HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-22, Page 4•
IS rvena'gmta
H<110. Monellamilefolr.
Mies ed ,Pubtleatlea-a kat te. x.rthetreet,
oedtMleh, Ontario.
Teems el Nbseetl,.Na
se .earth, la &demote $ 11
a Mea matte, ••NJ
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11 acranii 1. acted. the pries .per ar fI M
well he 1 a
Loeb at eerie Label.
Tour label ts a standing receipt .r the dare
to which ) ou are paid apt. dee that 1t is roe
&nowtd to fell Into arrear.
11.1M n a change of &tares, 1e desired. beth
the old an.: the new address ehssid be Nivea.
aid. retests. Stales
Legal sod tuner ramal advertisements tan.
per line for first interim'', end] o.•nt. par hoe
fur est tl suh.e•tueot ineertloo. Memoir. it Ay
• monpere.l *rale.
Bottotes rent* of els knee and under. fa pee
Advertisements of Lost. Pound. :tinyed.
eltuotlons Vo.aat, v:tnatioos Wsnied aid
Dusinese ehencee Wanted. not •sre.d,ng a
liner nonpareil. $1 per month.
*louses on dale and Farms on hate. not to
e xceed 1 line.. l+1 for first moult•, %0.. j.rr esti
'moment month. Giver adis. in propolt,o0
Any special notice, tt.r obJrt•c of . ..ch is to
promote the Ireuriary tenant of any i&dl-
vWu•1 or company. to be considered as ad-
v*rtiseesent *n.1 charged oo oirlln,rly.
Lo•'al hoo:a,. iu nonpareil type one ?cat per
woad. uonotices lees them 2Sc.
Loral notices in ordinary reeling 17P0 tw 1
rents te: word. No roller fur leu then SOe
Notices for caurcher an4 other r•eligtoi....md
beoevole•t institutions half rate,
t'&.cess.-Bal t'..,qA adv. fIMi• .l..
A I.mitrd ortuher of lispQl.�7.d e.fyrrt:eel
meals Will he Iusert d at the pfeiluwieu mow
Per Inch. owe :natter, ion .hid id
" font in•err..o.s sees11x'
• thee. w,wtlr.. . ... .. 2 rIp
" rix mamthe l fo
• cos yea,. . p.
No di-erne:rim kir than tw., . ' :r
length will he en:canted m above uta.-... S
pre rent. di..cennt allnr,vl for gash been.• git
on three month. contract; 10 pse vest. •.n six
worth:, •u•t 1 tvr..n., ti. a )accept Tloe
conditions will be strictly sof sr irJ. 1
•beet ..Tppw, *Morel" Donee.s. •
Subscriber who fail to rexi re Toe R•.:. IL
regularly. either by carrier or by wait. will
wafer • favor nF awluall.ting as of toe tact at
se early a dates' poasibfe.
Refected manuscripts cannot he ret
t orrespond ere must be written iso o•-.• side
of paper only.
M.bii.her's 'teem
.1. C. Le Tousel, of Ooderich. has hem se
pointed Local Travelling A,o•n• • • tier 1..
.hips of Go..erich, Colborne, Ashfleid and Wo- u
Local postmaster's over the district ate eh*
empowered to rewire subscriptions to Ttta w
e navels
AL' communications must be addressed to c
1 U, McOILLiCI'DDY, •r
t '-pb.ae Call 30. Tint a -1Q . t
Wdr1oh. mt. S
too, when the .altar of The .'Ip..t-tar had
to hay has lio.aes Our ,st sened Handlen
cestamporsry waver optimal Its taaefd
vows ea the subleot. hat now it sots op a
howl that Dosser .beau rote twarri os h
craw without warn and without plias,
•ad thew netted& Use rest of us Blas w ea•
deavunag b show that the How. Juno
`1A•retlWA. MMeurALD who put 41 tato the
Provincial liffilay for every marmite B-
eene• aantorwiiis /nag better work along
this line them Midway u doing.
SUM F. time shins an article appeared
In Tete Sword. dealing with the Canadian
militia, which net every featherbed widow
and every fe•tberbea.l 0•0spapper magi in
l'aruda by the ears.
Without mincing natters we stated in el.
fect 11441 Me whole agvlomeration of make -
belief militarism in this blooming Dominion
was • delusion and • snare, a humbug and
fraud rpm the taxpayer of this laud.
We believed what was published then, and
we helieve eo still.
The appearance of the article in iorestion
was the atonal for an attack .pou the jour•
cal from every military dude and every don-
key editor of on Administration organ i•
('.nada, The writer of dm article ea,
stigrnat i,.1 ae disloyal, and amercing (1 a
short shrift and • long rope : and the article
was denounced u devoid of truth and lack-
ing in loyalty 10 Canada.
Rut its couteotious were not successfully
contradicte.l,and we are pleased to see that
at this late day the statements then puts for
rail are endorsed by no nese • person than
Elston Hter.LPIT, the !'ommander-in ('hurt
ut the Militia of Canada. In his !stoat r. •
port be handles the mi itis ••1 Canada
oat gloves, an 1, after pointing out who rein
their deficiency lies, closes by stating that
the entire forte under arm+ would not is its
present condition -he able to 'witb.tand a
contingent of tier regular' British army
1,500 Giron:.
If the report of the ('anadian Commander-
-Chief be true, and there u no reason why
'ghoul! he otherwise. the captious critics
ho took eco.ption to the remarks of Tog
it_ aloe} the cone line. should now roe
set all the lad thing+ they said of Tns
t•..A1. and its editor when the &ruck ap-
peared lsat Fell in these oolumus toiling at-
tention to the self -sane. deficiencies which
General Star Lis has now pointed out.
t ST1 tilY tame all the was from
Ottawa within the past two weeks which
distances ant thing put before the publio to
the "Arabian Nights.' se Was rapid trans
it by a political nobody es tae back benches
of a great political party to the posit1om of
Grand Vizier, is concerned.
A few *bort years ago .1..l'. PATTEN,. os
was known as " kicking PArraraox at 0*
taws, and the lata Sir Joos IIA. s.o.A,.i,
pleated him by snaking him chairman of the
Conservative party for Ontario West, with
• pipeline on the wallets of the brewer,
distiller and other strong supporters in the
district of the Province. But Sir JON'S in
the House kept I'.ort0'n. kickiogatabela
on the back benches
%% hen the Old Man pawed to fit rowed
the new leder knew not the coy wow
that Sir JOIU4 had discovered of h&adllelg
the Windsor statesman, find at wasn't hag
before the kicker ou the back Tory benches
was beating what sounded Ilk* • tattoo for
the party which now acknowledged the
leadership of Sir J..1. A..orr,
Eves otter the defeat of PArrrain., iu
Kowa, by em overwhelming majority, tips
knocking at the door of the (abinot did not
cease, but if anything increased in vigor,
✓ eties and intense movement. Finding
that it was impossible to drive the Windsor
statesman from the Cabinet door, it was
determined to let him in, for the sake of
peace. happiness and the renewal welfare of
she ('•bio.t,and calledin he was,* portfolio
being placed at his deposal as Minister of
Mucilage --or se it 1. esmetimes more ea
phontourly dubbed, Secretary of State.
Inter tie, there was another shunt. of
portfolios, when .Sir Jou. THo•rio, a..urm-
. d the reins. and the member for Walker
villa was quickly but energetically kicked
up stain, as it were, from the position of
Minister of Mucilage and made Minister of
Meskts, oras the blue books hare t, Min
alar of Militia This latter promotion
fired the ambition of the hon. member for
IItotie \WALAra,•adhiaheart became areal
GM with • feeling to take the first place
amongst chiefs of the people, as h*d that of
his great prototype .l r c i c. I 1010 in Rome
of old.
And so it is that dnring the past
week or two the story 00enss from 1)ttaw.,
that Sir JOa. TNowno., has found that the
P. 1'. A., is the Wed and other conditions
of discord &rsoag.t Festern Tories here de.
creed that be would not he • safe leader re
jump the political hurdle in the nest
general steeple chase, and has leaded to stop
down rad oat to the @echidnas that a chief
j4Oticeehip of the supreme court grants 1t
was many right that he should look &rmead
him fee .cone nee poesea..l of the rt.' elate,
of leadership, to take his mantle when it
pawed from him
Ser J..Hm the loos had net ler to seek.
1'00n• was not of right timber A••.aav
Ism ealy • temporary pion* of Calmat ler
D eere . yam, Tconta was is oke habit of
ads( his jaws for • helms* Beam. and
1 T will presently be in onjcr 'for the
Lib. -Coo.. of %fest Huron to meet in con-
vention and endorse the .aandid•ture of
•ilea,. Cos:ou•i.of Porter's Hill, the Pat-
rol',' candidate in this coroer of the political
etnreyard. And the Lib. tons won't like
to that same, either, as Mr. Co..•.i t.
and hl{ friends from this gide of the Cut
Ione in Goderich township are looked upon
by the T wirepuller, of this section as
having *pros • trine upon them politically.
NOW w•ou 1* a good) titre for a
co.ricted gene named MA. a, naaan-t.,
lying under sec in Brampton jail, to
avail himself of the precedent set in the
oases of Messieurs 0.,,...411.1 and Mr
l:arz1- , and to instruct his counsel to
apply for his release, owiag to the fact that
ht health will suffer- , that he will
surely die- -if allowed to remain in }tramp
too ).il until the 1st of •lune+. Mow a Lltaat.l.
is in far greater danger of losing hie life if
kept in jail than were the l:overnlpmt pro
was, )d.'1:anew &ad Concuss.
T j• claimed that VW 11 M nonoil ors
taw -horn anxiety for the biennial system is
owing to the fact that he thinks once in two
years is often ,Dough to bring he motley ar-
ray of lsralative followers to public view,
and he conscience smite, nim grievously
that not one of the crew -from vociferous
V A&tsa to little "Ealing ' ('..rNli.t. de
serves the sessional allowance year by year.
Yoder these circumstances we fail to gee
why the Administration doss not acoede at
mice to Mr. Mxar_i.ITN'• demand•. 11
would save the Province • peck of trouble
and help to =reset the Provincial surplus.
11 F:N the seat of war on the rag-
ing itidmix was last heard from an arena
tics was on between the Hoa. hive- Jong
of the land of piaalStala as4 dodge
Pelona. and the Hon. ift ei*t,r GALT, of
muskeg. wide -maw and Mllientt.ble pr.iri.
Isms. Hoe..lo, M, an N, it Selma, had ap-
peared upon the some, and as the Hos.
.1,- .r JOII. sad the Hon. O.a.. 141A1% both
looked epos " F Skiing .nor. " as • oemmon
1tYwltr, the two Cabinet Wooten had each
hong oat a pocket hsndkerehi•f as • flog r f
truss se that they could rather themselves
to withstand the shock of the flan from
W is.ip•g.
111 EY do coy that one of the nicest
bits of etatoeapoe decoration is the Howse
of Commons at the recent opening of the
Dominion Parliament was the brawl mow
mrm worn by the Hoo. .11 i t! . 1-
P*i,'raao.., the great Canadian War Lord.
Ger information is that the epaulettes were
re.ploadant as the gilding of a Simmer's
01.550 •sem from a lake view : the eon
blazonry ea the manly bosom was unique
amid of oisat• bat not gawdy de•igm . and
eves the strips down the ride of eeeh
trogreer's lag was something tb•t note sago
wma1J mover fade from the memory of the
koboldmr. Verily, West Henn has its re
ward. • '\
THE eeteenlerl Hamilton Spo.rtator
is b.oiwg • time with itself over the fact
that • merrier* lie*.m under the Mowat
adwei.idralon ante $2, and s orwre•psd
tingly down in the mouth. We wellremem
her the time wheal a marries• hroi,.s in
pa ..4. •mgt 111%. 118, as emir, going to the
11111111111111, Yw•►,004 M seine tato the trweury
.( Qmiarplm, aced helping to build tip the
ll irtern*Lb 1MA(nos eurplu. of *beak
wm ee.la..uy *0.. ea winch shout f,em
*aria mihdelrta of ammo history '. h*a it
emit N he • Deems ..d that was t la time,
y;;,;M;�`; `T;„;Mw" ;�;ONTARIO LI4'JISA.IJ£0.
*bel. neatest oenibiaati01 who had • re-
d..miag •1.a1440atiw for leadership used
oto ow. Jeuc• l' 1.•A* PtTtxnsoat was
Thou Sir JON, halted,took a fresh grip of
the eit.•ttoa and reached for the sew lead
eel. Here was • man who wee at cress par.
parses with nobody. True. he hied ernes ria
said i■ the Ontario legislature that
" t kwngentes had bees • curse to IM
lsod and had also become • curse to
Canada,- but hadn't he squared that by
hie rooms pro.*irwoge address at the
Windsor dinner to illy I:eaeral l'As-
,.a.tI., of ',justice.
Hen was the man and the tame was pro
pltious t off with the toga of premiership
sad let the new ('e0A* be proclaimed. But
sir Jon,. stet with • set -back when he
least expected it, and io this wine : The
lion. Jul n - t'r-u: Parrett -is ie sucking
if oat • modest man. and when Ser Jolly ap-
proached him confidentially and told him
teat of all the menthes of the Cabinet he
w• tae only man who eras cut out for a
Use leder of men, he had to gasp until he
get his eeceud breath, aid then said that he.
fon he would agree to •.. ept a respoustbil
ity w great he would go up to West Huroe
and ask his friends about it, and If JuHs
Rrri int wad • few others whorl he named
were ready for the proposed scheme, he
would feel as 111:I.c •...nes did 0t Waterloo.
•' Is Sergent HE..i••y in the ranks •' said
and when the redoubtable
sergeant stepped forward two paces god
saluted the greet captain, W*IJJ+ioTo.'a
words were, " Let the battle begin."
It was to get the consent of the local Tory
junta to allow himself to be nominated for
the portion of i'rem er,that the Hon..lt Lit a
( rear recently made his burned '`Tinley
visit 1.. /:odetrich. And now we .an look
out for greet political developments atshort
Wine*, for the Hon. .11 i 11 v (" ism ..
Premier of the Dominion would be a politi-
cal star of great magnitude and a tiler of
whom his pike has been sem or
The curtain has been rung •li,wn up-
pon the Rrazilia. Yat Lo -drama.
Why doesn't -Poker Jon N.. stork a
character u 000rt • He needs use badly.
„ De Gang were downed last
week, audit was demonstrated that 'specu-
lative Potts ars sot hood epee.
The rake-off from the billiard hall
has ceased, but there a said to be a mine of
wealth untold in the poker chile up to
It wouldn't ire n had idea to change
the name of Si ,1011.-• little game from
" Fie ('opts on the Duke," to •' A Nickel
on the Mayor."
That yellow M turns spoke to the
mottled Tto11r0,N like a Dutch uncle the
other day. sad the retools] " Sir " had to
take the medicine straight.
The Canadian Cabinet is getting
almost cross-eyed " looking towards Wash-
Iagton,' to use HOD. WILLIAM
ALL's euphonious expression.
No matter who the prominent Tor
onto politician was who sicced "J. S." to
CH.rna*LAI., the per.o.ator's letter of in-
troduction, it was • SIIALI. piece of busi-
With the advent of a police magis-
agictrate will be brought about the cleaning up
of the town from • aet'al.taadpoiat some
Ohm that could Mb ho .appat.d under
Su TLaa'. regime,
That man Patents, who was the
means of wrongfully tending editor riots
to jail, should not be allowed to drop into
oblivion ce • superannuation. He ought to
be reckoned with.
A writ for *undue ham issue) against
Jona Hrrina, Mayor of Goderich, .t the
inseam of W. H. SM Int, w0te.rworke
enamor. The Maros Sal finding the
mayoralty • hod of rases these days
it is rumored that Sir .IonN THorP-
s.t• is going to take H.., Doosgrap Writ -
ono into the Cabaret TnoMPSON and
WAu-aca would make • worse osstbti.arioa
than the "black Towne" sad this "-yellow
Ws don't hear .o much about the
pohtioal chasers of • roan rasa named
W lawn Lan in Math Heron as we did
whoa it was thought this • straight Libor -
el ad • Liberal Patrol. were likely to be in
the field simian him.
The fight, of Tett $IrN'L against
}trn.ai s gaming hell sad the clans( up
of that " joint," which foe yeas pat had
been a mesas, to the morals of the yours.
men and boys of the town, re hailed with
pleasure by the respectable portion of the
Re w.m • amea050 Thomas -Md wee think
01.44'. StN.., 0111s Wald 1 ere rt.
asekaeige bee /My Old.
Pas erawurt.Ng.a, March 10 If any
person is this tsirhhorhood had &ay dooht•
as to the oratiee properties of It d's Kid
mgy fills, the ease of Mr. (' t W right, the
well karma botcher bare, ought to dispel
such double Mr. Wright was troubtd for
onion years wok • weer* psis in the hack
sad kidney dile.... He was relnetast to
see the pule het cess 110011 psreesdod to do
es. Today M r eared et hie tteetsle and is
loony amps, the praise of the remedy that
did se Ewab /.r bin 1)e44's Kidesy Pills
an masufeMtlyd by hr. L A.Awitb R t'a,
and see en1M b elf daalms, or well be Mail-
ed as t.ss* et -lIfty r0ew pie bee,
se rt liege j1p
Togoxm, March 10. -Mors was a busy
.Ly fu the Hums yestse!•y and *Wee i1a
portant 1asfa.ms was to issoed.
Mr. Barr Iltotarrin) mord the seesad
reading of his bill to reduce the uaaber of
county councillors. Ile thought tbathere
were too many members at present In the
eumo.y o,muucila which male the .uaset110
very expensive.
The bill passed Its aeoond reading,
Mr Waters nova the second reading of
his bill to give the comity ',enacils moth
p0*er in the Matter of remuriug
gone to the public highway.
Femme). March 13. -The Local Legis
tare net y.etenls., and, although it well
• short cluing..ouutetsble business was
'Jr. Weer* moved the second reading
of he bull Aur the preservation of life
uta property at railway cayenne, is cities,
towns and villages
Mr. .Waters moved for the discharge of
the boll trues the order paper He saki
that Mr. Meredith was right in ths.yew Le
ball expressed, because his ,Mr. Wates
bill dud ,wt propose to iutertere with the
mall -aid at all. H• did test care about
argntueuta that had been advanced respect -
lug the stat The question of the Dost d
granting ptoteotiut ought n..t to be con-
sidered w*eu the hoes and p,n'perty of the
people were at stake.
Topnm, larch 14. --The Speaker wok
the chair at 3 u clock.
Yr. Whitney resumed the debate on the
lotion to go into committee of supply.
beteg received on thong with a lipped
tin:t apple/aim.
Hon. fir. Hardy characterised Mr
11 bitaey's speech as d ecursire, and ae
leavgDome ing the nestion brfore the He tt
one ode,
Atter recess the debate on the budget wee
resumed, Messrs Cuu:uee, Mat t, -r. t'snip
Gil end Wood (Hastinb•.r cuntr,butiu1
T. •ao.m, March 11 --There wan a loos
session of the Legislature yesterday Sir.
ML:rter's bill brought about the first dish
.ton, re.ultih_ in it... defeat by a majority
A number of retiti,ite were Presented:
Hon. I:. 1W. truss n.nnied the debate on
lir. Minter's motion' to *b,..i1•4 the main
tcnat:ce of t iosennnent House. He re-
minded the upholders of the wotion that
the Premier of great Britain had a Gov-
ernment house In Itowptl¢ street. and
considered there wottld be no disdranttgpe
in following precedents that were strictly
British. Though t1e usefulness of the
establu4meut might pa.r*ibly be gaga
ironed, Government House added dignity,
and perhaps brightness and sweetness tt
the daily li*es.uf the people, In the same
ruse hon. members might ask the Goy-
rrument t, do away with the mace, the
coat of arms abort the Speaker'. Berk, the
Brinell deg was oven said by some to be
uunecoosery. They aright, in.leed, dia.
poise with Parliament buildings and. re
posing to primitive ways, have the pro
ceedings conducted iu the open air. with
the Speaker sitting on a •tnmp and (an-
teing himself with a maple leaf. But such
simplicity was hardly in agnomen with
the sentiment of the nineteenth century.
Mr. Master closed the debate with a
speech setting forth trio reasons for bring
ng in toe motion.
After the conaluston of Mr. Menet'.
speech the House divided on the amend
meat to the &ntendsneat, as moved by the
Attorney -General and seconded by Hoa
Mr. Hardy : That the following words be
added to the amendment: " That the
change proaosed is not intended to take
effect for three years or more that this
being the last session of the present Legis-
lature, there will be ample opportnnity
before the expiry of the term of Ili* Honor
the present lieutenant Governor for the
new Legislature to deal with the 'Ineatiun
SA it may coo.ider advisable, and that
nudes all the elrcntnstances it is nut
necessary, or desirable, to snake a definite
declaration of policy or intention on the
part of the !longest the present session."
on the vote being taken 50 member*
voted yea and 3'2 nay. Mr. McNanghtou,
Patron, and Mr. McCallum, Y P.A., voted
against the amendment.
Toaoxrn. Mar•h 16. -Yesterday the
question of payment of of icials of the (:oy-
ernment by teen came up in 11e Howe.
lire Meredith and Mr. Wood made able
%leeches attacking the system. The de-
bate was adjourned:
Thefollowing bills were red a third
time and paired :
No. 3 -Respecting the Railway Deben
tors Debt of the Township of Floss - -Mr.
No i-H.apectingthe itteeehwocd p'eme-
tary Company of the City of *thaws - Mr.
No. 17 -To confirm an agreement be
tenon the city of o ktawa and the r ktawa
City Pseseuger Railway Company and the
Ottawa Elected: Street Railway Company
(Limited} -Mr. Bronson.
Hon. Mr. Dryden resumed the debate on
the budget.
Mr. Wuud (Heating.) moved,
That all obi words In the motion atter
the word " that " be 'truck out and the
following be substituted.
lu the opinion of this Hones the present
mode of appointing and payiug by fees,
registrars of deeds and other county
officials is unsatisfactory and should be
changed. and that the appointment of all
the said officials whose salary or ranom
mandation u provided in whole or mainly
by tate localities for which they are ap-
pointed should not be vested in the Ez.cu•
live .,t the province, hnt in the people 04
the Ioriiiity either directly orthrougu their
municipal bodies
Toaotrm, March 17. -It was • busy day
for the Government)edenlay.
A deputation composed of the majority
of the senate of Toronto University waited
cps Sir Oliver Mowat and asked
for a grant for that University, staling
that Ila Sautes' were at • low ebb and it
w.inld be with difsculty maintained un-
less • grant were reeeived If the grant
were trot given ds fees would bare to be
Sir Oliver Mowat in reply said that al
though he and hie colleagues had the
introest of the University at heart th.re
nudd be no possibility of getting the
House to make the grant at present
Mr. Wood IRrant) moved the 'mond
mulling of hie bill to amend the Rued
companies' Art, providing f.or the commit
onion of lolls payabis 1.y persons residing
un toll nada. Tins wee agreed to and the
bill was sent to the Munieip.l Committee.
The report relat'.ng to the ragistr•tiou of
hirhe, marriage. anti deaths in the pro
vine* for 1134'2 was preened to the How
yesterday There was s total decreae• of
2,178 births, compared with 11891, an M-
enage of MN marriages, and an menses of
1,541 death. The total nutshell' of tllsgltl
mato births was 416, or 119 les than fa
1811 The deal ummtsr of wrvhV.s Ice
was 14,441 The oasber of
/M M 1M1 3111. 111 as sompared with 11, -
He Is Found Guilty of the harder of
Old Mau W Illtam,.
liseeella le Take r-1... .■ Jame 1
VI saber Aegalited, Net Will Me
41.14 t. Mama Trial for Um
Mwr4er of lir•. Kllsa
Boosrroa, March 10. -Whiten Walter
Mac VWhernll was found gnilty of the mer -
der of James Williams au.l soutanowl to be
hanged on Friday. Jaw 1. Walker wM
found not guilty and remanded to jail to
await his trial for the murder of Elias
Williams. at the fall assizes
Mr. Robinette'e addrtse to the jury in
Mac W h.riell's behalf. impressed upon teem
the importance of the case and assured
them Ilea he could point out weak sputa in
the cruwu'r caw" that sunt clear his dant
and prove to them, of not he inuocenoe, at
least that he was not guilty '1'be evidence
was purely circumstantial. They Led •
class of evident.* that was eclairs ut anent
--the evidence of ?reviucial and city police.
It was necessary that their testimony be
Its cross -tented the iurestigat.una ut
the Jetce(ives u havimp let to evidence
that was lno.mplete fwd crude.
Mr Robinette slyke fur over two hours
without niter' option and concluded with 1
an iml.nessi., appeal to the jury for a fair
consideration of the di tached clsin of cis
cumstantial evidence that was just coo
ued.'ted sufficiently to justify a week sus
Hr. McKay, on behalf of Walker, said
that he need not claim their attention for
any length of time. The crown mid that
they would produce evidence to show that
Gm prisoner Walker was in tb.o n.3ghbor•
hood of the Williams' home.
"L there one wiutl." said the euuiwl,
''one single word to .hoe it? No. -
o.". t►uly one wanes, hod directly Oonnect.J
MacWherrell with Walker ua 14e 'Thurs-
day night, and by two reliable witnesses
they proved an alibi and destroyed Con-
stable ('roes' evidence against Walker. If
they fund Mec4Wh.rre1 nut guilty, as he
thought they would, there was n.1 the
*lightest title of *ellen,* to show that
Walker had anything to du with the crime
Mr. Osier, in his address to the jars,
went carefully over the whole `rouud suit
connectd the elinin of evidence !ink by
link. He pointed out that it trade no alit
femme whether the minter was committed
on Thursday or Friday. It had been
proven that the rig was i* the pusessu,n
of the prisoner.. ManWherell hod
made • number of atatetf.enta Ihett
were it:consistent. \Walker had shown
by his etatementa to the newaba.y" that he
knew of the wurd.r and who did it. The
note sent by Walker to MacWherrea in
jail, asking him to tell the mine story, was
also s:gniftcaut. 11 the crime was roman.
ted en Friday, it would make the cap
much more serious for Walker. It wont,'
show that MacWherrell spied oat the work
on Thorsday an 1 retnrned on Friday with
Walker to help him do the drd,
Judge Fergmson's Charge.
Judge Ferguson's ddresa. width .sett
pied an hour and a half iu tui delivers,
covered every pint in the case and was
against both prisoners. The judge held
that the evidence tended to show that the
murder was (-nornitte•1 14. two m.ti.
Walker knew the locality, and two men
were seen driving in a rig from the dine
tion of the 1% illietn,, term at ro o'clock
Thursday night, that presumyWy the same
men were •teen and hJent!IIed as the
prisoners drirind along College street. To
ronto, and that the two appeared with the
horse in Danforth road, Scarboro'. The
fact that Walker had made iso attempt to
prove )tis whereabouts during Thoreday
afternoon and evening was another pre-
sumption of he guilt. In addition to this
Walker stated that he met llacWberrell
on Thursday night in F'itzgerald's hotel
and he mid that he had • horse to sell.
If Walker was not with MacWherrll that
afteruuun, how did they meet so readily
the seine night! In concluuiou, be told
the jury that i• was their duty to give the
prisoners the benefit of every doubt. Rat
while they were to give them fair play
they were to give them no more then fair
At the condo/non of thief Janice F'er
gouon's tedd►ees at 5.3* p m. the jsry ro
aired, and after an hoar and ten minntew
deliberation returned a verdict of guilty
against M*•Wherrell awl not guilty against
Walker. When Walker was taken beck
to jail under remand to the fall ••altar for
the minter of Mn. Williams, MacWberrell
was asked by his Lordship It be had any
thing essay why the'ntanos of the resort
should not be ponied upon him " yes,
your Honor.- replied Mae W herrell. •'1'm
rot saying this with the hope of gritting
out. i want to show these people that I'm
no coward " Hs then went into • careful
name of the cane and traced he actions
minutely from the time be left To:,mto for
the William.' homestead to obtain work
until he returned W Toronto. He spoke
for an hour and twenty minutes, and would
have eontinnnl speskl.g bat hie coon
sen told him to ere it short 11e prot.eted
MS fntuemee mud 0044: "i serer `was in -
Ma the Williams' booee, an help me 13.4
His more was wonderf,L Turning 10 the
Jury healed '11 •a an lnnrrent man ono+
you an the murderers of pscWberrell
He ecacl0d.d at 8.30 by regs•dtng his
Lordship not to deliver any sympathising
spe•eb, bot simply pass s.ntenea Hie
Lordship then sautaased hien to be hanged
on Friday, lane 1, to *Web MaeWherreil
rid, "Ail right, your lordship" Taming
to the ladles h0 do , many of whom
wen awdlhl 314.j. �rt.t M
sefel : �I tM1 iii w din
I'm iso a nrmti
Orr.wa, March I5. -The tiptoeing uf Pap
11•ment to slay was &needed by very largo
amebae of eighteens His •:aselleaoy
read the speech from the throw.
lu the *pooch tag Governor I)eoerol es-
pprtsr0d h(s s•ttsfarU.r t* at tenant the
IejfiaLtoru for the first time is an official
eapseily, and esprsrwl his woes of the
be.rttosa of the receptuuu accorded whim
as her Majesty's viceroy and represents
titre • reception which has ones move
manifested the loyalty. the cordiality. and
the public spirit of tm. Canadian people
Th. conrlu.t..n of the Retiring Mea .rbftrs
lleiu w.a w.ritiomed, and the hop's express
d that the Impanel Guverumrut would
obtain redress for those Canadian subjects
of her majesty, who were deprived of their
property. The speech protu:w a modem
of the Commie duties tato a view to newt
the changes which tune hes effected 1•
botsluw operations of alt kiwis thruuguut
the Dominion. It is out proposed. the
speech ears, -to change the priuetpl.. of
which the fixating .nactweuts on Meath -
)1110$ are based, ths aryeudrwuts which will
fes offered for the consideration of Parlua-
moot are designed to .ice}.11fy the opera
thou of th• tariff end to lesson, as far we
eau be done, conubeutly with these prize
cipl.s and with the requirements of the
treasury. th• impxdds which are tsow In
force. " tither measurer to fes latrodwsed
are for improving the laws regarding Do
Mower lands. the management of Donau
affairs, cite Fisheries, •e:d Jotut Stuck ('eta•
•ITTAWA. March 17. -The whole tints 011
the House yesterday was uet•upNed to the
deirte on the address. oir Jaime Grant
moved is adoption. He began by paying
a high tribute to the recently departed
Nnvernor-General, p. 14.g special attention
to the work that had been lou. by I a.1y
Stanley to elevate her as. He passed un
from this t.. •peak ut the pres.ut iucuw
butt of the office. to whom he paid high
eo.Ipluneot as specially fitted to fulfill the
duties .!evolving upon hitt, not anem by
natured, but also by teaa.n of his know,
ledge of Canada. gamed dunug his former
residence in the country. From the the
speaker pawed on to the present condition
of affairs iu Crusade contrasting it with
that which prevailed twenty years ago or
at the time of Confederation. He sp,ke
atm -ideally of the C. P. It se being the
great link which binds the Tarim', pro
'mem together, and in (his connection he
referred to luegres& development that has
taken Alare in the ocean 1raffi between
l'ana.la and foreign cuuutries, • tr■f1k
that h•• especial to see evert further de-
atter Mr. i.ot:zapelle had eseou•led the
motion. speaking in Freuch. Hon. Mr.
loonier at once began an attack on the
p.a•i:ey of the I io*entment in delaytttg the
opening tv ulrwhieh th�ngien Inthe spe.ch from the
throne. There was, he seta, evidently
reason for i!n, del.* yJ and tb:.t rotor:
. honl.l be given to the Itoaee. tine reariu
had Igen Oren in the press, which was
that the Goternmrht was waiting to ore
what tare legielatio:, would take 3.lr•,' iu
the Untied Mates ( .mgr... Thio, he be
Herod to be the real reason, giving as the
ground for lid. belief • quotation frees the
speech of the Prime Minister at the banquet
of the Toronto li..ard.of Trade lest Feb
rotary. Mr. Laurier treat cntt.•io.d the
met4.rin adopted In the commissioners in
taking evidence t:rouih..ut the cuuntn'
,gaSww w Ilbe lane, especially roil... .
t11g ohs hul4iug u( each meetsug. i,, .reset
He read tsawapapere lepton. oft 4e wwnag,
at M'atreal w referred t.. the •gd
as bong he Mos WOW* of (eeluig to. pnllur
pal... Hie chasm potato were a t., want
Ilia speech did not e,utaiu, tow•erst•e
which he drat took up the subject of tow
bibttluu •ompWulog that the report ,4
tleoumenieriva had trot bean glreu to tk.
Hoer. He Jwelt at seam length on the
aypsollon of a coulasaratclad treaty wall
France, clueing with • gametal arraoguwst,l
of the liuveruaenl pulley.
Mur John Thwupeoo replied to the lead.,
of 11s (rppud.iness. Ile quite agreed yolk
the .ulogtuwm that had beau prom, 1 opus
tete precut and former Governors I,eu
enl. H. also agreed vette what hat Leen
said regarding this t►ie05m achieved by
Oaaa.11aae at the Chicago M'.ir, but he said
that the suers.• had Late acherrd b) the
very clams ,,l perseua, the fasluer..,up
dairyweu, who wen represented by the
mutton se being tariff -burdened and us'
ono_ pour circumstances that they were
leavu,g ilia retlutry tm lards, nu Oberst lie
then wok tip the pant a• to Ina late day
at which the Hour had been called is
getber, awl rlafmsd ala In re:kitty it w..
out late when at is coumid.red that the
budget epoch will be reedy fur delft. -ria
belt Welcome; . tuorrure•r, the ti..teru.
mens hal I•n.turwr.t that the tariff • ,mid
be termed du lug Ihr recess, ai.d it sae
ubt tbuught p•rope: t., west the Home till
these wet. ready.
Biu K.rlurd .'arts,-i;i,t follow,(! :a0
l'remlirr He t..'.k tot gr..Il that elle
lee Mel..i"11 •as 11 tl. datl••11 ..1 the I*1.ttr4
kis law .•1 e'rtl:awrul.
Nr. Ulnar at • Ma.••et,
.e•n.x 4.lairil 1 Ituu. F:dwanl Leek;
rs.ionde l L. the 1.0.1 4.1 the "I read et
/tome and Abroad ,.t the St. I'rtri••l'e
Iloy h.ny,irt uY Thorodoy ,.i,tail Ile .'k4
that toe Irak ahead were loyalist, -•
'4 the countries • illi which they had .a4
their hot. Ireland was the Lolly land ea
*Lich the Irishmen hat hot attar n•..1 two
hlgb.-.t to rut lone. The • :uc.-rnuseot's .11..
Mar w working for lraiunt'a eau.r
petaled 4.11 the 401141.1 ity • t,Ir moo ail
,.rep the w.,rld. 111 dioren.i One. el ..ori
perish. The tome role ends, was n.•1•
tore -tilde from without. It roulc4 ,,f
perish at the hauls of its (retools.
11e tees Two N'1W..
M.,*Tn*AI., ejne., March IT. -ice the
Fupert»r Court Yesterday the de, tia„ge.
Society .•oulested the will .d the lap.
Henn' 1'.t:.pbell. 11r. t'ampbell left two
wills liy the first he ',,egsteatbed hast o•
his estate to leer isicia*)`t, awl by the mood
Her. John Nichols, pest.•r of St. Mari e
Pend ytruah .Lunch. was to receive Lai(
cf the seiety's *hare. It was etc.wh that
Mr. Campbell fed slot toad the second will
nor had the wltaees... It was 1:1 Mr.
Nechul+' handwriting, The second - '•JI
was declared moll *col void.
Mrs. 14eel{gmd'e *ata,
\far.:h 19'-T,e •sir. ,f ::.e
action brunght b; Mrs. Huji,mJ •►sanest sir
Francis Cook; the h0abuul of tennis
('lsffiei, ,Wer of Victoria Woodford. for
bre.wh of ptru:uise and smI ction ll:a 1 •.t,
hotan•iii the (',4011 of Garen s lieu. e,. �v
Praoeis manila his urinates but urtuo any
i,r.al.t,euf n.arriage -
A vele of good soft teal h•e hetet doom, r•
ed Dot far from Itat Portage, a-th• boun-
dary Ione and a .vntl►cate has been torc,etl
to work the deposit.
A Pretty Giove
is Perrin's Nett- Combination in Tan and
Mode Shades beautijiilly .blended with Gold,
White, Nile or Heliotrope facing, stitching
and large buttons to mulch. The- t¢d.rancl•
shipments of Pf rrin Frere's famous 't Bour-
bon," td Bretagne" and Chamois Mous; nelarrt
.ire to hand The former in loth Blacks and
Colors is positively the hest One Dollar(�lcr e
in Canada. Every pair guaranteed lir a guar-
antee which means something- Don't Mile Kid
Gloves without seeing our stock.
A Snap In Laces
This is to he a `f fes- Season" --so /he
Fashions decree. -
We fortunately secured last week 1
pieces of fine Oriental Lace in wide widths
usually retailed at from 25c. to 5 oc., which ay
will sell at 12 1-2c. and 15c.
Special values in Black Flouncing, Tzeo
Toned Irish Point, Torchon and Valenciennes
Laces ; also New Wave, Meander and Prin-
cess May Braids in the three popular width -1.
April Fashion Sheets free to Custom -1-c.
K. B. -Bear in mind our Dress Goods Department
offers greater inducements than any other in Goderich.
We've the Largest Selection,
We've the Best Valves.
atticauv owe WV:LP