HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-22, Page 8r THE SIGNAL : GODIMICH, ONT., THURSDAY,, MARCH VA, 1884. TFIL CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE EITA.u.NaD sew. . HEAD OFFICE, TOfIWNTQ. IIMI__ _AL W*1 Mi t11U WILLSON DOLLARS - ▪ 414.000.000.MMT 61,100,000. S E WALKER, GaNEttAL MANAOSN. GODERICH BRANCH. A QEr4ENAL BANKING BUMMED' TRANSACTED. FARMIaae Nona D4*ou.1TE0. DRAFTS 'Ammo PAYABLE AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CIT1Ea IN TMt UNITED STATED Gator BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA, as SAVINO. SAM. D[PARTrcNT. DEPOSi TS OF SI.00 A440 UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATES OF IMTERE$T *LLOwED INTISgT ADOSD TO TNS P111IN01►AL AT TMa SND OP MAY AND M^ OSSA IN EACH VIA*. Special Attention 'Peon tte the Csllsctln:, and Fermiers' Seise Metes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. HBORHOOD NOTES. From our ownCorreapondents. !beer 1. ISI raull.a .ere Tbas rana.1 be Tessa 141.) Item Ll.e - %e»..f Ibe 4 swat, apeetwslr ..p.rted for The atrial. DUNLOP. M..I. V. Mar. 14. Miiss Mantle Smith, formerly a resident here. but sow of i'ort Albert, is visiting bete thea past fortnitht. Miss Aussie Mlacl'hail, of Porter's Hill, is the guest of Mrs. :Allen tor the past two weeks. school does oo Thursday for Diaster. The scholars hail another public program Friday of Iaat week .Cohn Ltwsou totemic,' the West Ituron Farmer's Institute at Dungannon friday of last week Ke' a" -d... THE OCE 4 . After nearly a year'' 'clown in t 'nada, tt'nr. I.. adonis left Tuesday of last week to sail by the Mongolia from Portland, Yaine,for England where he gena to London. His stay here was narked as a volunteer to the cusp at the Forest City, and later a three months' tern, at the military school there. The rest of the tome was spent in our midst. He was • Meierl ti' write with all whom he met Ile had a kites ledge of the magic art, and was Loowo as the Professor among his circle of (remit. In En:laud he will have roomy estheetures to tall, Mut no expen$•ec of C.madian snowdrifts about this section re what he saw during the Winter of 1894. LEEDUHN. Triso%\, March 13. ,s111n.T1 \ T.. I.EA%a 1.. Arthur Horton has rented his farm and gees again to reside is Muskoka. Joho I:. mud Alex. (Tutton were present at the recent meeting of the %vest Huron Farriers' Institute at Dung•nnou, both giv- ing an interesting report of the program and addresses given on acricultural pies tions. The thir 1 Sunday of March, 1894, instead of being below zero was upwards of ninety above it,the day being very bot aideppres sive. Will tete ooming third Sunday in June Le hotter than it `. .r., ER - In our church notes last week we noticed that an evening ,ervice would Ibe held un next Sunday evening. However • change was made and the Rev. J. A. An• derma, 11. A. of Koos Church t:odcrich, formerly connected here,00 Sunday evening last preached to • good t urnout, which marks for the fourth time an evening service held in the church during • period of fifteen years. Present arrangements tie to have a monthly evening service. Fl,tslls:u A.I. Rr.,t \t► I. -Again our former resident .1. W. green, who after serving the hill time of apprentice in learn - tog the rnanv mysteries of the art 01 bakery to the mammoth wedding mike and not least of all making the loaf of •11 moo lo appease the hunger of hurnenity, took the foremanship of the Fast Street Bakery, 4. otcrich, last week is preference to an - 1 other offer. PrOttle111 Mt assuming these SPRING ANNOIINCEMENT! I take pleasure in tendering my .sincere thank, to the public for tier success which has attended my business during the Fall Trade, and in order to retain any reputatio of being one of the cheapest stores in town 1 ani now prepared to otter somebf the most stupendous bargains that have been offered e in Otelericlt We sell for Cash. Oretllit will positively be Rebook so please don't Ask ler it. • enables me to sell at the lowed living profit. • try to til old all cheat. trueb. DBE's GOCDS— - We invite you to inspect our Drees GDtj4s tend Miming in Style:, dual ity seal Prise,. We do not wish to quote priers for the benefit of otlis r mer- chants. We prefer to give our customers: the benefit. Call and get priers. Extra value in Black and Mourning Goods. 08ALLIZS We invite every I•edy to tall and see our Frtene tt CIIALLittr and inspect quality and different designs. We have tried to avoid trotting too many of the same latttei-r:e. We are satisfied they are goal lnlue. PRINTS — All our Prints are now in stock. which include the best Wins CLOTII. We have had most of our Prints tested in washing and find them FAIT OA - Alt i•vites. Etery yard this Spring's Goods. DMBROIDZAIlII$ — We hare a line of Swiss 1'aubr,iileries, 1k yard- in each length, Cnf:.tr. ('\.Ston Euibroi.ler'y in great %nlue. Oorroxa— Itteacitevl and Unbleached ched in this department. We harp great. %slue. We would have you compare Pteit'rat .t`CD ltuALtry with other stores. it will pay you to see for yourself. We dowii thein all in the•i. (foods. Sheatiags, Pillow Cotton, Tickings, Towelling, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Butcher's Linen, Table Oil Holland, Canvas, &c., inSgreat value. LAOS C7TBTA2>Ka-- Refnre you inske your selection for Spring take a look at our Stock. NO LAST YEARS GOODS. We are selling a Curtain for 35c. per pair. The Rause style of Curtain is se•I ling in town for :►Oc. t For (I.50 line we will put along side of any $'L.Ix) Curtain in the County. Our better lines equally as cheap. Price our Art Muslin, Spot Muslin, Curtain Net, dc. OprroxADd><— We have secured a bargain in this line. W• intend to let you have the benefit of that bargain inspect eft At.ITY and Patella. Yon will ria%e money by doing so. We wish to draw your attention to a line at 28.• per yard, which we thisik will bother moll. Lips to •ear out Take • look at our other Twee.ls, that is if you want to 'me money. WATUUJ OOT 0OATII--- 1.1se11e4' and lents Coat. in all prices. Apia ie incite you to ia;rect' t'.1.11 aid Palets olxatAllrs — W e hare a fine range d Uiahaay all ise. (bird.. We ask y ea to romper* Pry W. will not he .n lersokl '1aiy llferla is the Thar. JAMES ROBINSON. oast woofers, - :MAIM ,tames. C. B. SHANE & CO.'Y .e. ahewl•te a ran moos ot Ldies' FurCapal IIS WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA- CHAN and 'POSSUM. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Full Imes is every lsepartraeat. wean and examalae aea4. and prices. C. Br SHINE & 00., McLean '• Mock. Cor. equate sad Mentreel.L THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR BQOK STORE. D. B. CALBICK 11 .. .404►1111, ro\1 %...IT WALL PAPERS i have just received a large Aimee* ot 'pectaltiea in AMERICAN WALL PAPER`. the product of Slates. Factories. My goods are all the latest, and the p -ices are away down. COOL .t\. AEC. D. B. CALBICK. West side s.tuare. duties he had • pleasant holiday of three weeks. We wish hint success. ---- Iurr l'.. .k blank has bees made hero by the departure of Hilary Mottos to (:ode rieh to become • maobimst tad learn all about the u.ea of iron in the forge under the tuition of 11. K. Strachan, who for over • quarter of a century has taken the lead as • machinist in Outer o in making improve- ments in various kinds ot machinery of iron- work,not forgetting water heatenaod who is builder for the Dominion I:overoment the apparatus used at several of the life saving stations for launching and raping life boats. t'nder him we wish Hilary every sui cos. fillAYFIELD. Trtse.ty, Mar. 20. Election day u cueing. Iuiiti slaty 'P! !'.:',.;.n w visiting friends at Ripley. Oa geode). last Copts. Storey asd i)gib-1e farewcaed. Miss McLain, of Guderiel, was sooting friends here last week. Mrs. Howard has moved to her place near Hayfield, on Sauble Line. •Iohu Eason has returned after spending the Winter months at Nairn. Capt. Storey, of the Salvation Army, was at Stratford for a few days last week. Miss Annie F.rewen was visiting at John A. Maason's. Goshen Line, last week. Editor McLean, of the Expositor, was here last week reoewing •atuatrtancea. The Misses Dawson, of t:osbeo l.toe,were here last week, visiting Miss Agnes Peck. Reeve Woods and Thomas Cameron were on the t'rand jury at the assize at (.oderich, last week. ('has. Parker has moved to the premises he recently purchased on the Front Road, of Mrs. Mcffat. Rev. -1. T. Kerrin has beam at `trathrov for the put two weeks conducting some eeecial minion services iu St. Jobs s ui. u_r cb. (, r.. Paps, of Woodstock, orguiud • board of the Ontario Building and Loam As- sociation here last week. There are already sixteen subscnbers and likelihood of many more. !luring the past Winter fishing has been umuuslly poor Isere, there being no good fields of ice for any length of time. Inst week some nets were set and a few fairly good hauls were made. I he thing Hayfield:said' badly is a good botcher shop. A man who understands the business and keeps good meats would do well, especially doneg the Snmmer season when Co many hundreds of visitors cess here Arthur Peck be. engaged to work for John Ilescom, of God.rich Township, mid takes the place of losatbam Rurtna,who bee held the poshest for the post thirteen years and it ia reported he is soon to go into part- nership with one of Ube township's fairest daughters. James 1►osald.os bas hu saw aad chop- ping mill in good manias order. Daring t1...Nighieg a large ywtity dh1oapp w ars brevh�: in and w sow Ming npidly eon. v.rt.d unto sea• Fer. He is also g w.. sid.rmbi. ahe.ppiseL its.: we nod.ratasd he purposes rotting a planer. Itis • well knows fact that merchants in small villages where they ars ender smell espouses are able amid do sell good..soh oho•prr than merchants esii bs.isess in tows sod cities. Very after people tell me tbq have ewe* great advertisements of the harpist to he bad at tows stores, and here -ase M inane them bat fold that Notice R. P.Wilkinson's accounts are in my hands for collec- tion, and any that are not paid to me this month will be sued. This is the last notice. THOS. GUNDRY, Awaricantnik ('rabbis Block, flehisiela. EASTER NOVELTIES W_ AC=SON sat SON_ x x x• x4. •it x Perrin's High Grade Kid Cloves just opened. Latest fancy in Colors and Style. Plain Black and Plain Colors White Wash Kid Glove.. Also the Kangaroo l•n- ` br••akable Glove. Our Kid Clove Trade has almost doubled last year'& WE CARRY THE BEST MAKES. Over 100 pieces of New Carnbries and Prints to choose from. ' Handsome Patents and Wide Soft Finish Cloths at 10 cents 1114 121 , cents. Largest stock of Wool Challies froiu France ever shown before is Ooderich. �. .0117.43ON & BON. Spring Novelties. Spring is here, so are our Latest Designs in JIWILLLERY, DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Etc. C. Ae IIUMBEBf & BON. i sPAIRINQ UP TO DATE. QODERICH. after all they could have purcbamal the .megoodscheaper in Hayfield. What was of fered at such low prices was not worth buy- ing. When you want goods as ch.-ap and cheaper than tan bought to town stores call on 11 F. Edwards. 1' .1 Clark* who has for many )ears car- ried ou business in his large store opputte the Coin weren't hotel, has deposed of that property to G. H, treason who is having it fitted up iu Al Stele for his drug .tore and book and statio"ery depot. Mr. Marks has I moved to his other store opposite the t'o't, Office. The adjacent country has lately been can.I ! varied by shoddy peddlers. Tbey are slick sharpen and engage to purchase the farm• en' butt.er,e.gs at • high prase. then 'educe Oleo, to purchase gouda. Beware of swing era and sign no papers. Support your . min busmen concerns and deal aitai reliable people. • Cornwall Roman Catholics will erect a new chrrch to coot fi4y or silty thousand. Time are 75 ipalissu iu the city hashAa_. Hassillnikenee is the 'Hee. ii BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL, •12,000,00� REST, - E,000,000, A Saving Department has bees versed in con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. II. LOCK WOOD, Manager Goderich Branch, DRESS GOODS AT COST & UNDER COST. TOTE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS: 50 Cents for 9,1), 50 •• >Z3' 45 SW' 40 " 2 •• 119 :10 " xi les Cents for 23 " 22 20 15 12. ' .• 10 " i 71 y., 19 18 15 15 9 1 RUM, I)RANSEs. 18.00 Dren, for $3.00 6.50 '• 35'0 6.00 •• :300 5.75 2.90 t t The above are all good sound Goods and good Colors, an.: what are above 9 cents are all wool. These Gooch: must be cleure.l out and they are decide.) BBargains, NEW SPRE G GOODS NO IN STOCK. In Prints, Challies, Delaines, Delainettea and Dress Goods. A splendid assortment of Irish Guipure Laces in Cream, Two Tone and Beige for dross trimming, all new and at astonishingly Low Prices. Best Corticellie Silk Spools in Black and Colors, 6 cents each. Kerr's best 6 cord Spools, Black and Colors, 4 for 10 cen`s or 3 cents each. FOR COM FORT USE DERBY PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO b° 0 O ¢ 2O° PLUGS { When you see this on the Box you know they are good. 4)11 YAWLS_ loopori• r 4r6 1► 7 - •.bAYIS&sONo N N"aus LOOK into our t'trhet Hoon will ern- e Ines anyone that at our Store is the 10',t place to buy Carpet` Fine Carpets u'Inally mean fancy prices. With 'us it is different. V. have The Best Goods Astonishingly Low Prices. ('drpets bought from u.s invade ami laid on short notice. We make • sl•e•ci• nit} ,1 making and laying Carpets. ire e.si..A all leSulrr Prises or fart C..d. r.rvbaee.. COLBORNE BROS., „ GODERICH. 2� Great Carpet anfl Lakps Csriasn )t'(.crehousc of the County. rRrSrf�r1''1'I tl�l i. STORE." ' Court House Square GODERICH. Ills.end and Turkish 14ea. Alt the New Shades. tosih Atwsrioaa NriViee. Allmon Ino.. Pi11.. A woe. dad Buttder wad Spring Medicine. T1Uehne IL IT IS ONE THING TO CRY Bargains t AND AN(ITHER THING TO (GIVE THEM. l'Ilople who have priced our(foods way that OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. The Stock is very large, and to move it out, in a hurry we have cut th• Prices away down so low that THE PRICES DO TEE SELLING ! We could not pay 100 cents on the $ ani sell at the prices we are offering our stock at, but we bought the stock at a very low rate. sn'1 we are going to give our customer' the advantage. Fell line. of iAches Fine Buttoned Root., Oxfords, Toe Slippers, do Misses and Children s light and twisty in a complete range of mass . Melo and Boys' Fin. and Heavy Boots. Extra Value. H. B. POLLOCK Fowler's 01(1 Stanek, Gorkri, k. A yiamtohs paper says —" A locality is the ltaophin drtriet has 70 Tessa bachelors amid tint Ione marriageable yaamiS' Whoa" Relleville'a new hotel, aeyAld ata east of !$60,000, has not yet hese reseed. It i es I prtad00 W that the highest ramiyea offered S �1 7 Th. Vieteria railway bridge, nese the Rt. Lawes... ni Mrsersat, seatanie 41,000.000 khlo .f eme..smirsadnry wk s 10,000 to.. Th. lilaap MINOR O..py, 5- 6 Ihas Weer 300 mos aenplsyed IMS esea.a. awl prpoe getting mit Sheat 90,400,00(11ml •+t A eshsr.e is afoot 1. Coe.wall S. NOW. the Lona Realt to Irs•ss•e• des1EM power '° rue ears end iw114 The .'es elf theism Bits bit trash es Ottawa .0 w Ds.(l is'e. eepwaa sail 11100.000. Dr. 'lbw, of a. has base bas. eNddla N.dk.lOwsM1aM&a1 . a '