HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-4-5, Page 2THE SI' kAL: i; Vi if "Only the Scars Remain," Say. fl r v e y Iit'tnf)1,.•t 1; Tn'nM Mw:( 11 'soca Mateltipsery t'tt, P+.i ade?phla. lie. .Amon. tt.•, 4..: n)•. too:, . - ,1 o•b!rb 1 ,metra toner. . •1 It►ed,,.: .f perfort:ttr0; the • bio. 1 ...r tif n on • ,.. x • pre: of l; •nr.,1till Olt t, '•r ' ntng tlpr•'u - tote Loath re, re,t.ar: r. oh! 40 we oo F....1, atrl i• a- r.:.t'C( tt.at t !" (.saes w.w1.1 be:. - '. At List, tyo gn n1 n1.1 Mother Urged I've Miry Ayer's !tarsap..rill h.rtti..•, tine tor. • 1.• ,1 1 ben ti tr.•ul t. -d h.,u r. U it:, 111• ✓ emain, and Tito i:te..lt y or peat, to remind mo of the ; Ayee's t3ar..mparill.t has demo too. I naw sv, ::!i 11N o 1o1111,4..i :-t.s 4 rot pouuJ.c, ah3 o:d n 4t i. i,rrt a 1. tilt:, 1 have, heen on the ro.:l :or tt:r hoot twelve years, bji.• noticed Ayer'P Sof. wttarflls ad•.r:[•_sett to :'.!I r.: rt. of the Coifed Stat. - ,'.d• n;•iart to a rlcsa- arc In M!P,a,, s h 1111 , . ..1 .; did f..c n:n.0 Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared to i,r..t.. A. er k a'o.. towed, edam. i.Y1N0 yOtli WliEN OUT OF OF}'IUEi Tory OoeetMOM Talk Truth. I:a-[..s,ra.r Deal, el lar seethes est Terrell - tosses, Dm tuned • rressactaateete Ile warts tither twdtped- eere es flea. !•',.tint the New ['oat •t-.• We hate before us a tank pamphlet, (Erbil/shod Also to English, *huh is attract dead f th uthoutthe tine when Howe.) ••• •• ['rase N t.i .r...a ...d, »e • ve s in and nod tri •...naa• its cele ort • 1a.istmo tent {Utility of New ?reek. the-, ae u up in the ta.el,tua .1 pot.ier shell Ne u also Imo., otos •,i.•a.u•W, kering mutt It W W ,w up esu "pe t. •,+ w r d.r«s.. •k+r .. 17 WILL BE INVESTIGATED. real nit 1 Woo. Whets s.n,riods •, •1111'•••`} h. resuhd to uuhse b. k•• ., '••'v 't •t pl•sives to dies . the pt, ee 1.. posed to req up • coup- 11 1•D %NOT. a +•. `'ION30 YEAR.) EXP!P tt1LE. 61.haa • ILiI ti (�* Tobacco is one of h few t u , ,s .11+ He Mnrdered articles of J Ina„ In ' e that enoyl be last, ...4 mow t:.. tome • i • can manu f act - 11! • N t se. ibaple. tare whose be oe1OP ii u 4 r « y tut Mbw „ pa0boih* own-, 1 ...ore ler is meNAa, of the ouop expo was tame ••' with „met lsoli Moat.• w t..,r" 11,' 1,.,114 0.1 sae bl t1..p•Irl. tt 1. het 1 reaped I o to be regulated ea . hat rt wen He got the deet.. a tar • ,a.uce,l ,'p rat.. UMee. tel tt k..wettw K wend etp!udc •wi 0.' .,p e only be noun by actual EX -.MEMBER s PARLIAMENT REUBEN E.TRUAX tat •great la .. attention ro liewday .fterootw tent that Le esr,n•4_e use, For was ready for teatime l',a re •e"►• to 1' A0.aa»!res.' hunt.. AtaJ 2. --Word thirty Y {rotnmson "1 Canada. !t a entitled "lee I. Llen1'eLiguote ►tzar to ,taut .[,tete Islam r2.- here, Ir ears we Cool,. irons it onesisu, . 1 L'awL, CepubL•yve ori t'otoeie," ..d to Kaha.y, a.. a tin amp:h, and a. w• .,' 'h"' t•, tire tBra•r b...f t t., .0 .•a ling , im.elt have been ma' written by the Hon. Joseph Royal, twiner to 1.01 the cartridge for Ines,,.. ••. 11e pis• Butes,, 1r slum ..e .., wf nom It 1.0 11. ;y (,overnor of the Northwest Territories. • 45-esihta• copper stir -II, au u.ch loan, 'e eller• that to mord re 411 a;.1 tar.urr and king the best 1 1 '• e n ret . mused U1 The author undertakes to demon- strate that, lot all the proximo' of British North America a contimueeee of the present depeadea.•e no t%rest Britain u to- toler•we . and that the alternative methods of escape are annexation to the fatted Suttee or the .•rection of an Independent tedernl republic. Ile is ea -Weevil( c'oovia prat that the former eliminative should he favor eft by the French spe•kag t etboltce of the provisos of towhee., but the reason put for ward fur this preferesos is founded, se pc shall see, op a miscoue.ptlon of the powers of self control which a t'ansdiao prottnce wo,W retain if admitted as • State Into the f'n1,0. (;o,eruor Royal begets by aseerting that the present situation of the Dominion is he set with perils. The e-,ononucal and soviet furors ot the population are. be maintain,. pr. toundly shaken : and it u neither s pre. Icmg•tion of the states 4010, *or the .(ream .,1 uup••riaivfeder•tt.•n. Ly which ('.sada can 1.' saved. Her 'moue iv to he found only In tit.- Natural, salutes 4, and foetful develor- anent ..f • oatmeal, destiny. The author of this pamphlet proceeds to esamine whether the icouctry is prepareat for such a tivat measure of emaamtwtioo, aria, hsvtug de. tined the characteristic .narks of oat;omolt ties, he poinu out that they .zist in ''arca and Uot a w •federative ax. Its however, . i umifl.d Mate, the materWls of phi,•;t ere read[-. We are reminded that • federal systein presupposes the existence of separate nationalities and that tau regime, which seems K1 3.e the formula for government, of the aiweteeeth century, *flet. all the deeire.1 .eourity for the lawful end regular delelop- - - meat of Ita constituent autonomous mom her,. A negative answer is returned to the further yueation whether Canada, in the final stave of its evolution front the status of cokes, to that of an independent federal re putilic, would run the risk of • social and political roevuleion, and wouht have to smek complete emancipation by mean• ot a .angumiry revolution. Iiclud nodidimotta- in proving by the declanttons of Itriteih 'esteemed, Conservative as well as Liberal, that, should the provinces now embraced to the I ,..minion espresso • desire for • cum p}ete •e}t.ration frontfireat Hritaio, the de- sire could Le peacably attained. Passing to art investigation of tow *od,ts- duauial and economical conditions of the c •entry, 4. oi'eroor }:nyai ailirma, withonr te.r of eoatrtdietion, that tl:e narketf for t'..et•itae pruduute being detenniaed not by u de:reodeut negotiations but by the diplo- macy of the mother country, no Inver too, respond to the ei ao.ioo of the productive power. 14 u England that hinders the t'em *.lion provinces from deriving from the American market all the natural advantages of which they have ureeot need 00 this pant he dres not hesitate to say that, with out the power to nuke her euro treistirs, Canada cannot long coltio00 tter pmts: (iomat system, wh►ch elem.!), threatens her yeath ono, nor, on the other hand, enter 0u free trade. which would simply be • quick er mode of suicide. Finally• how, uo,!e- the present statue, can 4.'awde be delivered from the frightful call of religious dissensions' 4 taverner Royal gram at length into this .Ine'Rion. sod after setting forth the breaches of faith and disabilities which the French- speak log t'etholics have sulkred in Manitobt and in the. eri.bweet-T-errttnrtes, he declares that the nutter at usuc a one of principle, which admits of uo co0promme or tecommo- dotioe. His 4 atholic fellow countrymen, he Pays, consider elementary education as • thins of vital moment to their faith, and as • question of .oc.l interest with regard to which a legislature shoul,! Interfere Dopy w.thio limits strictly defined by • ('on'titu• 11.00. Ile would, therefore, .et the school const .ven7 forever et rest, by giving every csti.en who is re.fuired to pay • eel* dol tax the right to my how the tar he pay* shall be applied : and he would make this right the subject of •n organic article to the oew Costituttoa of au Codependent federative Canada. 4;oyerear Royal thinks that if the school qui scion could he settle} in this way, the Foetal -speaking 4'atholice of tiro province r 1 fruebec would prefer iedepeodenc, to an. mention to the 1'oitedStates. The ground Int this -belief is the assertion that "a11 the United States an fuad•meotally horn:s to the (_'•tholics on the school question." This u an accident due to the preponderance of Protestants is every St..te. The Federal Constitution has nothing to do with else (punting. of pudic education : that is a matter which each State la left to settle for itself. If t e majority of the voters of any `tats wen Catholics, they could not only cense Catholic doctrines to be taught io all public school., hut so far as any Mr in the Federal ('onstitntion is concerne'l, they eoubl actually make 4'atholiesm the established church within tin it .tate. There would not be the slightest dith-tatty in .pportiootnc school money among the various religions denomination' according to their numerical strength. provided. we re- peat, e- peat, the t '. t holios should poser • majority u the ballot hos Now, s majority of the inhabitaete of the province of 41uelree tute heart, soar to be his wife, is this dearest d Frenuh-.Peeklag 1'•tholi*i. Should they AN ORIENTAL TALE. A be1MM Point not b Me Wisdom et " Sir," said Abdullah, as he appeared with bit sister Fatima before the judge, •a perihelia you will remember the brave Abbas, _whodied ttaleago.--liearanoors father, and lett both of ut_his property in c,yual portions, oo which we have hitherto subsisted in common. Fatima, it is true, has been pecvieh and •toarrelsome during the -last few years, but 1 always gave way, u 1 arc a ;over of Vivo 1301 1 have re- ce..tty chivied i ., t.e..u•.iful 'Larsen for any hr.d •, aml ',ought of giving her this salu- •b'e toting ,:f pearl. :he most pecIOa keepsake of ley who- in my poscsaioe, for he gave it b mo on tot return tr.m • jour n es when I was rise years old, And It has been mine wit eiOCL Ba' 1'atima will have it that the pearls arc pert of u•tr father's legacy, and claims half of the a 111 tier share. She refuses to listen to toy arguments sed i.usts upon bet claim, no', indeed. for the sake of the pearls : oh. no' I see quite pi.ioly she wants to sp al my pte•sute and that of my bride erect, for my sister does tett like the idea of %•,raid+ entering the paternal house •. mistress. Now, wise cult, give me judg- ment" The cadi bowed his head and said " Fatima, is the case as your brother stated r " It a all .tuite correct eeceptifg the as- sertion that the string of pearls belongs to him alone. How does he mean to prove that father gave it hint' 1 dispute the foot and claim my -Mare : my reason for so do; tug is immaterial to the question at issue,' •' Well, .thdullish," sud the cadi, addres- sing the platntifl, have you any living no- ncoms or any handwriting to prove tbat your father gave you the pearl"'' " I have nothiug of the kind," was the replThai is • ba+! outlook," the cash Dom tinned. " 1 fear then is nu prospect of an amicable settlement by persuading your os ter to accept • sum of money for lice share." " No," she broke to, „ 1 want hall of the pearls." • Very well," said the cadi, beckouing to Ibis clerk : " 1 must have a report 04 the nue drawn up before delivering judgment. Ssy,defeud.ot,your name is Fatima. What is yourage '" Here se blushed, hesitated, tried more then once to speak, but uttered • syllable. ' How old are !" tie Mat Speak Al last she replied in faltering topes . "1 am28." ' Really!" said the judge, with an iron- ical ensile " I hereby award the whole string of pearls to Abdullah alone Take them, p!aiatit, sad v0 your way in peace ' Fatima s not 7onr sister, for Abbas died 30 years ago, and she is only 2R." Forei,•n exchange. _ A Word M abs taetdeo. 1 want to ask the young wo,nan who is scop to take up the blissful task of • home- maker If she has ever wasted sixty minutes a • real good think ` The individual whom she is about to make the happiest of men has bundled her up in • perfact potpourri of delightful fancies. His sweet - ea frog tut• anee_.0 pec m inmate of mercury. This Ie the iskooh Into i 41 toot, Fort ri••Itt. tint, w powder used in maims ler onto., co. Nflit In or Willis'0Was He.gl,Ta that a. gra es of to- ('kalkley Price, &amber tart toth, r ...beet - mei it mot ilexWile-reed Mow lie. nutjer.l ag beetle tit at tee Omen. tied Ton, •e4•,lt nee of tie 44• w 1•rrpp•w fail for r i ,faeeos. and we recommend flagon u ly the ee, was eta.' e ,tenets he utd2a lire odd vr,.pt,m to &eth. I 1'sxpeatwtlly the .Lath rent . 1r wish' r I object .s r. •ii at Mgt tis old i ai e m leg. tie i tame. but test 1.e is sutna.nt. e a . ►�T 1 bang. l't'•ae started bw••k w,•b blood i i..", J .410.minu Stool 11* uses,, Pi meclepperl 1/u 1 111.11 nlesfr.l x11,1 wit. " I.e was fl)tt.t 4 reliable and superior bend to his forehead, and Fagan ping el : wait hila Id- sfle tad rtrfrd iltia he was from bit Mat ea if he toot h.• a s1••1. T. s e.•wl.riled 4, k11111 r f,*.. sat:.t.ug!I he did 111 H Ilett „n FF• PLU(,rCUT Br wens a title. J d h In k thief rnehtlat. r nen know when he ami , ,t dry r toad blown eo t the e Ir em e t had blown loco f►.gn,enta It fwd two ..1 11e t:a. f-er.'e , 1.• oy b. caw,. he heard the skin of the intrutor'• ten -timer. testi aeticho l)• Morino aoont w du yard and planes of the shell had cut 1 r ,'* forehead 50* a turn [tore. Fagan, after an eterntatat•, Oleo wen 1 I Tee Heger M %at 4 rvd,tvd. that he had riot su1erel .uythlug but Tuw,xro• .tpril 'L-A de-i:,a141 aatr re- IriRht. I ceived tat the co. .41 Setur•.)' , telt frau► Proprietor Mani 061.1 yroberdav after- I Auuw•ernda, 31-ut . •tot „4 tits* a u►•u eons the he was thankful that the aandeut i newel Dolton, at tats- tout, had ra,afr...4 was mot more serious. to the murdee of the old couple at Purt t'rane sud that F. cnnld".1 tell what ur.r.:it. L'ytr.•tire tIreer left yr>terelay for made the marttie' ,e go OOT. He is • dead • that Aimee to tuv'•ti,;ate ti.e truth tat the ,;ante 1104.'00r, though, ar 1 he la going t0 *tons. a•, at his annihllet.,r totem .a MP,n os the the A1101107 (letwr04. i Id'iteliasees 0u new epelermis groin on bis tinter. *redo in the de4p4.. *. * .11 Ihr jgruer0l Proprietor Slush is busy trying to figure opeei,•u is that it , '' r re:iablrt ,.et fust what will happen to the tire thrN ettsprii,W'sa a.rrwler'sh{Otho who tackles the enahllet0r when u u n• Tensed, April 'Z. --Ilam Irwin, who s [tett and perfecta and in flr+it clan wort. I_ N :he time of the 111111.111. "f the old 110. order. N't;lioms couple ; was barteieler at Fitz- TLRRt9LE DOMESTIC TRAGEDY. gerelvre hooted in thio ,•iiy. and who ham l i tin heal up. tile C . u tri t r been WI ai nee u • • tot 1'hu Giorgi* Me. r that on [far t. h hrrr of a H tuftsr'dt\Y• Tse W IU sad 11erk 'r4M ]larder. H1s. Wills as Ale. December 14,- 41M 'w.i t.'..ding liar in thd" Attar,*, i:a . March 6.-_t special `hotel .sud remembers 11ae11'harrell coming from Homer, Ranks county. sass that .1. { in there [but Digit'_ He say's there can be F. W.tllia ries .killed lost Seek by his j 00 doubt shout it, 11ae:Wherrell wise in danghtor Lillian and hie wife. the news h the (hotel on LYcdued*y night and drank o: the tragedy lid not leak out for several ' tee ..r three limos a: the Mar. Ou Thur. - days when a sole, Fraud., 11 year obl. .day t.i;bt he sae,.:eyed in abort te o'clock gams. $Ife has the temper of m ugal. denede to enter the 1 aide •s • state, they Hglr tas•aee tau esmest, her skin the fair- w^'t1d do e0 with a tittles ovststitntion• which they would isms, awl which might regulate religaus and educational msttere precisely u they should see fit. In • word, the arguments hrentght forward in gond faith by t;overnor Royal to support ant. Ilse oyes the loveliest, so thinks the enamored o•., and he oonstden himself the Isekiseit of man to have woo such • prva Duet disappoint the poor fellow, and you will it you mount suocesafully answer the following •lorries the project of oestpt to political mitepred. Whet will you do whro you eaonet soma are in every particular. v cogent ow ander date mother's every dsy for .dries' babel! of anomalies to the I• cited Mates. 11 hat will you .lo if the maid of all work CRANE'S EIfRCTIVt INVENTION. ioeo.Ndentrly „moieties to leo,. you is the lurch ' 1r if tenable. 0106 Whim Waif low Neth What will you do if your better 1011 whet Witt ti Mu• tba*r• Thar! prover • financial failure and your sower neon, the New Yak 8,1.. and hate mess be made at hawse' Whitt will yea do if y7oew bread bet must he en del from your kitchen a.d are frown harhake t is all vary Miom, very fasctatimg, very they are anrineely ew•atisg the develop loveable to tae stets, girlish and k,11.04sh .o fA bedsit, Weal bonging•. Matra sod breaking her neck. Itis summed the meat of the prase? somewhat pramitone she was in • .tate of intmileatfoe et the 1es as 04etames res/ aleII.r% you mud the and dsolie deli i'hickw nis• u • Lawyer "No year wife hit yea with the time. n' 4eoe reepo•NMlitlee d Idle .n set 70on g•' B Astir.., and the poker, did she, awl you to hear, hat the maw doom's pies whe ie fed with • great 04.0.7 townspeople i• hell• Brant da r sweeties Mal Irestge7.d. t0 pet ■ for 007hew tb et time with wit% sal so the tows toffees from • t 'sag"" a mutt 'bo "tlroome ' ,isle P Rpest of laved, sal, 0.e' 1 wast 'boat as ['...ted Ii*Ipawwarrq ntut , A}•rit 2 - The Pete &Ines gruff of tntsWleettea, soh 1 than eit red en el. dares I hie Meed, s•1 poet rat 1641 psepls 44ad a the ste•tsees so r*0t1 kala E.uwpo to the Coned Mateo told it to twine tieighbon. Ibamghter and mother were arrested, taken to Horner Ana given a preliminary trisL The boy te»ti6.11 that hie fatter earns hinne from work abont dark, mol, setting hi. bottle of whiskey upon the cupboard. called lir 1zi•.upppeer. After beginning to eat his -meal 41 dttllettlts arose between the eight, but net the tarxt. -11. says he is father and mother, but the former sat 'mattes that Maett•berr•-?1 was in bed in down on a chair before the fir. whoa the hotel vett the ut;ht Police ['unstable Lillian, about 15 years of age. struck him Pmts swore he saw hitt chiming College with m ass. cutting a ►;sols in but statin Kiting rep and screaming 11 -ails 'threw back his head. and the mother took the ale from the girl and cut hits across the thm.t with it. The girl says else struck the blow with thesis.: after basing cot her Lrthe► a throat with a razor,while ke -was choking her mother to .heath. Hee plea was that she .hal the deed to save her mother* life. aid they both had :1 driuk together.''1'l.ett after talking for • while toe seemed wept up to boil. When asked if o was positive as to the utght, he said he had no trouble im Aztug the ti�tt0--_ jt wee the tight before dbm big snowstorm, sod that !1• worked us that sate.-/. - The next mooting he [tot up and he antLW*4ker -had.-lu'w*kfast together, after which he paid his bill anti wear out at the sid. }l..ur. This is the lout he saw `1 him. Irwin soya he did not act At *it in the a•Ay of a titan who had hart guilty of ti greet crime. " • Irww's rrcofleeti.m if tfis .10(1(1 that kapoennel th*['night is very clear. He re- member* 2511 that .IL.' Of the coitus which he paid .•err the bar myl in poeitive of all Alcohol In Training. he 1, p t Ile *aid farther that he wrote to high Ang nems from hurtful things h ('otl.Gtbts !forst At the time of the trial Dating and in drinking .is the first tot and toht hitt where he wits at the time -116 these• attribution, and 1111 ,xntiut easily Ie Markdsie-and could. not ntder•taid why over 1-a1clyd. The trainer know.' this he was not tallest to give ryuleuce. fiwt in all ratty. where he is preparing Site endeuco wl;l co04uletely upset the his pupils for actual cntit(iits, la some pwoint% trainers ,tiffs,, but there i. • point 4111 which those whose opinion is worth any veined() not differ Allgood trainers and eU gong} competitors agree nn t''e role that abetinanre from aleo, holds fluids and bevcr*gee is absolutely necessary. 1 tato 107201f an abrftainer, bwe•anve h}' being our 1 am etr,torer, lighter. and bot-tter than if 1 were tort, en41 eau get through much wok. mental and phveiral, with ease arid pleaoure. 1 also teach the practice of abetino.u'e un hesitatingly and baldly fur the personal rl'000na named, and for many otber rea- sons resting 41n twientitic data. [int this demi not influence mein what i ant HOW teaching. Athleti.ism is an exceptional practice, and it I felt that al,obolir fini.lA would, as drinks, help the athlete under auy circumstances. 1 would fay, este them ext a itinnally, just as 1 might sr)' in cases of}disease. No, what iufluencea We is an experience 1 gained long before 1 bielinie an ab- stainer. i knew the value of abstinence during the period of training and the danger of indulgence. e. Drink. if yon ntu.t, up to the tone you comuience to train. Night to drink again as futon a* your contest is veer, if yon will, but as long as you are in stoup of }preparation touch not the linrtfnl thing, it will bo sure to nndrnnine all the tonalities on which you depend for tenet -este it will in- jure your preciniun, your decision, your preeenee of mind, and yone endurance. The famous trainer who taught w. the fonr .ualitir pmt the itp 1v that. He was not well when he ware himself preparing for a great race. and finding below par in the natter of cer.•.la tory ..ewer. 1 adyitnvl hitu to indulge in a little alcohol to help him throngh. He iteetnt1.1 this at '.ncr It w..nld take away every chance, an it did in the cane t 4111. "f lei• e.pt..nenta. lt;eston are th.'tatne t.•.tinrm When. he walked 44e0 full,, in tise t1ve he elu.taineil to eagle of the nation, ahowiug that tae mur- der esu committed after tea un Thnrotay evening. It di.provns the evidence of ta•serol p.cr.oir:who thought they saw Moo. Murrell that night elsewhere, inclusin.c Conetalle ('roes. ttu this Pri.Ience and that ..f two other important witnesses Mr. Knbiurtte will appeal the ea40. 'Unknow. 711...1)1., In 1111*.., • OrrewA, March :11. -Yesterday the tardy of au unknown utast lay in Roger. morgue On Thursday evening the arm entered the Central hotel vu the Flats, own toy 41r. Alex, (.unlet, and onkel fur •'mall gnan- tity u( whiskey. Ile drank it, sat on a .chair, and in tweuty nitwits% was dead, The body wits soon afterwards taken to Loiter.' merge.. for there was 110 "tae &boot the hotel to identify hitt. The body is that elf • Mall :. feet 4 McLane in height, and w.:going about 14th pounds, with dark brown hair, short reddish brown mons tache, btue• eyes, a wmewhat . receding fo'.heaJ, a mark of au old bruise on the left side of the heat!, and the big toe of the left toot seemed t., here at ai.:pe tiro+ been fru.tbitten. He was c .1 in a light .drab tweed snit, flannel e shirt with yin► and grey stripes. He ore heavy dark grey woollw socks, laced shoes and oth- bins slut a ('Misty stiff hat. He had 411 in hu pocket. Tank Poison tate•ded for n nog. ut•sLrn, April 2.-A 4 -year „ 1.1 dsn,t.ter of William 4'lialluoer, who works in Rett's and lives on Perth street, on Saturday picked up 0 piece of bread on the sidewalk In hent of ber llotne std licked tis batter elf it Then ehe 'tin to her mother and fell faintfn the 1� an► h dour stem. The bread and butter Sas been baited with strycb min«, and the child emu gave evidence of having hem poisoned. A doctor soon ar rind anti, secoodine the prompt measures that had been Wooled by the mother, saved the little one's site. It was • very tall[ -. when he walked the ..het miles narrow ese..pe, 'lorry'''. The decay of in 14111 days he afattalrle.I [••tall)', soother =Mote in administering an emetic sod when he walker) hi. long spec with! bite proved hal, (her. has, leen •tnieterrupted ,"arse from Brighton 40 *brut • 41oxe•n dog. p'.f.••ued iu the vicinity London he leisured me that n eater when lfr. I'hallmaer live• glare e.( sherry or nip of brandy would gkte•red Prw06.4 rhssiell ie rani. reduce hi. activity. He wan not regu tarty an *betaines'. When he was at liberty he enjoyed as a luxury a gbaes of wine or a toothier of ale bat when he wan in competition It 541* eb.olntcly ►u.'. ary for hltu to refrain altogethet Sir d1 W. Hiehardam 111 Id4416 mint 5 Maortne. "A a..Ot*er.d 241008411. RusTORAI., tjme. Ranh 11A, -Charles A. Pitcher, the absconding cashier of the Union Bank, Providence, it I., who walk eel out of their bank sit years ago with all th. stool. au.4 t-urrvncv, amounting to },aO,1M10, in a clothes basket, wee released from 14e Vincent de rant penitentiary yeitterdat. He wa. arrested in Montreal The man who iAstitTrd rep On the tut for bringing atolrn money into Canada, le tanto o . nestiem without a•tinft will and was rutenc a to wren )wed which, never fel at afrour ly *Rain The gets) five rah ,mod behavior, war vet}oeed w 6.. m.4 a half seen He received a.ait impulse yon don't art ort Pon ',mother .4 ,lot hes and $8 hoes the pen(trotf.ry Yost ser Cynical After AIL ufheial♦ \ cynical fellow wet that nem s.nPible - _ Isaac ('rag., of Rahway, is as inventor. roan is likely ever to giro• np the r•igar. mule. by Pa.ttl•8 brise steles His tering* to what Rahway folk call rite habit for the reason teat tut .eo• ljtaaa tfa.. • April 1.-f4turlay night 'Oh' p.rtaie Minikes 'htgl annihilator," awl ]'ber ,flan ls likely eT.tto aeonire it. •n old timid neeied ('ovine* Joon wee - - -_ killed immoral, hy falling down a Bight of a.4 miseries reselling from chicken Barer*. The has hose per. aap.ettiek ise.paelaioa Ye 0.a play titulrly eahg sat daring the peel few •amine ssthisg" trtehs egos the lever, bat seeks, avid ('rime 1es hest wee of the red• they gemr*R7 pros. elver mid NNW hip- faces. He had Ammo of • fl.. let .f tares wham it Mann M the bwglkg.t i .411kema, from which thieves mode • asks• AI w...11ea mill here was 41r on Saturday morning. Nothing was..ad Tb. baud ing was valn«f .t DAM* and the utaebtaery 42.000. The damage to ta• dam w144 be about 11.000- yell- a stall inatrassea k T.d1•oo0l'... lifetimeWt. V... ■,44 N .n,n.I. a.. 1 ADD NAMES AND WORDS. a.e.o as rressorta'wr. 11 a ferfal Well aeew. \•.•trstcheein. muster "f the celebrated ,,1.•4 are, •'fhe Ku.+len Front," t. eget :a1 . .',.r.. Teo.' ht. fr4.•i.da u.tornrd • re114.•4 .,r .hr Christian Iu.du,trr r.110.4 hie two pro u uu.rl•tl.,p of his amine a l ert-.hah-gin. .. end syllable •teent.-'l 3lsuke.'*y, the Hui gar al pouter of thi wellkn•.wu ptrture, ' t i,,• ilrfe.rr 1',1.(.. pf•gouncee his name Woo- room d •yl{ato;« ..r. ctest. lir 4 tlad.t.,gc, Prune \ureter of Eag. !eat',p o o a es hie name iii.d-ata;,, tint sy-lws eaeute,! lir. Car.egie, f.ivader of the new must, hall, Iumated in IV..t F.fty seventh street, New York, prosuunces his name ('.r w gv, second syllsWe tae.a:e.l. write, t tattieal n . folies Wit, st ruin tali .dna tb1 1 died to 1370, met 7O ,cone Thr premum elation of his name a Ku-huou, second sy1 Wile accented. Coleridge, the English metaphysician .n41 poet. died in 1834, aged 62 yearn Hoe name a pronounced CoetrtJge. U'Au4igne, the French historian, auth.', of ••Huator of the Ketonnatton," died 1111 1872, aged 7C years. Hu mem is pro 0omnced lrebtam-ya, last syllable mounted Meuaa� tbi i'elebrsted Fit -licit painter died io 1891, aged 78 years Hts o*me i4 pronounced May toe-1'ea, last s111able •, canted. I oulanger, Freoea general .lied in 11.'+: axed Set years. Hie name is prouourced 110 o -long .ha, last syllable accented. !'wucicailt, the Irish dramatist end uterr .1 rd in 1892, eget 70 years. Ho nuns i+ pronounos.l ileo se-ko, last syG.ble •cce.t- ed. Ana Merit ;From the lint worde of the Boman 1'ath0lic prayer to the Virgin Sloe) : :ostium ave hail- Maria Mani. An lu1•ucw tion to the Virgin Mary. A form of devo- tion in the Busmen ('atholio church. A par- ticular time in [tele about half an hour attar . Brest, and also at early dean, when the crepe ring end the people trpest the :nye Mari, pr n,.uo.ed ,lb -vs -Ina le a timet sad fourth 1) Paidee accented, 4'esmoea'na•, 1'•r •ocb r yob,huour, died in 17A, heed 04 yearn Hre name a pro. Pounced 1'a-tau-lao. 'ant syllable accented. '•Meisten'oger you Nurnbterg."proeounc- ed My ster-stogir er fon Neem-laterg. An open ; words and mimic hy Richard Wag fur. complel in 13b7, end tint rendered at Munich 110(1, under the direction of Von Below. Michael Aorrl.'. Italian painter and sculgtcr, died in 1542, aged 88 years. fhe Italian pronunciation of the none u Pow given the preference, Mick -el om}el-o. The "4" hat the mead ot "i• io pi. kle, third aylkbk a ,.ted. Sabarwenke, 4.ertn*a mnsioid compaer and pianist, was born in 1834. His name is pronounced 'her ten k., secotd syllable ac- oented- lmprovIse :rice, an est(mporaneoua poet - exs .a la Corinne!, pronounced improv mase- s tree -ch., third syllable accented. iseolat, Of the varione pronunciations of this work the lead.ng philologist have re neatly given the preference to is -o late, the tint iyillable having. the sound of i» in mw - The correct pronunciation of the English language sad .Il foreign wont io ((annum use u becoming a subject of interest and importance to those person' who can sppre- siate the great advantage of pease.*fbg the ability to .peak correctly. To render nor - ven.t:o. most dilizhtfal to • eeltiv.ted ear the pronnnctation of every Mord must be corm• 4. militia eta 447060. Dr Fawcett, the author of the bymm, " Blest Be the Ti. That Kinds," was the pastor ot • small Baptist church is fork• shire, from wh•ch he received oely Lampe salary. Beim Iositd to I.oadoo to sneered 1! s distinguished Dr. bill, he accepted, preached Me farewell sermon and began to load hie'wettere on wagons tor traaaperta- tion. When the time for departure arrived his 1 orkshire parishio.ers and neighbors clung to him sod hu family with an atm. time that was Nevoid ezpreestoa. The agony of sepantfuo was almost heart4reOk- ing. The pastor and his wife, completely overcome, tat down to weep. Loolimg into hts face while tears 'lowed tike rain down the cheeks of both, Mrs. Fawcett exclaimed 'a O1. John, 1 can't bear this' not how to go ' " .Nor 1 either," owl he, " Nor will we go ; uelr• d itis wagons. and put everything is the 1.!*oe *here et was before ' • He wrote to the Leeann congregation that his Doming was impossible, sed so he Truckled no hie artn0or for renewed toils io 1 ork•hire on a salary lees by 4200 a peer Ikea that which he declined. To commie at4 this tackiest Doctor Fawcet wrote that 41704.. i know • SwMJ* tfpw. (tae d- l he meat fust/ phyektem of mod • ere tubes tits,* : --" W41.. to sjstem is...r- charged with hila asd the liver mends • powerful Almelo, to emit* it to duty, thew 11 is that we nap powerful oath1rtira to ob- tain the necessary relief, often etteedd, however, with prostrating efteeu, ' sad he might also add, " often mooing by their re aetio. woes. reatip•tiow and bi4ossiass the before." Kow this is not tbe owes with K.eeljsy's Law 1�wg•e They de eat prostrate am n net- iMy act ggesintly 7N peeve, f ell. Them troubbd with shrew* o satip.tie. or a bilines Mitt that has Wet d ter Tran meet eoatir.s their me fee seem Moo : hot they will die their week wad pr- w omeetly care toes thus Milesei. its •4 eta.. Hon. Reuben E. Truax, one of Canada's ablest thiuken and states- men, a mau so highly esteemed by t the people of Itis district that he was , honored witu a scat in Parliament. kindly furnishes us for publication the following statement, which will be most welcome to the pnblic, iusamuch as it is one in which all' will place implicit confidence. Mr. Truax says tres ars 'iii airy way deranged tine supply of nerve force is at ours result the food diminished, anti as a TE t t taken into the stomach is ci:iy partially digested. and Chronic Icdi• gestion and Dyspepsia soon mike their appearance. South Americas Nerving is •o prepared that it acts directly 0n the Herres. It will absolutely cure eco rj ease of Iudigestio� Midi Dyspepsia. I have hern for abobt ten years and is an absolute specific fur all very -much troubled with Indigestion nervous diseases and adamant'. and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent ssedicines, and have been treated by a number of physicians and found no benefit from them. 1 was recom- mended to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic. I of taiued a bottle, and I most say I fosnd very great relief, and have since taken two more bottles, and now feel that 1 anti entirely (rce from Indigestion. and wonid strongly recommend all my fellow-stif.rers from the disease to gine bonth American Nervine an immediate trial. It will cors you. "REUBEN E. TRUAX, " Walkerton. Ont." It bas lately been discovered that certain Nerve Ceutres. located near the base of the brain, control and supply the stomach with the neces- sary nerve force to properly' digest the food. When these Nerve Cen- It usually gives relief in one day. Its powers too build up the whole system are wonderful in the extreme. It cures the odd, the young, and tine middle-aged. It is a great friend to the aged and Mira. Do not neg:ect to ase this precious Loon ; if you dr, yen may neglect the only remedy which trill restore you to health. South American Nervine is perfectly safe, and rery plcasent to the taste. Delicate ladies. do not fail to use this. great cure, bccanee it will put the bloom of freshuess and beauty upon your lip. and in your cheeks, and quickly drive away your disabiliti'r and weaknesses. . Ili. W. Washburn, of New Ricbmoud, Indreua, writes: " I heti. need South American Nervine int my family and prescribed it :n :my practice. It is a most excellent , remedy." S.AS. -W'ILSON Wholesale and Retail Agent for Goderich and vicinity Long Waist, ., Correct Shape, Best Material, a Combined with the best filling in the world, makes the" Featherbone Corset " unequalled. Y . PAID. 'THEY A R E PLEASANT TO TAKE Y E T POWERFUL TO CURE ottani UTE11 L11 tgt 15 ra'lff$ A sex. 11aydevine nM'•,te nr not. K' 'solea the.yaru' She pill* a..4 ,,cher p.� r:."•. e` .A.• they no. np Ire 4*.., mood rootaa.h, anti }PS 7 t h- w suffeices 4442.41,4,,, do .4.4. sort, N,nra!'y and sell They coot ('m. iipaei.w, f 44t'of4.w*n., H.ad,,rhe, [tier n.. a..•, Pimple, 11..lt.u. ,.• an.l a!I dyuw ari.n.t Iron 111tnas ).11..1..2 anari.h liver. Asa Twee t4ntiest s ler Them. COAL AND WOOD YAZ2D_ Sp.elal enmities give to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Hwtenart.r. for .41 gnaw of HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. PATENTS! CIUATM. Tssaf RAMIS MN Obtained. arts ail bootees' le the 0 Oboe attoaated to of MO/)LXATT/ Out Mine Is op�lte the U. P. Planet Of Bea, and w i tar obtain Patents la lar OM* has llama •etaot. from WIf8N[Ntirox Beed ifOLIR/. OK DNI W/Ng, tee rine as to patentabilityfree .f we make NO CNA Ir frit s OB- TAIN g- TA1N res T*WT. Ste neer, here, to the Perlmutter the 71 ,lose Order Div.. sad 4. oar" U. 4. !'stent one.. /tee et terms and rerterme.s to email climate W r1W yore Mote or tloavity, «Aute r • 5801 •A OW Opoo.ltarate O4h+.Wesbleat0r. D. O - - - :u 0..1 wal84s4 an Maher .t•rbglt air my Weide* Oen m7 t'r1tta before astern else w see*. TV... ethos. 1de8b.we reetweesb.. JOH38 8. PLATT, Prop. a WHY Doe. OM1[). BARRY, the Oo/detrich furniture Healer and undertaker, keep the best stock et furniture .net undertaker'. supplies? And how u it that he can sell so cbeapl BECAUSE 1in finds that it pays in the long ran. His risotto i11 " Small Profit* and Q.iok Re turns." He .Its tasks. • specially of picture framing (live him a mall bas's pilaw ibg .lswwhMM• Fluid slw ya as bawd. Sill • c ipp. was In the ia..•,rr)-t,ea2- ...t teA'et fatal tult:rt.•',