The Signal, 1894-3-29, Page 7THE SIGNAL • GODBaRICH, ONT., TH IIRSDAY, MARCH 29. mit. WET EATHER GOODS We have just placed in Stock our Spring Impoi Cation of Lc i 9s' Rubber Circulars, Men's T'wecd Rub1,r Cats. Extra Value. Compare Our prices with what you see in other places. JOHN T. ACHESON, - THE PEOPLES (ASIi ST(JkF. . AT THE CoughThg lead?. to Consumption. Stop the Cough, heal the Lungs and strengthen the System 41a. SCO Emu 's on the Cream of Cod-ilver Oil anti .h yppphosph Iter. It Is 1,:?Lila!sle and easy on the ,!ry t r) m c h. Pit nsie•ions, tho ;el u1 (t', crndOrao It • i 'i hP hued by Stbstiittii • a eon... tient Alt;. A Prow's?., a:..:, f CRISP AND CASUAL, .1u uu•-tive or torpid liver roust Le arous al and all bad bile removed. Burdock 1'iUa . res beet for old or young. Im .1n intelligent est is • pet ia the house of Mor. Mary Iiruwnell, at N'tlrnington, 141. When the animal deputes to be lis outot the cellar, it nays x bell. Th: Nets, published at (:tchran, (ra., it fwnfien, Aye1's .iarsapanlle was the only but little turtle's thea au ordiwry envelope, ace o. exhibitit.n. The terrors is that Ayer s am' claims to Le the isma:lest weekly paper treapulla Is • standard remedy, unit not a puhL►bel its Georgia. patent medt,zse, or secret n., trum. of a laekamtth, sad daring his 1opritss Mist @tensed h►ue•af by .naktag leeks. It M believed that the oasts Id the hat to ladies a derived from tks doss . chivalry, wh•a the k.tghe' aaMleted bo- lero ladies. ((movers Augustus had r mort.1 dread of thsader, sad wh.s.ver • Sturm some ua be mired w as a.der*rouud vault built fur protectioa. lis 189: a Daae of cataleptic ele.p was re- ported from Germany usher• the patient re- mained absolutely uocoescwus tot four and a half usooti,,. During the trial of • case in i'.ndon re .x•utly it was developed that dealers in eget Veua!ly sell the had ones to certain cont.,• boner. of that city, sole. use them in teak • tug candy. Atte ralta mined 4,037, I lose of coal last ear. The supply is apparently isethaust i4lr, reel is couate.' o. to Iso an important hector is the future ioduttred development of lb, country. The society for the extensors of unimuralty teachine in I•:o laud he. 59 dittere.t center@ atd 13,374 students, a good shnw•tog, . hen it is',membered th.t the 'society .s Duly eight years old t/aero Elizabeth carried shout with her. suspended to a chain of pure eo1d. a bei.k called "The Gullet. Manuel of Prayer," a dainty volume of 800 pagele Mound in "ham - meted virgin gold." Captain Sweeney, U. S. A.. San Diego, ('a'., says : •' Shtloh's Catarrh I(eme.ly is the ;oat mediciue 1 hare ever foal that would Jo me any gond. ' 1'r*ee 50 coat.. Sold by all slew/siert. o w 1t surprised =toy visitors to the (Chicago Wor'd's Far to flad that of all the blood. Henry (:eoroe, the distinguished leader in _ r the mm oveent for a single, tae to land values, has Leon asked to run for Mayor at New DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY iurklttynextFrll. There •Lon!d Ir Went of ice in New 1- .$1, net' av nmer, even it the lousi crop WAREHOUSE ( oroves a r ?fuer, Shipments from eastern t, pot are among there. It as decnlal that Ars 1'S (:nn' will not publish her mem•n of her holland. It '+ + + + + + is her wts't that this Isx.k 'hell not be pout- ed until after her death. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF William Knee, of La Porte, Ind , had a corn on one of hie big toes 11. tried • combination of tartxobc acid and I'hrietian ricrac* with fatal molts. Mascot has duriog his career paced 20 heats latter than 2 10 Ho utter started ag.euat the watch but rises, and then went under the wire at 2 09;. Some symplolrs of worms are : Fee. r, colic, variable &ppztite. restlessness, weak n ets and coo yulames, The unfailing remedy is lir. Low& Worm Syrup. 1.n FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEP;fTMENTS. Oii 50c. Corse Canoe: be Beaten. Ladies' and 'Chiloen's DoderieP , extra value. �n The lire 1. ss of the Coiled .'at.. sod Navy and Black SIcrm Series? the best Ulf C...ada I..r I11.3 was ?11,5.445,875. Tb. Town for the money. INSPECTIOIT Ii CIS :t.^LICITED. 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. e1r�_ M' 71TRO, Dreyer aad Haberdasher. a Geed Rima Wieb. red in the face and trembling tor the reten• •! ••o, iy ,.,nate. to you." mid .harp, ton of Iris poetioa. tu.,r 1 would rather, when I am Lid is The official was nadonbtedly right. There :t•eroe, eon.eone in his manhood would sad .er n.e end say " There lies one who res areal ir.end to me, and privately warped me of the dangers of the young come knew it, hut ho aided mein time of sed. 1 t.we what 1 un to him." lir 1 molt rather have some widow, oath choke .to morass, telling her children "There u yaw' ft toad and mise. He visited me to ay a?N,ctie., and found you. my 5-0, aa employer, and you, my daughter, • happy bene in a virtuous family." I soy I would " r„her that such persons should morel at .e ar's.+•, thin to have erected over it 111e meet beautiful sculptured menameat of marble. The heart', broken utteraime of .devious of put kindness, and the tears ;t greeted memory shed upon the grave, ire more valoal.ie in my estimation, than :le moat wetly oeeotaph ever reared. r ailing Ora a P.rpe.e. 1t acv young person of leisure were s' tcw•k at lose as to ark advice as to what he shonlJ read, male sbonld be exceedingly rmpls Read anything bearing om a defin- ite objev•. Let him take up any imagine able subject to which he (cele attracted, be 1: the procession of the *gnosis or postage stamp, the Athenian drama er I.00dos street ones. Let aim follow it from book 's bee k and nnoonasionsly hie knowledge, not of the subject osIy, but of many sub- vcte wall be increased, for the deportment. of the realm of ksoorlsdips w divided by settee. He may anodes his hest w- ont for another ; it does not matter --oma ruhject leadi to another ; he will have ac - sited the habit of acquisition : he will have gained the conviction of the priorities.. w of the time which maks it intolerable for a man to lie abed of • morning. Treasure turns up la the most unlikely places. II hkb Will Tee 4 bower, Boys It Intl Ida boy who had • remarkable dream. Iledreamed that the ncbest man in town came to Ion, and ,aid --" 1 am tired of my house sn l grounds ; ammo sad take eats of thew, s.d 1 will give them to you." Then same as 'moored pada. and said -" I want you 'e take my place : 1 am weary of Ming in cert day alter day ; 1 will give you m, stet nes the hooch if sou will do my work." then the doctor proposed that he take hie eateeeive prwetice aed let him rest, and so 'o. At last np etamblad old Tommy,and said " I'm wanted to fill • drunkard's grave : I fare Dome toss. if you will take fly plata to them saloon. Mid ea thew navels "' This w • dream that is not all • dress For every boy in this lead today who lives to grow up, Sees, position is wait- ing a mrdy as if the rich nm., judge, doe 'Of nr drunkard stood ready to brad ova hie place at oboe. Which will you ohoosa, hers' There ere pilpir to be BII.d by 'eel fearing wiehtees, and theorem& of other honorable pQl�eas. : bet there are also amnia dells sari areetard'e 'graves. Wi deb will lee choose! A t'Mrses's Rsusder. 1 clerk in the Sete deporyeut serves, 11 ""aped diomimsl is eneseemeneo tat Ids Mt!'gooes is maki.g a Warred and lase 'nate eh y el an importa.t diple.atie 'Sino Hie enpsria, when 11 wee laid ..P"e the desk for .est.'s,, was very sn±rr T M Gnveiramont doss ash pay yea," M ,relaoneol, ••for doing elsvenly work! 1'w mMeet u"make • .1... ..pe wishes theaa. Ir�• Q hotter a "44 sleek V was lie excf l tt C v ase ar careless e. ave toes too awl bot.hwork in • state paper. If he had been familiar with the diplomatic history of the War of Independence he might have enforced the metal with doe ef- fect. The crisis of the miliary struggle between Great Brown aad tee revolting colonies was reached whops (:mural Burgoyne'• campaign was planned In Loudon. The oblvet sou to strike • tremeadons Wow a: the centre of the confederacy. 'rbc British forces were to take poseee oo of the Mohawk and Hodson volleys by a coo eectric march from lake ('bamplato, Oawe- ro and New 1 ork on coovergtng lines to- ward Albany. The ascent of the Hodges by Sir William Howe's a rsy was essential to the ewoce.* et a scheme by which New Engird was so he alt off as • were ?rum the Southern colo, nue. Orden were sent out from i.,ndon for tats •deinoe of Borgoyne • and St 1.•ger's fords from Cried• At first Sir William Howe was merely uformed of the plan. and was armed with diecretiosary powers ; but final- ly • despatch was drafted. positively order- ing him to co operate is the movement from New 1 -irk A clerk nude a hasty and very careless c•.py of the de•paleb, which the sinister, Lord 1:eoree t .ermates.found great difficulty in r.adisg. Like dos State I).partmeat of Bcial above referred tn, be angrily repro meoded the culprit, mid ordered a fresh copy to be made without flaw or erasure. Being premed tor time and .oiler.' for • holiday, lord (:eorgs Posted off to his ooaetryesxt, without waiting for the fresh he military order wee laboriously copied is the clerk's beet band, but when it was finished the mtaiater was not then tongs it. It war pigeoe-heled and overlooked when he keg afterward. l box w Par's. a lust 513.700,000 more rhea an 1892, sad ($18,700,0(0 more th.e in 1891. Nearly half of the estate of the tate Miss Margaret F. Ewes. of Philadelphia, which. X1 se valued at between 4000 and .'500.000, is left to her three domestics.m Mrs. Mary Lia, of Savaaoah, who died recently. hoora.hed her estate, valued at about $23,000.fer t he estahhshment of a home for widows of the ('ath,h froth m that Baty. Shiloh's ('ore is sold on • guarantee. it euro. incipient a otsomption. It is the best cough cure. s /My one cent • dose ; 25 cta, 50 eta, ai.11t1.00 per Mottle Sold by all dem/gout e w The hottest place in the United S•atca according to the 1093 meteorological re- ports, a ilarded, Ariz , where the mercury often stands as high as 130 ao the shade for a week at a tithefamilyA family in Mitchell county, North Caro- lina, consists of seven brothers aud live sisters, all of whom aro oyer six feet in height (Inc of the brothers is said to be seven feet mac niches tall. - In the four years ending 1891 there were IS,'+17 murders an the Unite! States. I:ut 1,050 of the murderers were ever called to account for their crimes, rad of these 410 were hanged and 610 lynched. An expert declares that at (east 600 c.,uuterfeits of the old masters are now hanging in prorate '%Weiss in the Coifed States,all ot which were originally parch= td 's. in Europe at very high rice A Kausas wife we, released from her hus- band became, u she stated in her petition, es " the defendant pinobed the noof thin pl•iaiR, eausiug it to heroine very red, thereby causing the plaiotitT great pato mid .awush of mind." Mies Richardson has been elected second rice president and Miss Eaton secretary cf the senior law class is thy 1'uiCersity of Michtgao. The vice pro.identset the junior taw clamsand of the se..ior clan in the dental department aro woman. Many people, with the notion that nature ought to take care of herself, allow • cough to plague them for weeks and menthe Whereun dos ,if nature weassisted with &e or two of Aver's Cherry Pectoral, the cure might be effected is • very few days. The Daughters of the Revelation, in San Francisco, bays received. is reply to their rel nest, • small box full of earth taken from the grave of Lafayette in Paris. They will pleat • " tree of liberty " in it. The returned, and was not dent to America wellos sealed with the arms of the ('ity of 5:r William Howe, being left with fuli �• discretion, allowed hiataalf to be drawn into military operation against Wasbisgtoa'e army soar Philadelphia. Iturgoyoe's army was entrapped, sot ofT from retreat, and foroad to .urresder at Saratoga. The for - lasso of the Kevolutiosary War tnrned np. cm the the caresses= of an English A boy recently Dame to the Atlanta ilia. 1'niyerrty, who walked .11 the way frau Vicksburg, Miss . 560 ashes, in the hope of earning his wsy to the institution. He ro- CrCind treatment sad assistance from both white and colored people on the route, to whom he told his purpose. sopyiat. The minister was more culpable than the clerk. i:rid..Uy he thought an. for he swppressel the facts. The secret history of the d."patob ham only receetly been reveal ed, .ad Sir William Hows's lack of os-oper- aties flea .xpl.ht.d ; bat the Bret bluwd.r was the copyist's, and very cnstly it pro, .d. Youths Compaaioe. • Bern. Lady. A lady named Mrs T. ('. k1. Humphries, livisg is Koen., Ont., whn used °sly two bola=eel Memlway's Kidney and Bees Clow. hos forwarded a stal.teent to the Ant that it completely erred her of i.- dasematory rheumatism. kidney and liver troubles. Such s ormplieatioe of drone., ylsldieg ss quickly to this rorsody should ensseesge ata sufferer to giro it as he. trial. Bem.N.h Settled. Mrs. Kosher --gas Yr. rlddeei., with whom you have boss dossing •11 the oven. ism at bot d..lsrsd his bawtiono, Mabel* Mahal Ves. semi - Yea Rusher- -1 am os glod ! Aod whoa did h. say Y.W His Mired be would nota may Godorish tews.hip, 11.p1e are., the eyed of 1b* year 1437, dlby- 1 QUEER BITS. The crows princess of 'remark is 6 feet 3 recites tall. Charles iI. spent mare titer is his chemi• cal Japyan has o.. of the' ` '•.ugineeri.g ecbools in the world. Orgmairation of labor has raised wages g500 • year in Roston. Then are estirnatad to be 240,000 varie- ties of insects in the world. I'Iephasta are dreadful 'offerers from ma siok.es during ocean voyages. The Third United Stiteseavalry travelled 18,000 miles lot year en horseback. For settle rash, seems heat and general toilet purposes nee low'' Sulphur Soap Im A book printed by Caxton has been foiled• it is eleimsd, in the Isrrber loft of a ('en- .a.Iieut farm none,. . The Sees seal is 89 miles long .sd re• dues the diaWoe from I.:,gland to hadia snarly 4,000 miles for ships. As • pick me .p after eto.sivo ertartios or sspomtn. Milburn'' Roof, ire's sad Wise i• gratdol •.d eniefortisg. iea The Hebrew colony established in Palms - ties by Bins Rothschild hos grows as rap- idly tars ha is boy's* more lad. tieert7s 111. was positionedy food of maul,, and dwri.g lila medico s •Did always M alined by Mo awed .t its .rias. Bai to let - Inti haler ll IM hale An antoresti114 Lind of Radion reltab has hoer made on the &bores of M uskego and Wind Likes, Wis., by two Milwaukee , p..rtanien. Amoco the find are • war cause, 30 feet loug, ma le of a single log 4,1 tiled. walnut, artowheade, tntnahawks and the like. A Spanish inventor clams to have pro diced •a iron au Lomat wbosetnacr organs are machinery and whose diet is cartridges. The title which the remoter carries eau be turned in any direction. anti delivers 50,000 shots io 1 i minute". Electricity provides 'he n.otfre p ewer by which the machinery is set in motion. in the Milani of 1t. George, one of 11,e 1'.thy lot group in Retiring tea, the breed - i tr of blue foxes has become very profitable 'rhe y +•euetate very rapidly, and w hen an i Trod of good size once become' well sto:•k ed it is tmporstle to deplete at. r.e the law provides 11.&t they must not be shot, but trapped, the restriction being impese.l mainly to keep them tame. WRITERS AND THcJR WAYS. Melton was extremely anxious to have his poems properly punctuated. I(woommon died relent ng the lines of his own tr&slation of the " Utes Irate'. I)r. Warton says that mat of the Erg - lob poets were notably handson,e sten. I'.sc&l oft.n cop.d a cxnposition civ or eight tames before allotting It to be printed. ilrydtu •Tway. inmbled violently '..r ■..me tame atter coucludieg an tntensu: g poem. Cervantes wrote a new dedication to one of his wotks after he load receive) extreme unction. Hardy, the great ranch dramatiat,wrote E.00 dramatic pieces between the years 11(0 and 1637. Cleric. was • notable punster. A collec- ttun, not now extant, of his puns was mails by Julius (':'•car. Sterne and Churchill were alwala in • quarrel with some reviewer of their works. doth hated) critics. Muoteequie was so mueh affected by the criticisms of his works that the annoyance hastened his de•tb. 1 -argil devoted 11 years to his h:neid and then deemed it so unpertect at his death he ordered it to be lamed. Ci.urchill bated to correct his own poems. 11e aid that the ensure . f a lice was like cutting away one's own flesh. Corneille died in the most bitter poverty unrulier.] by many shorn duties has days of pro.perity he had benefitted. The Emperor Hadrian, when dying, coir• posed that beautiful address to ha tot! which Pope translated into English. Etienne Jodelle was the father of the Flesch theatre. 111. first play was "ileo - path" presented to tio s age in 1852. Me Ms iiskinees. A New Eng'aw l town Dare nude the offer of • beautiful clock to any citizen who through the year eoul1 show that he had constantly minded his own business. The year passed by and toward the close • young man appeared before proper author• tt►ea presenting himself as a candidate for the honor. After some examination the of- ficial expressed hu interest. and said he thought that he might be suocesa(ul, but de- sired • little time. The next day the appli- cant returned,wam met cordially and inform- ed that his chancee were esoelleit. Then had, however, so he was told, bees another van who come very near securtog the honor, but had failed lust foe one reason " Whet w.% it he did " Ab, young man, the clock remains with us 'flat was none of your business.' Independ sol Worth the tlitteer. Railroad Iiso (engnly)-1 have just found out that that Dow we had to pay for had Dot given any milk for five years." Farmer Smartt -- leap ; that's so It is, is It ! Now, sir, what right had you to put soch • high value on her Wall, you res, i valued that Dow ea • curiosity. DO TO RECOGN18t I? ? This is the heel of the GRANDY RUBBER Look for this pllt.'rn on We heel when you bey a Rubber or (i. color. It guar- antees r pert ti t at', le. OR4DTST A 1TSBER WEAR LI$E Ask your den:. r for then TRANSPARENT LEATHER. Latest arra k .1 Iasralile ra.blsa it tarts. Brom tLe R'ae'.:Me-ton Btar. They are .!rays o v410311,4 omethiag startling in France. The latest c+olution .t the hessian brain is./ ..o.spatrnt ha: her, wh:th has lately barn per ecte l atol put On the u arket. ' The beton toe tower that the pro est of letting light rod th the bile Of lite oe d.x. rot Milt it b u•. .•r tout gear, and now it may ressous all Got 11, new n.nteriai sill the lar st fad of faah•ou. Jttiit. think k of trap -parent shoes. The chiropndtste will have • ri h harvest. The wi,rried shoe stare clerks can t t l e feet of Ihtir lady easterners with the a .ea that they wear, and not the sizes that t v want. \boli•, will show as plainly thrcugh t t•oew shoca as • troul•lesome corn. The uw er of a really pretty foot cats take a certain ride in her shoes or her dip fere, vide.! that somebody comes forward devises a style of hosiery that te also t,ra patent. � I4uNDRED -74 }ettpie w••ui(i not luake a very larger crowd, but If carne at once it would make us hunt r to : el ve them. we it it -' o removing to the Crabb B u. I% iri April, and :or the morth ot Maar(h w1ll give BsCAtNS IN ALL LINES. WE WANT ONE - HUNDRED - .j Scrap ron, Lead, Coppe , It b. ,.fere? � FOR WHICH earn appear as Death of Naivetes Cyr. `•rxlaertat.u, Hese., Hsieh 19. -Norville Cyr; aged ill, a pru:utneuhI'rase,' Proles 11111 minister, who had been eouneeted with the French Prteslant college in O'pr 6:field for three yeah! last, died yea. ter day of Bright's ditieaer, after an ilIn its of some months. He war born at Napier - Ville, t'aumill, of Catholic parents, who tur.etl him out of duo= when he was con- verted. He worked for many year% in this eouutry and Frvte. as a lecturer, preacher, professor and editor. Iin.w soil IN the naiads. . Cttwhru.r Rvac. (1•p•., Mule), unki.own utas, said to be from t ktawa, undertook to run the Richelieu rapids on a round lug oar Saturday-. He war eyide:rt• ly tau notice. After lowing two chutes ruereesfnlle he struck n pier of the 1'. It It bridge, hot his pole :?tad fell, bot elingiuy to the. lug. he dotted down the river for nearly a toile. dnst when near the oat'haru:dy fort he suddenly dieap• reared ander clic water and was demied. rattail IfwMway deciders. BaAarrt.an. March i9. -James Kerr, teed abopt 00, a farmer living four miles front St'otlaud, was driving over the Cewk- ahntt,lridge Isere oar Saturday. His horse took fright at an engine auderneath the bridge and made a bolt. This let ale aide of the shafts fall on the bone'd heels and it ran away. Hr. Kerr was thrown oat, receiving inch injuries that he died a few hours afterwards. Joh. V. ]IelLamrs Acesuwte. New Volta, Match 19. -George W. Roderick, John Y. llcKanea chief legal adviser, says McKane'r =mounts will be ready at the town meeting oar April a. ln• stead of yleK one Leiug short, the town owes him between *.:torso° awl :j1{U,000. Paddlers" Strike Itf. Wu[Cti'o, W. VA., March Ill. -The L.20.) puddler,. eninioytd at the Benwtxxd Steel Worcs on Sat unlay (keeled to accept the $4 a too rete offered by the eualpany, ao.l ended a four uioaths' strike. 1leemine • Nerrer,Cemtheted. llarn.ttin, 'Match 18.-Mereeuger J. H. Norden, td the l'anadiam Expose piuy, has beta committed fur trial 'b.omy. Police Latiiatrate Je!fe un charge% of stealing small stile* of money front the express company oar different dates la November and Iteceimber. FALSE SYNTAX FOR ECDNOMY. The *sly fesNder.UN. Thal ?'said Naa r revsalled la $.&1... From the 11 af.'o guess's. The telegraph operators were teb.ng stories Kato last nicht. Thy tall man who has Iseld the key all over the cenntry, had Pte Moor. 1'on see a good many jokes in the pope's," maid he, "about the culture of 11•x - on and the habit people living there have of usfrg h♦4 words and connect grammar and alt that. Moat 1. jou rule• that these kekes hove no 1w:iodation in fact. Now, f now better. 1 was restyling clerk in 11•e Western Union oioe there, a good many years ago, and some of the messages hand oil it to me were oorkere. Oce Summer I had tae cattle window ()De day two women dressed in black and greatly agitated Dame in awl rnr1sired the rate per word to loadoo. 1 told them it was 28 crate. They consulted for a minute WW1 than ono of them salted for a blank. 1 told than where the blanks were, and one of them wrote • montage. The other to. k it and read it two or three times. "Thee she came over to the window and asked again how much it was a word to London 'Twenty eight conte,' i told her She looked at the meemap duhtoe■ly. The other woman cane top to her an I said 'Don't you like it Y' ' No,' she said, ' 1 don't like it That Limn is improper. Yon may that Charles "melded the renfning, when it should he maid that Charles committed suicide this mnrsia ' ' ' Bot.' maid Ile other. ' it we put . it is thea way we w111 save 28 cents" " The woman who ohjsetrel unseal this Urn aver is fief mind is a lose thets really she mid ' I don't thiall that sock system is ,?,amble ' ' Tho other ter.? the Mask and nod the ?nines Amos times • Win puna' she said, deoiaive4y, after assayiag is is all tar mA • amid we ass% m.e IN sora any rIISs, WE WILL EXCHANGE NEW GOODS. Colne and exam lie our Price". Great reductions on Goods sold this Cash. 57sTILL AT THE 1) STAND ON month for SAUNDERS & CO. "This part telly .insinc. d the• woman who oL •cte•d. "!tet what will our tr;etnl. the . k aIle irked dubiously. - - •' 1 suppose they will oot Isis it, lout , we cani t.belp that. Thew the two wonted' re- tired too one corner of the room sod hal a cooeultition. After talking earoestLy for ten minS ee the, wrote ont anothermessacr. Se help hie, this .is the way 1 got 11 • Charles (wielded this morning. Fabe syntax tanto because it is cheaper.' •' And they paid me :2; tents • word ler it. All of which," continue.! the tall opera tor, '• illustrates one of the ramous ways in •loch • woman's mood works." GRATEFUL UOM OHTING• EPPSS COCOA 13REAKFAST SUPPER. • "fly • thorough knowte,lt& of the latrrnl laws which ;tavern the operat'on, et durst :nn sot murrains. and 15" a eareN1 at pl'ea•lon the sloe pr.:pe.1,c. of welleeleet..l ('oc..s, yt, Epps has provi.led 1'.r our tveaktaaat and nut per a deliestely nrvunrtt hworr,ige whseh m .y etre ,is nauyI,avy- doe :one bills. 1isby rte judicious use 01 peck art irks o(elect that scut - stituhoo may M gradually bui't sop Muhl errors enough to rei.t ever; !rodent) to diarists.. Hundreds of eubtte ran •�ttee ori• 1Wat:ser aroumi us ready to attar* wherever there is a weak point. t1'e may escape many a fatal PLANING M LL shaftpure Id keeping well foaled swith :- pure Weaod amt •reopalY nnurial.ad traits: - MadeSemi, (iaeelte. Made simply with billing slatfr or mat. Sold only in eackets.by Ur.ee•w, tel otled Ibtls Jaunt Cera a s•.., Lid., N _wswNN .pe lOwmiWa, tersd... L.ateed. 14'13.3/w ESTABLISHED ILSE. Buchanan & Son WANt•rA(-tt Redia SASS, I OOR anti BLIND )haler, in •1: k'.. is ct LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad builder's, material of every dertri c School Furniture a SD DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THFCOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SaLE 111 CANADA. 1t01eaties Mariam AWAY for PATENTS OAVIATS,.• pp��TRADM MARR/. r.r 1s/pt�atlp� eel COP YONNIONT t, 510. y glfQ n • . !t1 Baa uw NEW roan. omen ,urea. co,nr .rearing p.feats m America. Kerrt a•a.o net De in b eutht before tae Powerbya e notice stem teee or davit• on the o • - ienaaf Lc Antexioon Il.f1'tel etr.wtalirrn M an)) Muni., Mp,< In rte 00)14. Itptarl..tlf Ilt.atrsi.A. )r., Inyi1 are should 1,e notion' O. M.ebir. a1.0a & Js Ire ni.wAntigensHt1NX tAntigens s C� iRuRsnanc.$l IlntNwo/, ftcw tart. Patronise True Competition Ti. ('•••wPaetrie Rutwat tat Taximeters, has bees eerabltsbed to Mrs the rebate • Marlen service with tale and per sweet tiompMhtem 11 is wsa sed es Nelms prt.ele'es earl 1. tN Utterer .< lie gamma. It deserves the et ererr, sent. Irks believes 1. enmtretlt . ger gale* dey.eeh .•e Obis Pests.; s Ueda. nos.eell.g with ell limes and midge 1. 1.Med Meleee�. CtsasI. sad aim 1e, N a551 := wino to ail f'oolae It mar -•heed -414. W.s. e. bk. 1114111WILA • W Masse. ae tooth GODER.ICH Steam Boiler Works. .tt.STA 1tLl911Kh'1Ra0 1 A. S. C H RY STA L tiio•rrtaor 101 Aryslal ,t /lLrrk J Slanufat•turers of all kinila of Stat soy Marino, Upright St Tubular ROIZf=RS fait Pant, Stroke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Upright and Horizontal elide• Valve Knighted'. Aotomatie rut OrrKwrine.a peeo.lty, An etas', .l pi e and aiprMtire erinstretly en hand. Ksiima'cs furnished oti snort nallee. Repairing prom ppaly attended te. 514117 I'. U. fios T, (io.terich.0)nt. Work. -Opposite O. T. R. Station. Ooderic0, WHO IS YOUR TAILOR ? This is a pertinent question and Doe to which you 'should g:ye thought. DOES HE SUIT IOU ', u`�o�, yea ens pts" 1ee1w by cellists at DUNLOP'S EMPOIUUM WEST STREET. A large quantity of READY MADE CIA/THING on hand will hp doweled of at whatever they will bring. Collearly.ad get Bantams, H. DUNLOP. 00005 KIDNEY PILLS "Barkachr means the kid- neys are in troa,A/at Dorlfs Kidney PillsICN prompt rebel." e _ 116th per tent. is rot eatmed 6 disordered hid- dT'I▪ lyht as moll try to have a h•althy city without *aver- arr,, as good health when the hide.ys aro elegy they are the scavengers of the system, "Delay la dangerous. Nog- / kidney troubles r..ult In Rad Blood, Dyspepsia. Liver Complalst, and the most dan- ce rors !I all, fright. Oloomse. /�D'iibb,[.fee and - tae aeav• drsemesa cannot orirt erherd Dodd'a Kidney PON are met! Mehl kr .5 draws creme brswtlea .see, m .wsa fret bee bo `p"hT� mall Ts►