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The Signal, 1894-3-15, Page 1
0 0 D u VOL. LOOK Al' THIS UA TY, -„ - YOUR LABEL .riErissW K SF:F' THAI' YOUR N1ME IS MARKED l'P hli'ADVANCE. T)EE LEADI TQ NEWSPAPER O 3 J ON COVITT'W. THE I'll'H Oh Tut,NERS.I laesta) stsnurt end aigr.l wile 4411 GODERICN, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, NI.11011_ 15, 1894,_' I). McGILLICUDDY, Tilt 41' i( LAY© Items from 7'itur..lar. The doubt.. (tiered t.low. .: p. yrsterd.y, the old hob b.:..re death horsing tomes:r.l that het hurbaud'e bolt- he kept Everywhere. until .lr ,-,.raid jour lint Uta %yeah...Jay aim tong the bo.l), of Webster lhrll, war 1oum1 0. the Miroi aii" Central track a short diatetic. west of '.Mired with both legs cut 'tff, having Ingo run over by • pa esti„ tram I1•• died shortly aper beteg t•uud. 'rhe 1'...;uly of Instars.. 1.*w A... oedema at WIgtbs tau 'Tuesday passed a re....,.ittuu dieapi rovIug of the pn,l.wl t , hold s..ek ly Vieth Coot( of Justice sittings at t pito. r a roil Loudon. The A•a.etati.iI •I... to 4,ived in favor of rz,etadlug the jure die tau of the cutruty rutin* sit no In curer carve 111 wkleb sutaa up to $1,(Mh► were tevolvo• i. Rises. S. 1i. Blake awl Messrs. William Loom, K. it. feller, U. T. Rl'cket••ck, q. Neshut, banter McCarthy and A it. .tylae north, of tonsil., nee 'Hinged ou the -libel wit ot heti Wh l.u: ez al.lrrmaa •.gaucst r:. Ials.nl yeas■pal.•. „t that city, neat 1. • •• .. Ilei! q .tutees .local Iaw rr. slit part. '1'h' trial wul t)tke Owe is s••et.. L• -- UNTIE) S. TES WNft}(T CROP. 1 Yr lalr.l Record of one wellp of tee Neer I err (.Ily rreeraled Brief nes- 11.■ ..f Many w.mer' of Air. at Irp.r/aare. • 1l..a l ey 1: Iv• -a. the millionaire batik pre. dent ..f .\.-n Haven. t',m1 , lrratw ti••tuth n,wut• I jt' Friday. t I.r ' usnt't t'atrtart has resigned, owing 1•,.ulhimiUrs are1111g from the ree►etanw tat taxon fou In the Provinces. vines. ' 7• iia \tcolau.. who tried W get (;conte e;.. .1.d pay her /10,0011, proposes, Rt is .o•1. •o take to the rage. rhoypriaah of Ie):utuu which has been .••natrict d at 1 ingetou 1'eutteuti•ry will b ove mei its a few days_ The C. P railway will take their coal epi•:4 for tit.. Atleutic diri.t.u' from the 44.:44•. at Jegµl;a, 1.1111 11 Stater the t' 1 k ie atl.l to be behind an en terror, tor tilt estahlishrueul of a large h.. t furca.•.• at F,•rs t1'tilam. .tl4.'..trwort h Wednesday ul,tht (lark e ere •.-.l . .. .na f1U in deal u heart re, 1I"'4l AA at dews.• •bit.+ retuning to • lig, o ttu;y .YII emigrant.' left 1 heat Ilfll•i11 f. •r 1*u.ela dung February. lQ Febru- ary .4 :test y, err the slumber was ':,ler i Joules Ford. a well knows Niagara Falls oliatacker. tell fit., • hole w routed/by while nutoticatrd and broke hie heck. t^ardt,,al Frani-mem (loci, Paracrieni, oil ' 11 •mho, to ilea& die was horn lit Rome te 1'4•%o mid one ereatCJ • cardinal in hater. Arthur Heagin of Montreal has been ha. i til•.► and emit to gaol for • mouth t r 4...tuio an illicit still in his possession. Win Lusk. chara•wl %tali the launder of Js•..i, S.,rfiitn at Tweed, wee fouled telt ,'"idy at theKrlleville Ageism to Wedges- The Icon Toole Review. of Cleve:and, sit. the oge'iu week in perch, has b ,u;iii tau eucuura„ omen: to the Iron trot. - he ro'.- he different: m bet terem *lie 11feat :h -tit Railroad Company a:,1 Meant' goo re mrd -tttelhM were N •d•,•-eday, 1:y th, c..11ap... f a building at titu:me ,.a:. - Mato , un %t'ednrsd•r evening Otte n:ao, ser. killed and nrerel 'Sher, were rt: naly injured • I:.prr.entatires from every c'.nntry r. 1.r :be son nom walk the streets of a : ,.+tree, most of them in their own sa- tire •- t- 0,, The .:earner ('its of Augu.ta arrived at Nee 1.•rk from S+vannah on Friday with th.rt) ei,llat year• emigrants en mute to Lbsrie. l i -ninny of ('msale.e have located in its• :over, and *penial a Is and}ewelry at.•r• They appear well behaved. clean ••. : ...bleated. : F.114, who commanded the, ltritish tiro, w the earpstgu renently conducted a:p.. -t the Sof.. 1t) Sierra Leone. has •••- • •d (eves at Tenertffe Mr N. K. G,unolly was on Thursday It- • r„I preoident of the Hiehrilrn and 1111 r `.ari.aton Compin)-. lits brother 31'• .set wiring in hie favor. 1r, • hurtle on Wednesday r• titan tamed I'- F'rae,ce was sent t.. the Mons Falls f4 ..'.uti.rr to serve a life midi nee for is ',tong a mall :miner '1 one cent. Robert Work, tie Hamilton youth who w.,. convictel of forging hie brother s name 1.. • cheek, was eeeteneed to l'ene tshlniehene Reformatory for two years. 1-r the fourth tone s twin has been held up and robbed by bandits at Forret Leen, 111. a station on the Mobile & 1 Mo ReOway, fourteen miles from St. Louie. ' Ili. R. 1L.atlts nbert, Medical Ssp•rio- Widens of the St. Lawrence quarantine, '.r ese lee. Asa !wen promoted to be lies• • era: "•lpettUteudept of Canadian gnanen rnr*. lty,.r COMM,. wleoe ritual was nnan It osely adopted at the lernvr encamp- ment of Kutithtr Templar, and a now the tett molt rat th.t order, diel on Friday at 1'hattan.. ger, Tenn. Peter Brown, eourictel on * eh ire of rttempptting to fin • @tore on Kempf road, near Halifax, belowgtog to the Eastern lel company, wait on Thursday sentenced to twelve ssunthe in gaol. At St. Ionia, kin„ John A M*rtin. a teamster, attempted to assault Ella Soda, AMA 1:1 year*. The girl's brother Frank, e:•' 11'2. shot and fatally wounded Martin. lies boy was arreetd. Lnmpy jaw ham broken out autnng :iota hoed of cattle in Little Rock, Ark., and mn.•l. ete,t.ment prevails, as ft i charged butchers list• slaughtered many of the diseased rattle and sold the stoat. T. works at Wet Superior, Wis, of 1ha %rnanes Steel /Surge Company, whish halide the wh leltaeka, were poet in operm own again on Wednesday, after being heed for several months At $t Thom ,e on Friday William Trvla s -se tried for nan.laIt ter and acquitted. The charge we thfl Traria, in a burritos now et Vienna Wet 1.11, ki01.4 • men named Hodson, ranging death. 1t tinndwin, Ark , on Welneda • J. T alker, pnetmater, was short and killed be 'wen H.ruley Walker charged Hen- s!..) with being • member of a Waite Cep (tang, and the shooting followed. Ti. lydy of %Addeo ('sanon, toe nits * unit nrident of Month Temdon. we found *•*r''.nnt P..,.nt cemetery Wednesday e vening by sneer boys who were shooting • now. The body was take to Radon at midnight lir. W J. Swaimn1 Ref•lo, wort trol- ling in (.'ollingwon.J harbor on Tbnrsday, an 1 nn leaving bus boat to walk to the wharf on the Me broke lhr ngh ifs we ►•s•te I after meth dlllieulty in an ex ifseetel conditin. A bomh was exploded In front of the 11eeiber of loepstlee, Reran%1iW Thnrad•y •v ni,+g. W bt poem= were dan..r.wnaly 514 several •lightly wesimied, while Inn thole of windmill were shattered. 71e Werth throw,, ••1•-apeel. Mr John Cosh, .1 Winder, dyed ey Statistical se.w Ike A.4.s.4 urs ..dr R,re.l Mai Waist nrv, 11ar.•u _. TM .tatiwt.ad returns. ( the lt.±.ar•t reit ..f \grt.-nitnre for %larch ronin priaeti.ally of esivases of the datra...him of -wheat and e.ru, the amount. ren:su,:a;; its (arinetil' bat„ Ir. th. poo} 'triton of mervieahtable cora and the average pores of both the merchantable an 1 the utitu'rehantablr: The retarus • 1.44 indicate th•vt a ver :wnsidrr•ble pro- portion of lbs wheat now in harmers' kande emote (nim crops prior t., that of 1'4!1:1, awl erpa•ially from tt:e cr-•p•, of 1r491 and 11t1Mi. Such et.cka here breu held priu- cipaily- by the large grower., Sour dant- age to *nett stores is ..craned (min Mi•:hi- den sod Waahiegt.n. The indicated stock of wheat in farmer.' hand* t* 114,0410,(x10 bushels, or 'he n per tent. of the volume of the cru(, 44 l'IYCt. This it nearly 21,1sh',. IMM) bnehele lees tbr.0 til''e estimate for March I lot year and *,i 00.',u(M) bushels lose than the average of the past eight team The amount remaining in ferment •horde in the eleven principal wheat gr'ow- not mistier to *boot toduitt,tM10 bnshelr, 6:t." per cell... of the *mould fu pnelucer hands 1n the collo:1y at large. The aver- age wrr,:b• of the .rip 't L'aa per 'stem sand bushel, as eticulated 1r•:u corn igonds 01* end millers and 51.te ageu:.., is a..6 pounds, makt.•g-th.• estimated product • little over :11w,:tOtl.O wt commercial bushe:e, as against 3116,000,(MUU measured bush• le, as heretofore reported. THE QUEEN'S APPRECIATION. leer Xsfr.ey a..d. A.t.Rrapli Letters be lir. sad torr tila4Ns..e. Idotn.r. March 1't. - The 1'arnellite tnaui(eeto ;sa:wl by .luhn Reshmeed up fbt,rs iey is gwirr•ily_reiartled u • most al:.urd tulmivation. which will have -no .rehrreffect than to help ridicule open ire 41 .110ra. tits0 of the uewepaprn treat it as a weak juke. white others &re disposed to treat it more mrionely. The Curns/tele expresses it o• npiuion that if the lrtsb party in Parliament were ou*nilnotes in following the linea Lid down tau the twmu(eeto, home rale would be buried beyoud the p+rtbolity of r urrec- tion• 14.n1 Yui.bery is announced to deliver an address to delegates from the Liberal Aaasciations from X11 parts of Scotlaud its I dtnbures on March 1:. when it its expect ed he will ontlioe the policy of the new Miui.try. - Losooe. March lV -Tbe la.414 of 11r. (Redstone has greatly improved, and be is uw }worm:mord to be tau the high turd to reeii•ery Mr and Mr. Gladstone bate received anto,traph lettere from IleQue a, both the missives being couched in la0• g*.ge allowing high appreciation of the tlervices rendered to the country by Mr. Ola.tato..e. the letter addressed bythe Qne n 0, Mrs. (lls4etoei is fall of nter Ming reminiscences. SHE IS A CHRISTIAN. se seo I.lepe.l from ber weitsand We. tt.. Sot Orte,ades. SAGINAw. Mich.. M*rch 12. -Mrs. Louis Landon has disappeared again. A few day's ago she left 1.er husband, • reaped elite farmer from Birch Run, and ran away with Garrett Dexter to Windsor, Ont , where the couple were caught Before they left Mrs Landon hal per suaded her husband to deed his $2,:l00 farm over to her. Mrs. Landon sot only took her Garratt, but the dead tr.- the farm and $100 of her bsebasd's mosey when she left. When Landon mot the erring woman her tears melted him to fo givssse sad they left for home, swearing sever to pert again. The repentant sponse ssgtts•td that ber lois take back the deed and give her $1.000 and call it square. Landon gave her the money. It is now said that she gave 'tester's family If::1i) of this amount and that the pair (rave lett again for parts unknown. Mrs. Landon says ' it wee divine providence that put (lar loft in my path. Reing • Christian, 1 meld not live happily with load.ri. who is not very orthodox. anyhow." arsler...4 to rinees 1'..r+. Rt'rvIn, Y, Y . March 12 Frederick Stewart, of Windsor. Olt.. highway rob- ber, was sentenced to • term of fifteen years at hand labor In the state prison at Auburn by Judge N hit*. Stewart winced when the sent.nee we snnontnwl. but quickly recovered and moiled grimly a he eat down- The crime .d which the prisoner Villa found gs,Ity we committed lase tk,t.ber on H.at'.w•k *troie. the victim being Cashier McNabb'. of the Standard Mediator Compute. who we held np by three men in betted day light and relieved n( a ■atrhel ertitaising 11,700. Several arrest, wets owd., bat of all the ties charged with being i,nnlieatd only three were held. Stewart. Ynalorf and ('hal I. tiger. Oefa% tm a .sestet it, Ree Father H be Mldest r4rg'. to ewe • eldest •uawstlaw en As IMO era Owe & "THE SIGNAL IS ON TOT . SIGNAL" ) Lb.t aft.reoos so am to b• brt At old wr!y •t LM Press as meeting on Thurs- y. • the simplicity of hu heart he them/hi the cumulus/cation from the legal fire would keep for the nest there days, and be took the 4 r r. train for the 1;ueen City. Tee homey sr eke tare A wan New lee Ito the day after he kit t. tea the wr t tea Issued, and a ye%t'g man !runt the law Walker serer Weave of ear. fee war oioe began to haunt the ticmmty of Tut age. trey or Salter Ad, ase., Su;• ti...tfice until Saturday event•g. The Mei se ere the lawyer, editor returned front 'Toronto on the Tate tram Saturday utvkt, and atter the refresh mg rest of the Sabbath stara.l to begin an TM libel •u,t brought against TinaltiloSal. honest seek's toil on Monday morning. (Is that morning the leaal firm's youeg r amgot by a persue teemed Smoot who had bees j in hie tine work cal senel the writ len.p.'rauly connected with Mayor nutter's i which goeth to •110W that the aforesaid local Lolloird roan, for the peat year or two care firm were out for blao..l so far as the hefore• ill os Tuesday afterowu at the courthouse, ,n. -n ion.d edit..r Was concerned; The nf- t:odeneb,hrlure His l.urtiahip.,:tuel Justis fending art ick had appeared on Feb. 2. the Armour. editor became aware that the lege! firm wall tis 1 BealoVs Oahe Palle ?breech. ( y working up • case un the 7th, the editor had The !,rets in the case are L o:fly these : t, vo Toronto on the 8th, the writ war teem For years Sutler's billiard room and plant I a1 oe the 9.h, and the party of th.• tint .under different mamavrts, tau 1e..o or ou sal- I part, that is to toy the cattier, henlnbefon, .r the Ire ease as 1,e hail been run wide Y mentioned to o r oed rcceit•c.l the w I lit &D•1 an IQI.f•.i open A by law which had no tines limit I est in •11 that appertaauedl thereto etorpt 11 o'clock on Saturday night, had on the 1314. And then titre aro been allowed to regulate the hours of the some who trate ahout the law's delsj. roan, which hail m coum•.juence rat the lac I And so end.th the tint reading. Tne rest moons end prtlou,ed hours degenerated r4.luel took place en Tuesday, when the tato & tueuace to the c:ntiluatty by its ,I'- e,i i, r appealed In einat to nearer 10 the arrn.1 lit , lr e i r J tic on the .' n u e f th r . . Y .h r r.f lav •.r io • i a ..e } n oc I li tell i e.lnue. K ., i young men and Ir • of the community. IqSenior, •r.• r o whim the said editor For • tern, ofears tete thing • hd ',nen ) go -had nq.cr arca or heard of w►tol after the Mg on, and (during the la.thteyed.nttrpro Crimunicat.iuo had appeared iu the columns pIletor of the place had been 'toyer of the of Tits. riy,;v.tt_ town 1 A. H. Senior, the ptair.tiff, sea first 1n pair yeses driukloe and gambling had I ple•;ed in the bo %. and hadn't been h.E' leets .,.mntem 4411 the premise.., a„ d 'n ac- under emit. examination le lore be wee uoulel of the then town constable nut Suing furred to admit that on several ocossious nu duty, there was no reason to believe gamlllmg had been carried on in the prem• i that the mayor's billiard room in 1893 was isms At tint he endgacorei to show that ,ring conducted any more iu sccorl•nce it was without hie kaowled e, but of - with We and order lbw it had been during termini. would not deny that Le the previous ten years bad himself played for money in a Un Tweeds:, , .)au d0, 1893, there was • grime known as •' tive cents on the Duke.' wnewh•t b ieterou. tune w •mf at the NI- There had been some noise on the a:vht in ;;aid hail, at an unseemly boar, aloug sheet question, nut not enough to ramie any psr- 1 A v: Sr. tool and demoe.trative hot the twitter talk. He bawl only reel a license commotion that seesaw wslLiuq on the for four tables and had run sir at times. Square ami down Soutb-sl.he.rd it distinct• He only paid e2.5 wren he ,tint got hie ly The co et/ibir.who should ha4e,t0elled license and did out pay the remainder until •lt tech ruwdy.am at that hour of the night, F.:1. He hid dune as much as t122 worth ens t.lf ins (.eat. and unable to keep the of bueines. in a month, tout after the com- peace ••1 the town a of ought to i.e kept. nwu-crtton'n Ti. -l: Sh.sAl. it had !encu to 0.r Tberadsy, Feb. 2, the following oust- $2.5 `t0. Mayor Kotler had advised htm to mese claim i• Tu. St..• sl.: arm Lawyer 1'ampeti-n. The out&jof the 1*1- s uwau. It to 5115 ., itted room beloogr•l to Mayor Butler, who To the enitnr of Ti* e+uoaAt_ rented it to him by the month. _When ark - at about his anteceilects he got somewhat Sn., f tyke this opportunity int city to draw at- badly tangle l up, and created r.'her a bad trauma to a den for the inve•ghog of ) 0110" impprresstoa. men and boy. into Labii of ganblioy sed Elijah Curran was nineteen years of age tobacco lasing which erute in thee town with and had frequented toe billiard room ever the number .n tat the mayor cad constable. since it started -Dearly two jeers. He us. d .t of boys tinder ego frequent this tobacco. He went to the billiard hall three place and play bruisers for cacao, Ac„ coo or four nights • week, and had p'ryed f. r nary to the mors,, and tobacco and cigars niouey but was afterwards beat out of tl:• are sold to minora, contrary to the /►rata to dollar Statute. The outfit of this den belongs to Hector (lay* had also played elate the mayor Rutley, w ho for tee or • d,•trn years p was opened by Senior. Woe twenty - 4.:a carried on the paws, with the night nae years of age. 11.d played for smell of a "manager." Eastheld Monday miter • die sums of money in the pine of " fire cents gn eful oigie was held there, and the shout. no the Duke." Had played with Senior for or, howling and yelhiog of the participants money, awl •leo with Ed. l'amgrigo and extended tip to the •mall hours. Where ''laude Monroe -just a few came.. (V.. was the town constable, or is there an7 out the night referred to. Then eves pine such person except on pay day , a racket They locked Senior to and had Ped 11".'". the laugh on him, and once in • while let l:oderich, Feb. 1, 'A3. out • yell. The cotan.unication appeared in the in- Abe Smith, )r., knew Senior. After the tenet of the ntep.yers and so that the Crossley k floater revival meetings in leatoor and the derelict constable should he January. Senior wanted to wall out hoe brought to • sense of their duty to the interest in the huskies to Jackson iAbe s people who had elected the one and who partner) but Abe wouldn't have anything to sife paying tl.e other to serve in the public do with the deal caively remarking, " tittnte telecast. of us bey were about converted at that They were the only persons specially re- time. and 1 wouldn't have anything to do ferredtoiuthee. mmumwuen,andifthey had with such • business, anyhow." (t which tho.igh► the atnet ures out of place or false, it a titter rot through the eourtronnt and even was the duty of one or both of them to seek the Chief Justice was provoked to smile. redress by •n apology from Tu[ St..• st• or The sum asked for Seniot'a interest was *50 an appeal to the courts Neither of them to 175. dared to take that •eros, bat another adi Wm. Mitchell deposed at to the town by- vidual, a person whom Tile tio.vai. pro- law and the payments made by Senior on prietor hof oeverheardof or ween, was let up his license. An effort to find out about a to bring an sctioo for dam•ye•, sod the case refuad of *25 to Senior on the Mayor's order e u railroaded into court by Messrs. ('am was objected to by p1ff.'s oounne! and sot pion k Johnston. t•1Oed. I). lmurday, Feb. 4th , a registered Captain T. N, 'hooey was not allowed to letter was sent to Till Stns At. by th.t firm. toe et4iawce antaror to Senior '• ire im sed was taken out of the office hy the pro- y. orietor, on his way home in the erelong. Tho tog tees toes addreessl tor the d. - After reoeiviag the registered letter the re- fence by Darrow, l,l C., and for the ppIff , by mpient pat it a the inside pocket of his Ayleew•rtb, tj,C,, after which his loot -ship cost, for eafe•ke•eeng, without opening It, addressed the jury in • calm and di•pu- es Le had • ■umber or parcels and news- ,innate masse, placing the MUSS clearly papers with him at the sieve. The tea before thew day, os account of • ohu me of weather, or The jury retired at 6 15 and .t 6.4.5 ro- tor some other reason, he won • different teed with a verdict et no damages .sceroost, and on Moody and Tuesday fors- Wiest the plaintiff, each party to pay has noon be wore the ame overcoat which he owe coats. won o. Sunday. That is the whole story. 0. Thhead•y had Fnday, Feb. 9th &.d A oosetay hotel- kepar bee been find $10 10th, the ousted oosyustaon of the Prete at Kingston for allowing gambltog on 444 Association was held to Toronto, end the editor of Ink SI.1 Al. bad been manse err m ' i to during the week to go to Tomato (iOelph brings isto the pollee court at tVedoed.y •ftenooe, soothed- be could be par."(s who neglect to mod their children present at the earliamt hour possible, as to'sohool• emcee:et other quetiows for discussion was Manganese ship•ed from Alt ert °minty. • paper on "I.ibel" by John King, Q. ('., • N. R., Image PIO per ton and averages 92 specialist in that line. per oust. Tu•sdr, morning the editor thought Gilliam Bros , lumbermen, of Carleton it would be wise to look after the w•esaery Placa, have 500 men in cemps on the Terme- tends to defray his •[re••' to the Queers e.mingue. City, and bethought Mm of the registered A man agar Tott.mh•m has 3h begs of letter which he received on Saturday clover reed off 12 acres, which will net him *vesting. and which be had pat away gbo •s •cit so carefully in the breast of his other A Warwick darnel has broken her leg oat. At eu..u, whys M wear home, four tune in four years. She is constantly 4. went to 44e pocket o1 that other on 14e mod. cost sad took from end opse.a the reg. isteredlett er. It didn't oostain any wealth- Reoeetly • prooesalna of 25 waggoa loads it ww't:kt kind a an encloenre that the of ohm pased through Ingersoll, valued envelope held. It was • letter from Mean. at about $9,000. (`•rtpiis. k Johaton, informing the editor Mrs. (4ad•to.a owes property .t N again that • person named Sevier bed instructed Falls, (.tone --rhes acres of lead. worth them to write to Till S1.;•al. for the name abort $5,0(10 an care. m the author of this correspondence which Paris hoteliers are only allowed to e:l et had appeared regarding the billiard hell or the meat market. They aro seeking liberty in default of doing so • erne waned Ogee to open shops about the town •tatat the afar'ea.id editor is Al the North (lay moaiolp.l el.etiis ae e4e sem of 111,000, of Her Majesty a elector. .4*., voting, eiark•d oe• c.ed.dae ;die of the rwslw or words to that effect. " had " and another " worse." *ad the editor wretched his heed, and '.•The other day s episode! teem of heiress a. to thick, whish r a fashion he has and a et of harness were ooh for x50, to ssns@tiaer p.y • feed hill at Douglas. Man. Be at °see emit to the anther of the item se that the rarest of Marra ('ampioa k The Comedic• Pacific bridge over Stony Jses.tes email he •'traded to bat that gee theism was tent at home 1 b• following t..rsisg the diuw went personally to the '..lees place of floe eerr•epeedeet. bet swain that geegeman wasn't to be found, having NOW bs.iesn wkid sed called Ora ret ei taws. TML wee o. Wednesday mid Ib. editor bed made all arrangements be i!e to Tomato OVER THE H CRON TRAIT. 4, Tho Grist trent the Lewd NW. a Weekly •lord M et.MW sew. veered op ere '►all Soeerh.4y - rale rod ream 4 lipped rad 4 eaara.r. i'r... Leery Sentra, boron were slipped to the 4 Kd 4 ountry on M.uda). They were purchased by Mr. Millard, of 1.'tod,%, F:uglan.t, ted .lames Archibald. tie noticed yulte,a cumber or gou•1 horses belay brought 'airport the uurth ou Tuesday. The farmers seem animal to dispuee of them even at preeeut low prise. l sboroe . 1 ins of Z on*s old inhabitants has passed a ray in the person of rh..utaa 1'enwanlen, of coneeesoe 9, l'sh orn.% s lot departed thus lite on Saturday, Starch 3. The tarty 11444 'uttered an Z on cemetery on the following Sloudsy. He hal peered the allotted spats of life. The Targe number d Westfield : C. .trnutroee has bought iriead• end neighbors wh•i a:tcn•le•1 the the 51) acres helots -out, to Motes McVit- funeral ahew•al how highly lie was esteemed Seefurh The town d seoforth . ogee• mg its electric liglr pleat for sale by ten- der. Wawattoeh Thiry tancarp, of Mloe• tarsi. a wealthy tamer, is its i. lag friends hen et present. IlIyth : J. N'ts.on has .ruts l the- 50 a . a on the 2n:1 ion , near I I! y t h, know a lt.e (u:lerto harm. Exeter: Mts. John W11fisbs* keit emit pitted a taheu quilt wilwh ewisls/am 3,000 plebes and tau two alike. Brawls Jes.Strettco ted wits Isar• d• tuned from Schwab. r. and 5111 uun.fnencs tern.inj in the lownehip avaip. Rlesvale John • .._ Moe. 5 . n I.0 r Ini.1 the Itemise mtifor•tales to fall•ihrough • 'Fro -door into the cellar, lajurmg herself b_llty. Clinton : .fes Sleeves delivered i. 1700 it. more to Mr. Kerry, of Hornell, un Wai- n...lay. foci wl.'cb lie t'ee's.11-:l eraforth . l'lu^' k l 'timet', of !Lie tows. h iv.. Ire,' sward,..i the centr.ct forthneret. thin of lie foe Presby terms chateo et Cow s:wee. - l'lintuo : Jas. Yov.g, baker, leo .bsspw. ed of his taking Whores to Mown. Powell & ('Inff. The former is • native of town and the latter of thaforth. Illyth : .lames M1r luarrie had two of his finger* badly crushed on Friday night, dur- ing the Jubilee Sieger. concert, by . wiodow falltag on them, Cliston : At • sale is this vicinity re cently, the highest bi.i that could be n• evived on a two year old colt was `2Sc., and a wutkier horse actually 'mold for el. Hensel) : the m T anY friew.le of Benjamin Snirray. who was ser Seriously tojered by a falling tree, will M ' Io lento that 4e it re':storing and d I as could be ec pect,•d. leu lett : 1-.e I l ungbut has sold his farm, in the Maitland Klock. to John 1:'t1„1, of Colborne, for $3,S00. it coatroom 100 sores, and • few years logo would have brought $1000 more. Clinton Alfred Brown, • former 1'lln- tertian, brother of Mrs !Loan. war to town this week renewing old ac•Inaintaaoee For the lent twelve yeanosinee leaving Clinton, he has been • resident of Northern Me:hi- t,•an, where he is farming. Feiner : Mr. Whiteford, of Morris, for- merly of Centralia, accompanied by Reeve Rawden visited the farm of John Corniab, near F:iimville on Saturday. and purchased ,he same for X1,500. 'rho farm is an excel lent one of 100 acres with fair buildings. 1 Hayfield : f ►u Saturday there was brought into town a large eagle, measuring seven feet from swim/ to wing The bird wee captured to • trap on the property of Mr McEwan. He is an old malefactor that has baffled the .1111 of several crack shots. Clinton • (1n Saturday Mar. 3, E. West lake, of the lake shore road, Stanley, was in town. and commenting on the weather, he made the remark that " they had not had one day's sleighing down on the line all winter," the snow having been blown off the road. Clinton - The other day Wm. East, who is employed at the foundry, was in the moulding .hop, when some bot iron sputter ed and struck one of his eyes, bemuse It seriously. Fortuoateily the eye sight was not injured, bat it wee neemess r to call in the services of a doctor. Norrie Wilton' Farrow, 3rd line, re- turned from the towrship of Clarke last week, where he was attending the f 1 of his father Hai mother. died the week before, LI* he did not get word to time to get to the fano rer'. ':rip took both of them at the ages e f 81 and 7? Sedirlh George Habkirk , who for several yeah has resided on • farm u Tnekermith, moved his family and effects n %Vedne.lay bet to the farm in Meklllop mit of Winthrop, formerly owned by Alex. Johnston. Mr. ilahkirk baa leased this farts foe • term of vera Clinton • The " Pebble Cottage," Ihosne• stead of the late Robt. Cook, ono of Huron's pioneer, hy Miss Mewntea.tb, ie os Itbibi- time for a few day. at Ranee and Spalding'.: it was painted to the order of • Toronto lady, and is •n excellent representation of this well-known residence. Seaforth. Iln (Vslesalay afternoon when the poet otFoe officiale opened the drop box to get the letters for the moil, • part and lively sparrow flew out. How it got there is not known, heat it wit very much Ole* Perhaps it eau the Tittle bird that tells en much mews, and was on its way to soma newspaper office. Sealorth The old "ray noire which Alex Sl*mmho has owned and driven for over twenty yeas, passed to the happy hontieg grounds last week- She had got to be almost • landmark it Anima beings did all their work as faithfully and well, this would he • much happier world, She was &heat 30 years nld, and tea at one time owned by Joh. Logan Sefcetb : Jobs Denny, of the 11i11 Road eat with • p•i.ful accident no Monday morning. While hitching hie tem one of the hone orowded him against the side of the stable, crushing him holly. He was severely bre'se1, and when medical attend mace arrived it tea forted that hie o011ar hon* had been broken Mr. Lenny will likely be laid up for same time. ('reek is the largest is Canada, sad lea just Wean completed without • o•eu.lity. Herman Johnson, a Rorie buy. wed 11 years, tell raw the sharp edge of • .nbbool .dash and died from Wheelie renewed Jaen P Y.11jeas•s, esere.sry of ilarrio Public Reh.al bard, boa e.lrr'ad apes ►Y Md year. H. writes ms dear sad .toady a heed as a young man. by unity. Kippen - Many sere surprised to hear of the sudden death of \In. (frown, of the 1. London road, who died on 'uudsy, Fel 25, at the advanosi so.• of eilthty fire years alai sigh' months. III; d.. -v e.t cam. 1.. ilia Icountry in the old pioneer days and un•Ier• went much 1,.I aod .easy hardrhlps. Slim , had • large family, who with her very many 1frtro.ls mourn her departure, yet have the consolation that aloe hos you' to • ,he.,{ler hone. ^- - Hullett : Mrs. Robt. Crawford,' of the 10th con.. was rnll.•.1 sway last week In •t: tend the tuuer•1 of her father, Robert Johns- ton n who .11•41 at )lir resudeate of his eon- ta-law. Simnel Lucke, 92 Wood St., Tor,,, tot.on Fr lr tl inlay. • t to.of `b3 a . age y s sr and 7 months. I tetteseed wear a native of l'ouoty Fermanagh, Ireland, and CONN` to 1'anade 30 years ago, setting its ('hinousevmsy : Ile &(tetwsr,I, mores( In Huron, and for some time .tented Ie Hutto* with ha ant-om-law• ; he then went to reside With lits daughter to Toronto, where he hes remained ever 81000. Hie health wo invariably greet, and age Moos weertMsr of hie- dea►tb. lie was entirely jrettere4for the change, send died conscious of that bieasctl ret that is alone' promised to the peop:r of l:,r). Hot wife survives him, •'n8 in Modition to oke laugh' tells mentioned, are t others. Mrs. \ally of Brook o, and lore.. . of ilitattobe with a souIn Toronto and one in New I York. \ ASHFIELD\, )4144,14A1\ March 2 Tia‘ weather is remarkably tjet. for this lime of year. The roads are drying up moss ly The fall w4ert.l•ohs little green %n.l pre: seats • beautiful appearance for this meet the year ,Ino. Smith, 12th concession, %V..,t W. waoceh, went to Kay ('sty, Mich , last Fri- day to visit friends tnere. AUBURN. Woo 1t, Mar 1.' `o tie of the farmers here hate beg .n seed lad. Mrs. J. 1' (frown is at p,-e,.•nt on the sick Tut. We are pleased( to learn that Mfrs. K. Ask with i• recovering . M.ple syrup malting hes begun In this community, but the propeete of its beteg a good season ar'e doubtful. Albert Kn.c is very in at present• suffer lav from la grippe. We hope he will soon r•eoover. Mr. 1.1uta rslag.•r, whet di.:owed of hu farm In .I'.hn Murdock, intends to retire in Hos tillage. Sir. Murdock will take poi. session next Wedawdsy. CARLOW. Trews%, \1•rch /. Nelson f:raham and sister, of Sheppsr.l ton, spent Sunday at the Poplars. Sugar makio in this vicinity is in full sway, the "tun is good. We are living to hope. of tafy pull. '•Thr r•Isola for thio tame of year areiRei- celleot order and Spring worne to have hag - hi. 55* in." So ten the robin The young peep a of the 1 . F:. swietjf held • v. ry i arresting meeting on Schierl eteoio5 last. The topic for the evening. " Systematic Reoebeencr," was well taken up by Mir T. Stirling. W whited in last week'. St•..A1. that our ('arlow oorrespondent thought antras pe , pie were trying to turn Young again. We vesture tow theare some older on the 8th who ween d like to turn " fount " too. ii'IIE .SPI;I\j; I } The Work Bebrre the Court. 1.1.1 .r l an.rs ea for Trial Ml.po.11le■ of ,be /ares Tried ler •rte tsrla.l •- ear •local" NI.. rl..rd 141 " Weer 1 44.1.. ' Tt•eetiet 11err. _ r, Coon upeeed at 10 o'clock .( w. by prow layatt%, the 11.m. ('hoof dusttoo Armour prodding. I ri ru t Kroadf•.o: Act $ w for sedactioo, verdict for plff : by coattail tar n300 and co.'s. Bantry fur pill ; FI 5. ' Hays, def t. - 1.embertus v. 1)alt.,js"l'kloe to establish a luuudary line between plointitra aod de fondant's buds. Hui lordship having 'truck out 11 ,' Jury nd1•- f y 'r, a rt:ca agreed trial altuu .d he post lamed the Alley outings of I(4is court 461 this c,.unty. Aladrewr ter. 1:. ,•hkr Action *risme out tat • dal.ute as to uane.Ship .4 castle being • Ifed h:twten the p.rte*. • /mote A Prgtd• f•rtt fur qdg. ; l au,p4w, k •Iohosteu for deft. Ito 1 .rbliop with +rete the tete from the - - jury and ►csert'd judg:urut. tit •n 1" n . r s. Jfc . 11.:. 1 l u ld Y t• • •. .i o f of elle - late, by puWuhtng certain cb.rvrl rttiiyst pill. to ter (.•i L ncA Su• • u_ Camplt.o k .lube - •inn fur ptff. ;';arrow k Trio afo.•, 1' . eft. ,.l1ohnmy n•tr1 •t 4 1 . r '1 tat che',i. of li Yor. eto►t.r•lbs j•iry- r••turne.l so 6 1.i i• u : dieting no d•,nsyne for pill ; upon whM6 DUN(iANNOI. Tcasn►t, Meech 13th. Korn a. The local agescy le l/uagani es re- Tits utste ai is at the oaks of J. U. W.. d J.P . eseveysorr, to, wee w111 meow. ..ere for subscriptions advertise/4 & id;oh were. and U authorised to give receipts fur aa,0usa paid for th s same. Ihd1t'. T1fg V,i,•aoL- M,1Veathereld, we nolioad, is os • Whom tour in our yill.g t Reim. -At the time of writing the wether which hoe been so pleaent and far for • week or so. le heir,, broken with rain which we presume will be beneficial. •• Rrrt ie .o Hosr Jin. Wilson, our atoh esteemed milliner, who has been at Toronto electing her stock of fashionable millinery for Spring, arritd home at the e nd of last week. SVeto.. it wonid appear from present state of the weather, as ale. the eppearanoa of some of the harbinger• of Sprang that we are to have an early Sprang. 'rhe robin has oontmeeoed his warbling ley. l;asz'.1t-as .1 1t Crawford of 14as vel f leaving bees selected a an a groan juror, lett hen for the comity town to in the duties teeumbent on him a inch, Alec Cha. 1►ona, of West. Wswann.b, hoc e lected as greed juror Vtety... - Edward Pacely,nf Lion's H and formerly ief tet Wawannsh, is on a visiting tour to relatives, friends, and foes mer aclu•atanw to this neighborhood. 1t se upwards of tem years since he left tittle vicinity, shad we tae pleased to leers b. "title" along well in his new location. DIY a*T[n room yin. `t el l' -.as. Siren - 't► THi*.:a We deeply regret to hs.e to chrome's the death of Mrs Wm. McKay, nee Mie `nth Willis, who died at ( loom% , on Friday of tat week from the effeeta of dropsy and heart depose, having been ill for • lesgth of time. Her remains were inter red is ibis family plot, Ito."anion cemetery on Sunday lot. A largo number of b.reay oil relatives, tomtits. and sympsthsvong o eigbhors were present. Sb. was AA years of • a 1 ttsrvgntes were cr%.lieted hy Rey. R F•irtrtr is • eery impressive m.meer Th. bereaved husband and two rhildras ' beak girls the .Ido being /' yen sad the Towage? i. her 4tA yawl have the absien sympathy of the worts' ertelded to them. Feeler Will Weteott,an employe of the There ogler, anew menthe ago hal his fool Miami by a stick of wool falling epee it. The Celery at the time was considered 1W -iliac and nothing mon was thought of it wntil reneatly the sired toe of the right foot beeam. •n wire, and e•v• bran each trn.hle as to t,...rltate ite b•hag amulet.' , whin wa donees Saturday, Mar aril R.Arth • Joh. M.Mass, chipped 19 1 lessees t. Buffalo dost week. • ear load of lit. lordship dire -eget float ju.lg.nrnt be en- tered to th:s eau.. _on and after the fifth 'lay of next, F: toter sittings. diga•isatug this • suttwt wHhouI' woof.. Iii'UougtlIoto. 113,n. A- ton (or awul.. in township hal 4 ,Thor*.. eterrow h hood - 1,, -t for oat Ciriiipi:m•C .lohns•on for dolt. Perritt farrteft. , - - T.rren •e vs W el.h ' %et tun • over the title to temperaeee hell to Varna. i;sy*.w 4 I'romdfou t for pltf : t.e1.eh, -'a 1. t Harknees, Cornwell, for deft,. ALA.•one v.. 5 still] - ‘..tool 1.. re,.reer prio• of hay. Garroif k Proudfoot for pit.; J. 1). t0Ktedly tor deft Ihanlnp ve. T.rernship of- 1-aArye* , Tim Ins. (b. -Action (..t payment of Inoue'',. (;arrow k Prom-if.1, o for 1,11f : 'A , t' M.f. crop. S:. \toy, far deft. ('harleswurtl. vs . Ik'.wn. 'Action on an alleged warranty. R. S. Hey% for p:il 1'res.tr .4. `htnth. of 1 been S -.,end, to, .1rfr. K,et•hler v* Andreas et al , another ar (ion arising out of the cattle deal, heing for rahcioua prosecution. Campton k .Rohn ston for plff ; 1;arro_w S I'romlfu.: t.0 deft. Craigie vs. Clark .A dispute over fishing interstate between the parties. L. F. Dan- cey for plff., Garrow & Proudfoot for deft. Jackson vs. Brady A revival of a for- mer action for dream of cnttreet in as al- leged warranty of the stallion Brown Rooker. L. E. Dancey for plff. LEEBUHN. '11 ►.•'At, Marg 13. I'te)4.141.41. Ro`+t.Cut*. .d Grube!., who for the past few mouths hoe been .itemsa, u( Mr. H1Iti•r's store in laeierich duriagthe I•tter'e stay rs Florida,'l'are our 4rg • transient visit on Ku,dW week; 1'nt'w•n N.trio. •Tuesday of tine week .Rohn Horton goes to Seal .rth to tl e Pram bytery hierteng. A week from, next Sun day an evening service wail he held here at r n. The pastor at the close of last Sun- days service mentioned that. feeing the summer, efforts would he se.s.;e u. have • mission picnic of the two cuogrcga'Ions and have at it speakers to address it oft the rid- fMMt mission fields of the Pr..4yterian .bRroh. Amo.g the speaker* the Rev, Dr. Ignskay, of It aisa, may be 'whatnot. DUNLOP Tewstier, Mar. 13 1'@as.., ti. Wm. Tobin sund*,'d ,m t kelcrich town.hip .. Mr. an. Mn. %Von Robertson visited a Kmgb ,i1e this week. To i'ttuwur■ Ttu. l:iteert. dant, • Rob. ertson from rtes. Sheppardton as. In our midst • tew day* ago, noticing the annual colleoton for the funds 4,1 the 'tilde Society in this part of thea globe. Frogs ea d eta nen)ua birds of 'ariens tsmilies al the feathered ram. of Conseil) m ale their debut last week for 1ES4. The mildness of the weather shows Met h a 1 M coming an almost Summer month. 1'lowie, sal and 'towing of grain may yet be recorded to this section, should this bright and balmy weather continue NILE Trpnar, March r, Yrs Hogan and family hese move( to I;odench Yr. Moreland, of El e,rrnr, to moving to our villose. Nene bee beee wares for the put three weeks or Jambe hasn't been oat mach Rey. Yr. R,drete. of I►uegann•.o, and Rev. Mr. Moss changed pulpits last San day We would like to hear from Koster A Sou again They aro regular poets from the word go. Frank Coney who has bee. •pend'sg the Winter at his home, leaves this week for Slags, Mae , again. Frank Morris has re* limed from Detroit sot from St. Thoma College a. the Poplar Row scribe has informed the croo. 'J. H. BRICKWOOD'a OASE. • 1..eresaeet s111a,i.$ and I. ■beer•Ilsm Cored kw le berme, 15..14'. ked•er rill. Naas all la* people walking eleedis• • 1h' kr.gglds. K,v•..Tor, March 17 - The fart the: rheurnatiem is mused by diseased Kidney,. ha is.rn again ei melestrely proved by the ca.* of Mr .1 H Reickwoal, fishery is .p.c•nr for this district Ile *offered from rheumatism for fifteen years and friend no cure in the prwcriptI.mr of doetore nr is • (.went medicines Flnelie he need Iw+•11. Kidney (tills, twHce Morn n1 .hire cared him Harty Wade, the well kntsr dreg gist here, who odd Mr Rriekwood the pill, aye he /s overran with enquiries as to the gesnin.seee of Mr. Rriekw.od's story. of which Mie chi• to satisfy ~ryes* N. also reports largo eelss of this pills with 'sect satisfactory noshs is every case.