HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-1, Page 88 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 1884. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE LIV*SLISN.D 1a147. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. rwdrM SMS IPP1 tai suu-WON DOLLARS • - 111111.000.000. IST Si,100,000. B E WALKER, Geraut . MANAGER. GODERICH BRANCH. A GLNERAL BANKINo BUSHMAN TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTED MISCOUNTED. DaAFT$ ISSUED PAYABLE AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA, ANO THE PwINCIPAL C TIED IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA, as SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. OEPOS.Ts or sI.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES Of INTEREST ALLOWED IMT'*RtST AOOSO TO TNS PRINOIPA.. AT THE END or MAY ANO Err' SCR IN aeon VUR. Special AtteetI I given fe the oettiotlon et owl Paryners' Soles Metes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. DIAMOND TEA FOR THE BLOOD. I • . \D TOR i- so :►L;t.luts Li,rr • .-1•(ur. . 1 R. W. R Iia. AR.•t.t. t$O.iF$uh. I1 EI( U 1.4'IU!OUl) \OTE Fr. otr. our owiOoestsespOndeats. • ttmd the convention et Clinton is 11'el nreday and 'fhurstlay. Qhur a ghn,twr of the young folk. took in the big dance at W. Sywiugtoo s last Friday evening. Waskr•sot., Fed►. Zit. Tswaley, of I:oderich, u visiting hers. Miss A. Ik•y, of %%Ingham, is visiting hers. Miss Lill 'bey sttsdayed at horn in Wine hast. 1. Stavens, of lielgrave, visited here on bit. sod Mrs. Fell sttadayed with (Penis at Clinton. J. %rates and dauvhter !tees, of 1:oderich, souk) ed here. M. Dowse. of 1 baton, ■a• the guest of J. Lawson last, week. Miss M. Helen?, of Clinton, 1 wiled her 1 parents hen on Sunday. ;glee eo-o• ., i sndesb•rnoo ,, is tl,e gtte it et her sister, Mrs. 1ouaeblut. Miss M. Itechattaa returned le*,,,i (arks.' • ea Friday.•t.' mi ,ody ie rutty .lad, SIr< Tac -r 1• tar,.rra.,tle. Mere ileal (acnes P....eal tq.wk, rr ll.e-lew:arikr tenet' op. chit lt tepertrd fee TDe Slain - _ ST. 'HELENS- tie. '.: Bat happered tboae two tomaa "!;ode• rich dudes lest Friday night : Next time you come boys, let ,. Bridget take the kitchen. be .1 eery good time was speut .t the t image teamreting best Friday ciaht. Owing tolhe bad weather some of the speakers failed to t here. During tea the Auburn hand or•i tied' music. 1'roeceds emoticted to 1450. DUNG �NNON. 1\'ttt.vLal-t), 1'�b 28. Mrs. .1. Gay, who has been vieiti•-e her sister Mrs. Mtk:ay at (liuton rttaroe,l h:.me teat weak. t' seeae. - (seas a number of the rcr.- detts otleraimumun Molt in the coueert a: Luckoor Iasi wee;: and prououace it to he, e been a good perlorrttacu. 1'I•rcoi: lir. and Mr. Ifandsinan: of Port (lope, are visiting their relative/ hen Mr. T. I'eatleud and Mrs. Poetised. They are loud iu prams of our Tillage and citizens. F:anut,,-• I,.a;r TE. A meeting of the Farmers' Institute will Le held here on Fri- day. Much -Le The Ilea. the Minister of Agriculture and other notable speaker/ are expected to address the meeting. 1 !Avow. Messrs. Walter Stewart. of Lucknow,-and R. De000n, of Montreal. formerly much esteemed citizens of Ouse ganuoc, were during last week the greats of Mr. and liver .las. 1Valker. 1'.. i 1. ('o.. ',Arlo', A n:eeting of the P. of I. is to be held in Dungannon on'fres- day, March be h, W take into coo..iderat,00 u to nominate lug a candidata far the Iota' House at the ensuing election. _ Seotti.. 1. r. It would appear treat the acti.epert in which many of cur cite -ens and where .tn the .iciuity are engaged in storing large euaatities of ice that than Sum - 'nee of 1893 1s to be vary warm. BP. Woa... - We have, to prsaame• been credibly informed that some time recently Metiers 4). apronte and .les. Redmond, rut sad pil.ii6!ty cords of 'stove woad in s days': if any can exceed the above work they would lite to know. l'osv.•t.tese ties. We along with the numerous hiesds and ac•ivaiutances of D. Sproule and Samuel I'eotland, two nrueh esteemed citizens, who hare been ill for some time, are pleased to know they are speedily reeo.ennt.' D, .c%%Nu, Sri,.' Roo urv.. camucl I'ent:and has commenced to provi.le arterial for building a new awl opacities hall tor pulhc meetings, etc. Success to him. There arra alto of n of our citizens who intent' building new residences, ct.•. iscro. r ui..r-. Quite a number of our citveu a intend raking improvements on their pleml%ee ,t, the ensuing Spring. and are making preparations therefor. (tam or two If not more new and stately houses are in the hill of improvements. The sequel will be, we presume, • more momentous event NL.. I't...rt:r. Meyers. 1,. and F. Rus- sell are making arrangements and procuring metered for • fruit evaporating establish- ment which, all being well, is to be com rneeced as early as possible the ensuing •ipr,nq Messrs Russell are hustlers and are young men full of business vim. We wish them the best of success. I.eT . F'ivr Maki Wm. Morrow, our popular feed aid produce dealer, had the misfortune recently to lose a fine young mare. She had an attack of a Out disease and sithough•every available skill was seed and the %cry beet of unwearied atteodates for stoat • month it was of no...il. ')or V. S. pronounced the disease incurable when Grit tolled upon to treat her. Kr., Sr.at. Deme Rumor pits it that • 1 oung who is widely known as merrhents clerk and who occupied that position for several years in i)anr anon ,a about to commence store keeping in the premises formerly occupied and owned by .1. M. Roberts and latterly by R.11. Holland as oc- cupant. His many friends wish him awl. cess should he engage in the bushier. R, ..w t., fin Vk'Adawariay of last week whilst Mrs. R Tholepins, of West Wawa s oh, was driving in a cutter to Dungannon the hnrm by some means took fright and nn off for some distaste when he was caught. \1r.. Thnrrgi.os jumped out of the entter and in doing en somewhat slightly hurt one of her wrists, having narrowly es caped more serious Injury by the aecident. Oa, a.vaa. 1t a meeting of the Dun gasmen mechanics' i•etitute and reading reeen,held ne Monday evening the folks/am were appointed dnectors Drs. eKey and Caere n. .1. Crawford, .1- E. Dents, W 1' t;riersos, \y. ('. Ian•in .iso. Rowers, le .t•rdine, .1. M. Roberts (RFcee • R t'lendenning, pets , Aka Mc Kay, arc., .1. 1:. Waned, tress. A num t tee onssutiag of the president. secret u y t.rssaarer and It .1. Crawford was appoint- ed to frame bylaw., cnseritutier, etc, which are to be promoted st next n.eettrag of the directors fns approval. The net meeting will be held at the call or the presi de.t• . Trt -not, Feb. 11 11ra, D) Lr. re) Iti• o,. SITIU --lit W.dserlav everting. the else iaa:., Im,neih stay whet the clew of prayer inertia the hroideyherimi Casements'. sbu.e pretested 11111e. paean& R. ler, wi•h a beat:tifuU) engroe,ed a•idreas wn:h • pin c' well filled -with gold. Mao a Told -."leaded .sae, winch is of beautiful de ague bearing the inscription 't)lr. R. K" Miller. from the "it. -Helens c..ogregetioo. - The addtet* Alle read by ,lehu I.or. ou and the preseatatleo of purse and Lane by Robt Murray in a few„aad well-choren re- marks Mr. Miller thanked the congrega- tion for the be•u!i(al address and the pre - gestation of the purse and cane, end for the kiwi wishes and sentiment•-cauched la the addreae. Following 1s 1' ,) M.t'itV.' 7 - To Mr. 1t K. Mt t.er. , It is oar desire to -night to rercogaize in a. pathic and perp anent way oitr appreeiatioo' of the sent -zee wince you have rendered ter Oaf congreisatioe for set eral years. Since FOC mime a,noue us sou Mee ecer been sat- , ive In rik ing every asentante. in your power. s . We see especially indebted to y.0 for help i• conne tenon with the arty ice 14 praise. By your etlorts the choir was otgaaized and trained. and as the lesier you have been faittift.i to your charoe even whoa laboring under creat physical weakness. - is the dif• fermi dee.srtments of citurch work you have .iwaya been, randy to do -your part. j 11'e have reason to titan: you for the help i you save for two -ears in, the establishing i or the present tem of collectins the' cherrh m.wies only for the wdek you have done. but for the wiliioguess. chcerful- ness and ettctettey with whirl: yoe did it, we feel that we have reason ,to be grateful. It has pleased lord in his pro. 'deuce to Beed upon yoe in the put year severe trials and eutioring. It is our prayer that .I.od will restore you to your wonted strength earl en.ble yon to take 's sc!ice as pact as formerly w His service on earth. las token of our high esteem., of our appreciation of your services. of our best wishes on your behelf, we eek you to ac pt theaccompany- lug gift a cane to remindyou otthe assoe to t.ios aad • purse of money which may be Meal in VeCuirtag eto ionalhealth. In ns tor nameof t lac itMJour recovery your fellow workers in Christ. \i -I.1 aro 1lotI.o . I Rori, Munk ii. LEEBUHN. Mo, u,t, Feb.i Mr, 11. Campbell. of Hutoo township, visited relatives here this week. Mrs. Andrew MacAllister, of Belfast, visited trends Dear hero Thursday of last Week. Mina 1•:Uso (rowan, of Auburn, at pressot altetdtaq the (•odeneh Collegiate Institute, sandsyed with relatives here. 1% Nut Flab. -Many here will re- member Rev. A. -i:. Neilly. who, when • stndent,w•a pastor of this sod the Union church of (;oderich township, during the Rummer mouths of 1891. He has left Snn- derlamd. where be was ordained in Vete, for Neratng Mills. lrrangerille Presbytery, Huey county. where he has new settled. ASHFIELD. 14.-s i -•v, Feb ?h. The weather dering the pest week has been very cold The sleighing continues gond aod beni- son in cosoeq ussee ia brisk. • Mr. Rower, 12th ens., le turning out the lumber pretty lively these last few weeks Mrs. Walter ‘e dun, 13th coacee.ics, West Wawanost., who has been dangeyowa- ly in ot cosgeitien of the ',nags, is now don- v.leoeest. Quite & number to this . iciuity Mem to ire effected with inflammation td the eyes. A weak solution of alum and eater will be very soothing Au$tui�l. NO.OA', Feb. la. Mr. (Solar, ot We lfhttd, visual tMOda here Suede,. Min 11. N.chota.o r. t urue.I been SSI• IRNAse eaterdar. Moors. ('lark and irliolem, are vesting gybed, et Henson this week pep, Ae11ery. of W'tsthem, oecsped the rape i• the Methodist church Inst se.day MW Nair sed h rrstt, Messrs Baugh w*r*u'*, were tee &legates appointed the Netti*diet Seeley school herr, to C. R. SIIANE I CO.'Y •n• 80 ,w las a full ram' of Lthes'Fni'Gapes! WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER. ASTRA- CHAN and 'POSSUM. GENTS' FURN!SHINGSI Pull linea is a try Department. 'trail an I .,amine goods and pricer. O. R.3H/1BICO., Melanie a Bloc L. CSR lulus sad Heeq.alet. I1I'Ell1.1L PARLIAMENT The Spritker'. Platt I'or Dealing N ilk the 1 pli:'r House. COMMONS DECIS :. FINAL_ A111 Vh hie Lord. Alar for Allowed Their lie/bury awe Po::e.titr 1 uu, tion• S•110.0r,'. Attitude las Ilh.tsvnr tt'llk 1►e (!Dreg* awl 1•rtere. l.ntr.ny• Feb. 26 -The Cabinet hti• tare• t.r•wl the vneetu'e eps.•ch and has tli•t•idei 00 the order in- which the gov.•runeeat norm*** «4 Ire-entrethmed--• at the nest mission. 'this sequence of bills was d.- tertninei on kNietr,ti-m reforms. irisb ez-ie:•d t.•nat:t., Weise disetabliet:meat. la -al ot•t1on. The retrea: of the pots on Friday ire; lug will nn.l..ubte'dly tat ,ateetb. 1•opn:nr movement to shuTtsh 11041. Nercrtheleim the whole 1.t1 =rat tarty. *lids Dot -.haring the e.ygerneas ui the Radicals for is mediate octiun, have now- determine.', -that vowel' .J ti:a.--treere-to eet.tr,•i tette atentary legislation must cease. , (hu of deference to Mr. I'lads•ene the l.ibertl tarty luny c•,,utt ll• W gicc.H.pine piasle the first piece no its petreiealttru. 'bet ,:.areuraf(.ra oL t at _imam }_t_i_fee rs tadekk a.. the meat vital wed mama i•etie of the Lour The Speaker has bru.elied a plan wbi,-li was •ttson•.rrd be raverai cabinet wind-tero and ie , epprnred Ly nutty Liberal t' -.m mon: ni 'rbe plan is as follows The T•wer,retie IE.nse of Lorto to redo passed by the Tions. of 1'umnions aha:! reay. The -theme of leant/ may cotitiaae its re'.no.ry mei ••t'-•gvtjre fUnetiona, D11V even heftier* legislati••n, hot when *bill once aDwue:e.f .halt Le return, by thetas to the ('. mtuorr• the.'l••.'i•ial of the Lower Howe shall rue tins(. 4n-t4R event that the peers atee.l•:te:y reject, hill ern. y the l'umtnon, the I.vwrt Hoose nuay re• sf l m the enen.dre bo reap :ntt•tt an.t tba. Leer ride the rejection of the lepp.r� }{ocs •.. There Die fire pens_ id lfr, 4,hadtstot,•. • c•l•inet ani Sege of Tem wonl•1 Dnp loot s mom .'-ire to .'ertbrow ,t!,e 1'pp"r. ll.at.e Thn•dstf thecal, however. «bile pr-parel. to *Med by tt.eir claw, are known to Its wi:.11 to ret rn, the (,..era The molestersin fete+Liu:: are the 'Earl of (taeebrrry. Seeret.•ry of gate f.ir" Foreis-a .hair»: Lout Ilrr.; bel:, I... rd ILC jbcbancei:••r. and the rear' .: Ember:r , ~etre}ars of State for India. . The ('lirt•ni 1.• iz auti.or.ty Cr..the state ment fleet Lord Saa.•Snrvp attitude ie re gard to the e,np'v,vere liability.aud local ggoovernu,eu: Lehi has sr, nsied a ate mg feelina'•:of l'Oee ...;ti..o t•. hie course in ill.' .art el the tenor, and the Prince . t-W-alea. roe reigning fatuitye the chronic!. Mitt!, tine adeer•. taken is rob ...f it. own ir:tereat and arbor., codas hoe exerted 144 it. fine:ir.•t'-prry.-.t t!, peer$ (rem engaging in a. -conflict w:i.ch -.Might have its end in tela':}• rerdjn,teig he cvnaitution. DAMAGES iN A LIBEL SUiT: •Cwt tb* Je,. i'iad+ the Reran ('oaapaNNd e( Tree and YaNkrnl. al!•st• ay Tela 20. --The en.. of Pel lend v. -the Siar was settled on Friday, the furl awarding 111150 damages to 1'elland. The Stir published a report of • speech by lion. Mr, imagist in which he tOnimetf re- fereed to Pi•t.and in term demeging to lbs latter's character The 6t.dine of the jury was in effect as follows That the report of the public meeting csswpL.oue.l of was •a trek and fait re tart That the report wee published in good faith. without :make and iu the public in tercet. That the j.nbheation of this true report. matte in g..s1 faith without ,,,mime and In the public i,ao,e.t. has damaged the plain tiff to the extent of $I 9. The opinion of the learned jades who tried the rase may be gathered from his statement to the jury •' Election procee.l ings have always been held to les privi legs*. Thin view of the matter is in ae- eon.' with eommun sense end in harmony with recent Carnelian legislation. The tarn Dominion criminal rn„e expressly re- cognizes the right of the press to publiab a fair report of public moetirgw, aright lots reeOgnize.1 by krihah law. If the plaints has been injured in the Star doluq sots thing which it way rigbt for the alar to do and in the ttuWic • interest for this star to du sn it entitles him to the name heartfelt .yintath%- that he would get if hs met with any other miefortnne. but it bt no mews f•'ll.•ws that he i• entitled to get any money from the Star •a . balm for hu wo uidfd ,.ndbflitie•. to this perti. n:ar cars no liaelehip is Involved np.ek lir i'eli•nd, be canes there was nothing to prevent him ening Mr. tennis t if that g•ntl•man'• re marks shoat him• wets manes ■n•1 in jurl.e.s MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. q [1ST w sk 1 •.•11. The council net ow Saturday Feb. 17th, all of the members beiag p,ehedt. The minutes of former meeting were rue anti apprnre(' The treasurer's report was re moved and placed no file Moved by lir. Ibrain. seconded hr Mr Tndd, that Samuel Ihatovaw be paid $5 for grubbing aad brush ing opposite lot 20 and 21, enweessiees qawl 9; earned. 1'rinnotaicaties were real keen Mr. 11eh, re drain or, ems. 4 • -„a S Oa [Musa of Menem. (Moves seal 4tun...• W. ACHESON & S N. IIHOUSEHOL LINENS: 11 WE OPINED NEN' THIN WEEK THE FAMOUS PEPPERELL PILLS I IRIOLI 3HBBTIIO8 IN 2, 2: AND til YARDS WIDN. Thi. Shooting is of the Highest Chum Cotton, and tecou,l only to the Ketiteh Linen Sheeting*, which nn.• three times the prier. New Pintos Cottons in Moth flail, and l'in•ular in width,, las, 4., 14 and it; Ittrhe+ •ide. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WHITE COTTONS : Ittlltltu(KSE$ EN(;LI It CO)TFUN, lll•EEN'$ OWN t»TTON, u)N$DALti CAMBRICS Linens of every class. Stock compete. We are showing t'"e largest .election In Godlrich. S Per SCSI. W.r•aaI for tad' es all Regular 4.u.641.. W. ACHESON it SON. LOSE TIMES, EASY PRICES. Now that there is a lull in business, it is the time to _ have your WAtch, Clock, Jewellery, Silver- ware ilv ware or Optical Goods Repaired ALL WORK GUA ANTEE. WF. L'ARR\ A FULI. LiNN OF tiOuLa IN UV -I: TRADE. C.A.=MBERtic SO al1Wele tttl LOrolll in. TMC. Mil ARE. Fac Similie Label of the famous Mungo Cigar. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - 1z,000,000, REST, E,000,o00. A Saving De artrnent has been o/ened in con. lection with this branch. Interest allowed al current rates. H. LOCKWOOD, Manarer Goderich Branch, DRESS GOODS AT COST & UNDER COST. IOTE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS 50 Cents for :30 2. Cents fur 19 35 I 43 •' 30 22 •• 13 40 911 20 •• 13 333 20 Ili 9 :ul 20 12, ., s 10 Go 71. .ill The ItVIiED $"i.00 Drew: fur $3.00 0.50 e 3.50 6.00 :t.00 5.75 n 2 qo above are all good sound Goods and good Color.., itto i what are above 9 cents are all wool. These Goal. moat L. 11, :.t t "tat and they are decided Bargain. NES SPRING GOODS HOW IN STOCK. In Prints, Challies, Delaines, Delainettes and Dress Goods. A splendid assortment of Irish Guipure Laces in Cream, Two Tone and Beige for dress trimming, all new and at astonishingly Low Prices. Best Corticellie Silk Spools in Blah and Colors, 6 cents each. --- Kerr's best 6 cord 8po�ie,,Bltet and Osiers, 4 for 10 cents or 3 cents each. S. Dom i it S OAS. - to •c- t'0.a zee � il�il bar 11 1111 the clerk was inatrrctoi to Seed: Nr. Holt that the council la • site pre�toperform it. portion of this drain as eor•n as the part - tee below the road allowaace do the work •lloted to them by the engineer's award, also to notify the township engineer that the township is willing at all rimeis to do any work allotted to it by his award. Moved by Mr. (:ib.00, seconded by lir. Medd that • committee composed of the reeve •ad two members of couscil he ap- pointed to examine • defective portion of roadway opposite lot 25, coo. 2 and 3, with the view of having the defects complained of fully rectified : carried. The auditors presented their e.mortal report, which was, on motion of Messrs. Medd and Todd, adopted- Moved by Mr. Durum, seconded by Mr. tebenn, that a check for $18 30, asoust of uncollectable taxes, be given to the collector in order to balaooe his roll : (serried. The following checks were issued. 4).1)000ven, grubbiag and brushing opposite 20 sad 21, coo. 8, $5 : Dr. Mclaughlio, ex amination of and medicine for D. M. Craig, $2 25 : Edward Mctenillan. gravel, minding gap and damage, $4.96: W. H. Wildon, try yd.. 'noel, $4 55 ; Robert Lowrie, ails and lumber, 80c : .1. R. Weatherhesd, auditing book., $6: John Webster, audit- ing boob to : A. D. Cameron, taxes an collectable, 418 30. Council sd,ourned t o meet on Saturday. April, 7th atooeo'clock. R. K. 4111.1.1x, ckrk. austere,. The above council met on Tuesday, Feb. 13th. Members all premise Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The following checks wen issued. Wm. Irwin, removing jam at bridggee, one. 10, 1)8: Geo. r Annstoe, travel, 48.: Wm. McArthur, cash honk for treasurer sad papers tor the rtes of the andrtors, $1.50 ; S. Roach, breed to the Currie family and Wme to eil, $17. • 50 ; Thou E. Finley, for taking safe door to Leeknow for repairs, $2 25: .las. Oliver, planking, culvert, coo. 3, $3 : W. T, Pelbw, foe gravel, $4.82 ; .Ilia. .lohnetn., repa.risg two omleerts oe lake road, •f• ; Huth Me- I.eod, rebate on his taxes for '93, $1 86. A deputation mesa, ot Robert Cleat= amid Davie .lerdtse waitedoo the oosBiA leaking for • grant of $25 toward he Dale guano elschasies Institute Petition grant ed. A McKenzie and W v Gordon preset • ed • p.tu uo asking that N ' of lot 4 11 D. he takes from S.S. No. 4 and put Leto e No. 14. The clerk was instructed to .only the trustee interested. The snditnrs pre - am se their report which on motion of 4.14. yin and Ktekley mu adopted Teach§ were trued gtviaq each M, anvwAanq to F , law fly law Ns 4 was read 'stint/path s e.te•a, pound keepers and (este .ewers for the_ year 1894, as follows • R. M.11n.gh Alex. Kirkpatrick, 5. Echlin, Thos. Melo tIyrr, Wo- 4'. Graham. H. Shields, .lee. Tig'rt, Jac O'Ltrer, W Sternum. I;en. itsrrwsre, Geo. Johnston. •I oho Bennett, W. Cray, D. Jsrdise, H. Cluff, Shoe Stewart, Wm. MN;aoid, W. Hayden, ('has • cr. John Wiles, Thos ( /'Neil, R. Weller, S. Birks, P. Clore, Wm. tierce. Wm. Lase X Here's a Pointer When you ask for a 5 cent plug Io cent plug zocent plug OP THE POPULAR DERBY PLUG Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other iu order that he may make a larger profit. MONTREAL. K LOOK into cur ' -Room will_ eau_._ vine anyone that at ou a i. tti.• Lest place to buy carpets. Fine Gamete usually tneEil ft4osl lerit•e: with a• it is different. We hat e• The Beat Goods Astolli8hingly Low Prices. l'Drpet• bought from as made and laid on short notice. We make a sl.••c•i- alt' elf inaking and laying Carpets. per real. all all Erna' 'r r.I,•r. el Orr Canis reertaa.r.. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain it arehousc of the C'ounty. JAMES ROBINSON, One f i e Cash Store As we do not wish to carry over any Fall goods we intend to clear the following lines at a reduction. Com' for bargains. Bargains in Mantle Clothes. Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in boys' Shirts and Drawers. Bargains in men's Shirts a n d Drawers. Bargains in Tweeds. Bargains in Flannels. Bargains in Gray Blankets. Bargains in White Blankets. See our Table Linen and Table Napkins. JAMES ROBINSON, One Price Cash Store non, Wm. Mone, Jas.M R. Blake, e; Hall, John laxwby., Jere. Crweatan, W. H Reid, .lie. Lau, R. E. i.se, W. Irwin %V .1. Irwin, J. H. Gardiner, Hes Niuos, W G. Gardiner, A. Mallon, 0. Mtresd, Isaac (negraham, f{ Rivitt, Robe. McKe,th Angus Beaton, K. McKenzie, J. Marry. F.d. .ye.ineton, Isaac Keep, D. T. McKenzie, John McDonald, R. Bsokiaghaie, J Meths - son, K. McD.YId, Win. Kepler, R Hamill ton, tie.. H.I idem, F:. Arwatrosa, Jen. ('owes. K. Meln.t, A. Melstyer, 5. Me_ Nair, R Merry, Herb Melletosh, Thos McKrith, J. Jelmeles, (l. W Eddie, O. McKay, H. Vatai.M, J. C. Baldwin, K. Melasis, Jebel Webster, J. C. Tho.h•rae, John Hotebiss . Tea I;rithn, .I. Thee. ikslba, A. Helene, Thos. Wilson, Jar. Dssinseld, Phar McKearis, Geo. Dsn tees, Ba. Sew, D. Johnston, (len John - sten, C. (Y('welsr, Wss. McKnight, ,Ian. Mowery, Jr. Altos, A. R Asdarsos, Tbea W 11... W. H. Varese, J. F.. Wilma. P. (rOannee, R. M.Kael.ie, Alec. McKay, • J ea . Johestesa, A. Nevem, A. Rasa Wee Beckett, Peter Gooks. Thee- Whit siker I:eo. Deimos, Thea Sbsok.ltne..lss Mon, Ab, Taylor Teo Ridhartbos, Jig Liethead, lobe )Fele, •los Wilkie, John Murphy, P. W Jas. Thou. r*. I. R. Maine, H. (Leer, J. Ryas.notHaosoy, H k.Giety, Thee Web.Isr, Jet 9sllivan, Thea Daher, J. Ho/bed, k Dreaney, S. Poetised, J. Stake, Job' Farrah, H. J. Blake This (Yeataior, MO. Irwin, Theo. Henry sed Jas Por. a K R J. H. L1sIes1' J MoDossgh Paul Reed, Dessld M JW Jelin Jainism*. Jas Dees, Jen- kbek• Jess Mal/esald. ?Ewan Viewsno Joke Web saw, Jobs IrelDenagb, Robert WekMa• nee. Carrell, YJEtlais Ruuli lvae. Dst0M Met ist wLRichard relay, Mamba Meioses, Jei6 Nash, Awry flit. Amino ltroarf. Robert Can**, Wm. Powell. Tb Lem., jr., sed ilea toss. Ceased aJ psreed to meet mats ma Use 31st tiny d Meree. W. f•avry ares. ('148`.