HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-15, Page 5T111JVST ut1I1lPL! As ‘"ti WHY YOU SHOULD DEAL AT F EA R'S. we alwala make It as oaeeel to you. !Ie. ghat we have fur you this week in the Ilse of DiRESSING COMB$. I ewe otter roe the best value you were e. er offered. -1.1 Our ie. Hen Comb. Our Ili Hers Comb. Our ls. Meek Uremia/ Comb. Our lea. Black '• Ales sur tic. Teeth Brushes. oar Combs are Jest as ebesp as our !baps. it etch our II:SPLAY WINDOW. S•1R'f PH N o inn r .leepless niollits from that 11ix- 1ressing cough. 4'1UEttRY PULM(►N 1(' Gives iustsat raid in the worst eases. Try a bottle anJ • '1►tisfy yourself that tt,is 1s s0. I'repareal only by J. E. DAVIS, Pitta. B, Medial HalL Animal* Ter Sale. Dltifi,IfOR SALE. -THE SUItSCRiB- escalm ler sale • number of lames lm 'wed Y•eWte swiss of both sexes. et namable Woes. JOHNTiFFIN. rile P.O. TIM People's Column. VIDEO'S PLANING MILL.- 11 SASR OR DOFACTORY.- EAR 0. T. BY. STATION. - SIM HRUNMWiCE E� vCAR SHINGLES kora; 112.39,rs T,>d, cleans, NAL sod elms musses. tar. Eters Ns. 1. ALIO Claus cat. Wavy shiegte. FLOORiI(O ago SIDING. pe.M poem. IOJRl� SA811 ANDBLiNI1P, Mtefy low. STAPLE ate BEILCH FLOORINO. kUa dried. DRY HEMLOCK. terMsdi,ge. LATH PiCE- NTn. o*yr 1, eta, leg. -- DRAIN TILE- FIRS BRICK. et is JIM11ZPH KIDD. ilwe and 11Y111sa1•N. ti B11FLO1111. CONVEYANCING AND essa.ltils•setaew eine, eepeeitoPesstia\s e.esl i4oNNY�Tro LEND ON MORTGAGE • O EIIHC. odM s, •,elts Meetim'. Heeaa. omit. Notes Q.derick - 1LIONEY TO LOAN. - $21,1100.00 = 14hste Heads to lead ate) pr cwt. 05- tomb. LOrTL'S R. DANCEY. N.rts.'u bleak. re eel 4 (blbere. Il.e.i. 0.i lis. Mat F?� T.NNArrKL_P ns, LFI :llD gas Ode►-O.r• 11ee14w1.2.00 steel eleoma, eM - M 000 TO LOLL arm TO v°Immo* saw a 1M.1f1 at its. vJr MONET TO Linn. -A L • R O I ulawsweeost rates t et heftfes levestemet ter/ARROW •rid) R•DoLim, anima III - waw. Real 'Maas and Mems, ( es.lsg ) a w..sd eat*.p,,, t•.es. at the lowestr to at isterI 5a hats deer le vest ilia itrreww. Obi►- sea Ilk ham Square, Wee soleal Oede- 8p•slal Mattes.. NEW CHOPPING KILL. - 1 am Pei e.M a d.n0 Mars of Vas �y . p,fi.s�g ss esteem better better MI le swains Li.5 hs.rhave tthee latest .ed bee Ilmpwved -visesabe. Ito relay la wake your .`w hems web Yea. Mak •1 tf leremmkaet ("ODIRIOH FOUNDRY AND Y ri M•l7emtxIE wsz..T•Las t Gnaws. lie Valierw4ITZ. iikeraid4= =1=1 alitir Area mat dada usellere.. t. iltUEONIAL TILE SIGNAL : GODEIUCII, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1 . WAR IN PRICES ! CUTTINU PKICIi 4 BERMS TO RE THE ORDER OF THE DAY IN THE DRY GOODS DUNI NIBS. Our 01111toniers may depend tau the Priced Oar SPfIl4C CO( ►1►, which we are Ileo rsceR Rug, to be the Io n e It of any store in town. Look out for Pri.e List when our Spring Stock is complete. Hest (..rtwoelli Spat Silk, 5.•. ea. b. or title. per Got. Ilett _OO yard 1i cord Cotton Thrulil, ''c. per spool, or 5 spools for Itl.•. We are always pleased to. .how goods. I tispection ins ited. JAMES A. REIp. >r.tek y, iwttlt.d.rtea. 11$IAxxA L. SIiAW,��'f�• *CHER Www ai defier oma et OW yrsaeler, 6~ I- Otf'et:Utg. (IRA/ASO-To ItKNT FOIL ORA/ Vi MI - load known as R.g Meaduw.ealt- ford. from May let to No•e0.ber 1M. leer par velars address It. YOUNO,Itidgewooi nom Property for Rale or tor Rent. FH('1T "'Alt II FOR BALK. A4 .RI.". «a elle trent (•oars House. tioder.cb, iO woes $natmer-falbwed 7 aerie strawbbe•rries d reside/nes.ta nes. flood water d buildings. Om For particulars emit to P.O. bek a 4 kt0 .dch. ITAND FUR SALE IN ALGOMA. - - J:set acres In the Township of Spesgy0, beaded onthe eolith and Kest for nearly two miles by toe Serpent llsy and ?Serpent enter. A05.t .00 KM goof) annelid soil. the nest meetly reek in the Uosirved Mineral District. About :#) acro, i feared and heeded down . re sslnder of the good land vcry .ashy cleared .ad freed of stumps. Grow, good crops of hay. eats. potatoes. ke. Good pasrtite, excite ire of the cleared land. for a hundred cattle. Good markets forsu ktsds of prod uce. Frame bouss, barn. stable. Thp C. P. R. crosses the 1.sd. and any otter r. war to the Soo .01 also cress it for 1: miles. Will be sold erase. Apply to 1. WILL11M8, Ooderka P.O. S:, N VALUABLE FAItith AND TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALleretIENT. Lot / in the lint c. Mire Mip. county of Iluro4 thederkh, esssisting of 110 sere, more or Hero 491 10, nearly new. geed orchard choice frill. well watered w1.h wrist creek. as mustiest graxing farm. es. be bought es easy term.. Apply to JoliN KNON. Auctioneer. l to the fetches fret.. . To 0S tpe lake r l\-seten dfv[Npe, Towtsbipp «Cut ty of Huron. 3 miles from GGoderieh IN scree. lataa b..r tyre. Ked 1 .tory hlgh, nearly new and of choice fruit. can be Warta on easy Used terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auction er. Beek A and D Lake maga is the township of Colborne. consisting of Ile serve time or Ices. There are oo the premises • frame house. frame barn sad gond staMtes. About sires yousgxehard of choice fruit. About 0. acres of bush. The farm is ooa.ideered • fine flus gnz:.g farm. The feria can be divided to suit parchment and boarrbt•on easy terms. Apply to JOIN KNOX. House and lot in the town of C U.toe,-Lot 11. Mary -sI.. opposite tne old woolen mIU. oom- prislft frame Louse If story high. t reeea& stone lewnda[teo with hood Diller W wed ld state of repair. Apply to JOHN KNOX. S►lf. Aaellesser. pOR SALE -N. j LOT 31,111111)0021- 1: oeselen, Bast Ws�w�,aseline . 1Ny�amps , 'Rlm ' a • M k. Anti 0111 /WIMP MP MOLT.. Ott 100 ACRE TARN FOR BALL -THE eld beeaawaad of the late Jaws Cams - day, at the township d East Wawsaosh. be leg lass half of Mt i1, ooseseaes 1. on the Meal reed that bode froth Oederich to Wing - hem. It le sheeted about se reds from Aub- Orn, • tsrivies rinses with torr churches and • se hur.l wear at assn. • aomp•rativsly new frame how with seven lanes new and oeUar with eller can ve.io.oso, sod and beak bare sed •beat Sin hone baar'ag fruit trees are on Abner In Gann *ILI:a. Farther from AT Ambers LUSO The the LIOR BALE AT • BARGAIN. -THAT A.•eoesesdlens bledldtsg os Kleare.., Baas gat yreseed. .0. esW Rt[ ~ NORTH -WEST -LANDS FOR BALE. ,A/��ryryl/1,� ACRES OF VALUABLE U "4I.eproved and wa►mproved rem Made at distances raring' team 1 to 11 miles from Qo'Aprelle fStatios, N. W. T.. tor mak very cheap. No better Nada for mixed tami- ng ars to be totted 15 Ca0al•. Der fall particulars ugly 10 A. D. DICKSON, liaerieter. 401-tt Qa ApM(b- Nonce SO Creditors. - N OTIC' TO CREDITOR& fa Ike Mailer of Ilefwwe & Co.. of la, Tor. Ymfu.4l s 4h,('a/a . of Hem.. Merree/Claire le hereby efts. that the above sawed !resit este have ends M airesseeel .4 their Me Air She home et their creditors to tea ted that . seeso.e of the amid will h. held .t the "poen.': He'el. at 1t relook .as e. Toeed.7. t5 • fhb Ili:F et Matta. MMt to ameba tepee sr. and trees rot verb ether Mist em se mal h • ease sed Oen the aseerdg.ed '.11 then preened to dlearlbste toe .eats w the ittwf v0.s• hart." mined only a , ne ewes et whisk he Mall have tenor. Oredltare are reowted to Ole their amts. b�w..i,tghr �tthe Aeifir y.eew vers•.d by .dda.lt. es r JORN 8. I -Kr e�NZ1,.LML 1VEY, wss�me. THO AGR TI.Et1• bf YsseeeR" BWek.1s Aelgw. s. (Mated .t 7L 155h* Dwelt Ilmeb. rL L N ynt to Wats& WANTED. •unit to sell ear ~es eam1 hasty sleek iNar tip Wry or eeeamrMw. W e m glr. gar r• tea privilege e/ selling ger n ew and shadrs ~Wee el sled p,y*sl. Seem the eseery at oma whirls will hand e swly yea as sew it the new to esti Opera pleat ion. • �lws a r. 0. MCAT COM I'AN Y Nursery e iM- - 0.M. Y. . et Odes geed pW- '` Alt W A N T E D rig t rwltmiotu T ear se • ere the KNOWLEDGE Brimge dmtf.•rt and improvement ..:4 tends to purwulal enjoyment a Len rightly use& The many, who live but- te r tis:.., • c Lore and en joy life more. with Ices •xpwa.•hturer by more promptly s.laptiug the wurld s boat products bn the heeds of pl,y'eical b-•ing, will attest the y..is to Leith <f ti,o pure l.iyuid laxative principles einitatud in fisc remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to Its presenting in the form mat accept/We and pleas- ant to tate taste, the refreshing and truly benrficuJ properties of • perfect Lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling Gelds, beed.chua and friers and )*rtom.eutly curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met aitk the appn,v:d of the medical profession, because it acts tett the Rid- s„ Liver and Bowels without weak- ening theta and it is perfectly free from es try object pitiable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gist. in 75e. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the Calif.Fig bp-np C... only, whose name is printed on every p eckage, also the name. Syrup of Figs. and being well informed, yon win tad accent any substitute if offered. _ Moabite Notices. NOTICE Les HEREII\ 1.1% EN THAI' after this dare 1 will as be res000lhle der any debts r.mtrscted by any wife. Mn. John Miela.ae. or by any other person. nnlew accent pan[e11 by • wiltten order from ma JOHN M.1.KIN. Ooder,oh. Marra 1 wh. lien 5,:-1/ Animal for 8aaw _ rj.\clt THORot'TJRi3RED SHORT 1 HMI BULL"' MR 8 ALE -One IS semi he said use It mw,hs old. Color red. Suitable far any held. \Fill besoM reasnn•hl. Write or arid,psraneally to ISAAC SALKELD. liodar.5. 1'. U.. or Walaat Ferns. Ndrfch Township, B. blade SkeDa.-iJUST R>cRtVcn • large stork of Corer and Timothy seed. she field and garden teed.. wbteh 1 will WI at the asset to amenable pries at my warehouse commix Hamilton and Cle:ria-M. Before oneshftelles elsewhere give me • r'dl.t S. - Sewing Chapter. THE SEWINGCHAPTER OF ST. Aesrgei Oalld 'Ul meet for work in the Scheid Renin every Monday at 1:50 r.w. Orders for plain treeing ead children's clothier receival br Mrs. Messer. president of the Chapter. or by Mrs. Turnbull. at the Roomy. 54-tf Legal Bales. 1I 1)1CiAL SALE OF \;ALI-Ai1LE • FARM. It c W IIJ.ON, McKEI$%LC ea. M. DONALD. Pnr.uant to the judgment of the High Peart of Justice herein. 1 will offer for sale at Mar- tial' Hotel. in tete Town 01 (ioderteb. on Saturday, the 24th Clay of March, A.D. 1494, at twelve o'clock. poen. the following pro tarty .North halt of Lot 43, in the '.tis Conte► elan of the Towosnip of Oode ich, is the comity of Huron. oonteinIng forty aloes. Afloat thirty acnes are cleared. well reseed. and in • fair state of anitlr sioo. There is a frame houme about lien. one and a belt stor- ies high. with frame trachea attached : a frame barn. 11x11, and • milk borne. This property Is situated about ten miles from (:oderlcb. and about one mile Crow Porter's 14111, in • goat agricultural district. TERMS OF BADE Tea per cent. down on the day of isle to the Vendor or his Solicitor : the balance to be paid tato Coon within thirty days ther.itter. The other coaditlone will be similar to the stead- ies coadntoas of this Court. For teethe particulars apply to the uader- Armed sad K 1'. Hays. Require, of Oodericb. Dated at Gad file Sib day of Marek, A.D. 1504. S. 1e A I.CONSON, Mgaer at Ooderlob. °ARROW it PRO(; DFOOT, Plaintiff", Sollclters. ft 1441 x Here's a Pointer When you ask for a 5 cent plug xo cent plug 2ocent plug OP THE POPULAR DERBY PLUG "Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce yon to bay any other in order that he may make a larger profit. INE. ADVII:RT NT$-MARCri.16 Pw• Local Pastes --R. R i -s ......, Local -Tailoring --E. J. Pt idkara ...... 5 lb l' ou Recegaiae It ' t . egsby Rub- ber 7 Spew. -- W. C. Geode Oaly !straws C. 1.. Arma4ow 5 Spring t:uuds -J. T. Acuson .... 7 Spring Announcement - JOmw !Whie- 8 llrag.- J as. W dem. . 8 Wall Paper -- D C•alback . 8 Public Notice --Joke Melissa . .... 5 I'rett Farm for Bala- P. (1. Box 3065 Nelle for Bale -Isaac Salkeld ... . 5 (creditors' Notice-- Thomas A i(rtlett . 5 (lpesiag, Thursday, )larch 15th H R. Pollee8 Notice -Thos. 1,undry Spring and Summer Millinery Mies ('amerce . local --Smith's Furniture Stem 8 BORN. SHANNON, •t the Homestead. ooSeriob on Tuesday the 130i Merck. the wife of Dr. lteg.nald Hkaaaoa. of • daughter. DIED. It014K-la Wee Wawatto•h o. Wednesday. March 11. leab•lle Rase. aged e., yrs.. e otos. and 1 dye. The funeral will take place from her late reeldesee on Friday at It a,m to l'olbOtse e.meerl. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook. 1f 1..'.r a Sole 1■ a' err 1wit.. 1 rear Se lent 11 t a t11e1•. amass se ' Teals' %Nes, an' lane He'll revs* d." sora,. 1)441 you get Chet suit -tea• the one tried be- fore Mr. Justice Armour. but one of Pridham's suis. If you dM you got satisfaction with W s1I costs to pay. FINN TAILORING. -New Spring floods in Scotch. Irish sad I'.aadee Tweeds Worsted Suiting' and :spring Orerooatingu.. Rest trim- mings, cut and finish. cheaper than the cheep - est. 11. MarCuitMAC, Wale. We hear • greet dew' about the (:. A. C. de- ve.opine muscle. but the way It. it. Miaow. dei eloped the picture orate hansleonse-looking young men of the Club, prove h . t "artistic.?tf sot o "athletic." " M * lib: TO ORDS IL" -Then ere some pee ale chem onlita•ry spect.ces will not fi•. if you are Doe of these. we will wake a ghee to suit lone npecial requirement*. .lost the wore as a tailor w}la nuke a cat to flt • hump hsck. co man. AA. 1. Welsh. optician and Jeweller carpels cleaned. Lid, made eat fitted. All kinds of upholstering done to order. la carpet lining and stair pada we have the beet trade. A large line of furnitoce i„everisce in ►tuck. New pattens in r.1a tamenry, silk plush, mohair plcsts a .ttea tapestry. omits, toes Ac.- gimp*. cords and fringes. Smith's rares- t ore store erabb's Mock. Tot 5.01,,.i. Trwc.a..::.. ; \Irr:Trv.: Last Sunday the m..etiag ons addressed by 11....1. E. Howell. MI..'. , who gave • stir- ring talk on the harm the tepee truth:: was doing the work of the ;torch. There was. fair audience present. N.altow- Fs. 41'L. - -1ln Thursday moruiog last, while working at the dock, 'Herb. Col- lid•y was precipitated into the cold water, and had it not been for the timely assistance of ('apt. Geo. McMullan the affair might bare ooded seriously. NE', Dar.: ST,1R, t'liotoo News Record Allen t Wilson, of (:odertch, intend start ice • Prescription I)rnq More in Searles Block. Albert St., 1'liotoc, is about a week or ten days. Both gentlemen are well known to many of our citi,ens, and are well .Itali6ed for the business. Its•'AN.v. - lln Tuesday afternoon • team of horses, while on the Square, became frightened at something and ran away, crashing into • tree in front of the ilritish Exchange hotel, and badly ,injuring it, as well as the harness. They were captured by the owner before they could do any fur- ther damage. A \res Ma' is Shear.-. The business formerly carried on by Fowler & n b., bas been purchased by H. B. Pollock. • former resident of I:oderich, recently in business in l'abridge. He is as experienced young man and is well-known to many of our readers, and, we have no doubt, will ,nuke • good record in our bwslnees arose. 01, Wow.. The Rig Mill, although crowded with orders, was compelled to stop work for a few days last week on account of the breaking of the drive belt, which oe- eerrd ow Tuesday. The new belt is three feet wide, 110 feet bag, and wsighe between six and seven hundred pounds, being one of Mae Iargesta belle is Canada. Fon-raw. 51.rrr'c. A meeting of all interested in football is called for March 19, at 730 r•. u. , in the Colla riate rymnaium. It is desired that the club should include mot only mol to players but all in the town who am &Mom of playing the gals*. After the smeosea 0! seams of last year, • prosperous season iW assured. F. L 1' F;. -Next Friday evening Rev. .1. A. Anderson, R.A., pastor of Ksox church, will addrsp toe meeting of the F.p- worth lasagne is the b.mewteet of North-st. Methodist cbureh, the enbjeot for discourse balm " livery Also the Architect of his own Fortner." Tae westi�ngg'.111a cntnese. am welsems at 7:30 o'clock. All a. BOT* riot 1.a.41111.e.--A hdrg• n.rty of boys is expected at the M•rohoioat House, Belleville, about the nest week is :April They will be brought out by Rev. 1to►R and Mrs. Wellees, who will be pleased to give .1) pertioslmrs about t'lw.i Ise ages will be from 7 to 14 ; seme'for adopt on, the old- er saes for wages. Malty • home would be brighter for ease of these youagMen. N.•arcw So.-ut. ANIS CON. Eire A Scotch •Vial ..d eoecert will be held is the base - met of Keay ehureh, this iTh.radayl ev.- ning, ceder the auspices of the Yang Wo..a.'. Marion 8.4. As exeellemt pro g ramme et Nested* mediumistic! vocal sod in . triusent•l mane will be pivot The hill of fare will fueled. see.es. Veoteh braved, at etas, hatter -milk. eta Admtiuioa 15 same All are cordially Melted. Rr-,Ht•, TOE S1As.n. - 11e Monday sight ler seas here foeed • haat a the Weed is the barber awl theugat nutty would have Heir Gest ride At the messes is IR They raed the boat off the shore and si en six or eerie loot trim the lend Lay e dbed that the best was HHste. Them asses egos Amey j..,,ag wire\ would have dews credit to • bust e1 July..ls5.ethe. filet .n fell .arse of tb• 1111f�• asst . blab is taesill woo r • awl aim fir the eine lits to seas Corm• Poaraalr.- Or towel- 1424E4 -s -t•a prawad by tt•r. sum, R. Cnekett, the artist bases exhibi- J. A *5111 0, when the sat tion at Framer & Porters, a very s water Ibe Presbytery amMhere� Usreeemenesitsuee oolot Portrut of May Wtlltauu, the pt.tIy little daughter of Manager Williams, of the I �rour uwe oogrroegNNws the impar.a.t taeaa Rank ul Commerce. The picture is a per. and senptanlness tat systematic feet study beteg h1. 1.1*. •1 excellent ex voluntary and propurtios.ate prong fur the pression, Gad natural as Dolor. We under- work of the l.urd. 2 That eeesions be urged owed Mr. l'reckett intends to make • to 4r..ter dilige.m is keeping their coagrw specialty of this Iron of work. and it he does gatsn isforu,ed as to the miss,unary, ben we have every reason to believe he will find evokset,and deceitoral work of tbechurch. active use fur brush and peu.til, The report on Sabbath schools was preseat- Rt%ITAL. VLrri'...,. The apeuial re, Iva' services in connection with Victoria-st. Methodist church are beteg 000tiuu.J the week. The pastor is masted ocoastoeal)y by Capt. Stubbs and wile and members of the S. A , and also Rev. J. 1: Howell, of North-st Methodist church. Some Mine been led to the Saviour through the ,ustru• .mentality of these meetings and others have been quickened by the spirit to pnweas a deeper work of gree. and will be brighter light." in the cbrisuau profession than fur merly ilay the good work go on. SHua LD 1:L IN F.'. Sal FANII I. I:abs, Toronto, u giving Canadians an op- portueity of securing "Picturesque Canada" upon rea000able terms. This work, which is thoroughly Je.criptive of Casale, was written by Principal 1:. MI. 1:rant, 11 D., of Queen's University, Kingston, and se pro- fusely illustrated by wood engravings from the brushes of suuvuf the must emiueot art tats of the .!ay. it its beim/ produced in parte of 24 pages each, one part appe•riog each week, and can be secured by cutting Doc coupon, which will be found in all edi- tions, and (of warding it to their rt 11e- partmeot, along with 12 cries In stamps or coins, to pay mailing and postage. The op- portnnity of pusseestng so valuable an adds tion to our literature is one that should be taken advantage ot by every Canadian who wants to know about his own uouotry, and we hope The ':lobe's generous offer will meet with the approval that theirenterpri.e deserves. Lets'. Tin •.. Rv.-Ea-ret: 114,111.at_. 5. irat.class single fare for the round trip- between ripbetween all rotations in 4'anada, good goirg r. w. 'raise, March 2. tad ; all trains the 23rd and 24th : valid for return .11 trains Tuesday, March 27th,1894. Purchase your tickets via the favorite and old reliable route and avoid tedious transfers and Jrlays. through tickets, baggage checked to destin- ation. Tickets, Pullman berths and. all in- formation from H. Armstrong, town ticket agent 1:. T. R , West -.t 1:oderich. Tickets telegrams sad ex •11 parts of the world. et Allan, Dsminioo, \achor, Cunard Atlantic steamers. 1's. i 'anadian Express Co.'s money order., sold at the f .11otriog low rates . 85 and under, :n e"e to 410, 8:: $10 to 820, 10: ; 820 to 41.30, 12 • : 830 to t40, 15- : 840 to 550, 20,t. over $10, at same rates. Payable at 20.000 places to ('aneda and fasted states. Safest method of remitting. Mosey refunded if orders aro lost. H. Arntstresg, agent. ('u -T< 1? A. Tit.‘, .0 LIBEL The Feb rory number of the 1'snada Law 'outwit direct. attention 10 • new rule i0 actions for libel which promisee to be of value, 1t says: "Under the late rule of November 4th, 1893, the •lueshon of costa is likely ro be • metrial one in inane classes of cams. The matter is am nentirely in the discretion of the lodge, although the case u tried b7 • jury. The first instance of the radial change that has b.eo effected was • libel case tried .t the present Toronto Amities be' fore Street .1., and a fury. The plaint it! re- covered • verdict of t5 As the rules for- merly stood, and as libel actions tan Duly be brought in tis. High Court, any verdict. however small, carried full costs of suit. is Chit case, altho. Rh the defendant, was found liable and the plaiut i8 recovered $5 damages, the learned judge held that in Ute exercise of the discretion given by the new rules, it was not • .ase for costa. The re- mit will likely be that in .11 libel and slander actions tried hereafter, unlet there are conte exceptional circumstances, the plaintiff will not get his coats where the verdict is • nominal one. PerottTeln os Hc105. Thu Presby- tery held its regular msetiag at Seeforth on Tue.day the 13th lest., with the moderator Rev. J. A. Hamilton, M. A., in the chair. After the adoption of the minutes of last u eetieg, representative elders presented their commissions from sessions. and the Presbytery Roll was made up for the year as follows .las. Ruthann from Goderich James Wilson, from Seefortb. 1korge Swat!, low, from 4'lintoa, Samuel 1'anochan from I gmowdville, 'Phomas Harrion, from Hay- field and Bethany, John Horth, from Lee burn sad Unice church,t:oderich Township, (Morse Hart, frown Rruosfield, John Camp- Sarnia had 138 Warble last year. ball from 110('1 church, Hobert McArthur, Essex has 84,000 out standing in tax i.ills. from Ho..all, Thomas Melly, from Kipped, Thu the 13ue1 Alex. Reid, from Hallett. Richard Somers, creased 82year0Q000 PIIS •ssessmeut rola in- tros' Blyth. Robert lhyedale, from Varna Aid recessing congregations submitted the 1'olliagwod bas over fourteen miles of u eoeeesry reports on making application for waterworks' mains, • gnat trot the wgneotatws 1oad, wbeo Detroit Saaday paper aro not allowed to tb pteabytery agren1 to make application bs.old in l'batb.m. for the grants asked (r. The report of the I.sat year London spent 117,553.06 for committee no ,Sabbath Observance was de- hospital maintenance. lased owing to only • taw of the toga The unexplored area of Canada is over tiooa reporting to the eooven.r. The her 1,000,()00 square miles coagre�aLions were instructed to forward witboat further delay their answers an I tVelliDgton County 1 bunch has give6 IPSW thus enable the canvasser to prepare his re to the hospital at I7uelph. port for the synod. The report of the Dom There are 45 P. 1'. A. lodges in Went motel oto temperance was presented by worth and Smoot" counties. Rev. .1. A. Hamilton, when ttae following In Sandwich lilac and currant hushes hal rocomtnendatiooa were adopted : 1. That blossoms os them last week. this presbytery is rratef *1 to God for the Charles Purvis, of \Wehhwool, rwently strong ex premien of public opinion in favor sold a teas, of dogs far 8110. ot the prohibition of the ',ventilator*. im portation and sale of intoxicating liquors A gardener near Football, thinks he has • as shown by the plebiscite in Ontario et the flying machine that will tly. heginnieg of the year Gad for the ra,e...n employes in the Moncton market stalls abolishing the sale of intoxicating liquors at Sr Road 11 if they smoke there. canteens in 0000.ctioe with the •esa.l The Police Magistrate of Barris dealt militia camps. 2. That is view of the pro with 223 ogees donne the past year. bound state of public arnica in regard to In six years Oak's population has increas• this great evil, fhb I'nsbytery would orgy d 131 and the assessment $1,113,490. the supreme court of oar church to use its influence with whichever 1:ovenment has jurisdiction is behalf of the immediate paw ing of a prohibitory measure,aed would urge the electors to select candidates for all pub lir poeitioaa pledged t0 support prohibition. 3. That in the eyelet cf the passing of • pro- hibitory law. this presbytery pledgee its enteral support to the officers of tae law is their efforts to enforce it. 4. That tole preebytry would ru paally recommend the i.trorluetioa of the Assembly's tentprsane. pledge Barda and pledge books tate the Slab. lath schools within its booed* in order that the Andrea and sense mothmay, w mnse po.adble, be kept temporise with this ene.aring evil. 5 That this pres- bytery it/proem eta deterw,inaUns net to relax say et its efforts to wheat* p.Mie Seed a5 "'taalrht Fever wrappers esatim et Isere sad more •tensgly is Saver he.ri.g the words (" Why Dees a Woman .i prohibition. He.. .1 ti Hwn4.rleoa and Look Old Soneer Than • Maleto I..ver Yr. Hwslleer were •ppntated merillmn o/ Rees_ Ltd., 43 'seotr at Termite, andou the 175011 e.rmriftww m,ittew a 1011,and .rtawill emote. by pest • pretty pietw er, free A sag frees Hayfield and itotaany is beer fere edvortiwsg, and well worth /taming. .f J. R Means, probationer. was present- This is as easy way to de..wate year hats.. .d by Iksh m.d.rs m, Rev. J. A.Melba- The snap so the heat is the market Gad It .M Tike 0511 was ewMe and by the Premier will only eon le. seutage to send is the awed endured ed in he 8erws•dd to Mr. wr•*pru, H roll )caws the .oda apse. . The giro en '• firmer rtie ( WOW Fest ruins earehilly. ly d by Rev. Itubt Headsmen. Har. Dr. Mao- doo•IJ was n.tmivated by the 1'reeby as ms moderator for next general sembly Goes• nimbuses to the assembly were appeased ea loll,..: Itevs. McLean, Dr t're,Aadr. ma, Acheson. Dr. Mel,ewld, and the rep rerun tat ire alders frosts Msachester, Se•lurtk, Bayfield head, Foster and . .rand Rend. The report oto the State d K.likwu was presented by Iter. S. Acheson, and • brief conference was heed et the suhicct *1ter wards A mottos to diminish the number o1 meetings of the Presbytery from se. to four daring the year was yotd down by the Presbytery, while • motion to do away with the billetting system at meetings of Presby- tery was carried. Leave eau grouted Ker. A. Stewart to moderate i. • call at Brum. field when the co0greeatinn would be ready. The Presbytery adjour.ed to ,.ret •glia at Clinton on Allay 8th. COMING AND GOING Jobs McLean left oo Friday for the moo. W. Sutherland, Hamilton, was 10 town last week. Coro. Fear, I'ort Huron, was in town on Thursday. 1 'apt. A. Lawson to iu Toronto on bust. neer this week. 1.0. Mores, of I.uelph, spent Sunday iu the circular town. !'rank ('rabbi who was nut of towu a few Jays last week, returned on S••turday. Mrs. W. Wilson, of Manchester, was in town diving the week victi.g friends. i:eorge Price who has been residing iu Sault Ste. Marie for some time, has return. ed home. - Thos. Means, of %Viogham, ie it townth week, the guest of his stater, SIrs..1nu. W Vanattar. Mims Hannah Austin, of Kiutail, was id torte this week cu1UO5 friends and as ,fu.mtances. Allan Seager, of Trinity 1'niversity, u spending a holiday term at the family reaa- detace, Waterloo .t reels. 1'. t'., H. W. Rall is ettending the I:nod Council of the ('.(► I►.F. now sitting in Tor- onto as representative ..1 Golench \o. 157. Mrs. Samuel Phillips, who his Leen visit ing her sister, Airs. Wi,. Meek, LIgio at , returned to her home in .Vshfield on Monday last. MARINE NOTES. The Tug Dispatch is being toted out. , Dredge Arnoldi is being repaired on the ••land. There were several rowboats en the river and lake last week. The river has stone do*. considerably during the past week. one of the erne broke away on Saturday night and Drifted to the salaod in the har- bor. Hardly any ice can be seen on the lake, e . c.pt wane again t the South pier and some in the harbor. The boom .ern.. the mouth of the harbor broke away on Stiltedly night and •quanta ty of ice drifte',into the harbor. W. Marlton hu started on one of the three scows that are to be built for carrying stone for the piers from fort Albert. BNUCEFIELD. • Ttun*t, Mar 1.3. 1.eorye Forest has retorted from & two months visit amloogat bis f riends. It. 1:. Simpson, general merchant of this village, is placing a furnace under his store. Mus Jessie Jamieson will leave tomorrow Wedeeeday, for • term at millivary ,work a Seaforth. Hugh Aikeuhead met with • very painful accident this week. While chopping wool he accidentally cut off his toe. The wound was dreamed and is doing nicely. The Royal Templar of this village will hold what promisee to be • eery enjoyable social at the residence of Henry Monteith on Thursday evening, March 15th. Memoirs Peter McGregor, John Murdock and Charles Mason left Ia.t Saturday for the old Country. Mainers Me;regnr mina Mason each take .rxtee bosses and Mr. Murdock oma. CANADIAN CURRENCY• Soldkn .t the I.owdon tarmacs have h1 undergo • weakly medial elam,satt..5. An eagle oat meetly shot at Malde. measuring 7 ft. 2 inches from tip te tip. \lanitoba is givieen, its active imn mig- Nos policy, as it is cIi..ed it does sot fay. The Nasse river S. 4'., is t0 bed ked, briegiag •15,000 acres of land underenyUra- ties. 1 hath•st's Council propose to apply to the I.epiela'.nre for ea act -resting ('hath.m a city. Recently is R.attsvdle • Yorkshire 3 - year old hog was killed which weighed 703 pounds. Mw IsGel • "...11014'0141.,.. • TO RESP T TiiE . 1 ?'TA CI . of the germs of Consumption, Scrofula, Imp, Sf:tlaria, and many other disease. -means fight or die for all ..f us. These germs are every *herr in the air wo breathe. '11.' odds are iu favor of the germs, it our liver II inat Lite and our bluetit inippure. `1•hat it needed utast is au increase iu oar germ fighting strength. To do this successfully you need to put • nn AraltAy AAA, reuse the liver to. vigorous action, so it will throw of tbcse (,term., and purify the blood so that there will be no " weak slot," nor soil for pont-growth We claim for i)r. Tierce's Golden Medical I)iseoverv, that it Joe* 311 this in a way peculiar to itself. It is the development Of generations of medical thought -.it has stood the test of a quarter of a ccntnry of cures. That is why the maker* can guar- antee it. in every trouble caused by torpid liver or impure blued, if the •`1)iscuvcrv" fails to benefit or cure, your motley is refunded. '1'Itere wouldn't be any cases of (chronic (catarrh if everyone used 1)r. S tge'k Rs n►e.ly - Ther. •a hl<',OO reward for :in in.-ora110 cave, TIME WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. 4:.dertr5 Pule•. Uopi,u..\tar b 041. spring Wheatt.... ......standarc,4d O 5. to 1! rail Whcst ... . ......... o '•s t., o .0 Flour, tamely 0 9* to u 51 short•, 1 Los 00 PP twee W ltran, i ton ps W t.,pD S �reenin,p, i Ma ... m 1:) 1401, ('hopped reel Wheat S fon 00 N to00 Oats. sew. • bush3:to o-►wo:941111lif stades. Iw•o rowed. Y bush ..., 0 10 (00 Barley. comma ... .... 0 3; to • 1 Hay.•10a6 V, to 7ibtatori., • bush........ ... n Bees. fresh unpacked. iia ..... O 11 tae 1.1 Cher., ,-_...-... 0 It to a I♦ \voted (dtois) Wool h H(dw, . 2 W to ! :.d 1 e)tweed .4- 4:4450'o ') LOCAL BREVITIES. Subscribe tor Tut. 744..'. *1.. , Winnipeg has a s .us of servant gtra. Don't forget the Scotch social and concert in Knot church this ,Th:trsday. evening at 7.30. Flanks of wild geese !:ate re. ently been meso .1.l:uclph. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minute. by AWoulfnrd's Sanitary Lotion. This never falls. So'd by .las. Wilson and all druggists. 30-ly fir. 1'ha men, nt 1 hl Sprint,, and for. Sturgeon. of Pet role. removed two cancra fresh the jugular vein of .lanes iluoteu, 01 1 Ill `springs, last week.' The 1:oderch Organ has hen choose in preferesoe to all other competitors fn the contest at ". sew," oh arch, Aihtial,Cep. Thomson is the local .gent. The uniform promotion examinatis.* its the public schools of Huron will be held on ' March 29th and 33th, commencing on the 29,h at one o'clock. 'leacher, who have not neat to the inspectors for papers repin- ed should do so .t once. A 1' terhoro editor dashed off the follow- ing "The wind bloweth, the water Now - et h the termer soweth, the subsenber owetit, and the LorJ knoweth we aro in need of our dues. So come • runDin' 'ere we go • gun - Din', this thing of domain' gives us the blues." The young mon aho:,t the town are talk- ing about their annul trip down the river from Manchester in their moon ad row boats, but unless we hale • good fell of show before lone they will miss their trip, as the water will not be hirh enough for navir•tion, it being too low at preee.t. English Spavin Liniment removes all lard soft or call,need Lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, ore and ewollen throat, coughs, eta. Save 850 by use ..f one bottle. Warranted the molt wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by Jas. %Vil.oa and •11 druggists. 30 ly Rheumatism l need in • Day. South Americo. lttseumstic Cure, tor Rheumatism sod Neur.Igia, radically cured nil to 3 days. It.wipes on the eyelet:: u remarkable and mysterious it removes at once the MINN and the disease immediately disappears The first dose greatly benefit*. 75 cents Sold by J. Wilson •od all druggists. 30-17 Rebel in Sic Hours. -Distressing kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by tie " New (:azar S0*Ta Amaas- rAs KIDNEY (bmrt" This New remedy iota great surprise and delight to physicians ow account of lite exceeding promptne.s is re- lieving, pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the wrivary peerages in male or female. it relieves retention of water and pain in passing ,t almost immedi- ately i1 you want quick relief sad core this is. your remedy Sell by Jae. Wilma. ONLY STRAWS • BUT THEY TI 1.l. Men'. tone Sew Suits (atoll made $4 53 • Tweed gaits (ell wools.. ., 4,75 " rine Mack %Ye nte4 Gats end Vests 1110 (mJH ) 7.61 " Imported Serge flits 1112 50 quality 163 Fine Black LY.rtaed lyse., tM quality . 3.00 •• Entre t;nod Tweed Pant• 1.91 Ready Made 4'Mrhieg sow complete. No Melt were goods, material style* and prime u1 new. We .ell nn the Progressive CNB System. If you're a care buyer you're money gets yew better value here the anywhere Wive everything needful from If 4.• 10 OVilt COMPLETE OFT F!TTER.S.