STREET. SAUNDER & GO. the gifts', •ndArty's teacher told hen se. •• .is'," said Arty. " 1:s.1 roust have tori them to seed the thilsga :0 us." •• !lid you ask Hint to, Arty `" ••' Why, yes," he replied : " didn't c, know that 1 hong my stocking to the out dew "Hut it wasn't filled," reasoned histcach• •r. "New: but-I--wsitedirw Htm In my heart, ler I thonvht maybe Illi, time was not as ,luick as nun." t Ib; if only we could remrmber, when tempted to fretalio.it delate.1 bleeetegs.taat our }'a:F.eraair• a may net Ix, 44 as 'snick as Mare' PLANING MILL ES f i6ttSilEO Buchanan & Son, SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers to all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES • And buitder.'material of e.ert description School Furniture a 3uecialty. DUN NTS AK!!Azt:-, OWDER Fair. Use your hie of speech to rive eo.ratirt, joy cheer, and hope to all about you. tits it to encourage the disheartened, to Odra theta who are treading in the petits of danger, to inspire the indolent with holy motives, to kindle the fires of heavenly as- piration on cold heart -altars. Wei Wesal Mu .t. . It one is well fed • set much fedi, there will be co morbid craving for stimulants. .4. lack of proper nutriment to supply the demand of every part of the system will produce a constant desire for something, and so this tobacco and drinking habits an formed. Mother, upon what do you feed your ehddrss' Is it crackers and white Arend and rich .lake and pastry and nes and coffee'. Then expect them to Le peevish and irritable. You are starving their n erves and losing. give them fruits, Crown bread and cereals such as o•tmewl, rolled wheat etc. Study the nutriment values of dltfereot tinkles a food. Not onlydrank • ...ease bet crime and ioa►nity may traced directly to istemperwat habits tit eating . timulati.g food. Farhaoge. -l.tb. reit dolt. The man who can drink or 1e: at alone s s'slI with ns. He 1. a genial sort of & fallow lid it might be harsh to roll him together as • scroll, or boil him in ml, or bake him over • stow dry, as he deserves. Ile feels emery for the slave to ram. "Why,' says he, "all you need N will paws : when 1 wast to emit, 1'11 simply quit ' The day will mime when he'll quit. sorerouegIl The eorneer will be notified when the tires enemas, and therell be a oies nuttiest, with home .•omforts and all modern improve- ments, and if our friend is nob the verdict will be that he diel of heart fallen.: if he is peer, it will be that he died of alcohol- ism. The man who ea. drink os let it alone is worth .todyins. - Renner of told. A Chrl amee serums. Hetio is a wings .*rraeii o* trust by • /hide follow who, after .0 ferbag • keen de eggetat eemt M %Aims as ess$y .Caskf g es mee.Mg, wee •verwkei.teA Alr /sAa.A• by a very Ines s.isft of 1he r:Nmaa saii.t. k.n.l frer.te sent TNECOOK'S BEST FRIEND 1AnG,Ef3T SALE IN CANADA. fi ATENTS OAvIAT•, TSA0* MA**$ 000104 PAT MTS Oo►TRION s, .to. / lir i MrrmaNue and tree Ilaodb' * wrx, to $Il'Me s tet. 7tt Rwn.tnwey. Naw oat. Amit Minos f'.r'.'aits. mem. in Amerces. h eM t 1540 od h7 n. 1r tq 0wµ 4.,' 515.0115.515.45'. stases fns tit N,arre a the j cientific American 1 ...sm.: f sn'oisunn of to 'Mrntie. moor in the ".n ,ipt..rntutt III ed. ate itteivret roan shown ro. irit•o@t w•.ear. OA.f0 a tor: PIS a c, wake. A1dev. Mt'O a 41. roiummawr. a'l anulus, /Sew Yoga 1liot• II° AvarMM! • ,s.ss y for . ♦:1• GRAT_FUL CJMFOrt 'Ira w y j�i'�a� EPPS'S COCOk BREAKFAST SUPPER. "A7 a tberotu,lt knowledge a• tt." • a• -al laws '.la's'h goter% the op -rat nom of '. 0' -- on sad merit .dA,a 'earerne .ppti..t:nidi the eine weenier er-welleete•ed ('urns. Fpr. has piss Meed for o'r h-eekfa.► aro Ip pre a delicately flit Mired t.ercrsgo which n.*, save nena,:y beery donors' . e, It y t) • roe judiious tee of suckartfctee etd.,','.ss atan- stttu:,on may be gradual(' built up:int it eteccg enounggh no r•rist eery 'aodeacl so '4 .*see. I(nndreds of subtle nut:ad:.y ere P:,a'ttta around is ready tettinek wherever there :a • wnak puiat, We nay eeespe many • fatal shag by keeping ourselves wall fpn,Red w,Ib our. blood rind a properly ronrshed fraa.c.'- t'i` t! terrier ala orae. Made atsipll with hti:i.g water er ihMt outs in naekets,bytsroeere. iahrted ti,.. • JAdq erre a 4'... Lea., reeswep.t•Ie s'een$sls. Lesdes. Caguas. ?*t taw' - G'ODERJ R Steam b'oi4er iVorks.. •gall.tIt1.lt�1E1)'t( .5 A. S. C H R Y STA L Swerr.aor to t t ryr.:s.1 4' BMakp Manufacturers of all kia'le of titaticn- ttr'y Marine, Upright i Tu:,u!nr Keit Pane, Kntoke Stae•ko, Sheet iron Work.. et; ., a t.•. Also des,- -• ,a t'pri0h' anteforicantal 1114. V�..•Cegiw•M. Autmoat icCut .f Kpgft..e• pecfatty. All *lire et ri e and Firr'i:r:og coSstantty on hand. Estimate* furnf.l.rd in snort not ice. 1t'Islring promptly attended 'o. AG ly 1'. O. Ito: 37. Ooder:ch, Oat. Warks -Opposite et. T. ft. mattes. Ooder c•. HUGH DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, t"44 ":at returetd frons the "ties w r •' e has been telt tine NEW SPRING GRIDS, haat now on hand a Large Line of that Choicest Goods in trio Market and is prepar-1 to turn out work in the Hest Style possible, 1111.1 at Pr1ce. to •lilt the tineas 11. Id•NInP. Y BACK-ACH E KIDNEY PILLS Patronei True Competition. Tn. CANADIAN racapIc IRA/LWAi [�8 ve�. has bees seanlldtsd he eye eM pS letas, s•rvles with fair and tMf• stsasst compatible. 1t te.sassed on homilies prtn-(pies mot hi the tutorage et les patrss.. It deserves the of every meson Wks k�leres la essepeelltes. Il*er gtMb M.pstea ass MLN r em=nyy♦ Mew easss..laa wftlh all Mies a.4 cefiatr . Iretsaa Mas.•. Ons•/• and Ra Idris le all teM (t,lesatd..nd M ena.t. !,'tet twt'7fTTT, 111711 lead hist ager. oederNb �aala WILL CURE YOU "Backache weans the kid- neys are in trouble Dodd's Kidney Pill,itse promppt relief " ' • 75 per cent o discal• is rst caused by disordered kid- / •' Night n1 well try to hat* a healthy city Without sewer- age, as good health when the 1/da•ff/ ar• - M bse the scavengers .f the system. "Delay IS dangerous. Nev- i .cted kidney result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia. Lite, Complaint and the most dan- gerous of all, &rights O'etnoe Diabetes and Dropsy Th. •boye ettlswean rennet exist when. 00141 Bides, Pili we mewl. itattri