HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-22, Page 5THIS SIGNAL • GODERIOR, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH t:. 1894. 3 TO RESV'T THE ATTACH .,f the germs of Consumption, Scrofula, (.rip, Malaria, and many .other diseases -means fight or die for all of us. These germs aro every. where in the air we breathe. The ,Mile are iu favor of the germs, if our liver is inactive and Mir blood impure.. 1\ hat is needed molt is an ineeelle io our gertulighting strength. '1'o du this sulxeisfully you need to put nn leodkAy AeoA, rouse the liver to rigorous action, so it will throw off these harms, and purify the blood so that there will be no " weak 'pot," tier sell for germ- owth. We claim for 1)r. Pierce's Golden ' l Ileal Discovery, that it does all Shot in a way peculiar to itself. It u th.• development of generations of medical thought -it has itto($l the p•'•t of 3 quarter of a century of a r... That is why the makers can gu.Ir- ,,,h. it. In every trouble caused by asps') liver or impure blood, if the I h•c.' ere " fails to benefit or eure, your money is refanded. There wouldn't be any cages of ( !ironic Catarrh if everyone used t►r. 'Sage's It.•me.ly. 'There's 250o reward fur an incurable case. NE W AC : ERTISEMEN TS-MARCrI 22 Pao. . al !'hotoe --R. R. Sallow, ...... 5 1. rat Tailoring -F. J. I'udhate 5 H.,u..teeptug-W.Smith ..... .. 5 *eel. for 4, de-lV. H. Perrin . ., 5 s. 1 Wants !-Mer. Gerrow . ... 5 - r Novelties W. Acheeou & Sen. 1 A Pretty hove Armstro.g h Soo Wall taper -nesse & Porter. ...,r, 6 trench Kid I;►ovp-J. T. Acheson.... . 7 t .r W seer • �J H. orchil & Co 3 Grapes ►;ttie11 hloride Dr. Kicbardsee3 Stied. for %►le -S. Sloane . ... , lkeumaklog--;Mies-W,lsoo 5 Lead for Sale --F. W •lohaslo. 5 bargains 11. B. Pollock 8 'prong \ovelties Humber & Sas . • 8 THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Fr3m the Reporter'. N.HMm • If 1.• it • stole In i Tee hews. 1 redo h. tent 11 t a Meer/ taeaseg • To . Takla' Mee., am' IaNk 111011 Peens M."- arras. i i.0 aster Time le the gr3some awakening of emu.. • o.-.. cw.0 to for Seting decors few don't f. eget that rbe highest is d.reratrye .t in b.. n • caa b•, secured at the studio of it K.:•1 w.. not owe sea of clreum t anti'! evidence ia 1•uw be.ntt. tram, discus .•d. but tM etronseat . Atte, that • man is well dre..ed is to be Persil ,n tie fact flog• be gets bra clolb{L, malt ac F. J. I'r,dtow'a FINK IAILOKINU.-New Kering (:rode in' dv:h. Irish mad (-anodise Tweeds, tt'rrrst•d Suiting* and Sperms Menomonee. Hest trim .• ough. cert sad throb ohesper thee the cheep - eat. ii. MarCuRMA('. M'ir. 31.114E Ta) ORDER." -There ars some pee tie shim ordinary spectacles will sot at. If rotate one of these. we well sake a glues to s.n )our sp.eul re uire'aemts. low the same 0. • odor wail make a coot to rat • hump ba k. es tun W. T. Width. optic -ton and Jeweller •Awtr. -On Thursday net a eons tending at tba station got frightesed 11 • trunk sad ram .way. YOrtuastely it was ',Poured lode.e it could do any serious •1nnage. 11, gni Pmuworlm E' 4'l. Oe account of otters' of the village schools being slotted during Esetet week, the promotion examen - ivies to the public acbool hays been post. pried toll Aorta 5th andbth. I. roalt •+T (' ii w'll.- Kevivai esrvtnes see king eoadooted i. % iotoria-at ch. -eh this wish. The sceri.gt iamrsass in istsr- ele weekly, but will likely dose them tette. holm effort has See made to do g ..d, mei has not been in vain • tboagb the work arc are far from e•usged with fibs moult.. A Jt SILTS - 0. March 29th, the Sal Yahoo Army will odebras. their 10th as s.emery by o monster banquet and jubil.s, 1c Mt held is the 8. A. Burmeko. Sastre With, &tad a ifs, and all the *Moen f o n the district will be present, also (amp'. l.oft01 Stark, the wonderful ssmsiorc n. 'Miters are aro empsee• Tea served fr• M i to 8 Ticket. 26 eta, jubilee 10 amts. F_ L ('. E. -O. Friday naming lace Rev. Jas. A. Aadersoa, R.A , delivered an es - Sleet sarong to • ergs sad attentive adieu,* se the ireeemsoet of North .t, Ile hod i.t church. TM subjoin was ••Fvery Mao the Architect of Hie ()we Fortes"). I I\ J,1' STRAWS 111'T THEY TELL ',Ian • Moe Serge Seim Well wade). M h8 Tw,sd Selo (.11 *eel/ 4.75 Free Risek Worsted Cwt and Vesta 1910 Talky) 7.67 Imported Sege Suite (412 SO finality 9.63 Fine sleek Wormed Pawls M Rues Geed Tweed Peals 1.98 shelHeaf mem Made .thig mew es•aplsea Ne 'tem geed., testerW grow sed !lee all sew. We nil e• eke Pregramdve 4 a'l0 ArmeeL 1f you're • emelt buyer Veneto ree5•, fly ,,• boner eels hent thee anywiters front Ii, „yV.'ve 4teerylbiag ttetiiftd 0011 PURR OVTFITT) lis. Nut Friday eight • •• Swag Service '• will be gives by Monts. Marto. All are esr- diray dented ta Stead thew swetiyt, whin► commseoe at 7:30. HA.. Hittt Mcrnso.-A mestieg el all interested in hese-ball will be held in the Here. Hotel oe Mo.d*y eremite at , 3U r. r sharp. Come all. 1101 WI u Ago Fmut for SOAK tT Sr. Prrra'.. Moly Thursday, high mw •t 9 A.11. Good Friday, toast ot the h'resaaeti- 5.111 at 10 A. u., sed at 7:30 r. r., tie Way Creep. of the Holy Aaterday, high truss at 7.30 A. is. Estee Soaday, low now at 7:30 A. r., high Maw •t 10 0 r., and veepet5 at 7 r, w. The church will be decorate i. is IT Tate • An excb.nre runs into putty, by springing the tolluwtog on the co./idiag public How dear to our heart is ('ash oo subscription, %Vhen the generates subscriber Presents it to view ; But the wen alba dei t pay We refrain from deseriptioo, Fur perhaps, gentle reader. That mu might be you. Ke '11111:ret: 1.. T. R. Fluter holiday ex eurmioa.. Single taro to all pinata March 22nd, 23rd, 24th, all tickets good until next Tuesday, 2716. Now is your time tor • cheap trip. 'Ticket t and all information can be procured from Ii. Armstrong, G. T K. town ticket west., t:. N. W. Telerr•ph other, %Vest et. e:oderich. Tickets, tele- grams and express to .11 parte of the world. %Then remitting alwave use Canadian ex press moony orders. Cheapest and safest method. I'•a5d everywhere. Lott:, O. r Foot Tone The police authorities throughout the Dominion bare berm warned that sharpers are going ale ut working a new genie This time it relates t bicycles. the man paually works alone and his pan is to End the names and ad dresses of bicycle rider,. He then repro• ..n .. himself as en agent of the maker of the wheel which his inteoded victim rides and tolls hint that a Dumber of whistle have been stolen and that his is uac of the num• her. lie prodnoee lou authority fur taking tk. wheel .od fre.luently Kota the machine, which, of course, he sells, frerlueoUy in the time town. Hundreds «)f PeYtP Ic have been victimized in 1'hicago, Detroit, I:., heater, Buffalo and other cities. Frw.Tn*e.r_--A meeting foe the purpose of organiztng a'oottail club a Goderich wet held at the gymnasium of the Collegiate It- S tit.ite on Mosd•y evening the 1'.'th one .Ths-e was • felt attendance. Mr. Hooper o.iropied the chair, and Mr. i►.nomy per- formed the duties of secretary. The dol. low mg otti tars were elected . Ham. pre.i deet , H. 1. Strong, 11. A : president, H. Phil• s vice resit t .o w 11. f !ie j.►p rt.ca . cy.-erauarer, S. Hurst. Committee - M • re 1. . lite, Deoomy, Elliott, Sankey .od Crieemae. (iptaio 4'ha.. Sutlers . curator, I'has Stuart. Fee for membership 25.1 1'he oommittee will meet in the rym• n•aium at 7.30 1' .1. Wednesday, to make farther arraagemeot a. I;s.orr. Wionipeg North waiter. March 10th Another interesting game in the series between the rink front Goderich, Oat., and curlers from other ole tern towns sad cities was played in the Granite rink yesterday afternoon. A nam• ber of spectators took • lively interest n• the game, which was keenly contested anal the Goderich men foot a lead that could scarcely be overtaken and the London men cried -enough • It is under.tnod that a Toronto rink wish to meet tl.e winners, so the next match will probably be (:odericb eh Toronto. Thplayers a d •: ere were; emits!. II. l. -\I o . S A. Megsw, .1. l ouhiIL 4; M. (lord.., G. T. Hrys.. W. R. Miller,W..1 Youbill. H. H. Smith, skip 14 H..1. Christie, skip S Tit 141. UL'T R4:-4I,1\T. IN Hiao'.-- New Era Reference is often toads to the oldest inhabitant, ' but we doubt if half, - dorm people in the county have any idea u to who aro actually the oldest resident' t ere. The New Era b.I:rees that it pin • 1 oeit,00 to settle the point definitely, acd lives the names of four gentleetem whom it has reams to believe are entitled to the div Metter. Sber,ff Gibbous, Henry and Hor- s,* oys, Horton, of Goderich, and Wm. 1000V, Of Carlow. These gentlemen have beeti tardente of the coosty for over 60 years, sod the honor of being the actual oldest resident must be divided among the three on; seal. t% ben Mr. 1'butt; ernes,' •o (zolerich--•iter walking all the way frost Gwslph--they had jest oommenosd to ober it All Um gentlemen named are ie • fairly gond state of health, end may yet the teen- s', many years of activity. l01111.0 TO (:)omen. n Aero. -Many of o it citizens who heard Mia. Effie F:aice Reit .t her first appearaoo. ie Goderich May last will be pleased to learn that she will he here again on the evening et Friday, April 615. Mier hest bis • very exteessive repertoire of readier, from the beat liters( works, had in addition will present a series of forty -See statuesque posingg.. in (Reek oesuwe. Thee posies will dem given be- fore a background of black velvet, produc- ing a marvellous effect .tot heretofore sees to the sane edeoat•ge. Wherever Miss Hen has appeared flue season tm press has spokes j,ighly of her t.tertaiemear, and we fed .soured that her wooed visit to (gale rich will be se exception to the rule. The reserved seat plea is now open at Fraser & Porter's hook stere. The followi.s is front obs Tenon I dobe " The posing in Ito ek coteme by Mea Heat was toned the clever- est things et the kind ewer dose io 1'oro.- f6 on it So.1AL. -- The V. W. Mimi. o Read of Knox church gave • most snivels. fal Scotch social in the basement of Kisco eharcb oe the sowing of Thursday of last week. There was • Imgo atteadeeos sad an the eeautg roma was take. up. The room was tastefully decorated with Saudi too teas •'d plaids. Refreshm ant& wen.ervd,rs striae of seteses, oatcake, cake, eta The program although see ewlat Iamgtby wee se enol amt era, hdediae Scotch .mia'e,dses, leeit.tis.s ant roadie.. A seas by A. P. Id.Ltae was elpsWly appreciated sad woo an ewers intro wag reepsaded to. We de nes knew windier it this is Mr. McLeas's Ant aoperesss sea n a rs% or IS, hat we de k.sw that hr ening ea this sesames brought dews the Mem. Aleagetbr the assert was as of the awe u.seassfd that kis base held ler some tints The ass el til wag token is. the preemie d wMan .411 5. • goodly addition to the funds el the 'eery. Thum urn em Tuns tt lessAwn.-Harry Hart's onmedy drama "Treabheeese Tims la ir.isad" was peeented le the Opera Hon.., ea Friday seeing leaf seder tlie sempiami ef t5. R C Gard. There was • barge ntendesee nod .m'y gad seder. Tis ease ef ebnnMsse was brolly gees. and theptums*dh.sftbspi.yebewed thei mab See ad labor ked hese spent ie get0•g 11 it Ste the good shape to which it was pre- tested The drams eras of Irish lits durtay the robotism of 17411 and proved to be .ere isterwttssgg •4pestal uceonoo should tremade of D. S1cC,ertesck in theptrsoa el ferry 4)' Connor. lir. Mct'ormh:k esutiuesa.dasv• taps sere so l.di i (suety catekieg that the audience were throws tato oorraksive augbter. Mr. Mary MacCuroo and her yummier sister, Nellie, toads successful ire psreeeatises, the gets bete particularly apt bed neural is the character of " Kitty Welsh." Mr. Hurt deserves Melaka is bo summate! atauagemsnt of the play. Several soup and melodies were lute coed during the play. The open house orchestra was is .tt.ud•aoe sad treated the audience to some Mas 'Menem. ..' Ex111/1171011 nr S&rc... M.N'11i'.a A•.T Perhaps the most extensive ..hibe tool of machine needle work d ver shown la l;amity:ch is now to le tern at the *torr on K-nrstuo st., is rear of t:node's drug store. The inter fie local agent of the Steger Cowper.), J. 1:..1t.ry havi.cg du plied of • erre number of enacbiase here, represented to Coe c..'npauy that •n oppor tunny should be offered to the la hes who bail purchased the machines to het a thor ough tuition in the iatricscies of the fancy work it was possible to turn out, and two expert., Mw Fox aid Mor Ilurd, have come to I.oderich and opened out an art room for two weeks with that object to view. The work displayed consists of white work armoire, rope silk, embroidery, Kensington stitch, drawn work, Roman embroidery, and every other variety of sewing machine work. fait 00 1 free aid • oonii.l invita- tion is extended to the ladies of 1oderich and vicinity, whether they u.. the Singer of not, to vtet the art room on Kiogmtoo street and view the elegant and attractive specimens of stork os exhibition. Tue. Her+s ole Kcrr..e. -The County ('ouocil House of Refuge committee, coo. sistiog of W. I'roudfoot, Goderich : H. E•l her, Stephen ; A. McMurchte, Clintoo ; W. Howden, Exeter : and W. Mile., Grey, met • in t.Yistae yesterday. It was decided that from 25 to 50 acres of ground would be re. quilted somewhere within two utiles of (lin- too,I;odertch,Safnrth,Wisvham or Exeter, and tenders for sites will be second from these sections The general impression seewed to be that the neighborhood of ('lin ton would be the most central and suitable location. .1. T. (:arrow; E.1 , M. PP. for West Iluron, will be asked to co-operate troth the two other local members from ituron and prevail upon the Ontario t • iv- eroment to allow the Srarely estate -about 434,000 -to po toward the expense ot a house of refuge. Some time in April the committee will viait the combos oft oxford, Norfolk sod Wellington with • view of g.toiog practical information. 1'lans and oci ications will be procured and probable t paced before the county eoancil at the ext meeting of that body. Clinton News- tecord. ---------------- COMING AND GOING. Phil ifurtoo is home fur hu East-rhol - day.. W at Jenkins, of Clinton, is a to so this week. Mrs. J. McQuaid, of ti_afortk, visited in town this week. A. J. Macdougall, of Chicago, is visiting relatives in town. Sites Mable McKenzie made a short visit to (Innen last week. John ('lull visited his brother in Clinton Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mra. George Acheson have re - u nd from 1'xbndge. Makwlm Slcl.eod, of Lindley, is visiting friesds a town this week. I'olly and lien .\hen are on a trip through Brace purchasing horses. 31,a. W. (.:. Smith, Nchitin - et. , is recover ing front her recent .evere slices. John Colette left oo Mouthy for Sault ste Marie, Mich , where he has secured • snug tion. Mrs. Fred Stec/bore, of Port Hums, was visiting her meter Mn. J. C. Avery, Wit week. Miss Janie Shanwtm and Miss Caldwell left oo Mondry last for the attere home in A•nher,tburg. .lanes Stoddart, son of our townsman !►acid Stoddart, is .pending a couple of week at home. License Inspector Paisley was in town Monday nothing arranremeota for the licenses for 1941 5. Capt. %tel./tram and goo %%-Ilium arrived hero last week from St. ('%therines to tit out their reset, schr Defunct. Duncan Mather o, of Montreal, is visiting his mother and otter relatives in town. He has bete some eiybt years to the Quebec metropolis. M. C. Censers. Q. C., returned from his Winter's visit to Florida, on Tuesday of bat week, looking liala and hearty after hem w• jeers is toe Sunny South. We regret to learn that S..1 Reid, . f Ki.gatos see of our townsman, John Reid, is reported seriously ill at the Lisses:t o • city. Mrs. 3. Reid, mother, bed J. A. Reid, brother of the sick young ma., left for Kiagrtoe is Maeday to Sanger to W want. ECHOES FROM THE PEOPLE. A ielkers vsslee, Rafter Sinew.. Allow me to congratulate you upon the result of yesterday's trial. I art only one of teary soothers s who will rejoice to know that at least o.e place o1 temptation for ocr .005bas hemi removed. A Mor).... (Roder c'i, Marsh 14th, 1894. The ..Oarrtaen We ort. To t5. P,.giiater of T)l. 81o1lt_ Dina Silt --Reckoned please Sea 111 00, Wig to change laid epos my paper. 11 then is any tat for not remrtusg .t proper time 1 atm wiling to pay it Mon power to your pew to writs up the dens of the town. Napier yea will onmo off victorious in the pending sea, your. respectfully, 1s+. 1. l:wa.4r. Loehalsh, March 14, 1644. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Toa V Agr:r ann.- -The Vanguard for Feb- re.ry, a joined el sterol reform, edited 1 y F. S. 8pssem, Toasts h.a resorbed sr table. 7'he awewb e1 this roee as. et the wase i.teneti.g ebarener, add oswprre: The grwat neventiw ef Feb. 6th : Tenet Abetismiee aid lotensvity ; Prekibitios • the United States : Opures ow 11e L'qw r Train ; I nterio Plebrefto Reterme ; Pleblo . dr and Seat Act yetiag Compared ; lie r De�ki.g Tem Sar.IlAc Testimonies ; es pd .(Evemt: A Gamin gnat Tie Vanguard Is • series el "Smart text kooks es bmp..mnes and eau he W foo 91i a Fleas, er 11 isle • goal. rluebr. Daring the past six mwehe Hamwflltm s i tl..til. spoken. f•ueensa by 640. Shelter wee given i. Ramis d.ri.g the pan m veer 115 so bsnM p .f IM sing el THE DEATH RECORD. DALTON. -Weed has Shea ream reed at Uses of the sad death of C. Deltas a Ikea• v. r, ('ot l''esesed wag • respected rem demi of Lassa mem is years ago 6.4 wee pruned sly last Spring to hies M. (;utm, of that plate. Fath was canoed by the lodging of as orange seed is the stomach, causing •3 abscess, end although an apses titan was performed, yet it proved fatal. .'111 coweeolled with the deceased have the aympatby el the whole community. BAIMDEN.-Th:s week it bermes o -r sad duty to record the Jath of smother of Exeter's oldest residents. in the parser of Charlotte, relict of the late James Rat. Ir s, who died at the family readeoc. ou Wed. o eaday March 14, at the age o1 62 years, 4 moth' eel 5 de ... Deceased enjoyed com- ati.sly halts unit! about five wparF"Jet.e .go w o she was tikes suddenly ill w.th la grippe, which resulted in a cow i• enure O /batae, gad ended her life: She was • good Christian woman and an adhar. enc of the James .erect Methodist church. The funeral took place iso Fndsy to Exeter cemetery where the venous of her :ace hut• band he. 5h• leaves to mourn her demise, • grown up family of two boys mot three girls, who have the sympathy of the °im- munity. M,121'EEV -Ties Standish, Sltchir•s, ltd. -pendent, of February 4th, speaks ss follows of a forayer reorient of Grey, Mrs. Med jneeo, who was • sister of 'Phomas S•okes, of the 2nd con.: Mrs. Thom... Mc- t'uen, sr., died at her hone in Standish, lint Tuesday morntog at 'L a'clocr, after au Jlsess, of about three mouths, principally he.. r: trouble. She had not beet confined to her bed much of the time until Sunday forenoon, before her death, when she he - came suddenly worse, cuattnutug to tail sated her death. Mrs. McQueen was born in liogl.nd to 1836. and cane wish her par- ent, u) t;oderich, Canada when °oilyy nue weeks old. She was married to TM m.. McQueen, at the age of twosty-ttie . years, 1 mei came wltb her husband to Sia•,duh :o 1671. and was ..moeg the first settless of t is village. Mrs. McQueen will be great - 11 missed by her friends, who extend a f.F a she was known, fur we believe it ass truly be said of her that she had node as enemy in the world. She was • kill 14(4.1• ed ('hrieuan lad), and set an ex•male be- fore the world that was alei.e reproach. She reausot i uleaul food of rlowet• enol P Y her !mut (.11 home was an lade, of her high order of refinement. She was burin 1 by the Christians of Standish. '1' 1'. %V. Mair, n1 Detroit, conducted) the services, the fu.- eral being among the large.; ever held 1s this palce. The remains were interred at Ute i'.oe River cemetery." JE WI IT. -On Ender of last week Louis Jewett, of Morrs, went to his long h one atter an illness of about thsteen we Its of m ooh suffering. He had reached the patrutchal age of 86 yearn. His lust ral took 'oboe on Moeday afternoon, o00 the interment beinv made at the family 1 u -y - tog gr. uhd. l .v. R. Paul. of Brun• e els, who had been acquainted with tate deceased for the past 33 years deducted the service. Mr. Jewitt was horn at N .rah ('ave, Yorkshire, England, on March 17, 1504. 11i his early life very little or no- el is; is known, but he was married to his best wife in h32. The fruit of this union was four sons, Thos., of Bluecal. ; Gerrge, who died soon after the family came to Canada : It:chard, of Morris ; and Williams of Trusties. While in the land of his birth he lost his fins wife and the mother of kis cbi'dren, and a second time he entered the marriage relation. In 1850 he came with his tinnily to the province of 44ntario and settled on the 5th line of the township of Cbinguecousy, in the county of Peel, Five ye•n later he removed to Morris where be it ved ever since. Hie second wife hairy re- moved by death, for some time ha lived with his son %Villiam, but about twenty -ox years ago he was hurried to her who now mourns the lose of • geed husband. 1io war a true man, 411 earnest Oristis and • thorough Methodist- He - four .ons, seventeen grand -children .54 --' herty-hoe great grand children. Twenty -ea a e living. He now rest from his abor,. LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. Whitely hag purchased Sam Mcl.eans pacer for the tine figure of 5250. Au Easter ball and .upper will be held at the Manchester hotel 00 Mowday evening o ext by thig,proprietor .1..1. Walsh. " All is &lot gold that glitters". Don't he deoeiveJ, but boy • "White" or "New Wi • Batas' Sewing Machine of Geo. W. Thom. Mora. The Ontario Pressed Brick and Tern 4'otte Works of C•mpbsllville, Halton Co., will be remote 1 to Toronto Junction at an earl, date. Rev. J. A. Aodereoe, B. A. of Knox church, and Ker. M. McKay, of the Les- bos chum+, exclaimed pupil. Int Sun. day evening. S. A. McLtao, of Goderich township, has sold ba 40•acme farm to Jae. Blair at an averse price r 1 $90 an sero, bot Sam's Owe was • garden from end to end. Itob es human and horses and .11 .nimar cured is 30 minutes by Wooiford's Sanitary v Lotion. This never fair. SoId by .las. Wilson ..d all druggi.ta 30-1y Next Loral's D ty t arming ft • . rt i ie in Koos church will be t. the i•te eels of our milore lad fishermen wham the pastor, Mr. An lens, will preach. The Goderich Organ has been chosen in preference to all other competitors in the anted at "1'rew." church, A thfield, Geo Thomson is the local spent. Theesee..sd and in Algoma is 189.790•cns on the resident roll, sad 105,261 on the on resident. This does sot include the land outside of municipalities. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard soft or oallossed Lumps and blemishes 1ro..h horses, blood sparis, curb., 'pliant, ring bees, .wesosy, stills., .pains, more and swans threat, conks, etc. Save 1150 by use et owe boded.. Warranted the n est wead.rfel blemish cure ever know.. Sold by J. Wilson and all druggists. 30-ly Patrick Keleher,ese of the pitman of 77, the year in which the Ant tree was cut en the site of the peewee city of Guelph, died at that Moe reentry, aged 86. itheumat en ( mew In a dry. South Asterism Kbeurceie Caere, for Rheumatism .red Neuralgia, radically oared ie 1 to 3days It sties w the system is remarkable and mysteries% it remises at O.O. the nese sad the disease isemediat.ly dimippate The Int dere greatly lies4Ata. 75 sten Sold by J. Wil.o. and all druggists. 30.1, the Nev. Seeps r w free • deck.. of try .1 15. esippistg inlm.iry k ,. isrthe d t5. sees .haws • abrin i. mkt lest year of .early 50,0)0 tees Relief in Sic Hors. -1Hatressf.g kid. may and bladder diens' relieved i. .Ix been by the " Xcw cots*? Srr-em Arany- can K)nenw Craig." Thr New remedy r• seie soeprre a.d delight to Orions ea asset el tte esseedi.g preempts= i• re - Review pain is the tlladdr kidneys, bash .red every pert of the mrbary p.rmsges ke .sake er Leda It Miens nitatite el tracer sad pais i.combs It almsat iMmedi- want oil% Mid aml are l Moly. . Veer eei'.ee4r. W by lea Win& KNOWLEDGE Brings oornI,,rt and impmvemest .ted tends to personal sn)r•yn:et,t when rightly tisk The ,n*i.y, who live bet- ter than ..t hers and enjoy life mere, with lees •xpwriditure, by, more promptly ulapiing the world's best pxd'dtiete b the whsle of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid leestiv.,pprinciples embraced in the rertltidj;'f yrup 44 Figs. Its excellence is due to Its presenting in the farm most acceptab • and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of • perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headache* and fev'e,s and permanently curing constipation,A. It has given ratisfeet i.n to millions at* mot with the appr•.v41 of the medical' prides :oil, because it acts on•the Kid- 144:,/a4- Liver and Bowels without weak- euing'thom and it is pKrfet•tl; fire from every ohjectionable sub.nutce. Syrup of 1•'t; s is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is many- factnrtd by the C'ellforeia Fig. Syrup Co. est% whose neu,e is printed on every package, also the lame, Syrup of I• igs, and biting well informed, you will not soon* say substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. r Cad rich reins . °montacr. Marv:► a. 111.1. Poring Wheat. standard 0 55 to 0 !•'all Wheat .... 0 :.i to 0 10 Flour. family 010 to 0 e0 Shorts. t1 ton CO 00 WOO 00 Bran. V ton Screenings V ton Chopped Peed' Wheat • toe. Ostia. new. 11 bush Peas. b husk. Harley. two rowed., bask WAR IN PRICES ! 'WINO PRICES SEEMS TO IIE THE ORDER' OF THE DA1 IN THE DRY U($)DS 111'li1NOW. 1 Jur Custom., depend on the I'ri'r• of our cc/1 $I)I�IN�i (i(rt)i)S oohs. h we am now reeeiting, to le• the lowest of any ;tore in town. Look out for Price idiot when our Spring Stock is complete. hest C'ortitrlli Spool Silk, :tc. ea• h, or 60c. per do?. (test .'00 -yard *3-eortl Cotton Thread, per spool, or .'1 spools for 10e'. We a are always plesacd to ,how goods. Tuve. int Red. JAMES A. REID. Jerdaati'rmk, Adwlea. Marsh 7. U Property SDP Sato or for Root. L'OR SALE. - F51.0 WILL PI '11 aims town lot u.d Irick boo"•. sal win purchase lot 1.0. icor terms app .• '0 FRED. .r. JOHNSTON, 8qult rite, Marie. Oat. 1 RC'IT FARM F*fl SALE, -. ; At'itES of a mile from ('pure House.'lloderich, 23 musses Sumaser-fallorred : acro, strawberries and easpherries. (lewd water and brtiMlnge For Part/enters appl, to 1•, U. box std Uodertab. Out. I AN / .sr bounded on. miles by the About 300 ac nwaty rock in 1 Abut .40 acres r awaiadcr of the go mrd freed of mum 4*. FOR SALE IN A1/041A..- in the Township of amass. Pout!' and Cao for nearly two nt Hay and serpent triter. good alluvial soil. the rest lies'r.t.1 Mineral Mists'irt. red and seeded down ; In- land very easily cleared Oruw} good crops of bay. oet0, potatoes. &y. (lord posture. exclu.- I,e of the cheered land..lor a hundred cattle. Good markets for all kits sof produce. Promo house, baro, stable. The '. 1 . It crushes the land. and any other rail to the Boo will •too cross it ter l miles. 411 be soh! chemo. MP.N• M, ieh P.O.1'O1 Apply to J. IL�.1 Y vpy ' 0. 00 tun 00 VALUABLE FARl1S A D• T4,WN pKOPNKTY FSR BALK K ltK.'T. re at woo 00 hot 9 in lbs first C01101418C0110141801111141t or. (Mei iern• ... 00 GO Lobs fkl b 0 t! to 3! ship. county of Ituroo. 1 mik. from deficit. o 3i to o 3s venerating of 110 acres more or h•... 1*arn IOx o W to 0 W at)• nearly new. good ert-hanl of t Manse fruit. Barley. common .. 0 35 to 0 1• My. Vton 650 to 7M Pa•atno•. V bush. 0 40 to 0 '0 [utter, 0 18 to 0 2) Stena, fresh unpacked., lb...-0 10 to 0 Il Chrome 0 1! 10 0 11 Wood boot Hides. Sheep Skins ..... .......... Live Hogs Dreamed Hogs well watered with spring creek, an exilalea graving faro. ran tie bought on easy term., Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auctioneer. I.ot t la the broken front. et -et of the fake row! un the Western division, Thyroid] of Cot borne, comity of Iluron. a miles front Ood.rich 00 to 100 compri,ing 118 acne, Large back barn. good 0 18 to 010 fame hour li story high, nearly new and '00to250 ..... 050 to 060 ' 1 (0 to 1 50 3# to350 HORN. YOliNO-At Rosedale farm. ('o:hnrne. on Tuesday. )larch 6•b, the wife of Roder! k , M. Young. of a daughter. MARRIED. HENRY - SI. &LLIdTER - Cu Tueedar, , March loth. 1011 a' i Its Manse, Ooderirh. by Rev. Jag A. Aatora,n, te. .4. Thome. Henrv. of West W.wanoeh to Charlotte Asn McAllister. of Relfa.t. Ont, DIED- PKARKN-lu Brampton. on Men i, 19, 1.444. James leranklio. infant son .,f J. ha. and Asnle Pearen, age1 1 )ea-, : months mod 13 days. MARINE NOTES. Schr. Todman las had her bocm repaii. Schr. Kalfage is undergoing extensive ie. psi' a Tug Seibold is having her m: c'tinery re. Pikired- One of the 1sbice boats has had • c. w m.'st pot in. good orchard of ••i,c.c.- frust, esu h. hooght on easy terms. .App'y toJ011 ,KNt!N. Auctte'a eeT. Block A and 11 Lake rings. in Ude township less. There an. on Ilio premiers a frame house. flame barn end good .t•bhog. About : acresyoungerabard ut et.o,r c fruit. Aleut .r, acres of bush. This lana a considered a first clasp grazing farm. Tide farm can be divided to suit pnrchssers and bought' on easy terms. Apply 10 JOHN KNOX. nauseam! lot in the town of Clinton, -1.041 11. Mary -.t, opposite toe old woolen mill,-com- pristr.g frame house 1J story high, 9 rooms. rd .tomo foundation with goucellar, all in good •tate of repair. Apply to JOHN KNOX. i0•If. Am -titterer. nf Co1\orne, eons'istis rive. aid aura more or FOR BALE. -N. } LOT 31, 2ND CON- cesdoa, Ifaat Wawanosh, I owes. This is • first-class farm. Also tows lot 1:8. Gode- rich, Apply to PHILIP HOLT. 1641, I. ACRE FARM FOR SALE --THE old homestead of the lata Jame. Cana - day, of the township of Kest W.wanos\, be- ing last halt of lot 28, contention 1, on the gravel road that leads from Ooderieh to W Mg - hem. It issnusted about 50 rods from Aub- urn. • thriving village with four churches and a wheel near at hand. A comparatively neer triune house with seven ergs rooms and cellar with other convenlenecs, and good tank tars and about 200 large bearing fruit trr.e • -'r: op the premises. About 10 acres are ^4• rayed. The sal Is of the best. Further ,ptorn,ation Moss 14118, CA8SAI). a Auburn P U. *1-0 All the ice is oil the lake, u fai u can Ci -. - - men from hart FUR SALE AT RARUAIN,-THAT commodious building on Rfagat„ Hus r There is a large quantity of fishing mate • tete. at pto.ent ace' pled as a paint she by rial at the dock. Some stone for the pica hu arrived and i. piled oo the dock. The fishing twats were launched last meek a -id are being fitted ant. Several beats were fishing off the mouth brad u the harbor rat wet It. The catch eat fair. A party of yenng people from here intend to Dome down the river to r3�eoes from Man chaster on Friday. 11 is reported that the tugs Macintosh, Sea King. Evelyn, Seibold and Dep both ue to Ash off here this atssoo. Tugs Sea King, Evelyn and Seibold were out tor the fiat time this encs to tet nets on Monday. This is about • month earlier then last season. SltuaUon. Vacant. WANTED -A TIDY, CAPABLE GIRL lee baa rmakt. Aptly to MR&. HAR- ROW. tf. Drone Maltlat. It R88 AND ill&NTL; MAKING -L. • Mee Wnaow hus lately returned hem Toronto. ad has nosed up drm earl mantle shaking nevem Is Me Rake Monk. career Mw reals. gad (tturo. over k W. Hume{ ma•j �mmT� whet* she will be pleased to re - airs warc of the ladies of Oalesic5 and TIM mIRr. MISS WILSON. 57 It Beed. SNP Salo. iF YOU ARE WANTiNO A 000D artier 1u Red, Abate or White Clever. Timothy Med. Lawn Ora... Orchard Drees, Red T llwsrlas Ones. Millet. Flax Seed. Me urea. large white Helena Carron'all L ads of Turelp Peed. Osie. Peel. Dutch Rett., Sweat Cors, sued all kinds of Oaedesamid ii.M R.M. also nt'•calk RAM. SIOANY, ▪ ae,Is.. K Marovich. 161t QRKUl;RAiNFOR SALK.- tvvHAVE: ▪ large aura, $ • or sett ell 1 o u .. C vada' 'rowan barry, seen seas aid data •100 sadism mete owl ~Howe era fey seed. all of the beet quality. Pleat, terming earn for stork food* to always es bond. Drive right '0 tie are house at Railway eta Cltuten W. 0. PERRIN. lt. Animal fbr Sol.. • Twn TROROVI RBRED SHORT- HORN [ 045. Colo red.Owe b able nthe aid one 1! baM. Corer red. Suitable for any herd. ..M nsses.k5. Write ✓ soil psremeally to ISAAC 14AWC[LD• P. U.. er Walest Fares. Gotheich Tew.sbip, R, p1011sFOR RALE. --THE SI'K54C4(tl'- �r for der • ■om\r of r.ab Im MMs awls. of ►sok .huhu, et prism. JOHN 'firm. Alts P.O. litl.ie. AW, OHIR MANNA 11* RA ter..►. ens hist •=17111 W7m. dmttP, 'ie on salTetvu nosy. Ap06t 4 q to . i. 6C43r, e lbs..sr P. O. NORTH- WEST LANDS FOB SALE. • ACRES OF VALI•AIILE JOO l/ Improved and animprovr.d farm lands at distances varying from I to 12 miles from lhu'Appelle )station, N, W. T.. tor rale very cheap. No better lands for mixed farm- ing etre to be found in Canada. For full particulars apple .0 A. D. DICKSON, Herrister. 401-tf gs'AppeUe. Loam[ and tafsarwa... L(1 tSEACER. CONVEYANCiNG AND . lesu eaceShea eppoite,Martlt.'s Neu* 1* tOMIT TO =W▪ ONMuRTUAGIC l�A. as sl per asst. Notes' &wee Bled. C. 81.A.081t. Sass eppeelle Martina Ilset, esede- rieb. MONEY TO LOAN. - S26,400.00 Private rondo to lend •15S4i per omit •* - soapy. LOFTUS E. DANCF.Y, Herr..'. Mock. opposite Colts.rne holed. (1oderl.b. 107 t L'* J. T. NAFTEL, FIRS, LIFE AND l' • sondes i..oe.ce .g.sI • at lowest rates. OMo.-Our. Maribor. mid Square, tied .rick. 7t - X600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO �`1' CAY[RON HoLr & HOLM[8, O.ee- Mb. 1.3110 MON=T TO LIND.-A LARD! Monet etRivets reads for Investment et Issue res cc'treeres Mortimees. A peso toGAMOW t PROUDF0OT 14 LDOLIVIR, 01141R AL 'N• Ib, amorao. Ra.) Rica. sod M.o., t 1017 got eras comp•eles Mosey to heed w o4&g,rands*4 M tM lowest rata of Intarwt �e1wg� In earig war to dint ,the a.rrower. (411-.0-- Nev. ere deer from fiquere. Wen Rarsot, Men. r. 111"5-11 T . rupl ram Column. ITIDO'S PLANING MILL - C1ARR AND DOOR /1(TORY.- 0 [ARO. T. RT. STATION.- XNWNRt IIISWICK CEDAR PHINOLgs. 1Cztra, *alt. Clears, W.M. led Mee rheas We [ztr. Ne. 1. *1.M Chao cut, boavy sbIsigpe. rumor/go Awn MIDI NI 416.0. ter M. DOOR& RASH awn 81.11411*, ortsan7 res, MA PLIC son 851(14 FI OOPINO. klin dent. oar HiLMI.O(7Lear bslldlnia. LATH PICK - tT&OA els.. ase. DRAMA 11La, Fttiumbuca. gat, /WWII KIDDt. IT 1d JUST AS BIMPLS All VtHY YOU SHOULD D*AL AT I:E.1R'S. We always mete it se oL•ect to yew. Res *bat we here for you this week is the line of D1t Nfits, t y-t%'e ager moa eteroKerei, f , teati - Our F: t' - Our :.c. horn ('oisb, Our 10•. Ilona t omit. Our "r. Hlat•k Dreamed ('onab. Our Inc. Black " " Alao our lir. Tooth l(ru.rea, value you wore Our Com/ 1 are i hes cheap s ocr Soaps. Watch er - Dbli'LAT WINDOW. e. FEARS PHARMACY, OODICRICH. N o in0re �l e e p 1 t`• i 11 i grit t , front 1 ' that 4li:;x tre'ssi Itg. coon t. HBRRY PULA1oN I(' cave, inniant relief/ the worst cases. • .1 Try t'ottle tai l s ttisfy yo rself i1*at this i, so. Pr..paretl on}y by • J. E. DAVIS, Pltm. Mabp.l 1.Ii1I 'PLE ABOUT' TO Gt). HOU3E,. K[$I%do. • Attar the drnmeny trome to us. and we veil dt you oat for housekeeping in a Styr roti aevtr dreamed of for se little money. traitor 4.141 outfit Fru kitchen -I set beet birdie. chalro, • noire arm roi ker, 14trk.a table pastry board. wash stand, mirror. gad G. 0 cook stove and furniture . Dining ttoom --1 set ease dlnloe chain. terve oak rocker, side board with mirror, estewon thread III yds. wood carpet : Heili room -rine bedroom sett. Mad spring and m.tras. ladies' rocker. fano table and 15 yds. Parlor -1 stolid wag out parlor snit 0141 1)46c , 1 gee centre table, 1 cornice poleax window shades. and Id yards good carper. tapeetr or wool . Heti 1 hall hat rack or rirror• hall choir. u; yds. carpet sad reset .weeper. Many haveid over ”08 for the same goons, our price i. 1t/. It have other outfits as good value at M. SRO. Coo sunt up. '%'e also th,•7w • tra'tto .o. for •• The baud that rocks the cradle .o tett bawl that rocks the worldt" Now atter tatter 1e your c\•s'-e. 1'omi, And dee a , it w111 be to your menet. 8341 rive, FUfeel iTVItIC TON IS. Chapter. 'I'IiF SEWING CHAPTER OF 81'. ffeorgesOnildn111meet foe militia t e School Hanel every Mo oday at 2,11r.m. irdeas for plain sew Ing and ehildree's clothing received by Mrs. *Wgar, president of the Chapter. or by Mn. Tur.b*U. at lie Rec'ery. 51-tf `T IW CHOPPING DULL 1 am prepared to dealt heeds M .b.p sotMS. 111111e et all iarwe. 1 have eke latest aid tent ti,. .& 7 br 4.lsy i \ ►rad g yor iey. rst...•a Ned 71h.etUag7orr home SO Fra JIM 1y » -aa n Illy 11/ 11ODIRiCH FOUNDRY AND A- I MACHINI WORK& Te the public Rey Remains. Nes r sod 1 Mewe. Meet man red rollers aid�tveei enters. War/f.Ndd r Wai Cr- 7 sod Sews. arsine moddheards, Word twi w. the m. ...0the Madera tiMader , Wases dewy rims Al em akar (wpricwts, Mew puts missed In n1yw .s MON k4.4 Castings mine to m iadW. Iry ttY J. N. RU1(C1MAle.