HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-22, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY. MARCH 2''. 1U1. 7 "ABrieouc" Preach Kid &1oes. \\'r I Ave received our Spring Importation of the abets% brand of liid ()loves in Meek mud l'ulors. " Adrienne in snail.• epeciall)' for n;, w it!i four .tome fai- t,ming., and is a regular:1.23 (love. We are clearing out all other ,napess awl offer the " Adrienne at 51.00 u pair. each pair glierantt'c.l. SPECIAL FOR Next Saturday Only The day before Easter is our big Kid Glove Day of the year. On Saturday we will offer over 100 pairs of Kid Gloves all well-known brands at the following prices 14. palm " La I battens • laced, black, regular price, $1.25 for "('ernes" dome fasten, black, •• 1 25 •• 12 •• " Louvre " buttoned, black,1 00 •' .ti o"triter " cream and white ('hamoi. 1 00 " 17 " "$ ST1 tag " laced, coloreil 1.00 a" to 1 -.dressed, buttoned, colored, " 1.00 •• go " •• Ho:hmoed " h.utuced, black, `• 4i " 75e. on 76e. . 75.. lbs. 50c. 25e. Maternity 46 44 4. 46 •7031111-T. a& CEEBO f. AT nuc DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE. + + + + + + + .► :•.w A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. OLr 50c. Corse Cannot be Beaten. -� Ladies' and Children's Underwear, ettra value. Navy and Black Storni Series. the best in Toa for tic loops,, IMS?ECTIO1.• ZINDLT SOL*OIT$D. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH Draper and Balserda.her. GOING TO LOOK FOR TME POLE wailer wellesaw of Wa•bieat. .salt• Y. .tn Sewed ler Ike Arrtrr Mratea. eon. •h.• New 1 ork Sue Walter Welim•n, who sailed yesterday os the steamer Hritannlc, .s the last starter to :be Internet total handicap race to the North 1' lr. 7 bi others are M r. Peary and lir. Nature, who started last year. lir. Well- man retched this city Lal night trmnWasb- ,ngtno accompanied by I'rofesser I lweu h. irrnch of the 1"nited States Coast and • •..afetu �urvev, and lir. Thomas B. Mobuo ..f Washington, who are to go with lir. Wellman in hie search for the Pcle. Mr. %%tibiae'', plates were told in lull in The eau ot Feb. a5. He is going to Norway, where be and his • ro associates will be rloed by ten young 'Nonmetals scientists. They win tail about May 1 from Tromeot,a port i i the far north .f Nero •v, for the Wood of Spittherger w the east of northers (lresel•ad. The part ell establish headquarters at Dace's Irian, which u on the eightieth parallel of North hatted*. only about 700 miles swath of the Pole itself. From Dose's Ialaad the party will start about May 10 oe a lively .port of I it) days toward the Pole. Their provisions a.d scieaUtic test tamest' will be carried o0 sledges drawn by dogs. Mr. Wellman ex- perts to make tw.ety-Lve miles a day, get ting leek to apitrbergso by the middle of september. It. this dash toward the Pole Mr. Well roan expects to get further north than man has ever hum, even if he does not gat to the Pole itself. Mr. Wanes. is • well-known newspaper ra•m, betas 1a Washington. To veils a Mere. • • women venetian work twioe as bard as necessary over backing • stove," raid it hely whom we fogad one day is that ea • rnmaatie oocopanel'. She had en • pair •d stout leathern gloves and was applyisg the blacking with the rooted part of a shoe - brush, which, she said, wee lighter cad therefore mace more easily wielded than the usual stow brae!. 'The Miter side of the brush she used is polithi ig with light, eyes strokes, like that of as expert boot Meek. ' 1 always keep soft paper bars tacked 1n this box soiled ep soar tea stove, and every ley 1 blip two or three ever my gloved hand and gave it a nth : the eseasq.enn •1 that I need only apply polish ecce a week.'. Another little thing worth remewtberiag 1" regard to ,tnve.ol.•aiag is to wipe the dost from the stove thereetghly before yen ip►ly any polish. There le always • right and errata way to de a tdd.g, ani the erne, way doubles the task.. Farm and 1' i r.aide beep. ('leas RewIb. t distinguished author says, "I resolved, when I Ives • chllld, Dewar tow • weed hat 1 eould not prwDeemes before my "'"shoe" Re bops his reoeleti ., and ks. tome • less'•-mimid, Dots, hesered gyne Osseo ilk rule and sample are wwrtby of untwists. Kg's readily kart • oda of low, vulgar wird. inn •.praese ie, whish ate newer jo ►egsslobls taroks. Of mom we 'waa..t this! Osiris . Ming se mea► ex- posed to tisk peri1. We armee imagism • desewt girl see iDg weeds .he would stat otter mete her father er mother. rh oviparity 1. tb a ht by seem boys be smart." tbe ' Nowt tbirr to swear eg, tad yet, not se wil!etf bat it is t• Ml,it w h of% Reis to agaita 75 and Ake the wises with well t ((�t*ad doped.. the ems% led wwaq� 6111•7 t.h.e.men amid Perresi sine /me IrD+n year *.inks bas trout alimFurity• and your `' tongue fromm 'tit' : but is order to do this, ask .leans to cleanse your heart. and keep it clean, for "• out et the atwodes°. of the heart the mouth .peaketh.. The Christian. !10511 be worse, " I. it sick ye, are, Dennis `' asked Mrs. Fino.gao,aa her hothead entered the shanty. " 1 )r il.e drunk r " Nayther, bad luck ter yet.." " o Ir hey yer holt the job'' " Thu what are ye.odoin' vomit.' home •o the diddle sr the flay !C It's hid r ff t h s"_' R',\ " Fer how long ` ' Fer • week, ter rejoice etpia.es. " " Sore thot won't rejoice our expanses, observed Mn. Finnsea. sharply. " Whist ' We most grin and bear it.' •tib, you'll be grinain , sad laughin' too, ib make no doubt, down at Casey's talomi all day, but thot woo't pay the rind sere Di d loike ter know how them cor r porgy Haat tbisk • woos Mot's triton' only 11.50 • da kin afford ter lose • wake's pay. '• It • tomb hock entoiroty," mesated bar busboad, se he sat down on the tubs and lit his pipe : " but it isn't se bad as if l )i was intim bolgber wages. '• ' Why not •" %eked Mrs. FiaaaAlia. " own, don't you .ee ' answered Dlnnu. " If Oi was makin' $3 • day Oi'd be loon' double the money."-Harper's Magariee. Married WIlb..a Their ►aowlwe It. Felber Til en, of Wier a, tells the fol- lowing story " You sever beard of the time i .tarried • couple before they knew it' Well, icon After I was made • print, 1 was •'CJiaged to phis in • mart age orrenv,ey. It was to be a swell wedding. 1 arrived at the home rather early, .ecording to rel est, sod was taken op stain •t once, 'thea I laid aside my hat end overcoat, when the bride's 'nether ksoeked at the door and mid bee deoghter wished to see me. Of Doane, I obeyed theseenwera.., bet was surprised to lean that the maple wanted tea marriare oeremooy performed in an op stain room immediately. 1 thought it was very querr, but went through the ow roomy, and mar t ied them fast and is,, riebt theta. Wises the oere sonJ was over, the beide said ' Now, we w111 go doww into the prier sand be married.' " ' Rat you are married already,' 1 ex claimed. I can't go through the ceremony Aad then 1 Teamed that all they want- ed was ' to practice ' the cetwno•s, so as to go throng\ it properly is the midst of their trieada Inst then was no help for it. Married they were. and i .xwldn't repeat the oorsatony, which with no is a sacra meta. Re knew M. 5s sit. " Mother," said little Ned, one 1w.waiag, adder haeisr, fsl'ea oat of bad, " 1 think 1 know why 1 tumbled oat of bad haat night. it was beemee 1 sleet toe Maar where 1 got ia." M.,heg • little while as if is doubt whether he hall give. t Ae ries' exploitation, he aided : d Ns; that war t the meson ; it wee h sseee i ehcpt too neer where i fell oat." Ma Se tap ilea fl - lfiliM. Lever Hall • geed eseetlMe of as ISA - gess giving the pmeneed at the halls al Feateaey at the awe Sew was s aalNL " The man.wrd le Skew : aow d.&t ft," mid the seism' essPat " Feiss will ma Won't y*Mbar • miler 1 1/he /eau theist" sided the asdiset, ober he arrived at the pelt. Pat Imbed eaead- esh he ps 01 i M i1 a et b whimpered • Scrofula k Dhiease Germs living In the Blood and feeding upon its Life. Overcome these germs with i3mulslon the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, and make your blood healthy, Skin pure Phyaie /One, and system strong. the world over, endorse it. leo be Neellel ly S.lsmiIss 01141.15,.••• beCer►lb. Alt Ltragouti. at. A M. kerew•e 1a tae kllebra. To clean iron work rub with a cloth dam peed with kerosene. To rehrveaalt.used fret, rub Diem fre queerly with kerosene. To relays the pain of iheumati,m, rah the.ta,.,ted joint with kerosene. Tu soften leather hardened by repeate'I wetting., rub it well with kersened. To remove rusty wooers, drop kerosene up in them : in a few minutes they can be moved To renew woodwork and furn Lure, car- diae with black varnish, plentifully diluted with ker, sent. To .emeve rust fro n flatiron., soak them in, or rub them with pro ene, rod poliah with scouring brick. 'I',l relieve chilblain., soak the feet in her water and rub them with kerosene, or wab keno.ene ind lime water. To remove paint from any kiwi of cloth marmite the„spot with kerosene ani rub well : repeat iLuepe•sary. To rei,,ove fruit etainb, saturate •he •tam with kerosene, rob thoroughly with baking soda ro l leave in the sun. To clean One, oil cloths ani white Faint rub them with a cloth dipped is kerosene and dry with a clean eIotlt� pew drops of kerosene added to tb• water in which lamp cbiYya-are washed will makthem easier to polbk. To remote deeds!, rub kerosene well into the roots of he hair, the ea-adroi can then be con or washed out eerily. To taker from steel implements, Dover with k e for forty-eight hours, then scour with '..tacked lists natal the stain dime To ren eve rust freta kettles or oiler line ware, rub w tb kerosene and let them stead. Keep a day, then math with bot weer ud step t repeating it necessary. To clean sewing or other machine, oil sl: the bearings plentifully with kcr'sene, operate the machine r. pi fly for a moment, rum the o11 oft and appy machine oil. 1'o prevent nu•t nn stoves put away for the mar n, black them h. •.r t eatti w p nig away with blacking diluted with kerosene, or rub them thoroughly with kerosene alose. For cold starch add a teaspoonful of oil for each shirt to be starched Rub the starch well into the article, roll op tightly, and leave for three-fourths of an hour, then iron. To clean windows and mtrr n, etdd a tablespoonful of 1 eadligkt or kerosene ael to • gallon of tepid timer. .k polish will re- main on the glaas that no mere friction can give. If windows must be cleaned in free -rine weather use no water at all. Rub them with a cloth dampened with kerosene ; dr) with a clean cloth and polish with soft paper. To dead brass stair rode, bra bed ataada and other heiress, nib with kerosene and rotten stone put on with • soft cloth, and polish with • dry cloth. soft paper cr chamois. To break • glass bottle r r jar erealy, nut a narrow strip of cloth, saturated with ketosese, &rowed the article wkere it is broken. :let fire to the cloth and,the glass will crani' 118 above it. To make the hair .row, apply headlight oil or kerosene to the roots of the hair twice each week, rubbing it in well with the tips of the Berms. This will often produce a growth of hair when all other means fail. The secret of washing suocessfully by this method is the use of plenty of soap and warm water to suds the clothes. It too lit- tle soap be used eke dirt win "curdle" end settle as the clothes in " freckles." Tarnished lamp hunters may be render.) shiest as bright as new by boiling them in water to Which • teaspoonful of soda and • little kermess has been added. Then scour with kerwoss.s odd eoonrine brick sad polish with chamois or soft leather. S tel'p-Oprw' of headlight oil added to l emit of made starch, stirred in while it is het, or added to the sterols before the hot w ater is petered open :1, will materially bases the labor of irowing and will hive to clothes, either white or eolored, muslin' sad other thin wash goods, a loo of freedoms and newts., cot to be other- wise 'maimed. le view of the threatened exhaustion of the world's coal beds, those who bays learn- ed the value of kerosene is rough household work win miler the knowledge that in the (pinkie of Dr. MeodWri(, • mud Passim chensim, the supply ef pgtsisom r 1.sx- hana$ible. He at_ triblttes the formation of petroleums to tbe osseenat onion of water on the metallic depeette e1 'b hot, mistral portion of the earth, and believes that the rapidity of feraatius keeps pees with all psss(ble ex treatise. Headlight sit le donNe reflood petroleum er refloedkeresens It Sparer sod deans, tbs■ the cruder eat ° itis, and W root so strong an _tier. It far this rraosa better for omebold although ketoses is se geed le eih,r esspw;a Foe lasrdry work the a1 le well koown. The clothes are pat to soak over wi�llt in wars sap sada. is the morning eerie aster te at is the bailer sad to K added a bar o, an ieei seep. shred Ate, Nal two weal me -MI rkteepq.e of )lead• light K klltwea• eft The Abaft mire *ma hos Ski etas. the beet sad whitest re Into lke embilm water s the bailer cad are boiled Meaty .slmntsa. When taken Ilam the boiler ter tbe .ssitlet, they arebe e mbed Is wenn tester. sabre. mals ale ease helps rabbet) if era eery. wall ease= sad ie sloe they ))lett swim?=i1r, weenie seeks, Me, clay WSW Imam. b. ibis waw. As lied f• Pre lake weal be staked oak flee i.adta ►esti and a lieonae lalrle= iir�... does epee end Mader Weke W the me apeed MU' tie pg. • rrwelleat tl.w.....r.. . e.1 . Hew to Sake and Nee to uprrrte Tkeat. Mitt, the frappe ' la's shaped ' M fit sash .eny size 'ita.h von laity have .5. hen.11, though the ataullnr,l ,.lite is about 8s7 feet. At the Tl.lt.nn i..lnM should be sbo"t twelve'incbee high the top or Isck, eighteen inches, tit.• aides b.',uleld to emir T1,1_ Sante off The ram :ani glees oliol"•s slat:! w) j7:•!` -ice the ";n1 a rays. 'The proper tittle for etxnu - h"r hl►) tI " -- v1 this latittine i+ if eon toe hatter plan a March to the tire( of April Select a well drained ltxation aiid one turn flooded by rain. Its preparing n hot last fresh horse manure should 1.e piled rap, which will heat in *bout cis .lay+. it should then be turned Null well tramped .lawnthe second fernientati„n wi 11 then take place in four .'r five day... It is now rt:►:ly'for the bel 11110111d iw Lacked one foot deep anti banked rap on all side! to the tole. Five or wit itschiet of rich and finely sitiot t.,iI. t b.' spread over the manure, them c.,v.•r the frame with malt. after ,standing six days, or until the rank steam anuotpssw•d off verde may then be sown. Keep the, teuipera:ore as even at 1y sible, G•ow i:i to ads Fahrenheit at night and not over Vi to +.til during the stay. In kuepiutt up the above teuiptraturn. .cold weather will give .w • draw, backs., it will 100 neecws/try in many in .tetw'. e• 1,, s',o"r the KMII %'Itll :iris mets. light manure. etc , 'uu cU!d are? frnety nights,. oThis miveriug, however. shoal(' be removed s, n.xwt its lewibl'.! Remove the Fort ring every interning when weather permits, at alo.t e o'cl..ek, tor as soon its the an11 1'114t• 411..:1 the glass, ns every effort should he u'a'h' to give the ideate 1811 the •nnlight Ito* eible. }:vel .1tl light is better. thou uo light. ''.pertinently it -is a had l,!au to .-"err the ,.ash with uthts .lxl'ept for the direct :01rla' .o1 keeping tint cold. (rive a 1it11, air aimed 1'0 tr.-lock; cot u'f 'Coe our in i he tth"rnte,n itis o s to to it beet• lues ti•o 1,,i,..t chilly. thea ;f nu' s•ary 10r.•r with w.la, etc.. - al. tut •unset to r'miin !v -.1t. <:nre should. lie taken to ke'p the coda Iwiuds trues Wowing in up..0 t(le plants when awshes ate removed to admit air. Du not give tat notch water. for if this be done. tlw quit 1e apt to L+ec'.utir r•y[Ky cad soar. :'a'r'cs+ -rt. 1o•nda 015,11 tee t.mt 'Pat fn.n► tbPr manure. top heat front the sun. water front daily applies lion. and 'sir at itholt deity of air the ether r..iui•it.'s will befruitlea,. All i.ewtliug, 01"111.1 bo trove p.b.nh'.1 into hotbeds. cold front% or interruedipte beds when Iwo iftltes- Ligb. For tear that there way be localities where stable manure for hot L'ede can lint re:slily be obtained, will give • the following wimple formula for "artifl. dal heat" for the protection of a moderate and it ontiuuone heat, the I lu.antitienl named) being suffleicvrt for re si,ace 4:12 feel ' Take a., the .'rude materials. Oen iotrols of straw, three bushels powder rl gnickhme. $11 pounds. muriatic acid. six pomade saltpetre. flaring prepared the excalation 11 proper diweneioha, spread three or four inches of forest leave: or old hay in the bottom. t'pon that spree) einiit inches; of the straw. trnwp it down and sprinkle with tine thirdof e(mi.-Wimp. part f th IKlntr the els lwmnds of innriatic acid with twenty gallons of water. and by weans of a'u old ).modem sprinkle the bed with one- third fart o1 the solution. :flake an , other layer of right inches of the straw, applying gni'•klime and tbe solution an Iefore. Repeat for a third layer. I -p thh make a fourth layer of straw. 411,1 111.,n it sprinkle tbe four pounds of •altp.etre diesulvel in thirty gallons of water Plaee the box in laisition. batik rap ontei.le, within the io,x spread three iucb.•s rich. finely pulverized earth. and then pat on the mash. A heat will $.on be generated which will continne for two or Aloe week.. The save methods as tb losettion en•! carr will apply to this as iuOthe abort,. Ireprdrr.l Yams Gate. in makinttg a gateway for a fourteen foot rlad*ov the gate sbonld be twenty feet long. 'this •lbiws for six fret to balance that part of the gate over the roadway. an.) irolening. a person mere ly takes a portiou of the weight of the gate and elides the same a couple of fret. when it in balanced. and can be opened as easily as. if ewnttg on hinges. This arrangement is Ahowttit the illustration from a sketch in the Atipericsn Agrienl turist. it is best to 'flake a little roller with a three fourth inch bolt, over which to ram the gate That part . f the gate which elides tin rollers ahonld be made of double thicknew of inch stuff The gate should strut in between two posts set far enough apart to admit the end of the gate readily This prevents the wind from moving the gate, which la as solid as any part tit the fent.. Make the rail of the pate, which runs on Iata9,'Rt %1.I01l4144 OATR the rolleronce foot longer than the others. and nail to the two poste last mentioned a ernes -pie.•., eo that when the gate is ahnt the lath end will hong Blear of the ground on this snpportiug pie,•.. lotting Iler..s (Am Horses .Ire so very low that many are nawilliteg to let surplus "Leg go, but Mr. Drake says truly that './1 )felts wa.te followed by a permanent stop in batter than a continual leak," and while 1 shall have only one horse for inarltet thiel envies.it will be soul whether the price ia mtlidactory moot. When one hoe no work fora horse, it in better to sell at half price than to keep it A. i am site att'd. ft is worth PO to tarry n horees through the eray. TWe irialnilen in tenet vis'mentalist, WI a yeato cover risk ot accident. the normal detIrioration in rine dee to site, mid rout of kerp. With this fact in inin.l, tate win not re - Nos to ostler a "large wast.' at irnt ream Masaa' onetinrlal i.sk -I 'wintry t iwtdwRa . • e1rM11aDae S5.e* Pawl` Bight fell heal nhrep.�Ye.�'�l . were lately sold to 11 aree•laae at an averages price tit nsrh 1'hi� coon i at a time abet tb. ll�'miry Wooer the work) la it a siss- ai0cant tart. These Me bt>si mem mon an4 are tared 110 Wadi* ahead. Whatever temporary mum may snake Steep grv.wi.R unpalatable. the world asset bare mutton. sod ties sad wtwmw fossa Pave wenlan eleddas. The sheet (bat are asst le /stair of ewe bate beam s sr m Iho smeaea- tossed. DO YOU RBCOGRIZI I? Tole is the heel of the GRANBY RUBBER look for this pattern en the 1.e1 w:,ro you hay a Rubixr or iser.hve. It g:ur •('tees a red tot *rode. �OP4X13! R7BELSS WX*2 LIKE IRB:. Ask tour dealer for ti em. .11•M• w en .., 1 • w arrr ,,."uta 15,:,ts, March 11 --.t reje:t was in air enlatiuu tares uu `ntar.L.v sant"Feltrnttl M'rh+ter. the y .stag New l aeon. who die i.earel . is New Year r t•ar, hal Asea felt,' lac It:.' 1'ul:osd �t•t.'a. t'.n.,lunnit•a- ti•m will, intertstel pettiest reen:t.'d in ••re►:e:;; stt euspitatie demist of 11... ruittur. It Is staid L,y taatubere of filotawny, haw• ever. tlost t:p, v have 'aeeeeded ill tracing 11 i -b oor . uI'v.'mentt for molly days atter 4 Ooie y .uauceIrma Paris ,uv1 mar ova w.'rl. ter, . ok -a chi ..1 hat pree n:et to i t fe- .'l..w• i.1. pntent wbetsal:out*. - ,.f the Natalie. J y t act t, Matin 1:' - f h.' .team yvlebt Netelie. whisk war per. h:.,rd in New York eat' .sloe,) Item Savanab Ili Jnnnaiy IV ''situ anus and aa'u11101(iun, to Le 1100.1 by ','ja rest Manr,r.t In an attelrpt to over throw 4ivoet•1 Hq,l.olyte. act Ileyti, bust been raptured by tier Itaytiuut. Ana token to HNytiau port. llcr • ar=m hue berm Ia :drd mud Ler entire crew Lave b.•eu abut by order of President Ilippulytc. *het Hlseaelt la the ]Iealk. MI54421lX•L_)tich. Barth 11. -fetes Larson, au old lana *1. , lis•, been at work :it Lamle cedar camp. near thin city, was tomtit Heed ou S.ttrrdar With a bullet Yule 1r the- rota of tide mouth. Ile had leen .ick for Jays and it is tLous;ht Le Loraine orelw.ntl.nt nn.l cousetitted suicide. X re• roper war found !pug ou.tbe Lour of the camp by his ride -aor-kosLUt wit 1►areot t, la, Mer•b 12.--Senstet-N. V. ttrower kn.-okra down l' iitor Slow maker. of the Hawptt.0 d'hronid., hi the cloak r.' on of the :aerate un Saturday. shoemaker ehargel R; ewer with bfe•king pled,* to his pr.diibitiotr Republican nos elitarntc. 14.' Altair 151e caused a tremen- dous .este* ion. • U11 Towle lMsrwywd, Siena, HtI.TIM••Itx, I''Li,,, March 1L1. -Thr tow;: of .'ygnet, located ab:.ut four miles nnethrast of here, a typical oil town with baldinge of frame .•umpa.•tiv.'built, has been destroyed by are. 1lie fire grsdeally 51. itie!f out. 111. oroorr Lena, - I..tst.'s, Marcb e.-Tbw timbre loan was well received on the London market in view of the Net that it ie made for the enrpose .if repaying the debt of the leer • in4;e. The•Ckar:estop 5108.. t'HARLE.tON. W Va., Meeh 31 -There is practically no t Range in the situational Eagle to -.lay. Fourteen :totem were 5r torted at Moutgo'nery yesterday a'.1 taken to the Fayette County jail, • Geode Mot. Minister Imildly l -"I've keen wanting to see you, lir. Kurd, is regard to the quality of milk with which you are serving us.. Mlkman•uneasily l "Yes, sir.' ))mater •very mildly( -"1 only wanted w says Mr. Kurd, that 1 Umar the milk fay. dietary purposes exclusively, and not for chi satirising." Use 41:44 eke Rest. " 1 want a book," said a timid young growth to • library attendant, " by that Norweden or Swegian writer I can't think of his name, bet it sounds like Ikjabtero bejabers." After an 'oatmeal reflection the clever library attendant tasishedaltwaa the alcoves and brought the tinsid young woman " Arne, by T:jorn,tjeroe Rjnrneon, and it was precisely what she had in her mind. The e:rorrr Rk1501 £4.eribe. A few days ago a Pitt.b.rg ciwe. out in to a pound of haver which be had porches s1 at a grocery whose proprietor does sot advertise, and found therein a smolt Le Lox, which contained a p:e'e of paper bee: nig the following, written in a neat fe.r.1 rine land :. • 1 em $ girl, 18 years, good looking and an excellent housekeeper. Should this be found be some unmarried t'hruti•e mink man, will be please write to the following address; Ac." The finder. being • bachelor, decided to unravel the affair, and succeeded, only to destroy the romance The girl who bad written the mote had died many year* ago, !ravine an aired hunt and and grown up family. • Gorr ('err. It u told of Hannah More that ahs hid • CURE TTNE �i TIE$T COUGH SHILOHS CURE Seta. .td lttstlla test a dcea Mere alt pothers Ccugt.i,wCrimp Thu"Ho•ssessss. W hoopi Coop u l.tboa. row Cssensnptiow k len se M readIste.tsnds, end win erect TOR or SSILOH'I RLLADOM�'r A PPL..11t5R LO • CATARRII RE ONE HUNDRED people would not make a very large crowd, but if all came at once it would make us hustle to serve them. We intend removing to the Crabb Block in April, and for the month of March will give BARGAINS IN ALILINES. WE WANT ONE - HUNDRED - TONS ---Ilio - Scrap ron, Lead, Copper, and Brass, FOR WHICH WE WILL EXCHANGE NEW GCCI)S. Come and examine our Prices. Great I'.eductions on Goods sold this month for Cash. Barri LI, AT THE (ILD STAND ON WES(' STREET. SAUNDERS & CO.' good way of managing tale-l;earers. I: is sand that whenever she was told anything derogatory to an"ihrr her invertabhr reply was, "Come, we will go and ask at the be true." The effect watt sometimes ludicrous- ly painful. 'file fele-bearer was taken a- h•ck, stammtted out a wieldiest ion, or hi -g- eed that no uotsee noel.! i.e taken of the statement. Cut the g,..1 la.ly is AA inetur able: oRshe took the scandalmonger ot the ecandalifed to make ti..lwlry and compare accounts. It is not 1'kely that anybody ever a .toad time vectited to repeat a gos- sipy story to Hannah More. One would think her method of trestment would he a Etre cure kr s,•andal. J 1 GRATEFUL-COVFORT'NG. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. "Ry a thorough kneeled" of the ',stoma laws whirl. govern the operations or &::Radon and nut ret„ 0, an.1 b a careful apphca:.on of the tine rr..p"rtles oflwvl1-Belated Cocoa. Mr. F.plen has pmvid tt for our breakfast ane *tip- per a delirvately flsxu.,rea beverage wh.eh may twee us maxi heavy ti c'iura' bills. I..• to the Jadic:cin iter of ouch articles of diet thnt • roc• stout -on tray he trrsd,uhy by It up '1011! straitly enough to reei.t every ter!reey to ensure. llnridred4 of 'tattle tvs'adlies ere Aowtisit around us read to attack why rcvrr then is • weak point. the may escape many • feud abaft h keeping ourselves well foU.re.t with ora most and a property nourial.cd f e'iet ti, -reit. Ila:.'fr. PLANTING MILL ' \tette senile with t II;ng wAtrr er mil►. eSo%d Doll in eaetets,by lora en, IatxL'cd (STt8LISHEO 1155. JA11,101 tyrf'a-C Lid.. OM swseetklc 4briat'as, sewsa. 6aata•et. M31 -30w uchanan & Son, 118]1'.A 11 SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In al! kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Ltd ka1der'a' material of every desoriptios School Furniture a Suecialt'. NN'S AKIN POWDER THFCOOK'S BEST F RIEND LARGEST Slat .N CANADA. 1lelealNe AelerMef A,.aey lir • ATENTS as, peM ►ATINTf pp TRAM! la CorYRloMTS, ode, Yoe taarf�n, mat end n. pa.�i Intl* fn M('I8A a cvy. fit moving entre Naw ypWa��,, n•eM1a )stew a Inv armoring steeds In A rhe r7 fi!m.ams bksn oar ay w. a lessen the P‘141,0 by s 1 4lns «turn free of shame in eiscientific American 5.1715! e4r nin4nel or •or o erntIM pe(w in tea w.;[d altaa ally 111Mlra,.l. Pin 1.,11hIt .can n1nw111 1w rIIt net It. W...alr, iso. a Ne prat: e wt liras.*. Ad4v r.a Mti'wtt a l`o. r'Cat.ta11101 , i:i Ornadwr•v. New lams. Patronise True_. Competition \OODERTOH Stearn \ Boiler Works., inarlOantoftHILD•I41N1 A. S. CH RY STA L Sacccaaor to 1V0-Latai L' Ilia: kJ Manufacturers of all kind. of Station- ary Marine, Upright k Tubular 3=30IT-I=RS `alt Pans, Stroke Sta.•kn, Sheet Iron Work*, etc., etc. Ala dealers is Upright an l fIorieottah Slide Valve Keglers. Automatic l'ut Off Rea:nee s pe•eiaJty. All Rises of pi e ■ad pipe-601as (100.1aatl on hand. Kalimates furnished oa abort notice. Repairing promptly attended to. 7182 ly 1'. 0. Ito* 37, Oodertch, Ont. Works Opposite (1, T. R. Station. Oedericrt. YIflO IS YOUR TAILOR ? This is a pertinent olaestiuo sad one to which you should give thought. DOES HB SUIT YOU ? If sot, ynu can easily get act Mesta. by coiling at DUNLOP'S EMPOIIIUM WEST STREET. A large .l.tantity o1 R1:Al1Y MAD): l'L1►THiNI: on hand ei11 be disposed of at whatever they will bring. 'all early and get Bargains. H. DUNLOP. HA YOU BACK-ACH E 00005 KIDNEY PILL 5 WILL CURE YOU T.« Ca. mets rant t• foolery Mee Tithas boas rotahli.l ed N giro the public) a Riot eta wales wit •' fele ane pr tg5we5t c'nn tw•ltie5, N .11 mewed ee he.lnds prlarIpl.. awe 1. the is'snsl of 1ta patentee. I� ew'ss the snpppplrt of every t'+n.on wh bel vsa h mmpMlticwt Per MIe5 dresser% aa. 114.5• reasompo [8wea. (5555 81•g •4844 all spars .w .abase 8s IeHud ewe.. reserves sea .aroma lu�yrmeete���} w14�,,�w�s,ato U1 pp0ei1.4. Is N�NIp-#eM .env t ~ r .1'senae t unci M Meww. Lere. tl�t f�51 MaSeew. t3Mewd "f•ekaoA• the acouengers means the kid- of the system, •nay• •r• la "Dela /s trnu6/a Dodd'• dangerous. Noy - Kidney Pillsice leered kidney prompt relief troubles result 16 per seat. in lad timid. of disease I• Dyspepsia, Ue•e► est caused 6y Complaint. and disordered kid- tike most dam ne!I•. gereu• of all, "Night as well frights Disease, fry to haw a Oiabet,e and lea/sky alt y Dropsy." without maven "TA, A• n k o u• age, a• geed dtams.es enweot health whim the • l i e f wk.,. kid.eye are pollee thiseep ologyed, req are Pith are seed.' add by al Asekno ..r.e..t I.y seri e..esidpl gs,�t1. balk alb & €e ase T.ewesa �atab I5r