The Signal, 1894-4-5, Page 66 THE SIGNAL: OODRRIOQ, ONT., THIJRSDA Y. APRIL 5, 1B$4e TO.OAv. 11 hose h.* what wales me us W dark more two.. ,Asa hf•• in tie fulness of Wu.a, 4. carat. gNeM. Pitt test.s we it.. I 4. a, ratan. trouble 1. £*4 Ue4*14 hist n•.. to Ise :r*grapt att.! ase tel. Ar..t'. •.•' i.,r the future ran I efeiyans tr.It.•r Than In did sp the prevent won wand tui bee r. • lo: well dues wee':••. raw the fwlnce no Maier: 111 de no ..sea pan, 1 cam trot f..r n•- • ,t. IN THE 1101' FIELDS. • 1101%4:king Saari niter) s a gal:► time at i'e nndrxter farm Far aysel t tIL•.g el•lejt haze hung oyer the !rill: like ali't'iyo•rin•: vats . the bland air e:•t. fie! ,•f the• s.. -rt` .cui,eh• fratrrau •e of tv tr.! grapes ripening in the wu...L, Sad whet. war dead tree or rode *tome wall &ronlal it a vantage ground. the !skiver% tangles of cl'•:natis Wine a lovely gartnirl, ard't/ell tuars....t►f g,,l.len red and p.tir.h trinre.l a-t'•rs !tel.! up their c:uwtrre of deleting 11,.11. And iu,the hop fields s Jmerry voice-. echue•1'frlah mare:,tg nntll nig;ltt W:11 i'endexter walking up mod slows the isteee of aver green leafage. w;th Ilia lsints 11011i11,1 hi+ ba1•k• wigh! hat • reminded nae of lams in the *1.1. l!t • lelcript urs st,.r) - princel • Ik.ai. etauditng 1n lib. harvest nerals ani airing a Lind Ilan.. act {let) .Ito 1..4,1 to erery, ►ie. Lilian 1,:.Iue'.vtidlittle Fantle. Hix '•. Jit•. !goriest the *seder's ilaugIa ter 1',un1) w:t. w !.ale• little dr...sealer, with au reek i.•nt cough, who hail been roc .t,tn:et:4,•d be her .1... tor •to .Lead a fortnight in the hay, li••1+1,. and Nits )furi(xu, WI) .-•• ml 'tll• r rase) died ..t r•eu antni.t:.111. it k.• t Lop- ever) iyear ,•u pjrin.Iple }.•.t ars .Ili'lg.• Jl.trlee'. daegI t..rs ti.:;. •i l:.u; Brienelnl • And all til,• handsomer -iu, .• lie teal tururv! gra( 1 d.. tc"uder wily he n:" near ii.• ' . Ikea ; t •e:t 11:.w -;aid illiny-7Iorg.IIl save ' , • " 1 c iu tell' t.,•1 t: :: said tl:.reset pr's dar.4ut••r. who dearly loved a utor:..•L of t t r- t..•, n -•u....-•• • 1t'•eau.e til l first . 1'u t ,i't:-.t hest ' 1e if nny:, a .' wuu1d ' jilt Will I'en dexter," sain'inei,ihtl-.n. Venni'. • oh. hat he wasn't Squire Petnit•:ter !btu :all t1::-• happened- twrutr yews' MO, artrr.,1 Mtge Merron, her flying hug never 1.1.''• ii ofi ale, rig ells• cls bee of pelt green lest. 'Char wean bof.,re he inherited 1'en4.' i:cr turn) lie was Dilly a poor young faruler tii.•q. with Iii, own liviu,t to make. and that was a.b,autifoil girl who war spending alt.- ,yttuner here. And they w.'re en gaged anti all --anad. the very- ui;ght he urs• the w.•biinjg alis ran away with an 1tallan. once ('o.tslt t'npriri. who was on the New 1.•rk,•age;• " ninny_ dryw a long i,reat/2 '• .114.1. what lneetue, of t!i••It).' sat.' .he' •-.qt. they went to Italy whore the mount expr:-tr.l to *ticc,O.I to' large estates, arid 1 wurls,v they ars., these now. Fant:: leokel with Neeret awo.at the ruddy (a.'.• *i .1 magnificent height of Will l'ewtextcr. A. he ...nut.re'.1down the green aisles of waving tendrils and trem ub.usaesrc.. and alu,n.t w.•ulcn'.1 to hear Iriul a -.k Manila lletttley about her baby in the off han.i. urlivary• len ga'y..' of every .lay, life and giv'• lanae Billy- Iiartl, tt "' gtibil day.'` ju.r a. if there: had been no t'utwtcaa Caprivi id the world . But Fanny Itix wait bot a girl y.•t . edam .list-'iwt kcow huwltwenty rents wilt ' bridle over the d.trk„tt ,cuff in a human life 1 here i. n., sear that will not heal In tw.nty ypara--th.•re is not a grave on which grana will not grote-a).•. aid j aisi•'e blotto). la t ,rerity year,. ' I • doe's kgow that we can tali.. • Another Lal:1, Sit:IpsoL," ., said Squirt. Patele•xter, meditatively."The field is crowded already.' "What I though, exactly air.' said the overseer. •t.•sp.etfnlly. "But this 'ere is a pretty yOtuI.g slip of n girl. with a ft.:ole tir,tlier dragging along on her aro. And a loan doesn't like te, say 'no' to such' tie 1 thought 1'd jnst speak to you;-brturtf-" "Where are thevt" said the !ignite, ribbing the geld knob of hie waking cane against his none and Mimpsean knew that the ease of the forlorn strebggle're was safe enitngi, Mother, don't fret here . comer the gentleman now'' said a clear. self toned Voice. and Sgrire penilexter f.'nn•l hien meg looking into a pair of wistful. deep blue orb,-orbstied belonged to a slight, beautiful girl dressed in faded fabric and worn shoes, who was leaning againrt the well -curb. For•while `titnp eon had horn tgone on his errant! of in tiuiry. she quaff ttraw.i a bucket of clear. cold seater ant of the sparkling depths of the wail and given her mother a drink out of the sitter beetled gourd which it weypt hung there. • '.air." with,.ws .. d mOltlemt'6 hesitation, '' might 1 havejob of work in year hop fields': 1Ve La • (Wme frost the city -wether and 1-tb, s no tiring to be picked up there, and pay mother ix all lnz, and we thought 'tbe smell of the hop) might do her g. 1. Please, dr, we d work cheap, if only a might raise, in the tarn awl bars a lit f something to eat between whiles!" "1 don't want yen to weak cheap.' said the squire. assnrning an .pert of unwonted gruffnes% to rover t rym pathetic thrill in his voice ever grudged wuuey'a worth for goo.!, h tte,tt work. A. fur the lawn, Iny hounek can put you in one of the vacant ). ehandwi s over the kitchen• and them' always, enough to eat at P.•ndexter farts:" 'Toudextcr farm' The woman. who pad been sitting on the mossy cattle trongh, slowly lifted her head here and pushed bark bet worn 51311 lemnet • Where are we, Iron? Whither have we conte? 1 knew a gran name.! Pen dexter once. who-- ' • l's*, ' said she moire. who hail gMen • little *tart at the first wotlnt of that low t•mltralto• voice. "It W*,. 1 ('Tarn ('apriyi' To think that fate whenld have 1anneht no together **.lin nitro till these year, Th. Nilo woman strnggl.,l t•, her feet and etnr, l.e•l at her d*t:ght.•r - slits. * tooter nrnl Let It. g►o, kora. " *sit elle 1\'e WO have trate a mirtak • .,lye sue lay abatrl. 141,aek' Let n* go'' "But, motbel, why!" .m.thel th.•girl. who Scarcely, r et, comprv'heud.,1 all trate by play ' Don't you bear what the gentleman aaye' We can have worh bor.. at:,1 f,..1 and shelter' )l.•ti,.•r, wit dew n again' 'tun are trent! ling ail Cat er '• 1 t, it ).,n. ebtkl, y/M dun'. Irn,.w new impatient (Seta Paaaalamati with a _ et sort ut wild, wwreasennig terror "We m. we wish g,4''' 1 p -Clara, read the •quire, he himself s t aoaming the direction .1 affairs, 'the cbiLl is light. Let bygoutw Ire bygones. Yon don't ing.n.tau 1 truui•1 tura poi !ht'm lay doer?" -- t .:"e lussaot 1111 , hi.. tad,' "41:1V-' y..0 forgiven use the sa14. 'F„rgiyeu )ou'. Yes. year* an air.. Let us be fn I**gain. I' Por his heart he t t. :we hi awl wan she was- -letw 1111.t01rl A�. n• *wA LAY OF RING - 4 )'ear• • 1 nava Ie Ike t arse Tao' Wheal 1. alai Lara '- tree. Err ne.h.•1. ,w Pale 1.e. oteefior, 1'iu Lok to the tans au' bac were her el ..k.• an -t In'w iik.• nmo i:tori 1i1s• light blurted in her �+Ite t,.LI !lint a1117.at aft arse. •n Fatty deers, w*..trippi„g the els I I. try frnru the t Wee *ill* a dime It's pretty and an 1,1 . ,1.112, as 1t 1.lair: Icer lite 12.1b -. , all .iWl.•w. Luse 4 :►re. 1 "aline' loel !..'.-u h,- count after all. but a u*mt'I, *, pr.•t.•ud.•r with neither h m,.ty telt hew.. • how (he had left her. with the Lal+,' Laura oa her ltsu,l,' 4) *hip as l,r•st 4.. Ytlilfht 1,.r Ler -,•alis a, t waw kilMl in aKn thht , brats 1.' but; she iu.•I .trugylt.,l WI f y :ars , eon stoutly feeling h,•r:4-if 1-••••• l!•• t • i rage' nnr-iltal warfare with the w. Il 't llua maid thaseinirc• when she 1111.1 6ti:hel, '•wh?. didn't ) +u *•'2130 to 11t ''I1it'*ttse 1 Lad whelk,: ! you eo .L'.'j - 1) , ' rhe fahorea. 1-•.0 mi4hthaye-kTl '4.'l4 t wont.! ha.e linea. kind. eye's ti 1 bi•rivt .: child. Well, 1t doesn't imitator uuw. Toll are here, and)y vu twist 4t,it, her. IM4 you hear tum: flare` Mint • '1tk.i* nay heart' You'll Ara- atrtragt'r in 115mo- •oa t:re, 1.4,74'..z• -,-.ate that a g.rl.uf.yutirs wall: get a e-.1tr 44:j.4' So thity stet -retest the t',• •leiter faint. •2281 bivtntiful 1.04.4 epris1 'i,:.'tr fairer t,r L -.k nisei nit . yrr1Y .1.aesitig .1:1•5 k this Ira ,i. to stay, Hering I rieen.d liked Rasa... years slues the d,tk.l a1lflktlU wrist iwav, TL`ugl the irindle cut( that was boeu just ohms as tell/oil U.e plenah wter.d 11...0 t gn.w.,t eat be tuna, taus 11.•1 a ngni%% ei...t.0 heifer ins*. ortiolt wreck • ifangry! Why that duet b.,glu tor tell ye the tia 1 :eel, )L •i: t.or w :u••t.lh, b&jo.L, yen... 1 hail • ga -1 4.part» meal. (Inutile s:'tw. Whit tat !sok an' * rq, of good gte•it t •a.�-- : __ - NO, 1 .hn,'t want tud)uu:ltetter-that'* .ytl:ds:.itati sweefl. tuning, Piot quits. so fn •h u. t int, whin l,kicke.1 et yeti euuntr .,rub, t1'oed. s ..J La he% 1.•nu:aled setae *'40,- Ito:.• tree WWI it 4 1-,,t .3y 1211 e'ta.ts has that• it, au' it•rviu', n stirs' Joys, - Au 1 aum't to*k.t, to more f;i;, of (spotty :e, .I .ul' w:.. .. 14+�r, , I:: t-l'Z..` 1:' ,, u,,) b5Jiye leas' fhe.ti ,' r f,, bhtstrains ,_.1 1 tor,-: 11.12 44'.,1, e r:. • 1 I, ti1.,,Jut.,.Oen, .w1 so 1 light- - y t. ,,....: pawn idol.. ui.,lher. with t • .' il4.., , . , . 4 .11,01t. ( 412* said the 1'::1:.t sgnire one alai. ' t4:iti.r414 ,f r,,tu'•" .• „prettier thins -tet•!' 2 y ..gc •'1 known s.1f,l M:tlt i:1 14,-i''i AtrPa t .•i -'1"i '• the a •,r.1.i epilog of i•hutl.-•y nt1 L'.'it eh;it'p!) thrufgh her he:art' Yet. %;a, it u r uai,Iral enough that Sy'Iir.• 1'er.•l tl r :.l. l take tu.te of I'•,- I , • _An•'n 1:11 Clara lara � t . •. I ; . ...srtuutl t uti at 't' wilt 1. !. • she t.'.li4 Iter "•i Js„r. ,:1, feel it.. i. iu the print, or l.'• it I• 2d,it ehoul I r.• It nal. I.--1 t*a • i : 1 vv r i:. waiting on til i.Iltir'. of tone . the i;ual.l.illow 1.. melds' 121.114V,'. •, Lir 'oat'. i.td Li, n•r1,t, Y.,•air'-Col !.leen any ,,wee(' .wtl. ! 441' An.1 trod ertn,t that they may 1at�Ja1•ps together ter litany. ntauy long an hcur,,y years.'.' 'Cho spire curse to allalatn (:aprit•i tile. next slay! with rttu,-r all euilear Leased face. . Lt to rontang.' th.'itght ( lane. "! knew it would .. ' Clara.;sai'1 he. • 'd v'.• a q1* 'ii•.n to a.i: rut:. >V.' 12.•11 out net Mind with a sea:rile " Ask it then, tred., ' sent she gra caoo,.ly .• "Sti001e1-1 jot oinking a f.,ol of my eel( if. at my age., I were• t.. n:;1rr. : ' Tunwunb! ls- dt.iug 2114' u..• •t le, .11.1 and natnral thing in 112. world,' teaea answered, still snitlin,c, although her h.•iirt senates' t , State, still within her • "Theis by dons, I'll risk it said the squire. ju:oilianflc Clara. wit y,,t have ane` yha11 we.b.•gin our disjointed Gvrn uv.,, *4(5in, ray girl' Jlaclalll I'.p civ l grew ►.al•', then re,l H.Uu .1 said - 'mire l'rud.•xter liar.' 1 skrok.% too ahntpth• ' 111" Yoll ":lo ' *aid Clara faintly ' 11•:i - bnt r thought it was Isere that you Then yon thought wr,.aa. •fain the s, h luta. n:+ilj•. 1' brave never loved any vreitiau but -y'e'll-. Clara. att.1 11'r •r S,. they were marri'•.l gnietly. and autumn of life shines ."fah _t.vnr •th;'tth. me the veih•1 sunlight hang.' it* golden hate *eves the j.j kre t llnl. tti•ht(t art` dexter Farm - An.l pour_t'1ora is content at last, Norm ry .1 ., i onset 6611•. Thor* 14 something iuexer4'*(ihly re- vette4 in the .up'rcilittt, trial of camel a he h.'k..c•,rofnlly at yon with hie nose in the air. says a writer' u1 the London Spectator But t uv,'re:•tlyw u.y wl*p;;nauce ant in:•tulte,t (pars, after *'sewing* careful it4'tritetion.' hoose• t., retain my *eat while :l:e brute was g;.•• ting int. It was w'll enough while he walked, but when !.e began to tett at a l'isk lac., 1 devontly wii.11e1 myself astride on A 11n1111.4,'r an:uad Vitt how wile, i to stem!' • '!:herr wa. no brill•, only a rope attached to the left mid.. of the brutes month At ihat, ripe I tn.: ged, with the gilt,'' -t merely of slaking my camel trot to the 1 •ft 1 had l..'ti told tent if I wished to maid. hien go to the right i must hit biro on the left side of the head with a eery abort stick, with which I 'rut 1-•'4 pros -91A- for the I•nr IC; Mut that Mae more easily aaili rr (ha; don.' Ilow wart I, front my giddy perch: to reach the creature'. bead that loos,. etr•tt•b .4 neck? 1 tr.e.l it,aud nearly ..,•t nn• l'rthince fin. my pails --n•' juke at the height of sutuep tet 1.,•t above th' p.'bbly sant. (hie of the oflcera, hew.'ver. sew my plignt .trap lost tittered Nome gr.rling *nuud., and then the /sera/'!, exposing its teeth and i1mt1'stMne vigorously. knelt down said I dismounted, rowing that never again wonl,l 1 chose that mod.. ..f Mc .l••11y,•rer. whex,•taing•d his don key for shy camel. laterite,' heartily at my diecienfIture. hitt I had me revenge speedily. for in the exuberance of bis gayety Ile allowed the camel to rise nn expectedly and was pitched heal over heels on the ground 11e was not hnrt• nil he joined in the laugh against hive If as heartily as he had leached at Ire. - Not ll*.... ( efnl examination of all animals Immix t 13p un the farm or introduced into th herds will entirctt• prevent the intro,ln. '.M of parasite. !wiped.. which prey nisei Aide Internal organs, .nclt as loots in ho , are .•ften kept froth de relaying by ting off the hairs brew inn cans. the preventing the lanae front I*•ing intr. men int.11/1.• *nin,al's month An ef.siv.. Nen f.•r keeping 1*'t files from aff•>ig cheep la that of applying tar to lien' Inseell of the nail mal. w .ler Alm.., how. It has lawn ilemon•trated that gin pound* of Nand will almost. la pmnd* of w.t..r 1111 Is.nn.1. of leant, 411 4NIn.Is t•*I t..utnds .of cloy 14.1111111, 'r, .1111 4.- flat 'mods of clay. 711p0li1441. ThP+explain* why mono NI,tl. always appear finer than ether. *MI why after a shower *one moth -.mom.• like a thiels pante while others try only rrttuparativel) .lamp A Sorb- Noone. Vert - A ben is* eery superior creature. but she could sever lay a corner stogie, , 1 •• b.g lrwt .hot., wbri* e i t 1.o 1 It, .4.•123, :.1:00..ft )-•u g ,' eta like thunder and rt. i,.•} h hart t.. get : - va 1 the l,.rttihe4 ser 11.4;1 to read of are robetit' I3'e rias, : .. , T. w.• t.t l:••m 1.2 starvation * 1,wi .'1 Lata; nub la: tier tali -the teeniest 1 ever ser - 1:i 11. /t..a:..l wt `• „ (,1:•7% are mteltr<. .If I• CRISP AND CASUAL. ( tae's sburtoo.otap go a long way agates t him. • ..rhe! hollows bearer, el en while it ages heads llailey 11' hen a puldiu cath s -holler cones te l.e1 that he is •a big gua, It is time for Lia to be tired. The mot agreeable, 'veteran"- Lousy and m1MI .simulant is !labours !teal Iruu std 11' Ise- tin The fart that a woman is flighty by am means indicates flat she is growing winks It a estimated that altogether the.* are 400,000,000 nnummies of liunao beings iu Erypt. Italy produced 5"5,0(21,000 gallons of wave last year more the any u:hor European nation. There are a few lawyers in Landon who ears about flCO,000 a year nom their legal prs•: t 11.x. X..thiag will do more to put wriulles to your late tbaa w i•4 stout things you saa't 1.lp IGim�orn. sinew (k4u ur 1st, 1•••‘.0, their have bear 17,llSit t imasigraats Iron tureigo aW.- tr1.'a to Ebro Putted States. A man shoo: locks are ml Ilea about 9),- (.00 hail ou bis head, and our with lour hut has about 140,000. A l.bnd lawyer argued a .ase in a Itrsd• ford, EagIanJ, court out lung ego Ami se- (u2il a %role t toe has dice. t'nai:htl.' pimples, blotchy., tan, and al itching liaisons id the akin are tt.uotel b)• using Ito. Lea sulphur eat'- lm Meath hem sm,.!lteit avvraoadear in 1330, *Leer they now acrugge but all. Thr great redue; wit u ala:i.ulc,+ to recta:- aUun. •w The rapidity with which croip develop calls fat instant treatmaut : and yet few boa -ghetto are pier per red for Lits visit s_ An admiraL.eremcd or this e •rassu r. A rr* Cherry ['ceteral. It has Patel hundreds of lit ea and should be w every Lone - where there are youob_tildren. t Mates a Drltesse Apn•INe. Every mother hams; how bard it ie to coax a delicate a'hild to eat. The little oce tries his L..a, Cut he picks at his food like • bud, we *.y, a se...* l here, a bit ;acre, forget fu: that take «12431114.12 Ealts, bcc.use nothing alive ups rsrenottily l:umery. s..1. latahae at food p greedily it such frantic :aIle to dtauur lir as a )aing. b:r.I. Tee clild 1* not usuallyltk.• then •• fife u, if not paled Ly ors* laptsitarlf) wnh sweet•, healthily r..Jy fry amcsl in the middle of lie day, b:.: he ajnrl•ly chess.: eat hcart,tc yarns' : .. -1.• t r atom. 124 -:wee:, 1 The 1.. _ • 1 4.' 1aey sonw t .m1'414 s u t. Satin, 1,ir•wr lr myself ih a way that • shoa!d briny:ne to Shame, It ,;zju or k:,.i un' ar-.ata! k, Met instlf a hard 12.,111.•, Lever done too,c i:, that line Loan •mats• brut.. t:, :. A drink w ,tl, a frulxl. s.iaa,:der A mamas: a.: e', Jt'.. p 1 eon! i 1..'•t uta my earl. !' . • . , , : I ill t!u P lwrtlW.i'didroppact i ro• t a.: 1 } ,, 1:. fuer.. gist -k to era uW` r 21.1s act it fo m da}.Ight till dark, y;r tu.sy wast"a jobs') brei 41. .t yo .4t,- to aur./ 1-r y,.',r loan!, 1•• sac 4,. en yer k1:• o, nit' pray - Yur a etwn.Y to eleat4 tl,c sirs• -res in rain iu W city-tu Ja). It would break your heart to see theerowJ. thti) ng•:• hanging about 111 the ro1.1 an' .t.adi of the streets to wait till t:., Wa1•.-t'e out. An' pay for the .tlw•t Iiv.h h.sned, what ei _ IaAib ill.• !Alt rel eent 1 u: jest oho cheero in a Lta 4,'ed Irina • tutus t:e•w olrrr:i.;tout, 11111}- didn't 1 orae for money 1'r:ekut, I'd' tee. lntlei, grit, .1'1 sot wit n. .wake r';y• pr1i _Teas --ten-1741 wnldnl•gyit. N.•r own mreel( /tech a dor:gape+d chump, afar 4...tei.i• un tart. (tills. As tet tutu';:..I.,4 ft`�r- tk,e Ipne stuff t„ settle n, l' ln,ar.l.ug 41111E. 4.-- _ Nell 1 banjo -el it as l..ni as 1 co0ld\ but I didn't gee xo above. Au te.e t.sa,ditt' mh„is shut down an' fr • I..4,,'t la. 41*'. 1., g,., • Sly e':otl..v.-as mostly in hock-'twas hard titin: Lits u, sal., ba l /dir-lsv I took • tumble a:,' jest throw r! ;he dart tLitg up. "Ain't -1 au IJL:: thittk.1 "to bo trt-in Wee to lite u;u.n air,• 1A' here nob..ly rant, -one around an there's uptight' to doa:.r:yh. r,., Nhe:, dad i* a .L.ruig to death an. ling' 10.11, . 42 the farm,` %1'11••r.• I!,.•r...,tlw,1)' pie:ay of work fat a m.:u w nth * *tr...'g right [rte' "It *i:, t a vary soft $sap -Do sine -to fare •'' U,-io,'t day. An' Lewd an' clothes ain't much whim ye cone to reckuu the ply. There nisi a heap of ebbaces to samara petti.,Datree s pile; Raj it's better ttan huetin' • job *a' find • in' yer*c•li all the while:" .t bredkfst-t2'ne, acid a .s a:eel to compel him tentree. A little Ingenious connivance as the part of a nurse or mother wilt often induce a little oil.: 1" eat : beguile tam to do this, is f*ct,whea he is hardly aware of the ca,ixi•t. 'rhe 'nether will tell a at -9V of the captne down au the (kik Dave, who w.ntcLcd to: the little trop door to be Niel, aad the Lind friend , t,t.ile. to send ;n a P.::oting hit ..f k The Best Medicine. J. 0. WIL*ON, Contractor and Malec, Spring's, Texan, thus altt':tkd of hepta Filletl • "Ay.r's Pills tie the lo -y• w1. di,-ias I era r 11:.4; au,l, to rer j,ul::unit, no better general re:w.,ty i -,,,,t4 I•. der hied, 1 harp u -eel dicta In my /natty and r.V•a-1u:n:-u.i'41 liirat tit I!.v Weisel. Awl etupley, s for more that tweedy yaw. To ivy r •ruin l 1:eg: t.rllte, many eases cd .01.. (..l1, tug a•eure a:tits have been cc.:eiti.trl and Permanently Cured by the 13,u of Ayer's PAIN al.:I,- Thirdday chitin, .imul. sooty, bili.w ,•4 Ye%. -, k Lr.hl:w-I:e, rheou:r.tian,, flax, .1. 7,1:44), folds. , o •.xalltchtb.p, nod bard (,os. 1: I2' L•w that n l cwltrr.te te...4 of=tyea'a r a f. t 4.17s of u. a. 11 1.:ttnre of the ro:j t ! .121 t: •ha.t wu4h1 it. foetid an rib , ,,',' entre :yr tl:e eli,ur'iera I L.1:.• tea:t1(4243420..." 1(4240... " 1 I.'. a be. n x??l:n:; i4s'Jtelele for t1. cl, h: sen ileo! i e , . {,',. * ,• st Ayet's I'll:a ci p th t., sans. .•airy 1'4' i 1 , - .. -, .1 1'e,ry. tilw,t(sya:.t.i..1'. 0., Vie. AYER'S PILLS 14.pere.f by it . J. c'. Ay, r A C.., Lowen, Gimmes livery Dose Bffectle4 CANADIAN CURRENCY. ' - A gold cure club has been organ:Led at ]Tata h.:1. Chatham police otlieials :node 1,13 arrest. Nat year. Kingstonhas spent ;13,000 u-granolithic si Iewalks. Rodney nlney there n a bitter ooespetittcn am seg the taker., The (:.1t Collegiate' Institute is having food. root- captive who would else ha.e.l, starred, and Pit. presto opens the rowbui There are now to Canada 145 brewer mouth, which n the trap-door, and down a -*d eine distilleries. goes the bit uI f„osl, od the epwxnlul nt Several young ladles in Ilillaburg have S e ol: bei pat in. ia. porridge, nr the drink ..f sweet milk, to the org.nized a cornet hand. 111 prisoner below, seri...led to be In the see of the litou,2(. It ,s p.tatbl ic,:e of bread -and a D Ldtttr which unto•. resolve .nen anything int an offence until at u invested with the gl.mut of ra.lente. -A pretty story to this egret is *luted In the 1.;fe of Nal haniel i!aw- thorne, who, writing to his al sent site .1 the veti0us domestic happ•n:age, idle of one of the cl.ildn-u who was 1,4Yrec to his luachcon. " I told him," says the fatter, " that there was what in les bread, and he ate it imn.e.iiately.". " A little art, a little skill, a little fancy, and the repulsive diet becomes attractive. I cut Nliily'a biscuit into fi n•a•ltc shapes, flow..., birds, chessmen, when she carona at it jcit pain, ' said a mother, one .fay, "gaol then it n quite ■mining 10 see Low, one Ly one, she will r::soage to eenanme the reser, 11., wren., and the black and white knights mei pawn..'. A school girl, as a tel., dislikes .er) much to take her luncheon to scha.l with her. She has left the breakfast taLle only slew troments ago, .ad the luncheon hour is the length and breadth of the ne tnlsg away. (ha dear little mother, bring not No lar front her daughter'. ecu•:ol room, pays no attention to *hes very natural din relikh, I ut takes pains to surprise the child by vending her an &rivet:nag little inocheuu at tl.e noon hour, some delicatesander.che., Strawberry -were known by the Indiana or some cake and fruit- Aud this is always to be an expellent remedy fie diarrhos. weltnmed with gratitude dysentery and looseness of the bowel,; The spireme of . coucalescent or c f an io but medical hicieu.•e has lanced "before valid «root he compelletl• it must always the Public its Dr Fowler.% Ext. of Wild 1.• coated, and to this end the nets. or at :rodent will not neglect the little touches which make the appraranee 01 a repast In- vitice er ori erwise. The delicate china, the fastid.ons:y clear filar, cern liars, and shining salter, a tluwer.2Qn the tray, sod, if possible, • s*rpric. in (he viands, are worth more than the little trouble they coat in the goon they Accomplish- Streag.h is,ustain ed by food, and grail digestion waits on spp petite, and appetite is coy, and n ust he matte 1, since • person re.N.vetintr from ill seas is root a tramp or a p:oughn.an, though quently a nearly in a starring condition a either of these at mealtime liar'er's Hazer. The : eser ro:r .t l:ee..m bunt recently an 1 illy damage b very Strawy. 'the Stariahtll Msrrtmoatal ('tub of .wine L compose! of rid, men who take a salemu vow that each man shall marry a poor girl. • A New itrunsat:w p.;.er ,♦ sent tree fee * year to every couple that gets nr,. *led 1 Charlotte ceauty In 'January a*nl Fein eery of this sear. Dr. Fowler's Eitruet of Wild Sitrawlerry 111 n re:ialri6 ren,rly that e'.:f nlw eye Ir..kp inled on to cure cholera, cholera intention, n.ti.•• rrampa, dliarri:•r-.. 41y/winery. and all liersoiacas of dal bowels. It is a pure Extract eoutaiuwg all the tartars of W.Id Str.tw• berry. one of the ',afo*t. ,! surest derma for all summer c„n:plaiul., combined will* outer Iarnle's yet prompt curative upset., well known- to u*eelacal science. The leaves •of Wild Art' se I've g..t back to the (aro-nn fr t!f mor: a rim lar P.-, Jeer :each me some tw.:e of thst pork -an' IA take half • env more of tea. A4nt had ascii a meal dear knows when -- eh' t.. tau: row al,wn font ': c:..ch 1 11 loin Writ as 1 1111••,1 years age+ an' help Jml L. utten•l to the ■t.. k -- IiuLt.nr T.o.wr.ov. A ate 1 r..l e 6..0.1. The illustration. rn engrave,' In,m Farre and Firral,le, shuns how a r.wmt ran 41.6 I1i11 sot as to be close to the floss of the herohonse and at the team/. time nut inconvenient. Stich a roost is al moat indispensable w'aere very large fowls are kept. It rat: lies male any size and as strung es desired. The • .1 ariakter alma Ile TI..a**, Woe betide the ma■ who tore to get ahead of a lawyer. Such • man is likely to be himpelf outwitted. Vide a case in point. A young lawyer, just starting is his pro- fession, hong nut his nem in • Connecticut to.• where there wan one other lawyer, an awed judge. A closes fisted fellow, thinkinr to get Ircal advice for nothing, called mega the young mem, told Aim be wes very glad he had come into the town, as the old judge wu getting Superannuated, ad then con tired in a sort of neighborly talk to get Strawberry a complete and (fitctaal cure for all thews o iltrc.u.:,hg tool often dartosteae complaints so ronuarnn in this change- able climate. *••� It has stool the te,t for 10 yenta:lt•4 un4lsof bees -turns n been ed by no- prompt 11 NI s Cures slimmer (-Gin 11•la .,t. so jiff**' NI); gniet5 the (ate ,., effectually and allay* write - Gen rn ane,-ra.full, as this unrivalled preseriptiom of airs Pool•:. 1f you are going to tract t 44.,, Summer be euro and take a Bottle with you. it overcomes. safely and quickly the die• tre.sing summer rornplaint wo often camel by change Yf air and water. and is also a .•i.ceitic o guinea se* -m ,41 se, and all bowel Complaints. some legal question. answered!, TI .n, Prise Ric. Beware of imitationni and thank ins the ).ung man, he put on his hat ,Gon sa%b�s.•rnpnleisse and visa about to have, when the young f, or•uMthettisaV sI OMaatsy r l,►ufita a man &skid him if he should charge the ad rice, lee which the fee was h.. dollars. The obi fellow *ort into a violent passion, MA Swore he never wonld pay. The young lawyer solo ham ,1 Ilow a sue him d see `YST [[[[1 die jus ?, tuen oll hoe went down Ir enc►I REN e judr, fond h:m hneig 1112 rale ggarden,I n.dl Ton, rap Ihat's jest come 1 �T• a �11.., ..» w„ martAND Otago Tra42aD linflenten. Nor bisealy pagesat twit` again, You not rain • grander ward Specific and Antidote for T• im oaane hint �waand' battle plain! impure, wank animioverished blood, dye alenii its Wi•gham Ti,wara, s _ '•sP)/l•leewa, palptatiea of the ('iiotAw, : the rase .!r Whitehead •hessrt liver complaint, neuralgia, Ines of y., teheai m.me.ry, bronchitis, cnesnm ion, gall as easter in 1iag a certain awl urinary the (' R., Os Government dewed as d.seae.se, StpsuVitas' dace, !earn rreg- possession d It, and offered him, se N wlaritee sad reeerol debility. ' 4d eat reneu.w1'his nr."tt,:LiBORATORT, 1001RIti. ONTARIO hllshe•d r.fseee the seer, but he weed J. Y. MOL 8 () 1), es beta better off is des end Mrd 1. r Ie Iso it did ost pat est w well Proprietor W it se be bad imparted. Alr ]Yel.ebr/► sewn* Rtnrevas st .Ise M W 4 tee., as la sow% r well as frail •n the d*wwlM• ►sews.. Owl, aN ssat s INaforth. 1 *setet• Durban W MoLFQD'� sent salt Re.tar dotted lineP 1, 1 ..•, ,t hat it can lee rajw.,l front the flews Niel made to kw, upv an nprt,ght Isnntt.m ;,gailiet the wall of the h•n.e dnrihlg the day thna clearing the hone/. of all olwtructh•ta. If deain,l it ran tae faatetwrl to the Boor er to the Iweltsws of flirt will 1.7 Inrwna of hinge. A meal of this kind is Afton 'rrrirrable when, spare in the hethotwe is Waited A is the wall .4 the boons and B nes is Cpattk,s, WALL PAPER OPENING THURSDAY, FRIDAY di SATURDAY. Just to start the sale we open at prices that are sure to make you purchase : Canadian Wall Papers at 5c. a roll. Canadian Wall Papers at 7c. id Canadian Wall Papers at l2 -c, Only the very choicest Designs and Qualities, AMERICAN WALL PAP:ER S Designs, Qualities and Prices up to date. We Ake it only a pleasut'e to show them. Remember, the prices sell them. PRASER & PORTEn ideal M.aaar.. Sell rrlrpasar 4.. Booksellers and Stat -on'' NEEDS OF GENPLE SPRIN-TIME FOR HOUSE-CLEANING : CI.IIti4Y itnnITITIIZZ POLI3II f,,ru,r„rr look yew. Lev tion ay pit it 3 t u::•rlf. 1, ,annul I.-. ■url'.sn4. BZATl 3L:.LL STOV -PIPE VAR- Illre the pipe. a tom before putticnt away, arid (tercet rust. Tr.cwZL ansa caauzrT si=Z t.n packages-) Read eel •• Meese Ci. ,nil Ili..t and 1 Steep. OUR CONDITION POWDER 1 or lkr-.c. r., 1 .•,,ole. ENGLISH HEALING CIL For a I . in, ... S. SASSAFRAS BLCOO ANO STOMACH BITTERS. OUR LIVER PILLS. W. C. 000DE, Chemist. SPRING AND SUMMER 11I�LLIt�TERY. llnsbig 1:alelj: retui'ne•1 from a trip to the keeling Millinery Mark. -t•, where 1 have been -pun•haaing a stock of all that is new and artistic in if... Millinery Line for this Seasons Trate, I fu, now prepareti to show you tl.0 very • Latest Styles In Shapes and ' Trimmings, 'A ('ALL IS IRE•PE(TrL'LI.I- S4*..14.ITI:D. , MISS CAMERON. Seasonable Goods ellrencememsrlIMMIMItanataaav Best Brands of Canned Salmon, Mackerel, Lob- sters, Sardines, Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring, Herring in Tomato Sauce. I)) ti'I'F,I;� SELECTS AN 1) STANDARDS. Finnan Haddie, Codfish, Pickled Salt Water Salmon and Herring. "Clam Bouilon " Burnhams. CHAS. A. NAIRN. C� Teel k ged7 X You Can le them all by A Tub without Sea r>n'orjoint'T asking A Pail without any Hoops? A Milk Pan imparting no taste' EDY S or smell? A B :.I t t e r Firkin that is light, Indurated tight and neat? Ware' A for X UNDERTAKERS. J. BROPH13Y eltz !BON Hare atlelrwt to their present betimes one of R. J. Nasb's Latest Style anofd Oltyarsnow Hee.rsee, *Iso rhe finest line of slut pow al furniahinga i* the catnty, prwp*md to conduct (nnenl. at r1Otl!/ naaonable This department will he strictly attended to by his eon William, who. marl` in the employ of the late 1). ()onion for the past tan yew*., has a thorough knewleelAs the herein e, and by prompt attention h to share rt of the public patronage- Remember the lace --1V �~ r ogle *. Give els a call p "� .on year w.y to flit pause J. BROPHEY & SON.