The Signal, 1894-3-29, Page 68
G'V' 1? Irllll'li 1 ulll' I music.
s. aNsnt Warne hills... wad. silk 1.11401
--110.1 ,*site. our magl.t but harnaoe.utai
rwle reirsedisthe lu Wall awarn. owe. welt hi. r e
1111. ae r,'. i.tllaht.
t Beverly Italia
Mede ('i liens et die gelled Rieke
Mate -bine to Their t'ispitel.
Th. Nan Simi • 1'i/..h seg /'rank Thou
The.1. I)t tined to Ile the e.rau,l. •1.
M.,. 1 b w ..rid U.. .. et.
t1.011 A144:h11 .tutu)
l Ass.:.. tiI.i 4, Mang) IX -I:.acv • artily
Id tis a•..:untuuw•.al move/14m of )laaattltat
• y/»ireday o.1 r•Ledu:. time. there
perhal,s :3 strugglers i0 iia • •t the
au! ins w'ueu ►,'*t,:on, eight tit:ee away,
Ira. teaelIe.L Carl Br.iwue, chietlwr•hal,
Miele(' lhe procession, tw.utet,d on a white
tort.►, and was followed by a tial( doom
mid,., *li mower.' 11:: horse* baluubiug to
1'exe., s•h•, nide in a carriage drawn bj a
pair .•( egir.le.1 ho:ac..
7'W procee.ion cons.etel of Nle ruara:laM.
(litey,. L1.i wife awl sister, a bugles, fear
coveted wsipol& containing caalpift4 oat -
Ste. b41• d straw sod severed quartet* of
beet a bra+s baud that played all kinds of
muss at else au,l the whitened the cum '
Wows. 41 on foot. They much.d single
ISM ab.1 tau abreast. as it pleased their
fusty. 111111 '1•V,y few exey,►h.os they
were hard -looking eitia'vlr. This they
claimnt was not their fault, but the fault
W 4.11 .1'.:em of government
the weather was pleasant when the start
was made, lett the procession was soon
overt ikon by a severe morel . rm. This
Mgt, • drpreseing tendency and a nuts:ber
Of ele.ertiuus wen rep'rtel. The army
1 Los 11x1 to start uu its march witLOut a
guilder. of peeve. a* my' maiden eonhl be
found t,, a.*ume that role. Inetteel of a
g.sldrel, however. a burly negro has been
.ulietel to carry !Myr tanner, lbw gi ing
lb. Afnean rare tepreaetstatiou i the
C'oaey's life in.atramce poldey bee been
revoked. the o%t ials .4 the company !ser•
ing'he mw) meet with,:t vw:eut cud before
6hi.hiug his present eut••rur:.e.
lir Kirtland,; of Pittsburg, known as
"The Cyclone,- arrived at Cantun hint
erguiu4g. ant' joined the army. lie says he
luta figured out by astrology that Mists to
be the grandest 'move the world has ever
seen. Even if it were to 'die out now it
*10541 be revived again. 110' knows thio,
became the stare have told I to •. Nearly
ail the toted cranks In 1 Ohio 1 it , mow hen,
espremnig their det,•rmulatem to juin
('nary. The army left Canton 'to -day for
touwriile, Ohio.
Nair )-oma, Meech 26-('itirea 1 %mfg*
frauds Train has refuted • poet of high
honor. Ile fere:ve•l yesterday (tom t len.
('u' et.
i thisr
t igpl an, .
' •l amp Tn.carortt Master Sunday, Head
quotient Massillon, t ibiu.-l'jtirxte I:gorge
Yraocj. Train, ('ontinental Hotel, New
fork -Noll you lead the march on to
W,erliiniltosl t •(5iguc.L ('Lief J. J*sou.
11.401 1 '.,i►revrl '
Cirrsn Train Sent this reply. )
' " Iti•. Preeirl.nt.' 1'ol1J1'eei, ild
*:rats absorbs arelitsm , shoedjng Niagara
Fall.. evulutou sighted, ballots net kit(
Many interpretations.sil� h. etW.textriipow
the suswer, bat citirru Tdsin ;ij�n eridsatly
Pry mach uppO..4 to th ptyplsed hers.
Moe of the cepit•l, inamineh miles ;eefere
conteglltanonsly to lira. Clary, Mien All-
arcList or hd( breed.
hot yak. March:A=!fee
.t Manilltim-
civil raginrer and acter.'il((•rg.nianK an
army similar to'('oxey'e, to go t.. tt"seh•
I*gton wed deenau:l the free e•oina,e u(
(elver, the iot.traMiuu of a new
imam the 1►hio river to the Pacific past.
*.id other legislation im the intereste of the
weat0rn portion of the country. Meetings
Will be held throughout the •week 1.. pro
mote the moV0meut The Mart will lie
Mixt Sunday and Fir ilamtitun expects to
Ire,. Cg4te*d•. with at least :10,0,1., mea
aadttake retro;i:1 along the lute. The army
will demand free transportation from the
Roel'. seeretvr Term I'p.
Y-t..sit,.,x, I lhiek March 24. -The most
notable arrow* on Saturday at L'ower's
camp was Hout i, J. Jackson. of Chicago.
'agate( is a quarter breve Indian and w►'
Louis itielia secretary during the Canadian
rebellion. Jltckaou expects to indnce
insert Prated* Train to join 'tbe *Any on
the way to Washington. Roth Canopy and
his Ileutenaut. Drown. bare received offers
(.1 large ►alaries if they will exhibit them.
Melv.•s in dime pnmunls. Ale °Ben have
hem p,arned. '
Ur. Met.11, i. Trouble.
Toarecra, March en -1ir :•. F: Met'ully.
the welhknuwu •(lvertiuug prsethtioner,
was arrested on Saturday and pocked up at
!tp�,ro1ice he•dquartere. A woman named Mary
usk ()Moan, why has been • patient
of the doctors, accuses him of takiug ad•
vantage of hie profse.ional position and
indecent!v •seaelting her on several ucca-
M011a during the pregnant. of an operation.
The cache will (,e tried u, dap
Attempted Ilarglary of a t•oatnsee•
(1•on..rnovv, March M6.- iiarglars dur
Setonlay night hn'::e iuto Hunter &
Yrs+ers carriage works here, (wcurin •
ioi of hoary tools. They then proceeded
to the p,ostofihce with brace and bit They
bored • three quarter inch bole throneth
the framework of the door in (rout of the
back They then Wearied • large wood
a•rew and tried to force the lock oft. They
hal nearly eneeee.led when they were
frightened, probably by aotne one ap
1lroacbing. They left all t►.r.. tools behind
them in their flight
Canadian A emend la Itest.n.
Io,*rox, Muth ge -Joh a 1. Labe -one.
.d Montreal, was arrested „n tietnrday on
the charge of being • fugitive from jnatiee.
A cheque glren by to the pro
twirler.uf the (rhareudon hotel purporting
rn 1,e (retitled by the Banque Nationale of
Montreal. proved to be a forgery and he
was arrested. At police heulon*rtera he
e.mfe+.ed and also gave detail' of other
similar transactions that extend pretty
generally throughout 4'an wig
*evident 1. a.lw.mer./.w party.
11ol.iJDAysn11:. Pa. March 24.
1 w.n.ty-eight converts to the church of
nod were ImnIOrsed in the Juniata river
yesterday. While the ('OOT.rtm were
returning to town in an omnibus the horn.*
rola awn)_ al.mllins the vehicle bias
W ise Mt -Mummy and Mrs Wesley F;1itori
were fet•dy injured and for others holly
br*l.M. •
Aged user • Ne.MM mei I)Ienrew4.
TA,eas, Wash., Marsh 16 -Mary Ann
Mel). 't.1 * Pending aglow, aged 1452
year., baa' hems dh*rred from 11 Mho
Meliolin, aged hl. M01►oli,t .1..-144.1 her,.
and .be menr..l the dlveree to pmt., t her
l s elms& she will Irsia.atll her .tears
s /ninthso indica rearrest ion.
A R e:uan select TI,. 1.01111 freest
parts of the leeriest City serer peeling
.•nt !tae "Aye Maris Moine is a cit)'
. t c *tsrehrs anal fetautain.. Our rya
never eseispv from 1,1., tud,i. al )`alar+ of
rue hitter. or the reeve of the furmsr-
rW(e•Ainieli are ea vaned I1/ their ace°
emit, RN tittle are oars to interpret thrill,
frown Ila' clsa�log, duy;wutir p••tl which
soya. duo youro. 1 .fennel 'el
to the itiltvery'chw... which 4w)*:
t' 1114, *chic awe)- fl --u1 the strife Mud
tuh:lalt of the world And hetet' to the
1h1•ille melody. the angels sang.
The crowd 'which IIn•1 . *. sublyd to
lliistten to the music wan, ah tt•ly dNpmrs-
Ju+t before leaving the garden. two
American ladies were talking together.
'never the Fountain of
wonder if site will ..tot; the solo to.
day,' Noel out., It i, a specad fra't, yeti
see• and the inuaie „ng:lit to be extra
stool I am ju.t whiter to hear this
"Yes she is p rfvetly spielali,l. r.
joined the other. • M'. what a soma
tion she would make in operatic music
-'Lucia or 'Leonora.' or 'Traviata'
-cote* of thee'. pathetic things
There i.+ a one of wad io her
voile., like -well. like what an
:is.tdian harp intuit stake. I imagine'
It .ad•ieus m,• to hr*r her sing. and yet
1 think it is that which attracts me.
'.They say she was trained profe. iuu
ally." said the fere' speaker. •' end there
is a romance ill her life."
'A love trouble, 1 14110 04' -and now
they have stint her up toe CO®Vrnt
Well, it t1 niobium.. Why:"that woman,
with that rotor, might have been are
gniar tip.tup singer by naw' Lint 1
reckon that is why she draws* big
enamel here, a spier of r,mauce will
nlwass draw folk* -tee hnul:ul, you
"Why. no, ('.uric. it caret ler that.
quite.' rejoined' the tir.'t speaker It i*
not generail- known tint 1 brant her
dery through my old t..v%rutte at Peri
gigs. when 1 w•a+ there Inst autumn
•kctchieg. before remitter on to Items*,
111.1 Itatti*ta H sinter had been a eerlttut '
in the t'awil, toad a rather confidential
one, too. 1 reckon The family was
nolle, and half i'rench at Inuit thio
Signorina's mother had been a i'regoh
wotuau. but at her (hyth the -lather
married again, beneath him, some
years after he died aloo and the fssnily
were awfully poor -as they always are,
these Italian small nol4Pn-not a reel
cent' The signorine was very hranti-
futl. and with all the promise of this
magnificent vols, seal the stepmother
hoped to stake atony ant of it, if they
0)11111 only train it I think the otep• •
mother was right, in that at least.
Then (here was the diffirnity *keit I
lessons, ja'-tbeir out of -the way p 0.
4 theeeettedol not „af.trd we rake
r to Meted or Naples at Best. so they
taook the poly teacher they could find -a
young elan -a etrangrer, who had rano
G, sineitt the Cathedral. and who was t
studying to eultira:0 his own voice.
which was a terve fiat: one IIr WAS
,•harnitel with for Signorivae. and o!
florist to timeh her for n.ithing. ur next
4. nothing, and the family were gond t•,
get his help. l►f coarse there was
alway - the Signora or on ell w4.!:,.
servant present at the. lareeens. Inst .'!•l
women are only human after e11. nue a
peel deal of lit-.• making must have
gone• on with her ru - :owe, during :et
Mire* ..1 the signorasMeanwbia
complete reverse' of fortune seri l:
*.cue of the father's relatives di.'.l,
-left the family a large sum' of lu.
Then the have dew ' w m alteeoeenert
aril the Sigh(soL,-who wa' funs. rtyqa
aiiont it. parted, the flott-i* 11.'
went away to make s name in tae
"IE 41(:N ¶ I • GOPBRICH, ONT., THRRSDAY. MARCH 29, 1834.
tanks. but etetinguished ill the It
by i:-.. oi ••-,.rity is IIIatertte.
wide iniu:is .• 1 sketch hat elts•leel
couuten/ene.• whose regular feet
awl d.ep, daellIIg eyes. were well e•
culalasl to mull* the obeervaut Caret
rye, ever renal' to admire the bei t
11e had lw,:1I Ieauiug agein.t one
the tiros I ohinad the tench on wliirh
Mewls hot been seated. audi.iet
near ti..t.trtle them by his rapid et..
tired: when he. withdrew further i
i de oe i ►.4,t.-.•vett' ----e-
••l'lt- 'eau g.n n�i • full. a il, ata.., gl
nee • •K like that. and .0 t
but ei never thinks tib lkit list
fuer to tour. et. 'mal.•rt lug what o
Sap. Owl 1 was nut os, • an)•thing ball
was 1 Carrie
Aril the.1'the t wit !noels hurt led away
Ili tin* t.' get a corner ill the already
Crulrl.s1 Church.
All wee quiet on the Piaci... AN, just
before• th. clalsin„ of the gates. the same
dark stranger emerge --1 again tram the
ghoul of the ilea teles
' The etrsugrr lifted hi. heal.
'iaut'asnte' he murmured, hoarsely.
In the church I.f tie. Triuita de Monti
all was warmth au11 melody The ''dim
religions light,' the .Nb.,r of rho in•otesee.
the sweet valved I•hoir. stole into the
heart, old male use fe',-I that it was
good to 1* there ;
I Whim! the tall Yertq nue e•oull catch
• glimpse of the dirk Tolled sisters, and
the white veiled forme of the pension
mires. liefnye the screen. iu the
} of 1144• • 'church. were crowd
M- the worshippers. a strange
mixture ,.f netioualities and creeds,
united in one respect --their love of
tuusi.• But there is nu atmosphere -to
it the atu.r•t•he•re of prayer -in that
little place which always seems to hash
The Most irreverent. for there is n0
t-hurelt in Kuuu• where strangers behave
so well.
It Ira. the feast of sti.,John. and the
music was veru fine. The chortts of
mingled voice* had jolt olir,l away in
the little west gallery, behind who's'
screen the siugrrs take their plates. and
now natsg tout. iu clear. /till tune.. the
rich vertu of the sister s,.leist. Higher
it soareel lied still higher, softening ex
qufsitely in the doleisawmu passages
and desrtlnding in Minuet a wailing
sw lures
ittile *t
. as singer was throwin
the whole tnn•r of her soul into the
glorious noire,. That was the great
(*.Beret 4.1 her psewer, an inteuee capacity
of .vu.p*the with w,rrow, 'nferju -
evetl site It wan the cry, made tuneful,
of suffering but aspiring huutanity-
Tlte,grrgt audience swaye.t like the
levo* whet' *wept 1»• the ant wind.
l • ur two nervone. excited women
wt•�ioTibrng. Again the clear rule.**
rang out, with a three like that hh the
ter t.
tuneful fel thr.alt [ the nightugale. throb-
bing and expanding ill •-e otaay 14 mel-
aely. when suddeuly it ' was joined be
anutIte•r-4,-.t,. tut!. uhajestic-which
nose in that wave of tur1dy to meet it.
until thee ouingled and fuel in a glor
ions harmony.
It hvrl a st*rtling effect. the Olsten he
low filmiest liftjag their heals. the
pen•.ouuair•e den,g so imtright
The listoniug crowed was thrilled
by an entirely ttnexpecte.l s.eutss
Hon. Who could - ,it . he ': was
it aro arranged thing': It iaste.i all too
,short a tiute. ter th,e urate! tenor (•*steed
as the w•prwu(m cohere diol Riede in the
Anal "Amen.'. rising suddenly at the.
last Mute with a wailing '-ry--war it a
cry to man or (i.,d:'
Then Ware was a hush . a heeding of
11a 111. oalre, In Die parlor.
De rte sidewalk In Ike streets
fee 10 the a+• of the pa•ee'-
iJ ID I br e)e." of those lot mage** :
as ',In the tearlllhk. the depot.
At /h..11145 .M Irl!,
'pa ):'e.. int �Viuyperrr . ur1 wr.1.nn.;ti
Ai.d *1 .•I,rtete1tay. an.l .11,
est Kienswatty reaten, rte u may sera Lim.
the Iofslr. .4 a11d aynnava r.ra.
I11y Hui he .- RICA one Mile.
i ..r he ea y- snooty. awl .
re 1►h. he , Ails ad *Iona he stew
uta Vex... pigs to nikil. inn...b•., •-
N h11 e1rn1 wee fret g,i4 4. S.
Me; es and . uhe'ke. sad e-est•eesows '•.
ted 3' _)1(.,1 a t4*e tw,M7w1 in Lien : r
legs. Chita'11TAMA Velure 5 be Sower. bl las.
t ianlen., 11rIsr. in fart 1 b a -tired i.
. • Just oar•'unlit y .tn•1kf1a1yg,t nsom !
Au11 ve heti ..Mee he paths tills noted toe
Sphere, awl 'ekes bisouIeat.' Sight
11wm the earth lye'• mode a hears.
Pay hr's turned N' murk) night.
t i.
e th
'fib r.t m their dark rornrr our
tw me'ricsl* rebel*, were wbi'poering
to, ilr. f.,r-yptir American Is Mlwav's
more t••tiehs'1 by cune...tty thatl put hoe
.flow ennon'' Carrie. t:aere b that
nein again' i wereler- -pmt their roue*
were drowned ill the rentitnatinn of the
Ab,evc. ill the dark choir, there hal
been a el ht Sow. mud in the final
► dei ShShaer(; ire's voice was .t
lliietltfr . The sweetnot
ended. calmly, as
metal, bet uuue I low had seen the dark
robed little tign l4* * (,n the tl.o r nt
eclimesof the iM jl ?Atliter'., the
white lir,+ dab',aa#j'iGr.1'
right Two elite
world, brit swore to reennt and .latus
Irr: ami the girl rt•fasr.l to gin' hint np.
or to wed any other. Indeed,181.1 Ba -i+
to hinted that they hal IM'ett privately
merrier!, The Siggtre.rina wan st5:wlfa*t
in her lore. awe tt,ing+ tuight het* coin'
straight. lett for the ta0ney. it al,qM•arw
that It was to have been equally dine
ed-• large dowry going to the girl,
and the signora wanted it all for her
auto No a e4w*piracy wl+ hatched be
twren 'wither. tem. and her maid -Rat
tonna sister. They forged letters. and
tried to make the peer girl believe that
lwr lover was false to her. and. failing
that, that he was dead. The plot ane.
e.'etel. and the broken-hearted girl ccs
*'ntel -almost plead, indeed -to enter
a (elegem. and their avarice was grate
floe for they inherited all but the small
dowry given with her In due time the
lover returnee to claim her. and funnel
her. as he thought, fader to her love'
What •a that [reminded dike a -,groan.
declare three ilex trees snake me her
volts ' Whet WAS I saving` 1 ►h, yes --
the lover returned to claim hie fiancee -
or wife-*n,l'Yonnd her lest eo him. for
the. con volt. bar vias on effectual *.e the
tomb. !
'( ►h, they bade ,rut a good come for
themselves, ehowingg, him letters to mire t
that she de*ire•l unle 11,e religions We
long...l for the peeee of the cleaster, etc
putting it all down to repentance -the
sighing of a isghitent «lel to make her
salvation Not • were tot the truth
Il. was almost broken hearted, het Itis
anger, 4.0 was terrible 'Tell her aim
may save her own a,nl. but *h0 has
.1* 1 mine'' he cried bitterly . and
then he went away, and was heard of
no • flattish's ender who rot:ente4
her part. confeenel it all to her on her
deathbed. but 1 do not know what b'
caul' of the rather. they deft the neigh
borh5.0,1 It all happened years ago tint
Sister ( hire a *till Here. and no donht
itatti.ts says, the poor dove spend• all
her life in prayer* his sent. for she
*till thinks hint deed. Now. 1. it net
r'otaiant l.•'e'
"Yen, 1 am trill. glad to know it 1
shall take e'er so tulw•h more Interest in
I/01 Hinging now lint talking, of *ing
hag r• mese me to ask you 1f you went
to borer Ain't,. when you were in
e1 ort. ;
ter l'Inire hal l.regllen a blies) vc,,wI--too
high a pitch -tor greet a ,lapin--i"('hi
lo sa'
The feelings of a nun an. saline -dilate
to her ufier. it was necessary- that the
service(. ehonll be finished dim -teethe and
Sister t lain• s work was ,lone
The audience Ihi•perted, still w,u4er•
ing who it retell have been
Some said one thing. *nine another:
the Italian element shrugged their
shoulders at they *aid •' it ie a thing
extra,nlinary, no dente, eliding with
the eaetomary " l lei 1.. us': . Whe 0a•
sal kle matt. n Flenclt chorue singer,
SAM to a 114.11111.11 as they walked away,
"It woe Alvaro, or his spirit. No one
els,' could sing like that'- To the sister
heist it w:u as the voice of an angel -it
was ntiracni,n
'The ton friends eta.1 "Weide one et
the high hooses of Via Si'tjna. •• 11h!
('Merit'- I do feel Po 1t1141 'aid one, "it
111aa that noire wet then that fare-
thMngh I nal - ass it for an instant"
come up with rue nod have some
tea. - washer friend - reply •. Why.
m 1.-ok ell bra en np
'1e. 1 wee seer. *tel. alth4.ngh we
laid ticket' fur hie,, ( had to stay at
homer 1 was sorry tie -newt him "
"1 want to hear him, t.s.," yid her
friend "imt rimes along we are quite
late Why whet a hands.,r,0 man
indi.•Ating a tell .lark figure. which was
Moving tepidly R*.lw 11 1141e1 111* 11508
"Yee, indeed' he Looks like a Irrlgatel,
5151'161*saw1' And truly his swarthy dark
tills lid nut belie the enmpansen.
Me won one of the long. Mr Iia.d
Omlyem_ rvae1Inuit to the Italian of all
The deep hush of an l' alien night.
Th.. midnight Augelu. had 111114 44111
d i ated ap wants, tearing the fray-
s of thee who woke from the sleeping
y. ( ►ply the plash of falling water
broke the etillnew -the 4.110 1•oic0 which
Ronne in never silent
on the tertece below the church of
r Trinita. a dark figure sea,,, pacing•
raining itis ryes upward to the silent
"1 ata with you in 'pint oh' my hs.
ret' my Innes -en e'
The dnp, drip of the foment,/ fell nn
11 IS like blood " be tourtuttrrd, and
shuddered bet his face grew darker
ere wises laps' of moments --• pier
of an hour --then the,. elan fell on
Freer with n great cry
-In'1.ienta beloved one- --at last •..
n the convent above the nuns were
their knees in the office for the dean
r had 1.. -n n•cene•ionl nearly all the
but ut "1150 *he Downwind warily to
reel? A watching +inter bent to
tett. catching only the final word,
It ie the patron saint of her familyrtears/el-.
the sinttears/elsmalla small relignare
he nervelees hands
'Ran (nos -Anne era pro nehes yes,
her patron Paint Perhaps ' There
pewee • pewof a few momenta, .luring
ch the pale lips were moving ilee/tly
hen a Icsg, quivering sigh -and
of In*nrveuta peneogt .Aatee Cwip
d followed ben bt
ill 1
It j.
arena he'. reaeh.d Mil jest ins. trap, t,
hails 'tie set ad irt.,eeMee,
S%kre the Jeda.Iteso ,tot h:.. ; t. nee.
Ib& *1 smolt.,
it ales ••rauala.l,
y II anode.
t ure tilget
M.►t< and seeike
'a,* Temper -
Mg of Royal
t.' Heury
111 iv
he'lfeare i
Alit their
Bid all l o agll lye
Thev'4 lust les
the Tinting .4
At the hot .14 +
t ontmiwsi,.0 in 'ra1S
Sutherland, tuanage"r,of the Temperate..
and ( emeriti Life: In.}:r�an:• . ('anup*ny
gave valuable evideb.te''4Yt1 the junior
Lint qurat:.•u of 111111 abstinence a an•d its
effects cin 111011'5 health wet theirchan:cs
of leog life. Isere are moue of the prat
tical re.,ults as given in hie evidence
" The stateueut was Mr. 'ntheriand's
awn deductions es t44 the difference'be-
twe-•n abstainers awl 1s et abstainers
from a life assnruuee pint Of view. stet
he mg:toted it a. iud*Hp at•Ible, inasmuch
as it was the result 441 a compilation
from nu loss duet tweet r three inde
pendent ant Moine.: mem ths.suhjeet
of life iusnriner. Atnongg thole he
.muted were fr 1h. ('harlot F
Stillwater, medical examiner of the
Mutual Life Itinerate* ('uuglany of
New York . Dr. Jobst M. Keating, rued
heal referee of the Penn Mutual Life
end president or the Association of Lite
In*era.-e )tedieet Directors of the
r-uited States: the ,E ttta Life [nsurauce
('ompauv', instruction,. to medical ex
xuliuers, the Brooklyn Life, the Coto
no -tient (ieneral Life luenrance Cont
patty. the Egnitabk Lite Assurance
tixehety, and uuny ethers. AU these
were most emp.hatic upon the ion -triter
effect of drinking n{{,, life and longevity.
He then cited the phenomenal suttee*" of
the United Kingdom and tieneral vi
dent Institution of England, which f 58
rears has demonstrated the snpeeior
'longevity of totalahltainen. In twentyr-
-wtren years. experj-nee in the temper
*nee segtiou of membership 350 deaths
were espbeledi. and only :We occttrred,
While et the g'nenli pealed 011411 deaths
WOT0 d4.14141, and •tt' t oe•rurred. show-
ing a .ittl'rreIloe of 'e: per cent. in favor
of the abstgtners- The nuly apparent
difference in tha-+ecarefnlly selected lives
was teat the one s01_w ere total ibeeenere .
the •,therm taoolerat' • obenk -rs, etether
aeltin :auiele owl,' show slttiler expert
enec' til lnurtttary) statistics. The
result of the whole, lie tbotjght, shower
total alrctrueucr to he fat the best fur
thee telt veinal', health. Mr. timberland
furtleilk stated that his company bas
about le:co to Dewy t-'tal abstainers as
nth•-rs ihsur..l, and then wo classes are
kept sepsiate The results favor the
abstainers. lie was a pmhibitionist,
favoring :av,nampnt sale for medical
purposes Ile did not wish to see corn
hell'xt1O:1'. awl would pot interfere with
the ,seven. manufacture of cider snot
Aw Nalte.t C nfethw,.
Th..• New` filek VV"ute and [Mee •1. Ge-
net** 4441':here at., npwar.l of 45.1X))
liyuagr ole beret in, New York )state alone.
These employ- an average of two bar
keeper.. each, making an army of 1u0,00u
men, all seaters• without eannting the
other employee and dep'ndantn of the
saloons. The Prohibition party clues
only about :10.000 votes in the State, or
ah(mt one fourth the number east by
what, for convenience sake may be
termed the lique.r vote. Yet the Prohi
Mtioniat'. by keeping aLig( from the old
portion. win their fear one t*-*pect and
compel legislation ants g',distie
liquor interests. The itgnnr mm, four
times etrouger. being berraye.l b))• their
Ira.ters into open and undisguised al
hence with one or the ether of the
portio', are ignore.[ by ,b, ell whet' the
time for iegislation e,nm.•s awl always
emerge beaten anal hntuiliatete
Ia cbesame HIs Pulartxati.a,
A gentleman who lives at Anders,,
�• <'.. purchased a new sewing machine
ft.»til Mr. C. A. Meed one day last week
and l*id Cee Tt w5ety in dimes. In
doing an he related the following loci
dent . sex years ago, he said, he had
such an appetite for whiskey that he
,,ul4u t come t.' towu withont g..ttiug
drunk. He concluded to try a scheme,
and every time he felt like taking a
a drink of whiskey he pot a dime in a
little ',omit that he earned for that
purpose AS he saw the number of
dimes in his punch Lacrosse his appetite
for etimnlant+ der•reasol. He further
more NtaN,l that in addition to saving
ennttgh dime* to buy his wife a *riling
bewhine, hi% sober life had enabled him
to attend to bnsineea to sort advantage
that be haa purchased a trar't of land
for $45si all of which has been paid it
rept 1I'" --Atlanta i'onstitution
Tempevwae. Anylny.,
The following short sayings are taken
from til, Ram'. li.,rn
A th'nt has efteu hfrisigg started with
a t4a•Isx1n. that barrels cotilel not
Tnec rear wh', ha' temperance princi
plea eh"nod not keep them in the dark
The man wh., in not against the saloon
is not :te;ltinst the devil
Every drunkard need tai boast that he
conld.prink or let it alone.
Nin.• .Irnnkard' out ltf ten are an to ,lay
beanie tbey 4114 not resolve in youth to
lend a sober life.
Pett ing tr'reens in ealo on donne is the
doe)! • way of saying that het. ashamed
of hi howl(
Wit. ,,.. ,•i- ynht .ee a drunken man, it
ongi 1 4.• remind yon that every boy in
the w'.rld is in e
1,,t.., M►awee Assam tl♦unsem (earrndish, of England, wort.
with +seduces that intenlper e on
the Increase in women in 1 ,it in
sail to he the result of zinnia//kelt*
m.•ut which a sweat lite Ant
eahaneting the system, and then trying
to restore it by mem Wants We do not
know what may he tree in loosens. Dat
we do sot believe intemperance Mon the
isr•wase asaneg womwr, in Amadei,. bat
the novenae - Herald of Health.
".When I was a Boy,"
Writes Po*troaster J. ('. Wonrl*o ,
Furst 11111, W. Va., "1114141 a bron-
chial trouble of burl a pw•t.ietent
and stubborn character. tilut the
dot tor prono'nce'el it int urable with
culinary medicine*, and tal'.ised
ure to try Ayar's Cherry Peetortl.
1 did so, and one bottle Cured me.
For the last fifteen years. I hale
'teed this pnyaaatien with good
effect wlienevsr 1 take
A Bad Cold,
and 1 know of nttntbrre of people
who keep it in the h(wst• all tiiy,time.
nt consaga ring it . afe to Lie M`th-
otlot it"
"I bare been using A;yet's Cherry
Pectoral la my family jar*) years, with
Ibe meat satisheet!.ry'rtuuite, cud can
cheerfully te.'umnlrn,l it air bring espe-
cially adapted to all puhweetary n,na-
re:linta. I have, fur matt; - years, anode
pulmonary and other mrdkmesaspecial
.t ndy, anti jbare estate *0 t be conclusion
that-Lyee's Cherry Pectoral occupies a
pc-ition pre -enlist. nt nv,•r other Medi.
dais of the elm -."-Chau. lhtveapurt,
11„rcr, N. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by 1h. J. (-. A 7cr1, t y., I..,w. II, 44.11.
Promptto act, aureto cu re
Tbe rrere•a .f laktlfll.n.4rtlete all He
sb. Market.
iron the Blue and Grey.
11'hen the peanut* arrive at the factory
they are rough and earth stained, and of all
ins and go%Ltiea, jumbled together. The
bags are tint taken up by iron .r,na trr)0. t -
ing from s0 endless chain to the fifth a:' ry
of the factory. Het - they u ^ aa,,;he.i and
emptied into large bins. From these bins
they fail to the met story, oto large
cylinders, fourteen feel teilig.b151A h revolve
rapidly, and by frs:ann the iotas_ a clean -141
from the e,rtfl whl.h ti:t1n to them, and
polished. so that they c.n,t_ out r. !tits and
Front this itchy the nuts 1."! through
shoots to the third sed most Interesting
floor. Imagine rouse( one, es,oee tames,
each divide.l Iceethaiie into three ebetlnns
by thin, each -etch stripe of wo. i Thr.e
strips also ►urn un.I the edge of I be table.
Foch of these sections is Ouon•,l •i -h a strip
of heavy white carve, which motes '(neem
wetly from the month of the shoat t0'.n
opening teadinr down below at the farther
end of the table. These shortly m,,•my
canvas bands, shout a foot wide, are called
the "picking at rons.
I'pon the tar (1 aprons of each table duhi
bled down from the .hoot a slender stream
of peanuts, and on each side of the table, 0o
close toge'I er ; s scarcely to have "elbow
room," stand rows of negro girls anti
women pickint ort the inferior peanuts as
they psis and throwing them Mtn the
.-eatnl section. So fast do thew hands
muvett this work that one cannot ace what
they are doing till they net a handful of
nuts into the middle division. Ry the tome
• not has paned the sharp eves and quick
hands of eight or t.n ptckers one may he
quite certain that it is • that claw article.
fit for the final plunge down two stories
into • bag which ,1 all teemmetly be marked
• iib • brand which will command for it the
Iterhe.t market price.
the pganU '4 treed the neutral spent fall
only to the second story, where they under -
¢o yet soother pickiag over on similar
tablet., the beet of theme forming the second
!nide. The th•r.1 erode r,f peanuts, or
what remains after the second pi.'king, Is
thee earned into a machine which creates
the shed's and serantrs them from the
Lsrnels. Them are sold to the maeefac-
toren of candy, while the shells arm ground
up and used for hone b.ddior. So no part
of this little (reit, veget•h'e, or out, which-
ever it may tten out to be Is finally wasted,
but all serves some awful purpose,
*klt.14. t11s11aer.
Mrs. 1. S. Hawkins, ('hattaconga, Tenn„
says : " ' avert my life.'
i consider it the best remedy fors debilitated
system' ever wed." For dyspepsia, liver
or kidney trouble it axed s ]'rice 75 omits
Soli by all e:roggistta a w
Or CUM tee.
Rdlinga V•.., it wu • remarkably vivid
dant. tt'hy, 1 dreamed that the springs
on the monnt.l• side were pure whiskey -
i tas:ed anything more plain y in my
('ol. Rluegraas My Coodoess, ah ' F:r
*mild you have thecal te.y er to loan me
the pillow yo' dreamed that oe, mh
I. A. Curry, barrister, of tit. John, N 1t ,
Ilse presented his hill of *nets in the 1;IoM
case of alloyed comtempe of essrt, .mount
ing to 83 61 5.46.
MoLE 0 D 'S
•.o • rusk T►aran •guaota
Specs f il' and An»dofe for
Impure, week and impoverished Morel, die
MMsta steeple...oas, palpitatiow of the
et"too oesnplaint, neuralgia, tom of
memory, hooneh,tis, a,esnmptin, gall
stones, lauding, kidney and unary
diseaaw, St. Vitus dance, [.•male irreg.
wl•rities end news! debility.
Ptwtster sad Msa.6.saea,
MrLaora M1er1111 * 41•ATOS era he he/
trent at. ,.cysts* 1e Mwn as wall mfr.,
all the dreaeht}} ttetwee. Owe. sewed sem
c.a1sAk Meemelf, nlrbsm ad T
SPRING, 1894
Experience permits us to say we can sult the meat fasts'', no
tastes. Our peepers being to beautifully blended make it only a plea.•
ure to slava them. As for prima,' they are the very lowest poesihle
from 8ne per roll,
Customers oil! find no trouble in selecting hunters, Friezes or C. il-
iugs, as they are designed to match our papers.
Ilucdrells of samples to select from.
AllPapers that have been in stock for some time will
be sold at less than Half Price.
Lent Managers aril■r (e.
Booksellers and Stationers,
aka* Mel (unitary look new, l oto can •p
oly It yourself, 1, (annul be surpassed
(live lie teem a (oat utter* u.' old ere)
r t net.
d ea
.a lra
on package...
Heal our -. Iluu.e (4,- 11'l Ift:,t- a,
anti keep.
For horses and C*ttle•
For .11 r'•t. and !ores.
ook .hotild hale
W. C. GOOSE, Chemist.
Haying lately retuned frmin a trip, to the lending Millinery Mari,. to.
V.'.1ere 1; bare hecto percussing A stock of all that is new and artistic in tee
\ltllinery lane kr Ihir' loosens 'Trade, 1 *m now prepared to show you tee
Lit 8t 1 in Shapes and Trimmings.
.% l'-1',!. li;' 1:1: h'rerrl"f/1.V 5111-I' 1 i 1:I).
Seasonable Goods
Best Brands of Canned Salmon, Mackerel, Lob-
sters,Sardines, Fresh Herring, Kippered $, Herring,
Herring in Tomato Sauce.
!Finnan 'mak Oodilah, Pickled Salt Water Salmon and
1 «ChM Bouilon " Burnhams.
t is not Sawdust
Ire use in making 1JDUIMtD FIBRE WARE.
Some people think Ria, but they are mistaken
We use nothing but the longest and strongest
Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without seam or
joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro-
cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and
liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no
taste or smell to its contents, and is the lightest,
tightest, sweetest and most durable\470
, ever
made. •
Ask for EDDY'S.
J_ B14.OPI-1I3Y As BON
Have added to their present bugles one of R. J. Naah'a Latest Style
of Otter Hearses, also the finest line el funeral furnishings in the oosMy.
and are now prepared to seodnct funerals at prices reasonable
This department will be strictly attended to by big son William, who, bees°!
in the employ of the late D. (iorrlorl for the past tam rank less atks
knowledg. of the hominess, and by prompt attention hopes to share pa;; -of ttiMs
public patronage. Remember the plates--Wert-M., on your way to the Joss
o ow Cite us a °all