HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-22, Page 1"THE SIGNAL" IS THE BEST. On 1101 -tau • Ya•g HI 4111911PIMIL • VOL. XLV I:10 nal THD raa.A.Earrce. NaWSP*.PER OF 1 t7P.ON OOt I1TTY. GODRRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, MARCH `*, 18$4. LOOK AT THE HATE -or -- YOUR LABEL TSZB W103111C. SEE THAT YOUR NAME 18 MARKED UP IN ADVANCE. D. M1ce LLICUDDY, I'KOPR THE PITH OF THE NEWS. Live llama from Etter/yet/MOM ref Lewes men rd •tire mem. wire weer •retail, remand seer Ise.. ales .r um" Owen e( rens tnsp..4aere. The Nova Scotia Legieatnre staude e4 I.:Meals mud 11 Cuuasrratives. The Populists of Diego', have nuuttnated Nathmulel Piero, furlioverror. The put weep Mae -been the worst of the fru tier failure in lluterral. An attempt will be lurk to grow South ern ex- sten al New il.veu, tetun. I1.epatebes fr.w across the line show a revival of industry in w vny branches Bralafurd's rate ot uwasrnent fur thill Teo has been finally lits.' .t 17 mill*. ,t shower of earth •roans tell from tee elnvts at Belleville T'ueeday night. 1he French 41.e -eminent sill greenest the duty on foreign wheat to nine trams. The Braliali army estimates fur tie eft ruin;; fiscal year scow an.increaee u( rIN. 1'v' The filet the,...pliieal funeral bete in - Near ere h.r teeter years took plate on Fn'le, t'e•.•r Flynn, collector of customs at Ne;etre Faits, uht , died nn N•eda..day Jere l.: - 1 h• Reichstag ham finally mend Hid ftq•n L.:i treaty. It gotta into uVt•ratlun un Ml.,r a .2.i fl.e •'mind 1:r.tsil b.Jget, it is end. mel pr -pee a c•otraaderabte incrseee in the B6ar.1 u( I:ducatien ttae 4...t' - t t•. ,•..ander the tees -teat of a new Heel Setmel. fhe peke of New Yurk have pnt a Wasp 1-- t,... nickel eu the *lot ANIMISM'S in screens a'.1 twitter *hoist I musty three prisoner" 'WWI Ven Dos. motel of complicity in there alt at 40%, Ria bare keen shag - Joueu Han, who mehts»d his tie do- ss -t.n 111 a nim about prevent', was bulged at K.•klen!, 111 , on Fridity. Fietep emu heirs been Lille.' and many nibs. ,njured by a mine explemi..0 In Eke- 1•rnt••tclattd Provence, Rumit Jot`u T. Ford. the veteran theatrical esne'iir died at hie residence en Haki- au,re. lid . un Weduea.tae morulae. K' t'. Frosbie, a son in law .1 Brigham Neel; and ones a well ke.own comedian, tan •i• • be el..• maniac to teetered Fuer th.•uaand cigar -makers of Illinois have protested against the profwe,.l in- t•t.n.e an the Vetted Stave tax 011 cigars.' A Pira paper .latex that the Prime of Wales wen £'+.0011 at Menet l erlu lad week and denate.l the whole emunnt to the *nor "f Monaco. Iter. J. Ili. 1MagLess, of Moos.auin, Las Wen choana by the Patrons of Indnatry of Fastens Aselaibur• 61 their candidate for ee'1etetteat Di.miun. elective. A teetonoan, acrd two piveugers wen belly awjared by a collision between an electric ear awd a railway train at 'Mein nu,. 'hit, on Thursday. Ti • .lapeneee Navel Department has derided to demand of the "text itiet an ape: p•namou of le.00t1,0010 yen for au as epee v( the naval forces s.•rw.ns pdttieal redia were narrowly Menet in Deaver. Cele es Thursday eight, 1 he militia were ordered vat and .ntceeeded iu maintaining order. l* the New York State Assembly on Feeley Representative Lawson sent in • Mitte prevent the display Mi foreign data t puleir buildings. 1t was referred to • cosit,.ttee, Derision was gives by Ike Judicial 1'oe meu.. .,1 the Privy Conseil on Friday in t',• \tiunipeg street rsllwry Pass. Th. .lan•nt t. favorable to the electric rail- way on all pointe, .trehbt.b.p Tribe has addreeeed • lengthy memorial to the Govt raor-liesersl- in Connell in answer to the Privet(Dared Cogatitaa'a report on the Northwest teHeol urdinsuce. Yew iettt.wick Leglratnre (Toned on Tenrelar Hot. KA. l'aoenell reigned both t, a number of the (ioverumeot and the H.en owing to disagreement wife CM G.'.rument's policy. Mrs. Waller U. 1)aktaan, of New York denehter of the late Senator Kneen look • ling. has giant (M Ulla► rabbet library nearly 1,000 volas... beangie, to her Mit..-y, private library. A bomb exploded ia abs Church of the MMI.Iite Paris on Thursday. One per s,.n was killed sod several others were in- jured Several peewee were arrested on ...minion of complicity in the onstage. Hrproaetteitive J.14. Lee has iDtrodseed a bill i• the Ustted ;tants Hot.e pnvid- in, that fevsagn drummers shall pry an "Hal tat of $1.990, and shall pay • fine not exondieg $3,000 for violation of the •P. .Inatiee of the Poem, Kimmel F Sather Sae l of Gravt+end, th. sonvielyd friend t'1 Ikea McKene, did not tern up to weer" sentence on Friday In Hnr.klyn, ame a bench warrant was issued for bis s'n.t. t1, K. F. Barns. Y. P for I I1oneester, N. who failed te secure the Lloutenant 1. •rnorrhlp of hie proving, hs been mete a Sonatrw, and a bywpelctn.n for the Henn of Commas wiU be held in liloa eater shortly. 'harem b.'taala, brother of Edouard 11e - tae•, tits military printer, and himself a Painter of hones and anl.al. and • man of mark..( latent, died .mideuly ri/ *em- ereeee ..f the longs Wed.seday Might at the Hotel Metropole, Paris. -Ie•ige l.eotabe of New York hes vane al -John Y. McK...'sN►� to the United l\1et.s Septa s Oowrt ThM do.. not Woe Ilia matetd maw bat of Mari Prison. it tlMely permits his attorneys to earry the appeal to the Deltd States Coact A number of libelops. prrraalsest elegy• lima ar et Mee Pr.eesatent Epee wirwh 1s is Deified wi11 sheen M o mer The jrrueeedings wt:l begs. play :n in et, Peal • Cathedral The hardy of Richard 4. 11.x1e was re sovervd trwns the lisvM,nl 'bore at PIy mouth, Pa, on Friday laoruwg, b.lug the fourth tains far (mud of the I:; plc time 11. was crated almost fat, rod ideutl/• cajun war only made by meets of hie; watch, to whish was engruesd 1. pi, Lure of O.ueral Licata. The Vahan 'tippet iu Veneer wads totally deetruvr.i . y tire uu Sunday, lite lona bring l.MsI,UUII. 1 he flame were diecuves. ed at l e. A) a inui the baggage depart. melat I1. the south end of the building rod ten, .hurler. of ea hour later the 1,4041- sulur mi., .-.Sty depot structure In the *est www i', rnlhr k.t 1'rnadeot Harrison copyrighted hos Lecture uii -t unsti:nm.ar and Law- with the p•ur..f usvieg it printed 'tie book tures f..r r, ..11.1 wLru h. le Sur al in Seimt r.. .2 o... r.<. fitly had reporters ex- ceeded a:..1 peewee' tie. papers a 1,4.0 wo,d .,, .a1. 1 toe paper bol a etew.grapb er serous -4i 111, Loam".-•. end a fol Nous! ..plus, ed heat mo.tamg. rod now the ex entail/eel r timothy at what he calls the WHY WIL_SON1D11:D• Lub.uigoia'. nesse*. .f I•eare \Area ete.rhed 11. Psatlaelh.a. 1 '•i tri.,w N, March 17 v-lts's,rta receival fruit a mnu,we.. ao«r Jam,wu ,tate that the Chartered t'om•wnr ua, leeruewl that Ktug le.beugula -snit three na»rmeneere 1.o 11.e per.' soot not by Maier Forbes on lis °emb.r 3. "thew giewa.,'er,veyel s se prent of flee/0 in gold ansa• verbal Iues•age, asking the patrol to stop as be Il bben;rnlal would surrender. TheeKinge messengers deelarr teat they handle the gold -t.. two men wearieg the uuiforiii if the !reverie' p oliee. which termed a rift of the rear enarJ. Frau the deli rit,ti of the men .n.pa,ton Feats ash tai.. u1 the Irwgper,. ihivi, end I,a:eteta. They have been arrested. Commirwne► J•mewn a.le+ that he will MI. to get further inform:ti in from the redeem in rgarl to the matter, ea np.n the herds of the Igen whn stole the 11,UU0 "este the morel guilt of the murder of the Wilson nN1 putty and . tltn* et. LegLutew n. Mem a.t.ra se tem as.a.rt. Mo+trvwtu{. March 19. -lodge lrm;nuele hes rendered an imp ortarit ju-Igusent in toe ease of rusher v Weleter Hy this armee the pia:r.tlff aske.l that bin wife be ordered to return to bis domicile, s.,-! in default of compliance .pith each order that site Ire tlepriv-ed of for matrimonial rights ur even imprisoned. An action (weepers- tion creeperston taken by the wife, and pendant' which the court allowed bar to lire with her daughter. having been abanden.,1 and dlemie•el, ibe hasbend summoned t,ie w'fe in writing t.. return to her home, am' bar (mine- te do so brought on the present action The court held that the wife had no legal cense of separation, was obligr<1 to return to her hnsbsnd, her truly recourse, if she had any canse of eo,n• plaint. being an action for seoaratlon. The wile M bound to hie with her bus band and to follow him wherever 1,e choose to siert bit domicile The de- fendant M. tk*refore, ordered to return to her heaband, and in doesn't of .o dothg webers 13 days all her rights by marriagge cintract will be forfeited, the Pond re- serving all other legal means that may hereafter be found nee.-sa.)ry. ■erglary at Kwrlb.gte., Heintroe, March le. -1 b 4atnrJay the res er,ce of )Zr. Joseph Wil.•on of Bur- , lingtun, was again broken into by bnrelars, this being the second time wathie three days. The robbers gained secede hy burst- ing open the kitchen door, using for that pnrpene a carpenter's teeming chisel and a lung flet steel rasp smashing the lock and belt to .... Mr. and Mre Wilson are an aged :r- tape.. bard of bearing, the old lady being almost *tone deaf. The only other nrrupent of the boas. wee • nephew of Mr. V' ileou's He was In the bedroom adjoining and was not awakened. The (fret Intimation the old gentlemen had of the maranders was in being eaddsaly ar.•nsed by tbe bursting in of the bedroom door Immediately a pair of strong arms grasped Lim around the neck and a volae threaten- ed w blow hie brains out 1f be made an outcry. He was choked and * man, knelt um his chest. The aid lady began to scream and was speedily silenced with a pilk.w. They ransacked the bedroom. obtaining tell In cash and a gnotity of jewelry Nlelde I* Tlvert... Tux euros, March 19. -A Pad tragedy was •eaetsd 1n this village o• Friday evma- Ing, when -Mr. Dea Manes e, a clan about 41 years d age, u.mtetd enfolds by brag - tug. Mat. McLeod* W gone to at/end Ezyer toasting. leaving her hsshamd 1a the bwith the etii'drsn. On bow return elle brand that he had gore out abort hal( at hoar beton, taking wit%him • rope the Mildest' had been payfag with. She and one of the cbiteree wear tut u. swab for him and found him banging by the rope free s hook in the w telala.d. The bey immediately ran for ardstans and the pollee and a crowd of ten were mon at the *Dene and th. carps was eat down. Artificial respiration wee tried, but It was Soo ate, the man being dead whets found A note, bidding good bye and saying he bed already lived too long, was found an h is poekM. It was so evidently a rase of lulleleetruetion that no Inquest as. con- siderednsesesery. - Prww.M 1n • CMM•.. Loewe. Marsh 17. --An maiden( ow horned eesIerdgy which resulted in the death of Gordon grereet, a little ewe of Mr. J. W. Fethenton. organist of the ( *wen's amuse ehereh. The twit townger children hem been laying for • few days at Yr. Dewsmp'*. to be not of the way of the �►1�sets� from which the eldest, ehi1J M IeB*rl . The little boy Oowdon, the eider at the twaa.usus Ped to lift the heavy lid of the cistern awl Tall in Tbongh In the water bet a few minaten, when he was fnuwd Me wee a ttinef Awl the neediest aid imtnedieto y ae.rmonett reaki not re arm Mea _ The Hag e9 QsisM Oawaestg Oa is peeper eseellabim fie W AwIIMiies mark.. OVER THE HURON TRACT. firm ;;ihis "`h` nt fur.t;,:.;mob:, being entirely destroyed by tire. The Itis will be law exceedingly heavy one. The est from th. Loosl NIEL l Stanley : The Moosejew Times thus al - ledge to a former Stanley boy : "Nell J. Gilmour has been eegaged es teacher of the AWeetl, aye.I el e.usty sews Mrv.4 Sturgeon River school, near halihonton, for sp is •a1s $verrb•dr rem amid the ensuing year." Morrie A sow belt eget" to George Keado.at has gives birth to 36 pigs inside of nee year sad (net very few uut of that large °gusher. Pork has been • valuable tarn, product for the poet few years. t'aborue John Cornish has disposed of 1;odench Tp. It is currently reported baa farm in the towoahip of Cations, being that W. 1). Connell, of the 9th drop., has tat 1, ('on b. lollop heir to the 40 ora uo the 11th too., Exeter t' bards, of li Piot, •hipped owned b W. 1). l'a°telon, who hes gone to take up lin residence with Mr. CeewlL Clinton : John Irwio, of Dscter, Ll.. -son of K. Irwin) is home on a vitt, accom- panied by hie wete and childrao ; "Jack" is • popular twenty conductor in the west, and states that times are yet very dull there. Mullett : Wm. :sell is name fifteen Lathe from seven ewe*, which are all a Parent Is A Currie, butcher, porches• rood ace, and from imported tree. end rd • dres.."i ting. 4 months old, that weigh- hace been droppe1 •fuer the n,.ddie of fen tee poettls, from Hem U.eksen, 1216 ruary. He has them ell gold et a good et o , Greyfigure. l'renbrook : A serious fire might have resulted on Monday of tnu week by a spark from the sow-n•J1 smoke stack lighting 0h the stables of kicltonald's houl There an itluevale Mr. anti Mrs. Miser and a largeesu Lnoticed.os burned ie the roof beforMisstt.e M.Mester went to Hamilton last week to firo attend the marriage of .1 J Messer to Mir Margaret Royer, of that city. E lvawan.sh . J. to ('tope*, of EA*t Wawasosh, has • calf which when two days old weighed 103 pwuuda. Has may person in thin neighborhood a bigger on.' K uevale: A. Bruce. of Bluevale, was called to Drays, in on Tuesday to attend the funeral int its sister, Mary Brines, who sud- tjenly paned away on Sunday, 4th. \,lleaaall Robert Carlisle, of the tuwn- . bi HAc, has sok' his tine 50 -acre farm, fewmieriy owned by Ibt.id lieitb, to Robert Jarrett, of near Mils Green, for • good puce. 'e wf•rth , 11r. 1'.mpbell• of this town, has rented his farm, nn the ninth con,- :no ret h►burn, to Richard Tasker of Hallett, for a term of 7`yaar., at an annual rental of $250. \\•Ingham The Wan.ham salt weeks, which were closed down for a abort umoter repairs, commenced operations lest week, and are ruooag at their full cepac,ty as wail. \\'Ingham Rev Mr. oo, father of our wwnsmao, H. F to preached very arc.ptal.ly in the Waughan Prshyterwh church. on Sunday last, both mornag and evening. Kippen : The sev<n-year-old toe of Mr. Sharp, of Kippen, met with • painful ac• c Jett • few days ago by fallitg while pay- ing ahaut the house, bre•kiog has leg above the knee. ' Exeter John 1'eenderb-ast hes rented his 100 acre firm, which as situated about a tote . Leh of Emoudvilte, to Mr Jaws Cernerno, for a tern of yews, at an annual rental of 1300. r.eat 1 upped ad It wavered Ices Users sertl.a. tea nue horse from hero on Mued•y : also • number from 11eua•11. %vrtch J..1 Sebluchtar left last 'rues - dee for Sehewung, Michigan, to attend the tuatral of hes son John. \\ totrbaat . Mayor Ilaona as having the ted I:tythah church pulled down and will erect loo hse resnleures oo the property this /fir Brussels A fine specimen of • deer's head is to he seen in the window ot Meg••. \I,Kay A l'o. The snood ma shot by f I.ml.ury, 4.1 Morrie Moms : Peter Roes, N. hell lot 13, coat 4, Morris. wit dispose of his hum stock, i.plemeou and household furniture on Wednesday, March 21st, being •boot to give up farming. Hensen 1. J. Sutherland has sold his 6ae driving blood mare to Mr. Sh.11aelew, C. S., recently of Staff*, and now of Mitchell, and is breaking to hu thorough bred Edinburgh Dolt. M, r. is On Thursday of last week, the bon• *1 Witham Marshall, 8th con , was a scene of soi.atioo,tbe nose beipg the mar- riage of his daughter, Mies Mary J., to Wm. , son of Wm. McColl. Zurich Mr. Bans. from ienedoo, Nuetb i1.kota, and Miss Lime Reabeene (rote the Brunson lin., Hay, were joined in the holy (soda of matrimony lest Toa.dsy. They will Ino• • to Dakota shortly. Brussel. Last Meoday night a lively m,Mkrat ran the gauntlet oo Torebsrry street, with three or four youths in hot pur- suit The Animal foiled a refuge under the sidew.lk et Aallaos & S'n*IL'. Beak. Tuckeresith : George Me:eslgte, wbo who has beta lively on I►avid Sprost's farm in Tuckersmith, has moved to his owe farm oa the 4th oosoessMm, L R S.,Tuck.remith, reoautly vacated by the tensie, George llahkirk. Brussels : Mrs. ianon and (amity mov- ed to Chatham this week. They bare re- sided in Brussels for over 17 pears. J. Me - Atter, of Morris, Its rested the Lenon, how, Millet, and will 14.00.e a resed.et of Ibis Iowa_ lY sghem : Rumor, jr., the property of T. Bell, of Wingless, aid J. Wilson, of Sea - forth, has been entered a the threeeeiswte cgs at the St. Thoss ewe.., which take place o. May 30 gad Jaw 1. The parse in this event is 6500. Ssslerth : Wm. McKay. berries" of Tomato, s former Reatortb boy sod breather of Dr. C. McKey, of the tows, adefeediag Walker, one of the *reseed i. the NNW hir- nl warder trial. sow in progress .t the Peel county .eras, R1yth Robert Symonds has geld Isis brick reeteleme ea Welliegtoe At., sad three los, to Geo. Stewart. for $700. This is • very Pis property and a good her. gain, We uedentasd it is Mr wart's latstlee to .ore his family to Rlytle. - Pater .ad Joh. Fowler, of the Natal. besedery, in three dam of ten hours seek of lest week eat, split and piled W eor'd. dlhard wood, sad if then are any fear men ea the hamsters eau heat this reseed them would like M bear from Lama. Heard! : R. Amok, of the fire at Me• A, their It Co., hookers, has reontly �gi�+�w R r tterasa, .t the Henget Photos 41Z ta. or,.tnet for the erection of • fes. large 1 rick dwelling no the let opposite the Prs- hwn aura, whit* he etreh..ed some Pm- ',retries gen free lir Elder. Kitten , Mho 6. Meade Hills, who is &needing the Toronto Cele of Mede, lees passed a very .1tss.nfal nralmiali.• is Harmony. mesiriag da.ty•He per reot sad Mathes the list el a arm elect The student of semeed senitLeito twelve per mese lower then Miss •seismal . We.reeld.wri that W. T. ets alt edea, • •..Yens oil W hes met wa1 . reo .......Ls. Mullett • An e.ent that has been Aimee pated for some time occurred a1 the rest dance of David Fergueou, 6th con , on Wert wedgy last, when his eldest daughter, Niles ,lane, was married to one of the enterprsieg farmers tit list Wawanosh, 'formerly of Mullett t W. 'r. Noble. ('raahrook - The Hsi mill closed down on T rseay al Inst week. The season's out - put hes been good, much better than last Tear, and it is expected that the farmers will get shout 912 per ton for their alar. Foreman Hudson hes hustled things a'ong and given goo." eati.t*ction. 1'ameron tiros. sre ready for the distribution of seed for the crop of 1894. Hill'. Green A pleasant event took place at the residence of Mn. Hugh Love, near the "heave, on Wedus.lay, the 14th int This was the marriage of her daugh ter, Mir Elirabc,h, to Peter Fisher, of tbe 2nd cos. of Stanley. The interesting cere- mony was performed by the Rev. S. Ache. eon, of Kipped. I::gmondrdle We have several people in this village whose pilgrimage hes been Moog in the world, but who 'vestal baleen.] hearty l'erhsps the moat active, mentally sad physically, eoosidenng her eighty-tiv, years, is Mrs. Jol.o I'eolayroo. Tibia old lady is es straight se an arrow and steps about with the activity of • girl. Sslorth : S.alorth seems to be the principal bores centre for tate county. The Ioodie" buyers are Messrs. John Mclean°, James Archileald, and Georve Turnbull The prices range (tom fifty to ninety dol an, and even at these figures the buten say there is very little money in them They go both to the old oountry and to the Tucker.mith : McKay Brother', of this township, the well-known i)urhatn cattle mon, recently disposed of • tine young bull calf, 11 month. old, to Reid Brothers, of Varna. This was • very fine Balt and was bred from 11. 1). Wilma's imported bull. The price paid for this calf was $100 and the Messrs. McKay think it was sold pretty cheaply. Winehan, : Harmon ltirtch, who left here over twelve years ago with his father, Wm. Birteb, and the other members es the family, returned to town last week and pur posit. remaining. Harmon was for seven years in the Dakota Black Hills sod then want to (hitago, when he has been ever since. Mr. and Mtn. Bench are now both dead, end the two daughters are ntarr.aad and layette in the state of Washington. Wineries : Some mine air, whoa Hon 1 l' Patterson, Minister of Militia, was u W Ingham, 1Gyor Hanna asked him to pre- sent the town with • aouvie of gasses to plea" on oar Wire park. The Misr day the Mayor revived eotificetioe teem 14r. Pat- terson that owe o•new had boss shipped from Quebec, to hi•.ddr.s, tor the town Sarreuuding towns can mew Sake • back seat. Mayor Hanna is Wing - hem shall be at the bead Pleeanio. ! LANES. TettaoaT, M. Weed bare swarming up this wreak. Y. Ferris, assessor for AskiMtl, itis labors this week. Yrs. Gamely, who has bees sick for some time, is dill very low. Plowing. though not general, was coat mewed by mem • week ago. Harry Rama, who left t'v part for t' • States east spring •pp•re.tly (Ingested wan this .ouetry nturaed •/un Nat week. Away. Wm. Ktekley left on Friday, 16 int, for Alb.rta,goaeg thither for the bene- fit cf his health. W. hope the trip will prove bem•6oia1. Horn --,Alex McLear, jr., who W spent the lest Mr er Ave years ie Code Sam's dosis, and latterly im N. W.T., released home this week with the iotaltfen of -'coot• lag leis lot" with the pimple et Osbrle. Rnuauers - Wm. Johnins Fa sag g.d fns the..mmer with • farmer Is the vinosity of %yield. We don't know bow the fur sex win mat Moo` when William Isves, but we suppose their la. will be the Hayfield girls' Leeman. A Waters ads "Early Chris WMity tai Sootamd" illustrate° by magi• le.terw views woo delivered by Rev. Mr. Anderson in the Presbyteries chorea here en Thursday eveaiy ifab inst. 1'noeeda went in aid of the Sabbath eeheol library. 1AT THE TOWN COUNCIL. The Minutia of least lEspetleir. After a steres tem$a•Falai sad lime tail •eetlea was Imo ll(wlee..at I. I ear. Sae ■rsebrre •dlearard le flair 1. lake I. Ibr Opera 6...r. Regular meeting of the town teatime held Friday evening, March Ibth. Paa•a.T.--The mayor is the chair, reeve deputy reeve, councillors Munster, Strachan Thomism), Nettie, Saunders, Smith, Sal - lows ,Yates, Wilson, Ileid and 1►uulop. The minutes of last nieetingwereread and approved. .1 commualcstioo was read from Capt. 11. Holmen, e.kiog for the use int the agricul twirl building for the purpose of holding a military bell in it some time in April or Msy The prayer of the communicatn,n was granted. A communication was real from J. Illevins, city clerk of Tomato, re altolitwu of tae exemption& un church property. Move.l by I'roudtuot and Strachan that the communication of the clerk of the city '.1 Tonontn lie referred to special ...mummer. 4*rrie.l. A number of woolens were referred to the tinance committee. , r,/teem ni ..% ZIT 1 vitt at 1Tr►_ t.t:.mi. ,,s.. Your committee bgl'it o 1,-"tamesol the purrh.ee 1.1 a new Pet of ,. ar..et sc.!ts, and that they be phased un- der cover. We find that loads are being w eighed on IJr P'est's leaks, and the rea- son given is that the parties doing so have not confidence in the present town scales. Also, that the marker clerk be instructed to cause all teems with wood, Ar,i offering for sale to drive on to the market proper. li, R. SA LI ed% -, chairman. Moved by Saunders and Murney that the market committee's report be referred beak for further Information in regard to present condition of seals end probable net of • new set and proper covering for same. ('a fried. Couo.illor Murney informal the council that W. T. Murney wished the town water put into his butcher shop Keenest grant ed. Moved by J'rondloot and Sallow. that the question of disposing of refuse and enforcing the Jaw be referred to the public works. committee. Carried: The council them adjourned. DUNGANNON. Tr Iowa March 20th. Nuri. it. The local agesey 1a I)uag•ni en for Tor *'w.•r u at the MSC* of 3. O. Ward, 3.1'.. eonveyaaoer, to., who wilt receive or• dere for *ubecrtptlo.s. advertising and J. b work. and Is •uihoratad to give receipts for amounts paid ter therm*. Kctlotgp.-Cee. Stubby, having leased tee farm of 6. Westbrook, during lest seek moved oo to it. Wo wish him .uises. in has new borne. Ki mot an. During lest week Wm. Henry with hs family removed to the premien; which he has leased from W n Fouler. We wish him sumer in his new home. \-ulnta- -M is Cored Goderich, is vis icing Tboe.Andersoo and family,of Ashfield .Gen. Welker, of Garret, was recently reaping relatives here sad renewiot former •cluaiotaoss. Levier, lilt FAR•. -Thos. Anderson. by reason of advancing in years and wtshing to retire from farming, hes leased his farm is his sow Rase and Edward. We wish them the best of emcee,. Rae r.er ARRtt 41 During last week an (ase•se in the family of D. Sproule, by the arrival of • young daughter. We congratu- late Mr. 1). ani Mrs. Sproule on the arnyal of the young daughter. leeciss T W A,.u.r.r A 1'r'TaNARIa3. The remains of the late ,les. Herron, an old pioneer of West Wawannah, were in- terred in I)un r0000 cemetery on Saturday the 17th, aged 97 years and 6 months. Solt. ret• 1)..lvha to.. A M•llough, of West Watt smash, one of onr progenitive young fernier., recently sold his driver, a fine youn¢elding, to Graham Bros., of ('leremont, for the handsome Pum d 9115. More success,„ w him. seatW. y11FR 15 E41XMl,-Os Sab- bath, the Air was redolent with the warbl- ing n( the feathery tube, .ed all nature seemed to parti. ipste in the enjoyment of rotenone spring weather, even the frogs ambled with their .apical mots. Moot .htr' isanTcya. - 1►ungennes Me 'haloes Institute Mad rending r+om will ere teem be is opsratioe. Books, periodicals etc.have been ordered. More anon about brains establishments Mites. Tbere is • sesmhership of upwards of one hundred to commence with. Mew e. CN • "NSI1abi Assess. Send 25 " ennlfr►t " Soap wrappers hearing 1►. weeds (" Why Dees • Wooer Look (7,4 Sootier Theo * Man ") M Lever Pres . I.N., 43 Seott .t Toronto, and )en will reclaim try past a pretty picture, free hem •avwtis1mg, .ad w5U worth framiag. This is sa easy way to decorate your hems The ssa[r is Ike beet in the market sod it we way ISM la ems. to mod is the testlmpsa. Y yes Ism the muds spa Write year mos estafsa,. ly tietwased was an old lied much reopened pluses of 1 olburna and \vest Wat#wush. She leaves behind her a la.ge circle of rola teres, tweeds and acquaintances to mourn her departure in l'olburee and West Wawa nosh townships. We rated our sympathy to them in their b.reaeemsat. W. F. Mestemeet At 411-IA1111. lin Thursday the 8th the ladies of lluugannnn h:nkme Auxdiary of \\'omen's Foreign kits sicn•ry Society held • meeting at Mrs. .1... eph Soothers. Maputo* ..f last neetag were read and approved. Mesdaraw I'atrbairn, press, M. Stothers, secy., .lardme, and Misses Margaret M.L'ough and Margaret McKay were appointed delr,tates to attend • meeting to be held at 1\'tughant on the 20th 1.1 March. Neat .0.1.04 to he held at Mrs. It Davidson's oo 'mooed Thursday to April. Boum Ie.. 1. REALTY. Onogannou, through the energy and excellent busmen tact of its pronunene chines, is steadily keeping pace with the rapid march of pan grecs. It mu now boast of four excellent stores, three ot which are fnnishedl with everything from a needle to an anchor, the fourth Item; a new gro.ery which wit. to attraction vac wash others In the same line in larger towns- Mrs \\.lson'a mafhn ery establ,ehmrnt Is such an point of neat nee., arrangement and excellent .lueltty of goods for the season, that It nbly re. 1u:rats to be seen to be admired and appreciated. At ewe Salsa -410 Tuesday, 1313. Inst, the aueuoe oak of farming implements and stork of (1. Westbrook, ot Ashfield, was held. l'omiderimg that the weather during the afternoon was very wet and wintry tbete was • large crowd present. The popular aucutweer, la.. Mdbugh, wielded the von• due's hammer in effective style .at tberehy realized goal pricer especially tar stock which were well sold. Almost every ar tichoffured forealo was sold at • good figure. Mr. Wstbrook having le•se.1 hu term to 1.. Sepnhy, has retired from farming and be end his family have taken up their rest i dance i0 the house recently enticed by Wm. Henry in ottr village. Nen Situ( r.. !hiring 1•.t week 5.1 ouwg, who has been for some time fitting up autl furnishing his suwe,00 the premiss formerly ' occupied by .1. Si Roberta, commenced -I busmen., and la now known as China Hail i and the Grocery Emporium. His *tock of china and crockery ware, as also groceries, I being so neatly and attractively arranged . mei being of the latest style manufactured, I and fresh goo.ls, that the store is the admin- i ation of .11 and sundry and u .suite a set ot[' to our progressive village. Mr. S., wbo is well known by the people of thin and air- rounding neighborhood to be of an obligailg, courteous and extremely polite dispaeities, cannot but command a good patronage to his lane. His many 1riso& wish him .etxles. HAWTHORNE BANK lvicexauA•,, Mar. 21. Mies Evelyn Finlay is visiting her sitter Mn. Long, of itenmtller. f:... Mr. Kenner nod alis Lilly Kenuer gave u• a very pleasant cell lest week. Miss Micila Reed, who has been visiting her sister, Mr..1. Bailie, near the Nile, has retuned home. .1..1. Allen, M1.11., of Sherbroohe, l,tue., who is visiting Isis parents at the Kale, spent last Sunday •t Hawthorne Rank. A football has been purchased by the pupils here. They have • very efficient teacher of (Atli energetic pastime in the person of 1:. !luruln. One of our most esteemed young m -m, W. H. Kickly left here for Inniap•.l, Al berts, last Friday, when he intends to re main for some time. He will he very much by the young people in this vicinity, end h. has our beat wasps for unlimited succem end prosperity. AMBERLY. Ti • RADA T, March 20. Miss Lexie McLean was the gust of the Miss Powell last week. Mas Sara I'ergusos, of Egypt, is recover. ing from her recent illness. Sucker fishing commenced already. Hoe e the fish in Mct:all'• creek, Welhe We aro having beautiful weather for this time of the year. Sprang has fairly ort an. We are pl•a•ed to learn that Mrs Archie Meclatyn ie recovering from her ill n.m*. Frank Kia*, of Lochalsh, and a number of others spent • very pleasant evening lately at Hugh McDonald's, of the lake shore. There was quite an interesting evening spent at Mr. Johnston's, of Amb•rley, oo Monday evening of last week, it being the celebration of lilies Lncye birthday Ah there Joe ' The Mises Boyd and iawreace,who were the gaits of Mrs ibeald Boyd and other relatives And friends,returtsed to their homes in I.00know os Saturday. Cheer up Sem tied Al...' They'll be hack again. Tag Sr Nel,ew Sits AUBURN. Mo.pay, Mar. 19. Mies L. Rowed is visiting at Bolton this week. John Nichnlana returned from Zurich Friday. W. Farrow returned home from college Saturday. Mies Tesk•y he the guest of Mss. It•ngh this week. .1 Yates, of Golench, esnd•yed with friend. bete". te. ldelwig and Spool are learning the dross-omaklu at Mies h: %tkins' Mien McMichael, of Sealorth, son a vis- iting tour to friends is and around Auburn. Nest Friday emote. a q•werl Derv,se will be held is the Methodist church. All are weh•wled. Yew K. A. fliaar wee the delegate appmnt ed by the Kpwtwth League to attewd the convention at loodon the week. The teem people of the I:pwnrth i.eague hold • very intereetiev unatieg nn T.readey weal last. The tame for IIs. evening, " The TAI. of 1t•t er," was taken by Miss Tnry Brown. Away.-I)uriag last week Time McKay, public shoot teweber, left hen for East %Arra, County of Oxford, to engage ia teaching school not for detest fro. Wood - . took. he bevies .scared • position there ter the r•emsinettr of 1894. We awderstend that sins the we year he has lem caber kis studies far first-elaee cord= W arp•nt. ltgtlr. -' to Thursday of last week Jobe tall and Mita Elisa E. 1►aekeld were united in the hoods of atrimnwy. May weer Want the Toeing maple in the atrirewiel mace. Both gh'ooe roil bride w of Welt Wawansh. . �Thursaday of labs week M i.. Matilda P1as t, est daughter of Joh. Plunkett, sad R. Mc - Rewrap, beth o11 Weed Wawwwosk, were axle one. We oen4rat.l.ta them sad wish them • happy anion. KxCHAnn• or PROP wars.- e. Roehe, baker. has ..eh.aged the promises whittle he pwtskne� fres 1. Revises, math aide n1 8eothamptes *teem mei opposite the pest alts, with Peter Hamlin for the premises on which he, Mr. Rorb, is wow o4rryisg ea babies) Me.. We pesw.e that Sam Rosh' has made a good e.ehs.R.. Wit learn that in order to equalise the rei.lev. vales et both premi.w, Mr. Haetlhi receives throe hundred detlala in the .trehaeg. from R Rene. Alterman Pewees Dwreenen Taira LAMA We meleed 1. Lgt wash's Mees of Twit Sal a a. the Hass--- of Yea Ross, of Walla 9F•wrimmh, es sit the talnm.sl e1 her re. MOM lo O.Mee atmakrrp es Friday. The THE FARMERS IN E`'N)X 1 --- WOOL Suron Institute Meets • Fine Latmrries a1 e • \awe bre .r t.seelleal tddresse• en eget rwll.ral sebfrre• -Tb G..d N.rk •1114. I..dllwle. A epeeist meeting of the West Huron Farmers l.atttute Win held herr today to receive delegates' reports from the 4'entral Farmers' lustltute, prestd,,t Bailie in the chair. A. Currie, of 'Naughton, .delegates gave Iia repst which was very full and in structiv,e. The nunutes.t Inst eineataug were reel and confirmed. • A. Currie then .poke on some methods of lessening tits etpmse• of fun, labor. h4 spoke un several methods of work which he followed to lessen l•L..r .Always use three horses to plow w!t'. whet •b'r. Ile cut, hay with straw cio ser to take up leas room. 11r as° cut pr.." wren atrew cutter to take up law room. 11, put a movable divider 11 bintier ea, could make round embers owhe i Weenie 5.,.. of l...l.as were very much eriticrred but others VIerethoughtvery practical, esprrully cutting peen when drawn rn. K. Meelillut, C,.nstance, optic.- nn " 1 Inc of the Best Method, to Pursue to make Farming Profitable ' He olat.n"-1 fanner. ghoul.( dnve around mora and visit each other, spec ally those who hail made • seg curs in some line of (arming. lie also said that stook we. not as grew( se it was ten or fifteen years ago because bulls were not kept teal they were med enough. He c%plainrd how 1n lay uu*atura 1+)0 acro fah to work tt to the Feat advantage. • l'ruf. 1Ran spike on "Tlte'..lfeat hairy - 1'ow." He start,.( with • few greeted ra• marks on derv•.o He claimed that the cause of the depra'*.un .n beef was.by other meta taking it• plebe, hat there would always b. • good deemed fur da.ry, pro- ducts. He then divided his address :ate four heals. How to know her, how to get her, how to treat her anti how to feed hoe. ile ciphered the form o! the twat dairy. cum•, het handlmj properties and other prints. He claimed It airis s Irat to raps • 0410. own cows than 1. buy them when it could be done. The .Lb1e str,uld ho clea- ed out twice a day And us. Iota of br :dins either sawdust or cut straw and put some lime in gutter to keep the stable sweet. Whitewash the stable and give the cow plenty of water and salt. The cow should always have .me ereen food sown at differ sot times during the spring anti summer. His ration was nage from 40 to 50 lin. per day with 2 es bran, 211s ground wheat, • Ib. (pea meal at each meal according to the taro of cow and her aMhry t , take m much. At the eren's/ asston Use meeting was enlivened throughout by music (rpm the choir, elan by instrumental music by Mr. Kinzer and easter, anal re':rtattons by Nis ('runtes And Miss I'cntland Toni Mc Lean l•,e a sola which was will reeelaed. The first speaker wws Prnt Ilea., •poke oo the "Itahc,ock Titer" In the ch.•e.e factory He •.pained eery fully the benefits derived! from its use All fac- tories which had put it In. found that the milk had improved It surpp'd patroas from tampering with milk. .las. •Snell spoke on "The World'. Fair." Mr. Mc. Millan spoke on terming as a profession. Hoo. .John Dryden who was to have been present, was unable to attend, owing to pressure of business is the Hntt.e. Atter seven) votes of thinks the meeting en.:ed by sing) lag • • (led,4avo the Queen." PORT ALBERT. Ti i.nty. Mar 20. Mrs. Jams Hawkins has gone to leap don. Adam Greene has returns.' from Sault Ste. Marie. George A. Greene, of Akron,l►hie,as visit- ing his w.t* •.d family here. Mr. sed Mn. David Johann will remove in the near future to 4.odericb township. Moss Mary Graham, of Cleveland, Is visit ing her brother, Kendall (rahani, and other •wades. The bisak at the flume which at one time was rumored would taus the mill to be idle for about ten months, is repaired, and the grist mill is is full operation •nee Friday ot last week. Time Were War C..-' da itself le the well -Informed, to do plw-etl• and N .. lssteally what was dei■ - the ifaa� worse sod disagreeablyas well To Plea.s the system and (wea■p .sN*, 6101111•60 and levers without nspleas ash slits• eases, s, w the d.eirletful Iw1ate teasti . iemedy, Byrom el Fir KINTAIL. Tcauay, Mar. 20. Wood bees rue quit• autogiros here at present. The weather keep* remarkably fine. And if i am any kind o/ a prognosticator Spring ie fast approaching As your humble scribe has not been out mach of late the ooesnluso.w are that sew. a .oarcer than hens' teeth Iawrene. Hay took en exeursinn Lately of twenty five first down by T. Styles mill anti did not get • hit hurt ny 4link a klis.s Floyd and (.•wreoce who have hent visiting in and around the village, retuned to their homes in I.ucknow oa Friday last. Arnagern.eta are being mete for another b.11 to take pas in our pillage hall Rawer Moeday mrht, whore • god time is entire paced MUNICIPAL OOUNCILS. l'D.M)a, r, (l*rlow. March 9th, 1841 Colborne council met es the wweshap hall. Members all presekt. Nieuwe of last meeting rear) and adopted. The follow ing accounts were passed : elates for hall, $11 : lar.ip for hall. !CO . alms st. pristine. 512.75: Star printing(. 912 50 :.ah.onptine M Meaiolp•1 Wnrld. g' Wteley Plotter, 2 sheep killed, 97 .l3 :.I .hs McNevaa, ear, of Mn. Itriadky, 918. The parities from Wire Allen and Mrs. Mimeo. to *hemge l41, et Lot No. 5, and Si of N 11 of lot No. from S S Net 2 to S S No. R, was grained. Abpourn.4 to meet nn /ata des, the 7th day of April .t 6 n'*iorb timarrer(ew's Inseam, by fire within the lase. 12 nowths will ant fall far .h -,rt of $20,000 A man not lar from irwg sots. who fere. 100 sores of land. mid from that farm est year 9M0 worth of better. met 96(10 worth of perk.