HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-8, Page 8d THE SIGNAL : GODKRICH;' O4T.. THURSDAY, MARCH L '1114. THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE CTTANLISNSO MU. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. IMPfnilb (PIM .n Eula MILLION oowk*s - NWT B. E. WALKER, GENERAL. MANAGER. • ..•000.000s SI, 100,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL. BANKtNO BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT AL, *DAM{ IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL C TIES IN THE UNirto STATER GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, as •AVMN$ .ANE DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS OF.a.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATE{ Or INTEREST ALLOWED INTEREST AOOBO TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE ENO OF MAV ANO Pr- IOER IN EAOH VW. special Attention given te the Clorteetb.•. -• ^-• End roomers' Sales Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Prom our ownCorraspandenta- T►ere 1. Information Mere &beat laa..e be reload to vi herr Lt.e-sew. of Liber e swab enrr&ally R.p•r-led ler lbr Etas.&. AUBURN. no'e's►-.. Mar. 1:. Vuegbtut is on the sok list this week T. (Sark retcrned home Saturday from Hema•!l. Mars. M. Hattrs,of Wiarham,spent '.tut day here. Mr. Kat:, of too, snaday.d with friends here. Wouog, of tWiezhem. visited friends her. "uuday. Slim. t.. Revile, now tl( L:li,Etns. was home Sunday. Will ra.f 'Andy \ ungblut, el . tioderich, s.adaye.t at their home here. _ ._ finite a number of young folk took tin the "Jubilee Concert' :a It!yth last !Friday night. • Three Cities froni the t.wa o�l 6oderic\ visited t!.is pL.e las: Sunday. 'What.* the attract.oa, boys '. The met -doers of the I:oworth ! .'tgue in. toed having ao "at home" in the !Methodist church aeitjuesday evening. A good tinkly: is expected. \ Nan' .rusty, Mar. •iohn M:tcheil Ml .-lbordayfar Msnitobe. , 11'e k h&.n wooer. R. R. dell, of L-.Iosbeen. laid oar el! -I lags a d visit Tharoisy Wbi:e c • the two door, last Fa.. 1 Miss Lily 'Upped and fell • distaner of I2 feet. severely cut her hand and Wckenrt wai dna3 tine, but no set sans injury ' t NES. . Tui Mar..h. it:se I. Mcln: yrh \of Lucknow, is 'The guest of belt. and Mr..' Joe Scott this week. Mi, M. Courtney,of Flint, Mich,. ra at present. visiting at . Courtney' s. Air. W. and Mies C: Johnston Were visit= tag friends in the vicinity- cf Clinton last week. Mies F. }rank. who -las been visiting friends in the ticinity of Nolyrood seturned home this week. 111. ('ourt.ney, acclutpanirt by Mrs. P. -. Rimier, hard hese viaitinv their brother. J. Courtney, of Flint, fetich, las: week. I•tlr'•;.-Mn. i•auley who lives here with het daughter, Mrs. H. Vansickle, and who - has bcvs etck for the put two weeks, is, we regret to say, still very low. MATT,. ' Jno • Campbell, who has had tt. r. Lame. farce rented for She poet Live yeas, had an auction sale on Marc tat .0 be ia- tends gritting farming fur the present. F:verfthrog was disposed Of at fairly good t (tames. '4;01 F. .1,4mes Trott, who has been enjoy -- inti • vis:' under the parental roof. left for Oakes. Itakota. on \Wedneteday, 2titii, carry - in; with hut. the best wishes of .11 those who have the pleasure of his ac'luaintaoce. His hole daughter F: Lith alto •ccm:1hour.] Lim. Acta u.. -A yonng gentlemin arrived it the residence of Mr. Faris, on Saturday March 3rd. who tips the besm at 101' pounds. 1We hope that he may long be .pared to kir. and Mrs. Ferris We pre• some it will be in order to call this ore Jahn. ('.• Ear Patterson. u the last boy was honored with t ate'title of Malcolm t'olio ('aateron. crptaio was a warm and sincere trieui of your humble scribe, and for the put fou, teen years dorm* the Winter months we would ofteu visit at his home, and hear many stirring nuts of his adventures on the deep waters of the l'soadiaa inland lakee,covering • period of forty years. Ow- ing to illness latterly we were pretested from seeing each other till three weeks be- fore his death, when we had our last toter• view. l'alpt and peaceful we found him. 11'm spoke to him of the a h:eta which he had made to free the I.eebutn church of its standing debt during the 11'inter of 1393. He had collected over one ha:f of the amount due, end io February, lbyr2, he saw the debt fully discharged. Early to the evening of this tragsient life a food parent and true frtend,etith all the characteristics of • sailor, passed from our midst, deeply regretted, to be seen no more, but not to be forttotten by any waw knew him. He made his peace and met death in full rsiguation, and will be aye ready to answer the grand roll call on deck for all hands. Like all mariner., he had gathered many treasures of the deep and ht had i rare fondness for bird*, and bad • beautiful collection of statfcd ones which he tansy/ showed to las visitors. He h ad also always • pet terrier at his side while oar shore which never left him. The last sue he head for the &Fact ten years. CARLOW. Trt..t.y , March6. George Ferguson has returned from t1'allaceb..rg. Alex and Will .Ferpua•'n arc visiting at their uncle's, Mr 1Viii. Ferguson. Misses Alio Tyn tall and Lily Ferguson of (:odericht\Cu kgfate Institute eundayed at botne. A ycming Orionis in ot'r vicinity disappear- ed .odds. -oI• sight - Wes any ot :hem trying to t "Vetter(' again'. The soul of I Friday eyeniog under the auspices' of th Christian Endeavor Society -pruned a great success ini:ee.t. The proce.de amounting to eighteen dollars and a hall, are to g,, ''• the Poirot aux Tremlty mission school I){ 11 "" iy Weis eiht.ry pleasant -.vett took place at the residence of Mr. Alex Stirling.' Ilia eldest daughter Lizzie was Mittel] in holy matrimony to W. Mack, of Paisley. The bride is a very estimable young lady and we regret her departure from amongst us. Long tile and prosperity N wished them by their many friends. LEEBUHN. - Ter-uw, Mach b. Max b • :hlcr, from Witlaod clhnty, visited relatives and other friends about herr this week. Mrs. John McLeod has removed from eheppadton to reside here, having rented a house from .1. Shaw, of Godcrich. 'tome of the members of t he I 'hristiaa I:n- deacor here took'is the social held by the sister society at Carlow on Friday- eveni of last week. 5B CH. m• ii N••Tr-. After the close of Wedoe.day night prayer meeting tee manager,' will meet to talk over financial natters. The beard of elders will meet o elect a representative from thorn to be. ptesent at the Huron Presbytery meeting at seafortb next Tuesday. FR0,I Mu -.ismer -Arthur Horton return- ed from Muskoka after a visit of some days meeting many former residenu about here and among them the Vomit family. Mr. (tome has been dead, haring pared away during the Christmas week of 1843. He also saw quite • •lu.tn.ity of snow there which this winter is rather aunty in this part of the globe DUNGANNON. TO t.utt. March 1-•,irJlt.--Peter !Wolin, of Ripley, 40•1 formerly an esteemed cite/en of ltungaanoo, is visiting relativee her.and renewnt• a% ; lu•intances. Lt ...I, 1,. _tWm. Fowler, of Dungannon, rias leased his farm in West Wawanasb to William Henry for a term of fire years. e wish the tenant success. ('otfr'N LTE:. - K.J. Crawford, merchant, as recently received his Spring stock of dry goods and groceries,aod ie now prepared to pply his nanterous customers with orst- ar roods PORT ALBER T. Tresety, Mar r•. heal Nelson Lac retu'ne•d iron, stokes Its1. 1% Messrs 1'. and ,1 Nevins were in the it- Mrs. Wm. !McBride left for Chicago MI Friday i•s•. She was •c oinpx:Pal by her au niece, Miss May Lachance. Misses Mary and Lizzie rtevenson attend ed the wedding of their cousin tierce, in Lucknow. 1.s' t': edueadwy. to Martin Roos. have purchased the fishing 11 bore last week. C. a SHANE & CO.'Y are abeam( • full reap el Les' Pur Cape! IN WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA- CHAN and 'POSSUM. GNATS' FURNISIIINGS. Full lines in every LMp•rtsae•t. tt!('all and examine geode and price.. C. IL SHANE 1t CO., McLean s Block. Ver. sit are nod Montreal et. ibis twin sl grace. He will be missed by his relatives, friends and numerous ac• qusistaaces. 1Ve, along with nM Lost of friends, with hum su ties. in h:s new location and calling. tit T. W. 1'. t,rier•os, of West Waaanosh has sold hu farm to 1Willu Bell, of Codench township, for the handsome sum et three thousand dollar-.. Taking intoaccoent the depression in value of real state he has realized a hood price for it. .. Wm. Matthews, ot �1shtield, has dis- posed of his farm to Juba Markley-. of the sane township, Mr. Barkley having sold his fare to .Andrew Hackett. near Bee field. $u.cw to J. b. i'•Tltnrc', lostsurion.-The 1'. of I. held tbeir conveation m pursuance of the previous •miu.unce•ment, on Tuesday, March 6th, in this tillage. There s -as a large turnout of members frau, the s rth ends of A.hti.ld and W. 1Vawanorli townships, as Cia.. from ('olborne and Godertch township., notwithstanding the wet weather. 11. 'tethers, township clerk of Ashtield, James taunt. !West 1Wawaoosh, president of Pat- ron. for West Huron, and ,lames Connolly, of l:oderich township, were uuminstod. tai a vote'neiug taken 1'annolly, having the largest number of votes, was chosen as can• didate to represent the Patrons in I'•rlia meat AO tt lin M oday of last week T. H. Walker left here en route fur St Marys, Cc. of Perth, where he intends enteric. into the livery business in psrtn•ralip with Lis brother. He bas beeu for upward of six years in the en:ploy of Stephen lIh S e:s,oue of oar popular, obliging and progressive blacksmiths, a carriage acd waggon maker and repairer. duriuugg which time, by his agreeable and Mold c disposition, he gained the esteem of all with whom he formed an acquaintance. He was • regular attendant at church and sabbath ack..o±, and a con. ':oteot member of the l're.'bvrerian church. He will be missed by his parents and circle of acyuaintacces, esesct&lly the youag peo- ple, among whom ho w -as a tavortte, tiartic- ularly tone co the fair sex. We wish him the best of success w his new vocstio.. F:ut • trio.: --Darin: last week the energetic sad popular P. 1., of %Vest Hurtle, John E. Tom, as. . n hie tour of in- srection of public Schon's in it,taganuon and vicinity. On Monday 2bth Feby., he of- ficially cisite.l Dungannon public school, and after having examined the pupils in both departments. expressed himeelt ins trims of being well pleased with flag pro- gres. which the pupils have made voce his former visit, as also the good order main- tained. He expreese.i himself highly- pleas ed with the mooe cif tuition and compli- mented the principal and assistant on tl•e state et their charges. Trustees 1. .1. Crawford and T. Anderson, were p -cess and at the clossbt the exsmioaion express- ed themselves will pk•sed with the manner in which the pupils acquitted themselves. On Tuesday, Feb..'7th, he visited No. 4, S. 1West 11'awaaosh ie which •1. It. t Wear her head is tbeefficient principal. Tne pupils being examined in the various public school exercises, acquitted themselves in a manner which redectt great credit to Cie teacher and to themselves, as was attested to by the inspector. Mr. 4%eatherhead has been in S. ". No. 4 for • number of years, whir* shows that he is doing good work The inspector visited No. 3, e. S., W. Wawanoah, in the afteronon, in which school Miss Finlay is teacher. As she haw been intheschool for ooiysahort time, com nencitein.lan., great progress could not he 'oohed fur. How -ever the pupils oox the whole a' quit: ed theiu.el ves fairly well, with practwe and es; sb Mies Fin!ey will succeed as a troche'''. Mr. Wstherhe•d, teacher, was present an,r eit the close of the examination expressed him.'"If well plsaed with the manner in which the oupils lenn- aideriug the short period blies }-In'ey war herr' acquitted themselves. as did ala: the loapector. lWresseest, March 7th. L)1144.• nor,' NI ri.Tr.i:. The monthly meet in, of the directors of the West 11 awatso.h Mutual Fire insurance Co. ens held on Tuesday, the bth, all the members present, sceptre* direr. A number of •pplioatioea of insar•nee were received, the number be- es greatly le excess of this time lad year• BLUEVALE Mocuyl, Mar. 5. blies Parris Wheeler, of Retgraye,is visit - Mr at Robert Duncan'., Mr...lesse blesser. whc broke her leg re. wently u recovering nicely. Quite • number left here on %Valens --ay or Manitoba and the Northwest. Thad W. H. Leavitt lectured here on • riday, Mar 2, in the 1{terest of the 1'. 1' tackle belooginy to Nebo and Clarke, and ci will commence operations here as soon M the weather permits. m The following shows the standing of 10 pupils of S S. No. 1, Ashfield, for the month of February 5th class louietta l uniting to ham : 4th cos • Annie t'uanintrham, Alf. tlei.i. tt, Willie Bennett : see. 3rd lista h Pillow, Etta Willis, Rebecca MCMiUan ; pt jus. erd Albert Cunningham, .lohn Mc w Millen, Florence Stevenson . sen- 2nd ha Edith fellow, John Nellie, Edwin Oliver : Q, Ise. 2nn Minnie Canntnvham Ada Stay T --1.i,. i', r. tiur mitt l sfeemed Winer, Mn. Wilson, has gone to Toronto purchase her Spring .tock of millinery. 1 e presume the fair sex will be on the •1u, ve for her return. ltra�•v ar. -John Smith soil family re oval last weak to the Archer farm, 13 aid coos. \lett 1Wawano.h, which be has leased for five ears. May good tucoe•y at nd them in their new home. I.etTH vin IxTrHrrvT. We regret to ave to chronicle the demise of Mrs. (..o. utl.dge, of West Wawsnoeh dart*, last f eek. The bereaved husband and children ve the heartfelt gmpathy of the commun. unity in their sad affliction and bereave F mein. A • ens, Rlin Mcklill•s : part 2nd Arthur Farrow. Louisa sicca, Victor Farrow part David Cowley, Willie Smith, Alla. Richardson. in the monthly *pelting match those who ranked first were • --Sib class , I.ouiett• t'non:.{ltam : 4th, Aside C'waatsgham : re.. 3Jgd tits yellow : jun. 3rd, Florence htetttensno :.ea. 2od..lnhn Nad/is : jits. 3-4 Alfred 1.4uaid ; pert 2nd, Victor Farrow : part let. i►avid t •suley. .1. W. Moorhens mot A. t. Hawkins. teachers DUNLOP. Tt sone, Mach Miss Katherine Wells. of "taltferd, was Nis remit of Moo Watto lest week. Fishing at the Mak• was tried lest tEEils hog M the ie. was iodine.' to break is AIM Meeks he the softness of the weather 1 the werken were not inclined to a tree ilk 6. frosts Sae, a I.an,1, nut Iona sehixmtla Dave Fives it up�at pre..nt Oto Wrote( fun,-aI. paired ureo week ttrhss w1 grist m i h.ebeztellI 411 herr, to Ar LaiT k . M onda of rut tlagiti &WmRag.•, of ef the late made Flt ISMei' • ' Isar �RlEltlea Woe The late IHt irate. Since our Inst the month of • February hating fulfilled its mission, retir- ed alone with our predeeesore. The mouth of March 'ism ita inaugural, hu bees et eel - lent weather, and spring like, and is cease. gaencr e'eighing tor the time being is de parted. Cuac•.rn Ir %Trnr I.11rANI. LOC rnox ��a Mr Harris and wife, of Ribbert town • Duncan Flog, whn has been ill for sono time, :s n 4 any better and faint hopes are held of os recovery Ar .h Pattersns, who moved to Wroxeter reg sully, has returned to Bluevale. There • no place like l:lnevale. enmity- ot Perth, during last weak Al herr to ' i1it relatives wJ tame- orflr anew. Mrs. Barris, formerly at'tp.ai.t- late (leo. 1 Dung, was moct relict of the her friends, •cqueintar esteemed by all The oowgratul•tione .,sa and neighbors. are .s tended to I w her numerous friends her Mtwhend, a w, hoping she will, with 1.1.T H. ••any a.tn•agied felicity. whn hr eat /)a Monday H. T. Walker, blot' hese in the employ of oar popular a• .anith, Ste .n Mtothen, as carriage .1 waggon Iwijder for upward of six years left here for Rt Mays, county of Perth, where he eaten upon a more l.erative po•i lion He was greatly heM is esteem by all oho keen him for hu eu•vity of foamier, , entkmanly condor., and kindly disposi- tion He ass • regular attendant at eb.roh and Aabbath school and every avatl- On Friday evening text the people of tee tetbodist church will bays • social in the easement. Admission 15 eta The Methodist church is hctdieg • series of revival meetisc. (b Monday Par. R C. Rotten, of Whitechurch, pros_Sod is the afternoon and .varier : en T•...ad.y Rev. J. (.regio, Carrie, will preac',: oa 1Walasl•y Rev. John Mille, l.w.innw, and no Thurs- day Rev. S. Seller/. I.seh gestlenysa will preach in the afternoon and evening of the said days 1 IT sig S144,141 is slaty It a pane bi advisee*. There are said to be 700 ('bine., mea and 300 Chinese laundries in Brooklyn Resid.ats in the Rat Port..* district wast the lakes then np.n.d Inc fleeing TM Wel braes mason which has besot the feeler* .1 the evert helm* at i)eoator, Gs, since the Iodise war of 1836, has inviter ieedy disappeared. CALL1ES FROM FRANCE 1 , + W_ .A.CHESON . dZ SON_ Our iuiport of Challies we open first lot To -day. The de - slims never before so neat. The Colors are beauti- - ful and new. Choice larger than ever. We invite early inspection as no number can be re- placed. New French Dress Goods and Suitings, Black Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges and Fane' Effects OPENED THIS WEEK. INSPECTION IN VI'I ED. W. ILCHESON & SON. LOSE TIMES EASY PRICES. Now that there is a lull in business, it is the time to have your Watch, Clock, Jewellery, Silver- ware or Optical Goods Repaired ALL WORK Q-UARANTEED. WE ('Altltl A 11-1.1. LINE OF IIUUDt3 IR ol'it TRADE. C. Aa HUMBER & SON. s renal-, Tile Waa& When you see this on. the Box You know they are good. • yw .-s•v r+t:l seat DAYIS&RON; seekers ea e Memr0._al t- tai a t3 , _ _.. ,30 b lit I ,.////(..,w,"--- r ir/✓/i'/i•r7» tr', //'v, ,,, /i TYNDALL'S CONSCIENCE. - I►Mt /ssMM teweerer ears W Mb 1e11{ - Mw• Siena. From Mc('lure'• Maeazi..e. He was much more eotsacioua than phy- siciat• usually are, that every physical in• jury, pursued to the and, brings us down to metaphysics, and Leaves ua face to face with no insoluble problem S d It is is this stss.l.r mop •'.w, which the s l sun hno power ro dispel, that the plant's nflo most blighting teute sari sto lbs. Iles by the hundred ha. • been faun,' dead is the ' bis seams : Itsdesd,the liver nt the neighhnr Mod are nearlydep••pu'sted by the norms.fl wenwoa' . .1 gentk, who u noted as • botsni.t in three arse tested r M. dew and declared the, .. wa- a k • .•-g sweetness a• ry propositions - which physicists include as lying within their does ramie not belong to physic at all,' but are concerned with our cognitions of matter and force ; of act clearly shown by the controversy at present going on about the fandamenuL dvn•mic.. Rut in him Here's a Pointer tl.e „madwoman that there exist. • door - _ e wbtch, tb:ugh tan. ksence cannot poet hough, if no' •Iw.ya present, w5N ever ready to emerge. T1 •.t impeobab'y bis salij famivarity with theological gnestiol.,nlven bum tuy the Qom re‘ . r.y betwees oatbulio nae sad pioIatan i tam.. clt oeeupied his mind maolt during you.b, may have bed 10 do with this. lnt, whatever its canto, the fact, u proved by various spoken bend ant. tee words, was • belief that the kstows u surrounded by •n onksown, which he r.- oognir.'d M comet huff Mora than a mere ae- gatioa. Yes of Wham may be divided in- to two Masers, of which the otse, well exeet- plified in Faraday,kespiogtheir ssiese,,,, had their rel absolutely r"e,eaa•h n. troubled by •nybnruroeallkabeawMlhnw.' and Lha olI M whteh, oocup,iag rhesM Wyse .xolastvely with the facts tet usPeoe, never ask what implitatao.. *bey have R. it trilobite nr 1's e. dowbh-00.4"0,1f 11 air .bought about 11 u .rich h►e tM ne..IgbI cl Peter hell .Mat tM eia.s &. of till DERBY PLUG did nos belesr ',o either class : s.3 of rhe Mut 1 have h. hum speak with iwplted wore. When you ask for a 5 cent ?tug vo cent pug zocent plug 0/ TBI POPULAR Tme feeders war. Cestatt.de itself to the well-i■forwv.d, to do pleasatatly aid effectually what was epee in the modest manner and du.agreeahly at weiL T. cleans the quem and brook up adds, headache and fivers without unpins.] sat atter af..Ea, nee the delightful liquid &..tabes tweedy, Syrup of Fye. a reitMal. t'.pl.Me. Then has reoeaily appeared is the State of Mississippi • meat peculiar growth ksows as the "devil plant," which is so distil, as to resider all teasel aed regetattse on IS n eigbberhwd hiders 1t is twat Moor. at is appsersne.,heiag et • leader ere.s,eiio ie{ else to the earth. a.4 winkled with wsall, rid M.wnme, e.p-ebapd, acrd held Fag is their Marta a elan, dre♦ of atebtore. Smoking Tobacce be sure that the retailer does not induce yon to buy any other in order that he may make a larger profit. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, 7 * 12,OOo,00c REST, ,000,00c A Saving Department has bee" of erred ix colt ,ecliolrl with this brauch. Interest allowed at csi,rrent rates. H. L OCKWOOD, Manager Goderich Branca DRESS GOODS AT COST & UNDER COST. NOTE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS 50 Cents for :30 50 " 25 4:L. :L.0 40 " 29 33 4 4 20 30 20 28 Cents for 19 Rouen Dui..L,i. . 25 „ 18 22 20 15 12_' 10 e The above Are all gootj sound whal are above 9 cents are all wool. out and they are lleci,le.1 Bargains. In 15 $8.00 Drat, for 85 ( 15 6.50 9 6.00 " :1.0 $ 5.75 7' Goods anti good Colors, at; These Goods must he avert NEW SPRIIIG GOODS NOW IN STOCK. Prints, Challies, Delaines, Delainettes and Dres Goods. A splendid assortment of Irish Guipure Laces in Cream, Two Tone and Beige for dress trimming, all new and at astonishingly Low Prices. Best Corticellie Silk Spools in Black and Colors, cants each. Kerr's best 6 cord Spools, Black and Colors, 4 for 1( Wats GI 3 -cents each. - LOOK IOW Our Carpet Room will e..t •Flee stye* that at our Store bast plaee . to bus Carpet.... 1l'ilU -Carpets nsnafly mean fan. tiri.'i•4. With as it is diflerttit 11 leas. The Best Goods 1, \I. .11 Astonishingly Low Prices. Carpets bought front us made Ht.• Iai•l on short notice. We niake a a • • . alt}- of taking and laying Carpet,. per real. an' a'l Me wf-tr ?Hers or Lary boosts rierviiime.. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH, The Great -Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of'the County. JAMES ROBINSON, one Pi rcc Cash Store As we do not wish to carry over any Fall Goods we intend o clear the followin lines at a rldnetion. Co me for bartains. Bargains in Mantle Clothes. Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in boys 8,>hjrts and Drawers.- Bargains in men's Shirts and Drawers. Bargains in Tweeda Bargains in Flannels. Bargains in Gray Blankets. Bargains in White Blankets. See our Table Linen and Table Napkins JAMES f1,OBINSoN, One Prico Cash More without oder, and viscid like liquid gals, It war allowed to dwell on his tongue,wkdob sans heron to born him in as to rains a blister, and the member swelled up sad be- came discolored and very painful. The hem have aot best' the only esf ersrs by this growth, bat every iwe.et approachiag it memo in hereon* paralyaa.t sad after a bent or two of the wisp shove flat• creeper Ouse. drops dyhw •mosg its awl Isavetlk. Cattle which have sate. of i1 dig la a kw hears, is abs greatest ages wile a tort e1 es ed Weems, the shin drawn team sal the eyes pruir.di.E frees the heed. All ordinary remedies fail to restore sae is these •(eaeks rarebitisia also sees to woes the plant. sed whole tract& of n.•dnw. ere now lyi.g eterebed sad dead from the is• adieus appease' of the wkbwa growth. fader the mirrri re the leaves exhibit ie- ..merable Tittle niowtb., or soaker., a.m.h tesiefty se fa Wag the head as whirl the lief b hid. Isavitg a dtlll, red mark. We the wound of • worries. The pewit of the vicinity say this pleat b tbs fer.namer of disaster, having made pre -ions appreciator just before the o.tkec.k of the war• ud ne r ach 000.sies of tits ooseimg of the yellow Wee . An siert has bees made to hem it eat, but, preteet d by its siBs{Mpbw, this hae failed. The deed bedlam the the whack have died of oath' it, on hefts exiunissd. show that the digestive ornate are swathe to fear times their satiated sire, amid look u if they were hunted ; the heart is oe eseted. and the blond of • dark, normal tier+ with u 0 odor like be.sn- Tb. 'bee ir e1 rspld growth, eovories .ares is a fee daia reputing little hold. seed rem ever every obstacle is its way, the rests heirg "l threadlike fires.,,,, nod .sM.r>t.g esly e1 Meeh or two below tin Sark.n s1 tin .t bit eshibit eg .ateseraltoey y s'er'e Nes, old rw.ta, de -.s s P11Vslphis Tl,sa ~ -