The Signal, 1894-3-29, Page 2or 1 (,• ' I ► i': I 1, It 4) .�.- .$1'1:'1►AY, MARCH 29. 1894. 4• Y A Little Daughter (lf a l'1,urdi of }.Iigl.uid winister cured of a diattaasing rank, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Ria nAttrr 1S:ks, the w, I1 -known I►rnggist, 201 Mcliill :t., Montreal, 1'. t1., ..aye: I have Fi.'u fy yt,dheinrs t.1, to years, mil hue.• heard nothing but rood .eel .-1 thew. I kuuw of many Wonderful Cures persettn.•.i LJ Ayer• fiursapwrilla, one til' mall. Mar using that of a little tiall;eht.-r of a C'.tnr, h of Etiolate, minM• t .. Tla• , L?1.1 w uA Int. rally towered troslt hem' to fest with and :and ex- ceedin'_ly tro ihie •"me+each, from which Is -wl .nlfe•md f. •r two or throw year"; •e.te of ftw best medical treatment . : Amble. Mr .1.4ther was in great • diatrem elr.ut the case, and, at ney r ouemehuatien, at Inst began to ad- i'n'.ter Ayer's k•cn.n wrilI .. tin het. Urs of whi•-ri et:. • • .1 r eineplefe cline, I.rit-h to Lir r f 2.'.•1 I: r I.(1h••c4 . 1 - h • 1• -• •.: t', • strongest terms . • tl, ..orris.. r.f Ayer's Sarsaparilla [•-muej 1 y I'r..t. (•..ter k ('o., L,.rr,l. Ila,•, CUreo othere, win curyett IN THE BANK OF ENCILAIVEI. - sisteresmag Steeturessesno Werld'. Wrat• eat e'Nssed Rases. tine of the first objects 'of interest mlw+rt entering the buddies r_tbo Within (ffice, where all the gold-nraits,atr-Moat enters Of Imre' the bent psoas through to he check ed, says a writer to "Harrison's ),lagstaee I b the right is the gold ; on the left t h. silver. The prom,oeot feature of the reon• is the "rand balance," or scales, couatruet ed by the Messrs. Napier. Thia nervelleu- iastrement Is • ponderous ■ud preened% hnilt weighing machine, mambo; near!, seven feet high and wei.,,hieg ale,.,t tw tons. The whole is under a hues glass ....•. amiss luring gutted thereto by 8 Melon. panel. The scale is worked by hydrauli. p•twer, and a the most mo.,tsve weighing machine 1-1 existence. On each rode th• wales are fitted with weights amonnnnr 1• 400 ounces. The gold it made up in 40,. ounce Tare, ao,l the difference of the one- hundredth part of an ounce can be detected By a manipulation of the machine, so tie, • thing as • postage stamp eau 1.e weighed for on the same begot placeed upon the scan the index will pimp a distance of no less than sir inches. 1t is the wily lelence to,., its kind is the world, .n.1 cost 110,000. _ T11r. 4IL%CR w•tl.r_ The silver scale is not so tine'y L*latto.•d, and the two are respectively chriatene.. "The L rd (Chief Justice- end "The f,or.' High ('hanoellur." In acether room air several machines for weighing severe.go. and half -sovereign.. • Each machine con sista of • complicated system of counter weights, and is t.ot, unlike • sewing Inaehin. as to tic lower half, the whole being oom hely enclosed in glass. A hong feeler Ike a too cut its halt down its ►en.th, and trade of brae.. 1a set at .n angle of 45 de grecs, and is filled with • hoer roll of "over eigoa These turtles they dip down loo to cireel•r movable plate, slightly larger thee • sovereign If the osotn is of the right weight, it dip, down a metol tnb into. fill blow. Should, however, it prat" to he lighter than the standard, the deice te Lachine turns to the left and o.wderens it to the guillotine. These machines wed th mins at the rate of 26 per minute. and . oh►y's weighing .t the hank amounts t., about $500,000. ?Will n. 141it"r,T , IRee1.ATlow. Aeother interesting feature is to be found in the vault coataaning We defunct otrcal•- tion of the bank. Suosa Naar as mined of the quantity when we gaff that {hay are over 77,000,000 to number, and that they fill 1.400 bores, which if placed slide by side would reach two and • half mile.. It the notee were pleoed in • pee they would reach a height of five and • hall miles: 0r if joined end to end would form a ribbon 12,455 mile. long. Their superficial •:lest n 11111. Ise than Hyde Park : their eregesal value was over 1:1,750,000,000 and their weight erc.ed. 9)!, toe.. Amour them is • nate for £1,000.000, also the flr.I beak note ever issued tome f x '. , ,, and mother for 1:260 left at the hank for 111 years, whew + • -.melted interest raised w valve to g60,000. 11A 1,1,1 A Rtee 'OTt. TM printrur of the existing paper cur renef is an interesting process. The Dotes are struck off two at • time no handmade paper, which, upon bong exit gives three rough edges and rine smooth nee to each piece of paper • dbtisguiehiag feature of • Rank of F:oglani note The paper is manufactured at this hank's own mill, and the production of it is intrusted entirely e the members of otic family. The ink tr4l .n priming the notes is made front the Amu red stem of the Rhenish -.In., whisk ie he - lowed to produce the richest blssek of any ask is the world Rech strip of paper hos to be etrr.•Ily uw.ented for, time wheii per nem bang wieder effective sap erei.ien. Phe Irak ran boast of possessing the wee/shims room in the world. In the .haps of • bled e( vault e...assdsd from Sear to wiltse by erne sales amillAstIMAIr rows upon rawest gold eau iw segs of £10eek, and pile upas pie ee hank snow. The Monosi1 .f .pie room ees.W,..d is ,bin room i. Dot Wes time 1fi0,. eel the 000.000 .tarl'.g intrn. Nee t.►m laser interstin` feature in cat. man •slabe with the h•.h is die feet Abet the hear h wads .rated.fem. bestanhg to sod is corner wader .nwetaat pelisse espoenage. is addition of tbe t . she military preterites. std hke sisett•is " I d arra sontes•s Ise an ov.elp4es" that ems- ri. f nssetaelse wlth .11 parts .f the h.ildkag eat M etfMasd as • owasen('s sena& tae if 1 1 ME 1 WO FOES. i• • great war for come. -rated sr 'awl Isea olio hoed 1•hrlsi enol lour who served .dakushd I:a...untlnol n,..lI,. a. Ik•t ..%refute►eight %ad erallo,- 11...lrm 11 11 in that am r. artht. vie n. .hug r• w11d1) Ila) had ..•.led the Theo ru.•r-.,.re.- ...utd taw with teal.lug life. weer their i RI. ..r)ra•. halm* 11. .r •nal,. 'roll a +I tuu,j andel 1« -vet awl ',fly,' 16,111 LN h. "Whim •aL11.4ild,he eases. '•Wnu14.1 Ilea. heir ay1.. 7" ••fag,.:l:'•arm. Mall.. ,.r-. .l bait..gr•`•• l mrd ahs I.e.n,l k,.,i•.. T6, ra4iaa1 snarl tateit 1.•ud 1.. 1.4.1. II elf ileseutent "hem. )'e krwIMMnd vele." he mirth ..ins. " tr. I hoar 1{ re . bvity bawled. being Jerd. Ihui.r hand ?Vit. In st. •14.'Ilr %%ko lo ..'r+'.• truth b*.... ..Awed mfr well loaf. Fur ».t p, 1*M. 7111,11114 . hwd. ad wroke sal Ciut% dindow l)aur, •ud Kite 1t moue Weise on Jetties'', eat1. lou Allah some. .tad -.Atm' light braver, tr.uugh 11.e1r limbs .I,.lnt.. laart., faithful-p(ra., • hen the strife ea tee 14.?. El,' ate mow 11.1 )r fought. tet kiiew kind Ana: ...o. 11..• $14114...4 *teal I. err u,crlre.s -u.w tattle besvrel ..hall hold )e L.tlr a1 Y. 1'. ( u.lrrhill• In tlerprr'. 1'1;1 V.tTE TII£ATIIIC.tLs. h•ttr hue.' Rehm eai.l, [bowing aside a small tai:.. r L.mud I olnl4e. ' this will not .1.. at all It is 8(0111.1. "Mutest' Jerrie cri••tl. '•1* that a11' All the r•.t are too fang. or 1.o short. or have t."o wooly tart*. ur Motile other tnwurltlotilltable olojecti'NI. But wen' etttloidit• •' • • lion t 1e sarcastic. Jeanie. Rollie ani. , looking up faun her Wok. There wen• 't of the girl,. and on the t+tblr. chairs; .1 even the• Hoer were .ixty, at treat. otthc look.. It ernslh 4t as ollto spoke that Aunt Murtha ea1r in . tall. Middx and stately. ,but as sweet Kitt,. r at sit this world are What are y with wilt *abatis •'selecting a ploy eats, We wait to 1 suff'erer•. at the 13- -- Ta.sie. •..l'e.•tiug .watts treat Idle. •• Private theat iic.d,' a rose for all that. and (lieu half the woolen of t went, - 41 4101114:- *ill• asked, cent. or privet.' thrItrl- tin: fund tor 111s 'trent fire. :gib! 1 books. in ,me .1nnt Martha, with a vert ..1.1 . ' Ir. • it to alone, titue'.tn• e 1 took part ll t•riynte thratr,cal« hotly .‘.ears ter. • Von' we all cried in ch. . for Aunt :Hui -ills, although she neve nter fend with n'. was well known t. .J . appnweof theatre. and all that bit,,, 1 to thein. 1 '• The Mldi.-nce was verysinal 1," Anti.. Lunt Martha..f111 with that puzzling smile. "and there were frit peri .miters. Shall 1 tell yon 1.18,111 stokes' " What was the alar'Edina.rd, perhaps. hoping for mi.( in her perplex now ar "'Thr Midnight .Vsail ann,.. Aunt Martha. •Tan I get i1`' "1 think not. It was •,101 1 for the •.•easiou ane' never written ,vet. ' •By this tithe we hoot deserted the table end arrey of -acting copies of popular dramatic works. and were 'Irowrl np in a circle neer annt Martha's i'1►air. keenly interetstei in hearigg all about it. "It was when 1 was a young girl.' acid Aunt Martha. 'and had been iu voted to ise bridrtunid for my very dear friend. Dura Burke. She was the only shill of s' ery wealthy widow, who INT! in Willow Banks, anti had one of the most luxuriotw Moon's 1 ever visite4. but it wee in the '•onntry. ten smile's from n Inrerr city. where Mrs. Burke owned smother house in which her win ters were punned, but which was rented ton l:,,lv who teak Yrs. !lurk.. and Dora M boarders for the winter. "Soo, women it was decided to have a swami wedding, it was 21)84) arrange) that it %hoot.' 1.e at WI!leow Banks. where there were many spare belle o:us, and which could be reached by:Carriage' from the city. (her peculiarity of the domestic life 1 inlet mention here. Years before Mrs. Burke luel been rob bell by burglars. admittedl to the hoose by a d iahtmest se'rvaft. and from that time she would have no servant sleep in her house A separate building for their tine was conne•te1 by a rovereil way vett) fitted up comfortably. Here Min Jones. wife of the head gardener, kept house for the gar.leners..tablemen and maid servants who wer, summon el when wanted by a bell from Mix. Burke's ram. A second till, also sun fleeting with her r•olu. wart an alarm. only to be pulled if the inen should be wanted at night for a fire or burglary. The welding( was very grand, but, while the feetit-ales were at their height. I was taken ill with a severe pain that 1 was 'subject to 1 triad in vain to con coal torso/Tering. and finally whispw'rel to !)oraa cou.iu, Mollie Burke. that I must go to my room and lie own. " She wanted to go with lust but that 1 would not allow, vets'4-4 was filling t)o.'alt tutted place in aeeieting Mrs. Burke. " '1 will come in before 1 go to bed,' she said, and I slipped away unnoticed. ' My room was at the end of a Long entry. a nolo I liked because it com mended a inagnifirent view, but it atwtned lonely to me that night going there from all the light, gayety and mitotic in the drawing ream. There was an immense closest in it. as large as many modern hall mole, and in that was stowed touch of the 'rubbish' that m•st familiist own, odds and end« whore woefulness' is over, but which abirrrilitt one iolrwls. list the prat, my heart l•ratieg w heel 1, eras afraid tM burglar w t; 1 ' • 1. IOU{ 1.111 how lung Il t, ae 1 1 t, 1 Mollie s VOW, et 1h.• r•tl., ... j • , . IA.)- 1* U( worn,..' . i veil 'ern I was terns. •1. 1% .. ., Ills 1u the er.oI. of a uc►u' pwliu..l...dy armed to Point 'air .1 "As Mo.; • , u,y rout. dears the private. 1 ,• , ...'rd.., e ac•trees for .1torlee lot tau. t+he evoke G. 1-..-. . I . n 1 any head lou saltily. tote[• .. t: i • , iters..0 wall •l( sat I I'• t1*- . t.•Lr.0.4 .err !euro at true took Ike alerts. " oak. itau,r :.o tis. o •sr.' eke cried, • 1 hail n ideal tots were wo Fatuity; sec[ Fai vo V she ..&hoot. :ming to toe dour. i 'Fanny!' "'F.uinv Sties Miltie is very ode's,' Moffitt- stool '('an you stay Were while 1 caH Mr... Burke ' "All thio time ) had lu.•n u►ununri,.g tatty wa►erua,• that came first to illy lips, but now 1 seta in French . "'Writ' 1 4 s w'dk.to you beton* you roil fur Mrs. Burke. --1 as nut sick.' ' lOb mann,' cried- Fanny, `'What awfdt gibberish she do talk. to 1.e sure' " 'Y,'s elle hits felm.' said Mu 'coming tithe br119t114 Met some o 1 water. F: . to loathe lire heath.' '• •Il•n t htort .or scream.' I muttered. still in French. 1n a low tone. keeping my hew! In nr.ti.rt 'the re it a wan hidden in the closet who has designs on the plate and, tvc.ide 2 pn•'w•ute 1 •11► wire tan tion ring the alarm led! in .•' Adm Burk. ruoln au.1 get the roan servants here -• )It, you poor. poor darling" said Mollie, caressing um. .To think you have been iying here .uffcnng while we were damt.ing and enjoy hog .)orselve•s' But yon wu.t have M'•^.thing to take. Fanny.' as the mail 4.24.... with* pitcher .t water. •Iwtthe Miss llisltie'e heed, while 1 s,'.• what w.stieines are fu the .11,41 t ' •'1 said t`ea'r• waa belt one actress. and 1 was wrong. Mollie walk•',1 rolly to 4be closet, knowing the thief was er..nel.d di.wn in the far (- orne'r behind scene bundle••, and took from it narrow shelf a few l.ottles. crossing the room 1., road tyle labels lay the candle on a table- beside the last, and returning a*aifi. two or threw times while l moan et anti muttered, and Fanny pitied and stlothed Inc. "Hcnll, m,- dears. said Allot Mar tela. complacently. "considrrrl aria fled appearance. without Andy or rehearsal, 1 lung 'day thgt it was very well ,lane. The last mottle Mollie took back w•asput upon the shelf. and witl•mt harry, but Init. naturally. she. ..Lured the closet or and belted it. 'I knew then. what 1 had almost dot tel. that -the hal understood ane. •• • here is nothing here that will do, noun.' she said, quietly. '1 most see if Mrs li kr has anything,. Don't leave Miss 3114* 'e until I rnme hack.' "Then heard her go ligfitly and swiftly do the long ,entry. stud hey heart throb) almost to siiff,s•atium. a. 1 wondered if a wretch in the closet world burst ont r ism us. And all the time I w•as keep g np the deliri„ns meaning an.l mutt ng Oh, how hew th:• time .ei'm,sl' 11 t at last I heard the Mound of heavy f the confusion of many voices and, while anny et•sst its ..p nope nthel wonder. a (ling over me the cup ..f }rater sho held one fire sanely men tyalk,d into any room. leaded by the tipper garde, and all armed with pokers, sticks . other weapons. The head gardener* bend a pistol. this. hr opened the ch r •t- tl or. and said: • '1+npp ole yott come out' It isn't got a pistol, perhaps' yon'd better II(tt ',•all,' what von 11 gest for burg Iary what ain't actually done ain't moth in' to himgin'. if you murder we. And there's five of u., so yon can't get away "Then he carte onto sltHen- att.T'1 xly His first look was nt *Ise led. but 1 had added to Fanny x amazement by sodden ly recovering and joining Mollie and Mrs. Burke. who ha.' followed the men into the room " r)h.' /said the ruffian. 'that's it. is it' iilliberish as was giving inf•,rm*tion. If Td a know -col there was a gal on that bed when 1 'awe its. 1'.1 a stopp,l her clack. i'.1 a strangled her. that's what I.1adune' "And then. any dears. t finished up my private theatricals by falling to the floor in a fainting fit in which there was 00 acting at all." ('rola should Me Ule.rsIO.d. The how price of wheat is due largely to the ease with which it t« produced compared with a quarter of a eentmry ago A bov can now at on a seat and do the work which formerly rerinired a dozen men 10 pwrforn, Improved ma chinery hen mad,. it penihle t.. prance more wheat than formerly and at leas enet Farmers should diversify their crops whenerer pis.ilde and endeavor to grow ' rnething that will give a greater rrtnrn than wheat We have mane climates and soils. and there are greeter opp)rtnuitit•. for Ilie (mine than may he apperrut A /)seer Kallro,aa. (bre of the queerest null -owls on this rontinent is the tMli.bnrt• & Harpy. in New Brunswick. It is but twenty miles long. and. although it connects with the inter Colonial roast an admirably con anointed line it is conhe••rnlly smear. A printed novice hong np in the ears eantitms I/warmers that it is will to get t and walk on reaching w certain 'age and it was long the •il4oin to h the ears over this entry 'trnctnre ore the (nighty etteine wax trusted .n it, rotting timbers. l'uwalrr rad ('l1► tiny. The question of road making is. says bangs .l odd Fanner, one which doer'. rune rn the f*nnrr alone (tower! 1s will rebore the clot of raining and kiting empA etti) runne,i,untly /omen «nppliea rrsnirvd by common The him sraltainel by carrying oro ee to market over bed reads hi a t tat 'Ilion farm iImdnet• the w'saries of life -which poslncers r inanmers onght to he armoring nnanimutu The Neat 8.15.81...f Slant. e 1Ya7•,annt tow as the most mailable lents Its wood fnrtilnbes 1*. ,,,.. ere and planks. its leaves nmhn•llaa clothing Its fruit food. oil intoe• rants and anger, its shell. domeetu.• ntensile, its flhsrs rope., salla and mat ting Moe 1. 1Al.' The army worm travels. in "inch acorn - poet line that prneeenione of them ase frequently mistakes for slake IMaeseere ee a WON, rase. A reit of tWsrll t yore . b Pat AIMS hi ilearvessil are too geed to throw away. in this, ! bmr earefdlly hong tip my fine dress, slipped 1 „m on a woollen wrapper Mel .•r•pt t.. the I, of luredt having only the bright moonlight 1 nih 10 guide me i could hot sleep, Lot the I Kane wore away and I lar motet. wonder � ing how soon the gusts would lent•.. Aln•alty Dora and her hnalwnl had 1 .!riven away to the city. to start n{1141 Mot their welding trip, but the r. .In. hal 1 Toa. leen still filled when 1 left then/. ' I mar • 1 cannot tell what male me think ''h then of the temptation for burglars •rs there would he in the honor that night. , 'In The family plate, usually stored! in a dire lank vault in the city. and .nth '11.. new played om great occasions, was all spread and in the supper room. in the library were In Mrs's presents, valuable Jewels. silver lace and other costly offering• Th "An if in answer to my fear, I and of p denle became aware' that someone raft moved softly along the entry. c reeving.tI) MY loiw and an acnlrlw1M enol Int chart A. the ilgore cruse window, 1 amid are that the in ler wee a tall. prwerblly Mlilt Ile entered the clogs[ and l could im stmlthily crouch (Lown in the probably pulling over him some articles mu the flax *red not move Alone a weak ar from the other inmates of the i was afr*M he would Reorder tried to mit to th. door. 1 lav Tett IveS41ATE• ', l...( r kat t 8ni,k.l tt etikee • Keen thews mad 4.11 el the N,dy. per -mi the 'r -mi •wake• trout the cuingc of sar al• shut Its intesi lg. the drug isdi•;o4«sl of by hie bu.ly forces. All tunei:ori menusmenusat a stau.tstiU. The •.erve cnutr•s, an.l wire twine cell 1Tar.4 aero of The mini i. confuse 1 and Iwwil•u•et'd The scummy lours• a aa exalted c.et•toneer-r Is prl.•kerl with non•, the :.'aw-lue ere krill 111.4111. the • .cretin .l. an ,• t,•relioua l..cke'd. the cir M cu!R1W ttw•Ide Ilse temperature bur . sed Weree t« g' ner,l physical aur mental .10187 '1',:•' K148118'1 Iu.w'rrn of the 1 0•'• .wilt 1.4 .w , d . 4vt• for ilqu..r mei • u :8 i;�•r.•.t„ •i N...•raohti• to i1a Iouodlons lie 104. :.w it, [lin will reliant nearly m as moan Itgo to re '.e his pains, , n his. ..•rye's*111 dull*ales rad start I.. .cr..l a.. 1 et•es•ial functions of his .. ...du .0 ,*..a as he .lrau:c the day 1 is tole to • I l .( about total ul•liviuu. LVta, , 0,.• Woo* is drank the bodily once. :Ire rid, bur lir a new ..i•• 4lo4 The cell act:cities, 1111.11 t -,'-i . ..,,,4 of R11 .p. hal •.l gator• are' w nil limier tier• du. oil uvariative.alcphuh ....• vele' bate under_.•uu variative. :owing n.e•u a greeter toler;uley 4. ale.. utate m.[! rile aLevia ic *ariatiou, which +t follow, it alcohol is withdrawn. is p.,o/ful 1u Its uatufee, 1x.•auar a1,•uhol le .vel atttr.tnietit• . *n•4 this pane. bream... relieved u.e y attended. t. interpreted 1. a er.tvmg fur liquor. This is inebriety.-- lir. Keeler rT 1' Ipptcnt. One .4o often hear* the lineation ..110o woolen tipple *4 111 11,h as torn du'" It they do they ',Main in the degree of I>y•ple•r longer than men do: but that i- ▪ i They tti.tdr ami tipple. Then their tippii t. Sr) III 111'11 more entitle and a. tar ridug than man's is. :1. maul takes hie tipple either by the glsu leet.e...r if it be Iwrr--by the gallow lot intitl1C. :tad generally in the cr i,r'-euof men. - 'W'u111a11 oak•. ,. her tipple in private and in the laver/tee of her little lonathoseliar nand serves it to those little .me., Tweeting their taste front birth until new leave herb) a:•Ire fur thetneelve8. Uraudy .*auv ee's. sherry jelly, hoe wade wines met fruit vincgttre are con - . tautly Nerved err toting mothers, be .:suss they ars tasty. and pnpband told •ulhir.•u like thew. of cuttr*,etiie slew oast u ;sn'ke:, she *ay*_ lint, Iuotbers, our tate • 1111101 hi' eiokel away. The mile cues i.•arn to like the ttayor in the c .tlwr pie and plum pudding at ('hriat- Iuastiige, and then they 1 ceYouM able to take the alcohol without beiug "c.ake.t. " 'Che nursing [mother says: •'_t *11104 td ale or Is,r2er two or, three tours u .lay, or 1 could not nurser my 1411h ;ural a bottle fest babe never thrives.- Bette -r by far wonI•I it tie that o.tby's future, if y.•n Were' b) bring it np vu 1lie i8,ttle than tU the bottle. The society huste.s serves to her eon* a►w1 daughters and young gursta dainty pr.•turatiums of aleolwl. A glass sof wine watt's a good foil for pretty humeri": and if the wine he sippe.1 it adds •. duelling calor to the fate and a th .n y to the tongue. In eex•iety that would bevelled brilliancy and elulaenee. but were Pat to display the SA 111r bniliancyanti eIoqu rice ani Irnghtuosts Of coloring on the corner 1*r wont,' be nolo to reser disturb- ing the Pour" wall his dra[rien Walther Ing, or p•rehawe Inde to dine it his country s exterior/eat *'local fixkup. Ak, yes' th.sy tii,ple and tipple' threes. !test tirade. ''t waw the linty of the coot munity, twill Mr. Beecher, to\take care of the evils known and recce had in it. He kit for tornnte-I that he pan,,f fftox• ing !omen' generally as au a.iwitt 1s1 il. Min n:ixbt lout t plc it was an evil r theniindividlu•lly, b t generally It way a admitted fact. It Wile like the Inilksie ass He hail often et with teen who obi hint it was in t e next town. bnt en he got to the net own they told hi that they had not t it there and neve had had it, but be wo d find It some twe y -live utiles further , in the nett eount . S., If yon went dei the first grade' of nor- drinkers. they would tell you -un estionably- there was great evil uct'asluttcd by the use of intoxicating lienors: you would find it in the lower grates But you might go down and dawn to Panlenreninm. and on wonld never find the evil 21eknow ledged Yon never ought G) alk a thief 1 tberc War any guilt its theft. An bolo a'•t mail WAIT • better judge. SO the sober and moral portion of the caul wnnfty wer• the better judges of the veil if they were not interested in the mann facture or sale of liquor -that makes a great difference to a man's a.necience. resole Ileum Absorption, A great impetus was given to the pro- cess of public hornets elaroTption by the exteusIte movement which originated al.snt half a dozen yeltrs sin(•., the effect of wlu' h was to transfer the capital in vested in breweries and their apparten ant's fawn private individuate to joint stock companies pwse.ieing greatly en latake plary�thait ie etitimatrlkthatover er fifty millions sterling was wo invested its the three tears following the (ininnets boa The capital of the Ng brew wry rnm,taniea rsgisterel in (treat Britain np to the year 149.2 is given as being rat,W38,904. of which 1.3011.721,;15 belonged to strictly British c,anpanie., the remainder ap pertaiStates and in fto oreign [countries United ftthe morimaG were brought up to date -it would probable not be far not were C100,009.0110 state,[ as the sum total of capital of Britttih limited liability brew wy companies - Review of Reviews. A.4 the wast. %t111 (:...s on. Tose amount of motley squanderer'doting the past year in New York for root among the poorer clam of people would feel and clothe their families well dnring the entire winter, who ars now in .leatitut. cirt•nmetatic'es The amount of corn and rye wasted in distillation of these liquors would fatten enough pork and beet .) enpply thaw families with choice meatnt fi' uvwr a year'. time roar ttks as mousse. Every brawn Aruaklyd teaker, every bloated brewer. every bnm,sot and play steal drunkard'sming fetsaluend Hy must be sup ported byr(roketwwlr Their Rapport at hb.last the bneist worker who pairs It nobbles Up SO he Pot. The eaahfa of a large iron works in Yorkshire states that as pay dal SWIM 1. paid to the workta.l in within an hour rtes halt et th Itt11M411s11* r she pnhl res' i s. , Good cigars are now hu h Priced, becau.5e of high tariff laws. MASTIFF PLUG CUT i5 making pipe-srroi\lnc popular because it (;)Ives more for the money. J '4. 1•., K .•• 04',1., Itirb,n-,nd, Va., . n Montreal. "a•.. STOIIES OF JERRY RUSK. IIIasle•$I.e at NI. etc! rl• ar.rery. and Md. kladar.« .r lugged. Prom the N'a.biogtoa l :..•Hese f• Assistant secretary Grant has a very high admlratiou for Gov. itpek's ch•ra:tcr, wbt•.b he iced, was merkeJ by • sturdy h.oeety lot purple ,n everything 1.e ul.dertook. '•H, was sot ell part ,uler as tt the xis. u) dr.1,.g • dellg." a,J (.eu. great, *.provide) always. however, no a..• moue h.'uorahly." ee lark was a great deal of • joker and .-..sol.ted with nosy greed stories. (hie ul tient I beard soon after I arrived in Wash tug!. 0. It may be ol!. Lilt it's "tall guest It ran ►omethiug like this ••11e was to king about the hotels and eat - tag houses with a young maul who claimed • ue w al. a*h)ut tbeu, and 10 the course e1 the conversation the young u a t "polio' of hots lire*,. t ,,,.loses tar l'erbte•kg smothered e obIoru. It was a source of regret with Me., boom et, that he could not indulge w torte to that d,rectton and uaioteia hu standing to society, because the dish trade • e basalt. Mimeo go. Cee. [tusk seemed to he very much impressed with the young morn's social troubles, but after a miaatei 1b.ught brightcurd up and said - ••I'll tell ►'au what to do. You go to tbamlerlht'a I'bey eau/tiler beefsteak in solos. in 1.. -tyle. 'lou eat one of their steaks, and take my word for it when you get the Litt it will take your breath away, so that seise), will have it fault to unless then 4101.•. " \Chen several members of the cabinet and • number wt uewswaper mea were eater tamed at the rnuttry hon. et tree. Felix Agnes near l:altiniore, Secretary Kuak owede one of the party. 1 hey were met at the station with a big wagon drawn by four -,loges*. Uncle Jerry dismounted the driver and, se.rme the reins, drove the (ram to the hone: aril dashed up the, driveway a: full speed, to the esteuu:rttreet ..f Secretary Blaine, who stood upmh the porch, listing preceded the merry par:y 10 • .zarrtafe Secretary ltuak was the life of the party, and kept the guests in s gale duringdittaer rice, ' b 1 ,. e r • me. 'Chen he was a eendd•late for election to l Congress he was called) • stage driver. la • sprcch he said Centl,•mcn, my opponent, it seems, is ashamed of being 'charged with being • laborer, and in hu oicc, anstecratic way he heas.s that he has had others do hill work for him. He says that 1 owned a stage lin. end 1 want to say to you right hero that he ,ells the truth and that I am pr 1 of it. 1 out only own • line, but 1 have driven the "faces myself, and I ,trove them well, and oil man •bo ever went with me ever got tett, and this is a hat I want to tell yea coo ceruing this 1'uotrenional canvass. 11 you ire? into n.7 stage you will be io tele 9ltarla,s, and 1 will g.t you there every titre,' this speech made Mr !tusk very popular Rad he was elected by a largo majority. As secr•tarc 01 Agriculture I:ep I:urk had ha dolls apartments. 11. Agricel tur•l Nepartmeot beildine is located as tie finest grounds to lVashisgtoa It be. &Mee 01 beautiful flower beds, and Jos Cameo .,lou, standing at the windows a lee. Ruski..11ce, which lock out upon them, said to Uncle Jerry . "Well, .terry, yon bars • mighty nee piece here, if you are the tail of the cabibet." lase. Rusk eusckly replied : ' Well, (Ippon, i would take to know what • tail is foe if it is oat to 1 o. heaotiful and keep the," free the Sprinaael1 (laity ablate. At the crewing of tha Salk1Rkatcbi. R:, e• in South Carolina he disti*gulthed himself by clearing out • forge of (oofesdkrates w,t` • battery which c'/n.na*.iwrl the only ap preach to tb.lord. The ..temptdee Gperste. and "lolly r.centefsl : snot Ger. ower, who had ordered Col. Ronk to take the brigade of with h he was thea in com- mand tato this dasgeroua place, c'mph• minted him as "the only man ,n thi. army er t■ any whey army that 1 ever saw who eosld ride further into hell than Mower ;" and be continued, "i wart you to take • drink with me.' Rut Col. Rook dmd not drink, which caused Mower te wonder eves mere greatly. in this attack a shell en, the prow -bend of the Colmar* bore!, wbich fell throwing bim over it. head. lie seraspblyd up and lest the attack os foot. The mos. shell killed three mea behind him. From tie chicane. Record In 16123 be was invited Ioal•endasoldsers' reunion at [bon-apoli., H• accepted, bot tasted of taking with *1301 hke regular stall' .uppo .d no sceewnpay a 4:overeor, ie in vited • bumble a clipped veasrase, made them the n.embys of he stet, howled them at a Ars[ clam betel, and paid their ex • tiksaes/k Mew, (Feo t.f t w most noted physicians of mod era limes says " When the system Noir charged with bile and the liver needs • powerful rtimetus to excite it w duty, then tt r that we or powerful eath*rties to nh dale the seminary relief, often shoaled, however, with prestrating Whets," ,ad he lists also add, ".ften aatrplg by their no that 11 worse a" �t11. is aandnt rhe ,em with Purljay' y Lc=., .y de set Tk,_.y .etT gg.t+wfly vat =le Them troubled with ehe.late sa�a pn ti.a • Wawa Watt that k.s wet - at for tried eeatkese thele ter homers ties ; tit they will ie *sir work and per. swesety ware Ness the all td. Qiiede's tl masse ,Maas Y lytes et a wawa, Oaths Is lace ` by la aid b• bid. b a s Mysteries of the HUMAN BRAIN! The latest discovery in the scienti tic world is that nerve centres located In or neer the btu of the brain con- tr)l all the organs of the booty, and when these nerve centres are deranged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or uerye force, are also deranged. When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will cause paralysis of the body below tIN-isj red po%pt, because the terve force is prevent by the inj')ry from reaching the p lysed portion, it will be tinders Low tee derangement of the nerve centres will cause the derangement tide various organs wi.1CL they suppl}' with nerve force; that if, when a nerve centre is deranged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it w suppiy the same ,impossible of nerve force as when in a healthful condi- tian ; Leuee the orga'Is which depend upon it for nerve force .utT,tr, and are unab:c to properly perform tlicir work, and as a molt disease tuakee its appearance. 4\1s4st two•thirds of our chronic diseases and alments are dao to the imperfect action of the nerve centres at tile base of the braiu, and not from 11 L(rangeraeut primarily origimeAipg in the organ itself. The great mis- take of physicians its treating these disease; is that they treat the.nrtans Iand not the nerve centres, which are the cause of the trouble. I The wonderful cures wrought b� ithe (creat South American Nervine Tonic are due alone to the fact that this remedy is based upon the fore- going principle. It cures by rebuild. ing and strengthening the nette centres, and thereby inereasin„ the supply of nerve force or nervus energy. This remedy has been found of infinite value for the cure of Ncrv'ons nes., Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetful - tease, Mental Despondency, Nervonc- uess of Females, Hot Flashes, Sock Heidache, Heart Disease. Tho iir;t botile will couvioce anyone that a Cure is certain. Souih Ameeicati Nervine is witL- out dunbt the greatest remedy c vcr discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsi' , and all Chronic Stomach Troubles, lieeause it acts through to. nerves. It'res relief in one day, sod absolnld r effects a pertl:aucut cars in ever" instance.. Do n t allow your pr'j rdices, or the pr.;tt. dices of others, to keep you free) using this health giving remedy. It is based on t11e result of years of seientifie research and study. A single bottle will convince the most incredulous. JAS_ MESON, Wholesale and Retail Agent lbr Godericb and vicinity G0M FORT IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No. 391 `t Improved All -Feather - bone Corsets." No side .steels to break, hurt or rest, TRY A PAIR. Al First -onus Dry Seeds Num SW Them. rt IJrE They are not a rens all. but are the her hosed. one asses/or tatlion'ne.., thane, he (%,nrieth Ioony oap.is, 1n,'ig.,u,.n, F'arpl.ti:vlloerr. a.d.11 d(r. ea rid fens imp.., bino.j .1 i lis er. 25 CENTS ABOX. ask Tear Illenneses rev noes. --CITY- coag AND wood Y1aRa. Spatial •tImillia giren 1. SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of NAR, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. (�ial ein softer , ROmIel.e Wens ono s Moe whams *orf !w. NMs.k... Cae...Iwn. JOHN e. PLATT, Prop. 1 PATENTS ' CAVEATS. Tsaaf BARgu AH COp1111.1I1f Obtal•od, and all Mashies* la the U. R Pates Ores . tided to at AMPRRATR PR6& oar altos se opposite lb. U. E. Palest Of Gee, and w • 1411 obtain Patesu Is less nee has these '.mora from WA xi, axoFox arse Nopaa. OR 1)RA WINO. We *A- ee se to pe` enteblll{ fr.. er res e• Mi ' ... make IvoCHARD N ('ALlSR WA' op - TA IN PATRM. We refer kers. to hke Peetwieater, hke X Morey Order Div., and te 'Masi" of the U. it. t'.a..t Mee. Per ciessier, advice Meru • ed rot rveses to acts& dinar 1a roar awn Mate or comity wrlle to r • Mine aro.. Os swore se Sa, W.ebingte•. 0. 0 1f WHY Does OEO. BARRY, OA Uorierieh furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the Fast stook et furniture and undertakers supplies And bow is N that Ise can still so cheep' BECAUSE Ile finds that it pays in the long ma. His melte %%Well T'reite and Quick itA flea.' He alae halos * 14v. lop e[ *bare6latitilg' ( w.. eall shte Ina elsawhss► ilwid amp se bead. SW/