HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-15, Page 8r • e THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ON'F., THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 18$4. THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE LLIT*RWNSD IBS7. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. WNW. IP) ells NIIWOM DOLLAR$ se.000.000 elssT B. E WALXER, GENARAI. MANAGER. S1, '00.000. GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BASKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Familiar NOTES Diar�ouuTEQ ORAFTa MSSUEO PAYABLE AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES GREAT BRITAIN, FRAN.E, BERMUDA, as SAVIORS DANK DEPARTMENT. DEPOitTO OF SLOG AND UPWARDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLUMEJI INTEREST AGOa0 TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE ENO OP MAY ANO a^ loan IN EAOH YEAR. Epotlal Attoatlon given to th• - and Faineant' Solos Notos. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. FOREIGN NOTES- _ There •r v2,01,2 &tercel persons Lriue u, (•:rn:ant•. ' Cvery Boor; !'bolo Co*tic,en la bard to brute him -!.200. New 111.•x.c.. annua!:y sends cu: about $l, o0J,0o0 in bullion. forts :,ao n coaly one',..3 of the divcrccs granite' ,a all France. 1.sst year tLer; were to ..able 31a sui- cides earl '•:v attempts la Austr:s 13 is the lege: age for marriage for both n cu and women. The Erect ..Itchy school army of the, world nuetters 1i: aPr, x I.• Of divorced ca.iples iu t.cm.8.0y over 5t3 sir cent. have no. children. All marria,fesi i Eng:and mus: be celebrat e I befbre 3 o clank is the aftern-,on. • A 13 vwre:d giant in Au.rralia masters: 8 toot 3 ruches sod weighs 3J) Pitswda , The deepest• a.iaes is England are the llaakirk awlleries to Lancashire; 2.8`4 fe t Is air the ware to whirl) Britain has taken part she ass woe .i2 per.cent of the battles. Three -teethe of the miming, of • Edelen 1 eonvict are set astdc for Lis bcuctit uii re-,, le'eM. Acre:ding to She latest Rtifrah centres Ihere are 3otk. alettessss u. Britain and 36861 acture ' - e litre Anent desizns her own operatic dresses, which Cwt on au Lcerise from a IO i430- l.otraas fo: the t'hawse army are not ac- cepted valves t 7 rao-jump • ditch ret feet wide. The value of wood imported into the 1 Mural Kingdon last year is officially put At 1114,841,2x1. S'. Petersburg's population' is 1.000,00.). There ate 2,16. police, who in 1890 made J.002 art mho. A vein of mineral teat which resemb.e pure butter has been dtsco.tred by peat dig !sere in Ireland. The Cathedral of Uayen'e has in its pus 'aeNion the crtie.tix aura by ':Marie Stuart fat her etetution Germany pra:u.w more tint- than any ether country and exports between tr),000 *adi 00,000 -tots mituslly. • Mrs. Gladstone km juin peened her eighty int birthday, and her v:tatity is as wonder 1111 ss that of her husband. The avenge cost of Luildli. an English Ironclad is f`,'1) per ton : Vresdh, tiZr•i ; ltalia:i, '.i : t.ernraa, ?1300. .fin Eugliah lady cured berself of soar, narnhulum by sewing up her nightdress at the Ix.ttcm and at the sleeves. 'fhe am•.u'.t of gohl coin in acttlsdcirenta- tion ;n the sill is estimated by the hank of l.n.•land •.tl .tale to be about 86.3 tons. Th.- oldies: labor organtzatioe' in the world a said to be the fellowship of free porter of London. It dates from the thirteenth cen- tery-. There are two placer in London where clergymen can buy sermons printed. They aver ail *objects and cis be had for every aearnn. The Sultan ot Turkey has issued an trade uthorinng women doctors to practice in his dominions upon presenting their diplomas. An English lady has been the first to •tail hermit- of the privilege anti and hen begun to practice at t'oostanti- topic. s THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR C. R. SIIAKE & CO.'Y •ro sass lag a full reap not Lthes'FnrCapes 1 IN WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA- CHAN and 'POSSUM. GENTS' FURNISHINGSI Pall 11aie i■ every Department. ar('all and examine *roods and price*. D. B. UM N Co., McLear: Black. Dor. Square and Montreal at. SPRING ANNOUNCEENT! 1 take pleawtre-itr tendering my -sincere thank, to the public fortbe detect which has attended my business during the Fall Trade, Anil in order t , retain my reputation of being one of the cheapest ,.tones in town I am now I're red to offer some of the most stupendous bargains that have been offered in G. 'ch. - sell for ('ash. Ose t will rrOsitively b. Parma, so please don't Ask far tt. Tills et les rue to sell at the lowest living print. We try to oid ail cheap trash. Des MICAS We invite you inspect ..ur Dress Goods and Trimming in Styles, qual- ity and Pries. We . o not wiah to quote prides for the benefit of otter iner- obants. We prefer to git our customers the benefit. Call and get prices. Extra value in Black a . \burning Goals. OZILLI tZ3— We ir.vite every Lely to land see our Fstlicu CH+LLIEs and inspect quality and different designs. a have'trietl to avoid getting too many of the same patterns. We are satis 1 they are goal value. PSZIATs All out Prints ;are now in stock. which include the best WIDE CLOTH. We have had most of our Prints tested in washing and find them Fan Col. - oat:. All prices. Every yard this Spring's Goals. We have a line of Swiss Embroideries, 41 yards in each. length, CngAP. Cotton Embroidery in great aalue. - oorroxs— Bleache.l a,..1 Unbleached in this department. We have great value. We would have you compare fret• cc asp CIU ILII a' wale other stores. It will pay you to see for yourself. ?L sLzTTa5-- We down them all in the -e Good . Sheeting*, Pillow Cotton, Tlckings, Towelling, Table Linens, Table Napkin;, Butcher's Linen, Table Oil Cloth, Holland, Canvas. &c., in!great value. LLCM 0031TALNE-- Itefo-e v. a stake your selection for Spring take a l..ok at our Stock. NO LAST YEARS GOODS. We are selling a Curtain for 3:a. per pair. The same style of Curtain is .el - ling in town for 50c. 1 Bir $1.50 line we will put along aide of any 52.00 Curtain in the County. Our better lines equally as cheap. Price our Art Muslin, Spot Muslin, Curtain Net, :Ice. OOT'lltADs— We have secured a bargain in this line. We intend to let you have the benefit of that bargain. inspect QUALITY and Puma. You will Rate atone) by doing no. Tw><31De -- We wish to draw your attention to n line at :'tic. per yard, which wo think will pother most boys to wear out. Take a look at our ether Tweeds, that is if you want to save money. VPATZILPIKOIP COATI -- 1Ladte•a and (,enta ('oat, in all prices. SEESTneto$— Artie we indite %Ou to insists t Lir%LITT acrd PP.UCE+. O�FOaAM$ -- We have a Ane range of U R {hams, all fast (.'olora We ask you to t-ompare Price . W. wii1 not 1,e un.leisold by any Store in the Trrde. JAMES ROBINSON. QUI $?0311, - 3O*D43r'$ M.00Z. BOOK STORE. D. B. CALBICK 1.1%, v.YrTlttti,. To -0. ASOCT WALL PAPERS 1 hate just received a ot Specialties is AM I:RICAX WALL the product of Sixteen Fact My goods are all the Frees are away duvet. tewI Alis BEE. large shipment PAPERS. oriee. Latest, sad the D. B. CALBICH. west side Nem% office R. P. Wilkinson's accounts are in my hands for collec- tion, and any that are not paid to me this month will be sued. This is th! last notice. THOS GUNDRY, AITZTIONEZE, Croblis Block, 4 roderich. CHALLIES FR0MFRANcE "C77_ ACI-2ESO T ' SON_ X x a a x x Our import of Challies we open first lot To -day. The de- signs never before so neat- The Colors are beauti- ful and new. Choice larger thsn ever. We invite early inspection u no number can be re- placed. ATew French Dress Goods and Suitings, Black Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges and Fancy Effects OPENED THIS WEEK. INSP CTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON. (;LOSE I1MES EASY PRICES. Now that there is a lull in business, it is the time to have your Watch, Clock, Jewellery, Silver- ware or Optical Goods Repaired ALL WORK C#UARANTEEr). WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GOODS IN OUR TRADE. 0. £ HUMBER & SON. . JEWELLERY a:wr.Elre. ink **SASS. 'Ir,TiON T)l2l'ti STORE. x' , Codi HGUs_ SQJere GUDERICH. Diamond and Taraee !)len All tb• New tis: ss. Baulk Assieriesui Nerve*. Wilson drab P Us. A aploo• d rd' MHO Radar alta tiring Nest. co. T.Iiproao LL BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL, . $12,000,000. REST, - - - E,000,000, A Saving Defiarlmenr has beer. opened in con. 'maim with this branch. Ir.lerest allowed at errant rates. H. L OCKWOOD, Manager Gaderich Bram* DRESS GOODS AT COST & UNDER COST. NOTE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS 30 Cents for 30 50 " 2:, 43 - et 30 40 • 29 33 • 20 :i0 • 20 2:4 Cents for 19 2•; Is 22 " - l.; 20 12!. 10 • 1:. 9 s 7'. R01tEI I I)111:et.Es. 11+.00 Dress for $5.00 6.50 " 3.50 6.00 :x.00 5.75 • 2.9u The above are all good soend Goods and good Color., nn.l what are above 9 cents are all wool. Thee (tools must be cleared out and they are deci.le.l Bargainli. NEW ZPRING GOODS NOW IN STOCK. In Prints, Challies, Delaines, Delainettes and Dress Goods. A splendid assortment of Irish Guipure Laces in Cream, Two Tone and Beige for dress trimming, all new and at astonishingly Low Prices. Best Corticellie Silk Spools in Black and Colors, 6 *Eats each. Herr's best 6 cord Spools, Black and Colors, 4 for 10 en's or 3 cents each. Subscribe for "The Signal" for 1894. Only $1.00 a year, in advance. Send it to you friends. We invite you to our OPENING THURSDAY, MARCH 15th We have purchased the Boot and Shoe Stock of FOWLER & CO. at a very low rate on the $, and we have added to the stock 35 CASES OF GOODS, Ponsizting of Ladies, Misses' and Children's Fine Dongoiaar 1 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Oxfords. Ladies' and Misses Heavy Goods. Men's, Boys' and Youths', in all weights antualities. We can give you Goods u Low Priced u you wish,—from 50c. per pair, but our specialty is FINE GOODS, made by such well known and reliable makers as J. D. King & Co., Geo. T. Slater & Sons, J. McPherson & Co. We Buy all our Goods for Cash, THUS ENABLING US TO GET CLOSER PRICES, and We Sell all our Goods for Cash, THUS ENABLING US TO SELL CHEAPER, as we do not have to make our good Customers pay our bad Customers' debts. WESEW I GIVE YOU LACES PUT ON PATENT RIPS FRE E BUTTON FASTENERS I. B. POLLOCK, Fowler's Old Stand, Goderiabe LOOK into oar Carpet Rootn wit t- t, a1ms eslyOM that at our Sto-1• L tl 'bultMft .ptttee_r . Carpets. Fine Carpets usually mean fun v price.. With u•+ it is different \C• have The Best goods lstoaishingly Low Prices. C(rpeta dolt gilt front ua Blade agst • laid on short notice. We Blake a speci- alty of making and laying Carpets. Der .Pas. tiff ■'1 Meawl r Price, sI M7 Coeds Purvis.... COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet lend Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. Having lately returned from A trip to the leading Millinery Market where I have been parohasing a stork of all that is new awl artistic in th Millinery Line for this Season's Trade, 1 am now prepared to sbww you tit very s. Latest Styles in Shapes and Trimmings. A CALL IS KESPF.CTIFULLY SOLICITED. 11388 CAMERON. Fac Simile Label of the Famous MUNGO CIGAR. S.Dwvls s Sols• k Ul4G0.3 • RainieweislitleS 141111111 •