The Signal, 1894-3-22, Page 6.6
o'•kiug Crime Committed by 1 wo
Metirnu Iteep'ra'lue .
A fleewale INrationalsl Nur.lere.l N'hll•
_ Telltse Ile, Mead. et the Altar
1..4114.1 I.y o.•he.r. 1. ken.
l urn• \u 4......4 o.r' .
Au t u t 1 slime.
Grew t At. Sirs March 11. -Ji
irloew tee 1uur.lere4 1'.J
jeerer.. 91 years. The dyed w
wNoera.d by two grauJt•Lihlreu of the
mut-deal l wan, mud they began to s. ream.
The vsllains billet' them both, a
boy aged 9 and his airier aged I. The
then repeated'y outraged Ibe mnniend
girl mud after robber j the how* ..:ale their
escape The triple mut :-r w.:s witnessed
by a serraut, who gate the alarm to the -
udcers. and the two murderers were wok
apprehended and will be.but
Ream Oman, day whoa y .say f.dks raw
Aad w .b the weary bast* wen• Arae.
fie to your stow,-,uum and there net
'4(4?. Ty -sIa....t wet.
7•lerwi W a a deem'.
A quare fn -.h roast irwe it demean..
Art all the,MIldrrn Maw theme.
And make them whi.lI,. Ir lou p4eare.
ttlu•n flier.• err s..elled, eke'. Im.t lee ser
but -Pine IA•' -pens ret in Hue:
Tbru take • poured of sugar. turn
Into • poky glad melt not barn -
Uutold no wst. r %Titre. 't duo*
A ...l like• tht,-h syrup quit kly run.
1 ,.or , I"q',ad up peanut. nightly .air
Awl turn them In. If 1hrt.. • nu fault
stir now a minter. I.o.q 'DIM.
.,1. end thee' III.- rue I.ytin•
11 was the brighte3,t. cheeriest winter
sa moru*j that could be Iwaglned The
ground was well eovrrd with clean
snow. that sparkled radiantly in the
sns*hiue. It wax 'sharply c.,ld. au.l
crust heel forms' the pavements
that crackled ate' Snapp a musically
beneath the firm impact of John Tent'a
bout h,•. -!'s
Trent • head was erect. his eyes bright
anti the wine of life and the joy of
living tingled through hi. being to he
very Linger tips, He walke.l quickly. an
A eau intent up,•U as.we definite tar
poor. ret took time to letuk about hint
and to eejov the fair prospect Half
way town the *trete he stepp(er% before
an uu'rctrutiour '•filee. looked A! tit..
dta.r'Plate to make o mire that he we*
niter tie 1 tir.•u 'Twang lightly up the
Tragedy at a Mar,iajsFoam.
Beaten:. mut. K y . Starch 1;; -A wed
ding took place !u -this cotunty, which
*Lied in* • double tragedy. lkhuda May
was the bride (Irani Cecil, the groom,
became insauely Jealous beau,* Joseph
Dour:al. • forluer suitor of tl i girl, was
among ilia guests. l•eti1 met Dontral. wh
was ricinatn.l by* Jui u Currie, a ,rout'
of 19. anJ began t}nnga revolver. lk.n*ta
and knits were ktllwl, Lu: it ie claimed
the s!h..tutL of flares was aa•cel eeita. A
byertb'ht"[et was al.0 wonted. Cecil del,
leaving hu bride, and Lep not 4,a•a attest
eek Ti..'young wtfr !i prettr•te,i.
o stria j ahead at uu. std", kneeling. busy with his
, but.-hing the otiice It.• w,ts gret•ted for instrument. The brt' eager. alert.
1 'hilly by a man 'enure than twice his ; hirer of teem holding the hAudkerchi.•f
ollfu a e, whore digniSed and courtly al,. whittle he. war t•. dn,p ar the• .ignul, f
peerance betokened a gentleman of the tiring And his opp'unent in his 'shite
oh.4 echa.1. and whim, seirrunnelings, ,.hitt. ....eau and creep e+ th•'snow then..
proclaimed hien n physician. � making ..sett in excellent mark.
-.John Trent he exelainie.l. with 1 Btu Trent .hid not intent to tire. He
eeide'ut surprise "I am ghat to st'y , lrpull let hie .g: ,.dent sheet. if he
von although you are the let man that wo ill. btu.. her Mmes' ( he had no
1 ezp..•ted this morriiui; , 1 thenxht yon , ,taxa dfur that sort of thing But -bow
were in" Nii•uraXua fur' The, Eclhoe: elow''jhl/t 111.11 with the hanik•'r•llief
Istudying the science of retoliftons vet,' \Thi s:tap•U .' wale wore than the
'Anil ser 1 was ten lett* ago,'. re sttne a doze% bellet.-worse than
.poniard Trent. '.bet matters have death i •t•If
ggro en rather dull duwu there, and At lae the sfgusl eauto Then was a
he ke.itatrd, langhing ueutly--"the fait p tff of yea a sharp re -eon -and Trent
i4 that i had au engagerue-ut here to fill felt the ballet *craterretroe. his shoulder
unity a+ iwpt.rtaut uv soy tau The Then ire .... -
Felip.te ' the air. It
1 th.u,tht that iluihiI,; was "1 r int than 1 hare
"striate to a newel aper ratan as his amebism' an
paper. Rud the ' titer 1 nullt live titin
• There are not litany thiUgti that Carl , titles *51 hoerenter hie. the,tonna•tit;on. said 'runt, s y•aur Thr the
sailing friuikly into hie friend r eye*. And what sl:ea
' but 'hie i. ezce•etti'•nhl. 1 stave come ring` Huw• .rut'
hent'.• t.. be warned ' not entail .h.iPi--• neon the chill
L1i Clarke expo...sed hieaatitftisltuient : ren -who might be born t•, them'
in a loth; drawn wheel.. j The .tre•'t nl.-In which be w•a., ran be
Pott rare a young 1114n of malty am j irides .torp blue that( gate upon the
rise.. Treat 'le rats.'. "What will ton river with a sheer fall Of half a hundred
. with A wife. in all the half civilited ` feet. The streets the interested ter
and out et the way censers of the world , minat.•d abmptly Nein the face of Ike
.that ; ou !tate Put It a erede...e uu for :' ' Una t'„uiiuc to the *et ml of tbs.....
'.Perlia es i shall *eleven my wander_' -Trent was ce•hew'itne of Ault `4 t'Th.-,t w nnnsnal
ing tenth -tickle said Trent. stir awl excitement. As came up iii
Eclipse.. has given lee an a asqq Mak fug the t orner a tie Wok wit he conel
the wit:ter--t.. do their t'alifernla COT 1 to ek down the atret.t. Trent' w a pair
ieelemil•ne - So I am to lir married to of 'here -A dashing tower} ,wnTl
lam at
ruornoty to May (►smug ane start M ons ahre•1 In the •Ieiz!h t. so� aasingle
once for the coast ' oecupat:t. a little chill with go en hair.
A* the young MAD tusked. the=pity- wh.eei Neil. hauda wee,• elute ll►htnngg fu
sieian was wateith:hg him more ;lovely tilelv at the reins.
Wan he hal at fire! been tieing Wheu Ina Minnie they would 1* n
Trent entereel the one. 1.e had beeu hitt, in • moment mere ores the eq
apparently lenl.Liiag with vitality ' The the bluff and upon the rocks an,
keen Air hal l;iten Li. eh -eke a ruddy hel.,w.
color that had fes a nuontent mi.h•d Trent was very- calm. but again
even the p.liysieeo s practiced ere -But mind war *peeling faster thalr the
Ices Turk r u zt }uAnnrr a s tquestton of Faintness o f The cp.
laying has hued gently epos the other'.
sboalder, our coerce is finished when
Owl my. the word."
Trent war deadly pale as be went out
upon the street. but it was not the pal
ler of fear
He wa. bnriwl in thought. yet keenly
-utsel•ionof every physic.' aspect of na
turn For mouth. be had bora breath
Mg the heavy moisture laden air of the
teem** This n,trthere air. choir. dry
and cold h.t,1 alilv,eet tate in his month
Ile like -1 the wiute 'eider of the snow.
Awl tholigbt It wads the world ameba
purr and ' least 'rbe world had 'lever
aeet.e.l fair •r. used the morrow was hi.
we.! lin:; day
ll• 1.I•t.!l.%l gently and nerthle'trly at
this. 1 tf mune. the world *rented fair
to r iridegro,:u. always. sod ru wh2-
should it not to bimt There never had
iheu a , ,o •,'ter bride than May Deering
woul.l L•'.
But we. there ever a Iridegro nu who
earth,' ' '- d •.4th warrant t.. his weer.'-
dieg r .?, I.• sere. his WAS not aided.
I but that wee all it tae•ked He wi+heal it
were tot (up MAY Trent had fared
1'teeth w,t:ty theirs,, but never like.thi.
He bat 1..ur(ht a dttel .err. and the
meteor, of it teethe to hie uuwatast-
hagle the i 4
The .,al.lrrl1 ha.1 4't'tt forced upon
Lim. thew fought with pi..tula itis op
``trent was a .1e,%-1 shut Trent r•meu►
bene 1 how lung the time war 'bat they
stood there fa••in'•.'ach ots:••r. before' the
haodeercbiet fell Huw clearly he (void
ea it all The bit of ggree•. .ward
friugo..l ler the henry w -....L The sur
Tragedy In a ('hereto:
SAN F'aszclrt(. Marsh •19.-•,t� tn:trdet
and suicide vv.erred ;-e.terIay uareiug in
the thetrk of the Immaculate Coitcepuou
at ,skLw.l TrLlie tL � c..:ir•reg•tiu?y was
p'o'ut. J..lin Llrs b .-a lsuuee lwtuter;. shot
anti killed i.:. site slaty wail, rye rut's
telling her beats la :rent of Ib. *Itar and
then pet a bullet' in Lis own Crain. The
murdered wvteaa had just been diverced
from u.1u becaniat .•f hit disruinte;liabeet
- IS y LyM•ber. Ib Iieeteeki,
?(arch 19. -Mr. Jib*
P.rrtt. who eves et Fut rat 1i..l. t'onud his
12 year eel .: n (timeline Pruni tee iiurb of
.tree eu seterley- night; *winging lu. a
rope wtiul, encircle t :t:8 nee. -rt trteer 1
cwt the eee a mud by a ,iriu t4rutares
t?l.. Yl1
soon had 's sou iu a i:t.fseetca. Mate. The
boy said that neo tow4tauitxu becaiwe es-
ray,•ed at hila fur evilly fitttina wcazreuee
awl hap;ed blur
frier' at the 'sat rod Mage.
('or.°,•, . Sf.rl. 1!e -.1 yu•ane, tush
named 1aeiu•,r bred Iwo Amt." At the
twtcred lu ge u: are i'ivu± street pru.^ea.,
Mole yeter He thee- di eir down lei
revolver an. ~an off ehentine . "'lunch
for auarehi A crawl gave cl:eee, cap
to r htai tial ere taaring.oli his .'."tbe.
.high Destine Li wieu feu l.ulie.e.teu
reamed haw an.' he was. lucked up.
A Triple• Traardi.
f.nrAxEr.r.A lura, tlaR.', p�-,r,,h1
Clayman shot his sweetheart, Ida Mentzer,
Pier father and Liweelf. ' Mentzer a •sept'
;Albs- u cn:i•,ai. Clayman wet tue girt will
his istol Aad tired iutc
as all over us has time
en to tell it. But it had
to Tient Au.l now hi-
er•etery hour. 11 dozen
r ; is menthe maybe for
fright eta. renh.•arable.
d he say t.. May Der
he tell her that le.
now Ile n eel a ' ettain listlrwueas of of the fy'pug hareem
e eecwrn eke a t s iaht ' actor had avid that its meat die
our tr;e.:.. vjsag.• tree glow had Kone tram his fare, It wen1.1 tike sit mouths or, maybe a
Nee 1 -tie. March 19.-.A tauLuf itatrsas
and a armed of police had t ,.a•.,1 le band
- fight jam before dark lade t•r • Moo,}
flowed treaty and two 1...., es ei Trete
pretty well treed up, %lair tun of 'the
Bahama are in the hospttamauel aim; other.
have bandaged heads. testy prisoners
Were captured - The trouble atom rivet
the arrest of .rime Italian boys Wi.o wen
creatiaet; a disturbance awl alito were en-
gaged in crap 'bootleg. Three pteligewau.
In citizen's clothes wade tLe 5tree:s. but
were set np-n arra badly beat's. They
made a good hget nal weaned to reach
the station "hc-nse. but two of the lays
• sped. 'The reserve went t., the Beene of
the disturbance, where tLe,.iub WAG waif
ing for them, and a free tigltt ensued.
:several pistol @Lot* wee tired by the Tee.
era sal beaks, stone.. and chole were
brongbt into piey. The veiee did hot • their sfferts and got the best of the
sight. Ten weevers were found un the
men arrested. I:espluye.• ('eeeeat5Na,' .
fire 1- tic e1ar::t 19-.irranatetnents
are being wale for a coeventron of all tee
railroad employes of the t-uiied States,
t'anad., and Mexico, t , be held in the
Lenox Lyceum, ?lay e7. 2w au.l .'9. It
promisee to lie the largest convention . f
the kind ever held in thio tenntn. Tberc
are three main object. iu calling a coarel:
tion, All of which grow out of the peewee
des,uttufactlun of railroad employes. The
East is the ettactnteut of proper laws t,.'
protect their interests. P'eoud!r, they
will resolve to act in concert es the erection
of men to ('ung..•m wLo wilt prolaLty re-
present their iuteresta A third object is
so eliminate the strike and. adopt the mon
tjeatraLle method of arbitration,
Oxford Defeate Cambridge.
Lo*DON, March 19. --Oxford won the
oxford Pembridge boat Taos by three end
oat hell lengths. Time 21.39. The wart
era* insole at 9.12 a In The twee wan
0ommeneed 1n 1911, since when 1 ):ford has
wen 29 and t'ambridge 22 times, the cow
wet in le77 being a dead head. Since
1942 We coarse bate been the one between
Pitney and Mortlake, s few miles above
Condon on the Tames*. There was but
Hilla excitement over the contest this year,
tete victory e#[ Oxford being regarded as
almost certain\
'tea ea (:aoalaa apertseaee.
ALBANY. March le -In the Assembly
yesterday a bill wee *utroduceed compelling
Canadians to take oat a license at 12:i be-
fore they t an Lunt gale ott fish within the
:(tate. It also provides th t if apple
bended s. curug game out the States
.'aeons they shall be sul,jerled Rx the gains
law fine end if apprehended without a
license tbey Wblll pay Es'
A Bea..he Mlet.
Rear. ."t
ALI.arr,w,, Pa. Matta 11 t Lunen
heart lay on the pilot 01 the locomotive
that drew the Jersey Ventral flyer reaching
here on !leinrdey night f'p'm Inv.stg•
teen It area Larued that it belonged to the
body of . item who hail peer hetet by the
Hata at kouod Israeli, 11.J.. 'N miles dis-
More tante Pusey,
'libel. Ctrs. 1a., Loeb 11.._•A prairie
Ike ma We Miasmal Ow helestes beau.
tills .S 1. baroa4'eutr el sett is bates;
• gems and huddler' a iY
and ass its ate el had come a pall that
wa• har.lh' in keeping for a man who
was talkiug al..nt 1p ing married on the:
morrow, anti starting uu A transconti
dental wetting jo.true•y -
Thexes not e11 you rams te tell lief'
i "Nee replied Trent. lintitatiugly. "
(lime. to .'onsutt you ea a pity -Arian and
friend 1 thoiul)t 4 Worid like to tit
things s., that May veiled be comfort
able if any thine thoeld happen to me.
•1't'u are not thinking of e a eying
and dyeing. all 'at once. *eked the phy-
,'No, of courier not. But in my w..rk
.a man inay get }steeled over without
Much warning."
' Aud to you want some life iueuratrt ,.
as a ps•nyiaion n::aius-t emit A ('untie
$a.entc.l Trent. relieved to be
this helped to hi" conclusion."
"And von had never thought," said
the physician. "that a man has some
duties tewarl hiwsc•lf.
He came toward the young wan ,eta he
.)Oke. an.1 laid hili ear down upon his
chest Then he listened for a unguent. I
• :Splendi.11- ergnipp.d by u*tnre• for -
the battle of life. yon Mare abuse! every
gift that she gave you. Ton have done
the work of ten igen. Von have de.- '
piled fatigne Von have laughed .at
danger. and have .dotard diaeaae. Von
have followed armee, and have been
the first to tell the world of their
slaughter -and your paper and not
yourself has hue the glory. Yon have
penetrated the secrets of courts and of
camp*. These things are worth the
doing. I grant yott, he said, as the
young matt s eye knelled and his cheek
Rushee!. .'if yon do not pay too great a
''1 hare not paid tee much,' said
Trent. eagerly- ' Perhaps i am a little
below per jset now. but the trip to the
coed and the winter there. with May to
leek after ins. will sett me al: right
again. And next year The Eclipse -"'
Bnt thephysicianinterrupted him, al
thongh he tnrnerl away and bneiet him
self in another' .art of the room as he
" Mira l).'rring will not go with you,
and the in.urance is ont of the eneatis.n
Yon will not take the risk of leering her
un r•ovieleal for. nor, if yon are die roan
I think, yen will take the risk of haring
children born to you and 1'. her with an
inheritance of disease
Aa he finished he turner' toward Trent
again, and a gleam of tenderness frim
his deep eyes temlereI the brruupneneas
of hie words.
rrent gripped the armee of his chair
with the ne•rron. temeti n of a man brae
ing himself for a physical shock
' Ion may be fraefk with me, sir.' he
said steadily "I am not a coward '
"1 know if _vow were. I shonlel not
care sea mnch Von will not marry Him
Deering Von may try ('•lifnrnie if you
wish bnt it will not Hunch matter.
e ow long a bear' harp 1-'-
- 11 yen are careful. a year 1f vow
are imprudent or should exert yonr5elf ,
violently-" He suede an expressive
fret tire in rmein-tem
Trent looked tent from the low wh- 1
.pow though tftill•
To mnrrnw wear b. have been m}
welding they. he sail .pnietly I
wunld have like 1 to tinieh my course; u
bat it deem not tench platter •
"hy dear boy, rad the physician. t
year. That ems . the worst of it. 'For he
seuieml'err l bow that feUow heal been
a. • ins' dropping the handkera'hirt.
He knew j:Lst what be would do
W keit the horses 'were a little nearer he
wonld Pilo forward, seize the bite of the
'tear hare- .tel throw all his weight
inset that side. This iron'/ cause thesis
t0 swerve sharply about the corner of
the *treat. and the 1.1,4 'It would °re -r
torn. Of coarse., the cpili would be
thrown ort . ber ti:at wee. better than
to let thein go Oft .P1ey the bluff. It
war a g,.ei hundred feet t•, the edge,so
there wan nu •-lunger that the child
wonld be thrown over where the sleigh
1f he ,.honed put himself in front .d
them. they would go atraieht en anal
emery' him over the bluff. 'that would
be better than to wait six months or a
'year, but it would not save the child.
•He retaewla•re t a teras that he hail
.read or beard somewhere -Whoever
would save his life must lo..'
The. dot -toe had said that he must
avoid any exertion. Perhaps this plan
would de a-, well, then, as if he went
ever the bluff. It would tape even -
atom of force that he could command.
be well knew, to tura them around that
Hl, allnost felt the hot breath
from their nostril+. The people were
shunting to him to keep out of the way
This little chtld appealetl to him with
wide and tri hteneti ere. e
To morrow- was to hare been his
wedding day. In six months. or maybe
twelve -he mast die. Why not better
to -day. now, this instant' Time goes so
slowly when we are awaiting thew
cried. to ono lives.
Now be cent(' see the wild light Booll-
ing from their even Trent gathered
himself together. hfa mnac•le. the tension
of steel, and threw himself forward.
Ther was a @bort, sharp atniggle. The
man's face shone with the tierce rage
of battle In a tangled mass they
swerved about the corner The sleighs
went upon its side and the child relied
ort unharmed, the (-entre of a handle of
fur. and rugs The near Mone shook
himself angrily, to Ire rid of the ihcmn-
beince that hung so heavily upon the
Aod then Trent's grasp lonsens.l and
he fell hack, inert. while the reel life
blood welled from his month and made
an only spot sal the white .now
"Ertl hen said the word. His sinew
is run." sail the physician, bending
tenderly- alcove hien
Ami a May Deering hent, weeping.
over the child who was Bared, .he .*id
''Mw little sister lie en loved, that he
gave fee own lite''
But she never knew.
A ('emp.... 1lsave
Barnyard manure u honked Nein ea a
general and r°mplete manure. hecanae it
w tea the elements of plats' fond tn.-at
1 t
on some soils, however, the
541i on of acid phosphate and le gash
Salta often increase itseffeetirenr,l Fit
peially is this Ines of farm manta.. mad*
7 steak fed .•°rums.'. mailer , stover.
trlinary hay. etc., which se ,• nanally
e*Ment in thew element. t tx a good
plan tee sprinkle the coin inert "a1 fertiliser
ver tbe dung belt, w U it .revemis the
escape of assiempie se we;. as Bide to
be Ellidaocy dribs comp et.
lmp.rtsat ne/ewt4ae Trains Mt .erre\ la
tUarJNa\able Terls., Ow That Il. Who
Mia. Maj Mood The A. tush Ise*
(lowly Portrayed.
The physiological action of alcohol. or
alcohol as a potion. carie'd as the dose.
lu tart. a e study of the subject
shows that • large dose has an optima.
effect all to else ,ff.rt of A stual1
dura. This is the law of all poiacws and
sat all drug. used se medicine*.
In a small dura', alcohol is, however, a
p.oiem. It is a stimulant By this is
meant dud w hen a doe* of akoh•.1 is taken
it mere.... the aa•tivities of the tisane
cells and Bodily ermine This increased
se tivity' is fur the purpo.u' of getting red
of the alcohol. But au increane of the
activity of the (motto and Wane calle
cannot occur in any other direction than
their normal functions with one exee r
tion. The normal function* of the cen.
are nutrition, reprudncti.'n and imperial
function. The cells sheen, nutriment,
they repm.lrce other cells, and they
pn.tue•• *'weirs' work Thus the liver
cells, ilea special function. nsanufactur,
bila: the kidneys, glands nerves. and
other special organ. have sperm' typal
of cell.. with e.'rresp..odin_, splenial
.A meal' quantity of alcohol -say half
an o •e- to furni of liquor, or diluter'
in water. seises a stimulant It tocreaeeas
the activate' of cell metalolistu, or tell
work. Thiol increase. or means the iu
cr'at'e of e'e11 ndtritival, repneluction,
awl epedial fnncti .n A email duos of
alcohol. therefore. increas the activity
of every organ of the boat. it. brightens
thought and feeling It sharpens the
special se•nsew. It fncr,• the digestive
tlnids, the at -tion of the heart kidneys,
lungs. and other organs It iner'eaees all
functional activities it raises the tem-
perature. I.ut it dotes one .thing w.'n
With the theme cells. It eausyes them te,
uudeiteu a variation of type, and this
variation is dc.igne•l to enable them to
acquire a tolerance* to the p•vv.nune
action of alcohol -to r'.ief it the }utter
it ha'thi3 action of alcohol that gi v(M it
tvhltever mrciical powers it may have.
it lutist be remembered. however, that
when given in a liseease. or to antagoti
ize the p.tilt43 of a di+ease'or the shock-
edan.iujtry.that s} larger dose is re
ended to pr.ahlce the tutml stimulating
effect Too large a droer, however. will
do injury by favoring or acting in the
same manner as the px)t0On of the dis-
eu,e. In Alma from injury too much
alcohol 'rill aid the paralysis of the
But if four or six ounces of\telcuhul are
taken the effect is oppusite tothat of a
ntiunsl.tut .kis.-. The iutellectu*J part of
the brain a paralyzed. The victim is
conte:'.se- He has lost eonaeiot�.nese,
will, memory, sod volition. ,His md+trlees
are p. ralyxeel He has lost sensatii�un.
both seeeial and general. His tculperp
ture frills about two .Iegree,.. The spas.
tial ft;activus of special orgaus have
mewed action more or pars completely.
There is no lia,•estiun. and ria secretion,
or ee-cretion: and this condition con-
tinues until the victim either dies. 1K
the al.•oltel it diap,.led of by the prhy,i
cologi••*l fo1•.ew
Thi. i* sent,' pole mina or druakennew4
or a et of dcbsnchc rye. The ppwooisoning at
cwsel be- the action of the alcohe.l upon
the tissue cells. By this action the
"teens of the calls aro greatly lessen
Their nutrition, reprudnction and
iiI fn net ions are tem p..mrilyabolish
Tiler appear W have but one power
and tease whit'h are not destroyed
ire au inerease.l power to reniet the
w tons action ref akohol, MO they
t.,:e.t.l toaasumethe cu 1
t u IUIu
in order to get -rid of, entities a
holm atavistic variation. in
they area° changed in type
that aleultul beevuse, necetwary to than,
and they crave alcohol, and this is
inbriety.- .ilie E. Kegley-. M. D.,
LL. D.
WI. Ws "Lost napper.••
All anthoriti -that we can toxically
accept held that uufenueate.1 wino war
*ltv.lys user' at the pea.«•err Iu the
i.ruk of Exodus it he meet disUnet1y
Mabel that no particle of leaven or ler
mentation nhonld be allowed. so tar as
the partakers thereof knew, or conl,1
provide against '-Seven days .,hall
t here be n., leaven found in your bowies
And as thin thought he impressieele re
rented again and *gain, can there be a
doers; i for a mwne•nt. what the wine
or other think tbt'y used would Let It
could not be ferwepled-leavened.
Now Christ was a Jew, and while Ire-
t,uently rejecting the traditions of the
1:1.1.1., ile always honored and corn
plied with the requiretneuts of the Mu
site law. As a Jew He ate the pasarver
with His disciples. And -let us r.a.i
carefully ---Re took of that pa.e•hall+
bread and brake it with blessing, giving
it to them. and the pasehel cup with
thanks this evidently in the midst of
the nnleaveneel paschal meal. showing
its typical meaning on the one side, anal
its memorial design on the other. The
paschal and the uaer•ameotwl supper
were ons. --,W. testas. ie the Voice.
The Poets Abet Alee\.L
An exchange says that the following
Compaoeitiuns on • Alcohol were written
by pnpils in an English at hool
"Alcohol is another very lain:emis
thing to the tasty - It u very injnrious
to the beast especially, and there are s
great many men that die from the use
1,f alcohol stoner then those that don't.
Soule men go crazy from the use of al
c•ohol, or they are called 'kllream tre
mane, and a great nianv men who have
trate ale, o1 have become minister., and
their advise to 4*.ys or anybody is not to
nee alcoholic drinks Alcohol is very
bail for the stomach Fuel u good for the
headache, ase it is a strong smell anti it
will stop anybody from fainting
The serene w even better
• •All liquor eontanes ideas -hal it poi
sone the syliays and the gastrit juice
when it mixes with. the food it atop
the work. and the food !ayes in the
stoutaske, which canoes it to ache
When the juke mixes with the blood
it palming it Next the roan u sick with
Mood poison and dies and the people
wonder what made hien have that
l'at'eo for apple
Voting toy spite .ome one, is a �ooi
.teal like marrying a nal hem's -.i Witte
with ten children to punish*, girl wee
jilted yon-
A ole. Phrase sr Omar Mph.
kurus MPU.N sense of right aid wrong
tares (yrs a fine pivot. other* cm a
Appealing to the most
has become
the standard
tobacco. even
in competition
with Ion
of recog-
nized merit. ,
J. IL PAL'S Tebats l'eL. RYn• auA.'T
Aad Maltreat
If eche's had to live with some mos, there
would probably be more fallen uses
The richest man Is the one who esu give
away the moat without regretting it.
Fur nettle rash, summer heat sod *moral
tides purposes use low's Sulphur Soap, 1m
Shiny • man eho would like to reform
the world, Lu • trout gate tbat won't stay
\o mac can lore his neighbor as himself
mgt eI Le first loves God with h* whole
Many • church mem'rr epon:w ha
preaching and pays full price tor his cigars
and tobacco.
As a pick ate -up after exeessite exertion
or exposure, Jliiburo's Beef, Iron and Wine
1. er.t.ful and comforting Im
Ilan, a man will tell you that the church
be belong. to is full of hypocrites the mo-
ment he find• cut that Le can't run It
(etre a loose rola to punier, and there is
more danger of a runaway and • wreck
then then u in tiding bahted • weld
The devil would probably be willing to
stop throwing atones at a nassico•ry, for a
chance to sit down and watch a pr alter
smoke Ram's shorn.
Some symptoms of worms are . Fever
colic, variable appetite. restlessness, weak
nem sad oonvu4ioua The unfailing remeiy
u Or. LANAI Warm Syrup. Im
tablas a neriaalna.
She 1 oil know papa hen faded : and he
says that we Mu., begin to eoo.oa, se.
He Well, tie needn't he wearies; out two
revelation 'Irises..
The most prevalent corn plaints at thee ma -
Mr are rheumatism, ttecra'•via, torr throat,
inflammations and congestions. For •!I
these and other painful trauhlee 4(agyaru's
Yellow Oil r toe best internal and ethereal
reme 4.
Aunt %Vay'sack --What kind of • Wing
do you call that you're wearing. I'ety niece
That's my le:ou jteket, amity Aust
Wa)hsck--Well. I must say that'. sort o'
sensible. The frpat folds back,so you wee''
drop the vettles o it.
Cr.trtrets,-Hart suffered over two
years with Conatip•ti and the doctors
not having helped me, I'eoecluded to try it.
8.11, and Were I used ties bottle I was
cured. 1 on also reoa in•et for sick
headache. 'ET5`D. RAI%►+,
fltuhybead 11•il1iam-teal a1 glad,
Hank, 1 resisted the temptaison to get a y
hair cut that time
Weary Henry Why, 41,11'
l;.uhyheei %Vattern •.1 woman atm me a
%hole mince pie this morning and never
mentioned a word about work. Sim tied 1
reminded her of her son et college.
An inactive or torpid liver meat be amass
ed and all had hale removed. Ber.bck tills
are hest for old or youn.. 1m
menses au. ewe meows essereeae
er rat SOw(La, 1tiDNtva mete LIYan,
15nerr ►r, wl►w.VT*
Ire Tw. a ALL 1ee' MUD reel.
w uao5.. Ar rue tare root C0a44tCT.
1Nn ACIDITY or owe STOSACM, Coatis.
ACHE*, 0111,Nt*e, MCA1T*U5N.
*ALT NM[ur, (aV$IPtlAS. *eNO-
W E*IL1T7. Tweet Atone au elissu15
Ceaptat.r. sweaty *.elm h ewe e..aa. ..motets or suaooc* WLOOW
• ITTE 11111.
A]b 0755* TOT50 mraaaa
Specific and Antidote for
Iapihrs, week and impoverished blood, dye
palpitation of the
heart, liver oesnyl•iat, neuralgia, lose of
aasssory, browAitis, a sisemption, gall
stool., jaundice, kidney art urinary
44as...., 8L Tito' daaas, fs..ale irreg.
u4riti.s and sennet.) debility.
14oerWr 41E1 11nn5�Masw,
ei r� Ilnrsst itmet wine or w bed
S ie Awa, e5 well esteems
btteeen Wald W
lywsasm •Nd Tweany.
• ter v,.
SPRING}, 1894
Experience permit,' us to .ay we can suit the mat butieitm,
tastes. Our papers being se beautifully blended make it only a plea,.
ore to *hoe them. Aa for prit•t's, they are the very lowest p•1,ible -.
(tutu .ele. per roll.
litsterturn will Blnl notrouble in se•lcctiug lionicrs, 1'r•iezt , or 1.',
ing., am they are Jrnigne.l to uatt•L our paperb
Hundreds of ,.atnplea to ..•lex-t from.
A11 Papers that have been in stock for some time will
be sold at less than Half Price,
Booksellers and Stationer!.
Loral namegen Well telepas , iw
What is a Sponge ?
Some say it 1s the framework of a submar'ae animal, others ata it a 4
species of rsgetat.o•, but all must agree that we have .. \ El: , t'iJI:
ALL 1111101 AMD AISLE..
Fun fitiRi1t/ •N/, ,•.Irri.,:
Repays many Omen its cos .
Tose your bones up beton Spring work.
filtAP$R TRA% tats.
the greatest healer kw.) n
0o Lao or 1:'.ad,
s//e,r•/ 1, /al' l: r:/'I . 1)3.
W. C. GOODE, chemist.
/i,1,1 a.
!laving latele nate-eel from a trip to the bailing Mlilliuery Markets.
e!Jere I Late been purtl:aiing a stock of all that is new and artistic nettle
Millinery Line for this !ett,on . Trate-, 1 a: now '.repand to silo* you the
Latest Styles in Shapes and Trimming.
A 1 .111. i:E>PECTFt•(.I.1' SOLk1TED.
' mama*
Seasonable Goods
Best Brands red
a s of
Canned Salmon, Mackerel, Lob-
sters, Sardines, Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring,
Herring in Tomato Sauce.
Finnan Haddie, Codfish, Pickled Salt water Salmon and
"Clam Bouilon " Burnhams.
-not Sawdust
We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WARE'
Some people think it is, but they are mistaken.
We use nothing but the Longest and strongest
Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without steam or
joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro-
cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and
liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no
taste or smell to its contents, and is the lightest,
tightest, sweetest and most durable ware ever
Ask for EDDY'S.
J. BROPl--I3eZ dL goN
Have added to their preeeat William one of R. J. Nash'. Walt 8t1V
of Olty Hearses, also 'be 6ss1► lime of funeral furnishings i* the ciomity,
and are now prepared to conduce %st als at prices reasonable
This department will be strict.' attended to by hie sWilliam, who„brief
of the businese, and by prompt age to *simper the smplo] of the late D. Gordan al for the ten pima, Is. $
pwbW patronage. Remember the plass--Aert•.t,, es your way to the
dim Give us a call