The Signal, 1894-3-29, Page 5TSE SIGNAL : GODKRIOH, ONT., THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1894. .1 WUYAN'S 11 URDF.NB era lightened when she turns to the ,I_hl medicine. if her existence is male gloomy by the chronic weak - noises, delicate derangement*, and pilau! dim/Mere that amliet her seg, she will find relief and emancipation from her troubles in Dr. Tierce's tat „rite I'reseription. If she's over- w„rked, twryou$, or "run-down," the has now life and strength after using this rrrurrksblc r(•mevdy. It's powerful, invigorating toile and nrrv'ine w hich was diecotered and Med by an eminent physicist for many years, in all eases of " female .omplsints" and weaknesses. Far voting girls just entering woman- hood ; for women at the critical •'eh.u►gge of life "i in bearing.do1CW- a•n•3tion., periodical Skop ■ieera- tion , iubammattose, anr-1' 11'firy iCin- ,Ir„1 ailment, if it star fails to 1.11AL or cure, yob have your wen,'v back. The ken fro 11+, ,tilernfiv►t -ii you super from Ca." 1 Arrh, }itu'll tiled in Dr. Sage's Remedy. No mat- ter how bad your cane may 1. 0, the propriett/rs of the medicine pmmis' to pay ,#-,iso if they ea/l% cure I ..r sale by all druggists. NEW ACb ERTISEMENTel -MARCH 29 Les: I'uutos R R. 3albrq .. Lew! Tsiloriog - F. J. I'sidh'ani ... 5 Fr@.er's Ibsmatir ('0. I'pent House :. S Advice - 1,etex A Fear . 5 i.eatlemen C. Il, Armstrong S creamery Notice --John Ha.aab . 5 Prvberiy for Sale- .loan Mean ... • 5 Milliner' Mies Ill. M. Pitcher 3 Wit W.•tbet (iewle-John 1. Acheson . 7 -Nestle oe U.Mls-$prisg-TI.te i4--4', - Garde : .. . ... 6 Thim,4l'ness fits- J. H Worse•IIA(:w 5 haseeee $s#(00es -!Landers A 1 0, : • S a - THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook• ' 11 1..f,. ■ dole la a' der ('oats, 1 redo lr I.al 11; a fhtere Amaag to 1.41..' %Mas, ..' herb Yell rreae 11." mars.. Vickie Plated re and (',►R.'. p,.:. err the Hest. -Brett as Wirer. For woe nay at Warta.. Man lou rad the new book! It aol yoti here rdl a co.. to porn's, • 00Ppr • 1 ea Neeata•e,no H tarn,' publsshwl by N ('. Olw/e, Iteady this week No e.tsarje. _.,, IM you wanl . sometkisg ane M Mertes Suits 1 1f you do go to F. J. Nunn •5i. the Clothier. 'Tr rot.n. that rase to town as the Amble - et r.sr ,vino made a bed foe•.rsst, but Ir yon east aa•throe very nae la pkAtgraph.- apt em t a make so mistake it. milli( upon k. k. sallow al ka Medio. r11Y. 'r&1WAipu.-New aeries °node in 'Mao to lest. and ('anadW Tweeds, Worsted Conon end Spriag Overoostiawo• Dent trio- a,sm cut and Sneak. cb.a.or Hasa the cheap- e+I• 14. Mac(IiRMAC, M'ar. bora,- to sellas meek of their tarp stook se Preto:• before moving to their .eve .tare, ++•.Wer. k Co.. will neer Immense targets* s all heir lige for tie nett Ave days. The roe ., short : call aN secure what yew re- i.rr at ogee. Pounders a: Ce„ West et. " M.1111A TO ORDKR."--There ars some pee, W 'hoe) ordinary spectacle will not At. 1f !es aro one el there, seg will make • IS to 1.41 /our specyl requlr.a.s1a. just Om some re • tailor 0111 make • coat to Ata home -hack - re wan W. T. Weigh, melds end jewelter THE Mtl. I r OLT BALL -Cit. Holmia is.• items as that the .i r ingew•e.itt for the hold- out of the proposed military ball are pro- ireraing favorably. The servic.s of • par- tirniarly fine orchestra have been soared, sad the date for the holding of the ball w111 he announced .ext week. Ravi AI. Smit HAM. -Revival aro cs are bang continued in Wistaria -.t. Methodist church this seek. The tneoeioes are largely attended and much good se being dome. Tl e 11114,eei service S.aday month g was very me•Nitt od en¢• the young people tarots( out is numbers and sloyier ti...rei.s. Tee \"Krue or ., PomretTOg. - A 'seet'ne of the foist beard of the Greet Nort.hweitern Exhibition will be held is the ro0rr home., on Saturday meet, at 2 **deck sharp, to adept prise lkt, decide oas3ict of ince with Clinton @how, oad transom* go.. wit busiscea. A toll attendance is re- ' anted. 1 RaT.LAT A week age Mot Raaday the veins people of this tows might be ens'Iraed in their Simmer clouting and looking as if the Mamma had rightly est h. 'lc Monday lest, however, Aims wee tightly changed, and these young people's b'q^ were buried in sheat two fest of mew It was them that they might be 141411 immure to nos another far eo.aiatd0ui It Will he Samna Ties--- By sad Ry." sec u.et To Stll/t.q Ain Fraw1Rw0M. - .1 lug. number of milers and Adieime. at- teed.d Komi church lest A..day eve.hg to twat the ,,moss delivered to tient by the Patter. Rey. J. A. Adana', R. A. The "'moo Siw• very appropriate see, sad the ::11• er gave a very aerosolssahertaMos fee pet their trent r the grist stay, 1 J. as they de in the twain stay et eaaaa1'1_. - asthma The libido .1r •"111a ter y Rett I1Au M ,g.,.• -The taal.Wr rf r4a* ball slab was fairly well attneded Meager S(lerefmo. aid the slob se ota- 1ir 'M• The ds.lia, of .Alen was 50F udn most swam sles. whistle to lee the Berm Aessl, ”Rel .(rd, at 710 'e n' Thetetrested deli will be Me M beg 1551 the clots of the awighhoriar town, regard. leg the laraMbe of a ('manly .wages, Taereeee, a it WTI Noe The gospel tem - Po m.m, tateeuur lost $.iadsy atterauae warn addressed by Ksv J. A. Aadersos, pastor of Kms church The rsveresd rentlesnan took for his teat the words limed to John's coved "l'Vme Pale Me," and pointed Out that the Temperance pledge simply was not to be relied upon .i all elicacioua to its re - . 011s, but that comes' toasts. and mekia, a ow,plete surrender to hint warn the surest aad beet mews for mail to overcome the evils that ought besot his pathway through life The pledge to total abeuwoce was good as far es it went. but man had to bear the whole burden of resistance himself, while no the other hand teal took uur came in band for us, and through ( "mist we re- oaved that gnus whoh au allouthcrout Saviour alone could reopen to w in help lag w ot.r tM difficulties that wuuld 'Laud is our way. TIMM was a fur audience rases.. 'rhetneetiug neat Sunday will be adlfre e 1 by I:e,. lir. Scott, of l'arkdale, Oat. Ntt.. fetor Er most Ustt The appear- ance of Mier Haws, t►te talented elocutsot- iet, at the Opera Hones on Friday, April hth, is looked forward to with pleasure by all lovers of • Brat -clam entertainment. The Hamilton Spectator says Mus Heat is owe of the most setutectory readers that • iiam11toa • adieace has beard. ' The fol. *swing is from The 1:odrn h Star of May 2,:h la.t year . "Thor. of our citizens who dui oot attea4,the entertainment furnished on Monday evening by this aee.on.pliahed art st, missed the oust of • lifetune. Her atatw.nlne posers w-cie shote criticism, being simply perfect, and holding the moth en e rp• Gloved from Grit to last. It should be uun..essary for Slim Heat to play and. society auspices, rho more so as her fan• and name ►prowls abroad over the L..ntio loo. We cruet that the imamate of th Opera Hoi.re will secure Mie Heat net semen among his list of attractions. Mears. Fuser k Porter have both reerted .td or,l,nary ,eats for sale at their book store, and It will be well for those who con. 1, tnplare attending !lies Hest's entertaie- n.ent to secure.1heir .eats an early as pie atbie. The price are only 25 :, and 35e. SI ,OA, S. Will. A..1) [I:ttKt. -The Sun nem mail bladder dissass@ relieved is six hours 1,y ibe " Now Glamor Soren Anew - ...4 t KII.tali erne. " This New ntaedy inn greet seriatim, noel delight to phy.teians os. &comet of it .t welts( prumptl►sae is "- limier pain is the bladder, kidweya, back and every part of the urinary passages u orale or female. It relieves retentios of water and pain is passing salamis imomels- .tely. 1f you want galek relief and cure this is your remedy. Meld by Jas Wilma . COMING AND GOING R. W. Logan warn in Toronto this leek. Harry (lamas spent Faster with his family here. Mie 1Ja Heaniug spent Laster at Port Albert. Mesa 1. Tyndale u visiting at home et ('adman . Ilia. Verde Driver is tuitinA relatives in 1 etrwt. Muse M. Salkeld is home lot her F:stci holidat.. Mia A. Mhtrman is hone for her ['outer holidays. flim Mar !been ho.,.' for her 1:aster bohday.. Fred Audey spent Easter with hu parents in tt'iogh•m. Geo. M. Cox was in Torouto for several days last week. Miss B. Yungblut, of Auburn, was in town last week. John Elwood, of Toronto, is visiting hie mother in town. A J. Moore is visiting friends and rein• tires at Toronto. Will and Andy Yungblut spent Friday at home at .Auburn. Miss IL Wilson is speudt'ig her holidays a at home at Auburn. Mus Maggie Buchanan, 0t \uburn, was e in towu dunno the week. t .J. A. Reid, merchant, by returned from • his recent visit to Kingston. R. E. Hooper, of the Collegiate Inititu e staff, to vacating in Tomato. Miss Tury Brown. of Auburn, was iu town on Tuesday of this week. r:. F. liver, barrister, of Brussels, spent Foster with hid -Mother in town. Nlrs.(:.gnat and two children are speed dog F:astcr with relatives near Loudon. %Word has been received from Kingston that S..1 I:eid is progressing favorably. John [frown, of the U. 1, here, spent Faster under tine parental roof in Auburn. Min Fella (team is .pendisv feaster varia- tion at the home of her parents, in Wing• lion). Mrs. .1. H. Colborne and two youngest children were gutting in Stratford this week. day school is connection with North-st Methodist church will hold thee• anaiver- sIry settles* nett Sanday,when Kev. E. F:. .y t rte, of Parkdale, will preach to tie echglere and congregation iu the ?twining at 11 o'c'ock. The scholara will occupy the more of the church forward during the ir- v 0,e. In the afternoon a miss, meeting of tf ,.scholars will be held in the body of the eh.rmh. to which all are invited. The meet ag will be addressed by Mr S •..t' and adhere Ntri•.•tal music will be provided for the oxseion The collection& will be in ecd Ted tae S v funds t)e 3lnoday eyel its a p. lic entertainment will be held in the body of the cit ureh, w hen a suitable program of mace, recitations, ate., t, 1.e taken put to by some forty of the s•holgn, will be rendered. The eisellent orchestra. undee t',e leadership *t '4. P". Halla, M. A'., miasmal director of the school, wi!I also take part io the exercise* tin Monday evening • silver cnliectioo will be taken up at i he door in led of the funds of the school. The en'ertuoneat will commence at -.30 o'clock. Tea KI,. ", 1)ar.:note• A circle of The King's Daughters was organized is 1.odench o0 Tuesday the 20th of March with • metr- benh,p of chives ladies to start with. "I'be org•nirers were: Mrs (leo Acheson, \In, Pa•more, Mia Beaumont, Mrs. 1i. Horton, Sen. Dr. tVaitely. Mn. T N. i►aooey, Mia S oaoe, Mrs. Dar idioms, Mrs. ('lark' and Mee I. E. Macey The name selected for this circle is the " Willing Heart" The object of the organzatios is to invite woo ea willing or eager to do the Master's work, is a way to secure to each the sympathy sad oo operation of .11, and to induce all to wi lin the circle of helpfuleese by drawing into it cneetantly more and more hands to work for humagrty, and more and mere hearts to love the King Ten members are roc,mmended as • gnarl working !.'roe, but • circle may cosset of more or leas titan ten members. Each circle may choose its special work. Anything however small or a'mp'e, however great or complex, that helps other human herogi to be better or happ er. is proper work for the Daughters of the Komi. The badge of membership is • silo. r Maltase cross engraved with the in iasis 1. H N " In Hu Name. ' A " Coffee" in aid of the circle will be held at the residence of Mrs. 1)anoey, Etat street, on Tuesday evosisg sett, April 3rd, from 8 11 10 r. M. Refreshme.t sed a good pro- gram of music will be provided, Admit non 10 hent*. LOCAL BREVITIES. Lot Su.day being Kamer the pulpit and platform of Kars church was nioely decor. •'.ed with A-merm. The l:od.rich organ factory was ole..] dews os. Saturday last owing 10 repairs be- ing made to the boiler. Ret. J. F Howell will preach • *armee to sailors and fishermen is North st Meth. oharch, on Sundae, April Rib. ".All is not hold that glitters". Don't be dsaived, but be) • "White" or "New Wi hams' sewing Machine of (leo. W Thom- sen. The cold weather on Friday prevented a amber et ream men coming down the river, which they would hate doom had it bees • bee day. Doh en human and hoes and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woelford'. Sanitary [di.. This never fails. Sold by Jas Wilcos and all droggut.. 30 ly The attraction of the present week at the Grad Opera Holme bas 1.m the Freese Comedy (bn10.y. The company is pre - sootier • clean line of plays, aid it placing them welt Attsti,s is directed to the Spriog ao soa.oement of Mia Pitcher's millinery, which tpp ers in this tees.. The ladies will lied se exoosdisgly Ane display on view at Our Weet-.. Millinery Emporium. Sane ere and Co. bay. bees awarded the contract for putting in a first cuss job of plumbing sad heating for Mr. Caries, wive renin ly perebseed the Hawley faros. Mr. (;uses sieve geed ja tritest is aloetin. 9•wdms k las Se do Ids work, as they are the may finm to fews that make a special- ty Y them Saes epvie Iwait.ent removes ill hard soft sr s.li.ltssd Lamp sad blemishes fres hare.., bled spavin, curbs, *into, rise ba.., aw.sey, stifles, .prai.s, sore aid enrollee throat, ,nigh, Ma Nave $50 by Mr of ens bottle. Worremted the meat weadwfsl blemish sae ever 1..w. Bold W Jia MMus sad a8 dr.fpgist& 30-ly Ithissimegien towed is • Day. math Ameefore [thet..ntie Cie.. bar Rhasinsakest and x55,.1(10. messily sad is 1 to 3 days he amiss ea the eyeless le remarkable and lema rmiestree se elms the eases mid dies eel immedlsely dapper' The blas less meetly kends- 711 asses SW by J. Wave end all Imagine lily Rail Is Six Bear.-Dteh.eetag il id - Philip Austin, of the ('olleaiate Institute, spent Feaster nutter the parental roof at' Kintail, the river. This in the fine one put up this s'a'ss. The Gest haul of the season was breasts u Thursday by tag Evelya. 'Ph. vetch WY goad. There ars a aumber of nets set in the harbor sad off the mouth of the river by the dock boys. The party from :tubule did not mane down the river on Friday, owing, we under- stand to the bad weather. Tug Purees, which has been on the island phis. oaulk.d and repaired was launched on Friday. She has • wow engine. The tug. fishing orf here at present ■re Evelyn, ('apt. l ramie . dee King, ('apt Inkster ; sad McIntosh, .'apt. Wylie. Tug (limas, which has been ou the island undergoing rr+.ppa+lire, was launched on Than day. We undennead she is to have a new engine put au. .1 TIU1NI,E E\PERIE\CE .1\ INTKRI'IEW WITH A WELL KNOWN BRANT L'Ul'NT1 LADY. rr.1.EV tOK Te (1 r0An• '.,1111 %I, a 110,51)- 5• I(1, lel//1\yv1 Ali. e1 -i 11'-1.\-ItVN -110 101 \n aal.ix, w l: 51 •' Ell ,.\,int • 11EM1.1T• •At. From the !Brantford Expositor. Urs. S. W. Avery lives os. I'le'um Ridge, about four miles out of the city sit Brantford, that being her nearest poet - office and where all her trading is done. Mr. and Mrs. Avery have always hoed in that neighborhood, and he is the owner of two splendid farms, the one where he lives co:sisting of 140 acres and the other lying near Brantford comprising 100 acres. They are highly respected residents .l the com- munity in which they reatde, and every per- son tor miles around knows theta. Having beard that Mrs. Avery lid been cured of chronic dyspepsia and indigestion, by the use of I)r. (3 deems Pink ihlle, a reporter called there ni!ce'ntly and asked if she was willing to make public the facts concerning the cure. Mrs. Avery replied that she had benefitted by the nee of Pink Pills, and wan perfectly willing 141 give her experience for', the benefit of those who might be similarly i suffering. "For the past two yea•.,' said Mr.. Avery, "1 had been greatly troubled with a very sick headache, doziness. and • cough which I believe were the symptoms of dyspepsia and indieestiou, and 1 could find nothing to relieve me although 1 tried reverse different me Beane.. 1 could 001 even find anytbiug which would relieve my cough, which at times would he very es cert. Early Imo winter 1 reed io the F:apoeitor .•1 1►r. Williams' Pink fella, and as the sy'nl ono mentioned were somewhat similar to m:oe I was thus induced to try them. I procured • supply from Mean. Mi-t;regor .4 Merrill, 4r•ggiati of I:rantford. before 1 had used tiro boxes of the fink Pilin I eft so much better and relieved from my dutresing symptoms that 1 thought it would he brit to Continue takiog them through the winter. and 1 accordingly got another supply mad use.: them with the re sult that 1 have been totally relieved. I have not once since had the severe head- aches which formerly made my life miser- able and my cough has ea.'rely disappeared. 1 strongly recommend !'ink Pills to anyone who suffers similar to what l did, frum loins., headaches, indigestion, etc., and I believe they will derive great benefit from their use. Mn. Avery's statement was corroborated by her husband, who was present during the interview, and said that without • shadow of a doubt fink fills had accom- plished more for his wife than any other medicine which the hail taken. Messrs. Mc(.regor h Merrill were inter- viewed, and in reply to a query as to the sale of these pills, Mr. 11LO:roger said : "Vele a have sold in the neighborhood of 5,- 000 boxes during the past twelve months and there is no remedy we handle gives better eat efactiou to our customers titan I)r. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 hese every confidence that fink fills are the best on the market and something the people can depend upon.' r. Mertill, the ether member of this well- known tit m, said : "i have more pleasure in selling Pint fills than any other medicine we handle. because it is rarely there is any disappointment in Cham, and the people who purchase them unanimously express themselves as well satisfied. I am well acquainted with Mrs. Avery and I know that all her statement* are rehab'',, and i bare watched the im pro•.ement link Pills hive made in her eve and have seen a great change tor the better. Many other druggists recommend some preparations, sometimes their own, to be equally se rood as Pink Pills. but we cannot conscientiously my so, 'knowing that Mian Maud lisle left on Friday last her Mount 1 lemons, Mich., where she intends I to raid,. John Elliott, of Walkerton, is visiting in town. the guest of his brother loin. Elliott, 1 merchant. 41rs.I►svid Either starts for Rachelle.ill., this week, to vent her daughter, Mra.11tev. ) 1'..1. Lear. .1. W. Simp.on,of the Collegiate institute, is spending his Easter holidays at home near 4V 1, i tech u rch. Mus Charter h A., of the ( ill. Institute, is spending the Feaster vacation at her home 113 St. ( • itherines. Mrs. Mo.s, of lylmer, .pent Easter with her daughter, Mrs. 1)r. Richardson, of Ikttaonu Road. Rev. Meson. Crossley and Hunter, the n oted Methodist evangelists, now in Tor onto, have received an invitation to hold services in Calcutta, India. Frank AJdiso., formerly of (:oderich,•nd for • number of years part foreman of the Monetary Times, Torooto, was canon, his parents in town during the past week. ('1)v. E. E .:oo:t, of Parkdale, Toronto, who is to preach in North st. !Methodist church on Sabhath next, is an old (loderich bey who used to peddle bread to the hungry. Capt. T. N. 1)anwy left yesterday on a business trip to the old country In ooanec- t;on with the Jackson Stewart estate, out of which W..1..lacksoa, a former resident of (:oderich, exp ere to realize a large legacy. WEDDINGS IN MARCH. BLACK -BALL-Wednesday morning an many etarriare service was performed by Rev, Mork Turnbull. the contracting parties being both "relined favorably known to a large eirck of ar;oaioiancee. The bride was Miss Fraaosa SI., second daughter of Mr.II. l'.'. B•11 and the groom was lleo. R'. Black, all of (lodericb. The bride, who was attired in a brows travelling rown, and who carried in her hand the cw'oatary bridal bouquet, was assisted by her sister, Massie, whilst Harry itlack did the kindly offices for his brother, ideorge W. The church was tastefully decorated with floral effect*, and although the hour, 6 15 A II., was on the early side, quite • .umber of apect•tore wit.ased the osremoay. The happy oopple left oil their wedding trip by the early train, with the best wishes of their noisy friends and aol.aiatances, ('rune - Reneur'e-Aa ist.woting *vest took place o. Wednesday moraine in St. (leorge'r church, the 0000sioe being the /t.r a[* of A W. Carron, to Ch•rlette Gertrude, oily daugbtor of R Rad:liffs, Feet , of this tows. The bride wore • gown of ivory satin, trimmed with hoe fwd me- rited • baguet of cream roma The cere- monywas performed by the rectory Rev. MarTurnbull. The church was prettily demisted with flowers, and was crowded with spectators, mostly ladies, by whom the bride was well-k.ows sad highly esteemed. Ila. ■.ear. Way. Cemmeods itself to the wall-infonoed, to do pls.•aat)• and .Recto•lly what was dose in the ern/teat manor mod disagreeably welt To demise the myosin sad breau clup colds, headache and fevers without napless - sat atter .Recta, use the deliebtfnl liquid I tiativ. t..s.dy, Syrup of Figs. MARINE NOTES. (kedge Arnoldi M belief repaired. Rehr. !Whine* u befog repaired and fitted out. The three -master Craftsman is undergo tins repaint Two of the fishing heats were out lase week melds set. Sehr. Kenege has bees repaired and is to be fitted est mem. Meer. 14.viss are fitting .p the Reshoun as a pleasure yacht. We endernessel Met W. Comte hes ether's .t the deb hewn thio m@amsh. The mews Wooing le dredge Arseidi are big repaired we the aid. , We ,'denied the the halms t id& ate in the tag Perris is be be pat 1. the .w two Yea Lyon bis pit tap Me bee hewn es as • system tonic 1):. Williams' Pink Pine - - KNOWLEDGE Brings conrf..rt and improvement tet.1 betide to pc,,,•,t:al e*lj„yi,iei,t wLeu rightly used. The many, WI:•, live bet- ter than ,,t hen andeujoy iiaiaore, with lees expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beat products to the Deeds of physical bring, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the rcme•dy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellcuce is due to its presenting in the 1. em est acce•ptal1s avid pleaa- atit to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax - at e ax•atite ; effectually e!,anaing the system, dispelling a„'else headaches end fevers and Ir•nnaucutly eurieg an:atipati..n, It has given satiated 1,,u to hiilliens &nil met with the eppe.%al of tine medical pr.desrl..n, bemuse it acts on the Kid- neys, Inter and Bowels without weak, - g them and it is perfectly free fru" every r•lyect notable substance. By rip of Fie is for stale by all sir g - gists in 7'k'..bt.ttics, bet it is manii lectured by{v the Cahfon:ia Fig Situp Co. only, N lion, name is printed owl e•- ery package, also the name. Syrup of 1' igs, and being well infornted, yon will not accept any substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. atNerlr5 Friers. Aoonercu. Han -h .*. 1411. Perla .Cheat.:.. standard 0 < to 0 P011 Mist . 0 to 0 i0 Flour. tantily... 000 to 0 ql Shorts, Y too ............... 00 00 :am 00 Rin. V toe. Screenings el ton Chapped reed Wheat , ton 00 ea tuna in Oats. new, Y bush 0 :r! to 0 1. Nese. Y bush.... 0 JI to 0 5'. Dariey. two rowed. y bush 0 /u to 0 IJ iirtc common 0 :ti to a 10 Iffy. tan 1:.50 10 : 00 Ibtatoe, t) busts 0 10 to 030 Ratter, 0 11101100 1 to 00 fu (togs,etreh unpacked, it Ib. 0 10 10 0 15 Wood 300 110g! Wool _ 6 IN to 010 Hid.. a 200 to . 30 Shsp Skive ..... p i0 to ep Llee Hose 100 to f':-0 premed Herts r..... 0 41 to 3 50 WAR IN PRICES ! C('TTIN(. PRICES SEEMS To HE THE (F11i1)EII 1►F THE DAY IN THF: DRY (I(N01*1 I3 US I N Diene. Our Custousers May (Iepnitil on the frame d our SIT! NI; i;1111111 which we are now reveling, to he the loo toot of ant ,torr in tont. Look out for Prier List when our Spring Stock is complete. Hest (.artieelli Sp .ol Silk, :t.. ea, h. or Glk. per dor. (lest 200 -yard 6cora Cotton Thread, _','• per spool, or r spools for Irk. 'We are always pleased, to ,Low goods. I u spet•t ion bit JAS1Ei A. REID. Joedaa.DNek. (i.derich. March 7. 1101. Animal for Sale. -- TWO THUItir1'i.tlIti:F:II SHORT HORN BCJI,isiins tl.i' Ione ismeanie laud one 12 mouth. cld. ('onor ted. Suitable tor any herd. 511111..o1.1 reasonable Write or spoty ponytails to I4AAt' "At.KKI.D, Otderir P 0., or Walnut Vertu. uealerlch To waakip 31I 3t GS,Ft►1t SALE.-TilR 4.84010[14- -Armlets for 'sale a matelot at-larise-int- pureed atel yrot-laws-trn- pureed Yorkshire seine or twirl(, massu reasonable price'. J.1HN i'lIF INS \ale P.U. 51 It Property for sale or for Rent. 11)10)1'=ItTY Ftll; VALE IN SALT - aa FOlen. -Nine aerosol rand, overlooai.g the t -Maim of Sanford. three a •arcs of orchard tress ten lean orewth• an winter fr 441. On 1 the lot 1, a cottage 711010, with bank kit 'lies 12x16, also a tarn Ida21. The properly will be seed on reasoaabl. terns. Fur further portico lave apply to JOHN DEAN. Oodari'h, 1!,O. B- ohm. SALK iter n WI1,1. 1'Clt L oham_ town lot :'r,. 795 and brick 601111111. ergwill isrrbasc ►.w 1.9. .mer berms apoiy to ERIH. W. JOHNSTON. Sault rte, Name, 57-44 ro oo cooe oo i.11tl'IT FARM FOR SALE., -37; A('AK'S , of a mile from t'onrt house. O,d qryleh, .J a, res Summer -(allowed 7 seri' etraa'retries and rsrpberriee. Good water and -building.. For particulars apply to P. O, beash;(lo,trrich. Vit, i5 It I AND. FUR SALE _LILA LIUJ_MAA bounded on the South a,1) Kase roar mark/ two Miles be theSerpei t Ilay enc( Serpent It!t-.r. Atnet :110 acme good alluvial emit. the rear mostly rock in the Res erred Mineral In.tri.:t. Atwut /acres cleared and aeo.lcd ,IJwee ; re• tr.aind, of the stood land rrry ea.ilr clearer lead freed of stumps. Orem, wood crops of hay. oats, potatoes, #a flood pasture, exclus- ive of thu cleared tan.l. for • hundre,! .•atter. Gond marl'.?s for all kind, of produce. Frame bonne, barn, stable. 'fire l'. P. It. erosions tee land• and stay other railway to the Soo w111 ileo crams it ter 1 Mi!eqme Wltl to spid el rep. Apply to J. WII.1.11]I*, e5A.rieh T.U. .e., 11 VALUABLE FAItNS ANO TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE Olt RENT. Int 9 in the lino 000ceaioo. Ooderico town- ship, county of Huron. ladies from Ood,•rlch, txousialing of 110 acres owe or hos Barn 40A (0, newly naw, gnat orchard of clam*,, fruit. wall watered with spring creek, an excellent geeing farm. can be bought on easy urns, Apply to JOHN KNO)4; Auctioneer. Lot 1 1• the broken front, west of the Lake road to the Western division, Township of Cul borne. eouuty of Herm.. :1 nisi.. from Galerich ANTE U -A TIDY. ('APABLE (Hui. compo"Ing IIA acres, Large task tarn, goal , hmeaawWa Appb t+ MRS. 4AIt- I femme house ti story birth, nearly new nod ROW. 11. good orchard of chola:. fruit. ,'•n be bought on levy terms. Apply to JOHN 14740\. Auctioo- -' BORN. 1)I('l,40N L, Brussels, on Mar, h 21,t, the wife of A. G. Ilickuon. of aha tient 01 t'mn:- ,,er: c, Tcr..uto, of a daughter. MARRIED. BLACK -HAI I. In St, Gemmel' rhumb, tiederieh. nn the 2N'h inst.. by 1b.• rector. ttev. Mark Turnbull. Prances M.. second daughter 0111. W. Hall. to Oco. W. !Sleek. DIED. Me I.KAN In (,'olhorns t• svn.hip. on Monday. Mar it Alb. Maria Rorke, relict of tee late Jobs McLean. aged 76 years. w Situations Vacant. 4 5,12 a, -res in the Townebip 4.1 Sprague. Creamery Notloe- JOHN IiANN.A11 WILL COLLECT create from the farmer. of Colborne moil Goderich townships during the coming et•ason. and would be pleased to have an MM old cut touters and as many new -5.N' 55 pomibte. JOHN HANNAH. t eaforth. 36-21 Deeds .Ibr Ode. IF YOU AB WANTING A GOOD erode 1n Red. ALlke or Witte Clover. Timothy Seed, Lawn Oram. Orchard Oran. Iced Top, Hungarian Cres@, Millet, Flax Seed. Mengel Wurzel, lance white4 Belgian Cornua all klod. of Turnip Peed Onion Heed. Dutch Setts, Sweet Cora, and all kinds of Oardeaand PIeM Need. 0 y me • call, SAME. SLOANB, Hamilton et. (toderkb, sS-It AJEEL (:RAMI YOR SALE. -WE HAV F. largr amounts .31.51 gral•Korsle. Choice !rowed barley, meed pas and sats. Also feedlot oars awl ensiles, oars ter seed. all of the.blot quality. Plenty feedbag corn for stock Nodose always oa hand. DHce right to the ware house at Railway station. Clinton. W. H. PEitRIN. 57 2t stand uae:ivall.d," Dr. Williams' Pink Pads .re a parfait I blood builder and nerve restorer, siring such di.sses as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, l000lsotor ataxia, St Vitus' dans, nervous prostration and tired feeling therefrom, the atter effects of la grippe, thermos depending as humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery . ip.los, etc. Pink Pilis give a healthy glow to pale and allow oompkxiom and are a specific for troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the can of men they effect • radical cure in all ca.ee arsine from meatal worry, overwork, or excesses of an.0tire. Dr. Williams.' Pink Pili. are .old only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, (pria•ed in red ink. [dear in mind that Ik. Williams' Pink Pills are n ever gold in balk, or by the doom or hun- dred, aid any dealer who offers .alwtitutes is this form is trying to defraud you. The public are also cautioned against other so- called blood purifiers and nerve tonic.. prat op is similar fetal and intended to deceive. They are imitatiene whse makers hope to reap • pecesia 7 adv..lag• iron the won d.rt.l repetation achieved by IIr. Williams' Pink Pill.. Dr. Williams' Pink l'ilr may be had of . 11 demist(., or direct by mail from Its Dr. Williams' Medicise Co' steamy, Brock- ville, Out , or l!ebeeeetsdy, N. 1'., at 50 mete a box, or six boxes fee $2.50. The ries at whish thin.e pills are sold medium • Merle of treatment ..wy.rativ.ly isexps- sive as compered with other sarin of treatment. Tender Wasted. MENDERS WANTED Flit ATE P09 1 HOUSE OF atFUQL Owee w111 be reselv.d by tM mule apt figthe, 3fteenth dayd April Met for i-.)te ea whi.h ss Lear, the Memo .f Norms we templ.md by the Griner .f loaves. 71M !.faeria1a.4reqovsimil te sem0. 1 sartsel an ed. To h~ Oe. two ° .10.7.411. following ptln.: (ahN.s. t1a 0arth. Wl.gh.at, tester Of Oedwieb. to p.rer will with sells Mei* the Viol _minim* ewe, Mg.rAieb *es(e cr wa fen e.nes .t Muslc, .1 'SS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER Let u: Rosie had West -et . doer east Of Capt. 1 . 1 Sewing Chapter. IPHB SEWING CHAPTER OF ST. School Room every fwf111 mot for work In rho liar at 2,9D 1`.11 Orders for Maio sewing and ohildrea's clothing rend%ed by Mrs. e••1ecv, pr..ideet of the Chapter. or by Sen. Turnbull. at the Rectory. I4 -1f FBJSfR'8 DIMS CO. AT Grand Ofsera Huse, FOR ONE WEEK, COMM.s Monday, March 26 in • repertoire of 1)ramie and Comedies Rose Garland," " Queen's Evidence," " Dolly," "The Little Duchess," " East Lynne," " Esmeralda." CHILDRBNI PLATINER MI SATURDAY at. 2 30 AA.Mto• 111 sad 1.2 els. 4lwtif.1 (''tomes, (:nod Rt Demise and Acting. The het (' Msyolhng through Osten* to day. 4 vulgarity, no indereacy. OKNBR t ADMISSION - Moes Rtilt5KRt'KD SCATS , !Sets CHILDRCN - - - - 15.1e Flee et OW ttalfi lglasb M SSneer A semersr el hiss& and .eighbote M the wuleedi ane reddest" of J. /halm. ee Manby mvmae& March (tit, les mislasass tM4 o4y-bra ...iter. miry sf Yr. end Mtat ti m0nrtyse ter. (beck A and H. lake range. In the township of Colborne. coneititing of get arrow more or Is... There are on the premiers a frame house. frame barn and good *tabling. About sena youogotchard of choice fruit. Ah,1ut a. acres of bush. Thin farm is ronaider.11 a asst clan grazing farm. The farm can be divided to suit purchasers and bought'on easy term* Apply to JOHN KNOX. Home and lot in the town of Clinton, - Lot 11. Mary -et, oppsitetne oil woolen mill, com- prising frame house Is gory high, 9 rooms, gone (ouodation with good cellar, all In good state of repair. apply to JOHN KNOX. FOR SALE. -N. } LOT 31, (ND CON - cession. Yam Wawanoak, us mesa, This M a Int -clam farm. Also town lot 47r. God. - rick. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. Mkt 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALK-THE old homestead of the late James Cassa- day, of the township of Kest Wswansh, be- ing last half of lot 9 concession 1, on the gravel road that loads from (Ioderlch to Wing ham. 1t Issituat.'d about 60 rod. from Aub- urn, a thriving village with four churches sad a school sear et hand. A comparatively- waw trams have with even large ;often ,end oelker witheter.esveniene• aid goody hank barn ✓ ind allot !10 force lextrans a►•eTA. els psw....e rte... ail ' .t 111[ et the beet. Farther /aIoemaeten tri OUR& CAMADAY Aehers 1' 0. t1411 14108 BALI ATA BARGAIN. -THAT oommo4Maa rasaKlog.t., Brus- sels. aa pant -shop by ■gasai0.sees. A tyto NORTH-WEST LANDS FOR SALE. 5000ACRES OF VALUABLE improved and unimproved farm lands at distances varying from I to 12 mils from Qu'Appeile Station, N, W, T.. for sale very cheap. No better lands for mixed farm - Ing are to be found la Commie. For full particulars apply to A. D. DICKSON, Ra riieler. 414-11 q.'AFwsm. ° o as 11111191 l0/uPYM. r 8EAO1R, CONVEYANCING AND / weemeee*eet eteentefltarth.i RMe1 MONEY TO LEND (►N MORTGAGE .111 0lt,saes cent. Rotes dleeletele.A,, 0. MMM. M.rU. s I Wel, Psis ONEY TO LOAN. -- $28,000.00 • PoiFoote to lead uper sat. assig. L RUS IL. DANUICY. H 00 erres s . J. T. XA1REL, FIRE, LIFE AND I.1ur•soo meet,• at mean • Nentem. ed tli,oarm Avg. MTO LOAN. APPLY TO ICRON HOLT i ROLMER .- Ins MONEY TO LEND. A LARGE nuns toft Pringle Fads fee 1■v.Mtart et linnet e aeA OW t UD M moo' Apses m R ADem McOIt. .5AL M Jt r. .r 0's s Welsh st the 114.W4.'s raw w 55 .a 1.way 60 emit shedeer hem Romers.elrerihreasme= .tT this ori, -on of AIT year a 1gt•e1 Bloot) Puriher j' is oM.'r iter ibL,; Winter of ire* net - lie euiploywent 'nisei heat ier diet. (These e.ral r,ysteu► :softie .!earil►g to meet the more -- aliluour dative •if • Suhelarr. In •11F!i onset FEAR'S B1'R11OCK AND N1.1N- fellAKF Pil.LS hacr lion trur1 by twiny inti (nui•I an "v.rll.•ut 1i.• beau,. ReinJ a pude." ly 1'egetable ('i' pountf, it -. flan'I. token with all safety ley young sated ,old We hate the intimi any el those N ho hate been r•'C ct.►.'t:'v ••urrvi ,.f halt Rheum by ;ts use. V' •r!1 yea the her!.: a.: i a.i,.tt f iu pei•kages.• Eteli l.a'kage ut;t ' a •;u:r' :tett coat,. you 'iniy :.'► eta 1'Icptr',1 ,only - FEARS PHARUACY: • Otrn4H1('H. Inor e sleepl-e• • nights from t .li • - tresing cough., C11 IZIZY I'I I.\Ii,NII' .alt;. - inistant relict in the 'woiat cane.. Try a bottle And s :dory yourself that tea• 1. re). Prep 1' only by - .1. F. 1)AVIS,1Pbni. E, - M►fedlcal 1 )F:''PI.l•e Alti tl'T 're t I I. I(KI'INO. 5 Arc. ,00 ceremony Corn t0 m. and and w.11 fit yon out for housekeeping le a .171. len never dreamed of for so little ropier. deem,'• g11Nmutat : r0, kitchen -1 int batt kitoket chart- • large arm r6. Ler, kitchen talk. Petry board. wash stand, mirror., *ad No. 3 enea .,w.: -•a furalture ; linin% Room -1 get ease dining chalrw, Mete Wk ra:k G tl ) board with mirror, estenatou table •uu .epee, rood eeriest: Bedroom Fine t:4room 1hit. bed spring and morass, ladies' rocker. rant table and 1.5 yds. carpet ; Perim -1 solid wad not parlor suit of d gases I ane entre table. ► cornice poles. d window shades. and 1.1 yard. goof carpet, tape,try or wool ; Hall 1 hall Amt rack or mirror. hall ch\Ir. 6 Ide nerpet aid carpet sweeper. Many have paid over Ple for the same goody. our price ie tilt We have other notate segued value at SAe. 1.111. 3300 and up. We also throw a cradle is, for The ha•d that rocks the cradle is eke hand that rock* the world." Now after Baster is your cheat*. Come and we m . ft will be to your interest. sulfite VVRHITURI,TORR • BD.etal listless. NEW OHOPPINO MILL i am prepared to dealt kinds et&ow sag en shorter* nolI Mn) 1. rang M all ours. 1 bare the Istria sad h.M 1 machinery for dispatch sad edlcieceo. Popp rsesnabl., No delay in getting your ameb e ,with you. JOH. 3IDD, - - 6,2 1y 17 nr)tasdast. (10DERICH F1)I7NDRN AND T MA('HINK WOiiKP. To the public Ray Runelmen Noe. a and 1 plows. Rene I man land rollers and rye cotters. "Petrov" Nos. 7 tad 1 plow*. Am'erleaa montdhnerd*, Watford twin plow. It le the twat. Watfml warners, the looters. Watford hay rake.. Al e0 saber inpleaoenlr1, Flow twist. reduced In setae. darn .most kinds. Castings made to order. Oath for old metal. 416 -Ir J. R. RUNCIMAN. Th. People's O.t.Is■. 1 DD'R PLANING MILL - SAAR AND DOOR FACTORY.-- IU CAR O. T. RT. ATION,- RIC wRRlINewtelt CeDAR t1ill NOLma. R Iru.Me fb 0ke.,s. sea led Olay cheers. Extra Ne. 1. ft Mt (laws cut, heavy Nene.. FLOORING a'en IIIDINO, gear ter M. DOORa. BARN awn BLINDS• .q ll, low. pMfA♦PLE o,,nO111L33 1 ('1 Ft 0ORt5Q. kir 4,4..11. 3'ra.uaraR see-. M legm` LATA PICK. DRAIN TILE, risics3lew. ID Is